path: root/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype')
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AboutBoxfrm.dfmbin2778 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AppBar.dfmbin10405 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/Bitmap1.bmpbin5318 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DeskTopNameForm.dfmbin868 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModInstForm.dfmbin1457 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/back.bmpbin780 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmark.bmpbin758 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmarkfrm.dfmbin1627 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/desktop.bmpbin374 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/desktop2.bmpbin246 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/editentryfrm.dfmbin22859 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/mainfrm.dfmbin10684 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/newbmfilefrm.dfmbin1638 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/optionfrm.dfmbin2521 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/search.bmpbin780 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/searchfrm.dfmbin2304 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/sword.resbin876 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/versesel.dfmbin677 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/vrslstfrm.dfmbin561 -> 0 bytes
65 files changed, 0 insertions, 4509 deletions
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AboutBoxfrm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AboutBoxfrm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 39ca670..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AboutBoxfrm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "AboutBoxfrm.h"
-#include "mainfrm.h"
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TAboutBox *AboutBox;
-__fastcall TAboutBox::TAboutBox(TComponent* AOwner)
- : TForm(AOwner)
-void __fastcall TAboutBox::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
- int i;
- static char *modtypes[] = {"Biblical Texts", "Commentaries", "Lexicons / Dictionaries"};
- AnsiString newtext, tmptext;
- ModMap::iterator it;
- SectionMap::iterator it2;
- TMemoryStream *RTFStream = new TMemoryStream();
- newtext = "{\\rtf1\\ansi{\\fonttbl{\\f4\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}}{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;}";
- newtext += "\\pard\\qc\\cf2\\nowidctlpar{\\fs30\\b Installed Modules } \\par \\pard \\nowidctlpar \\cf0 ";
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- newtext += "\\par {\\fs28\\b ";
- newtext += modtypes[i];
- newtext += " }\\par \\par ";
- for (it = Form1->mainmgr->Modules.begin(); it != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end(); it++) {
- if (!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), modtypes[i])) {
- it2 = Form1->mainmgr->config->Sections.find((*it).second->Name());
- if (it2 != Form1->mainmgr->config->Sections.end()) {
- newtext = newtext + "{\\fs24\\cf1\\b " + (*it).second->Name() + " }\t";
- newtext = newtext + "{\\fs24\\i " + (*it).second->Description() + " } \\par ";
- newtext = newtext + "{\\fs20\\cf0 " + (*it2).second["About"].c_str() + " }\\par \\par";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- newtext += "{\\fs24 \\par }}";
- RTFStream->Clear();
- RTFStream->WriteBuffer(newtext.c_str(), newtext.Length());
- RTFStream->Position = 0;
- ModulesAbout->Lines->LoadFromStream(RTFStream);
- newtext = "{\\rtf1\\ansi{\\fonttbl{\\f4\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}}{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;}";
- newtext += "\\fs20 Thanx to God for His GREAT MERCY and LOVE: Never did anyone have so much, give it up so completely, to humble Himself and die such a death, all for such an ENEMY as me. -Philippians 2:6-8; Romans 5:6-10 \\par\\par ";
- newtext += "For the latest updates and info, visit us on the net at: \\par ";
- newtext += " \\par\\par ";
- newtext += "Send us feedback, bug reports, or patches/additions: \\par ";
- newtext += " \\par ";
- newtext += " \\par ";
- newtext += " (please include unified diffs if possible (diff -u)) \\par\\par ";
- newtext += "To be on our mailing list: \\par ";
- newtext += " \\par\\par ";
- newtext += "This software is provided free for the study of God and His Word. You DO NOT NEED TO license or pay for this software. Please: copy it freely and distribute it to athiests in Russia :), post it on your favorite FTP site, write your own modules and features for it, include it on your lastest freeware CDROM, incorporate all the cool utility classes into a product of your own, write a tract module for the program and sneak it onto all of your co-workers' computers and blame it on a virus, make fun of your pastor for spending $400 dollars on a similar package, give it to your pastor who can't figure out how to use his $400 dollar package :) \\par\\par ";
- newtext += "OK, if you still feel the need, you can help our organization out at: \\par\\par ";
- newtext += "CrossWire Software & Bible Society \\par ";
- newtext += "P. O. Box 2528 \\par ";
- newtext += "Tempe, AZ 85280-2528 \\par\\par ";
- newtext += "... but I must warn you, your contributions will probably just go toward paying my way through college, or to give me a little more time to spend on the project :) \\par\\par ";
- newtext += "\tMay the peace of GOD consume your heart, \\par ";
- newtext += "\t\tThe SWORD Project Development Team \\par ";
- newtext += "_________________________________________ \\par ";
- newtext += "Thanks be to God for all the wonderful people who have contributed in so many ways to make this project possible. These are just a few (I could not possibly name them all) who have directly contributed an abundance of their time and talents: \\par\\par ";
- newtext += "All the people at The Outpost in Scottsdale for testing and suggestions; The Bible Foundation: Jerry Kingery, Jerry Hastings; Geoffrey W. Hastings; William Dicks; Everyone on; Michael Paul Johnson; Roland Nygren; Bill Kincaid; Mark Fuller; Larry Pierce; Franklin Bratcher; Gregory Hall; Luis Cortes\\par \\par ";
- newtext += "{\\i And the list goes on...} \\par \\par ";
- newtext += "{\\fs24 \\par }}";
- RTFStream->Clear();
- RTFStream->WriteBuffer(newtext.c_str(), newtext.Length());
- RTFStream->Position = 0;
- CreditAbout->Lines->LoadFromStream(RTFStream);
- delete RTFStream;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AboutBoxfrm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AboutBoxfrm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4911690..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AboutBoxfrm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AboutBoxfrm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AboutBoxfrm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 77da4f8..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AboutBoxfrm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef AboutBoxfrmH
-#define AboutBoxfrmH
-#include <vcl\System.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Windows.hpp>
-#include <vcl\SysUtils.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Classes.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Graphics.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Forms.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Controls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Buttons.hpp>
-#include <vcl\ExtCtrls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\ComCtrls.hpp>
-class TAboutBox : public TForm
- TPanel *Panel1;
- TImage *ProgramIcon;
- TLabel *ProductName;
- TLabel *Version;
- TLabel *Copyright;
- TButton *OKButton;
- TRichEdit *CreditAbout;
- TRichEdit *ModulesAbout;
- void __fastcall FormShow(TObject *Sender);
- virtual __fastcall TAboutBox(TComponent* AOwner);
-extern TAboutBox *AboutBox;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AppBar.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AppBar.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d7cf98..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AppBar.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "AppBar.h"
-#include "DockCanvas.h"
-#include "ModTabPanel.h"
-#include "biblecsmgr.h"
-#include "BookMarkPanel.h"
-#include "DeskTopNameForm.h"
-#include <versekey.h>
-#include "vrslstfrm.h"
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-//#pragma link "MenuBar"
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TAppBarFrm *AppBarFrm;
-__fastcall TAppBarFrm::TAppBarFrm(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
-void __fastcall TAppBarFrm::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
- ImageList1->Add(BackBtnImage->Picture->Bitmap, NULL);
- ImageList1->Add(SearchBtnImage->Picture->Bitmap, NULL);
- mainmgr = new BibleCSMGR(ModInstFrm);
- commonVK = new VerseKey();
- commonVK->Persist(true);
- commonSK = new SWKey();
- commonSK->Persist(true);
- *commonVK = "Jas 1:19";
- fillVKeySelector(commonVK);
- ModMap::iterator it;
- SWKey *tryKey;
- for (it = mainmgr->Modules.begin(); it != mainmgr->Modules.end(); it++) {
- tryKey = it->second->CreateKey();
- const SWClass *keyClass = tryKey->getClass();
- bool yes = (keyClass->isAssignableFrom("VerseKey"));
- SWKey *vkey = (yes) ? commonVK:commonSK;
- it->second->SetKey(vkey);
- delete tryKey;
- }
- activeDesktop = 0;
- TextKeyChanged();
-void __fastcall TAppBarFrm::SpeedButton2Click(TObject *Sender)
- if (activeDesktop) {
- TModTabPanel *textTabs = new TModTabPanel(activeDesktop, mainmgr, "Biblical Texts");
- textTabs->ManualDock(activeDesktop, NULL, alLeft);
- }
-void __fastcall TAppBarFrm::SpeedButton5Click(TObject *Sender)
- if (activeDesktop) {
- TBookMarkPanel *bookmarks = new TBookMarkPanel(activeDesktop);
- bookmarks->ManualDock(activeDesktop, NULL, alLeft);
- }
-void __fastcall TAppBarFrm::SpeedButton3Click(TObject *Sender)
- if (activeDesktop) {
- TModTabPanel *textTabs = new TModTabPanel(activeDesktop, mainmgr, "Commentaries");
- textTabs->ManualDock(activeDesktop, NULL, alLeft);
- }
-void __fastcall TAppBarFrm::SpeedButton4Click(TObject *Sender)
- if (activeDesktop) {
- TModTabPanel *textTabs = new TModTabPanel(activeDesktop, mainmgr, "Lexicons / Dictionaries");
- textTabs->ManualDock(activeDesktop, NULL, alLeft);
- }
-void __fastcall TAppBarFrm::TabControl1Change(TObject *Sender)
- int index = TabControl1->TabIndex;
- if (index > -1) {
- activeDesktop = ((TForm *)(TabControl1->Tabs->Objects[index]));
- activeDesktop->Show();
- }
- else activeDesktop = 0;
-void __fastcall TAppBarFrm::SpeedButton1Click(TObject *Sender)
- DeskTopNameFrm->ShowModal();
- activeDesktop = new TDockCanvasFrm(this);
- activeDesktop->OnClose = FormClose;
- activeDesktop->OnActivate = FormActivate;
- activeDesktop->Caption = DeskTopNameFrm->desktopName->Text;
- TabControl1->Tabs->AddObject(activeDesktop->Caption, activeDesktop);
- if (activeDesktop->Top < (this->Top + this->Height))
- activeDesktop->Top = this->Top + this->Height + 1;
- activeDesktop->Show();
-void __fastcall TAppBarFrm::FormClose(TObject *Sender,
- TCloseAction &Action)
- int index = TabControl1->Tabs->IndexOfObject(Sender);
- TabControl1->Tabs->Delete(index);
- TabControl1->TabIndex = 0;
- TabControl1Change(Sender);
-void __fastcall TAppBarFrm::FormActivate(TObject *Sender)
- int index = TabControl1->Tabs->IndexOfObject(Sender);
- TabControl1->TabIndex = index;
- TabControl1Change(Sender);
-void TAppBarFrm::fillVKeySelector(VerseKey *vk) {
- VerseKey *myVk = (VerseKey *)vk->clone();
- myVk->Error(); //clear error
- (*myVk) = TOP;
- cbBook->Clear();
- while (!myVk->Error()) {
- AnsiString s1 = (const char *)(*myVk);
- s1.SetLength(s1.Length() - 4);
- cbBook->Items->Add(s1);
- myVk->Book(myVk->Book() + 1);
- }
- delete myVk;
-void __fastcall TAppBarFrm::FormDestroy(TObject *Sender)
- delete commonVK;
- delete commonSK;
-void TAppBarFrm::RefreshActiveSheet(TPageControl *pc)
- ModMap::iterator it;
- if (mainmgr) {
- it = mainmgr->Modules.find(pc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- (*it).second->Display();
-// if (logmodstate)
-// modstates.insert(modstates.begin(), new ModState(pc, pc->ActivePage, (*it).second->KeyText()));
- }
- }
-void TAppBarFrm::TextKeyChanged()
- cbBook->ItemIndex = cbBook->Items->IndexOf(commonVK->books[commonVK->Testament()-1][commonVK->Book()-1].name);
- CHBox->Text = commonVK->Chapter();
- VSBox->Text = commonVK->Verse();
- freeHandLookup->Text = (const char *)*commonVK;
- if (activeDesktop) {
- for (int i = 0; i < activeDesktop->DockClientCount; i++) {
- TPanel *panel = dynamic_cast<TPanel *>(activeDesktop->DockClients[i]);
- if (panel) {
- TPageControl *pc = dynamic_cast<TPageControl *>(panel->Controls[0]);
- if (pc)
- RefreshActiveSheet(pc);
- }
- }
- }
-// RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl1);
-// logmodstate = false; // only log state once
-// RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl2);
-// logmodstate = true;
-void __fastcall TAppBarFrm::btnLookupClick(TObject *Sender)
- if (!(StrToInt(CHBox->Text)) || (!StrToInt(VSBox->Text)))
- commonVK->AutoNormalize(0);
- if (StrToInt(CHBox->Text) < 0)
- CHBox->Text = StrToInt(CHBox->Text) + 1;
- if (StrToInt(VSBox->Text) < 0)
- VSBox->Text = StrToInt(VSBox->Text) + 1;
- *commonVK = (cbBook->Text + " " + CHBox->Text + ":" + VSBox->Text).c_str();
- TextKeyChanged();
- commonVK->AutoNormalize(1);
-void __fastcall TAppBarFrm::UpDown1Click(TObject *Sender,
- TUDBtnType Button)
- btnLookupClick(Sender);
-void __fastcall TAppBarFrm::freeHandLookupKeyPress(TObject *Sender,
- char &Key)
- if (Key == '\r') {
- ListKey tmpVerseList = commonVK->ParseVerseList(freeHandLookup->Text.c_str(), *commonVK);
- if (tmpVerseList.Count()) {
- int index = freeHandLookup->Items->IndexOf(freeHandLookup->Text);
- freeHandLookup->Items->Insert(0, freeHandLookup->Text);
- if (index >= 0)
- freeHandLookup->Items->Delete(index+1);
- freeHandLookup->ItemIndex = 0;
- if (tmpVerseList.Count() > 1) {
- TVerseListFrm *tmpForm = new TVerseListFrm(this, tmpVerseList);
- tmpForm->Caption = "User Verse List";
- tmpForm->Show();
- }
- tmpVerseList = TOP;
- *commonVK = tmpVerseList;
- TextKeyChanged();
- }
- }
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AppBar.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AppBar.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index f11d879..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AppBar.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AppBar.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AppBar.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4839b2f..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/AppBar.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef AppBarH
-#define AppBarH
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <Buttons.hpp>
-#include <ComCtrls.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-#include <Graphics.hpp>
-#include <ToolWin.hpp>
-#include <Menus.hpp>
-//#include <MenuBar.hpp>
-#include <ImgList.hpp>
-//#include <DockCanvas.h>
-class SWMgr;
-class VerseKey;
-class SWKey;
-class TAppBarFrm : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TPanel *Panel1;
- TPanel *Panel2;
- TTabControl *TabControl1;
- TCoolBar *CoolBar1;
- TImage *BackBtnImage;
- TImage *SearchBtnImage;
- TToolBar *ToolBar2;
- TToolButton *ToolButton3;
- TToolButton *ToolButton4;
- TPanel *Panel3;
- TSpeedButton *btnLookup;
- TComboBox *cbBook;
- TEdit *CHBox;
- TUpDown *UpDown1;
- TEdit *VSBox;
- TUpDown *UpDown2;
- TToolBar *ToolBar1;
- TSpeedButton *Bookmarkbtn;
- TPanel *pnlSpeed;
- TCoolBar *CoolBar2;
- TMainMenu *MainMenu2;
- TMenuItem *File1;
- TMenuItem *Options1;
- TMenuItem *SaveLayout1;
- TMenuItem *N1;
- TMenuItem *Exit1;
- TMenuItem *Edit2;
- TMenuItem *Copy3;
- TMenuItem *Search3;
- TMenuItem *NewSearchWindow1;
- TMenuItem *Help4;
- TMenuItem *About1;
- TImageList *ImageList1;
- TImage *Image2;
- TImage *Image1;
- TPanel *Panel4;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton1;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton2;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton3;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton4;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton5;
- TComboBox *freeHandLookup;
- void __fastcall FormCreate(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall SpeedButton2Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall SpeedButton5Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall SpeedButton3Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall SpeedButton4Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall TabControl1Change(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall SpeedButton1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action);
- void __fastcall FormActivate(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall btnLookupClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormDestroy(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall UpDown1Click(TObject *Sender, TUDBtnType Button);
- void __fastcall freeHandLookupKeyPress(TObject *Sender, char &Key);
-private: // User declarations
- void RefreshActiveSheet(TPageControl *pc);
- void TextKeyChanged();
- void fillVKeySelector(VerseKey *vk);
- VerseKey *commonVK;
- SWKey *commonSK;
-public: // User declarations
- __fastcall TAppBarFrm(TComponent* Owner);
- SWMgr *mainmgr;
- TForm *activeDesktop;
-extern PACKAGE TAppBarFrm *AppBarFrm;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/Bitmap1.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/Bitmap1.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index cab8e28..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/Bitmap1.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/BookMarkPanel.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/BookMarkPanel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 78dd615..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/BookMarkPanel.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "BookMarkPanel.h"
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-#include "newbmfilefrm.h"
-//#include <dir.h>
-#include <io.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <swconfig.h>
-// ValidCtrCheck is used to assure that the components created do not have
-// any pure virtual functions.
