#!/usr/bin/env python # # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # # # run_tests.py - run the tests in the regression test suite. # '''usage: python run_tests.py [--verbose] [--log-to-stdout] [--cleanup] [--bin=] [--parallel | --parallel=] [--global-scheduler] [--url=] [--http-library=] [--enable-sasl] [--fs-type=] [--fsfs-packing] [--fsfs-sharding=] [--list] [--milestone-filter=] [--mode-filter=] [--server-minor-version=] [--http-proxy=:] [--httpd-version=] [--httpd-whitelist=] [--config-file=] [--ssl-cert=] [--exclusive-wc-locks] [--memcached-server=] [--fsfs-compression=] [--fsfs-dir-deltification=] [--allow-remote-http-connection] The optional flags and the first two parameters are passed unchanged to the TestHarness constructor. All other parameters are names of test programs. Each should be the full path (absolute or from the current directory) and filename of a test program, optionally followed by '#' and a comma- separated list of test numbers; the default is to run all the tests in it. ''' import os, sys, shutil import re import logging import optparse, subprocess, threading, traceback from datetime import datetime try: # Python >=3.0 import queue except ImportError: # Python <3.0 import Queue as queue if sys.version_info < (3, 0): # Python >= 3.0 already has this build in import exceptions if sys.version_info < (3, 5): import imp else: # The imp module is deprecated since Python 3.4; the replacement we use, # module_from_spec(), is available since Python 3.5. import importlib.util # Ensure the compiled C tests use a known locale (Python tests set the locale # explicitly). os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C' # Placeholder for the svntest module svntest = None class TextColors: '''Some ANSI terminal constants for output color''' ENDC = '\033[0;m' FAILURE = '\033[1;31m' SUCCESS = '\033[1;32m' @classmethod def disable(cls): cls.ENDC = '' cls.FAILURE = '' cls.SUCCESS = '' def _get_term_width(): 'Attempt to discern the width of the terminal' # This may not work on all platforms, in which case the default of 80 # characters is used. Improvements welcomed. def ioctl_GWINSZ(fd): try: import fcntl, termios, struct, os cr = struct.unpack('hh', fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, struct.pack('hh', 0, 0))) except: return None return cr cr = None if not cr: try: cr = (os.environ['SVN_MAKE_CHECK_LINES'], os.environ['SVN_MAKE_CHECK_COLUMNS']) except: cr = None if not cr: cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(0) or ioctl_GWINSZ(1) or ioctl_GWINSZ(2) if not cr: try: fd = os.open(os.ctermid(), os.O_RDONLY) cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(fd) os.close(fd) except: pass if not cr: try: cr = (os.environ['LINES'], os.environ['COLUMNS']) except: cr = None if not cr: # Default if sys.platform == 'win32': cr = (25, 79) else: cr = (25, 80) return int(cr[1]) def ensure_str(s): '''If S is not a string already, convert it to a string''' if isinstance(s, str): return s else: return s.decode("latin-1") def open_logfile(filename, mode, encoding='utf-8'): if sys.version_info[0] != 2: return open(filename, mode, encoding=encoding, errors='surrogateescape') else: class Wrapper(object): def __init__(self, stream, encoding): self._stream = stream self.encoding = encoding def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._stream, name) return Wrapper(open(filename, mode), encoding) class TestHarness: '''Test harness for Subversion tests. ''' def __init__(self, abs_srcdir, abs_builddir, logfile, faillogfile, opts): '''Construct a TestHarness instance. ABS_SRCDIR and ABS_BUILDDIR are the source and build directories. LOGFILE is the name of the log file. If LOGFILE is None, let tests print their output to stdout and stderr, and don't print a summary at the end (since there's no log file to analyze). OPTS are the options that will be sent to the tests. ''' # Canonicalize the test base URL if opts.url is not None and opts.url[-1] == '/': opts.url = opts.url[:-1] # Make the configfile path absolute if opts.config_file is not None: opts.config_file = os.path.abspath(opts.config_file) # Parse out the FSFS version number if (opts.fs_type is not None and opts.fs_type.startswith('fsfs-v')): opts.fsfs_version = int(opts.fs_type[6:]) opts.fs_type = 'fsfs' else: opts.fsfs_version = None self.srcdir = abs_srcdir self.builddir = abs_builddir self.logfile = logfile self.faillogfile = faillogfile self.log = None self.opts = opts if not sys.stdout.isatty() or sys.platform == 'win32': TextColors.disable() def _init_c_tests(self): cmdline = [None, None] # Program name and source dir if self.opts.config_file is not None: cmdline.append('--config-file=' + self.opts.config_file) elif self.opts.memcached_server is not None: cmdline.append('--memcached-server=' + self.opts.memcached_server) if self.opts.url is not None: subdir = 'subversion/tests/cmdline/svn-test-work' cmdline.append('--repos-url=%s' % self.opts.url + '/svn-test-work/repositories') cmdline.append('--repos-dir=%s' % os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.builddir, subdir, 'repositories'))) # Enable access for http if self.opts.url.startswith('http'): authzparent = os.path.join(self.builddir, subdir) if not os.path.exists(authzparent): os.makedirs(authzparent); open(os.path.join(authzparent, 'authz'), 'w').write('[/]\n' '* = rw\n') # ### Support --repos-template if self.opts.list_tests is not None: cmdline.append('--list') if (self.opts.set_log_level is not None and self.opts.set_log_level <= logging.DEBUG): cmdline.append('--verbose') if self.opts.cleanup is not None: cmdline.append('--cleanup') if self.opts.fs_type is not None: cmdline.append('--fs-type=%s' % self.opts.fs_type) if self.opts.fsfs_version is not None: cmdline.append('--fsfs-version=%d' % self.opts.fsfs_version) if self.opts.server_minor_version is not None: cmdline.append('--server-minor-version=%d' % self.opts.server_minor_version) if self.opts.mode_filter is not None: cmdline.append('--mode-filter=' + self.opts.mode_filter) if self.opts.parallel is not None: cmdline.append('--parallel') self.c_test_cmdline = cmdline def _init_py_tests(self, basedir): cmdline = ['--srcdir=%s' % self.srcdir] if self.opts.list_tests is not None: cmdline.append('--list') if self.opts.cleanup is not None: cmdline.append('--cleanup') if self.opts.parallel is not None: if self.opts.parallel == 1: cmdline.append('--parallel') else: cmdline.append('--parallel-instances=%d' % self.opts.parallel) if self.opts.svn_bin is not None: cmdline.append('--bin=%s' % self.opts.svn_bin) if self.opts.url is not None: cmdline.append('--url=%s' % self.opts.url) if self.opts.fs_type is not None: cmdline.append('--fs-type=%s' % self.opts.fs_type) if self.opts.http_library is not None: cmdline.append('--http-library=%s' % self.opts.http_library) if self.opts.fsfs_sharding is not None: cmdline.append('--fsfs-sharding=%d' % self.opts.fsfs_sharding) if self.opts.fsfs_packing is not None: cmdline.append('--fsfs-packing') if self.opts.fsfs_version is not None: cmdline.append('--fsfs-version=%d' % self.opts.fsfs_version) if self.opts.server_minor_version is not None: cmdline.append('--server-minor-version=%d' % self.opts.server_minor_version) if self.opts.dump_load_cross_check is not None: cmdline.append('--dump-load-cross-check') if self.opts.enable_sasl is not None: cmdline.append('--enable-sasl') if self.opts.config_file is not None: cmdline.append('--config-file=%s' % self.opts.config_file) if self.opts.milestone_filter is not None: cmdline.append('--milestone-filter=%s' % self.opts.milestone_filter) if self.opts.mode_filter is not None: cmdline.append('--mode-filter=%s' % self.opts.mode_filter) if self.opts.set_log_level is not None: cmdline.append('--set-log-level=%s' % self.opts.set_log_level) if self.opts.ssl_cert is not None: cmdline.append('--ssl-cert=%s' % self.opts.ssl_cert) if self.opts.http_proxy is not None: cmdline.append('--http-proxy=%s' % self.opts.http_proxy) if self.opts.http_proxy_username is not None: cmdline.append('--http-proxy-username=%s' % self.opts.http_proxy_username) if self.opts.http_proxy_password is not None: