;;; bess1.scm -- some examples from clm-2/rt.lisp and clm-2/bess5.cl ;; Author: Michael Scholz ;; Created: Thu May 29 04:14:35 CEST 2003 ;; Last: Sun Jun 15 03:50:21 CEST 2003 ;; changed slightly 14-Jun-06 Bill to match bess.scm, fix pitch problem in make-oscil. ;; then again 18-Dec-09 to use s7 rather than Guile ;; changed float-vector-map! to use a loop instead (Bill 4-July-12) (if (not (provided? 'snd-motif)) (error 'gui-error "bess1.scm needs motif")) ;;; Commentary: ;; This file provides simple mono real time output to DAC. Tempo, ;; frequency, amplitude, and FM index can be controlled via sliders. ;; The music algorithms are taken from clm-2/rt.lisp and ;; clm-2/bess5.cl. ;; (main) calls (rt-motif) which starts a Motif widget with two DAC ;; tests. ;; ;; (rt-motif :srate *clm-srate* ;; 22050 ;; :sample-type *clm-sample-type*) ;; mus-lshort ;;; Code: ;(set! *clm-srate* 22050) (define *clm-sample-type* mus-lfloat) (define ctempo 1.0) (define camp 1.0) (define cfreq 1.0) (define cindex 1.0) (define cplay #t) (define silence (lambda () 0.0)) (define sliderback "lightsteelblue") (define background "lightsteelblue1") (define make-rt-violin (let ((+documentation+ "(make-rt-violin dur freq amp (fm-index 1.0) (amp-env '(0 0 25 1 75 1 100 0))) real time simple violin (see fm.html)")) (lambda* (dur freq amp (fm-index 1.0) (amp-env '(0 0 25 1 75 1 100 0))) (let* ((frq-scl (hz->radians freq)) (maxdev (* frq-scl fm-index))) (let ((carrier (make-oscil :frequency freq)) (fmosc1 (make-oscil :frequency freq)) (fmosc2 (make-oscil :frequency (* 3 freq))) (fmosc3 (make-oscil :frequency (* 4 freq))) (ampf (make-env :envelope amp-env :scaler amp :duration dur)) (indf1 (make-env :envelope '(0 1 25 0.4 75 0.6000000000000001 100 0) :scaler (* maxdev (/ 5.0 (log freq))) :duration dur)) (indf2 (make-env :envelope '(0 1 25 0.4 75 0.6000000000000001 100 0) :scaler (/ (* maxdev 3.0 (- 8.5 (log freq))) (+ 3.0 (/ freq 1000))) :duration dur)) (indf3 (make-env :envelope '(0 1 25 0.4 75 0.6000000000000001 100 0) :scaler (* maxdev (/ 4.0 (sqrt freq))) :duration dur)) (pervib (make-triangle-wave :frequency 5 :amplitude (* 0.0025 frq-scl))) (ranvib (make-rand-interp :frequency 16 :amplitude (* 0.005 frq-scl)))) (lambda () (let ((vib (+ (triangle-wave pervib) (rand-interp ranvib)))) (* (env ampf) (oscil carrier (+ vib (* (env indf1) (oscil fmosc1 vib)) (* (env indf2) (oscil fmosc2 (* 3.0 vib))) (* (env indf3) (oscil fmosc3 (* 4.0 vib))))))))))))) (define lim 256) ;; from clm-2/rt.lisp (define* (make-test (srate *clm-srate*)) (let ((vpits (make-vector (+ 1 lim) 0)) (vbegs (make-vector (+ 1 lim) 0))) (do ((i 0 (+ 1 i))) ((= i lim)) (set! (vpits i) (random 12)) (set! (vbegs i) (+ 1 (random 3)))) (set! *clm-srate* srate) (let ((cellbeg 0) (cellsiz 6) (cellctr 0) (func #f) (len 0) (dur 0.0) (vmode (vector 0 12 2 4 14 4 5 5 0 7 7 11 11))) (lambda () (if (> len 0) (set! len (- len 1)) (begin (set! dur (/ (vbegs (+ cellctr 1)) ctempo)) (set! cellctr (+ cellctr 1)) (if (> cellctr (+ cellsiz cellbeg)) (begin (if (> (random 1.0) 0.5) (set! cellbeg (+ 1 cellbeg))) (if (> (random 1.0) 0.5) (set! cellsiz (+ 1 cellsiz))) (set! cellctr cellbeg))) (if cplay (let ((freq (* cfreq 16.351 16 (expt 2 (/ (vmode (vpits cellctr)) 12.0))))) ;(format () "dur: ~A, freq: ~,3F, amp: ~A, index: ~A~%" dur freq camp cindex) (set! func (make-rt-violin dur freq camp :fm-index cindex))) (set! func silence)) (set! len (seconds->samples dur)))) (func))))) ;; from clm-2/bess5.cl and clm-2/clm-example.lisp (define time 60) (define mode (vector 0 0 2 4 11 11 5 6 7 9 2 0 0)) (define rats (vector 1.0 256/243 9/8 32/27 81/64 4/3 1024/729 3/2 128/81 27/16 16/9 243/128 2.0)) (define bell '(0 0 10 0.25 90 1.0 100 1.0)) (define pits (make-vector (+ 1 lim) 0)) (define octs (make-vector (+ 1 lim) 0)) (define rhys (make-vector (+ 1 lim) 0)) (define begs (make-vector (+ 1 lim) 0)) (define amps (make-vector (+ 1 lim) 0)) (define (tune x) (* (rats (modulo x 12)) (expt 2 (floor (/ x 12))))) (define (rbell x) (envelope-interp (* x 100) bell)) (define* (make-agn (srate *clm-srate*)) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i lim)) (set! (octs