/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer. Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Ricardo Villalba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "chromecast.h" #include "links.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "helper.h" #ifdef CONVERT_TO_VTT #include "subreader.h" #endif //#define CHROMECAST_USE_SERVER_WEBFSD //#define CHROMECAST_USE_SERVER_SIMPLE_WEB_SERVER #if !defined(CHROMECAST_USE_SERVER_WEBFSD) && !defined(CHROMECAST_USE_SERVER_SIMPLE_WEB_SERVER) #define CHROMECAST_USE_SERVER_SIMPLE_WEB_SERVER #endif Chromecast * Chromecast::instance_obj = 0; Chromecast * Chromecast::instance() { if (instance_obj == 0) { instance_obj = new Chromecast(); } return instance_obj; } void Chromecast::deleteInstance() { if (instance_obj) { delete instance_obj; instance_obj = 0; } } Chromecast::Chromecast(QObject * parent) : QObject(parent) , server_process(0) , settings(0) , server_port(8010) , directory_listing(true) , server_needs_restart(false) { #ifdef CONVERT_TO_VTT autoconvert_to_vtt = true; sub_encoding = "ISO-8859-1"; sub_position = -1; overwrite_vtt = false; use_sub_filter = true; #endif } Chromecast::~Chromecast() { if (server_process) { stopServer(); } saveSettings(); } void Chromecast::openStream(const QString & url, const QString & title) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(URL_CHROMECAST "/?title=" + title.toUtf8().toBase64() + "&url=" + url.toUtf8().toBase64())); } void Chromecast::openLocal(const QString & file, const QString & title, const QString & subtitle) { qDebug() << "Chromecast::openLocal: file:" << file << "subtitle:" << subtitle; QFileInfo fi(file); QString dir = fi.absolutePath(); QString filename = fi.fileName(); qDebug() << "Chromecast::openLocal: dir:" << dir; qDebug() << "Chromecast::openLocal: filename:" << filename; QString local_address = localAddress(); if (local_address.isEmpty()) local_address = findLocalAddress(); qDebug() << "Chromecast::openLocal: chosen address:" << local_address; // Find subtitle file #ifdef SERVE_FILE_DIR_ONLY QString sub_filename; if (!subtitle.isEmpty()) { // Check if subtitle is in the video directory if (QFile::exists(dir +"/"+ subtitle)) { sub_filename = subtitle; qDebug() << "Chromecast::openLocal: sub_filename:" << sub_filename; } else { // Check if it's an absolute path if (QFile::exists(subtitle)) { QFileInfo sub_fi(subtitle); if (QFile::exists(dir +"/"+ sub_fi.fileName())) { sub_filename = sub_fi.fileName(); } } } sub_filename = checkForVTT(dir, sub_filename); qDebug() << "Chromecast::openLocal: sub_filename:" << sub_filename; } #else QString sub_filepath; if (!subtitle.isEmpty()) { if (QFile::exists(subtitle)) { sub_filepath = subtitle; } else { if (QFile::exists(dir +"/"+ subtitle)) { sub_filepath = dir +"/"+ subtitle; } } qDebug() << "Chromecast::openLocal: sub_filepath:" << sub_filepath; } #endif if (!local_address.isEmpty()) { // Run web server #ifdef SERVE_FILE_DIR_ONLY startServer(dir); QString url = "http://" + local_address + ":" + QString::number(server_port) + "/" + filename; QString sub_url; if (!sub_filename.isEmpty()) { sub_url = "http://" + local_address + ":" + QString::number(server_port) + "/" + sub_filename; } #else QString root = QDir::rootPath(); startServer(root); QString abs_filename = filepathWithoutRoot(file); qDebug() << "Chromecast::openLocal: abs_filename:" << abs_filename; QString url = "http://" + local_address + ":" + QString::number(server_port) + "/" + abs_filename; QString abs_sub_filename = filepathWithoutRoot(sub_filepath); qDebug() << "Chromecast::openLocal: abs_sub_filename:" << abs_sub_filename; QString sub_url = "http://" + local_address + ":" + QString::number(server_port) + "/" + abs_sub_filename; #endif qDebug() << "Chromecast::openLocal: url:" << url; qDebug() << "Chromecast::openLocal: sub_url:" << sub_url; #if 1 QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(URL_CHROMECAST "/?title=" + title.toUtf8().toBase64() + "&url=" + url.toUtf8().toBase64() + "&subtitles=" + sub_url.toUtf8().toBase64())); #endif } } #ifndef SERVE_FILE_DIR_ONLY QString Chromecast::filepathWithoutRoot(const QString & filepath) { QString root = QDir::rootPath(); QFileInfo fi(filepath); QString abs_filename = fi.absoluteFilePath(); if (abs_filename.startsWith(root)) { abs_filename = abs_filename.mid(root.length()); } return abs_filename; } #endif QString Chromecast::checkForVTT(const QString & video_path, const QString & subtitle_file) { QString actual_subtitle = subtitle_file; QString dir = video_path; QString subtitle_path = dir +"/"+ subtitle_file; QFileInfo fi(subtitle_path); if (fi.suffix().toLower() == "srt") { qDebug() << "Chromecast::checkForVTT: subtitle is in srt format"; #ifdef CONVERT_TO_VTT if (autoconvert_to_vtt) { SubReader sr; sr.setInputCodec(sub_encoding.toLatin1()); sr.setVTTLinePosition(sub_position); if (use_sub_filter) { QString filter = sub_filter; if (filter.isEmpty()) filter = "opensubtitles|subtitulos\\.es|tusubtitulo|osdb|addic7ed"; sr.setTextFilter(filter); } sr.setOverwriteVTT(overwrite_vtt); sr.autoConvertToVTT(subtitle_path); } #endif // Check if a subtitle file with vtt extension exists QString vtt_subtitle = fi.completeBaseName() + ".vtt"; QString vtt_subtitle_path = dir +"/"+ vtt_subtitle; if (QFile::exists(vtt_subtitle_path)) { qDebug() << "Chromecast::checkForVTT: using" << vtt_subtitle; actual_subtitle = vtt_subtitle; } } return actual_subtitle; } QStringList Chromecast::localAddresses() { QStringList l; foreach(const QHostAddress &address, QNetworkInterface::allAddresses()) { if (address.