cmdline.append('--http-proxy-password=%s' % self.opts.http_proxy_password) if self.opts.httpd_version is not None: cmdline.append('--httpd-version=%s' % self.opts.httpd_version) if self.opts.httpd_whitelist is not None: cmdline.append('--httpd-whitelist=%s' % self.opts.httpd_whitelist) if self.opts.exclusive_wc_locks is not None: cmdline.append('--exclusive-wc-locks') if self.opts.memcached_server is not None: cmdline.append('--memcached-server=%s' % self.opts.memcached_server) if self.opts.fsfs_compression is not None: cmdline.append('--fsfs-compression=%s' % self.opts.fsfs_compression) if self.opts.fsfs_dir_deltification is not None: cmdline.append('--fsfs-dir-deltification=%s' % self.opts.fsfs_dir_deltification) if self.opts.allow_remote_http_connection is not None: cmdline.append('--allow-remote-http-connection') self.py_test_cmdline = cmdline # The svntest module is very pedantic about the current working directory old_cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(basedir) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.srcdir, basedir))) global svntest __import__('svntest') __import__('svntest.main') __import__('svntest.testcase') svntest = sys.modules['svntest'] svntest.main = sys.modules['svntest.main'] svntest.testcase = sys.modules['svntest.testcase'] svntest.main.parse_options(cmdline, optparse.SUPPRESS_USAGE) svntest.testcase.TextColors.disable() finally: os.chdir(old_cwd) class Job: '''A single test or test suite to execute. After execution, the results can be taken from the respective data fields.''' def __init__(self, number, is_python, progabs, progdir, progbase): '''number is the test count for C tests and the test nr for Python.''' self.number = number self.is_python = is_python self.progabs = progabs self.progdir = progdir self.progbase = progbase self.result = None self.stdout_lines = [] self.stderr_lines = [] self.taken = 0 def test_count(self): if self.is_python: return 1 else: return self.number def _command_line(self, harness): if self.is_python: cmdline = list(harness.py_test_cmdline) cmdline.insert(0, sys.executable) cmdline.insert(1, self.progabs) # Run the test apps in "child process" mode, # i.e. w/o cleaning up global directories etc. cmdline.append('-c') cmdline.append(str(self.number)) else: cmdline = list(harness.c_test_cmdline) cmdline[0] = self.progabs cmdline[1] = '--srcdir=%s' % os.path.join(harness.srcdir, self.progdir) return cmdline def execute(self, harness): start_time = datetime.now() prog = subprocess.Popen(self._command_line(harness), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=self.progdir) self.stdout_lines = prog.stdout.readlines() self.stderr_lines = prog.stderr.readlines() prog.wait() self.result = prog.returncode self.taken = datetime.now() - start_time class CollectingThread(threading.Thread): '''A thread that lists the individual tests in a given case and creates jobs objects for them. in in test cases in their own processes. Receives test numbers to run from the queue, and saves results into the results field.''' def __init__(self, srcdir, builddir, testcase): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.srcdir = srcdir self.builddir = builddir self.testcase = testcase self.result = [] def _count_c_tests(self, progabs, progdir, progbase): 'Run a c test, escaping parameters as required.' cmdline = [ progabs, '--list' ] prog = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=progdir) lines = prog.stdout.readlines() self.result.append(TestHarness.Job(len(lines) - 2, False, progabs, progdir, progbase)) prog.wait() def _count_py_tests(self, progabs, progdir, progbase): 'Run a c test, escaping parameters as required.' cmdline = [ sys.executable, progabs, '--list' ] prog = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=progdir) lines = prog.stdout.readlines() for i in range(0, len(lines) - 2): self.result.append(TestHarness.Job(i + 1, True, progabs, progdir, progbase)) prog.wait() def run(self): "Run a single test. Return the test's exit code." progdir, progbase, test_nums = self.testcase if progbase[-3:] == '.py': progabs = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.srcdir, progdir, progbase)) self._count_py_tests(progabs, progdir, progbase) else: progabs = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.builddir, progdir, progbase)) self._count_c_tests(progabs, progdir, progbase) def get_result(self): return self.result class TestSpawningThread(threading.Thread): '''A thread that runs test cases in their own processes. Receives test jobs to run from the queue, and shows some progress indication on stdout. The detailed test results are stored inside the job objects.''' def __init__(self, queue, harness): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.harness = harness self.results = [] def run(self): while True: try: job = self.queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: return job.execute(self.harness) if job.result: os.write(sys.stdout.fileno(), b'!' * job.test_count()) else: os.write(sys.stdout.fileno(), b'.' * job.test_count()) def _run_global_scheduler(self, testlist, has_py_tests): # Collect all tests to execute (separate jobs for each test in python # test cases, one job for each c test case). Do that concurrently to # mask latency. This takes .5s instead of about 3s. threads = [ ] for count, testcase in enumerate(testlist): threads.append(self.CollectingThread(self.srcdir, self.builddir, testcase)) for t in threads: t.start() jobs = [] for t in threads: t.join() jobs.extend(t.result) # Put all jobs into our "todo" queue. # Scramble them for a more even resource utilization. job_queue = queue.Queue() total_count = 0 scrambled = list(jobs) # TODO: What's this line doing, and what's the magic number? scrambled.sort(key=lambda x: ("1" if x.test_count() < 30 else "0") + str(x.number)) for job in scrambled: total_count += job.test_count() job_queue.put(job) # Use the svntest infrastructure to initialize the common test template # wc and repos. if has_py_tests: old_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(jobs[-1].progdir) svntest.main.options.keep_local_tmp = True svntest.main.execute_tests([]) os.chdir(old_cwd) # Some more prep work if self.log: log = self.log else: log = sys.stdout if self.opts.parallel is None: thread_count = 1 else: if self.opts.parallel == 1: thread_count = 5 else: thread_count = self.opts.parallel # Actually run the tests in concurrent sub-processes print('Tests to execute: %d' % total_count) sys.stdout.flush() threads = [ TestHarness.TestSpawningThread(job_queue, self) for i in range(thread_count) ] for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() print("") # Aggregate and log the results failed = 0 taken = 0 last_test_name = "" for job in jobs: if last_test_name != job.progbase: if last_test_name != "": log.write('ELAPSED: %s %s\n\n' % (last_test_name, str(taken))) last_test_name = job.progbase taken = job.taken else: taken += job.taken for line in job.stderr_lines: log.write(ensure_str(line)) for line in job.stdout_lines: self._process_test_output_line(ensure_str(line)) self._check_for_unknown_failure(log, job.progbase, job.result) failed = job.result or failed log.write('ELAPSED: %s %s\n\n' % (last_test_name, str(taken))) return failed def _run_local_schedulers(self, testlist): '''Serial execution of all test suites using their respective internal schedulers.''' testcount = len(testlist) failed = 0 for count, testcase in enumerate(testlist): failed = self._run_test(testcase, count, testcount) or failed return failed def run(self, testlist): '''Run all test programs given in TESTLIST. Print a summary of results, if there is a log file. Return zero iff all test programs passed.''' self._open_log('w') failed = 0 # Filter tests into Python and native groups and prepare arguments # for each group. The resulting list will contain tuples of # (program dir, program name, test numbers), where the test # numbers may be None. def split_nums(prog): test_nums = [] if '#' in prog: prog, test_nums = prog.split('#') if test_nums: test_nums = test_nums.split(',') return prog, test_nums py_basedir = set() py_tests = [] c_tests = [] for prog in testlist: progpath, testnums = split_nums(prog) progdir, progbase = os.path.split(progpath) if progpath.endswith('.py'): py_basedir.add(progdir) py_tests.append((progdir, progbase, testnums)) elif not self.opts.skip_c_tests: c_tests.append((progdir, progbase, testnums)) # Initialize svntest.main.options for Python tests. Load the # svntest.main module from the Python test path. if len(py_tests): if len(py_basedir) > 1: sys.stderr.write('The test harness requires all Python tests' ' to be in the same directory.') sys.exit(1) self._init_py_tests(list(py_basedir)[0]) py_tests.