/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer. Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Ricardo Villalba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "prefinterface.h" #include "images.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "paths.h" #include "languages.h" #include "recents.h" #include "urlhistory.h" #include "autohidewidget.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HDPI_SUPPORT #include "hdpisupport.h" #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050600 #define HDPI_USE_SCALE_FACTOR #endif #endif #define SINGLE_INSTANCE_TAB 2 #define HDPI_TAB 5 PrefInterface::PrefInterface(QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : PrefWidget(parent, f ) { setupUi(this); /* volume_icon->hide(); */ // Style combo #if !STYLE_SWITCHING style_label->hide(); style_combo->hide(); #else style_combo->addItem( "" ); style_combo->addItems( QStyleFactory::keys() ); #endif // Icon set combo iconset_combo->addItem( "Default" ); #ifdef SKINS n_skins = 0; #endif // User QDir icon_dir = Paths::configPath() + "/themes"; qDebug("icon_dir: %s", icon_dir.absolutePath().toUtf8().data()); QStringList iconsets = icon_dir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); for (int n=0; n < iconsets.count(); n++) { #ifdef SKINS QString css_file = Paths::configPath() + "/themes/" + iconsets[n] + "/main.css"; bool is_skin = QFile::exists(css_file); //qDebug("***** %s %d", css_file.toUtf8().constData(), is_skin); if (is_skin) { skin_combo->addItem( iconsets[n] ); n_skins++; } else #endif iconset_combo->addItem( iconsets[n] ); } // Global icon_dir = Paths::themesPath(); qDebug("icon_dir: %s", icon_dir.absolutePath().toUtf8().data()); iconsets = icon_dir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); for (int n=0; n < iconsets.count(); n++) { #ifdef SKINS QString css_file = Paths::themesPath() + "/" + iconsets[n] + "/main.css"; bool is_skin = QFile::exists(css_file); //qDebug("***** %s %d", css_file.toUtf8().constData(), is_skin); if ((is_skin) && (skin_combo->findText( iconsets[n] ) == -1)) { skin_combo->addItem( iconsets[n] ); n_skins++; } else #endif if (iconset_combo->findText( iconsets[n] ) == -1) { iconset_combo->addItem( iconsets[n] ); } } #ifdef SKINS if (skin_combo->itemText(0) == "Black") { skin_combo->removeItem(0); skin_combo->addItem("Black"); } #endif #ifdef SINGLE_INSTANCE connect(single_instance_check, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeInstanceImages())); #else tabWidget->setTabEnabled(SINGLE_INSTANCE_TAB, false); #endif #ifdef SKINS connect(gui_combo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(GUIChanged(int))); #endif connect(mainwindow_resize_combo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(resizeMethodChanged(int))); #ifndef SEEKBAR_RESOLUTION seeking_method_group->hide(); #endif #ifndef SKINS skin_combo->hide(); skin_label->hide(); skin_sp->hide(); #endif #ifdef HDPI_SUPPORT scale_group->setEnabled(false); connect(hdpi_scale_slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateHDPIScaleNumber(int))); #ifndef HDPI_STORE_DATA tabWidget->setTabEnabled(HDPI_TAB, false); #endif #else tabWidget->setTabEnabled(HDPI_TAB, false); #endif retranslateStrings(); } PrefInterface::~PrefInterface() { } QString PrefInterface::sectionName() { return tr("Interface"); } QPixmap PrefInterface::sectionIcon() { return Images::icon("pref_gui"); } void PrefInterface::createLanguageCombo() { QMap m = Languages::translations(); // Language combo QDir translation_dir = Paths::translationPath(); QStringList languages = translation_dir.entryList( QStringList() << "*.qm"); QRegExp rx_lang("smplayer_(.