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol && address != QHostAddress(QHostAddress::LocalHost)) { l << address.toString(); } } return l; } QString Chromecast::findLocalAddress() { QString local_address; QStringList addresses = localAddresses(); qDebug() << "Chromecast::defaultLocalAddress: all IPv4 addresses:" << addresses; foreach(QString address, addresses) { //qDebug() << "Chromecast::defaultLocalAddress: address:" << address; if (address.startsWith("192.") && !address.endsWith(".1")) { local_address = address; break; } } if (local_address.isEmpty() && !addresses.isEmpty()) local_address = addresses[0]; return local_address; } void Chromecast::startServer(QString doc_root) { qDebug("Chromecast::startServer"); static QString last_doc_root; if (server_process == 0) { server_process = new QProcess(this); server_process->setProcessChannelMode( QProcess::MergedChannels ); connect(server_process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(readProcessOutput())); connect(server_process, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(processFinished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus))); connect(server_process, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), this, SLOT(processError(QProcess::ProcessError))); } if (server_process->state() == QProcess::Running) { if (!server_needs_restart && last_doc_root == doc_root) { return; } else { stopServer(); } } QString prog; QStringList args; #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && defined(SERVE_FILE_DIR_ONLY) doc_root = Helper::shortPathName(doc_root); #endif #if defined(CHROMECAST_USE_SERVER_WEBFSD) prog = "webfsd"; args << "-F" << "-d" << "-4" << "-p" << QString::number(server_port) << "-r" << doc_root; if (!directoryListing()) args << "-j"; #elif defined(CHROMECAST_USE_SERVER_SIMPLE_WEB_SERVER) prog = "simple_web_server"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN prog += ".exe"; #endif args << "-p" << QString::number(server_port) << "-r" << doc_root; if (!directoryListing()) args << "-j"; #else #error "No server defined" #endif { QString command = prog + " " + args.join(" "); qDebug() << "Chromecast::startServer: command:" << command; } server_process->start(prog, args); last_doc_root = doc_root; server_needs_restart = false; } void Chromecast::stopServer() { qDebug("Chromecast::stopServer"); if (server_process) { server_process->terminate(); if (!server_process->waitForFinished(5000)) { server_process->kill(); server_process->waitForFinished(); } } } // Slots void Chromecast::readProcessOutput() { QByteArray line; while (server_process->canReadLine()) { line = server_process->readLine().trimmed(); qDebug() << "Chromecast::readProcessOutput: line:" << line; } } void Chromecast::processFinished(int exit_code, QProcess::ExitStatus exit_status) { qDebug() << "Chromecast::processFinished: exit_code:" << exit_code << "exit_status:" << exit_status; } void Chromecast::processError(QProcess::ProcessError error) { qDebug() << "Chromecast::processError:" << error; if (error == QProcess::FailedToStart) { qDebug("Chromecast::processError: process failed to start"); } } void Chromecast::loadSettings() { qDebug("Chromecast::loadSettings"); if (settings) { settings->beginGroup("chromecast/server"); setServerPort(settings->value("port", serverPort()).toInt()); setLocalAddress(settings->value("local_address", localAddress()).toString()); setDirectoryListing(settings->value("directory_listing", directoryListing()).toBool()); settings->endGroup(); #ifdef CONVERT_TO_VTT settings->beginGroup("chromecast/subtitles"); setAutoConvertToVTT(settings->value("autoconvert_to_vtt", autoConvertToVTT()).toBool()); //setSubtitleEncoding(settings->value("encoding", subtitleEncoding()).toString()); setSubtitlePosition(settings->value("position_on_screen", 93).toInt()); setSubtitleFilter(settings->value("text_filter", subtitleFilter()).toString()); setOverwriteVTT(settings->value("overwrite_vtt", overwriteVTT()).toBool()); enableSubtitleFilter(settings->value("use_sub_filter", isSubtitleFilterEnabled()).toBool()); settings->endGroup(); #endif } } void Chromecast::saveSettings() { qDebug("Chromecast::saveSettings"); if (settings) { settings->beginGroup("chromecast/server"); settings->setValue("port", serverPort()); settings->setValue("local_address", localAddress()); settings->setValue("directory_listing", directoryListing()); settings->endGroup(); #ifdef CONVERT_TO_VTT settings->beginGroup("chromecast/subtitles"); settings->setValue("autoconvert_to_vtt", autoConvertToVTT()); //settings->setValue("encoding", subtitleEncoding()); settings->setValue("position_on_screen", subtitlePosition()); settings->setValue("text_filter", subtitleFilter()); settings->setValue("overwrite_vtt", overwriteVTT()); settings->setValue("use_sub_filter", isSubtitleFilterEnabled()); settings->endGroup(); #endif } } #include "moc_chromecast.cpp"