/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer. Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Ricardo Villalba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "mplayerwindow.h" #include "global.h" #include "desktopinfo.h" #include "colorutils.h" #ifndef MINILIB #include "images.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if LOGO_ANIMATION #include #endif //#define HANDLE_GESTURES #ifdef HANDLE_GESTURES #include #include #endif Screen::Screen(QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QWidget(parent, f ) , check_mouse_timer(0) , mouse_last_position(QPoint(0,0)) , autohide_cursor(false) , autohide_interval(0) { setMouseTracking(true); setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus ); setMinimumSize( QSize(0,0) ); check_mouse_timer = new QTimer(this); connect( check_mouse_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkMousePos()) ); setAutoHideInterval(1000); setAutoHideCursor(false); } Screen::~Screen() { } void Screen::setAutoHideCursor(bool b) { qDebug("Screen::setAutoHideCursor: %d", b); autohide_cursor = b; if (autohide_cursor) { check_mouse_timer->setInterval(autohide_interval); check_mouse_timer->start(); } else { check_mouse_timer->stop(); } } void Screen::checkMousePos() { //qDebug("Screen::checkMousePos"); if (!autohide_cursor) { setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); return; } QPoint pos = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); //qDebug("Screen::checkMousePos: x: %d, y: %d", pos.x(), pos.y()); if (mouse_last_position != pos) { setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); } else { setCursor(QCursor(Qt::BlankCursor)); } mouse_last_position = pos; } void Screen::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * e ) { //qDebug("Screen::mouseMoveEvent"); emit mouseMoved(e->pos()); if (cursor().shape() != Qt::ArrowCursor) { //qDebug(" showing mouse cursor" ); setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); } } void Screen::playingStarted() { qDebug("Screen::playingStarted"); setAutoHideCursor(true); } void Screen::playingStopped() { qDebug("Screen::playingStopped"); setAutoHideCursor(false); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ MplayerLayer::MplayerLayer(QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : Screen(parent, f) #if REPAINT_BACKGROUND_OPTION , repaint_background(false) #endif , playing(false) { } MplayerLayer::~MplayerLayer() { } #if REPAINT_BACKGROUND_OPTION void MplayerLayer::setRepaintBackground(bool b) { qDebug("MplayerLayer::setRepaintBackground: %d", b); repaint_background = b; } #endif void MplayerLayer::playingStarted() { qDebug("MplayerLayer::playingStarted"); // repaint(); playing = true; #ifndef Q_OS_WIN if (!repaint_background) setUpdatesEnabled(false); #endif Screen::playingStarted(); } void MplayerLayer::playingStopped() { qDebug("MplayerLayer::playingStopped"); playing = false; #ifndef Q_OS_WIN setUpdatesEnabled(true); #endif // repaint(); Screen::playingStopped(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ MplayerWindow::MplayerWindow(QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : Screen(parent, f) , video_width(0) , video_height(0) , aspect((double) 4/3) , monitoraspect(0) , mplayerlayer(0) , logo(0) , offset_x(0) , offset_y(0) , zoom_factor(1.0) , orig_x(0) , orig_y(0) , orig_width(0) , orig_height(0) , allow_video_movement(false) #if DELAYED_RESIZE , resize_timer(0) #endif , delay_left_click(false) , left_click_timer(0) , double_clicked(false) #if LOGO_ANIMATION , animated_logo(false) #endif , corner_widget(0) , drag_state(NOT_DRAGGING) , start_drag(QPoint(0,0)) , mouse_drag_tracking(false) { mplayerlayer = new MplayerLayer(this); mplayerlayer->setObjectName("mplayerlayer"); logo = new QLabel( mplayerlayer ); logo->setObjectName("mplayerwindowlogo"); // Set colors #ifdef CHANGE_WIDGET_COLOR setAutoFillBackground(true); ColorUtils::setBackgroundColor( this, QColor(0,0,0) ); mplayerlayer->setAutoFillBackground(true); logo->setAutoFillBackground(true); ColorUtils::setBackgroundColor( logo, QColor(0,0,0) ); #else setStyleSheet("MplayerWindow { background-color: black;}"); mplayerlayer->setStyleSheet("background-color: black;"); #endif QVBoxLayout * mplayerlayerLayout = new QVBoxLayout( mplayerlayer ); mplayerlayerLayout->addWidget( logo, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter ); setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding , QSizePolicy::Expanding ); setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus ); //#ifdef HANDLE_GESTURES grabGesture(Qt::TapGesture); //#endif installEventFilter(this); mplayerlayer->installEventFilter(this); //logo->installEventFilter(this); #if DELAYED_RESIZE resize_timer = new