/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer. Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Ricardo Villalba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "inforeadermplayer.h" #include #include #include #include #include "colorutils.h" #include "global.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "mplayerversion.h" using namespace Global; #define NOME 0 #define VO 1 #define AO 2 #define DEMUXER 3 #define VC 4 #define AC 5 InfoReaderMplayer::InfoReaderMplayer( QString mplayer_bin, QObject * parent ) : QObject(parent) , proc(0) , mplayer_svn(0) , is_mplayer2(false) { mplayerbin = mplayer_bin; proc = new QProcess(this); proc->setProcessChannelMode( QProcess::MergedChannels ); } InfoReaderMplayer::~InfoReaderMplayer() { } void InfoReaderMplayer::getInfo() { waiting_for_key = true; vo_list.clear(); ao_list.clear(); #if ALLOW_DEMUXER_CODEC_CHANGE demuxer_list.clear(); #endif mplayer_svn = -1; #if ALLOW_DEMUXER_CODEC_CHANGE run("-identify -vo help -ao help -demuxer help -vc help -ac help"); #else run("-identify -vo help -ao help"); #endif //list(); } void InfoReaderMplayer::list() { qDebug("InfoReaderMplayer::list"); InfoList::iterator it; qDebug(" vo_list:"); for ( it = vo_list.begin(); it != vo_list.end(); ++it ) { qDebug( "driver: '%s', desc: '%s'", (*it).name().toUtf8().data(), (*it).desc().toUtf8().data()); } qDebug(" ao_list:"); for ( it = ao_list.begin(); it != ao_list.end(); ++it ) { qDebug( "driver: '%s', desc: '%s'", (*it).name().toUtf8().data(), (*it).desc().toUtf8().data()); } #if ALLOW_DEMUXER_CODEC_CHANGE qDebug(" demuxer_list:"); for ( it = demuxer_list.begin(); it != demuxer_list.end(); ++it ) { qDebug( "demuxer: '%s', desc: '%s'", (*it).name().toUtf8().data(), (*it).desc().toUtf8().data()); } qDebug(" vc_list:"); for ( it = vc_list.begin(); it != vc_list.end(); ++it ) { qDebug( "codec: '%s', desc: '%s'", (*it).name().toUtf8().data(), (*it).desc().toUtf8().data()); } qDebug(" ac_list:"); for ( it = ac_list.begin(); it != ac_list.end(); ++it ) { qDebug( "codec: '%s', desc: '%s'", (*it).name().toUtf8().data(), (*it).desc().toUtf8().data()); } #endif } static QRegExp rx_vo_key("^ID_VIDEO_OUTPUTS"); static QRegExp rx_ao_key("^ID_AUDIO_OUTPUTS"); #if ALLOW_DEMUXER_CODEC_CHANGE static QRegExp rx_demuxer_key("^ID_DEMUXERS"); static QRegExp rx_ac_key("^ID_AUDIO_CODECS"); static QRegExp rx_vc_key("^ID_VIDEO_CODECS"); #endif static QRegExp rx_driver("\\t(.*)\\t(.*)"); static QRegExp rx_demuxer("^\\s+([A-Z,a-z,0-9]+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\S.*)"); static QRegExp rx_demuxer2("^\\s+([A-Z,a-z,0-9]+)\\s+(\\S.*)"); static QRegExp rx_codec("^([A-Z,a-z,0-9]+)\\s+([A-Z,a-z,0-9]+)\\s+([A-Z,a-z,0-9]+)\\s+(\\S.*)"); void InfoReaderMplayer::readLine(QByteArray ba) { #if COLOR_OUTPUT_SUPPORT QString line = ColorUtils::stripColorsTags(QString::fromLocal8Bit(ba)); #else QString line = QString::fromLocal8Bit(ba); #endif if (line.isEmpty()) return; //qDebug("InfoReaderMplayer::readLine: line: '%s'", line.toUtf8().data()); //qDebug("waiting_for_key: %d", waiting_for_key); if (!waiting_for_key) { if ((reading_type == VO) || (reading_type == AO)) { if ( rx_driver.indexIn(line) > -1 ) { QString name = rx_driver.cap(1); QString desc = rx_driver.cap(2); qDebug("InfoReaderMplayer::readLine: found driver: '%s' '%s'", name.toUtf8().data(), desc.toUtf8().data()); if (reading_type==VO) { vo_list.append( InfoData(name, desc) ); } else if (reading_type==AO) { ao_list.append( InfoData(name, desc) ); } } else { qWarning("InfoReaderMplayer::readLine: can't parse output driver from line '%s'", line.toUtf8().constData()); } } #if ALLOW_DEMUXER_CODEC_CHANGE else if (reading_type == DEMUXER) { if ( rx_demuxer.indexIn(line) > -1 ) { QString name = rx_demuxer.cap(1); QString desc = rx_demuxer.cap(3); qDebug("InfoReaderMplayer::readLine: found demuxer: '%s' '%s'", name.toUtf8().data(), desc.toUtf8().data()); demuxer_list.append( InfoData(name, desc) ); } else if ( rx_demuxer2.indexIn(line) > -1 ) { QString name = rx_demuxer2.cap(1); QString desc = rx_demuxer2.cap(2); qDebug("InfoReaderMplayer::readLine: found demuxer: '%s' '%s'", name.toUtf8().data(), desc.toUtf8().data()); demuxer_list.append( InfoData(name, desc) ); } else { qWarning("InfoReaderMplayer::readLine: can't parse demuxer from line '%s'", line.toUtf8().constData()); } } else if ((reading_type == VC) || (reading_type == AC)) { if ( rx_codec.indexIn(line) > -1 ) { QString name = rx_codec.cap(1); QString desc = rx_codec.cap(4); qDebug("InfoReaderMplayer::readLine: found codec: '%s' '%s'", name.toUtf8().data(), desc.toUtf8().data()); if (reading_type==VC) { vc_list.append( InfoData(name, desc) ); } else if (reading_type==AC) { ac_list.append( InfoData(name, desc) ); } } else { qWarning("InfoReaderMplayer::readLine: can't parse codec from line '%s'", line.toUtf8().constData()); } } #endif } if ( rx_vo_key.indexIn(line) > -1 ) { reading_type = VO; waiting_for_key = false; qDebug("InfoReaderMplayer::readLine: found key: vo"); } if ( rx_ao_key.indexIn(line) > -1 ) { reading_type = AO; waiting_for_key = false; qDebug("InfoReaderMplayer::readLine: found key: ao"); } #if ALLOW_DEMUXER_CODEC_CHANGE if ( rx_demuxer_key.indexIn(line) > -1 ) { reading_type = DEMUXER; waiting_for_key = false; qDebug("InfoReaderMplayer::readLine: found key: demuxer"); } if ( rx_ac_key.indexIn(line) > -1 ) { reading_type = AC; waiting_for_key = false; qDebug("InfoReaderMplayer::readLine: found key: ac"); } if ( rx_vc_key.indexIn(line) > -1 ) { reading_type = VC; waiting_for_key = false; qDebug("InfoReaderMplayer::readLines: found key: vc"); } #endif if (line.startsWith("MPlayer ") || line.startsWith("MPlayer2 ")) { mplayer_svn = MplayerVersion::mplayerVersion(line); #ifdef MPLAYER2_SUPPORT mplayer2_version = MplayerVersion::mplayer2Version(); is_mplayer2 = MplayerVersion::isMplayer2(); #endif } } bool InfoReaderMplayer::run(QString options) { qDebug("InfoReaderMplayer::run: '%s'", options.toUtf8().data()); if (proc->state() == QProcess::Running) { qWarning("InfoReaderMplayer::run: process already running"); return false; } QStringList args = options.split(" "); proc->start(mplayerbin, args); if (!proc->waitForStarted()) { qWarning("InfoReaderMplayer::run: process can't start!"); return false; } //Wait until finish if (!proc->waitForFinished()) { qWarning("InfoReaderMplayer::run: process didn't finish. Killing it..."); proc->kill(); } qDebug("InfoReaderMplayer::run : terminating"); QByteArray ba; while (proc->canReadLine()) { ba = proc->readLine(); ba.replace("\n", ""); ba.replace("\r", ""); readLine( ba ); } return true; } #include "moc_inforeadermplayer.cpp"