path: root/setup
diff options
authorReinhard Tartler <>2013-03-29 20:34:22 +0100
committerReinhard Tartler <>2013-03-29 20:34:22 +0100
commit228d763f5a95a2575a18e03e0ea77555106023c4 (patch)
tree1eb49f0c372de4eef020e4c7e1716248622a7f0b /setup
parent038de1a143b9775f37d4848f52c59af7cee66e36 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 0.8.4
Diffstat (limited to 'setup')
29 files changed, 225 insertions, 1226 deletions
diff --git a/setup/contrib/smplayer.full.nsi b/setup/contrib/smplayer.full.nsi
deleted file mode 100644
index be57810..0000000
--- a/setup/contrib/smplayer.full.nsi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,939 +0,0 @@
-;Installer script for win32/win64 SMPlayer
-;Written by redxii (
-;Tested/Developed with Unicode NSIS 2.46.5
- !error "Version information not defined (or incomplete). You must define: VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR, VER_BUILD."
- SetCompressor /SOLID lzma
- SetCompressorDictSize 32
-;Additional plugin folders
- !addplugindir .
- !addincludedir .
-!else ifndef VER_REVISION
-!ifdef WIN64
- !define SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR "smplayer-build64"
- !define SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR "smplayer-build"
- !define SMPLAYER_REG_KEY "Software\SMPlayer"
- !define SMPLAYER_APP_PATHS_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\smplayer.exe"
- !define SMPLAYER_DEF_PROGS_KEY "Software\Clients\Media\SMPlayer"
- !define SMPLAYER_UNINST_EXE "uninst.exe"
- !define SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SMPlayer"
- !define WITH_CODECS
- !define /date DATE "%y.%m.%d.%H"
- ;Name and file
- BrandingText "SMPlayer for Windows v${SMPLAYER_VERSION}"
-!ifdef WIN64
- OutFile "output\smplayer-${DATE}-full-x64.exe"
- OutFile "output\smplayer-${DATE}-full-x86.exe"
- ;Version tab properties
- VIProductVersion "${DATE}"
- VIAddVersionKey "ProductName" "SMPlayer"
- VIAddVersionKey "ProductVersion" "${DATE}"
- VIAddVersionKey "FileVersion" "${DATE}"
- VIAddVersionKey "LegalCopyright" ""
-!ifdef WIN64
- VIAddVersionKey "FileDescription" "SMPlayer Installer (64-bit)"
- VIAddVersionKey "FileDescription" "SMPlayer Installer (32-bit)"
- ;Default installation folder
-!ifdef WIN64
- InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES64\SMPlayer"
- InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\SMPlayer"
- ;Get installation folder from registry if available
- InstallDirRegKey HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" "Path"
- ;Vista+ XML manifest, does not affect older OSes
- RequestExecutionLevel admin
- ShowInstDetails show
- ShowUnInstDetails show
- Var Dialog_Reinstall
- Var Inst_Type
- Var Previous_Version
- Var Previous_Version_State
- Var Reinstall_ChgSettings
- Var Reinstall_ChgSettings_State
- Var Reinstall_Message
- Var Reinstall_OverwriteButton
- Var Reinstall_OverwriteButton_State
- Var Reinstall_Uninstall
- Var Reinstall_UninstallButton
- Var Reinstall_UninstallButton_State
- Var SMPlayer_Path
- Var SMPlayer_UnStrPath
- Var SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder
-;Interface Settings
- ;Installer/Uninstaller icons
- !define MUI_ICON "smplayer-orange-installer.ico"
- !define MUI_UNICON "smplayer-orange-uninstaller.ico"
- ;Misc
- !define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "smplayer-orange-wizard.bmp"
- !define MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "smplayer-orange-wizard-un.bmp"
- ;Welcome page
- !define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TITLE $(WelcomePage_Title)
- !define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT $(WelcomePage_Text)
- ;License page
- ;Components page
- ;Finish page
- !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN $INSTDIR\smplayer.exe
- !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME $INSTDIR\Release_notes.txt
- ;Language Selection Dialog Settings
- ;Memento Settings
- ;Start Menu Settings
-;Include Modern UI and functions
- !include MUI2.nsh
- !include FileFunc.nsh
- !include Memento.nsh
- !include nsDialogs.nsh
- !include Sections.nsh
- !include WinVer.nsh
- !include WordFunc.nsh
- !include x64.nsh
- ;Install pages
- #Welcome
- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
- #License
- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "license.txt"
- #Upgrade/Reinstall
- Page custom PageReinstall PageReinstallLeave
- #Components
- !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE PageComponentsPre
- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS
- #Install Directory
- !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE PageDirectoryPre
- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
- #Start Menu
- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU "SMP_SMenu" $SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder
- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
- ;Uninstall pages
- !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE un.ConfirmPagePre
- !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM
- !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Basque"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Catalan"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Croatian"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Czech"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Danish"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Dutch"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Finnish"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "French"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Hebrew"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Hungarian"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Italian"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Japanese"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Korean"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Norwegian"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Polish"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Portuguese"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Russian"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "SimpChinese"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Slovak"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Slovenian"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Spanish"
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "TradChinese"
-;Custom translations for setup
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\english.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\basque.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\catalan.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\croatian.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\czech.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\danish.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\dutch.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\finnish.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\french.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\german.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\hebrew.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\hungarian.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\italian.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\japanese.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\korean.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\norwegian.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\polish.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\portuguese.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\russian.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\simpchinese.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\slovak.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\slovenian.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\spanish.nsh"
- !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\tradchinese.nsh"
-;Reserve Files
- ;These files should be inserted before other files in the data block
- ;Keep these lines before any File command
- ;Only for solid compression (by default, solid compression is enabled for BZIP2 and LZMA)
- ReserveFile "${NSISDIR}\Plugins\UserInfo.dll"
- ReserveFile "FindProcDLL.dll"
-;Installer Sections
-;Main SMPlayer files
-Section $(Section_SMPlayer) SecSMPlayer
- SectionIn RO
- ${If} $Reinstall_Uninstall == 1
- ${If} $Reinstall_UninstallButton_State == 1
- Exec '"$SMPlayer_UnStrPath" /X'
- Quit
- ${ElseIf} $Reinstall_OverwriteButton_State == 1
- ${If} "$INSTDIR" == "$SMPlayer_Path"
- ExecWait '"$SMPlayer_UnStrPath" /S /R _?=$SMPlayer_Path'
- ${Else}
- ExecWait '"$SMPlayer_UnStrPath" /S /R'
- ${EndIf}
- ${EndIf}
- ${EndIf}
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
- ;SMPlayer docs
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\docs"
- File /r "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\docs\*.*"
- ;Qt imageformats
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\imageformats"
- File /r "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\imageformats\*.*"
- ;SMPlayer key shortcuts
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\shortcuts"
- File /r "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\shortcuts\*.*"
- ;Initialize to 0 if don't exist (based on error flag)
- ReadRegDWORD $R0 HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" Installed_MPlayer
- ${If} ${Errors}
- WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" Installed_MPlayer 0x0
- ${EndIf}
- ReadRegDWORD $R0 HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" Installed_Codecs
- ${If} ${Errors}
- WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" Installed_Codecs 0x0
- ${EndIf}
-SectionGroup $(ShortcutGroupTitle)
- ${MementoSection} $(Section_DesktopShortcut) SecDesktopShortcut
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
- CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\SMPlayer.lnk" "$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe"
- ${MementoSectionEnd}
- ${MementoSection} $(Section_StartMenu) SecStartMenuShortcut
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
- CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder"
- CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\SMPlayer.lnk" "$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe"
- CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\SMTube.lnk" "$INSTDIR\smtube.exe"
- WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\SMPlayer on the Web.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" ""
- CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\Uninstall SMPlayer.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${SMPLAYER_UNINST_EXE}"
- ${MementoSectionEnd}
-;MPlayer & MPlayer Codecs
-SectionGroup $(MPlayerGroupTitle)
- Section $(Section_MPlayer) SecMPlayer
- SectionIn RO
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\mplayer"
- File /r "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mplayer\*.*"
- WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" Installed_MPlayer 0x1
- SectionEnd
- Section /o $(Section_MPlayerCodecs) SecCodecs
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\mplayer\codecs"
- File /r "extras\codecs\*.*"
- WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" Installed_Codecs 0x1
- SectionEnd
- ${MementoUnselectedSection} FFmpeg SecFFmpeg
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\FFmpeg"
-!ifdef WIN64
- File /r /x ffplay.exe "extras\ffmpeg\64\*.*"
- File /r /x ffplay.exe "extras\ffmpeg\32\*.*"
- ${MementoSectionEnd}
-;Icon themes
-${MementoSection} $(Section_IconThemes) SecThemes
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\themes"
- File /r "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\themes\*.*"
-${MementoSection} $(Section_Translations) SecTranslations
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\translations"
- File /r "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\translations\*.*"
-;Install/Uninstall information
-Section -Post
- ;Uninstall file
- WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\${SMPLAYER_UNINST_EXE}"
- ;Store installed path & version
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" "Path" "$INSTDIR"
- ;Allows user to use 'start smplayer.exe'
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_APP_PATHS_KEY}" "" "$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe"
- ;Default Programs Registration (Vista & later)
- ${If} ${AtLeastWinVista}
- Call RegisterDefaultPrograms
- ${EndIf}
- ;Registry Uninstall information
-!ifdef WIN64
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name) (x64)"
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name)"
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayIcon" "$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe"
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayVersion" "${SMPLAYER_VERSION}"
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "HelpLink" ""
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "Publisher" "Ricardo Villalba"
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "URLInfoAbout" ""
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "URLUpdateInfo" ""
- WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "NoModify" "1"
- WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "NoRepair" "1"
-;Section descriptions
- !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecSMPlayer} $(Section_SMPlayer_Desc)
- !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecDesktopShortcut} $(Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc)
- !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecStartMenuShortcut} $(Section_StartMenu_Desc)
- !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecMPlayer} $(Section_MPlayer_Desc)
- !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecFFmpeg} "FFmpeg is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video."
- !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecCodecs} $(Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc)
- !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecThemes} $(Section_IconThemes_Desc)
- !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecTranslations} $(Section_Translations_Desc)
-!macro MacroAllExtensions _action
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".3gp"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".ac3"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".ape"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".asf"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".avi"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".bin"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".dat"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".divx"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".dv"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".dvr-ms"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".f4v"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".flac"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".flv"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".hdmov"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".iso"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".m1v"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".m2t"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".m2ts"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".m2v"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".m3u"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".m3u8"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".m4a"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".m4v"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".mka"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".mkv"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".mov"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".mp3"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".mp4"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".mpeg"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".mpg"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".mpv"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".mqv"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".nsv"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".oga"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".ogg"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".ogm"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".ogv"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".ogx"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".pls"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".ra"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".ram"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".rec"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".rm"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".rmvb"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".swf"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".thd"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".ts"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".vcd"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".vfw"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".vob"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".vp8"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".wav"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".webm"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".wma"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".wmv"
- !insertmacro ${_action} ".wtv"
-!macro WriteRegStrSupportedTypes EXT
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_DEF_PROGS_KEY}\Capabilities\FileAssociations" ${EXT} "MPlayerFileVideo"
-!macro MacroRemoveSMPlayer
- ;Delete desktop and start menu shortcuts
- SetDetailsPrint textonly
- DetailPrint $(Info_Del_Shortcuts)
- SetDetailsPrint listonly
- SetShellVarContext all
- Delete "$DESKTOP\SMPlayer.lnk"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\SMPlayer.lnk"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\SMTube.lnk"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\SMPlayer on the Web.url"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\Uninstall SMPlayer.lnk"
- RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder"
- ;Delete directories recursively except for main directory
- ;Do not recursively delete $INSTDIR
- SetDetailsPrint textonly
- DetailPrint $(Info_Del_Files)
- SetDetailsPrint listonly
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\docs"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\imageformats"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\mplayer"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\shortcuts"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\themes"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\translations"
- Delete "$INSTDIR\*.txt"
- Delete "$INSTDIR\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll"
- Delete "$INSTDIR\libwinpthread-1.dll"
- Delete "$INSTDIR\mingwm10.dll"
- Delete "$INSTDIR\zlib1.dll"
- Delete "$INSTDIR\Qt*.dll"
- Delete "$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe"
- Delete "$INSTDIR\smtube.exe"
- Delete "$INSTDIR\dxlist.exe"
- ;Delete registry keys
- SetDetailsPrint textonly
- DetailPrint $(Info_Del_Registry)
- SetDetailsPrint listonly
- DeleteRegKey HKCR "MPlayerFileVideo"
- DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\RegisteredApplications" "SMPlayer"
- SetDetailsPrint both
-;Shared functions
-!macro RunCheckMacro UN
-Function ${UN}RunCheck
- retry_runcheck:
- FindProcDLL::FindProc "smplayer.exe"
- IntCmp $R0 1 0 +3
- Abort
-!insertmacro RunCheckMacro ""
-!insertmacro RunCheckMacro "un."
