path: root/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/mainfrm.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/mainfrm.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2068 deletions
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/mainfrm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/mainfrm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f0b6e16..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/mainfrm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2068 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl\vcl.h>
-#include <vcl/clipbrd.hpp>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "mainfrm.h"
-#include "swdisprtfchap.h"
-#include "searchfrm.h"
-#include "swwinlog.h"
-#include "AboutBoxfrm.h"
-#include "ModInstForm.h"
-#include "biblecsmgr.h"
-#include "Greek2Greek.h"
-#include "bookmarkfrm.h"
-#include "optionfrm.h"
-#include "vrslstfrm.h"
-#include <utilstr.h>
-#include <filemgr.h>
-#include <localemgr.h>
-#include "editentryfrm.h"
-#include "versesel.h"
-#include "splashfrm.h"
-#include "ModVisFrm.h"
-#include "DevOfTheDay.h"
-#include "SplashPage.h"
-//#include "nsEmbedAPI.h"
-#include "sword.h"
-#ifndef USEOLDRTF
-#pragma link "RxRichEd"
-//#pragma link "MOZILLACONTROLLib_OCX"
-//#pragma link "SHDocVw_OCX"
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TForm1 *Form1;
-void __fastcall TForm1::AppMessage(tagMSG &Msg, bool &Handled)
- if (Msg.message == WM_VERSE)
- {
- HKEY hkey;
- LONG result;
- unsigned long verSize = 32;
- result = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "sword\\OpenVerse", NULL, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkey);
- result = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &verSize);
- char* verStr = new char[verSize];
- result = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, verStr, &verSize);
- result = RegCloseKey(hkey);
- result = RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "sword\\OpenVerse");
- NavigateVerseURL(verStr);
- Handled = true;
- }
-void TForm1::NavigateVerseURL (char* verStrIN)
- unsigned long verSize = strlen(verStrIN) + 1;
- char * verStr = new char[verSize];
- strcpy (verStr, verStrIN);
- char * verStr2 = new char[verSize];
- unsigned long verSize2 = 0;
- if (*(verStr + verSize - 2) == '\"') {
- *(verStr + verSize - 2) = 0;
- }
- verSize = 0;
- if (strstr(verStr, "libronix")) {
- char* bib = strstr(verStr, "bible:");
- if (bib) {
- verSize = 6 + (unsigned long)(bib - verStr);
- }
- }
- else if (strstr(verStr, "sword://")) {
- verSize = 9;
- }
- else if (*verStr == '\"') {
- verSize = 1;
- }
- while (verStr[verSize] != 0) {
- verStr2[verSize2] = verStr[verSize];
- verSize++;
- verSize2++;
- }
- verStr2[verSize2] = 0;
- char * verse = strstr(verStr2, "/");
- if (verse) {
- *verse = 0;
- verse++;
- }
- else {
- verse = verStr2;
- verStr2 = 0;
- }
- freeHandLookup->Text = verse;
- freeHandLookupoldKeyPress(0, '\r');
- delete [] verStr;
- delete [] verStr2;
-__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
- optionsconf = new SWConfig("./options.conf");
- Lookup->Text = "[ SWORD DDE Lookup ]";
- Search->Text = "[ SWORD DDE Search ]";
- modstates.clear();
- displays.clear();
- ctrlstates.clear();
- DefaultVSKey = 0;
- DefaultStrKey = 0;
-void __fastcall TForm1::DisplayHint(TObject* Sender)
- StatusBar1->SimpleText = GetLongHint(Application->Hint);
-__fastcall TForm1::~TForm1()
- list <SWDisplay *>::iterator it;
- int loop;
- if (mainmgr)
- delete mainmgr;
- for (it = displays.begin(); it != displays.end(); it++)
- delete *it;
- if (layoutconf)
- delete layoutconf;
- if (optionsconf)
- delete optionsconf;
- for (loop = 0; loop < 10; loop++) {
- if (ctrlstates[loop])
- delete ctrlstates[loop];
- }
- if (DefaultVSKey)
- delete DefaultVSKey;
- if (DefaultStrKey)
- delete DefaultStrKey;
- list <ModState *>::iterator mit;
- for (mit = modstates.begin(); mit != modstates.end(); mit++) {
- delete (*mit);
- }
-void TForm1::BuildRTFHeader(char *buf, char *font, int max, char *type)
- char buf1[1024], buf2[1024];
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- string value;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator entry;
- int CurrVSRed, CurrVSGreen, CurrVSBlue, BodyRed, BodyGreen, BodyBlue,
- VSNumRed, VSNumGreen, VSNumBlue;
- TColor CurrVSColor, VSNumColor, BodyColor;
- sprintf(buf1, "{\\rtf1\\ansi");
- if (font) {
- // Font Table
- // 0: Text Body
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fdecor\\fprq2 %s;}" , font);
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- // 1: Chapter Heading
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 %s;}", font);
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- // 2: Unknown
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\f2\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 %s;}", font);
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- // 3: Unknown
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\f3\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 %s;}", font);
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- // 4: Unknown
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\f4\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 %s;}", font);
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- // 7, 8: Unknown
- strcat(buf1, "{\\f7\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}{\\f8\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}}");
- }
- else {
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fdecor\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f7\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}{\\f8\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}}");
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- }
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- ConfigEntMap &section = (*sit).second;
- CurrVSColor = TColor((((entry = section.find("CurrentVSColor")) != section.end()) ? atoi((*entry).second.c_str()) : 0));
- TColorToRGB(CurrVSColor, CurrVSRed, CurrVSGreen, CurrVSBlue);
- VSNumColor = TColor((((entry = section.find("VSNumberColor")) != section.end()) ? atoi((*entry).second.c_str()) : 0));
- TColorToRGB(VSNumColor, VSNumRed, VSNumGreen, VSNumBlue);
- if(!strcmp(type, "Text")) {
- BodyColor = TColor((((entry = section.find("TextFontColor")) != section.end()) ? atoi((*entry).second.c_str()) : 0));
- TColorToRGB(BodyColor, BodyRed, BodyGreen, BodyBlue);
- }
- else if (!strcmp(type, "Comment")) {
- BodyColor = TColor((((entry = section.find("CommentFontColor")) != section.end()) ? atoi((*entry).second.c_str()) : 0));
- TColorToRGB(BodyColor, BodyRed, BodyGreen, BodyBlue);
- }
- else if(!strcmp(type, "LD")) {
- BodyColor = TColor((((entry = section.find("LDFontColor")) != section.end()) ? atoi((*entry).second.c_str()) : 0));
- TColorToRGB(BodyColor, BodyRed, BodyGreen, BodyBlue);
- }
- else {
- BodyRed = 0;
- BodyGreen = 0;
- BodyBlue = 0;
- }
- // Color Table:
- // 1: Verse Number/ Verse info
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\colortbl;\\red%d\\green%d\\blue%d;" , VSNumRed, VSNumGreen, VSNumBlue);
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- // 2: Current Verse Color
- sprintf(buf2, "\\red%d\\green%d\\blue%d;", CurrVSRed, CurrVSGreen, CurrVSBlue);
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- //3: Unknown 4: Unknown 5: Unknown 6: Unknown
- strcat(buf1, "\\red255\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;");
- // 7: Verse/Body Text Color
- sprintf(buf2, "\\red%d\\green%d\\blue%d;}",BodyRed, BodyGreen, BodyBlue);
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- }
- else {
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;\\red0\\green\\blue0;\\red0\\green\\blue0;\\red0\\green\\blue0;}");
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- }
- memset(buf, 0, max);
- strncpy(buf, buf1, max);
-char TForm1::CreateTextPane(SWModule *mod, char *font) {
- TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this);
- SWDispRTFChap *newrtf = new SWDispRTFChap(this);
- char buf[1024];
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- newtab->Caption = mod->Name();
- newtab->Hint = mod->Description();
- newtab->ParentShowHint = true;
- newtab->PageControl = PageControl1;
- newrtf->Parent = newtab;
- newrtf->Align = alClient;
- newrtf->ScrollBars = ssVertical;
- newrtf->ReadOnly = true;
- newrtf->PopupMenu = (strcmp(mod->Name(), "N27U4")) ? PopupMenu2 : PopupMenu1;
- newrtf->OnMouseDown = RTFMouseDown;
- BuildRTFHeader(buf, font, 1024, "Text");
- newrtf->RTFHeader = buf;
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- if ((*sit).second.find("AutoVSColor") != (*sit).second.end())
- newrtf->MarkCurrentVerse = (atoi((*(*sit).second.find("AutoVSColor")).second.c_str())) ? true:false;
- if ((*sit).second.find("TextBackColor") != (*sit).second.end())
- newrtf->Color = TColor((atoi((*(*sit).second.find("TextBackColor")).second.c_str())));
- if ((*sit).second.find("TextFontSize") != (*sit).second.end())
- newrtf->FontSize = ( atoi((*(*sit).second.find("TextFontSize")).second.c_str()) - 12);
- }
- SWDisplay *disp = new RTFDisp(newrtf);
- mod->Disp(disp);
- displays.insert(displays.begin(), disp);
- mod->SetKey(*DefaultVSKey);
- return 0;
-char TForm1::CreateCommentPane(SWModule *mod, char* font) {
- TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this);
- TWinControl *newrtf;
- char buf[1024];
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- if ((*mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()].find("ModDrv")).second == "HREFCom") {
-// if (mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()]["External"] == "1") {
- newrtf = new TPanel(this);
- ((TPanel *)newrtf)->Caption = "Syncronizing to External Viewer";
- SWDisplay *disp = new DispExternal();
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), disp));
- }
- else {
- // newrtf = new THTML(this->Handle);
- // newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this);
- newrtf = HTML1;
- newrtf->Visible = true;
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new HREFDisp((THTML *)newrtf)));
- // mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new RTFDisp((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)));
- }
- }
- else {
-/* IE Control
- newrtf = new TCppWebBrowser(this);
- HREFDisp *disp = new HREFDisp((TCppWebBrowser *)newrtf);
- newrtf->Visible = true;
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), disp));
- ((TCppWebBrowser *)newrtf)->OnBeforeNavigate2 = CppWebBrowser1BeforeNavigate2;
- newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this);
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- if ((*sit).second.find("CommentFontSize") != (*sit).second.end())
- ((SWDispRTF*)newrtf)->FontSize = ( atoi((*(*sit).second.find("CommentFontSize")).second.c_str()) - 12);
- }
- SWDisplay *disp = new RTFDisp((SWDispRTF *)newrtf);
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), disp));
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ScrollBars = ssVertical;
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ReadOnly = true;
- if ((*mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()].find("ModDrv")).second == "RawFiles") {
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->PopupMenu = PopupMenu3;
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ExpandNewLine = false;
- }
- else ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->PopupMenu = PopupMenu2;
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->OnMouseDown = RTFMouseDown;
- }
- newtab->Caption = mod->Name();
- newtab->Hint = mod->Description();
- newtab->ParentShowHint = true;
- newtab->PageControl = PageControl2;
- BuildRTFHeader(buf, font, 1024, "Comment");
- if ((*mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()].find("ModDrv")).second != "HREFCom") {
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->RTFHeader = buf;
- }
- newrtf->Parent = newtab;
- newrtf->Align = alClient;
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- if ((*sit).second.find("CommentBackColor") != (*sit).second.end()){
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->Color = TColor(atoi((*(*sit).second.find("CommentBackColor")).second.c_str()));
- }
- }
- mod->SetKey(*DefaultVSKey);
- return 0;
-char TForm1::CreateLDPane(SWModule *mod, char* font) {
- TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this);
- SWDispRTF *newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this);
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- char buf[1024];
- newtab->Caption = mod->Name();
- newtab->Hint = mod->Description();
- newtab->ParentShowHint = true;
- newtab->PageControl = PageControl3;
- BuildRTFHeader(buf, font, 1024, "LD");
- newrtf->RTFHeader = buf;
- newrtf->Parent = newtab;
- newrtf->Align = alClient;
- newrtf->ScrollBars = ssVertical;
- newrtf->ReadOnly = true;
- newrtf->PopupMenu = PopupMenu2;
- newrtf->OnMouseDown = RTFMouseDown;
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- if ((*sit).second.find("LDBackColor") != (*sit).second.end()){
- newrtf->Color = TColor((atoi((*(*sit).second.find("LDBackColor")).second.c_str())));
- lbDictKeys->Color = TColor((atoi((*(*sit).second.find("LDBackColor")).second.c_str())));
- }
- if ((*sit).second.find("LDFontSize") != (*sit).second.end())
- newrtf->FontSize = ( atoi((*(*sit).second.find("LDFontSize")).second.c_str()) - 12);
- if ((*sit).second.find("LDFontColor") != (*sit).second.end())
- lbDictKeys->Font->Color = TColor((atoi((*(*sit).second.find("LDFontColor")).second.c_str())));
- }
- SWDisplay *disp = new RTFDisp(newrtf);
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), disp));
- mod->SetKey(*DefaultStrKey);
- return 0;
-void TForm1::fillTreeTOC(TreeKeyIdx treeKey, TTreeView *tree, TTreeNode *parent) {
- TTreeNode *node = tree->Items->AddChildObject(parent, treeKey.getLocalName(), (void *)treeKey.getOffset());
- if (treeKey.firstChild()) {
- fillTreeTOC(treeKey, tree, node);
- treeKey.parent();
- }
- if (treeKey.nextSibling())
- fillTreeTOC(treeKey, tree, parent);
-void __fastcall TForm1::BookTOCChange(TObject* Sender, TTreeNode* Node) {
- ModMap::iterator it;
- if (mainmgr) {
- it = mainmgr->Modules.find(PageControl2->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- ((TreeKeyIdx *)(SWKey *)*(it->second))->setOffset((long)Node->Data);
- (*it).second->Display();
- if (logmodstate)
- modstates.insert(modstates.begin(), new ModState(PageControl2, PageControl2->ActivePage, (*it).second->KeyText()));
- }
- }
-char TForm1::CreateBookPane(SWModule *mod, char* font) {
- TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this);
- TWinControl *newrtf;
- char buf[1024];
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- if ((*mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()].find("ModDrv")).second == "HREFCom") {
-// if (mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()]["External"] == "1") {
- newrtf = new TPanel(this);
- ((TPanel *)newrtf)->Caption = "Syncronizing to External Viewer";
- SWDisplay *disp = new DispExternal();
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), disp));
- }
- else {
- // newrtf = new THTML(this->Handle);
- // newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this);
- newrtf = HTML1;
- newrtf->Visible = true;
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new HREFDisp((THTML *)newrtf)));
- // mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new RTFDisp((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)));
- }
- }
- else {
-/* IE Control
- newrtf = new TCppWebBrowser(this);
- HREFDisp *disp = new HREFDisp((TCppWebBrowser *)newrtf);
- newrtf->Visible = true;
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), disp));
- ((TCppWebBrowser *)newrtf)->OnBeforeNavigate2 = CppWebBrowser1BeforeNavigate2;
- newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this);
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- if ((*sit).second.find("CommentFontSize") != (*sit).second.end())
- ((SWDispRTF*)newrtf)->FontSize = ( atoi((*(*sit).second.find("CommentFontSize")).second.c_str()) - 12);
- }
- SWDisplay *disp = new RTFDisp((SWDispRTF *)newrtf);
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), disp));
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ScrollBars = ssVertical;
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ReadOnly = true;
- if ((*mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()].find("ModDrv")).second == "RawFiles") {
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->PopupMenu = PopupMenu3;
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ExpandNewLine = false;
- }
- else ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->PopupMenu = PopupMenu2;
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->OnMouseDown = RTFMouseDown;
- }
- newtab->Caption = mod->Name();
- newtab->Hint = mod->Description();
- newtab->ParentShowHint = true;
- newtab->PageControl = PageControl2;
- BuildRTFHeader(buf, font, 1024, "Comment");
- if ((*mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()].find("ModDrv")).second != "HREFCom") {
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->RTFHeader = buf;
- }
- TSplitter *splitter = new TSplitter(this);
- splitter->Parent = newtab;
- splitter->Align = alLeft;
- TTreeView *toc = new TTreeView(this);
- toc->Parent = newtab;
- toc->Align = alLeft;
- toc->OnChange = BookTOCChange;
- toc->Items->Clear();
- *mod = TOP;
- ((TreeKeyIdx *)((SWKey *)*mod))->firstChild();
- fillTreeTOC(*(TreeKeyIdx *)((SWKey *)*mod), toc, toc->Selected);
- newrtf->Parent = newtab;
- newrtf->Align = alClient;
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- if ((*sit).second.find("CommentBackColor") != (*sit).second.end()){
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->Color = TColor(atoi((*(*sit).second.find("CommentBackColor")).second.c_str()));
- }
- }
-// mod->SetKey(*DefaultVSKey);
- return 0;
-void __fastcall TForm1::PageControl1Change(TObject *Sender)
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl1);
- Form1->ActiveControl = PageControl1;
-void TForm1::RefreshActiveSheet(TPageControl *pc)
- ModMap::iterator it;
- if (mainmgr) {
- it = mainmgr->Modules.find(pc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- (*it).second->Display();
- if (logmodstate)
- modstates.insert(modstates.begin(), new ModState(pc, pc->ActivePage, (*it).second->KeyText()));
- }
- }
-void TForm1::TextKeyChanged()
- cbBook->ItemIndex = cbBook->Items->IndexOf(DefaultVSKey->books[DefaultVSKey->Testament()-1][DefaultVSKey->Book()-1].name);
- CHBox->Text = DefaultVSKey->Chapter();
- VSBox->Text = DefaultVSKey->Verse();
- freeHandLookup->Text = (const char *)*DefaultVSKey;
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl1);
- logmodstate = false; // only log state once
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl2);
- logmodstate = true;
-void __fastcall TForm1::btnLookupClick(TObject *Sender)
- if (!(StrToInt(CHBox->Text)) || (!StrToInt(VSBox->Text)))
- DefaultVSKey->AutoNormalize(0);
- if (StrToInt(CHBox->Text) < 0)
- CHBox->Text = StrToInt(CHBox->Text) + 1;
- if (StrToInt(VSBox->Text) < 0)
- VSBox->Text = StrToInt(VSBox->Text) + 1;
- (*DefaultVSKey) = (cbBook->Text + " " + CHBox->Text + ":" + VSBox->Text).c_str();
- TextKeyChanged();
- DefaultVSKey->AutoNormalize(1);
-void __fastcall TForm1::PageControl2Change(TObject *Sender)
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl2);
- Form1->ActiveControl = PageControl2;
-void __fastcall TForm1::DictKeyEditChange(TObject *Sender)
- if (DefaultStrKey) {
- if (DictKeyEdit->Modified) {
- *DefaultStrKey = DictKeyEdit->Text.c_str();
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl3);
- DictKeyEdit->Modified = false;
- FillDictKeys();
- }
- }
-void TForm1::FillDictKeys() {
- ModMap::iterator it;
- int index = 0;
- SWKey saveKey;
- if (mainmgr) {
- it = mainmgr->Modules.find(PageControl3->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- SWModule *mod = (*it).second;
- mod->KeyText(); // snap to entry
- saveKey = mod->KeyText();
- int count = lbDictKeys->Height / lbDictKeys->ItemHeight;
