/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer. Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Ricardo Villalba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "mplayerversion.h" #include "global.h" #include "preferences.h" #include using namespace Global; int MplayerVersion::mplayerVersion(QString string) { //static QRegExp rx_mplayer_revision("^MPlayer (\\S+)-SVN-r(\\d+)-(.*)"); static QRegExp rx_mplayer_revision("^MPlayer (.*)[-\\.]r(\\d+)(.*)"); static QRegExp rx_mplayer_version("^MPlayer ([a-z,0-9,.]+)-(.*)"); static QRegExp rx_mplayer_git("^MPlayer GIT(.*)", Qt::CaseInsensitive); static QRegExp rx_mplayer_version_final("1.0rc([0-9])"); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN static QRegExp rx_mplayer_version_ubuntu("^MPlayer (\\d):(\\d)\\.(\\d)~(.*)"); static QRegExp rx_mplayer_version_mandriva("^MPlayer ([a-z0-9\\.]+)-\\d+\\.([a-z0-9]+)\\.[\\d\\.]+[a-z]+[\\d\\.]+-(.*)"); #endif int mplayer_svn = 0; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Hack to recognize mplayer 1.0rc2 from CCCP: if (string.startsWith("MPlayer CCCP ")) { string.remove("CCCP "); qDebug("MplayerVersion::mplayerVersion: removing CCCP: '%s'", string.toUtf8().data()); } #else // Hack to recognize mplayer 1.0rc1 from Ubuntu: if (rx_mplayer_version_ubuntu.indexIn(string) > -1) { int v1 = rx_mplayer_version_ubuntu.cap(2).toInt(); int v2 = rx_mplayer_version_ubuntu.cap(3).toInt(); QString rest = rx_mplayer_version_ubuntu.cap(4); //qDebug("%d - %d - %d", rx_mplayer_version_ubuntu.cap(1).toInt(), v1 , v2); string = QString("MPlayer %1.%2%3").arg(v1).arg(v2).arg(rest); qDebug("MplayerVersion::mplayerVersion: line converted to '%s'", string.toUtf8().data()); } // Hack to recognize mplayer version from Mandriva: if (rx_mplayer_version_mandriva.indexIn(string) > -1) { QString v1 = rx_mplayer_version_mandriva.cap(1); QString v2 = rx_mplayer_version_mandriva.cap(2); QString rest = rx_mplayer_version_mandriva.cap(3); string = QString("MPlayer %1%2-%3").arg(v1).arg(v2).arg(rest); qDebug("MplayerVersion::mplayerVersion: line converted to '%s'", string.toUtf8().data()); } #endif if (rx_mplayer_git.indexIn(string) > -1) { qDebug("MplayerVersion::mplayerVersion: MPlayer from git. Assuming >= 1.0rc3"); mplayer_svn = MPLAYER_1_0_RC3_SVN; } else if (rx_mplayer_revision.indexIn(string) > -1) { mplayer_svn = rx_mplayer_revision.cap(2).toInt(); qDebug("MplayerVersion::mplayerVersion: MPlayer SVN revision found: %d", mplayer_svn); } else if (rx_mplayer_version.indexIn(string) > -1) { QString version = rx_mplayer_version.cap(1); qDebug("MplayerVersion::mplayerVersion: MPlayer version found: %s", version.toUtf8().data()); mplayer_svn = 0; if (version == "1.0rc3") mplayer_svn = MPLAYER_1_0_RC3_SVN; else if (version == "1.0rc2") mplayer_svn = MPLAYER_1_0_RC2_SVN; else if (version == "1.0rc1") mplayer_svn = MPLAYER_1_0_RC1_SVN; else if(rx_mplayer_version_final.indexIn(version) > -1 && rx_mplayer_version_final.cap(1).toInt() > 3) mplayer_svn = MPLAYER_1_0_RC3_SVN; //version is > 1.0rc3, so treat as 1.0rc3 since support for later versions is not yet implemented else qWarning("MplayerVersion::mplayerVersion: unknown MPlayer version"); } if (pref) { pref->mplayer_detected_version = mplayer_svn; } return mplayer_svn; } bool MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast(int mplayer_svn, int svn_revision) { qDebug("MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: comparing %d with %d", svn_revision, mplayer_svn); if (mplayer_svn == -1) { qWarning("MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: no version found!"); } else if (mplayer_svn == 0) { qWarning("MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: version couldn't be parsed!"); } if (mplayer_svn <= 0) { qWarning("MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: assuming that the mplayer version is less than %d", svn_revision); return false; } return (mplayer_svn >= svn_revision); } bool MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast(int svn_revision) { if (pref->mplayer_detected_version >= MPLAYER_1_0_RC1_SVN) { // SVN version seems valid if (pref->mplayer_user_supplied_version != -1) { qDebug("MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: using the parsed svn version from mplayer output"); qDebug("MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: and clearing the previously user supplied version"); pref->mplayer_user_supplied_version = -1; } return isMplayerAtLeast(pref->mplayer_detected_version, svn_revision); } else if (pref->mplayer_user_supplied_version != -1) { qDebug("MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: no parsed version, using user supplied version"); return isMplayerAtLeast(pref->mplayer_user_supplied_version, svn_revision); } else { qWarning("MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: there's no parsed version nor user supplied version!"); return isMplayerAtLeast(pref->mplayer_detected_version, svn_revision); } } QString MplayerVersion::toString(int svn_revision) { QString version; switch (svn_revision) { case MPLAYER_1_0_RC1_SVN: version = QString("1.0rc1"); break; case MPLAYER_1_0_RC2_SVN: version = QString("1.0rc2"); break; case MPLAYER_1_0_RC3_SVN: version = QString("1.0rc3"); break; default : version = QString("SVN r%1").arg(svn_revision); } return version; }