path: root/setup
diff options
authorMateusz Łukasik <>2018-03-12 05:45:30 -0400
committerMateusz Łukasik <>2018-03-12 05:45:30 -0400
commitddef07cab834612d6470fbb4483afde40cd2d708 (patch)
tree183ca1da081ae14e3e05d7ae4374c484e0ff9def /setup
Import smplayer_18.2.2~ds0.orig.tar.bz2
[dgit import orig smplayer_18.2.2~ds0.orig.tar.bz2]
Diffstat (limited to 'setup')
-rw-r--r--setup/sample.avibin0 -> 29962 bytes
-rw-r--r--setup/smplayer-orange-installer.icobin0 -> 138669 bytes
-rw-r--r--setup/smplayer-orange-uninstaller.icobin0 -> 138328 bytes
-rw-r--r--setup/smplayer-orange-wizard-un.bmpbin0 -> 154544 bytes
-rw-r--r--setup/smplayer-orange-wizard.bmpbin0 -> 154544 bytes
93 files changed, 23229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/setup/license.txt b/setup/license.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da70b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/license.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/setup/sample.avi b/setup/sample.avi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3e8f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/sample.avi
Binary files differ
diff --git a/setup/scripts/install_smplayer2.cmd b/setup/scripts/install_smplayer2.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77850bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/scripts/install_smplayer2.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+@echo off
+for /f %%d in ('wmic os get localdatetime ^|findstr /b [0-9]') do @set datetime=%%d
+REM Read from generated file during compile if exist
+REM Relative paths are relative to install_smplayer
+if exist win32inst_vars.cmd (
+ call win32inst_vars.cmd
+ set MPLAYER_DIR=mplayer
+ set MPV_DIR=mpv
+) else (
+ echo This batch file can help you to create a directory with all required files
+ echo Just change the variables at the beginning
+ echo.
+ echo Warning: it will only work with sources from the SVN and the command svn has to be in the path
+ echo.
+ set /P QT_VER="Qt Version (Default: 5.6.0): "
+ if "%QT_VER%"=="" set QT_VER=5.6.0
+ set SMPLAYER_DIR=svn\smplayer
+ REM set SMTUBE_DIR=svn\smtube
+ set SMPLAYER_THEMES_DIR=svn\smplayer-themes
+ set SMPLAYER_SKINS_DIR=svn\smplayer-skins
+ set MPLAYER_DIR=mplayer
+ set MPV_DIR=mpv
+ set QT_DIR=C:\Qt\%QT_VER%
+ set MINGW_DIR=C:\Qt\%QT_VER%\Tools\mingw492_32
+ set X86_64=
+ set DEBUG=
+if [%X86_64%]==[yes] (
+ set BASE_BUILD_DIR=smplayer-build64
+ set OUTPUT_DIR=%BUILD_PREFIX%\smplayer-build64
+ set OPENSSL_DIR=openssl64
+) else (
+ set BASE_BUILD_DIR=smplayer-build
+ set OUTPUT_DIR=%BUILD_PREFIX%\smplayer-build
+ set OPENSSL_DIR=openssl
+if exist "%OUTPUT_DIR%" (
+ ren "%OUTPUT_DIR%" "%BASE_BUILD_DIR%.%datetime%"
+if [%DEBUG%]==[yes] (
+ set QT_BUILD_DIR=debug
+) else (
+ set QT_BUILD_DIR=release
+echo -- SMPlayer, QT libs --
+mkdir %OUTPUT_DIR%
+copy "%SMPLAYER_DIR%\src\%QT_BUILD_DIR%\smplayer.exe" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+copy "%SMPLAYER_DIR%\dxlist\release\dxlist.exe" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+copy "%SMPLAYER_DIR%\webserver\simple_web_server.exe" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+copy "%SMPLAYER_DIR%\zlib\zlib1.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+copy "%SMPLAYER_DIR%\*.txt" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+REM copy "%SMPLAYER_DIR%\setup\sample.avi" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+REM Core files
+if %QT_VER% lss 5.0.0 (
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\QtCore%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%4.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\QtDBus%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%4.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\QtGui%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%4.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\QtNetwork%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%4.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\QtXml%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%4.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\QtScript%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%4.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+) else if %QT_VER% geq 5.0.0 (
+ REM copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\icudt*.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+ REM copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\icuin*.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+ REM copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\icuuc*.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5Core%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+ REM copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5DBus%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5Gui%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5Network%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5Widgets%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5Xml%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5Script%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+REM Qt Plugins
+mkdir "%OUTPUT_DIR%\imageformats"
+if %QT_VER% lss 5.0.0 (
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\plugins\imageformats\qjpeg%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%4.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\imageformats\"
+) else if %QT_VER% geq 5.0.0 (
+ mkdir "%OUTPUT_DIR%\platforms"
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\plugins\imageformats\qjpeg%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\imageformats\"
+ copy "%QT_DIR%\plugins\platforms\qwindows%QT_DEBUG_DLL_SUFFIX%.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\platforms\"
+REM Toolchain specific files
+copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\mingwm10.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\libgcc_s_*.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\libstdc++-6.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+copy "%QT_DIR%\bin\libwinpthread-1.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+copy "%OPENSSL_DIR%\*.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+if not exist "%QT_DIR%\bin\libeay32.dll" goto skip_toolchain_ssl
+if not exist "%QT_DIR%\bin\ssleay32.dll" goto skip_toolchain_ssl
+copy /y "%QT_DIR%\bin\libeay32.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+copy /y "%QT_DIR%\bin\ssleay32.dll" "%OUTPUT_DIR%"
+REM echo.
+REM echo -- Fonts --
+REM echo.
+REM mkdir "%OUTPUT_DIR%\open-fonts"
+REM copy "open-fonts\*.*" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\open-fonts\"
+echo -- Translations --
+mkdir "%OUTPUT_DIR%\translations"
+copy "%SMPLAYER_DIR%\src\translations\*.qm" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\translations"
+echo -- Qt Translations --
+copy "%QT_DIR%\translations\qt_*.qm" %OUTPUT_DIR%\translations
+copy "%QT_DIR%\translations\qtbase*.qm" %OUTPUT_DIR%\translations
+copy "%SMPLAYER_DIR%\qt-translations\qt_*.qm" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\translations"
+del "%OUTPUT_DIR%\translations\qt_help_*.qm"
+echo -- Shortcuts --
+mkdir "%OUTPUT_DIR%\shortcuts"
+copy "%SMPLAYER_DIR%\src\shortcuts\*.keys" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\shortcuts"
+echo -- Documentation --
+svn export --force "%SMPLAYER_DIR%\docs" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\docs"
+echo -- Icon Themes --
+for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /ad /b ^"%SMPLAYER_THEMES_DIR%\themes^"') do (
+xcopy "%SMPLAYER_THEMES_DIR%\themes\%%a\*.rcc" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\themes\%%a\"
+xcopy "%SMPLAYER_THEMES_DIR%\themes\%%a\*.qss" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\themes\%%a\"
+xcopy "%SMPLAYER_THEMES_DIR%\themes\%%a\README.txt" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\themes\%%a\"
+echo -- Skins --
+for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /ad /b ^"%SMPLAYER_SKINS_DIR%\themes^"') do (
+xcopy "%SMPLAYER_SKINS_DIR%\themes\%%b\*.rcc" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\themes\%%b\"
+xcopy "%SMPLAYER_SKINS_DIR%\themes\%%b\main.css" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\themes\%%b\"
+echo -- MPlayer --
+for /f %%i in ("%MPLAYER_DIR%") do set MPLAYER_DIR=%%~fi
+mklink /D "%OUTPUT_DIR%\mplayer" "%MPLAYER_DIR%"
+if not errorlevel 0 (
+ xcopy "%MPLAYER_DIR%" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\mplayer\" /E
+echo -- MPV --
+for /f %%i in ("%MPV_DIR%") do set MPV_DIR=%%~fi
+mklink /D "%OUTPUT_DIR%\mpv" "%MPV_DIR%"
+if not errorlevel 0 (
+ xcopy "%MPV_DIR%" "%OUTPUT_DIR%\mpv\" /E
+set MPV_DIR=
+set QT_DIR=
+set QT_VER=
+set X86_64=
diff --git a/setup/scripts/make_pkgs.cmd b/setup/scripts/make_pkgs.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cd0221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/scripts/make_pkgs.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+@echo off
+if exist "turnon_echo" (
+ @echo on
+:: Reset working dir especially when using 'Run as administrator'
+@cd /d "%~dp0"
+echo This batch file can help you to create a packages for SMPlayer and MPlayer.
+echo This script will temporarily rename the smplayer-build and mplayer directories.
+echo Make sure these files ^& directories are not opened when running the script.
+echo 1 - NSIS 10 - NSIS [32-bit/64-bit]
+echo 2 - NSIS [64-bit] 11 - Portable [32-bit/64-bit]
+echo 3 - Portable 20 - Portable SFX [32-bit/64-bit]
+echo 4 - Portable [64-bit]
+echo 5 - Without MPlayer
+echo 6 - Without MPlayer [64-bit]
+:: Relative directory of all the source files to this script
+:: Reset in case ran again in same command prompt instance
+:: NSIS path
+if exist "nsis_path" (
+ for /f "tokens=*" %%y in ('type nsis_path') do if exist %%y set MAKENSIS_EXE_PATH="%%y"
+if not defined MAKENSIS_EXE_PATH (
+ for %%x in ("%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe" "%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe") do if exist %%x set MAKENSIS_EXE_PATH=%%x
+if not defined MAKENSIS_EXE_PATH (
+ echo Warning: Unable to locate NSIS in the default path, create the file ^'nsis_path^' with the full correct path
+ echo to makensis.exe or the existing ^'nsis_path^' may be incorrect.
+ echo.
+:: Works only in Vista+
+where /q where.exe 2>NUL && (
+ where /q 7za.exe 2>NUL || (
+ echo Warning: 7za.exe not found in path or current directory!
+ echo.
+ )
+set SMPLAYER_DIR=%TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-build
+set SMPLAYER_DIR64=%TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-build64
+if "%1" == "" goto reask
+for %%w in (1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 20) do (
+ if "%1" == "%%w" (
+ set USER_CHOICE=%%w
+ goto pkgver
+ )
+echo Unknown option: "%1"
+goto superend
+set /P USER_CHOICE="Choose an action: "
+for %%z in (1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 20) do if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "%%z" goto pkgver
+if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "" goto superend
+goto reask
+if exist "pkg_version" (
+ for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('type pkg_version') do set ALL_PKG_VER=%%i
+ goto parse_version
+echo VER_REVISION is optional (set to 0 if blank)
+set /p ALL_PKG_VER="Version: "
+for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%j in ("%ALL_PKG_VER%") do set VER_MAJOR=%%j
+for /f "tokens=2 delims=." %%k in ("%ALL_PKG_VER%") do set VER_MINOR=%%k
+for /f "tokens=3 delims=." %%l in ("%ALL_PKG_VER%") do set VER_BUILD=%%l
+for /f "tokens=4 delims=." %%m in ("%ALL_PKG_VER%") do set VER_REVISION=%%m
+echo %VER_MAJOR%|findstr /r /c:"^[0-9][0-9]*$" >nul
+if errorlevel 1 (
+ echo Invalid version string. VER_MAJOR is not defined or is not a number [#.x.x]
+ goto pkgver_manual & ver>nul
+echo %VER_MINOR%|findstr /r /c:"^[0-9][0-9]*$" >nul
+if errorlevel 1 (
+ echo Invalid version string. VER_MINOR is not defined or is not a number [x.#.x]
+ goto pkgver_manual & ver>nul
+echo %VER_BUILD%|findstr /r /c:"^[0-9][0-9]*$" >nul
+if errorlevel 1 (
+ echo Invalid version string. VER_BUILD is not defined or is not a number [x.x.#]
+ goto pkgver_manual & ver>nul
+if defined VER_REVISION (
+ echo %VER_REVISION%|findstr /r /c:"^[0-9][0-9]*$" >nul
+ if errorlevel 1 (
+ echo Invalid version string. VER_REVISION is not a number [x.x.x.#]
+ goto pkgver_manual & ver>nul
+ ) else (
+ )
+) else (
+ set VER_REV_CMD=
+if not defined VER_REVISION (
+) else (
+if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "1" goto nsispkg
+if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "2" goto nsispkg64
+if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "3" goto portable
+if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "4" goto portable64
+if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "5" goto nomplayer
+if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "6" goto nomplayer64
+if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "10" goto nsispkg
+if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "11" goto portable
+if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "20" goto portablesfx
+:: Should not happen
+goto end
+echo --- SMPlayer NSIS Package [32-bit] ---
+if exist %TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-build (
+if not "%USER_CHOICE%" == "10" goto end
+echo --- SMPlayer NSIS Package [64-bit] ---
+if exist %TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-build64 (
+goto end
+echo --- SMPlayer Portable Package [32-bit] ---
+if not exist %SMPLAYER_DIR% (
+ echo SMPlayer sources missing.
+ goto end
+REM Check for portable exes
+if not exist "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smplayer-portable.exe" (
+ echo SMPlayer portable EXE not found!
+ goto end
+REM if not exist "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smtube-portable.exe" (
+REM echo Warning: SMTube portable EXE not found!
+REM )
+if exist "%SMPLAYER_DIR%\QtCore4.dll" (
+ set PORTABLE_DIR_NAME=smplayer-portable-%PORTABLE_PKG_VER%-Qt4
+) else (
+ set PORTABLE_DIR_NAME=smplayer-portable-%PORTABLE_PKG_VER%
+if not exist "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%" (
+ echo Oops! Unable to find renamed directory, make sure no files are opened.
+ goto end
+echo Backing up files...
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.exe" smplayer.bak
+REM ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.exe" smtube.bak
+echo Creating screenshots dir...
+mkdir "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\screenshots"
+echo Creating smplayer.ini...
+echo [%%General]> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini"
+echo screenshot_directory=.\\screenshots>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini"
+echo.>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini"
+echo [smplayer]>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini"
+echo check_if_upgraded=false>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini"
+echo Creating smplayer_orig.ini...
+echo [%%General]> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini"
+echo screenshot_directory=.\\screenshots>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini"
+echo.>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini"
+echo [smplayer]>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini"
+echo check_if_upgraded=false>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini"
+REM echo Creating mplayer config...
+REM echo ^<cachedir^>../fontconfig^</cachedir^>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\fonts\local.conf"
+echo Copying portable .exe...
+copy /y "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smplayer-portable.exe" "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.exe"
+REM copy /y "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smtube-portable.exe" "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.exe"
+echo Finalizing package...
+7za a -t7z "%OUTPUT_DIR%\%PORTABLE_DIR_NAME%.7z" "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%" -xr!*.bak* -xr!qxtcore.dll -xr!mplayer64.exe -xr!mencoder.exe -xr!mencoder64.exe -xr!mplayer64.exe.debug -xr!mencoder64.exe.debug -xr!mplayer.exe.debug -xr!mencoder.exe.debug -xr!gdb.exe -xr!gdb64.exe -xr!vfw2menc.exe -xr!buildinfo -xr!buildinfo64 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-32 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-debug-32 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-32 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-debug-32 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-64 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-debug-64 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-64 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-debug-64 -xr!mpv64.exe -xr! -xr!d3dcompiler_43-64.dll -xr!libaacs64.dll -xr!libbdplus64.dll -mx9 >nul
+echo Restoring source folder(s) back to its original state...
+rmdir "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\screenshots"
+del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini"
+del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini"
+del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.exe"
+REM del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.exe"
+REM del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\fonts\local.conf"
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.bak" smplayer.exe
+REM ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.bak" smtube.exe
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%" smplayer-build
+if not "%USER_CHOICE%" == "11" goto end
+echo --- SMPlayer Portable Package [64-bit] ---
+if not exist %SMPLAYER_DIR64% (
+ echo SMPlayer sources missing.
+ goto end
+REM Check for portable exes
+if not exist "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smplayer-portable64.exe" (
+ echo SMPlayer portable EXE not found!
+ goto end
+REM if not exist "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smtube-portable64.exe" (
+REM echo Warning: SMTube portable EXE not found!
+REM )
+set PORTABLE_DIR_NAME=smplayer-portable-%PORTABLE_PKG_VER%-x64
+if not exist "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%" (
+ echo Oops! Unable to find renamed directory, make sure no files are opened.
+ goto end
+echo Backing up files...
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.exe" smplayer.bak
+REM ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.exe" smtube.bak
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\mplayer.exe" mplayer.exe.bak32
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\libaacs.dll" libaacs.dll.bak32
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\libbdplus.dll" libbdplus.dll.bak32
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\mplayer64.exe" mplayer.exe
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\libaacs64.dll" libaacs.dll
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\libbdplus64.dll" libbdplus.dll
+if exist "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\fonts" (
+ ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\fonts" fonts.bak32
+if exist "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv" (
+ ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv" mpv.bak32
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv.exe" mpv.exe.bak32
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\d3dcompiler_43.dll" d3dcompiler_43.dll.bak32
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv64.exe" mpv.exe
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\d3dcompiler_43-64.dll" d3dcompiler_43.dll
+echo Creating screenshots dir...
+mkdir "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\screenshots"
+echo Creating smplayer.ini...
+echo [%%General]> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini"
+echo screenshot_directory=.\\screenshots>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini"
+echo.>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini"
+echo [smplayer]>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini"
+echo check_if_upgraded=false>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini"
+echo Creating smplayer_orig.ini...
+echo [%%General]> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini"
+echo screenshot_directory=.\\screenshots>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini"
+echo.>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini"
+echo [smplayer]>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini"
+echo check_if_upgraded=false>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini"
+REM echo Creating mplayer config...
+REM echo ^<cachedir^>../fontconfig^</cachedir^>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\fonts\local.conf"
+echo Copying portable .exe...
+copy /y "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smplayer-portable64.exe" "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.exe"
+REM copy /y "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smtube-portable64.exe" "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.exe"
+echo Finalizing package...
+7za a -t7z "%OUTPUT_DIR%\%PORTABLE_DIR_NAME%.7z" "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%" -xr!*.bak* -xr!qxtcore.dll -xr!mencoder.exe -xr!mencoder64.exe -xr!mplayer64.exe.debug -xr!mencoder64.exe.debug -xr!mplayer.exe.debug -xr!mencoder.exe.debug -xr!gdb.exe -xr!gdb64.exe -xr!vfw2menc.exe -xr!codecs -xr!buildinfo -xr!buildinfo64 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-32 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-debug-32 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-32 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-debug-32 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-64 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-debug-64 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-64 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-debug-64 -mx9 >nul
+echo Restoring source folder(s) back to its original state...
+rmdir "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\screenshots"
+del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini"
+del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini"
+del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.exe"
+REM del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.exe"
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\mplayer.exe" mplayer64.exe
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\libaacs.dll" libaacs64.dll
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\libbdplus.dll" libbdplus64.dll
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\mplayer.exe.bak32" mplayer.exe
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\libaacs.dll.bak32" libaacs.dll
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\libbdplus.dll.bak32" libbdplus.dll
+REM del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\fonts\local.conf"
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.bak" smplayer.exe
+REM ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.bak" smtube.exe
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv.exe" mpv64.exe
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\d3dcompiler_43.dll" d3dcompiler_43-64.dll
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv.exe.bak32" mpv.exe
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\d3dcompiler_43.dll.bak32" d3dcompiler_43.dll
+if exist "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\fonts.bak32" (
+ ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\fonts.bak32" fonts
+if exist "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv.bak32" (
+ ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv.bak32" mpv
+ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%" smplayer-build64
+goto end
+if exist %PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smplayer-portable.exe (
+ if exist %TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-build (
+ )
+if exist %PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smplayer-portable64.exe (
+ if exist %TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-build64 (
+ )
+goto end
+echo --- Creating SMPlayer w/o MPlayer Package [32-bit] ---
+ren %SMPLAYER_DIR% smplayer-%ALL_PKG_VER%
+echo Finalizing package...
+7za a -t7z %OUTPUT_DIR%\smplayer-%ALL_PKG_VER%_without_mplayer.7z %SMPLAYER_NOMP_DIR% -xr!mplayer -mx9 >nul
+ren %SMPLAYER_NOMP_DIR% smplayer-build
+echo Restoring source folder(s) back to its original state....
+goto end
+echo --- Creating SMPlayer w/o MPlayer Package [64-bit] ---
+ren %SMPLAYER_DIR64% smplayer-%ALL_PKG_VER%-x64
+echo Finalizing package...
+7za a -t7z %OUTPUT_DIR%\smplayer-%ALL_PKG_VER%-x64_without_mplayer.7z %SMPLAYER_NOMP_DIR% -xr!mplayer -mx9 >nul
+ren %SMPLAYER_NOMP_DIR% smplayer-build64
+echo Restoring source folder(s) back to its original state....
+goto end
+timeout /t 10
diff --git a/setup/smplayer-orange-installer.ico b/setup/smplayer-orange-installer.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00aa7ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/smplayer-orange-installer.ico
Binary files differ
diff --git a/setup/smplayer-orange-uninstaller.ico b/setup/smplayer-orange-uninstaller.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80bbdfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/smplayer-orange-uninstaller.ico
Binary files differ
diff --git a/setup/smplayer-orange-wizard-un.bmp b/setup/smplayer-orange-wizard-un.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..532137c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/smplayer-orange-wizard-un.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/setup/smplayer-orange-wizard.bmp b/setup/smplayer-orange-wizard.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c978a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/smplayer-orange-wizard.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/setup/smplayer.nsi b/setup/smplayer.nsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f906895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/smplayer.nsi
@@ -0,0 +1,1354 @@
+;Installer script for win32/win64 SMPlayer
+;Written by redxii (
+;Tested/Developed with Unicode NSIS 2.46.5/3.01
+; See for documentation
+!macro !defineifexist _VAR_NAME _FILE_NAME
+ !tempfile _TEMPFILE
+ ; Windows - cmd.exe
+ !system 'if exist "${_FILE_NAME}" echo !define ${_VAR_NAME} > "${_TEMPFILE}"'
+ !else
+ ; Posix - sh
+ !system 'if [ -e "${_FILE_NAME}" ]; then echo "!define ${_VAR_NAME}" > "${_TEMPFILE}"; fi'
+ !endif
+ !include '${_TEMPFILE}'
+ !delfile '${_TEMPFILE}'
+ !undef _TEMPFILE
+!define !defineifexist "!insertmacro !defineifexist"
+ !error "Version information not defined (or incomplete). You must define: VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR, VER_BUILD."
+;Use this to make 3.0+ mandatory
+;!if 0x2999999 >= "${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION}"
+;!error "NSIS 3.0 or higher required"
+!if ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+ Unicode true
+ SetCompressor /SOLID lzma
+ SetCompressorDictSize 32
+;Additional plugin folders
+ !addplugindir .
+ !addincludedir .
+!else ifndef VER_REVISION
+!ifdef WIN64
+ !define SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR "smplayer-build64"
+ !define SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR "smplayer-build"
+ !define SMPLAYER_REG_KEY "Software\SMPlayer"
+ !define SMPLAYER_APP_PATHS_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\smplayer.exe"
+ !define SMPLAYER_DEF_PROGS_KEY "Software\Clients\Media\SMPlayer"
+ !define SMPLAYER_UNINST_EXE "uninst.exe"
+ !define SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SMPlayer"
+ !define STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND "-1073741515"
+ ${!defineifexist} COMPILED_WITH_QT4 ${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\QtCore4.dll
+ ; Not the same as Qt, check file properties of the webkit dll if unsure
+ ; Qt Webkit version in 4.8.7
+ !define QT_WEBKIT_VERSION ""
+ !else
+ !define QT_WEBKIT_VERSION ""
+ !endif
+ ;Name and file
+ BrandingText "SMPlayer for Windows v${SMPLAYER_VERSION}"
+!ifdef WIN64
+ OutFile "output\smplayer-${SMPLAYER_VERSION}-x64-Qt4.exe"
+ !else
+ OutFile "output\smplayer-${SMPLAYER_VERSION}-x64.exe"
+ !endif
+ OutFile "output\smplayer-${SMPLAYER_VERSION}-win32-Qt4.exe"
+ !else
+ OutFile "output\smplayer-${SMPLAYER_VERSION}-win32.exe"
+ !endif
+ ;Version tab properties
+ VIAddVersionKey "ProductName" "SMPlayer"
+ VIAddVersionKey "ProductVersion" "${SMPLAYER_VERSION}"
+ VIAddVersionKey "FileVersion" "${SMPLAYER_VERSION}"
+ VIAddVersionKey "LegalCopyright" ""
+!ifdef WIN64
+ VIAddVersionKey "FileDescription" "SMPlayer Installer (64-bit)"
+ VIAddVersionKey "FileDescription" "SMPlayer Installer (32-bit)"
+ ;Default installation folder
+!ifdef WIN64
+ InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES64\SMPlayer"
+ InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\SMPlayer"
+ ;Get installation folder from registry if available
+ InstallDirRegKey HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" "Path"
+ ;Vista+ XML manifest, does not affect older OSes
+ RequestExecutionLevel admin
+ ShowInstDetails show
+ ShowUnInstDetails show
+ Var Dialog_Reinstall
+ Var Inst_Type
+ Var Previous_Version
+ Var Previous_Version_State
+ Var Reinstall_ChgSettings
+ Var Reinstall_ChgSettings_State
+ Var Reinstall_Message
+ Var Reinstall_OverwriteButton
+ Var Reinstall_OverwriteButton_State
+ Var Reinstall_RemoveSettings
+ Var Reinstall_RemoveSettings_State
+ Var Reinstall_Uninstall
+ Var Reinstall_UninstallButton
+ Var Reinstall_UninstallButton_State
+!ifndef WIN64
+ Var Restore_Codecs
+ Var Restore_YTDL
+ Var Restore_SMTube
+ Var SMPlayer_Path
+ Var SMPlayer_UnStrPath
+ Var SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder
+ Var Qt_Core_Source_Version
+ Var Qt_Core_Installed_Version
+ Var Qt_WebKit_Installed_Version
+ Var YTDL_Exit_Code
+ Var MMEngineFlags
+;Interface Settings
+ ;Installer/Uninstaller icons
+ !define MUI_ICON "smplayer-orange-installer.ico"
+ !define MUI_UNICON "smplayer-orange-uninstaller.ico"
+ ;Misc
+ !define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "smplayer-orange-wizard.bmp"
+ !define MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "smplayer-orange-wizard-un.bmp"
+ ;Welcome page
+ !define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TITLE $(WelcomePage_Title)
+ !define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT $(WelcomePage_Text)
+ ;License page
+ ;Components page
+ ;Finish page
+ !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN $INSTDIR\smplayer.exe
+ !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME $INSTDIR\Release_notes.txt
+ ;Language Selection Dialog Settings
+ ;Memento Settings
+ ;Start Menu Settings
+;Include Modern UI and functions
+ !include MUI2.nsh
+ !include FileFunc.nsh
+ !include Memento.nsh
+ !include nsDialogs.nsh
+ !include Sections.nsh
+ !include WinVer.nsh
+ !include WordFunc.nsh
+ !include x64.nsh
+ ;Install pages
+ #Welcome
+ !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
+ #License
+ !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "license.txt"
+ #Upgrade/Reinstall
+ Page custom PageReinstall PageReinstallLeave
+ #Components
+ !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE PageComponentsPre
+ !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS
+ #Install Directory
+ !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE PageDirectoryPre
+ !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
+ #Start Menu
+ !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU "SMP_SMenu" $SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder
+ !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
+ !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
+ ;Uninstall pages
+ !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE un.ConfirmPagePre
+ !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM
+ !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Albanian"
+ ;!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Amharic"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Arabic"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Basque"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Bulgarian"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Catalan"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Croatian"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Czech"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Danish"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Dutch"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Farsi"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Finnish"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "French"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Greek"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Hebrew"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Hungarian"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Italian"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Japanese"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Korean"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Malay"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Norwegian"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "NorwegianNynorsk"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Polish"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Portuguese"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "PortugueseBR"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Romanian"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Russian"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Serbian"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "SimpChinese"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Slovak"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Slovenian"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Spanish"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Thai"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "TradChinese"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Ukrainian"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Galician"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Indonesian"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Turkish"
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Vietnamese"
+;Custom translations for setup
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\english.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\albanian.nsh"
+ ;!insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\amharic.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\arabic.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\basque.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\bulgarian.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\catalan.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\croatian.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\czech.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\danish.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\dutch.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\farsi.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\finnish.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\french.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\german.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\greek.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\hebrew.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\hungarian.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\italian.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\japanese.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\korean.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\malay.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\norwegian_nb.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\norwegian_nn.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\polish.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\portuguese.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\portuguesebrazil.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\romanian.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\russian.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\serbian.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\simpchinese.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\slovak.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\slovenian.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\spanish.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\thai.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\tradchinese.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\ukrainian.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\galician.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\indonesian.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\turkish.nsh"
+ !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "translations\vietnamese.nsh"
+;Reserve Files
+ ;These files should be inserted before other files in the data block
+ ;Keep these lines before any File command
+ ;Only for solid compression (by default, solid compression is enabled for BZIP2 and LZMA)
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+ ReserveFile /nonfatal "${NSISDIR}\Plugins\UserInfo.dll"
+ ReserveFile /nonfatal "${NSISDIR}\Plugins\x86-unicode\UserInfo.dll"
+;Installer Sections
+;Main SMPlayer files
+Section $(Section_SMPlayer) SecSMPlayer
+ SectionIn RO
+ ${If} $Reinstall_Uninstall == 1
+ ${If} $Reinstall_UninstallButton_State == 1
+ Exec '"$SMPlayer_UnStrPath" /X'
+ Quit
+ ${ElseIf} $Reinstall_OverwriteButton_State == 1
+!ifndef WIN64
+ Call Backup_Codecs
+ Call Backup_YTDL
+ Call Backup_SMTube
+ ${If} "$INSTDIR" == "$SMPlayer_Path"
+ ExecWait '"$SMPlayer_UnStrPath" /S /R _?=$SMPlayer_Path'
+ ${Else}
+ ExecWait '"$SMPlayer_UnStrPath" /S /R'
+ ${EndIf}
+ Sleep 2500
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${EndIf}
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
+ ;SMPlayer docs
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\docs"
+ File /r "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\docs\*.*"
+ ;Qt imageformats
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\imageformats"
+ File /nonfatal /r "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\imageformats\*.*"
+ ;Open fonts
+ ; SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\open-fonts"
+ ; File /r "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\open-fonts\*.*"
+ ;Qt platforms (Qt 5+)
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\platforms"
+ File /nonfatal /r "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\platforms\*.*"
+ ;SMPlayer key shortcuts
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\shortcuts"
+ File /r "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\shortcuts\*.*"
+SectionGroup $(ShortcutGroupTitle)
+ ${MementoSection} $(Section_DesktopShortcut) SecDesktopShortcut
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
+ CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\SMPlayer.lnk" "$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe"
+ ${MementoSectionEnd}
+ ${MementoSection} $(Section_StartMenu) SecStartMenuShortcut
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
+ CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder"
+ CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\SMPlayer.lnk" "$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe"
+ ${If} $Restore_SMTube == 1
+ CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\SMTube.lnk" "$INSTDIR\smtube.exe"
+ ${EndIf}
+ WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\SMPlayer on the Web.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" ""
+ CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\Uninstall SMPlayer.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${SMPLAYER_UNINST_EXE}"
+ ${MementoSectionEnd}
+;MPlayer & MPV
+SectionGroup $(MPlayerMPVGroupTitle)
+ ${MementoSection} "MPlayer" SecMPlayer
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\mplayer"
+ File /r /x mplayer.exe /x mencoder.exe /x mplayer64.exe /x mencoder64.exe /x *.exe.debug /x gdb.exe /x gdb64.exe /x vfw2menc.exe /x buildinfo /x buildinfo64 /x buildinfo-mencoder-32 /x buildinfo-mencoder-debug-32 /x buildinfo-mplayer-32 /x buildinfo-mplayer-debug-32 /x buildinfo-mencoder-64 /x buildinfo-mencoder-debug-64 /x buildinfo-mplayer-64 /x buildinfo-mplayer-debug-64 /x libaacs.dll /x libaacs64.dll /x libbdplus.dll /x libbdplus64.dll "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mplayer\*.*"
+!ifdef WIN64
+ File /oname=mplayer.exe "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mplayer\mplayer64.exe"
+ File /nonfatal /oname=libaacs.dll "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mplayer\libaacs64.dll"
+ File /nonfatal /oname=libbdplus.dll "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mplayer\libbdplus64.dll"
+ RMDir "$INSTDIR\mplayer\codecs"
+ File "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mplayer\mplayer.exe"
+ File /nonfatal "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mplayer\libaacs.dll"
+ File /nonfatal "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mplayer\libbdplus.dll"
+ ${MementoSectionEnd}
+ ${MementoSection} "MPV" SecMPV
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\mpv"
+!ifdef WIN64
+ File /r /x mpv.exe /x /x mpv64.exe /x /x d3dcompiler_43.dll /x d3dcompiler_43-64.dll "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mpv\*.*"
+ File /oname=d3dcompiler_43.dll "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mpv\d3dcompiler_43-64.dll"
+ File /oname=mpv.exe "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mpv\mpv64.exe"
+ File / "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mpv\"
+ File /r /x mpv64.exe /x /x d3dcompiler_43-64.dll "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\mpv\*.*"
+ IfFileExists "$PLUGINSDIR\youtube-dl.exe" 0 YTDL
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\youtube-dl.exe" "$INSTDIR\mpv"
+ ;DetailPrint $(YTDL_Update_Check)
+ NsExec::ExecToLog '"$INSTDIR\mpv\youtube-dl.exe" -U'
+ Goto check_ytdl
+ INetC::get /CONNECTTIMEOUT 30000 /POPUP "" "" "$INSTDIR\mpv\youtube-dl.exe" /END
+ Pop $R0
+ StrCmp $R0 "OK" +3 0
+ DetailPrint $(YTDL_DL_Failed)
+ check_ytdl:
+ NsExec::Exec '"$INSTDIR\mpv\youtube-dl.exe" --version'
+ Pop $YTDL_Exit_Code
+ ${If} $YTDL_Exit_Code != "0"
+ DetailPrint $(YTDL_Error_Msg1)
+ ${If} $YTDL_Exit_Code == "${STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND}"
+ DetailPrint $(YTDL_Error_Msg2)
+ ${EndIf}
+ Sleep 5000
+ ${EndIf}
+ skip_ytdl:
+ ${MementoSectionEnd}
+;Icon themes
+${MementoSection} $(Section_IconThemes) SecThemes
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\themes"
+ File /r "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\themes\*.*"
+${MementoSection} $(Section_Translations) SecTranslations
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\translations"
+ File /r "${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\translations\*.*"
+Section -RestorePrograms
+ ${If} $Restore_SMTube == 1
+ DetailPrint $(Info_SMTube_Restore)
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\docs\smtube"
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\translations"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\smtube.exe" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\docs\smtube\*" "$INSTDIR\docs\smtube"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\translations\*" "$INSTDIR\translations"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\QtWebKit4.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\icuin*.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\icuuc*.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\icudt*.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\Qt5WebKit.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\Qt5Sql.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\Qt5Qml.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\Qt5Quick.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\Qt5Positioning.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\Qt5Multimedia.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\Qt5Sensors.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\Qt5WebChannel.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\Qt5WebKitWidgets.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\Qt5OpenGL.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\Qt5PrintSupport.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\Qt5MultimediaWidgets.dll" "$INSTDIR"
+ ${EndIf}
+!ifndef WIN64
+ ${If} $Restore_Codecs == 1
+ DetailPrint $(Info_Codecs_Restore)
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$PLUGINSDIR\codecbak\*" "$INSTDIR\mplayer\codecs"
+ ${EndIf}
+;Install/Uninstall information
+Section -Post
+ ;Uninstall file
+ WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\${SMPLAYER_UNINST_EXE}"
+ ;Store installed path & version
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" "Path" "$INSTDIR"
+ ;Allows user to use 'start smplayer.exe'
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_APP_PATHS_KEY}" "" "$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe"
+ ;Default Programs Registration (Vista & later)
+ ${If} ${AtLeastWinVista}
+ Call RegisterDefaultPrograms
+ ${EndIf}
+ ;Registry Uninstall information
+!ifdef WIN64
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name) (x64) (Qt4)"
+ !else
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name) (x64)"
+ !endif
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name) (Qt4)"
+ !else
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name)"
+ !endif
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayIcon" "$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe"
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayVersion" "${SMPLAYER_VERSION}"
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "HelpLink" ""
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "Publisher" "Ricardo Villalba"
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "URLInfoAbout" ""
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "URLUpdateInfo" ""
+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "NoModify" "1"
+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "NoRepair" "1"
+ DetailPrint $(Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig)
+ SetDetailsPrint none
+ Delete "$LOCALAPPDATA\fontconfig\cache\CACHEDIR.TAG"
+ Delete "$LOCALAPPDATA\fontconfig\cache\*.cache*"
+ RMDir "$LOCALAPPDATA\fontconfig\cache"
+ RMDir "$LOCALAPPDATA\fontconfig"
+ SetDetailsPrint both
+ ${If} $Reinstall_RemoveSettings_State == 1
+ DetailPrint $(Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer)
+ SetDetailsPrint none
+ NsExec::Exec '"$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe" -delete-config'
+ SetDetailsPrint both
+ ${EndIf}
+ Sleep 2500
+ SetAutoClose false
+;Section descriptions
+ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecSMPlayer} $(Section_SMPlayer_Desc)
+ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecDesktopShortcut} $(Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc)
+ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecStartMenuShortcut} $(Section_StartMenu_Desc)
+ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecMPlayer} $(Section_MPlayer_Desc)
+ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecMPV} $(Section_MPV_Desc)
+ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecThemes} $(Section_IconThemes_Desc)
+ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecTranslations} $(Section_Translations_Desc)
+!macro MacroAllExtensions _action
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".3gp"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".aac"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".ac3"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".ape"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".asf"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".avi"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".bik"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".bin"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".dat"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".divx"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".dts"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".dv"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".dvr-ms"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".f4v"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".flac"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".flv"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".hdmov"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".iso"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".m1v"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".m2t"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".m2ts"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".mts"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".m2v"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".m3u"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".m3u8"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".m4a"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".m4v"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".mka"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".mkv"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".mov"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".mp3"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".mp4"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".mpeg"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".mpg"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".mpv"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".mqv"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".nsv"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".oga"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".ogg"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".ogm"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".ogv"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".ogx"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".pls"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".ra"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".ram"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".rec"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".rm"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".rmvb"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".smk"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".swf"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".thd"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".ts"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".vcd"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".vfw"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".vob"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".vp8"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".wav"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".webm"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".wma"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".wmv"
+ !insertmacro ${_action} ".wtv"
+!macro WriteRegStrSupportedTypes EXT
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_DEF_PROGS_KEY}\Capabilities\FileAssociations" ${EXT} "MPlayerFileVideo"
+!macro MacroRemoveSMPlayer
+ ;Delete desktop and start menu shortcuts
+ SetDetailsPrint textonly
+ DetailPrint $(Info_Del_Shortcuts)
+ SetDetailsPrint listonly
+ SetShellVarContext all
+ Delete "$DESKTOP\SMPlayer.lnk"
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\SMPlayer.lnk"
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\SMTube.lnk"
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\SMPlayer on the Web.url"
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder\Uninstall SMPlayer.lnk"
+ RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\$SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder"
+ ;Delete directories recursively except for main directory
+ ;Do not recursively delete $INSTDIR
+ SetDetailsPrint textonly
+ DetailPrint $(Info_Del_Files)
+ SetDetailsPrint listonly
+ RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\docs"
+ RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\imageformats"
+ RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\mplayer"
+ RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\mpv"
+ ; RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\open-fonts"
+ RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\platforms"
+ RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\shortcuts"
+ RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\themes"
+ RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\translations"
+ ;Txt
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Copying.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Copying_BSD.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Copying_libmaia.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Copying_openssl.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\dvdmenus.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Finding_subtitles.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Install.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Notes_about_mpv.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Not_so_obvious_things.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Portable_Edition.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Readme.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Release_notes.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Watching_TV.txt"
+ ;Binaries
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\smtube.exe"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\dxlist.exe"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\simple_web_server.exe"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\icudt*.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\icuin*.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\icuuc*.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\libgcc_s_*.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\libstdc++-6.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\libwinpthread-1.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\mingwm10.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\zlib1.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Qt*.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\libeay32.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\ssleay32.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\sample.avi"
+ ;Delete registry keys
+ SetDetailsPrint textonly
+ DetailPrint $(Info_Del_Registry)
+ SetDetailsPrint listonly
+ DeleteRegKey HKCR "MPlayerFileVideo"
+ DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\RegisteredApplications" "SMPlayer"
+ SetDetailsPrint both
+;Shared functions
+!macro RunCheckMacro UN
+Function ${UN}RunCheck
+ retry_runcheck:
+ FindWindow $0 "QWidget" "SMPlayer"
+ StrCmp $0 0 notRunning
+ Abort
+ notrunning:
+!insertmacro RunCheckMacro ""
+!insertmacro RunCheckMacro "un."
+;Installer functions
+Function .onInit
+ MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "This build is compiled with Qt4 and is provided for compatibility with legacy CPUs (those without SSE2 or later instruction set support). If you do not meet these requirements, it is recommended to use the normal Qt5 releases.$\r$\n$\r$\nProceed with the installation?" /SD IDYES IDYES installoldcpu
+ Abort
+ installoldcpu:
+ ${Unless} ${AtLeastWinVista}
+ ${AndUnless} ${AtLeastServicePack} 2
+ MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONSTOP $(OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired) /SD IDNO IDYES installonoldwindows
+ Abort
+ installonoldwindows:
+ ${EndIf}
+!ifdef WIN64
+ ${IfNot} ${RunningX64}
+ MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP $(Win64_Required)
+ Abort
+ ${EndIf}
+ SetRegView 32
+ ClearErrors
+ ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString"
+ IfErrors +3 0
+ MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP $(Existing_32bitInst)
+ Abort
+ SetRegView 64
+ ${If} ${RunningX64}
+ SetRegView 64
+ ClearErrors
+ ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString"
+ IfErrors +3 0
+ MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP $(Existing_64bitInst)
+ Abort
+ SetRegView 32
+ ${EndIf}
+ ;Check if setup is already running
+ System::Call 'kernel32::CreateMutexW(i 0, i 0, t "SMPlayerSetup") i .r1 ?e'
+ Pop $R0
+ StrCmp $R0 0 +3
+ MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION $(Installer_Is_Running)
+ Abort
+ ;Check if SMPlayer is running
+ ;Allow skipping check using /NORUNCHECK
+ ${GetParameters} $R0
+ ${GetOptions} $R0 "/NORUNCHECK" $R1
+ IfErrors 0 +2
+ Call RunCheck
+ ;Check for admin on < Vista
+ UserInfo::GetAccountType
+ Pop $R0
+ ${If} $R0 != "admin"
+ MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP $(Installer_No_Admin)
+ Abort
+ ${EndIf}
+ ;Setup language selection
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY
+ Call LoadPreviousSettings
+ Call CheckPreviousVersion
+ SetShellVarContext all
+Function .onInstSuccess
+ ${MementoSectionSave}
+ ExecShell "open" "${SMPLAYER_VERSION}"
+Function .onInstFailed
+ SetDetailsPrint textonly
+ DetailPrint $(Info_RollBack)
+ SetDetailsPrint listonly
+ !insertmacro MacroRemoveSMPlayer
+Function .onSelChange
+ ${Unless} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SecMPlayer}
+ ${AndUnless} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SecMPV}
+ !insertmacro SelectSection ${SecMPlayer}
+ ${EndUnless}
+Function CheckPreviousVersion
+ ClearErrors
+ ReadRegStr $Previous_Version HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" "Version"
+ ReadRegStr $SMPlayer_UnStrPath HKLM "${SMPLAYER_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString"
+ ReadRegStr $SMPlayer_Path HKLM "${SMPLAYER_REG_KEY}" "Path"
+ ${IfNot} ${Errors}
+ StrCpy $Reinstall_Uninstall 1
+ !ifdef WIN64
+ ;Workaround for InstallDirRegKey on 64-bit
+ StrCpy $INSTDIR $SMPlayer_Path
+ !endif
+ ;Since we can't get input from a silent install to initialize the variables, prefer upgrading
+ ${If} ${Silent}
+ StrCpy $Reinstall_UninstallButton_State 0
+ StrCpy $Reinstall_OverwriteButton_State 1
+ ${EndIf}
+ Call RetrieveQtVersions
+ ${EndIf}
+ /* $Previous_Version_State Assignments:
+ $Previous_Version_State=0 This installer is the same version as the installed copy
+ $Previous_Version_State=1 A newer version than this installer is already installed
+ $Previous_Version_State=2 An older version than this installer is already installed */
+ ${VersionCompare} $Previous_Version ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} $Previous_Version_State
+ ${If} $Previous_Version_State == 0
+ StrCpy $Inst_Type $(Type_Reinstall)
+ ${ElseIf} $Previous_Version_State == 1
+ StrCpy $Inst_Type $(Type_Downgrade)
+ ${ElseIf} $Previous_Version_State == 2
+ StrCpy $Inst_Type $(Type_Upgrade)
+ ${EndIf}
+!ifndef WIN64
+Function Backup_Codecs
+ ${IfNot} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SecMPlayer}
+ Return
+ ${EndIf}
+ IfFileExists "$SMPlayer_Path\mplayer\codecs\*.dll" 0 NoBackup
+ DetailPrint $(Info_Codecs_Backup)
+ CreateDirectory "$PLUGINSDIR\codecbak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\mplayer\codecs\*" "$PLUGINSDIR\codecbak"
+ StrCpy $Restore_Codecs 1
+ Return
+ NoBackup:
+ StrCpy $Restore_Codecs 0
+Function Backup_YTDL
+ ${IfNot} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SecMPV}
+ Return
+ ${EndIf}
+ IfFileExists "$SMPlayer_Path\mpv\youtube-dl.exe" 0 NoBackup
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\mpv\youtube-dl.exe" "$PLUGINSDIR\youtube-dl.exe"
+ StrCpy $Restore_YTDL 1
+ Return
+ NoBackup:
+ StrCpy $Restore_YTDL 0
+Function Backup_SMTube
+ IfFileExists "$SMPlayer_Path\smtube.exe" 0 NoBackup
+ StrCmp "${QT_WEBKIT_VERSION}" "$Qt_WebKit_Installed_Version" 0 QtVerMismatch
+ DetailPrint $(Info_SMTube_Backup)
+ CreateDirectory "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\translations"
+ CreateDirectory "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\docs\smtube"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\smtube.exe" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\docs\smtube\*" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\docs\smtube"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\translations\smtube*.qm" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak\translations"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\QtWebKit4.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\icuin*.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\icuuc*.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\icudt*.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\Qt5WebKit.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\Qt5Sql.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\Qt5Qml.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\Qt5Quick.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\Qt5Positioning.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\Qt5Multimedia.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\Qt5Sensors.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\Qt5WebChannel.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\Qt5WebKitWidgets.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\Qt5OpenGL.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\Qt5PrintSupport.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$SMPlayer_Path\Qt5MultimediaWidgets.dll" "$PLUGINSDIR\smtubebak"
+ StrCpy $Restore_SMTube 1
+ Return
+ QtVerMismatch:
+ DetailPrint $(SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1)
+ ;DetailPrint $(SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2)
+ Sleep 15000
+ NoBackup:
+ StrCpy $Restore_SMTube 0
+Function LoadPreviousSettings
+ ;Gets previous start menu folder name
+ !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER "SMP_SMenu" $SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder
+ ${MementoSectionRestore}
+ ${If} ${AtMostWinXP}
+ IntOp $MMEngineFlags ${SF_SELECTED} | ${SF_RO}
+ !insertmacro UnSelectSection ${SecMPV}
+ SectionSetFlags ${SecMPlayer} $MMEngineFlags
+ SectionSetFlags ${SecMPV} ${SF_RO}
+ ${EndIf}
+Function PageReinstall
+ ${If} $Reinstall_Uninstall != 1
+ Abort
+ ${EndIf}
+ nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
+ Pop $Dialog_Reinstall
+ nsDialogs::SetRTL $(^RTL)
+ !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT $(Reinstall_Header_Text) $(Reinstall_Header_SubText)
+ ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 225u 8u $(Reinstall_Msg1)
+ ${NSD_CreateText} 10u 15u 290u 14u "$SMPlayer_Path"
+ Pop $R0
+ ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 40u 100u 8u $(Reinstall_Msg2)
+ ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 10u 58u 200u 8u $(Reinstall_Overwrite)
+ Pop $Reinstall_OverwriteButton
+ ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 10u 73u 200u 8u $(Reinstall_Uninstall)
+ Pop $Reinstall_UninstallButton
+ ${NSD_CreateCheckBox} 0 90u 100% 8u $(Reinstall_Msg4)
+ Pop $Reinstall_ChgSettings
+ ${NSD_CreateCheckBox} 0 102u 100% 8u $(Reinstall_Msg5)
+ Pop $Reinstall_RemoveSettings
+ ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 121u 100% 16u
+ Pop $Reinstall_Message
+ SendMessage $Reinstall_OverwriteButton ${BM_SETCHECK} 1 0
+ EnableWindow $R0 0
+ ${If} $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State == 1
+ SendMessage $Reinstall_ChgSettings ${BM_SETCHECK} 1 0
+ ${Endif}
+ ${If} $Reinstall_RemoveSettings_State == 1
+ SendMessage $Reinstall_RemoveSettings ${BM_SETCHECK} 1 0
+ ${Endif}
+ ${NSD_OnClick} $Reinstall_OverwriteButton PageReinstallUpdate
+ ${NSD_OnClick} $Reinstall_UninstallButton PageReinstallUpdate
+ ${NSD_OnClick} $Reinstall_ChgSettings PageReinstallUpdate
+ ${NSD_OnClick} $Reinstall_RemoveSettings RemoveSettingsUpdate
+ Call PageReinstallUpdate
+ nsDialogs::Show
+Function PageReinstallLeave
+ ${NSD_GetState} $Reinstall_OverwriteButton $Reinstall_OverwriteButton_State
+ ${NSD_GetState} $Reinstall_UninstallButton $Reinstall_UninstallButton_State
+ ${NSD_GetState} $Reinstall_ChgSettings $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State
+ ${NSD_GetState} $Reinstall_RemoveSettings $Reinstall_RemoveSettings_State
+Function RemoveSettingsUpdate
+ ${NSD_GetState} $Reinstall_RemoveSettings $Reinstall_RemoveSettings_State
+ ${If} $Reinstall_RemoveSettings_State == 1
+ MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_DEFBUTTON2 $(Remove_Settings_Confirmation) /SD IDNO IDYES reset_done
+ ${NSD_SetState} $Reinstall_RemoveSettings 0
+ reset_done:
+ ${EndIf}
+Function PageReinstallUpdate
+ ${NSD_GetState} $Reinstall_OverwriteButton $Reinstall_OverwriteButton_State
+ ${NSD_GetState} $Reinstall_UninstallButton $Reinstall_UninstallButton_State
+ ${NSD_GetState} $Reinstall_ChgSettings $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State
+ ${If} $Reinstall_OverwriteButton_State == 1
+ EnableWindow $Reinstall_ChgSettings 1
+ EnableWindow $Reinstall_RemoveSettings 1
+ GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1
+ ${If} $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State != 1
+ SendMessage $R0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$(StartBtn)"
+ ${NSD_SetText} $Reinstall_Message $(Reinstall_Msg3_1)
+ ${ElseIf} $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State == 1
+ SendMessage $R0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$(^NextBtn)"
+ ${NSD_SetText} $Reinstall_Message $(Reinstall_Msg3_2)
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${ElseIf} $Reinstall_UninstallButton_State == 1
+ EnableWindow $Reinstall_ChgSettings 0
+ ${NSD_SetState} $Reinstall_ChgSettings 0
+ EnableWindow $Reinstall_RemoveSettings 0
+ ${NSD_SetState} $Reinstall_RemoveSettings 0
+ GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1
+ SendMessage $R0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$(^UninstallBtn)"
+ ${NSD_SetText} $Reinstall_Message $(Reinstall_Msg3_3)
+ ${EndIf}
+Function PageComponentsPre
+ ${If} $Reinstall_Uninstall == 1
+ ${AndIf} $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State != 1
+ Abort
+ ${EndIf}
+Function PageDirectoryPre
+ ${If} $Reinstall_Uninstall == 1
+ ${AndIf} $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State != 1
+ Abort
+ ${EndIf}
+Function PageStartMenuPre
+ ${If} $Reinstall_Uninstall == 1
+ ${AndIf} $Reinstall_ChgSettings_State != 1
+ Abort
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${IfNot} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SecStartMenuShortcut}
+ Abort
+ ${EndIf}
+Function RetrieveQtVersions
+ ; Get version of Qt5Core.dll from the build sources (smplayer-build/smplayer-build64)
+ ClearErrors
+ GetDLLVersionLocal ${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\QtCore4.dll $R0 $R1
+ GetDLLVersionLocal ${SMPLAYER_BUILD_DIR}\Qt5Core.dll $R0 $R1
+ IntOp $R2 $R0 / 0x00010000
+ IntOp $R3 $R0 & 0x0000FFFF
+ IntOp $R4 $R1 / 0x00010000
+ IntOp $R5 $R1 & 0x0000FFFF
+ StrCpy $Qt_Core_Source_Version "$R2.$R3.$R4.$R5"
+ ;MessageBox MB_OK "Qt Core source version: $Qt_Core_Source_Version"
+ ; Get version of Qt Core.dll that is already installed
+ ClearErrors
+ GetDLLVersion "$INSTDIR\Qt5Core.dll" $R0 $R1
+ IfErrors 0 +2
+ GetDLLVersion "$INSTDIR\QtCore4.dll" $R0 $R1
+ IntOp $R2 $R0 / 0x00010000
+ IntOp $R3 $R0 & 0x0000FFFF
+ IntOp $R4 $R1 / 0x00010000
+ IntOp $R5 $R1 & 0x0000FFFF
+ StrCpy $Qt_Core_Installed_Version "$R2.$R3.$R4.$R5"
+ ;MessageBox MB_OK "Qt Core installed version: $Qt_Core_Installed_Version"
+ ; Get version of Qt WebKit.dll that is already installed
+ ClearErrors
+ GetDLLVersion "$INSTDIR\Qt5WebKit.dll" $R0 $R1
+ IfErrors 0 +2
+ GetDLLVersion "$INSTDIR\QtWebKit4.dll" $R0 $R1
+ IntOp $R2 $R0 / 0x00010000
+ IntOp $R3 $R0 & 0x0000FFFF
+ IntOp $R4 $R1 / 0x00010000
+ IntOp $R5 $R1 & 0x0000FFFF
+ StrCpy $Qt_WebKit_Installed_Version "$R2.$R3.$R4.$R5"
+ ;MessageBox MB_OK "Qt WebKit installed version: $Qt_WebKit_Installed_Version"
+Function RegisterDefaultPrograms
+ WriteRegStr HKCR "MPlayerFileVideo\DefaultIcon" "" '"$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe",1'
+ WriteRegStr HKCR "MPlayerFileVideo\shell\enqueue" "" "Enqueue in SMPlayer"
+ WriteRegStr HKCR "MPlayerFileVideo\shell\enqueue\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe" -add-to-playlist "%1"'
+ WriteRegStr HKCR "MPlayerFileVideo\shell\open" "FriendlyAppName" "SMPlayer Media Player"
+ WriteRegStr HKCR "MPlayerFileVideo\shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe" "%1"'
+ ;Modify the list of extensions added in the MacroAllExtensions macro
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_DEF_PROGS_KEY}" "" "SMPlayer"
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_DEF_PROGS_KEY}\Capabilities" "ApplicationDescription" $(Application_Description)
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "${SMPLAYER_DEF_PROGS_KEY}\Capabilities" "ApplicationName" "SMPlayer"
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\RegisteredApplications" "SMPlayer" "${SMPLAYER_DEF_PROGS_KEY}\Capabilities"
+ !insertmacro MacroAllExtensions WriteRegStrSupportedTypes
+/*************************************** Uninstaller *******************************************/
+Section Uninstall
+ ;Make sure SMPlayer is installed from where the uninstaller is being executed.
+ IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe" +2
+ Abort $(Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory)
+ SetDetailsPrint textonly
+ DetailPrint $(Info_Rest_Assoc)
+ SetDetailsPrint listonly
+ ;Don't restore file associations if reinstalling
+ ${un.GetParameters} $R0
+ ${un.GetOptionsS} $R0 "/R" $R1
+ IfErrors 0 +2
+ ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\smplayer.exe" -uninstall'
+ !insertmacro MacroRemoveSMPlayer
+;Required functions
+!insertmacro un.GetParameters
+!insertmacro un.GetOptions
+;Uninstaller functions
+Function un.onInit
+!ifdef WIN64
+ ${IfNot} ${RunningX64}
+ MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP $(Uninstaller_64bitOnly)
+ Abort
+ ${EndIf}
+ SetRegView 64
+ ;Check for admin on < Vista
+ UserInfo::GetAccountType
+ Pop $R0
+ ${If} $R0 != "admin"
+ MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP $(Uninstaller_No_Admin)
+ Abort
+ ${EndIf}
+ ;Check if SMPlayer is running
+ ;Allow skipping check using /NORUNCHECK
+ ${un.GetParameters} $R0
+ ${un.GetOptions} $R0 "/NORUNCHECK" $R1
+ IfErrors 0 +2
+ Call un.RunCheck
+ ;Gets start menu folder name
+ !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER "SMP_SMenu" $SMPlayer_StartMenuFolder
+ ;Get the stored language preference
+ !insertmacro MUI_UNGETLANGUAGE
+Function un.ConfirmPagePre
+ ${un.GetParameters} $R0
+ ${un.GetOptionsS} $R0 "/X" $R1
+ ${Unless} ${Errors}
+ Abort
+ ${EndUnless}
diff --git a/setup/translations/albanian.nsh b/setup/translations/albanian.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b937ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/albanian.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Albanian (1052)
+;Albanian language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Albanian" "Gjuha shqipe"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Albanian" = "Shqip" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Instaluesi eshte ne egzekutim."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Ju duhet te jeni loguar si administator per te instaluar kete program."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Një instancë e SMPlayer është në egzekutim. Ju lutem mbyllni SMPlayer dhe riprovoni."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Ky sistem operativë nuk suportohet.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} kërkon të paktën Windows XP dhe mund të mos punoj në mënyrë korrekte në sistemin tuaj.$\nDëshironi akoma të vazhdoni me installimin?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Një sistem operativë Windows 64-bit nevojitet për të instaluar këtë software."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Egziston një installim 32-bit i SMPlayer. Duhet të disinstaloni më parë SMPlayer 32-bit."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Egziston një installim 64-bit i SMPlayer. Duhet të disinstaloni më parë SMPlayer 64-bit."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Programi i instalimit do ju ndihmoj hap pas hapi ne instalimin e $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nRekomandohet qe te mbyllni te gjitha dritaret e hapura te SMPlayer perpara se te filloni instalimin. Kjo do te bej te mundur instalimin e update-ve pa pasur nevoj te riavioni/ristartoni kompjuterin tuaj.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Shortcuts"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Komponentet e MPlayer."
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimedia Engine"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (nevojitet)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, libraritë dinamike, dhe dokumentacioni."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Desktop"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Krijon një shortcut të SMPlayer në desktop."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Menuja Start"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Krijo një menu të re për SMPlayer tek Menuja Start."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (nevojitet)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; nevojitet per leximin/shikimin e videos dhe audios."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Codec-et binare."
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Codec-ët binary nuk suportohen në këtë version."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Codec-ët shtesë për MPlayer. (Nevojitet Lidhje në Internet për instalimin)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Nje program qe perdor MPlayer mund te perdoret per te enkoduar ose transformuar file audio ose video te suportuar."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Tema e Ikonave."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Tema te tjera te ikonave per SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Gjuhët"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "File për gjuhët jo Ingleze të SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Fshij file e preferencave te instalimit te meparshem te SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Paketa software e codec-ve binare shton suportin per codec-et qe nuk jane implementuar akoma ne menyre native, si versione e reja te RealVideo dhe shume formateve video jo te famshem.$\nShenim: keto codec-ek nuk jane te domosdoshem per te pare/shikuar file video me formate te famshem si DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etj."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Zgjidh tipin e instalimit"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Zgjidh mënyrën e Mbishkruarjes ose Disinstallimit."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Ju keni një instalim të SMPlayer në këtë direktori:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Ju lutem zgjidhni si të veproni:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Mbishkruani ($Inst_Type) instalimi egzistues"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Disinstalo (fshij) instalimin eksistues"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Kliko Start kur te jeni gati për të vazhduar."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Kliko Next kur te jeni gati për të vazhduar."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Kliko Uninstall kur te jeni gati për të vazhduar."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Ndrysho karakteristikat e Instalimit"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Reseto configurimin tim te SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be reversed."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "riinstallo"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "downgrade"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "upgrade"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Fillo"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Duke shkarkuar MPlayer Codecs..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs nuk u installuan me sukses. Riprovo?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Nuk u arrit shkarkimi i codec-vë te MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Dështim gjatë instalimit të MPlayer codecs."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Ky instalim mund të disinstalohet nga një përdorues me të drejta administratori."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Disinstalimi u ndërpre nga përdoruesi."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "SMPlayer nuk është instaluar në këtë direktori '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nDëshironi të vazhdoni gjithsesi (nuk rekomandohet)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Nuk u gjend instalimi i SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Ky instalim mund të disinstalohet vetëm në 64-bit Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer mbështet tek MPlayer, nga veprimtaritë bazë si shikimi i video-ve, DVD-ve, VCD-ve deri te veprimtaritë më të avancuara të MPlayer, si filtratë, listat edl, etj."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Krijimi i një kopje rezervë për codec-ët nga instalimi i mëparshëm."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Duke gjetur codec-ët nga instalimi i vjetër..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Duke fshire File..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Duke fshire Registry Keys..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Duke fshire Shortcuts..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Duke gjetur file associations..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Kthimi mbrapa i ndryshimeve..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Ekstratimi i file..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Backing up SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Backing up mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Downloading mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Failed to install mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/amharic.nsh b/setup/translations/amharic.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7116b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/amharic.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+;Language: Amharic (1118)
+;Amharic language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Amharic" "አማርኛ"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "መግጠሚያው እየሄደ ነው"
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "እርስዎ ይህን ፕሮግራም ሲገጥሙ እንደ አስተዳዳሪ መግባት አለብዎት "
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "የ SMP ማጫወቻ እየሄደ ነው: እባክዎን ከ SMP ማጫወቻ ይውጡ እና እንደገና ይሞክሩ"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "ያልተደገፈ አይነት የ መስሪያ ስርአት $\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} ያስፈልጋል ቢያንስ Windows XP እና በ እርስዎ መስሪያ ስርአት ላይ በትክክል ላይሰራ ይችላል.$\nበ እርግጥ መግጠሙን መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "ያልተደገፈ አይነት የ መስሪያ ስርአት $\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} ያስፈልጋል ቢያንስ Windows Vista እና በ እርስዎ መስሪያ ስርአት ላይ በትክክል ላይሰራ ይችላል.$\nበ እርግጥ መግጠሙን መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "የ 64-ቢት መስኮት መስሪያ ስርአት ያስፈልጋል ይህን ፕሮግራም ለ መግጠም"
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "ቀደም ያለ የ 32-ቢት የ SMP ማጫወቻ ነበር: መጀመሪያ የ 32-ቢት የ SMP ማጫወቻ ማጥፋት አለብዎት"
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "ቀደም ያለ የ 64-ቢት የ SMP ማጫወቻ ነበር: መጀመሪያ የ 64-ቢት የ SMP ማጫወቻ ማጥፋት አለብዎት"
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) ማሰናጃ"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nIt is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files without having to reboot your computer.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "አቋራጮች"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "የ SMP ማጫወቻ አካላቶች"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "በርካታ መገናኛ ሞተር"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMP ማጫወቻ (ያስፈልጋል)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "የ SMP ማጫወቻ የሚካፈላቸው መጻህፍት ቤት"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "ደስክቶፕ"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "በ ዴስክቶፕ ላይ አቋራጭ መፍጠሪያ ለ SMP ማጫወቻ"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "ዝርዝር ማስጀመሪያ"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "SMP ማጫወቻ (ያስፈልጋል)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "SMP ማጫወቻ; ያስፈልጋል በ ድጋሚ ለማጫወት"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "መግጠሚያው እየሄደ ነው"
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "እርስዎ ይህን ፕሮግራም ሲገጥሙ እንደ አስተዳዳሪ መግባት አለብዎት "
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "የ SMP ማጫወቻ እየሄደ ነው: እባክዎን ከ SMP ማጫወቻ ይውጡ እና እንደገና ይሞክሩ"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "ያልተደገፈ አይነት የ መስሪያ ስርአት $\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} ያስፈልጋል ቢያንስ Windows XP እና በ እርስዎ መስሪያ ስርአት ላይ በትክክል ላይሰራ ይችላል.$\nበ እርግጥ መግጠሙን መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "ያልተደገፈ አይነት የ መስሪያ ስርአት $\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} ያስፈልጋል ቢያንስ Windows XP እና በ እርስዎ መስሪያ ስርአት ላይ በትክክል ላይሰራ ይችላል.$\n በ እርግጥ መግጠሙን መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "የ 64-ቢት መስኮት መስሪያ ስርአት ያስፈልጋል ይህን ፕሮግራም ለ መግጠም"
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "ቀደም ያለ የ 32-ቢት የ SMP ማጫወቻ ነበር: መጀመሪያ የ 32-ቢት የ SMP ማጫወቻ ማጥፋት አለብዎት"
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "ቀደም ያለ የ 64-ቢት የ SMP ማጫወቻ ነበር: መጀመሪያ የ 64-ቢት የ SMP ማጫወቻ ማጥፋት አለብዎት"
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) ማሰናጃ"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "ማሰናጃው ይመራዎታል እንዴት እንደሚገጥሙ $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\n ሌሎች ፕሮግራሞችን ይዝጉ SMPlayer ከ መገጠሙ በፊት: ይህ ማሻሻያ አግባብ ያለው ፕሮግራም ኮምፒዩተሩ እንደገና ሳይጀምር ማሻሻል ያስችለዋል $\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "አቋራጮች"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "የ SMP ማጫወቻ አካላቶች"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "በርካታ መገናኛ ሞተር"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMP ማጫወቻ (ያስፈልጋል)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "የ SMP ማጫወቻ የሚካፈላቸው መጻህፍት ቤት"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "ደስክቶፕ"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "በ ዴስክቶፕ ላይ አቋራጭ መፍጠሪያ ለ SMP ማጫወቻ"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "ዝርዝር ማስጀመሪያ"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "ለ SMPlayer የ ማስጀመሪያ ዝርዝር ማስገቢያ መፍጠሪያ"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "SMP ማጫወቻ (ያስፈልጋል)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "SMP ማጫወቻ; ያስፈልጋል በ ድጋሚ ለማጫወት"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binary codecs በዚህ እትም ውስጥ አልተደገፈም"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "በ ምርጫ codecs ለ MPlayer. (ለ መግጠም የ ኢንተርኔት ግንኙነት ያስፈልጋል)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "በርካታ ገጽታ ያለው የ MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "አጋር ፕሮግራም ለ MPlayer መጠቀም ይችላሉ ለ encode ወይንም መቀየር የ ተደገፉ ድምፅ ወይንም ቪዲዮዎች ለማስተላለፍ"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "የ ምልክት ገጽታዎች"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "ለ SMP ማጫወቻ ተጨማሪ ገጽታዎች"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "ቋንቋ"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "እንግሊዝኛ-ላልሆኑ ቋንቋዎች ፋይሎች ለ SMP ማጫወቻ"
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "የ SMP ማጫወቻ ምርጫዎች ካለፈው መግጠሚያ የ ተረፉትን ማጥፊያ"
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon formats.$\nNote that they are not necessary to play most common formats like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "የ መግጠሚያ አይነት ይምረጡ"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "ይምረጡ በላዩ ላይ ደርቦ መጻፊያ ወይንም ማጥፊያ ዘዴ"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "እርስዎ በቅድሚያ የተገጠመ የ SMPlayer በሚቀጥለው ፎልደር ውስጥ አለዎት"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "እባክዎን እንዴት መቀጠል እንደሚፈልጉ ይምረጡ"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite " በላዩ ላይ ደርቦ መጻፊያ ($Inst_Type) በ ነበረው መግጠሚያ ላይ"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "ማጥፊያ (ማስወገጃ) የ ነበረውን መግጠሚያ"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "ይጫኑ ማስጀመሪያውን ለ መቀጠል ዝግጁ ሲሆኑ "
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "ይጫኑ ማስጀመሪያውን ለ መቀጠል ዝግጁ ሲሆኑ "
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "ይጫኑ ማጥፊያውን ለ መቀጠል ዝግጁ ሲሆኑ "
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "የ መግጠሚያ ማሰናጃ መቀየሪያ"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "እንደ ነበር መመለሻ የ እኔን SMPlayer ማዋቀሪያ"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "በ እርግጥ እንደ ነበር መመለስ ይፈልጋሉ የ እርስዎን SMPlayer ማሰናጃ? ይህን ተግባር መተው አይቻልም"
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "እንደገና መግጠሚያ"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "ዝቅ ማድረጊያ"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "ማሻሻያ"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "ማስጀመሪያ"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "የ MPlayer Codecs በ ማውረድ ላይ..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "የ MPlayer codecs ተሳክቶ አልተገጠመም: እንደገና ለ መግጠም ልሞክር?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "ማውረድ አልተቻለም የ MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "የ MPlayer codecs. መግጠም አልተቻለም"
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "ይህን መግጠሚያ ማስወገድ የሚቻለው የ አስተዳዳሪ ቅድሚያ ያለው ተጠቃሚ ብቻ ነው"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "ማጥፋቱ በ ተጠቃሚ ተቋርጧል"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "አይታይም የ SMPlayer መግጠሚያ በ ዳይሬክቶሪ ውስጥ '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\n ልቀጥል ለማንኛውም (ይህን አንመክርም)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "የ SMPlayer መግጠሚያ አልተገኘም"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "ይህን መግጠሚያ ማስወገድ የሚቻለው በ 64-ቢት መስኮቶች ውስጥ ብቻ ነው"
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer ሙሉ ማጫወቻ ነው ለ MPlayer, ከ መደበኛ ገጽታዎች እንደ ቪዲዮ: ዲቪዲ: ቪሲዲ: በ በርካታ ገጽታዎች እንደ የ MPlayer ማጣሪያ ዝርዝር: እና ሌሎችም"
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "በ ቅድሚያ የ ተገጠመውን codecs ተተኪ በ መፍጠር ላይ"
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "በ ቅድሚያ የ ተገጠመውን codecs ተተኪ እንደ ነበር መመለሻ"
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "ፋይሎች በማጥፋት ላይ..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Registry Keys በማጥፋት ላይ..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "አቋራጮች በማጥፋት ላይ..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "እንደ ነበር በ መመለስ ላይ የሚዛመዱ ፋይሎችን..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "ለውጦችን እንደ ነበር መመለሻ..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "ፋይሎች በ ማራገፍ ላይ..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "ለ SMTube ተተኪ መፍጠሪያ..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "በ ቅድሚያ የ ተገጠመውን SMTube ተተኪ እንደ ነበር መመለሻ"
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "ተተኪ በማሰናዳት ላይ የ mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "በ ቅድሚያ የ ተገጠመውን mpv ተተኪ እንደ ነበር መመለሻ"
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "በ ማውረድ ላይ mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv ተሳክቶ አልተገጠመም: እንደገና ልሞክር?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "ማውረድ አልተቻለም: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "መግጠም አልተቻለም mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl ተሳክቶ አልተገጠመም: እንደገና ልሞክር?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "ማውረድ አልተቻለም ከ youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "የ ዩቲዩብ-dl ማሻሻያ በ መመርመር ላይ..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "የ ፊደል ማሰናጃን በ ማጽዳት ላይ..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "በማጽዳት ላይ የ SMPlayer ማሰናጃ"
diff --git a/setup/translations/arabic.nsh b/setup/translations/arabic.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dad2a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/arabic.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Arabic (1025)
+;Arabic language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Arabic" "العربية"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Arabic" = "العربية" "Al-Arabiyyah"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "المثبِّت مشتغل سلفاً."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "يجب أن تكون مسجّل الدخول كمدير عند تثبيت هذا البرنامج."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "توجد نافذة مشتغلة لـ SMPlayer. رجاءاً اخرج من SMPlayer و حاول مرة أخرى."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "نظام تشغيلي غير مدعوم.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} يتطلب على الأقل ويندوز Windows XP و قد لا يعمل بصورة صحيحة على نظامك.$\nأتريد حقاً الإستمرار بالتثبيت؟"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "نظام تشغيلي غير مدعوم.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} يتطلب على الأقل ويندوز فيستا Windows Vista و قد لا يعمل بصورة صحيحة على نظامك.$\nأتريد حقاً الإستمرار بالتثبيت؟"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "يتطلب نظام تشغيل ويندوز Windows 64-بت لتثبيت هذا البرنامج."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "يوجد حاليا تثبيت 32-بت من SMPlayer. يجب ان تزيل تثبيت SMPlayer 32-بت أولاً."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "يوجد حاليا تثبيت 64-بت من SMPlayer. يجب ان تزيل تثبيت SMPlayer 64-بت أولاً."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "إعداد $(^NameDA)"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "سيرشدك برنامج الإعداد أثناء تثبيت $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nيستحسن أن تغلق كل نوافذ SMPlayer قبل بدء الإعداد. هذا سيجعل بالإمكان تحديث ملفات البرنامج المعنية دون الحاجة الى إعادة تشغيل الحاسوب.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "الإختصارات"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "مكونات MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "محرّك متعدد الوسائط"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (مطلوب)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer و مكتبات المشاركَة و الوثائق."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "سطح المكتب"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "يُنشيء اختصاراً لـ SMPlayer على سطح المكتب."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "قائمة البدء"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "يُنشيء خانة لـ SMPlayer في قائمة البدء."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (مطلوب)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer. مطلوب للتشغيل."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "مرمِّزات ثنائية"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "المرمِّزات الثنائية غير مدعومة في هذا الإصدار."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "مرمِّزات اختيارية لـ MPlayer. (تتطلب اتصال انترنت للتثبيت)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "اقتسام غني الخواص من MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "برنامج مُرافِق لـ MPlayer و يمكن استخدامه لترميز أو تحويل دفقات الصوت أو الفيديو المدعومة."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "سِمات آيقونية"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "سِمات آيقونية إضافية لـ SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "اللغات"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "ملفات بلغات غير الانكليزية لـ SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "يحذف تفضيلات SMPlayer المتروكة من تثبيتات سابقة."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "حُزَم المرمِّزات الثنائية تضيف دعماً للمرمِّزات التي لم تنفَّذ داخلياً بعد، مثل الصيغ الجديدة من RealVideo و الكثير من الصيغ غير المتعارفة.$\nلاحِظ انها ليست ضرورية لتشغيل معظم الصيغ المتعارَفة مثل الدي في دي و MPEG-1/2/4 و غيرها."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "اختر نوع التثبيت"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "اختر نمط الكتابة على التثبيت السابق او ازالة التثبيت."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "لديك تثبيت موجود من SMPlayer في المجلد التالي:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "رجاءاً اختر كيفية المواصَلة:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "الكتابة على ($Inst_Type) التثبيت الموجود"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "ازالة التثبيت (ازالة) للتثبيت الموجود"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "اضغط البدء عندما تكون مستعداً للمواصَلة."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "اضغط التالي عندما تكون مستعداً للمواصَلة."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "اضغط إزالة التثبيت عندما تكون مستعداً للمواصَلة."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "غيِّر إعدادات التثبيت"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "صفِّر إعداداتي لـ SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "أأنت متأكد بأنك تريد تصفير إعدادات SMPlayer؟ لا يمكن التراجع عن هذا الإجراء."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "أعِد التثبيت"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "إنزال المرتبة"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "الترقية"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "البدء"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "تحميل مرمِّزات MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "لم تثبَّت مرمِّزات MPlaer بنجاح. إعادة المحاولة؟"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "فشل تحميل مرمِّزات MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "فشل تثبيت مرمِّزات MPlaer."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "يمكن إزالة تثبيت هذا التثبيت من قبَل مستخدم لديه صلاحيات مدير."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "أُحبِطت إزالة التثبيت من قبَل المستخدم."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "لا يبدو أن SMPlayer مثبت في المجلد '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nالإستمرار على أية حال (غير مستحسَن)؟"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "لا يمكن العثور على تثبيت SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "يمكن إزالة تثبيت هذا التثبيت على نظام ويندوز Windows 64-بت فقط."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer هو واجهة-طرفية متكاملة لـ MPlaer، ابتداءا من الميزات الأساسية مثل تشغيل مقاطع الفيديو و اقراص دي في دي DVD و اقراص الفيديو، وصولاً الى الميزات الأكثر تقدماً مثل دعم مرشحات MPlayer و قوائم edl و غير ذلك."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "النَسْخ الإحتياطي للمرمِّزات من تثبيت سابق..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "استعادة المرمِّزات من تثبيت سابق..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "حذف الملفات..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "حذف مفاتيح التسجيل..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "حذف الإختصارات..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "استعادة ارتباطات الملفات..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "عكس التغييرات..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "استخراج الملفات..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "الخزن الإحتياطي لـ SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "استعادة SMTube من تثبيت سابق..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "يجري النسخ الاحتياطي لـ mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "تجري استعادة mpv من تثبيت سابق..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "تنزيل mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "لم يُثبَّت mpv بنجاح. إعادة المحاولة؟"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "فشل تنزيل mpv. '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "فشل تثبيت mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "لم تُبَّت مكتبة اليوتيوب youtube-dl بنجاح. إعادة المحاولة؟"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "فشل تنزيل مكتبة اليوتيوب youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "التحري عن تحديثات مكتبة اليوتيوب youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "تنظيف مخبئية إعدادات الخطوط ..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "تنظيف إعدادات SMPlayer..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/basque.nsh b/setup/translations/basque.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff00fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/basque.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Basque (1069)
+;Basque language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Basque" "Euskara"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Basque" = "Euskera" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Ezartzailea jadanik lanean dago."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Administratzaile bezala saioa hasita egon behar duzu programa hau ezartzerakoan."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "SMPlayerren eskabide bat lanean ari da. Mesedez irten SMPlayer-etik eta saiatu berriro."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Sistema eragile sostengu gabea.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} gutxienez Windows XP behar du eta ezin du zuzen lan egin zure sisteman.$\nEgitan nahi duzu ezarpenarekin jarraitzea?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Sistema eragile sostengu gabea.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} gutxienez Windows Vista behar du eta ezin du zuzen lan egin zure sisteman.$\nEgitan nahi duzu ezarpenarekin jarraitzea?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "64-biteko Windows sistema eragile bat behar da software hau ezartzeko."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "32-biteko SMPlayer ezarpen bat dago. Lehenik 32-biteko SMPlayer kendu behar duzu."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "64-biteko SMPlayer ezarpen bat dago. Lehenik 64-biteko SMPlayer kendu behar duzu."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Ezarpena"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Ezartzaileak $(^NameDA)-ren ezarpenean zehar gidatuko zaitu.$\r$\n$\r$\nGomendagarria da SMPlayer eskabide guztiak istea ezarpena hasi aurretik. Honek zure ordenagailua berrabiarazi gabe programa agiri garrantzitsuak eguneratu ahal izatea egiten du.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Lasterbideak"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer Osagaiak"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimedia Gailua"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (beharrezkoa)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, elkarbanatutako liburutegiak, eta agiritza."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Mahaigaina"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Sortu SMPlayer lasterbide bat mahaigainean."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Hasiera Menua"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Sortu SMPlayer sarrera bat Hasiera Menuan."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (beharrezkoa)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; beharrezkoa irakurketarako."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Kodek Binarioak"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binario kodekak ez daude sostengatuta bertsio honetan."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Aukerazko kodekak MPlayer-entzat. (Internet Elkarketa beharrezkoa da ezarpenerako)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "MPlayer eta MPlayer2-ren ezaugarri-aberatseko adar bat"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "MPlayer laguntzen duen programa bat erabili daiteke kodeatzeko edo eraldatzeko sostengatutako audio edo bideo jarioak."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Ikur Azalgaiak"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "SMPlayer-entzako ikur azalgai gehigarriak."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Hizkuntzak"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "SMPlayer-entzako Ez Ingelerazko hizkuntza agiriak."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Aurreko ezarpenetatik gelditzen diren SMPlayer hobespenak ezabatzen ditu."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Kodek binario paketeek jatorrizkoan ez dauden kodek sostengua gehitzen dute, RealVideo aldaera berrienak eta heuskarri ez arrunt asko bezalakoak.$\nOhartu hauek ez direla beharrezkoak heuskarri arruntenak irakurtzeko, DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, etab."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Hautatu Ezarpen Mota"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Hautatu Gainidatzi edo Kendu modua."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Jadanik baduzu SMPlayer-en ezarpen bat agiritegi honetan:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Mesedez hautatu nola jarraitu:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Gainidatzi ($Inst_Type) dagoen ezarpena"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Kendu (ezabatu) dagoen ezarpena"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Klikatu Hasi jarraitzeko gertu zaudenean."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Klikatu Hurrengoa jarraitzeko gertu zaudenean."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Klikatu Kendu jarraitzeko gertu zaudenean."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Aldatu Ezarpenaren Hobespenak"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Berrezarri SMPlayer itxurapena"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Zihur zaude zure SMPlayer ezarpenak berrezartzea nahi dituzula? Ekintza hau ezin da desegin."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "berrezarri"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "aurrekoratu"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "eguneratu"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Hasi"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "MPlayer kodekak jeisten..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer kodekak ez dira ongi ezarri. Berriro saiatu?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Hutsegitea MPlayer kodekak: '$R0'. jeisterakoan."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Hutsegitea MPlayer kodekak ezartzerakoan."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Ezarpen hau administratzaile eskubidea duen erabiltzaileak bakarrik kendu dezake."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Kentzea erabiltzaileak utzita."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Ez da agertzen SMPlayer zuzenbidean ezarrita dagoenik '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nJarraitu horrela ere (ez da gomendagarria)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer ezarpena ez da aurkitu."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Ezarpen hau 64-biteko Windows-etik bakarrik kendu daiteke."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer aurrealde-amaiera oso bat da MPlayer-entzat, ohinarrizko eginkizunetatik: Bideo, DVD, VCD irakurketatik, eginkizun aurreratuenetarainok: MPlayer iragazkiak, edl zerrenda, eta gehiago."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Kodekak aurreko ezarpenetik babeskopiatzen..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Kodekak aurreko ezarpenetik leheneratzen..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Agiriak Ezabatzen..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Erresgistro Giltzak Ezabatzen..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Lasterbideak Ezabatzen..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Agiri elkarketak leheneratzen..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Aldaketak desegiten..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Agiriak ateratzen..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "SMTube babeskopiatzen..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "SMTube aurreko ezarpenetik leheneratzen"
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "mpv babeskopiatzen..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "mpv aurreko ezarpenetik leheneratzen..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "mpv jeisten..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv ez da ongi ezarri. Saiatu berriro?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Hutsegitea mpv jeisterakoan: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Hutsegitea mpv ezartzerakoan."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl ez da ongi ezarri. Berriro saiatu?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Hutsegitea youtube-dl jeisterakoan: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "youtube-dl eguneraketarik dagoen egiaztatzen..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "fonconfig katxea garbitzen..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "SMPlayer ezarpenak garbitzen..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/bulgarian.nsh b/setup/translations/bulgarian.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29f80ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/bulgarian.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Bulgarian (1026)
+;Bulgarian language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Bulgarian" "Български"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Bulgarian" = "Български" "Balgarski"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Инсталаторът вече работи."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Трябва да сте вписан като администратор, когато инсталирате тази програма."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Има работеща инстанция на SMPlayer. Моля, излезте от SMPlayer и опитайте отново."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Неподдържана операционна система.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} изисква поне Windows XP и може към момента да не работи с Вашата система.$\nНаистина ли искате да продължите с инсталацията?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Неподдържана операционна система.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} изисква версия на поне Windows Vista и може да не работи добре на Вашата система.$\nСигурни ли сте, че икате да продължите с инсталацията?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Изисква се 64-битова операционна система Windows, за да инсталирате този софтуер. "
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Има инсталирана 32-битова версия на SMPlayer. Трябва първо да деинсталирате 32-битовия SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Има инсталирана 64-битова версия на SMPlayer. Трябва първо да деинсталирате 64-битовия SMPlayer."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) инсталатор"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Инсталаторът ще Ви упътва по време на инсталацията на $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nПрепоръчително е да затворите всички инстанции на SMPlayer преди да пуснете инсталатора. Това ще позволи да обновявате обвързани програмни файлове, без да рестартирате компютъра си.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Преки пътища"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Компоненти на MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Мултимедиен инструмент"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (необходим)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, споделени библиотеки и документация."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Работен плот"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Създава пряк път до SMPlayer на работния плот."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Старт меню"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Създава запис за SMPlayer в Старт менюто."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (необходим)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; необходим за възпроизвеждане."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Бинарни кодеци"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Бинарните кодеци не са поддържани за тази версия."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Допълнителни кодеци за MPlayer. (За инсталацията се изисква връзка с Интернет)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Обогатена обвивка за MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Допълваща програма на MPlayer, която може да кодира или пренася поддържани звукови или видео потоци."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Теми с икони"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Допълнителни теми с икони за SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Езици"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Неанглийски езикови файлове за SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Изтрива остатъчните настройки на SMPlayer от предишната инсталация."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Бинарните пакети с кодеци добавят поддръжка за кодеци, които все още не са вградени, като по-новите RealVideo варианти и много от необикновените формати.$\nИмайте предвид, че не са необходими, за възпроизвеждане на най-масовите формати, като например DVD-та, MPEG-1/2/4."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Изберете начин на инсталиране"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Изберете режим на презаписване или деинсталиране."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Имате съществуваща инсталация на SMPlayer в следната папка:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Моля, изберете как искате да продължите:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Презаписване на ($Inst_Type) на съществуващата инсталация"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Деинсталиране (премахване) на съществуващата инсталация"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Кликнете Старт, когато сте готови да продължите."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Кликнете Следващ, когато сте готови да продължите."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Кликнете Деинсталиране, когато сте готови да продължите."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Промяна на настройките за инсталацията"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Анулиране на моите настройки на SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да анулирате настройките на SMPlayer? Това действие няма обратно на себе си."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "преинсталиране"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "връщане на версия"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "подобряване на версия"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Старт"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Изтегляне на кодеци за MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Неуспех в инсталирането на кодеци за MPlayer. Искате ли да опитате отново?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Неуспех в изтеглянето на следните кодеци за MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Неуспех в инсталирането на кодеци за MPlayer."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Тази инсталация може да бъде деинсталирана само от потребител с администраторски права."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Деинсталацията е прекъсната от потребителя."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Изглежда, че SMPlayer не е инсталиран в директория '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nПродължаване въпреки това (не е препоръчително)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Не е намерена инсталация на SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Тази инсталация може да бъде деинсталирана само на 64-битов Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer е напълно съвместима обвивка за MPlayer, от основни възможности като възпроизвеждане на видеа, DVD-та, VCD-та до по-големи възможности като поддръжка на MPlayer филтри, edl-списъци и други."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Съхраняване на кодеци от предишна инсталация..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Възстановяване на кодеци от предишна инсталация..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Изтриване на файлове..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Изтриване на ключове от регистъра..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Изтриване на преки пътища..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Възстановяване на файлови асоциации..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Връщане на промените..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Разархивиране на файлове..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Създаване на резервно копие на SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Възстановяване на SMTube от предишна инсталация..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Резервиране копие на mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Възстановяване на mpv от предишна инсталация..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Изтегляне на mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv е неуспешно инсталиран. Повторен опит?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Неуспешно изтегляне на mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Неуспешно инсталиране на mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl е неуспешно инсталиран. Повторен опит?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Неуспешно изтегляне на youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Проверка за обновления на youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Изчистване на шрифтовите запаси с настройки..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Изчистване на SMPlayer насройки..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/catalan.nsh b/setup/translations/catalan.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cadb4e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/catalan.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Catalan (1027)
+;Catalan language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Catalan" "Català"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Catalan" = "Català" "Catala"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "L'instal·lador ja està en execució."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Heu d'iniciar la sessió com a administrador quan instal·leu aquest programa."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Una instància de SMPlayer s'està executant. Si us plau, sortiu de SMPlayer i torneu-ho a intentar."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "El sistema operatiu no és compatible.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requereix com a mínim Windows XP i pot ser que no funcioni correctament en el vostre sistema.$\nRealment voleu continuar amb la instal·lació?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "El sistema operatiu no és compatible.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requereix com a mínim Windows Vista i pot ser que no funcioni correctament en el vostre sistema.$\nRealment voleu continuar amb la instal·lació?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Es requereix un sistema operatiu Windows de 64 bits per instal·lar aquest programari."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Existeix una instal·lació de 32 bits de SMPlayer. Primer heu de desinstal·lar SMPlayer de 32 bits."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Existeix una instal·lació de 64 bits de SMPlayer. Primer heu de desinstal·lar SMPlayer de 64 bits."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "Preparació $(^NameDA)"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "La preparació us guiarà a través de la instal·lació de $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nEs recomana que tanqueu totes les instàncies de SMPlayer abans de començar la preparació. Això farà que sigui possible l'actualització dels de programa pertinents sense haver de reiniciar el vostre ordinador.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Dreceres"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Components de MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Motor multimèdia"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (requerit)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, biblioteques compatides i documentació."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Escriptori"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Crea una drecera a SMPlayer en l'escriptori."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Menú d'inici"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Crea una entrada de menú d'inici per a SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (requerit)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; requerit per a la reproducció."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Còdecs binaris"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Els còdecs binaris no són compatibles amb aquesta versió."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Còdecs opcionals per a MPlayer. (es requereix una connexió a Internet per a la instal·lació)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Un fork ric en característiques de MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Un programa que acompanya MPlayer que es pot utilitzar per codificar o transformar els fluxos compatibles d'àudio o de vídeo."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Temes d'icones"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Temes d'icones addicionals per a SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Idiomes"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Els fitxers dels idiomes no anglesos per a SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Elimina les preferències sobrants de SMPlayer de les instal·lacions anteriors."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Els paquets de còdecs binaris afegeixen compatibilitat per als còdecs que encara no estan implementats de forma nativa, com ara les variants més noves de RealVideo i una gran quantitat de formats poc comuns.$\nRecordeu que no són necessaris per reproduir els formats més comuns, com DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Selecció del tipus d'instal·lació"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Seleccioneu el mode Sobreescriu o Desinstal·la."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Teniu una instal·lació existent de SMPlayer a la carpeta següent:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Seleccioneu com continuar:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Sobreescriu ($Inst_Type) la instal·lació existent"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Desinstal·la (suprimeix) la instal·lació existent"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Feu clic a Comença quan estigueu llest per continuar."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Feu clic a Següent quan estigueu llest per continuar."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Feu clic a Desinstal·la quan estigueu llest per continuar."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Canvia els ajusts de la instal·lació"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Restableix la meva configuració de SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Esteu segur que voleu restablir els ajusts de SMPlayer? Aquesta acció no pot ser revertida."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "reinstal·la"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "reverteix"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "actualitza"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Comença"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "S'estan baixant els còdecs de MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "No s'han instal·lat correctament els còdecs de MPlayer. Voleu tornar-ho a intentar?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Ha fallat la baixada dels còdecs de MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Ha fallat la instal·lació dels còdecs de MPlayer."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Aquesta instal·lació només pot ser desinstal·lada per un usuari amb privilegis d'administrador."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Desinstal·lació avortada per l'usuari."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "No sembla que SMPlayer estigui instal·lat al directori '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nVoleu continuar de totes maneres (no recomanat)"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "No s'ha trobat la instal·lació de SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Aquesta instal·lació només es pot desinstal·lar des d'una versió de 64 bits de Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer és un frontal complet per a MPlayer, des de les funcions bàsiques com ara reproduir vídeos, DVD, VCD fins a les funcions més avançades com ara la compatibilitat per als filtres de MPlayer, llistes EDL, i molt més."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "S'està creant una còpia de seguretat dels còdecs binaris d'una instal·lació anterior..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "S'estan restaurant els còdecs binaris des d'una instal·lació anterior..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "S'estan eliminant els fitxers..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "S'estan eliminant les claus del registre..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "S'estan eliminant les dreceres..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "S'estan restaurant les associacions dels fitxers..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "S'estan revertint els canvis ..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "S'estan extraient els fitxers..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "S'està creant la còpia de seguretat de SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "S'està restaurant SMTube des d'una instal·lació anterior..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "S'està creant la còpia de seguretat de mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "S'està restaurant mpv des d'una instal·lació anterior..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "S'està baixant mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "No s'ha instal·lat correctament mpv. Voleu tornar-ho a intentar?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Ha fallat la baixada de mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Ha fallat la instal·lació de mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "No s'ha instal·lat correctament youtube-dl. Voleu tornar-ho a intentar?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Ha fallat la baixada de youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "S'està comprovant si hi ha actualitzacions de youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "S'està netejant la memòria cau de fontconfig..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "S'estan netejant els ajusts de SMPlayer..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/croatian.nsh b/setup/translations/croatian.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da40c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/croatian.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Croatian (1050)
+;Croatian language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Croatian" "Hrvatski"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Croatian" = "Hrvatski" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Instalacijski program je već pokrenut."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Morate biti prijavljeni kao administrator kada instaliravate ovaj program."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Primjerak SMPlayera je pokrenut. Zatvorite SMplayer i pokušajte ponovno."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Nepodržan operativni sustav.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} zahtijeva minimum Windows XP i možda neće raditi ispravno na vašem sustavu.$\nSigurno želite nastaviti ovu instalaciju?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Nepodržan operativni sustav.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} zahtijeva najmanje Windows Vistu i možda neće raditi ispravno na vašem sustavu.$\nSigurno želite nastaviti ovu instalaciju?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "64-bitni Windows operativni sustav je potreban za instalaciju ovog softvera."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Trenutno je instalirana 32-bitna instalacija SMPlayera. Najprije morate deinstalirati 32-bitni SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Trenutno je instalirana 64-bitna instalacija SMPlayera. Najprije morate deinstalirati 64-bitni SMPlayer."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) program instalacije"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Program instalacije će vas voditi kroz instalaciju $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nPreporučljivo je da zatvorite sve primjerke SMPlayera prije pokretanja instalacije. To će omogućiti ažuriranje bitnih datoteka programa bez potrebe za ponovnim pokretanjem vašeg računala.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Prečaci"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Mplayer komponente"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimedijski pogon"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (potrebno)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, zajedeničke knjižnice i dokumentacija."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Radna površina"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Stvara SMplayer prečac na radnoj površini."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Start izbornik"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Stvara stavku Start izbornika za SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (potrebno)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; potrebno za reprodukciju."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binarni kôdeki"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binarni kôdeki nisu podržani u ovoj inačici."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Neobavezni kôdeki za MPlayer. (Potrebna je internet veza za instalaciju)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Značajkama bogat fork MPlayera && MPlayera2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Prateći program za MPlayer koji se može koristiti za enkôdiranje ili transformiranje podržanih zvučnih ili video streamova."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Tema ikona"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Dodatna tema ikona za SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Jezici"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Ne-engleske jezične datoteke za SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Briše SMPlayer osobitosti ostale od prijašnje instalacije."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Paket binarnih kôdeka daje podršku za kôdeke koji još nisu izvorno ugrađeni, Poput novijih inačica RealVidea i još mnogo neuobičajenih formata.$\nImajte na umu da nužno ne moraju reproducirati većinu uobičajenih formata poput DVD-a, MPEG-1/2/4, itd."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Odaberite vrstu instalacije"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Odaberite način prepisivanja ili deinstalacije."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Otkrivena je postojeća instalacija SMPlayera u sljedećoj mapi:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Odaberite nastavak instalacije:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Prepiši ($Inst_Type) preko postojeće instalacije"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Deinstaliraj (ukloni) postojeću instalaciju"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Kliknite 'Pokreni' kada ste spremni za nastavak."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Kliknite 'Sljedeće' kada ste spremni za nastavak."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Kliknite 'Deinstaliraj' kada ste spremni za nastavak."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Promijeni postavke instalacije"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Vrati na početno SMPlayer podešavanja"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Sigurno želite vratiti izvorne SMPlayer postavke? Ova radnja se ne može poništiti."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "reinstaliraj"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "nadogradi na stariju inačicu"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "nadogradi"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Pokreni"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Preuzimanje MPlayer kôdeka..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer kôdeki nisu uspješno instalirani. Pokušaj ponovno?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Neuspjelo preuzimanje MPlayer kôdeka: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Neuspjelo instaliranje MPlayer kôdeka."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Ova instalaciju može deinstalirati samo korisnik s administratorskim ovlastima."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Deinstalaciju prekinuo korisnik."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Čini se da SMPlayer nije instaliran u direktoriju '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nIpak nastavite (nije preporučljivo)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer instalacija nije pronađena."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Ova instalacija jedino može biti deinstalirana na 64-bitnim Windowsima."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer je potpuno sučelje za MPlayer, od osnovnih značajki poput reprodukcije video snimaka, DVD-a VCD-a, do naprednijih značajki poput podrške za MPlayer filtere, edl popise i još mnogo toga."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Stvaranje sigurnosne kopije kôdeka prijašnjih instalacija..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Vraćanje sigurnosne kopije kôdeka prijašnjih instalacija..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Brisanje datoteka..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Brisanje ključeva registra..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Brisanje prečaca..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Vraćanje na početno pridruživanja datoteka..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Vraćanje promjena..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Raspakiravanje datoteka..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Sigurnosno kopiranje SMTubea..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Vraćanje sigurnosne kopije prijašnje instalacije SMTuba..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Sigurnosno kopiranje mpv-a..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Vraćanje sigurnosne kopije prijašnje instalacije mpv-a..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Preuzimanje mpv-a..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv nije uspješno instaliran. Pokušaj ponovno?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Neuspjelo preuzimanje mpv-a: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Neuspjelo instaliranje mpv-a."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "YouTube-dl nije uspješno instaliran. Pokušaj ponovno?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Neuspjelo preuzimanje Youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Provjeravanje youtube-dl nadopuna..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Brisanje priručne memorije slova..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Brisanje SMPlayer postavki..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/czech.nsh b/setup/translations/czech.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32d4f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/czech.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Czech (1029)
+;Czech language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Czech" "Čeština"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Czech" = "Čeština" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Instalátor již běží."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Instalaci tohoto programu je potřeba provést s právy administrátora."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Jeden SMPlayer je spuštěn. Ukončete, prosím, SMPlayer a zkuste to znovu."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Nepodporovaný operační systém.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} vyžaduje nejméně Windows XP a nemusí pracovat správně na vašem systému.$\nOpravdu chce pokračovat v instalaci?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Nepodporovaný operační systém.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} vyžaduje nejméně Windows XP a nemusí pracovat správně na vašem systému.$\nOpravdu chce pokračovat v instalaci?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Pro instalaci tohoto software je zapotřebí mít 64-bitový oprační systém Windows."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Máte nainstalovánu 32-bitovou verzi SMPlayeru. Musíte nejprve odinstalovat 32-bitový SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Máte nainstalovánu 64-bitovou verzi SMPlayeru. Musíte nejprve odinstalovat 64-bitový SMPlayer."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Nastavení"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Nastavení vás provede instalací $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nJe doporučeno zavřít všechny běžící instance SMPlayeru před zahájením nastavení. Toto umožní aktualizovat příslušné programové soubory, aniž byste museli počítač restartovat.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Zástupci"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Součásti MPlayeru"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimediální pohon"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (vyžadován)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, sdílené knihovny a dokumentace."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Plocha"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Vytvoří zástupce SMPlayeru na ploše."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Nabídka Start"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Vytvoří zástupce SMPlayeru v nabídce Start."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (vyžadován)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; vyžadován pro přehrávání."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binární kodeky"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binární kodeky nejsou v této verzi podporovány."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Přídavné kodeky MPlayeru. (Pro instalaci je potřeba připojení k Internetu)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Funkcemi nabitý fork MPlayeru && MPlayeru2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Dodatkový program pro MPlayer, který se využívá k enkódování nebo transformaci audio/video souborů."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Témata ikon"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Přídavná témata ikon pro SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Lokalizace"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Neanglické lokalizace."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Odstraní pozůstatky předvoleb SMPlayeru z předchozí instalace."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Binární kodeky podporují formáty, které zatím nejsou implementovány nativně, např. novější varianty RealVideo a jiné málo používané formáty.$\nPro většinu běžných formátů nejsou potřeba (DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, apod.)."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Vyberte typ instalace"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Vyberte přepsání nebo odinstalaci."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "SMPlayer již máte nainstalován v tomto adresáři:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Prosím vyberte jak pokračovat:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Přepsat ($Inst_Type) existující instalaci"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Odinstalovat (odebrat) existující instalaci"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Stiskněte Start jste-li připraveni."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Stiskněte Další jste-li připraveni."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Stiskněte Odinstalovat jste-li připraveni."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Změnit nastavení instalace"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Resetovat moje nastavení SMPlayeru"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Jste si jisti, že chcete obnovit nastavení SMPlayer? Tuto akci nelze vrátit zpět."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "reinstalovat"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "ponížit verzi"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "aktualizovat"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Start"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Instaluji kodeky MPlayeru..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Kodeky MPlayeru se nepovedlo nainstalovat. Zkusit znovu?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Nepovedlo se stáhnout kodeky MPlayeru: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Nepovedlo se nainstalovat kodeky MPlayeru."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Odinstalaci je potřeba provést s právy administrátora."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Odinstalace přerušena uživatelem."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "V adresáři '$INSTDIR' není SMPlayer nainstalován .$\r$\nPokračovat (nedoporučeno)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Instalace SMPlayeru nebyla nalezena."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Tato instalace jde odinstalovat pouze na 64-bitové verzi Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer je kompletní frontend pro MPlayer, podporuje vše od základních funkcí jako přehrávání videí, DVD, VCD až po pokročilé funkce jako filtry MPlayeru, edl a více."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Zálohování kodeků z předchozí instalace..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Obnovování kodeků z předchozí instalace..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Mažu soubory..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Mažu záznamy registru..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Mažu zástupce..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Obnovuji asociace souborů..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Beru zpět změny..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Extrahuji soubory..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Zálohování SMtube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Obnovení SMtube z předchozí instalace..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Zálohování mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Obnovování mpv z předchozích instalací..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Stahování mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "Instlace mpv nebyla úspěšná. Zkusit znovu?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Nelze stáhnout mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Chyba při instalaci mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "Instlace youtube-dl nebyla úspěšná. Zkusit znovu?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Nelze stáhnout youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Kontrolování aktualizací pro youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Čištění mezipaměti nastavení písma ..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Čištění nastavení SMPlayeru..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/danish.nsh b/setup/translations/danish.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aef90af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/danish.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Danish (1030)
+;Danish language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Danish" "Dansk"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Danish" = "Dansk" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Installationsprogrammet kører allerede."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Du skal være logget ind som administrator når dette program installeres."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "SMPlayer kører allerede. Luk venligst SMPlayer og prøv igen."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Styresystemet er ikke understøttet.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} kræver som minimum Windows XP og vil måske ikke virke korrekt på dit system.$\nEr du sikker på, at du vil fortsætte installationen?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Styresystemet er ikke understøttet.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} kræver mindst Windows Vista og virker måske ikke korrekt på dit system.$\nVil du virkelig fortsætte installationen?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Det kræver et 64-bit Windows-styresystem at installere dette software."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Der findes allerede en 32-bit installation af SMPlayer. Du skal først afinstallere 32-bit SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Der findes allerede en 64-bit installation af SMPlayer. Du skal først afinstallere 64-bit SMPlayer."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) installation"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Installationsprogrammet guider dig gennem installationen af $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nDet anbefales at du lukker alle forekomster af SMPlayer før installationen startes. Dermed kan de relevante programfiler opdateres uden at skulle genstarte din computer.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Genveje"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer Komponenter"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimediemotor"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (påkrævet)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, delte biblioteker, og dokumentation."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Skrivebord"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Lav en genvej til SMPlayer på skrivebordet."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Menuen Start"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Tilføj SMPlayer i menuen Start."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (påkrævet)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; er påkrævet for at afspille."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binære-codecs"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binære-codecs er ikke understøttet i denne version."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Yderligere codecs til MPlayer. (kræver internetforbindelse for at installere)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "En funktionsrig fork af MPlayer og MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Et medfølgende program til MPlayer der kan bruges til at kode eller transformere understøttede lyd- og videostrømme."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Ikon-temaer"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Yderligere ikon-temaer til SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Sprog"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Ikke-engelske sprogfiler til SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Sletter SMPlayer-præferencer fra tidligere installationer."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "De binære-codec pakker tilføjer understøttelse af codecs som endnu ikke er implementeret fra starten, såsom nyere RealVideo-varianter og mange ualmindelige formater.$\nBemærk at de ikke kræves for at kunne afspiller de mest almindelige formater såsom DVD'er, MPEG-1/2/4, osv."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Vælg installationstype"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Vælg Overskriv eller Afinstaller."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Du har en eksisterende installation af SMPlayer i følgende mappe:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Vælg venligst hvordan du vil fortsætte:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Overskriv ($Inst_Type) den eksisterende installation"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Afinstaller (fjern) den eksisterende installation"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Klik på Start når du er klar til at fortsætte."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Klik på Næste når du er klar til at fortsætte."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Klik på Afinstaller når du er klar til at fortsætte."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Skift installationsindstillinger"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Nulstil min SMPlayer-konfiguration"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Er du sikker på, at du vil nulstille dine SMPlayer-indstillinger? Denne handling kan ikke gøres om."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "geninstaller"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "nedgradér"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "opgradér"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Start"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Downloader MPlayer-codecs..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs blev ikke installeret korrekt. Prøv igen?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Download af MPlayer-codecs mislykkedes: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Installation af MPlayer-codecs mislykkedes."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Denne installation kan kun afinstalleres af en bruger med administrator tilladelser."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Afinstallation afbrudt af bruger."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Det ser ikke ud til at SMPlayer er installeret i mappen '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nFortsæt alligevel (anbefales ikke)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer-installation blev ikke fundet."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Denne installation kan kun afinstalleres på 64-bit Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer er en komplet front-end til MPlayer, fra grundlæggende funktioner såsom at afspille videoer, DVD'er, VCD'er til avanceret funktioner såsom understøttelse af MPlayer filtre, EDL lister, og andet."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Foretager backup af codecs fra tidligere installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Gendanner codecs fra tidligere installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Sletter filer..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Sletter nøgler i registreringsdatabase..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Sletter genveje..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Gendanner filtilknytninger..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Gendanner ændringer..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Udpakker filer..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Opretter backup af SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Gendanner SMTube fra tidligere installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Opretter backup af mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Genskaber mpv fra tidligere installation..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Downloader mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv blev ikke installeret. Prøv igen?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Kunne ikke downloade mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Kunne ikke installere mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl blev ikke installeret. Prøv igen?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Kunne ikke downloade youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Søger efter opdateringer til youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Rydder op i skrifttypekonfigurations-mellemlager..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Rydder op i SMPlayer-indstillinger..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/dutch.nsh b/setup/translations/dutch.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7673cc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/dutch.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Dutch (1043)
+;Dutch language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Dutch" "Nederlands"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Dutch" = "Nederlands" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Het installatiepakket draait al."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "U moet ingelogd zijn als beheerder tijdens het installeren van het programma."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Een venster van SMPlayer is draaiende. Sluit SMPlayer en probeer het opnieuw."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Niet-ondersteund besturingssysteem.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} vereist minimaal Windows XP en zal mogelijk niet juist werken op uw systeem.$\nWeet u zeker dat u de installatie wilt voortzetten?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Niet-ondersteund besturingssysteem.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} vereist minimaal Windows Vista en zal mogelijk niet juist werken op uw systeem.$\nWeet u zeker dat u de installatie wilt voortzetten?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Een 64-bits-versie van Windows is benodigd om deze software te installeren."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Een bestaande 32-bits-installatie van SMPlayer bestaat reeds. U moet deze eerst deïnstalleren."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Een bestaande 64-bits-installatie van SMPlayer bestaat reeds. U moet deze eerst deïnstalleren."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Installatie"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Setup zal u door de installatie van $(^NameDA) begeleiden.$\r$\n$\r$\nHet wordt aanbevolen dat u alle instanties van SMPlayer sluit voordat u de setup start. Dit maakt het mogelijk om relevante programmabestanden te updaten zonder uw computer te herstarten.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Sneltoetsen"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer-componenten"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimedia Engine"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (vereist)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, gedeelde bibliotheken en documentatie."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Bureablad"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Maakt een snelkoppeling van SMPlayer aan op het bureaublad."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Start-menu"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Maakt een Start-menu-verwijzing aan voor SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (vereist)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; vereist voor afspelen."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary-codecs"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binaire codecs worden niet ondersteund in deze versie."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optionele codecs voor MPlayer. (Internetverbinding vereist voor installatie)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Een rijke functie code kopie van MPlayer en MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Een metgezel programma voor MPlayer dat gebruikt kan worden om ondersteunende audio of video streams te coderen of transformeren."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Pictogram-thema's"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Extra pictogramthema's voor SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Talen"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Niet-Engelse taalbestanden voor SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Verwijdert SMPlayer-voorkeuren die overgebleven zijn van vorige installaties."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "De binaire codec pakketten voegen ondersteuning toe voor codecs die nog niet zijn geïmplementeerd, zoals de nieuwere RealVideo varianten en veel ongewone formaten.$\nDeze zijn niet nodig om de meest gangbare formaten af te spelen zoals DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, enzovoorts."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Installatietype selecteren"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Overschrijven- of Deïnstallatie-modus selecteren"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "U heeft een bestaande installatie van SMPlayer in de volgende map:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Selecteer hoe verder te verder te gaan:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Overschrijf ($Inst_Type) de huidige installatie"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Deïnstalleer (verwijder) de huidige installatie"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Klik op Beginnen wanneer u klaar bent om door te gaan."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Klik op Volgende wanneer u klaar bent om door te gaan."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Klik op Deïnstalleren wanneer u klaar bent om door te gaan."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Installatie-voorkeuren wijzigen"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Standaardwaarden voor mijn SMPlayer-configuratie"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Weet u zeker dat u uw SMPlayer voorkeuren wilt resetten? Deze keuze kunt u namelijk niet ongedaan maken."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "herinstalleren"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "versie verlagen"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "versie opwaarderen"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Beginnen"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Downloaden van MPlayer-codecs..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer-codecs waren niet succesvol geïnstalleerd. Opnieuw proberen?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Mislukt om MPlayer-codecs te downloaden: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Mislukt om MPlayer-codecs te installeren."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Deze installatie kan alleen worden verwijderd door een gebruiker met administratie bevoegdheden."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Installatie geannuleerd door gebruiker."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Het ziet ernaar uit dat SMPlayer niet is geïnstalleerd in de directory '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nWilt u toch doorgaan (niet aanbevolen)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Kan SMPlayer installatie niet vinden."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Deze installatie kan alleen worden verwijderd op 64-bit Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is een complete voorkant voor MPlayer, van basis functies zoals het afspelen van videos, DVDs, VCDS tot meer geavanceerde functies zoals ondersteuning voor Mplayer filters, edl lijsten, en meer."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Reservekopie maken van codecs uit vorige installatie..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Herstellen van codecs uit vorige installatie..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Verwijderen van bestanden..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Registersleutel verwijderen..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Snelkoppelingen verwijderen..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Herstellen van bestandskoppelingen..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Veranderingen ongedaan maken..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Uitpakken van bestanden..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Back-up SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Herstel SMTube van de oude installatie..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Bezig met een back-up maken van MPV..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Bezig met het herstellen van MPV uit een vorige installatie..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Bezig met het downloaden van MPV..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "MPV was niet succesvol geïnstalleerd. Opnieuw proberen?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Het downloaden van MPV is mislukt: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "De installatie van MPV is mislukt."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "YouTube-DL was niet succesvol geïnstalleerd. Opnieuw proberen?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "De download van youtube-dl is mislukt: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Zoeken naar nieuwe youtube-dl versies..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Opschonen van de letter-voorkeur cache..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Voorkeuren SMPlayer opschonen..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/english.nsh b/setup/translations/english.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17aa573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/english.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: English (1033)
+;English language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "English" "English"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "English" = "English" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "The installer is already running."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 32-bit SMPlayer first."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 64-bit SMPlayer first."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nIt is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files without having to reboot your computer.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Shortcuts"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer Components"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimedia Engine"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (required)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Desktop"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Start Menu"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Icon Themes"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Languages"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon formats.$\nNote that they are not necessary to play most common formats like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Select Install Type"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Please select how to proceed:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Change Installation Settings"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be reversed."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "reinstall"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "downgrade"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "upgrade"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Start"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinue anyway (not recommended)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer installation not found."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Restoring file associations..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Rolling back changes..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Extracting files..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Backing up SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Backing up mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Downloading mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Failed to install mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/farsi.nsh b/setup/translations/farsi.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b4c152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/farsi.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Farsi (1065)
+;Farsi language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Farsi" "فارسی"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Farsi" "Persian" "فارسی" "Farsi"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "برنامه نصب کننده هم اکنون در حال اجراست."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "برای نصب این نرم‌افزار باید با یک حساب کاربری با دسترسی مدیریت وارد شده باشید."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "برنامه SMPlayer هم اکنون در حال اجراست. ابتدا نرم‌افزار در حال اجرا را بسته و سپس دوباره تلاش کنید."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "سیستم عامل پشتیبانی نمی‌شود.$\nنرم‌افزار SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} حداقل به سیستم عامل Windows XP برای اجرا نیاز دارد و ممکن است بر روی سیستم شما به درستی کار نکند.$\nآیا با این حال فرایند نصب برنامه را دنبال می‌کنید؟"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "سیستم عامل پشتیبانی نمی‌شود.$\nنرم‌افزار SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} حداقل به سیستم عامل Windows Vista برای اجرا نیاز دارد و ممکن است بر روی سیستم شما به درستی کار نکند.$\nآیا با این حال فرایند نصب برنامه را دنبال می‌کنید؟"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "برای نصب این نرم‌فزار به یک سیستم عامل Windows با ساختار 64 بیتی نیاز است."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "یک نسخه 32 بیتی از SMPlayer نصب شده است ، ابتدا آن نسخه 32 بیتی را حذف نمایید."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "یک نسخه 64 بیتی از smplayer نصب شده است . شما باید ابتدا این نسخه 64 بیتی smplayer را حذف کنید."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "نصب $(^NameDA)"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nIt is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files without having to reboot your computer.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "میانبرها"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "اجزاء mplayer "
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "موتور چندرسانه‌ای"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "smplayer(خواسته شده است)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "smplayer کتابخانه ها و اسناد را به اشتراک گذاشته است"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "دسکتاپ"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "ساختن یک میانبر برای smplayer روی دسکتاپ"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "فهرست شروع"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "ایجاد یک فهرست شروع برای smplayer"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "mplayer(خواسته شده است)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "برای پخش به MPLayer نیاز هست"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "کدک‌های باینری"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "نسخه باینری کدک‌ها از این نسخه پشتیبانی به عمل نمی‌آورند."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "کدک‌های اختیاری برای MPLayer . ( اتصال به اینترنت نیاز است )"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "تم آیکون"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "بسته تیم آیکون اضافه برای SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "زبان‌ها"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "زبان‌های غیر انگلیسی برای SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "پاک شدن ترجیحات باقی مانده از نصب‌های قبلی"
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon formats.$\nNote that they are not necessary to play most common formats like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "انتخاب شیوه نصب"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "بازنویسی یا حذف نصب را انتخاب کنید."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "شما یک نسخه نصب شده از SMPlayer را نصب شده دارید."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "لطفا شیوه ادامه را انتخاب کنید:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "بازنویسی ($Inst_Type) روی نسخه نصب شده"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "حذف (remove) نسخه موجود"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "برای ادامه روی شروع کلیک کنید"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "برای ادامه روی بعدی کلیک کنید"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "برای ادامه روی حذف کلیک کنید"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "تغییر تنظیمات نصب"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "برگرداندن پیکره‌بندی‌ها به حالت پیشفرض"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be reversed."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "نصب مجدد"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "تنزیل‌"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "ارتقاء"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "شروع"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "بارگذاری کدک‌های MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "کدک‌های MPLayer با موفقیت نصب نشده‌اند. سعی مجدد نمایید؟"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "خطا در بارگذاری کدک‌های MPLayer:'$R0'"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "نصب کد های mplayer با موفقیت انجام نشد"
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "نسخه نصب شده تنها توسط کاربری با دسترسی مدیر سیستم قابل حذف شدن خواهد بود."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "حذف توسط کاربر لغو شد"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinue anyway (not recommended)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "نسخه نصب شده از SMPlayer یافت نشد."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "نسخه نصب شده تنها بر روی ویندوز 64 بیتی قابلیت حذف شدن را دارد."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "پشتیبان‌گیری از کدک‌ها نسخه نصب شده قبلی"
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "بازیابی کدک‌ها از نسخه نصب شده قبلی"
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "حذف فایل‌ها"
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "حذف کلیدهای رجیستری"
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "حذف میانبرها"
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "بازیابی فایل انجمن"
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "برگرداندن تغییرات به حالت اولیه"
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "گشودن فایل‌ها"
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "پشتیبان SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "بازیابی SMTube از نسخه نصب شده قبلی"
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Backing up mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Downloading mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Failed to install mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/finnish.nsh b/setup/translations/finnish.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b05e589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/finnish.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Finnish (1035)
+;Finnish language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Finnish" "Suomi"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Finnish" = "Suomi" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "The installer is already running."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 32-bit SMPlayer first."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 64-bit SMPlayer first."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nIt is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files without having to reboot your computer.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Shortcuts"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer Components"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimedia Engine"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (required)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Desktop"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Start Menu"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Icon Themes"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Languages"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon formats.$\nNote that they are not necessary to play most common formats like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Select Install Type"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Please select how to proceed:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Change Installation Settings"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be reversed."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "reinstall"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "downgrade"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "upgrade"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Start"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Downloading MPlayer codecs..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinue anyway (not recommended)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer installation not found."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Restoring file associations..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Rolling back changes..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Extracting files..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Backing up SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Backing up mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Downloading mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Failed to install mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/french.nsh b/setup/translations/french.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9b352a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/french.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: French (1036)
+;French language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "French" "Français"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "French" = "Français" "Francais"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "L'installateur est déjà en cours d'exécution."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Vous devez être connecté comme administrateur pour installer ce programme."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Une instance de SMPlayer est en cours d'exécution. Veuillez quitter SMPlayer puis réessayer l'installation."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Système d'exploitation non supporté.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requiert au minimum Windows XP et pourrait ne pas fonctionner correctement sur votre système.$\nSouhaitez-vous vraiment continuer l'installation ?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Système d'exploitation non supporté.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} nécessite au moins Windows Vista et pourrait ne pas fontionner correctement sur votre système.$\nSouhaitez-vous vraiment continuer l'installation ?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Ce programme nécessite une version 64bits de Windows pour pouvoir être installé."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Une installation de SMPlayer 32 bits existe. Vous devez désinstaller SMPlayer 32 bits d'abord."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Une installation de SMPlayer 64 bits existe. Vous devez désinstaller SMPlayer 64 bits d'abord."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "Installation de $(^NameDA)"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Ce programme va vous guider à travers l'installation de $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nIl est recommandé de quitter toutes les instances de SMPlayer avant de continuer. Ceci permet de mettre à jour les fichiers concernés sans avoir besoin de redémarrer votre ordinateur.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Raccourcis"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Composants de MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Moteur de lecture"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (requis)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, bibliothèques partagées et documentation."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Bureau"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Crée un raccourci vers SMPlayer sur le bureau."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Menu Démarrer"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Crée une entrée pour SMPlayer dans le menu Démarrer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (requis)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer ; requis pour la lecture."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Codecs binaires"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Les codecs binaires ne sont pas supportés dans cette version."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Codecs optionnels pour MPlayer. (Connexion Internet requise durant l'installation.)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Une version améliorée de MPlayer et MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Programme permettant d'encoder ou de convertir des flux audio et/ou vidéos supportés par MPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Thèmes d'icônes"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Thèmes d'icônes supplémentaires pour SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Langues"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Fichiers de langues (autres que l'anglais) pour SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Supprimer les préférences de SMPlayer datant d'une précédente installation."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Les paquets de codecs binaires ajoutent le support pour les codecs qui ne sont pas encore nativement supportés, tels que les nouvelles variantes de RealVideo et d'autres formats peu communs.$\nRemarque : Ces codecs ne sont pas nécessaires pour lire les formats communs tels que les DVD, MPE-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Sélectionnez le type d'installation."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Sélectionnez le mode Remplacement ou Désinstallation."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Il existe déjà une installation de SMPlayer dans le dossier suivant :"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Veuillez sélectionner l'opération à effectuer :"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Remplacer l'installation existante. ($Inst_Type)"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Désinstaller l'installation existante. (Supprimer)"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Cliquez sur « Démarrer » une fois prêt à continuer."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Cliquez sur « Suivant » une fois prêt à continuer."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Cliquez sur « Désinstaller » une fois prêt à continuer."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Changer les paramètres d'installation."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Réinitialiser ma configuration de SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir réinitialiser les paramètres de SMPlayer ? Cette action n'est pas réversible."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "Réinstaller la même version."