- lbDictKeys->Items->Clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < (count / 2); i++)
- (*mod)++;
- for (int i = 0; i < count-1; i++)
- (*mod)--;
- mod->Error();
- for (;!mod->Error() && count;count--,(*mod)++) {
- lbDictKeys->Items->Add(mod->KeyText());
- if (saveKey == mod->Key())
- index = lbDictKeys->Items->Count-1;
- }
- lbDictKeys->ItemIndex = index;
- }
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::PageControl3Change(TObject *Sender)
- *DefaultStrKey = DictKeyEdit->Text.c_str();
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl3);
- Form1->ActiveControl = PageControl3;
- FillDictKeys();
-void __fastcall TForm1::NewSearchWindow1Click(TObject *Sender)
- Form2->Show();
-void __fastcall TForm1::Exit1Click(TObject *Sender)
- Close();
-void __fastcall TForm1::About1Click(TObject *Sender)
- AboutBox->ShowModal();
-String TForm1::TrimJunk(String src) {
- bool hasDigit = false;
- bool hasAlpha = false;
- String retVal = "";
- char *ch = src.c_str();
- for (;*ch; ch++) {
- if (isdigit(*ch))
- hasDigit = true;
- if (isalpha(*ch))
- hasAlpha = true;
- }
- for (ch = src.c_str(); *ch; ch++) {
- if (hasDigit && !hasAlpha) { // number
- if (isdigit(*ch)) retVal += *ch;
- }
- else if (hasAlpha) { // alpha
- if (isalpha(*ch)) retVal += *ch;
- }
- else retVal += *ch;
- }
- return retVal;
-void __fastcall TForm1::DictionaryLookup1Click(TObject *Sender)
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- int wordstart;
- int saveSelStart = rtf->SelStart;
- String lookupKey;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator eit;
- char preChar = 0;
- if (!rtf->SelLength) {
-#ifndef USEOLDRTF
- lookupKey = TrimJunk(rtf->WordAtCursor());
- while (wordstart = rtf->SelStart;((wordstart > -1)&&(isdigit(ch)||isalpha(ch))); wordstart--);
- rtf->SelStart = (wordstart > -1) ? wordstart: 0;
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart + 1; (wordstart < rtf->Text.Length())&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart++);
- rtf->SelLength = ((wordstart < rtf->Text.Length()) ? wordstart : rtf->Text.Length()) - rtf->SelStart - 1;
- preChar = rtf->Text[(rtf->SelStart)?rtf->SelStart:0];
- lookupKey = Trim(rtf->SelText);
- rtf->SelStart = saveSelStart;
- rtf->SelLength = 0;
- }
- else {
- preChar = rtf->Text[(rtf->SelStart)?rtf->SelStart:0];
- lookupKey = Trim(rtf->SelText);
- }
- // check if all digits (strongs)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < strlen(lookupKey.c_str()); i++) {
- if (!isdigit(lookupKey.c_str()[i]))
- break;
- }
- if ((i == strlen(lookupKey.c_str())) && (i)) {
- String curLex = PageControl3->ActivePage->Caption;
- String feature = (DefaultVSKey->Testament() == 1)?"Hebrew":"Greek";
- feature += (preChar == '(')?"Parse":"Def";
- if (!hasFeature(mainmgr, curLex.c_str(), feature.c_str())) {
- string tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find(feature.c_str())) != optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"";
- for (int i = 0; i < PageControl3->PageCount; i++) {
- if (!stricmp(PageControl3->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str(), tmpval.c_str())) {
- PageControl3->ActivePageIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- DictKeyEdit->Text = lookupKey;
-void __fastcall TForm1::verseLookupClick(TObject *Sender)
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- int wordstart;
- int saveSelStart = rtf->SelStart;
- if (!rtf->SelLength) {
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart; (wordstart > -1)&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart--);
- rtf->SelStart = (wordstart > -1) ? wordstart: 0;
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart + 1; (wordstart < rtf->Text.Length())&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart++);
- rtf->SelLength = ((wordstart < rtf->Text.Length()) ? wordstart : rtf->Text.Length()) - rtf->SelStart - 1;
- freeHandLookup->Text = Trim(rtf->SelText);
- rtf->SelStart = saveSelStart;
- rtf->SelLength = 0;
- }
- else freeHandLookup->Text = Trim(rtf->SelText);
- char ret = '\r';
- freeHandLookupoldKeyPress(Sender, ret);
-void __fastcall TForm1::SaveLayout1Click(TObject *Sender)
- ConfigEntMap sit;
- sit = layoutconf->Sections["Screen"];
- if(Form1->WindowState == wsMaximized) {
- sit.erase("Maximized"); sit.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("Maximized", "true"));
- }
- else {
- sit.erase("Maximized"); sit.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("Maximized", "false"));
- sit.erase("MainTop"); sit.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("MainTop", IntToStr(Form1->Top).c_str()));
- sit.erase("MainLeft"); sit.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("MainLeft", IntToStr(Form1->Left).c_str()));
- sit.erase("MainHeight"); sit.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("MainHeight", IntToStr(Form1->Height).c_str()));
- sit.erase("MainWidth"); sit.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("MainWidth", IntToStr(Form1->Width).c_str()));
- }
- sit.erase("TextComHeight"); sit.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("TextComHeight", IntToStr(pnlTextCom->Height).c_str()));
- sit.erase("TextWidth"); sit.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("TextWidth", IntToStr(pnlText->Width).c_str()));
- sit.erase("SearchTop"); sit.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("SearchTop", IntToStr(Form2->Top).c_str()));
- sit.erase("SearchLeft"); sit.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("SearchLeft", IntToStr(Form2->Left).c_str()));
- sit.erase("SearchWidth"); sit.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("SearchWidth", IntToStr(Form2->Width).c_str()));
- sit.erase("SearchHeight"); sit.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("SearchHeight", IntToStr(Form2->Height).c_str()));
- layoutconf->Sections["Screen"] = sit;
- layoutconf->Save();
-void TForm1::fillVKeySelector(VerseKey *vk) {
- VerseKey *myVk = (VerseKey *)vk->clone();
- myVk->Error(); //clear error
- (*myVk) = TOP;
- cbBook->Clear();
- while (!myVk->Error()) {
- AnsiString s1 = (const char *)(*myVk);
- s1.SetLength(s1.Length() - 4);
- cbBook->Items->Add(s1);
- myVk->Book(myVk->Book() + 1);
- }
- delete myVk;
-void __fastcall TForm1::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
- ModMap::iterator it;
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator eit, eitend;
- AnsiString s1;
- char textFont[128];
- char commentFont[128];
- char LDFont[128];
- char tempFont[128];
- int loop;
- int maxFiles;
- TColor fieldColor;
- string tmpval;
- bool showDevos;
- bool showGlos;
- bool showDevOfDay = false;
- showLocked = true;
- for (int i=0;i<=ParamCount();i++) {
- if (LowerCase(ParamStr(i)) == "-noLocked")
- showLocked = false;
- }
- logmodstate = true;
- freshdict = true;
- if (SWLog::systemlog)
- delete SWLog::systemlog;
- SWLog::systemlog = new SWWinLog(this->Handle); // set the system logger to our MSWindows specific SWLog class
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["System"].find("MaxFiles")) != optionsconf->Sections["System"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"";
- if ((maxFiles = atoi(tmpval.c_str()))) {
- FileMgr::systemFileMgr.maxFiles = maxFiles;
- }
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["Hints"].find("On")) != optionsconf->Sections["Hints"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"1";
- if (atoi(tmpval.c_str()))
- Form1->ShowHint = true;
- else Form1->ShowHint = false;
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["General"].find("DevsAsDicts")) != optionsconf->Sections["General"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"";
- showDevos = (!stricmp(tmpval.c_str(), "true"));
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["General"].find("GlosAsDicts")) != optionsconf->Sections["General"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"";
- showGlos = !(!stricmp(tmpval.c_str(), "false"));
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"].find("locale")) != optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"en_us";
- LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.setDefaultLocaleName(tmpval.c_str());
- DefaultVSKey = new VerseKey();
- DefaultStrKey = new StrKey();
-// DefaultVSKey->setLocale(tmpval.c_str());
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"].find("TextFontName")) != optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"Times New Roman";
- strcpy(tempFont, tmpval.c_str()); // Temporary holding place for text font
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"].find("CommentFontName")) != optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"Times New Roman";
- strcpy(commentFont, tmpval.c_str());
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"].find("LDFontName")) != optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"Times New Roman";
- strcpy(LDFont, tmpval.c_str());
- fillVKeySelector(DefaultVSKey);
- cbBook->ItemIndex = cbBook->Items->IndexOf("James");
- DefaultVSKey->Persist(1); // when set to a module, make the module hold on to this actual key and not a copy
- *DefaultVSKey = "James 1:19"; // set to our standard starting verse
- DefaultStrKey->Persist(1);
- *DefaultStrKey = "";
- mainmgr = new BibleCSMGR(ModInstFrm);
- // Load devotion and show form
- String devoKey = TDateTime::CurrentDate().FormatString("mm.dd");
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("DailyDevotion")) != optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"";
- if ((it = mainmgr->Modules.find(tmpval)) != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- it->second->SetKey(devoKey.c_str());
- DevOfTheDay2->RichTip->Text = it->second->StripText();
- }
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["General"].find("TipOfTheDay")) != optionsconf->Sections["General"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"";
- if (!stricmp(tmpval.c_str(), "Devotional")) {
- DevOfTheDay2->ckShowTip->Checked = true;
- showDevOfDay = true;
- }
- // If no devotional text is shown then a general how-to is diplayed.