-;Installer functions
-Function .onInit
- ${Unless} ${AtLeastWinXP}
- MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONSTOP $(OS_Not_Supported) /SD IDNO IDYES installonoldwindows
- Abort
- installonoldwindows:
- ${EndIf}
-!ifdef WIN64
- ${IfNot} ${RunningX64}
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP $(Win64_Required)
- Abort
- ${EndIf}
- SetRegView 32
- ClearErrors
- ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString"
- IfErrors +3 0
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP $(Existing_32bitInst)
- Abort
- SetRegView 64
- ${If} ${RunningX64}
- SetRegView 64
- ClearErrors
- ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString"
- IfErrors +3 0
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP $(Existing_64bitInst)
- Abort
- SetRegView 32
- ${EndIf}
- ;Check if setup is already running
- System::Call 'kernel32::CreateMutexW(i 0, i 0, t "SMPlayerSetup") i .r1 ?e'
- Pop $R0
- StrCmp $R0 0 +3
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION $(Installer_Is_Running)
- Abort
- ;Check if SMPlayer is running
- ;Allow skipping check using /NORUNCHECK
- ${GetParameters} $R0
- ${GetOptions} $R0 "/NORUNCHECK" $R1
- IfErrors 0 +2
- Call RunCheck
- ;Check for admin on < Vista
- UserInfo::GetAccountType
- Pop $R0
- ${If} $R0 != "admin"
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP $(Installer_No_Admin)
- Abort
- ${EndIf}
- Call LoadPreviousSettings
- ;Setup language selection
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY
- Call CheckPreviousVersion
- SetShellVarContext all
-Function .onInstSuccess
- ${MementoSectionSave}
-Function .onInstFailed
- SetDetailsPrint textonly
- DetailPrint $(Info_RollBack)
- SetDetailsPrint listonly
- !insertmacro MacroRemoveSMPlayer
-Function CheckPreviousVersion
- ClearErrors
- ReadRegStr $Previous_Version HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" "Version"
- ReadRegStr $SMPlayer_UnStrPath HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString"
- ReadRegStr $SMPlayer_Path HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" "Path"
- ${IfNot} ${Errors}
- StrCpy $Reinstall_Uninstall 1
- ${EndIf}
- /* $Previous_Version_State Assignments:
- $Previous_Version_State=0 This installer is the same version as the installed copy
- $Previous_Version_State=1 A newer version than this installer is already installed
- $Previous_Version_State=2 An older version than this installer is already installed */
- ${VersionCompare} $Previous_Version ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} $Previous_Version_State
- ${If} $Previous_Version_State == 0
- StrCpy $Inst_Type $(Type_Reinstall)
- ${ElseIf} $Previous_Version_State == 1
- StrCpy $Inst_Type $(Type_Downgrade)
- ${ElseIf} $Previous_Version_State == 2
- StrCpy $Inst_Type $(Type_Upgrade)
- ${EndIf}
-Function LoadPreviousSettings
- ;MPlayer codecs section doesn't use Memento so we need to restore it manually
- ReadRegDWORD $R0 HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" "Installed_Codecs"
- ${If} $R0 == 1
- !insertmacro SelectSection ${SecCodecs}
- ${EndIf}
- ;Gets start menu folder name
- !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER "SMP_SMenu" $SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder
- ${MementoSectionRestore}
-Function PageReinstall
- ${If} $Reinstall_Uninstall != 1
- Abort
- ${EndIf}
- nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
- Pop $Dialog_Reinstall
- nsDialogs::SetRTL $(^RTL)
- !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT $(Reinstall_Header_Text) $(Reinstall_Header_SubText)
- ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 225u 8u $(Reinstall_Msg1)
- ${NSD_CreateText} 10u 15u 290u 14u "$SMPlayer_Path"
- Pop $R0
- ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 40u 100u 8u $(Reinstall_Msg2)
- ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 10u 58u 200u 8u $(Reinstall_Overwrite)
- Pop $Reinstall_OverwriteButton
- ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 10u 73u 200u 8u $(Reinstall_Uninstall)
- Pop $Reinstall_UninstallButton
- ${NSD_CreateCheckBox} 0 90u 100% 8u $(Reinstall_Msg4)
- Pop $Reinstall_ChgSettings
- ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 115u 100% 16u
- Pop $Reinstall_Message
- SendMessage $Reinstall_OverwriteButton ${BM_SETCHECK} 1 0
- EnableWindow $R0 0
- ${If} $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State == 1
- SendMessage $Reinstall_ChgSettings ${BM_SETCHECK} 1 0
- ${Endif}
- ${NSD_OnClick} $Reinstall_OverwriteButton PageReinstallUpdate
- ${NSD_OnClick} $Reinstall_UninstallButton PageReinstallUpdate
- ${NSD_OnClick} $Reinstall_ChgSettings PageReinstallUpdate
- Call PageReinstallUpdate
- nsDialogs::Show
-Function PageReinstallLeave
- ${NSD_GetState} $Reinstall_OverwriteButton $Reinstall_OverwriteButton_State
- ${NSD_GetState} $Reinstall_UninstallButton $Reinstall_UninstallButton_State
- ${NSD_GetState} $Reinstall_ChgSettings $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State
-Function PageReinstallUpdate
- ${NSD_GetState} $Reinstall_OverwriteButton $Reinstall_OverwriteButton_State
- ${NSD_GetState} $Reinstall_UninstallButton $Reinstall_UninstallButton_State
- ${NSD_GetState} $Reinstall_ChgSettings $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State
- ${If} $Reinstall_OverwriteButton_State == 1
- EnableWindow $Reinstall_ChgSettings 1
- GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1
- ${If} $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State != 1
- SendMessage $R0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$(StartBtn)"
- ${NSD_SetText} $Reinstall_Message $(Reinstall_Msg3_1)
- ${ElseIf} $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State == 1
- SendMessage $R0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$(^NextBtn)"
- ${NSD_SetText} $Reinstall_Message $(Reinstall_Msg3_2)
- ${EndIf}
- ${ElseIf} $Reinstall_UninstallButton_State == 1
- EnableWindow $Reinstall_ChgSettings 0
- ${NSD_SetState} $Reinstall_ChgSettings 0
- GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1
- SendMessage $R0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$(^UninstallBtn)"
- ${NSD_SetText} $Reinstall_Message $(Reinstall_Msg3_3)
- ${EndIf}
-Function PageComponentsPre
- ${If} $Reinstall_Uninstall == 1
- ${AndIf} $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State != 1
- Abort
- ${EndIf}
-Function PageDirectoryPre
- ${If} $Reinstall_Uninstall == 1
- ${AndIf} $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State != 1
- Abort
- ${EndIf}
-Function PageStartMenuPre
- ${If} $Reinstall_Uninstall == 1
- ${AndIf} $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State != 1
- Abort
- ${EndIf}
- ${IfNot} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SecStartMenuShortcut}
- Abort
- ${EndIf}
-Function RegisterDefaultPrograms
- WriteRegStr HKCR "MPlayerFileVideo\DefaultIcon" "" '"$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe",1'
- WriteRegStr HKCR "MPlayerFileVideo\shell\enqueue" "" "Enqueue in SMPlayer"
- WriteRegStr HKCR "MPlayerFileVideo\shell\enqueue\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe" -add-to-playlist "%1"'
- WriteRegStr HKCR "MPlayerFileVideo\shell\open" "FriendlyAppName" "SMPlayer Media Player"
- WriteRegStr HKCR "MPlayerFileVideo\shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe" "%1"'
- ;Modify the list of extensions added in the MacroAllExtensions macro
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_DEF_PROGS_KEY}" "" "SMPlayer"
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_DEF_PROGS_KEY}\Capabilities" "ApplicationDescription" $(Application_Description)
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_DEF_PROGS_KEY}\Capabilities" "ApplicationName" "SMPlayer"
- WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\RegisteredApplications" "SMPlayer" "${SMPLAYER_DEF_PROGS_KEY}\Capabilities"
- !insertmacro MacroAllExtensions WriteRegStrSupportedTypes
-/*************************************** Uninstaller *******************************************/
-Section Uninstall
- ;Make sure SMPlayer is installed from where the uninstaller is being executed.
