path: root/apps/X11/VCL
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/X11/VCL')
30 files changed, 0 insertions, 8273 deletions
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/Makefile b/apps/X11/VCL/Makefile
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index 81f7721..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-root := ../../..
- make -C ${root}
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TComponent.cpp b/apps/X11/VCL/TComponent.cpp
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index c01f110..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TComponent.cpp
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-#include <TComponent.h>
-TComponent::TComponent(TComponent *AOwner) {
-TComponent::~TComponent() {
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TComponent.h b/apps/X11/VCL/TComponent.h
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index 6981980..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TComponent.h
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-#include <TPersistent.h>
-#include <string>
-enum TOperation {opInsert, opRemove};
- TComponentState = set of (csLoading, csReading, csWriting, csDestroying,
- csDesigning, csAncestor, csUpdating, csFixups);
- TComponentStyle = set of (csInheritable, csCheckPropAvail);
- TGetChildProc = procedure (Child: TComponent) of object;
-typedef string TComponentName;
- IVCLComObject = interface
- ['{E07892A0-F52F-11CF-BD2F-0020AF0E5B81}']
- function GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; stdcall;
- function GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; stdcall;
- function GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
- NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
- function Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer;
- Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
- function SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
- ExceptAddr: Pointer): HResult;
- procedure FreeOnRelease;
- end;
- IDesignerNotify = interface
- ['{B971E807-E3A6-11D1-AAB1-00C04FB16FBC}']
- procedure Modified;
- procedure Notification(AnObject: TPersistent; Operation: TOperation);
- end;
- TBasicAction = class;
-class TComponent : public TPersistent {
- FOwner: TComponent;
- FName: TComponentName;
- FTag: Longint;
- FComponents: TList;
- FFreeNotifies: TList;
- FDesignInfo: Longint;
- FVCLComObject: Pointer;
- FComponentState: TComponentState;
- function GetComObject: IUnknown;
- function GetComponent(AIndex: Integer): TComponent;
- function GetComponentCount: Integer;
- function GetComponentIndex: Integer;
- procedure Insert(AComponent: TComponent);
- procedure ReadLeft(Reader: TReader);
- procedure ReadTop(Reader: TReader);
- procedure Remove(AComponent: TComponent);
- procedure SetComponentIndex(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetReference(Enable: Boolean);
- procedure WriteLeft(Writer: TWriter);
- procedure WriteTop(Writer: TWriter);
- protected
- FComponentStyle: TComponentStyle;
- procedure ChangeName(const NewName: TComponentName);
- procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
- procedure GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent); dynamic;
- function GetChildOwner: TComponent; dynamic;
- function GetChildParent: TComponent; dynamic;
- function GetOwner: TPersistent; override;
- procedure Loaded; virtual;
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); virtual;
- procedure ReadState(Reader: TReader); virtual;
- procedure SetAncestor(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetDesigning(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetName(const NewName: TComponentName); virtual;
- procedure SetChildOrder(Child: TComponent; Order: Integer); dynamic;
- procedure SetParentComponent(Value: TComponent); dynamic;
- procedure Updating; dynamic;
- procedure Updated; dynamic;
- class procedure UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean; const ClassID, ProgID: string); virtual;
- procedure ValidateRename(AComponent: TComponent;
- const CurName, NewName: string); virtual;
- procedure ValidateContainer(AComponent: TComponent); dynamic;
- procedure ValidateInsert(AComponent: TComponent); dynamic;
- procedure WriteState(Writer: TWriter); virtual;
- { IUnknown }
- function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
- function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
- function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
- { IDispatch }
- function GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; stdcall;
- function GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; stdcall;
- function GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
- NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
- function Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer;
- Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
- TComponent(TComponent *AOwner);
- ~TComponent();
- procedure DestroyComponents;
- procedure Destroying;
- function ExecuteAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean; dynamic;
- function FindComponent(const AName: string): TComponent;
- procedure FreeNotification(AComponent: TComponent);
- procedure FreeOnRelease;
- function GetParentComponent: TComponent; dynamic;
- function GetNamePath: string; override;
- function HasParent: Boolean; dynamic;
- procedure InsertComponent(AComponent: TComponent);
- procedure RemoveComponent(AComponent: TComponent);
- function SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
- ExceptAddr: Pointer): HResult; override;
- function UpdateAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean; dynamic;
- property ComObject: IUnknown read GetComObject;
- property Components[Index: Integer]: TComponent read GetComponent;
- property ComponentCount: Integer read GetComponentCount;
- property ComponentIndex: Integer read GetComponentIndex write SetComponentIndex;
- property ComponentState: TComponentState read FComponentState;
- property ComponentStyle: TComponentStyle read FComponentStyle;
- property DesignInfo: Longint read FDesignInfo write FDesignInfo;
- property Owner: TComponent read FOwner;
- property VCLComObject: Pointer read FVCLComObject write FVCLComObject;
- published
- property Name: TComponentName read FName write SetName stored False;
- property Tag: Longint read FTag write FTag default 0;
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TControl.cpp b/apps/X11/VCL/TControl.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a0ac4d..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TControl.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1874 +0,0 @@
-#include <TControl.h>
-TControl::TControl(TComponent *AOwner) : TComponent(AOwner) {
-TControl::~TControl() {
-procedure TControl.Repaint;
- DC: HDC;
- if (Visible or (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
- not (csNoDesignVisible in ControlStyle)) and (Parent <> nil) and
- Parent.HandleAllocated then
- if csOpaque in ControlStyle then
- begin
- DC := GetDC(Parent.Handle);
- try
- IntersectClipRect(DC, Left, Top, Left + Width, Top + Height);
- Parent.PaintControls(DC, Self);
- finally
- ReleaseDC(Parent.Handle, DC);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- Invalidate;
- Update;
- end;
-void TControl::Repaint() {
-{ TControl }
-constructor TControl.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FWindowProc := WndProc;
- FControlStyle := [csCaptureMouse, csClickEvents, csSetCaption, csDoubleClicks];
- FFont := TFont.Create;
- FFont.OnChange := FontChanged;
- FAnchors := [akLeft, akTop];
- FConstraints := TSizeConstraints.Create(Self);
- FConstraints.OnChange := DoConstraintsChange;
- FColor := clWindow;
- FVisible := True;
- FEnabled := True;
- FParentFont := True;
- FParentColor := True;
- FParentShowHint := True;
- FParentBiDiMode := True;
- FIsControl := False;
- FDragCursor := crDrag;
- FFloatingDockSiteClass := TCustomDockForm;
-destructor TControl.Destroy;
- Application.ControlDestroyed(Self);
- SetParent(nil);
- if (FHostDockSite <> nil) and not (csDestroying in FHostDockSite.ComponentState) then
- begin
- FHostDockSite.Perform(CM_UNDOCKCLIENT, 0, Integer(Self));
- Dock(NullDockSite, BoundsRect);
- FHostDockSite := nil;
- end;
- FActionLink.Free;
- FActionLink := nil;
- FConstraints.Free;
- FFont.Free;
- StrDispose(FText);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TControl.GetDragImages: TDragImageList;
- Result := nil;
-function TControl.GetEnabled: Boolean;
- Result := FEnabled;
-function TControl.GetPalette: HPALETTE;
- Result := 0;
-function TControl.HasParent: Boolean;
- Result := FParent <> nil;
-function TControl.GetParentComponent: TComponent;
- Result := Parent;
-procedure TControl.SetParentComponent(Value: TComponent);
- if Value is TWinControl then SetParent(TWinControl(Value));
-function TControl.PaletteChanged(Foreground: Boolean): Boolean;
- OldPalette, Palette: HPALETTE;
- WindowHandle: HWnd;
- DC: HDC;
- Result := False;
- if not Visible then Exit;
- Palette := GetPalette;
- if Palette <> 0 then
- begin
- DC := GetDeviceContext(WindowHandle);
- OldPalette := SelectPalette(DC, Palette, not Foreground);
- if RealizePalette(DC) <> 0 then Invalidate;
- SelectPalette(DC, OldPalette, True);
- ReleaseDC(WindowHandle, DC);
- Result := True;
- end;
-function TControl.GetAction: TBasicAction;
- if ActionLink <> nil then
- Result := ActionLink.Action else
- Result := nil;
-procedure TControl.SetAction(Value: TBasicAction);
- if Value = nil then
- begin
- ActionLink.Free;
- ActionLink := nil;
- Exclude(FControlStyle, csActionClient);
- end
- else
- begin
- Include(FControlStyle, csActionClient);
- if ActionLink = nil then
- ActionLink := GetActionLinkClass.Create(Self);
- ActionLink.Action := Value;
- ActionLink.OnChange := DoActionChange;
- ActionChange(Value, csLoading in Value.ComponentState);
- Value.FreeNotification(Self);
- end;
-function TControl.IsAnchorsStored: Boolean;
- Result := Anchors <> AnchorAlign[Align];
-procedure TControl.SetDragMode(Value: TDragMode);
- FDragMode := Value;
-procedure TControl.RequestAlign;
- if Parent <> nil then Parent.AlignControl(Self);
-procedure TControl.Resize;
- if Assigned(FOnResize) then FOnResize(Self);
-procedure TControl.ReadState(Reader: TReader);
- Include(FControlState, csReadingState);
- if Reader.Parent is TWinControl then Parent := TWinControl(Reader.Parent);
- inherited ReadState(Reader);
- Exclude(FControlState, csReadingState);
- if Parent <> nil then
- begin
- Perform(CM_SYSFONTCHANGED, 0, 0);
- end;
-procedure TControl.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if Operation = opRemove then
- if AComponent = PopupMenu then PopupMenu := nil
- else if AComponent = Action then Action := nil;
-procedure TControl.SetAlign(Value: TAlign);
- OldAlign: TAlign;
- if FAlign <> Value then
- begin
- OldAlign := FAlign;
- FAlign := Value;
- Anchors := AnchorAlign[Value];
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) and (not (csDesigning in ComponentState) or
- (Parent <> nil)) then
- if ((OldAlign in [alTop, alBottom]) = (Value in [alRight, alLeft])) and
- not (OldAlign in [alNone, alClient]) and not (Value in [alNone, alClient]) then
- SetBounds(Left, Top, Height, Width)
- else
- AdjustSize;
- end;
- RequestAlign;
-procedure TControl.SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
- if CheckNewSize(AWidth, AHeight) and
- ((ALeft <> FLeft) or (ATop <> FTop) or
- (AWidth <> FWidth) or (AHeight <> FHeight)) then
- begin
- InvalidateControl(Visible, False);
- UpdateLastResize(AWidth, AHeight);
- FLeft := ALeft;
- FTop := ATop;
- FWidth := AWidth;
- FHeight := AHeight;
- Invalidate;
- RequestAlign;
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then Resize;
- end;
-procedure TControl.SetLeft(Value: Integer);
- SetBounds(Value, FTop, FWidth, FHeight);
- Include(FScalingFlags, sfLeft);
-procedure TControl.SetTop(Value: Integer);
- SetBounds(FLeft, Value, FWidth, FHeight);
- Include(FScalingFlags, sfTop);
-procedure TControl.SetWidth(Value: Integer);
- SetBounds(FLeft, FTop, Value, FHeight);
- Include(FScalingFlags, sfWidth);
-procedure TControl.SetHeight(Value: Integer);
- SetBounds(FLeft, FTop, FWidth, Value);
- Include(FScalingFlags, sfHeight);
-procedure TControl.Dock(NewDockSite: TWinControl; ARect: TRect);
- PrevDockSite: TWinControl;
- if HostDockSite <> NewDockSite then
- begin
- if (FHostDockSite <> nil) and (FHostDockSite.FDockClients <> nil) then
- FHostDockSite.FDockClients.Remove(Self);
- if (NewDockSite <> nil) and (NewDockSite <> NullDockSite) and
- (NewDockSite.FDockClients <> nil) then
- NewDockSite.FDockClients.Add(Self);
- end;
- Include(FControlState, csDocking);
- try
- if NewDockSite <> NullDockSite then
- DoDock(NewDockSite, ARect);
- if FHostDockSite <> NewDockSite then
- begin
- PrevDockSite := FHostDockSite;
- if NewDockSite <> NullDockSite then
- begin
- FHostDockSite := NewDockSite;
- if NewDockSite <> nil then NewDockSite.DoAddDockClient(Self, ARect);
- end
- else
- FHostDockSite := nil;
- if PrevDockSite <> nil then PrevDockSite.DoRemoveDockClient(Self);
- end;
- finally
- Exclude(FControlState, csDocking);
- end;
-procedure TControl.DoDock(NewDockSite: TWinControl; var ARect: TRect);
- { Erase TControls before UpdateboundsRect modifies position }
- if not (Self is TWinControl) then InvalidateControl(Visible, False);
- if Parent <> NewDockSite then
- UpdateBoundsRect(ARect) else
- BoundsRect := ARect;
- if (NewDockSite = nil) or (NewDockSite = NullDockSite) then Parent := nil;
-procedure TControl.SetHostDockSite(Value: TWinControl);
- Dock(Value, BoundsRect);
-function TControl.GetBoundsRect: TRect;
- Result.Left := Left;
- Result.Top := Top;
- Result.Right := Left + Width;
- Result.Bottom := Top + Height;
-procedure TControl.SetBoundsRect(const Rect: TRect);
- with Rect do SetBounds(Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top);
-function TControl.GetClientRect: TRect;
- Result.Left := 0;
- Result.Top := 0;
- Result.Right := Width;
- Result.Bottom := Height;
-function TControl.GetClientWidth: Integer;
- Result := ClientRect.Right;
-procedure TControl.SetClientWidth(Value: Integer);
- SetClientSize(Point(Value, ClientHeight));
-function TControl.GetClientHeight: Integer;
- Result := ClientRect.Bottom;
-procedure TControl.SetClientHeight(Value: Integer);
- SetClientSize(Point(ClientWidth, Value));
-function TControl.GetClientOrigin: TPoint;
- if Parent = nil then
- raise EInvalidOperation.CreateFmt(SParentRequired, [Name]);
- Result := Parent.ClientOrigin;
- Inc(Result.X, FLeft);
- Inc(Result.Y, FTop);
-function TControl.ClientToScreen(const Point: TPoint): TPoint;
- Origin: TPoint;
- Origin := ClientOrigin;
- Result.X := Point.X + Origin.X;
- Result.Y := Point.Y + Origin.Y;
-function TControl.ScreenToClient(const Point: TPoint): TPoint;
- Origin: TPoint;
- Origin := ClientOrigin;
- Result.X := Point.X - Origin.X;
- Result.Y := Point.Y - Origin.Y;
-procedure TControl.SendCancelMode(Sender: TControl);
- Control: TControl;
- Control := Self;
- while Control <> nil do
- begin
- if Control is TCustomForm then
- TCustomForm(Control).SendCancelMode(Sender);
- Control := Control.Parent;
- end;
-procedure TControl.SendDockNotification(Msg: Cardinal; WParam, LParam: Integer);
- NotifyRec: TDockNotifyRec;
- if (FHostDockSite <> nil) and (DragObject = nil) and
- (ComponentState * [csLoading, csDestroying] = []) then
- begin
- with NotifyRec do
- begin
- ClientMsg := Msg;
- MsgWParam := WParam;
- MsgLParam := LParam;
- end;
- FHostDockSite.Perform(CM_DOCKNOTIFICATION, Integer(Self), Integer(@NotifyRec));
- end;
-procedure TControl.Changed;
- Perform(CM_CHANGED, 0, Longint(Self));
-procedure TControl.ChangeScale(M, D: Integer);
- X, Y, W, H: Integer;
- Flags: TScalingFlags;
- if M <> D then
- begin
- if csLoading in ComponentState then
- Flags := ScalingFlags else
- Flags := [sfLeft, sfTop, sfWidth, sfHeight, sfFont];
- if sfLeft in Flags then
- X := MulDiv(FLeft, M, D) else
- X := FLeft;
- if sfTop in Flags then
- Y := MulDiv(FTop, M, D) else
- Y := FTop;
- if (sfWidth in Flags) and not (csFixedWidth in ControlStyle) then
- if sfLeft in Flags then
- W := MulDiv(FLeft + FWidth, M, D) - X else
- W := MulDiv(FWidth, M, D)
- else W := FWidth;
- if (sfHeight in Flags) and not (csFixedHeight in ControlStyle) then
- if sfHeight in Flags then
- H := MulDiv(FTop + FHeight, M, D) - Y else
- H := MulDiv(FTop, M, D )
- else H := FHeight;
- SetBounds(X, Y, W, H);
- if not ParentFont and (sfFont in Flags) then
- Font.Size := MulDiv(Font.Size, M, D);
- end;
- FScalingFlags := [];
-procedure TControl.SetAutoSize(Value: Boolean);
- if FAutoSize <> Value then
- begin
- FAutoSize := Value;
- if Value then AdjustSize;
- end;
-procedure TControl.SetName(const Value: TComponentName);
- ChangeText: Boolean;
- ChangeText := (csSetCaption in ControlStyle) and (Name = Text) and
- ((Owner = nil) or not (Owner is TControl) or
- not (csLoading in TControl(Owner).ComponentState));
- inherited SetName(Value);
- if ChangeText then Text := Value;
-procedure TControl.SetClientSize(Value: TPoint);
- Client: TRect;
- Client := GetClientRect;
- SetBounds(FLeft, FTop, Width - Client.Right + Value.X, Height -
- Client.Bottom + Value.Y);
-procedure TControl.SetParent(AParent: TWinControl);
- if FParent <> AParent then
- begin
- if Parent = Self then
- raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SControlParentSetToSelf);
- if FParent <> nil then FParent.RemoveControl(Self);
- if AParent <> nil then AParent.InsertControl(Self);
- end;
-procedure TControl.SetVisible(Value: Boolean);
- if FVisible <> Value then
- begin
- VisibleChanging;
- FVisible := Value;
- Perform(CM_VISIBLECHANGED, Ord(Value), 0);
- RequestAlign;
- end;
-procedure TControl.SetEnabled(Value: Boolean);
- if FEnabled <> Value then
- begin
- FEnabled := Value;
- Perform(CM_ENABLEDCHANGED, 0, 0);
- end;
-function TControl.GetTextLen: Integer;
- Result := Perform(WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
-function TControl.GetTextBuf(Buffer: PChar; BufSize: Integer): Integer;
- Result := Perform(WM_GETTEXT, BufSize, Longint(Buffer));
-function TControl.GetUndockHeight: Integer;
- if FUndockHeight > 0 then Result := FUndockHeight
- else Result := Height;
-function TControl.GetUndockWidth: Integer;
- if FUndockWidth > 0 then Result := FUndockWidth
- else Result := Width;
-function TControl.GetTBDockHeight: Integer;
- if FTBDockHeight > 0 then Result := FTBDockHeight
- else Result := UndockHeight;
-function TControl.GetLRDockWidth: Integer;
- if FLRDockWidth > 0 then Result := FLRDockWidth
- else Result := UndockWidth;
-procedure TControl.SetPopupMenu(Value: TPopupMenu);
- FPopupMenu := Value;
- if Value <> nil then
- begin
- Value.ParentBiDiModeChanged(Self);
- Value.FreeNotification(Self);
- end;
-procedure TControl.SetTextBuf(Buffer: PChar);
- Perform(WM_SETTEXT, 0, Longint(Buffer));
- Perform(CM_TEXTCHANGED, 0, 0);
-function TControl.GetText: TCaption;
- Len: Integer;
- Len := GetTextLen;
- SetString(Result, PChar(nil), Len);
- if Len <> 0 then GetTextBuf(Pointer(Result), Len + 1);
-procedure TControl.SetText(const Value: TCaption);
- if GetText <> Value then SetTextBuf(PChar(Value));
-procedure TControl.SetBiDiMode(Value: TBiDiMode);
- if FBiDiMode <> Value then
- begin
- FBiDiMode := Value;
- FParentBiDiMode := False;
- Perform(CM_BIDIMODECHANGED, 0, 0);
- end;
-procedure TControl.FontChanged(Sender: TObject);
- FParentFont := False;
- FDesktopFont := False;
- if Font.Height <> FFontHeight then
- begin
- Include(FScalingFlags, sfFont);
- FFontHeight := Font.Height;
- end;
- Perform(CM_FONTCHANGED, 0, 0);
-procedure TControl.SetFont(Value: TFont);
- FFont.Assign(Value);
-function TControl.IsFontStored: Boolean;
- Result := not ParentFont and not DesktopFont;
-function TControl.IsShowHintStored: Boolean;
- Result := not ParentShowHint;
-function TControl.IsBiDiModeStored: Boolean;
- Result := not ParentBiDiMode;
-procedure TControl.SetParentFont(Value: Boolean);
- if FParentFont <> Value then
- begin
- FParentFont := Value;
- if FParent <> nil then Perform(CM_PARENTFONTCHANGED, 0, 0);
- end;
-procedure TControl.SetDesktopFont(Value: Boolean);
- if FDesktopFont <> Value then
- begin
- FDesktopFont := Value;
- Perform(CM_SYSFONTCHANGED, 0, 0);
- end;
-procedure TControl.SetShowHint(Value: Boolean);
- if FShowHint <> Value then
- begin
- FShowHint := Value;
- FParentShowHint := False;
- Perform(CM_SHOWHINTCHANGED, 0, 0);
- end;
-procedure TControl.SetParentShowHint(Value: Boolean);
- if FParentShowHint <> Value then
- begin
- FParentShowHint := Value;
- if FParent <> nil then Perform(CM_PARENTSHOWHINTCHANGED, 0, 0);
- end;
-procedure TControl.SetColor(Value: TColor);
- if FColor <> Value then
- begin
- FColor := Value;
- FParentColor := False;
- Perform(CM_COLORCHANGED, 0, 0);
- end;
-function TControl.IsColorStored: Boolean;
- Result := not ParentColor;
-procedure TControl.SetParentColor(Value: Boolean);
- if FParentColor <> Value then
- begin
- FParentColor := Value;
- if FParent <> nil then Perform(CM_PARENTCOLORCHANGED, 0, 0);
- end;
-procedure TControl.SetParentBiDiMode(Value: Boolean);
- if FParentBiDiMode <> Value then
- begin
- FParentBiDiMode := Value;
- if FParent <> nil then Perform(CM_PARENTBIDIMODECHANGED, 0, 0);
- end;
-procedure TControl.SetCursor(Value: TCursor);
- if FCursor <> Value then
- begin
- FCursor := Value;
- Perform(CM_CURSORCHANGED, 0, 0);
- end;
-function TControl.GetMouseCapture: Boolean;
- Result := GetCaptureControl = Self;
-procedure TControl.SetMouseCapture(Value: Boolean);
- if MouseCapture <> Value then
- if Value then SetCaptureControl(Self) else SetCaptureControl(nil);
-procedure TControl.BringToFront;
- SetZOrder(True);
-procedure TControl.SendToBack;
- SetZOrder(False);
-procedure TControl.SetZOrderPosition(Position: Integer);
- I, Count: Integer;
- ParentForm: TCustomForm;
- if FParent <> nil then
- begin
- I := FParent.FControls.IndexOf(Self);
- if I >= 0 then
- begin
- Count := FParent.FControls.Count;
- if Position < 0 then Position := 0;
- if Position >= Count then Position := Count - 1;
- if Position <> I then
- begin
- FParent.FControls.Delete(I);
- FParent.FControls.Insert(Position, Self);
- InvalidateControl(Visible, True);
- ParentForm := ValidParentForm(Self);
- if csPalette in ParentForm.ControlState then
- TControl(ParentForm).PaletteChanged(True);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TControl.SetZOrder(TopMost: Boolean);
- if FParent <> nil then
- if TopMost then
- SetZOrderPosition(FParent.FControls.Count - 1) else
- SetZOrderPosition(0);
-function TControl.GetDeviceContext(var WindowHandle: HWnd): HDC;
- if Parent = nil then
- raise EInvalidOperation.CreateFmt(SParentRequired, [Name]);
- Result := Parent.GetDeviceContext(WindowHandle);
- SetViewportOrgEx(Result, Left, Top, nil);
- IntersectClipRect(Result, 0, 0, Width, Height);
-procedure TControl.InvalidateControl(IsVisible, IsOpaque: Boolean);
- Rect: TRect;
- function BackgroundClipped: Boolean;
- var
- R: TRect;
- List: TList;
- I: Integer;
- C: TControl;
- begin
- Result := True;
- List := FParent.FControls;
- I := List.IndexOf(Self);
- while I > 0 do
- begin
- Dec(I);
- C := List[I];
- with C do
- if C.Visible and (csOpaque in ControlStyle) then
- begin
- IntersectRect(R, Rect, BoundsRect);
- if EqualRect(R, Rect) then Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- if (IsVisible or (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
- not (csNoDesignVisible in ControlStyle)) and (Parent <> nil) and
- Parent.HandleAllocated then
- begin
- Rect := BoundsRect;
- InvalidateRect(Parent.Handle, @Rect, not (IsOpaque or
- (csOpaque in Parent.ControlStyle) or BackgroundClipped));
- end;
-procedure TControl.Invalidate;
- InvalidateControl(Visible, csOpaque in ControlStyle);
-procedure TControl.Hide;
- Visible := False;
-procedure TControl.Show;
- if Parent <> nil then Parent.ShowControl(Self);
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) or
- (csNoDesignVisible in ControlStyle) then Visible := True;
-procedure TControl.Update;
- if Parent <> nil then Parent.Update;
-procedure TControl.Refresh;
- Repaint;
-function TControl.GetControlsAlignment: TAlignment;
- Result := taLeftJustify;
-function TControl.IsRightToLeft: Boolean;
- Result := SysLocale.MiddleEast and (BiDiMode <> bdLeftToRight);
-function TControl.UseRightToLeftReading: Boolean;
- Result := SysLocale.MiddleEast and (BiDiMode <> bdLeftToRight);
-function TControl.UseRightToLeftAlignment: Boolean;
- Result := SysLocale.MiddleEast and (BiDiMode = bdRightToLeft);
-function TControl.UseRightToLeftScrollBar: Boolean;
- Result := SysLocale.MiddleEast and
- (BiDiMode in [bdRightToLeft, bdRightToLeftNoAlign]);
-procedure TControl.BeginAutoDrag;
- BeginDrag(Mouse.DragImmediate, Mouse.DragThreshold);
-procedure TControl.BeginDrag(Immediate: Boolean; Threshold: Integer);
- P: TPoint;
- if (Self is TCustomForm) and (FDragKind <> dkDock) then
- raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SCannotDragForm);
- CalcDockSizes;
- if (DragControl = nil) or (DragControl = Pointer($FFFFFFFF)) then
- begin
- DragControl := nil;
- if csLButtonDown in ControlState then
- begin
- GetCursorPos(P);
- P := ScreenToClient(P);
- Perform(WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, Longint(PointToSmallPoint(P)));
- end;
- { Use default value when Threshold < 0 }
- if Threshold < 0 then
- Threshold := Mouse.DragThreshold;
- // prevent calling EndDrag within BeginDrag
- if DragControl <> Pointer($FFFFFFFF) then
- DragInitControl(Self, Immediate, Threshold);
- end;
-procedure TControl.EndDrag(Drop: Boolean);
- if Dragging then DragDone(Drop)
- // prevent calling EndDrag within BeginDrag
- else if DragControl = nil then DragControl := Pointer($FFFFFFFF);
-procedure TControl.DragCanceled;
-function TControl.Dragging: Boolean;
- Result := DragControl = Self;
-procedure TControl.DragOver(Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer;
- State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
- Accept := False;
- if Assigned(FOnDragOver) then
- begin
- Accept := True;
- FOnDragOver(Self, Source, X, Y, State, Accept);
- end;
-procedure TControl.DragDrop(Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnDragDrop) then FOnDragDrop(Self, Source, X, Y);
-procedure TControl.DoStartDrag(var DragObject: TDragObject);
- if Assigned(FOnStartDrag) then FOnStartDrag(Self, DragObject);
-procedure TControl.DoEndDrag(Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnEndDrag) then FOnEndDrag(Self, Target, X, Y);
-procedure TControl.PositionDockRect(DragDockObject: TDragDockObject);
- NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer;
- TempX, TempY: Double;
- with DragDockObject do
- begin
- if (DragTarget = nil) or (not TWinControl(DragTarget).UseDockManager) then
- begin
- NewWidth := Control.UndockWidth;
- NewHeight := Control.UndockHeight;
- // Drag position for dock rect is scaled relative to control's click point.