- if(DevOfTheDay2->RichTip->Text == "")
- DevOfTheDay2->RichTip->Text = "A Daily Devotional is not installed or is not configured for use with the \"Devotional of the Day.\n\nTo configure an installed devotional for use with this dialog box open the Preferences dialog box by going to the \"File\" menu and selecting \"Preferences...\"; then click the \"Special Modules\" tab. Find the \"Default Devotional\" option and select a devotional to use from the list. If nothing shows up in the pull-down list you will need to install a devotional. This can be done by using the Install Manager. Some examples of devotionals are \"Spurgeon's Morning and Evening\" or \"Jonathan Bagster's Daily Light\".\n\nVisit our website at for more information.";
- for (it = mainmgr->Modules.begin(); it != mainmgr->Modules.end(); it++) {
- bool devotional = false;
- bool glossary = false;
- // leave out enciphered texts with no key
- if ((sit = mainmgr->config->Sections.find((*it).second->Name())) != mainmgr->config->Sections.end()) {
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("CipherKey")) != (*sit).second.end()) {
- const char *cipherKey = (char *)(*eit).second.c_str();
- if (strlen(cipherKey) < 1)
- continue;
- }
- for (eit = (*sit).second.lower_bound("Feature"), eitend = (*sit).second.upper_bound("Feature"); eit != eitend; eit++) {
- const char *feature = eit->second.c_str();
- if (!stricmp(feature, "StrongsNumbers"))
- Optionsfrm->strongsNumsCB->Items->AddObject(it->second->Description(), (TObject *)it->second->Name());
- if (!stricmp(feature, "GreekDef"))
- Optionsfrm->greekDefCB->Items->AddObject(it->second->Description(), (TObject *)it->second->Name());
- if (!stricmp(feature, "GreekParse"))
- Optionsfrm->greekParseCB->Items->AddObject(it->second->Description(), (TObject *)it->second->Name());
- if (!stricmp(feature, "HebrewDef"))
- Optionsfrm->hebrewDefCB->Items->AddObject(it->second->Description(), (TObject *)it->second->Name());
- if (!stricmp(feature, "HebrewParse"))
- Optionsfrm->hebrewParseCB->Items->AddObject(it->second->Description(), (TObject *)it->second->Name());
- if (!stricmp(feature, "DailyDevotion")) {
- Optionsfrm->dailyDefaultCB->Items->AddObject(it->second->Description(), (TObject *)it->second->Name());
- devotional = true;
- }
- if (!stricmp(feature, "Glossary")) {
- glossary = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), "Biblical Texts")) {
- strcpy(textFont, tempFont);
- if ((sit = mainmgr->config->Sections.find((*it).second->Name())) != mainmgr->config->Sections.end()) {
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("Font")) != (*sit).second.end()) {
- strcpy(textFont,(char *)(*eit).second.c_str());
- }
- }
- CreateTextPane((*it).second, textFont);
- }
- if (!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), "Commentaries")) {
- strcpy(commentFont, tempFont);
- if ((sit = mainmgr->config->Sections.find((*it).second->Name())) != mainmgr->config->Sections.end()) {
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("Font")) != (*sit).second.end()) {
- strcpy(commentFont,(char *)(*eit).second.c_str());
- }
- }
- CreateCommentPane((*it).second, commentFont);
- }
- if (!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), "Generic Books")) {
- strcpy(commentFont, tempFont);
- if ((sit = mainmgr->config->Sections.find((*it).second->Name())) != mainmgr->config->Sections.end()) {
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("Font")) != (*sit).second.end()) {
- strcpy(commentFont,(char *)(*eit).second.c_str());
- }
- }
- CreateBookPane((*it).second, commentFont);
- }
- if (!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), "Lexicons / Dictionaries")) {
- strcpy(LDFont, tempFont);
- if ((sit = mainmgr->config->Sections.find((*it).second->Name())) != mainmgr->config->Sections.end()) {
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("Font")) != (*sit).second.end()) {
- strcpy(LDFont,(char *)(*eit).second.c_str());
- }
- }
- if ((!devotional && !glossary) ||
- (showDevos && devotional) ||
- (showGlos && glossary))
- CreateLDPane((*it).second, LDFont);
- }
- }
- layoutconf = new SWConfig("./layout.conf");
- if ((sit = layoutconf->Sections.find("Screen")) != layoutconf->Sections.end()) {
- eit = (*sit).second.find("Maximized");
- string a;
- a = (*eit).second.c_str();
- if(a == "true") {
- Form1->WindowState = wsMaximized;
- }
- else{
- Form1->WindowState = wsNormal;
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("MainTop")) != (*sit).second.end())
- Form1->Top = atoi((*eit).second.c_str());
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("MainLeft")) != (*sit).second.end())
- Form1->Left = atoi((*eit).second.c_str());
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("MainHeight")) != (*sit).second.end())
- Form1->Height = atoi((*eit).second.c_str());
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("MainWidth")) != (*sit).second.end())
- Form1->Width = atoi((*eit).second.c_str());
- }
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("TextComHeight")) != (*sit).second.end())
- pnlTextCom->Height = atoi((*eit).second.c_str());
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("TextWidth")) != (*sit).second.end())
- pnlText->Width = atoi((*eit).second.c_str());
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("SearchTop")) != (*sit).second.end()){
- Form2->Top = atoi((*eit).second.c_str());
- Form2->Position = poDesigned;
- }
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("SearchLeft")) != (*sit).second.end())
- Form2->Left = atoi((*eit).second.c_str());
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("SearchHeight")) != (*sit).second.end())
- Form2->Height = atoi((*eit).second.c_str());
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("SearchWidth")) != (*sit).second.end())
- Form2->Width = atoi((*eit).second.c_str());
- }
- for (loop = 0; loop < 10; loop++)
- ctrlstates.insert(ctrlstates.begin(), 0);
- Graphics::TBitmap *bitmap = BackBtnImage->Picture->Bitmap;
- TColor transColor = bitmap->Canvas->Pixels[0][0];
- ImageList1->AddMasked(bitmap, transColor);
- bitmap = SearchBtnImage->Picture->Bitmap;
- transColor = bitmap->Canvas->Pixels[0][0];
- ImageList1->AddMasked(bitmap, transColor);
- bitmap = BookmarkBtnImage->Picture->Bitmap;
- transColor = bitmap->Canvas->Pixels[0][0];
- ImageList2->AddMasked(bitmap, transColor);
- // Add options to Options Main Menu choice
- OptionsList options = mainmgr->getGlobalOptions();
- for (OptionsList::iterator it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); it++) {
- TMenuItem *newitem = new TMenuItem(MainMenu1);
- newitem->Caption = (*it).c_str();
- newitem->Default = false;
- newitem->OnClick = OptionShowVals;
- newitem->Hint = mainmgr->getGlobalOptionTip((*it).c_str());
- OptionsList values = mainmgr->getGlobalOptionValues((*it).c_str());
- for (OptionsList::iterator it2 = values.begin(); it2 != values.end(); it2++) {
- TMenuItem *newitem2 = new TMenuItem(MainMenu1);
- newitem2->Caption = (*it2).c_str();
- newitem2->Default = false;
- newitem2->OnClick = GlobalOptionChange;
- newitem->Add(newitem2);
- }
-// Mainmenu->Items->Add(newitem);
- Options2->Add(newitem);
- }
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()){
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("FieldColor")) != (*sit).second.end())
- fieldColor = TColor(atoi((*eit).second.c_str()));
- else fieldColor = clAqua;
- }
- cbBook->Color = fieldColor;
- CHBox->Color = fieldColor;
- VSBox->Color = fieldColor;
- freeHandLookup->Color = fieldColor;
- DictKeyEdit->Color = fieldColor;
- if ((sit = layoutconf->Sections.find("History")) != layoutconf->Sections.end()) {
- eitend = (*sit).second.upper_bound("SearchText");
- for (eit = (*sit).second.lower_bound("SearchText"); eit != eitend; eit++)
- Form2->SearchText->Items->Add(eit->second.c_str());
- eitend = (*sit).second.upper_bound("LookupText");
- for (eit = (*sit).second.lower_bound("LookupText"); eit != eitend; eit++)
- freeHandLookup->Items->Add(eit->second.c_str());
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("LastTextModule")) != (*sit).second.end()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < PageControl1->PageCount; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(PageControl1->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str(), (*eit).second.c_str())) {
- PageControl1->ActivePageIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("LastComModule")) != (*sit).second.end()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < PageControl2->PageCount; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(PageControl2->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str(), (*eit).second.c_str())) {
- PageControl2->ActivePageIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (this->Tag) {
- NavigateVerseURL((char*)(this->Tag));
- }
- else if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("LastVerse")) != (*sit).second.end()) {
- freeHandLookup->Text = (*eit).second.c_str();
- char ret = '\r';
- freeHandLookupoldKeyPress(0, ret);
- }
- }
- ConfigEntMap *section;
- TPageControl *pc = 0;
- for (int pcs = 0; pcs < 3; pcs++) {
- switch (pcs) {
- case 0:
- pc = PageControl1;
- section = &(*layoutconf)["TextView"];