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\smplayer.exe smplayer_installed
- MessageBox MB_YESNO $(Uninstaller_NotInstalled) /SD IDNO IDYES smplayer_installed
- Abort $(Uninstaller_Aborted)
- smplayer_installed:
- SetDetailsPrint textonly
- DetailPrint $(Info_Rest_Assoc)
- SetDetailsPrint listonly
- ;Don't restore file associations if reinstalling
- ${un.GetParameters} $R0
- ${un.GetOptionsS} $R0 "/R" $R1
- IfErrors 0 +2
- ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe" -uninstall'
- !insertmacro MacroRemoveSMPlayer
-;Required functions
-!insertmacro un.GetParameters
-!insertmacro un.GetOptions
-;Uninstaller functions
-Function un.onInit
-!ifdef WIN64
- ${IfNot} ${RunningX64}
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP $(Uninstaller_64bitOnly)
- Abort
- ${EndIf}
- SetRegView 64
- ;Check for admin on < Vista
- UserInfo::GetAccountType
- Pop $R0
- ${If} $R0 != "admin"
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP $(Uninstaller_No_Admin)
- Abort
- ${EndIf}
- ;Check if SMPlayer is running
- ;Allow skipping check using /NORUNCHECK
- ${un.GetParameters} $R0
- ${un.GetOptions} $R0 "/NORUNCHECK" $R1
- IfErrors 0 +2
- Call un.RunCheck
- ;Gets start menu folder name
- !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER "SMP_SMenu" $SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder
- ;Get the stored language preference
- !insertmacro MUI_UNGETLANGUAGE
-Function un.ConfirmPagePre
- ${un.GetParameters} $R0
- ${un.GetOptionsS} $R0 "/X" $R1
- ${Unless} ${Errors}
- Abort
- ${EndUnless}
-FunctionEnd \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/scripts/install_smplayer.cmd b/setup/scripts/install_smplayer.cmd
index 59427b0..05bdcc8 100644
--- a/setup/scripts/install_smplayer.cmd
+++ b/setup/scripts/install_smplayer.cmd
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ echo.
mkdir %OUTPUT_DIR%\translations
copy %SMPLAYER_DIR%\src\translations\*.qm %OUTPUT_DIR%\translations
+copy %SMPLAYER_DIR%\qt-translations\*.qm %OUTPUT_DIR%\translations
echo ###### Qt Translations #######
diff --git a/setup/scripts/make_pkgs.cmd b/setup/scripts/make_pkgs.cmd
index 4aef44b..9e7485b 100644
--- a/setup/scripts/make_pkgs.cmd
+++ b/setup/scripts/make_pkgs.cmd
@@ -135,26 +135,6 @@ echo.
mkdir %SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\screenshots
-echo ###### Create smplayer.ini #######
-echo [%%General]>> %SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini
-echo screenshot_directory=.\\screenshots>> %SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini
-echo.>> %SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini
-echo [advanced]>> %SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini
-echo mplayer_additional_options=-nofontconfig>> %SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini
-echo ###### Create smplayer_orig.ini #######
-echo [%%General]>> %SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini
-echo screenshot_directory=.\\screenshots>> %SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini
-echo.>> %SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini
-echo [advanced]>> %SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini
-echo mplayer_additional_options=-nofontconfig>> %SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini
echo ###### Create mplayer config #######
diff --git a/setup/smplayer.nsi b/setup/smplayer.nsi
index a540201..fa938f8 100644
--- a/setup/smplayer.nsi
+++ b/setup/smplayer.nsi
@@ -42,17 +42,7 @@
!define SMPLAYER_UNINST_EXE "uninst.exe"
!define SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SMPlayer"
- ;Fallback versions
- ;These can be changed in the compiler, otherwise
- ;if not defined the values shown here will be used.
- !define DEFAULT_CODECS_VERSION "windows-essential-20071007"
- ;Version control
- !define VERSION_FILE_URL ""
+ !define CODEC_VERSION "windows-essential-20071007"
@@ -109,6 +99,7 @@
Var Reinstall_Uninstall
Var Reinstall_UninstallButton
Var Reinstall_UninstallButton_State
+ Var Restore_Codecs
Var SMPlayer_Path
Var SMPlayer_UnStrPath
Var SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder
@@ -232,6 +223,7 @@
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Slovak"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Slovenian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Spanish"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Thai"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "TradChinese"
;Custom translations for setup
@@ -259,6 +251,7 @@
!insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\slovak.nsh"
!insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\slovenian.nsh"
!insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\spanish.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\thai.nsh"
!insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\tradchinese.nsh"
@@ -270,7 +263,6 @@
ReserveFile "${NSISDIR}\Plugins\UserInfo.dll"
- ReserveFile "FindProcDLL.dll"
;Installer Sections
@@ -287,11 +279,17 @@ Section $(Section_SMPlayer) SecSMPlayer
Exec '"$SMPlayer_UnStrPath" /X'
${ElseIf} $Reinstall_OverwriteButton_State == 1
+ Call Backup_Codecs
${If} "$INSTDIR" == "$SMPlayer_Path"
ExecWait '"$SMPlayer_UnStrPath" /S /R _?=$SMPlayer_Path'
ExecWait '"$SMPlayer_UnStrPath" /S /R'
+ Sleep 2500
@@ -362,7 +360,7 @@ SectionGroup $(MPlayerGroupTitle)
SectionIn RO
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\mplayer"
- File /r "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mplayer\*.*"
+ File /r /x mencoder.exe "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mplayer\*.*"
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" Installed_MPlayer 0x1
@@ -370,48 +368,43 @@ SectionGroup $(MPlayerGroupTitle)
Section /o $(Section_MPlayerCodecs) SecCodecs
- AddSize 22300
- Var /GLOBAL Codec_Version
- Call GetVerInfo
+ AddSize 22931
- /* Read from version-info
- If it was unable to download, set version to that defined in the
- beginning of the script. */
- ${If} ${FileExists} "$PLUGINSDIR\version-info"
- ReadINIStr $Codec_Version "$PLUGINSDIR\version-info" smplayer mplayercodecs
- ${Else}
- StrCpy $Codec_Version ${DEFAULT_CODECS_VERSION}
+ ${If} $Restore_Codecs == 1
+ DetailPrint $(Info_Codecs_Restore)
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\codecbak\*" "$INSTDIR\mplayer\codecs"
+ Goto check_codecs
+ ${ElseIf} ${FileExists} "$EXEDIR\${CODEC_VERSION}.zip"
+ Goto extract_codecs
- retry_codecs:
+ retry_codecs_dl:
DetailPrint $(Codecs_DL_Msg)
inetc::get /CONNECTTIMEOUT 15000 /RESUME "" /BANNER $(Codecs_DL_Msg) /CAPTION $(Codecs_DL_Msg) \
- "$" \
+ "${CODEC_VERSION}.zip" \
Pop $R0
- StrCmp $R0 OK 0 check_codecs
+ StrCmp $R0 OK +4 0
+ DetailPrint $(Codecs_DL_Failed)
+ Goto check_codecs
+ extract_codecs:
DetailPrint $(Info_Files_Extract)
- nsExec::Exec '"$PLUGINSDIR\7za.exe" x "$PLUGINSDIR\$" -y -o"$PLUGINSDIR"'
+ nsExec::Exec '"$PLUGINSDIR\7za.exe" x "$PLUGINSDIR\${CODEC_VERSION}.zip" -y -o"$PLUGINSDIR"'
CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\mplayer\codecs"
- CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\$Codec_Version\*" "$INSTDIR\mplayer\codecs"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\${CODEC_VERSION}\*" "$INSTDIR\mplayer\codecs"
- ${If} $R0 != "OK"
- DetailPrint $(Codecs_DL_Failed)
- ${EndIf}
- IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\mplayer\codecs\*.dll" codecsInstSuccess codecsInstFailed
- codecsInstSuccess:
+ IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\mplayer\codecs\*.dll" 0 codecsInstFailed
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" Installed_Codecs 0x1
Goto done
DetailPrint $(Codecs_Inst_Failed)
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" Installed_Codecs 0x0
Sleep 5000
@@ -497,13 +490,16 @@ ${MementoSectionDone}
!macro MacroAllExtensions _action
!insertmacro ${_action} ".3gp"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".aac"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".ac3"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".ape"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".asf"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".avi"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".bik"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".bin"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".dat"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".divx"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".dts"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".dv"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".dvr-ms"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".f4v"
@@ -514,6 +510,7 @@ ${MementoSectionDone}