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "Installer une version plus ancienne."
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "Installer une version plus récente."
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Commencer"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Télécharge les codecs de MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Les codecs de MPlayer n'ont pas été correctement installés. Réessayer ?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Échec du téléchargement des codecs de MPlayer : '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Échec de l'installation des codecs de MPlayer."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Cette installation ne peut être désinstallée que par un utilisateur ayant les privilèges d'administrateur."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Désinstallation abandonnée par l'utilisateur."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Il ne semble pas que SMPlayer soit installé dans le dossier '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinuer quand même (déconseillé) ?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Installation de SMPlayer introuvable."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Cette installation ne peut être désinstallée qu'à partir de Windows 64 bits."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer est une interface utilisateur pour MPlayer, de ses fonctionnalités les plus élémentaires (telles que lire des vidéos, des DVD, des VCD) aux plus avancées (telles que le support des filtres MPlayer, les listes EDL, etc.)."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Sauvegarde les codecs de l'installation précédente..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restaure les codecs de l'installation précédente..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Supprime les fichiers..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Supprime les clés de registre..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Supprime les raccourcis..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Restaure les associations de fichier..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Défait les changements..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Extrait les fichiers..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Sauvegarde de SMTube…"
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Restauration de SMTube depuis une précédente installation…"
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Sauvegarde de mpv…"
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Restauration de mpv depuis une précédente installation…"
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Téléchargement de mpv…"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "L’installation de mpv a échoué. Réessayer ?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Échec lors du téléchargement de mpv : '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Erreur lors de l’installation de mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl n’a pas été installé correctement. Réessayer ?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Échec lors du téléchargement de youtube-dl : '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Vérification des mises à jour de youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Nettoyage du cache fontconfig..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Nettoyage des paramètres de SMPlayer..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/galician.nsh b/setup/translations/galician.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0232b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/galician.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Galician (1110)
+;Galician language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Galician" "Galego"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Galician" = "Galego" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Xa se está executando o instalador."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Debe acceder como administrador para instalar este programa."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Xa se está executando unha instancia do SMPlayer. Peche o programa e ténteo de novo."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Sistema operativo non soportado. $\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} precisa cando menos de Windows XP, e podería non funcionar correctamente no seu sistema. $\nQueres seguir coa instalación?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Sistema operativo non compatíbel. $\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} precisa cando menos de Windows Vista, e podería non funcionar correctamente no seu sistema. $\nDesexa seguir coa instalación?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Precísase un sistema operativo Windows de 64-bits para instalar esta aplicación."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Xa existe unha instalación de 32-bits de SMPlayer. Precisas desinstalar o SMPlayer de 32-bits."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Xa existe unha instalación de 64-bits de SMPlayer. Precisas desinstalar o SMPlayer de 64-bits."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "Configurar $(^NameDA) "
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "O instalador guiarate na instalación de $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\n Recoméndase que se pechen todas as instancias de SMPlayer antes de comezar coa instalación. Así pódese actualizar os ficheiros da aplicación que son de relevancia sen logo precisar de reiniciar o ordenador.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Atallos"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Compoñentes de MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Motor multimedia"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (requirido)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, bibliotecas compartidas e documentación."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Escritorio"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Crear un atallo de escritorio para SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Menú de Inicio"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Crea unha entrada para SMPlayer no Menú de Inicio."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (requirido)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; requirido para a reprodución."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Códecs binarios"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Os códecs binarios non son compatíbeis con esta versión."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Códecs opcionais para MPlayer (Precísase unha conexión a internet para a instalación)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Unha derivación de MPlayer e MPlayer2 con moitas funcionalidades"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Un programa compañeiro do MPlayer que se usa para codificar ou transformar fluxos de vídeo e son compatíbeis."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Temas de iconas"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Temas adicionais de iconas para SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Idiomas"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Ficheiros de idiomas diferentes do inglés para SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Elimina as configuracións de SMPlayer das instalacións previas."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Este paquete binario de códecs engade soporte para os códecs que ainda non están implementados de xeito nativo, como é o caso das variantes de RealVideo e moitos formatos infrecuentes.$\nTéñase en conta que non son precisos para reproducir a meirande parte dos formatos habituais como DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4 e demais."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Seleccionar o tipo de instalación"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Selecconar modo de sobrescritura ou desinstalación."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Xa existe unha instalación do SMPlayer no cartafol seguinte:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Seleccione como proceder:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Sobrescribir ($Inst_Type) a instalación existente"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Desinstalar (eliminar) a instalación existente"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Prema Iniciar cando estea listo."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Prema Seguinte cando estea listo."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Prema Desinstalar cando estea listo."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Cambiar os axustes da instalación"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Restabelecer a configuración do SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Confirma o restabelecemento dos axustes do SMPlayer? Esta acción non se pode desfacer."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "reinstalar"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "desanovar"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "anovar"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Iniciar"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Descargando os códecs de MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Os códecs do MPlayer non se instalaron correctamente. Desexar tentalo de novo?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Produciuse un fallo ao descargar os códecs do MPlayer: «$R0»."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Produciuse un fallo ao instalar os códecs de MPlayer."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Esta desinstalación precisa ter permisos de administrador."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Desinstalación cancelada polo usuario."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Non semella que SMPlayer estea instalado no cartafol '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\n. Continuar de calquera xeito (aínda que non se aconsella)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Non se atopou ningunha instalación do SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Só se pode facer a desinstalación en Windows 64-bit."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer é unha interface completa para MPlayer. Dispón desde funcionalidades básicas como reproducir vídeos, DVD, VCD ata algunhas máis avanzadas como a compatibilidade con filtros de MPlayer, listas edl e máis."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Facendo copia de seguranza dos códecs da instalación anterior..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restabelecendo os códecs desde a instalación anterior..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Eliminando ficheiros..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Eliminando chaves de rexistro..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Eliminando atallos..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Restabelecendo as asociacións do ficheiro..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Desfacendo os cambios..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Extraendo ficheiros..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Facendo copia de seguranza de SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Restabelecendo SMTube desde a instalación anterior..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Facendo copia de seguranza do mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Restabelecendo o mpv desde a instalación anterior..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Descargando mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "Os códecs do mpv non se instalaron correctamente. Desexa tentalo de novo?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "A descarga do mpv fallou: «$R0»."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Produciuse un fallo ao instalar o mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "Non se instalou correctamente youtube-dl. Desexa tentalo de novo?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "A descarga de youtube-dl fallou: «$R0»."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Buscando actualizacións para o youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Borrando a caché do fontconfig..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Borrando os axustes do SMPlayer..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/german.nsh b/setup/translations/german.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b38be6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/german.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: German (1031)
+;German language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "German" "Deutsch"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "German" = "Deutsch" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Das Installationsprogramm läuft bereits."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Sie müssen als Administrator angemeldet sein, um dieses Programm zu installieren."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Eine Instanz vom SMPlayer läuft. Bitte SMPlayer beenden und erneut versuchen."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Nicht unterstütztes Betriebssystem.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} benötigt mindestens Windows XP und kann nicht richtig auf Ihrem System funktionieren.$\nWollen Sie wirklich mit der Installation fortfahren?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Nicht unterstütztes Betriebssystem.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} benötigt mindestens Windows Vista und kann nicht richtig auf Ihrem System funktionieren.$\nWollen Sie wirklich mit der Installation fortfahren?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Ein 64-Bit-Windows-Betriebssystem ist erforderlich, um diese Software zu installieren."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Es existiert eine vorhandene 32-Bit-Installation vom SMPlayer. Sie müssen zuerst den 32-Bit-SMPlayer deinstallieren."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Es existiert eine vorhandene 64-Bit-Installation vom SMPlayer. Sie müssen zuerst den 64-Bit-SMPlayer deinstallieren."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA)-Einrichtung"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Der Einrichtungsassistent wird Sie durch die Installation von $(^NameDA) begleiten.$\r$\n$\r$\nEs wird empfohlen, alle Instanzen des SMPlayers vor dem Beginn der Installation zu schließen. Dadurch wird es möglich, entsprechende Programmdateien, ohne einen Neustart des Rechners zu aktualisieren.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Verknüpfung"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer-Komponenten"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimedia-Modul"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (erforderlich)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, dynamische Bibliotheken und Dokumentation."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Schreibtisch"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Erstellt eine Verknüpfung zum SMPlayer auf dem Schreibtisch."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Startmenü"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Erstellt einen Startmenüeintrag für den SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (erforderlich)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer – benötigt für die Wiedergabe."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binärcodecs"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binärcodecs werden in dieser Version nicht unterstützt."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optionale Codecs für MPlayer. (Internetverbindung benötigt für Installation)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Eine funktionsreiche Abspaltung von MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Ein Begleiterprogramm zum MPlayer, das zum codieren oder zum transformieren von unterstützten Ton- oder Video-Strömen verwendet werden kann."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Symbolthemen"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Weitere Symbolthemen für den SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Sprachen"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Nicht englische Sprachdateien für den SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Entfernt die SMPlayer-Einstellungen, welche von einer früheren Installation zurückgeblieben sind."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Binärcodec-Pakete werden eingesetzt für Codecs, die noch nicht nativ implementiert sind – wie neuere Varianten von RealVideo und viele ungewöhnliche Formate.$\nHinweis: Die Pakete sind nicht notwendig, um die gängigsten Formate wiederzugeben (DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, usw.)"
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Installationstyp auswählen"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Überschreiben- oder Deinstallieren-Modus auswählen"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Sie haben eine vorhandene Installation, vom SMPlayer, im folgenden Ordner:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Bitte wählen, wie fortgefahren werden soll:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Die vorhandene Installation ($Inst_Type) überschreiben"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Die vorhandene Installation deinstallieren (entfernen)"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Auf Start klicken, wenn Sie bereit sind, um fortzufahren."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Auf Weiter klicken, wenn Sie bereit sind, um fortzufahren."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Auf Deinstallieren klicken, wenn Sie bereit sind, um fortzufahren."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Installationseinstellungen ändern"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Meine SMPlayer-Konfiguration zurücksetzen"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre SMPlayer-Einstellungen zurücksetzen möchten? Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "Erneut installieren"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "Herunterstufen"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "Aktualisierung"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Start"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "MPlayer-Codecs herunterladen …"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Die MPlayer-Codecs sind nicht erfolgreich installiert worden. Erneut versuchen?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Fehler beim Herunterladen der MPlayer-Codecs: »$R0«."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Fehler beim Installieren der MPlayer-Codecs."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Diese Installation kann nur von einem Benutzer mit Administrationsrechten deinstalliert werden."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Die Deinstallation ist vom Benutzer abgebrochen worden."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Es scheint, dass der SMPlayer nicht im Verzeichnis »$INSTDIR« installiert ist.$\r$\nTrotzdem fortfahren (nicht empfohlen)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer-Installation nicht gefunden"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Diese Installation kann nur auf einem 64-Bit-Windows deinstalliert werden."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "Der SMPlayer ist eine komplette grafische Oberfläche für den MPlayer, von grundlegenden Funktionen, wie das Abspielen von Videos, DVDs, VCDs, bis zu erweiterten Funktionen, wie die Unterstützung für MPlayer-Filter, edl-Listen und vielem mehr."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Codecs werden aus vorheriger Installation gesichert …"
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Codecs werden aus vorheriger Installation wiederhergestellt …"
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Dateien werden gelöscht …"
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Registrierungsschlüssel werden gelöscht …"
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Verknüpfungen werden gelöscht …"
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Dateizuordnungen werden wiederhergestellt …"
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Änderungen werden zurückgesetzt …"
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Dateien werden entpackt …"
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "SMTube wird gesichert ..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "SMTube wird aus vorheriger Installation wiederhergestellt ..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "mpv wird gesichert …"
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "mpv wird aus vorheriger Installation wiederhergestellt …"
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "mpv wird heruntergeladen …"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv ist nicht erfolgreich installiert worden. Erneut versuchen?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Fehler beim Herunterladen von mpv: »$R0«."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Fehler beim Installieren von mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl ist nicht erfolgreich installiert worden. Erneut versuchen?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Fehler beim Herunterladen von youtube-dl: »$R0«."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Es wird nach Aktualisierungen für youtube-dl gesucht …"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Schriftzwischenspeicher wird bereinigt …"
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "SMPlayer-Einstellungen werden bereinigt …"
diff --git a/setup/translations/greek.nsh b/setup/translations/greek.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57913c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/greek.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Greek (1032)
+;Greek language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Greek" "Ελληνικά"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Greek" = "Ελληνικά" "Ellinika"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Το πρόγραμμα εγκατάστασης εκτελείται ήδη."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Θα πρέπει να συνδεθείτε ως διαχειριστής κατά την εγκατάσταση του προγράμματος."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Μια υπόσταση του SMPlayer εκτελείται. Παρακαλώ τερματίστε την και προσπαθήστε εκ νέου."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Μη υποστηριζόμενο λειτουργικό σύστημα.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} απαιτεί τουλάχιστον Windows XP και ίσως να μην λειτουργεί σωστά στο σύστημά σας.$\nΘέλετε πραγματικά να συνεχίσετε την εγκατάσταση;"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Μη υποστηριζόμενο λειτουργικό σύστημα.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} απαιτεί τουλάχιστον Windows Vista και ίσως να μην λειτουργεί σωστά στο σύστημά σας.$\nΘέλετε πραγματικά να συνεχίσετε την εγκατάσταση;"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Απαιτείται ένα λειτουργικό σύστημα Windows 64 bit ούτως ώστε να εγκαταστήσετε αυτό το λογισμικό."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Υπάρχει ήδη μια εγκατάσταση 32-bit του SMPlayer. Πρέπει πρώτα να την απεγκαταστήσετε. "
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Υπάρχει ήδη μια εγκατάσταση 64-bit του SMPlayer. Πρέπει πρώτα να την απεγκαταστήσετε."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Εγκατάσταση"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Το πρόγραμμα εγκατάστασης θα σας καθοδηγήσει κατά την εγκατάσταση του $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nΣυνιστάται να κλείσετε όλα τα παράθυρα του SMPlayer πριν την εκκίνηση της εγκατάστασης. Αυτό θα σας επιτρέψει να ενημερώσετε τα σχετικά αρχεία του προγράμματος χωρίς την ανάγκη να επανεκκινήσετε τον υπολογιστή.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Συντομεύσεις"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Μονάδες MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Μηχανή πολυμέσων"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (απαιτείται)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "Ο SMPlayer, κοινές βιβλιοθήκες, και η τεκμηρίωση."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Επιφάνεια εργασίας"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Δημιουργεί μια συντόμευση για τον SMPlayer στην επιφάνεια εργασίας."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Μενού «Έναρξη»"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Δημιουργεί μια καταχώρηση στο Μενού «Έναρξη» για τον SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (απαιτείται)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer· απαιτείται για αναπαραγωγή."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Δυαδικοί κωδικοποιητές"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Οι δυαδικοί κωδικοποιητές δεν υποστηρίζονται σε αυτήν την έκδοση."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Προαιρετικοί κωδικοποιητές για τον MPlayer. (Απαιτείται σύνδεση στο διαδίκτυο για την εγκατάσταση)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Μια πλούσια σε χαρακτηριστικά δικράνωση του MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Ένα συνοδευτικό πρόγραμμα στο MPlayer το οποίο μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για την κωδικοποίηση ή την μεταμόρφωση των υποστηριζόμενων ροών ήχου ή βίντεο."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Θέματα εικονιδίων"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Επιπλέον θέματα εικόνων για τον SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Γλώσσες"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Αρχεία γλωσσών του SMPlayer για γλώσσες εκτός από τα Αγγλικά."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Διαγράφει προτιμήσεις του SMPlayer που έχουν απομείνει από προηγούμενες εγκαταστάσεις."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Τα δυαδικά πακέτα κωδικοποιητών προσθέτουν υποστήριξη για κωδικοποιητές που δεν έχουν ακόμα ενσωματωθεί εγγενώς, όπως τις παραλλαγές του νεώτερου RealVideo και άλλων ασυνήθιστων μορφών.$\nΣημειώστε ότι δεν είναι απαραίτητοι για την αναπαραγωγή των περισσότερων τυπικών μορφών όπως DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, κλπ."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Επιλέξτε τον τύπο της εγκατάστασης"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Επιλέξτε την λειτουργία αντικατάστασης ή απεγκατάστασης."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Υπάρχει ήδη μια εγκατάσταση του SMPlayer στον κατωτέρω φάκελο:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε πώς να προχωρήσετε:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Αντικατάσταση ($Inst_Type) της υπαρχούσης εγκατάστασης"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Απεγκατάσταση (αφαίρεση) της υπάρχουσας εγκατάστασης"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Κάντε κλικ στο Έναρξη όταν είστε έτοιμος-η να συνεχίσετε."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Κάντε κλικ στο Επόμενο όταν είστε έτοιμος-η να συνεχίσετε."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Κάντε κλικ στο Απεγκατάσταση όταν είστε έτοιμος-η να συνεχίσετε."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Αλλαγή των ρυθμίσεων της εγκατάστασης"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Επαναφορά της διαμόρφωσης του SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Είστε σίγουρος-η ότι θέλετε να επαναφέρετε τις ρυθμίσεις του SMPlayer; Αυτή η ενέργεια είναι μη αναστρέψιμη."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "επανεγκατάσταση"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "υποβάθμιση"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "αναβάθμιση"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Έναρξη"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Υποβάθμιση των κωδικοποιητών του MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Οι κωδικοποιητές του MPlayer δεν εγκαταστάθηκαν επιτυχώς. Προσπάθεια ξανά;"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Αποτυχία λήψης των κωδικοποιητών του MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Αποτυχία εγκατάστασης των κωδικοποιητών του MPlayer."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Αυτή η εγκατάσταση μπορεί να απεγκατασταθεί μόνο με προνόμια διαχειριστή."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Η απεγκατάσταση εγκαταλείφθηκε από τον χρήστη."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Δεν φαίνεται το SMPlayer να έχει εγκατασταθεί στον κατάλογο '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nΝα συνεχίσω ούτως ή άλλως (δεν συνιστάται);"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Δεν βρέθηκε η εγκατάσταση του SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Αυτή η εγκατάσταση μπορεί να απεγκατασταθεί μόνο σε Windows 64-bit."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "Το SMPlayer είναι ένα πλήρες περιβάλλον του συστήματος υποστήριξης του MPlayer, από τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά όπως την αναπαραγωγή βίντεο, DVD, VCD σε πιο προηγμένες λειτουργίες όπως την υποστήριξη των φίλτρων του MPlayer, κατάλογους edl, και άλλα πολλά."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Εφεδρικό αντίγραφο των κωδικοποιητών από προηγούμενη εγκατάσταση..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Επαναφορά των κωδικοποιητών από προηγούμενη εγκατάσταση..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Διαγραφή αρχείων..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Διαγραφή των κλειδιών του μητρώου..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Διαγραφή συντομεύσεων..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Επαναφορά των συσχετίσεων των αρχείων..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Αναίρεση των αλλαγών..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Αποσυμπίεση αρχείων..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Εφεδρικό αντίγραφο του SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Επαναφορά του SMTube από προηγούμενη εγκατάσταση..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Εφεδρικό αντίγραφο του mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Επαναφορά του mpv από προηγούμενη εγκατάσταση..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Γίνεται λήψη του mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "Η εγκατάσταση του mpv απέτυχε. Να δοκιμάσω πάλι;"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Απέτυχε η λήψη του mpv: «$R0»."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Απέτυχε η εγκατάσταση του mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "Η εγκατάσταση του youtube-dl απέτυχε. Να δοκιμάσω πάλι;"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Αποτυχία λήψης του youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Έλεγχος ενημερώσεων του youtube-dl...."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Εκκαθάριση της λανθάνουσας μνήμης διαμόρφωσης των γραμματοσειρών..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Εκκαθάριση των ρυθμίσεων του SMPlayer..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/hebrew.nsh b/setup/translations/hebrew.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..295574e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/hebrew.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Hebrew (1037)
+;Hebrew language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Hebrew" "עברית"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Hebrew" = "עברית" "Ivrit"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "המתקין כבר מורץ."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "עליך להתחבר בתור מנהל בעת התקנת יישום זה."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "תהליך של SMPlayer הינו מורץ כעת. אנא צא מתוך SMPlayer ונסה שוב."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "מערכת הפעלה לא נתמכת.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} מצריך לפחות Windows XP ועשוי שלא לעבוד כראוי על המערכת הנוכחית.$\nהאם אתה בטוח כי ברצונך להמשיך עם ההתקנה?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "מערכת הפעלה Windows מטיפוס 64-ביט נדרשת כדי להתקין תוכנה זו."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "התקנה קיימת מטיפוס 32-ביט של SMPlayer זמינה. עליך לבטל התקנת SMPlayer מטיפוס 32-ביט תחילה."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "התקנה קיימת מטיפוס 64-ביט של SMPlayer זמינה. עליך לבטל התקנת SMPlayer מטיפוס 64-ביט תחילה."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "התקנת $(^NameDA)"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "המתקין ידריך אותך מבעד להתקנה של $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nמומלץ לסגור את כל המאורעות שך SMPlayer בטרם התחלת מתקין. זו תהפוך עדכון של קבצי תוכנית בלי לאתחל את מחשבך לאפשרית.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "קיצורי דרך"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "רכיבי MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "מנוע מולטימדיה"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (חובה)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, ספריות משותפות, ותיעוד."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "שולחן עבודה"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "צור קיצור דרך אל SMPlayer על שולחן העבודה."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "תפריט התחלה"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "צור רשומת תפריט התחלה עבור SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (חובה)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; נדרש לשם נגינה."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "קודקים של בינארי"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "קודקים של בינארי אינם נתמכים בגרסא זו."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "קודקי לא מחייבים (רשות) עבור MPlayer. (חיבור אינטרנט נדרש לשם התקנה)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "הסתעפות רב-תכליתית של MPlayer וגם MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "תוכנית משותפת ליישום MPlayer אשר מסוגלת לשמש כדי לקודד או לשנות זרמי אודיו או וידאו נתמכים."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "סמלי ערכות נושא"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "סמלי ערכות נושא נוספים עבור SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "שפות"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "קבצים של שפות לא-אנגליות עבור SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "מחיקת העדפות SMPlayer אשר נותרו מתוך התקנות קודמות."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "חבילות בינארי codec מוסיפות תמיכה לקודקים אשר לא מיושמים במערכת באופן טבעי, כגון RealVideo על סוגיו ועוד פורמטים רבים לא נפוצים.$\nלתשומת לבך אלו לא נדרשים כדי לנגן את רוב הפורמטים הנפוצים כגון DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, וכו׳."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "בחר טיפוס התקנה"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "בחר צורת שכתוב או ביטול התקנת"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "יש לך התקנה קיימת של SMPlayer בתוך התיקייה הבאה:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "אנא בחר כיצד להמשיך:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "שכתב ($Inst_Type) את ההתקנה הקיימת"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "בטל התקנה (הסר) את ההתקנה הקיימת"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "לחץ התחל כאשר אתה מוכן להמשיך."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "לחץ הבא כאשר אתה מוכן להמשיך."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "לחץ בטל התקנה כאשר אתה מוכן להמשיך."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "שנה הגדרות התקנה"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "אפס תצורת SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "האם אתה בטוח כי ברצונך לאפס את הגדרות SMPlayer? פעולה זו היא בלתי הפיכה."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "התקן מחדש"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "הנמך"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "שדרג"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "התחל"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "מוריד כעת קודקים של MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "קודקים של MPlayer לא הותקנו בהצלחה. לנסות שוב?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "נכשל להוריד קודקים של MPlayer. סיבה: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "נכשל להתקין קודקים של MPlayer."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "התקנה זו ניתנת לביטול רק על ידי משתמש עם הרשאות מנהל."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "ביטל התקנת ננטש על ידי משתמש."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "לא נראה כי SMPlayer הינו מותקן בתוך התיקייה '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nלהמשיך בכל זאת (לא מומלץ)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "התקנת SMPlayer לא נמצאה."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "התקנה זו ניתנת לביטול רק על Windows מטיפוס 64-ביט."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer הינו מגשר-חזיתי מקיף עבור MPlayer, מתכונות בסיסיות כגון נגינת סרטוני וידאו, DVD, VCD לתכונות יותר מתקדמות כגון תמיכה עבור מסנני MPlayer, רשימות edl, ועוד."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "מגבה קודקים מתוך ההתקנה הקודמת..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "משחזר קודקים מתוך ההתקנה הקודמת..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "מוחק כעת קבצים..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "מוחק כעת מפתחות Registry..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "מוחק כעת קיצורי דרך..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "משחזר כעת שיוכי קובץ..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "משחזר כעת שינויים..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "מחלץ כעת קבצים..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "מגבה כעת את SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "משחזר כעת את SMTube מתוך התקנה קודמת..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "כעת מגבה את mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "כעת משחזר את mpv מתוך התקנה קודמת..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "כעת מוריד את mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv לא הותקן בהצלחה. לנסות שוב?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "נכשל להוריד את mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "נכשל להתקין את mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl לא הותקן בהצלחה. לנסות שוב?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "נכשל להוריד את youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "כעת בודק עדכונים עבור youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "כעת מנקה מטמון fontconfig..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "כעת מנקה הגדרות SMPlayer..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/hungarian.nsh b/setup/translations/hungarian.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..958aab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/hungarian.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Hungarian (1038)
+;Hungarian language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Hungarian" "Magyar"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Hungarian" = "Magyar" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "A telepítő már fut."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "A program telepítéséhez redszergazdai jogosultságra van szükség."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Az SMPlayer egy példánya már fut. Kérjük, lépjen ki az SMPlayerből és próbálja újra."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Nem támogatott operációs rendszer.$\nAz SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} legalább Windows XP-t igényel, így valószínűleg nem fog megfelelően működni az ön rendszerén.$\nBiztosan folytatja a telepítést?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Nem támogatott operációs rendszer.$\nAz SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} legalább Windows Vistát igényel, így valószínűleg nem fog megfelelően működni az ön rendszerén.$\nBiztosan folytatja a telepítést?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "A szoftver telepítéséhez 64-bites Windows operációs rendszerre van szükség."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Egy 32-bites SMPlayer már telepítve van. Előbb el kell távolítania a 32-bites SMPlayer-t."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Egy 64-bites SMPlayer már telepítve van. Előbb el kell távolítania a 64-bites SMPlayer-t."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "A telepítő végig fogja vezetni az $(^NameDA) telepítési folyamatán.$\r$\n$\r$\nJavasoljuk, hogy a telepítés megkezdése előtt zárja be az SMPlayer minden megnyitott példányát. Ez lehetővé teszi az adott program fájlok frissítését anélkül, hogy a számítógépét újra kellene indítania.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Parancsikonok"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer Összetevők"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimédia-motor"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (nélkülözhetetlen)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, megosztott könyvtárak és dokumentáció."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Asztal"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Létrehoz egy SMPlayer parancsikont az asztalon."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Start Menü"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Start Menü bejegyzés létrehozása az SMPlayer számára."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (nélkülözhetetlen)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; elengedhetetlen a lejátszáshoz."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Bináris Kodekek"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "A bináris kodekek nem támogatottak ebben a verzióban."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "További kodekek az MPlayer számára. (Internet Kapcsolat kell a telepítésükhöz)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Az MPlayer && MPlayer2 funkciókban gazdag forkja"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Az MPlayer segédprogramja, mely audió- és videó sugárzások átkódolására és átalakítására használható."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Ikontémák"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "További ikontémák az SMPlayerhez."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Nyelvek"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Nem-Angol SMPlayer nyelvi fájlok."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Törli az előző telepítésből megmaradt SMPlayer beállításokat."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "A bináris kodekcsomagok támogatást nyújtanak az olyan codecekhez, amelyek még nincsnek natívan implementálva, mint például az újabb RealVideo változatokhoz és rengeteg ritka formátumhoz.$\nMegjegyzendő, hogy ezek nem szükségesek a leggyakorib formátumok lejátszásához, mint például DVD-k, MPEG-1/2/4, stb."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Válassza ki a telepítés típusát"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Válassza ki a felülíró vagy eltávolító módot."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Már van egy meglévő SMPlayer telepítése a következő mappában:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Válassza ki, hogyan folytatódjon:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Írja felül ($Inst_Type) a megfelelő telepítést"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Távolítsa el (törölje) a meglévő telepítést"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "A folytatáshoz kattintson a Startra."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "A folytatáshoz kattintson a Továbbra."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "A folytatáshoz kattintson az Eltávolításra."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Telepítési beállítások megváltoztatása"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "SMPlayer konfigurációjának alaphelyzetbe állítása"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Biztos benne, hogy visszaállítja az SMPlayer beállításait? Ez a művelet nem visszafordítható."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "újratelepítés"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "visszaminősítés"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "frissítés"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Start"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "MPlayer kodekek letöltése..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Nem sikerült telepíteni az MPlayer kodekeket. Újra?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Nem sikerült letölteni az MPlayer kodekeket: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Nem sikerült feltelepíteni az MPlayer kodekeket."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Ez a telepítés csak egy rendszergazdai jogosultságokkal rendelkező felhasználó által távolítható el."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Az eltávolítást a felhasználó leállította."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Nem úgy tűnik, hogy az SMPlayer telepítve lenne a '$INSTDIR' mappába.$\r$\nMégis folytatja? (nem ajánlott)"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Az SMPlayer telepítés nem található."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "A telepítés csak 64-bites Windowson távolítható el."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "Az SMPlayer egy átfogó front-end az MPlayerhez, mely rengeteg mindent tartalmaz az alap funkcióktól kezdve, mint a videók, DVD-k és VCD-k lejátszása, az olyan fejlett tulajdonságokig, mint támogatás az MPlayer szűrőkhöz, edl listákhoz és még sok máshoz."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Kodekek biztonsági mentése az előző telepítésből..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Kodekek visszaállítása az előző telepítésből..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Fájlök törlése..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Regisztrációs kulcsok törlése..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Parancsikonok törlése..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Fájltársítások visszaállítása..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Változtatások visszavonása..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Fájlok kicsomagolása..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "SMTube biztonsági mentése folyamatban..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "SMTube visszaállítása az előző telepítésből..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "mpv biztonsági mentése folyamatban..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "mpv visszaállítása az előző telepítésből..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "mpv letöltés alatt..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "Az mpv telepítése nem sikerült. Újra próbála?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Az mpv letöltése sikertelen: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Az mpv telepítése sikertelen."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "A youtube-dl telepítése nem sikerült. Újra próbálja?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "A youtube-dl letöltése sikertelen: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "youtube-dl frissítések keresése..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "fontconfig gyorsítótár tisztítása..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "SMPlayer beállítások tisztítása..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/indonesian.nsh b/setup/translations/indonesian.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5945f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/indonesian.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Indonesian (1057)
+;Indonesian language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Indonesian" "Bahasa Indonesia"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Indonesian" = "Bahasa Indonesia" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Pemasang telah berjalan."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Anda harus masuk sebagai pengurus ketika memasang program."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Sebuah instansi SMPlayer masih berjalan. Tolong tutup SMPlayer dan coba lagi."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Sistem operasi tidak didukung.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} membutuhkan setidaknya Windows XP dan mungkin tidak bekerja dengan baik pada sistem Anda.$\n Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan pemasangan?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Sistem operasi tak didukung.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} perlu di Windows Vista terkini dan mungkin tidak bekerja dengan benar pada sistemmu.$\nApakah kamu benar-benar ingin melanjutkan pemasangan?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Sistem operasi Windows 64-bit diperlukan untuk memasang perangkat lunak ini."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Pemasang SMPlayer 32-bit masih terpasang. Anda harus mencopot SMPlayer 32-bit terlebih dahulu."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "SMPlayer 64-bit masih terpasang. Anda harus mencopot SMPlayer 64-bit terlebih dahulu."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Wisaya"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Wisaya ini akan memandu Anda pada pemasangan $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\n Disarankan agar Anda menutup semua instansi SMPlayer sebelum memulai wisaya. Hal ini akan memungkinkan untuk memperbarui file program tanpa harus memulai ulang komputer Anda.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Pintasan"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Komponen MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Mesin Multimedia"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (diperlukan)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, pustaka berbagi dan dokumentasi."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Desktop"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Buat pintasan untuk SMPlayer pada desktop."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Start Menu"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Buat sebuah entri Start Menu untuk SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (dibutuhkan)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; dibutuhkan untuk pemutaran."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Kodek Binari"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Kodek binari tidak didukung pada versi ini."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Kodek tambahan untuk MPlayer. (Koneksi Internet diperlukan untuk pemasangan)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Sebuah cabang yang kaya fitur dari MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Teman Aplikasi dari MPlater yang dapat menggunakan encode atau transformasi audio yang didukung atau video streaming."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Tema Ikon"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Tema ikon tambahan untuk SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Bahasa"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "File Bahasa Non-Inggris untuk SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Hapus pengaturan SMPlayer yang tersisa ada pemasangan sebelumnya."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Paket kodek binari menambah dukungan untuk kodek yang tidak diimplementasikan secara umum, seperti varian terbaru RealVideo dan berbagai format lainnya yang belum dapat diputar.$\nCatat bahwa semua kodek itu tidak diperlukan untuk memutaar format yang sering dipakai seperti DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, dsb."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Pilih Tipe Pemasangan"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Pilih mode Penimpaan atau Pencopotan."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Anda memiliki pemasang SMPlayer yang masih ada di direktori ini:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Harap memilih proses:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Timpa ($Inst_Type) pemasang yang ada"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Copot (lepas) pemasang yang ada"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Klik Mulai untuk mempersiapkan proses."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Klik Berikutnya ketika siap untuk proses."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Klik Copot ketika siap untuk diproses."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Ubah Setelan Pemasangan"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Setel ulang konfigurasi SMPlayer saya"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Apakah kamu yakin ingin menyetel ulang setelan SMPlayer-mu? Tindakan ini tidak dapat dikembalikan."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "pasang ulang"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "penurunan"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "peningkatan"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Mulai"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Mengunduh Kodek MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Kodek MPlayer tidak berhasil dipasang. Coba lagi?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Gagal mengunduh kodek MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Gagal memasang kodek MPlayer"
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Pemasangan ini hanya bisa dicopot oleh pengguna dengan izin pengurus."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Pencopotan dibatalkan oleh pengguna."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Sepertinya tidak terlihat bahwa SMPlayer terinstal didirektori '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nLanjutkan saja(tidak direkomendasikan)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Pemasangan SMPlayer tidak tersedia."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Pemasangan hanya bisa dicopot pada Windows 64-bit."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMplayer adalah aplikasi antarmuka lengkap untuk MPlayer, dari fitur dasar seperti memutar video, DVD, VCD ke fitur lanjutan seperti mendukung penyaringan MPlayer, daftar edl, dan banyak lainnya."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Mencadangkan kodek dari pemasangan sebelumnya..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Mengembalikan kodek dari pemasangan sebelumnya..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Menghapus file..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Menghapus Kunci Registri..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Menghapus Pintasan..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Mengembalikan asosiasi file..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Mengembalikan pengubahan..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Mengekstrak file..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Mencadangkan SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Mengembalikan SMTube dari pemasangan sebelumnya..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Mencadangkan mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Mengembalikan mpv dari pemasangan sebelumnya..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Mengunduh mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv tidak sukses dipasang. Coba kembali?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Gagal mengunduh mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Gagal memasang mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl tidak sukses dipasang. Coba kembali?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Gagal mengunduh youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Memeriksa pembaruan youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Membersihkan singgahan fontconfig..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Membersihkan setelan SMPlayer..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/italian.nsh b/setup/translations/italian.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73e25a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/italian.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Italian (1040)
+;Italian language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Italian" "Italiano"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Italian" = "Italiano" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Il programma di installazione è già in esecuzione."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "È necessario essere autenticati come amministratore per installare questo programma."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Un'istanza di SMPlayer è in esecuzione. Esci da SMPlayer e riprova."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Sistema operativo non supportato. $\nSmPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} richiede almeno Windows XP e potrebbe non funzionare correttamente su questo sistema. $\nSi vuole davvero proseguire con l'installazione?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Sistema operativo non supportato. $\nSmPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} richiede almeno Windows Vista e potrebbe non funzionare correttamente su questo sistema. $\nSi vuole davvero proseguire con l'installazione?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "È richiesto un sistema operativo Windows a 64-bit per installare questo software."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Un'installazione a 32-bit di SMPlayer è già presente. Si deve prima disinstallare SMPlayer a 32-bit."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Un'installazione a 64-bit di SMPlayer è già presente. Si deve prima disinstallare SMPlayer a 64-bit."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "Installazione guidata di $(^NameDA)"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Questa è l'installazione guidata di $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nSi raccomanda di chiudere tutte le istanze di SMPlayer prima di cominciare. Questo renderà possibile installare i file del programma senza dover riavviare la macchina.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Collegamenti"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Componenti di MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Motore Multimediale"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (essenziale)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, librerie condivise, e documentazione."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Scrivania"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Crea un collegamento a SMPlayer sulla scrivania."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Menu di avvio"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Crea un elemento nel menu di avvio per SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (essenziale)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; essenziale per la riproduzione."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Codec binari"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "I codec binari non sono supportati in questa versione."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Codec aggiuntivi per MPlayer. (Connessione a Internet richiesta per l'installazione)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Una fork di MPlayer && MPlayer2 ricca di funzioni"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Un programma integrativo di MPlayer che può essere usato per codificare o trasformare flussi audio o video supportati."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Temi di icone"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Temi di icone aggiuntivi per SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Localizzazioni"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Localizzazioni non Inglesi."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Cancella preferenze di SMPlayer lasciate da installazioni precedenti."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "I pacchetti di codec binari forniscono il supporto per i codec che non sono stati ancora implementati nativamente, per esempio per le varianti di RealVideo e anche un sacco di formati poco utilizzati.$\nNota che non sono richiesti per riprodurre i formati più comuni come DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, ecc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Scegliere tipo di installazione"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Scegliere se sovrascrivere o disinstallare."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Un'installazione già presente di SMPlayer è presente nella cartella seguente:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Scegliere come proseguire:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Sovrascrivi ($Inst_Type) l'installazione esistente"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Disinstalla (rimuovi) l'installazione esistente"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Per proseguire, scegliere Installa."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Per proseguire, scegliere Avanti."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Per proseguire, scegli Disinstalla"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Cambia le impostazioni di installazione"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Rimuovi configurazione di SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Sei sicuro di voler ripristinare le impostazioni di SMPlayer? Questa azione non può essere annullata."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "reinstalla"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "retrocedi"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "aggiorna"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Installa"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Sto scaricando i codec di MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "I codec di MPlayer non sono stati installati correttamente. Riprovare?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Impossibile scaricare i codec di MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Installazione dei codec di MPlayer non riuscita."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "La disinstallazione può essere effettuata solo da un utente con permessi amministrativi."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Disinstallazione annullata dall'utente."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Sembra che SMPlayer non sia installato nella cartella '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinua comunque (non raccomandato)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Installazione di SMPlayer non trovata."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Questa installazione può essere disinstallata solo su Windows 64-bit."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer è un'interfaccia completa per MPlayer, fornisce funzionalità di base come la riproduzione di video, DVD, VCD e funzionalità più avanzate come il supporto dei filtri di MPlayer, le liste edl e altro ancora."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Copia di sicurezza dei codec dell'installazione precedente..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Ripristino codec dell'installazione precedente..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Eliminazione file..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Eliminazione chiavi di registro..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Eliminazione collegamenti..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Ripristino associazioni file..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Rollback delle modifiche..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Estrazione file..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Copia di sicurezza di SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Ripristino di SMTube dall'installazione precedente..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Salvataggio mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Ripristino mpv alla precedente installazione..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Scaricamento mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv non è stato installato correttamente. Riprovare?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Impossibile scaricare mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Errore nell'installazione di mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl non è stato installato correttamente. Riprovare?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Impossibile scaricare youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Verifica aggiornamenti per youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Pulizia cache fontconfig..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Pulizia impostazioni SMPlayer..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/japanese.nsh b/setup/translations/japanese.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee98cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/japanese.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Japanese (1041)
+;Japanese language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Japanese" "日本語"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Japanese" = "日本語" "Nihongo"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "インストーラーは既に実行中です。"
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "このプログラムをインストールするときは管理者としてログインする必要があります。"
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "SMPlayer のインスタンスが実行中です。SMPlayer を終了してやり直してください。"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "サポートされていないオペレーティング システムです。$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} は Windows XP 以上を必要とし、お使いのシステムでは正常に動作しない可能性があります。$\n本当にインストールを続行しますか?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "サポートされていないオペレーティング システムです。$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} は Windows Vista 以上を必要とし、お使いのシステムでは正常に動作しない可能性があります。$\n本当にインストールを続行しますか?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "このソフトウェアをインストールするには 64 ビットの Windows オペレーティング システムが必要です。"
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "32 ビットの SMPlayer が既にインストールされています。先に 32 ビットの SMPlayer をアンインストールする必要があります。"
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "64 ビットの SMPlayer が既にインストールされています。先に 64 ビットの SMPlayer をアンインストールする必要があります。"
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) のセットアップ"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "セットアップは $(^NameDA) のインストールをご案内します。$\r$\n$\r$\nセットアップの開始前にすべての SMPlayer のインスタンスを閉じることが推奨されます。これによりお使いのコンピューターを再起動する必要なく関連するプログラム ファイルを更新することが可能になります。$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "ショートカット"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer コンポーネント"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "マルチメディア エンジン"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (必須)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer、共有ライブラリ、およびドキュメントです。"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "デスクトップ"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "デスクトップに SMPlayer へのショートカットを作成します。"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "[スタート] メニュー"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "SMPlayer の [スタート] メニュー エントリを作成します。"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (必須)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "再生のために必要な MPlayer です。"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "バイナリ コーデック"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "バイナリ コーデックはこのバージョンではサポートされていません。"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "MPlayer のオプション コーデックです。(インストールにはインターネット接続が必要です)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "MPlayer と MPlayer2 の機能豊富なフォークです。"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "サポートされたオーディオまたはビデオ ストリームのエンコードや変換に使用できる MPlayer の姉妹プログラムです。"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "アイコン テーマ"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "SMPlayer の追加アイコン テーマです。"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "言語"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "SMPlayer の英語以外の言語ファイルです。"
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "前のインストールから残っている SMPlayer の環境設定を削除します。"
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "バイナリ コーデック パッケージは新しい RealVideo 派生や多くの希少な形式など、まだ自然には実装されていないコーデックへのサポートを追加します。$\nDVD、MPEG-1/2/4 などの最も一般的なフォーマットの再生には必要でないことにご注意ください。"
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "インストールの種類の選択"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "上書きまたはアンインストール モードを選択します。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "以下のフォルダーに既存 SMPlayer のインストールがあります:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "続行する方法を選択してください:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "既存のインストールを上書き ($Inst_Type) する"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "既存のインストールをアンインストール (削除) する"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "続行するには [開始] をクリックします。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "続行するには [次へ] をクリックします。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "続行するには [アンインストール] をクリックします。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "インストール構成を変更する"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "SMPlayer の設定をリセットする"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "SMPlayer の設定をリセットしてもよろしいですか? この動作は元に戻せません。"
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "再インストール"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "ダウングレード"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "アップグレード"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "開始"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "MPlayer コーデックをダウンロードしています..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer コーデックは正常にインストールされませんでした。再試行しますか?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "MPlayer コーデックのダウンロードに失敗しました: '$R0'。"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "MPlayer コーデックのインストールに失敗しました。"
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "このインストールは管理者特権のあるユーザーによってのみアンインストールできます。"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "アンインストールはユーザーによって中止されました。"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "ディレクトリ '$INSTDIR' に SMPlayer がインストールされているように見えません。$\r$\nこのまま続行しますか (推奨されません)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer のインストールが見つかりません。"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "このインストールは 64 ビットの Windows でのみアンインストールできます。"
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer はビデオ、DVD、VCD の再生のような基本的な機能から MPlayer フィルター、edl リストなどへのサポートのような高度な機能まで、MPlayer の完全なフロントエンドです。"
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "以前のインストールからのコーデックをバックアップしています..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "以前のインストールからのコーデックを復元しています..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "ファイルを削除しています..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "レジストリ キーを削除しています..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "ショートカットを削除しています..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "ファイルの関連付けを復元しています..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "変更を元に戻しています..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "ファイルを展開しています..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "SMTube をバックアップしています..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "以前のインストールからの SMTube を復元しています..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "mpv をバックアップしています..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "以前のインストールからの mpv を復元しています..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "mpv をダウンロードしています..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv は正常にインストールされませんでした。再試行しますか?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "mpv のダウンロードに失敗しました: '$R0'。"
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "mpv のインストールに失敗しました。"
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl は正常にインストールされませんでした。再試行しますか?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "youtube-dl のダウンロードに失敗しました: '$R0'。"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "youtube-dl の更新を確認しています..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "fontconfig キャッシュをクリーンアップしています..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "SMPlayer の設定をクリーンアップしています..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/korean.nsh b/setup/translations/korean.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8d16b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/korean.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Korean (1042)
+;Korean language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Korean" "한국어"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Korean" = "한국어" "Hangugeo"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "설치 프로그램이 실행 중입니다."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "이 프로그램을 설치하려면 관리자 권한이 필요합니다."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "SMPlayer가 실행 중입니다. SMPlayer를 종료 후 다시 시도하세요."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "미지원 운영 체계.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} 는 윈도우 XP 이상이 필요하고 당신의 시스템에서 정상적인 동작을 보장할 수 없습니다.$\n설치를 계속 진행할까요?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "미지원 운영 체계.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} 는 최소한 윈도우 비스타가 필요하고 당신의 시스템에서 정상적인 동작을 보장할 수 없습니다.$\n설치를 계속 진행할까요?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "이 프로그램은 윈도우 64비트 운영 체계에서만 설치할 수 있습니다."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "32비트 버전의 SMPlayer가 이미 설치되어 있습니다. 32비트 SMPlayer를 먼저 제거하세요."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "64비트 버전의 SMPlayer가 이미 설치되어 있습니다. 64비트 SMPlayer를 먼저 제거하세요."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Setup이 $(^NameDA)의 설치를 도와줄 것입니다.$\r$\n$\r$\nSetup을 시작하기 전에 SMPlayer를 모두 종료하세요. 그러면 재부팅 없이 관련 프로그램 파일을 업데이트할 수 있습니다.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "바로가기"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer 구성 요소"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "멀티미디어 엔진"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (필수)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, 공유 라이브러리와 문서."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "바탕화면"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "바탕화면에 SMPlayer의 바로가기를 만듭니다."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "시작 메뉴"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "SMPlayer의 시작 메뉴 항목을 만듭니다."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (필수)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; 재생에 필요함."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "바이너리 코덱"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "이 버전에서 바이너리 코덱은 지원하지 않습니다."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "MPlayer용 추가 코덱. (설치시 인터넷 연결이 필요함)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "다기능의 MPlayer && MPlayer2를 이용한 개발"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "지원하는 오디오 비디오 스트림을 인코딩하거나 변환하는데 사용할 수 있는 MPlayer의 추가 프로그램."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "아이콘 테마"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "SMPlayer의 추가 아이콘 테마."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "언어"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "SMPlayer의 비영어 언어 파일들."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "이전 설치된 SMPlayer의 환경 설정을 삭제합니다."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "바이너리 코덱 꾸러미는 새로운 RealVideo 변종과 많은 희귀한 형식의 동영상에서, 아직 직접 지원하지 않는 코덱을 지원합니다.$\nDVD나 MPEG-1/2/4와 같은 대부분의 동영상을 재생하는데 필수적인 코덱은 아닙니다."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "설치 형태를 선택하세요"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "덮어쓸 것인지 제거할 것인지 선택하세요."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "다음 폴더에 SMPlayer가 설치되어 있습니다:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "어떻게 처리할 것인지 선택하세요:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "기존의 설치 위에 덮어 씁니다 ($Inst_Type)"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "기존의 설치를 제거합니다"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "준비가 되었으면 시작을 누르세요."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "준비가 되었으면 다음을 누르세요."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "준비가 되었으면 제거를 누르세요."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "설치 설정을 변경합니다"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "내 SMPlayer 설정을 초기화합니다"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "SMPlayer 설정을 초기화할까요? 초기화 후에는 복원할 수 없습니다."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "재설치"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "다운그레이드"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "업그레이드"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "시작"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Downloading MPlayer codecs..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer 코덱 설치에 실패했습니다. 다시 할까요?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "MPlayer 코덱 다운로드에 실패했습니다: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "MPlayer 코덱 설치에 실패했습니다."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "이 설치는 관리자 권한을 지닌 사용자만 제거할 수 있습니다."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "사용자가 제거를 취소함."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "SMPlayer가 '$INSTDIR' 디렉토리에 설치된 것 같지 않습니다.$\r$\n어쨌든 계속할까요? (비권장)"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer 설치를 찾을 수 없습니다."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "이 설치는 64비트 윈도우에서만 제거할 수 있습니다."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer는 비디오, DVD, VCD 재생과 같은 기본적인 기능들로부터 MPlayer 필터와 edl 목록 등 고급 기능들까지 지원하는 MPlayer의 완전한 프론트엔트입니다."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "이전 설치에서 코덱 백업하는 중..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "이전 설치에서 코덱 복원하는 중..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "파일 삭제하는 중..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "레지스트리 키 삭제하는 중..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "바로가기 삭제하는 중..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "파일 연결 복원하는 중..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "변경점을 원상 복원하는 중..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "파일 압축을 해제하는 중..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "SMTube를 백업하는 중..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "SMTube는 이전 설치에서 복원하는 중..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "mpv 백업 중..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "이전에 설치한 mpv 복원 중..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "mpv 다운로드 중..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv 설치에 실패했습니다. 재시도할까요?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "mpv 다운로드 실패: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "mpv를 설치하지 못했습니다."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl 설치에 실패했습니다. 재시도할까요?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "youtube-dl 다운로드 실패: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "youtube-dl 업데이트 확인 중..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "fontconfig 캐쉬 정리 중..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "SMPlayer 설정 정리 중..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/malay.nsh b/setup/translations/malay.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94d40c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/malay.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Malay (1086)
+;Malay language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Malay" "Melayu"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Malay" = "Bahasa Melayu" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Pemasang sudah berjalan."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Anda mesti mendaftar masuk sebagai pentadbir bila memasang program ini."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Satu kejadian SMPlayer sedang berjalan. Sila keluar SMPlayer dan cuba lagi."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Kesian , Sistem pengoperasian tidak disokong.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya Windows XP dan tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik pada sistem anda.$\nAnda pasti mahu teruskan pemasangan?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Sistem pengoperasian tidak disokong.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya Windows Vista dan tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik pada sistem anda.$\nAnda pasti mahu teruskan pemasangan?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Sistem pengoperasian Windows 64-bit diperlukan untuk memasang perisian ini."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Pemasangan 32-bit SMPlayer sudah wujud. Anda mesti nyahpasang SMPlayer 32-bit dahulu."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Pemasangan 64-bit SMPlayer sudah wujud. Anda mesti nyahpasang SMPlayer 64-bit dahulu."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "Persediaan $(^NameDA)"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Persediaan akan membantu anda melalui pemasangan $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nAdalah disarankan anda tutup semua kejadian SMPlayer sebelum memulakan persediaan. Ia bertujuan untuk mengemaskini fail program yang berkaitan tanpa perlu membut semula komputer anda.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Pintasan"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Komponen MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Enjin Multimedia"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (diperlukan)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, pustaka terkongsi, dan dokumentasi."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Desktop"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Cipta pintasan pada SMPlayer pada desktop."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Menu Mula"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Cipta masukan Menu Mula untuk SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (diperlukan)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; diperlukan untuk mainbalik."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Kodeks Binari"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Kodeks binari tidak disokong dalam versi ini."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Kodeks pilihan untuk MPlayer. (Sambungan Internet diperlukan untuk pemasangan)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Cabang kaya-fitur bagi MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Program yang diperlukan oleh MPlayer yang dapat digunakan untuk mengenkod atau jelma audio disokong atau strim video."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Tema Ikon"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Tema ikon tambahan untuk SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Bahasa"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Fail bahasa Bukan-Inggeris untuk SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Padam baki keutamaan SMPlayer dari pemasangan terdahulu."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Pakej kodeks binari menambah sokongan untuk kodeks yang belum lagi dilaksana secara tabii, seperti varians RealVideo lebih baharu dan banyak lagi format bukan umum..$\nPerhatian format tersebut tidaklah diperlukan untuk memainkan kebanyakan format umum seperti DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, dll."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Pilih Jenis Pemasangan"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Pilih mod Tulis-ganti atau Nyahpasang."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Anda sudah mempunyai pemasangan SMPlayer di dalam folder berikut:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Sila pilih bagaimana hendak diteruskan:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Tulis-ganti pemasangan sedia ada ($Inst_Type)"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Nyapasang (buang) pemasangan sedia ada"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Klik Mula bila sedia diteruskan."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Klik Berikutnya bila sedia diteruskan."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Klik Nyahpasang bila sedia diteruskan."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Ubah Tetapan Pemasangan"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Tetap semula konfigurasi SMPlayer saya"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Anda pasti mahu menetap semula tetapan SMPlayer anda? Tindakan ini tidak boleh dikembalikan."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "pasang semula"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "nyahtatar"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "tatar"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Mula"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Memuat Turun Kodeks MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Kodeks MPlayer gagal dipasang. Cuba lagi?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Gagal memuat turun kodeks MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Gagal memasang kodeks MPlayer."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Pemasangan ini hanya boleh dinyahpasang oleh pengguna dengan kelayakan pentadbir."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Nyahpasang dihenti-paksa oleh pengguna."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Kelihatan SMPlayer tidak dipasang dalam direktori '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nTeruskan jua (tidak disarankan)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Pemasangan SMPlayer tidak ditemui."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Pemasangan ini hanya boleh dinyahpasang pada Windows 64-bit."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer merupakan bahagian-hadapan MPlayer, dari fitur asas seperti memainkan video, DVD. VCD sehinggalah fitur lanjutan seperti sokongan untuk penapis MPlayer, senarai edl, dan banyak lagi."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Menyandar kodeks dari pemasangan terdahulu..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Memulihkan kodeks dari pemasangan terdahulu..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Memadam Fail..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Memadam Kunci Registry..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Memadam Pintasan..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Memulihkan perkaitan fail..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Mengembali perubahan..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Mengekstrak fail..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Menyandar SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Memulihkan SMTube dari pemasangan terdahulu..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Menyandar mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Memulihkan mpv dari pemasangan terdahulu..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Memuat turun mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv gagal dipasang. Cuba lagi?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Gagal memuat turun mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Gagal memasang mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl gagal dipasang. Cuba lagi?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Gagal memuat turun youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Memeriksa kemaskini youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Membersihkan cache konfig fon..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Membersihkan tetapan SMPlayer..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/norwegian_nb.nsh b/setup/translations/norwegian_nb.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bae5a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/norwegian_nb.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Norwegian (1044)
+;Norwegian language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Norwegian" "Norwegian"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Norwegian" = "Norsk" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Installeringsveiviseren kjører allerede."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Du må være logget inn som administrator når du installerer dette programmet."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "En instans av SMPlayer kjører allerede. Vennligst lukk SMPlayer og prøv igjen."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Ditt operativsystem støttes ikke.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} krever minst Windows XP og vil kanskje ikke fungere riktig på din maskin.$\nVil du virkelig fortsette med installasjonen?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Ditt operativsystem støttes ikke.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} krever minst Windows Vista og vil kanskje ikke fungere riktig på din maskin.$\nVil du virkelig fortsette med installasjonen?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Et 64-bits Windows-operativsystem er påkrevd for å installere denne programvaren."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Det er allerede en 32-bitinstallasjon av SMPlayer her. Du må avinstallere din 32-bit SMPlayer først."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Det er allerede en 64-bitinstallasjon av SMPlayer her. Du må avinstallere din 64-bit SMPlayer først."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA)-oppsett"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Oppsettet vil lede deg gjennom installasjonen av $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nDet er anbefalt at du lukker all SMPlayer-prosesser før du begynner oppsettet. Dette vil gjøre det mulig å oppdatere relevante programfiler uten at du behøver å starte maskinen din på nytt.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Snarveier"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer-komponenter"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimediemotor"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (påkrevd)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, delte biblioteker og dokumentasjon."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Skrivebord"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Oppretter en snarvei til SMPlayer på skrivebordet."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Startmeny"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Opprett en startmenyoppføring for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (påkrevd)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; påkrevd for avspilling."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binære kodeker"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binære kodeker støttes ikke i denne versjonen."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Valgfrie kodeker for MPlayer. (Internettilkobling er påkrevd for å installere dem)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "En funksjonsrik avsporing av MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Et følgesprogram til MPlayer som kan brukes til å omkode eller transformere støttede lyd- eller videostrømmer."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Ikonstiler"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Ekstra ikonstiler for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Språk"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Språkfiler for SMPlayer for andre språk enn engelsk."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Sletter SMPlayer-innstillinger fra tidligere installasjoner."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "De binære kodekpakkene legger til støtte for kodeker som ennå ikke er blitt innebygd, slik som nyere RealVideo-varianter og mange uvanlige formater.$\nVær oppmerksom på at de ikke er nødvendige for å spille av de fleste vanlige formater som DVDer, MPEG-1/2/4, osv."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Velg installeringstype"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Velg Overskrivings- eller Avinstallerings-modus."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Du har en eksisterende installasjon av SMPlayer i den følgende mappen:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Vennligst velg hvordan du vil fortsette:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Skriv over ($Inst_Type) den nåværende installasjonen"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Avinstaller (fjern) den nåværende installasjonen"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Trykk Start når du ønsker å fortsette."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Trykk neste når du ønsker å fortsette."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Trykk Avinstaller når du ønsker å fortsette"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Endre installasjonsinnstillinger"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Tilbakestill mitt SMPlayer-oppsett"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Er du sikker på at du vil tilbakestille ditt SMPlayer-oppsett? Denne handlingen kan ikke bli gjenopprettet senere."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "installer på nytt"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "nedgrader"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "oppgrader"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Start"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Laster ned MPlayer-kodeker..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer-kodeker ble ikke riktig installert. Vil du prøve på nytt?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Klarte ikke å laste ned MPlayer-kodeker: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Klarte ikke å installere MPlayer-kodeker."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Denne installasjonen kan bare avinstalleres av en bruker med administratorrettigheter."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Avinstalleringen ble avbrutt av brukeren."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Det ser ikke ut til at SMPlayer er installert under filplasseringen '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nVil du fortsette likevel (ikke anbefalt)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer-installasjonen ble ikke funnet."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Denne installasjonen kan kun avinstalleres på en 64-bit Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer er et komplett grensesnitt for MPlayer, fra grunnleggende funksjoner som å spille av videoer, DVDer og VCDer, til mer avanserte funksjoner som støtte for MPlayer-filtre, EDL-lister og mer til."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Tar backup av kodeker fra en tidligere installasjon..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Tilbakestiller kodeker fra en tidligere installasjon..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Sletter filer..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Sletter registernøkler..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Sletter snarveier..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Gjenoppretter filtilknytninger..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Tilbakestiller endringer..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Pakker ut filer..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Tar backup av SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Gjenoppretter SMTube fra en tidligere installasjon..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Tar backup av mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Gjenoppretter mpv fra en tidligere installasjon..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Laster ned mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv ble ikke riktig installert. Vil du prøve på nytt?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Mislyktes i å installere mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Mislyktes i å installere mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl ble ikke riktig installert. Vil du prøve på nytt?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Klarte ikke å laste ned youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Leter etter oppdateringer for youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Fjerner mellomlageret for fontoppsett..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Fjerner SMPlayer-innstillinger..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/norwegian_nn.nsh b/setup/translations/norwegian_nn.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..470d3e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/norwegian_nn.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Norwegian (2068)