QTimer(this); resize_timer->setSingleShot(true); resize_timer->setInterval(50); connect( resize_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(resizeLater()) ); #endif left_click_timer = new QTimer(this); left_click_timer->setSingleShot(true); left_click_timer->setInterval(qApp->doubleClickInterval()+10); connect(left_click_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SIGNAL(leftClicked())); retranslateStrings(); } MplayerWindow::~MplayerWindow() { } void MplayerWindow::setCornerWidget(QWidget * w) { corner_widget = w; QHBoxLayout * blayout = new QHBoxLayout; blayout->addSpacerItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); blayout->addWidget(corner_widget); QVBoxLayout * layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->addSpacerItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); layout->addLayout(blayout); } #if USE_COLORKEY void MplayerWindow::setColorKey( QColor c ) { #ifdef CHANGE_WIDGET_COLOR ColorUtils::setBackgroundColor( mplayerlayer, c ); #endif } #endif void MplayerWindow::retranslateStrings() { //qDebug("MplayerWindow::retranslateStrings"); #ifndef MINILIB logo->setPixmap( Images::icon("background") ); #endif } void MplayerWindow::setLogoVisible( bool b) { qDebug() << "MplayerWindow::setLogoVisible:" << b; #if REPAINT_BACKGROUND_OPTION if (b) mplayerlayer->setUpdatesEnabled(true); #endif if (corner_widget) { corner_widget->setVisible(b); } #if !LOGO_ANIMATION logo->setVisible(b); #else if (!animated_logo) { logo->setVisible(b); } else { if (b) { logo->show(); QPropertyAnimation * animation = new QPropertyAnimation(logo, "pos"); animation->setDuration(200); animation->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::OutBounce); animation->setStartValue(QPoint(logo->x(), 0 - logo->y())); animation->setEndValue(logo->pos()); animation->start(); } else { QPropertyAnimation * animation = new QPropertyAnimation(logo, "pos"); animation->setDuration(200); animation->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::OutBounce); animation->setEndValue(QPoint(width(), logo->y())); animation->setStartValue(logo->pos()); animation->start(); connect(animation, SIGNAL(finished()), logo, SLOT(hide())); //logo->hide(); } } #endif } /* void MplayerWindow::changePolicy() { setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred , QSizePolicy::Preferred ); } */ void MplayerWindow::setResolution( int w, int h) { video_width = w; video_height = h; //mplayerlayer->move(1,1); updateVideoWindow(); } void MplayerWindow::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * /* e */) { /*qDebug("MplayerWindow::resizeEvent: %d, %d", e->size().width(), e->size().height() );*/ #if !DELAYED_RESIZE offset_x = 0; offset_y = 0; updateVideoWindow(); setZoom(zoom_factor); #else resize_timer->start(); #endif } #if DELAYED_RESIZE void MplayerWindow::resizeLater() { offset_x = 0; offset_y = 0; updateVideoWindow(); setZoom(zoom_factor); } #endif void MplayerWindow::setMonitorAspect(double asp) { monitoraspect = asp; } void MplayerWindow::setAspect( double asp) { aspect = asp; if (monitoraspect!=0) { aspect = aspect / monitoraspect * DesktopInfo::desktop_aspectRatio(this); } updateVideoWindow(); } void MplayerWindow::updateVideoWindow() { //qDebug("MplayerWindow::updateVideoWindow"); //qDebug("aspect= %f", aspect); int w_width = size().width(); int w_height = size().height(); int w = w_width; int h = w_height; int x = 0; int y = 0; if (aspect != 0) { int pos1_w = w_width; int pos1_h = w_width / aspect + 0.5; int pos2_h = w_height; int pos2_w = w_height * aspect + 0.5; //qDebug("pos1_w: %d, pos1_h: %d", pos1_w, pos1_h); //qDebug("pos2_w: %d, pos2_h: %d", pos2_w, pos2_h); if (pos1_h <= w_height) { //qDebug("Pos1!"); w = pos1_w; h = pos1_h; y = (w_height - h) /2; } else { //qDebug("Pos2!"); w = pos2_w; h = pos2_h; x = (w_width - w) /2; } } mplayerlayer->move(x,y); mplayerlayer->resize(w, h); orig_x = x; orig_y = y; orig_width = w; orig_height = h; //qDebug( "w_width: %d, w_height: %d", w_width, w_height); //qDebug("w: %d, h: %d", w,h); } void MplayerWindow::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * e) { qDebug( "MplayerWindow::mouseReleaseEvent" ); if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { e->accept(); if (delay_left_click) { if (!double_clicked) left_click_timer->start(); double_clicked = false; } else { emit leftClicked(); } } else if (e->button() == Qt::MidButton) { e->accept(); emit middleClicked(); } else if (e->button() == Qt::XButton1) { e->accept(); emit xbutton1Clicked(); } else if (e->button() == Qt::XButton2) { e->accept(); emit xbutton2Clicked(); } else if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton) { e->accept(); //emit rightButtonReleased( e->globalPos() ); emit