!insertmacro ${_action} ".m1v"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".m2t"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".m2ts"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".mts"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".m2v"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".m3u"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".m3u8"
@@ -540,6 +537,7 @@ ${MementoSectionDone}
!insertmacro ${_action} ".rec"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".rm"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".rmvb"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".smk"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".swf"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".thd"
!insertmacro ${_action} ".ts"
@@ -590,6 +588,7 @@ ${MementoSectionDone}
Delete "$INSTDIR\mingwm10.dll"
Delete "$INSTDIR\zlib1.dll"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Qt*.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\sample.avi"
Delete "$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe"
Delete "$INSTDIR\smtube.exe"
Delete "$INSTDIR\dxlist.exe"
@@ -615,11 +614,12 @@ ${MementoSectionDone}
!macro RunCheckMacro UN
Function ${UN}RunCheck
- retry_runcheck:
- FindProcDLL::FindProc "smplayer.exe"
- IntCmp $R0 1 0 +3
- Abort
+ retry_runcheck:
+ FindWindow $0 "" "SMPlayer"
+ StrCmp $0 0 notRunning
+ Abort
+ notrunning:
@@ -631,11 +631,13 @@ FunctionEnd
Function .onInit
${Unless} ${AtLeastWinXP}
MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONSTOP $(OS_Not_Supported) /SD IDNO IDYES installonoldwindows
!ifdef WIN64
${IfNot} ${RunningX64}
@@ -704,6 +706,7 @@ Function .onInstSuccess
+ ExecShell "open" "${SMPLAYER_VERSION}"
Function .onInstFailed
@@ -746,16 +749,20 @@ Function CheckPreviousVersion
-Function GetVerInfo
+Function Backup_Codecs
- IfFileExists "$PLUGINSDIR\version-info" end_dl_ver_info 0
- DetailPrint $(VerInfo_DL_Msg)
- inetc::get /CONNECTTIMEOUT 15000 /SILENT ${VERSION_FILE_URL} "$PLUGINSDIR\version-info" /END
- Pop $R0
- StrCmp $R0 OK +2
- DetailPrint $(VerInfo_DL_Failed)
+ ${IfNot} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SecCodecs}
+ Return
+ ${EndIf}
- end_dl_ver_info:
+ IfFileExists "$SMPlayer_Path\mplayer\codecs\*.dll" 0 NoBackup
+ DetailPrint $(Info_Codecs_Backup)
+ CreateDirectory "$PLUGINSDIR\codecbak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\mplayer\codecs\*" "$PLUGINSDIR\codecbak"
+ StrCpy $Restore_Codecs 1
+ Return
+ NoBackup:
+ StrCpy $Restore_Codecs 0
diff --git a/setup/translations/basque.nsh b/setup/translations/basque.nsh
index 9d0198b..063da6e 100644
--- a/setup/translations/basque.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/basque.nsh
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "64-biteko SMPlayer ezarpen bat dago. Lehen
; Welcome page
${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Setup"
-${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nIt is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files without having to reboot your computer.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Ezartzaileak $(^NameDA)-ren ezarpenean zehar gidatuko zaitu.$\r$\n$\r$\nGomendagarria da SMPlayer eskabide guztiak istea ezarpena hasi aurretik. Honek zure ordenagailua berrabiarazi gabe programa agiri garrantzitsuak eguneratu ahal izatea egiten du.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
; Components Page
${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Lasterbideak"
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (beharrezkoa)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; beharrezkoa irakurketarako."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Kodek Binarioak"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Aukerazko kodekak MPlayerrentzat."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Aukerazko kodekak MPlayerrentzat. (Internet Elkarketa beharrezkoa da ezarpenerako)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "MPlayer laguntzen duen programa bat erabili daiteke kodeatzeko edo eraldatzeko sostengatutako audio edo bideo jarioak."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer kodekak ez dira ongi ezarri. Berriro
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Hutsegitea MPlayer kodekak: '$R0'. jeisterakoan."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Hutsegitea MPlayer kodekak ezartzerakoan."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Bertsio argibideak jeisten..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Hutsegitea bertsio argibideak jeisterakoan: '$R0'. Berezko bertsioa erabiltzen."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Ezarpen hau administratzaile eskubidea duen erabiltzaileak bakarrik kendu dezake."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Kentzea erabiltzaileak utzita."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Ezarpen hau 64-biteko Windowsetik bakar
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer aurrealde-amaiera oso bat da MPlayer-entzat, ohinarrizko eginkizunetatik: Bideo, DVD, VCD irakurketatik, eginkizun aurreratuenetarainok: MPlayer iragazkiak, edl zerrenda, eta gehiago."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Agiriak Ezabatzen..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Erresgistro Giltzak Ezabatzen..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Lasterbideak Ezabatzen..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/catalan.nsh b/setup/translations/catalan.nsh
index 818097c..0998917 100644
--- a/setup/translations/catalan.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/catalan.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installe
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Downloading version information..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Failed to download version info: '$R0'. Using a default version."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/croatian.nsh b/setup/translations/croatian.nsh
index 9257a17..78f0416 100644
--- a/setup/translations/croatian.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/croatian.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installe
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Downloading version information..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Failed to download version info: '$R0'. Using a default version."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/czech.nsh b/setup/translations/czech.nsh
index 0dc6488..28dc32f 100644
--- a/setup/translations/czech.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/czech.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (vyžadován)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; vyžadován pro přehrávání."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binární kodeky"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Přídavné kodeky MPlayeru."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Přídavné kodeky MPlayeru. (Pro instalaci je potřeba připojení k Internetu)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Dodatkový program pro MPlayer, který se využívá k enkódování nebo transformaci audio/video souborů."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Kodeky MPlayeru se nepovedlo nainstalovat. Zk
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Nepovedlo se stáhnout kodeky MPlayeru: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Nepovedlo se nainstalovat kodeky MPlayeru."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Stahuji informace o verzích..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Nepovedlo se stáhnout informace o verzích: '$R0'. Užita výchozí verze."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Odinstalaci je potřeba provést s právy administrátora."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Odinstalace přerušena uživatelem."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Tato instalace jde odinstalovat pouze n
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer je kompletní frontend pro MPlayer, podporuje vše od základních funkcí jako přehrávání videí, DVD, VCD až po pokročilé funkce jako filtry MPlayeru, edl a více."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Mažu soubory..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Mažu záznamy registru..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Mažu zástupce..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/danish.nsh b/setup/translations/danish.nsh
index b22f185..c72d1a6 100644
--- a/setup/translations/danish.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/danish.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installe
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Downloading version information..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Failed to download version info: '$R0'. Using a default version."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/dutch.nsh b/setup/translations/dutch.nsh