+;Norwegian language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "NorwegianNynorsk" "Norwegian nynorsk"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "NorwegianNynorsk" "Norwegian (Nynorsk)" "Norsk (nynorsk)" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "The installer is already running."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 32-bit SMPlayer first."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 64-bit SMPlayer first."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nIt is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files without having to reboot your computer.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Shortcuts"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer Components"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimedia Engine"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (required)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Desktop"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Start Menu"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Icon Themes"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Languages"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon formats.$\nNote that they are not necessary to play most common formats like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Select Install Type"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Please select how to proceed:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Change Installation Settings"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be reversed."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "reinstall"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "downgrade"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "upgrade"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Start"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Downloading MPlayer codecs..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinue anyway (not recommended)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer installation not found."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Restoring file associations..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Rolling back changes..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Extracting files..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Backing up SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Backing up mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Downloading mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Failed to install mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/.tx/config b/setup/translations/po_files/.tx/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dea7cfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/.tx/config
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+host =
+type = PO
+source_lang = en
+source_file = english.pot
+trans.sq_AL = albanian.po = amharic.po = arabic.po = basque.po = bulgarian.po = catalan.po = croatian.po
+trans.cs = czech.po
+trans.da = danish.po = dutch.po = finnish.po = french.po = galician.po = german.po
+trans.el = greek.po
+trans.he = hebrew.po = hungarian.po = indonesian.po = italian.po
+trans.ja = japanese.po
+trans.ko = korean.po
+trans.ms_MY = malay.po
+trans.nb_NO = norwegian_nb.po
+trans.nn = norwegian_nn.po
+trans.fa = farsi.po = polish.po
+trans.pt_BR = portuguesebrazil.po = portuguese.po = romanian.po = russian.po = serbian.po
+trans.zh_CN = simpchinese.po = slovak.po = slovenian.po = spanish.po = thai.po
+trans.zh_TW = tradchinese.po = turkish.po = ukrainian.po = vietnamese.po
+minimum_perc = 50
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/Makefile b/setup/translations/po_files/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a9f398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+all: amharic.po malay.po french.po hungarian.po basque.po danish.po simpchinese.po finnish.po norwegian_nn.po norwegian_nb.po hebrew.po russian.po croatian.po romanian.po portuguese.po czech.po arabic.po thai.po portuguesebrazil.po albanian.po dutch.po galician.po ukrainian.po serbian.po bulgarian.po slovak.po spanish.po indonesian.po italian.po tradchinese.po korean.po farsi.po greek.po japanese.po german.po vietnamese.po catalan.po slovenian.po polish.po turkish.po
+amharic.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered amharic.po english.pot
+malay.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered malay.po english.pot
+french.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered french.po english.pot
+hungarian.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered hungarian.po english.pot
+basque.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered basque.po english.pot
+danish.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered danish.po english.pot
+simpchinese.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered simpchinese.po english.pot
+finnish.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered finnish.po english.pot
+norwegian_nn.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered norwegian_nn.po english.pot
+norwegian_nb.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered norwegian_nb.po english.pot
+hebrew.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered hebrew.po english.pot
+russian.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered russian.po english.pot
+croatian.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered croatian.po english.pot
+romanian.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered romanian.po english.pot
+portuguese.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered portuguese.po english.pot
+czech.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered czech.po english.pot
+arabic.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered arabic.po english.pot
+thai.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered thai.po english.pot
+portuguesebrazil.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered portuguesebrazil.po english.pot
+albanian.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered albanian.po english.pot
+dutch.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered dutch.po english.pot
+galician.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered galician.po english.pot
+ukrainian.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered ukrainian.po english.pot
+serbian.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered serbian.po english.pot
+bulgarian.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered bulgarian.po english.pot
+slovak.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered slovak.po english.pot
+spanish.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered spanish.po english.pot
+indonesian.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered indonesian.po english.pot
+italian.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered italian.po english.pot
+tradchinese.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered tradchinese.po english.pot
+korean.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered korean.po english.pot
+farsi.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered farsi.po english.pot
+greek.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered greek.po english.pot
+japanese.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered japanese.po english.pot
+german.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered german.po english.pot
+vietnamese.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered vietnamese.po english.pot
+catalan.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered catalan.po english.pot
+slovenian.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered slovenian.po english.pot
+polish.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered polish.po english.pot
+turkish.po: english.pot
+ msgmerge -F -U -N --backup=numbered turkish.po english.pot
+ -rm *~
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/albanian.po b/setup/translations/po_files/albanian.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..537890e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/albanian.po
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Rigels Gordani <>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Ricardo Villalba <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Albanian (Albania) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sq_AL\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Instaluesi eshte ne egzekutim."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Ju duhet te jeni loguar si administator per te instaluar kete program."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Një instancë e SMPlayer është në egzekutim. Ju lutem mbyllni SMPlayer dhe riprovoni."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Ky sistem operativë nuk suportohet.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} kërkon të paktën Windows XP dhe mund të mos punoj në mënyrë korrekte në sistemin tuaj.[:n:]Dëshironi akoma të vazhdoni me installimin?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Një sistem operativë Windows 64-bit nevojitet për të instaluar këtë software."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Egziston një installim 32-bit i SMPlayer. Duhet të disinstaloni më parë SMPlayer 32-bit."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Egziston një installim 64-bit i SMPlayer. Duhet të disinstaloni më parë SMPlayer 64-bit."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Programi i instalimit do ju ndihmoj hap pas hapi ne instalimin e $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Rekomandohet qe te mbyllni te gjitha dritaret e hapura te SMPlayer perpara se te filloni instalimin. Kjo do te bej te mundur instalimin e update-ve pa pasur nevoj te riavioni/ristartoni kompjuterin tuaj.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Shortcuts"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Komponentet e MPlayer."
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (nevojitet)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, libraritë dinamike, dhe dokumentacioni."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Desktop"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Krijon një shortcut të SMPlayer në desktop."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Menuja Start"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Krijo një menu të re për SMPlayer tek Menuja Start."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (nevojitet)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; nevojitet per leximin/shikimin e videos dhe audios."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Codec-et binare."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Codec-ët shtesë për MPlayer. (Nevojitet Lidhje në Internet për instalimin)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Nje program qe perdor MPlayer mund te perdoret per te enkoduar ose transformuar file audio ose video te suportuar."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Tema e Ikonave."
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Tema te tjera te ikonave per SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Gjuhët"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "File për gjuhët jo Ingleze të SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Fshij file e preferencave te instalimit te meparshem te SMPlayer."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Paketa software e codec-ve binare shton suportin per codec-et qe nuk jane implementuar akoma ne menyre native, si versione e reja te RealVideo dhe shume formateve video jo te famshem.[:n:]Shenim: keto codec-ek nuk jane te domosdoshem per te pare/shikuar file video me formate te famshem si DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etj."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Zgjidh tipin e instalimit"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Zgjidh mënyrën e Mbishkruarjes ose Disinstallimit."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Ju keni një instalim të SMPlayer në këtë direktori:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Ju lutem zgjidhni si të veproni:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Mbishkruani ($Inst_Type) instalimi egzistues"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Disinstalo (fshij) instalimin eksistues"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Kliko Start kur te jeni gati për të vazhduar."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Kliko Next kur te jeni gati për të vazhduar."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Kliko Uninstall kur te jeni gati për të vazhduar."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Ndrysho karakteristikat e Instalimit"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Reseto configurimin tim te SMPlayer"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "riinstallo"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "downgrade"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "upgrade"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Fillo"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Duke shkarkuar MPlayer Codecs..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "MPlayer codecs nuk u installuan me sukses. Riprovo?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Nuk u arrit shkarkimi i codec-vë te MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Dështim gjatë instalimit të MPlayer codecs."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Ky instalim mund të disinstalohet nga një përdorues me të drejta administratori."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Disinstalimi u ndërpre nga përdoruesi."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "SMPlayer nuk është instaluar në këtë direktori '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Dëshironi të vazhdoni gjithsesi (nuk rekomandohet)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Nuk u gjend instalimi i SMPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Ky instalim mund të disinstalohet vetëm në 64-bit Windows."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer mbështet tek MPlayer, nga veprimtaritë bazë si shikimi i video-ve, DVD-ve, VCD-ve deri te veprimtaritë më të avancuara të MPlayer, si filtratë, listat edl, etj."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Krijimi i një kopje rezervë për codec-ët nga instalimi i mëparshëm."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Duke gjetur codec-ët nga instalimi i vjetër..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Duke fshire File..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Duke fshire Registry Keys..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Duke fshire Shortcuts..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Duke gjetur file associations..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Kthimi mbrapa i ndryshimeve..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Ekstratimi i file..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Codec-ët binary nuk suportohen në këtë version."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/amharic.po b/setup/translations/po_files/amharic.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f12e2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/amharic.po
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# samson <>, 2015-2017
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-26 23:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: samson <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Amharic (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: am\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "መግጠሚያው እየሄደ ነው"
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "እርስዎ ይህን ፕሮግራም ሲገጥሙ እንደ አስተዳዳሪ መግባት አለብዎት "
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "የ SMP ማጫወቻ እየሄደ ነው: እባክዎን ከ SMP ማጫወቻ ይውጡ እና እንደገና ይሞክሩ"
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "ያልተደገፈ አይነት የ መስሪያ ስርአት [:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} ያስፈልጋል ቢያንስ Windows XP እና በ እርስዎ መስሪያ ስርአት ላይ በትክክል ላይሰራ ይችላል.[:n:]በ እርግጥ መግጠሙን መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "ያልተደገፈ አይነት የ መስሪያ ስርአት [:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} ያስፈልጋል ቢያንስ Windows XP እና በ እርስዎ መስሪያ ስርአት ላይ በትክክል ላይሰራ ይችላል.[:n:] በ እርግጥ መግጠሙን መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "የ 64-ቢት መስኮት መስሪያ ስርአት ያስፈልጋል ይህን ፕሮግራም ለ መግጠም"
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "ቀደም ያለ የ 32-ቢት የ SMP ማጫወቻ ነበር: መጀመሪያ የ 32-ቢት የ SMP ማጫወቻ ማጥፋት አለብዎት"
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "ቀደም ያለ የ 64-ቢት የ SMP ማጫወቻ ነበር: መጀመሪያ የ 64-ቢት የ SMP ማጫወቻ ማጥፋት አለብዎት"
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) ማሰናጃ"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "ማሰናጃው ይመራዎታል እንዴት እንደሚገጥሙ $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:] ሌሎች ፕሮግራሞችን ይዝጉ SMPlayer ከ መገጠሙ በፊት: ይህ ማሻሻያ አግባብ ያለው ፕሮግራም ኮምፒዩተሩ እንደገና ሳይጀምር ማሻሻል ያስችለዋል [:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "አቋራጮች"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "የ SMP ማጫወቻ አካላቶች"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "በርካታ መገናኛ ሞተር"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMP ማጫወቻ (ያስፈልጋል)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "የ SMP ማጫወቻ የሚካፈላቸው መጻህፍት ቤት"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "ደስክቶፕ"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "በ ዴስክቶፕ ላይ አቋራጭ መፍጠሪያ ለ SMP ማጫወቻ"
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "ዝርዝር ማስጀመሪያ"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "ለ SMPlayer የ ማስጀመሪያ ዝርዝር ማስገቢያ መፍጠሪያ"
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMP ማጫወቻ (ያስፈልጋል)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "SMP ማጫወቻ; ያስፈልጋል በ ድጋሚ ለማጫወት"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Binary Codecs"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "በ ምርጫ codecs ለ MPlayer. (ለ መግጠም የ ኢንተርኔት ግንኙነት ያስፈልጋል)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "በርካታ ገጽታ ያለው የ MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "አጋር ፕሮግራም ለ MPlayer መጠቀም ይችላሉ ለ encode ወይንም መቀየር የ ተደገፉ ድምፅ ወይንም ቪዲዮዎች ለማስተላለፍ"
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "የ ምልክት ገጽታዎች"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "ለ SMP ማጫወቻ ተጨማሪ ገጽታዎች"
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "ቋንቋ"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "እንግሊዝኛ-ላልሆኑ ቋንቋዎች ፋይሎች ለ SMP ማጫወቻ"
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "የ SMP ማጫወቻ ምርጫዎች ካለፈው መግጠሚያ የ ተረፉትን ማጥፊያ"
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "የ መግጠሚያ አይነት ይምረጡ"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "ይምረጡ በላዩ ላይ ደርቦ መጻፊያ ወይንም ማጥፊያ ዘዴ"
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "እርስዎ በቅድሚያ የተገጠመ የ SMPlayer በሚቀጥለው ፎልደር ውስጥ አለዎት"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "እባክዎን እንዴት መቀጠል እንደሚፈልጉ ይምረጡ"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr " በላዩ ላይ ደርቦ መጻፊያ ($Inst_Type) በ ነበረው መግጠሚያ ላይ"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "ማጥፊያ (ማስወገጃ) የ ነበረውን መግጠሚያ"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "ይጫኑ ማስጀመሪያውን ለ መቀጠል ዝግጁ ሲሆኑ "
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "ይጫኑ ማስጀመሪያውን ለ መቀጠል ዝግጁ ሲሆኑ "
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "ይጫኑ ማጥፊያውን ለ መቀጠል ዝግጁ ሲሆኑ "
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "የ መግጠሚያ ማሰናጃ መቀየሪያ"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "እንደ ነበር መመለሻ የ እኔን SMPlayer ማዋቀሪያ"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "በ እርግጥ እንደ ነበር መመለስ ይፈልጋሉ የ እርስዎን SMPlayer ማሰናጃ? ይህን ተግባር መተው አይቻልም"
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "እንደገና መግጠሚያ"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "ዝቅ ማድረጊያ"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "ማሻሻያ"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "ማስጀመሪያ"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "የ MPlayer Codecs በ ማውረድ ላይ..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "የ MPlayer codecs ተሳክቶ አልተገጠመም: እንደገና ለ መግጠም ልሞክር?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "ማውረድ አልተቻለም የ MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "የ MPlayer codecs. መግጠም አልተቻለም"
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "ይህን መግጠሚያ ማስወገድ የሚቻለው የ አስተዳዳሪ ቅድሚያ ያለው ተጠቃሚ ብቻ ነው"
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "ማጥፋቱ በ ተጠቃሚ ተቋርጧል"
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "አይታይም የ SMPlayer መግጠሚያ በ ዳይሬክቶሪ ውስጥ '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:] ልቀጥል ለማንኛውም (ይህን አንመክርም)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "የ SMPlayer መግጠሚያ አልተገኘም"
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "ይህን መግጠሚያ ማስወገድ የሚቻለው በ 64-ቢት መስኮቶች ውስጥ ብቻ ነው"
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer ሙሉ ማጫወቻ ነው ለ MPlayer, ከ መደበኛ ገጽታዎች እንደ ቪዲዮ: ዲቪዲ: ቪሲዲ: በ በርካታ ገጽታዎች እንደ የ MPlayer ማጣሪያ ዝርዝር: እና ሌሎችም"
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "በ ቅድሚያ የ ተገጠመውን codecs ተተኪ በ መፍጠር ላይ"
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "በ ቅድሚያ የ ተገጠመውን codecs ተተኪ እንደ ነበር መመለሻ"
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "ፋይሎች በማጥፋት ላይ..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Registry Keys በማጥፋት ላይ..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "አቋራጮች በማጥፋት ላይ..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "እንደ ነበር በ መመለስ ላይ የሚዛመዱ ፋይሎችን..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "ለውጦችን እንደ ነበር መመለሻ..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "ፋይሎች በ ማራገፍ ላይ..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "ለ SMTube ተተኪ መፍጠሪያ..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "በ ቅድሚያ የ ተገጠመውን SMTube ተተኪ እንደ ነበር መመለሻ"
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "ተተኪ በማሰናዳት ላይ የ mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "በ ቅድሚያ የ ተገጠመውን mpv ተተኪ እንደ ነበር መመለሻ"
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "በ ማውረድ ላይ mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv ተሳክቶ አልተገጠመም: እንደገና ልሞክር?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "ማውረድ አልተቻለም: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "መግጠም አልተቻለም mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl ተሳክቶ አልተገጠመም: እንደገና ልሞክር?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "ማውረድ አልተቻለም ከ youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "የ ዩቲዩብ-dl ማሻሻያ በ መመርመር ላይ..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "የ ፊደል ማሰናጃን በ ማጽዳት ላይ..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "በማጽዳት ላይ የ SMPlayer ማሰናጃ"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Binary codecs በዚህ እትም ውስጥ አልተደገፈም"
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/arabic.po b/setup/translations/po_files/arabic.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e580f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/arabic.po
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Riyadh, 2014-2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Riyadh\n"
+"Language-Team: Arabic (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ar\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "المثبِّت مشتغل سلفاً."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "يجب أن تكون مسجّل الدخول كمدير عند تثبيت هذا البرنامج."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "توجد نافذة مشتغلة لـ SMPlayer. رجاءاً اخرج من SMPlayer و حاول مرة أخرى."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "نظام تشغيلي غير مدعوم.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} يتطلب على الأقل ويندوز Windows XP و قد لا يعمل بصورة صحيحة على نظامك.[:n:]أتريد حقاً الإستمرار بالتثبيت؟"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "نظام تشغيلي غير مدعوم.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} يتطلب على الأقل ويندوز فيستا Windows Vista و قد لا يعمل بصورة صحيحة على نظامك.[:n:]أتريد حقاً الإستمرار بالتثبيت؟"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "يتطلب نظام تشغيل ويندوز Windows 64-بت لتثبيت هذا البرنامج."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "يوجد حاليا تثبيت 32-بت من SMPlayer. يجب ان تزيل تثبيت SMPlayer 32-بت أولاً."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "يوجد حاليا تثبيت 64-بت من SMPlayer. يجب ان تزيل تثبيت SMPlayer 64-بت أولاً."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "إعداد $(^NameDA)"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "سيرشدك برنامج الإعداد أثناء تثبيت $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]يستحسن أن تغلق كل نوافذ SMPlayer قبل بدء الإعداد. هذا سيجعل بالإمكان تحديث ملفات البرنامج المعنية دون الحاجة الى إعادة تشغيل الحاسوب.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "الإختصارات"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "مكونات MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "محرّك متعدد الوسائط"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (مطلوب)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer و مكتبات المشاركَة و الوثائق."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "سطح المكتب"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "يُنشيء اختصاراً لـ SMPlayer على سطح المكتب."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "قائمة البدء"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "يُنشيء خانة لـ SMPlayer في قائمة البدء."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (مطلوب)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer. مطلوب للتشغيل."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "مرمِّزات ثنائية"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "مرمِّزات اختيارية لـ MPlayer. (تتطلب اتصال انترنت للتثبيت)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "اقتسام غني الخواص من MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "برنامج مُرافِق لـ MPlayer و يمكن استخدامه لترميز أو تحويل دفقات الصوت أو الفيديو المدعومة."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "سِمات آيقونية"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "سِمات آيقونية إضافية لـ SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "اللغات"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "ملفات بلغات غير الانكليزية لـ SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "يحذف تفضيلات SMPlayer المتروكة من تثبيتات سابقة."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "حُزَم المرمِّزات الثنائية تضيف دعماً للمرمِّزات التي لم تنفَّذ داخلياً بعد، مثل الصيغ الجديدة من RealVideo و الكثير من الصيغ غير المتعارفة.[:n:]لاحِظ انها ليست ضرورية لتشغيل معظم الصيغ المتعارَفة مثل الدي في دي و MPEG-1/2/4 و غيرها."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "اختر نوع التثبيت"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "اختر نمط الكتابة على التثبيت السابق او ازالة التثبيت."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "لديك تثبيت موجود من SMPlayer في المجلد التالي:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "رجاءاً اختر كيفية المواصَلة:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "الكتابة على ($Inst_Type) التثبيت الموجود"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "ازالة التثبيت (ازالة) للتثبيت الموجود"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "اضغط البدء عندما تكون مستعداً للمواصَلة."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "اضغط التالي عندما تكون مستعداً للمواصَلة."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "اضغط إزالة التثبيت عندما تكون مستعداً للمواصَلة."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "غيِّر إعدادات التثبيت"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "صفِّر إعداداتي لـ SMPlayer"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "أأنت متأكد بأنك تريد تصفير إعدادات SMPlayer؟ لا يمكن التراجع عن هذا الإجراء."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "أعِد التثبيت"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "إنزال المرتبة"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "الترقية"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "البدء"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "تحميل مرمِّزات MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "لم تثبَّت مرمِّزات MPlaer بنجاح. إعادة المحاولة؟"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "فشل تحميل مرمِّزات MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "فشل تثبيت مرمِّزات MPlaer."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "يمكن إزالة تثبيت هذا التثبيت من قبَل مستخدم لديه صلاحيات مدير."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "أُحبِطت إزالة التثبيت من قبَل المستخدم."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "لا يبدو أن SMPlayer مثبت في المجلد '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]الإستمرار على أية حال (غير مستحسَن)؟"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "لا يمكن العثور على تثبيت SMPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "يمكن إزالة تثبيت هذا التثبيت على نظام ويندوز Windows 64-بت فقط."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer هو واجهة-طرفية متكاملة لـ MPlaer، ابتداءا من الميزات الأساسية مثل تشغيل مقاطع الفيديو و اقراص دي في دي DVD و اقراص الفيديو، وصولاً الى الميزات الأكثر تقدماً مثل دعم مرشحات MPlayer و قوائم edl و غير ذلك."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "النَسْخ الإحتياطي للمرمِّزات من تثبيت سابق..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "استعادة المرمِّزات من تثبيت سابق..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "حذف الملفات..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "حذف مفاتيح التسجيل..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "حذف الإختصارات..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "استعادة ارتباطات الملفات..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "عكس التغييرات..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "استخراج الملفات..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "الخزن الإحتياطي لـ SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "استعادة SMTube من تثبيت سابق..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "يجري النسخ الاحتياطي لـ mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "تجري استعادة mpv من تثبيت سابق..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "تنزيل mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "لم يُثبَّت mpv بنجاح. إعادة المحاولة؟"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "فشل تنزيل mpv. '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "فشل تثبيت mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "لم تُبَّت مكتبة اليوتيوب youtube-dl بنجاح. إعادة المحاولة؟"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "فشل تنزيل مكتبة اليوتيوب youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "التحري عن تحديثات مكتبة اليوتيوب youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "تنظيف مخبئية إعدادات الخطوط ..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "تنظيف إعدادات SMPlayer..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "المرمِّزات الثنائية غير مدعومة في هذا الإصدار."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/basque.po b/setup/translations/po_files/basque.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d6972b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/basque.po
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Xabier Aramendi <>, 2014-2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Xabier Aramendi <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Basque (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: eu\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Ezartzailea jadanik lanean dago."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Administratzaile bezala saioa hasita egon behar duzu programa hau ezartzerakoan."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "SMPlayerren eskabide bat lanean ari da. Mesedez irten SMPlayer-etik eta saiatu berriro."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Sistema eragile sostengu gabea.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} gutxienez Windows XP behar du eta ezin du zuzen lan egin zure sisteman.[:n:]Egitan nahi duzu ezarpenarekin jarraitzea?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Sistema eragile sostengu gabea.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} gutxienez Windows Vista behar du eta ezin du zuzen lan egin zure sisteman.[:n:]Egitan nahi duzu ezarpenarekin jarraitzea?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "64-biteko Windows sistema eragile bat behar da software hau ezartzeko."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "32-biteko SMPlayer ezarpen bat dago. Lehenik 32-biteko SMPlayer kendu behar duzu."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "64-biteko SMPlayer ezarpen bat dago. Lehenik 64-biteko SMPlayer kendu behar duzu."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) Ezarpena"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Ezartzaileak $(^NameDA)-ren ezarpenean zehar gidatuko zaitu.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Gomendagarria da SMPlayer eskabide guztiak istea ezarpena hasi aurretik. Honek zure ordenagailua berrabiarazi gabe programa agiri garrantzitsuak eguneratu ahal izatea egiten du.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Lasterbideak"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "MPlayer Osagaiak"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Multimedia Gailua"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (beharrezkoa)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, elkarbanatutako liburutegiak, eta agiritza."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Mahaigaina"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Sortu SMPlayer lasterbide bat mahaigainean."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Hasiera Menua"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Sortu SMPlayer sarrera bat Hasiera Menuan."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (beharrezkoa)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; beharrezkoa irakurketarako."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Kodek Binarioak"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Aukerazko kodekak MPlayer-entzat. (Internet Elkarketa beharrezkoa da ezarpenerako)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "MPlayer eta MPlayer2-ren ezaugarri-aberatseko adar bat"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "MPlayer laguntzen duen programa bat erabili daiteke kodeatzeko edo eraldatzeko sostengatutako audio edo bideo jarioak."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Ikur Azalgaiak"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "SMPlayer-entzako ikur azalgai gehigarriak."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Hizkuntzak"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "SMPlayer-entzako Ez Ingelerazko hizkuntza agiriak."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Aurreko ezarpenetatik gelditzen diren SMPlayer hobespenak ezabatzen ditu."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Kodek binario paketeek jatorrizkoan ez dauden kodek sostengua gehitzen dute, RealVideo aldaera berrienak eta heuskarri ez arrunt asko bezalakoak.[:n:]Ohartu hauek ez direla beharrezkoak heuskarri arruntenak irakurtzeko, DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, etab."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Hautatu Ezarpen Mota"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Hautatu Gainidatzi edo Kendu modua."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Jadanik baduzu SMPlayer-en ezarpen bat agiritegi honetan:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Mesedez hautatu nola jarraitu:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Gainidatzi ($Inst_Type) dagoen ezarpena"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Kendu (ezabatu) dagoen ezarpena"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klikatu Hasi jarraitzeko gertu zaudenean."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klikatu Hurrengoa jarraitzeko gertu zaudenean."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klikatu Kendu jarraitzeko gertu zaudenean."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Aldatu Ezarpenaren Hobespenak"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Berrezarri SMPlayer itxurapena"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Zihur zaude zure SMPlayer ezarpenak berrezartzea nahi dituzula? Ekintza hau ezin da desegin."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "berrezarri"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "aurrekoratu"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "eguneratu"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Hasi"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "MPlayer kodekak jeisten..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "MPlayer kodekak ez dira ongi ezarri. Berriro saiatu?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Hutsegitea MPlayer kodekak: '$R0'. jeisterakoan."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Hutsegitea MPlayer kodekak ezartzerakoan."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Ezarpen hau administratzaile eskubidea duen erabiltzaileak bakarrik kendu dezake."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Kentzea erabiltzaileak utzita."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Ez da agertzen SMPlayer zuzenbidean ezarrita dagoenik '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Jarraitu horrela ere (ez da gomendagarria)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "SMPlayer ezarpena ez da aurkitu."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Ezarpen hau 64-biteko Windows-etik bakarrik kendu daiteke."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer aurrealde-amaiera oso bat da MPlayer-entzat, ohinarrizko eginkizunetatik: Bideo, DVD, VCD irakurketatik, eginkizun aurreratuenetarainok: MPlayer iragazkiak, edl zerrenda, eta gehiago."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Kodekak aurreko ezarpenetik babeskopiatzen..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Kodekak aurreko ezarpenetik leheneratzen..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Agiriak Ezabatzen..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Erresgistro Giltzak Ezabatzen..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Lasterbideak Ezabatzen..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Agiri elkarketak leheneratzen..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Aldaketak desegiten..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Agiriak ateratzen..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "SMTube babeskopiatzen..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "SMTube aurreko ezarpenetik leheneratzen"
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "mpv babeskopiatzen..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "mpv aurreko ezarpenetik leheneratzen..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "mpv jeisten..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv ez da ongi ezarri. Saiatu berriro?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Hutsegitea mpv jeisterakoan: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Hutsegitea mpv ezartzerakoan."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl ez da ongi ezarri. Berriro saiatu?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Hutsegitea youtube-dl jeisterakoan: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "youtube-dl eguneraketarik dagoen egiaztatzen..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "fonconfig katxea garbitzen..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "SMPlayer ezarpenak garbitzen..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Binario kodekak ez daude sostengatuta bertsio honetan."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/bulgarian.po b/setup/translations/po_files/bulgarian.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e7fa3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/bulgarian.po
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Радослав Иванов <>, 2014-2015
+# Радослав Иванов <>, 2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Радослав Иванов <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Bulgarian (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: bg\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Инсталаторът вече работи."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Трябва да сте вписан като администратор, когато инсталирате тази програма."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Има работеща инстанция на SMPlayer. Моля, излезте от SMPlayer и опитайте отново."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Неподдържана операционна система.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} изисква поне Windows XP и може към момента да не работи с Вашата система.[:n:]Наистина ли искате да продължите с инсталацията?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Неподдържана операционна система.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} изисква версия на поне Windows Vista и може да не работи добре на Вашата система.[:n:]Сигурни ли сте, че икате да продължите с инсталацията?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Изисква се 64-битова операционна система Windows, за да инсталирате този софтуер. "
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Има инсталирана 32-битова версия на SMPlayer. Трябва първо да деинсталирате 32-битовия SMPlayer."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Има инсталирана 64-битова версия на SMPlayer. Трябва първо да деинсталирате 64-битовия SMPlayer."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) инсталатор"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Инсталаторът ще Ви упътва по време на инсталацията на $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Препоръчително е да затворите всички инстанции на SMPlayer преди да пуснете инсталатора. Това ще позволи да обновявате обвързани програмни файлове, без да рестартирате компютъра си.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Преки пътища"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Компоненти на MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Мултимедиен инструмент"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (необходим)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, споделени библиотеки и документация."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Работен плот"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Създава пряк път до SMPlayer на работния плот."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Старт меню"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Създава запис за SMPlayer в Старт менюто."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (необходим)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; необходим за възпроизвеждане."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Бинарни кодеци"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Допълнителни кодеци за MPlayer. (За инсталацията се изисква връзка с Интернет)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Обогатена обвивка за MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Допълваща програма на MPlayer, която може да кодира или пренася поддържани звукови или видео потоци."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Теми с икони"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Допълнителни теми с икони за SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Езици"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Неанглийски езикови файлове за SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Изтрива остатъчните настройки на SMPlayer от предишната инсталация."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Бинарните пакети с кодеци добавят поддръжка за кодеци, които все още не са вградени, като по-новите RealVideo варианти и много от необикновените формати.[:n:]Имайте предвид, че не са необходими, за възпроизвеждане на най-масовите формати, като например DVD-та, MPEG-1/2/4."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Изберете начин на инсталиране"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Изберете режим на презаписване или деинсталиране."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Имате съществуваща инсталация на SMPlayer в следната папка:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Моля, изберете как искате да продължите:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Презаписване на ($Inst_Type) на съществуващата инсталация"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Деинсталиране (премахване) на съществуващата инсталация"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Кликнете Старт, когато сте готови да продължите."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Кликнете Следващ, когато сте готови да продължите."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Кликнете Деинсталиране, когато сте готови да продължите."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Промяна на настройките за инсталацията"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Анулиране на моите настройки на SMPlayer"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да анулирате настройките на SMPlayer? Това действие няма обратно на себе си."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "преинсталиране"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "връщане на версия"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "подобряване на версия"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Старт"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Изтегляне на кодеци за MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Неуспех в инсталирането на кодеци за MPlayer. Искате ли да опитате отново?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Неуспех в изтеглянето на следните кодеци за MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Неуспех в инсталирането на кодеци за MPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Тази инсталация може да бъде деинсталирана само от потребител с администраторски права."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Деинсталацията е прекъсната от потребителя."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Изглежда, че SMPlayer не е инсталиран в директория '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Продължаване въпреки това (не е препоръчително)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Не е намерена инсталация на SMPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Тази инсталация може да бъде деинсталирана само на 64-битов Windows."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer е напълно съвместима обвивка за MPlayer, от основни възможности като възпроизвеждане на видеа, DVD-та, VCD-та до по-големи възможности като поддръжка на MPlayer филтри, edl-списъци и други."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Съхраняване на кодеци от предишна инсталация..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Възстановяване на кодеци от предишна инсталация..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Изтриване на файлове..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Изтриване на ключове от регистъра..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Изтриване на преки пътища..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Възстановяване на файлови асоциации..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Връщане на промените..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Разархивиране на файлове..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Създаване на резервно копие на SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Възстановяване на SMTube от предишна инсталация..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Резервиране копие на mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Възстановяване на mpv от предишна инсталация..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Изтегляне на mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv е неуспешно инсталиран. Повторен опит?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Неуспешно изтегляне на mpv: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Неуспешно инсталиране на mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl е неуспешно инсталиран. Повторен опит?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Неуспешно изтегляне на youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Проверка за обновления на youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Изчистване на шрифтовите запаси с настройки..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Изчистване на SMPlayer насройки..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Бинарните кодеци не са поддържани за тази версия."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/catalan.po b/setup/translations/po_files/catalan.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3012e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/catalan.po
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch <>, 2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Catalan (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ca\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "L'instal·lador ja està en execució."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Heu d'iniciar la sessió com a administrador quan instal·leu aquest programa."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Una instància de SMPlayer s'està executant. Si us plau, sortiu de SMPlayer i torneu-ho a intentar."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "El sistema operatiu no és compatible.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requereix com a mínim Windows XP i pot ser que no funcioni correctament en el vostre sistema.[:n:]Realment voleu continuar amb la instal·lació?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "El sistema operatiu no és compatible.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requereix com a mínim Windows Vista i pot ser que no funcioni correctament en el vostre sistema.[:n:]Realment voleu continuar amb la instal·lació?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Es requereix un sistema operatiu Windows de 64 bits per instal·lar aquest programari."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Existeix una instal·lació de 32 bits de SMPlayer. Primer heu de desinstal·lar SMPlayer de 32 bits."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Existeix una instal·lació de 64 bits de SMPlayer. Primer heu de desinstal·lar SMPlayer de 64 bits."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "Preparació $(^NameDA)"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "La preparació us guiarà a través de la instal·lació de $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Es recomana que tanqueu totes les instàncies de SMPlayer abans de començar la preparació. Això farà que sigui possible l'actualització dels de programa pertinents sense haver de reiniciar el vostre ordinador.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Dreceres"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Components de MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Motor multimèdia"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (requerit)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, biblioteques compatides i documentació."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Escriptori"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Crea una drecera a SMPlayer en l'escriptori."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Menú d'inici"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Crea una entrada de menú d'inici per a SMPlayer."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (requerit)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; requerit per a la reproducció."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Còdecs binaris"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Còdecs opcionals per a MPlayer. (es requereix una connexió a Internet per a la instal·lació)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Un fork ric en característiques de MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Un programa que acompanya MPlayer que es pot utilitzar per codificar o transformar els fluxos compatibles d'àudio o de vídeo."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Temes d'icones"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Temes d'icones addicionals per a SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Idiomes"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Els fitxers dels idiomes no anglesos per a SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Elimina les preferències sobrants de SMPlayer de les instal·lacions anteriors."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Els paquets de còdecs binaris afegeixen compatibilitat per als còdecs que encara no estan implementats de forma nativa, com ara les variants més noves de RealVideo i una gran quantitat de formats poc comuns.[:n:]Recordeu que no són necessaris per reproduir els formats més comuns, com DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Selecció del tipus d'instal·lació"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Seleccioneu el mode Sobreescriu o Desinstal·la."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Teniu una instal·lació existent de SMPlayer a la carpeta següent:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu com continuar:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Sobreescriu ($Inst_Type) la instal·lació existent"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Desinstal·la (suprimeix) la instal·lació existent"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Feu clic a Comença quan estigueu llest per continuar."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Feu clic a Següent quan estigueu llest per continuar."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Feu clic a Desinstal·la quan estigueu llest per continuar."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Canvia els ajusts de la instal·lació"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Restableix la meva configuració de SMPlayer"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Esteu segur que voleu restablir els ajusts de SMPlayer? Aquesta acció no pot ser revertida."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "reinstal·la"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "reverteix"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "actualitza"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Comença"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "S'estan baixant els còdecs de MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "No s'han instal·lat correctament els còdecs de MPlayer. Voleu tornar-ho a intentar?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Ha fallat la baixada dels còdecs de MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Ha fallat la instal·lació dels còdecs de MPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Aquesta instal·lació només pot ser desinstal·lada per un usuari amb privilegis d'administrador."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Desinstal·lació avortada per l'usuari."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "No sembla que SMPlayer estigui instal·lat al directori '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Voleu continuar de totes maneres (no recomanat)"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "No s'ha trobat la instal·lació de SMPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Aquesta instal·lació només es pot desinstal·lar des d'una versió de 64 bits de Windows."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer és un frontal complet per a MPlayer, des de les funcions bàsiques com ara reproduir vídeos, DVD, VCD fins a les funcions més avançades com ara la compatibilitat per als filtres de MPlayer, llistes EDL, i molt més."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "S'està creant una còpia de seguretat dels còdecs binaris d'una instal·lació anterior..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "S'estan restaurant els còdecs binaris des d'una instal·lació anterior..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "S'estan eliminant els fitxers..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "S'estan eliminant les claus del registre..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "S'estan eliminant les dreceres..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "S'estan restaurant les associacions dels fitxers..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "S'estan revertint els canvis ..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "S'estan extraient els fitxers..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "S'està creant la còpia de seguretat de SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "S'està restaurant SMTube des d'una instal·lació anterior..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "S'està creant la còpia de seguretat de mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "S'està restaurant mpv des d'una instal·lació anterior..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "S'està baixant mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "No s'ha instal·lat correctament mpv. Voleu tornar-ho a intentar?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Ha fallat la baixada de mpv: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Ha fallat la instal·lació de mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "No s'ha instal·lat correctament youtube-dl. Voleu tornar-ho a intentar?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Ha fallat la baixada de youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "S'està comprovant si hi ha actualitzacions de youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "S'està netejant la memòria cau de fontconfig..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "S'estan netejant els ajusts de SMPlayer..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Els còdecs binaris no són compatibles amb aquesta versió."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/croatian.po b/setup/translations/po_files/croatian.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0957180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/croatian.po
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# gogo <>, 2014-2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: gogo <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Croatian (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: hr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Instalacijski program je već pokrenut."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Morate biti prijavljeni kao administrator kada instaliravate ovaj program."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Primjerak SMPlayera je pokrenut. Zatvorite SMplayer i pokušajte ponovno."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Nepodržan operativni sustav.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} zahtijeva minimum Windows XP i možda neće raditi ispravno na vašem sustavu.[:n:]Sigurno želite nastaviti ovu instalaciju?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Nepodržan operativni sustav.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} zahtijeva najmanje Windows Vistu i možda neće raditi ispravno na vašem sustavu.[:n:]Sigurno želite nastaviti ovu instalaciju?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "64-bitni Windows operativni sustav je potreban za instalaciju ovog softvera."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Trenutno je instalirana 32-bitna instalacija SMPlayera. Najprije morate deinstalirati 32-bitni SMPlayer."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Trenutno je instalirana 64-bitna instalacija SMPlayera. Najprije morate deinstalirati 64-bitni SMPlayer."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) program instalacije"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Program instalacije će vas voditi kroz instalaciju $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Preporučljivo je da zatvorite sve primjerke SMPlayera prije pokretanja instalacije. To će omogućiti ažuriranje bitnih datoteka programa bez potrebe za ponovnim pokretanjem vašeg računala.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Prečaci"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Mplayer komponente"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Multimedijski pogon"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (potrebno)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, zajedeničke knjižnice i dokumentacija."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Radna površina"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Stvara SMplayer prečac na radnoj površini."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Start izbornik"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Stvara stavku Start izbornika za SMPlayer."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (potrebno)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; potrebno za reprodukciju."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Binarni kôdeki"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Neobavezni kôdeki za MPlayer. (Potrebna je internet veza za instalaciju)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Značajkama bogat fork MPlayera && MPlayera2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Prateći program za MPlayer koji se može koristiti za enkôdiranje ili transformiranje podržanih zvučnih ili video streamova."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Tema ikona"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Dodatna tema ikona za SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Jezici"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Ne-engleske jezične datoteke za SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Briše SMPlayer osobitosti ostale od prijašnje instalacije."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Paket binarnih kôdeka daje podršku za kôdeke koji još nisu izvorno ugrađeni, Poput novijih inačica RealVidea i još mnogo neuobičajenih formata.[:n:]Imajte na umu da nužno ne moraju reproducirati većinu uobičajenih formata poput DVD-a, MPEG-1/2/4, itd."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Odaberite vrstu instalacije"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Odaberite način prepisivanja ili deinstalacije."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Otkrivena je postojeća instalacija SMPlayera u sljedećoj mapi:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Odaberite nastavak instalacije:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Prepiši ($Inst_Type) preko postojeće instalacije"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Deinstaliraj (ukloni) postojeću instalaciju"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Kliknite 'Pokreni' kada ste spremni za nastavak."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Kliknite 'Sljedeće' kada ste spremni za nastavak."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Kliknite 'Deinstaliraj' kada ste spremni za nastavak."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Promijeni postavke instalacije"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Vrati na početno SMPlayer podešavanja"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Sigurno želite vratiti izvorne SMPlayer postavke? Ova radnja se ne može poništiti."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "reinstaliraj"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "nadogradi na stariju inačicu"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "nadogradi"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Pokreni"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Preuzimanje MPlayer kôdeka..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "MPlayer kôdeki nisu uspješno instalirani. Pokušaj ponovno?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Neuspjelo preuzimanje MPlayer kôdeka: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Neuspjelo instaliranje MPlayer kôdeka."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Ova instalaciju može deinstalirati samo korisnik s administratorskim ovlastima."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Deinstalaciju prekinuo korisnik."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Čini se da SMPlayer nije instaliran u direktoriju '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Ipak nastavite (nije preporučljivo)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "SMPlayer instalacija nije pronađena."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Ova instalacija jedino može biti deinstalirana na 64-bitnim Windowsima."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer je potpuno sučelje za MPlayer, od osnovnih značajki poput reprodukcije video snimaka, DVD-a VCD-a, do naprednijih značajki poput podrške za MPlayer filtere, edl popise i još mnogo toga."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Stvaranje sigurnosne kopije kôdeka prijašnjih instalacija..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Vraćanje sigurnosne kopije kôdeka prijašnjih instalacija..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Brisanje datoteka..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Brisanje ključeva registra..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Brisanje prečaca..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Vraćanje na početno pridruživanja datoteka..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Vraćanje promjena..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Raspakiravanje datoteka..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Sigurnosno kopiranje SMTubea..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Vraćanje sigurnosne kopije prijašnje instalacije SMTuba..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Sigurnosno kopiranje mpv-a..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Vraćanje sigurnosne kopije prijašnje instalacije mpv-a..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Preuzimanje mpv-a..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv nije uspješno instaliran. Pokušaj ponovno?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Neuspjelo preuzimanje mpv-a: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Neuspjelo instaliranje mpv-a."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "YouTube-dl nije uspješno instaliran. Pokušaj ponovno?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Neuspjelo preuzimanje Youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Provjeravanje youtube-dl nadopuna..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Brisanje priručne memorije slova..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Brisanje SMPlayer postavki..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Binarni kôdeki nisu podržani u ovoj inačici."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/czech.po b/setup/translations/po_files/czech.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84e38b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/czech.po
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Petr Šimáček <>, 2014-2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Petr Šimáček <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Czech (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: cs\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Instalátor již běží."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Instalaci tohoto programu je potřeba provést s právy administrátora."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Jeden SMPlayer je spuštěn. Ukončete, prosím, SMPlayer a zkuste to znovu."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Nepodporovaný operační systém.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} vyžaduje nejméně Windows XP a nemusí pracovat správně na vašem systému.[:n:]Opravdu chce pokračovat v instalaci?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Nepodporovaný operační systém.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} vyžaduje nejméně Windows XP a nemusí pracovat správně na vašem systému.[:n:]Opravdu chce pokračovat v instalaci?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Pro instalaci tohoto software je zapotřebí mít 64-bitový oprační systém Windows."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Máte nainstalovánu 32-bitovou verzi SMPlayeru. Musíte nejprve odinstalovat 32-bitový SMPlayer."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Máte nainstalovánu 64-bitovou verzi SMPlayeru. Musíte nejprve odinstalovat 64-bitový SMPlayer."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) Nastavení"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Nastavení vás provede instalací $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Je doporučeno zavřít všechny běžící instance SMPlayeru před zahájením nastavení. Toto umožní aktualizovat příslušné programové soubory, aniž byste museli počítač restartovat.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Zástupci"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Součásti MPlayeru"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Multimediální pohon"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (vyžadován)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, sdílené knihovny a dokumentace."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Plocha"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Vytvoří zástupce SMPlayeru na ploše."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Nabídka Start"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Vytvoří zástupce SMPlayeru v nabídce Start."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (vyžadován)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; vyžadován pro přehrávání."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Binární kodeky"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Přídavné kodeky MPlayeru. (Pro instalaci je potřeba připojení k Internetu)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Funkcemi nabitý fork MPlayeru && MPlayeru2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Dodatkový program pro MPlayer, který se využívá k enkódování nebo transformaci audio/video souborů."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Témata ikon"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Přídavná témata ikon pro SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Lokalizace"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Neanglické lokalizace."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Odstraní pozůstatky předvoleb SMPlayeru z předchozí instalace."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Binární kodeky podporují formáty, které zatím nejsou implementovány nativně, např. novější varianty RealVideo a jiné málo používané formáty.[:n:]Pro většinu běžných formátů nejsou potřeba (DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, apod.)."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Vyberte typ instalace"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Vyberte přepsání nebo odinstalaci."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "SMPlayer již máte nainstalován v tomto adresáři:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Prosím vyberte jak pokračovat:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Přepsat ($Inst_Type) existující instalaci"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Odinstalovat (odebrat) existující instalaci"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Stiskněte Start jste-li připraveni."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Stiskněte Další jste-li připraveni."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Stiskněte Odinstalovat jste-li připraveni."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Změnit nastavení instalace"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Resetovat moje nastavení SMPlayeru"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Jste si jisti, že chcete obnovit nastavení SMPlayer? Tuto akci nelze vrátit zpět."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "reinstalovat"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "ponížit verzi"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "aktualizovat"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Start"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Instaluji kodeky MPlayeru..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Kodeky MPlayeru se nepovedlo nainstalovat. Zkusit znovu?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Nepovedlo se stáhnout kodeky MPlayeru: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Nepovedlo se nainstalovat kodeky MPlayeru."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Odinstalaci je potřeba provést s právy administrátora."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Odinstalace přerušena uživatelem."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "V adresáři '$INSTDIR' není SMPlayer nainstalován .[:r:][:n:]Pokračovat (nedoporučeno)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Instalace SMPlayeru nebyla nalezena."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Tato instalace jde odinstalovat pouze na 64-bitové verzi Windows."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer je kompletní frontend pro MPlayer, podporuje vše od základních funkcí jako přehrávání videí, DVD, VCD až po pokročilé funkce jako filtry MPlayeru, edl a více."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Zálohování kodeků z předchozí instalace..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Obnovování kodeků z předchozí instalace..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Mažu soubory..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Mažu záznamy registru..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Mažu zástupce..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Obnovuji asociace souborů..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Beru zpět změny..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Extrahuji soubory..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Zálohování SMtube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Obnovení SMtube z předchozí instalace..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Zálohování mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Obnovování mpv z předchozích instalací..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Stahování mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Instlace mpv nebyla úspěšná. Zkusit znovu?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Nelze stáhnout mpv: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Chyba při instalaci mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Instlace youtube-dl nebyla úspěšná. Zkusit znovu?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Nelze stáhnout youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Kontrolování aktualizací pro youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Čištění mezipaměti nastavení písma ..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Čištění nastavení SMPlayeru..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Binární kodeky nejsou v této verzi podporovány."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/danish.po b/setup/translations/po_files/danish.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dcea59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/danish.po
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Michael Larsen <>, 2015
+# scootergrisen, 2015-2017
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-23 20:46+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: scootergrisen\n"
+"Language-Team: Danish (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: da\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Installationsprogrammet kører allerede."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Du skal være logget ind som administrator når dette program installeres."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "SMPlayer kører allerede. Luk venligst SMPlayer og prøv igen."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Styresystemet er ikke understøttet.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} kræver som minimum Windows XP og vil måske ikke virke korrekt på dit system.[:n:]Er du sikker på, at du vil fortsætte installationen?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Styresystemet er ikke understøttet.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} kræver mindst Windows Vista og virker måske ikke korrekt på dit system.[:n:]Vil du virkelig fortsætte installationen?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Det kræver et 64-bit Windows-styresystem at installere dette software."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Der findes allerede en 32-bit installation af SMPlayer. Du skal først afinstallere 32-bit SMPlayer."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Der findes allerede en 64-bit installation af SMPlayer. Du skal først afinstallere 64-bit SMPlayer."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) installation"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Installationsprogrammet guider dig gennem installationen af $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Det anbefales at du lukker alle forekomster af SMPlayer før installationen startes. Dermed kan de relevante programfiler opdateres uden at skulle genstarte din computer.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Genveje"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "MPlayer Komponenter"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Multimediemotor"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (påkrævet)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, delte biblioteker, og dokumentation."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Skrivebord"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Lav en genvej til SMPlayer på skrivebordet."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Menuen Start"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Tilføj SMPlayer i menuen Start."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (påkrævet)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; er påkrævet for at afspille."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Binære-codecs"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Yderligere codecs til MPlayer. (kræver internetforbindelse for at installere)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "En funktionsrig fork af MPlayer og MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Et medfølgende program til MPlayer der kan bruges til at kode eller transformere understøttede lyd- og videostrømme."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Ikon-temaer"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Yderligere ikon-temaer til SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Sprog"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Ikke-engelske sprogfiler til SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Sletter SMPlayer-præferencer fra tidligere installationer."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "De binære-codec pakker tilføjer understøttelse af codecs som endnu ikke er implementeret fra starten, såsom nyere RealVideo-varianter og mange ualmindelige formater.[:n:]Bemærk at de ikke kræves for at kunne afspiller de mest almindelige formater såsom DVD'er, MPEG-1/2/4, osv."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Vælg installationstype"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Vælg Overskriv eller Afinstaller."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Du har en eksisterende installation af SMPlayer i følgende mappe:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Vælg venligst hvordan du vil fortsætte:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Overskriv ($Inst_Type) den eksisterende installation"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Afinstaller (fjern) den eksisterende installation"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klik på Start når du er klar til at fortsætte."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klik på Næste når du er klar til at fortsætte."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klik på Afinstaller når du er klar til at fortsætte."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Skift installationsindstillinger"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Nulstil min SMPlayer-konfiguration"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Er du sikker på, at du vil nulstille dine SMPlayer-indstillinger? Denne handling kan ikke gøres om."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "geninstaller"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "nedgradér"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "opgradér"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Start"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Downloader MPlayer-codecs..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "MPlayer codecs blev ikke installeret korrekt. Prøv igen?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Download af MPlayer-codecs mislykkedes: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Installation af MPlayer-codecs mislykkedes."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Denne installation kan kun afinstalleres af en bruger med administrator tilladelser."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Afinstallation afbrudt af bruger."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Det ser ikke ud til at SMPlayer er installeret i mappen '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Fortsæt alligevel (anbefales ikke)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "SMPlayer-installation blev ikke fundet."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Denne installation kan kun afinstalleres på 64-bit Windows."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer er en komplet front-end til MPlayer, fra grundlæggende funktioner såsom at afspille videoer, DVD'er, VCD'er til avanceret funktioner såsom understøttelse af MPlayer filtre, EDL lister, og andet."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Foretager backup af codecs fra tidligere installation..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Gendanner codecs fra tidligere installation..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Sletter filer..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Sletter nøgler i registreringsdatabase..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Sletter genveje..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Gendanner filtilknytninger..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Gendanner ændringer..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Udpakker filer..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Opretter backup af SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Gendanner SMTube fra tidligere installation..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Opretter backup af mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Genskaber mpv fra tidligere installation..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Downloader mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv blev ikke installeret. Prøv igen?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Kunne ikke downloade mpv: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Kunne ikke installere mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl blev ikke installeret. Prøv igen?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Kunne ikke downloade youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Søger efter opdateringer til youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Rydder op i skrifttypekonfigurations-mellemlager..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Rydder op i SMPlayer-indstillinger..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Binære-codecs er ikke understøttet i denne version."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/dutch.po b/setup/translations/po_files/dutch.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2663702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/dutch.po
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# dragnadh <>, 2015-2016
+# Heimen Stoffels <>, 2014
+# Toon van Gerwen <>, 2015
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: dragnadh <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Dutch (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Het installatiepakket draait al."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "U moet ingelogd zijn als beheerder tijdens het installeren van het programma."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Een venster van SMPlayer is draaiende. Sluit SMPlayer en probeer het opnieuw."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Niet-ondersteund besturingssysteem.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} vereist minimaal Windows XP en zal mogelijk niet juist werken op uw systeem.[:n:]Weet u zeker dat u de installatie wilt voortzetten?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Niet-ondersteund besturingssysteem.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} vereist minimaal Windows Vista en zal mogelijk niet juist werken op uw systeem.[:n:]Weet u zeker dat u de installatie wilt voortzetten?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Een 64-bits-versie van Windows is benodigd om deze software te installeren."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Een bestaande 32-bits-installatie van SMPlayer bestaat reeds. U moet deze eerst deïnstalleren."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Een bestaande 64-bits-installatie van SMPlayer bestaat reeds. U moet deze eerst deïnstalleren."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) Installatie"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Setup zal u door de installatie van $(^NameDA) begeleiden.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Het wordt aanbevolen dat u alle instanties van SMPlayer sluit voordat u de setup start. Dit maakt het mogelijk om relevante programmabestanden te updaten zonder uw computer te herstarten.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Sneltoetsen"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "MPlayer-componenten"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Multimedia Engine"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (vereist)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, gedeelde bibliotheken en documentatie."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Bureablad"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Maakt een snelkoppeling van SMPlayer aan op het bureaublad."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Start-menu"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Maakt een Start-menu-verwijzing aan voor SMPlayer."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (vereist)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; vereist voor afspelen."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Binary-codecs"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Optionele codecs voor MPlayer. (Internetverbinding vereist voor installatie)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Een rijke functie code kopie van MPlayer en MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Een metgezel programma voor MPlayer dat gebruikt kan worden om ondersteunende audio of video streams te coderen of transformeren."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Pictogram-thema's"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Extra pictogramthema's voor SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Talen"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Niet-Engelse taalbestanden voor SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Verwijdert SMPlayer-voorkeuren die overgebleven zijn van vorige installaties."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "De binaire codec pakketten voegen ondersteuning toe voor codecs die nog niet zijn geïmplementeerd, zoals de nieuwere RealVideo varianten en veel ongewone formaten.[:n:]Deze zijn niet nodig om de meest gangbare formaten af te spelen zoals DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, enzovoorts."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Installatietype selecteren"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Overschrijven- of Deïnstallatie-modus selecteren"
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "U heeft een bestaande installatie van SMPlayer in de volgende map:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Selecteer hoe verder te verder te gaan:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Overschrijf ($Inst_Type) de huidige installatie"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Deïnstalleer (verwijder) de huidige installatie"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klik op Beginnen wanneer u klaar bent om door te gaan."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klik op Volgende wanneer u klaar bent om door te gaan."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klik op Deïnstalleren wanneer u klaar bent om door te gaan."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Installatie-voorkeuren wijzigen"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Standaardwaarden voor mijn SMPlayer-configuratie"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u uw SMPlayer voorkeuren wilt resetten? Deze keuze kunt u namelijk niet ongedaan maken."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "herinstalleren"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "versie verlagen"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "versie opwaarderen"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Beginnen"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Downloaden van MPlayer-codecs..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "MPlayer-codecs waren niet succesvol geïnstalleerd. Opnieuw proberen?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Mislukt om MPlayer-codecs te downloaden: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Mislukt om MPlayer-codecs te installeren."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Deze installatie kan alleen worden verwijderd door een gebruiker met administratie bevoegdheden."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Installatie geannuleerd door gebruiker."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Het ziet ernaar uit dat SMPlayer niet is geïnstalleerd in de directory '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Wilt u toch doorgaan (niet aanbevolen)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Kan SMPlayer installatie niet vinden."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Deze installatie kan alleen worden verwijderd op 64-bit Windows."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer is een complete voorkant voor MPlayer, van basis functies zoals het afspelen van videos, DVDs, VCDS tot meer geavanceerde functies zoals ondersteuning voor Mplayer filters, edl lijsten, en meer."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Reservekopie maken van codecs uit vorige installatie..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Herstellen van codecs uit vorige installatie..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Verwijderen van bestanden..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Registersleutel verwijderen..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Snelkoppelingen verwijderen..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Herstellen van bestandskoppelingen..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Veranderingen ongedaan maken..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Uitpakken van bestanden..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Back-up SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Herstel SMTube van de oude installatie..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Bezig met een back-up maken van MPV..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Bezig met het herstellen van MPV uit een vorige installatie..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Bezig met het downloaden van MPV..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "MPV was niet succesvol geïnstalleerd. Opnieuw proberen?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Het downloaden van MPV is mislukt: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "De installatie van MPV is mislukt."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "YouTube-DL was niet succesvol geïnstalleerd. Opnieuw proberen?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "De download van youtube-dl is mislukt: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Zoeken naar nieuwe youtube-dl versies..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Opschonen van de letter-voorkeur cache..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Voorkeuren SMPlayer opschonen..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Binaire codecs worden niet ondersteund in deze versie."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/english.pot b/setup/translations/po_files/english.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c526442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/english.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: SMPlayer\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr ""
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr ""
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid "An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr ""
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid "Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid "Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+# Win64_Required
+msgid "A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr ""
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid "An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr ""
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid "An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr ""
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr ""
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid "Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files without having to reboot your computer.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+msgstr ""
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid "The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr ""
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid "Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be reversed."