- break;
- case 1:
- pc = PageControl2;
- section = &(*layoutconf)["CommentView"];
- break;
- case 2:
- pc = PageControl3;
- section = &(*layoutconf)["LDView"];
- break;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < pc->PageCount; i++) {
- string heading = pc->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str();
- pc->Pages[i]->TabVisible = !((*section)[heading.c_str()] == "false"); // !false allows default to be true
- }
- }
- SplashPg->Hide();
- if(showDevOfDay){
- DevOfTheDay2->Show();
- }
-bool TForm1::hasFeature(SWMgr *mgr, const char *modName, const char *feature) {
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator eit, eitend;
- if ((sit = mgr->config->Sections.find(modName)) != mgr->config->Sections.end()) {
- for (eit = (*sit).second.lower_bound("Feature"), eitend = (*sit).second.upper_bound("Feature"); eit != eitend; eit++) {
- const char *tfeature = eit->second.c_str();
- if (!stricmp(tfeature, feature))
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-void __fastcall TForm1::LookupPokeData(TObject *Sender)
- char buf[255];
- char *token;
- ModMap::iterator it;
- strncpy(buf, Lookup->Text.c_str(), 254);
- buf[254] = 0;
- token = strtok(buf, " ");
- if ((it = mainmgr->Modules.find(token)) != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- token = strtok(NULL, "");
- (*it).second->SetKey(token);
- Lookup->Text = (const char *)(*(*it).second);
- }
- else Lookup->Text = "";
-void __fastcall TForm1::SearchPokeData(TObject *Sender)
- char buf[255];
- char *token;
- ModMap::iterator it;
- AnsiString retval = "";
- strncpy(buf, Search->Text.c_str(), 254);
- buf[254] = 0;
- token = strtok(buf, " ");
- if ((it = mainmgr->Modules.find(token)) != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- token = strtok(NULL, "");
- ListKey &results = (*it).second->Search(token, REG_ICASE);
- while (!results.Error()) {
- retval = retval + (const char *)results + "; ";
- results++;
- }
- Search->Text = retval;
- }
- else Search->Text = "";
-void __fastcall TForm1::UpDown3Click(TObject *Sender, TUDBtnType Button)
- ModMap::iterator it;
- it = mainmgr->Modules.find(PageControl3->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- if (Button == btNext)
- (*((*it).second))++;
- else (*((*it).second))--;
- DictKeyEdit->Text = ((*it).second)->KeyText();
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::UpDown1Click(TObject *Sender, TUDBtnType Button)
- btnLookupClick(Sender);
-void TForm1::RestoreState(ModState *state)
- if (state) {
- state->pc->ActivePage = state->ap;
- if ((state->pc == PageControl1) || (state->pc == PageControl2)) {
- *DefaultVSKey = state->key;
- TextKeyChanged();
- }
- if (state->pc == PageControl3) {
- DictKeyEdit->Text = (const char *)state->key;
- }
- if (state->pc->ActivePage->ControlCount)
- Form1->ActiveControl = (TWinControl *)state->pc->ActivePage->Controls[0];
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::BackbtnClick(TObject *Sender)
- list <ModState *>::iterator it;
- logmodstate = false;
- it = modstates.begin();
- if (it != modstates.end()) {
- it++;
- if (it != modstates.end()) {
- RestoreState(*it);
- delete *modstates.begin();
- modstates.erase(modstates.begin(), it);
- }
- }
- logmodstate = true;
-void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
- list <ModState *>::iterator it;
- ListBox1->Clear();
- for (it = modstates.begin(); it != modstates.end(); it++) {
- ListBox1->Items->Add((*it)->ap->Caption.c_str());
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::CopyasBGreekTransliteration1Click(TObject *Sender)
- char *retbuf;
- int len;
- TClipboard *clip = new TClipboard();
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- len = rtf->SelText.Length() * 2;
- retbuf = new char [ len ];
- if (!Greek2bGreek(retbuf, rtf->SelText.c_str(), len)) {
- clip->SetTextBuf(retbuf);
- }
- delete clip;
-void __fastcall TForm1::Copy1Click(TObject *Sender)
- int wordstart;
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- if (!rtf->SelLength) {
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart; (wordstart > -1)&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart--);
- rtf->SelStart = (wordstart > -1) ? wordstart: 0;
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart + 1; (wordstart < rtf->Text.Length())&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart++);
- rtf->SelLength = ((wordstart < rtf->Text.Length()) ? wordstart : rtf->Text.Length()) - rtf->SelStart - 1;
- }
- rtf->CopyToClipboard();
-void __fastcall TForm1::BookmarkItemClick(TObject *Sender)
- TMenuItem *menuchoice = (TMenuItem *)Sender;
- const char *source = menuchoice->Caption.c_str();
- char *value = new char [strlen(source) + 1];
- int k = 0;
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < strlen(source); j++) {
- if (source[j] != '&')
- value[k++] = source[j];
- }
- value[k] = 0;
- *DefaultVSKey = value;
- delete [] value;
- TextKeyChanged();
-void __fastcall TForm1::AddBookmark1Click(TObject *Sender)
-// TMenuItem *newitem;
- Bookmarksfrm->bmtree->Items->AddChild(Bookmarksfrm->bmtree->Items->Item[0], (const char *)*DefaultVSKey);
-void TForm1::AddSectionToMenu(TMenu *menu, TMenuItem *item, TTreeNode *tree)
- TMenuItem *newitem;
- for (tree = tree->getFirstChild(); tree; tree = tree->getNextSibling()) {
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = tree->Text;
- if (!tree->getFirstChild())
- newitem->OnClick = BookmarkItemClick;
- item->Add(newitem);
- AddSectionToMenu(menu, newitem, tree);
- }
-void TForm1::RefreshBookmarksMenu(TMenu *menu, TTreeView *treeview)
- TMenuItem *newitem;
- TTreeNode *tree = 0;
- if (treeview->Items->Count)
- tree = treeview->Items->Item[0];
- while (menu->Items->Count > 3)
- menu->Items->Delete(3);
- for (;tree;tree = tree->getNextSibling()) {
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = tree->Text;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- AddSectionToMenu(menu, newitem, tree);
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::BookmarkbtnClick(TObject *Sender)
- TPoint menup, point;
- point.x = 0;
- point.y = Bookmarkbtn->Height;
- menup = Bookmarkbtn->ClientToScreen(point);
- RefreshBookmarksMenu(BookmarkPopup, Bookmarksfrm->bmtree);
- BookmarkPopup->Popup(menup.x, menup.y);
-void __fastcall TForm1::EditBookmarks1Click(TObject *Sender)
- Bookmarksfrm->Show();
-void __fastcall TForm1::FormKeyDown(TObject *Sender, WORD &Key,
- TShiftState Shift)
- char buf[5];
- int val;
- ModMap::iterator it;
- TPageControl *pc = PageControl1;
- if ((Shift.Contains(ssCtrl)) && (!Shift.Contains(ssAlt))) {
- if ((Key >= '0') && (Key <= '9')) {
- sprintf(buf, "%c", Key);
- val = atoi(buf);
- if (!Shift.Contains(ssShift)) {
- if ((Screen->ActiveControl == PageControl2) || (IsChild(PageControl2->Handle, Screen->ActiveControl->Handle)))
- pc = PageControl2;
- if ((Screen->ActiveControl == PageControl3) || (IsChild(PageControl3->Handle, Screen->ActiveControl->Handle)))
- pc = PageControl3;
- it = mainmgr->Modules.find(pc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- if (ctrlstates[val])
- delete ctrlstates[val];
- ctrlstates[val] = new ModState(pc, pc->ActivePage, (*it).second->KeyText());
- }
- }
- else RestoreState(ctrlstates[val]);
- }
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::Options1Click(TObject *Sender)
- ModMap::iterator it;
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator eit;
- ConfigEntMap emap;
- int color;
- string tmpval;
- //*********************************
- //Initialize Preferences Dialog Box
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- if ((*sit).second.find("AutoVSColor") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->AutoVSColor->Checked = (((atoi((*(*sit).second.find("AutoVSColor")).second.c_str()))) ? true:false);
- else Optionsfrm->AutoVSColor->Checked = false;
- if ((*sit).second.find("CurrentVSColor") != (*sit).second.end()){
- Optionsfrm->CurrentVSColor->Brush->Color = TColor(atoi((*(*sit).second.find("CurrentVSColor")).second.c_str()));
- Optionsfrm->ColorDialog1->Color = TColor(atoi((*(*sit).second.find("CurrentVSColor")).second.c_str()));
- }
- else{
- Optionsfrm->CurrentVSColor->Brush->Color = TColor(clBlue);
- Optionsfrm->ColorDialog1->Color = TColor(clBlue);
- }
- if ((*sit).second.find("VSNumberColor") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->ColorDialogVerseNum->Color = TColor(atoi ((*(*sit).second.find("VSNumberColor")).second.c_str()));
- else Optionsfrm->ColorDialogVerseNum->Color = clBlue;
- if ((*sit).second.find("TextBackColor") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->FontDialogText->BackColor = TColor(atoi((*(*sit).second.find("TextBackColor")).second.c_str()));
- else Optionsfrm->FontDialogText->BackColor = TColor(clWhite);
- if ((*sit).second.find("CommentBackColor") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->FontDialogComment->BackColor = TColor(atoi((*(*sit).second.find("CommentBackColor")).second.c_str()));
- else Optionsfrm->FontDialogComment->BackColor = TColor(clWhite);
- if ((*sit).second.find("LDBackColor") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->FontDialogLD->BackColor = TColor(atoi((*(*sit).second.find("LDBackColor")).second.c_str()));