index 0d801d1..798f44f 100644
--- a/setup/translations/dutch.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/dutch.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installe
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Downloading version information..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Failed to download version info: '$R0'. Using a default version."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/english.nsh b/setup/translations/english.nsh
index 132f798..180a647 100644
--- a/setup/translations/english.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/english.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installe
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Downloading version information..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Failed to download version info: '$R0'. Using a default version."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/finnish.nsh b/setup/translations/finnish.nsh
index 2541c01..8e736a2 100644
--- a/setup/translations/finnish.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/finnish.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installe
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Downloading version information..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Failed to download version info: '$R0'. Using a default version."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/french.nsh b/setup/translations/french.nsh
index 83cb6d8..42df74c 100644
--- a/setup/translations/french.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/french.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installe
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Downloading version information..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Failed to download version info: '$R0'. Using a default version."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/german.nsh b/setup/translations/german.nsh
index 2168f5c..5009179 100644
--- a/setup/translations/german.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/german.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (erforderlich)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer – benötigt für die Wiedergabe."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binärcodecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optionale Codecs für MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optionale Codecs für MPlayer. (Internetverbindung benötigt für Installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Die MPlayer-Codecs sind nicht erfolgreich ins
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Fehler beim Herunterladen der MPlayer-Codecs: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Fehler beim Installieren der MPlayer-Codecs."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Informationen der Version herunterladen …"
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Fehler beim Herunterladen der Versionsinfo: '$R0'. Standard-Version wird genommen."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Es sind Administratorrechte nötig, um dieses Programm zu deinstallieren."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Die Deinstallation ist vom Benutzer abgebrochen worden."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer ist ein komplettes grafische Oberfläche für MPlayer, von grundlegenden Funktionen, wie das Abspielen von Videos, DVDs, VCDs, bis zu erweiterten Funktionen, wie die Unterstützung für MPlayer-Filter, edl-Listen und vielem mehr."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/hebrew.nsh b/setup/translations/hebrew.nsh
index 5e4fa24..21a66e9 100644
--- a/setup/translations/hebrew.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/hebrew.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installe
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Downloading version information..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Failed to download version info: '$R0'. Using a default version."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/hungarian.nsh b/setup/translations/hungarian.nsh
index b741955..4a9bcf1 100644
--- a/setup/translations/hungarian.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/hungarian.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Az MPlayer kodekek telepítése nem sikerült
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Az MPlayer kodekek letöltése nem sikerült: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Az MPlayer kodekek telepítése nem sikerült."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Verzió információ letöltése..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Verzió információ letöltése nem sikerült: '$R0'. Alapértelmezett verzió használata."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "A program eltávolításához rendszergazda jogosultság szükséges."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Az eltávolítást a felhasználó megszakította."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "Az SMPlayer egy komplett felület az MPlayerhez, mindent támogat az alap funkcióktól kezdve, mint a videók, DVDk, VCDk lejátszása, haladó funkciókig, mint az MPlayer szűrők, edl listák és még sok más."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/italian.nsh b/setup/translations/italian.nsh
index a11f256..79e16d0 100644
--- a/setup/translations/italian.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/italian.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (essenziale)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; essenziale per la riproduzione."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Codec binari"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Codec aggiuntivi per MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Codec aggiuntivi per MPlayer. (Connessione a Internet richiesta per l'installazione)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "I codec di MPlayer non sono stati completamen
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Scaricamento dei codec di MPlayer fallito: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Installazione dei codec di MPlayer fallita."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Sto scaricando le informazioni di versione..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Scaricamento delle informazioni di versione fallito: '$R0'. Using a default version."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "La disinstallazione può essere effettuata solo da un utente con permessi amministrativi."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Disinstallazione annullata dall'utente."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer è un'interfaccia completa per MPlayer, fornisce funzionalità di base come la riproduzione di video, DVD, VCD e funzionalità più avanzate come il supporto dei filtri di MPlayer, le liste edl e altro ancora."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/japanese.nsh b/setup/translations/japanese.nsh
index 5461f48..2726417 100644
--- a/setup/translations/japanese.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/japanese.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (必須)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "再生のために必要な MPlayer です。"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "バイナリ コーデック"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "MPlayer のオプション コーデックです。"
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "MPlayer のオプション コーデックです。(インストールにはインターネット接続が必要です)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "サポートされたオーディオまたはビデオ ストリームのエンコードや変換に使用できる MPlayer の姉妹プログラムです。"
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer コーデックは正常にインス
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "MPlayer コーデックのダウンロードに失敗しました: '$R0'。"
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "MPlayer コーデックのインストールに失敗しました。"
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "バージョン情報をダウンロードしています..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "バージョン情報のダウンロードに失敗しました: '$R0'。既定のバージョンを使用します。"
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "このインストールは管理者特権のあるユーザーによってのみアンインストールできます。"
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "アンインストールはユーザーによって中止されました。"
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "このインストールは 64 ビッ
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer はビデオ、DVD、VCD の再生のような基本的な機能から MPlayer フィルター、edl リストなどへのサポートのような高度な機能まで、MPlayer の完全なフロントエンドです。"