- TempX := DragPos.X - ((NewWidth) * FMouseDeltaX);
- TempY := DragPos.Y - ((NewHeight) * FMouseDeltaY);
- with FDockRect do
- begin
- Left := Round(TempX);
- Top := Round(TempY);
- Right := Left + NewWidth;
- Bottom := Top + NewHeight;
- end;
- { Allow DragDockObject final say on this new dock rect }
- AdjustDockRect(FDockRect);
- end
- else begin
- GetWindowRect(TWinControl(DragTarget).Handle, FDockRect);
- if TWinControl(DragTarget).UseDockManager and
- (TWinControl(DragTarget).DockManager <> nil) then
- TWinControl(DragTarget).DockManager.PositionDockRect(Control,
- DropOnControl, DropAlign, FDockRect);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TControl.DockTrackNoTarget(Source: TDragDockObject; X, Y: Integer);
- PositionDockRect(Source);
-procedure TControl.DoEndDock(Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnEndDock) then FOnEndDock(Self, Target, X, Y);
-procedure TControl.DoStartDock(var DragObject: TDragObject);
- if Assigned(FOnStartDock) then FOnStartDock(Self, TDragDockObject(DragObject));
-procedure TControl.DefaultDockImage(DragDockObject: TDragDockObject;
- Erase: Boolean);
- DesktopWindow: HWND;
- DC: HDC;
- OldBrush: HBrush;
- DrawRect: TRect;
- PenSize: Integer;
- with DragDockObject do
- begin
- PenSize := FrameWidth;
- if Erase then DrawRect := FEraseDockRect
- else DrawRect := FDockRect;
- end;
- DesktopWindow := GetDesktopWindow;
- try
- OldBrush := SelectObject(DC, DragDockObject.Brush.Handle);
- with DrawRect do
- begin
- PatBlt(DC, Left + PenSize, Top, Right - Left - PenSize, PenSize, PATINVERT);
- PatBlt(DC, Right - PenSize, Top + PenSize, PenSize, Bottom - Top - PenSize, PATINVERT);
- PatBlt(DC, Left, Bottom - PenSize, Right - Left - PenSize, PenSize, PATINVERT);
- PatBlt(DC, Left, Top, PenSize, Bottom - Top - PenSize, PATINVERT);
- end;
- SelectObject(DC, OldBrush);
- finally
- ReleaseDC(DesktopWindow, DC);
- end;
-procedure TControl.DrawDragDockImage(DragDockObject: TDragDockObject);
- DefaultDockImage(DragDockObject, False);
-procedure TControl.EraseDragDockImage(DragDockObject: TDragDockObject);
- DefaultDockImage(DragDockObject, True);
-procedure TControl.DoDragMsg(var DragMsg: TCMDrag);
- S: TObject;
- Accepts, IsDockOp: Boolean;
- with DragMsg, DragRec^ do
- begin
- S := Source;
- IsDockOp := S is TDragDockObject;
- if DragFreeObject and not IsDockOp then
- S := (S as TDragControlObject).Control;
- with ScreenToClient(Pos) do
- case DragMessage of
- dmDragEnter, dmDragLeave, dmDragMove:
- begin
- Accepts := True;
- if IsDockOp then
- begin
- TWinControl(Target).DockOver(TDragDockObject(S), X, Y,
- TDragState(DragMessage), Accepts)
- end
- else
- DragOver(S, X, Y, TDragState(DragMessage), Accepts);
- Result := Ord(Accepts);
- end;
- dmDragDrop:
- begin
- if IsDockOp then TWinControl(Target).DockDrop(TDragDockObject(S), X, Y)
- else DragDrop(S, X, Y);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TControl.ManualDock(NewDockSite: TWinControl; DropControl: TControl;
- ControlSide: TAlign): Boolean;
- R: TRect;
- DockObject: TDragDockObject;
- HostDockSiteHandle: THandle;
- if (NewDockSite = nil) or (NewDockSite = NullDockSite) then
- begin
- if (HostDockSite <> nil) and HostDockSite.UseDockManager and
- (HostDockSite.DockManager <> nil) then
- begin
- HostDockSite.DockManager.GetControlBounds(Self, R);
- MapWindowPoints(HostDockSite.Handle, 0, R.TopLeft, 2);
- end
- else begin
- R.TopLeft := Point(Left, Top);
- if Parent <> nil then R.TopLeft := Parent.ClientToScreen(R.TopLeft);
- end;
- R := Bounds(R.Left, R.Top, UndockWidth, UndockHeight);
- Result := ManualFloat(R);
- end
- else
- begin
- CalcDockSizes;
- Result := (HostDockSite = nil) or HostDockSite.DoUndock(NewDockSite, Self);
- if Result then
- begin
- DockObject := TDragDockObject.Create(Self);
- try
- if HostDockSite <> nil then
- HostDockSiteHandle := HostDockSite.Handle else
- HostDockSiteHandle := 0;
- R := BoundsRect;
- if HostDockSiteHandle <> 0 then
- MapWindowPoints(HostDockSiteHandle, 0, R, 2);
- with DockObject do
- begin
- FDragTarget := NewDockSite;
- FDropAlign := ControlSide;
- FDropOnControl := DropControl;
- DockRect := R;
- end;
- MapWindowPoints(0, NewDockSite.Handle, R.TopLeft, 1);
- NewDockSite.DockDrop(DockObject, R.Left, R.Top);
- finally
- DockObject.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TControl.ManualFloat(ScreenPos: TRect): Boolean;
- FloatHost: TWinControl;
- Result := (HostDockSite = nil) or HostDockSite.DoUndock(nil, Self);
- if Result then
- begin
- FloatHost := CreateFloatingDockSite(ScreenPos);
- if FloatHost <> nil then
- Dock(FloatHost, Rect(0, 0, FloatHost.ClientWidth, FloatHost.ClientHeight))
- else
- Dock(FloatHost, ScreenPos);
- end;
-function TControl.ReplaceDockedControl(Control: TControl;
- NewDockSite: TWinControl; DropControl: TControl; ControlSide: TAlign): Boolean;
- OldDockSite: TWinControl;
- Result := False;
- if (Control.HostDockSite = nil) or ((Control.HostDockSite.UseDockManager) and
- (Control.HostDockSite.DockManager <> nil)) then
- begin
- OldDockSite := Control.HostDockSite;
- if OldDockSite <> nil then
- OldDockSite.DockManager.SetReplacingControl(Control);
- try
- ManualDock(OldDockSite, nil, alTop);
- finally
- if OldDockSite <> nil then
- OldDockSite.DockManager.SetReplacingControl(nil);
- end;
- if Control.ManualDock(NewDockSite, DropControl, ControlSide) then
- Result := True;
- end;
-procedure TControl.DoConstraintsChange(Sender: TObject);
- AdjustSize;
-function TControl.CanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := True;
-function TControl.CanResize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := True;
- if Assigned(FOnCanResize) then FOnCanResize(Self, NewWidth, NewHeight, Result);
-function TControl.DoCanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean;
- W, H: Integer;
- if Align <> alClient then
- begin
- W := NewWidth;
- H := NewHeight;
- Result := CanAutoSize(W, H);
- if Align in [alNone, alLeft, alRight] then
- NewWidth := W;
- if Align in [alNone, alTop, alBottom] then
- NewHeight := H;
- end
- else Result := True;
-function TControl.DoCanResize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := CanResize(NewWidth, NewHeight);
- if Result then DoConstrainedResize(NewWidth, NewHeight);
-procedure TControl.ConstrainedResize(var MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth,
- MaxHeight: Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnConstrainedResize) then FOnConstrainedResize(Self, MinWidth,
- MinHeight, MaxWidth, MaxHeight);
-procedure TControl.DoConstrainedResize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer);
- MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth, MaxHeight: Integer;
- if Constraints.MinWidth > 0 then
- MinWidth := Constraints.MinWidth
- else
- MinWidth := 0;
- if Constraints.MinHeight > 0 then
- MinHeight := Constraints.MinHeight
- else
- MinHeight := 0;
- if Constraints.MaxWidth > 0 then
- MaxWidth := Constraints.MaxWidth
- else
- MaxWidth := 0;
- if Constraints.MaxHeight > 0 then
- MaxHeight := Constraints.MaxHeight
- else
- MaxHeight := 0;
- { Allow override of constraints }
- ConstrainedResize(MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth, MaxHeight);
- if (MaxWidth > 0) and (NewWidth > MaxWidth) then
- NewWidth := MaxWidth
- else if (MinWidth > 0) and (NewWidth < MinWidth) then
- NewWidth := MinWidth;
- if (MaxHeight > 0) and (NewHeight > MaxHeight) then
- NewHeight := MaxHeight
- else if (MinHeight > 0) and (NewHeight < MinHeight) then
- NewHeight := MinHeight;
-function TControl.Perform(Msg: Cardinal; WParam, LParam: Longint): Longint;
- Message: TMessage;
- Message.Msg := Msg;
- Message.WParam := WParam;
- Message.LParam := LParam;
- Message.Result := 0;
- if Self <> nil then WindowProc(Message);
- Result := Message.Result;
-procedure TControl.CalcDockSizes;
- if Floating then
- begin
- UndockHeight := Height;
- UndockWidth := Width;
- end
- else if HostDockSite <> nil then
- begin
- if (DockOrientation = doVertical) or
- (HostDockSite.Align in [alTop, alBottom]) then
- TBDockHeight := Height
- else if (DockOrientation = doHorizontal) or
- (HostDockSite.Align in [alLeft, alRight]) then
- LRDockWidth := Width;
- end;
-procedure TControl.UpdateBoundsRect(const R: TRect);
- UpdateLastResize(R.Right - R.Left, R.Bottom - R.Top);
- FLeft := R.Left;
- FTop := R.Top;
- FWidth := R.Right - R.Left;
- FHeight := R.Bottom - R.Top;
-procedure TControl.VisibleChanging;
-procedure TControl.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);
- Form: TCustomForm;
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- begin
- Form := GetParentForm(Self);
- if (Form <> nil) and (Form.Designer <> nil) and
- Form.Designer.IsDesignMsg(Self, Message) then Exit;
- end
- else if (Message.Msg >= WM_KEYFIRST) and (Message.Msg <= WM_KEYLAST) then
- begin
- Form := GetParentForm(Self);
- if (Form <> nil) and Form.WantChildKey(Self, Message) then Exit;
- end
- else if (Message.Msg >= WM_MOUSEFIRST) and (Message.Msg <= WM_MOUSELAST) then
- begin
- if not (csDoubleClicks in ControlStyle) then
- case Message.Msg of
- end;
- case Message.Msg of
- WM_MOUSEMOVE: Application.HintMouseMessage(Self, Message);
- begin
- if FDragMode = dmAutomatic then
- begin
- BeginAutoDrag;
- Exit;
- end;
- Include(FControlState, csLButtonDown);
- end;
- Exclude(FControlState, csLButtonDown);
- end;
- end
- else if Message.Msg = CM_VISIBLECHANGED then
- with Message do
- SendDockNotification(Msg, WParam, LParam);
- Dispatch(Message);
-procedure TControl.DefaultHandler(var Message);
- P: PChar;
- with TMessage(Message) do
- case Msg of
- begin
- if FText <> nil then P := FText else P := '';
- Result := StrLen(StrLCopy(PChar(LParam), P, WParam - 1));
- end;
- if FText = nil then Result := 0 else Result := StrLen(FText);
- begin
- P := StrNew(PChar(LParam));
- StrDispose(FText);
- FText := P;
- SendDockNotification(Msg, WParam, LParam);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TControl.ReadIsControl(Reader: TReader);
- FIsControl := Reader.ReadBoolean;
-procedure TControl.WriteIsControl(Writer: TWriter);
- Writer.WriteBoolean(FIsControl);
-procedure TControl.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
- function DoWrite: Boolean;
- begin
- if Filer.Ancestor <> nil then
- Result := TControl(Filer.Ancestor).IsControl <> IsControl else
- Result := IsControl;
- end;
- { The call to inherited DefinedProperties is omitted since the Left and
- Top special properties are redefined with real properties }
- Filer.DefineProperty('IsControl', ReadIsControl, WriteIsControl, DoWrite);
-procedure TControl.Click;
- { Call OnClick if assigned and not equal to associated action's OnExecute.
- If associated action's OnExecute assigned then call it, otherwise, call
- OnClick. }
- if Assigned(FOnClick) and (Action <> nil) and (@FOnClick <> @Action.OnExecute) then
- FOnClick(Self)
- else if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (ActionLink <> nil) then
- ActionLink.Execute
- else if Assigned(FOnClick) then
- FOnClick(Self);
-procedure TControl.DblClick;
- if Assigned(FOnDblClick) then FOnDblClick(Self);
-procedure TControl.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnMouseDown) then FOnMouseDown(Self, Button, Shift, X, Y);
-procedure TControl.DoMouseDown(var Message: TWMMouse; Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- if not (csNoStdEvents in ControlStyle) then
- with Message do
- MouseDown(Button, KeysToShiftState(Keys) + Shift, XPos, YPos);
-procedure TControl.WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown);
- SendCancelMode(Self);
- inherited;
- if csCaptureMouse in ControlStyle then MouseCapture := True;
- if csClickEvents in ControlStyle then Include(FControlState, csClicked);
- DoMouseDown(Message, mbLeft, []);
-procedure TControl.WMNCLButtonDown(var Message: TWMNCLButtonDown);
- SendCancelMode(Self);
- inherited;
-procedure TControl.WMLButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMLButtonDblClk);
- SendCancelMode(Self);
- inherited;
- if csCaptureMouse in ControlStyle then MouseCapture := True;
- if csClickEvents in ControlStyle then DblClick;
- DoMouseDown(Message, mbLeft, [ssDouble]);
-function TControl.GetPopupMenu: TPopupMenu;
- Result := FPopupMenu;
-procedure TControl.CheckMenuPopup(const Pos: TSmallPoint);
- Control: TControl;
- PopupMenu: TPopupMenu;
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then Exit;
- Control := Self;
- while Control <> nil do
- begin
- PopupMenu := Control.GetPopupMenu;
- if (PopupMenu <> nil) then
- begin
- if not PopupMenu.AutoPopup then Exit;
- SendCancelMode(nil);
- PopupMenu.PopupComponent := Control;
- with ClientToScreen(SmallPointToPoint(Pos)) do
- PopupMenu.Popup(X, Y);
- Exit;
- end;
- Control := Control.Parent;
- end;
-function TControl.CheckNewSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean;
- W, H, W2, H2: Integer;
- Result := False;
- W := NewWidth;
- H := NewHeight;
- if DoCanResize(W, H) then
- begin
- W2 := W;
- H2 := H;
- Result := not AutoSize or (DoCanAutoSize(W2, H2) and (W2 = W) and (H2 = H)) or
- DoCanResize(W2, H2);
- if Result then
- begin
- NewWidth := W2;
- NewHeight := H2;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TControl.WMRButtonDown(var Message: TWMRButtonDown);
- inherited;
- DoMouseDown(Message, mbRight, []);
-procedure TControl.WMRButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMRButtonDblClk);
- inherited;
- DoMouseDown(Message, mbRight, [ssDouble]);
-procedure TControl.WMMButtonDown(var Message: TWMMButtonDown);
- inherited;
- DoMouseDown(Message, mbMiddle, []);
-procedure TControl.WMMButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMMButtonDblClk);
- inherited;
- DoMouseDown(Message, mbMiddle, [ssDouble]);
-procedure TControl.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnMouseMove) then FOnMouseMove(Self, Shift, X, Y);
-procedure TControl.WMMouseMove(var Message: TWMMouseMove);
- inherited;
- if not (csNoStdEvents in ControlStyle) then
- with Message do MouseMove(KeysToShiftState(Keys), XPos, YPos);
-procedure TControl.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnMouseUp) then FOnMouseUp(Self, Button, Shift, X, Y);
-procedure TControl.DoMouseUp(var Message: TWMMouse; Button: TMouseButton);
- if not (csNoStdEvents in ControlStyle) then
- with Message do MouseUp(Button, KeysToShiftState(Keys), XPos, YPos);
-procedure TControl.WMLButtonUp(var Message: TWMLButtonUp);
- inherited;
- if csCaptureMouse in ControlStyle then MouseCapture := False;
- if csClicked in ControlState then
- begin
- Exclude(FControlState, csClicked);
- if PtInRect(ClientRect, SmallPointToPoint(Message.Pos)) then Click;
- end;
- DoMouseUp(Message, mbLeft);
-procedure TControl.WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMRButtonUp);
- inherited;
- DoMouseUp(Message, mbRight);
- if Message.Result = 0 then CheckMenuPopup(Message.Pos);
-procedure TControl.WMMButtonUp(var Message: TWMMButtonUp);
- inherited;
- DoMouseUp(Message, mbMiddle);
-procedure TControl.WMCancelMode(var Message: TWMCancelMode);
- inherited;
- if MouseCapture then
- begin
- MouseCapture := False;
- if csLButtonDown in ControlState then Perform(WM_LBUTTONUP, 0,
- Integer($FFFFFFFF));
- end
- else
- Exclude(FControlState, csLButtonDown);
-procedure TControl.WMWindowPosChanged(var Message: TWMWindowPosChanged);
- inherited;
- { Update min/max width/height to actual extents control will allow }
- if ComponentState * [csReading, csLoading] = [] then
- begin
- with Constraints do
- begin
- if (MaxWidth > 0) and (Width > MaxWidth) then
- FMaxWidth := Width
- else if (MinWidth > 0) and (Width < MinWidth) then
- FMinWidth := Width;
- if (MaxHeight > 0) and (Height > MaxHeight) then
- FMaxHeight := Height
- else if (MinHeight > 0) and (Height < MinHeight) then
- FMinHeight := Height;
- end;
- if Message.WindowPos <> nil then
- with Message.WindowPos^ do
- if (FHostDockSite <> nil) and not (csDocking in ControlState) and
- (Flags and SWP_NOSIZE = 0) and (cx <> 0) and (cy <> 0) then
- CalcDockSizes;
- end;
-procedure TControl.CMVisibleChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) or
- (csNoDesignVisible in ControlStyle) then
- InvalidateControl(True, FVisible and (csOpaque in ControlStyle));
-procedure TControl.CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- Invalidate;
-procedure TControl.CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- Invalidate;
-procedure TControl.CMColorChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- Invalidate;
-procedure TControl.CMParentColorChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- if FParentColor then
- begin
- if Message.wParam <> 0 then
- SetColor(TColor(Message.lParam)) else
- SetColor(FParent.FColor);
- FParentColor := True;
- end;
-procedure TControl.CMParentBiDiModeChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- if FParentBiDiMode then
- begin
- if FParent <> nil then BiDiMode := FParent.BiDiMode;
- FParentBiDiMode := True;
- end;
-procedure TControl.CMBiDiModeChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- if (SysLocale.MiddleEast) and (Message.wParam = 0) then Invalidate;
-procedure TControl.CMParentShowHintChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- if FParentShowHint then
- begin
- SetShowHint(FParent.FShowHint);
- FParentShowHint := True;
- end;
-procedure TControl.CMParentFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- if FParentFont then
- begin
- if Message.wParam <> 0 then
- SetFont(TFont(Message.lParam)) else
- SetFont(FParent.FFont);
- FParentFont := True;
- end;
-procedure TControl.CMSysFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- if FDesktopFont then
- begin
- SetFont(Screen.IconFont);
- FDesktopFont := True;
- end;
-procedure TControl.CMHitTest(var Message: TCMHitTest);
- Message.Result := 1;
-procedure TControl.CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage);
- if FParent <> nil then
- FParent.Perform(CM_MOUSEENTER, 0, Longint(Self));
-procedure TControl.CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage);
- if FParent <> nil then
- FParent.Perform(CM_MOUSELEAVE, 0, Longint(Self));
-procedure TControl.CMDesignHitTest(var Message: TCMDesignHitTest);
- Message.Result := 0;
-function TControl.CreateFloatingDockSite(Bounds: TRect): TWinControl;
- Result := nil;
- if (FloatingDockSiteClass <> nil) and
- (FloatingDockSiteClass <> TWinControlClass(ClassType)) then
- begin
- Result := FloatingDockSiteClass.Create(Application);
- with Bounds do
- begin
- Result.Top := Top;
- Result.Left := Left;
- Result.ClientWidth := Right - Left;
- Result.ClientHeight := Bottom - Top;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TControl.CMFloat(var Message: TCMFloat);
- FloatHost: TWinControl;
- procedure UpdateFloatingDockSitePos;
- var
- P: TPoint;
- begin
- P := Parent.ClientToScreen(Point(Left, Top));
- with Message.DockSource.DockRect do
- Parent.BoundsRect := Bounds(Left + Parent.Left - P.X,
- Top + Parent.Top - P.Y,
- Right - Left + Parent.Width - Width,
- Bottom - Top + Parent.Height - Height);
- end;
- if Floating and (Parent <> nil) then
- UpdateFloatingDockSitePos
- else
- begin
- FloatHost := CreateFloatingDockSite(Message.DockSource.DockRect);
- if FloatHost <> nil then
- begin
- Message.DockSource.DragTarget := FloatHost;
- Message.DockSource.DragHandle := FloatHost.Handle;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TControl.ActionChange(Sender: TObject; CheckDefaults: Boolean);
- if Sender is TCustomAction then
- with TCustomAction(Sender) do
- begin
- if not CheckDefaults or (Self.Caption = '') then
- Self.Caption := Caption;
- if not CheckDefaults or (Self.Enabled = True) then
- Self.Enabled := Enabled;
- if not CheckDefaults or (Self.Hint = '') then
- Self.Hint := Hint;
- if not CheckDefaults or (Self.Visible = True) then
- Self.Visible := Visible;
- if not CheckDefaults or not Assigned(Self.OnClick) then
- Self.OnClick := OnExecute;
- end;
-procedure TControl.DoActionChange(Sender: TObject);
- if Sender = Action then ActionChange(Sender, False);
-function TControl.GetActionLinkClass: TControlActionLinkClass;
- Result := TControlActionLink;
-function TControl.IsCaptionStored: Boolean;
- Result := (ActionLink = nil) or not ActionLink.IsCaptionLinked;
-function TControl.IsEnabledStored: Boolean;
- Result := (ActionLink = nil) or not ActionLink.IsEnabledLinked;
-function TControl.IsHintStored: Boolean;
- Result := (ActionLink = nil) or not ActionLink.IsHintLinked;
-function TControl.IsVisibleStored: Boolean;
- Result := (ActionLink = nil) or not ActionLink.IsVisibleLinked;
-function TControl.IsOnClickStored: Boolean;
- Result := (ActionLink = nil) or not ActionLink.IsOnExecuteLinked;
-procedure TControl.Loaded;
- inherited Loaded;
- if Action <> nil then ActionChange(Action, True);
-procedure TControl.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
- if Dest is TCustomAction then
- with TCustomAction(Dest) do
- begin
- Enabled := Self.Enabled;
- Hint := Self.Hint;
- Caption := Self.Caption;
- Visible := Self.Visible;
- OnExecute := Self.OnClick;
- end
- else inherited AssignTo(Dest);
-function TControl.GetDockEdge(MousePos: TPoint): TAlign;
- function MinVar(const Data: array of Double): Integer;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for I := Low(Data) + 1 to High(Data) do
- if Data[I] < Data[Result] then Result := I;
- end;
- T, L, B, R: Integer;
- Result := alNone;
- R := Width;
- B := Height;
- // if Point is outside control, then we can determine side quickly
- if MousePos.X <= 0 then Result := alLeft
- else if MousePos.X >= R then Result := alRight
- else if MousePos.Y <= 0 then Result := alTop
- else if MousePos.Y >= B then Result := alBottom
- else begin
- // if MousePos is inside the control, then we need to figure out which side
- // MousePos is closest to.
- T := MousePos.Y;
- B := B - MousePos.Y;
- L := MousePos.X;
- R := R - MousePos.X;
- case MinVar([L, R, T, B]) of
- 0: Result := alLeft;
- 1: Result := alRight;
- 2: Result := alTop;
- 3: Result := alBottom;
- end;
- end;
-function TControl.GetFloating: Boolean;
- Result := (HostDockSite <> nil) and (HostDockSite is FloatingDockSiteClass);
-function TControl.GetFloatingDockSiteClass: TWinControlClass;
- Result := FFloatingDockSiteClass;
-procedure TControl.AdjustSize;
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height);
-function TControl.DrawTextBiDiModeFlags(Flags: Longint): Longint;
- Result := Flags;
- { do not change center alignment }
- if UseRightToLeftAlignment then
- if Result and DT_RIGHT = DT_RIGHT then
- Result := Result and not DT_RIGHT { removing DT_RIGHT, makes it DT_LEFT }
- else if not (Result and DT_CENTER = DT_CENTER) then
- Result := Result or DT_RIGHT;
- Result := Result or DrawTextBiDiModeFlagsReadingOnly;
-function TControl.DrawTextBiDiModeFlagsReadingOnly: Longint;
- if UseRightToLeftReading then
- else
- Result := 0;
-procedure TControl.InitiateAction;
- if ActionLink <> nil then ActionLink.Update;
-procedure TControl.CMHintShow(var Message: TMessage);
- if (ActionLink <> nil) and
- not ActionLink.DoShowHint(TCMHintShow(Message).HintInfo^.HintStr) then
- Message.Result := 1;
-procedure TControl.UpdateLastResize(NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer);
- FLastWidth := NewWidth;
- FLastHeight := NewHeight;
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TControl.h b/apps/X11/VCL/TControl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0969339..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TControl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TCONTROL_H
-#define TCONTROL_H
-#include <TComponent.h>
-class TControl : public TComponent {
- FParent: TWinControl;
- FWindowProc: TWndMethod;
- FLeft: Integer;
- FTop: Integer;
- FWidth: Integer;
- FHeight: Integer;
- FControlStyle: TControlStyle;
- FControlState: TControlState;
- FDesktopFont: Boolean;
- FVisible: Boolean;
- FEnabled: Boolean;
- FParentFont: Boolean;
- FParentColor: Boolean;
- FAlign: TAlign;
- FAutoSize: Boolean;
- FDragMode: TDragMode;
- FIsControl: Boolean;
- FBiDiMode: TBiDiMode;
- FParentBiDiMode: Boolean;
- FText: PChar;
- FFont: TFont;
- FActionLink: TControlActionLink;
- FAnchors: TAnchors;
- FColor: TColor;
- FConstraints: TSizeConstraints;
- FCursor: TCursor;
- FDragCursor: TCursor;
- FPopupMenu: TPopupMenu;
- FHint: string;
- FFontHeight: Integer;
- FLastHeight: Integer;
- FLastWidth: Integer;
- FScalingFlags: TScalingFlags;
- FShowHint: Boolean;
- FParentShowHint: Boolean;
- FDragKind: TDragKind;
- FDockOrientation: TDockOrientation;
- FHostDockSite: TWinControl;
- FUndockWidth: Integer;
- FUndockHeight: Integer;
- FLRDockWidth: Integer;
- FTBDockHeight: Integer;
- FFloatingDockSiteClass: TWinControlClass;
- FOnCanResize: TCanResizeEvent;
- FOnConstrainedResize: TConstrainedResizeEvent;
- FOnMouseDown: TMouseEvent;
- FOnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent;
- FOnMouseUp: TMouseEvent;
- FOnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent;
- FOnDragOver: TDragOverEvent;
- FOnResize: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnStartDock: TStartDockEvent;
- FOnEndDock: TEndDragEvent;
- FOnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent;
- FOnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent;
- FOnClick: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnDblClick: TNotifyEvent;
- procedure CalcDockSizes;
- procedure CheckMenuPopup(const Pos: TSmallPoint);
- function CheckNewSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean;
- function CreateFloatingDockSite(Bounds: TRect): TWinControl;
- procedure DoActionChange(Sender: TObject);
- function DoCanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean;
- function DoCanResize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure DoConstraintsChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure DoConstrainedResize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer);
- procedure DoDragMsg(var DragMsg: TCMDrag);
- procedure DoMouseDown(var Message: TWMMouse; Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- procedure DoMouseUp(var Message: TWMMouse; Button: TMouseButton);
- procedure FontChanged(Sender: TObject);
- function GetAction: TBasicAction;
- function GetBoundsRect: TRect;
- function GetClientHeight: Integer;
- function GetClientWidth: Integer;
- function GetLRDockWidth: Integer;
- function GetMouseCapture: Boolean;
- function GetText: TCaption;
- function GetTBDockHeight: Integer;
- function GetUndockWidth: Integer;
- function GetUndockHeight: Integer;
- procedure InvalidateControl(IsVisible, IsOpaque: Boolean);
- function IsAnchorsStored: Boolean;
- function IsBiDiModeStored: Boolean;
- function IsCaptionStored: Boolean;
- function IsColorStored: Boolean;
- function IsEnabledStored: Boolean;
- function IsFontStored: Boolean;
- function IsHintStored: Boolean;
- function IsOnClickStored: Boolean;
- function IsShowHintStored: Boolean;
- function IsVisibleStored: Boolean;
- procedure ReadIsControl(Reader: TReader);
- procedure SetAction(Value: TBasicAction);
- procedure SetAlign(Value: TAlign);
- procedure SetAutoSize(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetBoundsRect(const Rect: TRect);
- procedure SetClientHeight(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetClientSize(Value: TPoint);
- procedure SetClientWidth(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetColor(Value: TColor);
- procedure SetCursor(Value: TCursor);
- procedure SetDesktopFont(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetFont(Value: TFont);
- procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetHostDockSite(Value: TWinControl);
- procedure SetLeft(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetMouseCapture(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetParentColor(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetParentFont(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetShowHint(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetParentShowHint(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetPopupMenu(Value: TPopupMenu);
- procedure SetText(const Value: TCaption);
- procedure SetTop(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetVisible(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetZOrderPosition(Position: Integer);
- procedure UpdateLastResize(NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer); virtual;
- procedure WriteIsControl(Writer: TWriter);
- procedure WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown); message WM_LBUTTONDOWN;
- procedure WMNCLButtonDown(var Message: TWMNCLButtonDown); message WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN;
- procedure WMRButtonDown(var Message: TWMRButtonDown); message WM_RBUTTONDOWN;
- procedure WMMButtonDown(var Message: TWMMButtonDown); message WM_MBUTTONDOWN;
- procedure WMLButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMLButtonDblClk); message WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK;
- procedure WMRButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMRButtonDblClk); message WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK;
- procedure WMMButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMMButtonDblClk); message WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK;
- procedure WMMouseMove(var Message: TWMMouseMove); message WM_MOUSEMOVE;
- procedure WMLButtonUp(var Message: TWMLButtonUp); message WM_LBUTTONUP;
- procedure WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMRButtonUp); message WM_RBUTTONUP;
- procedure WMMButtonUp(var Message: TWMMButtonUp); message WM_MBUTTONUP;
- procedure WMCancelMode(var Message: TWMCancelMode); message WM_CANCELMODE;
- procedure WMWindowPosChanged(var Message: TWMWindowPosChanged); message WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED;
- procedure CMVisibleChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_VISIBLECHANGED;
- procedure CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_ENABLEDCHANGED;
- procedure CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_FONTCHANGED;