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr ""
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid "It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr ""
+# Application_Description
+msgid "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/farsi.po b/setup/translations/po_files/farsi.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68b0e95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/farsi.po
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# امیــــر, 2015
+# Behrooz Ramezani <>, 2015
+# Hessam Shahpouri, 2018
+# hossein heydari <>, 2015
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-01 15:30+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Hessam Shahpouri\n"
+"Language-Team: Persian (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fa\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "برنامه نصب کننده هم اکنون در حال اجراست."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "برای نصب این نرم‌افزار باید با یک حساب کاربری با دسترسی مدیریت وارد شده باشید."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "برنامه SMPlayer هم اکنون در حال اجراست. ابتدا نرم‌افزار در حال اجرا را بسته و سپس دوباره تلاش کنید."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "سیستم عامل پشتیبانی نمی‌شود.[:n:]نرم‌افزار SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} حداقل به سیستم عامل Windows XP برای اجرا نیاز دارد و ممکن است بر روی سیستم شما به درستی کار نکند.[:n:]آیا با این حال فرایند نصب برنامه را دنبال می‌کنید؟"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "سیستم عامل پشتیبانی نمی‌شود.[:n:]نرم‌افزار SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} حداقل به سیستم عامل Windows Vista برای اجرا نیاز دارد و ممکن است بر روی سیستم شما به درستی کار نکند.[:n:]آیا با این حال فرایند نصب برنامه را دنبال می‌کنید؟"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "برای نصب این نرم‌فزار به یک سیستم عامل Windows با ساختار 64 بیتی نیاز است."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "یک نسخه 32 بیتی از SMPlayer نصب شده است ، ابتدا آن نسخه 32 بیتی را حذف نمایید."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "یک نسخه 64 بیتی از smplayer نصب شده است . شما باید ابتدا این نسخه 64 بیتی smplayer را حذف کنید."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "نصب $(^NameDA)"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr ""
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "میانبرها"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "اجزاء mplayer "
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "موتور چندرسانه‌ای"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "smplayer(خواسته شده است)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "smplayer کتابخانه ها و اسناد را به اشتراک گذاشته است"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "دسکتاپ"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "ساختن یک میانبر برای smplayer روی دسکتاپ"
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "فهرست شروع"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "ایجاد یک فهرست شروع برای smplayer"
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "mplayer(خواسته شده است)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "برای پخش به MPLayer نیاز هست"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "کدک‌های باینری"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "کدک‌های اختیاری برای MPLayer . ( اتصال به اینترنت نیاز است )"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "تم آیکون"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "بسته تیم آیکون اضافه برای SMPlayer"
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "زبان‌ها"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "زبان‌های غیر انگلیسی برای SMPlayer"
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "پاک شدن ترجیحات باقی مانده از نصب‌های قبلی"
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "انتخاب شیوه نصب"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "بازنویسی یا حذف نصب را انتخاب کنید."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "شما یک نسخه نصب شده از SMPlayer را نصب شده دارید."
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "لطفا شیوه ادامه را انتخاب کنید:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "بازنویسی ($Inst_Type) روی نسخه نصب شده"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "حذف (remove) نسخه موجود"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "برای ادامه روی شروع کلیک کنید"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "برای ادامه روی بعدی کلیک کنید"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "برای ادامه روی حذف کلیک کنید"
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "تغییر تنظیمات نصب"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "برگرداندن پیکره‌بندی‌ها به حالت پیشفرض"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "نصب مجدد"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "تنزیل‌"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "ارتقاء"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "شروع"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "بارگذاری کدک‌های MPlayer"
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "کدک‌های MPLayer با موفقیت نصب نشده‌اند. سعی مجدد نمایید؟"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "خطا در بارگذاری کدک‌های MPLayer:'$R0'"
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "نصب کد های mplayer با موفقیت انجام نشد"
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "نسخه نصب شده تنها توسط کاربری با دسترسی مدیر سیستم قابل حذف شدن خواهد بود."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "حذف توسط کاربر لغو شد"
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "نسخه نصب شده از SMPlayer یافت نشد."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "نسخه نصب شده تنها بر روی ویندوز 64 بیتی قابلیت حذف شدن را دارد."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "پشتیبان‌گیری از کدک‌ها نسخه نصب شده قبلی"
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "بازیابی کدک‌ها از نسخه نصب شده قبلی"
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "حذف فایل‌ها"
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "حذف کلیدهای رجیستری"
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "حذف میانبرها"
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "بازیابی فایل انجمن"
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "برگرداندن تغییرات به حالت اولیه"
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "گشودن فایل‌ها"
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "پشتیبان SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "بازیابی SMTube از نسخه نصب شده قبلی"
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "نسخه باینری کدک‌ها از این نسخه پشتیبانی به عمل نمی‌آورند."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/finnish.po b/setup/translations/po_files/finnish.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e76f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/finnish.po
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.[:"
+"r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Downloading MPlayer codecs..."
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr ""
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be "
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr ""
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr ""
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:"
+"n:]It is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before "
+"starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files "
+"without having to reboot your computer.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+msgstr ""
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr ""
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 64-"
+"bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr ""
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 32-"
+"bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr ""
+# Win64_Required
+msgid "A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr ""
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid "An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr ""
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr ""
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr ""
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: SMPlayer\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/french.po b/setup/translations/po_files/french.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71b6d1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/french.po
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Adge Nodux <>, 2016
+# tneskovic <>, 2014
+# groucho <>, 2016
+# Sébastien Picavet <>, 2015
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-20 00:27+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: groucho <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "L'installateur est déjà en cours d'exécution."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Vous devez être connecté comme administrateur pour installer ce programme."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Une instance de SMPlayer est en cours d'exécution. Veuillez quitter SMPlayer puis réessayer l'installation."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Système d'exploitation non supporté.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requiert au minimum Windows XP et pourrait ne pas fonctionner correctement sur votre système.[:n:]Souhaitez-vous vraiment continuer l'installation ?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Système d'exploitation non supporté.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} nécessite au moins Windows Vista et pourrait ne pas fontionner correctement sur votre système.[:n:]Souhaitez-vous vraiment continuer l'installation ?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Ce programme nécessite une version 64bits de Windows pour pouvoir être installé."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Une installation de SMPlayer 32 bits existe. Vous devez désinstaller SMPlayer 32 bits d'abord."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Une installation de SMPlayer 64 bits existe. Vous devez désinstaller SMPlayer 64 bits d'abord."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "Installation de $(^NameDA)"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Ce programme va vous guider à travers l'installation de $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Il est recommandé de quitter toutes les instances de SMPlayer avant de continuer. Ceci permet de mettre à jour les fichiers concernés sans avoir besoin de redémarrer votre ordinateur.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Raccourcis"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Composants de MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Moteur de lecture"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (requis)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, bibliothèques partagées et documentation."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Bureau"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Crée un raccourci vers SMPlayer sur le bureau."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Menu Démarrer"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Crée une entrée pour SMPlayer dans le menu Démarrer."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (requis)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer ; requis pour la lecture."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Codecs binaires"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Codecs optionnels pour MPlayer. (Connexion Internet requise durant l'installation.)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Une version améliorée de MPlayer et MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Programme permettant d'encoder ou de convertir des flux audio et/ou vidéos supportés par MPlayer."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Thèmes d'icônes"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Thèmes d'icônes supplémentaires pour SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Langues"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Fichiers de langues (autres que l'anglais) pour SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Supprimer les préférences de SMPlayer datant d'une précédente installation."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Les paquets de codecs binaires ajoutent le support pour les codecs qui ne sont pas encore nativement supportés, tels que les nouvelles variantes de RealVideo et d'autres formats peu communs.[:n:]Remarque : Ces codecs ne sont pas nécessaires pour lire les formats communs tels que les DVD, MPE-1/2/4, etc."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Sélectionnez le type d'installation."
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Sélectionnez le mode Remplacement ou Désinstallation."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Il existe déjà une installation de SMPlayer dans le dossier suivant :"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner l'opération à effectuer :"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Remplacer l'installation existante. ($Inst_Type)"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Désinstaller l'installation existante. (Supprimer)"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Cliquez sur « Démarrer » une fois prêt à continuer."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Cliquez sur « Suivant » une fois prêt à continuer."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Cliquez sur « Désinstaller » une fois prêt à continuer."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Changer les paramètres d'installation."
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser ma configuration de SMPlayer"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir réinitialiser les paramètres de SMPlayer ? Cette action n'est pas réversible."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "Réinstaller la même version."
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "Installer une version plus ancienne."
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "Installer une version plus récente."
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Commencer"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Télécharge les codecs de MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Les codecs de MPlayer n'ont pas été correctement installés. Réessayer ?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Échec du téléchargement des codecs de MPlayer : '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Échec de l'installation des codecs de MPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Cette installation ne peut être désinstallée que par un utilisateur ayant les privilèges d'administrateur."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Désinstallation abandonnée par l'utilisateur."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Il ne semble pas que SMPlayer soit installé dans le dossier '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continuer quand même (déconseillé) ?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Installation de SMPlayer introuvable."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Cette installation ne peut être désinstallée qu'à partir de Windows 64 bits."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer est une interface utilisateur pour MPlayer, de ses fonctionnalités les plus élémentaires (telles que lire des vidéos, des DVD, des VCD) aux plus avancées (telles que le support des filtres MPlayer, les listes EDL, etc.)."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Sauvegarde les codecs de l'installation précédente..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Restaure les codecs de l'installation précédente..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Supprime les fichiers..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Supprime les clés de registre..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Supprime les raccourcis..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Restaure les associations de fichier..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Défait les changements..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Extrait les fichiers..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Sauvegarde de SMTube…"
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Restauration de SMTube depuis une précédente installation…"
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Sauvegarde de mpv…"
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Restauration de mpv depuis une précédente installation…"
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Téléchargement de mpv…"
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "L’installation de mpv a échoué. Réessayer ?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Échec lors du téléchargement de mpv : '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Erreur lors de l’installation de mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl n’a pas été installé correctement. Réessayer ?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Échec lors du téléchargement de youtube-dl : '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Vérification des mises à jour de youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Nettoyage du cache fontconfig..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Nettoyage des paramètres de SMPlayer..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Les codecs binaires ne sont pas supportés dans cette version."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/galician.po b/setup/translations/po_files/galician.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97d151b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/galician.po
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# antiparvos <>, 2014-2016
+# Miguel Branco <>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: antiparvos <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Galician (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: gl\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Xa se está executando o instalador."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Debe acceder como administrador para instalar este programa."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Xa se está executando unha instancia do SMPlayer. Peche o programa e ténteo de novo."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Sistema operativo non soportado. [:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} precisa cando menos de Windows XP, e podería non funcionar correctamente no seu sistema. [:n:]Queres seguir coa instalación?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Sistema operativo non compatíbel. [:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} precisa cando menos de Windows Vista, e podería non funcionar correctamente no seu sistema. [:n:]Desexa seguir coa instalación?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Precísase un sistema operativo Windows de 64-bits para instalar esta aplicación."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Xa existe unha instalación de 32-bits de SMPlayer. Precisas desinstalar o SMPlayer de 32-bits."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Xa existe unha instalación de 64-bits de SMPlayer. Precisas desinstalar o SMPlayer de 64-bits."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "Configurar $(^NameDA) "
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "O instalador guiarate na instalación de $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:] Recoméndase que se pechen todas as instancias de SMPlayer antes de comezar coa instalación. Así pódese actualizar os ficheiros da aplicación que son de relevancia sen logo precisar de reiniciar o ordenador.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Atallos"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Compoñentes de MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Motor multimedia"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (requirido)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, bibliotecas compartidas e documentación."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Escritorio"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Crear un atallo de escritorio para SMPlayer."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Menú de Inicio"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Crea unha entrada para SMPlayer no Menú de Inicio."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (requirido)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; requirido para a reprodución."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Códecs binarios"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Códecs opcionais para MPlayer (Precísase unha conexión a internet para a instalación)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Unha derivación de MPlayer e MPlayer2 con moitas funcionalidades"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Un programa compañeiro do MPlayer que se usa para codificar ou transformar fluxos de vídeo e son compatíbeis."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Temas de iconas"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Temas adicionais de iconas para SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Idiomas"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Ficheiros de idiomas diferentes do inglés para SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Elimina as configuracións de SMPlayer das instalacións previas."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Este paquete binario de códecs engade soporte para os códecs que ainda non están implementados de xeito nativo, como é o caso das variantes de RealVideo e moitos formatos infrecuentes.[:n:]Téñase en conta que non son precisos para reproducir a meirande parte dos formatos habituais como DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4 e demais."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Seleccionar o tipo de instalación"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Selecconar modo de sobrescritura ou desinstalación."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Xa existe unha instalación do SMPlayer no cartafol seguinte:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Seleccione como proceder:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Sobrescribir ($Inst_Type) a instalación existente"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Desinstalar (eliminar) a instalación existente"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Prema Iniciar cando estea listo."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Prema Seguinte cando estea listo."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Prema Desinstalar cando estea listo."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Cambiar os axustes da instalación"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Restabelecer a configuración do SMPlayer"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Confirma o restabelecemento dos axustes do SMPlayer? Esta acción non se pode desfacer."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "reinstalar"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "desanovar"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "anovar"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Iniciar"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Descargando os códecs de MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Os códecs do MPlayer non se instalaron correctamente. Desexar tentalo de novo?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Produciuse un fallo ao descargar os códecs do MPlayer: «$R0»."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Produciuse un fallo ao instalar os códecs de MPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Esta desinstalación precisa ter permisos de administrador."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Desinstalación cancelada polo usuario."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Non semella que SMPlayer estea instalado no cartafol '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]. Continuar de calquera xeito (aínda que non se aconsella)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Non se atopou ningunha instalación do SMPlayer"
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Só se pode facer a desinstalación en Windows 64-bit."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer é unha interface completa para MPlayer. Dispón desde funcionalidades básicas como reproducir vídeos, DVD, VCD ata algunhas máis avanzadas como a compatibilidade con filtros de MPlayer, listas edl e máis."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Facendo copia de seguranza dos códecs da instalación anterior..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Restabelecendo os códecs desde a instalación anterior..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Eliminando ficheiros..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Eliminando chaves de rexistro..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Eliminando atallos..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Restabelecendo as asociacións do ficheiro..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Desfacendo os cambios..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Extraendo ficheiros..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Facendo copia de seguranza de SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Restabelecendo SMTube desde a instalación anterior..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Facendo copia de seguranza do mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Restabelecendo o mpv desde a instalación anterior..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Descargando mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Os códecs do mpv non se instalaron correctamente. Desexa tentalo de novo?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "A descarga do mpv fallou: «$R0»."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Produciuse un fallo ao instalar o mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Non se instalou correctamente youtube-dl. Desexa tentalo de novo?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "A descarga de youtube-dl fallou: «$R0»."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Buscando actualizacións para o youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Borrando a caché do fontconfig..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Borrando os axustes do SMPlayer..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Os códecs binarios non son compatíbeis con esta versión."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/german.po b/setup/translations/po_files/german.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3e58e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/german.po
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Ettore Atalan <>, 2015-2016
+# M T <>, 2014,2016
+# Tobias Bannert <>, 2014-2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: M T <>\n"
+"Language-Team: German (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: de\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Das Installationsprogramm läuft bereits."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Sie müssen als Administrator angemeldet sein, um dieses Programm zu installieren."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Eine Instanz vom SMPlayer läuft. Bitte SMPlayer beenden und erneut versuchen."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Nicht unterstütztes Betriebssystem.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} benötigt mindestens Windows XP und kann nicht richtig auf Ihrem System funktionieren.[:n:]Wollen Sie wirklich mit der Installation fortfahren?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Nicht unterstütztes Betriebssystem.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} benötigt mindestens Windows Vista und kann nicht richtig auf Ihrem System funktionieren.[:n:]Wollen Sie wirklich mit der Installation fortfahren?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Ein 64-Bit-Windows-Betriebssystem ist erforderlich, um diese Software zu installieren."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Es existiert eine vorhandene 32-Bit-Installation vom SMPlayer. Sie müssen zuerst den 32-Bit-SMPlayer deinstallieren."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Es existiert eine vorhandene 64-Bit-Installation vom SMPlayer. Sie müssen zuerst den 64-Bit-SMPlayer deinstallieren."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA)-Einrichtung"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Der Einrichtungsassistent wird Sie durch die Installation von $(^NameDA) begleiten.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Es wird empfohlen, alle Instanzen des SMPlayers vor dem Beginn der Installation zu schließen. Dadurch wird es möglich, entsprechende Programmdateien, ohne einen Neustart des Rechners zu aktualisieren.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Verknüpfung"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "MPlayer-Komponenten"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Multimedia-Modul"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (erforderlich)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, dynamische Bibliotheken und Dokumentation."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Schreibtisch"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Erstellt eine Verknüpfung zum SMPlayer auf dem Schreibtisch."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Startmenü"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Erstellt einen Startmenüeintrag für den SMPlayer."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (erforderlich)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer – benötigt für die Wiedergabe."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Binärcodecs"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Optionale Codecs für MPlayer. (Internetverbindung benötigt für Installation)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Eine funktionsreiche Abspaltung von MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Ein Begleiterprogramm zum MPlayer, das zum codieren oder zum transformieren von unterstützten Ton- oder Video-Strömen verwendet werden kann."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Symbolthemen"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Weitere Symbolthemen für den SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Sprachen"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Nicht englische Sprachdateien für den SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Entfernt die SMPlayer-Einstellungen, welche von einer früheren Installation zurückgeblieben sind."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Binärcodec-Pakete werden eingesetzt für Codecs, die noch nicht nativ implementiert sind – wie neuere Varianten von RealVideo und viele ungewöhnliche Formate.[:n:]Hinweis: Die Pakete sind nicht notwendig, um die gängigsten Formate wiederzugeben (DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, usw.)"
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Installationstyp auswählen"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Überschreiben- oder Deinstallieren-Modus auswählen"
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Sie haben eine vorhandene Installation, vom SMPlayer, im folgenden Ordner:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Bitte wählen, wie fortgefahren werden soll:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Die vorhandene Installation ($Inst_Type) überschreiben"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Die vorhandene Installation deinstallieren (entfernen)"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Auf Start klicken, wenn Sie bereit sind, um fortzufahren."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Auf Weiter klicken, wenn Sie bereit sind, um fortzufahren."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Auf Deinstallieren klicken, wenn Sie bereit sind, um fortzufahren."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Installationseinstellungen ändern"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Meine SMPlayer-Konfiguration zurücksetzen"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre SMPlayer-Einstellungen zurücksetzen möchten? Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "Erneut installieren"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "Herunterstufen"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "Aktualisierung"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Start"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "MPlayer-Codecs herunterladen …"
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Die MPlayer-Codecs sind nicht erfolgreich installiert worden. Erneut versuchen?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Fehler beim Herunterladen der MPlayer-Codecs: »$R0«."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Fehler beim Installieren der MPlayer-Codecs."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Diese Installation kann nur von einem Benutzer mit Administrationsrechten deinstalliert werden."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Die Deinstallation ist vom Benutzer abgebrochen worden."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Es scheint, dass der SMPlayer nicht im Verzeichnis »$INSTDIR« installiert ist.[:r:][:n:]Trotzdem fortfahren (nicht empfohlen)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "SMPlayer-Installation nicht gefunden"
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Diese Installation kann nur auf einem 64-Bit-Windows deinstalliert werden."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "Der SMPlayer ist eine komplette grafische Oberfläche für den MPlayer, von grundlegenden Funktionen, wie das Abspielen von Videos, DVDs, VCDs, bis zu erweiterten Funktionen, wie die Unterstützung für MPlayer-Filter, edl-Listen und vielem mehr."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Codecs werden aus vorheriger Installation gesichert …"
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Codecs werden aus vorheriger Installation wiederhergestellt …"
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Dateien werden gelöscht …"
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Registrierungsschlüssel werden gelöscht …"
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Verknüpfungen werden gelöscht …"
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Dateizuordnungen werden wiederhergestellt …"
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Änderungen werden zurückgesetzt …"
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Dateien werden entpackt …"
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "SMTube wird gesichert ..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "SMTube wird aus vorheriger Installation wiederhergestellt ..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "mpv wird gesichert …"
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "mpv wird aus vorheriger Installation wiederhergestellt …"
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "mpv wird heruntergeladen …"
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv ist nicht erfolgreich installiert worden. Erneut versuchen?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Fehler beim Herunterladen von mpv: »$R0«."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Fehler beim Installieren von mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl ist nicht erfolgreich installiert worden. Erneut versuchen?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Fehler beim Herunterladen von youtube-dl: »$R0«."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Es wird nach Aktualisierungen für youtube-dl gesucht …"
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Schriftzwischenspeicher wird bereinigt …"
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "SMPlayer-Einstellungen werden bereinigt …"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Binärcodecs werden in dieser Version nicht unterstützt."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/greek.po b/setup/translations/po_files/greek.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09ddd6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/greek.po
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Dimitrios Glentadakis <>, 2015-2016
+# Γιάννης Ανθυμίδης, 2014,2016
+# Γιάννης Ανθυμίδης, 2014,2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Dimitrios Glentadakis <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Greek (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: el\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Το πρόγραμμα εγκατάστασης εκτελείται ήδη."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Θα πρέπει να συνδεθείτε ως διαχειριστής κατά την εγκατάσταση του προγράμματος."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Μια υπόσταση του SMPlayer εκτελείται. Παρακαλώ τερματίστε την και προσπαθήστε εκ νέου."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Μη υποστηριζόμενο λειτουργικό σύστημα.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} απαιτεί τουλάχιστον Windows XP και ίσως να μην λειτουργεί σωστά στο σύστημά σας.[:n:]Θέλετε πραγματικά να συνεχίσετε την εγκατάσταση;"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Μη υποστηριζόμενο λειτουργικό σύστημα.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} απαιτεί τουλάχιστον Windows Vista και ίσως να μην λειτουργεί σωστά στο σύστημά σας.[:n:]Θέλετε πραγματικά να συνεχίσετε την εγκατάσταση;"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Απαιτείται ένα λειτουργικό σύστημα Windows 64 bit ούτως ώστε να εγκαταστήσετε αυτό το λογισμικό."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Υπάρχει ήδη μια εγκατάσταση 32-bit του SMPlayer. Πρέπει πρώτα να την απεγκαταστήσετε. "
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Υπάρχει ήδη μια εγκατάσταση 64-bit του SMPlayer. Πρέπει πρώτα να την απεγκαταστήσετε."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) Εγκατάσταση"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Το πρόγραμμα εγκατάστασης θα σας καθοδηγήσει κατά την εγκατάσταση του $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Συνιστάται να κλείσετε όλα τα παράθυρα του SMPlayer πριν την εκκίνηση της εγκατάστασης. Αυτό θα σας επιτρέψει να ενημερώσετε τα σχετικά αρχεία του προγράμματος χωρίς την ανάγκη να επανεκκινήσετε τον υπολογιστή.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Συντομεύσεις"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Μονάδες MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Μηχανή πολυμέσων"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (απαιτείται)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "Ο SMPlayer, κοινές βιβλιοθήκες, και η τεκμηρίωση."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Επιφάνεια εργασίας"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Δημιουργεί μια συντόμευση για τον SMPlayer στην επιφάνεια εργασίας."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Μενού «Έναρξη»"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Δημιουργεί μια καταχώρηση στο Μενού «Έναρξη» για τον SMPlayer."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (απαιτείται)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer· απαιτείται για αναπαραγωγή."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Δυαδικοί κωδικοποιητές"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Προαιρετικοί κωδικοποιητές για τον MPlayer. (Απαιτείται σύνδεση στο διαδίκτυο για την εγκατάσταση)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Μια πλούσια σε χαρακτηριστικά δικράνωση του MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Ένα συνοδευτικό πρόγραμμα στο MPlayer το οποίο μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για την κωδικοποίηση ή την μεταμόρφωση των υποστηριζόμενων ροών ήχου ή βίντεο."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Θέματα εικονιδίων"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Επιπλέον θέματα εικόνων για τον SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Γλώσσες"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Αρχεία γλωσσών του SMPlayer για γλώσσες εκτός από τα Αγγλικά."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Διαγράφει προτιμήσεις του SMPlayer που έχουν απομείνει από προηγούμενες εγκαταστάσεις."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Τα δυαδικά πακέτα κωδικοποιητών προσθέτουν υποστήριξη για κωδικοποιητές που δεν έχουν ακόμα ενσωματωθεί εγγενώς, όπως τις παραλλαγές του νεώτερου RealVideo και άλλων ασυνήθιστων μορφών.[:n:]Σημειώστε ότι δεν είναι απαραίτητοι για την αναπαραγωγή των περισσότερων τυπικών μορφών όπως DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, κλπ."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Επιλέξτε τον τύπο της εγκατάστασης"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Επιλέξτε την λειτουργία αντικατάστασης ή απεγκατάστασης."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Υπάρχει ήδη μια εγκατάσταση του SMPlayer στον κατωτέρω φάκελο:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε πώς να προχωρήσετε:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Αντικατάσταση ($Inst_Type) της υπαρχούσης εγκατάστασης"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Απεγκατάσταση (αφαίρεση) της υπάρχουσας εγκατάστασης"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Κάντε κλικ στο Έναρξη όταν είστε έτοιμος-η να συνεχίσετε."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Κάντε κλικ στο Επόμενο όταν είστε έτοιμος-η να συνεχίσετε."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Κάντε κλικ στο Απεγκατάσταση όταν είστε έτοιμος-η να συνεχίσετε."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Αλλαγή των ρυθμίσεων της εγκατάστασης"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Επαναφορά της διαμόρφωσης του SMPlayer"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Είστε σίγουρος-η ότι θέλετε να επαναφέρετε τις ρυθμίσεις του SMPlayer; Αυτή η ενέργεια είναι μη αναστρέψιμη."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "επανεγκατάσταση"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "υποβάθμιση"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "αναβάθμιση"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Έναρξη"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Υποβάθμιση των κωδικοποιητών του MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Οι κωδικοποιητές του MPlayer δεν εγκαταστάθηκαν επιτυχώς. Προσπάθεια ξανά;"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Αποτυχία λήψης των κωδικοποιητών του MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Αποτυχία εγκατάστασης των κωδικοποιητών του MPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Αυτή η εγκατάσταση μπορεί να απεγκατασταθεί μόνο με προνόμια διαχειριστή."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Η απεγκατάσταση εγκαταλείφθηκε από τον χρήστη."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Δεν φαίνεται το SMPlayer να έχει εγκατασταθεί στον κατάλογο '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Να συνεχίσω ούτως ή άλλως (δεν συνιστάται);"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Δεν βρέθηκε η εγκατάσταση του SMPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Αυτή η εγκατάσταση μπορεί να απεγκατασταθεί μόνο σε Windows 64-bit."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "Το SMPlayer είναι ένα πλήρες περιβάλλον του συστήματος υποστήριξης του MPlayer, από τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά όπως την αναπαραγωγή βίντεο, DVD, VCD σε πιο προηγμένες λειτουργίες όπως την υποστήριξη των φίλτρων του MPlayer, κατάλογους edl, και άλλα πολλά."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Εφεδρικό αντίγραφο των κωδικοποιητών από προηγούμενη εγκατάσταση..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Επαναφορά των κωδικοποιητών από προηγούμενη εγκατάσταση..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Διαγραφή αρχείων..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Διαγραφή των κλειδιών του μητρώου..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Διαγραφή συντομεύσεων..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Επαναφορά των συσχετίσεων των αρχείων..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Αναίρεση των αλλαγών..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Αποσυμπίεση αρχείων..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Εφεδρικό αντίγραφο του SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Επαναφορά του SMTube από προηγούμενη εγκατάσταση..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Εφεδρικό αντίγραφο του mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Επαναφορά του mpv από προηγούμενη εγκατάσταση..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Γίνεται λήψη του mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Η εγκατάσταση του mpv απέτυχε. Να δοκιμάσω πάλι;"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Απέτυχε η λήψη του mpv: «$R0»."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Απέτυχε η εγκατάσταση του mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Η εγκατάσταση του youtube-dl απέτυχε. Να δοκιμάσω πάλι;"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Αποτυχία λήψης του youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Έλεγχος ενημερώσεων του youtube-dl...."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Εκκαθάριση της λανθάνουσας μνήμης διαμόρφωσης των γραμματοσειρών..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Εκκαθάριση των ρυθμίσεων του SMPlayer..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Οι δυαδικοί κωδικοποιητές δεν υποστηρίζονται σε αυτήν την έκδοση."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/hebrew.po b/setup/translations/po_files/hebrew.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2732e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/hebrew.po
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# GenghisKhan <>, 2014-2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Ricardo Villalba <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Hebrew (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: he\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "המתקין כבר מורץ."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "עליך להתחבר בתור מנהל בעת התקנת יישום זה."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "תהליך של SMPlayer הינו מורץ כעת. אנא צא מתוך SMPlayer ונסה שוב."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "מערכת הפעלה לא נתמכת.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} מצריך לפחות Windows XP ועשוי שלא לעבוד כראוי על המערכת הנוכחית.[:n:]האם אתה בטוח כי ברצונך להמשיך עם ההתקנה?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "מערכת הפעלה Windows מטיפוס 64-ביט נדרשת כדי להתקין תוכנה זו."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "התקנה קיימת מטיפוס 32-ביט של SMPlayer זמינה. עליך לבטל התקנת SMPlayer מטיפוס 32-ביט תחילה."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "התקנה קיימת מטיפוס 64-ביט של SMPlayer זמינה. עליך לבטל התקנת SMPlayer מטיפוס 64-ביט תחילה."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "התקנת $(^NameDA)"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "המתקין ידריך אותך מבעד להתקנה של $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]מומלץ לסגור את כל המאורעות שך SMPlayer בטרם התחלת מתקין. זו תהפוך עדכון של קבצי תוכנית בלי לאתחל את מחשבך לאפשרית.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "קיצורי דרך"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "רכיבי MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "מנוע מולטימדיה"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (חובה)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, ספריות משותפות, ותיעוד."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "שולחן עבודה"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "צור קיצור דרך אל SMPlayer על שולחן העבודה."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "תפריט התחלה"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "צור רשומת תפריט התחלה עבור SMPlayer."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (חובה)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; נדרש לשם נגינה."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "קודקים של בינארי"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "קודקי לא מחייבים (רשות) עבור MPlayer. (חיבור אינטרנט נדרש לשם התקנה)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "הסתעפות רב-תכליתית של MPlayer וגם MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "תוכנית משותפת ליישום MPlayer אשר מסוגלת לשמש כדי לקודד או לשנות זרמי אודיו או וידאו נתמכים."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "סמלי ערכות נושא"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "סמלי ערכות נושא נוספים עבור SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "שפות"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "קבצים של שפות לא-אנגליות עבור SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "מחיקת העדפות SMPlayer אשר נותרו מתוך התקנות קודמות."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "חבילות בינארי codec מוסיפות תמיכה לקודקים אשר לא מיושמים במערכת באופן טבעי, כגון RealVideo על סוגיו ועוד פורמטים רבים לא נפוצים.[:n:]לתשומת לבך אלו לא נדרשים כדי לנגן את רוב הפורמטים הנפוצים כגון DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, וכו׳."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "בחר טיפוס התקנה"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "בחר צורת שכתוב או ביטול התקנת"
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "יש לך התקנה קיימת של SMPlayer בתוך התיקייה הבאה:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "אנא בחר כיצד להמשיך:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "שכתב ($Inst_Type) את ההתקנה הקיימת"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "בטל התקנה (הסר) את ההתקנה הקיימת"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "לחץ התחל כאשר אתה מוכן להמשיך."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "לחץ הבא כאשר אתה מוכן להמשיך."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "לחץ בטל התקנה כאשר אתה מוכן להמשיך."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "שנה הגדרות התקנה"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "אפס תצורת SMPlayer"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "האם אתה בטוח כי ברצונך לאפס את הגדרות SMPlayer? פעולה זו היא בלתי הפיכה."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "התקן מחדש"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "הנמך"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "שדרג"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "התחל"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "מוריד כעת קודקים של MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "קודקים של MPlayer לא הותקנו בהצלחה. לנסות שוב?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "נכשל להוריד קודקים של MPlayer. סיבה: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "נכשל להתקין קודקים של MPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "התקנה זו ניתנת לביטול רק על ידי משתמש עם הרשאות מנהל."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "ביטל התקנת ננטש על ידי משתמש."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "לא נראה כי SMPlayer הינו מותקן בתוך התיקייה '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]להמשיך בכל זאת (לא מומלץ)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "התקנת SMPlayer לא נמצאה."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "התקנה זו ניתנת לביטול רק על Windows מטיפוס 64-ביט."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer הינו מגשר-חזיתי מקיף עבור MPlayer, מתכונות בסיסיות כגון נגינת סרטוני וידאו, DVD, VCD לתכונות יותר מתקדמות כגון תמיכה עבור מסנני MPlayer, רשימות edl, ועוד."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "מגבה קודקים מתוך ההתקנה הקודמת..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "משחזר קודקים מתוך ההתקנה הקודמת..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "מוחק כעת קבצים..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "מוחק כעת מפתחות Registry..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "מוחק כעת קיצורי דרך..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "משחזר כעת שיוכי קובץ..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "משחזר כעת שינויים..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "מחלץ כעת קבצים..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "מגבה כעת את SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "משחזר כעת את SMTube מתוך התקנה קודמת..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "כעת מגבה את mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "כעת משחזר את mpv מתוך התקנה קודמת..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "כעת מוריד את mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv לא הותקן בהצלחה. לנסות שוב?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "נכשל להוריד את mpv: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "נכשל להתקין את mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl לא הותקן בהצלחה. לנסות שוב?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "נכשל להוריד את youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "כעת בודק עדכונים עבור youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "כעת מנקה מטמון fontconfig..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "כעת מנקה הגדרות SMPlayer..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "קודקים של בינארי אינם נתמכים בגרסא זו."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/hungarian.po b/setup/translations/po_files/hungarian.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f800bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/hungarian.po
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Levente Krisztián Büte (Chris) <>, 2016
+# Anon, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Levente Krisztián Büte (Chris) <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Hungarian (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: hu\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "A telepítő már fut."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "A program telepítéséhez redszergazdai jogosultságra van szükség."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Az SMPlayer egy példánya már fut. Kérjük, lépjen ki az SMPlayerből és próbálja újra."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Nem támogatott operációs rendszer.[:n:]Az SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} legalább Windows XP-t igényel, így valószínűleg nem fog megfelelően működni az ön rendszerén.[:n:]Biztosan folytatja a telepítést?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Nem támogatott operációs rendszer.[:n:]Az SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} legalább Windows Vistát igényel, így valószínűleg nem fog megfelelően működni az ön rendszerén.[:n:]Biztosan folytatja a telepítést?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "A szoftver telepítéséhez 64-bites Windows operációs rendszerre van szükség."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Egy 32-bites SMPlayer már telepítve van. Előbb el kell távolítania a 32-bites SMPlayer-t."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Egy 64-bites SMPlayer már telepítve van. Előbb el kell távolítania a 64-bites SMPlayer-t."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "A telepítő végig fogja vezetni az $(^NameDA) telepítési folyamatán.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Javasoljuk, hogy a telepítés megkezdése előtt zárja be az SMPlayer minden megnyitott példányát. Ez lehetővé teszi az adott program fájlok frissítését anélkül, hogy a számítógépét újra kellene indítania.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Parancsikonok"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "MPlayer Összetevők"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Multimédia-motor"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (nélkülözhetetlen)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, megosztott könyvtárak és dokumentáció."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Asztal"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Létrehoz egy SMPlayer parancsikont az asztalon."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Start Menü"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Start Menü bejegyzés létrehozása az SMPlayer számára."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (nélkülözhetetlen)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; elengedhetetlen a lejátszáshoz."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Bináris Kodekek"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "További kodekek az MPlayer számára. (Internet Kapcsolat kell a telepítésükhöz)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Az MPlayer && MPlayer2 funkciókban gazdag forkja"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Az MPlayer segédprogramja, mely audió- és videó sugárzások átkódolására és átalakítására használható."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Ikontémák"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "További ikontémák az SMPlayerhez."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Nyelvek"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Nem-Angol SMPlayer nyelvi fájlok."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Törli az előző telepítésből megmaradt SMPlayer beállításokat."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "A bináris kodekcsomagok támogatást nyújtanak az olyan codecekhez, amelyek még nincsnek natívan implementálva, mint például az újabb RealVideo változatokhoz és rengeteg ritka formátumhoz.[:n:]Megjegyzendő, hogy ezek nem szükségesek a leggyakorib formátumok lejátszásához, mint például DVD-k, MPEG-1/2/4, stb."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Válassza ki a telepítés típusát"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Válassza ki a felülíró vagy eltávolító módot."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Már van egy meglévő SMPlayer telepítése a következő mappában:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Válassza ki, hogyan folytatódjon:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Írja felül ($Inst_Type) a megfelelő telepítést"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Távolítsa el (törölje) a meglévő telepítést"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "A folytatáshoz kattintson a Startra."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "A folytatáshoz kattintson a Továbbra."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "A folytatáshoz kattintson az Eltávolításra."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Telepítési beállítások megváltoztatása"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "SMPlayer konfigurációjának alaphelyzetbe állítása"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Biztos benne, hogy visszaállítja az SMPlayer beállításait? Ez a művelet nem visszafordítható."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "újratelepítés"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "visszaminősítés"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "frissítés"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Start"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "MPlayer kodekek letöltése..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Nem sikerült telepíteni az MPlayer kodekeket. Újra?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Nem sikerült letölteni az MPlayer kodekeket: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Nem sikerült feltelepíteni az MPlayer kodekeket."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Ez a telepítés csak egy rendszergazdai jogosultságokkal rendelkező felhasználó által távolítható el."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Az eltávolítást a felhasználó leállította."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Nem úgy tűnik, hogy az SMPlayer telepítve lenne a '$INSTDIR' mappába.[:r:][:n:]Mégis folytatja? (nem ajánlott)"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Az SMPlayer telepítés nem található."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "A telepítés csak 64-bites Windowson távolítható el."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "Az SMPlayer egy átfogó front-end az MPlayerhez, mely rengeteg mindent tartalmaz az alap funkcióktól kezdve, mint a videók, DVD-k és VCD-k lejátszása, az olyan fejlett tulajdonságokig, mint támogatás az MPlayer szűrőkhöz, edl listákhoz és még sok máshoz."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Kodekek biztonsági mentése az előző telepítésből..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Kodekek visszaállítása az előző telepítésből..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Fájlök törlése..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Regisztrációs kulcsok törlése..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Parancsikonok törlése..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Fájltársítások visszaállítása..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Változtatások visszavonása..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Fájlok kicsomagolása..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "SMTube biztonsági mentése folyamatban..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "SMTube visszaállítása az előző telepítésből..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "mpv biztonsági mentése folyamatban..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "mpv visszaállítása az előző telepítésből..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "mpv letöltés alatt..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Az mpv telepítése nem sikerült. Újra próbála?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Az mpv letöltése sikertelen: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Az mpv telepítése sikertelen."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "A youtube-dl telepítése nem sikerült. Újra próbálja?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "A youtube-dl letöltése sikertelen: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "youtube-dl frissítések keresése..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "fontconfig gyorsítótár tisztítása..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "SMPlayer beállítások tisztítása..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "A bináris kodekek nem támogatottak ebben a verzióban."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/indonesian.po b/setup/translations/po_files/indonesian.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04c8408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/indonesian.po
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Aulia Firdaus Simbolon <>, 2014
+# Mohamad Hasan Al Banna <>, 2014
+# Rendiyono Wahyu Saputro <>, 2015
+# wantoyo <>, 2015-2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: wantoyo <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Indonesian (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: id\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Pemasang telah berjalan."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Anda harus masuk sebagai pengurus ketika memasang program."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Sebuah instansi SMPlayer masih berjalan. Tolong tutup SMPlayer dan coba lagi."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Sistem operasi tidak didukung.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} membutuhkan setidaknya Windows XP dan mungkin tidak bekerja dengan baik pada sistem Anda.[:n:] Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan pemasangan?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Sistem operasi tak didukung.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} perlu di Windows Vista terkini dan mungkin tidak bekerja dengan benar pada sistemmu.[:n:]Apakah kamu benar-benar ingin melanjutkan pemasangan?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Sistem operasi Windows 64-bit diperlukan untuk memasang perangkat lunak ini."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Pemasang SMPlayer 32-bit masih terpasang. Anda harus mencopot SMPlayer 32-bit terlebih dahulu."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "SMPlayer 64-bit masih terpasang. Anda harus mencopot SMPlayer 64-bit terlebih dahulu."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) Wisaya"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Wisaya ini akan memandu Anda pada pemasangan $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:] Disarankan agar Anda menutup semua instansi SMPlayer sebelum memulai wisaya. Hal ini akan memungkinkan untuk memperbarui file program tanpa harus memulai ulang komputer Anda.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Pintasan"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Komponen MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Mesin Multimedia"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (diperlukan)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, pustaka berbagi dan dokumentasi."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Desktop"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Buat pintasan untuk SMPlayer pada desktop."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Start Menu"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Buat sebuah entri Start Menu untuk SMPlayer."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (dibutuhkan)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; dibutuhkan untuk pemutaran."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Kodek Binari"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Kodek tambahan untuk MPlayer. (Koneksi Internet diperlukan untuk pemasangan)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Sebuah cabang yang kaya fitur dari MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Teman Aplikasi dari MPlater yang dapat menggunakan encode atau transformasi audio yang didukung atau video streaming."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Tema Ikon"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Tema ikon tambahan untuk SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Bahasa"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "File Bahasa Non-Inggris untuk SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Hapus pengaturan SMPlayer yang tersisa ada pemasangan sebelumnya."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Paket kodek binari menambah dukungan untuk kodek yang tidak diimplementasikan secara umum, seperti varian terbaru RealVideo dan berbagai format lainnya yang belum dapat diputar.[:n:]Catat bahwa semua kodek itu tidak diperlukan untuk memutaar format yang sering dipakai seperti DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, dsb."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Pilih Tipe Pemasangan"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Pilih mode Penimpaan atau Pencopotan."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Anda memiliki pemasang SMPlayer yang masih ada di direktori ini:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Harap memilih proses:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Timpa ($Inst_Type) pemasang yang ada"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Copot (lepas) pemasang yang ada"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klik Mulai untuk mempersiapkan proses."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klik Berikutnya ketika siap untuk proses."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klik Copot ketika siap untuk diproses."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Ubah Setelan Pemasangan"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Setel ulang konfigurasi SMPlayer saya"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Apakah kamu yakin ingin menyetel ulang setelan SMPlayer-mu? Tindakan ini tidak dapat dikembalikan."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "pasang ulang"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "penurunan"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "peningkatan"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Mulai"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Mengunduh Kodek MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Kodek MPlayer tidak berhasil dipasang. Coba lagi?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Gagal mengunduh kodek MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Gagal memasang kodek MPlayer"
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Pemasangan ini hanya bisa dicopot oleh pengguna dengan izin pengurus."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Pencopotan dibatalkan oleh pengguna."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Sepertinya tidak terlihat bahwa SMPlayer terinstal didirektori '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Lanjutkan saja(tidak direkomendasikan)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Pemasangan SMPlayer tidak tersedia."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Pemasangan hanya bisa dicopot pada Windows 64-bit."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMplayer adalah aplikasi antarmuka lengkap untuk MPlayer, dari fitur dasar seperti memutar video, DVD, VCD ke fitur lanjutan seperti mendukung penyaringan MPlayer, daftar edl, dan banyak lainnya."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Mencadangkan kodek dari pemasangan sebelumnya..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Mengembalikan kodek dari pemasangan sebelumnya..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Menghapus file..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Menghapus Kunci Registri..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Menghapus Pintasan..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Mengembalikan asosiasi file..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Mengembalikan pengubahan..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Mengekstrak file..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Mencadangkan SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Mengembalikan SMTube dari pemasangan sebelumnya..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Mencadangkan mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Mengembalikan mpv dari pemasangan sebelumnya..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Mengunduh mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv tidak sukses dipasang. Coba kembali?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Gagal mengunduh mpv: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Gagal memasang mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl tidak sukses dipasang. Coba kembali?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Gagal mengunduh youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Memeriksa pembaruan youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Membersihkan singgahan fontconfig..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Membersihkan setelan SMPlayer..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Kodek binari tidak didukung pada versi ini."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/italian.po b/setup/translations/po_files/italian.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82acada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/italian.po
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Alessandro Forte <>, 2016
+# Giuseppe Pignataro <>, 2015
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Alessandro Forte <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Italian (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: it\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Il programma di installazione è già in esecuzione."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "È necessario essere autenticati come amministratore per installare questo programma."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Un'istanza di SMPlayer è in esecuzione. Esci da SMPlayer e riprova."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Sistema operativo non supportato. [:n:]SmPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} richiede almeno Windows XP e potrebbe non funzionare correttamente su questo sistema. [:n:]Si vuole davvero proseguire con l'installazione?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Sistema operativo non supportato. [:n:]SmPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} richiede almeno Windows Vista e potrebbe non funzionare correttamente su questo sistema. [:n:]Si vuole davvero proseguire con l'installazione?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "È richiesto un sistema operativo Windows a 64-bit per installare questo software."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Un'installazione a 32-bit di SMPlayer è già presente. Si deve prima disinstallare SMPlayer a 32-bit."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Un'installazione a 64-bit di SMPlayer è già presente. Si deve prima disinstallare SMPlayer a 64-bit."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "Installazione guidata di $(^NameDA)"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Questa è l'installazione guidata di $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Si raccomanda di chiudere tutte le istanze di SMPlayer prima di cominciare. Questo renderà possibile installare i file del programma senza dover riavviare la macchina.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Collegamenti"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Componenti di MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Motore Multimediale"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (essenziale)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, librerie condivise, e documentazione."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Scrivania"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Crea un collegamento a SMPlayer sulla scrivania."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Menu di avvio"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Crea un elemento nel menu di avvio per SMPlayer."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (essenziale)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; essenziale per la riproduzione."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Codec binari"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Codec aggiuntivi per MPlayer. (Connessione a Internet richiesta per l'installazione)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Una fork di MPlayer && MPlayer2 ricca di funzioni"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Un programma integrativo di MPlayer che può essere usato per codificare o trasformare flussi audio o video supportati."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Temi di icone"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Temi di icone aggiuntivi per SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Localizzazioni"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Localizzazioni non Inglesi."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Cancella preferenze di SMPlayer lasciate da installazioni precedenti."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "I pacchetti di codec binari forniscono il supporto per i codec che non sono stati ancora implementati nativamente, per esempio per le varianti di RealVideo e anche un sacco di formati poco utilizzati.[:n:]Nota che non sono richiesti per riprodurre i formati più comuni come DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, ecc."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Scegliere tipo di installazione"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Scegliere se sovrascrivere o disinstallare."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Un'installazione già presente di SMPlayer è presente nella cartella seguente:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Scegliere come proseguire:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Sovrascrivi ($Inst_Type) l'installazione esistente"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Disinstalla (rimuovi) l'installazione esistente"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Per proseguire, scegliere Installa."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Per proseguire, scegliere Avanti."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Per proseguire, scegli Disinstalla"
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Cambia le impostazioni di installazione"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Rimuovi configurazione di SMPlayer"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler ripristinare le impostazioni di SMPlayer? Questa azione non può essere annullata."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "reinstalla"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "retrocedi"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "aggiorna"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Installa"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Sto scaricando i codec di MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "I codec di MPlayer non sono stati installati correttamente. Riprovare?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Impossibile scaricare i codec di MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Installazione dei codec di MPlayer non riuscita."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "La disinstallazione può essere effettuata solo da un utente con permessi amministrativi."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Disinstallazione annullata dall'utente."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Sembra che SMPlayer non sia installato nella cartella '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continua comunque (non raccomandato)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Installazione di SMPlayer non trovata."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Questa installazione può essere disinstallata solo su Windows 64-bit."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer è un'interfaccia completa per MPlayer, fornisce funzionalità di base come la riproduzione di video, DVD, VCD e funzionalità più avanzate come il supporto dei filtri di MPlayer, le liste edl e altro ancora."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Copia di sicurezza dei codec dell'installazione precedente..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Ripristino codec dell'installazione precedente..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Eliminazione file..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Eliminazione chiavi di registro..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Eliminazione collegamenti..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Ripristino associazioni file..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Rollback delle modifiche..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Estrazione file..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Copia di sicurezza di SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Ripristino di SMTube dall'installazione precedente..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Salvataggio mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Ripristino mpv alla precedente installazione..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Scaricamento mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv non è stato installato correttamente. Riprovare?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Impossibile scaricare mpv: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Errore nell'installazione di mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl non è stato installato correttamente. Riprovare?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Impossibile scaricare youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Verifica aggiornamenti per youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Pulizia cache fontconfig..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Pulizia impostazioni SMPlayer..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "I codec binari non sono supportati in questa versione."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/japanese.po b/setup/translations/po_files/japanese.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dd99e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/japanese.po
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# ever_green, 2016,2018
+# nardog, 2014-2017
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-11 11:07+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: ever_green\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "インストーラーは既に実行中です。"
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "このプログラムをインストールするときは管理者としてログインする必要があります。"
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "SMPlayer のインスタンスが実行中です。SMPlayer を終了してやり直してください。"
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "サポートされていないオペレーティング システムです。[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} は Windows XP 以上を必要とし、お使いのシステムでは正常に動作しない可能性があります。[:n:]本当にインストールを続行しますか?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "サポートされていないオペレーティング システムです。[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} は Windows Vista 以上を必要とし、お使いのシステムでは正常に動作しない可能性があります。[:n:]本当にインストールを続行しますか?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "このソフトウェアをインストールするには 64 ビットの Windows オペレーティング システムが必要です。"
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "32 ビットの SMPlayer が既にインストールされています。先に 32 ビットの SMPlayer をアンインストールする必要があります。"
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "64 ビットの SMPlayer が既にインストールされています。先に 64 ビットの SMPlayer をアンインストールする必要があります。"
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) のセットアップ"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "セットアップは $(^NameDA) のインストールをご案内します。[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]セットアップの開始前にすべての SMPlayer のインスタンスを閉じることが推奨されます。これによりお使いのコンピューターを再起動する必要なく関連するプログラム ファイルを更新することが可能になります。[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "ショートカット"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "MPlayer コンポーネント"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "マルチメディア エンジン"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (必須)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer、共有ライブラリ、およびドキュメントです。"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "デスクトップ"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "デスクトップに SMPlayer へのショートカットを作成します。"
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "[スタート] メニュー"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "SMPlayer の [スタート] メニュー エントリを作成します。"
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (必須)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "再生のために必要な MPlayer です。"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "バイナリ コーデック"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "MPlayer のオプション コーデックです。(インストールにはインターネット接続が必要です)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "MPlayer と MPlayer2 の機能豊富なフォークです。"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "サポートされたオーディオまたはビデオ ストリームのエンコードや変換に使用できる MPlayer の姉妹プログラムです。"
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "アイコン テーマ"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "SMPlayer の追加アイコン テーマです。"
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "言語"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "SMPlayer の英語以外の言語ファイルです。"
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "前のインストールから残っている SMPlayer の環境設定を削除します。"
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "バイナリ コーデック パッケージは新しい RealVideo 派生や多くの希少な形式など、まだ自然には実装されていないコーデックへのサポートを追加します。[:n:]DVD、MPEG-1/2/4 などの最も一般的なフォーマットの再生には必要でないことにご注意ください。"
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "インストールの種類の選択"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "上書きまたはアンインストール モードを選択します。"
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "以下のフォルダーに既存 SMPlayer のインストールがあります:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "続行する方法を選択してください:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "既存のインストールを上書き ($Inst_Type) する"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "既存のインストールをアンインストール (削除) する"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "続行するには [開始] をクリックします。"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "続行するには [次へ] をクリックします。"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "続行するには [アンインストール] をクリックします。"
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "インストール構成を変更する"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "SMPlayer の設定をリセットする"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "SMPlayer の設定をリセットしてもよろしいですか? この動作は元に戻せません。"