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "以前のインストールからのコーデックをバックアップしています..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "以前のインストールからのコーデックを復元しています..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "ファイルを削除しています..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "レジストリ キーを削除しています..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "ショートカットを削除しています..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/korean.nsh b/setup/translations/korean.nsh
index 2923bc7..c834f3c 100644
--- a/setup/translations/korean.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/korean.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installe
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Downloading version information..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Failed to download version info: '$R0'. Using a default version."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/norwegian.nsh b/setup/translations/norwegian.nsh
index 1791b63..f96bfba 100644
--- a/setup/translations/norwegian.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/norwegian.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installe
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Downloading version information..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Failed to download version info: '$R0'. Using a default version."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/polish.nsh b/setup/translations/polish.nsh
index 88ded59..9d63fd5 100644
--- a/setup/translations/polish.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/polish.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (wymagane)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; wymagany do odtwarzania filmów."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Kodeki"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Opcjonalne kodeki do MPlayera."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Opcjonalne kodeki do MPlayera. (Wymagane połączenie z internetem)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Jest to prosty koder (kompresor) filmów, zaprojektowany do kodowania filmów otwieralnych MPlayerem do innych obsługiwanych formatów"
${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Zestawy Ikon"
@@ -77,10 +73,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Instalacja Kodeków MPlayera nie powiodła si
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Nie udało się pobrać Kodeków MPlayera: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Nie udało się zainstalować Kodeków MPlayera."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Pobieram informacje o wersji..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Nie udało się pobrać informacji o wersji: '$R0'. Użyta zostanie wersja domyślna."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Aplikacja może być usunięta tylko przez osobe z uprawnieniami Administratora."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Usuwanie anulowane przez użytkownika."
@@ -91,6 +83,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer jest graficzną nakładką programu MPlayer, z prostymi funkcjami, takimi jak odtwarzanie wideo, DVD i VCD oraz z bardziej zaawansowanymi funkcjami np: obsługa filtrów MPlayera i wiele innych."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Usuwanie Plików..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Usuwanie Kluczy Rejestru..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Usuwanie Skrótów..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/portuguese.nsh b/setup/translations/portuguese.nsh
index 51ffcda..232874a 100644
--- a/setup/translations/portuguese.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/portuguese.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (obrigatório)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; necessário para a reprodução."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Codificadores"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Codificadores opcionais para o MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Codificadores opcionais para o MPlayer. (precisa de uma ligação à Internet)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Um programa complementar ao MPlayer, utilizado para codificar ou converter emissões de vídeo e áudio."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Os codificadores MPlayer não foram instalado
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Falha ao transferir os codificadores MPlayer: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Falha ao instalar os codificadores MPlayer."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "A transferir informações da versão..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Ocorreu um erro ao transferir ao informações da versão: '$R0'. A utilizar versão padrão."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Esta aplicação só pode ser desinstalada no modo de administrador."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Desinstalação cancelada pelo utilizador."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Esta instalação só pode ser desinsta
${LangFileString} Application_Description "O SMPlayer é uma interface gráfico para o MPlayer, com funções simples como a reprodução de vídeos, DVDs e VCDs bem como outras mais avançadas(suporte a filtros MPlayer, listas e mais)."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "A copiar codificadores da instalação anterior..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "A restaurar codificadores da instalação anterior..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "A eliminar ficheiros..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "A eliminar chaves de registo..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "A eliminar atalhos..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/russian.nsh b/setup/translations/russian.nsh
index 41e2fb9..62d84cf 100644
--- a/setup/translations/russian.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/russian.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (необходимо)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; необходимо для воспроизведения."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Бинарные кодеки"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Дополнительные кодеки для MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Дополнительные кодеки для MPlayer. (Для установки требуется подключение к сети Интернет)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Сопутствующая MPlayer программа, которую можно использовать для кодирования и преобразования поддерживаемых аудио и видео потоков."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Не удалось успешно устан
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Не удалось загрузить бинарные кодеки для MPlayer: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Ошибка при установке бинарных кодеков для MPlayer."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Загрузка информации о версии..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Не удалось загрузить информацию о версии: '$R0'. Будет использована версия по умолчанию."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Эта установка может быть удалена только пользователем с правами администратора."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Удаление прервано пользователем."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Эта установка может б
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer - полноценная оболочка для MPlayer, начиная от базовых функций вроде воспроизведения видеофайлов, DVD, VCD и заканчивая более продвинутыми вроде поддержки фильтров MPlayer, списков и т.д."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Удаление файлов..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Удаление ключей реестра..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Удаление ярлыков..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/simpchinese.nsh b/setup/translations/simpchinese.nsh
index 56a687b..21b6348 100644
--- a/setup/translations/simpchinese.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/simpchinese.nsh
@@ -7,25 +7,25 @@
!insertmacro LANGFILE "SimpChinese" "简体中文"
; Startup
-${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "安装程序已经在运行。"
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "安装程序已在运行。"
${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "安装此程序时,您必须以管理员身份登录。"
-${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "SMPlayer 的一个实例正在运行。请退出 SMPlayer,然后再试一次。"
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "SMPlayer 的实例正在运行。请退出 SMPlayer,然后重试。"
-${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "不支持的操作系统。$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} 要求至少是 Windows XP,其在您的系统上可能无法正常工作。$\n您真的要继续安装吗?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "不支持的操作系统。$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} 至少需要 Windows XP,其在您的系统上可能无法正常工作。$\n您真的要继续安装吗?"
