;;; bess1.scm -- some examples from clm-2/rt.lisp and clm-2/bess5.cl ;; Author: Michael Scholz ;; Created: Thu May 29 04:14:35 CEST 2003 ;; Last: Sun Jun 15 03:50:21 CEST 2003 ;; changed slightly 14-Jun-06 Bill to match bess.scm, fix pitch problem in make-oscil. ;; then again 18-Dec-09 to use s7 rather than Guile ;; changed float-vector-map! to use a loop instead (Bill 4-July-12) (if (not (provided? 'snd-motif)) (error 'gui-error "bess1.scm needs motif")) ;;; Commentary: ;; This file provides simple mono real time output to DAC. Tempo, ;; frequency, amplitude, and FM index can be controlled via sliders. ;; The music algorithms are taken from clm-2/rt.lisp and ;; clm-2/bess5.cl. ;; (main) calls (rt-motif) which starts a Motif widget with two DAC ;; tests. ;; ;; (rt-motif :srate *clm-srate* ;; 22050 ;; :bufsize *clm-rt-bufsize* ;; 128 ;; :sample-type *clm-sample-type*) ;; mus-lshort ;;; Code: (with-let *motif* ;(set! *clm-srate* 22050) (define *clm-sample-type* mus-lfloat) (define *clm-rt-bufsize* 1024) (define *output* #f) ;holds fd from (mus-audio-open-output) (define ctempo 0.25) (define camp 1.0) (define cfreq 1.0) (define cindex 1.0) (define cplay #f) (define sliderback "lightsteelblue") (define background "lightsteelblue1") ;(define (seconds->samples secs) (round (* secs *clm-srate*))) ;; called by XtAppAddWorkProc (define (rt-send->dac func) (if cplay (let ((data (make-float-vector *clm-rt-bufsize*))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i *clm-rt-bufsize*)) (set! (data i) (func))) (mus-audio-write *output* (copy data (make-float-vector (list 1 *clm-rt-bufsize*))) *clm-rt-bufsize*) #f) (begin (mus-audio-close *output*) #t))) (define make-rt-violin (let ((+documentation+ "(make-rt-violin dur freq amp (fm-index 1.0) (amp-env '(0 0 25 1 75 1 100 0))) real time simple violin (see fm.html)")) (lambda* (dur freq amp (fm-index 1.0) (amp-env '(0 0 25 1 75 1 100 0))) (let* ((frq-scl (hz->radians freq)) (maxdev (* frq-scl fm-index))) (let ((carrier (make-oscil :frequency freq)) (fmosc1 (make-oscil :frequency freq)) (fmosc2 (make-oscil :frequency (* 3 freq))) (fmosc3 (make-oscil :frequency (* 4 freq))) (ampf (make-env :envelope amp-env :scaler amp :duration dur)) (indf1 (make-env :envelope '(0 1 25 0.4 75 0.6000000000000001 100 0) :scaler (* maxdev (/ 5.0 (log freq))) :duration dur)) (indf2 (make-env :envelope '(0 1 25 0.4 75 0.6000000000000001 100 0) :scaler (/ (* maxdev 3.0 (- 8.5 (log freq))) (+ 3.0 (/ freq 1000))) :duration dur)) (indf3 (make-env :envelope '(0 1 25 0.4 75 0.6000000000000001 100 0) :scaler (* maxdev (/ 4.0 (sqrt freq))) :duration dur)) (pervib (make-triangle-wave :frequency 5 :amplitude (* 0.0025 frq-scl))) (ranvib (make-rand-interp :frequency 16 :amplitude (* 0.005 frq-scl)))) (lambda () (let ((vib (+ (triangle-wave pervib) (rand-interp ranvib)))) (* (env ampf) (oscil carrier (+ vib (* (env indf1) (oscil fmosc1 vib)) (* (env indf2) (oscil fmosc2 (* 3.0 vib))) (* (env indf3) (oscil fmosc3 (* 4.0 vib))))))))))))) (define lim 256) ;; from clm-2/rt.lisp (define* (make-float-vector-test (srate *clm-srate*) (bufsize *clm-rt-bufsize*) (sample-type *clm-sample-type*)) (let ((vpits (make-vector (+ 1 lim) 0)) (vbegs (make-vector (+ 1 lim) 0))) (do ((i 0 (+ 1 i))) ((= i lim)) (set! (vpits i) (random 12)) (set! (vbegs i) (+ 1 (random 3)))) (set! *clm-srate* srate) (set! *clm-rt-bufsize* bufsize) (set! *output* (mus-audio-open-output mus-audio-default srate 1 sample-type (* bufsize 2))) (let ((cellbeg 0) (cellsiz 6) (cellctr 0) (func #f) (len 0) (dur 0.0) (vmode (vector 0 12 2 4 14 4 5 5 0 7 7 11 11))) (lambda () (if (> len 1) (set! len (- len 1)) (begin (set! dur (* ctempo (vbegs (+ cellctr 1)))) (set! cellctr (+ cellctr 1)) (if (> cellctr (+ cellsiz cellbeg)) (begin (if (> (random 1.0) 0.5) (set! cellbeg (+ 1 cellbeg))) (if (> (random 1.0) 0.5) (set! cellsiz (+ 1 cellsiz))) (set! cellctr cellbeg))) (let ((freq (* cfreq 16.351 16 (expt 2 (/ (vmode (vpits cellctr)) 