-static inline void ValidCtrCheck(TBookMarkPanel *)
- new TBookMarkPanel(NULL);
-__fastcall TBookMarkPanel::TBookMarkPanel(TComponent* Owner)
- : TPanel(Owner)
- BMPopup = new TPopupMenu(this);
- TMenuItem * newitem;
- newitem = new TMenuItem(BMPopup);
- newitem->Caption = "&Add Child";
- newitem->OnClick = AddChild1Click;
- BMPopup->Items->Add(newitem);
- newitem = new TMenuItem(BMPopup);
- newitem->Caption = "&Delete";
- newitem->OnClick = Delete1Click;
- BMPopup->Items->Add(newitem);
- newitem = new TMenuItem(BMPopup);
- newitem->Caption = "&Rename";
- newitem->OnClick = Rename1Click;
- BMPopup->Items->Add(newitem);
- newitem = new TMenuItem(BMPopup);
- newitem->Caption = "-";
- BMPopup->Items->Add(newitem);
- newitem = new TMenuItem(BMPopup);
- newitem->Caption = "&New Bookmark File";
- newitem->OnClick = NewBookmarkFile1Click;
- BMPopup->Items->Add(newitem);
-__fastcall TBookMarkPanel::~TBookMarkPanel()
- list <String *>::iterator it;
- SaveBookmarks();
- for (it = bmfiles.begin(); it != bmfiles.end(); it++)
- delete *it;
-void __fastcall TBookMarkPanel::CreateWnd() {
- TPanel::CreateWnd();
- SWConfig *bookmarks;
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator eit;
- TTreeNode *node;
- DIR *dir;
- struct dirent *ent;
- string conffile;
- bmdir = "";
- SWConfig optionsconf("./options.conf");
- this->DragMode = dmAutomatic;
- this->DragKind = dkDock;
- this->UseDockManager = true;
- bmtree = new TTreeView(this);
- bmtree->Parent = this;
- bmtree->Align = alClient;
- bmtree->Items->Clear();
- bmtree->PopupMenu = BMPopup;
- if ((sit = optionsconf.Sections.find("Bookmarks")) != optionsconf.Sections.end())
- bmdir = ((eit = (*sit).second.find("Directory")) != (*sit).second.end()) ? (*eit).second : (string)"";
-// Add Personal Bookmarks first, or if they don't exist, ADD A BLANK BRANCH first in the tree
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (bmdir == "")
- bmdir = "./bookmarks/";
- if (access(bmdir.c_str(), 0)) { // directory does not exist
- _mkdir(bmdir.c_str());
- }
- conffile = bmdir + "personal.conf";
- bookmarks = new SWConfig(conffile.c_str());
- if ((sit = bookmarks->Sections.find("ROOT")) != bookmarks->Sections.end()) {
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.begin()) != (*sit).second.end()) {
- node = bmtree->Items->AddObject(bmtree->Selected, (*eit).second.c_str(), *bmfiles.insert(bmfiles.begin(), new String(conffile.c_str())));
- AddSection(bookmarks, bmtree, node, (*eit).first.c_str());
- }
- }
- else bmtree->Items->AddObject(bmtree->Selected, "Personal Bookmarks", *bmfiles.insert(bmfiles.begin(), new String(conffile.c_str())));
- delete bookmarks;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Add all other bookmark files ---------------------------------------------
- if (dir = opendir(bmdir.c_str())) {
- rewinddir(dir);
- while ((ent = readdir(dir))) {
- if ((strcmp(ent->d_name, "personal.conf")) && (strcmp(ent->d_name, "."))&& (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".."))) {
- conffile = bmdir;
- conffile += ent->d_name;
- bookmarks = new SWConfig(conffile.c_str());
- if ((sit = bookmarks->Sections.find("ROOT")) != bookmarks->Sections.end()) {
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.begin()) != (*sit).second.end()) { // Currently supports only ONE topsection per file because on save, each topsection designates which file to rewrite
- node = bmtree->Items->AddObject(bmtree->Selected, (*eit).second.c_str(), *bmfiles.insert(bmfiles.begin(), new String(conffile.c_str())));
- AddSection(bookmarks, bmtree, node, (*eit).first.c_str());
- }
- }
- delete bookmarks;
- }
- }
- closedir(dir);
- }
- SWConfig *bookmarks;
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator eit;
- TTreeNode *node;
- DIR *dir;
- struct dirent *ent;
- string conffile;
- bmdir = "";
- SWConfig optionsconf("./options.conf");
- this->DragMode = dmAutomatic;
- this->DragKind = dkDock;
- this->UseDockManager = true;
- bmtree = new TTreeView(this);
- bmtree->Parent = this;
- bmtree->Align = alClient;
- bmtree->DragMode = dmAutomatic;
- bmtree->Indent = 19;
- bmtree->PopupMenu = BMPopup;
- bmtree->TabOrder = 0;
- bmtree->OnDblClick = bmtreeDblClick;
- bmtree->OnDragDrop = bmtreeDragDrop;
- bmtree->OnDragOver = bmtreeDragOver;
- bmtree->Items->Clear();
- if ((sit = optionsconf.Sections.find("Bookmarks")) != optionsconf.Sections.end())
- bmdir = (*sit).second["Directory"];
-// Add Personal Bookmarks first, or if they don't exist, ADD A BLANK BRANCH first in the tree
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (bmdir == "")
- bmdir = "./bookmarks/";
- if (access(bmdir.c_str(), 0)) { // directory does not exist
- _mkdir(bmdir.c_str());
- }
- conffile = bmdir + "personal.conf";
- bookmarks = new SWConfig(conffile);
- if ((sit = bookmarks->Sections.find("ROOT")) != bookmarks->Sections.end()) {
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.begin()) != (*sit).second.end()) {
- node = bmtree->Items->AddObject(bmtree->Selected, (*eit).second.c_str(), *bmfiles.insert(bmfiles.begin(), new String(conffile.c_str())));
- AddSection(bookmarks, bmtree, node, (*eit).first.c_str());
- }
- }
- else bmtree->Items->AddObject(bmtree->Selected, "Personal Bookmarks", *bmfiles.insert(bmfiles.begin(), new String(conffile.c_str())));
- delete bookmarks;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Add all other bookmark files ---------------------------------------------
- if (dir = opendir(bmdir.c_str())) {
- rewinddir(dir);
- while ((ent = readdir(dir))) {
- if ((strcmp(ent->d_name, "personal.conf")) && (strcmp(ent->d_name, "."))&& (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".."))) {
- conffile = bmdir;
- conffile += ent->d_name;
- bookmarks = new SWConfig(conffile);
- if ((sit = bookmarks->Sections.find("ROOT")) != bookmarks->Sections.end()) {
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.begin()) != (*sit).second.end()) { // Currently supports only ONE topsection per file because on save, each topsection designates which file to rewrite
- node = bmtree->Items->AddObject(bmtree->Selected, (*eit).second.c_str(), *bmfiles.insert(bmfiles.begin(), new String(conffile.c_str())));
- AddSection(bookmarks, bmtree, node, (*eit).first.c_str());
- }
- }
- delete bookmarks;
- }
- }
- closedir(dir);
- }
-void TBookMarkPanel::AddSection(SWConfig *config, TTreeView *tree, TTreeNode *parent, String section)
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator eit;
- TTreeNode *node;
- if ((sit = config->Sections.find(section.c_str())) != config->Sections.end()) {
- for (eit = (*sit).second.begin(); eit != (*sit).second.end(); eit++) {
- node = tree->Items->AddChild(parent, (*eit).second.c_str());
- AddSection(config, tree, node, (*eit).first.c_str());
- }
- }
-void __fastcall TBookMarkPanel::bmtreeDragDrop(TObject *Sender, TObject *Source,
- int X, int Y)
- bmtree->Selected->MoveTo(bmtree->DropTarget, naAddChildFirst);
-void __fastcall TBookMarkPanel::bmtreeDragOver(TObject *Sender, TObject *Source,
- int X, int Y, TDragState State, bool &Accept)
- Accept = false;
- if (String(Source->ClassName()) == "TTreeView") {
- if (Source == bmtree) {
- if (bmtree->Selected->Data) {
- if (strcmp((*(String*)(bmtree->Selected->Data)).c_str(),(bmdir + "personal.conf").c_str())) {
- Accept = true;
- }
- }
- else Accept = true;
- }
- }
-void __fastcall TBookMarkPanel::bmtreeDblClick(TObject *Sender)
- if (!bmtree->Selected->getFirstChild()) {
-// Form1->DefaultVSKey = bmtree->Selected->Text.c_str();
-// Form1->TextKeyChanged();
- }
-void __fastcall TBookMarkPanel::AddChild1Click(TObject *Sender)
- bmtree->Selected->Expand(false);
- bmtree->Items->AddChildFirst(bmtree->Selected, "New Topic")->EditText();
-void __fastcall TBookMarkPanel::Delete1Click(TObject *Sender)
- if (bmtree->Selected->Data) {
- if (strcmp((*(String*)(bmtree->Selected->Data)).c_str(),(bmdir + "personal.conf").c_str())) {
- bmtree->Selected->Delete();
- }
- }
- else bmtree->Selected->Delete();
-void __fastcall TBookMarkPanel::Rename1Click(TObject *Sender)
- bmtree->Selected->EditText();
-void TBookMarkPanel::SaveBookmarks()
- TTreeNode *tree = 0;
- SWConfig *bmconf;
- ConfigEntMap emap;
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- char buf[15];
- bool personal, other;
- list <String *>::iterator it;
- string persfile;
- SWConfig optionsconf("./options.conf");
- if (bmtree->Items->Count)
- tree = bmtree->Items->Item[0];
- if ((sit = optionsconf.Sections.find("Bookmarks")) != optionsconf.Sections.end()) {
- personal = (atoi((*(*sit).second.find("AutoSavePersonal")).second.c_str())) ? true:false;
- other = (atoi((*(*sit).second.find("AutoSaveOther")).second.c_str())) ? true:false;
- }
- persfile = bmdir + "personal.conf";
- for (it = bmfiles.begin(); it != bmfiles.end(); it++) { // delete all bookmark files before saving in case a top level was deleted
- if (((!strcmp((*it)->c_str(), persfile.c_str())) && personal) || ((strcmp((*it)->c_str(), persfile.c_str())) && other))
- unlink((*it)->c_str());
- }
- for (;tree;tree = tree->getNextSibling()) {
- if (((*((String *)tree->Data) == persfile.c_str()) && personal) || ((*((String *)tree->Data) != persfile.c_str()) && other)) {
- bmconf = new SWConfig(((String *)tree->Data)->c_str());
- emap = bmconf->Sections["ROOT"];
- sprintf(buf, "branch%d", tree->AbsoluteIndex);
- emap.erase(buf); emap.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type(buf, tree->Text.c_str()));
- AddSectionToConf(bmconf, buf, tree);
- bmconf->Sections["ROOT"] = emap;
- bmconf->Save();
- delete bmconf;
- }
- }
-void TBookMarkPanel::AddSectionToConf(SWConfig *config, String section, TTreeNode *tree) {
- ConfigEntMap sit;
- char buf[15];
- if (tree = tree->getFirstChild()) {
- sit = config->Sections[section.c_str()];
- for (; tree; tree = tree->getNextSibling()) {
- sprintf(buf, "branch%d", tree->AbsoluteIndex);
- sit.erase(buf); sit.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type(buf, tree->Text.c_str()));
- AddSectionToConf(config, buf, tree);
- }
- config->Sections[section.c_str()] = sit;
- }
-void __fastcall TBookMarkPanel::NewBookmarkFile1Click(TObject *Sender)
- if (NewBMfrm->ShowModal() == mrOk) {
- bmtree->Items->AddObject(bmtree->Items->Item[0], NewBMfrm->bmtitle->Text, *bmfiles.insert(bmfiles.begin(), new String(String(bmdir.c_str()) + NewBMfrm->bmfile->Text + String(".conf"))));
- }
-namespace Bookmarkpanel
- void __fastcall PACKAGE Register()
- {
- TComponentClass classes[1] = {__classid(TBookMarkPanel)};
- RegisterComponents("Samples", classes, 0);
- }
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/BookMarkPanel.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/BookMarkPanel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c998b76..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/BookMarkPanel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef BookMarkPanelH
-#define BookMarkPanelH
-#include <SysUtils.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-#include <swconfig.h>
-#include <list>
-class PACKAGE TBookMarkPanel : public TPanel
- void AddSection(SWConfig *config, TTreeView *tree, TTreeNode *parent, String section);
- list <String *> bmfiles; // so we can delete each display we create
- __fastcall TBookMarkPanel(TComponent* Owner);
- virtual __fastcall ~TBookMarkPanel();
- virtual void __fastcall CreateWnd();
- string bmdir;
- void SaveBookmarks();
- void AddSectionToConf(SWConfig *config, String section, TTreeNode *tree);
- TTreeView *bmtree;
- TPopupMenu *BMPopup;
- void __fastcall bmtreeDragDrop(TObject *Sender, TObject *Source, int X, int Y);
- void __fastcall bmtreeDragOver(TObject *Sender, TObject *Source, int X, int Y,
- TDragState State, bool &Accept);
- void __fastcall bmtreeDblClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall AddChild1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Delete1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Rename1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall NewBookmarkFile1Click(TObject *Sender);
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/CommentPanel.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/CommentPanel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dbf8adf..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/CommentPanel.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#include <vcl/clipbrd.hpp>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "CommentPanel.h"
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-#include "swdisprtfchap.h"
-#include <swconfig.h>
-#include <swmodule.h>
-#include "Greek2Greek.h"
-#include <utilfuns.h>
-#include <swmgr.h>
-#include <shellapi.h>
