/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer. Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Ricardo Villalba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "prefperformance.h" #include "images.h" #include "global.h" #include "preferences.h" using namespace Global; PrefPerformance::PrefPerformance(QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : PrefWidget(parent, f ) { setupUi(this); hwdec_combo->addItem(tr("None"), "no"); hwdec_combo->addItem(tr("Auto"), "auto"); #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX hwdec_combo->addItem("vdpau", "vdpau"); hwdec_combo->addItem("vaapi", "vaapi"); hwdec_combo->addItem("vaapi-copy", "vaapi-copy"); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_OSX hwdec_combo->addItem("vda", "vda"); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN hwdec_combo->addItem("dxva2-copy", "dxva2-copy"); #endif // Priority is only for windows, so we disable for other systems #ifndef Q_OS_WIN priority_group->hide(); #endif #if SMART_DVD_CHAPTERS fast_chapter_check->hide(); #endif retranslateStrings(); } PrefPerformance::~PrefPerformance() { } QString PrefPerformance::sectionName() { return tr("Performance"); } QPixmap PrefPerformance::sectionIcon() { return Images::icon("pref_performance", 22); } void PrefPerformance::retranslateStrings() { int priority = priority_combo->currentIndex(); int loop_filter = loopfilter_combo->currentIndex(); retranslateUi(this); loopfilter_combo->clear(); loopfilter_combo->addItem( tr("Enabled"), Preferences::LoopEnabled ); loopfilter_combo->addItem( tr("Skip (always)"), Preferences::LoopDisabled ); loopfilter_combo->addItem( tr("Skip only on HD videos"), Preferences::LoopDisabledOnHD ); priority_combo->setCurrentIndex(priority); loopfilter_combo->setCurrentIndex(loop_filter); createHelp(); } void PrefPerformance::setData(Preferences * pref) { setCacheForFiles( pref->cache_for_files ); setCacheForStreams( pref->cache_for_streams ); setCacheForDVDs( pref->cache_for_dvds ); setCacheForAudioCDs( pref->cache_for_audiocds ); setCacheForVCDs( pref->cache_for_vcds ); setCacheForTV( pref->cache_for_tv ); setPriority( pref->priority ); setFrameDrop( pref->frame_drop ); setHardFrameDrop( pref->hard_frame_drop ); setCoreavcUsage( pref->coreavc ); setSkipLoop( pref->h264_skip_loop_filter ); #if !SMART_DVD_CHAPTERS setFastChapterSeeking( pref->fast_chapter_change ); #endif setFastAudioSwitching( pref->fast_audio_change ); setThreads( pref->threads ); setHwdec( pref->hwdec ); } void PrefPerformance::getData(Preferences * pref) { requires_restart = false; TEST_AND_SET(pref->cache_for_files, cacheForFiles()); TEST_AND_SET(pref->cache_for_streams, cacheForStreams()); TEST_AND_SET(pref->cache_for_dvds, cacheForDVDs()); TEST_AND_SET(pref->cache_for_audiocds, cacheForAudioCDs()); TEST_AND_SET(pref->cache_for_vcds, cacheForVCDs()); TEST_AND_SET(pref->cache_for_tv, cacheForTV()); TEST_AND_SET(pref->priority, priority()); TEST_AND_SET(pref->frame_drop, frameDrop()); TEST_AND_SET(pref->hard_frame_drop, hardFrameDrop()); TEST_AND_SET(pref->coreavc, coreavcUsage()) TEST_AND_SET(pref->h264_skip_loop_filter, skipLoop()); #if !SMART_DVD_CHAPTERS TEST_AND_SET(pref->fast_chapter_change, fastChapterSeeking()); #endif pref->fast_audio_change = fastAudioSwitching(); TEST_AND_SET(pref->threads, threads()); TEST_AND_SET(pref->hwdec, hwdec()); } void PrefPerformance::setCacheForFiles(int n) { cache_files_spin->setValue(n); } int PrefPerformance::cacheForFiles() { return cache_files_spin->value(); } void PrefPerformance::setCacheForStreams(int n) { cache_streams_spin->setValue(n); } int PrefPerformance::cacheForStreams() { return cache_streams_spin->value(); } void PrefPerformance::setCacheForDVDs(int n) { cache_dvds_spin->setValue(n); } int PrefPerformance::cacheForDVDs() { return cache_dvds_spin->value(); } void PrefPerformance::setCacheForAudioCDs(int n) { cache_cds_spin->setValue(n); } int PrefPerformance::cacheForAudioCDs() { return cache_cds_spin->value(); } void PrefPerformance::setCacheForVCDs(int n) { cache_vcds_spin->setValue(n); } int PrefPerformance::cacheForVCDs() { return cache_vcds_spin->value(); } void PrefPerformance::setCacheForTV(int n) { cache_tv_spin->setValue(n); } int PrefPerformance::cacheForTV() { return cache_tv_spin->value(); } void PrefPerformance::setPriority(int n) { priority_combo->setCurrentIndex(n); } int PrefPerformance::priority() { return priority_combo->currentIndex(); } void PrefPerformance::setFrameDrop(bool b) { framedrop_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefPerformance::frameDrop() { return framedrop_check->isChecked(); } void PrefPerformance::setHardFrameDrop(bool b) { hardframedrop_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefPerformance::hardFrameDrop() { return hardframedrop_check->isChecked(); } void