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # Create the common command line for C tests if len(c_tests): self._init_c_tests() c_tests.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # Run the tests testlist = c_tests + py_tests if self.opts.global_scheduler is None: failed = self._run_local_schedulers(testlist) else: failed = self._run_global_scheduler(testlist, len(py_tests) > 0) # Open the log again to for filtering. if self.logfile: self._open_log('r') log_lines = self.log.readlines() else: log_lines = [] # Remove \r characters introduced by opening the log as binary if sys.platform == 'win32': log_lines = [x.replace('\r', '') for x in log_lines] # Print the results, from least interesting to most interesting. # Helper for Work-In-Progress indications for XFAIL tests. wimptag = ' [[WIMP: ' def printxfail(x): wip = x.find(wimptag) if 0 > wip: sys.stdout.write(x) else: sys.stdout.write('%s\n [[%s' % (x[:wip], x[wip + len(wimptag):])) if self.opts.list_tests: passed = [x for x in log_lines if x[8:13] == ' '] else: passed = [x for x in log_lines if x[:6] == 'PASS: '] if self.opts.list_tests: skipped = [x for x in log_lines if x[8:12] == 'SKIP'] else: skipped = [x for x in log_lines if x[:6] == 'SKIP: '] if skipped and not self.opts.list_tests: print('At least one test was SKIPPED, checking ' + self.logfile) for x in skipped: sys.stdout.write(x) if self.opts.list_tests: xfailed = [x for x in log_lines if x[8:13] == 'XFAIL'] else: xfailed = [x for x in log_lines if x[:6] == 'XFAIL:'] if xfailed and not self.opts.list_tests: print('At least one test XFAILED, checking ' + self.logfile) for x in xfailed: printxfail(x) xpassed = [x for x in log_lines if x[:6] == 'XPASS:'] if xpassed: print('At least one test XPASSED, checking ' + self.logfile) for x in xpassed: printxfail(x) failed_list = [x for x in log_lines if x[:6] == 'FAIL: '] if failed_list: print('At least one test FAILED, checking ' + self.logfile) for x in failed_list: sys.stdout.write(x) # Print summaries, from least interesting to most interesting. if self.opts.list_tests: print('Summary of test listing:') else: print('Summary of test results:') if passed: if self.opts.list_tests: print(' %d test%s are set to PASS' % (len(passed), 's'*min(len(passed) - 1, 1))) else: print(' %d test%s PASSED' % (len(passed), 's'*min(len(passed) - 1, 1))) if skipped: if self.opts.list_tests: print(' %d test%s are set as SKIP' % (len(skipped), 's'*min(len(skipped) - 1, 1))) else: print(' %d test%s SKIPPED' % (len(skipped), 's'*min(len(skipped) - 1, 1))) if xfailed: passwimp = [x for x in xfailed if 0 <= x.find(wimptag)] if passwimp: if self.opts.list_tests: print(' %d test%s are set to XFAIL (%d WORK-IN-PROGRESS)' % (len(xfailed), 's'*min(len(xfailed) - 1, 1), len(passwimp))) else: print(' %d test%s XFAILED (%d WORK-IN-PROGRESS)' % (len(xfailed), 's'*min(len(xfailed) - 1, 1), len(passwimp))) else: if self.opts.list_tests: print(' %d test%s are set as XFAIL' % (len(xfailed), 's'*min(len(xfailed) - 1, 1))) else: print(' %d test%s XFAILED' % (len(xfailed), 's'*min(len(xfailed) - 1, 1))) if xpassed: failwimp = [x for x in xpassed if 0 <= x.find(wimptag)] if failwimp: print(' %d test%s XPASSED (%d WORK-IN-PROGRESS)' % (len(xpassed), 's'*min(len(xpassed) - 1, 1), len(failwimp))) else: print(' %d test%s XPASSED' % (len(xpassed), 's'*min(len(xpassed) - 1, 1))) if failed_list: print(' %d test%s FAILED' % (len(failed_list), 's'*min(len(failed_list) - 1, 1))) # Copy the truly interesting verbose logs to a separate file, for