- procedure CMColorChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_COLORCHANGED;
- procedure CMParentFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_PARENTFONTCHANGED;
- procedure CMSysFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_SYSFONTCHANGED;
- procedure CMParentColorChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_PARENTCOLORCHANGED;
- procedure CMParentShowHintChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_PARENTSHOWHINTCHANGED;
- procedure CMHintShow(var Message: TMessage); message CM_HINTSHOW;
- procedure CMHitTest(var Message: TCMHitTest); message CM_HITTEST;
- procedure CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSEENTER;
- procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE;
- procedure CMDesignHitTest(var Message: TCMDesignHitTest); message CM_DESIGNHITTEST;
- procedure CMFloat(var Message: TCMFloat); message CM_FLOAT;
- procedure CMBiDiModeChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_BIDIMODECHANGED;
- procedure CMParentBiDiModeChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_PARENTBIDIMODECHANGED;
- protected
- procedure ActionChange(Sender: TObject; CheckDefaults: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure AdjustSize; dynamic;
- procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
- procedure BeginAutoDrag; dynamic;
- function CanResize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
- function CanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
- procedure Changed;
- procedure ChangeScale(M, D: Integer); dynamic;
- procedure Click; dynamic;
- procedure ConstrainedResize(var MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth, MaxHeight: Integer); virtual;
- procedure DblClick; dynamic;
- procedure DefaultDockImage(DragDockObject: TDragDockObject; Erase: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
- procedure DockTrackNoTarget(Source: TDragDockObject; X, Y: Integer); dynamic;
- procedure DoEndDock(Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer); dynamic;
- procedure DoDock(NewDockSite: TWinControl; var ARect: TRect); dynamic;
- procedure DoStartDock(var DragObject: TDragObject); dynamic;
- procedure DragCanceled; dynamic;
- procedure DragOver(Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState;
- var Accept: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure DoEndDrag(Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer); dynamic;
- procedure DoStartDrag(var DragObject: TDragObject); dynamic;
- procedure DrawDragDockImage(DragDockObject: TDragDockObject); dynamic;
- procedure EraseDragDockImage(DragDockObject: TDragDockObject); dynamic;
- function GetActionLinkClass: TControlActionLinkClass; dynamic;
- function GetClientOrigin: TPoint; virtual;
- function GetClientRect: TRect; virtual;
- function GetDeviceContext(var WindowHandle: HWnd): HDC; virtual;
- function GetDockEdge(MousePos: TPoint): TAlign; dynamic;
- function GetDragImages: TDragImageList; virtual;
- function GetEnabled: Boolean; virtual;
- function GetFloating: Boolean; virtual;
- function GetFloatingDockSiteClass: TWinControlClass; virtual;
- function GetPalette: HPALETTE; dynamic;
- function GetPopupMenu: TPopupMenu; dynamic;
- procedure Loaded; override;
- procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer); dynamic;
- procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); dynamic;
- procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer); dynamic;
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure PositionDockRect(DragDockObject: TDragDockObject); dynamic;
- function PaletteChanged(Foreground: Boolean): Boolean; dynamic;
- procedure ReadState(Reader: TReader); override;
- procedure RequestAlign; dynamic;
- procedure Resize; dynamic;
- procedure SendCancelMode(Sender: TControl);
- procedure SendDockNotification(Msg: Cardinal; WParam, LParam: Integer);
- procedure SetDragMode(Value: TDragMode); virtual;
- procedure SetEnabled(Value: Boolean); virtual;
- procedure SetName(const Value: TComponentName); override;
- procedure SetParent(AParent: TWinControl); virtual;
- procedure SetParentComponent(Value: TComponent); override;
- procedure SetParentBiDiMode(Value: Boolean); virtual;
- procedure SetBiDiMode(Value: TBiDiMode); virtual;
- procedure SetZOrder(TopMost: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure UpdateBoundsRect(const R: TRect);
- procedure VisibleChanging; dynamic;
- procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); virtual;
- property ActionLink: TControlActionLink read FActionLink write FActionLink;
- property AutoSize: Boolean read FAutoSize write SetAutoSize default False;
- property Caption: TCaption read GetText write SetText stored IsCaptionStored;
- property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor stored IsColorStored default clWindow;
- property DesktopFont: Boolean read FDesktopFont write SetDesktopFont default False;
- property DragKind: TDragKind read FDragKind write FDragKind default dkDrag;
- property DragCursor: TCursor read FDragCursor write FDragCursor default crDrag;
- property DragMode: TDragMode read FDragMode write SetDragMode default dmManual;
- property Font: TFont read FFont write SetFont stored IsFontStored;
- property IsControl: Boolean read FIsControl write FIsControl;
- property MouseCapture: Boolean read GetMouseCapture write SetMouseCapture;
- property ParentBiDiMode: Boolean read FParentBiDiMode write SetParentBiDiMode default True;
- property ParentColor: Boolean read FParentColor write SetParentColor default True;
- property ParentFont: Boolean read FParentFont write SetParentFont default True;
- property ParentShowHint: Boolean read FParentShowHint write SetParentShowHint default True;
- property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu read FPopupMenu write SetPopupMenu;
- property ScalingFlags: TScalingFlags read FScalingFlags write FScalingFlags;
- property Text: TCaption read GetText write SetText;
- property WindowText: PChar read FText write FText;
- property OnCanResize: TCanResizeEvent read FOnCanResize write FOnCanResize;
- property OnConstrainedResize: TConstrainedResizeEvent read FOnConstrainedResize write FOnConstrainedResize;
- property OnClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick stored IsOnClickStored;
- property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnDblClick write FOnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent read FOnDragDrop write FOnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent read FOnDragOver write FOnDragOver;
- property OnEndDock: TEndDragEvent read FOnEndDock write FOnEndDock;
- property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent read FOnEndDrag write FOnEndDrag;
- property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent read FOnMouseDown write FOnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent read FOnMouseMove write FOnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent read FOnMouseUp write FOnMouseUp;
- property OnResize: TNotifyEvent read FOnResize write FOnResize;
- property OnStartDock: TStartDockEvent read FOnStartDock write FOnStartDock;
- property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent read FOnStartDrag write FOnStartDrag;
- TControl(TComponent *AOwner);
- ~TControl();
-// procedure Repaint; virtual;
- void Repaint();
- procedure BeginDrag(Immediate: Boolean; Threshold: Integer = -1);
- procedure BringToFront;
- function ClientToScreen(const Point: TPoint): TPoint;
- procedure Dock(NewDockSite: TWinControl; ARect: TRect); dynamic;
- procedure DefaultHandler(var Message); override;
- function Dragging: Boolean;
- procedure DragDrop(Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer); dynamic;
- function DrawTextBiDiModeFlags(Flags: Longint): Longint;
- function DrawTextBiDiModeFlagsReadingOnly: Longint;
- property Enabled: Boolean read GetEnabled write SetEnabled stored IsEnabledStored default True;
- procedure EndDrag(Drop: Boolean);
- function GetControlsAlignment: TAlignment; dynamic;
- function GetParentComponent: TComponent; override;
- function GetTextBuf(Buffer: PChar; BufSize: Integer): Integer;
- function GetTextLen: Integer;
- function HasParent: Boolean; override;
- procedure Hide;
- procedure InitiateAction; virtual;
- procedure Invalidate; virtual;
- function IsRightToLeft: Boolean;
- function ManualDock(NewDockSite: TWinControl; DropControl: TControl = nil;
- ControlSide: TAlign = alNone): Boolean;
- function ManualFloat(ScreenPos: TRect): Boolean;
- function Perform(Msg: Cardinal; WParam, LParam: Longint): Longint;
- procedure Refresh;
- function ReplaceDockedControl(Control: TControl; NewDockSite: TWinControl;
- DropControl: TControl; ControlSide: TAlign): Boolean;
- function ScreenToClient(const Point: TPoint): TPoint;
- procedure SendToBack;
- procedure SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer); virtual;
- procedure SetTextBuf(Buffer: PChar);
- procedure Show;
- procedure Update; virtual;
- function UseRightToLeftAlignment: Boolean; dynamic;
- function UseRightToLeftReading: Boolean;
- function UseRightToLeftScrollBar: Boolean;
- property Action: TBasicAction read GetAction write SetAction;
- property Align: TAlign read FAlign write SetAlign default alNone;
- property Anchors: TAnchors read FAnchors write FAnchors stored IsAnchorsStored default [akLeft, akTop];
- property BiDiMode: TBiDiMode read FBiDiMode write SetBiDiMode stored IsBiDiModeStored;
- property BoundsRect: TRect read GetBoundsRect write SetBoundsRect;
- property ClientHeight: Integer read GetClientHeight write SetClientHeight stored False;
- property ClientOrigin: TPoint read GetClientOrigin;
- property ClientRect: TRect read GetClientRect;
- property ClientWidth: Integer read GetClientWidth write SetClientWidth stored False;
- property Constraints: TSizeConstraints read FConstraints write FConstraints;
- property ControlState: TControlState read FControlState write FControlState;
- property ControlStyle: TControlStyle read FControlStyle write FControlStyle;
- property DockOrientation: TDockOrientation read FDockOrientation write FDockOrientation;
- property Floating: Boolean read GetFloating;
- property FloatingDockSiteClass: TWinControlClass read GetFloatingDockSiteClass write FFloatingDockSiteClass;
- property HostDockSite: TWinControl read FHostDockSite write SetHostDockSite;
- property LRDockWidth: Integer read GetLRDockWidth write FLRDockWidth;
- property Parent: TWinControl read FParent write SetParent;
- property ShowHint: Boolean read FShowHint write SetShowHint stored IsShowHintStored;
- property TBDockHeight: Integer read GetTBDockHeight write FTBDockHeight;
- property UndockHeight: Integer read GetUndockHeight write FUndockHeight;
- property UndockWidth: Integer read GetUndockWidth write FUndockWidth;
- property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write SetVisible stored IsVisibleStored default True;
- property WindowProc: TWndMethod read FWindowProc write FWindowProc;
- published
- property Left: Integer read FLeft write SetLeft;
- property Top: Integer read FTop write SetTop;
- property Width: Integer read FWidth write SetWidth;
- property Height: Integer read FHeight write SetHeight;
- property Cursor: TCursor read FCursor write SetCursor default crDefault;
- property Hint: string read FHint write FHint stored IsHintStored;
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TCustomImageList.cpp b/apps/X11/VCL/TCustomImageList.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a63a24..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TCustomImageList.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1142 +0,0 @@
-#include <TCustomImageList.h>
-TCustomImageList::TCustomImageList(TComponent *AOwner) :
- TComponent(AOwner) {
-TCustomImageList::TCustomImageList(int AWidth, int AHeight) :
- TComponent(0) {
-TCustomImageList::~TCustomImageList() {
-function TCustomImageList.Add(Image, Mask: TBitmap): Integer;
- ImageDDB, MaskDDB: TBitmap;
- ImageDDB := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- MaskDDB := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- HandleNeeded;
- Result := ImageList_Add(FHandle, GetImageHandle(Image, ImageDDB),
- GetImageHandle(Mask, MaskDDB));
- finally
- MaskDDB.Free;
- end;
- finally
- ImageDDB.Free;
- end;
- Change;
-int TCustomImageList::Add(gchar **xpm_data, GtkWidget *canvas) {
- /* GtkWidget is the storage type for widgets */
- GtkWidget *pixmapwid;
- GdkPixmap *pixmap;
- GdkBitmap *mask;
- GdkWindow *window = 0;
- GtkStyle *style;
- while ((!window) && (canvas->parent)) {
- window = gtk_widget_get_parent_window(GTK_WIDGET(canvas));
- canvas = canvas->parent;
- }
- style = gtk_widget_get_style( GTK_WIDGET(canvas) );
- pixmap = gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d( window, &mask,
- &style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL],
- (gchar **)xpm_data);
- pixmapwid = gtk_pixmap_new( pixmap, mask );
- images.push_back(GTK_PIXMAP(pixmapwid));
- return images.size();
-procedure TCustomImageList.GetBitmap(Index: Integer; Image: TBitmap);
- if (Image <> nil) and HandleAllocated then
- with Image do
- begin
- Height := FHeight;
- Width := FWidth;
- Draw(Canvas, 0, 0, Index);
- end;
-GtkPixmap *TCustomImageList::GetPixmap(int index) {
- if ((unsigned int)index < images.size())
- return images[index];
- else return 0;
-{ TCustomImageList }
-function GetRGBColor(Value: TColor): DWORD;
- Result := ColorToRGB(Value);
- case Result of
- clNone: Result := CLR_NONE;
- clDefault: Result := CLR_DEFAULT;
- end;
-function GetColor(Value: DWORD): TColor;
- case Value of
- CLR_NONE: Result := clNone;
- CLR_DEFAULT: Result := clDefault;
- else
- Result := TColor(Value);
- end;
-constructor TCustomImageList.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FWidth := 16;
- FHeight := 16;
- Initialize;
-constructor TCustomImageList.CreateSize(AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
- inherited Create(nil);
- FWidth := AWidth;
- FHeight := AHeight;
- Initialize;
-destructor TCustomImageList.Destroy;
- while FClients.Count > 0 do
- UnRegisterChanges(TChangeLink(FClients.Last));
- FBitmap.Free;
- FreeHandle;
- FClients.Free;
- FClients := nil;
- if FMonoBitmap <> nil then FMonoBitmap.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TCustomImageList.Initialize;
- MaxSize = 32768;
- FClients := TList.Create;
- if (Height < 1) or (Height > MaxSize) or (Width < 1) then
- raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SInvalidImageSize);
- AllocBy := 4;
- Masked := True;
- DrawingStyle := dsNormal;
- ImageType := itImage;
- FBkColor := clNone;
- FBlendColor := clNone;
- FBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- InitBitmap;
-function TCustomImageList.HandleAllocated: Boolean;
- Result := FHandle <> 0;
-procedure TCustomImageList.HandleNeeded;
- if FHandle = 0 then CreateImageList;
-procedure TCustomImageList.InitBitmap;
- ScreenDC: HDC;
- ScreenDC := GetDC(0);
- try
- with FBitmap do
- begin
- Handle := CreateCompatibleBitmap(ScreenDC, Self.Width, Self.Height);
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack;
- Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, Width, Height));
- end;
- finally
- ReleaseDC(0, ScreenDC);
- end;
- if FMonoBitmap <> nil then
- begin
- FMonoBitmap.Free;
- FMonoBitmap := nil;
- end;
-procedure TCustomImageList.SetNewDimensions(Value: HImageList);
- AHeight, AWidth: Integer;
- AWidth := Width;
- AHeight := Height;
- ImageList_GetIconSize(Value, AWidth, AHeight);
- FWidth := AWidth;
- FHeight := AHeight;
- InitBitmap;
-procedure TCustomImageList.SetWidth(Value: Integer);
- if Value <> Width then
- begin
- FWidth := Value;
- if HandleAllocated then ImageList_SetIconSize(FHandle, Width, Height);
- Clear;
- InitBitmap;
- Change;
- end;
-procedure TCustomImageList.SetHeight(Value: Integer);
- if Value <> Height then
- begin
- FHeight := Value;
- if HandleAllocated then ImageList_SetIconSize(FHandle, Width, Height);
- Clear;
- InitBitmap;
- Change;
- end;
-procedure TCustomImageList.SetHandle(Value: HImageList);
- FreeHandle;
- if Value <> 0 then
- begin
- SetNewDimensions(Value);
- FHandle := Value;
- Change;
- end;
-function TCustomImageList.GetBitmapHandle(Bitmap: HBITMAP): HBITMAP;
- if Bitmap <> 0 then
- Result := Bitmap else
- Result := FBitmap.Handle;
-function TCustomImageList.GetHandle: HImageList;
- HandleNeeded;
- Result := FHandle;
-function TCustomImageList.GetImageHandle(Image, ImageDDB: TBitmap): HBITMAP;
- CheckImage(Image);
- if Image <> nil then
- if Image.HandleType = bmDDB then
- Result := Image.Handle
- else
- begin
- ImageDDB.Assign(Image);
- ImageDDB.HandleType := bmDDB;
- Result := ImageDDB.Handle;
- end
- else Result := FBitmap.Handle;
-procedure TCustomImageList.FreeHandle;
- if HandleAllocated and not ShareImages then
- ImageList_Destroy(Handle);
- FHandle := 0;
- Change;
-procedure TCustomImageList.CreateImageList;
- Mask: array[Boolean] of Longint = (0, ILC_MASK);
- FHandle := ImageList_Create(Width, Height, ILC_COLOR or Mask[Masked],
- AllocBy, AllocBy);
- if FHandle = 0 then raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SInvalidImageList);
- if FBkColor <> clNone then BkColor := FBkColor;
-function TCustomImageList.GetImageBitmap: HBITMAP;
- Info: TImageInfo;
- if (Count > 0) and ImageList_GetImageInfo(Handle, 0, Info) then
- begin
- Result := Info.hbmImage;
- DeleteObject(Info.hbmMask);
- end
- else Result := 0;
-function TCustomImageList.GetMaskBitmap: HBITMAP;
- Info: TImageInfo;
- if (Count > 0) and ImageList_GetImageInfo(Handle, 0, Info) then
- begin
- Result := Info.hbmMask;
- DeleteObject(Info.hbmImage);
- end
- else Result := 0;
-function TCustomImageList.AddMasked(Image: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor): Integer;
- ImageDDB: TBitmap;
- ImageDDB := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- if Masked and (MaskColor <> -1) then
- begin
- with TBitmap.Create do
- try
- Assign(Image);
- TransparentColor := MaskColor;
- Self.HandleNeeded;
- Result := ImageList_Add(Self.FHandle, GetImageHandle(Image, ImageDDB),
- GetBitmapHandle(MaskHandle));
- finally
- Free;
- end;
- end
- else Result := ImageList_Add(Handle, GetImageHandle(Image, ImageDDB), 0);
- finally
- ImageDDB.Free;
- end;
- Change;
-function TCustomImageList.AddIcon(Image: TIcon): Integer;
- if Image = nil then
- Result := Add(nil, nil)
- else
- begin
- CheckImage(Image);
- Result := ImageList_AddIcon(Handle, Image.Handle);
- end;
- Change;
-procedure TCustomImageList.GetIcon(Index: Integer; Image: TIcon);
- DrawingStyles: array[TDrawingStyle] of Longint = (ILD_FOCUS,
- Images: array[TImageType] of Longint = (0, ILD_MASK);
- if (Image <> nil) and HandleAllocated then
- Image.Handle := ImageList_GetIcon(Handle, Index,
- DrawingStyles[DrawingStyle] or Images[ImageType]);
-function TCustomImageList.GetCount: Integer;
- if HandleAllocated then Result := ImageList_GetImageCount(Handle)
- else Result := 0;
-procedure TCustomImageList.Replace(Index: Integer; Image, Mask: TBitmap);
- ImageDDB, MaskDDB: TBitmap;
- ImageDDB := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- MaskDDB := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- if HandleAllocated and not ImageList_Replace(Handle, Index,
- GetImageHandle(Image, ImageDDB), GetImageHandle(Mask, MaskDDB)) then
- raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SReplaceImage);
- finally
- MaskDDB.Free;
- end;
- finally
- ImageDDB.Free;
- end;
- Change;
-procedure TCustomImageList.ReplaceMasked(Index: Integer; NewImage: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor);
- TempIndex: Integer;
- Image, Mask: TBitmap;
- if HandleAllocated then
- begin
- CheckImage(NewImage);
- TempIndex := AddMasked(NewImage, MaskColor);
- if TempIndex <> -1 then
- try
- Image := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- with Image do
- begin
- Height := FHeight;
- Width := FWidth;
- end;
- Mask := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- with Mask do
- begin
- Monochrome := True;
- Height := FHeight;
- Width := FWidth;
- end;
- ImageList_Draw(Handle, TempIndex, Image.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ILD_NORMAL);
- ImageList_Draw(Handle, TempIndex, Mask.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ILD_MASK);
- if not ImageList_Replace(Handle, Index, Image.Handle, Mask.Handle) then
- raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SReplaceImage);
- finally
- Mask.Free;
- end;
- finally
- Image.Free;
- end;
- finally
- Delete(TempIndex);
- end
- else raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SReplaceImage);
- end;
- Change;
-procedure TCustomImageList.ReplaceIcon(Index: Integer; Image: TIcon);
- if HandleAllocated then
- if Image = nil then Replace(Index, nil, nil)
- else begin
- CheckImage(Image);
- if ImageList_ReplaceIcon(Handle, Index, Image.Handle) = -1 then
- raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SReplaceImage);
- end;
- Change;
-procedure TCustomImageList.Delete(Index: Integer);
- if Index >= Count then raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SImageIndexError);
- if HandleAllocated then ImageList_Remove(Handle, Index);
- Change;
-procedure TCustomImageList.Clear;
- Delete(-1);
-procedure TCustomImageList.SetBkColor(Value: TColor);
- if HandleAllocated then ImageList_SetBkColor(FHandle, GetRGBColor(Value))
- else FBkColor := Value;
- Change;
-function TCustomImageList.GetBkColor: TColor;
- if HandleAllocated then Result := GetColor(ImageList_GetBkColor(Handle))
- else Result := FBkColor;
-procedure TCustomImageList.DoDraw(Index: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer;
- Style: Cardinal; Enabled: Boolean);
- ROP_DSPDxax = $00E20746;
- R: TRect;
- DestDC, SrcDC: HDC;
- if HandleAllocated then
- begin
- if Enabled then
- ImageList_DrawEx(Handle, Index, Canvas.Handle, X, Y, 0, 0,
- GetRGBColor(BkColor), GetRGBColor(BlendColor), Style)
- else
- begin
- if FMonoBitmap = nil then
- begin
- FMonoBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- with FMonoBitmap do
- begin
- Monochrome := True;
- Width := Self.Width;
- Height := Self.Height;
- end;
- end;
- { Store masked version of image temporarily in FBitmap }
- FMonoBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
- FMonoBitmap.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, Self.Width, Self.Height));
- ImageList_DrawEx(Handle, Index, FMonoBitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0,0,0,0,
- R := Rect(X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height);
- SrcDC := FMonoBitmap.Canvas.Handle;
- { Convert Black to clBtnHighlight }
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnHighlight;
- DestDC := Canvas.Handle;
- Windows.SetTextColor(DestDC, clWhite);
- Windows.SetBkColor(DestDC, clBlack);
- BitBlt(DestDC, X+1, Y+1, Width, Height, SrcDC, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax);
- { Convert Black to clBtnShadow }
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnShadow;
- DestDC := Canvas.Handle;
- Windows.SetTextColor(DestDC, clWhite);
- Windows.SetBkColor(DestDC, clBlack);
- BitBlt(DestDC, X, Y, Width, Height, SrcDC, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TCustomImageList.Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y, Index: Integer;
- Enabled: Boolean);
- DrawingStyles: array[TDrawingStyle] of Longint = (ILD_FOCUS, ILD_SELECTED,
- Images: array[TImageType] of Longint = (0, ILD_MASK);
- if HandleAllocated then
- DoDraw(Index, Canvas, X, Y, DrawingStyles[DrawingStyle] or
- Images[ImageType], Enabled);
-procedure TCustomImageList.DrawOverlay(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer;
- ImageIndex: Integer; Overlay: TOverlay; Enabled: Boolean);
- Images: array[TImageType] of Longint = (0, ILD_MASK);
- Index: Integer;
- if HandleAllocated then
- begin
- Index := IndexToOverlayMask(Overlay + 1);
- DoDraw(ImageIndex, Canvas, X, Y, Images[ImageType] or ILD_OVERLAYMASK and
- Index, Enabled);
- end;
-function TCustomImageList.Overlay(ImageIndex: Integer; Overlay: TOverlay): Boolean;
- if HandleAllocated then
- Result := ImageList_SetOverlayImage(Handle, ImageIndex, Overlay + 1)
- else Result := False;
-procedure TCustomImageList.CopyImages(Value: HImageList);
- I: Integer;
- Image, Mask: TBitmap;
- ARect: TRect;
- ARect := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
- BeginUpdate;
- try
- Image := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- with Image do
- begin
- Height := FHeight;
- Width := FWidth;
- end;
- Mask := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- with Mask do
- begin
- Monochrome := True;
- Height := FHeight;
- Width := FWidth;
- end;
- for I := 0 to ImageList_GetImageCount(Value) - 1 do
- begin
- with Image.Canvas do
- begin
- FillRect(ARect);
- ImageList_Draw(Value, I, Handle, 0, 0, ILD_NORMAL);
- end;
- with Mask.Canvas do
- begin
- FillRect(ARect);
- ImageList_Draw(Value, I, Handle, 0, 0, ILD_MASK);
- end;
- Add(Image, Mask);
- end;
- finally
- Mask.Free;
- end;
- finally
- Image.Free;
- end;
- finally
- EndUpdate;
- end;
-procedure TCustomImageList.GetImages(Index: Integer; Image, Mask: TBitmap);
- R: TRect;
- R := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
- with Image.Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Color := clWhite;
- FillRect(R);
- ImageList_Draw(Self.Handle, Index, Handle, 0, 0, ILD_NORMAL);
- end;
- with Mask.Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Color := clWhite;
- FillRect(R);
- ImageList_Draw(Self.Handle, Index, Handle, 0, 0, ILD_MASK);
- end;
-procedure TCustomImageList.InsertImage(Index: Integer; Image, Mask: TBitmap;
- MaskColor: TColor);
- I: Integer;
- OldImage, OldMask: TBitmap;
- TempList: TCustomImageList;
- BeginUpdate;
- try
- OldImage := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- with OldImage do
- begin
- Height := FHeight;
- Width := FWidth;
- end;
- OldMask := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- with OldMask do
- begin
- Monochrome := True;
- Height := FHeight;
- Width := FWidth;
- end;
- TempList := TCustomImageList.CreateSize(5, 5);
- try
- TempList.Assign(Self);
- Clear;
- if Index > TempList.Count then
- raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SImageIndexError);
- for I := 0 to Index - 1 do
- begin
- TempList.GetImages(I, OldImage, OldMask);
- Add(OldImage, OldMask);
- end;
- if MaskColor <> -1 then
- AddMasked(Image, MaskColor) else
- Add(Image, Mask);
- for I := Index to TempList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- TempList.GetImages(I, OldImage, OldMask);
- Add(OldImage, OldMask);
- end;
- finally
- TempList.Free;
- end;
- finally
- OldMask.Free;
- end;
- finally
- OldImage.Free;
- end;
- finally
- EndUpdate;
- end;
-procedure TCustomImageList.Insert(Index: Integer; Image, Mask: TBitmap);
- InsertImage(Index, Image, Mask, -1);
-procedure TCustomImageList.InsertMasked(Index: Integer; Image: TBitmap;
- MaskColor: TColor);
- InsertImage(Index, Image, nil, MaskColor);
-procedure TCustomImageList.InsertIcon(Index: Integer; Image: TIcon);
- I: Integer;
- TempList: TCustomImageList;
- Icon: TIcon;
- Icon := TIcon.Create;
- TempList := TCustomImageList.CreateSize(5, 5);
- TempList.Assign(Self);
- Clear;
- if Index > TempList.Count then raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SImageIndexError);
- BeginUpdate;
- try
- for I := 0 to Index - 1 do
- begin
- TempList.GetIcon(I, Icon);
- AddIcon(Icon);
- end;
- AddIcon(Image);
- for I := Index to TempList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- TempList.GetIcon(I, Icon);
- AddIcon(Icon);
- end;
- finally
- TempList.Free;
- EndUpdate;
- end;
-procedure TCustomImageList.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
- Image, Mask: TBitmap;
- if CurIndex <> NewIndex then
- begin
- Image := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- with Image do
- begin
- Height := FHeight;
- Width := FWidth;
- end;
- Mask := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- with Mask do
- begin
- Height := FHeight;
- Width := FWidth;
- end;
- GetImages(CurIndex, Image, Mask);
- Delete(CurIndex);
- Insert(NewIndex, Image, Mask);
- finally
- Mask.Free;
- end;
- finally
- Image.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TCustomImageList.AddImages(Value: TCustomImageList);
- if Value <> nil then CopyImages(Value.Handle);
-procedure TCustomImageList.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- ImageList: TCustomImageList;
- if Source = nil then FreeHandle
- else if Source is TCustomImageList then
- begin
- Clear;
- ImageList := TCustomImageList(Source);
- Masked := ImageList.Masked;
- ImageType := ImageList.ImageType;
- DrawingStyle := ImageList.DrawingStyle;
- ShareImages := ImageList.ShareImages;
- SetNewDimensions(ImageList.Handle);
- if not HandleAllocated then HandleNeeded
- else ImageList_SetIconSize(Handle, Width, Height);
- BkColor := GetColor(ImageList_GetBkColor(ImageList.Handle));
- BlendColor := ImageList.BlendColor;
- AddImages(ImageList);
- end
- else inherited Assign(Source);
-procedure TCustomImageList.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
- ImageList: TCustomImageList;
- if Dest is TCustomImageList then
- begin
- ImageList := TCustomImageList(Dest);
- ImageList.Masked := Masked;
- ImageList.ImageType := ImageType;
- ImageList.DrawingStyle := DrawingStyle;
- ImageList.ShareImages := ShareImages;
- ImageList.BlendColor := BlendColor;
- with ImageList do
- begin
- Clear;
- SetNewDimensions(Self.Handle);
- if not HandleAllocated then HandleNeeded
- else ImageList_SetIconSize(Handle, Width, Height);
- BkColor := GetColor(ImageList_GetBkColor(Self.Handle));
- AddImages(Self);
- end;
- end
- else inherited AssignTo(Dest);
-procedure TCustomImageList.CheckImage(Image: TGraphic);
- if Image = nil then Exit;
- with Image do
- if (Height < FHeight) or (Width < FWidth) then
- raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SInvalidImageSize);
-procedure TCustomImageList.SetDrawingStyle(Value: TDrawingStyle);
- if Value <> DrawingStyle then
- begin
- FDrawingStyle := Value;
- Change;
- end;
