/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer. Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Ricardo Villalba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef BASEGUI_H #define BASEGUI_H #include #include #include "mediadata.h" #include "mediasettings.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "core.h" #include "config.h" #include "guiconfig.h" #ifdef AVOID_SCREENSAVER #include #endif #ifdef MOUSE_GESTURES #define MG_DELAYED_SEEK #endif //#define SHARE_MENU //#define DETECT_MINIMIZE_WORKAROUND #if !defined(Q_OS_WIN) && QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 && QT_VERSION < 0x050501 #define NUMPAD_WORKAROUND #endif class QWidget; class QMenu; class LogWindow; class InfoWindow; class MplayerWindow; class QLabel; class FilePropertiesDialog; class VideoEqualizer; class AudioEqualizer; class Playlist; #ifdef FIND_SUBTITLES class FindSubtitlesWindow; #endif #ifdef VIDEOPREVIEW class VideoPreview; #endif class MyAction; class MyActionGroup; class PreferencesDialog; class Favorites; class TVList; class UpdateChecker; #ifdef SHARE_WIDGET class ShareWidget; #endif #ifndef SHARE_WIDGET #define DONATE_REMINDER #endif class BaseGui : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: BaseGui( QWidget* parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0 ); ~BaseGui(); /* Return true if the window shouldn't show on startup */ virtual bool startHidden() { return false; }; //! Execute all actions in \a actions. The actions should be //! separated by spaces. Checkable actions could have a parameter: //! true or false. void runActions(QString actions); //! Execute all the actions after the video has started to play void runActionsLater(QString actions) { pending_actions_to_run = actions; }; #ifdef LOG_SMPLAYER //! Saves the line from the smplayer output void recordSmplayerLog(QString line); #endif Core * getCore() { return core; }; Playlist * getPlaylist() { return playlist; }; public slots: virtual void open(QString file); // Generic open, autodetect type. virtual void openFile(); virtual void openFile(QString file); virtual void openFiles(QStringList files); virtual void openFavorite(QString file); virtual void openURL(); virtual void openURL(QString url); virtual void openVCD(); virtual void openAudioCD(); virtual void openDVD(); virtual void openDVDFromFolder(); virtual void openDVDFromFolder(QString directory); #ifdef BLURAY_SUPPORT void openBluRay(); void openBluRayFromFolder(); void openBluRayFromFolder(QString directory); #endif virtual void openDirectory(); virtual void openDirectory(QString directory); virtual void helpFirstSteps(); virtual void helpFAQ(); virtual void helpCLOptions(); virtual void helpCheckUpdates(); virtual void helpDonate(); #ifndef SHARE_ACTIONS void showHelpDonateDialog(bool * accepted = 0); #endif virtual void helpShowConfig(); virtual void helpAbout(); #ifdef SHARE_MENU virtual void shareSMPlayer(); #endif virtual void loadSub(); virtual void loadAudioFile(); // Load external audio file void setInitialSubtitle(const QString & subtitle_file); #ifdef FIND_SUBTITLES virtual void showFindSubtitlesDialog(); virtual void openUploadSubtitlesPage(); //turbos #endif #ifdef VIDEOPREVIEW virtual void showVideoPreviewDialog(); #endif #ifdef YOUTUBE_SUPPORT virtual void showTubeBrowser(); #endif virtual void showPlaylist(); virtual void showPlaylist(bool b); virtual void showVideoEqualizer(); virtual void showVideoEqualizer(bool b); virtual