- else Optionsfrm->FontDialogLD->BackColor = TColor(clWhite);
- if ((*sit).second.find("TextFontName") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->FontDialogText->Font->Name = ((*(*sit).second.find("TextFontName")).second.c_str());
- else Optionsfrm->FontDialogText->Font->Name = "Times New Roman";
- if ((*sit).second.find("CommentFontName") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->FontDialogComment->Font->Name = ((*(*sit).second.find("CommentFontName")).second.c_str());
- else Optionsfrm->FontDialogComment->Font->Name = "Times New Roman";
- if ((*sit).second.find("LDFontName") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->FontDialogLD->Font->Name = ((*(*sit).second.find("LDFontName")).second.c_str());
- else Optionsfrm->FontDialogLD->Font->Name = "Times New Roman";
- if ((*sit).second.find("TextFontSize") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->FontDialogText->Font->Size = (atoi ((*(*sit).second.find("TextFontSize")).second.c_str()));
- else Optionsfrm->FontDialogText->Font->Size = 10;
- if ((*sit).second.find("CommentFontSize") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->FontDialogComment->Font->Size = (atoi ((*(*sit).second.find("CommentFontSize")).second.c_str()));
- else Optionsfrm->FontDialogComment->Font->Size = 10;
- if ((*sit).second.find("CommentFontSize") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->FontDialogLD->Font->Size = (atoi ((*(*sit).second.find("LDFontSize")).second.c_str()));
- else Optionsfrm->FontDialogLD->Font->Size = 10;
- if ((*sit).second.find("TextFontColor") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->FontDialogText->Font->Color = TColor(atoi ((*(*sit).second.find("TextFontColor")).second.c_str()));
- else Optionsfrm->FontDialogText->Font->Color = clBlack;
- if ((*sit).second.find("CommentFontColor") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->FontDialogComment->Font->Color = TColor(atoi ((*(*sit).second.find("CommentFontColor")).second.c_str()));
- else Optionsfrm->FontDialogComment->Font->Color = clBlack;
- if ((*sit).second.find("LDFontColor") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->FontDialogLD->Font->Color = TColor(atoi ((*(*sit).second.find("LDFontColor")).second.c_str()));
- else Optionsfrm->FontDialogLD->Font->Color = clBlack;
- if ((*sit).second.find("FieldColor") != (*sit).second.end())
- Optionsfrm->ColorDialogField->Color = TColor(atoi ((*(*sit).second.find("FieldColor")).second.c_str()));
- else Optionsfrm->ColorDialogField->Color = clAqua;
- }
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Bookmarks")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- Optionsfrm->AutoBMPersonal->Checked = ((atoi(sit->second["AutoSavePersonal"].c_str()))?true:false);
- Optionsfrm->AutoBMOther->Checked = ((atoi(sit->second["AutoSaveOther"].c_str()))?true:false);
- }
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Layout")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- Optionsfrm->AutoLayout->Checked = ((atoi(sit->second["AutoSaveLayout"].c_str()))?true:false);
- }
- Optionsfrm->HintPopups->Checked = true;
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["Hints"].find("On")) != optionsconf->Sections["Hints"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"1";
- if (!atoi(tmpval.c_str()))
- Optionsfrm->HintPopups->Checked = false;
- Optionsfrm->devsAsDictsCB->Checked = false;
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["General"].find("DevsAsDicts")) != optionsconf->Sections["General"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"false";
- if (!stricmp(tmpval.c_str(), "true"))
- Optionsfrm->devsAsDictsCB->Checked = true;
- Optionsfrm->glosAsDictsCB->Checked = true;
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["General"].find("GlosAsDicts")) != optionsconf->Sections["General"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"true";
- if (stricmp(tmpval.c_str(), "false"))
- Optionsfrm->glosAsDictsCB->Checked = true;
- Optionsfrm->devSplashCB->Checked = false;
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["General"].find("TipOfTheDay")) != optionsconf->Sections["General"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"";
- if (!stricmp(tmpval.c_str(), "Devotional"))
- Optionsfrm->devSplashCB->Checked = true;
- const char *localeName = LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.getDefaultLocaleName();
- SWLocale *defLocale = LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.getLocale(localeName);
- Optionsfrm->localeCB->ItemIndex = Optionsfrm->localeCB->Items->IndexOf((defLocale)?defLocale->getDescription():"English (US)");
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("GreekDef")) != optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"";
- if ((it = mainmgr->Modules.find(tmpval)) != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- Optionsfrm->greekDefCB->ItemIndex = Optionsfrm->greekDefCB->Items->IndexOf(it->second->Description());
- }
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("GreekParse")) != optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"";
- if ((it = mainmgr->Modules.find(tmpval)) != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- Optionsfrm->greekParseCB->ItemIndex = Optionsfrm->greekParseCB->Items->IndexOf(it->second->Description());
- }
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("HebrewDef")) != optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"";
- if ((it = mainmgr->Modules.find(tmpval)) != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- Optionsfrm->hebrewDefCB->ItemIndex = Optionsfrm->hebrewDefCB->Items->IndexOf(it->second->Description());
- }
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("HebrewParse")) != optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"";
- if ((it = mainmgr->Modules.find(tmpval)) != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- Optionsfrm->hebrewParseCB->ItemIndex = Optionsfrm->hebrewParseCB->Items->IndexOf(it->second->Description());
- }
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("DailyDevotion")) != optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"";
- if ((it = mainmgr->Modules.find(tmpval)) != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- Optionsfrm->dailyDefaultCB->ItemIndex = Optionsfrm->dailyDefaultCB->Items->IndexOf(it->second->Description());
- }
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("StrongsNumbers")) != optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"";
- if ((it = mainmgr->Modules.find(tmpval)) != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- Optionsfrm->strongsNumsCB->ItemIndex = Optionsfrm->strongsNumsCB->Items->IndexOf(it->second->Description());
- }
- //*********************************
- // Show Dialog Box
- if (Optionsfrm->ShowModal() == mrOk) {
- // Save Preferences settings :)
- emap = optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"];
- emap.erase("AutoVSColor"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("AutoVSColor", IntToStr((Optionsfrm->AutoVSColor->Checked)?1:0).c_str()));
- emap.erase("CurrentVSColor"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("CurrentVSColor", IntToStr(Optionsfrm->CurrentVSColor->Brush->Color).c_str()));
- emap.erase("VSNumberColor"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("VSNumberColor", IntToStr(Optionsfrm->ColorDialogVerseNum->Color).c_str()));
- emap.erase("TextBackColor"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("TextBackColor", IntToStr(Optionsfrm->FontDialogText->BackColor).c_str()));
- emap.erase("CommentBackColor"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("CommentBackColor", IntToStr(Optionsfrm->FontDialogComment->BackColor).c_str()));
- emap.erase("LDBackColor"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("LDBackColor", IntToStr(Optionsfrm->FontDialogLD->BackColor).c_str()));
- emap.erase("TextFontName"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("TextFontName", (Optionsfrm->FontDialogText->Font->Name).c_str()));
- emap.erase("CommentFontName"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("CommentFontName", (Optionsfrm->FontDialogComment->Font->Name).c_str()));
- emap.erase("LDFontName"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("LDFontName", (Optionsfrm->FontDialogLD->Font->Name).c_str()));
- emap.erase("TextFontSize"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("TextFontSize", IntToStr(Optionsfrm->FontDialogText->Font->Size).c_str()));
- emap.erase("CommentFontSize"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("CommentFontSize", IntToStr(Optionsfrm->FontDialogComment->Font->Size).c_str()));
- emap.erase("LDFontSize"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("LDFontSize", IntToStr(Optionsfrm->FontDialogLD->Font->Size).c_str()));
- emap.erase("TextFontColor"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("TextFontColor", IntToStr(Optionsfrm->FontDialogText->Font->Color).c_str()));
- emap.erase("CommentFontColor"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("CommentFontColor", IntToStr(Optionsfrm->FontDialogComment->Font->Color).c_str()));
- emap.erase("LDFontColor"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("LDFontColor", IntToStr(Optionsfrm->FontDialogLD->Font->Color).c_str()));