12.0))))) (format () "dur: ~A, freq: ~A, amp: ~A, index: ~A~%" dur (if (< (* 8 freq) *clm-srate*) freq (/ freq 4)) (* camp 0.3) cindex) (set! func (make-rt-violin dur (if (< (* 8 freq) *clm-srate*) freq (/ freq 4)) (* camp 0.3) :fm-index cindex))) (set! len (ceiling (/ (seconds->samples dur) bufsize))))) func)))) ;; from clm-2/bess5.cl and clm-2/clm-example.lisp (define time 60) (define mode (vector 0 0 2 4 11 11 5 6 7 9 2 0 0)) (define rats (vector 1.0 256/243 9/8 32/27 81/64 4/3 1024/729 3/2 128/81 27/16 16/9 243/128 2.0)) (define bell '(0 0 10 0.25 90 1.0 100 1.0)) (define pits (make-vector (+ 1 lim) 0)) (define octs (make-vector (+ 1 lim) 0)) (define rhys (make-vector (+ 1 lim) 0)) (define begs (make-vector (+ 1 lim) 0)) (define amps (make-vector (+ 1 lim) 0)) (define (tune x) (* (rats (modulo x 12)) (expt 2 (floor (/ x 12))))) (define (rbell x) (envelope-interp (* x 100) bell)) (define* (make-agn (srate *clm-srate*) (bufsize *clm-rt-bufsize*) (sample-type *clm-sample-type*)) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i lim)) (set! (octs i) (floor (+ 4 (* 2 (rbell (random 1.0)))))) (set! (pits i) (mode (random 12))) (set! (rhys i) (+ 4 (random 6))) (set! (begs i) (if (< (random 1.0) 0.9) (+ 4 (random 2)) (random 24))) (set! (amps i) (floor (+ 1 (* 8 (rbell (random 1.0))))))) (set! *clm-srate* srate) (set! *clm-rt-bufsize* bufsize) (set! *output* (mus-audio-open-output mus-audio-default srate 1 sample-type (* bufsize 2))) (let ((wins (vector '(0 0 40 0.1 60 0.2 75 0.4 82 1 90 1 100 0) '(0 0 60 0.1 80 0.2 90 0.4 95 1 100 0) '(0 0 10 1 16 0 32 0.1 50 1 56 0 60 0 90 0.3 100 0) '(0 0 30 1 56 0 60 0 90 0.3 100 0) '(0 0 50 1 80 0.3 100 0) '(0 0 40 0.1 60 0.2 75 0.4 82 1 90 1 100 0) '(0 0 40 0.1 60 0.2 75 0.4 82 1 90 1 100 0) '(0 0 10 1 32 0.1 50 1 90 0.3 100 0) '(0 0 60 0.1 80 0.3 95 1 100 0) '(0 0 80 0.1 90 1 100 0))) (nextbeg 0.0) (beg 0.0) (dur 0.0) (freq 0.0) (ampl 0.0) (ind 0.0) (cellctr 0) (cellsiz 4) (cellbeg 0) (whichway 1) (func #f) (len 0)) (lambda () (if (> len 1) (set! len (- len 1)) (begin (set! beg (+ beg nextbeg)) (set! nextbeg (+ nextbeg (max 0.025 (* ctempo (+ 0.95 (random 0.1)) (begs cellctr))))) (set! dur (max 0.025 (* ctempo (+ 0.85 (random 0.1)) (rhys cellctr)))) (set! freq (* cfreq 16.351 (tune (pits cellctr)) (expt 2 (octs cellctr)))) (set! ampl (* camp 10 (max 0.003 (* (amps cellctr) 0.01)))) (set! ind (* cindex (random 3.0))) (set! cellctr (+ cellctr 1)) (if (> cellctr (+ cellsiz cellbeg)) (begin (set! cellbeg (+ 1 cellbeg)) (if (> (random 1.0) 0.5) (set! cellsiz (+ cellsiz whichway))) (cond ((and (> cellsiz 10) (> (random 1.0) 0.99)) (set! whichway -2)) ((and (> cellsiz 6) (> (random 1.0) 0.999)) (set! whichway -1)) ((< cellsiz 4) (set! whichway 1))) (set! nextbeg (+ nextbeg (random 1.0))) (set! cellctr cellbeg))) (set! func (make-rt-violin dur freq ampl :fm-index ind :amp-env (wins (floor (* 10 (- beg (floor beg))))))) (set! len (ceiling (/ (seconds->samples dur) bufsize))))) func))) #| ;; from env.scm (define* (envelope-interp :rest args) (let ((x (car args)) (env (cadr args)) (base (if (null? (cddr args)) #f (caddr args)))) (cond ((null? env) 0.0) ((or (<= x (car env)) (null? (cddr env))) (cadr env)) ((> (caddr env) x) (if (or (= (cadr env) (cadddr env)) (and base (= base 0.0))) (cadr env) (if (or (not base) (= base 1.0)) (+ (cadr env) (* (- x (car env)) (/ (- (cadddr env) (cadr env)) (- (caddr env) (car env))))) (+ (cadr env) (* (/ (- (cadddr env) (cadr env)) (- base 1.0)) (- (expt base (/ (- x (car env)) (- (caddr env) (car env)))) 1.0)))))) (else (envelope-interp x (cddr env)))))) |# (define* (rt-motif :rest args) (let* ((shell-app (XtVaOpenApplication "FM" 0 () applicationShellWidgetClass (list XmNallowShellResize #t))) (app (cadr shell-app)) (shell (car shell-app)) (dpy (XtDisplay shell)) (black (BlackPixelOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay dpy)))) (define (get-color color) (let ((col (XColor)) (cmap (DefaultColormap dpy (DefaultScreen dpy)))) (if (= (XAllocNamedColor dpy cmap color col col) 0) (error 'no-memory "can't allocate ~A" color) (.pixel col)))) (XtSetValues shell (list XmNtitle "FM Forever!")) (let* ((light-blue (get-color sliderback)) (form (XtCreateManagedWidget "form" xmFormWidgetClass shell (list XmNbackground (get-color background) XmNforeground black XmNresizePolicy XmRESIZE_GROW))) ;; play (play-button (XtCreateManagedWidget "play" xmToggleButtonWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNbackground (get-color background)))) ;; radio (radio (XmCreateRadioBox form "radio" (list XmNorientation XmHORIZONTAL XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget play-button XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNbackground (get-color background)))) ;; play agn (agn-button (XtCreateManagedWidget "agn" xmToggleButtonWidgetClass radio (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNbackground (get-color background)))) ;; play test (test-button (XtCreateManagedWidget "test" xmToggleButtonWidgetClass radio (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget agn-button XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNbackground (get-color background)))) ;; quit (quit-button (XtCreateManagedWidget " quit " xmPushButtonWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget radio XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNbackground (get-color background)))) (tempo (let ((sep (XtCreateManagedWidget "sep" xmSeparatorWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNtopWidget radio XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNheight 4 XmNorientation XmHORIZONTAL)))) (XtCreateManagedWidget " tempo:" xmLabelWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNtopWidget sep XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNrecomputeSize #f XmNbackground (get-color background))))) (tempo-label (XtCreateManagedWidget "label" xmLabelWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget tempo XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget tempo XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNbackground (get-color background)))) (tempo-scale (XtCreateManagedWidget "tempo" xmScaleWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget tempo-label XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget tempo-label XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNshowValue #f XmNorientation XmHORIZONTAL XmNheight 20 XmNbackground light-blue))) ;; freq (freq (XtCreateManagedWidget " freq:" xmLabelWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNtopWidget tempo XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNrecomputeSize #f XmNbackground (get-color background)))) (freq-label (XtCreateManagedWidget "label" xmLabelWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget freq XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget freq XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNbackground (get-color background)))) (freq-scale (XtCreateManagedWidget "freq" xmScaleWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget freq-label XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget freq-label XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNshowValue #f XmNorientation XmHORIZONTAL XmNheight 20 XmNbackground light-blue))) ;; amp (amp (XtCreateManagedWidget " amp:" xmLabelWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNtopWidget freq XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNrecomputeSize #f XmNbackground (get-color background)))) (amp-label (XtCreateManagedWidget "label" xmLabelWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget amp XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget amp XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNbackground (get-color background)))) (amp-scale (XtCreateManagedWidget "amp" xmScaleWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget amp-label XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget amp-label XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNshowValue #f XmNorientation XmHORIZONTAL XmNheight 20 XmNbackground light-blue))) (index-label (let ((index (XtCreateManagedWidget " index:" xmLabelWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNtopWidget amp XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNrecomputeSize #f XmNbackground (get-color background))))) (XtCreateManagedWidget "label" xmLabelWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget index XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget index XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNbackground (get-color background))))) (index-scale (XtCreateManagedWidget "index" xmScaleWidgetClass form (list XmNleftAttachment XmATTACH_WIDGET XmNleftWidget index-label XmNbottomAttachment XmATTACH_NONE XmNtopAttachment XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET XmNtopWidget index-label XmNrightAttachment XmATTACH_FORM XmNshowValue #f XmNorientation XmHORIZONTAL XmNheight 20 XmNbackground light-blue)))) (let ((low-tempo 0.05) (high-tempo 0.5) (low-freq 0.1) (high-freq 4.0) (high-index 2.0) (which-play 0) (proc #f) (func #f) (set-flabel (lambda (label value) (let ((s1 (XmStringCreate (format #f "~5,3F" value) XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG))) (XtVaSetValues label (list XmNlabelString s1)) (XmStringFree s1))))) (define (tempo-callback w c i) (set! ctempo (+ low-tempo (* (.value i) (/ (- high-tempo low-tempo) 100.0)))) (set-flabel tempo-label ctempo)) (define (amp-callback w c i) (let ((high-amp 1.0)) (set! camp (* (.value i) (/ high-amp 100.0)))) (set-flabel amp-label camp)) (define (freq-callback w c i) (set! cfreq (+ low-freq (* (.value i) (/ (- high-freq low-freq) 100.0)))) (set-flabel freq-label cfreq)) (define (index-callback w c i) (set! cindex (* (.value i) (/ high-index 100.0))) (set-flabel index-label cindex)) (define (set-defaults) (set! ctempo 0.25) (set! camp 1.0) (set! cfreq 1.0) (set! cindex 1.0) (set-flabel tempo-label ctempo) (set-flabel amp-label camp) (set-flabel freq-label cfreq) (set-flabel index-label cindex) (XmScaleSetValue tempo-scale (floor (* 100 (/ (- ctempo low-tempo) (- high-tempo low-tempo))))) (XmScaleSetValue freq-scale (floor (* 100 (/ (- cfreq low-freq) (- high-freq low-freq))))) (XmScaleSetValue amp-scale (floor (* 100 camp))) (XmScaleSetValue index-scale (floor (* 100 (/ cindex high-index))))) (XtManageChild radio) ;; add scale-change (drag and value-changed) callbacks (XtAddCallback tempo-scale XmNdragCallback tempo-callback) (XtAddCallback tempo-scale XmNvalueChangedCallback tempo-callback) (XtAddCallback amp-scale XmNdragCallback amp-callback) (XtAddCallback amp-scale XmNvalueChangedCallback amp-callback) (XtAddCallback freq-scale XmNdragCallback freq-callback) (XtAddCallback freq-scale XmNvalueChangedCallback freq-callback) (XtAddCallback index-scale XmNdragCallback index-callback) (XtAddCallback index-scale XmNvalueChangedCallback index-callback) (XtAddCallback agn-button XmNvalueChangedCallback (lambda (w c i) (if (.set i) (set! which-play 0)) (set! cplay #f) (XmToggleButtonSetState play-button cplay #f))) (XmToggleButtonSetState agn-button #t #f) (XtAddCallback test-button XmNvalueChangedCallback (lambda (w c i) (if (.set i) (set! which-play 1)) (set! cplay #f) (XmToggleButtonSetState play-button cplay #f))) (XtAddCallback quit-button XmNactivateCallback (lambda (w c i) (set! cplay #f) (if proc (XtRemoveWorkProc proc)) (exit 0))) (XtAddCallback play-button XmNvalueChangedCallback (lambda (w c i) (set! cplay (.set i)) (if cplay (begin (set-defaults) (set! func (apply (if (= which-play 0) make-agn make-float-vector-test) (or args ()))) (set! proc (XtAppAddWorkProc app (lambda (c) (rt-send->dac func))))) (if proc (XtRemoveWorkProc proc))))) (XmToggleButtonSetState play-button cplay #f) (set-defaults) (XtRealizeWidget shell)) (XtAppMainLoop app)))) (rt-motif) ) ;; bess1.scm ends here