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "再インストール"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "ダウングレード"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "アップグレード"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "開始"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "MPlayer コーデックをダウンロードしています..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "MPlayer コーデックは正常にインストールされませんでした。再試行しますか?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "MPlayer コーデックのダウンロードに失敗しました: '$R0'。"
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "MPlayer コーデックのインストールに失敗しました。"
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "このインストールは管理者特権のあるユーザーによってのみアンインストールできます。"
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "アンインストールはユーザーによって中止されました。"
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "ディレクトリ '$INSTDIR' に SMPlayer がインストールされているように見えません。[:r:][:n:]このまま続行しますか (推奨されません)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "SMPlayer のインストールが見つかりません。"
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "このインストールは 64 ビットの Windows でのみアンインストールできます。"
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer はビデオ、DVD、VCD の再生のような基本的な機能から MPlayer フィルター、edl リストなどへのサポートのような高度な機能まで、MPlayer の完全なフロントエンドです。"
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "以前のインストールからのコーデックをバックアップしています..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "以前のインストールからのコーデックを復元しています..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "ファイルを削除しています..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "レジストリ キーを削除しています..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "ショートカットを削除しています..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "ファイルの関連付けを復元しています..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "変更を元に戻しています..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "ファイルを展開しています..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "SMTube をバックアップしています..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "以前のインストールからの SMTube を復元しています..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "mpv をバックアップしています..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "以前のインストールからの mpv を復元しています..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "mpv をダウンロードしています..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv は正常にインストールされませんでした。再試行しますか?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "mpv のダウンロードに失敗しました: '$R0'。"
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "mpv のインストールに失敗しました。"
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl は正常にインストールされませんでした。再試行しますか?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "youtube-dl のダウンロードに失敗しました: '$R0'。"
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "youtube-dl の更新を確認しています..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "fontconfig キャッシュをクリーンアップしています..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "SMPlayer の設定をクリーンアップしています..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "バイナリ コーデックはこのバージョンではサポートされていません。"
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/korean.po b/setup/translations/po_files/korean.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d490235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/korean.po
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Potato <>, 2014-2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Potato <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Korean (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ko\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "설치 프로그램이 실행 중입니다."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "이 프로그램을 설치하려면 관리자 권한이 필요합니다."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "SMPlayer가 실행 중입니다. SMPlayer를 종료 후 다시 시도하세요."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "미지원 운영 체계.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} 는 윈도우 XP 이상이 필요하고 당신의 시스템에서 정상적인 동작을 보장할 수 없습니다.[:n:]설치를 계속 진행할까요?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "미지원 운영 체계.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} 는 최소한 윈도우 비스타가 필요하고 당신의 시스템에서 정상적인 동작을 보장할 수 없습니다.[:n:]설치를 계속 진행할까요?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "이 프로그램은 윈도우 64비트 운영 체계에서만 설치할 수 있습니다."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "32비트 버전의 SMPlayer가 이미 설치되어 있습니다. 32비트 SMPlayer를 먼저 제거하세요."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "64비트 버전의 SMPlayer가 이미 설치되어 있습니다. 64비트 SMPlayer를 먼저 제거하세요."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Setup이 $(^NameDA)의 설치를 도와줄 것입니다.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Setup을 시작하기 전에 SMPlayer를 모두 종료하세요. 그러면 재부팅 없이 관련 프로그램 파일을 업데이트할 수 있습니다.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "바로가기"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "MPlayer 구성 요소"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "멀티미디어 엔진"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (필수)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, 공유 라이브러리와 문서."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "바탕화면"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "바탕화면에 SMPlayer의 바로가기를 만듭니다."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "시작 메뉴"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "SMPlayer의 시작 메뉴 항목을 만듭니다."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (필수)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; 재생에 필요함."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "바이너리 코덱"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "MPlayer용 추가 코덱. (설치시 인터넷 연결이 필요함)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "다기능의 MPlayer && MPlayer2를 이용한 개발"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "지원하는 오디오 비디오 스트림을 인코딩하거나 변환하는데 사용할 수 있는 MPlayer의 추가 프로그램."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "아이콘 테마"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "SMPlayer의 추가 아이콘 테마."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "언어"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "SMPlayer의 비영어 언어 파일들."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "이전 설치된 SMPlayer의 환경 설정을 삭제합니다."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "바이너리 코덱 꾸러미는 새로운 RealVideo 변종과 많은 희귀한 형식의 동영상에서, 아직 직접 지원하지 않는 코덱을 지원합니다.[:n:]DVD나 MPEG-1/2/4와 같은 대부분의 동영상을 재생하는데 필수적인 코덱은 아닙니다."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "설치 형태를 선택하세요"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "덮어쓸 것인지 제거할 것인지 선택하세요."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "다음 폴더에 SMPlayer가 설치되어 있습니다:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "어떻게 처리할 것인지 선택하세요:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "기존의 설치 위에 덮어 씁니다 ($Inst_Type)"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "기존의 설치를 제거합니다"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "준비가 되었으면 시작을 누르세요."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "준비가 되었으면 다음을 누르세요."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "준비가 되었으면 제거를 누르세요."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "설치 설정을 변경합니다"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "내 SMPlayer 설정을 초기화합니다"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "SMPlayer 설정을 초기화할까요? 초기화 후에는 복원할 수 없습니다."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "재설치"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "다운그레이드"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "업그레이드"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "시작"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Downloading MPlayer codecs..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "MPlayer 코덱 설치에 실패했습니다. 다시 할까요?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "MPlayer 코덱 다운로드에 실패했습니다: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "MPlayer 코덱 설치에 실패했습니다."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "이 설치는 관리자 권한을 지닌 사용자만 제거할 수 있습니다."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "사용자가 제거를 취소함."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "SMPlayer가 '$INSTDIR' 디렉토리에 설치된 것 같지 않습니다.[:r:][:n:]어쨌든 계속할까요? (비권장)"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "SMPlayer 설치를 찾을 수 없습니다."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "이 설치는 64비트 윈도우에서만 제거할 수 있습니다."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer는 비디오, DVD, VCD 재생과 같은 기본적인 기능들로부터 MPlayer 필터와 edl 목록 등 고급 기능들까지 지원하는 MPlayer의 완전한 프론트엔트입니다."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "이전 설치에서 코덱 백업하는 중..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "이전 설치에서 코덱 복원하는 중..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "파일 삭제하는 중..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "레지스트리 키 삭제하는 중..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "바로가기 삭제하는 중..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "파일 연결 복원하는 중..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "변경점을 원상 복원하는 중..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "파일 압축을 해제하는 중..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "SMTube를 백업하는 중..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "SMTube는 이전 설치에서 복원하는 중..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "mpv 백업 중..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "이전에 설치한 mpv 복원 중..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "mpv 다운로드 중..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv 설치에 실패했습니다. 재시도할까요?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "mpv 다운로드 실패: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "mpv를 설치하지 못했습니다."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl 설치에 실패했습니다. 재시도할까요?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "youtube-dl 다운로드 실패: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "youtube-dl 업데이트 확인 중..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "fontconfig 캐쉬 정리 중..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "SMPlayer 설정 정리 중..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "이 버전에서 바이너리 코덱은 지원하지 않습니다."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/malay.po b/setup/translations/po_files/malay.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6241076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/malay.po
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# abuyop <>, 2014-2016
+# Muhd. Syah <>, 2017
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-01 04:52+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Muhd. Syah <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Malay (Malaysia) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ms_MY\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Pemasang sudah berjalan."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Anda mesti mendaftar masuk sebagai pentadbir bila memasang program ini."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Satu kejadian SMPlayer sedang berjalan. Sila keluar SMPlayer dan cuba lagi."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Kesian , Sistem pengoperasian tidak disokong.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya Windows XP dan tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik pada sistem anda.[:n:]Anda pasti mahu teruskan pemasangan?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Sistem pengoperasian tidak disokong.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya Windows Vista dan tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik pada sistem anda.[:n:]Anda pasti mahu teruskan pemasangan?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Sistem pengoperasian Windows 64-bit diperlukan untuk memasang perisian ini."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Pemasangan 32-bit SMPlayer sudah wujud. Anda mesti nyahpasang SMPlayer 32-bit dahulu."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Pemasangan 64-bit SMPlayer sudah wujud. Anda mesti nyahpasang SMPlayer 64-bit dahulu."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "Persediaan $(^NameDA)"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Persediaan akan membantu anda melalui pemasangan $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Adalah disarankan anda tutup semua kejadian SMPlayer sebelum memulakan persediaan. Ia bertujuan untuk mengemaskini fail program yang berkaitan tanpa perlu membut semula komputer anda.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Pintasan"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Komponen MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Enjin Multimedia"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (diperlukan)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, pustaka terkongsi, dan dokumentasi."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Desktop"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Cipta pintasan pada SMPlayer pada desktop."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Menu Mula"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Cipta masukan Menu Mula untuk SMPlayer."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (diperlukan)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; diperlukan untuk mainbalik."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Kodeks Binari"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Kodeks pilihan untuk MPlayer. (Sambungan Internet diperlukan untuk pemasangan)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Cabang kaya-fitur bagi MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Program yang diperlukan oleh MPlayer yang dapat digunakan untuk mengenkod atau jelma audio disokong atau strim video."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Tema Ikon"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Tema ikon tambahan untuk SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Bahasa"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Fail bahasa Bukan-Inggeris untuk SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Padam baki keutamaan SMPlayer dari pemasangan terdahulu."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Pakej kodeks binari menambah sokongan untuk kodeks yang belum lagi dilaksana secara tabii, seperti varians RealVideo lebih baharu dan banyak lagi format bukan umum..[:n:]Perhatian format tersebut tidaklah diperlukan untuk memainkan kebanyakan format umum seperti DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, dll."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Pilih Jenis Pemasangan"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Pilih mod Tulis-ganti atau Nyahpasang."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Anda sudah mempunyai pemasangan SMPlayer di dalam folder berikut:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Sila pilih bagaimana hendak diteruskan:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Tulis-ganti pemasangan sedia ada ($Inst_Type)"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Nyapasang (buang) pemasangan sedia ada"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klik Mula bila sedia diteruskan."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klik Berikutnya bila sedia diteruskan."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Klik Nyahpasang bila sedia diteruskan."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Ubah Tetapan Pemasangan"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Tetap semula konfigurasi SMPlayer saya"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Anda pasti mahu menetap semula tetapan SMPlayer anda? Tindakan ini tidak boleh dikembalikan."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "pasang semula"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "nyahtatar"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "tatar"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Mula"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Memuat Turun Kodeks MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Kodeks MPlayer gagal dipasang. Cuba lagi?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Gagal memuat turun kodeks MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Gagal memasang kodeks MPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Pemasangan ini hanya boleh dinyahpasang oleh pengguna dengan kelayakan pentadbir."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Nyahpasang dihenti-paksa oleh pengguna."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Kelihatan SMPlayer tidak dipasang dalam direktori '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Teruskan jua (tidak disarankan)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Pemasangan SMPlayer tidak ditemui."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Pemasangan ini hanya boleh dinyahpasang pada Windows 64-bit."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer merupakan bahagian-hadapan MPlayer, dari fitur asas seperti memainkan video, DVD. VCD sehinggalah fitur lanjutan seperti sokongan untuk penapis MPlayer, senarai edl, dan banyak lagi."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Menyandar kodeks dari pemasangan terdahulu..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Memulihkan kodeks dari pemasangan terdahulu..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Memadam Fail..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Memadam Kunci Registry..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Memadam Pintasan..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Memulihkan perkaitan fail..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Mengembali perubahan..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Mengekstrak fail..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Menyandar SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Memulihkan SMTube dari pemasangan terdahulu..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Menyandar mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Memulihkan mpv dari pemasangan terdahulu..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Memuat turun mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv gagal dipasang. Cuba lagi?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Gagal memuat turun mpv: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Gagal memasang mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl gagal dipasang. Cuba lagi?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Gagal memuat turun youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Memeriksa kemaskini youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Membersihkan cache konfig fon..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Membersihkan tetapan SMPlayer..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Kodeks binari tidak disokong dalam versi ini."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/norwegian_nb.po b/setup/translations/po_files/norwegian_nb.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d34aa18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/norwegian_nb.po
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Imre Kristoffer Eilertsen <>, 2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Imre Kristoffer Eilertsen <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: nb_NO\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Installeringsveiviseren kjører allerede."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Du må være logget inn som administrator når du installerer dette programmet."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "En instans av SMPlayer kjører allerede. Vennligst lukk SMPlayer og prøv igjen."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Ditt operativsystem støttes ikke.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} krever minst Windows XP og vil kanskje ikke fungere riktig på din maskin.[:n:]Vil du virkelig fortsette med installasjonen?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Ditt operativsystem støttes ikke.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} krever minst Windows Vista og vil kanskje ikke fungere riktig på din maskin.[:n:]Vil du virkelig fortsette med installasjonen?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Et 64-bits Windows-operativsystem er påkrevd for å installere denne programvaren."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Det er allerede en 32-bitinstallasjon av SMPlayer her. Du må avinstallere din 32-bit SMPlayer først."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Det er allerede en 64-bitinstallasjon av SMPlayer her. Du må avinstallere din 64-bit SMPlayer først."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA)-oppsett"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Oppsettet vil lede deg gjennom installasjonen av $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Det er anbefalt at du lukker all SMPlayer-prosesser før du begynner oppsettet. Dette vil gjøre det mulig å oppdatere relevante programfiler uten at du behøver å starte maskinen din på nytt.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Snarveier"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "MPlayer-komponenter"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Multimediemotor"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (påkrevd)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, delte biblioteker og dokumentasjon."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Skrivebord"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Oppretter en snarvei til SMPlayer på skrivebordet."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Startmeny"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Opprett en startmenyoppføring for SMPlayer."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (påkrevd)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; påkrevd for avspilling."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Binære kodeker"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Valgfrie kodeker for MPlayer. (Internettilkobling er påkrevd for å installere dem)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "En funksjonsrik avsporing av MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Et følgesprogram til MPlayer som kan brukes til å omkode eller transformere støttede lyd- eller videostrømmer."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Ikonstiler"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Ekstra ikonstiler for SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Språk"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Språkfiler for SMPlayer for andre språk enn engelsk."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Sletter SMPlayer-innstillinger fra tidligere installasjoner."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "De binære kodekpakkene legger til støtte for kodeker som ennå ikke er blitt innebygd, slik som nyere RealVideo-varianter og mange uvanlige formater.[:n:]Vær oppmerksom på at de ikke er nødvendige for å spille av de fleste vanlige formater som DVDer, MPEG-1/2/4, osv."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Velg installeringstype"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Velg Overskrivings- eller Avinstallerings-modus."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Du har en eksisterende installasjon av SMPlayer i den følgende mappen:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Vennligst velg hvordan du vil fortsette:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Skriv over ($Inst_Type) den nåværende installasjonen"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Avinstaller (fjern) den nåværende installasjonen"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Trykk Start når du ønsker å fortsette."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Trykk neste når du ønsker å fortsette."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Trykk Avinstaller når du ønsker å fortsette"
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Endre installasjonsinnstillinger"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Tilbakestill mitt SMPlayer-oppsett"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil tilbakestille ditt SMPlayer-oppsett? Denne handlingen kan ikke bli gjenopprettet senere."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "installer på nytt"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "nedgrader"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "oppgrader"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Start"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Laster ned MPlayer-kodeker..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "MPlayer-kodeker ble ikke riktig installert. Vil du prøve på nytt?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Klarte ikke å laste ned MPlayer-kodeker: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Klarte ikke å installere MPlayer-kodeker."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Denne installasjonen kan bare avinstalleres av en bruker med administratorrettigheter."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Avinstalleringen ble avbrutt av brukeren."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Det ser ikke ut til at SMPlayer er installert under filplasseringen '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Vil du fortsette likevel (ikke anbefalt)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "SMPlayer-installasjonen ble ikke funnet."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Denne installasjonen kan kun avinstalleres på en 64-bit Windows."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer er et komplett grensesnitt for MPlayer, fra grunnleggende funksjoner som å spille av videoer, DVDer og VCDer, til mer avanserte funksjoner som støtte for MPlayer-filtre, EDL-lister og mer til."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Tar backup av kodeker fra en tidligere installasjon..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Tilbakestiller kodeker fra en tidligere installasjon..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Sletter filer..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Sletter registernøkler..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Sletter snarveier..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Gjenoppretter filtilknytninger..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Tilbakestiller endringer..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Pakker ut filer..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Tar backup av SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Gjenoppretter SMTube fra en tidligere installasjon..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Tar backup av mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Gjenoppretter mpv fra en tidligere installasjon..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Laster ned mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv ble ikke riktig installert. Vil du prøve på nytt?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Mislyktes i å installere mpv: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Mislyktes i å installere mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl ble ikke riktig installert. Vil du prøve på nytt?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Klarte ikke å laste ned youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Leter etter oppdateringer for youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Fjerner mellomlageret for fontoppsett..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Fjerner SMPlayer-innstillinger..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Binære kodeker støttes ikke i denne versjonen."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/norwegian_nn.po b/setup/translations/po_files/norwegian_nn.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e76f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/norwegian_nn.po
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.[:"
+"r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Downloading MPlayer codecs..."
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr ""
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be "
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr ""
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr ""
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:"
+"n:]It is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before "
+"starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files "
+"without having to reboot your computer.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+msgstr ""
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr ""
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 64-"
+"bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr ""
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 32-"
+"bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr ""
+# Win64_Required
+msgid "A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr ""
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid "An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr ""
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr ""
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr ""
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: SMPlayer\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/polish.po b/setup/translations/po_files/polish.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f57a51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/polish.po
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# M T <>, 2014,2016
+# Piotr Strębski <>, 2015,2017
+# filux <>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-02-10 08:40+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Piotr Strębski <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Polish (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: pl\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>=14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Instalator już jest uruchomiony."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Do instalacji tego programu wymagane są uprawnienia administratora."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Instancja SMPlayera jest już uruchomiona. Proszę zamknij SMPlayera i spróbuj ponownie."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Nieobsługiwany system operacyjny.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} wymaga co najmniej Windows XP i może nie działać poprawnie na twoim systemie.[:n:]Czy naprawdę chcesz kontynuować instalację?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Nieobsługiwany system operacyjny.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} wymaga co najmniej Windows Vista i może nie działać poprawnie na Twoim systemie.[:n:]Czy naprawdę chcesz kontynuować instalację?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Do zainstalowania tego programu wymagany jest system operacyjny Windows w wersji 64-bitowej."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "W systemie jest już zainstalowany SMPlayer w wersji 32-bitowej. Aby kontynuować należy najpierw odinstalować 32-bitową wersję SMPlayera."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "W systemie jest już zainstalowany SMPlayer w wersji 64-bitowej. Aby kontynuować należy najpierw odinstalować 64-bitową wersję SMPlayera."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "Instalator $(^NameDA)"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Instalator poprowadzi Cię przez proces instalacji $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Zalecane jest zamknięcie SMPlayera przed rozpoczęciem instalacji. Dzięki temu możliwe będzie zaktualizowanie odpowiednich plików programu, bez konieczności ponownego uruchamiania komputera.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Skróty"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Komponenty MPlayera"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Silnik multimediów"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (wymagany)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, biblioteki współdzielone, dokumentacja."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Pulpit"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Tworzy skrót do programu na pulpicie."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Menu Start"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Tworzy skrót do programu w Menu Start."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (wymagany)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; wymagany do odtwarzania filmów."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Kodeki"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Opcjonalne kodeki do MPlayera. (Wymagane połączenie z internetem)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Bogaty w funkcje fork MPlayera i MPlayera2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Konkurencyjny program dla MPlayera, który może być używany do kodowania lub przetwarzania obsługiwanych strumieni dźwięku i wideo."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Zestawy Ikon"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Dodatkowe zestawy ikon do SMPlayera."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Języki"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Nieangielskie pliki językowe dla SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Usuwa preferencje SMPlayera pozostawione z poprzednich instalacji."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Paczka z kodekami dodaje wsparcie dla formatów, które nie są jeszcze natywnie wspierane, np. nowsze warianty RealVideo, oraz dla wielu mniej znanych formatów.[:n:]Miej na uwadze, że dodatkowe kodeki nie są wymagane do odtwarzania najpopularniejszych formatów, takich jak DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, itp."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Wybierz typ instalacji"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Wybierz tryb nadpisywania lub odinstalowywania."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Posiadasz już zainstalowanego SMPlayera w folderze:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Wybierz, co następnie zrobić:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Nadpisz ($Inst_Type) istniejącą instalację"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Odinstaluj (usuń) istniejącą instalację"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Kliknij Start, gdy będziesz gotów."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Kliknij Dalej, gdy będziesz gotów."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Kliknij Odinstaluj, gdy będziesz gotów."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Zmiana Ustawień Instalacji"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Zresetuj moją konfigurację SMPlayera"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz zresetować ustawienia SMPlayera? Tej czynności nie może odwrócić."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "zainstaluj ponownie"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "aktualizuj do starszej wersji"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "aktualizuj"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Uruchom"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Pobieram kodeki do MPlayera..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Instalacja Kodeków MPlayera nie powiodła się. Ponowić próbę?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Nie udało się pobrać Kodeków MPlayera: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Nie udało się zainstalować Kodeków MPlayera."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Aplikacja może być usunięta tylko przez osobę z uprawnieniami Administratora."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Usuwanie anulowane przez użytkownika."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Wygląda na to, że SMPlayer nie został zainstalowany w katalogu '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Kontynuować mimo to (nie zalecane)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Nie znaleziono śladów instalacji SMPlayera."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Aplikacja może być usunięta tylko na 64-bitowym systemie Windows."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer jest graficzną nakładką programu MPlayer, z prostymi funkcjami, takimi jak odtwarzanie wideo, DVD i VCD oraz z bardziej zaawansowanymi funkcjami np: obsługa filtrów MPlayera i wiele innych."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Tworzenie kopii zapasowej kodeków z poprzedniej instalacji..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Przywracanie kodeków z poprzedniej instalacji..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Usuwanie Plików..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Usuwanie Kluczy Rejestru..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Usuwanie Skrótów..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Przywracanie skojarzeń plików..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Cofanie zmian..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Wypakowywanie plików..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Tworzenie kopii zapasowej SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Przywracanie SMTube z poprzedniej instalacji..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Tworzenie kopii zapasowej mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Przywracanie mpv z poprzedniej instalacji..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Pobieranie mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Instalacja mpv nie powiodła się. Ponowić próbę?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Błąd pobierania mpv: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Błąd instalacji mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Instalacja youtube-dl nie powiodła się. Ponowić próbę?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Błąd pobierania youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Sprawdzanie aktualizacji youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Czyszczenie pamięci podręcznej czcionek..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Czyszczenie ustawień SMPlayera..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Kodeki binarne nie są obsługiwane w tej wersji."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/portuguese.po b/setup/translations/po_files/portuguese.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aad042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/portuguese.po
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Sérgio Marques <>, 2014-2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Sérgio Marques <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Portuguese (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: pt\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "O instalador já está em execução."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Tem que iniciar sessão como administrador para instalar este programa."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Existe uma instância SMPlayer em execução. Feche-a e tente novamente."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "O sistema operativo não é suportado.[:n:]O SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requer, pelo menos, o Windows XP para funcionar corretamente.[:n:]Quer mesmo continuar com a instalação?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Sistema operativo não suportado.[:n:]O SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requer, pelo menos, o Windows Vista para funcionar corretamente.[:n:]Quer mesmo continuar com a instalação?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Para instalar esta versão, tem que possuir um sistema de 64 bits."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Já existe uma instalação 32 bits do SMPlayer. Tem que a desinstalar antes de efetuar uma nova instalação."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Já existe uma instalação 64 bits do SMPlayer. Tem que a desinstalar antes de efetuar uma nova instalação."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "Configuração do $(^NameDA)"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Esta configuração irá ajuda-lo a instalar o $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]É altamente recomendado o encerramento de quaisquer instâncias do SMPlayer antes de iniciar a instalação. Deste modo, será possível atualizar os ficheiros do programa sem ter que reiniciar o computador.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Atalhos"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Componentes MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Reprodutor multimédia"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (obrigatório)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, bibliotecas partilhadas e documentação."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Ambiente de trabalho"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Cria um atalho do SMPlayer no ambiente de trabalho."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Menu Iniciar"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Cria uma entrada do SMPlayer no menu Iniciar."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (obrigatório)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; necessário para a reprodução."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Codificadores"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Codificadores opcionais para o MPlayer. (Precisa de uma ligação à Internet)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Um reprodutor baseado no MPlayer e no MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Um programa complementar ao MPlayer, utilizado para codificar ou converter emissões de vídeo e áudio."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Ícones"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Ícones adicionais para o SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Idiomas"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Idiomas adicionais para o SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Remove as preferências de uma anterior instalação do SMPlayer."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "O pacote de codificadores adiciona suporte aos formatos que ainda não foram implementados no MPlayer, tais como as novas variantes RealVideo e outros formatos menos utilizados.[:n:]Estes codificadores não são necessários para os formatos mais comuns como DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Selecione o tipo de instalação"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Selecione o modo de substituição ou desinstalação."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Você possui uma instalação do SMPlayer nesta pasta:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Por favor escolha o método a utilizar:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Substituir ($Inst_Type) a instalação existente"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Desinstalar (remover) a instalação existente"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Clique Iniciar para continuar."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Clique Seguinte para continuar."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Clique Desinstalar para continuar."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Alterar definições de instalação"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Reiniciar configurações do SMPlayer"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Tem a certeza de que deseja repor as definições do SMPlayer? Esta ação não pode ser revertida."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "Reinstalar"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "Reverter"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "Atualizar"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Iniciar"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "A descarregar os codificadores MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Os codificadores MPlayer não foram instalados corretamente. Tentar novamente?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Falha ao descarregar os codificadores MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Falha ao instalar os codificadores MPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Esta aplicação só pode ser desinstalada no modo de administrador."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Desinstalação cancelada pelo utilizador."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Parece que o SMPlayer não está instalado no diretório '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continuar (não recomendado)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Não foi encontrada uma instalação do SMPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Esta instalação só pode ser desinstalada num sistema Windows de 64 bits."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "O SMPlayer é uma interface gráfica para o MPlayer, com funções simples como a reprodução de vídeos, DVD e VCD bem como outras mais avançadas (suporte a filtros MPlayer, listas e mais)."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "A copiar codificadores da instalação anterior..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "A restaurar codificadores da instalação anterior..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "A eliminar ficheiros..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "A eliminar chaves de registo..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "A eliminar atalhos..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "A restaurar associações de ficheiros..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "A reverter alterações..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "A extrair ficheiros..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "A criar backup do SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "A restaurar o SMTube da instalação anterior..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "A criar backup do mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "A restaurar o mpv da instalação anterior..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "A descarregar o mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "O mpv não foi instalado. Tentar novamente?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Falha ao descarregar o mpv: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Falha ao instalar o mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl não foi instalada. Tentar novamente?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Falha ao descarregar a youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "A procurar atualizações para youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "A limpar cache de fontes..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "A limpar definições do SMPlayer..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Esta versão não tem suporte a codificadores binários."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/portuguesebrazil.po b/setup/translations/po_files/portuguesebrazil.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8402a6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/portuguesebrazil.po
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# carlo giusepe tadei valente sasaki <>, 2015-2016
+# carlo giusepe tadei valente sasaki <>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: carlo giusepe tadei valente sasaki <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: pt_BR\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "O instalador já está em execução."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Você precisa estar logado como administrador quando instalar esse programa."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Uma instância do SMPlayer está em execução. Por favor feche o SMPlayer e tente novamente."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Sistema operacional não suportado.[:n:]O SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requer pelo menos o Windows XP e pode não funcionar corretamente em seu sistema.[:n:]Quer realmente prosseguir com a instalação?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Sistema operacional não suportado.[:n:]O SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requer pelo menos o Windows Vista e pode não funcionar corretamente em seu sistema.[:n:]Quer realmente prosseguir com a instalação?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Um sistema operacional Windows 64-bit é necessário para instalar esse software."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Uma instalação do SMPlayer 32-bit já existe. Você deve desinstalá-la primeiro."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Uma instalação do SMPlayer 64-bit já existe. Você deve desinstalá-la primeiro."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) Configuração"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "A configuração lhe guiará através da instalação do $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]É recomendado fechar todas as instâncias do SMPlayer antes de iniciar a configuração. Isso tornará possível atualizar arquivos importantes do programa sem ter que reiniciar seu computador.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Atalhos"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Componentes do MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Motor multimídia"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (necessário)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, bibliotecas compartilhadas e documentação."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Área de trabalho"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Cria um atalho para o SMPlayer na área de trabalho."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Menu Iniciar"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Cria uma entrada do SMPlayer no menu Iniciar."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (necessário)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; necessário para reprodução."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Codecs binários"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Codecs opcionais para o MPlayer. (Necessita conexão com a Internet para instalação)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Um derivado do MPlayer && MPlayer2 cheio de funcionalidades"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Um programa acompanhante do MPlayer que pode ser usado para codificar ou transformar fluxos de áudio ou vídeo suportados."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Temas de ícones"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Temas de ícones adicionais para o SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Idiomas"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Arquivos de outros idiomas além do Inglês para o SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Deletar as preferências de antigas instalações do SMPlayer."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Os pacotes de codecs binários e o suporte a codecs que ainda não estão implementados nativamente, como variantes recentes do RealVideo e vários formatos incomuns.[:n:]Note que não são necessários para reproduzir a maioria dos formatos comuns, como DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Selecione o tipo de instalação"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Selecione Reinstalar ou Desinstalar."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Você possui uma instalação do SMPlayer na seguinte pasta:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Por favor, selecione como continuar:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Sobrescrever ($Inst_Type) a instalação existente"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Desinstalar (remover) a instalação existente"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Clique em Iniciar quando estiver pronto para continuar."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Clique em Próximo quando estiver pronto para continuar."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Clique em Desinstalar quando estiver pronto para continuar."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Altere as configurações da instalação"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Reinicie minhas configurações do SMPlayer"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Tem certeza que deseja reiniciar as configurações do SMPlayer? Essa ação não pode ser desfeita."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "reinstalar"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "downgrade"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "atualizar"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Iniciar"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Baixando codecs do MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Os codecs do Mplayer não foram instalados corretamente. Tentar novamente?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Falha ao baixar os codecs do MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Falha ao instalar os codecs do MPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Essa instalação só pode ser desinstalada por um usuário com privilégios de administrador."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Desinstalação abortada pelo usuário."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Não parece que o SMPlayer está instalado no diretório '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continuar assim mesmo (não é recomendado)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Instalação do SMPlayer não encontrada."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Essa instalação só pode ser desinstalada no Windows 64-bit."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "O SMPlayer é uma interface completa para o MPlayer, com funcionalidades básicas como reprodução de vídeos, DVDs, VCDs, e mais avançadas como o suporte aos filtros do MPlayer, listas edl, etc."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Fazendo backup de codecs da instalação anterior..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Restaurando codecs da instalação anterior..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Deletando arquivos..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Deletando chaves do registro..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Deletando atalhos..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Restaurando associações de arquivos..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Revertendo alterações..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Extraindo arquivos..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Fazendo backup do SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Restaurando o SMTube da instalação anterior..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Fazendo backup do mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Restaurando o mpv da instalação anterior..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Baixando o mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "O mpv não foi instalado corretamente. Tentar novamente?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Falha ao baixar o mpv: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Falha ao instalar o mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "O youtube-dl não foi instalado corretamente. Tentar novamente?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Falha ao baixar o youtube-dl:'$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Buscando por atualizações do youtube-dl..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Limpando cache do fontconfig..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Limpando as configurações do SMPlayer..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Codecs binários não são suportados nessa versão."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/romanian.po b/setup/translations/po_files/romanian.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59b59a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/romanian.po
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# k1404, 2016
+# Tiberiu Cristian Leon, 2018
+# titus <>, 2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-29 03:53+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Tiberiu Cristian Leon\n"
+"Language-Team: Romanian (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ro\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Instalatorul rulează deja."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Trebuie să fiți autentificat ca administrator când instalați acest program."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "O instanță a SMPlayer rulează. Închideți SMPlayer și încercați din nou."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Sistem de operare nesuportat.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} este necesar cel puțin ultimul Windows XP și poate să nu funcționeze corect pe sistemul dumneavoastră.[:n:] Sigur doriți să continuați cu instalarea?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Un sistem de operare Windows pe 64 biți este necesar pentru instalarea acestei aplicații."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Există o instalare SMPlayer de 32-bit. Trebuie să dezinstalați întâi SMPlayer la 32-bit."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Există o instalare SMPlayer de 64-bit. Trebuie să dezinstalați întâi SMPlayer la 64-bit."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) Configurare"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Configurarea vă va ghida prin instalarea $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:] este recomandat să închideți toate instanțele de SMPlayer înainte să porniți configurarea. Aceasta va face posibil să actualizați fișierele de program relevante fără să fie necesară repornirea computerului.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Scurtături"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Componente SMPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Motor multimedia"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (necesar)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, biblioteci partajate și documentație."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Birou"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Creează o scurtătură pentru SMPlayer pe birou."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Meniu pornire"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Creează o intrare în meniu de pornire pentru SMPlayer."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (necesar)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; necesar pentru redare."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Codecuri binare"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Codecuri suplimentare pentru MPlayer. (Este necesară o conexiune la internet pentru instalare)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "O versiune îmbunătățită a MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Un program însoțitor pentru MPlayer care poate fi utilizat să codeze sau să transforme fluxurile audio sau video suportate."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Tematici pictograme"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Tematici pictograme suplimentare pentru SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Limbi"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Fișiere fără limba engleză pentru SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Șterge preferințele SMPlayer rămase de la instalările anterioare."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Pachetele de codecuri binare adaugă suport pentru codecurile care încă nu sunt implementate nativ, precum noile variante RealVideo și o mulțime de formate particulare.[:n:] Rețineți că acestea nu sunt necesare pentru redarea celor mai multor formate precum DVD-uri, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Selectați tipul de instalare"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Selectați mod suprascriere sau dezinstalare."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Există o instalare a SMPlayer în următorul dosar:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Selectați cum se procedează:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Suprascrie ($Inst_Type) instalarea existentă"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Dezinstalează (elimină) instalarea existentă"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Apăsați pornire când este gata de continuat."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Apăsați următorul când este gata de continuare."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Apăsați dezinstalează când este gata de continuare."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Modifică configurările de instalare"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Resetează configurările mele SMPlayer"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Sigur doriți să resetați setările dumneavoastră pentru SMPlayer? Această acțiune nu poate fi revocată."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "reinstalare"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "versiune anterioară"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "actualizare"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Pornire"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Se descarcă codecurile MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Codecurile MPlayer nu au fost instalate cu succes. Se reîncearcă?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "A eșuat descărcarea codecurilor MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "A eșuat instalarea codecurilor MPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Această instalare poate fi dezinstalată numai de un utilizator cu drepturi de administrator."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Dezinstalarea abandonată de utilizator."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Nu apare că SMPlayer este instalat în dosarul '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:] Se continuă oricum (nerecomandat)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Nu a fost găsită instalarea SMPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Această instalare poate fi dezinstalată numai pe Windows 64-bit."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer este o interfață completă pentru MPlayer, de la funcțiile de bază precum redarea video, DVD-uri, VCD-uri la mai multe funcții avansate precum suportul pentru filtrele MPlayer, liste edl și mai multe."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Se recuperează codecurile din instalarea anterioară..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Se restaurează codecurile din instalarea anterioară..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Se șterg fișiere..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Se șterg cheile regiștrilor..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Se șterg scurtăturile..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Se restaurează asocierea fișierelor..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Se reiau modificările..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Se extrag fișierele..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Se recuperează SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Se restaurează SMTube din instalarea anterioară..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Se descarcă mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "A eșuat instalarea mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Codecurile binare nu sunt suportate în această versiune."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/russian.po b/setup/translations/po_files/russian.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f508513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/russian.po
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Andrei Stepanov, 2014-2017
+# angry_snake <>, 2014
+# Simple88, 2016
+# Andrei Stepanov, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-25 08:32+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Andrei Stepanov\n"
+"Language-Team: Russian (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ru\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Программа установки уже запущена."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Для установки программы необходимо войти в систему как администратор."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Экземпляр SMPlayer запущен. Пожалуйста, закройте SMPlayer и попытайтесь снова."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Неподдерживаемая версия операционной системы.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} требует как минимум Windows XP и может работать неправильно на вашей системе.[:n:]Вы действительно хотите продолжить установку?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Неподдерживаемая версия операционной системы.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} требует как минимум Windows Vista и может работать неправильно на вашей системе.[:n:]Вы действительно хотите продолжить установку?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Для установки данного ПО требуется 64-битная ОС Windows."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Существует 32-битная установка SMPlayer. Сначала удалите 32-битный SMPlayer."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Существует 64-битная установка SMPlayer. Сначала далите 64-битный SMPlayer."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "Установка $(^NameDA) "
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Мастер установки поможет установить $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Перед началом установки рекомендуется закрыть все работающие копии SMPlayer. Это позволит обновить сопутствующие программные файлы без перезагрузки компьютера.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Ярлыки"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Компоненты MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Движок воспроизведения"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (необходимо)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, разделяемые библиотеки и документация."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Рабочий стол"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Создаёт ярлыки SMPlayer на рабочем столе."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Меню «Пуск»"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Создаёт ярлыки SMPlayer в меню «Пуск»."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (требуется)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer, требуется для воспроизведения."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Бинарные кодеки"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Дополнительные кодеки для MPlayer. (Для установки требуется подключение к сети Интернет)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Богатый возможностями форк MPlayer и MPlayer2."
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Сопутствующая MPlayer программа, которую можно использовать для кодирования и преобразования поддерживаемых аудио и видео потоков."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Темы иконок"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Дополнительные темы иконок для SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Переводы"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Языковые файлы SMPlayer помимо английского."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Удаляет настройки SMPlayer, оставшиеся от предыдущих установок."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Пакеты с бинарными кодеками добавляют поддержку кодеков, не встроенных в mplayer, например, RealVideo и других нестандартных форматов.[:n:]Обратите внимание, что эти кодеки не нужны для воспроизведения большинства обычных форматов вроде DVD, MPEG-1/2/4 и т.п."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Выбор типа установки"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Выберите установку поверх или удаление."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Существует установка SMPlayer в следующем каталоге:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Выберите метод:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Перезаписать ($Inst_Type) существующую установку"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Удалить существующую установку"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Нажмите Старт для продолжения."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Нажмите Далее для продолжения."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Нажмите Удалить для продолжения."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Изменить настройки установки"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Сбросить настройки SMPlayer"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Вы действительно хотите сбросить настройки SMPlayer? Данное действие не может быть отменено."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "переустановить"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "откатить"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "обновить"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Старт"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Загрузка кодеков MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Не удалось установить кодеки MPlayer. Повторить ещё раз?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Не удалось загрузить кодеки MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Ошибка при установке кодеков MPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Эта установка может быть удалена только пользователем с правами администратора."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Удаление прервано пользователем."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Не похоже, что SMPlayer установлен в каталог '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Продолжить всё равно (не рекомендуется)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Не найдена установка SMPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Эта установка может быть удалена только на 64-битной Windows."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer - полноценная оболочка для MPlayer, начиная от базовых функций вроде воспроизведения видеофайлов, DVD, VCD и заканчивая более продвинутыми вроде поддержки фильтров MPlayer, списков и т.д."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Выполняется резервное копирование кодеков из предыдущей установки..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Выполняется восстановление кодеков из предыдущей установки..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Удаление файлов..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Удаление ключей реестра..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Удаление ярлыков..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Восстановление ассоциаций файлов..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Откат изменений..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Извлечение файлов..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Резервируется SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Восстановление SMTube из предыдущей установки..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Создание резервной копии MPV..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Восстановление MPV из предыдущей установки..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Загрузка MPV..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Не удалось установить MPV. Попытаться ещё раз?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Не удалось загрузить MPV: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Ошибка при установке MPV."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Не удалось установить YouTube-DL. Попытаться ещё раз?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Не удалось загрузить Youtube-DL: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Проверка наличия обновлений Youtube-DL..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Очистка кэша шрифтов..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Очистка настроек SMPlayer..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Бинарные кодеки не поддерживаются в этой версии."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/serbian.po b/setup/translations/po_files/serbian.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dd6d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/serbian.po
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# miroslav <>, 2014-2015
+# Slobodan Simić <>, 2017
+# Slobodan Simić <>, 2014
+# Slobodan Simić <>, 2015
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-23 19:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Slobodan Simić <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Serbian (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Инсталациони програм је већ покренут."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Морате бити пријављени као администратор када инсталирате овај програм."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "СМПлејер је већ покренут. Затворите СМПлејер и покушајте поново."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Неподржан оперативни систем.[:n:]СМПлејер ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} захтева најмање Windows XP и можда неће радити на вашем систему.[:n:]Да ли стварно желите да наставите инсталацију?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Неподржан оперативни систем.[:n:]СМПлејер ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} захтева најмање Windows Vista и можда неће радити на вашем систему.[:n:]Да ли стварно желите да наставите инсталацију?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "64-битни Windows оперативни систем је потребан за инсталацију овог програма."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Тренутно је инсталирана 32-битна верзија СМПлејера. Морате прво деинсталирати 32-битни СМПлејер."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Тренутно је инсталирана 64-битна верзија СМПлејера. Морате прво деинсталирати 64-битни СМПлејер."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) програм инсталације"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Програм инсталације ће вас водити кроз инсталацију $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Препорука је да затворите претходно отворени СМПлејер пре почетка инсталације. То ће омогућити ажурирање битних фајлова без потребе за поновним покретањем вашег рачунара.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Пречице"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "МПлејер компоненте"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Погон мултимедије"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "СМПлејер (потребно)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "СМПлејер, заједничке библиотеке и документација."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Радна површина"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Направи пречицу СМПлејера на радној површини."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Старт мени"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Направи ставку у старт менију за СМПлејер."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "МПлејер (потребно)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "МПлејер; потребно за репродукцију."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Бинарни кодеци"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Опциони кодеци за МПлејер. (Интернет веза је потребна за инсталацију)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Могућностима богат наследник МПлејера2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Пратећи програм за МПлејер који се може користити за кодирање или трансформацију подржаних звучних или видео токова."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Теме икона"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Додатне теме икона за СМПлејер."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Језици"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Не-енглески језички фајлови за СМПлејер."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Уклања СМПлејер подешавања заостала од претходних инсталација."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Пакет бинарних кодека даје подршку за кодеке који још нису изворно уграђени, попут новијих RealVideo верзија и још много неуобичајених формата.[:n:]Имајте на уму да нису неопходни за репродукцију најчешћих формата попут ДВД-a, МПЕГ-1/2/4, итд."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Одаберите врсту инсталације"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Одаберите режим пребрисавања или деинсталације."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Откривена је постојећа инсталација СМПлејера у следећој фасцикли:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Одаберите наставак инсталације:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Препиши ($Inst_Type) преко постојеће инсталације"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Деинсталирај (уклони) постојећу инсталацију"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Кликните Покрени када сте спремни за наставак."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Кликните Следеће када сте спремни за наставак."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Кликните Деинсталирај када сте спремни за наставак."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Промени инсталациона подешавања"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Врати СМПлејер на почетна подешавања"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Заиста желите да ресетујете поставке СМПлејера? Ова радња се не може опозвати."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "реинсталирај"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "врати на старију верзију"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "надогради"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Покрени"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Преузимање МПлејер кодека..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "МПлејер кодеци нису успешно инсталирани. Покушајте поново?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Неуспешно преузимање МПлејер кодека: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Неуспела инсталација МПлејер кодека."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Ову инсталацију може деинсталирати само корисник са администраторским овлашћењима."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Деинсталацију је прекинуо корисник."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Чини се да СМПлејер није инсталиран у фасцикли '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Ипак настављате (није препоручљиво)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "СМПлејер инсталација није пронађена."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Ова инсталација може бити деинсталирана само на 64-битном Windowsu."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "СМПлејер је комплетно прочеље за МПлејер, од основних функција попут репродукције видео снимака, ДВД-а, ВЦД-а, до напреднијих као што су подршке за МПлејер филтере, едл листе и још много тога."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Правим резервну копију кодека од претходних инсталација..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Враћање копије кодека од претходне инсталације..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Уклањање фајлова..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Уклањање кључева регистра..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Уклањање пречица..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Враћам придруживање фајлова..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Враћање промена..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Распакивање фајлова..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Прављење резервних копија SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Враћање SMTube од претходне инсталације..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Правим резерву за MPV..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Враћам MPV од претходне инсталације..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Преузимам MPV..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "MPV није успешно инсталиран. Покушати поново?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Неуспешно преузимање MPV: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Неуспела инсталација MPV."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "YouTube-DL није успешно инсталиран. Покушати поново?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Неуспешно преузимање Youtube-DL: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Проверавам ажурирања за YouTube-DL..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Чистим кеш за фонтове..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Чистим поставке СМПлејера..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Бинарни кодеци нису подржани у овој верзији."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/simpchinese.po b/setup/translations/po_files/simpchinese.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f5f10a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/simpchinese.po
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# zhangmin <>, 2014-2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: zhangmin <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "安装程序已在运行。"
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "安装此程序时,您必须以管理员身份登录。"
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "SMPlayer 的实例正在运行。请退出 SMPlayer,然后重试。"
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "不支持的操作系统。[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} 至少需要 Windows XP,其在您的系统上可能无法正常工作。[:n:]您真的要继续安装吗?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "不支持的操作系统。[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} 最低支持 Windows Vista,其在您的系统上可能无法正常工作。[:n:]您真的要继续安装吗?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "安装此软件需要 64 位 Windows 操作系统。"
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "SMPlayer 的 32 位安装已存在。您必须先卸载 32 位的 SMPlayer。"
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "SMPlayer 的 64 位安装已存在。您必须先卸载 64 位的 SMPlayer。"
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) 设置"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "设置程序将引导您完成安装 $(^NameDA)。[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]建议您在开始安装前关闭所有的 SMPlayer 实例。这将使其能够更新相关的程序文件,而无需重新启动您的计算机。[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "快捷方式"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "MPlayer 组件"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "多媒体引擎"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (必需)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer、共享库和文档。"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "桌面"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "创建 SMPlayer 桌面快捷方式。"
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "开始菜单"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "创建 SMPlayer 开始菜单项。"
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (必需)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer;播放所必需的 。"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "二进制编解码器"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "适用于 MPlayer 的可选解码器。(安装需要使用网络连接)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "MPlayer 和 MPlayer2 的一个特性增强分支"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "MPlayer 的配套程序,可以用来编码或转换支持的音频/视频流。"
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "图标主题"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "适用于 SMPlayer 的附加图标主题。"
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "语言"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "适用于 SMPlayer 的非英语语言文件。"
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "删除上次安装的残留配置"
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "二进制编解码器包可增加对新 RealVideo 变种和很多不常见格式的支持。[:n:]请注意,播放像 DVD、MPEG-1/2/4 这样平时常见的格式无需安装本编解码器包。"
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "选择安装类型"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "选择『覆盖』或『卸载』模式。"
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "您有一个现有的 SMPlayer 安装位于以下文件夹:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "请选择如何继续:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "覆盖($Inst_Type)现有的安装"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "卸载(移除)现有的安装"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "单击『开始』继续。"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "单击『下一步』继续。"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "单击『卸载』继续。"
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "更改安装设置"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "重置 SMPlayer 设置"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "确定重置 SMPlayer 设置?此操作不可恢复!"