void showAudioEqualizer(); virtual void showAudioEqualizer(bool b); #ifdef LOG_MPLAYER virtual void showMplayerLog(); #endif #ifdef LOG_SMPLAYER virtual void showLog(); #endif virtual void showPreferencesDialog(); virtual void showFilePropertiesDialog(); virtual void showGotoDialog(); virtual void showSubDelayDialog(); virtual void showAudioDelayDialog(); virtual void showStereo3dDialog(); #ifdef BOOKMARKS virtual void showAddBookmarkDialog(); virtual void showBookmarkDialog(); #endif virtual void exitFullscreen(); virtual void toggleFullscreen(); virtual void toggleFullscreen(bool); virtual void toggleCompactMode(); virtual void toggleCompactMode(bool); void setStayOnTop(bool b); virtual void changeStayOnTop(int); virtual void checkStayOnTop(Core::State); void toggleStayOnTop(); void setForceCloseOnFinish(int n) { arg_close_on_finish = n; }; int forceCloseOnFinish() { return arg_close_on_finish; }; void setForceStartInFullscreen(int n) { arg_start_in_fullscreen = n; }; int forceStartInFullscreen() { return arg_start_in_fullscreen; }; protected slots: virtual void closeWindow(); virtual void setJumpTexts(); // Replace for setCaption (in Qt 4 it's not virtual) virtual void setWindowCaption(const QString & title); //virtual void openRecent(int item); virtual void openRecent(); virtual void enterFullscreenOnPlay(); virtual void exitFullscreenOnStop(); virtual void exitFullscreenIfNeeded(); virtual void playlistHasFinished(); virtual void addToPlaylistCurrentFile(); virtual void displayState(Core::State state); virtual void displayMessage(QString message, int time); virtual void displayMessage(QString message); virtual void gotCurrentTime(double); virtual void initializeMenus(); virtual void updateWidgets(); virtual void updateVideoEqualizer(); virtual void updateAudioEqualizer(); virtual void setDefaultValuesFromVideoEqualizer(); virtual void changeVideoEqualizerBySoftware(bool b); virtual void newMediaLoaded(); virtual void updateMediaInfo(); void gotNoFileToPlay(); void checkPendingActionsToRun(); #if REPORT_OLD_MPLAYER void checkMplayerVersion(); void displayWarningAboutOldMplayer(); #endif #ifdef CHECK_UPGRADED void checkIfUpgraded(); #endif #ifdef DONATE_REMINDER void checkReminder(); #endif #ifdef YOUTUBE_SUPPORT void YTNoSslSupport(); void YTNoSignature(const QString &); #ifdef YT_USE_YTSIG void YTUpdateScript(); #endif #endif void gotForbidden(); #if AUTODISABLE_ACTIONS virtual void enableActionsOnPlaying(); virtual void disableActionsOnStop(); #endif virtual void togglePlayAction(Core::State); void changeSizeFactor(int factor); void toggleDoubleSize(); void resizeMainWindow(int w, int h); void resizeWindow(int w, int h); virtual void hidePanel(); void centerWindow(); /* virtual void playlistVisibilityChanged(); */ virtual void displayGotoTime(int); //! You can call this slot to jump to the specified percentage in the video, while dragging the slider. virtual void goToPosOnDragging(int); virtual void showPopupMenu(); virtual void showPopupMenu( QPoint p ); /* virtual void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * e ); virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * e ); */ virtual void leftClickFunction(); virtual void rightClickFunction(); virtual void doubleClickFunction(); virtual void middleClickFunction(); virtual void xbutton1ClickFunction(); virtual void xbutton2ClickFunction(); virtual void processFunction(QString function); virtual void dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent * ) ; virtual void dropEvent ( QDropEvent * ); virtual void applyNewPreferences(); virtual void applyFileProperties(); virtual void clearRecentsList(); virtual void loadActions(); virtual void saveActions(); virtual void processMouseMovedDiff(QPoint diff); virtual void moveWindowDiff(QPoint diff); #ifdef MG_DELAYED_SEEK virtual void delayedSeek(); #endif // Single instance stuff #ifdef SINGLE_INSTANCE void handleMessageFromOtherInstances(const QString& message); #endif //! Called when core can't parse the mplayer version and there's no //! version supplied by the user void askForMplayerVersion(QString); void showExitCodeFromMplayer(int exit_code); void showErrorFromMplayer(QProcess::ProcessError); // stylesheet #if ALLOW_CHANGE_STYLESHEET virtual QString loadQss(QString filename); virtual void changeStyleSheet(QString style); #endif void applyStyles(); virtual void setTabletMode(bool); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN void checkSystemTabletMode(); void systemTabletModeChanged(bool); #ifdef AVOID_SCREENSAVER void clear_just_stopped(); #endif #endif #ifdef LOG_MPLAYER //! Clears the mplayer log void clearMplayerLog(); //! Saves the line from the mplayer output void recordMplayerLog(QString line); //! Saves the mplayer log to a file every time a file is loaded void autosaveMplayerLog(); #endif signals: void frameChanged(int); void ABMarkersChanged(int secs_a, int secs_b); void videoInfoChanged(int width, int height, double fps); void timeChanged(QString time_ready_to_print); void timeChanged(double current_time); /* void wheelUp(); void wheelDown(); */ /* void doubleClicked(); void leftClicked(); void middleClicked(); */ //! Sent when the user wants to close the main window void quitSolicited(); //! Sent when another instance requested to play a file void openFileRequested(); #ifdef GUI_CHANGE_ON_RUNTIME void guiChanged(QString gui); #endif void preferencesChanged(); void tabletModeChanged(bool new_mode); protected: virtual void retranslateStrings(); virtual void changeEvent(QEvent * event); #ifndef DETECT_MINIMIZE_WORKAROUND virtual void hideEvent( QHideEvent * ); virtual void showEvent( QShowEvent * ); #else virtual bool event(QEvent * e); bool was_minimized; #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN virtual bool winEvent ( MSG * m, long * result ); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 virtual bool nativeEvent(const QByteArray &eventType, void * message, long * result); #endif #endif #ifdef NUMPAD_WORKAROUND void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event); #endif virtual void aboutToEnterFullscreen(); virtual void aboutToExitFullscreen(); virtual void aboutToEnterCompactMode(); virtual void aboutToExitCompactMode(); protected: void createCore(); void createMplayerWindow(); void createVideoEqualizer(); void createAudioEqualizer(); void createPlaylist(); void createPanel(); void createPreferencesDialog(); void createFilePropertiesDialog(); void setDataToFileProperties(); void createActions(); #if AUTODISABLE_ACTIONS void setActionsEnabled(bool); #endif void createMenus(); virtual void populateMainMenu(); #ifdef BOOKMARKS void updateBookmarks(); #endif void updateRecents(); void configureDiscDevices(); void setupNetworkProxy(); /* virtual void closeEvent( QCloseEvent * e ); */ protected: /* virtual void wheelEvent( QWheelEvent * e ) ; */ protected: QWidget * panel; // Menu File MyAction * openFileAct; MyAction * openDirectoryAct; MyAction * openPlaylistAct; MyAction * openVCDAct; MyAction * openAudioCDAct; MyAction * openDVDAct; MyAction * openDVDFolderAct; #ifdef BLURAY_SUPPORT MyAction * openBluRayAct; MyAction * openBluRayFolderAct; #endif MyAction * openURLAct; MyAction * exitAct; MyAction * clearRecentsAct; // Menu Play MyAction * playAct; MyAction * playOrPauseAct; MyAction * pauseAct; MyAction * pauseAndStepAct; MyAction * stopAct; MyAction * frameStepAct; MyAction * frameBackStepAct; MyAction * rewind1Act; MyAction * rewind2Act; MyAction * rewind3Act; MyAction * forward1Act; MyAction * forward2Act; MyAction * forward3Act; MyAction * repeatAct; MyAction * setAMarkerAct; MyAction * setBMarkerAct; MyAction * clearABMarkersAct; MyAction * gotoAct; // Menu Speed MyAction * normalSpeedAct; MyAction * halveSpeedAct; MyAction * doubleSpeedAct; MyAction * decSpeed10Act; MyAction * incSpeed10Act; MyAction * decSpeed4Act; MyAction * incSpeed4Act; MyAction * decSpeed1Act; MyAction * incSpeed1Act; // Menu Video MyAction * fullscreenAct; MyAction * compactAct; MyAction * videoEqualizerAct; MyAction * screenshotAct; MyAction * screenshotsAct; #ifdef CAPTURE_STREAM MyAction * capturingAct; #endif #ifdef VIDEOPREVIEW MyAction * videoPreviewAct; #endif MyAction * flipAct; MyAction * mirrorAct; MyAction * stereo3dAct; MyAction * postProcessingAct; MyAction * phaseAct; MyAction * deblockAct; MyAction * deringAct; MyAction * gradfunAct; MyAction * addNoiseAct; MyAction * addLetterboxAct; MyAction * upscaleAct; // Menu Audio MyAction * audioEqualizerAct; MyAction * muteAct; MyAction * decVolumeAct; MyAction * incVolumeAct; MyAction * decAudioDelayAct; MyAction * incAudioDelayAct; MyAction * audioDelayAct; // Ask for delay MyAction * extrastereoAct; MyAction * karaokeAct; MyAction * volnormAct; #ifdef MPV_SUPPORT MyAction * earwaxAct; #endif MyAction * loadAudioAct; MyAction * unloadAudioAct; // Menu Subtitles MyAction * loadSubsAct; MyAction * unloadSubsAct; MyAction * decSubDelayAct; MyAction * incSubDelayAct; MyAction * subDelayAct; // Ask for delay MyAction * decSubPosAct; MyAction * incSubPosAct; MyAction * incSubStepAct; MyAction * decSubStepAct; MyAction * incSubScaleAct; MyAction * decSubScaleAct; #ifdef MPV_SUPPORT MyAction * seekNextSubAct; MyAction * seekPrevSubAct; #endif MyAction * useCustomSubStyleAct; MyAction * useForcedSubsOnlyAct; MyAction * subVisibilityAct; #ifdef FIND_SUBTITLES MyAction * showFindSubtitlesDialogAct; MyAction * openUploadSubtitlesPageAct;//turbos #endif // Menu Options MyAction * showPlaylistAct; MyAction * showPropertiesAct; MyAction * showPreferencesAct; #ifdef YOUTUBE_SUPPORT MyAction * showTubeBrowserAct; #endif #ifdef LOG_MPLAYER MyAction * showLogMplayerAct; #endif #ifdef LOG_SMPLAYER MyAction * showLogSmplayerAct; #endif MyAction * tabletModeAct; // Menu Help MyAction * showFirstStepsAct; MyAction * showFAQAct; MyAction * showCLOptionsAct; // Command line options MyAction * showCheckUpdatesAct; #if defined(YOUTUBE_SUPPORT) && defined(YT_USE_YTSIG) MyAction * updateYTAct; #endif MyAction * showConfigAct; MyAction * donateAct; MyAction * aboutThisAct; #ifdef SHARE_MENU MyAction * facebookAct; MyAction * twitterAct; MyAction * gmailAct; MyAction * hotmailAct; MyAction * yahooAct; #endif // OSD MyAction * incOSDScaleAct; MyAction * decOSDScaleAct; #ifdef MPV_SUPPORT MyAction * OSDFractionsAct; #endif // Playlist MyAction * playPrevAct; MyAction * playNextAct; // Actions