-function TCustomImageList.GetHotSpot: TPoint;
- Result := Point(0, 0);
-function TCustomImageList.GetInstRes(Instance: THandle; ResType: TResType;
- Name: string; Width: Integer; LoadFlags: TLoadResources; MaskColor: TColor):
- Boolean;
- ResMap: array [TResType] of Integer = (IMAGE_BITMAP, IMAGE_CURSOR, IMAGE_ICON);
- hImage: HImageList;
- Flags: Integer;
- Flags := 0;
- if lrDefaultColor in LoadFlags then Flags := Flags or LR_DEFAULTCOLOR;
- if lrDefaultSize in LoadFlags then Flags := Flags or LR_DEFAULTSIZE;
- if lrFromFile in LoadFlags then Flags := Flags or LR_LOADFROMFILE;
- if lrMap3DColors in LoadFlags then Flags := Flags or LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS;
- if lrTransparent in LoadFlags then Flags := Flags or LR_LOADTRANSPARENT;
- if lrMonoChrome in LoadFlags then Flags := Flags or LR_MONOCHROME;
- hImage := ImageList_LoadImage(Instance, PChar(Name), Width, AllocBy,
- MaskColor, ResMap[ResType], Flags);
- if hImage <> 0 then
- begin
- CopyImages(hImage);
- ImageList_Destroy(hImage);
- Result := True;
- end
- else Result := False;
-function TCustomImageList.GetResource(ResType: TResType; Name: string;
- Width: Integer; LoadFlags: TLoadResources; MaskColor: TColor): Boolean;
- Result := GetInstRes(MainInstance, ResType, Name, Width, LoadFlags, MaskColor);
-function TCustomImageList.ResInstLoad(Instance: THandle; ResType: TResType;
- Name: string; MaskColor: TColor): Boolean;
- Result := GetInstRes(Instance, ResType, Name, Width, [], MaskColor);
-function TCustomImageList.ResourceLoad(ResType: TResType; Name: string;
- MaskColor: TColor): Boolean;
- LibModule: PLibModule;
- Result := False;
- if HInstance = MainInstance then
- Result := GetInstRes(MainInstance, ResType, Name, Width, [], MaskColor)
- else
- begin
- LibModule := LibModuleList;
- while LibModule <> nil do
- with LibModule^ do
- begin
- Result := GetInstRes(ResInstance, ResType, Name, Width, [], MaskColor);
- if not Result and (Instance <> ResInstance) then
- Result := GetInstRes(Instance, ResType, Name, Width, [], MaskColor);
- if Result then Exit;
- LibModule := LibModule.Next;
- end;
- end;
-function TCustomImageList.FileLoad(ResType: TResType; Name: string;
- MaskColor: TColor): Boolean;
- Result := GetResource(ResType, Name, Width, [lrFromFile], MaskColor);
-procedure TCustomImageList.Change;
- I: Integer;
- FChanged := True;
- if FUpdateCount > 0 then Exit;
- if FClients <> nil then
- for I := 0 to FClients.Count - 1 do
- TChangeLink(FClients[I]).Change;
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self);
-procedure TCustomImageList.UnRegisterChanges(Value: TChangeLink);
- I: Integer;
- if FClients <> nil then
- for I := 0 to FClients.Count - 1 do
- if FClients[I] = Value then
- begin
- Value.Sender := nil;
- FClients.Delete(I);
- Break;
- end;
-procedure TCustomImageList.RegisterChanges(Value: TChangeLink);
- Value.Sender := Self;
- if FClients <> nil then FClients.Add(Value);
-function TCustomImageList.Equal(IL: TCustomImageList): Boolean;
- function StreamsEqual(S1, S2: TMemoryStream): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (S1.Size = S2.Size) and CompareMem(S1.Memory, S2.Memory, S1.Size);
- end;
- MyImage, OtherImage: TMemoryStream;
- if (IL = nil) or (Count <> IL.Count) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- if (Count = 0) and (IL.Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- MyImage := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- WriteData(MyImage);
- OtherImage := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- IL.WriteData(OtherImage);
- Result := StreamsEqual(MyImage, OtherImage);
- finally
- OtherImage.Free;
- end;
- finally
- MyImage.Free;
- end;
-procedure TCustomImageList.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
- function DoWrite: Boolean;
- begin
- if Filer.Ancestor <> nil then
- Result := not (Filer.Ancestor is TCustomImageList) or
- not Equal(TCustomImageList(Filer.Ancestor))
- else
- Result := Count > 0;
- end;
- inherited DefineProperties(Filer);
- Filer.DefineBinaryProperty('Bitmap', ReadData, WriteData, DoWrite);
-procedure TCustomImageList.ReadD2Stream(Stream: TStream);
- FullImage, Image, FullMask, Mask: TBitmap;
- I, J, Size, Pos, Count: Integer;
- SrcRect: TRect;
- Stream.ReadBuffer(Size, SizeOf(Size));
- Stream.ReadBuffer(Count, SizeOf(Count));
- FullImage := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- Pos := Stream.Position;
- FullImage.LoadFromStream(Stream);
- Stream.Position := Pos + Size;
- FullMask := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- FullMask.LoadFromStream(Stream);
- Image := TBitmap.Create;
- Image.Width := Width;
- Image.Height := Height;
- Mask := TBitmap.Create;
- Mask.Monochrome := True;
- Mask.Width := Width;
- Mask.Height := Height;
- SrcRect := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
- BeginUpdate;
- try
- for J := 0 to (FullImage.Height div Height) - 1 do
- begin
- if Count = 0 then Break;
- for I := 0 to (FullImage.Width div Width) - 1 do
- begin
- if Count = 0 then Break;
- Image.Canvas.CopyRect(SrcRect, FullImage.Canvas,
- Bounds(I * Width, J * Height, Width, Height));
- Mask.Canvas.CopyRect(SrcRect, FullMask.Canvas,
- Bounds(I * Width, J * Height, Width, Height));
- Add(Image, Mask);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Image.Free;
- Mask.Free;
- EndUpdate;
- end;
- finally
- FullMask.Free;
- end;
- finally
- FullImage.Free;
- end;
-procedure TCustomImageList.ReadD3Stream(Stream: TStream);
- SA: TStreamAdapter;
- SA := TStreamAdapter.Create(Stream);
- try
- Handle := ImageList_Read(SA);
- if Handle = 0 then
- raise EReadError.Create(SImageReadFail);
- finally
- SA.Free;
- end;
-procedure TCustomImageList.ReadData(Stream: TStream);
- CheckInt1, CheckInt2: Integer;
- CheckByte1, CheckByte2: Byte;
- StreamPos: Integer;
- FreeHandle;
- StreamPos := Stream.Position; // check stream signature to
- Stream.Read(CheckInt1, SizeOf(CheckInt1)); // determine a Delphi 2 or Delphi
- Stream.Read(CheckInt2, SizeOf(CheckInt2)); // 3 imagelist stream. Delphi 2
- CheckByte1 := Lo(LoWord(CheckInt1)); // streams can be read, but only
- CheckByte2 := Hi(LoWord(CheckInt1)); // Delphi 3 streams will be written
- Stream.Position := StreamPos;
- if (CheckInt1 <> CheckInt2) and (CheckByte1 = $49) and (CheckByte2 = $4C) then
- ReadD3Stream(Stream)
- else
- ReadD2Stream(Stream);
-procedure TCustomImageList.WriteData(Stream: TStream);
- SA: TStreamAdapter;
- SA := TStreamAdapter.Create(Stream);
- try
- if not ImageList_Write(Handle, SA) then
- raise EWriteError.Create(SImageWriteFail);
- finally
- SA.Free;
- end;
- I: Integer;
- DIB1, DIB2: TBitmap;
- DC: HDC;
- S: TMemoryStream;
- procedure WriteDIB(BM: HBitmap);
- { The ImageList leaves its bitmap handle selected into a DC somewhere,
- so we can't select it into our own DC to copy from it. The only safe
- operation is GetDIB (GetDIBits), which extracts the pixel bits without
- selecting the BM into a DC. This code builds our own bitmap from
- those bits, then crops it to the minimum size before writing it out.}
- var
- BitsSize: DWORD;
- Header, Bits: PChar;
- DIBBits: Pointer;
- R: TRect;
- HeaderSize: DWORD;
- GlyphsPerRow, Rows: Integer;
- begin
- if BM = 0 then Exit;
- GetDIBSizes(BM, HeaderSize, BitsSize);
- GetMem(Header, HeaderSize + BitsSize);
- try
- Bits := Header + HeaderSize;
- GetDIB(BM, 0, Header^, Bits^);
- DIB1.Handle := CreateDIBSection(DC, PBitmapInfo(Header)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, DIBBits, 0, 0);
- System.Move(Bits^, DIBBits^, BitsSize);
- with PBitmapInfo(Header)^.bmiHeader do
- begin
- GlyphsPerRow := biWidth div Width;
- if GlyphsPerRow = 0 then Inc(GlyphsPerRow);
- if GlyphsPerRow > Count then GlyphsPerRow := Count;
- biWidth := GlyphsPerRow * Width;
- Rows := Count div GlyphsPerRow;
- if Count > Rows * GlyphsPerRow then Inc(Rows);
- biHeight := Rows * Height;
- R := Rect(0, 0, biWidth, biHeight);
- end;
- DIB2.Handle := CreateDIBSection(DC, PBitmapInfo(Header)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, DIBBits, 0, 0);
- DIB2.Canvas.CopyRect(R, DIB1.Canvas, R);
- DIB2.SaveToStream(S);
- finally
- FreeMem(Header);
- end;
- end;
- DIB1 := nil;
- DIB2 := nil;
- DC := 0;
- S := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- DIB1 := TBitmap.Create;
- DIB2 := TBitmap.Create;
- DC := GetDC(0);
- WriteDIB(GetImageBitmap);
- I := S.Size;
- WriteDIB(GetMaskBitmap);
- Stream.WriteBuffer(I, sizeof(I));
- I := Count;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(I, sizeof(I));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(S.Memory^, S.Size);
- finally
- ReleaseDC(0, DC);
- DIB1.Free;
- DIB2.Free;
- S.Free;
- end;
-procedure TCustomImageList.BeginUpdate;
- Inc(FUpdateCount);
-procedure TCustomImageList.EndUpdate;
- if FUpdateCount > 0 then Dec(FUpdateCount);
- if FChanged then
- begin
- FChanged := False;
- Change;
- end;
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TCustomImageList.h b/apps/X11/VCL/TCustomImageList.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b9b7cab..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TCustomImageList.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-#include <TComponent.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <gtk/gtkpixmap.h>
-class TCustomImageList : public TComponent {
- TDrawingStyle = (dsFocus, dsSelected, dsNormal, dsTransparent);
- TImageType = (itImage, itMask);
- TResType = (rtBitmap, rtCursor, rtIcon);
- TOverlay = 0..3;
- TLoadResource = (lrDefaultColor, lrDefaultSize, lrFromFile,
- lrMap3DColors, lrTransparent, lrMonoChrome);
- TLoadResources = set of TLoadResource;
- TCustomImageList = class(TComponent)
- vector <GtkPixmap *> images;
- FHeight: Integer;
- FWidth: Integer;
- FAllocBy: Integer;
- FHandle: HImageList;
- FDrawingStyle: TDrawingStyle;
- FMasked: Boolean;
- FShareImages: Boolean;
- FImageType: TImageType;
- FBkColor: TColor;
- FBlendColor: TColor;
- FClients: TList;
- FBitmap: TBitmap;
- FMonoBitmap: TBitmap;
- FChanged: Boolean;
- FUpdateCount: Integer;
- FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
- procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
- procedure BeginUpdate;
- procedure EndUpdate;
- procedure InitBitmap;
- procedure CheckImage(Image: TGraphic);
- procedure CopyImages(Value: HImageList);
- procedure CreateImageList;
- function Equal(IL: TCustomImageList): Boolean;
- procedure FreeHandle;
- function GetCount: Integer;
- function GetBitmapHandle(Bitmap: HBITMAP): HBITMAP;
- function GetBkColor: TColor;
- function GetHandle: HImageList;
- function GetImageHandle(Image, ImageDDB: TBitmap): HBITMAP;
- procedure InsertImage(Index: Integer; Image, Mask: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor);
- procedure ReadData(Stream: TStream);
- procedure SetBkColor(Value: TColor);
- procedure SetDrawingStyle(Value: TDrawingStyle);
- procedure SetHandle(Value: HImageList);
- procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetNewDimensions(Value: HImageList);
- procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer);
- procedure WriteData(Stream: TStream);
- procedure ReadD2Stream(Stream: TStream);
- procedure ReadD3Stream(Stream: TStream);
- protected
- procedure Change; dynamic;
- procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
- procedure DoDraw(Index: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer;
- Style: Cardinal; Enabled: Boolean); virtual;
- procedure GetImages(Index: Integer; Image, Mask: TBitmap);
- procedure HandleNeeded;
- procedure Initialize; virtual;
- TCustomImageList(TComponent *AOwner);
- TCustomImageList(int AWidth, int AHeight);
- virtual ~TCustomImageList();
-// int Add(TBitmap *Image, TBitmap *Mask);
- int Add(gchar **xpm_data, GtkWidget *canvas);
-// procedure GetBitmap(Index: Integer; Image: TBitmap);
-// void GetBitmap(int Index, TBitmap *);
- GtkPixmap *GetPixmap(int Index);
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
- function AddIcon(Image: TIcon): Integer;
- procedure AddImages(Value: TCustomImageList);
- function AddMasked(Image: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor): Integer;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
- procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y, Index: Integer; Enabled: Boolean=True);
- procedure DrawOverlay(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer;
- ImageIndex: Integer; Overlay: TOverlay; Enabled: Boolean=True);
- function FileLoad(ResType: TResType; Name: string;
- MaskColor: TColor): Boolean;
- function GetHotSpot: TPoint; virtual;
- procedure GetIcon(Index: Integer; Image: TIcon);
- function GetImageBitmap: HBITMAP;
- function GetMaskBitmap: HBITMAP;
- function GetResource(ResType: TResType; Name: string;
- Width: Integer; LoadFlags: TLoadResources; MaskColor: TColor): Boolean;
- function GetInstRes(Instance: THandle; ResType: TResType; Name: string;
- Width: Integer; LoadFlags: TLoadResources; MaskColor: TColor): Boolean;
- function HandleAllocated: Boolean;
- procedure Insert(Index: Integer; Image, Mask: TBitmap);
- procedure InsertIcon(Index: Integer; Image: TIcon);
- procedure InsertMasked(Index: Integer; Image: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor);
- procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
- function Overlay(ImageIndex: Integer; Overlay: TOverlay): Boolean;
- procedure RegisterChanges(Value: TChangeLink);
- function ResourceLoad(ResType: TResType; Name: string;
- MaskColor: TColor): Boolean;
- function ResInstLoad(Instance: THandle; ResType: TResType; Name: string;
- MaskColor: TColor): Boolean;
- procedure Replace(Index: Integer; Image, Mask: TBitmap);
- procedure ReplaceIcon(Index: Integer; Image: TIcon);
- procedure ReplaceMasked(Index: Integer; NewImage: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor);
- procedure UnRegisterChanges(Value: TChangeLink);
- property Count: Integer read GetCount;
- property Handle: HImageList read GetHandle write SetHandle;
- public
- property AllocBy: Integer read FAllocBy write FAllocBy default 4;
- property BlendColor: TColor read FBlendColor write FBlendColor default clNone;
- property BkColor: TColor read GetBkColor write SetBkColor default clNone;
- property DrawingStyle: TDrawingStyle read FDrawingStyle write SetDrawingStyle default dsNormal;
- property Height: Integer read FHeight write SetHeight default 16;
- property ImageType: TImageType read FImageType write FImageType default itImage;
- property Masked: Boolean read FMasked write FMasked default True;
- property ShareImages: Boolean read FShareImages write FShareImages default False;
- property Width: Integer read FWidth write SetWidth default 16;
- property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- end;
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index 40f9c3e..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TCustomTabControl.cpp
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-#include <TCustomTabControl.h>
-TCustomTabControl::TCustomTabControl(TComponent *AOwner) : TWinControl(AOwner) {
-TCustomTabControl::~TCustomTabControl() {
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@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#include <TWinControl.h>
-class TCustomTabControl : public TWinControl {
- FCanvas: TCanvas;
- FHotTrack: Boolean;
- FImageChangeLink: TChangeLink;
- FImages: TCustomImageList;
- FMultiLine: Boolean;
- FMultiSelect: Boolean;
- FOwnerDraw: Boolean;
- FRaggedRight: Boolean;
- FSaveTabIndex: Integer;
- FSaveTabs: TStringList;
- FScrollOpposite: Boolean;
- FStyle: TTabStyle;
- FTabPosition: TTabPosition;
- FTabs: TStrings;
- FTabSize: TSmallPoint;
- FUpdating: Boolean;
- FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnChanging: TTabChangingEvent;
- FOnDrawTab: TDrawTabEvent;
- FOnGetImageIndex: TTabGetImageEvent;
- function GetDisplayRect: TRect;
- function GetTabIndex: Integer;
- procedure ImageListChange(Sender: TObject);
- function InternalSetMultiLine(Value: Boolean): Boolean;
- procedure SetHotTrack(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetImages(Value: TCustomImageList);
- procedure SetMultiLine(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetMultiSelect(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetOwnerDraw(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetRaggedRight(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetScrollOpposite(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetStyle(Value: TTabStyle);
- procedure SetTabHeight(Value: Smallint);
- procedure SetTabIndex(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetTabPosition(Value: TTabPosition);
- procedure SetTabs(Value: TStrings);
- procedure SetTabWidth(Value: Smallint);
- procedure TabsChanged;
- procedure UpdateTabSize;
- procedure CMFontChanged(var Message); message CM_FONTCHANGED;
- procedure CMSysColorChange(var Message: TMessage); message CM_SYSCOLORCHANGE;
- procedure CMTabStopChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_TABSTOPCHANGED;
- procedure CNNotify(var Message: TWMNotify); message CN_NOTIFY;
- procedure CMDialogChar(var Message: TCMDialogChar); message CM_DIALOGCHAR;
- procedure CNDrawItem(var Message: TWMDrawItem); message CN_DRAWITEM;
- procedure WMDestroy(var Message: TWMDestroy); message WM_DESTROY;
- procedure WMNotifyFormat(var Message: TMessage); message WM_NOTIFYFORMAT;
- procedure WMSize(var Message: TMessage); message WM_SIZE;
- protected
- procedure AdjustClientRect(var Rect: TRect); override;
- function CanChange: Boolean; dynamic;
- function CanShowTab(TabIndex: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
- procedure Change; dynamic;
- procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
- procedure CreateWnd; override;
- procedure DestroyWnd; override;
- procedure DrawTab(TabIndex: Integer; const Rect: TRect; Active: Boolean); virtual;
- function GetImageIndex(TabIndex: Integer): Integer; virtual;
- procedure Loaded; override;
- procedure UpdateTabImages;
- property DisplayRect: TRect read GetDisplayRect;
- property HotTrack: Boolean read FHotTrack write SetHotTrack default False;
- property Images: TCustomImageList read FImages write SetImages;
- property MultiLine: Boolean read FMultiLine write SetMultiLine default False;
- property MultiSelect: Boolean read FMultiSelect write SetMultiSelect default False;
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
- property OwnerDraw: Boolean read FOwnerDraw write SetOwnerDraw default False;
- property RaggedRight: Boolean read FRaggedRight write SetRaggedRight default False;
- property ScrollOpposite: Boolean read FScrollOpposite
- write SetScrollOpposite default False;
- property Style: TTabStyle read FStyle write SetStyle default tsTabs;
- property TabHeight: Smallint read FTabSize.Y write SetTabHeight default 0;
- property TabIndex: Integer read GetTabIndex write SetTabIndex default -1;
- property TabPosition: TTabPosition read FTabPosition write SetTabPosition
- default tpTop;
- property Tabs: TStrings read FTabs write SetTabs;
- property TabWidth: Smallint read FTabSize.X write SetTabWidth default 0;
- property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- property OnChanging: TTabChangingEvent read FOnChanging write FOnChanging;
- property OnDrawTab: TDrawTabEvent read FOnDrawTab write FOnDrawTab;
- property OnGetImageIndex: TTabGetImageEvent read FOnGetImageIndex write FOnGetImageIndex;
- TCustomTabControl(TComponent *AOwner);
- ~TCustomTabControl();
- property Canvas: TCanvas read FCanvas;
- property TabStop default True;
- end;
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--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TCustomTreeView.cpp
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@@ -1,1169 +0,0 @@
-#include <TCustomTreeView.h>
-#include <TTreeNodes.h>
-TCustomTreeView::TCustomTreeView(TComponent *AOwner) :
- TWinControl(AOwner),
- Items(this, &TCustomTreeView::getItems, &TCustomTreeView::SetTreeNodes),
- Images(this, &TCustomTreeView::getImages, &TCustomTreeView::SetImages),
- StateImages(this, &TCustomTreeView::getStateImages, &TCustomTreeView::SetStateImages),
- Selected(this, &TCustomTreeView::GetSelection, &TCustomTreeView::SetSelection) {
- init(AOwner);
-TCustomTreeView::TCustomTreeView(GtkWidget *parent) :
- TWinControl(parent),
- Items(this, &TCustomTreeView::getItems, &TCustomTreeView::SetTreeNodes),
- Images(this, &TCustomTreeView::getImages, &TCustomTreeView::SetImages),
- StateImages(this, &TCustomTreeView::getStateImages, &TCustomTreeView::SetStateImages),
- Selected(this, &TCustomTreeView::GetSelection, &TCustomTreeView::SetSelection) {
- nativeControl = gtk_tree_new();
- gtk_widget_ref (nativeControl);
- gtk_object_set_data_full (GTK_OBJECT (InstallMgrApp), "LocalTree", LocalTree,
- (GtkDestroyNotify) gtk_widget_unref);
- gtk_widget_show (nativeControl);
- gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (parent), nativeControl);
- init(0);
-TCustomTreeView::~TCustomTreeView() {
-void TCustomTreeView::init(TComponent *AOwner) {
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csCaptureMouse] + [csDisplayDragImage, csReflector];
- Width := 121;
- Height := 97;
- TabStop := True;
- ParentColor := False;
- FCanvas := TControlCanvas.Create;
- TControlCanvas(FCanvas).Control := Self;
-// FTreeNodes := TTreeNodes.Create(Self);
- FTreeNodes = new TTreeNodes(this);
- FBorderStyle := bsSingle;
- FShowButtons := True;
- FShowRoot := True;
- FShowLines := True;
- FHideSelection := True;
- FDragImage := TDragImageList.CreateSize(32, 32);
- FSaveIndent := -1;
- FChangeTimer := TTimer.Create(Self);
- FChangeTimer.Enabled := False;
- FChangeTimer.Interval := 0;
- FChangeTimer.OnTimer := OnChangeTimer;
- FToolTips := True;
- FEditInstance := MakeObjectInstance(EditWndProc);
- FImageChangeLink := TChangeLink.Create;
- FImageChangeLink.OnChange := ImageListChange;
- FStateChangeLink := TChangeLink.Create;
- FStateChangeLink.OnChange := ImageListChange;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetTreeNodes(Value: TTreeNodes);
- Items.Assign(Value);
-void TCustomTreeView::SetTreeNodes(TTreeNodes* Value) {
-// Items->Assign(Value);
-procedure TCustomTreeView.GetSelectedIndex(Node: TTreeNode);
- if Assigned(FOnGetSelectedIndex) then FOnGetSelectedIndex(Self, Node);
-TTreeNode *TCustomTreeView::GetSelected() {
-function TCustomTreeView.GetSelection: TTreeNode;
- if HandleAllocated then
- begin
- if FRightClickSelect and Assigned(FRClickNode) then
- Result := FRClickNode
- else
- Result := Items.GetNode(TreeView_GetSelection(Handle));
- end
- else Result := nil;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetSelection(Value: TTreeNode);
- if Value <> nil then Value.Selected := True
- else TreeView_SelectItem(Handle, nil);
-TTreeNode *TCustomTreeView::GetSelection() {
- GList *selected_nodes = GTK_TREE_SELECTION (nativeControl);
- selected_nodes = g_list_first(selected_nodes);
- return (selected_nodes) ? Items->GetNode(GTK_TREE_ITEM(selected_nodes->data)) : 0;
-void TCustomTreeView::SetSelection(TTreeNode *node) {
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetImages(Value: TCustomImageList);
- if Images <> nil then
- Images.UnRegisterChanges(FImageChangeLink);
- FImages := Value;
- if Images <> nil then
- begin
- Images.RegisterChanges(FImageChangeLink);
- Images.FreeNotification(Self);
- SetImageList(Images.Handle, TVSIL_NORMAL)
- end
- else SetImageList(0, TVSIL_NORMAL);
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetStateImages(Value: TCustomImageList);
- if StateImages <> nil then
- StateImages.UnRegisterChanges(FStateChangeLink);
- FStateImages := Value;
- if StateImages <> nil then
- begin
- StateImages.RegisterChanges(FStateChangeLink);
- StateImages.FreeNotification(Self);
- SetImageList(StateImages.Handle, TVSIL_STATE)
- end
- else SetImageList(0, TVSIL_STATE);
-void TCustomTreeView::SetImages(TCustomImageList *images) {
- FImages = images;
-void TCustomTreeView::SetStateImages(TCustomImageList *images) {
- FStateImages = images;
-{ TCustomTreeView }
-destructor TCustomTreeView.Destroy;
- Items.Free;
- FChangeTimer.Free;
- FSaveItems.Free;
- FDragImage.Free;
- FMemStream.Free;
- FreeObjectInstance(FEditInstance);
- FImageChangeLink.Free;
- FStateChangeLink.Free;
- FCanvas.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
- BorderStyles: array[TBorderStyle] of DWORD = (0, WS_BORDER);
- LineStyles: array[Boolean] of DWORD = (0, TVS_HASLINES);
- RootStyles: array[Boolean] of DWORD = (0, TVS_LINESATROOT);
- ButtonStyles: array[Boolean] of DWORD = (0, TVS_HASBUTTONS);
- EditStyles: array[Boolean] of DWORD = (TVS_EDITLABELS, 0);
- HideSelections: array[Boolean] of DWORD = (TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, 0);
- DragStyles: array[TDragMode] of DWORD = (TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP, 0);
- RTLStyles: array[Boolean] of DWORD = (0, TVS_RTLREADING);
- ToolTipStyles: array[Boolean] of DWORD = (TVS_NOTOOLTIPS, 0);
- AutoExpandStyles: array[Boolean] of DWORD = (0, TVS_SINGLEEXPAND);
- HotTrackStyles: array[Boolean] of DWORD = (0, TVS_TRACKSELECT);
- RowSelectStyles: array[Boolean] of DWORD = (0, TVS_FULLROWSELECT);
- InitCommonControl(ICC_TREEVIEW_CLASSES);
- inherited CreateParams(Params);
- CreateSubClass(Params, WC_TREEVIEW);
- with Params do
- begin
- Style := Style or LineStyles[FShowLines] or BorderStyles[FBorderStyle] or
- RootStyles[FShowRoot] or ButtonStyles[FShowButtons] or
- EditStyles[FReadOnly] or HideSelections[FHideSelection] or
- DragStyles[DragMode] or RTLStyles[UseRightToLeftReading] or
- ToolTipStyles[FToolTips] or AutoExpandStyles[FAutoExpand] or
- HotTrackStyles[FHotTrack] or RowSelectStyles[FRowSelect];
- if Ctl3D and NewStyleControls and (FBorderStyle = bsSingle) then
- begin
- Style := Style and not WS_BORDER;
- ExStyle := Params.ExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE;
- end;
- := and not (CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW);
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.CreateWnd;
- FStateChanging := False;
- inherited CreateWnd;
- TreeView_SetBkColor(Handle, ColorToRGB(Color));
- TreeView_SetTextColor(Handle, ColorToRGB(Font.Color));
- if FMemStream <> nil then
- begin
- Items.ReadData(FMemStream);
- FMemStream.Destroy;
- FMemStream := nil;
- SetTopItem(Items.GetNodeFromIndex(FSaveTopIndex));
- FSaveTopIndex := 0;
- SetSelection(Items.GetNodeFromIndex(FSaveIndex));
- FSaveIndex := 0;
- end;
- if FSaveIndent <> -1 then Indent := FSaveIndent;
- if (Images <> nil) and Images.HandleAllocated then
- SetImageList(Images.Handle, TVSIL_NORMAL);
- if (StateImages <> nil) and StateImages.HandleAllocated then
- SetImageList(StateImages.Handle, TVSIL_STATE);
-procedure TCustomTreeView.DestroyWnd;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- FStateChanging := True;
- if Items.Count > 0 then
- begin
- FMemStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- Items.WriteData(FMemStream);
- FMemStream.Position := 0;
- Node := GetTopItem;
- if Node <> nil then FSaveTopIndex := Node.AbsoluteIndex;
- Node := Selected;
- if Node <> nil then FSaveIndex := Node.AbsoluteIndex;
- end;
- FSaveIndent := Indent;
- inherited DestroyWnd;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.EditWndProc(var Message: TMessage);
- try
- with Message do
- begin
- case Msg of
- WM_SYSKEYDOWN: if DoKeyDown(TWMKey(Message)) then Exit;
- WM_CHAR: if DoKeyPress(TWMKey(Message)) then Exit;
- WM_SYSKEYUP: if DoKeyUp(TWMKey(Message)) then Exit;
- begin
- WndProc(Message);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := CallWindowProc(FDefEditProc, FEditHandle, Msg, WParam, LParam);
- end;
- except
- Application.HandleException(Self);
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.CMColorChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- inherited;
- RecreateWnd;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.CMCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- inherited;
- if FBorderStyle = bsSingle then RecreateWnd;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- inherited;
- TreeView_SetTextColor(Handle, ColorToRGB(Font.Color));
-procedure TCustomTreeView.CMSysColorChange(var Message: TMessage);
- inherited;
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then
- begin
- DefaultHandler(Message);
- end;
-function TCustomTreeView.AlphaSort: Boolean;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- if HandleAllocated then
- begin
- Result := CustomSort(nil, 0);
- Node := FTreeNodes.GetFirstNode;
- while Node <> nil do
- begin
- if Node.HasChildren then Node.AlphaSort;
- Node := Node.GetNext;
- end;
- end
- else
- Result := False;
-function TCustomTreeView.CustomSort(SortProc: TTVCompare; Data: Longint): Boolean;
- SortCB: TTVSortCB;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- Result := False;
- if HandleAllocated then
- begin
- with SortCB do
- begin
- if not Assigned(SortProc) then lpfnCompare := @DefaultTreeViewSort
- else lpfnCompare := SortProc;
- hParent := TVI_ROOT;
- lParam := Data;
- Result := TreeView_SortChildrenCB(Handle, SortCB, 0);
- end;
- Node := FTreeNodes.GetFirstNode;
- while Node <> nil do
- begin
- if Node.HasChildren then Node.CustomSort(SortProc, Data);
- Node := Node.GetNext;
- end;
- Items.ClearCache;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetAutoExpand(Value: Boolean);
- if FAutoExpand <> Value then
- begin
- FAutoExpand := Value;
- SetComCtlStyle(Self, TVS_SINGLEEXPAND, Value);
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetHotTrack(Value: Boolean);
- if FHotTrack <> Value then
- begin
- FHotTrack := Value;
- SetComCtlStyle(Self, TVS_TRACKSELECT, Value);
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetRowSelect(Value: Boolean);
- if FRowSelect <> Value then
- begin
- FRowSelect := Value;
- SetComCtlStyle(Self, TVS_FULLROWSELECT, Value);
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetToolTips(Value: Boolean);
- if FToolTips <> Value then
- begin
- FToolTips := Value;
- SetComCtlStyle(Self, TVS_NOTOOLTIPS, not Value);
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetSortType(Value: TSortType);