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "重新安装"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "降级"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "升级"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "开始"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "正在下载 MPlayer 编解码器..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "MPlayer 编解码器没有成功安装。是否重试?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "无法下载 MPlayer 编解码器: 『$R0』。"
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "无法安装 MPlayer 编解码器。"
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "安装只能由拥有管理员权限的用户卸载。"
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "卸载被用户终止。"
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "没有发现 SMPlayer 被安装在目录『$INSTDIR』中。[:r:][:n:]仍然继续吗(不推荐)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "SMPlayer 安装未找到"
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "安装只能在 64 位 Windows 中卸载。"
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer 是一个完备的 MPlayer 前端,从像播放视频、DVD、VCD 这样的基本功能,到支持 MPlayer 过滤器、EDL 列表等更多的高级功能。"
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "正在从以前的安装中备份解码器..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "正在从以前的安装中恢复编解码器..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "正在删除文件..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "正在删除注册表项..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "正在删除快捷方式..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "正在恢复文件关联..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "正在回滚更改..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "正在提取文件..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "备份 SMTube 中..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "恢复上次安装的 SMTube 中..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "备份 mpv 中..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "从上次安装恢复 MPV 中..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "下载 mpv 中..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv 未安装成功。是否重试?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "下载 mpv 失败: '$R0'。"
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "安装 mpv 失败。"
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl 未安装成功。是否重试?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "下载 youtube-dl 失败:'$R0'。"
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "检查 youtube-dl 更新中..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "清除字体配置缓存中..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "清除 SMPlayer 设置中..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "此版本不支持二进制解码器"
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/slovak.po b/setup/translations/po_files/slovak.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e76f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/slovak.po
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.[:"
+"r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Downloading MPlayer codecs..."
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr ""
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be "
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr ""
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr ""
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:"
+"n:]It is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before "
+"starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files "
+"without having to reboot your computer.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+msgstr ""
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr ""
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 64-"
+"bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr ""
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 32-"
+"bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr ""
+# Win64_Required
+msgid "A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr ""
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid "An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr ""
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr ""
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr ""
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: SMPlayer\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/slovenian.po b/setup/translations/po_files/slovenian.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e76f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/slovenian.po
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.[:"
+"r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Downloading MPlayer codecs..."
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr ""
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be "
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr ""
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr ""
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr ""
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:"
+"n:]It is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before "
+"starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files "
+"without having to reboot your computer.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+msgstr ""
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr ""
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 64-"
+"bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr ""
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 32-"
+"bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr ""
+# Win64_Required
+msgid "A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr ""
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid "An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr ""
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr ""
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr ""
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: SMPlayer\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/spanish.po b/setup/translations/po_files/spanish.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fb4c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/spanish.po
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Los códecs binarios no están disponibles en esta versión."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Borrando la configuración de SMPlayer..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Borrando la caché de fontconfig..."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Comprobando actualizaciones de youtube-dl..."
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "No se ha podido descargar youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youTube-dl no se ha instalado correctamente. ¿Reintentar?"
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "No se ha podido instalar mpv."
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "No se ha podido descargar mpv: '$R0'."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv no se ha instalado correctamente. ¿Reintentar?"
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Descargando mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Restaurando mpv desde una instalación anterior..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Creando una copia de mpv..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Restaurando SMTube desde una instalación anterior..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Creando una copia de SMTube..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Extrayendo ficheros..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Deshaciendo cambios..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Restaurando asociaciones de ficheros..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Borrando accesos..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Borrando claves del registro..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Borrando ficheros..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Restaurando los códecs de una instalación previa..."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+"Haciendo una copia de seguridad de los códecs de una instalación previa..."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr ""
+"SMPlayer pretende ser un interfaz completo para MPlayer, con opciones para "
+"cosas básicas, como reproducir vídeos, DVDs y VCDs hasta opciones más "
+"avanzadas como soporte para los filtros del MPlayer y mucho más."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Esta instalación sólo se puede desinstalar en Windows de 64 bits."
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "No se ha encontrado una instalación de SMPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.[:"
+"r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr ""
+"No parece que el SMPlayer esté instalado en el directorio '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:"
+"n:]¿Continuar de todos modos (no recomendado)?"
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Desinstalación cancelada por el usuario."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa sólo se puede desinstalar por un usuario con permisos de "
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Ha fallado la instalación del los códecs del MPlayer."
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Ha fallado la descarga de los códecs del MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Los códecs del MPlayer no se han instalado correctamente. ¿Reintentar?"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Descargando los códecs del MPlayer..."
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Comenzar"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "actualizar"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "desactualizar"
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "reinstalar"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be "
+msgstr ""
+"¿Estás seguro de que quieres reiniciar la configuración de SMPlayer? Esta "
+"acción no se puede revertir."
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Reiniciar la configuración de SMPlayer"
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Cambiar las opciones de instalación"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Pulsa Desinstalar cuando estés listo."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Pulsa Continuar cuando estés listo."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Pulsa en Comenzar cuando estés listo."
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Desinstalar (borrar) la instalación existente"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Sobreescribir ($Inst_Type) la instalación existente"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Selecciona qué hacer:"
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "SMPlayer ya está instalado en esta carpeta:"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Selecciona Sobreescribir o Desinstalar."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Selecciona el tipo de instalación"
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"El paquete de códecs binarios añade soporte para códecs que todavía no se "
+"han implementado nativamente, como como las nuevas variantes de RealVideo y "
+"algunos formatos poco comunes.[:n:]Ten en cuenta de que no son necesarios "
+"para reproducir los formatos más comunes como DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Borra la configuración de SMPlayer de instalaciones anteriores."
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Ficheros de idiomas para SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Idiomas"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Temas de iconos adicionales para SMPlayer."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Temas de Iconos"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Un programa opcional que puede ser usado para recodificar vídeos."
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Reproductor basado en MPlayer y MPlayer2 con nuevas opciones"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr ""
+"Códecs opcionales para MPlayer. (Se necesita conexión a internet para la "
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Códecs Binarios"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; requerido para la reproducción multimedia."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (requerido)"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Crea una entrada en el Menú Inicio para SMPlayer."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Menú Inicio"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Crea un acceso directo a SMPlayer en el escritorio."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Escritorio"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, librerías compartidas y documentación."
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (requerido)"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Motor Multimedia"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Componentes de MPlayer"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Accesos"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:"
+"n:]It is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before "
+"starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files "
+"without having to reboot your computer.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+msgstr ""
+"A continuación se procederá a la instalación de $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:"
+"n:]Se recomienda cerrar todos los procesos de SMPlayer antes de comenzar con "
+"la instalación. De esta manera será posible actualizar los ficheros del "
+"programa sin tener que reiniciar el ordenador.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "Instalación de $(^NameDA)"
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 64-"
+"bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Existe una versión de 64 bits instalada. Debes desinstalarla primero."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 32-"
+"bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Existe una versión de 32 bits instalada. Debes desinstalarla primero."
+# Win64_Required
+msgid "A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Se necesita un Windows de 64 bits para instalar este programa."
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+"Sistema operativo no soportado.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requiere al "
+"menos Windows Vista y podría no funcionar correctamente en este sistema.[:n:]"
+"¿Realmente quieres continuar con la instalación?"
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+"Sistema operativo no soportado.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requiere al "
+"menos Windows XP y podría no funcionar correctamente en este sistema.[:n:]"
+"¿Realmente quieres continuar con la instalación?"
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid "An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "SMPlayer se está ejecutando. Por favor, ciérralo e inténtalo de nuevo."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Debes tener permisos de administrador para instalar este programa."
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "La instalación ya se está ejecutando."
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: SMPlayer\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+#~ msgid "Backing up MPV..."
+#~ msgstr "Creando una copia de MPV..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+#~ msgid "Restoring MPV from previous installation..."
+#~ msgstr "Restaurando MPV desde una instalación anterior..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+#~ msgid "Downloading MPV..."
+#~ msgstr "Descargando MPV..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+#~ msgid "MPV was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+#~ msgstr "MPV no se ha instalado correctamente. ¿Reintentar?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+#~ msgid "Failed to download MPV: '$R0'."
+#~ msgstr "No se ha podido descargar MPV: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+#~ msgid "Failed to install MPV."
+#~ msgstr "No se ha podido instalar MPV."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+#~ msgid "YouTube-DL was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+#~ msgstr "YouTube-DL no se ha instalado correctamente. ¿Reintentar?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+#~ msgid "Failed to download Youtube-DL: '$R0'."
+#~ msgstr "No se ha podido descargar Youtube-DL: '$R0'."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/thai.po b/setup/translations/po_files/thai.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f07e5a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/thai.po
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# M. Somsak, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Ricardo Villalba <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Thai (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: th\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "ตัวติดตั้งกำลังรันอยู่แล้ว"
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "คุณต้องลงชื่อเข้าใช้เป็น administrator เมื่อจะติดตั้งโปรแกรมนี้"
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "มี SMPlayer กำลังรันอยู่ โปรดออกจาก SMPlayer แล้วลองอีกครั้ง"
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "ไม่รองรับระบบปฏิบัติการ [:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} ต้องการอย่างน้อยคือ Windows XP และอาจจะทำงานได้ไม่ถูกต้องบนระบบของคุณ [:n:]คุณต้องการติดตั้งต่อไปหรือไม่?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr ""
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "ต้องการระบบปฏิบัติการ 64-bit Windows เพื่อติดตั้งซอฟต์แวร์นี้"
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "มีการติดตั้งแบบ 32-bit ของ SMPlayer อยู่แล้ว คุณต้องถอนการติดตั้งแบบ 32-bit SMPlayer ออกก่อน"
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "มีการติดตั้ง 64-bit ของ SMPlayer อยู่แล้ว คุณต้องถอนการติดตั้งแบบ 64-bit SMPlayer ออกก่อน"
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "ติดตั้ง $(^NameDA)"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "ตัวติดตั้งจะแนะนำคุณในการติดตั้ง $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]ขอแนะนำให้คุณปิดโปรแกรม SMPlayer ก่อนที่จะเริ่มติดตั้ง ซึ่งสิ่งนี้จะทำให้การอัพเดตโปรแกรมเป็นไปได้โดยไม่ต้องบู๊ทคอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณใหม่[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "ทางลัด"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "ส่วนประกอบ MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (จำเป็น)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, ไลบรารี่ที่แชร์, และเอกสารประกอบ"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Desktop"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "สร้างทางลัดสู่ SMPlayer บน desktop"
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Start Menu"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "สร้างทางเข้าที่ Start Menu สำหรับ SMPlayer"
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (จำเป็น)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; จำเป็นสำหรับการเล่น"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Binary Codecs"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Codecs ทางเลือกสำหรับ MPlayer (ต้องมีการเชื่อมต่ออินเตอร์เน็ตในการติดตั้ง)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "โปรแกรมสหายของ MPlayer ที่สามารถใช้เข้ารหัสหรือแปลงกระแสเสียงหรือวิดีโอที่รองรับ"
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "รูปลักษณ์ไอคอน"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "รูปลักษณ์ไอคอนสำหรับ SMPlayer"
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "ภาษา"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "ไฟล์ภาษาอื่นที่ไม่ใช่ภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับ SMPlayer"
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "ลบการตั้งค่าที่ชอบที่เหลืออยู่ของการติดตั้ง SMPlayer ครั้งก่อนหน้า"
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "เลือกประเภทการติดตั้ง"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "เลือกโหมด เขียนทับ หรือ ถอนการติดตั้ง"
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "คุณมีการติดตั้ง SMPlayer อยู่แล้วในโฟลเดอร์ต่อไปนี้:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "โปรดเลือกว่าจะดำเนินการอย่างไร:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "เขียนทับ ($Inst_Type) การติดตั้งที่มีอยู่เดิม"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "ถอนการติดตั้ง (ลบออก) การติดตั้งที่มีอยู่เดิม"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "คลิก เริ่ม เมื่อพร้อมดำเนินการ"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "คลิก ถัดไป เมื่อพร้อมดำเนินการ"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "คลิก ถอนการติดตั้ง เมื่อพร้อมดำเนินการ"
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "เปลี่ยนการตั้งค่าการติดตั้ง"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "คืนค่าการกำหนดค่า SMPlayer ของฉัน"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr ""
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "ติดตั้งอีกครั้ง"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "ลดระดับรุ่น"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "เพิ่มระดับรุ่น"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "เริ่ม"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "กำลังดาวน์โหลด MPlayer Codecs..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "MPlayer codecs ติดตั้งไม่สำเร็จ ลองอีกครั้งหรือไม่?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "ล้มเหลวในการดาวน์โหลด MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "ล้มเหลวในการติดตั้ง MPlayer codecs"
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "การติดตั้งนี้สามารถถอนการติดตั้งได้เฉพาะผู้ใช้ที่มีสิทธิเป็น administrator"
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "การถอนการติดตั้ง ถูกยกเลิกโดยผู้ใช้"
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "ไม่ปรากฏว่า SMPlayer ได้ถูกติดตั้งในเส้นทาง '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]จะทำต่อไปหรือเปล่า (ไม่แนะนำ)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "ไม่พบการติดตั้ง SMPlayer"
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "การติดตั้งนี้สามารถถอนการติดตั้งเฉพาะบน 64-bit Windows"
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer คือ front-end ที่สมบูรณ์สำหรับ MPlayer, มีคุณลักษณะพื้นฐานอย่างเช่น การเล่นวิดีโอ, DVD, VCD จนถึงคุณลักษณะขั้นสูงอย่างเช่น การรองรับสำหรับตัวกรอง MPlayer, บัญชี edl, และอื่นๆ"
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "กำลังสำรอง codecs จากการติดตั้งก่อนหน้า..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "กำลังคืนค่าเดิมของ codecs จากการติดตั้งก่อนหน้า"
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "กำลังลบไฟล์..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "กำลังลบคีย์ทะเบียน..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "กำลังลบทางลัด..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "กำลังคืนค่าการสัมพันธ์ไฟล์..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "กำลังคืนกลับการเปลี่ยนแปลง..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "กำลังแยกไฟล์..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr ""
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr ""
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Binary codecs ไม่รองรับในเวอร์ชันนี้"
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/tradchinese.po b/setup/translations/po_files/tradchinese.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fb45aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/tradchinese.po
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Jeff Huang <>, 2015-2016
+# taijuin lee <>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jeff Huang <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_TW\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "安裝程式已經在執行。"
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "安裝此程式時,您必須先登入為管理員。"
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "一個 SMPlayer 的執行個體正在運轉。請離開的SMPlayer,然後再試一次。"
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "不支援的操作系統。[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} 至少需要Windows XP,及可能無法在您的系統上正常運作。[:n:]您真的要繼續安裝嗎?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "不支援的作業系統。[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} 需要至少使用 Windows Vista,不然可能無法在您的系統上正常運作。[:n:]您真的想要繼續安裝嗎?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "安裝此軟體,系統必須是64位元的 Windows。"
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "一個現有的32位元已安裝 SMPlayer 存在。您必須先解除安裝32位元的 SMPlayer。"
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "一個現有的64位元已安裝 SMPlayer 存在。您必須先解除安裝64位元的 SMPlayer。"
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) 設定"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "設定程序將引導您完成安裝$(^NameDA)。 [:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]建議您在開始安裝前,先關閉所有的 SMPlayer 執行實體。這將使它能夠更新相關的程式檔案,而無需重新啟動您的電腦。 [:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "快速鍵"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "MPlayer 元件"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "多媒體引擎"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (必須的)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer、共享庫和文件。"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "桌面"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "在桌面上建立一個 SMPlayer 的捷徑。"
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "開始選單"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "建立ㄧ 個 SMPlayer 的開始選單項目。"
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (必須的)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer;播放所必須的。"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "二進制解碼器"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "給 MPlayer 使用的非必須解碼器。( 需要連接網路以進行安裝 )"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "MPlayer 與 MPlayer2 一個功能豐富的分支"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "一個伴隨安裝的程式 MPlayer,可以用來解碼或轉換支援的聲音檔或影片檔。"
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "圖示主題"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "適用於 SMPlayer 的附加圖示主題。"
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "語言"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "適用於 SMPlayer 的非英語語言檔。"
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "刪除先前所安裝的 SMPlayer 殘留的偏好設定。"
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "二進制解碼器套件可增加對新 RealVideo 變種及很多不常見格式的支援。[:n:]請注意,播放像是 DVD、MPEG-1/2/4 這樣平時常見的格式無需安裝本解碼器套件。"
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "選擇安裝類型"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "選擇「覆蓋」或「解除安裝」模式。"
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "您有一個現有的 SMPlayer 安裝位於以下資料夾:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "請選擇如何處理:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "覆蓋($Inst_Type)現有的安裝"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "解除(移除)現有的安裝"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "當準備好進行時,點擊「開始」。"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "當準備好進行時,點擊「下一步」。"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "當準備好進行時,點擊「解除安裝」"
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "更改安裝設定"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "重置 SMPlayer 設定"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "您確定您想要重置您的的 SMPlayer 設定嗎?這個動作無法還原。"
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "重新安裝"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "降級"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "升級"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "開始"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "正在下載 MPlayer 解碼器..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "MPlayer 解碼器沒有成功安裝。是否重試?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "無法下載 MPlayer 解碼器:「$R0」。"
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "無法安裝 MPlayer 解碼器。"
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "安裝只能由擁有管理員權限的使用者卸載。"
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "解除安裝被​​使用者終止。"
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "沒有發現 SMPlayer 被安裝在目錄「$INSTDIR」中。 [:r:][:n:]仍然繼續嗎(不推薦)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "SMPlayer 安裝未找到。"
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "安裝只能在 64 位元 Windows 中解除。"
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer 是一個完整的 MPlayer 前端程式,從播放影片檔、DVD、VCD 這樣的基本功能,到進階功能像是支援 MPlayer 過濾器、EDL 清單,及更多。"
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "正在從以前的安裝中備份解碼器..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "正在從以前的安裝中恢復解碼器..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "正在刪除檔案..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "正在刪除登錄機碼..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "正在刪除捷徑..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "正在復原檔案關聯..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "正在復原變更..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "正在解壓縮檔案..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "正在備份 SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "正在從以前的安裝中恢復 SMTube..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "正在備份 mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "正在從以前的安裝中復原 mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "正在下載 mpv..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv 沒有成功安裝。是否重試?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "無法下載 mpv:「$R0」。"
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "無法安裝 mpv。"
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl 沒有成功安裝。是否重試?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "無法下載 youtube-dl:「$R0」。"
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "正在檢查 youtube-dl 的更新..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "正在清除 fontconfig 快取..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "正在清除 SMPlayer 設定..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "此版本不支援二進制解碼器。"
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/turkish.po b/setup/translations/po_files/turkish.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0e9369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/turkish.po
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Emre FIRAT <>, 2014-2015
+# mahmut özcan <>, 2016
+# Mehmet <>, 2016
+# yakup <>, 2014
+# yakup <>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mehmet <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Turkish (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: tr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Kurulum zaten çalışıyor."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Bu programı yüklerken yönetici olarak oturum açmanız gerekir."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "SMPlayer bir örneği çalışıyor. SMPlayer'ı kapatın ve tekrar deneyin."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "İşletim sistemi desteklenmiyor.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} en az Windows XP gerektirir ve sisteminizde düzgün çalışmayabilir.[:n:]Gerçekten kuruluma devam etmek istiyor musunuz?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "İşletim sistemi desteklenmiyor.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} en az Windows Vista gerektirir ve sisteminizde düzgün çalışmayabilir.[:n:]Gerçekten kuruluma devam etmek istiyor musunuz?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Bu yazılım kurulumu için 64-bit Windows işletim sistemi gerekli."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "SMPlayer için varolan bir 32-bit yükleme var. Öncelikle 32-bit SMPlayer'ı kaldırmanız gerekir."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "SMPlayer için varolan bir 64-bit yükleme var. Öncelikle 64-bit SMPlayer'ı kaldırmanız gerekir."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "$(^NameDA) Kurulum"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Kurulum $(^NameDA) 'ın kurulumunda size rehberlik edecek.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Kurulum başlamadan önce SMPlayer'ın tüm benzerlerini kapatmanız önerilir. Bu bilgisayarınızı yeniden başlatmak zorunda kalmadan ilgili program dosyalarını güncellemek mümkün olacaktır.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Kısayollar"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "MPlayer Bileşenleri"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Multimedya Motoru"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (gerekli)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, paylaşımlı kütüphaneleri, ve dökümanı."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Masaüstü"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Masaüstünde SMPlayer kısayolu oluşturacak."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Başlat Menüsü"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "SMPlayer için Başlat Menüsünde giriş oluşturulacak."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (gerekli)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; oynatmak için gerekli."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "İkili Kodekleri"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "MPlayer için isteğe bağlı kodekler. (Kurulum için internet bağlantısı gereklidir)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Özellik açısından zengin bir MPlayer && MPlayer2 çatallaması"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Desteklenen ses veya video yayınlarını çözmek veya dönüştürmek için kullanılabilen, MPlayer'a eşlik eden bir program."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Simge Temaları"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "SMPlayer için ek simge temaları."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Diller"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "SMPlayer için ingilizce olmayan dil dosyaları."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "SMPlayer'in önceki kurulum tercihleri silinir."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr ""
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Kurulum Tipini Seç"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Üzerine yazma veya kaldırma modunu seç."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Aşağıdaki klasörde SMPlayer'ın var olan bir kurulumu var:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Lütfen nasıl devam edeceğinizi seçin:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Önceki kurulum ($Inst_Type) üzerine yaz"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Varolan yüklemeyi kaldırın (sil)"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Hazır olduğunuzda devam etmek başlata tıklatın."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Hazır olduğunuzda devam etmek ileri'yi tıklatın."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Hazır olduğunuzda devam etmek Kaldır'ı tıklatın."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Kurulum Ayarlarını Değiştir"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "SMPlayer yapılandırmasını sıfırla"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "SMPlayer ayarlarını sıfırlamak istediğine emin misin? Bu eylem geri alınamaz."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "tekrar kur"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "gerilet"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "güncelle"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Başlat"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "MPlayer Kodekleri İndiriliyor..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "MPlayer kodekleri kurulumu başarısız oldu. Tekrar denensin mi?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "MPlayer kodekleri indirilmesi başarısız oldu: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "MPlayer kodekleri kurulumu başarısız oldu."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Bu kurulum sadece yönetici ayrıcalıklarına sahip bir kullanıcı tarafından kaldırılabilir."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Kaldırma kullanıcı tarafından iptal edildi."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr ""
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "SMPlayer kurulumu bulunamadı."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Bu yükleme yalnızca 64-bit Windows üzerinde kaldırılabilir."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr ""
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Önceki kurulumdan kodekler yedekleniyor..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Önceki kurulumdaki kodekleri yenileniyor..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Dosyalar Siliniyor..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Kayıt Anahtarları Siliniyor..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Kısayollar Siliniyor..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Dosya ilişkileri yenileniyor..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Değişiklikler geri alınıyor..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Dosyaları ayıklanıyor..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "SMTube Yedekleniyor..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "SMTube önceki kurulumdan geri yükleniyor..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Mpv yedekleniyor..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Mpv önceki kurulumdan geri yükleniyor..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Mpv indiriliyor..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv kurulamadı. Tekrar denemek ister misiniz?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Mpv indirilirken bir hata oldu: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Mpv kurulamadı."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl kurulamadı. Tekrar denemek ister misiniz?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Youtube-dl indirilemedi : '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Youtube-dl için güncelleme kontrolü... "
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Yazı türü yapılandırma önbelleğini temizleme"
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "SMPlayer ayarlarını temizleme..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "İkili Kodekler bu sürüm için desteklenmiyor."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/ukrainian.po b/setup/translations/po_files/ukrainian.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b87bcec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/ukrainian.po
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Austin Powers, 2016
+# vitrolov <>, 2014
+# zubr139, 2014
+# Микола Ткач <>, 2015-2016
+# Олександр (6c6c6) <>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-09 15:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Микола Ткач <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Ukrainian (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: uk\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Встановлювач вже запущений."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Ви повинні увійти в систему в якості адміністратора під час встановлення цієї проґрами."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Запущено примірник SMPlayer. Будь ласка, закрийте SMPlayer і спробуйте ще."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Непідтримувана версія операційної системи.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} потребує щонайменш Windows XP й може працювати неправильно на Вашій системі.[:n:]Ви справді бажаєте продовжити встановлення?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Непідтримувана операційна система.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} потребує принаймні Windows Vista і може працювати неправильно на Вашій системі.[:n:]Ви справді бажаєте продовжити встановлення?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "64-розрядна операційна система Windows, необхідна для встановлення цього проґрамного забезпечення."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Існує 32-бітове встановлення SMPlayer. Спочатку вилучіть 32-бітовий SMPlayer."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Існує 64-бітове встановлення SMPlayer. Спочатку вилучіть 64-бітовий SMPlayer."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "Встановлення $(^NameDA)"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Майстер встановлення допоможе встановити $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Перед початком встановлення рекомендується закрити усі працюючі копії SMPlayer. Це дозволить оновити супутні проґрамні файли без перезавантаження комп’ютера.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Лейба"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Компоненти MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Рушій відтворення"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (обов'язково)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, спільні бібліотеки та документація."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Стільниця"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Створити лейбу SMPlayer на стільниці."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Меню Пуск"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Створити запис для SMPlayer у Меню Пуск."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (обов'язково)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; необхідний для відтворення."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Бінарні кодеки"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Додаткові кодеки для MPlayer. (Необхідне зєднання з Інтернетом для встановлення)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Багате можливостями відгалуження(форк) MPlayer і MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Супутня MPlayer проґрама, яку можна використовувати для кодування та перетворення підтримуваних аудіо та відео потоків."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Теми піктограм"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Додаткові теми піктограм для SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Мови"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Не англомовні файли для SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Вилучити SMPlayer уподобання, які залишилися від попереднього встановлення."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Пакунки з двійковими кодеками додають підтримку кодеків, не вбудованих у mplayer, наприклад, RealVideo й інших нестандартних форматів.[:n:]Зверніть увагу, що ці кодеки не потрібні для відтворення більшості звичайних форматів типу DVD, MPEG-1/2/4 тощо."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Виберіть тип встановлення"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Оберіть режим Перевстановити чи Вилучити"
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Існує встановлення SMPlayer у такому каталозі:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Будь ласка, виберіть, як діяти далі:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Перезаписати ($Inst_Type) існуюче встановлення"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Деінсталювати (вилучити) існуюче встановлення"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Натисніть Пуск, щоб продовжити."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Натисніть Далі, щоб продовжити"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Натисніть Вилучити, щоб продовжити"
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Змінити параметри встановлення"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Скинути мою конфігурацію SMPlayer"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Ви справді волієте скинути налаштування SMPlayer? Дана дія не може бути скасована."
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "перевстановити"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "повернення до попередньої версії"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "оновити"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Пуск"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Завантаження кодеків MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Кодеки MPlayer не було вдало встановлено. Повторити спробу?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Не вдалося завантажити кодеки MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Не вдалося встановити MPlayer кодеки."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Це встановлення може бути вилучене лише користувачем з правами адміністратора."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Вилучення перервано користувачем."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Не схоже, що SMPlayer встановлений у каталог '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Продовжити все одно (не рекомендується)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Встановлення SMPlayer не виявлено."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Це встановлення може бути вилучене лише на 64-бітовій Windows."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer - повноцінна оболонка для MPlayer, починаючи від базових функцій типу відтворення відеофайлів, DVD, VCD й закінчуючи просунутішими типу підтримки фільтрів MPlayer, переліків тощо."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Виконується резервне копіювання кодеків з попереднього встановлення..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Відновити кодеки з попереднього встановлення"
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Видалення файлів..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Вилучення ключів реєстру..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Вилучення лейбів..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Відновлення асоціяцій файлів..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Відкочування змін..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Витягнення файлів..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Резервується SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Відновлення SMTube з попереднього встановлення..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Створення резервної копії MPV..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Відновлення MPV із попереднього встановлення..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Завантаження MPV..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Не вдалося встановити MPV. Спробувати ще раз?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Не вдалося завантажити MPV: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Помилка при встановленні MPV."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Не вдалося встановити YouTube-DL. Спробувати ще раз?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Не вдалося завантажити Youtube-DL: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Перевірка наявности оновлень Youtube-DL..."
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Очистка кешу шрифтів..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Очистка налаштувань SMPlayer..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Бінарні кодеки не підтримується цією версією."
diff --git a/setup/translations/po_files/vietnamese.po b/setup/translations/po_files/vietnamese.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5be844b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/po_files/vietnamese.po
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# Nguyen Thanh Tai <>, 2015
+# Thanh Phu <>, 2017
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: smplayer\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-21 04:58+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thanh Phu <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Vietnamese (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: vi\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# Installer_Is_Running
+msgid "The installer is already running."
+msgstr "Trình cài đặt đang chạy."
+# Installer_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+msgstr "Bạn phải đăng nhập tài khoản quản trị viên khi cài đặt chương trình này."
+# SMPlayer_Is_Running
+msgid ""
+"An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+msgstr "Một tiến trình của SMPlayer đang chạy. Hãy thoát SMPlayer và thử lại."
+# OS_Not_Supported
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Hệ điều hành không được hỗ trợ.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} yêu cầu thấp nhất là Windows XP và có thể không hoạt động đúng cách trên hệ thống của bạn.[:n:]Bạn thật sự muốn tiếp tục cài đặt?"
+# OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operating system.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at "
+"least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.[:n:]Do you "
+"really want to continue with the installation?"
+msgstr "Hệ điều hành không được hỗ trợ.[:n:]SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} Yêu cầu Windows Vista hoặc mới hơn, có thể không hoạt động đúng cách trên hệ thống của bạn.[:n:]Bạn thật sự muốn tiếp tục cài đặt?"
+# Win64_Required
+msgid ""
+"A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+msgstr "Yêu cầu hệ điều hành Windows 64-bit để cài đặt phần mềm này."
+# Existing_32bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"32-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Bản cài đặt 32-bit của SMPlayer đang tồn tại. Bạn phải gỡ bỏ bản 32-bit của SMPlayer trước."
+# Existing_64bitInst
+msgid ""
+"An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall "
+"64-bit SMPlayer first."
+msgstr "Bản cài đặt 64-bit của SMPlayer đang tồn tại. Bạn phải gỡ bỏ bản 64-bit của SMPlayer trước."
+# WelcomePage_Title
+msgid "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+msgstr "Cài đặt $(^NameDA)"
+# WelcomePage_Text
+msgid ""
+"Setup will guide you through the installation of "
+"$(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]It is recommended that you close all "
+"instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to "
+"update relevant program files without having to reboot your "
+msgstr "Trình cài đặt sẽ hướng dẫn bạn trong quá trình cài đặt $(^NameDA).[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]Chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên đóng tất cả các tác vụ của SMPlayer trước khi bắt đầu cài đặt. Việc này sẽ giúp cập nhật những tập tin chương trình có liên quan mà không cần khởi động lại máy tính.[:r:][:n:][:r:][:n:]$_CLICK"
+# ShortcutGroupTitle
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Lối tắt"
+# MPlayerGroupTitle
+msgid "MPlayer Components"
+msgstr "Các thành phần của MPlayer"
+# MPlayerMPVGroupTitle
+msgid "Multimedia Engine"
+msgstr "Động cơ đa phương tiện"
+# Section_SMPlayer
+msgid "SMPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "SMPlayer (yêu cầu)"
+# Section_SMPlayer_Desc
+msgid "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+msgstr "SMPlayer, thư viện và tài liệu được chia sẻ."
+# Section_DesktopShortcut
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "Desktop"
+# Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc
+msgid "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+msgstr "Tạo lối tắt đến SMPlayer trên desktop."
+# Section_StartMenu
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "Menu Bắt đầu"
+# Section_StartMenu_Desc
+msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Tạo mục Menu Bắt đầu cho SMPlayer."
+# Section_MPlayer
+msgid "MPlayer (required)"
+msgstr "MPlayer (yêu cầu)"
+# Section_MPlayer_Desc
+msgid "MPlayer; required for playback."
+msgstr "MPlayer; yêu cầu cho việc phát lại."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs
+msgid "Binary Codecs"
+msgstr "Bộ mã nhị phân"
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid ""
+"Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+msgstr "Những bộ mã tuỳ chọn cho MPlayer. (Yêu cầu có kết nối Internet để cài đặt)"
+# Section_MPV_Desc
+msgid "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+msgstr "Một bản sao đa tính năng của MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+# Section_MEncoder_Desc
+msgid ""
+"A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform "
+"supported audio or video streams."
+msgstr "Một chương trình đi kèm với MPlayer, có thể dùng để chuyển mã hoặc chuyển đổi dòng dữ liệu âm thanh hoặc video được hỗ trợ."
+# Section_IconThemes
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Chủ đề biểu tượng"
+# Section_IconThemes_Desc
+msgid "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Những chủ đề biểu tượng khác cho SMPlayer."
+# Section_Translations
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Ngôn ngữ"
+# Section_Translations_Desc
+msgid "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+msgstr "Những tập tin ngôn ngữ không phải tiếng Anh cho SMPlayer."
+# Section_ResetSettings_Desc
+msgid "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+msgstr "Xoá những cài đặt SMPlayer còn sót lại từ những lần cài đặt trước đây."
+# MPlayer_Codec_Msg
+msgid ""
+"The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet "
+"implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon "
+"formats.[:n:]Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats "
+"like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+msgstr "Những gói bộ mã nhị phân thêm hỗ trợ bộ mã không được tích hợp tự nhiên, như các biến thể mới của RealVideo và nhiều định dạng không phổ biến khác.[:n:]Lưu ý rằng chúng không cần thiết để phát những định dạng phổ biến như DVD, MPEG-1/2/4..."
+# Reinstall_Header_Text
+msgid "Select Install Type"
+msgstr "Chọn cách cài đặt"
+# Reinstall_Header_SubText
+msgid "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+msgstr "Chọn Chế độ Thay thế hoặc Gỡ bỏ."
+# Reinstall_Msg1
+msgid "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+msgstr "Bạn đã có một bản cài đặt SMPlayer trong thư mục sau:"
+# Reinstall_Msg2
+msgid "Please select how to proceed:"
+msgstr "Hãy chọn cách tiến hành:"
+# Reinstall_Overwrite
+msgid "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Thay thế ($Inst_Type) bản cài đặt đang có"
+# Reinstall_Uninstall
+msgid "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+msgstr "Gỡ bỏ (xoá) bản cài đặt đang có"
+# Reinstall_Msg3_1
+msgid "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Bấm Bắt đầu khi sẵn sàng tiến hành."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_2
+msgid "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Bấm Tiếp theo khi sẵn sàng tiến hành."
+# Reinstall_Msg3_3
+msgid "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+msgstr "Bấm Gỡ bỏ khi sẵn sàng tiến hành."
+# Reinstall_Msg4
+msgid "Change Installation Settings"
+msgstr "Thay đổi Thiết lập Cài đặt"
+# Reinstall_Msg5
+msgid "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+msgstr "Đặt lại cấu hình SMPlayer của tôi"
+# Remove_Settings_Confirmation
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be"
+" reversed."
+msgstr "Bạn có thật sự muốn xoá thiết lập của SMPlayer không? Sau khi đã xoá sẽ không thể khôi phục lại"
+# Type_Reinstall
+msgid "reinstall"
+msgstr "cài lại"
+# Type_Downgrade
+msgid "downgrade"
+msgstr "hạ cấp"
+# Type_Upgrade
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "nâng cấp"
+# StartBtn
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Bắt đầu"
+# Codecs_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading MPlayer Codecs..."
+msgstr "Đang tải xuống bộ mã MPlayer..."
+# Codecs_DL_Retry
+msgid "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "Các bộ mã MPlayer chưa được cài đặt thành công. Thử lại?"
+# Codecs_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Không tải tải xuống các bộ mã MPlayer: '$R0'."
+# Codecs_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+msgstr "Không thể cài đặt các bộ mã MPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_No_Admin
+msgid ""
+"This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator "
+msgstr "Bản cài đặt này chỉ có thể được gỡ bỏ bởi người dùng có quyền quản trị."
+# Uninstaller_Aborted
+msgid "Uninstall aborted by user."
+msgstr "Quá trình gỡ bỏ bị huỷ bỏ bởi người dùng."
+# Uninstaller_NotInstalled
+msgid ""
+"It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory "
+"'$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Continue anyway (not recommended)?"
+msgstr "Có vẻ như SMPlayer không được cài đặt trong thư mục '$INSTDIR'.[:r:][:n:]Cứ tiếp tục (không khuyến cáo)?"
+# Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory
+msgid "SMPlayer installation not found."
+msgstr "Không phát hiện bản cài đặt SMPlayer."
+# Uninstaller_64bitOnly
+msgid "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+msgstr "Bản cài đặt này chỉ có thể được gỡ bỏ trên Windows 64-bit."
+# Application_Description
+msgid ""
+"SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like "
+"playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for "
+"MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+msgstr "SMPlayer là bản hoàn thiện của MPlayer cho người dùng, từ những tính năng cơ bản như phát video, DVD, VCD đến nhiều tính năng nâng cao như hỗ trợ những bộ lọc MPlayer, danh sách edl và nhiều hơn nữa."
+# Info_Codecs_Backup
+msgid "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Đang sao lưu các bộ mã từ bản cài đặt trước..."
+# Info_Codecs_Restore
+msgid "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Đang phục hồi các bộ mã từ bản cài đặt trước..."
+# Info_Del_Files
+msgid "Deleting Files..."
+msgstr "Đang xoá tập tin..."
+# Info_Del_Registry
+msgid "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+msgstr "Đang xoá khoá registry..."
+# Info_Del_Shortcuts
+msgid "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "Đang xoá lối tắt..."
+# Info_Rest_Assoc
+msgid "Restoring file associations..."
+msgstr "Đang phục hồi liên kết tập tin..."
+# Info_RollBack
+msgid "Rolling back changes..."
+msgstr "Đang phục hồi thay đổi..."
+# Info_Files_Extract
+msgid "Extracting files..."
+msgstr "Đang trích xuất tập tin..."
+# Info_SMTube_Backup
+msgid "Backing up SMTube..."
+msgstr "Đang sao lưu SMTube..."
+# Info_SMTube_Restore
+msgid "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Đang phục hồi SMTube từ bản cài đặt trước..."
+# Info_MPV_Backup
+msgid "Backing up mpv..."
+msgstr "Sao lưu mpv..."
+# Info_MPV_Restore
+msgid "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+msgstr "Phục hồi MPV từ lần cài đặt trước..."
+# MPV_DL_Msg
+msgid "Downloading mpv..."
+msgstr "Đang tải MPV xuống..."
+# MPV_DL_Retry
+msgid "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "mpv chưa được cài đặt thành công. Thử lại?"
+# MPV_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Không thể tải xuống mpv: '$R0'."
+# MPV_Inst_Failed
+msgid "Failed to install mpv."
+msgstr "Không thể cài đặt mpv."
+# YTDL_DL_Retry
+msgid "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+msgstr "youtube-dl chưa được cài đặt thành công. Thử lại?"
+# YTDL_DL_Failed
+msgid "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+msgstr "Không thể tải xuống youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+# YTDL_Update_Check
+msgid "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+msgstr "Đang tìm cập nhật cho youtube-dl"
+# Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig
+msgid "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+msgstr "Đang xoá cache của fontconfig..."
+# Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer
+msgid "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
+msgstr "Đang xoá thiết lập của SMPlayer..."
+# Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc
+msgid "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+msgstr "Các bộ mã nhị phân chưa được hỗ trợ trong phiên bản này."
diff --git a/setup/translations/polish.nsh b/setup/translations/polish.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a1e54a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/polish.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Polish (1045)
+;Polish language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Polish" "Polski"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Polish" = "Polski" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Instalator już jest uruchomiony."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Do instalacji tego programu wymagane są uprawnienia administratora."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Instancja SMPlayera jest już uruchomiona. Proszę zamknij SMPlayera i spróbuj ponownie."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Nieobsługiwany system operacyjny.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} wymaga co najmniej Windows XP i może nie działać poprawnie na twoim systemie.$\nCzy naprawdę chcesz kontynuować instalację?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Nieobsługiwany system operacyjny.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} wymaga co najmniej Windows Vista i może nie działać poprawnie na Twoim systemie.$\nCzy naprawdę chcesz kontynuować instalację?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Do zainstalowania tego programu wymagany jest system operacyjny Windows w wersji 64-bitowej."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "W systemie jest już zainstalowany SMPlayer w wersji 32-bitowej. Aby kontynuować należy najpierw odinstalować 32-bitową wersję SMPlayera."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "W systemie jest już zainstalowany SMPlayer w wersji 64-bitowej. Aby kontynuować należy najpierw odinstalować 64-bitową wersję SMPlayera."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "Instalator $(^NameDA)"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Instalator poprowadzi Cię przez proces instalacji $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nZalecane jest zamknięcie SMPlayera przed rozpoczęciem instalacji. Dzięki temu możliwe będzie zaktualizowanie odpowiednich plików programu, bez konieczności ponownego uruchamiania komputera.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Skróty"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Komponenty MPlayera"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Silnik multimediów"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (wymagany)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, biblioteki współdzielone, dokumentacja."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Pulpit"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Tworzy skrót do programu na pulpicie."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Menu Start"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Tworzy skrót do programu w Menu Start."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (wymagany)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; wymagany do odtwarzania filmów."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Kodeki"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Kodeki binarne nie są obsługiwane w tej wersji."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Opcjonalne kodeki do MPlayera. (Wymagane połączenie z internetem)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Bogaty w funkcje fork MPlayera i MPlayera2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Konkurencyjny program dla MPlayera, który może być używany do kodowania lub przetwarzania obsługiwanych strumieni dźwięku i wideo."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Zestawy Ikon"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Dodatkowe zestawy ikon do SMPlayera."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Języki"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Nieangielskie pliki językowe dla SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Usuwa preferencje SMPlayera pozostawione z poprzednich instalacji."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Paczka z kodekami dodaje wsparcie dla formatów, które nie są jeszcze natywnie wspierane, np. nowsze warianty RealVideo, oraz dla wielu mniej znanych formatów.$\nMiej na uwadze, że dodatkowe kodeki nie są wymagane do odtwarzania najpopularniejszych formatów, takich jak DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, itp."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Wybierz typ instalacji"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Wybierz tryb nadpisywania lub odinstalowywania."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Posiadasz już zainstalowanego SMPlayera w folderze:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Wybierz, co następnie zrobić:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Nadpisz ($Inst_Type) istniejącą instalację"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Odinstaluj (usuń) istniejącą instalację"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Kliknij Start, gdy będziesz gotów."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Kliknij Dalej, gdy będziesz gotów."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Kliknij Odinstaluj, gdy będziesz gotów."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Zmiana Ustawień Instalacji"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Zresetuj moją konfigurację SMPlayera"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Czy na pewno chcesz zresetować ustawienia SMPlayera? Tej czynności nie może odwrócić."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "zainstaluj ponownie"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "aktualizuj do starszej wersji"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "aktualizuj"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Uruchom"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Pobieram kodeki do MPlayera..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Instalacja Kodeków MPlayera nie powiodła się. Ponowić próbę?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Nie udało się pobrać Kodeków MPlayera: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Nie udało się zainstalować Kodeków MPlayera."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Aplikacja może być usunięta tylko przez osobę z uprawnieniami Administratora."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Usuwanie anulowane przez użytkownika."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Wygląda na to, że SMPlayer nie został zainstalowany w katalogu '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nKontynuować mimo to (nie zalecane)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Nie znaleziono śladów instalacji SMPlayera."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Aplikacja może być usunięta tylko na 64-bitowym systemie Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer jest graficzną nakładką programu MPlayer, z prostymi funkcjami, takimi jak odtwarzanie wideo, DVD i VCD oraz z bardziej zaawansowanymi funkcjami np: obsługa filtrów MPlayera i wiele innych."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Tworzenie kopii zapasowej kodeków z poprzedniej instalacji..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Przywracanie kodeków z poprzedniej instalacji..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Usuwanie Plików..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Usuwanie Kluczy Rejestru..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Usuwanie Skrótów..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Przywracanie skojarzeń plików..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Cofanie zmian..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Wypakowywanie plików..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Tworzenie kopii zapasowej SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Przywracanie SMTube z poprzedniej instalacji..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Tworzenie kopii zapasowej mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Przywracanie mpv z poprzedniej instalacji..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Pobieranie mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "Instalacja mpv nie powiodła się. Ponowić próbę?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Błąd pobierania mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Błąd instalacji mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "Instalacja youtube-dl nie powiodła się. Ponowić próbę?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Błąd pobierania youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Sprawdzanie aktualizacji youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Czyszczenie pamięci podręcznej czcionek..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Czyszczenie ustawień SMPlayera..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/portuguese.nsh b/setup/translations/portuguese.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d7ceb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/portuguese.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Portuguese (2070)
+;Portuguese language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Portuguese" "Português"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Portuguese" = "Português" "Portugues"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "O instalador já está em execução."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Tem que iniciar sessão como administrador para instalar este programa."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Existe uma instância SMPlayer em execução. Feche-a e tente novamente."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "O sistema operativo não é suportado.$\nO SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requer, pelo menos, o Windows XP para funcionar corretamente.$\nQuer mesmo continuar com a instalação?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Sistema operativo não suportado.$\nO SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requer, pelo menos, o Windows Vista para funcionar corretamente.$\nQuer mesmo continuar com a instalação?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Para instalar esta versão, tem que possuir um sistema de 64 bits."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Já existe uma instalação 32 bits do SMPlayer. Tem que a desinstalar antes de efetuar uma nova instalação."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Já existe uma instalação 64 bits do SMPlayer. Tem que a desinstalar antes de efetuar uma nova instalação."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "Configuração do $(^NameDA)"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Esta configuração irá ajuda-lo a instalar o $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nÉ altamente recomendado o encerramento de quaisquer instâncias do SMPlayer antes de iniciar a instalação. Deste modo, será possível atualizar os ficheiros do programa sem ter que reiniciar o computador.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Atalhos"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Componentes MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Reprodutor multimédia"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (obrigatório)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, bibliotecas partilhadas e documentação."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Ambiente de trabalho"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Cria um atalho do SMPlayer no ambiente de trabalho."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Menu Iniciar"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Cria uma entrada do SMPlayer no menu Iniciar."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (obrigatório)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; necessário para a reprodução."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Codificadores"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Esta versão não tem suporte a codificadores binários."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Codificadores opcionais para o MPlayer. (Precisa de uma ligação à Internet)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Um reprodutor baseado no MPlayer e no MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Um programa complementar ao MPlayer, utilizado para codificar ou converter emissões de vídeo e áudio."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Ícones"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Ícones adicionais para o SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Idiomas"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Idiomas adicionais para o SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Remove as preferências de uma anterior instalação do SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "O pacote de codificadores adiciona suporte aos formatos que ainda não foram implementados no MPlayer, tais como as novas variantes RealVideo e outros formatos menos utilizados.$\nEstes codificadores não são necessários para os formatos mais comuns como DVD, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Selecione o tipo de instalação"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Selecione o modo de substituição ou desinstalação."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Você possui uma instalação do SMPlayer nesta pasta:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Por favor escolha o método a utilizar:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Substituir ($Inst_Type) a instalação existente"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Desinstalar (remover) a instalação existente"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Clique Iniciar para continuar."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Clique Seguinte para continuar."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Clique Desinstalar para continuar."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Alterar definições de instalação"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Reiniciar configurações do SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Tem a certeza de que deseja repor as definições do SMPlayer? Esta ação não pode ser revertida."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "Reinstalar"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "Reverter"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "Atualizar"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Iniciar"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "A descarregar os codificadores MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Os codificadores MPlayer não foram instalados corretamente. Tentar novamente?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Falha ao descarregar os codificadores MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Falha ao instalar os codificadores MPlayer."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Esta aplicação só pode ser desinstalada no modo de administrador."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Desinstalação cancelada pelo utilizador."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Parece que o SMPlayer não está instalado no diretório '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinuar (não recomendado)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Não foi encontrada uma instalação do SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Esta instalação só pode ser desinstalada num sistema Windows de 64 bits."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "O SMPlayer é uma interface gráfica para o MPlayer, com funções simples como a reprodução de vídeos, DVD e VCD bem como outras mais avançadas (suporte a filtros MPlayer, listas e mais)."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "A copiar codificadores da instalação anterior..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "A restaurar codificadores da instalação anterior..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "A eliminar ficheiros..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "A eliminar chaves de registo..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "A eliminar atalhos..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "A restaurar associações de ficheiros..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "A reverter alterações..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "A extrair ficheiros..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "A criar backup do SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "A restaurar o SMTube da instalação anterior..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "A criar backup do mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "A restaurar o mpv da instalação anterior..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "A descarregar o mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "O mpv não foi instalado. Tentar novamente?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Falha ao descarregar o mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Falha ao instalar o mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl não foi instalada. Tentar novamente?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Falha ao descarregar a youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "A procurar atualizações para youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "A limpar cache de fontes..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "A limpar definições do SMPlayer..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/portuguesebrazil.nsh b/setup/translations/portuguesebrazil.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e945b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/portuguesebrazil.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Portuguese Brazil (1046)
+;Portuguese language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "PortugueseBR" "Português (Brasil)"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "PortugueseBR" "Brazilian Portuguese" "Português Brasileiro" "Portugues Brasileiro"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "O instalador já está em execução."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Você precisa estar logado como administrador quando instalar esse programa."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Uma instância do SMPlayer está em execução. Por favor feche o SMPlayer e tente novamente."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Sistema operacional não suportado.$\nO SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requer pelo menos o Windows XP e pode não funcionar corretamente em seu sistema.$\nQuer realmente prosseguir com a instalação?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Sistema operacional não suportado.$\nO SMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requer pelo menos o Windows Vista e pode não funcionar corretamente em seu sistema.$\nQuer realmente prosseguir com a instalação?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Um sistema operacional Windows 64-bit é necessário para instalar esse software."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Uma instalação do SMPlayer 32-bit já existe. Você deve desinstalá-la primeiro."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Uma instalação do SMPlayer 64-bit já existe. Você deve desinstalá-la primeiro."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Configuração"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "A configuração lhe guiará através da instalação do $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nÉ recomendado fechar todas as instâncias do SMPlayer antes de iniciar a configuração. Isso tornará possível atualizar arquivos importantes do programa sem ter que reiniciar seu computador.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Atalhos"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Componentes do MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Motor multimídia"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (necessário)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, bibliotecas compartilhadas e documentação."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Área de trabalho"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Cria um atalho para o SMPlayer na área de trabalho."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Menu Iniciar"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Cria uma entrada do SMPlayer no menu Iniciar."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (necessário)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; necessário para reprodução."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Codecs binários"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Codecs binários não são suportados nessa versão."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Codecs opcionais para o MPlayer. (Necessita conexão com a Internet para instalação)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Um derivado do MPlayer && MPlayer2 cheio de funcionalidades"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Um programa acompanhante do MPlayer que pode ser usado para codificar ou transformar fluxos de áudio ou vídeo suportados."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Temas de ícones"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Temas de ícones adicionais para o SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Idiomas"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Arquivos de outros idiomas além do Inglês para o SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Deletar as preferências de antigas instalações do SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Os pacotes de codecs binários e o suporte a codecs que ainda não estão implementados nativamente, como variantes recentes do RealVideo e vários formatos incomuns.$\nNote que não são necessários para reproduzir a maioria dos formatos comuns, como DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Selecione o tipo de instalação"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Selecione Reinstalar ou Desinstalar."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Você possui uma instalação do SMPlayer na seguinte pasta:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Por favor, selecione como continuar:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Sobrescrever ($Inst_Type) a instalação existente"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Desinstalar (remover) a instalação existente"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Clique em Iniciar quando estiver pronto para continuar."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Clique em Próximo quando estiver pronto para continuar."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Clique em Desinstalar quando estiver pronto para continuar."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Altere as configurações da instalação"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Reinicie minhas configurações do SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Tem certeza que deseja reiniciar as configurações do SMPlayer? Essa ação não pode ser desfeita."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "reinstalar"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "downgrade"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "atualizar"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Iniciar"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Baixando codecs do MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Os codecs do Mplayer não foram instalados corretamente. Tentar novamente?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Falha ao baixar os codecs do MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Falha ao instalar os codecs do MPlayer."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Essa instalação só pode ser desinstalada por um usuário com privilégios de administrador."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Desinstalação abortada pelo usuário."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Não parece que o SMPlayer está instalado no diretório '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinuar assim mesmo (não é recomendado)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Instalação do SMPlayer não encontrada."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Essa instalação só pode ser desinstalada no Windows 64-bit."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "O SMPlayer é uma interface completa para o MPlayer, com funcionalidades básicas como reprodução de vídeos, DVDs, VCDs, e mais avançadas como o suporte aos filtros do MPlayer, listas edl, etc."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Fazendo backup de codecs da instalação anterior..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restaurando codecs da instalação anterior..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deletando arquivos..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deletando chaves do registro..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deletando atalhos..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Restaurando associações de arquivos..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Revertendo alterações..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Extraindo arquivos..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Fazendo backup do SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Restaurando o SMTube da instalação anterior..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Fazendo backup do mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Restaurando o mpv da instalação anterior..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Baixando o mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "O mpv não foi instalado corretamente. Tentar novamente?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Falha ao baixar o mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Falha ao instalar o mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "O youtube-dl não foi instalado corretamente. Tentar novamente?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Falha ao baixar o youtube-dl:'$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Buscando por atualizações do youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Limpando cache do fontconfig..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Limpando as configurações do SMPlayer..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/romanian.nsh b/setup/translations/romanian.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..273ffec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/romanian.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Romanian (1048)
+;Romanian language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Romanian" "Română"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Romanian" = "Română" "Romana"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Instalatorul rulează deja."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Trebuie să fiți autentificat ca administrator când instalați acest program."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "O instanță a SMPlayer rulează. Închideți SMPlayer și încercați din nou."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Sistem de operare nesuportat.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} este necesar cel puțin ultimul Windows XP și poate să nu funcționeze corect pe sistemul dumneavoastră.$\n Sigur doriți să continuați cu instalarea?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Un sistem de operare Windows pe 64 biți este necesar pentru instalarea acestei aplicații."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Există o instalare SMPlayer de 32-bit. Trebuie să dezinstalați întâi SMPlayer la 32-bit."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Există o instalare SMPlayer de 64-bit. Trebuie să dezinstalați întâi SMPlayer la 64-bit."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Configurare"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Configurarea vă va ghida prin instalarea $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\n este recomandat să închideți toate instanțele de SMPlayer înainte să porniți configurarea. Aceasta va face posibil să actualizați fișierele de program relevante fără să fie necesară repornirea computerului.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Scurtături"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Componente SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Motor multimedia"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (necesar)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, biblioteci partajate și documentație."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Birou"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Creează o scurtătură pentru SMPlayer pe birou."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Meniu pornire"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Creează o intrare în meniu de pornire pentru SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (necesar)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; necesar pentru redare."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Codecuri binare"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Codecurile binare nu sunt suportate în această versiune."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Codecuri suplimentare pentru MPlayer. (Este necesară o conexiune la internet pentru instalare)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "O versiune îmbunătățită a MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Un program însoțitor pentru MPlayer care poate fi utilizat să codeze sau să transforme fluxurile audio sau video suportate."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Tematici pictograme"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Tematici pictograme suplimentare pentru SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Limbi"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Fișiere fără limba engleză pentru SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Șterge preferințele SMPlayer rămase de la instalările anterioare."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Pachetele de codecuri binare adaugă suport pentru codecurile care încă nu sunt implementate nativ, precum noile variante RealVideo și o mulțime de formate particulare.$\n Rețineți că acestea nu sunt necesare pentru redarea celor mai multor formate precum DVD-uri, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Selectați tipul de instalare"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Selectați mod suprascriere sau dezinstalare."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Există o instalare a SMPlayer în următorul dosar:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Selectați cum se procedează:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Suprascrie ($Inst_Type) instalarea existentă"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Dezinstalează (elimină) instalarea existentă"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Apăsați pornire când este gata de continuat."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Apăsați următorul când este gata de continuare."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Apăsați dezinstalează când este gata de continuare."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Modifică configurările de instalare"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Resetează configurările mele SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Sigur doriți să resetați setările dumneavoastră pentru SMPlayer? Această acțiune nu poate fi revocată."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "reinstalare"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "versiune anterioară"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "actualizare"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Pornire"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Se descarcă codecurile MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Codecurile MPlayer nu au fost instalate cu succes. Se reîncearcă?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "A eșuat descărcarea codecurilor MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "A eșuat instalarea codecurilor MPlayer."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Această instalare poate fi dezinstalată numai de un utilizator cu drepturi de administrator."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Dezinstalarea abandonată de utilizator."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Nu apare că SMPlayer este instalat în dosarul '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\n Se continuă oricum (nerecomandat)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Nu a fost găsită instalarea SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Această instalare poate fi dezinstalată numai pe Windows 64-bit."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer este o interfață completă pentru MPlayer, de la funcțiile de bază precum redarea video, DVD-uri, VCD-uri la mai multe funcții avansate precum suportul pentru filtrele MPlayer, liste edl și mai multe."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Se recuperează codecurile din instalarea anterioară..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Se restaurează codecurile din instalarea anterioară..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Se șterg fișiere..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Se șterg cheile regiștrilor..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Se șterg scurtăturile..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Se restaurează asocierea fișierelor..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Se reiau modificările..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Se extrag fișierele..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Se recuperează SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Se restaurează SMTube din instalarea anterioară..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Backing up mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Se descarcă mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "A eșuat instalarea mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/russian.nsh b/setup/translations/russian.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ac8048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/russian.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Russian (1049)
+;Russian language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Russian" "Русский"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Russian" = "Русский" "Russkij"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Программа установки уже запущена."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Для установки программы необходимо войти в систему как администратор."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Экземпляр SMPlayer запущен. Пожалуйста, закройте SMPlayer и попытайтесь снова."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Неподдерживаемая версия операционной системы.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} требует как минимум Windows XP и может работать неправильно на вашей системе.$\nВы действительно хотите продолжить установку?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Неподдерживаемая версия операционной системы.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} требует как минимум Windows Vista и может работать неправильно на вашей системе.$\nВы действительно хотите продолжить установку?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Для установки данного ПО требуется 64-битная ОС Windows."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Существует 32-битная установка SMPlayer. Сначала удалите 32-битный SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Существует 64-битная установка SMPlayer. Сначала далите 64-битный SMPlayer."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "Установка $(^NameDA) "
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Мастер установки поможет установить $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nПеред началом установки рекомендуется закрыть все работающие копии SMPlayer. Это позволит обновить сопутствующие программные файлы без перезагрузки компьютера.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Ярлыки"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Компоненты MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Движок воспроизведения"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (необходимо)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, разделяемые библиотеки и документация."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Рабочий стол"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Создаёт ярлыки SMPlayer на рабочем столе."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Меню «Пуск»"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Создаёт ярлыки SMPlayer в меню «Пуск»."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (требуется)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer, требуется для воспроизведения."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Бинарные кодеки"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Бинарные кодеки не поддерживаются в этой версии."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Дополнительные кодеки для MPlayer. (Для установки требуется подключение к сети Интернет)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Богатый возможностями форк MPlayer и MPlayer2."