-class RTFDisp : public SWDisplay {
- SWDispRTF *edit;
- RTFDisp(SWDispRTF *iedit) { edit = iedit; }
- RTFDisp() {}
- char Display(SWModule &imodule) {
- edit->Display(imodule);
- }
-class DispExternal : public SWDisplay {
- DispExternal() {}
- char Display(SWModule &imodule) {
- info.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO);
- info.hwnd = GetFocus();
- info.lpVerb = "open";
- info.lpFile = (char *)imodule;
- info.lpParameters = NULL;
- info.lpDirectory = NULL;
- info.nShow = 0;
-// info.lpClass = ".html";
- ShellExecuteEx(&info);
-// ShellExecute(edit->Handle, "open", (char *)imodule, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
- }
-// ValidCtrCheck is used to assure that the components created do not have
-// any pure virtual functions.
-static inline void ValidCtrCheck(TCommentPanel *)
- new TCommentPanel(NULL);
-__fastcall TCommentPanel::TCommentPanel(TComponent* Owner, SWModule *mod, SWMgr *imgr)
- : TPanel(Owner)
- module = mod;
- mgr = imgr;
- this->font = 0;
- stdstr(&(this->font), font);
- menu = new TPopupMenu(this);
- menu->OnPopup = PopupMenuPopup;
- TMenuItem * newitem;
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = "&Copy";
- newitem->Hint = "Copy text to clipboard";
- newitem->Default = false;
- newitem->OnClick = Copy1Click;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- if (!strcmp(mod->Name(), "N27U4")) {
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = "Copy as &B-Greek Transliteration";
- newitem->Hint = "Copy text to clipboard as B-Greek Transliteration";
- newitem->Default = false;
- newitem->OnClick = CopyasBGreekTransliteration1Click;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- }
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = "Dictionary Lookup";
- newitem->Hint = "Send text to dictionary key for lookup";
- newitem->Default = false;
- newitem->OnClick = DictionaryLookup1Click;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
-void __fastcall TCommentPanel::CreateWnd() {
- TPanel::CreateWnd();
- TWinControl *newrtf;
- if (mgr->config->Sections[module->Name()]["ModDrv"] == "HREFCom") {
-// if (mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()]["External"] == "1") {
- newrtf = new TPanel(this);
- ((TPanel *)newrtf)->Caption = "Syncronizing to External Viewer";
- display = new DispExternal();
- module->Disp(display);
- }
- else {
- // newrtf = new THTML(this->Handle);
- // newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this);
- newrtf = HTML1;
- newrtf->Visible = true;
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new HREFDisp((THTML *)newrtf)));
- // mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new RTFDisp((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)));
- }
- }
- else {
- newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this);
- display = new RTFDisp((SWDispRTF *)newrtf);
- module->Disp(display);
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ScrollBars = ssVertical;
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ReadOnly = true;
- if (mgr->config->Sections[module->Name()]["ModDrv"] == "RawFiles") {
-// ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->PopupMenu = PopupMenu3;
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ExpandNewLine = false;
- }
-// else ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->PopupMenu = PopupMenu2;
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->OnMouseDown = RTFMouseDown;
- }
- newrtf->Parent = this;
- newrtf->Align = alClient;
-// mod->SetKey(DefaultVSKey);
-// return 0;
-__fastcall TCommentPanel::~TCommentPanel() {
- delete display;
- if (font)
- delete font;
-namespace Commentpanel
- void __fastcall PACKAGE Register()
- {
- TComponentClass classes[1] = {__classid(TCommentPanel)};
- RegisterComponents("Samples", classes, 0);
- }
-void __fastcall TCommentPanel::PopupMenuPopup(TObject *Sender)
-void TCommentPanel::BuildRTFHeader(char *buf, char *font, int max)
- char buf1[1024], buf2[1024];
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- sprintf(buf1, "{\\rtf1\\ansi");
- if (font)
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fdecor\\fprq2 %s;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f2\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f3\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f4\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f7\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}{\\f8\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}}", font);
- else sprintf(buf2, "{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fdecor\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f7\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}{\\f8\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}}");
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
-// if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
-// sprintf(buf2, "{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red%d\\green%d\\blue%d;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;}",
-// atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorRed"].c_str()),
-// atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorGreen"].c_str()),
-// atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorBlue"].c_str()));
-// }
-// else
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;}");
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- memset(buf, 0, max);
- strncpy(buf, buf1, max);
-void __fastcall TCommentPanel::CopyasBGreekTransliteration1Click(TObject *Sender)
- char *retbuf;
- int len;
- TClipboard *clip = new TClipboard();
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- len = rtf->SelText.Length() * 2;
- retbuf = new char [ len ];
- if (!Greek2bGreek(retbuf, rtf->SelText.c_str(), len)) {
- clip->SetTextBuf(retbuf);
- }
- delete clip;
-void __fastcall TCommentPanel::Copy1Click(TObject *Sender)
- int wordstart;
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- if (!rtf->SelLength) {
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart; (wordstart > -1)&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart--);
- rtf->SelStart = (wordstart > -1) ? wordstart: 0;
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart + 1; (wordstart < rtf->Text.Length())&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart++);
- rtf->SelLength = ((wordstart < rtf->Text.Length()) ? wordstart : rtf->Text.Length() - 1) - rtf->SelStart - 1;
- }
- rtf->CopyToClipboard();
-void __fastcall TCommentPanel::DictionaryLookup1Click(TObject *Sender)
- int wordstart;
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- if (!rtf->SelLength) {
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart; (wordstart > -1)&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart--);
- rtf->SelStart = (wordstart > -1) ? wordstart: 0;
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart + 1; (wordstart < rtf->Text.Length())&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart++);
- rtf->SelLength = ((wordstart < rtf->Text.Length()) ? wordstart : rtf->Text.Length() - 1) - rtf->SelStart - 1;
- }
-// DictKeyEdit->Text = Trim(rtf->SelText);
-void __fastcall TCommentPanel::RTFMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button,
- TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
- ((TWinControl *)Sender)->SetFocus();
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/CommentPanel.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/CommentPanel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fa9145..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/CommentPanel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef CommentPanelH
-#define CommentPanelH
-#include <SysUtils.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-class SWDisplay;
-class SWModule;
-class SWMgr;
-class PACKAGE TCommentPanel : public TPanel
- __fastcall TCommentPanel(TComponent* Owner, SWModule *mod = 0, SWMgr *mgr = 0);
- __fastcall virtual ~TCommentPanel();
- SWDisplay *display;
- SWModule *module;
- SWMgr *mgr;
- char *font;
- TPopupMenu *menu;
- virtual void __fastcall CreateWnd();
- void __fastcall PopupMenuPopup(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall CopyasBGreekTransliteration1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Copy1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall DictionaryLookup1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall RTFMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y);
- void BuildRTFHeader(char *buf, char *font, int max);
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DeskTopNameForm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DeskTopNameForm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c3308b4..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DeskTopNameForm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "DeskTopNameForm.h"
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TDeskTopNameFrm *DeskTopNameFrm;
-__fastcall TDeskTopNameFrm::TDeskTopNameFrm(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DeskTopNameForm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DeskTopNameForm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index e64f7bd..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DeskTopNameForm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DeskTopNameForm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DeskTopNameForm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ef1549..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DeskTopNameForm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef DeskTopNameFormH
-#define DeskTopNameFormH
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <ComCtrls.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-class TDeskTopNameFrm : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TLabel *Label1;
- TPanel *Panel1;
- TButton *Button1;
- TPanel *Panel2;
- TEdit *desktopName;
-private: // User declarations
-public: // User declarations
- __fastcall TDeskTopNameFrm(TComponent* Owner);
-extern PACKAGE TDeskTopNameFrm *DeskTopNameFrm;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DockCanvas.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DockCanvas.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2abf914..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DockCanvas.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "DockCanvas.h"
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TDockCanvasFrm *DockCanvasFrm;
-__fastcall TDockCanvasFrm::TDockCanvasFrm(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DockCanvas.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DockCanvas.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e80013..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DockCanvas.dfm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-object DockCanvasFrm: TDockCanvasFrm
- Left = 208
- Top = 180
- Width = 696
- Height = 480
- Caption = 'DockCanvasFrm'
- Color = clBtnFace
- UseDockManager = True
- DockSite = True
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- OldCreateOrder = False
- PixelsPerInch = 96
- TextHeight = 13
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DockCanvas.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DockCanvas.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c06c03a..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/DockCanvas.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef DockCanvasH
-#define DockCanvasH
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-class TDockCanvasFrm : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
-private: // User declarations
-public: // User declarations
- __fastcall TDockCanvasFrm(TComponent* Owner);
-extern PACKAGE TDockCanvasFrm *DockCanvasFrm;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/LDPanel.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/LDPanel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b93af95..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/LDPanel.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#include <vcl/clipbrd.hpp>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "LDPanel.h"
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-#include "swdisprtfchap.h"
-#include <swconfig.h>
-#include <swmodule.h>
-#include "Greek2Greek.h"
-#include <utilfuns.h>
-#include <swmgr.h>
-class RTFDisp : public SWDisplay {
- SWDispRTF *edit;
- RTFDisp(SWDispRTF *iedit) { edit = iedit; }
- RTFDisp() {}
- char Display(SWModule &imodule) {
- edit->Display(imodule);
- }
-// ValidCtrCheck is used to assure that the components created do not have
-// any pure virtual functions.