easier # viewing. if xpassed or failed_list: faillog = open_logfile(self.faillogfile, 'w') last_start_lineno = None last_start_re = re.compile('^(FAIL|SKIP|XFAIL|PASS|START|CLEANUP|END):') for lineno, line in enumerate(log_lines): # Iterate the lines. If it ends a test we're interested in, dump that # test to FAILLOG. If it starts a test (at all), remember the line # number (in case we need it later). if line in xpassed or line in failed_list: faillog.write('[[[\n') faillog.writelines(log_lines[last_start_lineno : lineno+1]) faillog.write(']]]\n\n') if last_start_re.match(line): last_start_lineno = lineno + 1 faillog.close() elif self.faillogfile and os.path.exists(self.faillogfile): print("WARNING: no failures, but '%s' exists from a previous run." % self.faillogfile) # Summary. if failed or xpassed or failed_list: summary = "Some tests failed" else: summary = "All tests successful" print("Python version: %d.%d.%d." % sys.version_info[:3]) print("SUMMARY: %s\n" % summary) self._close_log() return failed def _open_log(self, mode): 'Open the log file with the required MODE.' if self.logfile: self._close_log() self.log = open_logfile(self.logfile, mode) def _close_log(self): 'Close the log file.' if not self.log is None: self.log.close() self.log = None def _process_test_output_line(self, line): if sys.platform == 'win32': # Remove CRs inserted because we parse the output as binary. line = line.replace('\r', '') # If using --log-to-stdout self.log in None. if self.log: self.log.write(line) if line.startswith('PASS') or line.startswith('FAIL') \ or line.startswith('XFAIL') or line.startswith('XPASS') \ or line.startswith('SKIP'): return 1 return 0 def _check_for_unknown_failure(self, log, progbase, test_failed): # We always return 1 for failed tests. Some other failure than 1 # probably means the test didn't run at all and probably didn't # output any failure info. In that case, log a generic failure message. # ### Even if failure==1 it could be that the test didn't run at all. if test_failed and test_failed != 1: if self.log: log.write('FAIL: %s: Unknown test failure (%s); see tests.log.\n' % (progbase, test_failed)) log.flush() else: log.write('FAIL: %s: Unknown test failure (%s).\n' % (progbase, test_failed)) def _run_c_test(self, progabs, progdir, progbase, test_nums, dot_count): 'Run a c test, escaping parameters as required.' if self.opts.list_tests and self.opts.milestone_filter: print('WARNING: --milestone-filter option does not currently work with C tests') if not os.access(progbase, os.X_OK): print("\nNot an executable file: " + progbase) sys.exit(1) cmdline = self.c_test_cmdline[:] cmdline[0] = './' + progbase cmdline[1] = '--srcdir=%s' % os.path.join(self.srcdir, progdir) if test_nums: cmdline.extend(test_nums) total = len(test_nums) else: total_cmdline = [cmdline[0], '--list'] prog = subprocess.Popen(total_cmdline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) lines = prog.stdout.readlines() total = len(lines) - 2 # This has to be class-scoped for use in the progress_func() self.dots_written = 0 def progress_func(completed): if not self.log or self.dots_written >= dot_count: return dots = (completed * dot_count) // total if dots > dot_count: dots = dot_count dots_to_write = dots - self.dots_written os.write(sys.stdout.fileno(), b'.' * dots_to_write) self.dots_written = dots tests_completed = 0 prog = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=self.log) line = prog.stdout.readline() while line: line = ensure_str(line) if self._process_test_output_line(line): tests_completed += 1 progress_func(tests_completed) line = prog.stdout.readline() # If we didn't run any tests, still print out the dots if not tests_completed: os.write(sys.stdout.fileno(), b'.' * dot_count) prog.wait() return prog.returncode def _run_py_test(self, progabs, progdir, progbase, test_nums, dot_count): 'Run a python test, passing parameters as needed.' try: if sys.version_info < (3, 0): prog_mod = imp.load_module(progbase[:-3], open(progabs, 'r'), progabs, ('.py', 'U', imp.PY_SOURCE)) elif sys.version_info < (3, 