@echo off if exist "turnon_echo" ( @echo on ) :: Reset working dir especially when using 'Run as administrator' @cd /d "%~dp0" echo This batch file can help you to create a packages for SMPlayer and MPlayer. echo. echo This script will temporarily rename the smplayer-build and mplayer directories. echo Make sure these files ^& directories are not opened when running the script. echo. echo 1 - NSIS 10 - NSIS [32-bit/64-bit] echo 2 - NSIS [64-bit] 11 - Portable [32-bit/64-bit] echo 3 - Portable 20 - Portable SFX [32-bit/64-bit] echo 4 - Portable [64-bit] echo 5 - Without MPlayer echo 6 - Without MPlayer [64-bit] echo. :: Relative directory of all the source files to this script set TOP_LEVEL_DIR=.. :: Reset in case ran again in same command prompt instance set ALL_PKG_VER= set VER_MAJOR= set VER_MINOR= set VER_BUILD= set VER_REVISION= set VER_REV_CMD= set MAKENSIS_EXE_PATH= :: NSIS path if exist "nsis_path" ( for /f "tokens=*" %%y in ('type nsis_path') do if exist %%y set MAKENSIS_EXE_PATH="%%y" ) if not defined MAKENSIS_EXE_PATH ( for %%x in ("%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe" "%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe") do if exist %%x set MAKENSIS_EXE_PATH=%%x ) if not defined MAKENSIS_EXE_PATH ( echo Warning: Unable to locate NSIS in the default path, create the file ^'nsis_path^' with the full correct path echo to makensis.exe or the existing ^'nsis_path^' may be incorrect. echo. ) :: Works only in Vista+ where /q where.exe 2>NUL && ( where /q 7za.exe 2>NUL || ( echo Warning: 7za.exe not found in path or current directory! echo. ) ) set SMPLAYER_DIR=%TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-build set SMPLAYER_DIR64=%TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-build64 set MPLAYER_DIR=%TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\mplayer set OUTPUT_DIR=%TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\output set PORTABLE_EXE_DIR=%TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\portable :cmdline_parsing if "%1" == "" goto reask for %%w in (1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 20) do ( if "%1" == "%%w" ( set USER_CHOICE=%%w goto pkgver ) ) echo Unknown option: "%1" echo. goto superend :reask set USER_CHOICE= set /P USER_CHOICE="Choose an action: " echo. for %%z in (1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 20) do if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "%%z" goto pkgver if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "" goto superend goto reask :pkgver if exist "pkg_version" ( for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('type pkg_version') do set ALL_PKG_VER=%%i goto parse_version ) echo Format: VER_MAJOR.VER_MINOR.VER_BUILD[.VER_REVISION] echo VER_REVISION is optional (set to 0 if blank) :pkgver_manual echo. set ALL_PKG_VER= set VER_MAJOR= set VER_MINOR= set VER_BUILD= set VER_REVISION= set VER_REV_CMD= set /p ALL_PKG_VER="Version: " echo. :parse_version for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%j in ("%ALL_PKG_VER%") do set VER_MAJOR=%%j for /f "tokens=2 delims=." %%k in ("%ALL_PKG_VER%") do set VER_MINOR=%%k for /f "tokens=3 delims=." %%l in ("%ALL_PKG_VER%") do set VER_BUILD=%%l for /f "tokens=4 delims=." %%m in ("%ALL_PKG_VER%") do set VER_REVISION=%%m echo %VER_MAJOR%|findstr /r /c:"^[0-9][0-9]*$" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo Invalid version string. VER_MAJOR is not defined or is not a number [#.x.x] goto pkgver_manual & ver>nul ) echo %VER_MINOR%|findstr /r /c:"^[0-9][0-9]*$" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo Invalid version string. VER_MINOR is not defined or is not a number [x.#.x] goto pkgver_manual & ver>nul ) echo %VER_BUILD%|findstr /r /c:"^[0-9][0-9]*$" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo Invalid version string. VER_BUILD is not defined or is not a number [x.x.#] goto pkgver_manual & ver>nul ) if defined VER_REVISION ( echo %VER_REVISION%|findstr /r /c:"^[0-9][0-9]*$" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo Invalid version string. VER_REVISION is not a number [x.x.x.#] goto pkgver_manual & ver>nul ) else ( set VER_REV_CMD=/DVER_REVISION=%VER_REVISION% & ver>nul ) ) else ( set VER_REV_CMD= ) if not defined VER_REVISION ( set PORTABLE_PKG_VER=%ALL_PKG_VER%.0 ) else ( set PORTABLE_PKG_VER=%ALL_PKG_VER% ) if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "1" goto nsispkg if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "2" goto nsispkg64 if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "3" goto portable if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "4" goto portable64 if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "5" goto nomplayer if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "6" goto nomplayer64 if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "10" goto nsispkg if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "11" goto portable if "%USER_CHOICE%" == "20" goto portablesfx :: Should not happen goto end :nsispkg echo --- SMPlayer NSIS Package [32-bit] --- echo. if exist %TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-build ( %MAKENSIS_EXE_PATH% /V3 /DVER_MAJOR=%VER_MAJOR% /DVER_MINOR=%VER_MINOR% /DVER_BUILD=%VER_BUILD% %VER_REV_CMD% %TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer.nsi ) if not "%USER_CHOICE%" == "10" goto end :nsispkg64 echo --- SMPlayer NSIS Package [64-bit] --- echo. if exist %TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-build64 ( %MAKENSIS_EXE_PATH% /V3 /DVER_MAJOR=%VER_MAJOR% /DVER_MINOR=%VER_MINOR% /DVER_BUILD=%VER_BUILD% %VER_REV_CMD% /DWIN64 %TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer.nsi ) goto end :portable echo --- SMPlayer Portable Package [32-bit] --- echo. if not exist %SMPLAYER_DIR% ( echo SMPlayer sources missing. goto end ) REM Check for portable exes if not exist "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smplayer-portable.exe" ( echo SMPlayer portable EXE not found! goto end ) REM if not exist "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smtube-portable.exe" ( REM echo Warning: SMTube portable EXE not found! REM ) ren "%SMPLAYER_DIR%" "smplayer-portable-%PORTABLE_PKG_VER%" set SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR="%TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-portable-%PORTABLE_PKG_VER%" if not exist "%TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-portable-%PORTABLE_PKG_VER%" ( echo Oops! Unable to find renamed directory, make sure no files are opened. goto end ) echo Backing up files... ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.exe" smplayer.bak REM ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.exe" smtube.bak echo Creating screenshots dir... mkdir "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\screenshots" echo Creating smplayer.ini... echo [%%General]> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini" echo screenshot_directory=.\\screenshots>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini" echo.>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini" echo [smplayer]>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini" echo check_if_upgraded=false>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini" echo Creating smplayer_orig.ini... echo [%%General]> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini" echo screenshot_directory=.\\screenshots>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini" echo.>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini" echo [smplayer]>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini" echo check_if_upgraded=false>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini" REM echo Creating mplayer config... REM echo ^../fontconfig^> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\fonts\local.conf" echo Copying portable .exe... copy /y "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smplayer-portable.exe" "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.exe" REM copy /y "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smtube-portable.exe" "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.exe" echo Finalizing package... 7za a -t7z "%OUTPUT_DIR%\smplayer-portable-%PORTABLE_PKG_VER%.7z" "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%" -xr!*.bak* -xr!qxtcore.dll -xr!mplayer64.exe -xr!mencoder.exe -xr!mencoder64.exe -xr!mplayer64.exe.debug -xr!mencoder64.exe.debug -xr!mplayer.exe.debug -xr!mencoder.exe.debug -xr!gdb.exe -xr!gdb64.exe -xr!vfw2menc.exe -xr!buildinfo -xr!buildinfo64 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-32 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-debug-32 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-32 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-debug-32 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-64 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-debug-64 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-64 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-debug-64 -xr!mpv64.exe -xr!mpv64.com -mx9 >nul echo. echo Restoring source folder(s) back to its original state... echo. rmdir "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\screenshots" del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini" del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini" del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.exe" REM del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.exe" REM del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\fonts\local.conf" ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.bak" smplayer.exe REM ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.bak" smtube.exe ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%" smplayer-build if not "%USER_CHOICE%" == "11" goto end :portable64 echo --- SMPlayer Portable Package [64-bit] --- echo. if not exist %SMPLAYER_DIR64% ( echo SMPlayer sources missing. goto end ) REM Check for portable exes if not exist "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smplayer-portable64.exe" ( echo SMPlayer portable EXE not found! goto end ) REM if not exist "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smtube-portable64.exe" ( REM echo Warning: SMTube portable EXE not found! REM ) ren "%SMPLAYER_DIR64%" "smplayer-portable-%PORTABLE_PKG_VER%-x64" set SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR="%TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-portable-%PORTABLE_PKG_VER%-x64" if not exist "%TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-portable-%PORTABLE_PKG_VER%-x64" ( echo Oops! Unable to find renamed directory, make sure no files are opened. goto end ) echo Backing up files... ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.exe" smplayer.bak REM ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.exe" smtube.bak ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\mplayer.exe" mplayer.exe.bak32 ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\mplayer64.exe" mplayer.exe if exist "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\fonts" ( ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\fonts" fonts.bak32 ) if exist "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv" ( ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv" mpv.bak32 ) ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv.exe" mpv.exe.bak32 ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv.com" mpv.com.bak32 ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv64.exe" mpv.exe ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv64.com" mpv.com echo Creating screenshots dir... mkdir "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\screenshots" echo Creating smplayer.ini... echo [%%General]> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini" echo screenshot_directory=.