-static inline void ValidCtrCheck(TLDPanel *)
- new TLDPanel(NULL);
-__fastcall TLDPanel::TLDPanel(TComponent* Owner, SWModule *mod, SWMgr *imgr)
- : TPanel(Owner)
- module = mod;
- mgr = imgr;
- this->font = 0;
- stdstr(&(this->font), font);
- menu = new TPopupMenu(this);
- menu->OnPopup = PopupMenuPopup;
- TMenuItem * newitem;
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = "&Copy";
- newitem->Hint = "Copy text to clipboard";
- newitem->Default = false;
- newitem->OnClick = Copy1Click;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- if (!strcmp(mod->Name(), "N27U4")) {
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = "Copy as &B-Greek Transliteration";
- newitem->Hint = "Copy text to clipboard as B-Greek Transliteration";
- newitem->Default = false;
- newitem->OnClick = CopyasBGreekTransliteration1Click;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- }
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = "Dictionary Lookup";
- newitem->Hint = "Send text to dictionary key for lookup";
- newitem->Default = false;
- newitem->OnClick = DictionaryLookup1Click;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
-void __fastcall TLDPanel::CreateWnd() {
- TPanel::CreateWnd();
- SWDispRTF *newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this);
- newrtf->Parent = this;
- newrtf->Align = alClient;
- newrtf->ScrollBars = ssVertical;
- newrtf->ReadOnly = true;
-// newrtf->PopupMenu = PopupMenu2;
-// newrtf->OnMouseDown = RTFMouseDown;
- display = new RTFDisp(newrtf);
- module->Disp(display);
-// mod->SetKey(DefaultStrKey);
-__fastcall TLDPanel::~TLDPanel() {
- delete display;
- if (font)
- delete font;
-namespace Ldpanel
- void __fastcall PACKAGE Register()
- {
- TComponentClass classes[1] = {__classid(TLDPanel)};
- RegisterComponents("Samples", classes, 0);
- }
-void __fastcall TLDPanel::PopupMenuPopup(TObject *Sender)
-void TLDPanel::BuildRTFHeader(char *buf, char *font, int max)
- char buf1[1024], buf2[1024];
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- sprintf(buf1, "{\\rtf1\\ansi");
- if (font)
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fdecor\\fprq2 %s;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f2\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f3\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f4\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f7\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}{\\f8\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}}", font);
- else sprintf(buf2, "{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fdecor\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f7\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}{\\f8\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}}");
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
-// if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
-// sprintf(buf2, "{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red%d\\green%d\\blue%d;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;}",
-// atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorRed"].c_str()),
-// atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorGreen"].c_str()),
-// atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorBlue"].c_str()));
-// }
-// else
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;}");
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- memset(buf, 0, max);
- strncpy(buf, buf1, max);
-void __fastcall TLDPanel::CopyasBGreekTransliteration1Click(TObject *Sender)
- char *retbuf;
- int len;
- TClipboard *clip = new TClipboard();
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- len = rtf->SelText.Length() * 2;
- retbuf = new char [ len ];
- if (!Greek2bGreek(retbuf, rtf->SelText.c_str(), len)) {
- clip->SetTextBuf(retbuf);
- }
- delete clip;
-void __fastcall TLDPanel::Copy1Click(TObject *Sender)
- int wordstart;
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- if (!rtf->SelLength) {
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart; (wordstart > -1)&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart--);
- rtf->SelStart = (wordstart > -1) ? wordstart: 0;
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart + 1; (wordstart < rtf->Text.Length())&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart++);
- rtf->SelLength = ((wordstart < rtf->Text.Length()) ? wordstart : rtf->Text.Length() - 1) - rtf->SelStart - 1;
- }
- rtf->CopyToClipboard();
-void __fastcall TLDPanel::DictionaryLookup1Click(TObject *Sender)
- int wordstart;
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- if (!rtf->SelLength) {
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart; (wordstart > -1)&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart--);
- rtf->SelStart = (wordstart > -1) ? wordstart: 0;
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart + 1; (wordstart < rtf->Text.Length())&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart++);
- rtf->SelLength = ((wordstart < rtf->Text.Length()) ? wordstart : rtf->Text.Length() - 1) - rtf->SelStart - 1;
- }
-// DictKeyEdit->Text = Trim(rtf->SelText);
-void __fastcall TLDPanel::RTFMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button,
- TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
- ((TWinControl *)Sender)->SetFocus();
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/LDPanel.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/LDPanel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 80dcdff..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/LDPanel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef LDPanelH
-#define LDPanelH
-#include <SysUtils.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-class SWDisplay;
-class SWModule;
-class SWMgr;
-class PACKAGE TLDPanel : public TPanel
- __fastcall TLDPanel(TComponent* Owner, SWModule *mod = 0, SWMgr *mgr = 0);
- __fastcall virtual ~TLDPanel();
- SWDisplay *display;
- SWModule *module;
- SWMgr *mgr;
- char *font;
- TPopupMenu *menu;
- virtual void __fastcall CreateWnd();
- void __fastcall PopupMenuPopup(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall CopyasBGreekTransliteration1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Copy1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall DictionaryLookup1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall RTFMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y);
- void BuildRTFHeader(char *buf, char *font, int max);
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModInstForm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModInstForm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1763817..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModInstForm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl\vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "ModInstForm.h"
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TModInstFrm *ModInstFrm;
-__fastcall TModInstFrm::TModInstFrm(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
-//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModInstForm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModInstForm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 41ce498..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModInstForm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModInstForm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModInstForm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f0cb90a..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModInstForm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ModInstFormH
-#define ModInstFormH
-#include <vcl\Classes.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Controls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Forms.hpp>
-#include <vcl\ComCtrls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\ExtCtrls.hpp>
-class TModInstFrm : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TRichEdit *AboutText;
- TPanel *Panel1;
- TButton *Button1;
- TLabel *ModText;
-private: // User declarations
-public: // User declarations
- __fastcall TModInstFrm(TComponent* Owner);
-extern TModInstFrm *ModInstFrm;
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModTabPanel.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModTabPanel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d39acf..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModTabPanel.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "ModTabPanel.h"
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-#include <swmgr.h>
-#include "TextPanel.h"
-#include "CommentPanel.h"
-#include "LDPanel.h"
-// ValidCtrCheck is used to assure that the components created do not have
-// any pure virtual functions.
-static inline void ValidCtrCheck(TModTabPanel *)
- new TModTabPanel(NULL);
-__fastcall TModTabPanel::TModTabPanel(TComponent* Owner, SWMgr *mgr, char *modType)
- : TPanel(Owner)
- this->mgr = mgr;
- this->modType = modType;
-void __fastcall TModTabPanel::CreateWnd() {
- TPanel::CreateWnd();
- ModMap::iterator it;
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator eit;
- char *font;
- this->DragMode = dmAutomatic;
- this->DragKind = dkDock;
- this->UseDockManager = true;
- pageControl = new TPageControl(this);
- pageControl->Parent = this;
- pageControl->Align = alClient;
- pageControl->MultiLine = True;
- pageControl->ParentFont = False;
- pageControl->ParentShowHint = False;
- pageControl->ShowHint = True;
- pageControl->TabHeight = 14;
- pageControl->TabOrder = 0;
- pageControl->OnChange = PageControl1Change;
- for (it = mgr->Modules.begin(); it != mgr->Modules.end(); it++) {
- if ((!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), "Biblical Texts")) && (!strcmp(modType.c_str(), "Biblical Texts"))) {
- font = 0;
- if ((sit = mgr->config->Sections.find((*it).second->Name())) != mgr->config->Sections.end()) {
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("Font")) != (*sit).second.end()) {
- font = (char *)(*eit).second.c_str();
- }
- }
- TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this);
- newtab->Caption = (*it).second->Name();
- newtab->Hint = (*it).second->Description();
- newtab->PageControl = pageControl;
- TTextPanel *panel = new TTextPanel(this, (*it).second, font);
- panel->Parent = newtab;
- panel->Align = alClient;
-// CreateTextPane((*it).second, font);
- }
- if ((!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), "Commentaries")) && (!strcmp(modType.c_str(), "Commentaries"))) {
- TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this);
- newtab->Caption = (*it).second->Name();
- newtab->Hint = (*it).second->Description();
- newtab->PageControl = pageControl;
- TCommentPanel *panel = new TCommentPanel(this, (*it).second, mgr);
- panel->Parent = newtab;
- panel->Align = alClient;
-// CreateCommentPane((*it).second);
- }
- if ((!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), "Lexicons / Dictionaries")) && (!strcmp(modType.c_str(), "Lexicons / Dictionaries"))) {
- TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this);
- newtab->Caption = (*it).second->Name();
- newtab->Hint = (*it).second->Description();
- newtab->PageControl = pageControl;
- TLDPanel *panel = new TLDPanel(this, (*it).second, mgr);
- panel->Parent = newtab;
- panel->Align = alClient;
-// CreateLDPane((*it).second);
- }
- }
-namespace Modtabpanel
- void __fastcall PACKAGE Register()
- {
- TComponentClass classes[1] = {__classid(TModTabPanel)};
- RegisterComponents("Samples", classes, 0);
- }
-void __fastcall TModTabPanel::PageControl1Change(TObject *Sender)
- RefreshActiveSheet();
-// Form1->ActiveControl = PageControl1;
-void TModTabPanel::RefreshActiveSheet()
- ModMap::iterator it;
- it = mgr->Modules.find(pageControl->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (it != mgr->Modules.end()) {
- (*it).second->Display();
-// if (logmodstate)
-// modstates.insert(modstates.begin(), new ModState(pc, pc->ActivePage, (*it).second->KeyText()));
- }
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModTabPanel.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModTabPanel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9da8db2..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/ModTabPanel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ModTabPanelH
-#define ModTabPanelH
-#include <SysUtils.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-#include <string>
-class SWMgr;
-class PACKAGE TModTabPanel : public TPanel
- SWMgr *mgr;
- std::string modType;
- __fastcall TModTabPanel(TComponent* Owner, SWMgr *mgr = 0, char *modtype = 0);
- void RefreshActiveSheet();
- virtual void __fastcall CreateWnd();
- TPageControl *pageControl;
- void __fastcall PageControl1Change(TObject *Sender);
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/TextPanel.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/TextPanel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a534e12..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/TextPanel.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#include <vcl/clipbrd.hpp>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "TextPanel.h"
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-#include "swdisprtfchap.h"
-#include <swconfig.h>
-#include <swmodule.h>
-#include "Greek2Greek.h"
-#include <utilfuns.h>
-class RTFDisp : public SWDisplay {
- SWDispRTF *edit;
- RTFDisp(SWDispRTF *iedit) { edit = iedit; }
- RTFDisp() {}
- char Display(SWModule &imodule) {
- edit->Display(imodule);
- }
-// ValidCtrCheck is used to assure that the components created do not have
-// any pure virtual functions.
