#!/usr/bin/env python # # $Id: l10n-report.py 1741723 2016-04-30 08:16:53Z stefan2 $ # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # """Usage: l10n-report.py [OPTION...] Send the l10n translation status report to an email address. If the email address is not specified, print in stdout. Options: -h, --help Show this help message. -m, --to-email-id Send the l10n translation status report to this email address. """ import sys import getopt import os import re import subprocess FROM_ADDRESS = "Subversion Translation Status " LIST_ADDRESS = "dev@subversion.apache.org" SUBJECT_TEMPLATE = "[l10n] Translation status report for %s r%s" MAIL_THREAD_ID = '' def _rev(): dollar = "$Revision: 1741723 $" return int(re.findall('[0-9]+', dollar)[0]); def usage_and_exit(errmsg=None): """Print a usage message, plus an ERRMSG (if provided), then exit. If ERRMSG is provided, the usage message is printed to stderr and the script exits with a non-zero error code. Otherwise, the usage message goes to stdout, and the script exits with a zero errorcode.""" if errmsg is None: stream = sys.stdout else: stream = sys.stderr stream.write("%s\n" % __doc__) stream.flush() if errmsg: stream.write("\nError: %s\n" % errmsg) stream.flush() sys.exit(2) sys.exit(0) class l10nReport: def __init__(self, to_email_id=""): self.to_email_id = to_email_id self.from_email_id = "<%s>" % LIST_ADDRESS def safe_command(self, cmd_and_args, cmd_in=""): [stdout, stderr] = subprocess.Popen(cmd_and_args, \ stdin=subprocess.PIPE, \ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, \ stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate(input=cmd_in) return stdout, stderr def match(self, pattern, string): if isinstance(pattern, basestring): pattern = re.compile(pattern) match = re.compile(pattern).search(string) if match and match.groups(): return match.group(1) else: return None def get_msgattribs(self, file): msgout = self.safe_command(['msgattrib', '--translated', file])[0] grepout = self.safe_command(['grep', '-E', '^msgid *"'], msgout)[0] sedout = self.safe_command(['sed', '1d'], grepout)[0] trans = self.safe_command(['wc', '-l'], sedout)[0] msgout = self.safe_command(['msgattrib', '--untranslated', file])[0] grepout = self.safe_command(['grep', '-E', '^msgid *"'], msgout)[0] sedout = self.safe_command(['sed', '1d'], grepout)[0] untrans = self.safe_command(['wc', '-l'], sedout)[0] msgout = self.safe_command(['msgattrib', '--only-fuzzy', file])[0] grepout = self.safe_command(['grep', '-E', '^msgid *"'], msgout)[0] sedout = self.safe_command(['sed', '1d'], grepout)[0] fuzzy = self.safe_command(['wc', '-l'], sedout)[0] msgout = self.safe_command(['msgattrib', '--only-obsolete', file])[0] grepout = self.safe_command(['grep', '-E', '^#~ msgid *"'], msgout)[0] obsolete = self.safe_command(['wc', '-l'], grepout)[0] return int(trans), int(untrans), int(fuzzy), int(obsolete) def pre_l10n_report(self): # svn revert --recursive subversion/po cmd = ['svn', 'revert', '--recursive', 'subversion/po'] stderr = self.safe_command(cmd)[1] if stderr: sys.stderr.write("\nError: %s\n" % stderr) sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(0) # svn update cmd = ['svn', 'update'] stderr = self.safe_command(cmd)[1] if stderr: sys.stderr.write("\nError: %s\n" % stderr) sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(0) # tools/po/po-update.sh cmd = ['sh', 'tools/po/po-update.sh'] self.safe_command(cmd) def bar_graph(nominal_length, trans, untrans, fuzzy, obsolete): """Format the given four counts into a bar graph string in which the total length of the bars representing the TRANS, UNTRANS and FUZZY counts is NOMINAL_LENGTH characters, and the bar representing the OBSOLETE count extends beyond that.""" total_count = trans + untrans + fuzzy # don't include 'obsolete' accum_bar = 0 accum_count = 0 s = '' for count, letter in [(trans, '+'), (untrans, 'U'), (fuzzy, '~'), (obsolete, 'o')]: accum_count += count new_bar_end = nominal_length * accum_count / total_count s += letter * (new_bar_end - accum_bar) accum_bar = new_bar_end return s def main(): # Parse the command-line options and arguments. try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hm:", ["help", "to-email-id=", ]) except getopt.GetoptError as msg: usage_and_exit(msg) to_email_id = None for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage_and_exit() elif opt in ("-m", "--to-email-id"): to_email_id = arg l10n = l10nReport() os.chdir("%s/../.." % os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))) l10n.pre_l10n_report() [info_out, info_err] = l10n.safe_command(['svn', 'info']) if info_err: sys.stderr.write("\nError: %s\n" % info_err) sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(0) po_dir = 'subversion/po' branch_name = l10n.match('URL:.*/asf/subversion/(\S+)', info_out) [info_out, info_err] = l10n.safe_command(['svnversion', po_dir]) if info_err: sys.stderr.write("\nError: %s\n" % info_err) sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(0) wc_version = re.sub('[MS]', '', info_out.strip()) title = "Translation status report for %s@r%s" % \ (branch_name, wc_version) os.chdir(po_dir) files = sorted(os.listdir('.')) format_head = "\n%6s %7s %7s %7s %7s" % ("lang", "trans", "untrans", "fuzzy", "obs") format_line = "--------------------------------------" print("\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (title, format_head, format_line)) body = "" po_pattern = re.compile('(.*).po$') for file in files: lang = l10n.match(po_pattern, file) if not lang: continue [trans, untrans, fuzzy, obsolete] = l10n.get_msgattribs(file) po_format = "%6s %7d %7d %7d %7d" %\ (lang, trans, untrans, fuzzy, obsolete) po_format += " " + bar_graph(30, trans, untrans, fuzzy, obsolete) body += "%s\n" % po_format print(po_format) if to_email_id: import smtplib # Ensure compatibility of the email module all the way to Python 2.3 try: from email.message import Message except ImportError: from email.Message import Message msg = Message() msg["From"] = FROM_ADDRESS msg["To"] = to_email_id msg["Subject"] = SUBJECT_TEMPLATE % (branch_name, wc_version) msg["X-Mailer"] = "l10n-report.py r%s" % _rev() msg["Reply-To"] = LIST_ADDRESS msg["Mail-Followup-To"] = LIST_ADDRESS msg["In-Reply-To"] = MAIL_THREAD_ID % (branch_name.replace('/', '_')) msg["References"] = msg["In-Reply-To"] # http://www.iana.org/assignments/auto-submitted-keywords/auto-submitted-keywords.xhtml msg["Auto-Submitted"] = 'auto-generated' msg.set_type("text/plain") msg.set_payload("\n".join((title, format_head, format_line, body))) server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') server.sendmail("From: " + FROM_ADDRESS, "To: " + to_email_id, msg.as_string()) print("The report is sent to '%s' email id." % to_email_id) else: print("\nYou have not passed '-m' option, so email is not sent.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()