i) (floor (+ 4 (* 2 (rbell (random 1.0)))))) (set! (pits i) (mode (random 12))) (set! (rhys i) (+ 4 (random 6))) (set! (begs i) (if (< (random 1.0) 0.9) (+ 4 (random 2)) (random 24))) (set! (amps i) (floor (+ 1 (* 8 (rbell (random 1.0))))))) (set! *clm-srate* srate) (let ((wins (vector '(0 0 40 0.1 60 0.2 75 0.4 82 1 100 0) '(0 0 60 0.1 80 0.2 90 0.4 95 1 100 0) '(0 0 10 1 16 0 32 0.1 50 1 56 0 60 0 80 0.3 100 0) '(0 0 30 1 56 0 60 0 80 0.3 100 0) '(0 0 50 1 80 0.3 100 0) '(0 0 40 0.1 60 0.2 75 0.4 82 1 100 0) '(0 0 40 0.1 60 0.2 75 0.4 82 1 100 0) '(0 0 10 1 32 0.1 50 1 80 0.3 100 0) '(0 0 60 0.1 80 0.3 100 0) '(0 0 80 0.1 100 0))) (nextbeg 0.0) (beg 0.0) (dur 0.0) (freq 0.0) (ampl 0.0) (ind 0.0) (cellctr 0) (cellsiz 4) (cellbeg 0) (whichway 1) (func #f) (len 0)) (lambda () (if (> len 0) (set! len (- len 1)) (begin (set! beg (+ beg nextbeg)) (set! nextbeg (+ nextbeg (max 0.025 (/ (* (+ 0.95 (random 0.1)) (begs cellctr)) ctempo)))) (set! dur (max 0.025 (/ (* (+ 0.85 (random 0.1)) (rhys cellctr)) ctempo))) (set! freq (* cfreq 16.351 (tune (pits cellctr)) (expt 2 (octs cellctr)))) (set! ampl (* camp 10 (max 0.003 (* (amps cellctr) 0.01)))) (set! ind (* cindex (random 3.0))) (set! cellctr (+ cellctr 1)) (if (> cellctr (+ cellsiz cellbeg)) (begin (set! cellbeg (+ 1 cellbeg)) (if (> (random 1.0) 0.5) (set! cellsiz (+ cellsiz whichway))) (cond ((and (> cellsiz 10) (> (random 1.0) 0.99)) (set! whichway -2)) ((and (> cellsiz 6) (> (random 1.0) 0.999)) (set! whichway -1)) ((< cellsiz 4) (set! whichway 1))) (set! nextbeg (+ nextbeg (random 1.0))) (set! cellctr cellbeg))) (set! func (if cplay (make-rt-violin dur freq ampl :fm-index ind :amp-env (wins (random 10))) silence)) (set! len (seconds->samples dur)))) (func)))) (when (provided? 'snd-motif) (with-let (sublet *motif*) ;; set up our user-interface (let* ((shell (let* ((xdismiss (XmStringCreate "Go away" XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG)) (xhelp (XmStringCreate "Help" XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG)) (titlestr (XmStringCreate "FM Forever!" XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG)) (dialog (XmCreateTemplateDialog (cadr (main-widgets)) "FM Forever!" (list XmNcancelLabelString xdismiss XmNhelpLabelString xhelp XmNautoUnmanage #f XmNdialogTitle titlestr XmNwidth 600 XmNresizePolicy XmRESIZE_GROW XmNnoResize #f XmNtransient #f)))) (XtAddCallback dialog XmNhelpCallback (lambda (w context info) (snd-print "This dialog lets you experiment with simple FM"))) (XmStringFree xhelp) (XmStringFree xdismiss) (XmStringFree titlestr) dialog)) (screen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay (XtDisplay shell))) (black (BlackPixelOfScreen screen)) (white (WhitePixelOfScreen screen)) (form (XtCreateManagedWidget "form" xmFormWidgetClass shell (list XmNbackground white XmNforeground black XmNresizePolicy XmRESIZE_GROW))) ;; toggle named "play" (play-button (XtCreateManagedWidget "play" xmToggleButtonWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNset #t XmNbackground white))) ;; carrier freq (carrier (XtCreateManagedWidget "carrier freq:" xmLabelWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNtopWidget play-button XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNrecomputeSize #f XmNbackground white))) (freq-label (XtCreateManagedWidget "label" xmLabelWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget carrier XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget carrier XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNbackground white))) (freq-scale (XtCreateManagedWidget "carrier freq" xmScaleWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget freq-label XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget freq-label XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNshowValue #f XmNorientation XmHORIZONTAL XmNbackground *position-color*))) ;; amp (amp-label (XtCreateManagedWidget "label" xmLabelWidgetClass form (let ((amp (XtCreateManagedWidget "amp:" xmLabelWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNtopWidget carrier XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNrecomputeSize #f XmNbackground white)))) (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget amp XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget amp XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNbackground white)))) (amp-scale (XtCreateManagedWidget "amp" xmScaleWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget amp-label XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget amp-label XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNshowValue #f XmNorientation XmHORIZONTAL XmNbackground *position-color*))) ;; fm index (fm-label (XtCreateManagedWidget "label" xmLabelWidgetClass form (let ((fm-index (XtCreateManagedWidget "fm index:" xmLabelWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNtopWidget amp-scale XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNrecomputeSize #f XmNbackground white)))) (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget fm-index XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget fm-index XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNbackground white)))) (fm-scale (XtCreateManagedWidget "fm index" xmScaleWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget fm-label XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget fm-label XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNshowValue #f XmNorientation XmHORIZONTAL XmNbackground *position-color*))) ;; tempo (tempo-label (XtCreateManagedWidget "label" xmLabelWidgetClass form (let ((cm-ratio (XtCreateManagedWidget "tempo:" xmLabelWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNtopWidget fm-scale XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNrecomputeSize #f XmNbackground white)))) (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget cm-ratio XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget cm-ratio XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNbackground white)))) (tempo-scale (XtCreateManagedWidget "tempo" xmScaleWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget tempo-label XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget tempo-label XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNshowValue #f XmNorientation XmHORIZONTAL XmNbackground *position-color*))) (set-flabel (lambda (label value) (let ((s1 (XmStringCreate (format #f "~,3F" value) XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG))) (XtVaSetValues label (list XmNlabelString s1)) (XmStringFree s1))))) (define (freq-callback w c i) (set! cfreq (* .05 (.value i))) (set-flabel freq-label cfreq)) (define (amp-callback w c i) (set! camp (* 0.01 (.value i))) (set-flabel amp-label camp)) (define (fm-callback w c i) (set! cindex (* .05 (.value i))) (set-flabel fm-label cindex)) (define (tempo-callback w c i) (set! ctempo (* .1 (.value i))) (set-flabel tempo-label ctempo)) ;; -------------------------------- ;; go-away button (XtAddCallback shell XmNcancelCallback (lambda (w c i) (stop-playing) (XtUnmanageChild w))) ;; add scale-change (drag and value-changed) callbacks (XtAddCallback freq-scale XmNdragCallback freq-callback) (XtAddCallback freq-scale XmNvalueChangedCallback freq-callback) (XtAddCallback amp-scale XmNdragCallback amp-callback) (XtAddCallback amp-scale XmNvalueChangedCallback amp-callback) (XtAddCallback fm-scale XmNdragCallback fm-callback) (XtAddCallback fm-scale XmNvalueChangedCallback fm-callback) (XtAddCallback tempo-scale XmNdragCallback tempo-callback) (XtAddCallback tempo-scale XmNvalueChangedCallback tempo-callback) (XtAddCallback play-button XmNvalueChangedCallback (lambda (w c i) (set! cplay (.set i)))) (XmAddWMProtocolCallback (XtParent shell) (XmInternAtom (XtDisplay (cadr (main-widgets))) "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" #f) (lambda (w c i) (stop-playing)) #f) ;; set initial values (set-flabel freq-label 1.0) (set-flabel amp-label 0.1) (set-flabel fm-label 1.0) (set-flabel tempo-label 1.0) (XmScaleSetValue freq-scale 20) (set! cfreq 1.0) (XmScaleSetValue amp-scale 10) (set! camp 0.1) (XmScaleSetValue fm-scale 20) (set! cindex 1.0) (XmScaleSetValue tempo-scale 10) (set! ctempo 1.0) (XtManageChild shell) (XtRealizeWidget shell) (play (make-test)))))