rightClicked(); } else { e->ignore(); } } void MplayerWindow::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * e ) { if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { e->accept(); if (delay_left_click) { left_click_timer->stop(); double_clicked = true; } emit doubleClicked(); } else { e->ignore(); } } void MplayerWindow::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent * e ) { qDebug("MplayerWindow::wheelEvent: delta: %d", e->delta()); e->accept(); if (e->orientation() == Qt::Vertical) { if (e->delta() >= 0) emit wheelUp(); else emit wheelDown(); } else { qDebug("MplayerWindow::wheelEvent: horizontal event received, doing nothing"); } } bool MplayerWindow::eventFilter( QObject * object, QEvent * event ) { #ifdef HANDLE_GESTURES if (event->type() == QEvent::Gesture) { qDebug() << "MplayerWindow::eventFilter: event:" << event; QGestureEvent * ge = static_cast(event); qDebug() << "MplayerWindow::eventFilter: ge:" << ge; if (QGesture * tap = ge->gesture(Qt::TapGesture)) { QTapGesture * tg = static_cast(tap); qDebug() << "MplayerWindow::eventFilter: tg:" << tg; event->setAccepted(true); return false; } } #endif if (!mouse_drag_tracking) return false; QEvent::Type type = event->type(); if (type != QEvent::MouseButtonPress && type != QEvent::MouseButtonRelease && type != QEvent::MouseMove) return false; QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = dynamic_cast(event); if (!mouseEvent) return false; if (mouseEvent->modifiers() != Qt::NoModifier) { drag_state = NOT_DRAGGING; return false; } if (type == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { if (mouseEvent->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { drag_state = NOT_DRAGGING; return false; } drag_state = START_DRAGGING; start_drag = mouseEvent->globalPos(); // Don't filter, so others can have a look at it too return false; } if (type == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { if (drag_state != DRAGGING || mouseEvent->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { drag_state = NOT_DRAGGING; return false; } // Stop dragging and eat event drag_state = NOT_DRAGGING; event->accept(); return true; } // type == QEvent::MouseMove if (drag_state == NOT_DRAGGING) return false; // buttons() note the s if (mouseEvent->buttons() != Qt::LeftButton) { drag_state = NOT_DRAGGING; return false; } QPoint pos = mouseEvent->globalPos(); QPoint diff = pos - start_drag; if (drag_state == START_DRAGGING) { // Don't start dragging before moving at least DRAG_THRESHOLD pixels if (abs(diff.x()) < DRAG_THRESHOLD && abs(diff.y()) < DRAG_THRESHOLD) return false; drag_state = DRAGGING; } emit mouseMovedDiff(diff); start_drag = pos; event->accept(); return true; } QSize MplayerWindow::sizeHint() const { //qDebug("MplayerWindow::sizeHint"); return QSize( video_width, video_height ); } QSize MplayerWindow::minimumSizeHint () const { return QSize(0,0); } void MplayerWindow::setOffsetX( int d) { offset_x = d; mplayerlayer->move( orig_x + offset_x, mplayerlayer->y() ); } int MplayerWindow::offsetX() { return offset_x; } void MplayerWindow::setOffsetY( int d) { offset_y = d; mplayerlayer->move( mplayerlayer->x(), orig_y + offset_y ); } int MplayerWindow::offsetY() { return offset_y; } void MplayerWindow::setZoom( double d) { zoom_factor = d; offset_x = 0; offset_y = 0; int x = orig_x; int y = orig_y; int w = orig_width; int h = orig_height; if (zoom_factor != 1.0) { w = w * zoom_factor; h = h * zoom_factor; // Center x = (width() - w) / 2; y = (height() -h) / 2; } mplayerlayer->move(x,y); mplayerlayer->resize(w,h); } double MplayerWindow::zoom() { return zoom_factor; } void MplayerWindow::moveLayer( int offset_x, int offset_y ) { int x = mplayerlayer->x(); int y = mplayerlayer->y(); mplayerlayer->move( x + offset_x, y + offset_y ); } void MplayerWindow::moveLeft() { if ((allow_video_movement) || (mplayerlayer->x()+mplayerlayer->width() > width() )) moveLayer( -16, 0 ); } void MplayerWindow::moveRight() { if ((allow_video_movement) || ( mplayerlayer->x() < 0 )) moveLayer( +16, 0 ); } void MplayerWindow::moveUp() { if ((allow_video_movement) || (mplayerlayer->y()+mplayerlayer->height() > height() )) moveLayer( 0, -16 ); } void MplayerWindow::moveDown() { if ((allow_video_movement) || ( mplayerlayer->y() < 0 )) moveLayer( 0, +16 ); } void MplayerWindow::incZoom() { setZoom( zoom_factor + ZOOM_STEP ); } void MplayerWindow::decZoom() { double zoom = zoom_factor - ZOOM_STEP; if (zoom < ZOOM_MIN) zoom = ZOOM_MIN; setZoom( zoom ); } // Language change stuff void MplayerWindow::changeEvent(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange) { retranslateStrings(); } else { Screen::changeEvent(e); } } #include "moc_mplayerwindow.cpp"