not in menus #if !USE_MULTIPLE_SHORTCUTS MyAction * decVolume2Act; MyAction * incVolume2Act; #endif MyAction * exitFullscreenAct; MyAction * nextOSDAct; MyAction * decContrastAct; MyAction * incContrastAct; MyAction * decBrightnessAct; MyAction * incBrightnessAct; MyAction * decHueAct; MyAction * incHueAct; MyAction * decSaturationAct; MyAction * incSaturationAct; MyAction * decGammaAct; MyAction * incGammaAct; MyAction * nextVideoAct; MyAction * nextAudioAct; MyAction * nextSubtitleAct; MyAction * nextChapterAct; MyAction * prevChapterAct; MyAction * doubleSizeAct; MyAction * resetVideoEqualizerAct; MyAction * resetAudioEqualizerAct; MyAction * showContextMenuAct; MyAction * nextAspectAct; MyAction * nextWheelFunctionAct; MyAction * showFilenameAct; MyAction * showTimeAct; MyAction * toggleDeinterlaceAct; // Moving and zoom MyAction * moveUpAct; MyAction * moveDownAct; MyAction * moveLeftAct; MyAction * moveRightAct; MyAction * incZoomAct; MyAction * decZoomAct; MyAction * resetZoomAct; MyAction * autoZoomAct; MyAction * autoZoom169Act; MyAction * autoZoom235Act; // OSD Action Group MyActionGroup * osdGroup; MyAction * osdNoneAct; MyAction * osdSeekAct; MyAction * osdTimerAct; MyAction * osdTotalAct; // Denoise Action Group MyActionGroup * denoiseGroup; MyAction * denoiseNoneAct; MyAction * denoiseNormalAct; MyAction * denoiseSoftAct; // Blur-sharpen group MyActionGroup * unsharpGroup; MyAction * unsharpNoneAct; MyAction * blurAct; MyAction * sharpenAct; // Window Size Action Group MyActionGroup * sizeGroup; MyAction * size50; MyAction * size75; MyAction * size100; MyAction * size125; MyAction * size150; MyAction * size175; MyAction * size200; MyAction * size300; MyAction * size400; // Deinterlace Action Group MyActionGroup * deinterlaceGroup; MyAction * deinterlaceNoneAct; MyAction * deinterlaceL5Act; MyAction * deinterlaceYadif0Act; MyAction * deinterlaceYadif1Act; MyAction * deinterlaceLBAct; MyAction * deinterlaceKernAct; // Aspect Action Group MyActionGroup * aspectGroup; MyAction * aspectDetectAct; MyAction * aspectNoneAct; MyAction * aspect11Act; // 1:1 MyAction * aspect32Act; // 3:2 MyAction * aspect43Act; // 4:3 MyAction * aspect118Act; // 11:8 MyAction * aspect54Act; // 5:4 MyAction * aspect149Act; // 14:9 MyAction * aspect1410Act; // 14:10 MyAction * aspect169Act; // 16:9 MyAction * aspect1610Act; // 16:10 MyAction * aspect235Act; // 2.35:1 // Rotate Group MyActionGroup * rotateGroup; MyAction * rotateNoneAct; MyAction * rotateClockwiseFlipAct; MyAction * rotateClockwiseAct; MyAction * rotateCounterclockwiseAct; MyAction * rotateCounterclockwiseFlipAct; // Menu StayOnTop MyActionGroup * onTopActionGroup; MyAction * onTopAlwaysAct; MyAction * onTopNeverAct; MyAction * onTopWhilePlayingAct; MyAction * toggleStayOnTopAct; #if USE_ADAPTER // Screen Group MyActionGroup * screenGroup; MyAction * screenDefaultAct; #endif // Closed Captions Group MyActionGroup * ccGroup; MyAction * ccNoneAct; MyAction * ccChannel1Act; MyAction * ccChannel2Act; MyAction * ccChannel3Act; MyAction * ccChannel4Act; // External sub fps Group MyActionGroup * subFPSGroup; MyAction * subFPSNoneAct; /* MyAction * subFPS23Act; */ MyAction * subFPS23976Act; MyAction * subFPS24Act; MyAction * subFPS25Act; MyAction * subFPS29970Act; MyAction * subFPS30Act; // Audio Channels Action Group MyActionGroup * channelsGroup; MyAction * channelsDefaultAct; MyAction * channelsStereoAct; MyAction * channelsSurroundAct; MyAction * channelsFull51Act; MyAction * channelsFull61Act; MyAction * channelsFull71Act; // Stereo Mode Action Group MyActionGroup * stereoGroup; MyAction * stereoAct; MyAction * leftChannelAct; MyAction * rightChannelAct; MyAction * monoAct; MyAction * reverseAct; // Other groups #if PROGRAM_SWITCH MyActionGroup * programTrackGroup; #endif MyActionGroup * videoTrackGroup; MyActionGroup * audioTrackGroup; MyActionGroup * subtitleTrackGroup; #ifdef MPV_SUPPORT MyActionGroup * secondarySubtitleTrackGroup; #endif MyActionGroup * titleGroup; MyActionGroup * chapterGroup; MyActionGroup * angleGroup; #ifdef BOOKMARKS MyActionGroup * bookmarkGroup; MyAction * addBookmarkAct; MyAction * editBookmarksAct; MyAction * prevBookmarkAct; MyAction * nextBookmarkAct; #endif #if DVDNAV_SUPPORT MyAction * dvdnavUpAct; MyAction * dvdnavDownAct; MyAction * dvdnavLeftAct; MyAction * dvdnavRightAct; MyAction * dvdnavMenuAct; MyAction * dvdnavSelectAct; MyAction * dvdnavPrevAct; MyAction * dvdnavMouseAct; #endif // MENUS QMenu *openMenu; QMenu *playMenu; QMenu *videoMenu; QMenu *audioMenu; QMenu *subtitlesMenu; QMenu *browseMenu; QMenu *viewMenu; QMenu *optionsMenu; QMenu *helpMenu; QMenu * disc_menu; QMenu * subtitles_track_menu; #ifdef MPV_SUPPORT QMenu * secondary_subtitles_track_menu; #endif #if PROGRAM_SWITCH QMenu * programtrack_menu; #endif QMenu * videotrack_menu; QMenu * audiotrack_menu; QMenu * titles_menu; QMenu * chapters_menu; QMenu * angles_menu; #ifdef BOOKMARKS QMenu * bookmark_menu; #endif QMenu * aspect_menu; QMenu * osd_menu; QMenu * deinterlace_menu; QMenu * denoise_menu; QMenu * unsharp_menu; QMenu * videosize_menu; QMenu * audiochannels_menu; QMenu * stereomode_menu; QMenu * speed_menu; QMenu * ab_menu; // A-B menu QMenu * videofilter_menu; QMenu * audiofilter_menu; #if defined(LOG_MPLAYER) || defined(LOG_SMPLAYER) //QMenu * logs_menu; #endif QMenu * zoom_menu; QMenu * rotate_menu; QMenu * ontop_menu; #if USE_ADAPTER QMenu * screen_menu; #endif QMenu * closed_captions_menu; QMenu * subfps_menu; #ifdef SHARE_MENU QMenu * share_menu; #endif QMenu * popup; QMenu * recentfiles_menu; QMenu * access_menu; #ifdef LOG_MPLAYER LogWindow * mplayer_log_window; #endif #ifdef LOG_SMPLAYER LogWindow * smplayer_log_window; #endif InfoWindow * clhelp_window; PreferencesDialog *pref_dialog; FilePropertiesDialog *file_dialog; Playlist * playlist; VideoEqualizer * video_equalizer; AudioEqualizer * audio_equalizer; #ifdef FIND_SUBTITLES FindSubtitlesWindow * find_subs_dialog; #endif #ifdef VIDEOPREVIEW VideoPreview * video_preview; #endif Core * core; MplayerWindow *mplayerwindow; Favorites * favorites; #ifdef TV_SUPPORT TVList * tvlist; TVList * radiolist; #endif #ifdef UPDATE_CHECKER UpdateChecker * update_checker; #endif #ifdef SHARE_WIDGET ShareWidget * sharewidget; #endif QStringList actions_list; QString pending_actions_to_run; // Force settings from command line int arg_close_on_finish; // -1 = not set, 1 = true, 0 = false int arg_start_in_fullscreen; // -1 = not set, 1 = true, 0 = false #ifdef MG_DELAYED_SEEK QTimer * delayed_seek_timer; int delayed_seek_value; #endif private: QString default_style; // Variables to restore pos and size of the window // when exiting from fullscreen mode. QPoint win_pos; QSize win_size; bool was_maximized; #ifdef AVOID_SCREENSAVER bool just_stopped; #endif #ifdef LOG_MPLAYER QString mplayer_log; #endif #ifdef LOG_SMPLAYER QString smplayer_log; #endif bool ignore_show_hide_events; }; #endif