PrefPerformance::setCoreavcUsage(bool b) { coreavc_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefPerformance::coreavcUsage() { return coreavc_check->isChecked(); } void PrefPerformance::setSkipLoop(Preferences::H264LoopFilter value) { loopfilter_combo->setCurrentIndex(loopfilter_combo->findData(value)); } Preferences::H264LoopFilter PrefPerformance::skipLoop() { return (Preferences::H264LoopFilter) loopfilter_combo->itemData(loopfilter_combo->currentIndex()).toInt(); } #if !SMART_DVD_CHAPTERS void PrefPerformance::setFastChapterSeeking(bool b) { fast_chapter_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefPerformance::fastChapterSeeking() { return fast_chapter_check->isChecked(); } #endif void PrefPerformance::setFastAudioSwitching(Preferences::OptionState value) { fast_audio_combo->setState(value); } Preferences::OptionState PrefPerformance::fastAudioSwitching() { return fast_audio_combo->state(); } void PrefPerformance::setThreads(int v) { threads_spin->setValue(v); } int PrefPerformance::threads() { return threads_spin->value(); } void PrefPerformance::setHwdec(const QString & v) { int idx = hwdec_combo->findData(v); if (idx < 0) idx = 0; hwdec_combo->setCurrentIndex(idx); } QString PrefPerformance::hwdec() { int idx = hwdec_combo->currentIndex(); return hwdec_combo->itemData(idx).toString(); } void PrefPerformance::createHelp() { clearHelp(); addSectionTitle(tr("Performance")); // Performance tab #ifdef Q_OS_WIN setWhatsThis(priority_combo, tr("Priority"), tr("Set process priority for mplayer according to the predefined " "priorities available under Windows.
" "Warning: Using realtime priority can cause system lockup.")); #endif setWhatsThis(framedrop_check, tr("Allow frame drop"), tr("Skip displaying some frames to maintain A/V sync on slow systems." ) ); setWhatsThis(hardframedrop_check, tr("Allow hard frame drop"), tr("More intense frame dropping (breaks decoding). " "Leads to image distortion!") ); setWhatsThis(threads_spin, tr("Threads for decoding"), tr("Sets the number of threads to use for decoding. Only for " "MPEG-1/2 and H.264") ); setWhatsThis(hwdec_combo, tr("Hardware decoding"), tr("Sets the hardware video decoding API. " "If hardware decoding is not possible, software decoding will be used instead.") + " " + tr("Available options:") + "" + tr("This option only works with mpv.")); setWhatsThis(loopfilter_combo, tr("Skip loop filter"), tr("This option allows to skips the loop filter (AKA deblocking) " "during H.264 decoding. " "Since the filtered frame is supposed to be used as reference " "for decoding dependent frames this has a worse effect on quality " "than not doing deblocking on e.g. MPEG-2 video. But at least for " "high bitrate HDTV this provides a big speedup with no visible " "quality loss.") +"
"+ tr("Possible values:") +"
" + tr("Enabled: the loop filter is not skipped")+"
"+ tr("Skip (always): the loop filter is skipped no matter the " "resolution of the video")+"
"+ tr("Skip only on HD videos: the loop filter will be " "skipped only on videos which height is %1 or " "greater.").arg(pref->HD_height) +"
" ); setWhatsThis(coreavc_check, tr("Use CoreAVC if no other codec specified"), tr("Try to use the non-free CoreAVC codec when no other codec is specified " "and a non-VDPAU video output is selected.") +" "+ tr("Requires a MPlayer build with CoreAVC support.")); setWhatsThis(fast_audio_combo, tr("Fast audio track switching"), tr("Possible values:
" "Yes: it will try the fastest method " "to switch the audio track (it might not work with some formats).
" "No: the MPlayer process will be restarted whenever you " "change the audio track.
" "Auto: SMPlayer will decide what to do according to the " "MPlayer version." ) ); #if !SMART_DVD_CHAPTERS setWhatsThis(fast_chapter_check, tr("Fast seek to chapters in dvds"), tr("If checked, it will try the fastest method to seek to chapters " "but it might not work with some discs.") ); #endif addSectionTitle(tr("Cache")); setWhatsThis(cache_files_spin, tr("Cache for files"), tr("This option specifies how much memory (in kBytes) to use when " "precaching a file.") ); setWhatsThis(cache_streams_spin, tr("Cache for streams"), tr("This option specifies how much memory (in kBytes) to use when " "precaching a URL.") ); setWhatsThis(cache_dvds_spin, tr("Cache for DVDs"), tr("This option specifies how much memory (in kBytes) to use when " "precaching a DVD.
Warning: Seeking might not work " "properly (including chapter switching) when using a cache for DVDs.") ); setWhatsThis(cache_cds_spin, tr("Cache for audio CDs"), tr("This option specifies how much memory (in kBytes) to use when " "precaching an audio CD.") ); setWhatsThis(cache_vcds_spin, tr("Cache for VCDs"), tr("This option specifies how much memory (in kBytes) to use when " "precaching a VCD.") ); } #include "moc_prefperformance.cpp"