-static inline void ValidCtrCheck(TTextPanel *)
- new TTextPanel(NULL);
-__fastcall TTextPanel::TTextPanel(TComponent* Owner, SWModule *mod, char *font)
- : TPanel(Owner)
- module = mod;
- this->font = 0;
- stdstr(&(this->font), font);
- menu = new TPopupMenu(this);
- menu->OnPopup = PopupMenuPopup;
- TMenuItem * newitem;
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = "&Copy";
- newitem->Hint = "Copy text to clipboard";
- newitem->Default = false;
- newitem->OnClick = Copy1Click;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- if (!strcmp(mod->Name(), "N27U4")) {
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = "Copy as &B-Greek Transliteration";
- newitem->Hint = "Copy text to clipboard as B-Greek Transliteration";
- newitem->Default = false;
- newitem->OnClick = CopyasBGreekTransliteration1Click;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- }
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = "Dictionary Lookup";
- newitem->Hint = "Send text to dictionary key for lookup";
- newitem->Default = false;
- newitem->OnClick = DictionaryLookup1Click;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
-void __fastcall TTextPanel::CreateWnd() {
- TPanel::CreateWnd();
- SWDispRTFChap *newrtf = new SWDispRTFChap(this);
- char buf[512];
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
-// newtab->Caption = mod->Name();
-// newtab->Hint = mod->Description();
-// newtab->PageControl = PageControl1;
- newrtf->Parent = this;
- newrtf->Align = alClient;
- newrtf->ScrollBars = ssVertical;
- newrtf->ReadOnly = true;
- newrtf->PopupMenu = menu;
- newrtf->OnMouseDown = RTFMouseDown;
- BuildRTFHeader(buf, font, 512);
- newrtf->RTFHeader = buf;
-// if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
-// newrtf->MarkCurrentVerse = (atoi((*sit).second["AutoVSColor"].c_str())) ? true:false;
-// }
- display = new RTFDisp(newrtf);
- module->Disp(display);
-// mod->SetKey(DefaultVSKey);
-__fastcall TTextPanel::~TTextPanel() {
- delete display;
- if (font)
- delete font;
-namespace Textpanel
- void __fastcall PACKAGE Register()
- {
- TComponentClass classes[1] = {__classid(TTextPanel)};
- RegisterComponents("Samples", classes, 0);
- }
-void __fastcall TTextPanel::PopupMenuPopup(TObject *Sender)
-void TTextPanel::BuildRTFHeader(char *buf, char *font, int max)
- char buf1[1024], buf2[1024];
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- sprintf(buf1, "{\\rtf1\\ansi");
- if (font)
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fdecor\\fprq2 %s;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f2\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f3\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f4\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f7\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}{\\f8\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}}", font);
- else sprintf(buf2, "{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fdecor\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f7\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}{\\f8\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}}");
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
-// if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
-// sprintf(buf2, "{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red%d\\green%d\\blue%d;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;}",
-// atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorRed"].c_str()),
-// atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorGreen"].c_str()),
-// atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorBlue"].c_str()));
-// }
-// else
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;}");
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- memset(buf, 0, max);
- strncpy(buf, buf1, max);
-void __fastcall TTextPanel::CopyasBGreekTransliteration1Click(TObject *Sender)
- char *retbuf;
- int len;
- TClipboard *clip = new TClipboard();
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- len = rtf->SelText.Length() * 2;
- retbuf = new char [ len ];
- if (!Greek2bGreek(retbuf, rtf->SelText.c_str(), len)) {
- clip->SetTextBuf(retbuf);
- }
- delete clip;
-void __fastcall TTextPanel::Copy1Click(TObject *Sender)
- int wordstart;
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- if (!rtf->SelLength) {
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart; (wordstart > -1)&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart--);
- rtf->SelStart = (wordstart > -1) ? wordstart: 0;
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart + 1; (wordstart < rtf->Text.Length())&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart++);
- rtf->SelLength = ((wordstart < rtf->Text.Length()) ? wordstart : rtf->Text.Length() - 1) - rtf->SelStart - 1;
- }
- rtf->CopyToClipboard();
-void __fastcall TTextPanel::DictionaryLookup1Click(TObject *Sender)
- int wordstart;
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- if (!rtf->SelLength) {
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart; (wordstart > -1)&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart--);
- rtf->SelStart = (wordstart > -1) ? wordstart: 0;
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart + 1; (wordstart < rtf->Text.Length())&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart++);
- rtf->SelLength = ((wordstart < rtf->Text.Length()) ? wordstart : rtf->Text.Length() - 1) - rtf->SelStart - 1;
- }
-// DictKeyEdit->Text = Trim(rtf->SelText);
-void __fastcall TTextPanel::RTFMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button,
- TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
- ((TWinControl *)Sender)->SetFocus();
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/TextPanel.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/TextPanel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6103088..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/TextPanel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TextPanelH
-#define TextPanelH
-#include <SysUtils.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-class SWDisplay;
-class SWModule;
-class PACKAGE TTextPanel : public TPanel
- __fastcall TTextPanel(TComponent* Owner, SWModule *mod = 0, char *font = 0);
- __fastcall virtual ~TTextPanel();
- SWDisplay *display;
- SWModule *module;
- char *font;
- TPopupMenu *menu;
- virtual void __fastcall CreateWnd();
- void __fastcall PopupMenuPopup(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall CopyasBGreekTransliteration1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Copy1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall DictionaryLookup1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall RTFMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y);
- void BuildRTFHeader(char *buf, char *font, int max);
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/back.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/back.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5284295..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/back.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/biblecsmgr.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/biblecsmgr.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5532081..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/biblecsmgr.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#include "BibleCSMGR.h"
-#include <swconfig.h>
-#include <gbfrtf.h>
-#include <rwprtf.h>
-#include <rawgbf.h>
-#include <thmlrtf.h>
-BibleCSMGR::BibleCSMGR(TModInstFrm *iModInstFrm) : SWMgr(0, 0, false)
- gbftortf = new GBFRTF();
- rwptortf = new RWPRTF();
- thmltortf = new ThMLRTF();
- ModInstFrm = iModInstFrm;
- Load();
- if (gbftortf)
- delete gbftortf;
- if (rwptortf)
- delete rwptortf;
- if (thmltortf)
- delete thmltortf;
-void BibleCSMGR::AddRenderFilters(SWModule *module, ConfigEntMap &section)
- string sourceformat;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator entry;
- sourceformat = ((entry = section.find("SourceType")) != section.end()) ? (*entry).second : (string)"";
- // Temporary: To support old module types
-// if (sourceformat.empty()) {
-// try {
-// if (dynamic_cast<RawGBF *>(module))
-// sourceformat = "GBF";
-// }
-// catch ( ... ) {}
-// }
- if (!stricmp(sourceformat.c_str(), "GBF")) {
- module->AddRenderFilter(gbftortf);
- }
- if (!stricmp(module->Name(), "RWP"))
- module->AddRenderFilter(rwptortf);
- if (!stricmp(sourceformat.c_str(), "THML"))
- module->AddRenderFilter(thmltortf);
-char BibleCSMGR::AddModToConfig(int conffd, const char *fname)
- SWConfig modconf(fname);
- SectionMap::iterator section;
- AnsiString abouttext = "";
- bool logflag;
- TMemoryStream *RTFStream = new TMemoryStream();
- char retval;
- section = modconf.Sections.begin();
- ModInstFrm->ModText->Caption = "";
- ModInstFrm->ModText->Caption = ModInstFrm->ModText->Caption + "Found new module [ " + (*(*section).second.find("Description")).second.c_str() + " ]. Installing...";
- abouttext = abouttext + "{\\fs20\\cf0 " + (*(*section).second.find("About")).second.c_str() + " }";
- RTFStream->Clear();
- RTFStream->WriteBuffer(abouttext.c_str(), abouttext.Length());
- RTFStream->Position = 0;
- ModInstFrm->AboutText->Lines->LoadFromStream(RTFStream);
- delete RTFStream;
- ModInstFrm->ShowModal();
- logflag = SWLog::systemlog->log;
- SWLog::systemlog->log = false;
- retval = SWMgr::AddModToConfig(conffd, fname);
- SWLog::systemlog->log = logflag;
- return retval;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/biblecsmgr.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/biblecsmgr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 38f8320..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/biblecsmgr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef biblecsmgrH
-#define biblecsmgrH
-#include <swmgr.h>
-#include "ModInstForm.h"
-class BibleCSMGR : public SWMgr {
- TModInstFrm *ModInstFrm;
- SWFilter *gbftortf;
- SWFilter *rwptortf;
- SWFilter *thmltortf;
- virtual char AddModToConfig(int conffd, const char *fname);
- virtual void AddRenderFilters(SWModule *module, ConfigEntMap &section);
- BibleCSMGR(TModInstFrm *iModInstFrm);
- virtual ~BibleCSMGR();
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmark.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmark.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b6df0c..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmark.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmarkfrm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmarkfrm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e284b85..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmarkfrm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl\vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "bookmarkfrm.h"
-#include <swconfig.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include "mainfrm.h"
-#include "newbmfilefrm.h"
-#include <io.h>
-#include <dir.h>
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TBookmarksfrm *Bookmarksfrm;
-__fastcall TBookmarksfrm::TBookmarksfrm(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
- SWConfig *bookmarks;
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator eit;
- TTreeNode *node;
- DIR *dir;
- struct dirent *ent;
- string conffile;
- bmdir = "";
- bmtree->Items->Clear();
- if ((sit = Form1->optionsconf->Sections.find("Bookmarks")) != Form1->optionsconf->Sections.end())
- bmdir = (*sit).second["Directory"];
-// Add Personal Bookmarks first, or if they don't exist, ADD A BLANK BRANCH first in the tree
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (bmdir == "")
- bmdir = "./bookmarks/";
- if (access(bmdir.c_str(), 0)) { // directory does not exist
- _mkdir(bmdir.c_str());
- }
- conffile = bmdir + "personal.conf";
- bookmarks = new SWConfig(conffile.c_str());
- if ((sit = bookmarks->Sections.find("ROOT")) != bookmarks->Sections.end()) {
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.begin()) != (*sit).second.end()) {
- node = bmtree->Items->AddObject(bmtree->Selected, (*eit).second.c_str(), *bmfiles.insert(bmfiles.begin(), new String(conffile.c_str())));
- AddSection(bookmarks, bmtree, node, (*eit).first.c_str());
- }
- }
- else bmtree->Items->AddObject(bmtree->Selected, "Personal Bookmarks", *bmfiles.insert(bmfiles.begin(), new String(conffile.c_str())));
- delete bookmarks;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Add all other bookmark files ---------------------------------------------
- if (dir = opendir(bmdir.c_str())) {
- rewinddir(dir);
- while ((ent = readdir(dir))) {
- if ((strcmp(ent->d_name, "personal.conf")) && (strcmp(ent->d_name, "."))&& (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".."))) {
- conffile = bmdir;
- conffile += ent->d_name;
- bookmarks = new SWConfig(conffile.c_str());
- if ((sit = bookmarks->Sections.find("ROOT")) != bookmarks->Sections.end()) {
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.begin()) != (*sit).second.end()) { // Currently supports only ONE topsection per file because on save, each topsection designates which file to rewrite
- node = bmtree->Items->AddObject(bmtree->Selected, (*eit).second.c_str(), *bmfiles.insert(bmfiles.begin(), new String(conffile.c_str())));
- AddSection(bookmarks, bmtree, node, (*eit).first.c_str());
- }
- }
- delete bookmarks;
- }
- }
- closedir(dir);
- }
-__fastcall TBookmarksfrm::~TBookmarksfrm()
- list <String *>::iterator it;
- SaveBookmarks();
- for (it = bmfiles.begin(); it != bmfiles.end(); it++)
- delete *it;
-void TBookmarksfrm::AddSection(SWConfig *config, TTreeView *tree, TTreeNode *parent, String section)
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator eit;
- TTreeNode *node;
- if ((sit = config->Sections.find(section.c_str())) != config->Sections.end()) {
- for (eit = (*sit).second.begin(); eit != (*sit).second.end(); eit++) {
- node = tree->Items->AddChild(parent, (*eit).second.c_str());
- AddSection(config, tree, node, (*eit).first.c_str());
- }
- }
-void __fastcall TBookmarksfrm::bmtreeDragDrop(TObject *Sender, TObject *Source,
- int X, int Y)
- bmtree->Selected->MoveTo(bmtree->DropTarget, naAddChildFirst);
-void __fastcall TBookmarksfrm::bmtreeDragOver(TObject *Sender, TObject *Source,
- int X, int Y, TDragState State, bool &Accept)
- Accept = false;