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Сопутствующая MPlayer программа, которую можно использовать для кодирования и преобразования поддерживаемых аудио и видео потоков."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Темы иконок"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Дополнительные темы иконок для SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Переводы"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Языковые файлы SMPlayer помимо английского."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Удаляет настройки SMPlayer, оставшиеся от предыдущих установок."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Пакеты с бинарными кодеками добавляют поддержку кодеков, не встроенных в mplayer, например, RealVideo и других нестандартных форматов.$\nОбратите внимание, что эти кодеки не нужны для воспроизведения большинства обычных форматов вроде DVD, MPEG-1/2/4 и т.п."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Выбор типа установки"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Выберите установку поверх или удаление."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Существует установка SMPlayer в следующем каталоге:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Выберите метод:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Перезаписать ($Inst_Type) существующую установку"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Удалить существующую установку"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Нажмите Старт для продолжения."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Нажмите Далее для продолжения."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Нажмите Удалить для продолжения."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Изменить настройки установки"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Сбросить настройки SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Вы действительно хотите сбросить настройки SMPlayer? Данное действие не может быть отменено."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "переустановить"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "откатить"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "обновить"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Старт"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Загрузка кодеков MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Не удалось установить кодеки MPlayer. Повторить ещё раз?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Не удалось загрузить кодеки MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Ошибка при установке кодеков MPlayer."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Эта установка может быть удалена только пользователем с правами администратора."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Удаление прервано пользователем."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Не похоже, что SMPlayer установлен в каталог '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nПродолжить всё равно (не рекомендуется)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Не найдена установка SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Эта установка может быть удалена только на 64-битной Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer - полноценная оболочка для MPlayer, начиная от базовых функций вроде воспроизведения видеофайлов, DVD, VCD и заканчивая более продвинутыми вроде поддержки фильтров MPlayer, списков и т.д."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Выполняется резервное копирование кодеков из предыдущей установки..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Выполняется восстановление кодеков из предыдущей установки..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Удаление файлов..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Удаление ключей реестра..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Удаление ярлыков..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Восстановление ассоциаций файлов..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Откат изменений..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Извлечение файлов..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Резервируется SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Восстановление SMTube из предыдущей установки..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Создание резервной копии MPV..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Восстановление MPV из предыдущей установки..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Загрузка MPV..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "Не удалось установить MPV. Попытаться ещё раз?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Не удалось загрузить MPV: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Ошибка при установке MPV."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "Не удалось установить YouTube-DL. Попытаться ещё раз?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Не удалось загрузить Youtube-DL: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Проверка наличия обновлений Youtube-DL..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Очистка кэша шрифтов..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Очистка настроек SMPlayer..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/serbian.nsh b/setup/translations/serbian.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bf3b3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/serbian.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Serbian (3098)
+;Serbian language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Serbian" "Српски"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Serbian" "Serbian (Cyrillic)" "Српски" "Srpski (Cyrillic)"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Инсталациони програм је већ покренут."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Морате бити пријављени као администратор када инсталирате овај програм."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "СМПлејер је већ покренут. Затворите СМПлејер и покушајте поново."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Неподржан оперативни систем.$\nСМПлејер ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} захтева најмање Windows XP и можда неће радити на вашем систему.$\nДа ли стварно желите да наставите инсталацију?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Неподржан оперативни систем.$\nСМПлејер ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} захтева најмање Windows Vista и можда неће радити на вашем систему.$\nДа ли стварно желите да наставите инсталацију?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "64-битни Windows оперативни систем је потребан за инсталацију овог програма."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Тренутно је инсталирана 32-битна верзија СМПлејера. Морате прво деинсталирати 32-битни СМПлејер."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Тренутно је инсталирана 64-битна верзија СМПлејера. Морате прво деинсталирати 64-битни СМПлејер."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) програм инсталације"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Програм инсталације ће вас водити кроз инсталацију $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nПрепорука је да затворите претходно отворени СМПлејер пре почетка инсталације. То ће омогућити ажурирање битних фајлова без потребе за поновним покретањем вашег рачунара.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Пречице"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "МПлејер компоненте"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Погон мултимедије"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "СМПлејер (потребно)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "СМПлејер, заједничке библиотеке и документација."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Радна површина"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Направи пречицу СМПлејера на радној површини."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Старт мени"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Направи ставку у старт менију за СМПлејер."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "МПлејер (потребно)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "МПлејер; потребно за репродукцију."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Бинарни кодеци"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Бинарни кодеци нису подржани у овој верзији."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Опциони кодеци за МПлејер. (Интернет веза је потребна за инсталацију)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Могућностима богат наследник МПлејера2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Пратећи програм за МПлејер који се може користити за кодирање или трансформацију подржаних звучних или видео токова."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Теме икона"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Додатне теме икона за СМПлејер."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Језици"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Не-енглески језички фајлови за СМПлејер."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Уклања СМПлејер подешавања заостала од претходних инсталација."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Пакет бинарних кодека даје подршку за кодеке који још нису изворно уграђени, попут новијих RealVideo верзија и још много неуобичајених формата.$\nИмајте на уму да нису неопходни за репродукцију најчешћих формата попут ДВД-a, МПЕГ-1/2/4, итд."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Одаберите врсту инсталације"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Одаберите режим пребрисавања или деинсталације."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Откривена је постојећа инсталација СМПлејера у следећој фасцикли:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Одаберите наставак инсталације:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Препиши ($Inst_Type) преко постојеће инсталације"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Деинсталирај (уклони) постојећу инсталацију"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Кликните Покрени када сте спремни за наставак."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Кликните Следеће када сте спремни за наставак."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Кликните Деинсталирај када сте спремни за наставак."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Промени инсталациона подешавања"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Врати СМПлејер на почетна подешавања"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Заиста желите да ресетујете поставке СМПлејера? Ова радња се не може опозвати."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "реинсталирај"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "врати на старију верзију"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "надогради"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Покрени"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Преузимање МПлејер кодека..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "МПлејер кодеци нису успешно инсталирани. Покушајте поново?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Неуспешно преузимање МПлејер кодека: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Неуспела инсталација МПлејер кодека."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Ову инсталацију може деинсталирати само корисник са администраторским овлашћењима."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Деинсталацију је прекинуо корисник."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Чини се да СМПлејер није инсталиран у фасцикли '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nИпак настављате (није препоручљиво)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "СМПлејер инсталација није пронађена."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Ова инсталација може бити деинсталирана само на 64-битном Windowsu."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "СМПлејер је комплетно прочеље за МПлејер, од основних функција попут репродукције видео снимака, ДВД-а, ВЦД-а, до напреднијих као што су подршке за МПлејер филтере, едл листе и још много тога."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Правим резервну копију кодека од претходних инсталација..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Враћање копије кодека од претходне инсталације..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Уклањање фајлова..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Уклањање кључева регистра..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Уклањање пречица..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Враћам придруживање фајлова..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Враћање промена..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Распакивање фајлова..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Прављење резервних копија SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Враћање SMTube од претходне инсталације..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Правим резерву за MPV..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Враћам MPV од претходне инсталације..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Преузимам MPV..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "MPV није успешно инсталиран. Покушати поново?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Неуспешно преузимање MPV: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Неуспела инсталација MPV."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "YouTube-DL није успешно инсталиран. Покушати поново?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Неуспешно преузимање Youtube-DL: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Проверавам ажурирања за YouTube-DL..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Чистим кеш за фонтове..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Чистим поставке СМПлејера..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/simpchinese.nsh b/setup/translations/simpchinese.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adee21d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/simpchinese.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Chinese (Simplified) (2052)
+;Chinese (Simplified) language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "SimpChinese" "简体中文"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "SimpChinese" "Chinese (Simplified)" "中文(简体)" "Hanyu (Jiantizi)"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "安装程序已在运行。"
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "安装此程序时,您必须以管理员身份登录。"
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "SMPlayer 的实例正在运行。请退出 SMPlayer,然后重试。"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "不支持的操作系统。$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} 至少需要 Windows XP,其在您的系统上可能无法正常工作。$\n您真的要继续安装吗?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "不支持的操作系统。$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} 最低支持 Windows Vista,其在您的系统上可能无法正常工作。$\n您真的要继续安装吗?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "安装此软件需要 64 位 Windows 操作系统。"
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "SMPlayer 的 32 位安装已存在。您必须先卸载 32 位的 SMPlayer。"
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "SMPlayer 的 64 位安装已存在。您必须先卸载 64 位的 SMPlayer。"
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) 设置"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "设置程序将引导您完成安装 $(^NameDA)。$\r$\n$\r$\n建议您在开始安装前关闭所有的 SMPlayer 实例。这将使其能够更新相关的程序文件,而无需重新启动您的计算机。$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "快捷方式"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer 组件"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "多媒体引擎"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (必需)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer、共享库和文档。"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "桌面"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "创建 SMPlayer 桌面快捷方式。"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "开始菜单"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "创建 SMPlayer 开始菜单项。"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (必需)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer;播放所必需的 。"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "二进制编解码器"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "此版本不支持二进制解码器"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "适用于 MPlayer 的可选解码器。(安装需要使用网络连接)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "MPlayer 和 MPlayer2 的一个特性增强分支"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "MPlayer 的配套程序,可以用来编码或转换支持的音频/视频流。"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "图标主题"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "适用于 SMPlayer 的附加图标主题。"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "语言"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "适用于 SMPlayer 的非英语语言文件。"
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "删除上次安装的残留配置"
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "二进制编解码器包可增加对新 RealVideo 变种和很多不常见格式的支持。$\n请注意,播放像 DVD、MPEG-1/2/4 这样平时常见的格式无需安装本编解码器包。"
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "选择安装类型"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "选择『覆盖』或『卸载』模式。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "您有一个现有的 SMPlayer 安装位于以下文件夹:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "请选择如何继续:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "覆盖($Inst_Type)现有的安装"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "卸载(移除)现有的安装"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "单击『开始』继续。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "单击『下一步』继续。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "单击『卸载』继续。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "更改安装设置"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "重置 SMPlayer 设置"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "确定重置 SMPlayer 设置?此操作不可恢复!"
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "重新安装"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "降级"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "升级"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "开始"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "正在下载 MPlayer 编解码器..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer 编解码器没有成功安装。是否重试?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "无法下载 MPlayer 编解码器: 『$R0』。"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "无法安装 MPlayer 编解码器。"
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "安装只能由拥有管理员权限的用户卸载。"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "卸载被用户终止。"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "没有发现 SMPlayer 被安装在目录『$INSTDIR』中。$\r$\n仍然继续吗(不推荐)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer 安装未找到"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "安装只能在 64 位 Windows 中卸载。"
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer 是一个完备的 MPlayer 前端,从像播放视频、DVD、VCD 这样的基本功能,到支持 MPlayer 过滤器、EDL 列表等更多的高级功能。"
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "正在从以前的安装中备份解码器..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "正在从以前的安装中恢复编解码器..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "正在删除文件..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "正在删除注册表项..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "正在删除快捷方式..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "正在恢复文件关联..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "正在回滚更改..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "正在提取文件..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "备份 SMTube 中..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "恢复上次安装的 SMTube 中..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "备份 mpv 中..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "从上次安装恢复 MPV 中..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "下载 mpv 中..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv 未安装成功。是否重试?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "下载 mpv 失败: '$R0'。"
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "安装 mpv 失败。"
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl 未安装成功。是否重试?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "下载 youtube-dl 失败:'$R0'。"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "检查 youtube-dl 更新中..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "清除字体配置缓存中..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "清除 SMPlayer 设置中..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/slovak.nsh b/setup/translations/slovak.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb91a13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/slovak.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Slovak (1051)
+;Slovak language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Slovak" "Slovenčina"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Slovak" = "Slovenčina" "Slovencina"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "The installer is already running."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 32-bit SMPlayer first."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 64-bit SMPlayer first."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nIt is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files without having to reboot your computer.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Shortcuts"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer Components"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimedia Engine"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (required)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Desktop"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Start Menu"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Icon Themes"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Languages"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon formats.$\nNote that they are not necessary to play most common formats like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Select Install Type"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Please select how to proceed:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Change Installation Settings"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be reversed."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "reinstall"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "downgrade"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "upgrade"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Start"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Downloading MPlayer codecs..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinue anyway (not recommended)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer installation not found."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Restoring file associations..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Rolling back changes..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Extracting files..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Backing up SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Backing up mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Downloading mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Failed to install mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/slovenian.nsh b/setup/translations/slovenian.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fac821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/slovenian.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Slovenian (1060)
+;Slovenian language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Slovenian" "Slovenščina"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Slovenian" = "Slovenski" =
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "The installer is already running."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "An instance of SMPlayer is running. Please exit SMPlayer and try again."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows XP and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "A 64-bit Windows operating system is required to install this software."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "An existing 32-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 32-bit SMPlayer first."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "An existing 64-bit installation of SMPlayer exists. You must uninstall 64-bit SMPlayer first."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Setup"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Setup will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nIt is recommended that you close all instances of SMPlayer before starting setup. This will make it possible to update relevant program files without having to reboot your computer.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Shortcuts"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer Components"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimedia Engine"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (required)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, shared libraries, and documentation."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Desktop"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Creates a shortcut to SMPlayer on the desktop."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Start Menu"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Create a Start Menu entry for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (required)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; required for playback."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binary codecs are not supported in this version."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Optional codecs for MPlayer. (Internet Connection required for installation)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "A companion program to MPlayer that can be used to encode or transform supported audio or video streams."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Icon Themes"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Additional icon themes for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Languages"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Non-English language files for SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Deletes SMPlayer preferences leftover from previous installations."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon formats.$\nNote that they are not necessary to play most common formats like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Select Install Type"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Select Overwrite or Uninstall mode."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "You have an existing installation of SMPlayer in the following folder:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Please select how to proceed:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Overwrite ($Inst_Type) the existing installation"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Uninstall (remove) the existing installation"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Click Start when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Click Next when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Click Uninstall when ready to proceed."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Change Installation Settings"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Reset my SMPlayer configuration"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be reversed."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "reinstall"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "downgrade"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "upgrade"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Start"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Downloading MPlayer codecs..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs were not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Failed to download MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Failed to install MPlayer codecs."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrator privileges."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Uninstall aborted by user."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinue anyway (not recommended)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer installation not found."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Backing up codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restoring codecs from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Deleting Files..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Deleting Registry Keys..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Deleting Shortcuts..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Restoring file associations..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Rolling back changes..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Extracting files..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Backing up SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Backing up mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Downloading mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Failed to install mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/spanish.nsh b/setup/translations/spanish.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a06516c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/spanish.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Spanish (1034)
+;Spanish language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Spanish" "Español"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Spanish" = "Español" "Espanol"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "La instalación ya se está ejecutando."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Debes tener permisos de administrador para instalar este programa."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "SMPlayer se está ejecutando. Por favor, ciérralo e inténtalo de nuevo."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Sistema operativo no soportado.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requiere al menos Windows XP y podría no funcionar correctamente en este sistema.$\n¿Realmente quieres continuar con la instalación?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Sistema operativo no soportado.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requiere al menos Windows Vista y podría no funcionar correctamente en este sistema.$\n¿Realmente quieres continuar con la instalación?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Se necesita un Windows de 64 bits para instalar este programa."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Existe una versión de 32 bits instalada. Debes desinstalarla primero."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Existe una versión de 64 bits instalada. Debes desinstalarla primero."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "Instalación de $(^NameDA)"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "A continuación se procederá a la instalación de $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nSe recomienda cerrar todos los procesos de SMPlayer antes de comenzar con la instalación. De esta manera será posible actualizar los ficheros del programa sin tener que reiniciar el ordenador.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Accesos"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Componentes de MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Motor Multimedia"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (requerido)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, librerías compartidas y documentación."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Escritorio"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Crea un acceso directo a SMPlayer en el escritorio."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Menú Inicio"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Crea una entrada en el Menú Inicio para SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (requerido)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; requerido para la reproducción multimedia."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Códecs Binarios"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Los códecs binarios no están disponibles en esta versión."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Códecs opcionales para MPlayer. (Se necesita conexión a internet para la instalación)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Reproductor basado en MPlayer y MPlayer2 con nuevas opciones"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Un programa opcional que puede ser usado para recodificar vídeos."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Temas de Iconos"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Temas de iconos adicionales para SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Idiomas"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Ficheros de idiomas para SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Borra la configuración de SMPlayer de instalaciones anteriores."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "El paquete de códecs binarios añade soporte para códecs que todavía no se han implementado nativamente, como como las nuevas variantes de RealVideo y algunos formatos poco comunes.$\nTen en cuenta de que no son necesarios para reproducir los formatos más comunes como DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Selecciona el tipo de instalación"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Selecciona Sobreescribir o Desinstalar."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "SMPlayer ya está instalado en esta carpeta:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Selecciona qué hacer:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Sobreescribir ($Inst_Type) la instalación existente"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Desinstalar (borrar) la instalación existente"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Pulsa en Comenzar cuando estés listo."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Pulsa Continuar cuando estés listo."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Pulsa Desinstalar cuando estés listo."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Cambiar las opciones de instalación"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Reiniciar la configuración de SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "¿Estás seguro de que quieres reiniciar la configuración de SMPlayer? Esta acción no se puede revertir."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "reinstalar"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "desactualizar"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "actualizar"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Comenzar"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Descargando los códecs del MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Los códecs del MPlayer no se han instalado correctamente. ¿Reintentar?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Ha fallado la descarga de los códecs del MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Ha fallado la instalación del los códecs del MPlayer."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Este programa sólo se puede desinstalar por un usuario con permisos de administrador."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Desinstalación cancelada por el usuario."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "No parece que el SMPlayer esté instalado en el directorio '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\n¿Continuar de todos modos (no recomendado)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "No se ha encontrado una instalación de SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Esta instalación sólo se puede desinstalar en Windows de 64 bits."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer pretende ser un interfaz completo para MPlayer, con opciones para cosas básicas, como reproducir vídeos, DVDs y VCDs hasta opciones más avanzadas como soporte para los filtros del MPlayer y mucho más."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Haciendo una copia de seguridad de los códecs de una instalación previa..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Restaurando los códecs de una instalación previa..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Borrando ficheros..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Borrando claves del registro..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Borrando accesos..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Restaurando asociaciones de ficheros..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Deshaciendo cambios..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Extrayendo ficheros..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Creando una copia de SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Restaurando SMTube desde una instalación anterior..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Creando una copia de mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Restaurando mpv desde una instalación anterior..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Descargando mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv no se ha instalado correctamente. ¿Reintentar?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "No se ha podido descargar mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "No se ha podido instalar mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youTube-dl no se ha instalado correctamente. ¿Reintentar?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "No se ha podido descargar youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Comprobando actualizaciones de youtube-dl..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Borrando la caché de fontconfig..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Borrando la configuración de SMPlayer..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/thai.nsh b/setup/translations/thai.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..877bfef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/thai.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Thai (1054)
+;Thai language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Thai" "ไทย"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Thai" = "ไทย" /* TODO: ISO 11940? */ "Thai"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "ตัวติดตั้งกำลังรันอยู่แล้ว"
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "คุณต้องลงชื่อเข้าใช้เป็น administrator เมื่อจะติดตั้งโปรแกรมนี้"
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "มี SMPlayer กำลังรันอยู่ โปรดออกจาก SMPlayer แล้วลองอีกครั้ง"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "ไม่รองรับระบบปฏิบัติการ $\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} ต้องการอย่างน้อยคือ Windows XP และอาจจะทำงานได้ไม่ถูกต้องบนระบบของคุณ $\nคุณต้องการติดตั้งต่อไปหรือไม่?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Unsupported operating system.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} requires at least Windows Vista and may not work correctly on your system.$\nDo you really want to continue with the installation?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "ต้องการระบบปฏิบัติการ 64-bit Windows เพื่อติดตั้งซอฟต์แวร์นี้"
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "มีการติดตั้งแบบ 32-bit ของ SMPlayer อยู่แล้ว คุณต้องถอนการติดตั้งแบบ 32-bit SMPlayer ออกก่อน"
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "มีการติดตั้ง 64-bit ของ SMPlayer อยู่แล้ว คุณต้องถอนการติดตั้งแบบ 64-bit SMPlayer ออกก่อน"
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "ติดตั้ง $(^NameDA)"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "ตัวติดตั้งจะแนะนำคุณในการติดตั้ง $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nขอแนะนำให้คุณปิดโปรแกรม SMPlayer ก่อนที่จะเริ่มติดตั้ง ซึ่งสิ่งนี้จะทำให้การอัพเดตโปรแกรมเป็นไปได้โดยไม่ต้องบู๊ทคอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณใหม่$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "ทางลัด"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "ส่วนประกอบ MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimedia Engine"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (จำเป็น)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, ไลบรารี่ที่แชร์, และเอกสารประกอบ"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Desktop"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "สร้างทางลัดสู่ SMPlayer บน desktop"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Start Menu"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "สร้างทางเข้าที่ Start Menu สำหรับ SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (จำเป็น)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; จำเป็นสำหรับการเล่น"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Binary Codecs"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Binary codecs ไม่รองรับในเวอร์ชันนี้"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Codecs ทางเลือกสำหรับ MPlayer (ต้องมีการเชื่อมต่ออินเตอร์เน็ตในการติดตั้ง)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "A feature-rich fork of MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "โปรแกรมสหายของ MPlayer ที่สามารถใช้เข้ารหัสหรือแปลงกระแสเสียงหรือวิดีโอที่รองรับ"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "รูปลักษณ์ไอคอน"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "รูปลักษณ์ไอคอนสำหรับ SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "ภาษา"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "ไฟล์ภาษาอื่นที่ไม่ใช่ภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับ SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "ลบการตั้งค่าที่ชอบที่เหลืออยู่ของการติดตั้ง SMPlayer ครั้งก่อนหน้า"
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon formats.$\nNote that they are not necessary to play most common formats like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "เลือกประเภทการติดตั้ง"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "เลือกโหมด เขียนทับ หรือ ถอนการติดตั้ง"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "คุณมีการติดตั้ง SMPlayer อยู่แล้วในโฟลเดอร์ต่อไปนี้:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "โปรดเลือกว่าจะดำเนินการอย่างไร:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "เขียนทับ ($Inst_Type) การติดตั้งที่มีอยู่เดิม"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "ถอนการติดตั้ง (ลบออก) การติดตั้งที่มีอยู่เดิม"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "คลิก เริ่ม เมื่อพร้อมดำเนินการ"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "คลิก ถัดไป เมื่อพร้อมดำเนินการ"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "คลิก ถอนการติดตั้ง เมื่อพร้อมดำเนินการ"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "เปลี่ยนการตั้งค่าการติดตั้ง"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "คืนค่าการกำหนดค่า SMPlayer ของฉัน"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Are you sure you want to reset your SMPlayer settings? This action cannot be reversed."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "ติดตั้งอีกครั้ง"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "ลดระดับรุ่น"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "เพิ่มระดับรุ่น"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "เริ่ม"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "กำลังดาวน์โหลด MPlayer Codecs..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer codecs ติดตั้งไม่สำเร็จ ลองอีกครั้งหรือไม่?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "ล้มเหลวในการดาวน์โหลด MPlayer codecs: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "ล้มเหลวในการติดตั้ง MPlayer codecs"
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "การติดตั้งนี้สามารถถอนการติดตั้งได้เฉพาะผู้ใช้ที่มีสิทธิเป็น administrator"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "การถอนการติดตั้ง ถูกยกเลิกโดยผู้ใช้"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "ไม่ปรากฏว่า SMPlayer ได้ถูกติดตั้งในเส้นทาง '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nจะทำต่อไปหรือเปล่า (ไม่แนะนำ)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "ไม่พบการติดตั้ง SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "การติดตั้งนี้สามารถถอนการติดตั้งเฉพาะบน 64-bit Windows"
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer คือ front-end ที่สมบูรณ์สำหรับ MPlayer, มีคุณลักษณะพื้นฐานอย่างเช่น การเล่นวิดีโอ, DVD, VCD จนถึงคุณลักษณะขั้นสูงอย่างเช่น การรองรับสำหรับตัวกรอง MPlayer, บัญชี edl, และอื่นๆ"
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "กำลังสำรอง codecs จากการติดตั้งก่อนหน้า..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "กำลังคืนค่าเดิมของ codecs จากการติดตั้งก่อนหน้า"
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "กำลังลบไฟล์..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "กำลังลบคีย์ทะเบียน..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "กำลังลบทางลัด..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "กำลังคืนค่าการสัมพันธ์ไฟล์..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "กำลังคืนกลับการเปลี่ยนแปลง..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "กำลังแยกไฟล์..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Backing up SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Restoring SMTube from previous installation..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Backing up mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Restoring mpv from previous installation..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Downloading mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Failed to download mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Failed to install mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl was not successfully installed. Retry?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Failed to download youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Checking for youtube-dl updates..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Cleaning fontconfig cache..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Cleaning SMPlayer settings..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/tradchinese.nsh b/setup/translations/tradchinese.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0654963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/tradchinese.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Chinese (Traditional) (1028)
+;Chinese (Traditional) language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "TradChinese" "漢語(繁體)"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "TradChinese" "Chinese (Traditional)" "中文(繁體)" "Hanyu (Fantizi)"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "安裝程式已經在執行。"
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "安裝此程式時,您必須先登入為管理員。"
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "一個 SMPlayer 的執行個體正在運轉。請離開的SMPlayer,然後再試一次。"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "不支援的操作系統。$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} 至少需要Windows XP,及可能無法在您的系統上正常運作。$\n您真的要繼續安裝嗎?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "不支援的作業系統。$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} 需要至少使用 Windows Vista,不然可能無法在您的系統上正常運作。$\n您真的想要繼續安裝嗎?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "安裝此軟體,系統必須是64位元的 Windows。"
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "一個現有的32位元已安裝 SMPlayer 存在。您必須先解除安裝32位元的 SMPlayer。"
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "一個現有的64位元已安裝 SMPlayer 存在。您必須先解除安裝64位元的 SMPlayer。"
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) 設定"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "設定程序將引導您完成安裝$(^NameDA)。 $\r$\n$\r$\n建議您在開始安裝前,先關閉所有的 SMPlayer 執行實體。這將使它能夠更新相關的程式檔案,而無需重新啟動您的電腦。 $\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "快速鍵"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer 元件"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "多媒體引擎"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (必須的)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer、共享庫和文件。"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "桌面"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "在桌面上建立一個 SMPlayer 的捷徑。"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "開始選單"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "建立ㄧ 個 SMPlayer 的開始選單項目。"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (必須的)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer;播放所必須的。"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "二進制解碼器"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "此版本不支援二進制解碼器。"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "給 MPlayer 使用的非必須解碼器。( 需要連接網路以進行安裝 )"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "MPlayer 與 MPlayer2 一個功能豐富的分支"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "一個伴隨安裝的程式 MPlayer,可以用來解碼或轉換支援的聲音檔或影片檔。"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "圖示主題"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "適用於 SMPlayer 的附加圖示主題。"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "語言"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "適用於 SMPlayer 的非英語語言檔。"
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "刪除先前所安裝的 SMPlayer 殘留的偏好設定。"
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "二進制解碼器套件可增加對新 RealVideo 變種及很多不常見格式的支援。$\n請注意,播放像是 DVD、MPEG-1/2/4 這樣平時常見的格式無需安裝本解碼器套件。"
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "選擇安裝類型"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "選擇「覆蓋」或「解除安裝」模式。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "您有一個現有的 SMPlayer 安裝位於以下資料夾:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "請選擇如何處理:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "覆蓋($Inst_Type)現有的安裝"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "解除(移除)現有的安裝"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "當準備好進行時,點擊「開始」。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "當準備好進行時,點擊「下一步」。"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "當準備好進行時,點擊「解除安裝」"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "更改安裝設定"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "重置 SMPlayer 設定"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "您確定您想要重置您的的 SMPlayer 設定嗎?這個動作無法還原。"
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "重新安裝"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "降級"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "升級"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "開始"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "正在下載 MPlayer 解碼器..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer 解碼器沒有成功安裝。是否重試?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "無法下載 MPlayer 解碼器:「$R0」。"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "無法安裝 MPlayer 解碼器。"
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "安裝只能由擁有管理員權限的使用者卸載。"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "解除安裝被​​使用者終止。"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "沒有發現 SMPlayer 被安裝在目錄「$INSTDIR」中。 $\r$\n仍然繼續嗎(不推薦)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer 安裝未找到。"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "安裝只能在 64 位元 Windows 中解除。"
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer 是一個完整的 MPlayer 前端程式,從播放影片檔、DVD、VCD 這樣的基本功能,到進階功能像是支援 MPlayer 過濾器、EDL 清單,及更多。"
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "正在從以前的安裝中備份解碼器..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "正在從以前的安裝中恢復解碼器..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "正在刪除檔案..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "正在刪除登錄機碼..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "正在刪除捷徑..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "正在復原檔案關聯..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "正在復原變更..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "正在解壓縮檔案..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "正在備份 SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "正在從以前的安裝中恢復 SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "正在備份 mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "正在從以前的安裝中復原 mpv..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "正在下載 mpv..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv 沒有成功安裝。是否重試?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "無法下載 mpv:「$R0」。"
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "無法安裝 mpv。"
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl 沒有成功安裝。是否重試?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "無法下載 youtube-dl:「$R0」。"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "正在檢查 youtube-dl 的更新..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "正在清除 fontconfig 快取..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "正在清除 SMPlayer 設定..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/turkish.nsh b/setup/translations/turkish.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4653f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/turkish.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Turkish (1055)
+;Turkish language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Turkish" "Türkçe"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Turkish" = "Türkçe" "Turkce"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Kurulum zaten çalışıyor."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Bu programı yüklerken yönetici olarak oturum açmanız gerekir."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "SMPlayer bir örneği çalışıyor. SMPlayer'ı kapatın ve tekrar deneyin."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "İşletim sistemi desteklenmiyor.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} en az Windows XP gerektirir ve sisteminizde düzgün çalışmayabilir.$\nGerçekten kuruluma devam etmek istiyor musunuz?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "İşletim sistemi desteklenmiyor.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} en az Windows Vista gerektirir ve sisteminizde düzgün çalışmayabilir.$\nGerçekten kuruluma devam etmek istiyor musunuz?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Bu yazılım kurulumu için 64-bit Windows işletim sistemi gerekli."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "SMPlayer için varolan bir 32-bit yükleme var. Öncelikle 32-bit SMPlayer'ı kaldırmanız gerekir."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "SMPlayer için varolan bir 64-bit yükleme var. Öncelikle 64-bit SMPlayer'ı kaldırmanız gerekir."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "$(^NameDA) Kurulum"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Kurulum $(^NameDA) 'ın kurulumunda size rehberlik edecek.$\r$\n$\r$\nKurulum başlamadan önce SMPlayer'ın tüm benzerlerini kapatmanız önerilir. Bu bilgisayarınızı yeniden başlatmak zorunda kalmadan ilgili program dosyalarını güncellemek mümkün olacaktır.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Kısayollar"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "MPlayer Bileşenleri"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Multimedya Motoru"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (gerekli)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, paylaşımlı kütüphaneleri, ve dökümanı."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Masaüstü"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Masaüstünde SMPlayer kısayolu oluşturacak."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Başlat Menüsü"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "SMPlayer için Başlat Menüsünde giriş oluşturulacak."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (gerekli)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; oynatmak için gerekli."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "İkili Kodekleri"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "İkili Kodekler bu sürüm için desteklenmiyor."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "MPlayer için isteğe bağlı kodekler. (Kurulum için internet bağlantısı gereklidir)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Özellik açısından zengin bir MPlayer && MPlayer2 çatallaması"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Desteklenen ses veya video yayınlarını çözmek veya dönüştürmek için kullanılabilen, MPlayer'a eşlik eden bir program."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Simge Temaları"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "SMPlayer için ek simge temaları."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Diller"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "SMPlayer için ingilizce olmayan dil dosyaları."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "SMPlayer'in önceki kurulum tercihleri silinir."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "The binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon formats.$\nNote that they are not necessary to play most common formats like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Kurulum Tipini Seç"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Üzerine yazma veya kaldırma modunu seç."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Aşağıdaki klasörde SMPlayer'ın var olan bir kurulumu var:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Lütfen nasıl devam edeceğinizi seçin:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Önceki kurulum ($Inst_Type) üzerine yaz"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Varolan yüklemeyi kaldırın (sil)"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Hazır olduğunuzda devam etmek başlata tıklatın."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Hazır olduğunuzda devam etmek ileri'yi tıklatın."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Hazır olduğunuzda devam etmek Kaldır'ı tıklatın."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Kurulum Ayarlarını Değiştir"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "SMPlayer yapılandırmasını sıfırla"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "SMPlayer ayarlarını sıfırlamak istediğine emin misin? Bu eylem geri alınamaz."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "tekrar kur"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "gerilet"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "güncelle"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Başlat"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "MPlayer Kodekleri İndiriliyor..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "MPlayer kodekleri kurulumu başarısız oldu. Tekrar denensin mi?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "MPlayer kodekleri indirilmesi başarısız oldu: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "MPlayer kodekleri kurulumu başarısız oldu."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Bu kurulum sadece yönetici ayrıcalıklarına sahip bir kullanıcı tarafından kaldırılabilir."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Kaldırma kullanıcı tarafından iptal edildi."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "It does not appear that SMPlayer is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinue anyway (not recommended)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "SMPlayer kurulumu bulunamadı."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Bu yükleme yalnızca 64-bit Windows üzerinde kaldırılabilir."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer is a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters, edl lists, and more."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Önceki kurulumdan kodekler yedekleniyor..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Önceki kurulumdaki kodekleri yenileniyor..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Dosyalar Siliniyor..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Kayıt Anahtarları Siliniyor..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Kısayollar Siliniyor..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Dosya ilişkileri yenileniyor..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Değişiklikler geri alınıyor..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Dosyaları ayıklanıyor..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "SMTube Yedekleniyor..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "SMTube önceki kurulumdan geri yükleniyor..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Mpv yedekleniyor..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Mpv önceki kurulumdan geri yükleniyor..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Mpv indiriliyor..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv kurulamadı. Tekrar denemek ister misiniz?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Mpv indirilirken bir hata oldu: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Mpv kurulamadı."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl kurulamadı. Tekrar denemek ister misiniz?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Youtube-dl indirilemedi : '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Youtube-dl için güncelleme kontrolü... "
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Yazı türü yapılandırma önbelleğini temizleme"
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "SMPlayer ayarlarını temizleme..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/ukrainian.nsh b/setup/translations/ukrainian.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ce971f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/ukrainian.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Ukrainian (1058)
+;Ukrainian language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Ukrainian" "Українська"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Ukrainian" = "Українська" "Ukrayins'ka"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Встановлювач вже запущений."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Ви повинні увійти в систему в якості адміністратора під час встановлення цієї проґрами."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Запущено примірник SMPlayer. Будь ласка, закрийте SMPlayer і спробуйте ще."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Непідтримувана версія операційної системи.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} потребує щонайменш Windows XP й може працювати неправильно на Вашій системі.$\nВи справді бажаєте продовжити встановлення?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Непідтримувана операційна система.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} потребує принаймні Windows Vista і може працювати неправильно на Вашій системі.$\nВи справді бажаєте продовжити встановлення?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "64-розрядна операційна система Windows, необхідна для встановлення цього проґрамного забезпечення."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Існує 32-бітове встановлення SMPlayer. Спочатку вилучіть 32-бітовий SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Існує 64-бітове встановлення SMPlayer. Спочатку вилучіть 64-бітовий SMPlayer."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "Встановлення $(^NameDA)"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Майстер встановлення допоможе встановити $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nПеред початком встановлення рекомендується закрити усі працюючі копії SMPlayer. Це дозволить оновити супутні проґрамні файли без перезавантаження комп’ютера.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Лейба"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Компоненти MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Рушій відтворення"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (обов'язково)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, спільні бібліотеки та документація."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Стільниця"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Створити лейбу SMPlayer на стільниці."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Меню Пуск"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Створити запис для SMPlayer у Меню Пуск."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (обов'язково)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; необхідний для відтворення."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Бінарні кодеки"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Бінарні кодеки не підтримується цією версією."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Додаткові кодеки для MPlayer. (Необхідне зєднання з Інтернетом для встановлення)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Багате можливостями відгалуження(форк) MPlayer і MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Супутня MPlayer проґрама, яку можна використовувати для кодування та перетворення підтримуваних аудіо та відео потоків."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Теми піктограм"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Додаткові теми піктограм для SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Мови"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Не англомовні файли для SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Вилучити SMPlayer уподобання, які залишилися від попереднього встановлення."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Пакунки з двійковими кодеками додають підтримку кодеків, не вбудованих у mplayer, наприклад, RealVideo й інших нестандартних форматів.$\nЗверніть увагу, що ці кодеки не потрібні для відтворення більшості звичайних форматів типу DVD, MPEG-1/2/4 тощо."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Виберіть тип встановлення"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Оберіть режим Перевстановити чи Вилучити"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Існує встановлення SMPlayer у такому каталозі:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Будь ласка, виберіть, як діяти далі:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Перезаписати ($Inst_Type) існуюче встановлення"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Деінсталювати (вилучити) існуюче встановлення"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Натисніть Пуск, щоб продовжити."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Натисніть Далі, щоб продовжити"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Натисніть Вилучити, щоб продовжити"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Змінити параметри встановлення"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Скинути мою конфігурацію SMPlayer"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Ви справді волієте скинути налаштування SMPlayer? Дана дія не може бути скасована."
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "перевстановити"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "повернення до попередньої версії"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "оновити"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Пуск"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Завантаження кодеків MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Кодеки MPlayer не було вдало встановлено. Повторити спробу?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Не вдалося завантажити кодеки MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Не вдалося встановити MPlayer кодеки."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Це встановлення може бути вилучене лише користувачем з правами адміністратора."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Вилучення перервано користувачем."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Не схоже, що SMPlayer встановлений у каталог '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nПродовжити все одно (не рекомендується)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Встановлення SMPlayer не виявлено."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Це встановлення може бути вилучене лише на 64-бітовій Windows."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer - повноцінна оболонка для MPlayer, починаючи від базових функцій типу відтворення відеофайлів, DVD, VCD й закінчуючи просунутішими типу підтримки фільтрів MPlayer, переліків тощо."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Виконується резервне копіювання кодеків з попереднього встановлення..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Відновити кодеки з попереднього встановлення"
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Видалення файлів..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Вилучення ключів реєстру..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Вилучення лейбів..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Відновлення асоціяцій файлів..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Відкочування змін..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Витягнення файлів..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Резервується SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Відновлення SMTube з попереднього встановлення..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Створення резервної копії MPV..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Відновлення MPV із попереднього встановлення..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Завантаження MPV..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "Не вдалося встановити MPV. Спробувати ще раз?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Не вдалося завантажити MPV: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Помилка при встановленні MPV."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "Не вдалося встановити YouTube-DL. Спробувати ще раз?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Не вдалося завантажити Youtube-DL: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Перевірка наявности оновлень Youtube-DL..."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Очистка кешу шрифтів..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Очистка налаштувань SMPlayer..."
diff --git a/setup/translations/vietnamese.nsh b/setup/translations/vietnamese.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08abe91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/translations/vietnamese.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;Language: Vietnamese (1066)
+;Vietnamese language strings for the Windows SMPlayer NSIS installer.
+;Save file as UTF-8 w/ BOM
+!if ! ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION} > 0x2999999
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Vietnamese" "Tiếng Việt"
+!insertmacro LANGFILE "Vietnamese" = "Tiếng Việt" "Tieng Viet"
+; Startup
+${LangFileString} Installer_Is_Running "Trình cài đặt đang chạy."
+${LangFileString} Installer_No_Admin "Bạn phải đăng nhập tài khoản quản trị viên khi cài đặt chương trình này."
+${LangFileString} SMPlayer_Is_Running "Một tiến trình của SMPlayer đang chạy. Hãy thoát SMPlayer và thử lại."
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported "Hệ điều hành không được hỗ trợ.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} yêu cầu thấp nhất là Windows XP và có thể không hoạt động đúng cách trên hệ thống của bạn.$\nBạn thật sự muốn tiếp tục cài đặt?"
+${LangFileString} OS_Not_Supported_VistaRequired "Hệ điều hành không được hỗ trợ.$\nSMPlayer ${SMPLAYER_VERSION} Yêu cầu Windows Vista hoặc mới hơn, có thể không hoạt động đúng cách trên hệ thống của bạn.$\nBạn thật sự muốn tiếp tục cài đặt?"
+${LangFileString} Win64_Required "Yêu cầu hệ điều hành Windows 64-bit để cài đặt phần mềm này."
+${LangFileString} Existing_32bitInst "Bản cài đặt 32-bit của SMPlayer đang tồn tại. Bạn phải gỡ bỏ bản 32-bit của SMPlayer trước."
+${LangFileString} Existing_64bitInst "Bản cài đặt 64-bit của SMPlayer đang tồn tại. Bạn phải gỡ bỏ bản 64-bit của SMPlayer trước."
+; Welcome page
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Title "Cài đặt $(^NameDA)"
+${LangFileString} WelcomePage_Text "Trình cài đặt sẽ hướng dẫn bạn trong quá trình cài đặt $(^NameDA).$\r$\n$\r$\nChúng tôi khuyên bạn nên đóng tất cả các tác vụ của SMPlayer trước khi bắt đầu cài đặt. Việc này sẽ giúp cập nhật những tập tin chương trình có liên quan mà không cần khởi động lại máy tính.$\r$\n$\r$\n$_CLICK"
+; Components Page
+${LangFileString} ShortcutGroupTitle "Lối tắt"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerGroupTitle "Các thành phần của MPlayer"
+${LangFileString} MPlayerMPVGroupTitle "Động cơ đa phương tiện"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer "SMPlayer (yêu cầu)"
+${LangFileString} Section_SMPlayer_Desc "SMPlayer, thư viện và tài liệu được chia sẻ."
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut "Desktop"
+${LangFileString} Section_DesktopShortcut_Desc "Tạo lối tắt đến SMPlayer trên desktop."
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu "Menu Bắt đầu"
+${LangFileString} Section_StartMenu_Desc "Tạo mục Menu Bắt đầu cho SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer "MPlayer (yêu cầu)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayer_Desc "MPlayer; yêu cầu cho việc phát lại."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs "Bộ mã nhị phân"
+!ifdef WIN64
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Các bộ mã nhị phân chưa được hỗ trợ trong phiên bản này."
+${LangFileString} Section_MPlayerCodecs_Desc "Những bộ mã tuỳ chọn cho MPlayer. (Yêu cầu có kết nối Internet để cài đặt)"
+${LangFileString} Section_MPV_Desc "Một bản sao đa tính năng của MPlayer && MPlayer2"
+${LangFileString} Section_MEncoder_Desc "Một chương trình đi kèm với MPlayer, có thể dùng để chuyển mã hoặc chuyển đổi dòng dữ liệu âm thanh hoặc video được hỗ trợ."
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes "Chủ đề biểu tượng"
+${LangFileString} Section_IconThemes_Desc "Những chủ đề biểu tượng khác cho SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations "Ngôn ngữ"
+${LangFileString} Section_Translations_Desc "Những tập tin ngôn ngữ không phải tiếng Anh cho SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Section_ResetSettings_Desc "Xoá những cài đặt SMPlayer còn sót lại từ những lần cài đặt trước đây."
+${LangFileString} MPlayer_Codec_Msg "Những gói bộ mã nhị phân thêm hỗ trợ bộ mã không được tích hợp tự nhiên, như các biến thể mới của RealVideo và nhiều định dạng không phổ biến khác.$\nLưu ý rằng chúng không cần thiết để phát những định dạng phổ biến như DVD, MPEG-1/2/4..."
+; Upgrade/Reinstall Page
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_Text "Chọn cách cài đặt"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Header_SubText "Chọn Chế độ Thay thế hoặc Gỡ bỏ."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg1 "Bạn đã có một bản cài đặt SMPlayer trong thư mục sau:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg2 "Hãy chọn cách tiến hành:"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Overwrite "Thay thế ($Inst_Type) bản cài đặt đang có"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Uninstall "Gỡ bỏ (xoá) bản cài đặt đang có"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_1 "Bấm Bắt đầu khi sẵn sàng tiến hành."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_2 "Bấm Tiếp theo khi sẵn sàng tiến hành."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg3_3 "Bấm Gỡ bỏ khi sẵn sàng tiến hành."
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg4 "Thay đổi Thiết lập Cài đặt"
+${LangFileString} Reinstall_Msg5 "Đặt lại cấu hình SMPlayer của tôi"
+${LangFileString} Remove_Settings_Confirmation "Bạn có thật sự muốn xoá thiết lập của SMPlayer không? Sau khi đã xoá sẽ không thể khôi phục lại"
+${LangFileString} Type_Reinstall "cài lại"
+${LangFileString} Type_Downgrade "hạ cấp"
+${LangFileString} Type_Upgrade "nâng cấp"
+${LangFileString} StartBtn "Bắt đầu"
+; Codecs Section
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Msg "Đang tải xuống bộ mã MPlayer..."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Retry "Các bộ mã MPlayer chưa được cài đặt thành công. Thử lại?"
+${LangFileString} Codecs_DL_Failed "Không tải tải xuống các bộ mã MPlayer: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} Codecs_Inst_Failed "Không thể cài đặt các bộ mã MPlayer."
+; Uninstaller
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_No_Admin "Bản cài đặt này chỉ có thể được gỡ bỏ bởi người dùng có quyền quản trị."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_Aborted "Quá trình gỡ bỏ bị huỷ bỏ bởi người dùng."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_NotInstalled "Có vẻ như SMPlayer không được cài đặt trong thư mục '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nCứ tiếp tục (không khuyến cáo)?"
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_InvalidDirectory "Không phát hiện bản cài đặt SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} Uninstaller_64bitOnly "Bản cài đặt này chỉ có thể được gỡ bỏ trên Windows 64-bit."
+; Vista & Later Default Programs Registration
+${LangFileString} Application_Description "SMPlayer là bản hoàn thiện của MPlayer cho người dùng, từ những tính năng cơ bản như phát video, DVD, VCD đến nhiều tính năng nâng cao như hỗ trợ những bộ lọc MPlayer, danh sách edl và nhiều hơn nữa."
+; Misc
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Backup "Đang sao lưu các bộ mã từ bản cài đặt trước..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Codecs_Restore "Đang phục hồi các bộ mã từ bản cài đặt trước..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Files "Đang xoá tập tin..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Registry "Đang xoá khoá registry..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Del_Shortcuts "Đang xoá lối tắt..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Rest_Assoc "Đang phục hồi liên kết tập tin..."
+${LangFileString} Info_RollBack "Đang phục hồi thay đổi..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Files_Extract "Đang trích xuất tập tin..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Backup "Đang sao lưu SMTube..."
+${LangFileString} Info_SMTube_Restore "Đang phục hồi SMTube từ bản cài đặt trước..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Backup "Sao lưu mpv..."
+${LangFileString} Info_MPV_Restore "Phục hồi MPV từ lần cài đặt trước..."
+; MPV
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Msg "Đang tải MPV xuống..."
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Retry "mpv chưa được cài đặt thành công. Thử lại?"
+${LangFileString} MPV_DL_Failed "Không thể tải xuống mpv: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} MPV_Inst_Failed "Không thể cài đặt mpv."
+; YouTube-DL
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Retry "youtube-dl chưa được cài đặt thành công. Thử lại?"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_DL_Failed "Không thể tải xuống youtube-dl: '$R0'."
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Update_Check "Đang tìm cập nhật cho youtube-dl"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg1 "Warning: youtube-dl exited abnormally with exit code: $YTDL_Exit_code"
+${LangFileString} YTDL_Error_Msg2 "Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) is required for youtube-dl."
+; SMTube
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg1 "The current SMTube installation is incompatible with this version of SMPlayer."
+${LangFileString} SMTube_Incompatible_Msg2 "Please upgrade to a newer version of SMTube."
+; Post install
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_Fontconfig "Đang xoá cache của fontconfig..."
+${LangFileString} Info_Cleaning_SMPlayer "Đang xoá thiết lập của SMPlayer..."