- if SortType <> Value then
- begin
- FSortType := Value;
- if ((SortType in [stData, stBoth]) and Assigned(OnCompare)) or
- (SortType in [stText, stBoth]) then
- AlphaSort;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetBorderStyle(Value: TBorderStyle);
- if BorderStyle <> Value then
- begin
- FBorderStyle := Value;
- RecreateWnd;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetDragMode(Value: TDragMode);
- if Value <> DragMode then
- SetComCtlStyle(Self, TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP, Value = dmManual);
- inherited;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetButtonStyle(Value: Boolean);
- if ShowButtons <> Value then
- begin
- FShowButtons := Value;
- SetComCtlStyle(Self, TVS_HASBUTTONS, Value);
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetLineStyle(Value: Boolean);
- if ShowLines <> Value then
- begin
- FShowLines := Value;
- SetComCtlStyle(Self, TVS_HASLINES, Value);
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetRootStyle(Value: Boolean);
- if ShowRoot <> Value then
- begin
- FShowRoot := Value;
- SetComCtlStyle(Self, TVS_LINESATROOT, Value);
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetReadOnly(Value: Boolean);
- if ReadOnly <> Value then
- begin
- FReadOnly := Value;
- SetComCtlStyle(Self, TVS_EDITLABELS, not Value);
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetHideSelection(Value: Boolean);
- if HideSelection <> Value then
- begin
- FHideSelection := Value;
- SetComCtlStyle(Self, TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, not Value);
- Invalidate;
- end;
-function TCustomTreeView.GetNodeAt(X, Y: Integer): TTreeNode;
- HitTest: TTVHitTestInfo;
- with HitTest do
- begin
- pt.X := X;
- pt.Y := Y;
- if TreeView_HitTest(Handle, HitTest) <> nil then
- Result := Items.GetNode(HitTest.hItem)
- else Result := nil;
- end;
-function TCustomTreeView.GetHitTestInfoAt(X, Y: Integer): THitTests;
- HitTest: TTVHitTestInfo;
- Result := [];
- with HitTest do
- begin
- pt.X := X;
- pt.Y := Y;
- TreeView_HitTest(Handle, HitTest);
- if (flags and TVHT_ABOVE) <> 0 then Include(Result, htAbove);
- if (flags and TVHT_BELOW) <> 0 then Include(Result, htBelow);
- if (flags and TVHT_NOWHERE) <> 0 then Include(Result, htNowhere);
- if (flags and TVHT_ONITEM) = TVHT_ONITEM then
- Include(Result, htOnItem)
- else
- begin
- if (flags and TVHT_ONITEM) <> 0 then Include(Result, htOnItem);
- if (flags and TVHT_ONITEMICON) <> 0 then Include(Result, htOnIcon);
- if (flags and TVHT_ONITEMLABEL) <> 0 then Include(Result, htOnLabel);
- if (flags and TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON) <> 0 then Include(Result, htOnStateIcon);
- end;
- if (flags and TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON) <> 0 then Include(Result, htOnButton);
- if (flags and TVHT_ONITEMINDENT) <> 0 then Include(Result, htOnIndent);
- if (flags and TVHT_ONITEMRIGHT) <> 0 then Include(Result, htOnRight);
- if (flags and TVHT_TOLEFT) <> 0 then Include(Result, htToLeft);
- if (flags and TVHT_TORIGHT) <> 0 then Include(Result, htToRight);
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetIndent(Value: Integer);
- if Value <> Indent then TreeView_SetIndent(Handle, Value);
-function TCustomTreeView.GetIndent: Integer;
- Result := TreeView_GetIndent(Handle)
-procedure TCustomTreeView.FullExpand;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- Node := Items.GetFirstNode;
- while Node <> nil do
- begin
- Node.Expand(True);
- Node := Node.GetNextSibling;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.FullCollapse;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- Node := Items.GetFirstNode;
- while Node <> nil do
- begin
- Node.Collapse(True);
- Node := Node.GetNextSibling;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.Loaded;
- inherited Loaded;
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then FullExpand;
-function TCustomTreeView.GetTopItem: TTreeNode;
- if HandleAllocated then
- Result := Items.GetNode(TreeView_GetFirstVisible(Handle))
- else Result := nil;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetTopItem(Value: TTreeNode);
- if HandleAllocated and (Value <> nil) then
- TreeView_SelectSetFirstVisible(Handle, Value.ItemId);
-procedure TCustomTreeView.OnChangeTimer(Sender: TObject);
- FChangeTimer.Enabled := False;
- Change(TTreeNode(FChangeTimer.Tag));
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetChangeDelay(Value: Integer);
- FChangeTimer.Interval := Value;
-function TCustomTreeView.GetChangeDelay: Integer;
- Result := FChangeTimer.Interval;
-function TCustomTreeView.GetDropTarget: TTreeNode;
- if HandleAllocated then
- begin
- Result := Items.GetNode(TreeView_GetDropHilite(Handle));
- if Result = nil then Result := FLastDropTarget;
- end
- else Result := nil;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetDropTarget(Value: TTreeNode);
- if HandleAllocated then
- if Value <> nil then Value.DropTarget := True
- else TreeView_SelectDropTarget(Handle, nil);
-function TCustomTreeView.GetNodeFromItem(const Item: TTVItem): TTreeNode;
- with Item do
- if (state and TVIF_PARAM) <> 0 then Result := Pointer(lParam)
- else Result := Items.GetNode(hItem);
-function TCustomTreeView.IsEditing: Boolean;
- ControlHand: HWnd;
- ControlHand := TreeView_GetEditControl(Handle);
- Result := (ControlHand <> 0) and IsWindowVisible(ControlHand);
-procedure TCustomTreeView.CNNotify(var Message: TWMNotify);
- Node: TTreeNode;
- MousePos: TPoint;
- R: TRect;
- DefaultDraw: Boolean;
- TmpItem: TTVItem;
- with Message do
- case NMHdr^.code of
- with PNMCustomDraw(NMHdr)^ do
- begin
- if dwDrawStage = CDDS_PREPAINT then
- begin
- if IsCustomDrawn(dtControl, cdPrePaint) then
- begin
- FCanvas.Handle := hdc;
- FCanvas.Font := Font;
- FCanvas.Brush := Brush;
- R := ClientRect;
- DefaultDraw := CustomDraw(R, cdPrePaint);
- FCanvas.Handle := 0;
- if not DefaultDraw then
- begin
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- if IsCustomDrawn(dtControl, cdPostPaint) then
- if IsCustomDrawn(dtItem, cdPrePaint) then
- Result := Result or CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW else
- Result := Result or CDRF_DODEFAULT;
- end
- else if dwDrawStage = CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT then
- begin
- FillChar(TmpItem, SizeOf(TmpItem), 0);
- TmpItem.hItem := HTREEITEM(dwItemSpec);
- Node := GetNodeFromItem(TmpItem);
- if Node <> nil then
- begin
- FCanvas.Handle := hdc;
- FCanvas.Font := Font;
- FCanvas.Brush := Brush;
- { Unlike the list view, the tree view doesn't override the text
- foreground and background colors of selected items. }
- if uItemState and CDIS_SELECTED <> 0 then
- begin
- FCanvas.Font.Color := clHighlightText;
- FCanvas.Brush.Color := clHighlight;
- end;
- FCanvas.Font.OnChange := CanvasChanged;
- FCanvas.Brush.OnChange := CanvasChanged;
- DefaultDraw := CustomDrawItem(Node,
- TCustomDrawState(Word(uItemState)), cdPrePaint);
- if not DefaultDraw then
- Result := Result or CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT
- else if FCanvasChanged then
- begin
- FCanvasChanged := False;
- FCanvas.Font.OnChange := nil;
- FCanvas.Brush.OnChange := nil;
- with PNMTVCustomDraw(NMHdr)^ do
- begin
- clrText := ColorToRGB(FCanvas.Font.Color);
- clrTextBk := ColorToRGB(FCanvas.Brush.Color);
- SelectObject(hdc, FCanvas.Font.Handle);
- Result := Result or CDRF_NEWFONT;
- end;
- end;
- FCanvas.Handle := 0;
- if IsCustomDrawn(dtItem, cdPostPaint) then
- Result := Result or CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- FDragged := True;
- with PNMTreeView(NMHdr)^ do
- FDragNode := GetNodeFromItem(ItemNew);
- end;
- begin
- with PTVDispInfo(NMHdr)^ do
- if Dragging or not CanEdit(GetNodeFromItem(item)) then
- Result := 1;
- if Result = 0 then
- begin
- FEditHandle := TreeView_GetEditControl(Handle);
- FDefEditProc := Pointer(GetWindowLong(FEditHandle, GWL_WNDPROC));
- SetWindowLong(FEditHandle, GWL_WNDPROC, LongInt(FEditInstance));
- end;
- end;
- TVN_ENDLABELEDIT: Edit(PTVDispInfo(NMHdr)^.item);
- if not FManualNotify then
- begin
- with PNMTreeView(NMHdr)^ do
- begin
- Node := GetNodeFromItem(ItemNew);
- if (action = TVE_EXPAND) and not CanExpand(Node) then
- Result := 1
- else if (action = TVE_COLLAPSE) and
- not CanCollapse(Node) then Result := 1;
- end;
- end;
- if not FManualNotify then
- begin
- with PNMTreeView(NMHdr)^ do
- begin
- Node := GetNodeFromItem(itemNew);
- if (action = TVE_EXPAND) then Expand(Node)
- else if (action = TVE_COLLAPSE) then Collapse(Node);
- end;
- end;
- if not CanChange(GetNodeFromItem(PNMTreeView(NMHdr)^.itemNew)) then
- Result := 1;
- with PNMTreeView(NMHdr)^ do
- if FChangeTimer.Interval > 0 then
- with FChangeTimer do
- begin
- Enabled := False;
- Tag := Integer(GetNodeFromItem(itemNew));
- Enabled := True;
- end
- else
- Change(GetNodeFromItem(itemNew));
- begin
- Node := GetNodeFromItem(PNMTreeView(NMHdr)^.itemOld);
- if Node <> nil then
- begin
- Node.FItemId := nil;
- FChangeTimer.Enabled := False;
- if FStateChanging then Node.Delete
- else Items.Delete(Node);
- end;
- end;
- with PTVDispInfo(NMHdr)^ do
- begin
- Node := GetNodeFromItem(item);
- if (Node <> nil) and ((item.mask and TVIF_TEXT) <> 0) then
- Node.Text := item.pszText;
- end;
- with PTVDispInfo(NMHdr)^ do
- begin
- Node := GetNodeFromItem(item);
- if Node <> nil then
- begin
- if (item.mask and TVIF_TEXT) <> 0 then
- StrLCopy(item.pszText, PChar(Node.Text), item.cchTextMax);
- if (item.mask and TVIF_IMAGE) <> 0 then
- begin
- GetImageIndex(Node);
- item.iImage := Node.ImageIndex;
- end;
- if (item.mask and TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE) <> 0 then
- begin
- GetSelectedIndex(Node);
- item.iSelectedImage := Node.SelectedIndex;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if RightClickSelect then
- begin
- GetCursorPos(MousePos);
- with PointToSmallPoint(ScreenToClient(MousePos)) do
- begin
- FRClickNode := GetNodeAt(X, Y);
- Perform(WM_RBUTTONUP, 0, MakeLong(X, Y));
- end;
- end
- else FRClickNode := Pointer(1);
- end;
- end;
-function TCustomTreeView.GetDragImages: TDragImageList;
- if FDragImage.Count > 0 then
- Result := FDragImage else
- Result := nil;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and ((Message.Msg = WM_LBUTTONDOWN) or
- (Message.Msg = WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK)) and not Dragging and
- (DragMode = dmAutomatic) and (DragKind = dkDrag) then
- begin
- if not IsControlMouseMsg(TWMMouse(Message)) then
- begin
- ControlState := ControlState + [csLButtonDown];
- Dispatch(Message);
- end;
- end
- else inherited WndProc(Message);
-procedure TCustomTreeView.DoStartDrag(var DragObject: TDragObject);
- ImageHandle: HImageList;
- DragNode: TTreeNode;
- P: TPoint;
- inherited DoStartDrag(DragObject);
- DragNode := FDragNode;
- FLastDropTarget := nil;
- FDragNode := nil;
- if DragNode = nil then
- begin
- GetCursorPos(P);
- with ScreenToClient(P) do DragNode := GetNodeAt(X, Y);
- end;
- if DragNode <> nil then
- begin
- ImageHandle := TreeView_CreateDragImage(Handle, DragNode.ItemId);
- if ImageHandle <> 0 then
- with FDragImage do
- begin
- Handle := ImageHandle;
- SetDragImage(0, 2, 2);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.DoEndDrag(Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
- inherited DoEndDrag(Target, X, Y);
- FLastDropTarget := nil;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.CMDrag(var Message: TCMDrag);
- inherited;
- with Message, DragRec^ do
- case DragMessage of
- dmDragMove:
- with ScreenToClient(Pos) do
- DoDragOver(Source, X, Y, Message.Result <> 0);
- dmDragLeave:
- begin
- TDragObject(Source).HideDragImage;
- FLastDropTarget := DropTarget;
- DropTarget := nil;
- TDragObject(Source).ShowDragImage;
- end;
- dmDragDrop: FLastDropTarget := nil;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.DoDragOver(Source: TDragObject; X, Y: Integer; CanDrop: Boolean);
- Node: TTreeNode;
- Node := GetNodeAt(X, Y);
- if (Node <> nil) and
- ((Node <> DropTarget) or (Node = FLastDropTarget)) then
- begin
- FLastDropTarget := nil;
- TDragObject(Source).HideDragImage;
- Node.DropTarget := True;
- TDragObject(Source).ShowDragImage;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.GetImageIndex(Node: TTreeNode);
- if Assigned(FOnGetImageIndex) then FOnGetImageIndex(Self, Node);
-function TCustomTreeView.CanChange(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean;
- Result := True;
- if Assigned(FOnChanging) then FOnChanging(Self, Node, Result);
-procedure TCustomTreeView.Change(Node: TTreeNode);
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self, Node);
-procedure TCustomTreeView.Delete(Node: TTreeNode);
- if Assigned(FOnDeletion) then FOnDeletion(Self, Node);
-procedure TCustomTreeView.Expand(Node: TTreeNode);
- if Assigned(FOnExpanded) then FOnExpanded(Self, Node);
-function TCustomTreeView.CanExpand(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean;
- Result := True;
- if Assigned(FOnExpanding) then FOnExpanding(Self, Node, Result);
-procedure TCustomTreeView.Collapse(Node: TTreeNode);
- if Assigned(FOnCollapsed) then FOnCollapsed(Self, Node);
-function TCustomTreeView.CanCollapse(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean;
- Result := True;
- if Assigned(FOnCollapsing) then FOnCollapsing(Self, Node, Result);
-function TCustomTreeView.CanEdit(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean;
- Result := True;
- if Assigned(FOnEditing) then FOnEditing(Self, Node, Result);
-procedure TCustomTreeView.Edit(const Item: TTVItem);
- S: string;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- with Item do
- if pszText <> nil then
- begin
- S := pszText;
- Node := GetNodeFromItem(Item);
- if Assigned(FOnEdited) then FOnEdited(Self, Node, S);
- if Node <> nil then Node.Text := S;
- end;
-function TCustomTreeView.CreateNode: TTreeNode;
- Result := TTreeNode.Create(Items);
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SetImageList(Value: HImageList; Flags: Integer);
- if HandleAllocated then TreeView_SetImageList(Handle, Value, Flags);
-procedure TCustomTreeView.ImageListChange(Sender: TObject);
- ImageHandle: HImageList;
- if HandleAllocated then
- begin
- if TCustomImageList(Sender).HandleAllocated then
- ImageHandle := TCustomImageList(Sender).Handle
- else
- ImageHandle := 0;
- if Sender = Images then
- SetImageList(ImageHandle, TVSIL_NORMAL)
- else if Sender = StateImages then
- SetImageList(ImageHandle, TVSIL_STATE);
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if Operation = opRemove then
- begin
- if AComponent = Images then Images := nil;
- if AComponent = StateImages then StateImages := nil;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string);
- Stream: TStream;
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead);
- try
- LoadFromStream(Stream);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- with TTreeStrings.Create(Items) do
- try
- LoadTreeFromStream(Stream);
- finally
- Free;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SaveToFile(const FileName: string);
- Stream: TStream;
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- try
- SaveToStream(Stream);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- with TTreeStrings.Create(Items) do
- try
- SaveTreeToStream(Stream);
- finally
- Free;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.WMRButtonDown(var Message: TWMRButtonDown);
- MousePos: TPoint;
- FRClickNode := nil;
- try
- if not RightClickSelect then
- begin
- inherited;
- if FRClickNode <> nil then
- begin
- GetCursorPos(MousePos);
- with PointToSmallPoint(ScreenToClient(MousePos)) do
- Perform(WM_RBUTTONUP, 0, MakeLong(X, Y));
- end;
- end
- else DefaultHandler(Message);
- finally
- FRClickNode := nil;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMRButtonUp);
- procedure DoMouseDown(var Message: TWMMouse; Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- begin
- if not (csNoStdEvents in ControlStyle) then
- with Message do
- MouseDown(Button, KeysToShiftState(Keys) + Shift, XPos, YPos);
- end;
- if RightClickSelect then DoMouseDown(Message, mbRight, []);
- inherited;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown);
- Node: TTreeNode;
- MousePos: TPoint;
- FDragged := False;
- FDragNode := nil;
- try
- inherited;
- if (DragMode = dmAutomatic) and (DragKind = dkDrag) then
- begin
- SetFocus;
- if not FDragged then
- begin
- GetCursorPos(MousePos);
- with PointToSmallPoint(ScreenToClient(MousePos)) do
- Perform(WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, MakeLong(X, Y));
- end
- else begin
- Node := GetNodeAt(Message.XPos, Message.YPos);
- if Node <> nil then
- begin
- Node.Focused := True;
- Node.Selected := True;
- BeginDrag(False);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- FDragNode := nil;
- end;
-procedure TCustomTreeView.WMNotify(var Message: TWMNotify);
- Node: TTreeNode;
- MaxTextLen: Integer;
- Pt: TPoint;
- with Message do
- if NMHdr^.code = TTN_NEEDTEXTW then
- begin
- // Work around NT COMCTL32 problem with tool tips >= 80 characters
- GetCursorPos(Pt);
- Pt := ScreenToClient(Pt);
- Node := GetNodeAt(Pt.X, Pt.Y);
- if (Node = nil) or (Node.Text = '') or
- (PToolTipTextW(NMHdr)^.uFlags and TTF_IDISHWND = 0) then Exit;
- if (GetComCtlVersion >= ComCtlVersionIE4) and (Length(Node.Text) < 80) then
- begin
- inherited;
- Exit;
- end;
- FWideText := Node.Text;
- MaxTextLen := SizeOf(PToolTipTextW(NMHdr)^.szText) div SizeOf(WideChar);
- if Length(FWideText) >= MaxTextLen then
- SetLength(FWideText, MaxTextLen - 1);
- PToolTipTextW(NMHdr)^.lpszText := PWideChar(FWideText);
- FillChar(PToolTipTextW(NMHdr)^.szText, MaxTextLen, 0);
- Move(Pointer(FWideText)^, PToolTipTextW(NMHdr)^.szText, Length(FWideText) * SizeOf(WideChar));
- PToolTipTextW(NMHdr)^.hInst := 0;
- SetWindowPos(NMHdr^.hwndFrom, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE or
- Result := 1;
- end
- else inherited;
-{ CustomDraw support }
-procedure TCustomTreeView.CanvasChanged;
- FCanvasChanged := True;
-function TCustomTreeView.IsCustomDrawn(Target: TCustomDrawTarget;
- Stage: TCustomDrawStage): Boolean;
- { Tree view doesn't support erase notifications }
- if Stage = cdPrePaint then
- begin
- if Target = dtItem then
- Result := Assigned(FOnCustomDrawItem)
- else if Target = dtControl then
- Result := Assigned(FOnCustomDraw)
- else
- Result := False;
- end
- else
- Result := False;
-function TCustomTreeView.CustomDraw(const ARect: TRect; Stage: TCustomDrawStage): Boolean;
- Result := True;
- if Assigned(FOnCustomDraw) then FOnCustomDraw(Self, ARect, Result);
-function TCustomTreeView.CustomDrawItem(Node: TTreeNode; State: TCustomDrawState;
- Stage: TCustomDrawStage): Boolean;
- Result := True;
- if Assigned(FOnCustomDrawItem) then FOnCustomDrawItem(Self, Node, State, Result);
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TCustomTreeView.h b/apps/X11/VCL/TCustomTreeView.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b3c91d..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TCustomTreeView.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-#include <TWinControl.h>
-#include <TTreeNode.h>
-#include <TCustomImageList.h>
-#include <gtk/gtktree.h>
-#include <gtk/gtktreeitem.h>
- enum THitTest {htAbove, htBelow, htNowhere, htOnItem, htOnButton, htOnIcon,
- htOnIndent, htOnLabel, htOnRight, htOnStateIcon, htToLeft, htToRight};
-// THitTests = set of THitTest;
- enum TSortType {stNone, stData, stText, stBoth};
- ETreeViewError = class(Exception);
- TTVChangingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode;
- var AllowChange: Boolean) of object;
- TTVChangedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode) of object;
- TTVEditingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode;
- var AllowEdit: Boolean) of object;
- TTVEditedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var S: string) of object;
- TTVExpandingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode;
- var AllowExpansion: Boolean) of object;
- TTVCollapsingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode;
- var AllowCollapse: Boolean) of object;
- TTVExpandedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode) of object;
- TTVCompareEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node1, Node2: TTreeNode;
- Data: Integer; var Compare: Integer) of object;
- TTVCustomDrawEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomTreeView; const ARect: TRect;
- var DefaultDraw: Boolean) of object;
- TTVCustomDrawItemEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomTreeView; Node: TTreeNode;
- State: TCustomDrawState; var DefaultDraw: Boolean) of object;
-class TTreeNodes;
-class TCustomTreeView : public TWinControl {
-friend TTreeNodes;
-friend TTreeNode;
- void init(TComponent *AOwner);
-// procedure SetTreeNodes(Value: TTreeNodes);
- void SetTreeNodes(TTreeNodes* Value);
-// FImages: TCustomImageList;
- TCustomImageList *FImages;
-// FStateImages: TCustomImageList;
- TCustomImageList *FStateImages;
-// procedure SetImages(Value: TCustomImageList);
- void SetImages(TCustomImageList *val);
- TCustomImageList * getImages() { return FImages; }
-// procedure SetStateImages(Value: TCustomImageList);
- void SetStateImages(TCustomImageList *val);
- TCustomImageList * getStateImages() { return FStateImages; }
- FAutoExpand: Boolean;
- FBorderStyle: TBorderStyle;
- FCanvas: TCanvas;
- FCanvasChanged: Boolean;
- FDefEditProc: Pointer;
- FDragged: Boolean;
- FDragImage: TDragImageList;
- FDragNode: TTreeNode;
- FEditHandle: HWND;
- FEditInstance: Pointer;
- FHideSelection: Boolean;
- FHotTrack: Boolean;
- FImageChangeLink: TChangeLink;
- FLastDropTarget: TTreeNode;
- FManualNotify: Boolean;
- FMemStream: TMemoryStream;
- FRClickNode: TTreeNode;
- FRightClickSelect: Boolean;
- FReadOnly: Boolean;
- FRowSelect: Boolean;
- FSaveIndex: Integer;
- FSaveIndent: Integer;
- FSaveItems: TStringList;
- FSaveTopIndex: Integer;
- FShowButtons: Boolean;
- FShowLines: Boolean;
- FShowRoot: Boolean;
- FSortType: TSortType;
- FStateChanging: Boolean;
- FStateChangeLink: TChangeLink;
- FToolTips: Boolean;
- FWideText: WideString;
- FOnEditing: TTVEditingEvent;
- FOnEdited: TTVEditedEvent;
- FOnExpanded: TTVExpandedEvent;
- FOnExpanding: TTVExpandingEvent;
- FOnCollapsed: TTVExpandedEvent;
- FOnCollapsing: TTVCollapsingEvent;
- FOnChanging: TTVChangingEvent;
- FOnChange: TTVChangedEvent;
- FOnCompare: TTVCompareEvent;
- FOnDeletion: TTVExpandedEvent;
- FOnCustomDraw: TTVCustomDrawEvent;
- FOnCustomDrawItem: TTVCustomDrawItemEvent;
- FOnGetImageIndex: TTVExpandedEvent;
- FOnGetSelectedIndex: TTVExpandedEvent;
- procedure CanvasChanged(Sender: TObject);
- procedure CMColorChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_COLORCHANGED;
- procedure CMCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_CTL3DCHANGED;
- procedure CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_FONTCHANGED;
- procedure CMDrag(var Message: TCMDrag); message CM_DRAG;
- procedure CNNotify(var Message: TWMNotify); message CN_NOTIFY;
- procedure EditWndProc(var Message: TMessage);
- procedure DoDragOver(Source: TDragObject; X, Y: Integer; CanDrop: Boolean);
- function GetChangeDelay: Integer;
- function GetDropTarget: TTreeNode;
- function GetIndent: Integer;
- function GetNodeFromItem(const Item: TTVItem): TTreeNode;
- function GetTopItem: TTreeNode;
- procedure ImageListChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure SetAutoExpand(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetBorderStyle(Value: TBorderStyle);
- procedure SetButtonStyle(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetChangeDelay(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetDropTarget(Value: TTreeNode);
- procedure SetHideSelection(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetHotTrack(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetImageList(Value: HImageList; Flags: Integer);
- procedure SetIndent(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetLineStyle(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetReadOnly(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetRootStyle(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetRowSelect(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetSortType(Value: TSortType);
- procedure SetToolTips(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetTopItem(Value: TTreeNode);
- procedure OnChangeTimer(Sender: TObject);
- procedure WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown); message WM_LBUTTONDOWN;
- procedure WMRButtonDown(var Message: TWMRButtonDown); message WM_RBUTTONDOWN;
- procedure WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMRButtonUp); message WM_RBUTTONUP;
- procedure WMNotify(var Message: TWMNotify); message WM_NOTIFY;
- procedure CMSysColorChange(var Message: TMessage); message CM_SYSCOLORCHANGE;
- protected:
-// property Items: TTreeNodes read FTreeNodes write SetTreeNodes;
- TTreeNodes *FTreeNodes;
- property <TCustomTreeView, TTreeNodes*> Items;
- TTreeNodes *getItems() { return FTreeNodes; }
-// property Images: TCustomImageList read FImages write SetImages;
- property <TCustomTreeView, TCustomImageList *> Images;
-// property StateImages: TCustomImageList read FStateImages write SetStateImages;
- property <TCustomTreeView, TCustomImageList *> StateImages;
-// property Selected: TTreeNode read GetSelection write SetSelection;
-// function GetSelection: TTreeNode;
-// procedure SetSelection(Value: TTreeNode);
- TTreeNode *GetSelection();
- void SetSelection(TTreeNode *);
- FChangeTimer: TTimer;
- function CanEdit(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean; dynamic;
- function CanChange(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean; dynamic;
- function CanCollapse(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean; dynamic;
- function CanExpand(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean; dynamic;
- procedure Change(Node: TTreeNode); dynamic;
- procedure Collapse(Node: TTreeNode); dynamic;
- function CreateNode: TTreeNode; virtual;
- procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
- procedure CreateWnd; override;
- function CustomDraw(const ARect: TRect; Stage: TCustomDrawStage): Boolean; virtual;
- function CustomDrawItem(Node: TTreeNode; State: TCustomDrawState;
- Stage: TCustomDrawStage): Boolean; virtual;
- procedure Delete(Node: TTreeNode); dynamic;
- procedure DestroyWnd; override;
- procedure DoEndDrag(Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure DoStartDrag(var DragObject: TDragObject); override;
- procedure Edit(const Item: TTVItem); dynamic;
- procedure Expand(Node: TTreeNode); dynamic;
- function GetDragImages: TDragImageList; override;
- procedure GetImageIndex(Node: TTreeNode); virtual;
- procedure GetSelectedIndex(Node: TTreeNode); virtual;
- function IsCustomDrawn(Target: TCustomDrawTarget; Stage: TCustomDrawStage): Boolean;
- procedure Loaded; override;
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure SetDragMode(Value: TDragMode); override;
- procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override;
- property AutoExpand: Boolean read FAutoExpand write SetAutoExpand default False;
- property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle default bsSingle;
- property ChangeDelay: Integer read GetChangeDelay write SetChangeDelay default 0;
- property HideSelection: Boolean read FHideSelection write SetHideSelection default True;
- property HotTrack: Boolean read FHotTrack write SetHotTrack default False;
- property Indent: Integer read GetIndent write SetIndent;
- property ReadOnly: Boolean read FReadOnly write SetReadOnly default False;
- property RightClickSelect: Boolean read FRightClickSelect write FRightClickSelect default False;
- property RowSelect: Boolean read FRowSelect write SetRowSelect default False;
- property ShowButtons: Boolean read FShowButtons write SetButtonStyle default True;
- property ShowLines: Boolean read FShowLines write SetLineStyle default True;
- property ShowRoot: Boolean read FShowRoot write SetRootStyle default True;
- property SortType: TSortType read FSortType write SetSortType default stNone;
- property ToolTips: Boolean read FToolTips write SetToolTips default True;
- property OnCustomDraw: TTVCustomDrawEvent read FOnCustomDraw write FOnCustomDraw;
- property OnCustomDrawItem: TTVCustomDrawItemEvent read FOnCustomDrawItem write FOnCustomDrawItem;
- property OnEditing: TTVEditingEvent read FOnEditing write FOnEditing;
- property OnEdited: TTVEditedEvent read FOnEdited write FOnEdited;
- property OnExpanding: TTVExpandingEvent read FOnExpanding write FOnExpanding;
- property OnExpanded: TTVExpandedEvent read FOnExpanded write FOnExpanded;
- property OnCollapsing: TTVCollapsingEvent read FOnCollapsing write FOnCollapsing;
- property OnCollapsed: TTVExpandedEvent read FOnCollapsed write FOnCollapsed;
- property OnChanging: TTVChangingEvent read FOnChanging write FOnChanging;
- property OnChange: TTVChangedEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- property OnCompare: TTVCompareEvent read FOnCompare write FOnCompare;
- property OnDeletion: TTVExpandedEvent read FOnDeletion write FOnDeletion;
- property OnGetImageIndex: TTVExpandedEvent read FOnGetImageIndex write FOnGetImageIndex;
- property OnGetSelectedIndex: TTVExpandedEvent read FOnGetSelectedIndex write FOnGetSelectedIndex;
- TCustomTreeView(TComponent *AOwner);
- TCustomTreeView(GtkWidget *parent);
- property <TCustomTreeView, TTreeNode *> Selected;
- virtual ~TCustomTreeView();
- function AlphaSort: Boolean;
- function CustomSort(SortProc: TTVCompare; Data: Longint): Boolean;
- procedure FullCollapse;
- procedure FullExpand;
- function GetHitTestInfoAt(X, Y: Integer): THitTests;
- function GetNodeAt(X, Y: Integer): TTreeNode;
- function IsEditing: Boolean;
- procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string);
- procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: string);
- procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- property Canvas: TCanvas read FCanvas;