- if (String(Source->ClassName()) == "TTreeView") {
- if (Source == bmtree) {
- if (bmtree->Selected->Data) {
- if (strcmp((*(String*)(bmtree->Selected->Data)).c_str(),(bmdir + "personal.conf").c_str())) {
- Accept = true;
- }
- }
- else Accept = true;
- }
- }
-void __fastcall TBookmarksfrm::bmtreeDblClick(TObject *Sender)
- if (!bmtree->Selected->getFirstChild()) {
- Form1->DefaultVSKey = bmtree->Selected->Text.c_str();
- Form1->TextKeyChanged();
- }
-void __fastcall TBookmarksfrm::AddChild1Click(TObject *Sender)
- bmtree->Selected->Expand(false);
- bmtree->Items->AddChildFirst(bmtree->Selected, "New Topic")->EditText();
-void __fastcall TBookmarksfrm::Delete1Click(TObject *Sender)
- if (bmtree->Selected->Data) {
- if (strcmp((*(String*)(bmtree->Selected->Data)).c_str(),(bmdir + "personal.conf").c_str())) {
- bmtree->Selected->Delete();
- }
- }
- else bmtree->Selected->Delete();
-void __fastcall TBookmarksfrm::Rename1Click(TObject *Sender)
- bmtree->Selected->EditText();
-void TBookmarksfrm::SaveBookmarks()
- TTreeNode *tree = 0;
- SWConfig *bmconf;
- ConfigEntMap emap;
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- char buf[15];
- bool personal, other;
- list <String *>::iterator it;
- string persfile;
- if (bmtree->Items->Count)
- tree = bmtree->Items->Item[0];
- if ((sit = Form1->optionsconf->Sections.find("Bookmarks")) != Form1->optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- personal = (atoi((*sit).second["AutoSavePersonal"].c_str())) ? true:false;
- other = (atoi((*sit).second["AutoSaveOther"].c_str())) ? true:false;
- }
- persfile = bmdir + "personal.conf";
- for (it = bmfiles.begin(); it != bmfiles.end(); it++) { // delete all bookmark files before saving in case a top level was deleted
- if (((!strcmp((*it)->c_str(), persfile.c_str())) && personal) || ((strcmp((*it)->c_str(), persfile.c_str())) && other))
- unlink((*it)->c_str());
- }
- for (;tree;tree = tree->getNextSibling()) {
- if (((*((String *)tree->Data) == persfile.c_str()) && personal) || ((*((String *)tree->Data) != persfile.c_str()) && other)) {
- bmconf = new SWConfig(((String *)tree->Data)->c_str());
- emap = bmconf->Sections["ROOT"];
- sprintf(buf, "branch%d", tree->AbsoluteIndex);
- emap[buf] = tree->Text.c_str();
- AddSectionToConf(bmconf, buf, tree);
- bmconf->Sections["ROOT"] = emap;
- bmconf->Save();
- }
- }
-void TBookmarksfrm::AddSectionToConf(SWConfig *config, String section, TTreeNode *tree)
- ConfigEntMap sit;
- char buf[15];
- if (tree = tree->getFirstChild()) {
- sit = config->Sections[section.c_str()];
- for (; tree; tree = tree->getNextSibling()) {
- sprintf(buf, "branch%d", tree->AbsoluteIndex);
- sit[buf] = tree->Text.c_str();
- AddSectionToConf(config, buf, tree);
- }
- config->Sections[section.c_str()] = sit;
- }
-void __fastcall TBookmarksfrm::NewBookmarkFile1Click(TObject *Sender)
- if (NewBMfrm->ShowModal() == mrOk) {
- bmtree->Items->AddObject(bmtree->Items->Item[0], NewBMfrm->bmtitle->Text, *bmfiles.insert(bmfiles.begin(), new String(String(bmdir.c_str()) + NewBMfrm->bmfile->Text + String(".conf"))));
- }
-//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmarkfrm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmarkfrm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index deb814d..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmarkfrm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmarkfrm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmarkfrm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c37796..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmarkfrm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef bookmarkfrmH
-#define bookmarkfrmH
-#include <vcl\Classes.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Controls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Forms.hpp>
-#include <vcl\ComCtrls.hpp>
-#include <swconfig.h>
-#include <vcl\Menus.hpp>
-#include <list>
-class TBookmarksfrm : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TTreeView *bmtree;
- TPopupMenu *BMPopup;
- TMenuItem *Delete1;
- TMenuItem *AddChild1;
- TMenuItem *Rename1;
- TMenuItem *N1;
- TMenuItem *NewBookmarkFile1;
- void __fastcall bmtreeDragDrop(TObject *Sender, TObject *Source, int X, int Y);
- void __fastcall bmtreeDragOver(TObject *Sender, TObject *Source, int X, int Y,
- TDragState State, bool &Accept);
- void __fastcall bmtreeDblClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall AddChild1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Delete1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Rename1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall NewBookmarkFile1Click(TObject *Sender);
-private: // User declarations
- void AddSection(SWConfig *config, TTreeView *tree, TTreeNode *parent, String section);
- list <String *> bmfiles; // so we can delete each display we create
-public: // User declarations
- string bmdir;
- __fastcall TBookmarksfrm(TComponent* Owner);
- __fastcall ~TBookmarksfrm();
- void SaveBookmarks();
- void AddSectionToConf(SWConfig *config, String section, TTreeNode *tree);
-extern TBookmarksfrm *Bookmarksfrm;
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmarks/personal.conf b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmarks/personal.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 9608d37..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/bookmarks/personal.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-branch0=Personal Bookmarks
-branch1=Ezekiel 1:1
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/desktop.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/desktop.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5692668..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/desktop.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/desktop2.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/desktop2.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index fa1bf08..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/desktop2.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/editentryfrm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/editentryfrm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e9404f8..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/editentryfrm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include <windows.hpp>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "editentryfrm.h"
-#include <swdisprtf.h>
-const float RulerAdj = 4.0/3.0;
-const int GutterWid = 6;
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TEditEntry *EditEntry;
-__fastcall TEditEntry::TEditEntry(TComponent *Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
- ResultBuf = 0;
-__fastcall TEditEntry::~TEditEntry()
- if (ResultBuf)
- delete [] ResultBuf;
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::SelectionChange(TObject */*Sender*/)
- char sizebuf[6];
- try {
- FUpdating = True;
- FirstInd->Left = int(RichEdit1->Paragraph->FirstIndent*RulerAdj)-
- 4+GutterWid;
- LeftInd->Left = int((RichEdit1->Paragraph->LeftIndent+
- RichEdit1->Paragraph->FirstIndent)*RulerAdj)-
- 4+GutterWid;
- RightInd->Left = Ruler->ClientWidth-6-int(
- (RichEdit1->Paragraph->RightIndent+GutterWid)*RulerAdj);
- BoldButton->Down = RichEdit1->SelAttributes->Style.Contains(fsBold);
- ItalicButton->Down = RichEdit1->SelAttributes->Style.Contains(fsItalic);
- UnderlineButton->Down = RichEdit1->SelAttributes->Style.Contains(fsUnderline);
- BulletsButton->Down = bool(RichEdit1->Paragraph->Numbering);
- FontSize->Text = itoa(RichEdit1->SelAttributes->Size, sizebuf, 10);
- switch((int)RichEdit1->Paragraph->Alignment)
- { case 0: LeftAlign->Down = True; break;
- case 1: RightAlign->Down = True; break;
- case 2: CenterAlign->Down = True; break;
- }
- }
- catch (...) {
- FUpdating = False;
- }
- FUpdating = False;
-TTextAttributes *__fastcall TEditEntry::CurrText(void)
- return RichEdit1->SelAttributes;
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::CheckFileSave(void)
- if ( RichEdit1->Modified ) {
- switch(MessageBox(Handle, "Save Changes?","Modify Comment",MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONQUESTION)) {
- case ID_YES : ExtractRTF(); break;
- case ID_CANCEL : Abort(); break;
- default:
- if (ResultBuf)
- delete [] ResultBuf;
- ResultBuf = 0;
- break;
- };
- }
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::SetupRuler(void)
-{ int iCtr = 1;
- char sTmp[201];
- while (iCtr < 200) {
- sTmp[iCtr] = 9;
- iCtr++;
- sTmp[iCtr] = '|';
- iCtr++;
- }
- Ruler->Caption = (AnsiString)sTmp;
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::SetEditRect(void)
-{ TRect Rct = Rect(GutterWid, 0, RichEdit1->ClientWidth-GutterWid,
- ClientHeight);
- SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, EM_SETRECT, 0, long(&Rct));
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::FormCreate(TObject* /*Sender*/)
-{ Application->OnHint = &ShowHint;
- SetupRuler();
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::ShowHint(TObject* /*Sender*/)
-{ StatusBar->SimpleText = Application->Hint;
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::EditUndoClick(TObject* /*Sender*/)
-{ if ( RichEdit1->HandleAllocated() )
- SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, EM_UNDO, 0, 0);
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::EditCutClick(TObject* /*Sender*/)
-{ RichEdit1->CutToClipboard();
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::EditCopyClick(TObject* /*Sender*/)
-{ RichEdit1->CopyToClipboard();
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::EditPasteClick(TObject* /*Sender*/)
-{ RichEdit1->PasteFromClipboard();
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::RulerResize(TObject* /*Sender*/)
-{ RulerLine->Width = (int)Ruler->ClientWidth - (RulerLine->Left*2);
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::FormResize(TObject* Sender)
-{ SetEditRect();
- SelectionChange(Sender);
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::FormPaint(TObject* /*Sender*/)
-{ SetEditRect();
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::BoldButtonClick(TObject* /*Sender*/)
-{ if ( !FUpdating )
- { if ( BoldButton->Down )
- CurrText()->Style = CurrText()->Style << fsBold;
- else
- CurrText()->Style = CurrText()->Style >> fsBold;
- }
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::ItalicButtonClick(TObject* /*Sender*/)
-{ if ( !FUpdating )
- {
- if ( ItalicButton->Down )
- CurrText()->Style = CurrText()->Style << fsItalic;
- else
- CurrText()->Style = CurrText()->Style >> fsItalic;
- }
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::UnderlineButtonClick(TObject* /*Sender*/)
- if ( !FUpdating ) {
- if ( UnderlineButton->Down )
- CurrText()->Style = CurrText()->Style << fsUnderline;
- else CurrText()->Style = CurrText()->Style >> fsUnderline;
- }
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::FontSizeChange(TObject* /*Sender*/)
- int fontsize = atoi(FontSize->Text.c_str());
- if ((!FUpdating) && (fontsize)) {
- if (fontsize < 1) {
- ShowMessage("Please Enter a Number betweek 1 and 1638");
- FontSize->Text = 1;
- }
- else if (fontsize > 1638) {
- ShowMessage("Please Enter a Number betweek 1 and 1638");
- FontSize->Text = 1638;
- }
- CurrText()->Size = atoi(FontSize->Text.c_str());
- }
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::AlignClick(TObject* Sender)
- if ( !FUpdating ) {
- TControl *oAliBtn = (TControl*)(Sender);
- RichEdit1->Paragraph->Alignment = (TAlignment)oAliBtn->Tag;
- }
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::BulletsButtonClick(TObject* /*Sender*/)
-{ if ( !FUpdating )
- RichEdit1->Paragraph->Numbering = (TNumberingStyle)BulletsButton->Down;
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::FormCloseQuery(TObject* /*Sender*/,
- bool & CanClose)
-{ try {
- CheckFileSave();
- }
- catch (...) {
- CanClose = False;
- }
-//***Ruler Indent Dragging***
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::RulerItemMouseDown(TObject * Sender,
- TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
-{ TLabel * oTmpLabel = (TLabel *)Sender;
- FDragOfs = oTmpLabel->Width / 2;
- oTmpLabel->Left = oTmpLabel->Left+X-FDragOfs;
- FDragging = True;
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::RulerItemMouseMove(TObject *Sender, TShiftState Shift, int X, int /*Y*/) {
- if (FDragging) {
- TLabel *oTmpLabel = (TLabel *)Sender;
- oTmpLabel->Left = oTmpLabel->Left+X-FDragOfs;
- oTmpLabel->Left -= oTmpLabel->Left % 10;
- }
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::FirstIndMouseUp(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton
- Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
-{ FDragging = False;
- RichEdit1->Paragraph->FirstIndent = int((FirstInd->Left+FDragOfs-GutterWid) / RulerAdj);
- LeftIndMouseUp(Sender, Button, Shift, X, Y);
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::LeftIndMouseUp(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton
- /*Button*/, TShiftState /*Shift*/, int /*X*/, int /*Y*/)
-{ FDragging = False;
- RichEdit1->Paragraph->LeftIndent = int((LeftInd->Left+FDragOfs-GutterWid)/
- RulerAdj)-RichEdit1->Paragraph->FirstIndent;
- SelectionChange(Sender);
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::RightIndMouseUp(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton
- /*Button*/, TShiftState /*Shift*/, int /*X*/, int /*Y*/)
-{ FDragging = False;
- RichEdit1->Paragraph->RightIndent =
- int((Ruler->ClientWidth-RightInd->Left+FDragOfs-2) /
- RulerAdj)-2*GutterWid;
- SelectionChange(Sender);
-void __fastcall TEditEntry::FormActivate(TObject *Sender)
- System::AnsiString newtext, tmptext;
- if (Module) {
- TMemoryStream *RTFStream = new TMemoryStream();
- newtext = RTFDisplay->RTFHeader;
- Module->Error(); // clear error;
- newtext = newtext + "\\pard \\nowidctlpar \\cf0 ";
- (char *)*Module; // force key to snap to entry before pulling out the text of the key
- tmptext = (char *)*Module;
- newtext = newtext + RTFDisplay->RTFVersePre + " " + tmptext + RTFDisplay->RTFVersePost;
- newtext = newtext + RTFDisplay->RTFTrailer;
- RTFStream->Clear();
- RTFStream->WriteBuffer(newtext.c_str(), newtext.Length());
- RTFStream->Position = 0;
- RichEdit1->Lines->LoadFromStream(RTFStream);
- delete RTFStream;
- }
- SelectionChange(this);
- RichEdit1->SetFocus();
- if (ResultBuf)