5): prog_mod = imp.load_module(progbase[:-3], open(progabs, 'r', encoding="utf-8"), progabs, ('.py', 'U', imp.PY_SOURCE)) else: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(progbase[:-3], progabs) prog_mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) sys.modules[progbase[:-3]] = prog_mod spec.loader.exec_module(prog_mod) except: print("\nError loading test (details in following traceback): " + progbase) traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) # setup the output pipes old_stdout = sys.stdout.fileno() if self.log: sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() self.log.flush() saved_stds = sys.stdout, sys.stderr sys.stdout = sys.stderr = self.log # These have to be class-scoped for use in the progress_func() self.dots_written = 0 self.progress_lock = threading.Lock() def progress_func(completed, total): """Report test suite progress. Can be called from multiple threads in parallel mode.""" if not self.log: return dots = (completed * dot_count) // total if dots > dot_count: dots = dot_count self.progress_lock.acquire() if self.dots_written < dot_count: dots_to_write = dots - self.dots_written self.dots_written = dots os.write(old_stdout, b'.' * dots_to_write) self.progress_lock.release() serial_only = hasattr(prog_mod, 'serial_only') and prog_mod.serial_only # run the tests if self.opts.list_tests: prog_f = None else: prog_f = progress_func try: failed = svntest.main.execute_tests(prog_mod.test_list, serial_only=serial_only, test_name=progbase, progress_func=prog_f, test_selection=test_nums) except svntest.Failure: if self.log: os.write(old_stdout, b'.' * dot_count) failed = True # restore some values if self.log: self.log.flush() sys.stdout, sys.stderr = saved_stds return failed def _run_test(self, testcase, test_nr, total_tests): "Run a single test. Return the test's exit code." if self.log: log = self.log else: log = sys.stdout progdir, progbase, test_nums = testcase if self.log: # Using write here because we don't want even a trailing space test_info = '[%s/%d] %s' % (str(test_nr + 1).zfill(len(str(total_tests))), total_tests, progbase) if self.opts.list_tests: sys.stdout.write('Listing tests in %s' % (test_info, )) else: sys.stdout.write('%s' % (test_info, )) sys.stdout.flush() else: # ### Hack for --log-to-stdout to work (but not print any dots). test_info = '' if self.opts.list_tests: log.write('LISTING: %s\n' % progbase) else: log.write('START: %s\n' % progbase) log.flush() start_time = datetime.now() progabs = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.srcdir, progdir, progbase)) old_cwd = os.getcwd() line_length = _get_term_width() dots_needed = line_length \ - len(test_info) \ - len('success') try: os.chdir(progdir) if progbase[-3:] == '.py': testcase = self._run_py_test else: testcase = self._run_c_test failed = testcase(progabs, progdir, progbase, test_nums, dots_needed) except: os.chdir(old_cwd) raise else: os.chdir(old_cwd) self._check_for_unknown_failure(log, progbase, failed) if not self.opts.list_tests: # Log the elapsed time. elapsed_time = str(datetime.now() - start_time) log.write('END: %s\n' % progbase) log.write('ELAPSED: %s %s\n' % (progbase, elapsed_time)) log.write('\n') # If we are only listing the tests just add a newline, otherwise if # we printed a "Running all tests in ..." line, add the test result. if self.log: if self.opts.list_tests: print() else: if failed: print(TextColors.FAILURE + 'FAILURE' + TextColors.ENDC) else: print(TextColors.SUCCESS + 'success' + TextColors.ENDC) return failed def create_parser(): def set_log_level(option, opt, value, parser, level=None): if level is None: level = value parser.values.set_log_level = getattr(logging, level, None) or int(level) parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=__doc__); parser.add_option('-l', '--list', action='store_true', dest='list_tests', help='Print test doc strings instead of running them') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='callback', callback=set_log_level, callback_args=(logging.DEBUG, ), help='Print binary