*)\\.qm"); language_combo->clear(); language_combo->addItem("<" + tr("System language") + ">"); for (int n=0; n < languages.count(); n++) { if (rx_lang.indexIn(languages[n]) > -1) { QString l = rx_lang.cap(1); QString text = l; if (m.contains(l)) text = m[l] + " ("+l+")"; language_combo->addItem( text, l ); } } } void PrefInterface::retranslateStrings() { int mainwindow_resize = mainwindow_resize_combo->currentIndex(); int timeslider_pos = timeslider_behaviour_combo->currentIndex(); retranslateUi(this); mainwindow_resize_combo->setCurrentIndex(mainwindow_resize); timeslider_behaviour_combo->setCurrentIndex(timeslider_pos); // Icons /* resize_window_icon->setPixmap( Images::icon("resize_window") ); */ /* volume_icon->setPixmap( Images::icon("speaker") ); */ #ifdef SINGLE_INSTANCE changeInstanceImages(); #endif // Seek widgets seek1->setLabel( tr("&Short jump") ); seek2->setLabel( tr("&Medium jump") ); seek3->setLabel( tr("&Long jump") ); seek4->setLabel( tr("Mouse &wheel jump") ); if (qApp->isLeftToRight()) { seek1->setIcon( Images::icon("forward10s", 32) ); seek2->setIcon( Images::icon("forward1m", 32) ); seek3->setIcon( Images::icon("forward10m", 32) ); } else { seek1->setIcon( Images::flippedIcon("forward10s", 32) ); seek2->setIcon( Images::flippedIcon("forward1m", 32) ); seek3->setIcon( Images::flippedIcon("forward10m", 32) ); } seek4->setIcon( Images::icon("mouse",32) ); // Language combo int language_item = language_combo->currentIndex(); createLanguageCombo(); language_combo->setCurrentIndex( language_item ); // Iconset combo iconset_combo->setItemText( 0, tr("Default") ); #if STYLE_SWITCHING style_combo->setItemText( 0, tr("Default") ); #endif int gui_index = gui_combo->currentIndex(); gui_combo->clear(); #ifdef DEFAULTGUI gui_combo->addItem( tr("Basic GUI"), "DefaultGUI"); #endif #ifdef MINIGUI gui_combo->addItem( tr("Mini GUI"), "MiniGUI"); #endif #ifdef MPCGUI gui_combo->addItem( tr("Mpc GUI"), "MpcGUI"); #endif #ifdef SKINS gui_combo->addItem( tr("Skinnable GUI"), "SkinGUI"); if (n_skins == 0) { QModelIndex index = gui_combo->model()->index(gui_combo->count()-1,0); gui_combo->model()->setData(index, QVariant(0), Qt::UserRole -1); } #endif gui_combo->setCurrentIndex(gui_index); floating_width_label->setNum(floating_width_slider->value()); floating_margin_label->setNum(floating_margin_slider->value()); #ifdef HDPI_SUPPORT #ifdef HDPI_USE_SCALE_FACTOR hdpi_scale_label->setText(tr("Scale fact&or:")); hdpi_scale_num_label->setNum((double) hdpi_scale_slider->value() / 10); #else hdpi_scale_label->setText(tr("Pixel rati&o:")); hdpi_scale_num_label->setNum(hdpi_scale_slider->value()); #endif #endif createHelp(); } void PrefInterface::setData(Preferences * pref) { setLanguage( pref->language ); setIconSet( pref->iconset ); setResizeMethod( pref->resize_method ); setSaveSize( pref->save_window_size_on_exit ); center_window_check->setChecked(pref->center_window); center_if_outside_check->setChecked(pref->center_window_if_outside); #ifdef SINGLE_INSTANCE setUseSingleInstance(pref->use_single_instance); #endif setSeeking1(pref->seeking1); setSeeking2(pref->seeking2); setSeeking3(pref->seeking3); setSeeking4(pref->seeking4); setUpdateWhileDragging(pref->update_while_seeking); #ifdef SEEKBAR_RESOLUTION setRelativeSeeking(pref->relative_seeking); #endif setPreciseSeeking(pref->precise_seeking); reset_stop_check->setChecked(pref->reset_stop); setDefaultFont(pref->default_font); setHideVideoOnAudioFiles(pref->hide_video_window_on_audio_files); #if STYLE_SWITCHING setStyle( pref->style ); #endif setGUI(pref->gui); setFloatingAnimated(pref->floating_control_animated); setFloatingWidth(pref->floating_control_width); setFloatingMargin(pref->floating_control_margin); setDisplayFloatingInCompactMode(pref->floating_display_in_compact_mode); floating_move_bottom_check->setChecked(pref->floating_activation_area == AutohideWidget::Bottom); floating_hide_delay_spin->setValue(pref->floating_hide_delay); setRecentsMaxItems(pref->history_recents->maxItems()); setURLMaxItems(pref->history_urls->maxItems()); setRememberDirs(pref->save_dirs); #ifdef HDPI_SUPPORT loadHDPIData(); #endif } void PrefInterface::getData(Preferences * pref) { requires_restart = false; language_changed = false; iconset_changed = false; gui_changed = false; style_changed = false; font_changed = false; recents_changed = false; if (pref->language != language()) { pref->language = language(); language_changed = true; qDebug("PrefInterface::getData: chosen language: '%s'", pref->language.toUtf8().data()); } if (pref->iconset != iconSet()) { pref->iconset = iconSet(); iconset_changed = true; } if (pref->gui != GUI()) { pref->gui = GUI(); gui_changed = true; } pref->resize_method = resizeMethod(); pref->save_window_size_on_exit = saveSize(); pref->center_window = center_window_check->isChecked(); pref->center_window_if_outside = center_if_outside_check->isChecked(); #ifdef SINGLE_INSTANCE pref->use_single_instance = useSingleInstance(); #endif pref->seeking1 = seeking1(); pref->seeking2 = seeking2(); pref->seeking3 = seeking3(); pref->seeking4 = seeking4(); pref->update_while_seeking = updateWhileDragging(); #ifdef SEEKBAR_RESOLUTION pref->relative_seeking= relativeSeeking(); #endif pref->precise_seeking = preciseSeeking(); pref->reset_stop = reset_stop_check->isChecked(); if (pref->default_font != defaultFont()) { pref->default_font = defaultFont(); font_changed = true; } pref->hide_video_window_on_audio_files = hideVideoOnAudioFiles(); #if STYLE_SWITCHING if ( pref->style != style() ) { pref->style = style(); style_changed = true; } #endif pref->floating_control_animated = floatingAnimated(); pref->floating_control_width = floatingWidth(); pref->floating_control_margin = floatingMargin(); pref->floating_display_in_compact_mode = displayFloatingInCompactMode(); pref->floating_activation_area = floating_move_bottom_check->isChecked() ? AutohideWidget::Bottom : AutohideWidget::Anywhere; pref->floating_hide_delay = floating_hide_delay_spin->value(); if (pref->history_recents->maxItems() != recentsMaxItems()) { pref->history_recents->setMaxItems( recentsMaxItems() ); recents_changed = true; } if (pref->history_urls->maxItems() != urlMaxItems()) { pref->history_urls->setMaxItems( urlMaxItems() ); url_max_changed = true; } pref->save_dirs = rememberDirs(); #ifdef HDPI_SUPPORT saveHDPIData(); #endif } void PrefInterface::setLanguage(QString lang) { if (lang.isEmpty()) { language_combo->setCurrentIndex(0); } else { int pos = language_combo->findData(lang); if (pos != -1) language_combo->setCurrentIndex( pos ); else language_combo->setCurrentText(lang); } } QString PrefInterface::language() { if (language_combo->currentIndex()==0) return ""; else return language_combo->itemData( language_combo->currentIndex() ).toString(); } void PrefInterface::setIconSet(QString set) { /* if (set.isEmpty()) iconset_combo->setCurrentIndex(0); else iconset_combo->setCurrentText(set); */ iconset_combo->setCurrentIndex(0); for (int n=0; n < iconset_combo->count(); n++) { if (iconset_combo->itemText(n) == set) { iconset_combo->setCurrentIndex(n); break; } } #ifdef SKINS skin_combo->setCurrentIndex(0); for (int n=0; n < skin_combo->count(); n++) { if (skin_combo->itemText(n) == set) { skin_combo->setCurrentIndex(n); break; } } #endif } QString PrefInterface::iconSet() { #ifdef SKINS QString GUI = gui_combo->itemData(gui_combo->currentIndex()).toString(); if (GUI == "SkinGUI") { return skin_combo->currentText(); } else #endif if (iconset_combo->currentIndex()==0) return ""; else return iconset_combo->currentText(); } void PrefInterface::setResizeMethod(int v) { mainwindow_resize_combo->setCurrentIndex(v); } int PrefInterface::resizeMethod() { return mainwindow_resize_combo->currentIndex(); } void PrefInterface::setSaveSize(bool b) { save_size_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefInterface::saveSize() { return save_size_check->isChecked(); } void PrefInterface::setStyle(QString style) { if (style.isEmpty()) { style_combo->setCurrentIndex(0); } else { int i = style_combo->findText(style, Qt::MatchFixedString); if (i < 0) i = 