- property DropTarget: TTreeNode read GetDropTarget write SetDropTarget;
- property TopItem: TTreeNode read GetTopItem write SetTopItem;
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TDragImageList.cpp b/apps/X11/VCL/TDragImageList.cpp
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index 4f51c7c..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TDragImageList.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-#include <TDragImageList.h>
-TDragImageList::TDragImageList() :TCustomImageList(0) {
-{ TDragImageList }
-function ClientToWindow(Handle: HWND; X, Y: Integer): TPoint;
- Rect: TRect;
- Point: TPoint;
- Point.X := X;
- Point.Y := Y;
- ClientToScreen(Handle, Point);
- GetWindowRect(Handle, Rect);
- Result.X := Point.X - Rect.Left;
- Result.Y := Point.Y - Rect.Top;
-procedure TDragImageList.Initialize;
- inherited Initialize;
- DragCursor := crNone;
-procedure TDragImageList.CombineDragCursor;
- TempList: HImageList;
- Point: TPoint;
- if DragCursor <> crNone then
- begin
- TempList := ImageList_Create(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXCURSOR),
- GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCURSOR), ILC_MASK, 1, 1);
- try
- ImageList_AddIcon(TempList, Screen.Cursors[DragCursor]);
- ImageList_AddIcon(TempList, Screen.Cursors[DragCursor]);
- ImageList_SetDragCursorImage(TempList, 0, 0, 0);
- ImageList_GetDragImage(nil, @Point);
- ImageList_SetDragCursorImage(TempList, 1, Point.X, Point.Y);
- finally
- ImageList_Destroy(TempList);
- end;
- end;
-function TDragImageList.SetDragImage(Index, HotSpotX, HotSpotY: Integer): Boolean;
- if HandleAllocated then
- begin
- FDragIndex := Index;
- FDragHotspot.x := HotSpotX;
- FDragHotspot.y := HotSpotY;
- ImageList_BeginDrag(Handle, Index, HotSpotX, HotSpotY);
- Result := True;
- FDragging := Result;
- end
- else Result := False;
-procedure TDragImageList.SetDragCursor(Value: TCursor);
- if Value <> DragCursor then
- begin
- FDragCursor := Value;
- if Dragging then CombineDragCursor;
- end;
-function TDragImageList.GetHotSpot: TPoint;
- Result := inherited GetHotSpot;
- if HandleAllocated and Dragging then
- ImageList_GetDragImage(nil, @Result);
-function TDragImageList.BeginDrag(Window: HWND; X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := False;
- if HandleAllocated then
- begin
- if not Dragging then SetDragImage(FDragIndex, FDragHotspot.x, FDragHotspot.y);
- CombineDragCursor;
- Result := DragLock(Window, X, Y);
- if Result then ShowCursor(False);
- end;
-function TDragImageList.DragLock(Window: HWND; XPos, YPos: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := False;
- if HandleAllocated and (Window <> FDragHandle) then
- begin
- DragUnlock;
- FDragHandle := Window;
- with ClientToWindow(FDragHandle, XPos, YPos) do
- Result := ImageList_DragEnter(FDragHandle, X, Y);
- end;
-procedure TDragImageList.DragUnlock;
- if HandleAllocated and (FDragHandle <> 0) then
- begin
- ImageList_DragLeave(FDragHandle);
- FDragHandle := 0;
- end;
-function TDragImageList.DragMove(X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
- if HandleAllocated then
- with ClientToWindow(FDragHandle, X, Y) do
- Result := ImageList_DragMove(X, Y)
- else
- Result := False;
-procedure TDragImageList.ShowDragImage;
- if HandleAllocated then ImageList_DragShowNoLock(True);
-procedure TDragImageList.HideDragImage;
- if HandleAllocated then ImageList_DragShowNoLock(False);
-function TDragImageList.EndDrag: Boolean;
- if HandleAllocated and Dragging then
- begin
- DragUnlock;
- Result := ImageList_EndDrag;
- FDragging := False;
- DragCursor := crNone;
- ShowCursor(True);
- end
- else Result := False;
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TDragImageList.h b/apps/X11/VCL/TDragImageList.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cb9dab..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TDragImageList.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#include <TCustomImageList.h>
-class TDragImageList : public TCustomImageList {
- TDragImageList();
-{ TDragImageList }
- TDragImageList = class(TCustomImageList)
- private
- FDragCursor: TCursor;
- FDragging: Boolean;
- FDragHandle: HWND;
- FDragHotspot: TPoint;
- FDragIndex: Integer;
- procedure CombineDragCursor;
- procedure SetDragCursor(Value: TCursor);
- protected
- procedure Initialize; override;
- public
- function BeginDrag(Window: HWND; X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
- function DragLock(Window: HWND; XPos, YPos: Integer): Boolean;
- function DragMove(X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure DragUnlock;
- function EndDrag: Boolean;
- function GetHotSpot: TPoint; override;
- procedure HideDragImage;
- function SetDragImage(Index, HotSpotX, HotSpotY: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure ShowDragImage;
- property DragCursor: TCursor read FDragCursor write SetDragCursor;
- property Dragging: Boolean read FDragging;
- end;
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TImageList.cpp b/apps/X11/VCL/TImageList.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e9f1259..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TImageList.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-#include <TImageList.h>
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deleted file mode 100644
index ebabbe1..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TImageList.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#include <TDragImageList.h>
-class TImageList : public TDragImageList {
-{ TImageList }
- TImageList = class(TDragImageList)
- published
- property BlendColor;
- property BkColor;
- property AllocBy;
- property DrawingStyle;
- property Height;
- property ImageType;
- property Masked;
- property OnChange;
- property ShareImages;
- property Width;
- end;
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TObject.cpp b/apps/X11/VCL/TObject.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e1ea4c5..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TObject.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#include <TObject.h>
-TObject::TObject() {
-TObject::~TObject() {
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TObject.h b/apps/X11/VCL/TObject.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 874f071..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TObject.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TOBJECT_H
-#define TOBJECT_H
-#include <property>
-class TObject {
- TObject();
- virtual ~TObject();
- procedure Free;
- class function InitInstance(Instance: Pointer): TObject;
- procedure CleanupInstance;
- function ClassType: TClass;
- class function ClassName: ShortString;
- class function ClassNameIs(const Name: string): Boolean;
- class function ClassParent: TClass;
- class function ClassInfo: Pointer;
- class function InstanceSize: Longint;
- class function InheritsFrom(AClass: TClass): Boolean;
- class function MethodAddress(const Name: ShortString): Pointer;
- class function MethodName(Address: Pointer): ShortString;
- function FieldAddress(const Name: ShortString): Pointer;
- function GetInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): Boolean;
- class function GetInterfaceEntry(const IID: TGUID): PInterfaceEntry;
- class function GetInterfaceTable: PInterfaceTable;
- function SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
- ExceptAddr: Pointer): HResult; virtual;
- procedure AfterConstruction; virtual;
- procedure BeforeDestruction; virtual;
- procedure Dispatch(var Message); virtual;
- procedure DefaultHandler(var Message); virtual;
- class function NewInstance: TObject; virtual;
- procedure FreeInstance; virtual;
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TPageControl.cpp b/apps/X11/VCL/TPageControl.cpp
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index af0112c..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TPageControl.cpp
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@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-#include <TPageControl.h>
-TPageControl::TPageControl(TComponent *AOwner) : TCustomTabControl(AOwner) {
-TPageControl::~TPageControl() {
-{ TPageControl }
-constructor TPageControl.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- ControlStyle := [csDoubleClicks, csOpaque];
- FPages := TList.Create;
-destructor TPageControl.Destroy;
- I: Integer;
- for I := 0 to FPages.Count - 1 do TTabSheet(FPages[I]).FPageControl := nil;
- FPages.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TPageControl.CanShowTab(TabIndex: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := TTabSheet(FPages[TabIndex]).Enabled;
-procedure TPageControl.Change;
- Form: TCustomForm;
- UpdateActivePage;
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then
- begin
- Form := GetParentForm(Self);
- if (Form <> nil) and (Form.Designer <> nil) then Form.Designer.Modified;
- end;
- inherited Change;
-procedure TPageControl.ChangeActivePage(Page: TTabSheet);
- ParentForm: TCustomForm;
- if FActivePage <> Page then
- begin
- ParentForm := GetParentForm(Self);
- if (ParentForm <> nil) and (FActivePage <> nil) and
- FActivePage.ContainsControl(ParentForm.ActiveControl) then
- begin
- ParentForm.ActiveControl := FActivePage;
- if ParentForm.ActiveControl <> FActivePage then
- begin
- TabIndex := FActivePage.TabIndex;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- if Page <> nil then
- begin
- Page.BringToFront;
- Page.Visible := True;
- if (ParentForm <> nil) and (FActivePage <> nil) and
- (ParentForm.ActiveControl = FActivePage) then
- if Page.CanFocus then
- ParentForm.ActiveControl := Page else
- ParentForm.ActiveControl := Self;
- end;
- if FActivePage <> nil then FActivePage.Visible := False;
- FActivePage := Page;
- if (ParentForm <> nil) and (FActivePage <> nil) and
- (ParentForm.ActiveControl = FActivePage) then
- FActivePage.SelectFirst;
- end;
-procedure TPageControl.DeleteTab(Page: TTabSheet; Index: Integer);
- UpdateIndex: Boolean;
- UpdateIndex := Page = ActivePage;
- Tabs.Delete(Index);
- if UpdateIndex then
- begin
- if Index >= Tabs.Count then
- Index := Tabs.Count - 1;
- TabIndex := Index;
- end;
- UpdateActivePage;
-procedure TPageControl.DoAddDockClient(Client: TControl; const ARect: TRect);
- if FNewDockSheet <> nil then Client.Parent := FNewDockSheet;
-procedure TPageControl.DockOver(Source: TDragDockObject; X, Y: Integer;
- State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
- R: TRect;
- GetWindowRect(Handle, R);
- Source.DockRect := R;
- DoDockOver(Source, X, Y, State, Accept);
-procedure TPageControl.DoRemoveDockClient(Client: TControl);
- if (FUndockingPage <> nil) and not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then
- begin
- SelectNextPage(True);
- FUndockingPage.Free;
- FUndockingPage := nil;
- end;
-function TPageControl.FindNextPage(CurPage: TTabSheet;
- GoForward, CheckTabVisible: Boolean): TTabSheet;
- I, StartIndex: Integer;
- if FPages.Count <> 0 then
- begin
- StartIndex := FPages.IndexOf(CurPage);
- if StartIndex = -1 then
- if GoForward then StartIndex := FPages.Count - 1 else StartIndex := 0;
- I := StartIndex;
- repeat
- if GoForward then
- begin
- Inc(I);
- if I = FPages.Count then I := 0;
- end else
- begin
- if I = 0 then I := FPages.Count;
- Dec(I);
- end;
- Result := FPages[I];
- if not CheckTabVisible or Result.TabVisible then Exit;
- until I = StartIndex;
- end;
- Result := nil;
-procedure TPageControl.GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent);
- I: Integer;
- for I := 0 to FPages.Count - 1 do Proc(TComponent(FPages[I]));
-function TPageControl.GetImageIndex(TabIndex: Integer): Integer;
- if Assigned(FOnGetImageIndex) then
- Result := inherited GetImageIndex(TabIndex) else
- Result := GetPage(TabIndex).ImageIndex;
-function TPageControl.GetPageFromDockClient(Client: TControl): TTabSheet;
- I: Integer;
- Result := nil;
- for I := 0 to PageCount - 1 do
- begin
- if (Client.Parent = Pages[I]) and (Client.HostDockSite = Self) then
- begin
- Result := Pages[I];
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
-function TPageControl.GetPage(Index: Integer): TTabSheet;
- Result := FPages[Index];
-function TPageControl.GetPageCount: Integer;
- Result := FPages.Count;
-procedure TPageControl.GetSiteInfo(Client: TControl; var InfluenceRect: TRect;
- MousePos: TPoint; var CanDock: Boolean);
- CanDock := GetPageFromDockClient(Client) = nil;
- inherited GetSiteInfo(Client, InfluenceRect, MousePos, CanDock);
-procedure TPageControl.InsertPage(Page: TTabSheet);
- FPages.Add(Page);
- Page.FPageControl := Self;
- Page.UpdateTabShowing;
-procedure TPageControl.InsertTab(Page: TTabSheet);
- Tabs.InsertObject(Page.TabIndex, Page.Caption, Page);
- UpdateActivePage;
-procedure TPageControl.MoveTab(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
- Tabs.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex);
-procedure TPageControl.RemovePage(Page: TTabSheet);
- NextSheet: TTabSheet;
- NextSheet := FindNextPage(Page, True, not (csDesigning in ComponentState));
- if NextSheet = Page then NextSheet := nil;
- Page.SetTabShowing(False);
- Page.FPageControl := nil;
- FPages.Remove(Page);
- SetActivePage(NextSheet);
-procedure TPageControl.SelectNextPage(GoForward: Boolean);
- Page: TTabSheet;
- Page := FindNextPage(ActivePage, GoForward, True);
- if (Page <> nil) and (Page <> ActivePage) and CanChange then
- begin
- TabIndex := Page.TabIndex;
- Change;
- end;
-procedure TPageControl.SetActivePage(Page: TTabSheet);
- if (Page <> nil) and (Page.PageControl <> Self) then Exit;
- ChangeActivePage(Page);
- if Page = nil then
- TabIndex := -1
- else if Page = FActivePage then
- TabIndex := Page.TabIndex;
-procedure TPageControl.SetChildOrder(Child: TComponent; Order: Integer);
- TTabSheet(Child).PageIndex := Order;
-procedure TPageControl.ShowControl(AControl: TControl);
- if (AControl is TTabSheet) and (TTabSheet(AControl).PageControl = Self) then
- SetActivePage(TTabSheet(AControl));
- inherited ShowControl(AControl);
-procedure TPageControl.UpdateTab(Page: TTabSheet);
- Tabs[Page.TabIndex] := Page.Caption;
-procedure TPageControl.UpdateActivePage;
- if TabIndex >= 0 then
- SetActivePage(TTabSheet(Tabs.Objects[TabIndex]))
- else
- SetActivePage(nil);
-procedure TPageControl.CMDesignHitTest(var Message: TCMDesignHitTest);
- HitIndex: Integer;
- HitTestInfo: TTCHitTestInfo;
- := SmallPointToPoint(Message.Pos);
- HitIndex := SendMessage(Handle, TCM_HITTEST, 0, Longint(@HitTestInfo));
- if (HitIndex >= 0) and (HitIndex <> TabIndex) then Message.Result := 1;
-procedure TPageControl.CMDialogKey(var Message: TCMDialogKey);
- if (Focused or Windows.IsChild(Handle, Windows.GetFocus)) and
- (Message.CharCode = VK_TAB) and (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) then
- begin
- SelectNextPage(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >= 0);
- Message.Result := 1;
- end else
- inherited;
-procedure TPageControl.CMDockClient(var Message: TCMDockClient);
- IsVisible: Boolean;
- DockCtl: TControl;
- Message.Result := 0;
- FNewDockSheet := TTabSheet.Create(Self);
- try
- try
- DockCtl := Message.DockSource.Control;
- if DockCtl is TCustomForm then
- FNewDockSheet.Caption := TCustomForm(DockCtl).Caption;
- FNewDockSheet.PageControl := Self;
- DockCtl.Dock(Self, Message.DockSource.DockRect);
- except
- FNewDockSheet.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- IsVisible := DockCtl.Visible;
- FNewDockSheet.TabVisible := IsVisible;
- if IsVisible then ActivePage := FNewDockSheet;
- DockCtl.Align := alClient;
- finally
- FNewDockSheet := nil;
- end;
-procedure TPageControl.CMDockNotification(var Message: TCMDockNotification);
- I: Integer;
- S: string;
- Page: TTabSheet;
- Page := GetPageFromDockClient(Message.Client);
- if Page <> nil then
- case Message.NotifyRec.ClientMsg of
- begin
- S := PChar(Message.NotifyRec.MsgLParam);
- { Search for first CR/LF and end string there }
- for I := 1 to Length(S) do
- if S[I] in [#13, #10] then
- begin
- SetLength(S, I - 1);
- Break;
- end;
- Page.Caption := S;
- end;
- with Page do
- begin
- Visible := Boolean(Message.NotifyRec.MsgWParam);
- TabVisible := Boolean(Message.NotifyRec.MsgWParam);;
- end;
- end;
- inherited;
-procedure TPageControl.CMUnDockClient(var Message: TCMUnDockClient);
- Page: TTabSheet;
- Message.Result := 0;
- Page := GetPageFromDockClient(Message.Client);
- if Page <> nil then
- begin
- FUndockingPage := Page;
- Message.Client.Align := alNone;
- end;
-function TPageControl.GetDockClientFromMousePos(MousePos: TPoint): TControl;
- HitIndex: Integer;
- HitTestInfo: TTCHitTestInfo;
- Page: TTabSheet;
- Result := nil;
- if DockSite then
- begin
- := MousePos;
- HitIndex := SendMessage(Handle, TCM_HITTEST, 0, Longint(@HitTestInfo));
- if HitIndex >= 0 then
- begin
- Page := Pages[HitIndex];
- if not Page.TabVisible then Page := FindNextPage(Page, True, True);
- if (Page <> nil) and (Page.ControlCount > 0) then
- begin
- Result := Page.Controls[0];
- if Result.HostDockSite <> Self then Result := nil;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TPageControl.WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown);
- DockCtl: TControl;
- inherited;
- DockCtl := GetDockClientFromMousePos(SmallPointToPoint(Message.Pos));
- if DockCtl <> nil then DockCtl.BeginDrag(False);
-procedure TPageControl.WMLButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMLButtonDblClk);
- DockCtl: TControl;
- inherited;
- DockCtl := GetDockClientFromMousePos(SmallPointToPoint(Message.Pos));
- if DockCtl <> nil then DockCtl.ManualDock(nil, nil, alNone);
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TPageControl.h b/apps/X11/VCL/TPageControl.h
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index 447efec..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TPageControl.h
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@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#include <TCustomTabControl.h>
-class TPageControl : public TCustomTabControl {
- FPages: TList;
- FActivePage: TTabSheet;
- FNewDockSheet: TTabSheet;
- FUndockingPage: TTabSheet;
- procedure ChangeActivePage(Page: TTabSheet);
- procedure DeleteTab(Page: TTabSheet; Index: Integer);
- function GetDockClientFromMousePos(MousePos: TPoint): TControl;
- function GetPage(Index: Integer): TTabSheet;
- function GetPageCount: Integer;
- procedure InsertPage(Page: TTabSheet);
- procedure InsertTab(Page: TTabSheet);
- procedure MoveTab(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
- procedure RemovePage(Page: TTabSheet);
- procedure SetActivePage(Page: TTabSheet);
- procedure UpdateTab(Page: TTabSheet);
- procedure UpdateActivePage;
- procedure CMDesignHitTest(var Message: TCMDesignHitTest); message CM_DESIGNHITTEST;
- procedure CMDialogKey(var Message: TCMDialogKey); message CM_DIALOGKEY;
- procedure CMDockClient(var Message: TCMDockClient); message CM_DOCKCLIENT;
- procedure CMDockNotification(var Message: TCMDockNotification); message CM_DOCKNOTIFICATION;
- procedure CMUnDockClient(var Message: TCMUnDockClient); message CM_UNDOCKCLIENT;
- procedure WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown); message WM_LBUTTONDOWN;
- procedure WMLButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMLButtonDblClk); message WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK;
- function CanShowTab(TabIndex: Integer): Boolean; override;
- procedure Change; override;
- procedure DoAddDockClient(Client: TControl; const ARect: TRect); override;
- procedure DockOver(Source: TDragDockObject; X, Y: Integer;
- State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); override;
- procedure DoRemoveDockClient(Client: TControl); override;
- procedure GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent); override;
- function GetImageIndex(TabIndex: Integer): Integer; override;
- function GetPageFromDockClient(Client: TControl): TTabSheet;
- procedure GetSiteInfo(Client: TControl; var InfluenceRect: TRect;
- MousePos: TPoint; var CanDock: Boolean); override;
- procedure SetChildOrder(Child: TComponent; Order: Integer); override;
- procedure ShowControl(AControl: TControl); override;
- TPageControl(TComponent *AOwner);
- virtual ~TPageControl();
- function FindNextPage(CurPage: TTabSheet;
- GoForward, CheckTabVisible: Boolean): TTabSheet;
- procedure SelectNextPage(GoForward: Boolean);
- property PageCount: Integer read GetPageCount;
- property Pages[Index: Integer]: TTabSheet read GetPage;
- published
- property ActivePage: TTabSheet read FActivePage write SetActivePage;
- property Align;
- property Anchors;
- property BiDiMode;
- property Constraints;
- property DockSite;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragKind;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
- property HotTrack;
- property Images;
- property MultiLine;
- property OwnerDraw;
- property ParentBiDiMode;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property RaggedRight;
- property ScrollOpposite;
- property ShowHint;
- property Style;
- property TabHeight;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabPosition;
- property TabStop;
- property TabWidth;
- property Visible;
- property OnChange;
- property OnChanging;
- property OnDockDrop;
- property OnDockOver;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnDrawTab;
- property OnEndDock;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnGetImageIndex;
- property OnGetSiteInfo;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnResize;
- property OnStartDock;
- property OnStartDrag;
- property OnUnDock;
- end;
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TPersistent.cpp b/apps/X11/VCL/TPersistent.cpp
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index 8303b01..0000000
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@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-#include <TPersistent.h>
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index 7453921..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TPersistent.h
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@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#include <TObject.h>
-class TPersistent : public TObject {
-// void AssignError(TPersistent Source);
-// virtual void AssignTo(TPersistent Dest);
-// virtual void DefineProperties(TFiler Filer);
-// TPersistent GetOwner(); // dynamic;
-// virtual ~TPersistent(); //override;
-// virtual void Assign(Source: TPersistent);
-// string GetNamePath(); //dynamic;
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TTreeNode.cpp b/apps/X11/VCL/TTreeNode.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e50778b..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TTreeNode.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1003 +0,0 @@
-#include <TTreeNode.h>
-#include <TTreeNodes.h>
-#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkhbox.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-TTreeNode::TTreeNode(TTreeNodes *AOwner) :
- Text(this, &TTreeNode::getText, &TTreeNode::SetText),
- StateIndex(this, &TTreeNode::getStateIndex, &TTreeNode::SetStateIndex),
- ImageIndex(this, &TTreeNode::getImageIndex, &TTreeNode::SetImageIndex),
- Data(this, &TTreeNode::getData, &TTreeNode::SetData),
- Parent(this, &TTreeNode::GetParent, 0) {
- FOwner = AOwner;
- FStateIndex = 0;
- FImageIndex = 0;
-TTreeNode::TTreeNode(const TTreeNode &other) :
- Text(this, &TTreeNode::getText, &TTreeNode::SetText),
- StateIndex(this, &TTreeNode::getStateIndex, &TTreeNode::SetStateIndex),
- ImageIndex(this, &TTreeNode::getImageIndex, &TTreeNode::SetImageIndex),
- Data(this, &TTreeNode::getData, &TTreeNode::SetData),
- Parent(this, &TTreeNode::GetParent, 0) {
- FOwner = other.FOwner;
- subTreeOwner = other.subTreeOwner;
- nativeControl = other.nativeControl;
- FData = other.FData;
- Text = other.Text;
- FStateIndex = other.FStateIndex;
- FImageIndex = other.FImageIndex;
-TTreeNode::TTreeNode(TTreeNodes *AOwner, GtkTree *AsubTreeOwner, GtkTreeItem *AnativeControl, string AText, void *Ptr) :
- Text(this, &TTreeNode::getText, &TTreeNode::SetText),
- StateIndex(this, &TTreeNode::getStateIndex, &TTreeNode::SetStateIndex),
- ImageIndex(this, &TTreeNode::getImageIndex, &TTreeNode::SetImageIndex),
- Data(this, &TTreeNode::getData, &TTreeNode::SetData),
- Parent(this, &TTreeNode::GetParent, 0) {
- FOwner = AOwner;
- subTreeOwner = AsubTreeOwner;
- nativeControl = AnativeControl;
- FData = Ptr;
- Text = AText;
- FStateIndex = 0;
- FImageIndex = 0;
-TTreeNode::~TTreeNode() {
-function TTreeNode.GetLastChild: TTreeNode;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- Result := GetFirstChild;
- if Result <> nil then
- begin
- Node := Result;
- repeat
- Result := Node;
- Node := Result.GetNextSibling;
- until Node = nil;
- end;
-function TTreeNode.GetFirstChild: TTreeNode;
- with FOwner do
- Result := GetNode(TreeView_GetChild(Handle, ItemId));
-TTreeNode *TTreeNode::getFirstChild() {
- GtkWidget *subtree = nativeControl->subtree;
- if (subtree) {
- GList *child = g_list_first(GTK_TREE(subtree)->children);
- return (child) ? FOwner->GetNode(GTK_TREE_ITEM(child->data)) : 0;
- }
- return 0;
-function TTreeNode.GetNextSibling: TTreeNode;
- with FOwner do
- Result := GetNode(TreeView_GetNextSibling(Handle, ItemId));
-TTreeNode *TTreeNode::getNextSibling() {
- GList *node = g_list_find(GTK_TREE(subTreeOwner)->children, nativeControl);
- if (node) {
- node = g_list_next(node);
- return (node) ? FOwner->GetNode(GTK_TREE_ITEM(node->data)) : 0;
- }
- return 0;
-procedure TTreeNode.SetText(const S: string);
- Item: TTVItem;
- FText := S;
- with Item do
- begin
- mask := TVIF_TEXT;
- hItem := ItemId;
- end;
- TreeView_SetItem(Handle, Item);
- if (TreeView.SortType in [stText, stBoth]) and FInTree then
- begin
- if (Parent <> nil) then Parent.AlphaSort
- else TreeView.AlphaSort;
- end;
-void TTreeNode::SetText(string S) {
- FText = S;
- GtkLabel *label;
- GtkObject *hbox;
- //It's a Bin, so it has one child, which we know to be a
- // hbox, so get that
- hbox = GTK_OBJECT(GTK_BIN(nativeControl)->child);
- label = GTK_LABEL(gtk_object_get_data(hbox, "label1"));
- gtk_label_set(label, FText.c_str());
-function TTreeNode.GetParent: TTreeNode;
- with FOwner do
- Result := GetNode(TreeView_GetParent(Handle, ItemId));
-TTreeNode *TTreeNode::GetParent() {
- return FOwner->GetParentNode(this);
-procedure TTreeNode.SetStateIndex(Value: Integer);
- Item: TTVItem;
- FStateIndex := Value;
- if Value >= 0 then Dec(Value);
- with Item do
- begin
- hItem := ItemId;
- state := IndexToStateImageMask(Value + 1);
- end;
- TreeView_SetItem(Handle, Item);
-void TTreeNode::SetStateIndex(int val) {
- GtkPixmap *itempixmap = 0, *stateImage;
- GdkPixmap *pixmap;
- GdkBitmap *mask;
- FStateIndex = val;
- TCustomImageList *images;
- GtkObject *hbox;
- // display appropriate image
- hbox = GTK_OBJECT(GTK_BIN(nativeControl)->child);
- itempixmap = GTK_PIXMAP(gtk_object_get_data(hbox, "pixmap1"));
- gtk_widget_hide(GTK_WIDGET(itempixmap));
- images = FOwner->FOwner->StateImages;
- if (images) {
- stateImage = images->GetPixmap(val);
- if (stateImage) {
- gtk_pixmap_get(stateImage, &pixmap, &mask);
- gtk_pixmap_set(itempixmap, pixmap, mask);
- gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(itempixmap));
- }
- }
-procedure TTreeNode.SetImageIndex(Value: Integer);
- Item: TTVItem;
- FImageIndex := Value;
- with Item do
- begin
- hItem := ItemId;
- end;
- TreeView_SetItem(Handle, Item);
-void TTreeNode::SetImageIndex(int val) {
- GtkPixmap *itempixmap, *Image;
- GdkPixmap *pixmap;
- GdkBitmap *mask;
- FImageIndex = val;
- TCustomImageList *images;
- GtkObject *hbox;
- // display appropriate image
- hbox = GTK_OBJECT(GTK_BIN(nativeControl)->child);
- itempixmap = GTK_PIXMAP(gtk_object_get_data(hbox, "pixmap2"));
- gtk_widget_hide(GTK_WIDGET(itempixmap));
- images = FOwner->FOwner->Images;
- if (images) {
- Image = images->GetPixmap(val);
- if (Image) {
- gtk_pixmap_get(Image, &pixmap, &mask);
- gtk_pixmap_set(itempixmap, pixmap, mask);
- gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(itempixmap));
- }
- }
-procedure TTreeNode.SetData(Value: Pointer);
- FData := Value;
- if (TreeView.SortType in [stData, stBoth]) and Assigned(TreeView.OnCompare)
- and (not Deleting) and FInTree then
- begin
- if Parent <> nil then Parent.AlphaSort
- else TreeView.AlphaSort;
- end;
-void TTreeNode::SetData(void *Value) {
- FData = Value;
-function TTreeNode.GetNext: TTreeNode;
- NodeID, ParentID: HTreeItem;
- Handle: HWND;
- Handle := FOwner.Handle;
- NodeID := TreeView_GetChild(Handle, ItemId);
- if NodeID = nil then NodeID := TreeView_GetNextSibling(Handle, ItemId);
- ParentID := ItemId;
- while (NodeID = nil) and (ParentID <> nil) do
- begin
- ParentID := TreeView_GetParent(Handle, ParentID);
- NodeID := TreeView_GetNextSibling(Handle, ParentID);
- end;
- Result := FOwner.GetNode(NodeID);
-TTreeNode *TTreeNode::GetNext() {
- TTreeNode *parent = this;
- TTreeNode *next = getFirstChild();
- if (!next) {
- next = getNextSibling();
- while ((!next) && (parent)) {
- parent = parent->GetParent();
- if (parent)
- next = parent->getNextSibling();
- }
- }
- return next;
-procedure TTreeNode.ExpandItem(Expand: Boolean; Recurse: Boolean);
- Flag: Integer;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- if Recurse then
- begin
- Node := Self;
- repeat
- Node.ExpandItem(Expand, False);
- Node := Node.GetNext;
- until (Node = nil) or (not Node.HasAsParent(Self));
- end
- else begin
- TreeView.FManualNotify := True;
- try
- Flag := 0;
- if Expand then
- begin
- if DoCanExpand(True) then
- begin
- Flag := TVE_EXPAND;
- DoExpand(True);
- end;
- end
- else begin
- if DoCanExpand(False) then
- begin
- DoExpand(False);
- end;
- end;
- if Flag <> 0 then TreeView_Expand(Handle, ItemId, Flag);
- finally
- TreeView.FManualNotify := False;
- end;
- end;
-void TTreeNode::ExpandItem(bool Expand, bool Recurse) {
- TTreeNode *Node;
- if (Recurse) {
- Node = this;
- do {
- Node->ExpandItem(Expand, false);
- Node = Node->GetNext();
- }
- while ((Node) /*and (Node.HasAsParent(Self)*/);
- }
- else {
- gtk_tree_item_expand(nativeControl);