command-lines') parser.add_option('-c', '--cleanup', action='store_true', help='Clean up after successful tests') parser.add_option('-p', '--parallel', action='store', type='int', help='Run the tests in parallel') parser.add_option('-u', '--url', action='store', help='Base url to the repos (e.g. svn://localhost)') parser.add_option('-f', '--fs-type', action='store', help='Subversion file system type (fsfs(-v[46]), bdb or fsx)') parser.add_option('-g', '--global-scheduler', action='store_true', help='Run tests from all scripts together') parser.add_option('--http-library', action='store', help="Make svn use this DAV library (neon or serf)") parser.add_option('--bin', action='store', dest='svn_bin', help='Use the svn binaries installed in this path') parser.add_option('--fsfs-sharding', action='store', type='int', help='Default shard size (for fsfs)') parser.add_option('--fsfs-packing', action='store_true', help="Run 'svnadmin pack' automatically") parser.add_option('--server-minor-version', type='int', action='store', help="Set the minor version for the server") parser.add_option('--skip-c-tests', '--skip-C-tests', action='store_true', help="Run only the Python tests") parser.add_option('--dump-load-cross-check', action='store_true', help="After every test, run a series of dump and load " + "tests with svnadmin, svnrdump and svndumpfilter " + " on the testcase repositories to cross-check " + " dump file compatibility.") parser.add_option('--enable-sasl', action='store_true', help='Whether to enable SASL authentication') parser.add_option('--config-file', action='store', help="Configuration file for tests.") parser.add_option('--log-to-stdout', action='store_true', help='Print test progress to stdout instead of a log file') parser.add_option('--milestone-filter', action='store', dest='milestone_filter', help='Limit --list to those with target milestone specified') parser.add_option('--mode-filter', action='store', dest='mode_filter', default='ALL', help='Limit tests to those with type specified (e.g. XFAIL)') parser.add_option('--set-log-level', action='callback', type='str', callback=set_log_level, help="Set log level (numerically or symbolically). " + "Symbolic levels are: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, " + "INFO, DEBUG") parser.add_option('--ssl-cert', action='store', help='Path to SSL server certificate.') parser.add_option('--http-proxy', action='store', help='Use the HTTP Proxy at hostname:port.') parser.add_option('--http-proxy-username', action='store', help='Username for the HTTP Proxy.') parser.add_option('--http-proxy-password', action='store', help='Password for the HTTP Proxy.') parser.add_option('--httpd-version', action='store', help='Assume HTTPD is this version.') parser.add_option('--httpd-whitelist', action='store', help='Assume HTTPD whitelist is this version.') parser.add_option('--exclusive-wc-locks', action='store_true', help='Use sqlite exclusive locking for working copies') parser.add_option('--memcached-server', action='store', help='Use memcached server at specified URL (FSFS only)') parser.add_option('--fsfs-compression', action='store', type='str', help='Set compression type (for fsfs)') parser.add_option('--fsfs-dir-deltification', action='store', type='str', help='Set directory deltification option (for fsfs)') parser.add_option('--allow-remote-http-connection', action='store_true', help='Run tests that connect to remote HTTP(S) servers') parser.set_defaults(set_log_level=None) return parser def main(): (opts, args) = create_parser().parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if len(args) < 3: print("{}: at least three positional arguments required; got {!r}".format( os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), args )) sys.exit(2) if opts.log_to_stdout: logfile = None faillogfile = None else: logfile = os.path.abspath('tests.log') faillogfile = os.path.abspath('fails.log') th = TestHarness(args[0], args[1], logfile, faillogfile, opts) failed = th.run(args[2:]) if failed: sys.exit(1) # Run main if not imported as a module if __name__ == '__main__': main()