${LangFileString} Win64_Required "安装此软件需要 64 位 Windows 操作系统。"
-${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "存在一个现有的 SMPlayer 32 位安装。您必须先卸载 32 位的 SMPlayer。"
-${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "存在一个现有的 SMPlayer 64 位安装。您必须先卸载 64 位的 SMPlayer。"
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "SMPlayer 的 32 位安装已存在。您必须先卸载 32 位的 SMPlayer。"
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "SMPlayer 的 64 位安装已存在。您必须先卸载 64 位的 SMPlayer。"
; Welcome page
${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) 安装程序"
-${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "安装程序将引导您完成 $(^NameDA) 的安装。$\r$\n$\r$\n建议您在开始安装之前关闭所有的 SMPlayer 实例。这将使它能够更新相关的程序文件,而无需重新启动您的计算机。$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "安装程序将引导您完成安装 $(^NameDA)。$\r$\n$\r$\n建议您在开始安装前关闭所有的 SMPlayer 实例。这将使其能够更新相关的程序文件,而无需重新启动您的计算机。$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
; Components Page
${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "快捷方式"
${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer 组件"
${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (必需)"
-${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer 主程序、共享库和文档。"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer、共享库和文档。"
${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "桌面"
${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "创建 SMPlayer 桌面快捷方式。"
@@ -34,36 +34,32 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "开始菜单"
${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "创建 SMPlayer 开始菜单项。"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (必需)"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "播放媒体文件所必需的 MPlayer 内核。"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "播放所必需的 MPlayer。"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "二进制编解码器"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "适用于 MPlayer 的可选编解码器包。"
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "适用于 MPlayer 的可选编解码器包。(安装需要使用网络连接)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "适用于 MPlayer 的可选编解码器。(安装需要使用网络连接)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "MPlayer 的配套程序,可以用来编码或转换支持的音频/视频流。"
${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "图标主题"
-${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "SMPlayer 的附加图标主题。"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "适用于 SMPlayer 的附加图标主题。"
${LangFileString} Section_Translations "语言"
-${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "SMPlayer 的语言文件。(除英语)"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "适用于 SMPlayer 的非英语语言文件。"
${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "二进制编解码器包可增加对新 RealVideo 变种和很多不常见格式的支持。$\n请注意,播放像 DVD、MPEG-1/2/4 这样平时常见的格式无需安装本编解码器包。"
; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "选择安装类型"
-${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "选择“覆盖”或“卸载”模式。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "选择『覆盖』或『卸载』模式。"
${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "您有一个现有的 SMPlayer 安装位于以下文件夹:"
${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "请选择如何继续:"
-${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "覆盖 ($Inst_Type) 现有的安装"
-${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "卸载 (移除) 现有的安装"
-${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "单击“开始”继续。"
-${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "单击“下一步”继续。"
-${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "单击“卸载”继续。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "覆盖($Inst_Type)现有的安装"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "卸载(移除)现有的安装"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "单击『开始』继续。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "单击『下一步』继续。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "单击『卸载』继续。"
${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "更改安装设置"
${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "重新安装"
@@ -75,23 +71,21 @@ ${LangFileString} StartBtn "开始"
; Codecs Section
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "正在下载 MPlayer 编解码器..."
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer 编解码器没有成功安装。是否重试?"
-${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "MPlayer 编解码器下载失败: '$R0'。"
-${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "MPlayer 编解码器安装失败。"
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "正在下载版本信息..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "版本信息下载失败: '$R0'。将使用默认版本。"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "无法下载 MPlayer 编解码器: 『$R0』。"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "无法安装 MPlayer 编解码器。"
; Uninstaller
-${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "安装只能由具有管理员权限的用户卸载。"
-${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "卸载由用户中止。"
-${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "没有发现 SMPlayer 被安装在目录 '$INSTDIR' 中。$\r$\n仍然要继续吗? (不推荐)"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "安装只能由拥有管理员权限的用户卸载。"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "卸载被用户终止。"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "没有发现 SMPlayer 被安装在目录『$INSTDIR』中。$\r$\n仍然继续吗(不推荐)?"
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "安装只能在 64 位 Windows 中卸载。"
; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
-${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer 是一个完备的 MPlayer 前端,从像播放视频、DVD、VCD 这样的基本功能,到支持 MPlayer 过滤器、EDL 列表等更多高级功能。"
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer 是一个完备的 MPlayer 前端,从像播放视频、DVD、VCD 这样的基本功能,到支持 MPlayer 过滤器、EDL 列表等更多的高级功能。"
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "正在从以前的安装中备份编解码器..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "正在从以前的安装中恢复编解码器..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "正在删除文件..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "正在删除注册表项..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "正在删除快捷方式..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/slovak.nsh b/setup/translations/slovak.nsh
index 452fec4..5b6833f 100644
--- a/setup/translations/slovak.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/slovak.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installe
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Downloading version information..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Failed to download version info: '$R0'. Using a default version."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/slovenian.nsh b/setup/translations/slovenian.nsh
index db4f7bd..531b112 100644
--- a/setup/translations/slovenian.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/slovenian.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installe
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Downloading version information..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Failed to download version info: '$R0'. Using a default version."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/spanish.nsh b/setup/translations/spanish.nsh
index f2dda99..3bdca42 100644
--- a/setup/translations/spanish.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/spanish.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (requerido)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; requerido para la reproducción multimedia."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Códecs Binarios"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Códecs opcionales para MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Códecs opcionales para MPlayer. (Se necesita conexión a internet para la instalación)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Un programa opcional que puede ser usado para recodificar vídeos."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Los códecs del MPlayer no se han instalado c
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Ha fallado la descarga de los códecs del MPlayer: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Ha fallado la instalación del los códecs del MPlayer."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Descargando la información de la versión..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Ha fallado la descarga de la información de la versión: '$R0'. Se usará la versión por defecto."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Este programa sólo se puede desinstalar por un usuario con permisos de administrador."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Desinstalación cancelada por el usuario."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Esta instalación sólo se puede desins
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer pretende ser un interfaz completo para MPlayer, con opciones para cosas básicas, como reproducir vídeos, DVDs y VCDs hasta opciones más avanzadas como soporte para los filtros del MPlayer y mucho más."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Haciendo una copia de seguridad de los códecs de una instalación previa..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restaurando los códecs de una instalación previa..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Borrando ficheros..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Borrando claves del registro..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Borrando accesos..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/thai.nsh b/setup/translations/thai.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01159a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/thai.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+;Language: Thai (1054)
+;Thai language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Thai" "ไทย"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "The installer is already running."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 32-bit SMPlayer first."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 64-bit SMPlayer first."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nIt is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files without having to reboot your computer.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Shortcuts"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer Components"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (required)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Desktop"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Start Menu"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Icon Themes"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Languages"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon formats.$\nNote that they are not necessary to play most common formats like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Select Install Type"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Please select how to proceed:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Change Installation Settings"
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "reinstall"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "downgrade"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "upgrade"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Start"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinue anyway (not recommended)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Restoring file associations..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Rolling back changes..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Extracting files..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/tradchinese.nsh b/setup/translations/tradchinese.nsh
index 5e8ad70..93664a2 100644
--- a/setup/translations/tradchinese.nsh
+++ b/setup/translations/tradchinese.nsh
@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ ${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
-${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer."
-!else ifndef WITH_CODECS
${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
@@ -78,10 +74,6 @@ ${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installe
${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
-; Version information
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Msg "Downloading version information..."
-${LangFileString} VerInfo_DL_Failed "Failed to download version info: '$R0'. Using a default version."
; Uninstaller
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
@@ -92,6 +84,8 @@ ${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstall
${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."