- TreeView.FManualNotify := True;
- try
- Flag := 0;
- if Expand then
- begin
- if DoCanExpand(True) then
- begin
- Flag := TVE_EXPAND;
- DoExpand(True);
- end;
- end
- else begin
- if DoCanExpand(False) then
- begin
- DoExpand(False);
- end;
- end;
- if Flag <> 0 then TreeView_Expand(Handle, ItemId, Flag);
- finally
- TreeView.FManualNotify := False;
- end;
- }
-procedure TTreeNode.Expand(Recurse: Boolean);
- ExpandItem(True, Recurse);
-void TTreeNode::Expand(bool Recurse) {
- ExpandItem(true, Recurse);
-function DefaultTreeViewSort(Node1, Node2: TTreeNode; lParam: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
- with Node1 do
- if Assigned(TreeView.OnCompare) then
- TreeView.OnCompare(TreeView, Node1, Node2, lParam, Result)
- else Result := lstrcmp(PChar(Node1.Text), PChar(Node2.Text));
-procedure TreeViewError(const Msg: string);
- raise ETreeViewError.Create(Msg);
-procedure TreeViewErrorFmt(const Msg: string; Format: array of const);
- raise ETreeViewError.CreateFmt(Msg, Format);
-constructor TTreeNode.Create(AOwner: TTreeNodes);
- inherited Create;
- FOverlayIndex := -1;
- FStateIndex := -1;
- FOwner := AOwner;
-destructor TTreeNode.Destroy;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- CheckValue: Integer;
- Owner.ClearCache;
- FDeleting := True;
- if Owner.Owner.FLastDropTarget = Self then
- Owner.Owner.FLastDropTarget := nil;
- Node := Parent;
- if (Node <> nil) and (not Node.Deleting) then
- begin
- if Node.IndexOf(Self) <> -1 then CheckValue := 1
- else CheckValue := 0;
- if Node.CompareCount(CheckValue) then
- begin
- Expanded := False;
- Node.HasChildren := False;
- end;
- end;
- if ItemId <> nil then TreeView_DeleteItem(Handle, ItemId);
- Data := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TTreeNode.GetHandle: HWND;
- Result := TreeView.Handle;
-function TTreeNode.GetTreeView: TCustomTreeView;
- Result := Owner.Owner;
-function TTreeNode.HasAsParent(Value: TTreeNode): Boolean;
- if Value <> Nil then
- begin
- if Parent = nil then Result := False
- else if Parent = Value then Result := True
- else Result := Parent.HasAsParent(Value);
- end
- else Result := True;
-function TTreeNode.GetState(NodeState: TNodeState): Boolean;
- Item: TTVItem;
- Result := False;
- with Item do
- begin
- mask := TVIF_STATE;
- hItem := ItemId;
- if TreeView_GetItem(Handle, Item) then
- case NodeState of
- nsCut: Result := (state and TVIS_CUT) <> 0;
- nsFocused: Result := (state and TVIS_FOCUSED) <> 0;
- nsSelected: Result := (state and TVIS_SELECTED) <> 0;
- nsExpanded: Result := (state and TVIS_EXPANDED) <> 0;
- nsDropHilited: Result := (state and TVIS_DROPHILITED) <> 0;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TTreeNode.SetSelectedIndex(Value: Integer);
- Item: TTVItem;
- FSelectedIndex := Value;
- with Item do
- begin
- hItem := ItemId;
- iSelectedImage := I_IMAGECALLBACK;
- end;
- TreeView_SetItem(Handle, Item);
-procedure TTreeNode.SetOverlayIndex(Value: Integer);
- Item: TTVItem;
- FOverlayIndex := Value;
- with Item do
- begin
- stateMask := TVIS_OVERLAYMASK;
- hItem := ItemId;
- state := IndexToOverlayMask(OverlayIndex + 1);
- end;
- TreeView_SetItem(Handle, Item);
-function TTreeNode.CompareCount(CompareMe: Integer): Boolean;
- Count: integer;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- Count := 0;
- Result := False;
- Node := GetFirstChild;
- while Node <> nil do
- begin
- Inc(Count);
- Node := Node.GetNextChild(Node);
- if Count > CompareMe then Exit;
- end;
- if Count = CompareMe then Result := True;
-function TTreeNode.DoCanExpand(Expand: Boolean): Boolean;
- Result := False;
- if HasChildren then
- begin
- if Expand then Result := TreeView.CanExpand(Self)
- else Result := TreeView.CanCollapse(Self);
- end;
-procedure TTreeNode.DoExpand(Expand: Boolean);
- if HasChildren then
- begin
- if Expand then TreeView.Expand(Self)
- else TreeView.Collapse(Self);
- end;
-procedure TTreeNode.Collapse(Recurse: Boolean);
- ExpandItem(False, Recurse);
-function TTreeNode.GetExpanded: Boolean;
- Result := GetState(nsExpanded);
-procedure TTreeNode.SetExpanded(Value: Boolean);
- if Value then Expand(False)
- else Collapse(False);
-function TTreeNode.GetSelected: Boolean;
- Result := GetState(nsSelected);
-procedure TTreeNode.SetSelected(Value: Boolean);
- if Value then TreeView_SelectItem(Handle, ItemId)
- else if Selected then TreeView_SelectItem(Handle, nil);
-function TTreeNode.GetCut: Boolean;
- Result := GetState(nsCut);
-procedure TTreeNode.SetCut(Value: Boolean);
- Item: TTVItem;
- Template: DWORD;
- if Value then Template := DWORD(-1)
- else Template := 0;
- with Item do
- begin
- mask := TVIF_STATE;
- hItem := ItemId;
- stateMask := TVIS_CUT;
- state := stateMask and Template;
- end;
- TreeView_SetItem(Handle, Item);
-function TTreeNode.GetDropTarget: Boolean;
- Result := GetState(nsDropHilited);
-procedure TTreeNode.SetDropTarget(Value: Boolean);
- if Value then TreeView_SelectDropTarget(Handle, ItemId)
- else if DropTarget then TreeView_SelectDropTarget(Handle, nil);
-function TTreeNode.GetChildren: Boolean;
- Item: TTVItem;
- Item.mask := TVIF_CHILDREN;
- Item.hItem := ItemId;
- if TreeView_GetItem(Handle, Item) then Result := Item.cChildren > 0
- else Result := False;
-procedure TTreeNode.SetFocused(Value: Boolean);
- Item: TTVItem;
- Template: DWORD;
- if Value then Template := DWORD(-1)
- else Template := 0;
- with Item do
- begin
- mask := TVIF_STATE;
- hItem := ItemId;
- stateMask := TVIS_FOCUSED;
- state := stateMask and Template;
- end;
- TreeView_SetItem(Handle, Item);
-function TTreeNode.GetFocused: Boolean;
- Result := GetState(nsFocused);
-procedure TTreeNode.SetChildren(Value: Boolean);
- Item: TTVItem;
- with Item do
- begin
- mask := TVIF_CHILDREN;
- hItem := ItemId;
- cChildren := Ord(Value);
- end;
- TreeView_SetItem(Handle, Item);
-function TTreeNode.GetPrevSibling: TTreeNode;
- with FOwner do
- Result := GetNode(TreeView_GetPrevSibling(Handle, ItemId));
-function TTreeNode.GetNextVisible: TTreeNode;
- if IsVisible then
- with FOwner do
- Result := GetNode(TreeView_GetNextVisible(Handle, ItemId))
- else Result := nil;
-function TTreeNode.GetPrevVisible: TTreeNode;
- with FOwner do
- Result := GetNode(TreeView_GetPrevVisible(Handle, ItemId));
-function TTreeNode.GetNextChild(Value: TTreeNode): TTreeNode;
- if Value <> nil then Result := Value.GetNextSibling
- else Result := nil;
-function TTreeNode.GetPrevChild(Value: TTreeNode): TTreeNode;
- if Value <> nil then Result := Value.GetPrevSibling
- else Result := nil;
-function TTreeNode.GetPrev: TTreeNode;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- Result := GetPrevSibling;
- if Result <> nil then
- begin
- Node := Result;
- repeat
- Result := Node;
- Node := Result.GetLastChild;
- until Node = nil;
- end else
- Result := Parent;
-function TTreeNode.GetAbsoluteIndex: Integer;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- if Owner.FNodeCache.CacheNode = Self then
- Result := Owner.FNodeCache.CacheIndex
- else begin
- Result := -1;
- Node := Self;
- while Node <> nil do
- begin
- Inc(Result);
- Node := Node.GetPrev;
- end;
- end;
-function TTreeNode.GetIndex: Integer;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- Result := -1;
- Node := Self;
- while Node <> nil do
- begin
- Inc(Result);
- Node := Node.GetPrevSibling;
- end;
-function TTreeNode.GetItem(Index: Integer): TTreeNode;
- Result := GetFirstChild;
- while (Result <> nil) and (Index > 0) do
- begin
- Result := GetNextChild(Result);
- Dec(Index);
- end;
- if Result = nil then TreeViewError(SListIndexError);
-procedure TTreeNode.SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TTreeNode);
- item[Index].Assign(Value);
-function TTreeNode.IndexOf(Value: TTreeNode): Integer;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- Result := -1;
- Node := GetFirstChild;
- while (Node <> nil) do
- begin
- Inc(Result);
- if Node = Value then Break;
- Node := GetNextChild(Node);
- end;
- if Node = nil then Result := -1;
-function TTreeNode.GetCount: Integer;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- Result := 0;
- Node := GetFirstChild;
- while Node <> nil do
- begin
- Inc(Result);
- Node := Node.GetNextChild(Node);
- end;
-procedure TTreeNode.EndEdit(Cancel: Boolean);
- TreeView_EndEditLabelNow(Handle, Cancel);
-procedure TTreeNode.InternalMove(ParentNode, Node: TTreeNode;
- HItem: HTreeItem; AddMode: TAddMode);
- I: Integer;
- NodeId: HTreeItem;
- TreeViewItem: TTVItem;
- Children: Boolean;
- IsSelected: Boolean;
- Owner.ClearCache;
- if (AddMode = taInsert) and (Node <> nil) then
- NodeId := Node.ItemId else
- NodeId := nil;
- Children := HasChildren;
- IsSelected := Selected;
- if (Parent <> nil) and (Parent.CompareCount(1)) then
- begin
- Parent.Expanded := False;
- Parent.HasChildren := False;
- end;
- with TreeViewItem do
- begin
- mask := TVIF_PARAM;
- hItem := ItemId;
- lParam := 0;
- end;
- TreeView_SetItem(Handle, TreeViewItem);
- with Owner do
- HItem := AddItem(HItem, NodeId, CreateItem(Self), AddMode);
- if HItem = nil then
- raise EOutOfResources.Create(sInsertError);
- for I := Count - 1 downto 0 do
- Item[I].InternalMove(Self, nil, HItem, taAddFirst);
- TreeView_DeleteItem(Handle, ItemId);
- FItemId := HItem;
- Assign(Self);
- HasChildren := Children;
- Selected := IsSelected;
-procedure TTreeNode.MoveTo(Destination: TTreeNode; Mode: TNodeAttachMode);
- AddMode: TAddMode;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- HItem: HTreeItem;
- OldOnChanging: TTVChangingEvent;
- OldOnChange: TTVChangedEvent;
- OldOnChanging := TreeView.OnChanging;
- OldOnChange := TreeView.OnChange;
- TreeView.OnChanging := nil;
- TreeView.OnChange := nil;
- try
- if (Destination = nil) or not Destination.HasAsParent(Self) then
- begin
- AddMode := taAdd;
- if (Destination <> nil) and not (Mode in [naAddChild, naAddChildFirst]) then
- Node := Destination.Parent else
- Node := Destination;
- case Mode of
- naAdd,
- naAddChild: AddMode := taAdd;
- naAddFirst,
- naAddChildFirst: AddMode := taAddFirst;
- naInsert:
- begin
- Destination := Destination.GetPrevSibling;
- if Destination = nil then AddMode := taAddFirst
- else AddMode := taInsert;
- end;
- end;
- if Node <> nil then
- HItem := Node.ItemId else
- HItem := nil;
- if (Destination <> Self) then
- InternalMove(Node, Destination, HItem, AddMode);
- Node := Parent;
- if Node <> nil then
- begin
- Node.HasChildren := True;
- Node.Expanded := True;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- TreeView.OnChanging := OldOnChanging;
- TreeView.OnChange := OldOnChange;
- end;
-procedure TTreeNode.MakeVisible;
- TreeView_EnsureVisible(Handle, ItemId);
-function TTreeNode.GetLevel: Integer;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- Result := 0;
- Node := Parent;
- while Node <> nil do
- begin
- Inc(Result);
- Node := Node.Parent;
- end;
-function TTreeNode.IsNodeVisible: Boolean;
- Rect: TRect;
- Result := TreeView_GetItemRect(Handle, ItemId, Rect, True);
-function TTreeNode.EditText: Boolean;
- Result := TreeView_EditLabel(Handle, ItemId) <> 0;
-function TTreeNode.DisplayRect(TextOnly: Boolean): TRect;
- FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0);
- TreeView_GetItemRect(Handle, ItemId, Result, TextOnly);
-function TTreeNode.AlphaSort: Boolean;
- Result := CustomSort(nil, 0);
-function TTreeNode.CustomSort(SortProc: TTVCompare; Data: Longint): Boolean;
- SortCB: TTVSortCB;
- Owner.ClearCache;
- with SortCB do
- begin
- if not Assigned(SortProc) then lpfnCompare := @DefaultTreeViewSort
- else lpfnCompare := SortProc;
- hParent := ItemId;
- lParam := Data;
- end;
- Result := TreeView_SortChildrenCB(Handle, SortCB, 0);
-procedure TTreeNode.Delete;
- if not Deleting then Free;
-procedure TTreeNode.DeleteChildren;
- Owner.ClearCache;
- TreeView_Expand(TreeView.Handle, ItemID, TVE_COLLAPSE or TVE_COLLAPSERESET);
- HasChildren := False;
-procedure TTreeNode.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- Node: TTreeNode;
- Owner.ClearCache;
- if Source is TTreeNode then
- begin
- Node := TTreeNode(Source);
- Text := Node.Text;
- Data := Node.Data;
- ImageIndex := Node.ImageIndex;
- SelectedIndex := Node.SelectedIndex;
- StateIndex := Node.StateIndex;
- OverlayIndex := Node.OverlayIndex;
- Focused := Node.Focused;
- DropTarget := Node.DropTarget;
- Cut := Node.Cut;
- HasChildren := Node.HasChildren;
- end
- else inherited Assign(Source);
-function TTreeNode.IsEqual(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean;
- Result := (Text = Node.Text) and (Data = Node.Data);
-procedure TTreeNode.ReadData(Stream: TStream; Info: PNodeInfo);
- I, Size, ItemCount: Integer;
- Owner.ClearCache;
- Stream.ReadBuffer(Size, SizeOf(Size));
- Stream.ReadBuffer(Info^, Size);
- Text := Info^.Text;
- ImageIndex := Info^.ImageIndex;
- SelectedIndex := Info^.SelectedIndex;
- StateIndex := Info^.StateIndex;
- OverlayIndex := Info^.OverlayIndex;
- Data := Info^.Data;
- ItemCount := Info^.Count;
- for I := 0 to ItemCount - 1 do
- Owner.AddChild(Self, '').ReadData(Stream, Info);
-procedure TTreeNode.WriteData(Stream: TStream; Info: PNodeInfo);
- I, Size, L, ItemCount: Integer;
- L := Length(Text);
- if L > 255 then L := 255;
- Size := SizeOf(TNodeInfo) + L - 255;
- Info^.Text := Text;
- Info^.ImageIndex := ImageIndex;
- Info^.SelectedIndex := SelectedIndex;
- Info^.OverlayIndex := OverlayIndex;
- Info^.StateIndex := StateIndex;
- Info^.Data := Data;
- ItemCount := Count;
- Info^.Count := ItemCount;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Size, SizeOf(Size));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Info^, Size);
- for I := 0 to ItemCount - 1 do Item[I].WriteData(Stream, Info);
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TTreeNode.h b/apps/X11/VCL/TTreeNode.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d9647e..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TTreeNode.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TTREENODE_H
-#define TTREENODE_H
-#include <TPersistent.h>
-#include <gtk/gtktreeitem.h>
-#include <gtk/gtktree.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkpixmap.h>
-#include <string>
- class TTreeNodes;
- enum TNodeState {nsCut, nsDropHilited, nsFocused, nsSelected, nsExpanded};
- enum TNodeAttachMode {naAdd, naAddFirst, naAddChild, naAddChildFirst, naInsert};
- enum TAddMode {taAddFirst, taAdd, taInsert};
- typedef struct {
- int ImageIndex;
- int SelectedIndex;
- int StateIndex;
- int OverlayIndex;
- void *Data;
- int Count;
- char Text[255];
- } TNodeInfo;
-class TTreeNode: public TPersistent {
-friend class TTreeNodes;
- TTreeNodes *FOwner;
- GtkTree *subTreeOwner;
- GtkPixmap *image;
- GtkPixmap *stateImage;
- string FText;
- void *FData;
-// FStateIndex: Integer;
- int FStateIndex;
-// FImageIndex: Integer;
- int FImageIndex;
- FItemId: HTreeItem;
- FSelectedIndex: Integer;
- FOverlayIndex: Integer;
- FDeleting: Boolean;
- FInTree: Boolean;
- function CompareCount(CompareMe: Integer): Boolean;
- function DoCanExpand(Expand: Boolean): Boolean;
- procedure DoExpand(Expand: Boolean);
- function GetAbsoluteIndex: Integer;
- function GetExpanded: Boolean;
- function GetLevel: Integer;
- function GetChildren: Boolean;
- function GetCut: Boolean;
- function GetDropTarget: Boolean;
- function GetFocused: Boolean;
- function GetIndex: Integer;
- function GetItem(Index: Integer): TTreeNode;
- function GetSelected: Boolean;
- function GetState(NodeState: TNodeState): Boolean;
- function GetCount: Integer;
- function GetTreeView: TCustomTreeView;
- procedure InternalMove(ParentNode, Node: TTreeNode; HItem: HTreeItem;
- AddMode: TAddMode);
- function IsEqual(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean;
- function IsNodeVisible: Boolean;
- procedure ReadData(Stream: TStream; Info: PNodeInfo);
- procedure SetChildren(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetCut(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetDropTarget(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TTreeNode);
- procedure SetExpanded(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetFocused(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetOverlayIndex(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetSelectedIndex(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetSelected(Value: Boolean);
- procedure WriteData(Stream: TStream; Info: PNodeInfo);
-// procedure ExpandItem(Expand: Boolean; Recurse: Boolean);
- void ExpandItem(bool Expand, bool Recurse);
-// procedure SetData(Value: Pointer);
- void SetData(void *);
- void *getData() { return FData; }
-// procedure SetText(const S: string);
- void SetText(string S);
- string getText() { return FText; }
-// function GetParent: TTreeNode;
- TTreeNode *GetParent();
-// procedure SetStateIndex(Value: Integer);
- void SetStateIndex(int val);
- int getStateIndex() { return FStateIndex; }
-// procedure SetImageIndex(Value: Integer);
- void SetImageIndex(int val);
- int getImageIndex() { return FImageIndex; }
- public:
- GtkTreeItem *nativeControl;
- TTreeNode(TTreeNodes *AOwner);
- TTreeNode(const TTreeNode &other); // copy constructor;
- TTreeNode(TTreeNodes *AOwner, GtkTree *subTreeOwner, GtkTreeItem *nativeControl, string FText, void *Ptr = 0);
- ~TTreeNode();
- TTreeNode *getNextSibling();
-// function getFirstChild: TTreeNode;
- TTreeNode *getFirstChild();
-// function GetNext: TTreeNode;
- TTreeNode *GetNext();
-// property Text: string read FText write SetText;
- property <TTreeNode, string> Text;
-// property StateIndex: Integer read FStateIndex write SetStateIndex;
- property <TTreeNode, int> StateIndex;
-// property ImageIndex: Integer read FImageIndex write SetImageIndex;
- property <TTreeNode, int> ImageIndex;
-// property Data: Pointer read FData write SetData;
- property <TTreeNode, void *> Data;
-// property Parent: TTreeNode read GetParent;
- property <TTreeNode, TTreeNode *> Parent;
-// procedure Expand(Recurse: Boolean);
- void Expand(bool Recurse);
-// procedure MakeVisible;
- void MakeVisible();
- function AlphaSort: Boolean;
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
- procedure Collapse(Recurse: Boolean);
- function CustomSort(SortProc: TTVCompare; Data: Longint): Boolean;
- procedure Delete;
- procedure DeleteChildren;
- function DisplayRect(TextOnly: Boolean): TRect;
- function EditText: Boolean;
- procedure EndEdit(Cancel: Boolean);
- function GetHandle: HWND;
- function GetLastChild: TTreeNode;
- function GetNextChild(Value: TTreeNode): TTreeNode;
- function GetNextVisible: TTreeNode;
- function GetPrev: TTreeNode;
- function GetPrevChild(Value: TTreeNode): TTreeNode;
- function getPrevSibling: TTreeNode;
- function GetPrevVisible: TTreeNode;
- function HasAsParent(Value: TTreeNode): Boolean;
- function IndexOf(Value: TTreeNode): Integer;
- procedure MoveTo(Destination: TTreeNode; Mode: TNodeAttachMode); virtual;
- property AbsoluteIndex: Integer read GetAbsoluteIndex;
- property Count: Integer read GetCount;
- property Cut: Boolean read GetCut write SetCut;
- property Deleting: Boolean read FDeleting;
- property Focused: Boolean read GetFocused write SetFocused;
- property DropTarget: Boolean read GetDropTarget write SetDropTarget;
- property Selected: Boolean read GetSelected write SetSelected;
- property Expanded: Boolean read GetExpanded write SetExpanded;
- property Handle: HWND read GetHandle;
- property HasChildren: Boolean read GetChildren write SetChildren;
- property Index: Integer read GetIndex;
- property IsVisible: Boolean read IsNodeVisible;
- property Item[Index: Integer]: TTreeNode read GetItem write SetItem; default;
- property ItemId: HTreeItem read FItemId;
- property Level: Integer read GetLevel;
- property OverlayIndex: Integer read FOverlayIndex write SetOverlayIndex;
- property Owner: TTreeNodes read FOwner;
- property SelectedIndex: Integer read FSelectedIndex write SetSelectedIndex;
- property TreeView: TCustomTreeView read GetTreeView;
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TTreeNodes.cpp b/apps/X11/VCL/TTreeNodes.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 77657e6..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TTreeNodes.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-#include <TTreeNodes.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkhbox.h>
-#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-TTreeNodes::TTreeNodes(TCustomTreeView *AOwner) {
- FOwner = AOwner;
-TTreeNodes::~TTreeNodes() {
-procedure TTreeNodes.Clear;
- ClearCache;
- if Owner.HandleAllocated then
- TreeView_DeleteAllItems(Handle);
-void TTreeNodes::Clear() {
- gtk_tree_remove_items(GTK_TREE(FOwner->nativeControl), GTK_TREE(FOwner->nativeControl)->children);
- nodeCache.erase(nodeCache.begin(), nodeCache.end());
-function TTreeNodes.GetFirstNode: TTreeNode;
- Result := GetNode(TreeView_GetRoot(Handle));
-TTreeNode *TTreeNodes::GetFirstNode() {
- GList *first = g_list_first(GTK_TREE(FOwner->nativeControl)->children);
- return (first) ? GetNode(GTK_TREE_ITEM(first->data)) : 0;
-function TTreeNodes.GetNode(ItemId: HTreeItem): TTreeNode;
- Item: TTVItem;
- with Item do
- begin
- hItem := ItemId;
- mask := TVIF_PARAM;
- end;
- if TreeView_GetItem(Handle, Item) then Result := TTreeNode(Item.lParam)
- else Result := nil;
-TTreeNode *TTreeNodes::GetNode(GtkTreeItem *subElement) {
- TTreeNodeMap::iterator node;
- node = nodeCache.find(subElement);
- if (node != nodeCache.end())
- return &(node->second);
- else return 0;
-GtkTreeItem *TTreeNodes::GetParentNode(GtkTreeItem *root, GtkTreeItem *subElement) {
- GtkWidget *subtree = root->subtree;
- if (subtree) {
- for (GList *nodes = GTK_TREE(subtree)->children; nodes; nodes = g_list_next(nodes)) {
- if (nodes->data == subElement)
- return root;
- GtkTreeItem *ret = GetParentNode(GTK_TREE_ITEM(nodes->data), subElement);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-TTreeNode *TTreeNodes::GetParentNode(TTreeNode *target) {
- for (GList *nodes = g_list_first(GTK_TREE(FOwner->nativeControl)->children); nodes; nodes = g_list_next(nodes)) {
- if (nodes->data == target->nativeControl)
- return 0; // top level; no parent
- GtkTreeItem *ret = GetParentNode(GTK_TREE_ITEM(nodes->data), target->nativeControl);
- if (ret)
- return GetNode(ret);
- }
- return 0;
-function TTreeNodes.AddChildFirst(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string): TTreeNode;
- Result := AddChildObjectFirst(Node, S, nil);
-GtkTree *TTreeNodes::getSubTree(TTreeNode *node) {
- GtkWidget *subtree;
- if (!node)
- subtree = FOwner->nativeControl;
- else {
- subtree = node->nativeControl->subtree;
- if (!subtree) {
- subtree = gtk_tree_new();
- gtk_tree_set_selection_mode (GTK_TREE(subtree), GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE);
- gtk_tree_set_view_mode (GTK_TREE(subtree), GTK_TREE_VIEW_ITEM);
- gtk_tree_item_set_subtree (node->nativeControl, subtree);
- }
- }
- return GTK_TREE(subtree);
-GtkTreeItem *TTreeNodes::createTreeItem(GtkWidget *parent, const char *label) {
- GtkWidget *treeitem;
- GtkWidget *hbox1;
- GtkWidget *label1;
- GdkPixmap *pixmap;
- GdkBitmap *mask;
- GtkWidget *pixmap1;
- GtkWidget *pixmap2;
- GtkStyle *style;
- GdkWindow *window = 0;
- treeitem = gtk_tree_item_new ();
- hbox1 = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);
- gtk_widget_show (hbox1);
- gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (treeitem), hbox1);
- while ((!window) && (parent->parent)) {
- window = gtk_widget_get_parent_window(GTK_WIDGET(parent));
- parent = parent->parent;
- }
- style = gtk_widget_get_style( GTK_WIDGET(parent) );
- pixmap = gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d( window, &mask,
- &style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL],
- (gchar **)default_xpm );
- pixmap1 = gtk_pixmap_new( pixmap, mask );
- gtk_widget_hide (pixmap1);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox1), pixmap1, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
- gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (hbox1), "pixmap1", pixmap1);
- pixmap2 = gtk_pixmap_new( pixmap, mask );
- gtk_widget_hide (pixmap2);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox1), pixmap2, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
- gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (hbox1), "pixmap2", pixmap2);
- label1 = gtk_label_new (label);
- gtk_widget_ref (label1);
- gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (hbox1), "label1", label1);
- gtk_widget_show (label1);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox1), label1, FALSE, FALSE, 3);
- return GTK_TREE_ITEM(treeitem);
-TTreeNode *TTreeNodes::AddChildFirst(TTreeNode *Node, const string S) {
- GtkTree *subtree;
- GtkTreeItem *item;
- subtree = getSubTree(Node);
- item = createTreeItem(GTK_WIDGET(subtree), (const char *)S.c_str());
- gtk_tree_prepend(subtree, GTK_WIDGET(item));
- gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(item));
- nodeCache.insert(TTreeNodeMap::value_type(item, TTreeNode(this, subtree, item, S)));
- return GetNode(item);
-TTreeNode *TTreeNodes::AddChild(TTreeNode *Node, const string S) {
- GtkTree *subtree;
- GtkTreeItem *item;
- subtree = getSubTree(Node);
- item = createTreeItem(GTK_WIDGET(subtree), (const char *)S.c_str());
- gtk_tree_append(subtree, GTK_WIDGET(item));
- gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(item));
- nodeCache.insert(TTreeNodeMap::value_type(item, TTreeNode(this, subtree, item, S)));
- return GetNode(item);
-TTreeNode *TTreeNodes::AddChildObject(TTreeNode *Node, const string S, void *Ptr) {
- GtkTree *subtree;
- GtkTreeItem *item;
- subtree = getSubTree(Node);
- item = createTreeItem(GTK_WIDGET(subtree), (const char *)S.c_str());
- gtk_tree_append(subtree, GTK_WIDGET(item));
- gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(item));
- nodeCache.insert(TTreeNodeMap::value_type(item, TTreeNode(this, subtree, item, S)));
- TTreeNode *node = GetNode(item);
- if (node)
- node->Data = Ptr;
- return node;
-function TTreeNodes.AddChildObjectFirst(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string;
- Ptr: Pointer): TTreeNode;
- Result := InternalAddObject(Node, S, Ptr, taAddFirst);
-function TTreeNodes.InternalAddObject(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string;
- Ptr: Pointer; AddMode: TAddMode): TTreeNode;
- Item: HTreeItem;
- Result := Owner.CreateNode;
- try
- if Node <> nil then Item := Node.ItemId
- else Item := nil;
- Result.Data := Ptr;
- Result.Text := S;
- Item := AddItem(Item, nil, CreateItem(Result), AddMode);
- if Item = nil then
- raise EOutOfResources.Create(sInsertError);
- Result.FItemId := Item;
- AddedNode(Node);
- except
- Result.Free;
- raise;
- end;
-function TTreeNodes.AddItem(Parent, Target: HTreeItem;
- const Item: TTVItem; AddMode: TAddMode): HTreeItem;
- InsertStruct: TTVInsertStruct;
- ClearCache;
- with InsertStruct do
- begin
- hParent := Parent;
- case AddMode of
- taAddFirst:
- hInsertAfter := TVI_FIRST;
- taAdd:
- hInsertAfter := TVI_LAST;
- taInsert:
- hInsertAfter := Target;
- end;
- end;
- InsertStruct.item := Item;
- FOwner.FChangeTimer.Enabled := False;
- Result := TreeView_InsertItem(Handle, InsertStruct);
-{ TTreeNodes }
-constructor TTreeNodes.Create(AOwner: TCustomTreeView);
- inherited Create;
- FOwner := AOwner;
-destructor TTreeNodes.Destroy;
- Clear;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TTreeNodes.GetCount: Integer;
- if Owner.HandleAllocated then Result := TreeView_GetCount(Handle)
- else Result := 0;
-function TTreeNodes.GetHandle: HWND;
- Result := Owner.Handle;
-procedure TTreeNodes.Delete(Node: TTreeNode);
- if (Node.ItemId = nil) then
- Owner.Delete(Node);
- Node.Delete;
-function TTreeNodes.AddChild(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string): TTreeNode;
- Result := AddChildObject(Node, S, nil);
-function TTreeNodes.AddChildObject(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string;
- Ptr: Pointer): TTreeNode;
- Result := InternalAddObject(Node, S, Ptr, taAdd);
-function TTreeNodes.AddFirst(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string): TTreeNode;
- Result := AddObjectFirst(Node, S, nil);
-function TTreeNodes.AddObjectFirst(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string;
- Ptr: Pointer): TTreeNode;
- if Node <> nil then Node := Node.Parent;
- Result := InternalAddObject(Node, S, Ptr, taAddFirst);
-function TTreeNodes.Add(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string): TTreeNode;
- Result := AddObject(Node, S, nil);
-procedure TTreeNodes.Repaint(Node: TTreeNode);
- R: TRect;
- if FUpdateCount < 1 then
- begin
- while (Node <> nil) and not Node.IsVisible do Node := Node.Parent;
- if Node <> nil then
- begin
- R := Node.DisplayRect(False);
- InvalidateRect(Owner.Handle, @R, True);
- end;
- end;
-function TTreeNodes.AddObject(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string;
- Ptr: Pointer): TTreeNode;
- if Node <> nil then Node := Node.Parent;
- Result := InternalAddObject(Node, S, Ptr, taAdd);
-function TTreeNodes.Insert(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string): TTreeNode;
- Result := InsertObject(Node, S, nil);
-procedure TTreeNodes.AddedNode(Value: TTreeNode);
- if Value <> nil then
- begin
- Value.HasChildren := True;
- Repaint(Value);
- end;
-function TTreeNodes.InsertObject(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string;
- Ptr: Pointer): TTreeNode;
- Item, ItemId: HTreeItem;
- Parent: TTreeNode;
- AddMode: TAddMode;
- Result := Owner.CreateNode;
- try
- Item := nil;
- ItemId := nil;
- Parent := nil;
- AddMode := taInsert;
- if Node <> nil then
- begin
- Parent := Node.Parent;
- if Parent <> nil then Item := Parent.ItemId;
- Node := Node.GetPrevSibling;
- if Node <> nil then ItemId := Node.ItemId
- else AddMode := taAddFirst;
- end;
- Result.Data := Ptr;
- Result.Text := S;
- Item := AddItem(Item, ItemId, CreateItem(Result), AddMode);
- if Item = nil then
- raise EOutOfResources.Create(sInsertError);
- Result.FItemId := Item;
- AddedNode(Parent);
- except
- Result.Free;
- raise;
- end;
-function TTreeNodes.CreateItem(Node: TTreeNode): TTVItem;