\\screenshots>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini" echo.>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini" echo [smplayer]>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini" echo check_if_upgraded=false>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini" echo Creating smplayer_orig.ini... echo [%%General]> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini" echo screenshot_directory=.\\screenshots>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini" echo.>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini" echo [smplayer]>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini" echo check_if_upgraded=false>> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini" REM echo Creating mplayer config... REM echo ^../fontconfig^> "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\fonts\local.conf" echo Copying portable .exe... copy /y "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smplayer-portable64.exe" "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.exe" REM copy /y "%PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smtube-portable64.exe" "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.exe" echo Finalizing package... 7za a -t7z "%OUTPUT_DIR%\smplayer-portable-%PORTABLE_PKG_VER%-x64.7z" "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%" -xr!*.bak* -xr!qxtcore.dll -xr!mencoder.exe -xr!mencoder64.exe -xr!mplayer64.exe.debug -xr!mencoder64.exe.debug -xr!mplayer.exe.debug -xr!mencoder.exe.debug -xr!gdb.exe -xr!gdb64.exe -xr!vfw2menc.exe -xr!codecs -xr!buildinfo -xr!buildinfo64 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-32 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-debug-32 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-32 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-debug-32 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-64 -xr!buildinfo-mencoder-debug-64 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-64 -xr!buildinfo-mplayer-debug-64 -mx9 >nul echo. echo Restoring source folder(s) back to its original state... echo. rmdir "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\screenshots" del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.ini" del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer_orig.ini" del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.exe" REM del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.exe" ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\mplayer.exe" mplayer64.exe ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\mplayer.exe.bak32" mplayer.exe REM del "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mplayer\fonts\local.conf" ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smplayer.bak" smplayer.exe REM ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\smtube.bak" smtube.exe ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv.exe" mpv64.exe ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv.com" mpv64.com ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv.exe.bak32" mpv.exe ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv.com.bak32" mpv.com if exist "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\fonts.bak32" ( ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\fonts.bak32" fonts ) if exist "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv.bak32" ( ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%\mpv\mpv.bak32" mpv ) ren "%SMPLAYER_PORTABLE_DIR%" smplayer-build64 goto end :portablesfx if exist %PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smplayer-portable.exe ( if exist %TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-build ( %MAKENSIS_EXE_PATH% /V3 /DVER_MAJOR=%VER_MAJOR% /DVER_MINOR=%VER_MINOR% /DVER_BUILD=%VER_BUILD% %VER_REV_CMD% %TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smportable.nsi ) ) if exist %PORTABLE_EXE_DIR%\smplayer-portable64.exe ( if exist %TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-build64 ( %MAKENSIS_EXE_PATH% /V3 /DVER_MAJOR=%VER_MAJOR% /DVER_MINOR=%VER_MINOR% /DVER_BUILD=%VER_BUILD% %VER_REV_CMD% /DWIN64 %TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smportable.nsi ) ) goto end :nomplayer echo --- Creating SMPlayer w/o MPlayer Package [32-bit] --- echo. ren %SMPLAYER_DIR% smplayer-%ALL_PKG_VER% set SMPLAYER_NOMP_DIR=%TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-%ALL_PKG_VER% :: echo Finalizing package... 7za a -t7z %OUTPUT_DIR%\smplayer-%ALL_PKG_VER%_without_mplayer.7z %SMPLAYER_NOMP_DIR% -xr!mplayer -mx9 >nul ren %SMPLAYER_NOMP_DIR% smplayer-build echo. echo Restoring source folder(s) back to its original state.... goto end :nomplayer64 echo --- Creating SMPlayer w/o MPlayer Package [64-bit] --- echo. ren %SMPLAYER_DIR64% smplayer-%ALL_PKG_VER%-x64 set SMPLAYER_NOMP_DIR=%TOP_LEVEL_DIR%\smplayer-%ALL_PKG_VER%-x64 :: echo Finalizing package... 7za a -t7z %OUTPUT_DIR%\smplayer-%ALL_PKG_VER%-x64_without_mplayer.7z %SMPLAYER_NOMP_DIR% -xr!mplayer -mx9 >nul ren %SMPLAYER_NOMP_DIR% smplayer-build64 echo. echo Restoring source folder(s) back to its original state.... goto end :end timeout /t 10 :superend set ALL_PKG_VER= set VER_MAJOR= set VER_MINOR= set VER_BUILD= set VER_REVISION=