- delete [] ResultBuf;
- ResultBuf = 0;
-void TEditEntry::ExtractRTF()
- System::AnsiString newtext, tmptext;
- TMemoryStream *RTFStream = new TMemoryStream();
- char *tmpbuf, *datastart;
- RTFStream->Clear();
- RichEdit1->Lines->SaveToStream(RTFStream);
- RTFStream->Position = 0;
- if (ResultBuf)
- delete [] ResultBuf;
- tmpbuf = new char [ RTFStream->Size + 1];
- RTFStream->ReadBuffer(tmpbuf, RTFStream->Size);
- tmpbuf[RTFStream->Size] = 0;
- strtok(strstr(tmpbuf, "colortbl"), "}");
- datastart = strtok(NULL, "");
- ResultBuf = new char [ strlen(datastart) + 2 ];
- ResultBuf[0] = '{';
- strcpy(ResultBuf+1, datastart);
- delete [] tmpbuf;
- delete RTFStream;
- //-------- Change all fonts to \f1
- for (int i = 0; i < strlen(ResultBuf)-4; i++) {
- if (ResultBuf[i] == '\\') {
- if (ResultBuf[i+1] == '\\') { // skip a real '\' character
- i += 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (ResultBuf[i+1] == 'f') {
- if (isdigit(ResultBuf[i+2])) {
- ResultBuf[i+2] = '1';
- if (isdigit(ResultBuf[i+3])) {
- memmove(&ResultBuf[i+3], &ResultBuf[i+4], strlen(&ResultBuf[i+3]));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-__fastcall TCharsetObject::TCharsetObject(int FCharset)
- : TObject()
- Charset = FCharset;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/editentryfrm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/editentryfrm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b40fc4..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/editentryfrm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/editentryfrm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/editentryfrm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 058c385..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/editentryfrm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-//Borland C++Builder
-//Copyright (c) 1987, 1998 Borland International Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-#ifndef editentryfrmH
-#define editentryfrmH
-#include <Outline.hpp>
-#include <Grids.hpp>
-#include <Buttons.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <ComCtrls.hpp>
-#include <Menus.hpp>
-#include <Dialogs.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <Graphics.hpp>
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <SysUtils.hpp>
-#include <Messages.hpp>
-#include <Windows.hpp>
-#include <System.hpp>
-#include <swmodule.h>
-#include <swdisprtf.h>
-class TEditEntry : public TForm
- TPanel *SpeedBar;
- TSpeedButton *UndoButton;
- TSpeedButton *CutButton;
- TSpeedButton *CopyButton;
- TSpeedButton *PasteButton;
- TBevel *Bevel1;
- TSpeedButton *BoldButton;
- TSpeedButton *ItalicButton;
- TSpeedButton *LeftAlign;
- TSpeedButton *CenterAlign;
- TSpeedButton *RightAlign;
- TSpeedButton *UnderlineButton;
- TSpeedButton *BulletsButton;
- TEdit *FontSize;
- TUpDown *UpDown1;
- TPanel *Ruler;
- TLabel *FirstInd;
- TLabel *LeftInd;
- TBevel *RulerLine;
- TLabel *RightInd;
- TStatusBar *StatusBar;
- TRichEdit *RichEdit1;
- TLabel *Label1;
- void __fastcall SelectionChange(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall AlignClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall EditUndoClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall EditCutClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall EditCopyClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall EditPasteClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall RulerResize(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormCreate(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormResize(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormPaint(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall BoldButtonClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FontSizeChange(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall UnderlineButtonClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall ItalicButtonClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall BulletsButtonClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormCloseQuery(TObject *Sender, bool &CanClose);
- void __fastcall RulerItemMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y);
- void __fastcall RulerItemMouseMove(TObject *Sender, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y);
- void __fastcall FirstIndMouseUp(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y);
- void __fastcall LeftIndMouseUp(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y);
- void __fastcall RightIndMouseUp(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y);
- void __fastcall FormActivate(TObject *Sender);
- AnsiString FFileName;
- bool FUpdating;
- int FDragOfs;
- bool FDragging;
- TTextAttributes *__fastcall CurrText(void);
- void __fastcall CheckFileSave(void);
- void __fastcall SetupRuler(void);
- void __fastcall SetEditRect(void);
- void __fastcall ShowHint(TObject *Sender);
- SWModule *Module;
- SWDispRTF *RTFDisplay;
- virtual __fastcall TEditEntry(TComponent *Owner);
- __fastcall ~TEditEntry();
- char *ResultBuf;
- void ExtractRTF();
-class TCharsetObject : public TObject
- int Charset;
- __fastcall TCharsetObject(int FCharset);
-extern TEditEntry *EditEntry;
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/mainfrm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/mainfrm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cfe753e..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/mainfrm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,825 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl\vcl.h>
-#include <vcl/clipbrd.hpp>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "mainfrm.h"
-#include "swdisprtfchap.h"
-#include "searchfrm.h"
-#include "swwinlog.h"
-#include "AboutBoxfrm.h"
-#include "ModInstForm.h"
-#include "biblecsmgr.h"
-#include "Greek2Greek.h"
-#include "bookmarkfrm.h"
-#include "optionfrm.h"
-#include "vrslstfrm.h"
-#include <utilstr.h>
-#include <filemgr.h>
-#include "editentryfrm.h"
-#include "versesel.h"
-#include "ModTabPanel.h"
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TForm1 *Form1;
-__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
- optionsconf = new SWConfig("./options.conf");
- Lookup->Text = "[ SWORD DDE Lookup ]";
- Search->Text = "[ SWORD DDE Search ]";
- Application->OnHint = DisplayHint;
-void __fastcall TForm1::DisplayHint(TObject* Sender)
- StatusBar1->SimpleText = Application->Hint;
-__fastcall TForm1::~TForm1()
- list <SWDisplay *>::iterator it;
- int loop;
- if (mainmgr)
- delete mainmgr;
- for (it = displays.begin(); it != displays.end(); it++)
- delete *it;
- if (layoutconf)
- delete layoutconf;
- if (optionsconf)
- delete optionsconf;
-// for (loop = 0; loop < 10; loop++) {
-// if (ctrlstates[loop]);
-// delete ctrlstates[loop];
-// }
-void TForm1::BuildRTFHeader(char *buf, char *font, int max)
- char buf1[1024], buf2[1024];
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- sprintf(buf1, "{\\rtf1\\ansi");
- if (font)
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fdecor\\fprq2 %s;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f2\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f3\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f4\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f7\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}{\\f8\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}}", font);
- else sprintf(buf2, "{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fdecor\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f7\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}{\\f8\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}}");
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- sprintf(buf2, "{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red%d\\green%d\\blue%d;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;}",
- atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorRed"].c_str()),
- atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorGreen"].c_str()),
- atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorBlue"].c_str()));
- }
- else sprintf(buf2, "{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green200\\blue50;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;}");
- strcat(buf1, buf2);
- memset(buf, 0, max);
- strncpy(buf, buf1, max);
-char TForm1::CreateTextPane(SWModule *mod, char *font) {
- TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this);
- SWDispRTFChap *newrtf = new SWDispRTFChap(this);
- TTextPanel *panel = new TTextPanel(this, mod, font);
- char buf[512];
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- newtab->Caption = mod->Name();
- newtab->Hint = mod->Description();
-// newtab->PageControl = PageControl1;
- panel->Parent = newtab;
- newrtf->Align = alClient;
- newrtf->ScrollBars = ssVertical;
- newrtf->ReadOnly = true;
- newrtf->PopupMenu = (strcmp(mod->Name(), "N27U4")) ? PopupMenu2 : PopupMenu1;
- newrtf->OnMouseDown = RTFMouseDown;
- BuildRTFHeader(buf, font, 512);
- newrtf->RTFHeader = buf;
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- newrtf->MarkCurrentVerse = (atoi((*sit).second["AutoVSColor"].c_str())) ? true:false;
- }
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new RTFDisp(newrtf)));
- mod->SetKey(DefaultVSKey);
- return 0;
-char TForm1::CreateCommentPane(SWModule *mod) {
- TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this);
- TWinControl *newrtf;
- if (mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()]["ModDrv"] == "HREFCom") {
-// if (mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()]["External"] == "1") {
- newrtf = new TPanel(this);
- ((TPanel *)newrtf)->Caption = "Syncronizing to External Viewer";
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new DispExternal()));
- }
- else {
- // newrtf = new THTML(this->Handle);
- // newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this);
- newrtf = HTML1;
- newrtf->Visible = true;
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new HREFDisp((THTML *)newrtf)));
- // mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new RTFDisp((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)));
- }
- }
- else {
- newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this);
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new RTFDisp((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)));
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ScrollBars = ssVertical;
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ReadOnly = true;
- if (mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()]["ModDrv"] == "RawFiles") {
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->PopupMenu = PopupMenu3;
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ExpandNewLine = false;
- }
- else ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->PopupMenu = PopupMenu2;
- ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->OnMouseDown = RTFMouseDown;
- }
- newtab->Caption = mod->Name();
- newtab->Hint = mod->Description();
- newtab->PageControl = PageControl2;
- newrtf->Parent = newtab;
- newrtf->Align = alClient;
- mod->SetKey(DefaultVSKey);
- return 0;
-char TForm1::CreateLDPane(SWModule *mod) {
- TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this);
- SWDispRTF *newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this);
- newtab->Caption = mod->Name();
- newtab->Hint = mod->Description();
- newtab->PageControl = PageControl3;
- newrtf->Parent = newtab;
- newrtf->Align = alClient;
- newrtf->ScrollBars = ssVertical;
- newrtf->ReadOnly = true;
- newrtf->PopupMenu = PopupMenu2;
- newrtf->OnMouseDown = RTFMouseDown;
- mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new RTFDisp(newrtf)));
- mod->SetKey(DefaultStrKey);
- return 0;
-void __fastcall TForm1::PageControl1Change(TObject *Sender)
-// RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl1);
-// Form1->ActiveControl = PageControl1;
-void TForm1::RefreshActiveSheet(TPageControl *pc)
- ModMap::iterator it;
- it = mainmgr->Modules.find(pc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- (*it).second->Display();
- if (logmodstate)
- modstates.insert(modstates.begin(), new ModState(pc, pc->ActivePage, (*it).second->KeyText()));
- }
-void TForm1::TextKeyChanged()
- cbBook->ItemIndex = cbBook->Items->IndexOf(DefaultVSKey.books[DefaultVSKey.Testament()-1][DefaultVSKey.Book()-1].name);
- CHBox->Text = DefaultVSKey.Chapter();
- VSBox->Text = DefaultVSKey.Verse();
- freeHandLookup->Text = (const char *)DefaultVSKey;
- textTabs->RefreshActiveSheet();
- logmodstate = false; // only log state once
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl2);
- logmodstate = true;
-void __fastcall TForm1::btnLookupClick(TObject *Sender)
- if (!(StrToInt(CHBox->Text)) || (!StrToInt(VSBox->Text)))
- DefaultVSKey.AutoNormalize(0);
- if (StrToInt(CHBox->Text) < 0)
- CHBox->Text = StrToInt(CHBox->Text) + 1;
- if (StrToInt(VSBox->Text) < 0)
- VSBox->Text = StrToInt(VSBox->Text) + 1;
- DefaultVSKey = (cbBook->Text + " " + CHBox->Text + ":" + VSBox->Text).c_str();
- TextKeyChanged();
- DefaultVSKey.AutoNormalize(1);
-void __fastcall TForm1::PageControl2Change(TObject *Sender)
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl2);
- Form1->ActiveControl = PageControl2;
-void __fastcall TForm1::DictKeyEditChange(TObject *Sender)
- if (DictKeyEdit->Modified) {
- DefaultStrKey = DictKeyEdit->Text.c_str();
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl3);
- DictKeyEdit->Modified = false;
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::PageControl3Change(TObject *Sender)
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl3);
- Form1->ActiveControl = PageControl3;
-void __fastcall TForm1::NewSearchWindow1Click(TObject *Sender)
- Form2->Show();
-void __fastcall TForm1::Exit1Click(TObject *Sender)
- Close();
-void __fastcall TForm1::About1Click(TObject *Sender)
- AboutBox->ShowModal();
-void __fastcall TForm1::DictionaryLookup1Click(TObject *Sender)
- int wordstart;
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- if (!rtf->SelLength) {
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart; (wordstart > -1)&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart--);
- rtf->SelStart = (wordstart > -1) ? wordstart: 0;
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart + 1; (wordstart < rtf->Text.Length())&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart++);