- Node.FInTree := True;
- with Result do
- begin
- lParam := Longint(Node);
- iSelectedImage := I_IMAGECALLBACK;
- end;
-function TTreeNodes.GetNodeFromIndex(Index: Integer): TTreeNode;
- I: Integer;
- if Index < 0 then TreeViewError(sInvalidIndex);
- if (FNodeCache.CacheNode <> nil) and (Abs(FNodeCache.CacheIndex - Index) <= 1) then
- begin
- with FNodeCache do
- begin
- if Index = CacheIndex then Result := CacheNode
- else if Index < CacheIndex then Result := CacheNode.GetPrev
- else Result := CacheNode.GetNext;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- Result := GetFirstNode;
- I := Index;
- while (I <> 0) and (Result <> nil) do
- begin
- Result := Result.GetNext;
- Dec(I);
- end;
- end;
- if Result = nil then TreeViewError(sInvalidIndex);
- FNodeCache.CacheNode := Result;
- FNodeCache.CacheIndex := Index;
-function TTreeNodes.GetNode(ItemId: HTreeItem): TTreeNode;
- Item: TTVItem;
- with Item do
- begin
- hItem := ItemId;
- mask := TVIF_PARAM;
- end;
- if TreeView_GetItem(Handle, Item) then Result := TTreeNode(Item.lParam)
- else Result := nil;
-procedure TTreeNodes.SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TTreeNode);
- GetNodeFromIndex(Index).Assign(Value);
-procedure TTreeNodes.BeginUpdate;
- if FUpdateCount = 0 then SetUpdateState(True);
- Inc(FUpdateCount);
-procedure TTreeNodes.SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean);
- SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, Ord(not Updating), 0);
- if not Updating then Owner.Refresh;
-procedure TTreeNodes.EndUpdate;
- Dec(FUpdateCount);
- if FUpdateCount = 0 then SetUpdateState(False);
-procedure TTreeNodes.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- TreeNodes: TTreeNodes;
- MemStream: TMemoryStream;
- ClearCache;
- if Source is TTreeNodes then
- begin
- TreeNodes := TTreeNodes(Source);
- Clear;
- MemStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- TreeNodes.WriteData(MemStream);
- MemStream.Position := 0;
- ReadData(MemStream);
- finally
- MemStream.Free;
- end;
- end
- else inherited Assign(Source);
-procedure TTreeNodes.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
- function WriteNodes: Boolean;
- var
- I: Integer;
- Nodes: TTreeNodes;
- begin
- Nodes := TTreeNodes(Filer.Ancestor);
- if Nodes = nil then
- Result := Count > 0
- else if Nodes.Count <> Count then
- Result := True
- else
- begin
- Result := False;
- for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Result := not Item[I].IsEqual(Nodes[I]);
- if Result then Break;
- end
- end;
- end;
- inherited DefineProperties(Filer);
- Filer.DefineBinaryProperty('Data', ReadData, WriteData, WriteNodes);
-procedure TTreeNodes.ReadData(Stream: TStream);
- I, Count: Integer;
- NodeInfo: TNodeInfo;
- Clear;
- Stream.ReadBuffer(Count, SizeOf(Count));
- for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Add(nil, '').ReadData(Stream, @NodeInfo);
-procedure TTreeNodes.WriteData(Stream: TStream);
- I: Integer;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- NodeInfo: TNodeInfo;
- I := 0;
- Node := GetFirstNode;
- while Node <> nil do
- begin
- Inc(I);
- Node := Node.GetNextSibling;
- end;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(I, SizeOf(I));
- Node := GetFirstNode;
- while Node <> nil do
- begin
- Node.WriteData(Stream, @NodeInfo);
- Node := Node.GetNextSibling;
- end;
-procedure TTreeNodes.ClearCache;
- FNodeCache.CacheNode := nil;
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TTreeNodes.h b/apps/X11/VCL/TTreeNodes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ed28bad..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TTreeNodes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-#include <TTreeNode.h>
-#include <TCustomTreeView.h>
-#include <map>
-static char * default_xpm[] = {
-"1 1 2 1",
-" c None",
-". c #FFFFFF",
- TNodeCache = record
- CacheNode: TTreeNode;
- CacheIndex: Integer;
- end;
-typedef map <GtkTreeItem *, TTreeNode> TTreeNodeMap;
-class TTreeNodes: public TPersistent {
-friend class TTreeNode;
-// FOwner: TCustomTreeView;
- TCustomTreeView *FOwner;
- TTreeNodeMap nodeCache;
-// function GetNode(ItemId: HTreeItem): TTreeNode;
- FUpdateCount: Integer;
- FNodeCache: TNodeCache;
- procedure AddedNode(Value: TTreeNode);
- function GetHandle: HWND;
- function GetNodeFromIndex(Index: Integer): TTreeNode;
- procedure ReadData(Stream: TStream);
- procedure Repaint(Node: TTreeNode);
- procedure WriteData(Stream: TStream);
- procedure ClearCache;
- protected
- function AddItem(Parent, Target: HTreeItem; const Item: TTVItem;
- AddMode: TAddMode): HTreeItem;
- function InternalAddObject(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string;
- Ptr: Pointer; AddMode: TAddMode): TTreeNode;
- procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
- function CreateItem(Node: TTreeNode): TTVItem;
- function GetCount: Integer;
- procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TTreeNode);
- procedure SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean);
- GtkTree *getSubTree(TTreeNode *node);
- GtkTreeItem *createTreeItem(GtkWidget *parent, const char *label);
- TTreeNodes(TCustomTreeView *AOwner);
- virtual ~TTreeNodes();
-// procedure Clear;
- void Clear();
- TTreeNode *GetFirstNode();
- TTreeNode *GetNode(GtkTreeItem *subElement);
- GtkTreeItem *GetParentNode(GtkTreeItem *root, GtkTreeItem *subElement);
- TTreeNode *GetParentNode(TTreeNode *target);
- TTreeNode *AddChildFirst(TTreeNode *Node, const string S);
- TTreeNode *AddChild(TTreeNode *Node, const string S);
- TTreeNode *AddChildObject(TTreeNode *Node, const string S, void *Ptr);
- function AddChildObjectFirst(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string;
- Ptr: Pointer): TTreeNode;
- function AddFirst(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string): TTreeNode;
- function Add(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string): TTreeNode;
- function AddObjectFirst(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string;
- Ptr: Pointer): TTreeNode;
- function AddObject(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string;
- Ptr: Pointer): TTreeNode;
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
- procedure BeginUpdate;
- procedure Delete(Node: TTreeNode);
- procedure EndUpdate;
- function Insert(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string): TTreeNode;
- function InsertObject(Node: TTreeNode; const S: string;
- Ptr: Pointer): TTreeNode;
- property Count: Integer read GetCount;
- property Handle: HWND read GetHandle;
- property Item[Index: Integer]: TTreeNode read GetNodeFromIndex; default;
- property Owner: TCustomTreeView read FOwner;
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index 3d17529..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TTreeView.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <TTreeView.h>
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index af71e4e..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TTreeView.h
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@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TTREEVIEW_H
-#define TTREEVIEW_H
-#include <TCustomTreeView.h>
-class TTreeView : public TCustomTreeView {
-// property Items;
- property <TTreeView, TTreeNodes *> Items;
-// property StateImages;
- property <TTreeView, TCustomImageList *> StateImages;
-// property Images;
- property <TTreeView, TCustomImageList *> Images;
- property Align;
- property Anchors;
- property AutoExpand;
- property BiDiMode;
- property BorderStyle;
- property BorderWidth;
- property ChangeDelay;
- property Color;
- property Ctl3D;
- property Constraints;
- property DragKind;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
- property HideSelection;
- property HotTrack;
- property Indent;
- property ParentBiDiMode;
- property ParentColor default False;
- property ParentCtl3D;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ReadOnly;
- property RightClickSelect;
- property RowSelect;
- property ShowButtons;
- property ShowHint;
- property ShowLines;
- property ShowRoot;
- property SortType;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop default True;
- property ToolTips;
- property Visible;
- property OnChange;
- property OnChanging;
- property OnClick;
- property OnCollapsing;
- property OnCollapsed;
- property OnCompare;
- property OnCustomDraw;
- property OnCustomDrawItem;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDeletion;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEdited;
- property OnEditing;
- property OnEndDock;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnExpanding;
- property OnExpanded;
- property OnGetImageIndex;
- property OnGetSelectedIndex;
- property OnKeyDown;
- property OnKeyPress;
- property OnKeyUp;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnStartDock;
- property OnStartDrag;
- TTreeView(GtkWidget *parent) :
- TCustomTreeView(parent),
- Items(this, &TCustomTreeView::getItems, &TCustomTreeView::SetTreeNodes),
- StateImages(this, &TCustomTreeView::getStateImages, &TCustomTreeView::SetStateImages),
- Images(this, &TCustomTreeView::getImages, &TCustomTreeView::SetImages)
- {}
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TWinControl.cpp b/apps/X11/VCL/TWinControl.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 79edfe8..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TWinControl.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#include <TWinControl.h>
-extern "C" {
-#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>
-TWinControl::TWinControl(TComponent *AOwner) : TControl(AOwner) {
-TWinControl::TWinControl(GtkWidget *ParentWindow) : TControl(0) {
-TWinControl::~TWinControl() {
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/TWinControl.h b/apps/X11/VCL/TWinControl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b16e1b2..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/TWinControl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-#include <TControl.h>
-extern "C" {
-#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>
-class TWinControl : public TControl {
- FAlignLevel: Word;
- FBevelEdges: TBevelEdges;
- FBevelInner: TBevelCut;
- FBevelOuter: TBevelCut;
- FBevelKind: TBevelKind;
- FBevelWidth: TBevelWidth;
- FBorderWidth: TBorderWidth;
- FBrush: TBrush;
- FControls: TList;
- FCtl3D: Boolean;
- FDefWndProc: Pointer;
- FDockClients: TList;
- FDockSite: Boolean;
- FDockManager: IDockManager;
- FHandle: HWnd;
- FHelpContext: THelpContext;
- FImeMode: TImeMode;
- FImeName: TImeName;
- FLastClientWidth: Integer;
- FLastClientHeight: Integer;
- FLastResize: TPoint;
- FObjectInstance: Pointer;
- FParentCtl3D: Boolean;
- FParentWindow: HWnd;
- FShowing: Boolean;
- FTabList: TList;
- FTabOrder: Integer;
- FTabStop: Boolean;
- FWheelAccumulator: Integer;
- FUseDockManager: Boolean;
- FWinControls: TList;
- FOnDockDrop: TDockDropEvent;
- FOnDockOver: TDockOverEvent;
- FOnEnter: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnExit: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnGetSiteInfo: TGetSiteInfoEvent;
- FOnKeyDown: TKeyEvent;
- FOnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent;
- FOnKeyUp: TKeyEvent;
- FOnMouseWheel: TMouseWheelEvent;
- FOnMouseWheelDown: TMouseWheelUpDownEvent;
- FOnMouseWheelUp: TMouseWheelUpDownEvent;
- FOnUnDock: TUnDockEvent;
- procedure AlignControl(AControl: TControl);
- procedure CalcConstraints(var MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth,
- MaxHeight: Integer);
- function GetControl(Index: Integer): TControl;
- function GetControlCount: Integer;
- function GetDockClientCount: Integer;
- function GetDockClients(Index: Integer): TControl;
- function GetHandle: HWnd;
- function GetTabOrder: TTabOrder;
- procedure Insert(AControl: TControl);
- procedure InvalidateFrame;
- function IsCtl3DStored: Boolean;
- function IsHelpContextStored: Boolean;
- function PrecedingWindow(Control: TWinControl): HWnd;
- procedure Remove(AControl: TControl);
- procedure RemoveFocus(Removing: Boolean);
- procedure SetBevelCut(Index: Integer; const Value: TBevelCut);
- procedure SetBevelEdges(const Value: TBevelEdges);
- procedure SetBevelKind(const Value: TBevelKind);
- procedure SetBevelWidth(const Value: TBevelWidth);
- procedure SetBorderWidth(Value: TBorderWidth);
- procedure SetCtl3D(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetDockSite(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetParentCtl3D(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetParentWindow(Value: HWnd);
- procedure SetTabOrder(Value: TTabOrder);
- procedure SetTabStop(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetUseDockManager(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetZOrderPosition(Position: Integer);
- procedure UpdateLastResize(NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer); override;
- procedure UpdateTabOrder(Value: TTabOrder);
- procedure UpdateBounds;
- procedure UpdateShowing;
- function IsMenuKey(var Message: TWMKey): Boolean;
- procedure WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;
- procedure WMCommand(var Message: TWMCommand); message WM_COMMAND;
- procedure WMNotify(var Message: TWMNotify); message WM_NOTIFY;
- procedure WMSysColorChange(var Message: TWMSysColorChange); message WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE;
- procedure WMHScroll(var Message: TWMHScroll); message WM_HSCROLL;
- procedure WMVScroll(var Message: TWMVScroll); message WM_VSCROLL;
- procedure WMCompareItem(var Message: TWMCompareItem); message WM_COMPAREITEM;
- procedure WMDeleteItem(var Message: TWMDeleteItem); message WM_DELETEITEM;
- procedure WMDrawItem(var Message: TWMDrawItem); message WM_DRAWITEM;
- procedure WMMeasureItem(var Message: TWMMeasureItem); message WM_MEASUREITEM;
- procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var Message: TWmEraseBkgnd); message WM_ERASEBKGND;
- procedure WMWindowPosChanged(var Message: TWMWindowPosChanged); message WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED;
- procedure WMWindowPosChanging(var Message: TWMWindowPosChanging); message WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING;
- procedure WMSize(var Message: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE;
- procedure WMMove(var Message: TWMMove); message WM_MOVE;
- procedure WMSetCursor(var Message: TWMSetCursor); message WM_SETCURSOR;
- procedure WMKeyDown(var Message: TWMKeyDown); message WM_KEYDOWN;
- procedure WMSysKeyDown(var Message: TWMKeyDown); message WM_SYSKEYDOWN;
- procedure WMKeyUp(var Message: TWMKeyUp); message WM_KEYUP;
- procedure WMSysKeyUp(var Message: TWMKeyUp); message WM_SYSKEYUP;
- procedure WMChar(var Message: TWMChar); message WM_CHAR;
- procedure WMSysCommand(var Message: TWMSysCommand); message WM_SYSCOMMAND;
- procedure WMCharToItem(var Message: TWMCharToItem); message WM_CHARTOITEM;
- procedure WMParentNotify(var Message: TWMParentNotify); message WM_PARENTNOTIFY;
- procedure WMVKeyToItem(var Message: TWMVKeyToItem); message WM_VKEYTOITEM;
- procedure WMDestroy(var Message: TWMDestroy); message WM_DESTROY;
- procedure WMNCCalcSize(var Message: TWMNCCalcSize); message WM_NCCALCSIZE;
- procedure WMNCDestroy(var Message: TWMNCDestroy); message WM_NCDESTROY;
- procedure WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest); message WM_NCHITTEST;
- procedure WMNCPaint(var Message: TMessage); message WM_NCPAINT;
- procedure WMQueryNewPalette(var Message: TMessage); message WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE;
- procedure WMPaletteChanged(var Message: TMessage); message WM_PALETTECHANGED;
- procedure WMWinIniChange(var Message: TMessage); message WM_WININICHANGE;
- procedure WMFontChange(var Message: TMessage); message WM_FONTCHANGE;
- procedure WMTimeChange(var Message: TMessage); message WM_TIMECHANGE;
- procedure WMSetFocus(var Message: TWMSetFocus); message WM_SETFOCUS;
- procedure WMKillFocus(var Message: TWMSetFocus); message WM_KILLFOCUS;
- procedure WMIMEStartComp(var Message: TMessage); message WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION;
- procedure WMIMEEndComp(var Message: TMessage); message WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION;
- procedure WMMouseWheel(var Message: TWMMouseWheel); message WM_MOUSEWHEEL;
- procedure CMChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_CHANGED;
- procedure CMChildKey(var Message: TMessage); message CM_CHILDKEY;
- procedure CMDialogKey(var Message: TCMDialogKey); message CM_DIALOGKEY;
- procedure CMDialogChar(var Message: TCMDialogChar); message CM_DIALOGCHAR;
- procedure CMFocusChanged(var Message: TCMFocusChanged); message CM_FOCUSCHANGED;
- procedure CMVisibleChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_VISIBLECHANGED;
- procedure CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_ENABLEDCHANGED;
- procedure CMColorChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_COLORCHANGED;
- procedure CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_FONTCHANGED;
- procedure CMBorderChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_BORDERCHANGED;
- procedure CMCursorChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_CURSORCHANGED;
- procedure CMCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_CTL3DCHANGED;
- procedure CMParentCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_PARENTCTL3DCHANGED;
- procedure CMShowingChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_SHOWINGCHANGED;
- procedure CMShowHintChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_SHOWHINTCHANGED;
- procedure CMEnter(var Message: TCMEnter); message CM_ENTER;
- procedure CMExit(var Message: TCMExit); message CM_EXIT;
- procedure CMDesignHitTest(var Message: TCMDesignHitTest); message CM_DESIGNHITTEST;
- procedure CMSysColorChange(var Message: TMessage); message CM_SYSCOLORCHANGE;
- procedure CMSysFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_SYSFONTCHANGED;
- procedure CMWinIniChange(var Message: TWMWinIniChange); message CM_WININICHANGE;
- procedure CMFontChange(var Message: TMessage); message CM_FONTCHANGE;
- procedure CMTimeChange(var Message: TMessage); message CM_TIMECHANGE;
- procedure CMDrag(var Message: TCMDrag); message CM_DRAG;
- procedure CNKeyDown(var Message: TWMKeyDown); message CN_KEYDOWN;
- procedure CNKeyUp(var Message: TWMKeyUp); message CN_KEYUP;
- procedure CNChar(var Message: TWMChar); message CN_CHAR;
- procedure CNSysKeyDown(var Message: TWMKeyDown); message CN_SYSKEYDOWN;
- procedure CNSysChar(var Message: TWMChar); message CN_SYSCHAR;
- procedure CMControlListChange(var Message: TMessage); message CM_CONTROLLISTCHANGE;
- procedure CMRecreateWnd(var Message: TMessage); message CM_RECREATEWND;
- procedure CMInvalidate(var Message: TMessage); message CM_INVALIDATE;
- procedure CMDockClient(var Message: TCMDockClient); message CM_DOCKCLIENT;
- procedure CMUnDockClient(var Message: TCMUnDockClient); message CM_UNDOCKCLIENT;
- procedure CMFloat(var Message: TCMFloat); message CM_FLOAT;
- procedure CMBiDiModeChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_BIDIMODECHANGED;
- procedure CMMouseWheel(var Message: TCMMouseWheel); message CM_MOUSEWHEEL;
- FDoubleBuffered: Boolean;
- FInImeComposition: Boolean;
- procedure ActionChange(Sender: TObject; CheckDefaults: Boolean); override;
- procedure AddBiDiModeExStyle(var ExStyle: DWORD);
- procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
- procedure AdjustClientRect(var Rect: TRect); virtual;
- procedure AdjustSize; override;
- procedure AlignControls(AControl: TControl; var Rect: TRect); virtual;
- function CanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean; override;
- function CanResize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean; override;
- procedure ChangeScale(M, D: Integer); override;
- procedure ConstrainedResize(var MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth,
- MaxHeight: Integer); override;
- function CreateDockManager: IDockManager; dynamic;
- procedure CreateHandle; virtual;
- procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); virtual;
- procedure CreateSubClass(var Params: TCreateParams;
- ControlClassName: PChar);
- procedure CreateWindowHandle(const Params: TCreateParams); virtual;
- procedure CreateWnd; virtual;
- procedure DestroyHandle;
- procedure DestroyWindowHandle; virtual;
- procedure DestroyWnd; virtual;
- procedure DoAddDockClient(Client: TControl; const ARect: TRect); dynamic;
- procedure DockOver(Source: TDragDockObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState;
- var Accept: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure DoDockOver(Source: TDragDockObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState;
- var Accept: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure DoEnter; dynamic;
- procedure DoExit; dynamic;
- procedure DoFlipChildren; dynamic;
- function DoKeyDown(var Message: TWMKey): Boolean;
- function DoKeyPress(var Message: TWMKey): Boolean;
- function DoKeyUp(var Message: TWMKey): Boolean;
- function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer;
- MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; dynamic;
- function DoMouseWheelDown(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; dynamic;
- function DoMouseWheelUp(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; dynamic;
- procedure DoRemoveDockClient(Client: TControl); dynamic;
- function DoUnDock(NewTarget: TWinControl; Client: TControl): Boolean; dynamic;
- function FindNextControl(CurControl: TWinControl;
- GoForward, CheckTabStop, CheckParent: Boolean): TWinControl;
- procedure FixupTabList;
- function GetActionLinkClass: TControlActionLinkClass; override;
- procedure GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent); override;
- function GetClientOrigin: TPoint; override;
- function GetClientRect: TRect; override;
- function GetControlExtents: TRect; virtual;
- function GetDeviceContext(var WindowHandle: HWnd): HDC; override;
- function GetParentHandle: HWnd;
- procedure GetSiteInfo(Client: TControl; var InfluenceRect: TRect;
- MousePos: TPoint; var CanDock: Boolean); dynamic;
- function GetTopParentHandle: HWnd;
- function IsControlMouseMsg(var Message: TWMMouse): Boolean;
- procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); dynamic;
- procedure KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); dynamic;
- procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); dynamic;
- procedure MainWndProc(var Message: TMessage);
- procedure NotifyControls(Msg: Word);
- procedure PaintControls(DC: HDC; First: TControl);
- procedure PaintHandler(var Message: TWMPaint);
- procedure PaintWindow(DC: HDC); virtual;
- function PaletteChanged(Foreground: Boolean): Boolean; override;
- procedure ReadState(Reader: TReader); override;
- procedure RecreateWnd;
- procedure ReloadDockedControl(const AControlName: string;
- var AControl: TControl); dynamic;
- procedure ResetIme;
- function ResetImeComposition(Action: DWORD): Boolean;
- procedure ScaleControls(M, D: Integer);
- procedure SelectFirst;
- procedure SelectNext(CurControl: TWinControl;
- GoForward, CheckTabStop: Boolean);
- procedure SetChildOrder(Child: TComponent; Order: Integer); override;
- procedure SetIme;
- function SetImeCompositionWindow(Font: TFont; XPos, YPos: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure SetZOrder(TopMost: Boolean); override;
- procedure ShowControl(AControl: TControl); virtual;
- procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override;
- property BevelEdges: TBevelEdges read FBevelEdges write SetBevelEdges default [beLeft, beTop, beRight, beBottom];
- property BevelInner: TBevelCut index 0 read FBevelInner write SetBevelCut default bvRaised;
- property BevelOuter: TBevelCut index 1 read FBevelOuter write SetBevelCut default bvLowered;
- property BevelKind: TBevelKind read FBevelKind write SetBevelKind default bkNone;
- property BevelWidth: TBevelWidth read FBevelWidth write SetBevelWidth default 1;
- property BorderWidth: TBorderWidth read FBorderWidth write SetBorderWidth default 0;
- property Ctl3D: Boolean read FCtl3D write SetCtl3D stored IsCtl3DStored;
- property DefWndProc: Pointer read FDefWndProc write FDefWndProc;
- property DockSite: Boolean read FDockSite write SetDockSite default False;
- property DockManager: IDockManager read FDockManager write FDockManager;
- property ImeMode: TImeMode read FImeMode write FImeMode default imDontCare;
- property ImeName: TImeName read FImeName write FImeName;
- property ParentCtl3D: Boolean read FParentCtl3D write SetParentCtl3D default True;
- property UseDockManager: Boolean read FUseDockManager write SetUseDockManager
- default False;
- property WheelAccumulator: Integer read FWheelAccumulator write FWheelAccumulator;
- property WindowHandle: HWnd read FHandle write FHandle;
- property OnDockDrop: TDockDropEvent read FOnDockDrop write FOnDockDrop;
- property OnDockOver: TDockOverEvent read FOnDockOver write FOnDockOver;
- property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent read FOnEnter write FOnEnter;
- property OnExit: TNotifyEvent read FOnExit write FOnExit;
- property OnGetSiteInfo: TGetSiteInfoEvent read FOnGetSiteInfo write FOnGetSiteInfo;
- property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent read FOnKeyDown write FOnKeyDown;
- property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent read FOnKeyPress write FOnKeyPress;
- property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent read FOnKeyUp write FOnKeyUp;
- property OnMouseWheel: TMouseWheelEvent read FOnMouseWheel write FOnMouseWheel;
- property OnMouseWheelDown: TMouseWheelUpDownEvent read FOnMouseWheelDown
- write FOnMouseWheelDown;
- property OnMouseWheelUp: TMouseWheelUpDownEvent read FOnMouseWheelUp write
- FOnMouseWheelUp;
- property OnUnDock: TUnDockEvent read FOnUnDock write FOnUnDock;
- GtkWidget *nativeControl;
- TWinControl(TComponent *AOwner);
- TWinControl(GtkWidget *ParentWindow);
- virtual ~TWinControl();
- class function CreateParentedControl(ParentWindow: HWnd): TWinControl;
- procedure Broadcast(var Message);
- function CanFocus: Boolean;
- function ContainsControl(Control: TControl): Boolean;
- function ControlAtPos(const Pos: TPoint; AllowDisabled: Boolean): TControl;
- procedure DefaultHandler(var Message); override;
- procedure DisableAlign;
- property DockClientCount: Integer read GetDockClientCount;
- property DockClients[Index: Integer]: TControl read GetDockClients;
- procedure DockDrop(Source: TDragDockObject; X, Y: Integer); dynamic;
- property DoubleBuffered: Boolean read FDoubleBuffered write FDoubleBuffered;
- procedure EnableAlign;
- function FindChildControl(const ControlName: string): TControl;
- procedure FlipChildren(AllLevels: Boolean); dynamic;
- function Focused: Boolean; dynamic;
- procedure GetTabOrderList(List: TList); dynamic;
- function HandleAllocated: Boolean;
- procedure HandleNeeded;
- procedure InsertControl(AControl: TControl);
- procedure Invalidate; override;
- procedure MouseWheelHandler(var Message: TMessage); dynamic;
- procedure PaintTo(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer);
- procedure RemoveControl(AControl: TControl);
- procedure Realign;
- procedure Repaint; override;
- procedure ScaleBy(M, D: Integer);
- procedure ScrollBy(DeltaX, DeltaY: Integer);
- procedure SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer); override;
- procedure SetFocus; virtual;
- procedure Update; override;
- procedure UpdateControlState;
- property Brush: TBrush read FBrush;
- property Controls[Index: Integer]: TControl read GetControl;
- property ControlCount: Integer read GetControlCount;
- property Handle: HWnd read GetHandle;
- property ParentWindow: HWnd read FParentWindow write SetParentWindow;
- property Showing: Boolean read FShowing;
- property TabOrder: TTabOrder read GetTabOrder write SetTabOrder default -1;
- property TabStop: Boolean read FTabStop write SetTabStop default False;
- published
- property HelpContext: THelpContext read FHelpContext write FHelpContext stored IsHelpContextStored default 0;
diff --git a/apps/X11/VCL/property b/apps/X11/VCL/property
deleted file mode 100644
index aee9eda..0000000
--- a/apps/X11/VCL/property
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PROPERTY_H
-#define PROPERTY_H
-#include <iostream>
-template<class Context, class T> struct Property_index;
-template<class Context, class T>
-class property {
- Context* view; // an Item needs to access values in its context
- T (Context::*Getter)();
- void (Context::*Setter)(T);
- T get() const { return (Getter) ? (view->*Getter)() : 0; }
- void set(T val) { if (Setter) (view->*Setter)(val); }
- property(Context* v,
- T (Context::*G)() = &Context::get,
- void (Context::*S)(T) = &Context::set)
- :view(v), Getter(G), Setter(S) { }
- operator T() const { return get(); }
- property& operator=(T val) { set(val); return *this; }
- property& operator+=(T val) { set(get() + val); return *this; }
- property& operator=(const property &other) { set(T(other)); return *this; }
- // specialized operations:
- T operator->() { return get(); }
- // string specific
- property<Property_index<Context,T>,char> operator[](int i);
- int size() { return (view->*Getter)().size(); }
-template<class Context, class T>
-struct Property_index { // inefficient
- property<Context,T>* p;
- int i;
- Property_index(property<Context,T>* pp, int ii) : p(pp), i(ii) { }
- char get() const { return p->get()[i]; }
- void set(char ch) { T v = p->get(); v[i] = ch; p->set(v); }
-template<class Context, class T>
-property<Property_index<Context,T>,char> property<Context,T>::operator[](int i)
- return property<Property_index<Context,T>,char>(new Property_index<Context,T>(this,i));
-// leaks
-template<class Context, class T>
-inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, property<Context,T> p)
- s << T(p);
-template<class Context, class T>
-inline istream& operator>>(istream& s, property<Context,T>& p)
- T t;
- s >> t;
- p = t;
-/* examples
-property<TTreeView,TTreeNodes*> Items;
-Items(this, &get, &set);