- emap.erase("FieldColor"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("FieldColor", IntToStr(Optionsfrm->ColorDialogField->Color).c_str()));
- emap.erase("locale"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("locale", (const char *)Optionsfrm->localeCB->Items->Objects[Optionsfrm->localeCB->ItemIndex]));
- optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"] = emap;
- emap = optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"];
- if (Optionsfrm->greekDefCB->ItemIndex > -1) {
- emap.erase("GreekDef"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("GreekDef", (const char *)Optionsfrm->greekDefCB->Items->Objects[Optionsfrm->greekDefCB->ItemIndex]));
- }
- if (Optionsfrm->greekParseCB->ItemIndex > -1) {
- emap.erase("GreekParse"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("GreekParse", (const char *)Optionsfrm->greekParseCB->Items->Objects[Optionsfrm->greekParseCB->ItemIndex]));
- }
- if (Optionsfrm->hebrewDefCB->ItemIndex > -1) {
- emap.erase("HebrewDef"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("HebrewDef", (const char *)Optionsfrm->hebrewDefCB->Items->Objects[Optionsfrm->hebrewDefCB->ItemIndex]));
- }
- if (Optionsfrm->hebrewParseCB->ItemIndex > -1) {
- emap.erase("HebrewParse"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("HebrewParse", (const char *)Optionsfrm->hebrewParseCB->Items->Objects[Optionsfrm->hebrewParseCB->ItemIndex]));
- }
- if (Optionsfrm->dailyDefaultCB->ItemIndex > -1) {
- emap.erase("DailyDevotion"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("DailyDevotion", (const char *)Optionsfrm->dailyDefaultCB->Items->Objects[Optionsfrm->dailyDefaultCB->ItemIndex]));
- }
- if (Optionsfrm->strongsNumsCB->ItemIndex > -1) {
- emap.erase("StrongsNumbers"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("StrongsNumbers", (const char *)Optionsfrm->strongsNumsCB->Items->Objects[Optionsfrm->strongsNumsCB->ItemIndex]));
- }
- optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"] = emap;
- emap = optionsconf->Sections["Bookmarks"];
- emap.erase("AutoSavePersonal"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("AutoSavePersonal", IntToStr((Optionsfrm->AutoBMPersonal->Checked)?1:0).c_str()));
- emap.erase("AutoSaveOther"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("AutoSaveOther", IntToStr((Optionsfrm->AutoBMOther->Checked)?1:0).c_str()));
- optionsconf->Sections["Bookmarks"] = emap;
- emap = optionsconf->Sections["Layout"];
- emap.erase("AutoSaveLayout"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("AutoSaveLayout", IntToStr((Optionsfrm->AutoLayout->Checked)?1:0).c_str()));
- optionsconf->Sections["Layout"] = emap;
- emap = optionsconf->Sections["Hints"];
- emap.erase("On"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("On", IntToStr((Optionsfrm->HintPopups->Checked)?1:0).c_str()));
- optionsconf->Sections["Hints"] = emap;
- emap = optionsconf->Sections["General"];
- emap.erase("TipOfTheDay"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("TipOfTheDay", (Optionsfrm->devSplashCB->Checked)?"Devotional":""));
- emap.erase("DevsAsDicts"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("DevsAsDicts", (Optionsfrm->devsAsDictsCB->Checked)?"true":"false"));
- emap.erase("GlosAsDicts"); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("GlosAsDicts", (Optionsfrm->glosAsDictsCB->Checked)?"true":"false"));
- optionsconf->Sections["General"] = emap;
- optionsconf->Save();
- }
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["Hints"].find("On")) != optionsconf->Sections["Hints"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"1";
- if (atoi(tmpval.c_str()))
- Form1->ShowHint = true;
- else Form1->ShowHint = false;
- tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"].find("locale")) != optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"en_us";
- LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.setDefaultLocaleName(tmpval.c_str());
- DefaultVSKey->setLocale(tmpval.c_str());
- fillVKeySelector(DefaultVSKey);
- TextKeyChanged();
-void __fastcall TForm1::cbBookChange(TObject *Sender)
- CHBox->Text = "1";
- VSBox->Text = "1";
- if (Screen->ActiveControl == cbBook)
- btnLookupClick(Sender);
-void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
- Hint = "";
- Application->OnHint = DisplayHint;
- Application->ShowHint = true;
- this->ShowHint = true;
-// nsresult rv;
-// rv = NS_InitEmbedding(nsnull, nsnull);
- Application->OnMessage = AppMessage;
- Application->Title = "The SWORD Project for Windows";
-void TForm1::AddVerseChoices(TPopupMenu *menu, const char *buf, TRxRichEdit *rtf) {
- TMenuItem *newitem;
- tmpVerseList = DefaultVSKey->ParseVerseList((char *)buf, *DefaultVSKey);
- ModMap::iterator target;
- target = mainmgr->Modules.find(((TPageControl*)rtf->Parent->Parent)->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- char *keytext = 0; // check for and remove return at end of keytext
- stdstr(&keytext, (*(*target).second).KeyText());
- if (keytext[strlen(keytext)-1] == '\r')
- keytext[strlen(keytext)-1] = 0;
- tmpVerseListCaption = String("VerseList from- ") + (*target).first.c_str() + ": " + keytext;
- delete [] keytext; // ---------------------------------
- }
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = "-";
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = "Create Verse List";
- newitem->Hint = "Create a New Verse List Window";
- newitem->Default = true;
- newitem->OnClick = createVerseList;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- int breakcnt = 3;
- while (!tmpVerseList.Error()) {
- breakcnt++;
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = (const char *)tmpVerseList;
- newitem->OnClick = BookmarkItemClick;
- if (!(breakcnt%15))
- newitem->Break = mbBreak;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- tmpVerseList++;
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::PopupMenuPopup(TObject *Sender) {
- int versestart, verseend;
- TPopupMenu *menu = (TPopupMenu *)Sender;
- int staticMenuItemsCount = 0;
- TMenuItem *newitem;
- if (menu == PopupMenu1)
- staticMenuItemsCount = 3;
- else if (menu == PopupMenu2)
- staticMenuItemsCount = 2;
- else if (menu == PopupMenu3)
- staticMenuItemsCount = 6;
- while (menu->Items->Count > staticMenuItemsCount)
- menu->Items->Delete(staticMenuItemsCount);
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- if (!rtf->SelLength) {
- int entrylen = strlen(rtf->Text.c_str());
- char *entrytext = new char [ entrylen + 1 ];
- int selstart = rtf->SelStart;
- strcpy(entrytext, rtf->Text.c_str());
-// for (versestart = rtf->SelStart; ((versestart)&&(rtf->Text[versestart] != '#')); versestart--);
- for (versestart = selstart; ((versestart)&&(entrytext[versestart] != '#')); versestart--);
- if (versestart) {
- for (verseend = versestart; ((verseend < entrylen) && (entrytext[verseend] != '|')); verseend++);
- if ((verseend < entrylen) && (verseend > selstart)) {
- int len = (verseend - versestart) + 1;
- char *buf = new char [ len + 1 ];
- memset(buf, 0 , len + 1);
- strncpy(buf, &entrytext[versestart+1], len - 2); // strip the # and | from the string
- int buflen = strlen(buf);
- for (int i = 0; i < buflen; i++) {
- if ((buf[i] == 10) || (buf[i] == 13))
- buf[i] = ' ';
- }
- AddVerseChoices(menu, buf, rtf);
- delete [] buf;
- }
- }
- delete [] entrytext;
- }
- else {
- string highlight = Trim(rtf->SelText).c_str();
- tmpVerseList = DefaultVSKey->ParseVerseList((char *)highlight.c_str(), *DefaultVSKey);
- if (tmpVerseList.Count())
- AddVerseChoices(menu, highlight.c_str(), rtf);
-// newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
-// newitem->Caption = "Verse Lookup";
-// newitem->Hint = "Attempt to lookup highlighted text as a verse";
-// newitem->OnClick = verseLookupClick;
-// menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::createVerseList(TObject *Sender)
- TVerseListFrm *tmpForm = new TVerseListFrm(this, tmpVerseList);
- tmpForm->Caption = tmpVerseListCaption;
- tmpForm->Show();
-void __fastcall TForm1::freeHandLookupoldKeyPress(TObject *Sender, char &Key)
- if (Key == '\r') {
- ListKey tmpVerseList = DefaultVSKey->ParseVerseList(freeHandLookup->Text.c_str(), *DefaultVSKey);
- if (tmpVerseList.Count()) {
- int index = freeHandLookup->Items->IndexOf(freeHandLookup->Text);
- freeHandLookup->Items->Insert(0, freeHandLookup->Text);
- if (index >= 0)
- freeHandLookup->Items->Delete(index+1);
- freeHandLookup->ItemIndex = 0;
- if (tmpVerseList.Count() > 1) {
- TVerseListFrm *tmpForm = new TVerseListFrm(this, tmpVerseList);
- tmpForm->Caption = "User Verse List";
- tmpForm->Show();
- }
- tmpVerseList = TOP;
- *DefaultVSKey = tmpVerseList;
- TextKeyChanged();
- }
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::RTFMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y) {
- ((TWinControl *)Sender)->SetFocus();
- TRichEdit *rtf = (TRichEdit *)Sender;
- if (Button == mbRight) {
- if (!rtf->SelLength)
- SendMessage(rtf->Handle, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, MAKELONG(X, Y));
- TPoint menup, point;
- point.x = X;
- point.y = Y;
- menup = rtf->ClientToScreen(point);
- rtf->PopupMenu->Popup(menup.x, menup.y);
