PrefAdvanced 0 0 511 469 0 0 &Advanced 6 0 icon false &Monitor aspect: false monitoraspect_combo 0 0 true Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 190 21 0 0 Qt::Horizontal &Run MPlayer in its own window Rebuild &index if needed &Pass short filenames (8+3) to MPlayer Repaint the backgroun&d of the video window R&eport MPlayer crashes C&orrect PTS: correct_pts_combo Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 Qt::Horizontal R&un the following actions every time a file is opened. The actions must be separated with spaces: true actions_to_run_edit 0 0 Qt::Horizontal 6 0 &Colorkey: false colorkey_view 0 0 C&hange... Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 131 21 Show tag in&fo in window title Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Expanding 489 51 Options for MP&layer 6 9 Here you can pass extra options to MPlayer. Write them separated by spaces. Example: -flip -nosound Qt::AlignVCenter false 6 0 &Options: false mplayer_args_edit 0 0 QFrame::HLine QFrame::Sunken Qt::Horizontal You can also pass additional video filters. Separate them with ",". Do not use spaces! Example: scale=512:-2,eq2=1.1 Qt::AlignVCenter false 6 0 V&ideo filters: false mplayer_vfilters_edit 0 0 QFrame::HLine QFrame::Sunken Qt::Horizontal And finally audio filters. Same rule as for video filters. Example: resample=44100:0:0,volnorm Qt::AlignVCenter false 6 0 Audio &filters: false mplayer_afilters_edit Qt::Vertical 20 40 &Network Network Connection 6 9 IPv&4 IPv&6 Qt::Vertical 458 31 Lo&gs MPlayer Log MPlayer &output false 0 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 21 61 &Verbose A&utosave MPlayer log to file false SMPlayer Log &SMPlayer output false 0 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 21 41 Sa&ve SMPlayer log to a file 0 0 QFrame::HLine QFrame::Sunken Qt::Horizontal This option is mainly intended for debugging the application. false &Filter for SMPlayer logs: false log_filter_edit Qt::Vertical 489 184 MyComboBox QComboBox
TristateCombo QComboBox
advanced_tab monitoraspect_combo mplayer_use_window_check idx_check shortnames_check repaint_video_background_check mplayer_crashes_check correct_pts_combo actions_to_run_edit colorkey_view changeButton show_tag_in_title_check mplayer_args_edit mplayer_vfilters_edit mplayer_afilters_edit ipv4_button ipv6_button log_mplayer_check verbose_check log_mplayer_save_check log_mplayer_save_name log_smplayer_check log_smplayer_save_check log_filter_edit log_mplayer_save_check toggled(bool) log_mplayer_save_name setEnabled(bool) 249 180 279 174 log_mplayer_check toggled(bool) mplayer_log_container setEnabled(bool) 255 73 255 143 log_smplayer_check toggled(bool) smplayer_log_container setEnabled(bool) 255 47 255 86