0; style_combo->setCurrentIndex(i); } } QString PrefInterface::style() { if (style_combo->currentIndex() == 0) return ""; else return style_combo->currentText(); } void PrefInterface::setGUI(QString gui_name) { #ifdef SKINS if ((n_skins == 0) && (gui_name == "SkinGUI")) gui_name = "DefaultGUI"; #endif int i = gui_combo->findData(gui_name); if (i < 0) i=0; gui_combo->setCurrentIndex(i); } QString PrefInterface::GUI() { return gui_combo->itemData(gui_combo->currentIndex()).toString(); } #ifdef SKINS void PrefInterface::GUIChanged(int index) { if (gui_combo->itemData(index).toString() == "SkinGUI") { iconset_combo->hide(); iconset_label->hide(); iconset_sp->hide(); skin_combo->show(); skin_label->show(); skin_sp->show(); } else { iconset_combo->show(); iconset_label->show(); iconset_sp->show(); skin_combo->hide(); skin_label->hide(); skin_sp->hide(); } } #endif void PrefInterface::resizeMethodChanged(int index) { center_if_outside_check->setEnabled(index != 0); } #ifdef SINGLE_INSTANCE void PrefInterface::setUseSingleInstance(bool b) { single_instance_check->setChecked(b); //singleInstanceButtonToggled(b); } bool PrefInterface::useSingleInstance() { return single_instance_check->isChecked(); } #endif void PrefInterface::setSeeking1(int n) { seek1->setTime(n); } int PrefInterface::seeking1() { return seek1->time(); } void PrefInterface::setSeeking2(int n) { seek2->setTime(n); } int PrefInterface::seeking2() { return seek2->time(); } void PrefInterface::setSeeking3(int n) { seek3->setTime(n); } int PrefInterface::seeking3() { return seek3->time(); } void PrefInterface::setSeeking4(int n) { seek4->setTime(n); } int PrefInterface::seeking4() { return seek4->time(); } void PrefInterface::setUpdateWhileDragging(bool b) { if (b) timeslider_behaviour_combo->setCurrentIndex(0); else timeslider_behaviour_combo->setCurrentIndex(1); } bool PrefInterface::updateWhileDragging() { return (timeslider_behaviour_combo->currentIndex() == 0); } #ifdef SEEKBAR_RESOLUTION void PrefInterface::setRelativeSeeking(bool b) { relative_seeking_button->setChecked(b); absolute_seeking_button->setChecked(!b); } bool PrefInterface::relativeSeeking() { return relative_seeking_button->isChecked(); } #endif void PrefInterface::setPreciseSeeking(bool b) { precise_seeking_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefInterface::preciseSeeking() { return precise_seeking_check->isChecked(); } void PrefInterface::setDefaultFont(QString font_desc) { default_font_edit->setText(font_desc); } QString PrefInterface::defaultFont() { return default_font_edit->text(); } void PrefInterface::on_changeFontButton_clicked() { QFont f = qApp->font(); if (!default_font_edit->text().isEmpty()) { f.fromString(default_font_edit->text()); } bool ok; f = QFontDialog::getFont( &ok, f, this); if (ok) { default_font_edit->setText( f.toString() ); } } #ifdef SINGLE_INSTANCE void PrefInterface::changeInstanceImages() { if (single_instance_check->isChecked()) instances_icon->setPixmap( Images::icon("instance1") ); else instances_icon->setPixmap( Images::icon("instance2") ); } #endif void PrefInterface::setHideVideoOnAudioFiles(bool b) { hide_video_window_on_audio_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefInterface::hideVideoOnAudioFiles() { return hide_video_window_on_audio_check->isChecked(); } // Floating tab void PrefInterface::setFloatingAnimated(bool b) { floating_animated_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefInterface::floatingAnimated() { return floating_animated_check->isChecked(); } void PrefInterface::setFloatingWidth(int percentage) { floating_width_slider->setValue(percentage); } int PrefInterface::floatingWidth() { return floating_width_slider->value(); } void PrefInterface::setFloatingMargin(int pixels) { floating_margin_slider->setValue(pixels); } int PrefInterface::floatingMargin() { return floating_margin_slider->value(); } void PrefInterface::setDisplayFloatingInCompactMode(bool