@echo off echo This batch file can help you to create a directory with all required files echo Just change the variables at the beginning echo. echo Warning: it will only work with sources from the SVN and the command svn has to be in the path echo. set /P QTVER="Qt Version (Default: 4.7.4): " if "%QTVER%"=="" set QTVER=4.7.4 set OUTPUT_DIR=smplayer-build set SMPLAYER_DIR=svn\smplayer set SMTUBE_DIR=svn\smtube set SMPLAYER_THEMES_DIR=svn\smplayer-themes set SMPLAYER_SKINS_DIR=svn\smplayer-skins set MPLAYER_DIR=mplayer set QT_DIR=C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\%QTVER%\mingw echo. echo ###### SMPlayer, QT libs ####### echo. mkdir %OUTPUT_DIR% copy %SMPLAYER_DIR%\src\release\smplayer.exe %OUTPUT_DIR% copy %SMPLAYER_DIR%\dxlist\release\dxlist.exe %OUTPUT_DIR% copy %SMPLAYER_DIR%\zlib\zlib1.dll %OUTPUT_DIR% copy %SMPLAYER_DIR%\setup\sample.avi %OUTPUT_DIR% copy %SMPLAYER_DIR%\*.txt %OUTPUT_DIR% copy %QT_DIR%\bin\QtCore4.dll %OUTPUT_DIR% copy %QT_DIR%\bin\QtGui4.dll %OUTPUT_DIR% copy %QT_DIR%\bin\QtNetwork4.dll %OUTPUT_DIR% copy %QT_DIR%\bin\QtXml4.dll %OUTPUT_DIR% copy %QT_DIR%\bin\mingwm10.dll %OUTPUT_DIR% if %QTVER% geq 4.6.0 ( copy %QT_DIR%\bin\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll %OUTPUT_DIR% ) mkdir %OUTPUT_DIR%\imageformats copy %QT_DIR%\plugins\imageformats\qjpeg4.dll %OUTPUT_DIR%\imageformats\ echo. echo ###### Translations ####### echo. mkdir %OUTPUT_DIR%\translations copy %SMPLAYER_DIR%\src\translations\*.qm %OUTPUT_DIR%\translations echo. echo ###### Qt Translations ####### echo. copy %QT_DIR%\translations\qt_*.qm %OUTPUT_DIR%\translations del %OUTPUT_DIR%\translations\qt_help_*.qm echo. echo ###### Shortcuts ####### echo. mkdir %OUTPUT_DIR%\shortcuts copy %SMPLAYER_DIR%\src\shortcuts\*.keys %OUTPUT_DIR%\shortcuts echo. echo ###### Documentation ####### echo. svn export --force %SMPLAYER_DIR%\docs %OUTPUT_DIR%\docs echo. echo ###### Icon Themes ####### echo. svn export --force %SMPLAYER_THEMES_DIR%\themes %OUTPUT_DIR%\themes echo. echo ###### Skins Themes ####### echo. svn export --force %SMPLAYER_SKINS_DIR%\themes %OUTPUT_DIR%\themes echo. echo ###### MPlayer ####### echo. xcopy %MPLAYER_DIR% %OUTPUT_DIR%\mplayer\ /E echo. echo ###### SMTUBE ####### echo. copy %SMTUBE_DIR%\src\release\smtube.exe %OUTPUT_DIR% copy %SMTUBE_DIR%\src\translations\*.qm %OUTPUT_DIR%\translations mkdir %OUTPUT_DIR%\docs\smtube copy %SMTUBE_DIR%\*.txt %OUTPUT_DIR%\docs\smtube echo.