/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer. Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Ricardo Villalba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "sig.h" #include #include #include #include #include //#define ULTRAVERBOSE QString Sig::findText(const QString & text, const QString & begin, const QString & end) { QString res; int pos = text.indexOf(begin); if (pos > -1) { int pos2 = text.indexOf(end, pos); if (pos2 > -1) { pos = pos + begin.length(); res = text.mid(pos, pos2 - pos); } } return res; } QString Sig::findFunctions(const QString & text) { QString res; //QString sts; QRegExp rx_sts("sts:(\\d+)"); if (rx_sts.indexIn(text) != -1) { sts = rx_sts.cap(1); } qDebug() << "Sig::findFunctions: sts:" << sts; QString sig_name; QRegExp rx_sig("\\.sig\\|\\|([a-zA-Z0-9\\$]+)\\("); if (rx_sig.indexIn(text) != -1) { sig_name = rx_sig.cap(1); } qDebug() << "Sig::findFunctions: sig_name:" << sig_name; QString sig_code; if (!sig_name.isEmpty()) { //int pos = text.indexOf("function " + sig_name); int pos = text.indexOf("var " + sig_name + "=function"); if (pos == -1) pos = text.indexOf("," + sig_name + "=function"); if (pos > -1) { int endpos = text.indexOf("}", pos); #ifdef ULTRAVERBOSE qDebug() << "Sig::findFunctions: pos:" << pos << "endpos:" << endpos; #endif if (endpos > -1) { sig_code = text.mid(pos, (endpos-pos)+1); if (sig_code.startsWith("var ")) sig_code.replace("var " + sig_name + "=function", "function " + sig_name); else if (sig_code.startsWith(",")) sig_code.replace("," + sig_name + "=function", "function " + sig_name); } } } qDebug() << "Sig::findFunctions: sig_code:" << sig_code; // Find the 2nd function QString function2; if (!sig_code.isEmpty()) { QStringList parts = sig_code.split(";"); #ifdef ULTRAVERBOSE qDebug() << "Sig::findFunctions: parts:" << parts; #endif foreach(QString part, parts) { //qDebug() << "Sig::findFunctions: part:" << part; QRegExp rx("([a-zA-Z\\$]+)\\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\("); if (rx.indexIn(part) != -1) { QString possible_var = rx.cap(1); #ifdef ULTRAVERBOSE qDebug() << "Sig::findFunctions: possible var:" << possible_var; #endif if ((possible_var != "a") && (possible_var != "")) { QString s = findText(text, "var "+ possible_var, "};"); #ifdef ULTRAVERBOSE qDebug() << "Sig::findFunctions: s:" << s; #endif if (!s.isEmpty()) { function2 = "var "+ possible_var +" "+ s +" };"; break; } } } } } qDebug() << "Sig::findFunctions: function2:" << function2; if (!sig_code.isEmpty()) { //sig_code = sig_code.replace("function "+ sig_name + "(", "function aclara("); function_name = sig_name; #ifdef ULTRAVERBOSE qDebug() << "Sig::findFunctions: sig_code:" << sig_code; #endif res = sig_code + " " + function2; } qDebug() << "Sig::findFunctions: res:" << res; decrypt_function = res; return res; } QString Sig::aclara(const QString & text) { int dot = text.indexOf('.'); qDebug("Sig::aclara: length: %d (%d.%d)", text.size(), dot, text.size()-dot-1); QString res; if (!decrypt_function.isEmpty()) { QString fname = function_name; QScriptEngine engine; engine.evaluate(decrypt_function); QScriptValueList args; args << text; QScriptValue aclarar = engine.globalObject().property(fname); res = aclarar.call(QScriptValue(), args).toString(); } qDebug() << "Sig::aclara: res:" << res; if (res.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Sig::aclara: signature length not supported:" << text.size() << ":" << text; } return res; } void Sig::save(QSettings * set) { qDebug() << "Sig::save"; set->beginGroup("sig"); set->setValue("player", html5_player); set->setValue("sts", sts); set->setValue("function_name", function_name); set->setValue("function", decrypt_function); set->endGroup(); } void Sig::load(QSettings * set) { qDebug() << "Sig::load"; set->beginGroup("sig"); html5_player = set->value("player", "").toString(); sts = set->value("sts", "").toString(); function_name = set->value("function_name", "").toString(); decrypt_function = set->value("function", "").toString(); set->endGroup(); }