b) { floating_compact_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefInterface::displayFloatingInCompactMode() { return floating_compact_check->isChecked(); } void PrefInterface::setRecentsMaxItems(int n) { recents_max_items_spin->setValue(n); } int PrefInterface::recentsMaxItems() { return recents_max_items_spin->value(); } void PrefInterface::setURLMaxItems(int n) { url_max_items_spin->setValue(n); } int PrefInterface::urlMaxItems() { return url_max_items_spin->value(); } void PrefInterface::setRememberDirs(bool b) { save_dirs_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefInterface::rememberDirs() { return save_dirs_check->isChecked(); } #ifdef HDPI_SUPPORT void PrefInterface::loadHDPIData() { HDPISupport * hdpi = HDPISupport::instance(); enable_hdpi_check->setChecked(hdpi->isHDPIEnabled()); auto_scale_check->setChecked(hdpi->autoScale()); #ifdef HDPI_USE_SCALE_FACTOR hdpi_scale_slider->setMinimum(5); hdpi_scale_slider->setMaximum(4*10); hdpi_scale_slider->setValue(hdpi->scaleFactor() * 10); #else hdpi_scale_slider->setMinimum(0); hdpi_scale_slider->setMaximum(4); hdpi_scale_slider->setValue(hdpi->pixelRatio()); #endif } void PrefInterface::updateHDPIScaleNumber(int v) { #ifdef HDPI_USE_SCALE_FACTOR hdpi_scale_num_label->setNum((double) v / 10); #else hdpi_scale_num_label->setNum(v); #endif } void PrefInterface::saveHDPIData() { HDPISupport * hdpi = HDPISupport::instance(); hdpi->setHDPIEnabled(enable_hdpi_check->isChecked()); hdpi->setAutoScale(auto_scale_check->isChecked()); #ifdef HDPI_USE_SCALE_FACTOR hdpi->setScaleFactor((double) hdpi_scale_slider->value() / 10); #else hdpi->setPixelRatio(hdpi_scale_slider->value()); #endif #ifdef HDPI_STORE_DATA hdpi->save(); #endif } #endif void PrefInterface::createHelp() { clearHelp(); addSectionTitle(tr("Interface")); setWhatsThis(mainwindow_resize_combo, tr("Autoresize"), tr("The main window can be resized automatically. Select the option " "you prefer.") ); setWhatsThis(center_if_outside_check, tr("Prevent window to get outside of screen"), tr("If after an autoresize the main window gets outside of the screen this option " "will center the window to prevent it.") ); setWhatsThis(center_window_check, tr("Center window"), tr("When this option is enabled, the main window will be centered on the desktop.") ); setWhatsThis(save_size_check, tr("Remember position and size"), tr("If you check this option, the position and size of the main " "window will be saved and restored when you run SMPlayer again.") ); setWhatsThis(hide_video_window_on_audio_check, tr("Hide video window when playing audio files"), tr("If this option is enabled the video window will be hidden when playing audio files.") ); setWhatsThis(language_combo, tr("Language"), tr("Here you can change the language of the application.") ); setWhatsThis(gui_combo, tr("GUI"), tr("Select the graphic interface you prefer for the application.") +"
"+ tr("The Basic GUI provides the traditional interface, with the " "toolbar and control bar.") +" "+ tr("The Mini GUI provides a more simple interface, without toolbar and a control bar with few " "buttons.") #ifdef MPCGUI +" "+ tr("The Mpc GUI looks like the interface in Media Player Classic.") #endif #ifdef SKINS +" "+ tr("The Skinnable GUI provides an interface where several skins are available.") #endif ); setWhatsThis(iconset_combo, tr("Icon set"), tr("Select the icon set you prefer for the application.") ); #ifdef SKINS setWhatsThis(skin_combo, tr("Skin"), tr("Select the skin you prefer for the application. Only available with the skinnable GUI.") ); #endif setWhatsThis(style_combo, tr("Style"), tr("Select the style you prefer for the application.") ); setWhatsThis(changeFontButton, tr("Default font"), tr("You can change here the application's font.") ); addSectionTitle(tr("Seeking")); setWhatsThis(seek1, tr("Short jump"), tr("Select the time that should be go forward or backward