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::EditEntry1Click(TObject *Sender)
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- SWModule *module;
-// EditEntry->RichEdit1->Text = rtf->Text;
- ModMap::iterator target;
- target = mainmgr->Modules.find(((TPageControl*)rtf->Parent->Parent)->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- EditEntry->Module = module = (*target).second;
- EditEntry->RTFDisplay = rtf;
- }
- else EditEntry->Module = module = 0;
- EditEntry->ShowModal();
- if (EditEntry->ResultBuf) {
- if (module)
-// DictKeyEdit->Text = EditEntry->ResultBuf; // for testing purposes
- *module << EditEntry->ResultBuf;
- }
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl2);
-void __fastcall TForm1::DeleteEntry1Click(TObject *Sender)
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- SWModule *module;
- ModMap::iterator target;
- target = mainmgr->Modules.find(((TPageControl*)rtf->Parent->Parent)->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- module = (*target).second;
- module->deleteEntry();
- }
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl2);
-void __fastcall TForm1::LinktoVerse1Click(TObject *Sender)
- if (VerseSelFrm->ShowModal() == mrOk) {
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- SWModule *module;
- ModMap::iterator target;
- SWKey *linkkey = new VerseKey(VerseSelFrm->Panel2->Caption.c_str());
- target = mainmgr->Modules.find(((TPageControl*)rtf->Parent->Parent)->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- module = (*target).second;
- *module << linkkey;
- }
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl2);
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::GlobalOptionChange(TObject *Sender)
-// ModMap::iterator it;
-// SectionMap::iterator sit;
-// ConfigEntMap::iterator eit, eitend;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator eit;
- TMenuItem *menuchoice = (TMenuItem *)Sender;
- const char *source = menuchoice->Caption.c_str();
- char *value = new char [strlen(source) + 1];
- int k = 0;
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < strlen(source); j++) {
- if (source[j] != '&')
- value[k++] = source[j];
- }
- value[k] = 0;
- source = menuchoice->Parent->Caption.c_str();
- char *option = new char [strlen(source) + 1];
- k = 0;
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < strlen(source); j++) {
- if (source[j] != '&')
- option[k++] = source[j];
- }
- option[k] = 0;
- mainmgr->setGlobalOption(option, value);
- if ((!stricmp(option, "Strong's Numbers")) && (!stricmp(value, "On"))) {
- string curText = PageControl1->ActivePage->Caption.c_str();
- if (!hasFeature(mainmgr, curText.c_str(), "StrongsNumbers")) {
- string tmpval = ((eit = optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("StrongsNumbers")) != optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end())? (*eit).second : (string)"";
- for (int i = 0; i < PageControl1->PageCount; i++) {
- if (!stricmp(PageControl1->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str(), tmpval.c_str())) {
- PageControl1->ActivePageIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- delete [] option;
- delete [] value;
- TextKeyChanged();
-void __fastcall TForm1::OptionShowVals(TObject *Sender)
- TMenuItem *menuChoice = (TMenuItem *)Sender;
- string option = menuChoice->Caption.c_str();
- int k = 0;
- const char *source = option.c_str();
- char *caption = new char [strlen(source) + 1];
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < strlen(source); j++) {
- if (source[j] != '&')
- caption[k++] = source[j];
- }
- caption[k] = 0;
- string value = mainmgr->getGlobalOption(caption);
- delete [] caption;
- for (int i = 0; i < menuChoice->Count; i++) {
- int k = 0;
- char *source = menuChoice->Items[i]->Caption.c_str();
- char *caption = new char [strlen(source) + 1];
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < strlen(source); j++) {
- if (source[j] != '&')
- caption[k++] = source[j];
- }
- caption[k] = 0;
- if (!stricmp(caption, value.c_str()))
- menuChoice->Items[i]->Checked = true;
- else menuChoice->Items[i]->Checked = false;
- delete [] caption;
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::Contents1Click(TObject *Sender)
- string helpDir;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator it = optionsconf->Sections["Help"].find("Directory");
- if (it != optionsconf->Sections["Help"].end())
- helpDir = (*it).second;
- else helpDir = ".\\help";
- string helpExe = helpDir + "\\sword.chm";
- if ((int)ShellExecute(this->Handle, "open", helpExe.c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL) < 33) {
- helpExe = helpDir + "\\index.html";
- ShellExecute(this->Handle, "open", helpExe.c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action)
- int saveCount = 5;
- ConfigEntMap section;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator entryIt;
- section = layoutconf->Sections["History"];
- entryIt = section.find("SearchSaveCount");
- if (entryIt != section.end())
- saveCount = atoi(entryIt->second.c_str());
- else section.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("SearchSaveCount", "5"));
- section.erase("SearchText");
- for (int loop = 0; ((loop < saveCount) && (loop < Form2->SearchText->Items->Count)); loop++)
- section.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("SearchText", Form2->SearchText->Items->Strings[loop].c_str()));
- entryIt = section.find("LookupSaveCount");
- if (entryIt != section.end())
- saveCount = atoi(entryIt->second.c_str());
- else section.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("LookupSaveCount", "5"));
- section.erase("LookupText");
- for (int loop = 0; ((loop < saveCount) && (loop < freeHandLookup->Items->Count)); loop++)
- section.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("LookupText", freeHandLookup->Items->Strings[loop].c_str()));
- section.erase("LastVerse");
- section.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("LastVerse", (const char *)*DefaultVSKey));
- section.erase("LastTextModule");
- section.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("LastTextModule", PageControl1->ActivePage->Caption.c_str()));
- section.erase("LastComModule");
- section.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("LastComModule", PageControl2->ActivePage->Caption.c_str()));
- layoutconf->Sections["History"] = section;
- layoutconf->Save();
-// NS_TermEmbedding();
- section = optionsconf->Sections["Layout"];
- entryIt = section.find("AutoSaveLayout");
- if(entryIt != section.end()){
- if(atoi(entryIt->second.c_str()))
- SaveLayout1Click(this);
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::lbDictKeysClick(TObject *Sender)
- DictKeyEdit->Text = lbDictKeys->Items->Strings[lbDictKeys->ItemIndex];
-void __fastcall TForm1::HideShowModules1Click(TObject *Sender)
- ConfigEntMap *section;
- TMenuItem *menuItem = (TMenuItem *)Sender;
- TPopupMenu *menu = (TPopupMenu *)menuItem->GetParentMenu();
- TComponent *comp = menu->PopupComponent;
- TPageControl *pc = 0;
- if ((comp == PageControl1) || (comp == pnlText)) {
- pc = PageControl1;
- section = &(*layoutconf)["TextView"];
- }
- if ((comp == PageControl2) || (comp == pnlComment)) {
- pc = PageControl2;
- section = &(*layoutconf)["CommentView"];
- }
- if ((comp == PageControl3) || (comp == pnlDict)) {
- pc = PageControl3;
- section = &(*layoutconf)["LDView"];
- }
- if (!pc) return; // assert pc
- for (int i = 0; i < pc->PageCount; i++) {
- string heading = pc->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str();
- (*section)[heading.c_str()] = ((pc->Pages[i]->TabVisible) ? "true" : "false");
- }
- ModVisForm->mgr = mainmgr;
- ModVisForm->section = section;
- if (ModVisForm->ShowModal() == mrOk) {
- for (int i = 0; i < pc->PageCount; i++) {
- string heading = pc->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str();
- pc->Pages[i]->TabVisible = ((*section)[heading.c_str()] == "true");
- }
- }
-void TForm1::TColorToRGB(const TColor& color, int& red, int& green, int& blue) {
- red = (color & 0xFF);
- green = ((color >> 8) & 0xFF);
- blue =((color >> 16) & 0xFF);
-void __fastcall TForm1::DevotionaloftheDay1Click(TObject *Sender)
- DevOfTheDay2->Show();
-void dehtmlize(char *buf) {
- bool deref = false;
- int nums = 0;
- while (*buf) {
- if (deref) {
- if (!isdigit(*buf))
- deref = false;
- else {
- *buf = ' ';
- nums++;
- }
- if (nums > 1)
- deref = false;
- }
- if (*buf == '%') {
- deref = true;
- nums = 0;
- *buf = ' ';
- }
- buf++;
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::CppWebBrowser1BeforeNavigate2(TObject *Sender,
- LPDISPATCH pDisp, TVariant *URL, TVariant *Flags,
- TVariant *TargetFrameName, TVariant *PostData, TVariant *Headers,
- TOLEBOOL *Cancel)
- AnsiString url = *URL;
- string stuff = url.c_str();
- char *offset = strstr(url.c_str(), "passage");
- if (offset > 0) {
- string verse = (offset+8);
- char * buf = new char [ verse.length() + 1 ];
- strcpy(buf, verse.c_str());
- dehtmlize(buf);
- (*Cancel) = true;
- *DefaultVSKey = (buf);
- TextKeyChanged();
- delete [] buf;
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::InstallManager1Click(TObject *Sender)
- WinExec("InstallMgr.exe", SW_SHOWNORMAL);