when you " "choose the %1 action.").arg(tr("short jump")) ); setWhatsThis(seek2, tr("Medium jump"), tr("Select the time that should be go forward or backward when you " "choose the %1 action.").arg(tr("medium jump")) ); setWhatsThis(seek3, tr("Long jump"), tr("Select the time that should be go forward or backward when you " "choose the %1 action.").arg(tr("long jump")) ); setWhatsThis(seek4, tr("Mouse wheel jump"), tr("Select the time that should be go forward or backward when you " "move the mouse wheel.") ); setWhatsThis(timeslider_behaviour_combo, tr("Behaviour of time slider"), tr("Select what to do when dragging the time slider.") ); #ifdef SEEKBAR_RESOLUTION setWhatsThis(seeking_method_group, tr("Seeking method"), tr("Sets the method to be used when seeking with the slider. " "Absolute seeking may be a little bit more accurate, while " "relative seeking may work better with files with a wrong length.") ); #endif setWhatsThis(precise_seeking_check, tr("Precise seeking"), tr("If this option is enabled, seeks are more accurate but they " "can be a little bit slower. May not work with some video formats.") +"
"+ tr("Note: this option only works with MPlayer2") ); setWhatsThis(reset_stop_check, tr("Pressing the stop button once resets the time position"), tr("By default when the stop button is pressed the time position is remembered " "so if you press play button the media will resume at the same point. You need " "to press the stop button twice to reset the time position, but if this " "option is checked the time position will be set to 0 with only one " "press of the stop button.") ); #ifdef SINGLE_INSTANCE addSectionTitle(tr("Instances")); setWhatsThis(single_instance_check, tr("Use only one running instance of SMPlayer"), tr("Check this option if you want to use an already running instance " "of SMPlayer when opening other files.") ); #endif addSectionTitle(tr("Floating control")); setWhatsThis(floating_animated_check, tr("Animated"), tr("If this option is enabled, the floating control will appear " "with an animation.") ); setWhatsThis(floating_width_slider, tr("Width"), tr("Specifies the width of the control (as a percentage).") ); setWhatsThis(floating_margin_slider, tr("Margin"), tr("This option sets the number of pixels that the floating control " "will be away from the bottom of the screen. Useful when the " "screen is a TV, as the overscan might prevent the control to be " "visible.") ); setWhatsThis(floating_move_bottom_check, tr("Show only when moving the mouse to the bottom of the screen"), tr("If this option is checked, the floating control will only be displayed when the mouse is moved " "to the bottom of the screen. Otherwise the control will appear whenever the mouse is moved, no matter " "its position.") ); setWhatsThis(floating_compact_check, tr("Display in compact mode too"), tr("If this option is enabled, the floating control will appear " "in compact mode too.") +" " + tr("This option only works with the basic GUI.") +" "+ tr("Warning: the floating control has not been " "designed for compact mode and it might not work properly.") ); setWhatsThis(floating_hide_delay_spin, tr("Time to hide the control"), tr("Sets the time (in milliseconds) to hide the control after the mouse went away from the control.")); addSectionTitle(tr("Privacy")); setWhatsThis(recents_max_items_spin, tr("Recent files"), tr("Select the maximum number of items that will be shown in the " "Open->Recent files submenu. If you set it to 0 that " "menu won't be shown at all.") ); setWhatsThis(url_max_items_spin, tr("Max. URLs"), tr("Select the maximum number of items that the Open->URL " "dialog will remember. Set it to 0 if you don't want any URL " "to be stored.") ); setWhatsThis(save_dirs_check, tr("Remember last directory"), tr("If this option is checked, SMPlayer will remember the last folder you use to open a file.") ); } #include "moc_prefinterface.cpp"