- rtf->SelLength = ((wordstart < rtf->Text.Length()) ? wordstart : rtf->Text.Length() - 1) - rtf->SelStart - 1;
- }
- DictKeyEdit->Text = Trim(rtf->SelText);
-void __fastcall TForm1::SaveLayout1Click(TObject *Sender)
- ConfigEntMap sit;
- sit = layoutconf->Sections["Screen"];
- sit["MainTop"] = IntToStr(Form1->Top).c_str();
- sit["MainLeft"] = IntToStr(Form1->Left).c_str();
- sit["MainHeight"] = IntToStr(Form1->Height).c_str();
- sit["MainWidth"] = IntToStr(Form1->Width).c_str();
- sit["TextComHeight"] = IntToStr(pnlTextCom->Height).c_str();
- sit["TextWidth"] = IntToStr(pnlText->Width).c_str();
- layoutconf->Sections["Screen"] = sit;
- layoutconf->Save();
-void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
- ModMap::iterator it;
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator eit;
- AnsiString s1;
- char *font;
- int val;
- int loop;
- int maxFiles;
- mainmgr = new BibleCSMGR(ModInstFrm);
-// textTabs = new TModTabPanel(this, mainmgr, "Biblical Texts");
-// textTabs->Align = alClient;
-// textTabs->Parent = pnlText;
-// logmodstate = true;
-// freshdict = true;
-// if ((maxFiles = atoi(optionsconf->Sections["System"]["MaxFiles"].c_str()))) {
-// FileMgr::systemFileMgr.maxFiles = maxFiles;
-// }
-// DefaultVSKey = TOP;
-// DefaultVSKey = "Genesis 1:1";
-// cbBook->Clear();
- while (!DefaultVSKey.Error()) {
- s1 = (const char *)DefaultVSKey;
- s1.SetLength(s1.Length() - 4);
- cbBook->Items->Add(s1);
- DefaultVSKey.Book(DefaultVSKey.Book() + 1);
- }
- cbBook->ItemIndex = cbBook->Items->IndexOf("James");
- DefaultVSKey.Persist(1); // when set to a module, make the module hold on to this actual key and not a copy
- DefaultVSKey = "James 1:19"; // set to our standard starting verse
- DefaultStrKey.Persist(1);
- DefaultStrKey = "";
- Hint = "";
- ShowHint = true;
- Application->ShowHint = true;
- if (SWLog::systemlog)
- delete SWLog::systemlog;
- SWLog::systemlog = new SWWinLog(this->Handle); // set the system logger to our MSWindows specific SWLog class
- layoutconf = new SWConfig("./layout.conf");
- if ((sit = layoutconf->Sections.find("Screen")) != layoutconf->Sections.end()) {
- if (val = atoi((*sit).second["MainTop"].c_str()))
- Form1->Top = val;
- if (val = atoi((*sit).second["MainLeft"].c_str()))
- Form1->Left = val;
- if (val = atoi((*sit).second["MainHeight"].c_str()))
- Form1->Height = val;
- if (val = atoi((*sit).second["MainWidth"].c_str()))
- Form1->Width = val;
- if (val = atoi((*sit).second["TextComHeight"].c_str()))
- pnlTextCom->Height = val;
- if (val = atoi((*sit).second["TextWidth"].c_str()))
- pnlText->Width = val;
- }
- for (loop = 0; loop < 10; loop++)
- ctrlstates.insert(ctrlstates.begin(), 0);
- ImageList1->Add(BackBtnImage->Picture->Bitmap, NULL);
- ImageList1->Add(SearchBtnImage->Picture->Bitmap, NULL);
- ImageList2->Add(BookmarkBtnImage->Picture->Bitmap, NULL);
-//void __fastcall TForm1::CreateWnd() {
-// TForm::CreateWnd();
- for (it = mainmgr->Modules.begin(); it != mainmgr->Modules.end(); it++) {
- if (!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), "Biblical Texts")) {
- font = 0;
- if ((sit = mainmgr->config->Sections.find((*it).second->Name())) != mainmgr->config->Sections.end()) {
- if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("Font")) != (*sit).second.end()) {
- font = (char *)(*eit).second.c_str();
- }
- }
- CreateTextPane((*it).second, font);
- }
- if (!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), "Commentaries"))
- CreateCommentPane((*it).second);
- if (!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), "Lexicons / Dictionaries"))
- CreateLDPane((*it).second);
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::LookupPokeData(TObject *Sender)
- char buf[255];
- char *token;
- ModMap::iterator it;
- strncpy(buf, Lookup->Text.c_str(), 254);
- buf[254] = 0;
- token = strtok(buf, " ");
- if ((it = mainmgr->Modules.find(token)) != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- token = strtok(NULL, "");
- (*it).second->SetKey(token);
- Lookup->Text = (const char *)(*(*it).second);
- }
- else Lookup->Text = "";
-void __fastcall TForm1::SearchPokeData(TObject *Sender)
- char buf[255];
- char *token;
- ModMap::iterator it;
- AnsiString retval = "";
- strncpy(buf, Search->Text.c_str(), 254);
- buf[254] = 0;
- token = strtok(buf, " ");
- if ((it = mainmgr->Modules.find(token)) != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- token = strtok(NULL, "");
- ListKey &results = (*it).second->Search(token, REG_ICASE);
- while (!results.Error()) {
- retval = retval + (const char *)results + "; ";
- results++;
- }
- Search->Text = retval;
- }
- else Search->Text = "";
-void __fastcall TForm1::UpDown3Click(TObject *Sender, TUDBtnType Button)
- ModMap::iterator it;
- it = mainmgr->Modules.find(PageControl3->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- if (Button == btNext)
- (*((*it).second))++;
- else (*((*it).second))--;
- DictKeyEdit->Text = ((*it).second)->KeyText();
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::UpDown1Click(TObject *Sender, TUDBtnType Button)
- btnLookupClick(Sender);
-void TForm1::RestoreState(ModState *state)
- if (state) {
- state->pc->ActivePage = state->ap;
-// if ((state->pc == PageControl1) || (state->pc == PageControl2)) {
-// DefaultVSKey = state->key;
-// TextKeyChanged();
-// }
- if (state->pc == PageControl3) {
- DictKeyEdit->Text = (const char *)state->key;
- }
- if (state->pc->ActivePage->ControlCount)
- Form1->ActiveControl = (TWinControl *)state->pc->ActivePage->Controls[0];
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::BackbtnClick(TObject *Sender)
- list <ModState *>::iterator it;
- logmodstate = false;
- it = modstates.begin();
- if (it != modstates.end()) {
- it++;
- if (it != modstates.end()) {
- RestoreState(*it);
- delete *modstates.begin();
- modstates.erase(modstates.begin(), it);
- }
- }
- logmodstate = true;
-void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
- list <ModState *>::iterator it;
- ListBox1->Clear();
- for (it = modstates.begin(); it != modstates.end(); it++) {
- ListBox1->Items->Add((*it)->ap->Caption.c_str());
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::CopyasBGreekTransliteration1Click(TObject *Sender)
- char *retbuf;
- int len;
- TClipboard *clip = new TClipboard();
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- len = rtf->SelText.Length() * 2;
- retbuf = new char [ len ];
- if (!Greek2bGreek(retbuf, rtf->SelText.c_str(), len)) {
- clip->SetTextBuf(retbuf);
- }
- delete clip;
-void __fastcall TForm1::Copy1Click(TObject *Sender)
- int wordstart;
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- if (!rtf->SelLength) {
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart; (wordstart > -1)&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart--);
- rtf->SelStart = (wordstart > -1) ? wordstart: 0;
- for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart + 1; (wordstart < rtf->Text.Length())&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart++);
- rtf->SelLength = ((wordstart < rtf->Text.Length()) ? wordstart : rtf->Text.Length() - 1) - rtf->SelStart - 1;
- }
- rtf->CopyToClipboard();
-void __fastcall TForm1::BookmarkItemClick(TObject *Sender)
- TMenuItem *menuchoice = (TMenuItem *)Sender;
- DefaultVSKey = menuchoice->Caption.c_str();
- TextKeyChanged();
-void __fastcall TForm1::AddBookmark1Click(TObject *Sender)
-// TMenuItem *newitem;
- Bookmarksfrm->bmtree->Items->AddChild(Bookmarksfrm->bmtree->Items->Item[0], (const char *)DefaultVSKey);
-void TForm1::AddSectionToMenu(TMenu *menu, TMenuItem *item, TTreeNode *tree)
- TMenuItem *newitem;
- for (tree = tree->getFirstChild(); tree; tree = tree->getNextSibling()) {
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = tree->Text;
- if (!tree->getFirstChild())
- newitem->OnClick = BookmarkItemClick;
- item->Add(newitem);
- AddSectionToMenu(menu, newitem, tree);
- }
-void TForm1::RefreshBookmarksMenu(TMenu *menu, TTreeView *treeview)
- TMenuItem *newitem;
- TTreeNode *tree = 0;
- if (treeview->Items->Count)
- tree = treeview->Items->Item[0];
- while (menu->Items->Count > 3)
- menu->Items->Delete(3);
- for (;tree;tree = tree->getNextSibling()) {
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = tree->Text;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- AddSectionToMenu(menu, newitem, tree);
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::BookmarkbtnClick(TObject *Sender)
- TPoint menup;
- TPoint point;
- point.x = 0;
- point.y = Bookmarkbtn->Height;
- menup = Bookmarkbtn->ClientToScreen(point);
- RefreshBookmarksMenu(BookmarkPopup, Bookmarksfrm->bmtree);
- BookmarkPopup->Popup(menup.x, menup.y);
-void __fastcall TForm1::EditBookmarks1Click(TObject *Sender)
- Bookmarksfrm->Show();
-void __fastcall TForm1::FormKeyDown(TObject *Sender, WORD &Key,
- TShiftState Shift)
- char buf[5];
- int val;
- ModMap::iterator it;
- TPageControl *pc = textTabs->pageControl;
- if ((Shift.Contains(ssCtrl)) && (!Shift.Contains(ssAlt))) {
- if ((Key >= '0') && (Key <= '9')) {
- sprintf(buf, "%c", Key);
- val = atoi(buf);
- if (!Shift.Contains(ssShift)) {
- if ((Screen->ActiveControl == PageControl2) || (IsChild(PageControl2->Handle, Screen->ActiveControl->Handle)))
- pc = PageControl2;
- if ((Screen->ActiveControl == PageControl3) || (IsChild(PageControl3->Handle, Screen->ActiveControl->Handle)))
- pc = PageControl3;
- it = mainmgr->Modules.find(pc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- if (ctrlstates[val])
- delete ctrlstates[val];
- ctrlstates[val] = new ModState(pc, pc->ActivePage, (*it).second->KeyText());
- }
- }
- else RestoreState(ctrlstates[val]);
- }
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::Options1Click(TObject *Sender)
- ModMap::iterator it;
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- ConfigEntMap emap;
- int color;
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Appearance")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- Optionsfrm->CurrentVSColor->Brush->Color = atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorRed"].c_str())
- | (atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorGreen"].c_str()) << 8)
- | (atoi((*sit).second["CurrentVSColorBlue"].c_str()) << 16);
- Optionsfrm->AutoVSColor->Checked = ((atoi((*sit).second["AutoVSColor"].c_str()))?true:false);
- }
- if ((sit = optionsconf->Sections.find("Bookmarks")) != optionsconf->Sections.end()) {
- Optionsfrm->AutoBMPersonal->Checked = ((atoi((*sit).second["AutoSavePersonal"].c_str()))?true:false);
- Optionsfrm->AutoBMOther->Checked = ((atoi((*sit).second["AutoSaveOther"].c_str()))?true:false);
- }
- if (Optionsfrm->ShowModal() == mrOk) {
- emap = optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"];
- color = Optionsfrm->CurrentVSColor->Brush->Color;
- emap["CurrentVSColorRed"] = IntToStr(color & 0xFF).c_str();
- emap["CurrentVSColorGreen"] = IntToStr((color >> 8) & 0xFF).c_str();
- emap["CurrentVSColorBlue"] = IntToStr((color >> 16) & 0xFF).c_str();
- emap["AutoVSColor"] = IntToStr((Optionsfrm->AutoVSColor->Checked)?1:0).c_str();
- optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"] = emap;
- emap = optionsconf->Sections["Bookmarks"];
- emap["AutoSavePersonal"] = IntToStr((Optionsfrm->AutoBMPersonal->Checked)?1:0).c_str();
- emap["AutoSaveOther"] = IntToStr((Optionsfrm->AutoBMOther->Checked)?1:0).c_str();
- optionsconf->Sections["Bookmarks"] = emap;
- optionsconf->Save();
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::cbBookChange(TObject *Sender)
- CHBox->Text = "1";
- VSBox->Text = "1";
- if (Screen->ActiveControl == cbBook)
- btnLookupClick(Sender);
-void __fastcall TForm1::PopupMenuPopup(TObject *Sender)
- int versestart, verseend;
- TMenuItem * newitem;
- TPopupMenu *menu = (TPopupMenu *)Sender;
- int staticMenuItemsCount = 0;
- if (menu == PopupMenu1)
- staticMenuItemsCount = 3;
- else if (menu == PopupMenu2)
- staticMenuItemsCount = 2;
- else if (menu == PopupMenu3)
- staticMenuItemsCount = 6;
- while (menu->Items->Count > staticMenuItemsCount)
- menu->Items->Delete(staticMenuItemsCount);
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- if (!rtf->SelLength) {
- for (versestart = rtf->SelStart; ((versestart)&&(rtf->Text[versestart] != '#')); versestart--);
- if (versestart) {
- for (verseend = versestart; ((verseend < rtf->Text.Length())&&(rtf->Text[verseend] != '|')); verseend++);
- if ((verseend < rtf->Text.Length()) && (verseend > rtf->SelStart)) {
- int len = (verseend - versestart) + 1;
- char *buf = new char [ len + 1 ];
- memset(buf, 0 , len + 1);
- strncpy(buf, &rtf->Text.c_str()[versestart], len - 2); // strip the # and | from the string
- tmpVerseList = DefaultVSKey.ParseVerseList(buf, DefaultVSKey);
- ModMap::iterator target;
- target = mainmgr->Modules.find(((TPageControl*)rtf->Parent->Parent)->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- char *keytext = 0; // check for and remove return at end of keytext
- stdstr(&keytext, (*(*target).second).KeyText());
- if (keytext[strlen(keytext)-1] == '\r')
- keytext[strlen(keytext)-1] = 0;
- tmpVerseListCaption = String("VerseList from- ") + (*target).first.c_str() + ": " + keytext;
- delete [] keytext; // ---------------------------------
- }
- delete [] buf;
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = "-";
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = "Create Verse List";
- newitem->Hint = "Create a New Verse List Window";
- newitem->Default = true;
- newitem->OnClick = createVerseList;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- versestart = 3;
- while (!tmpVerseList.Error()) {
- versestart++;
- newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
- newitem->Caption = (const char *)tmpVerseList;
- newitem->OnClick = BookmarkItemClick;
- if (!(versestart%15))
- newitem->Break = mbBreak;
- menu->Items->Add(newitem);
- tmpVerseList++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::createVerseList(TObject *Sender)
- TVerseListFrm *tmpForm = new TVerseListFrm(this, tmpVerseList);
- tmpForm->Caption = tmpVerseListCaption;
- tmpForm->Show();
-void __fastcall TForm1::freeHandLookupKeyPress(TObject *Sender, char &Key)
- if (Key == '\r') {
- ListKey tmpVerseList = DefaultVSKey.ParseVerseList(freeHandLookup->Text.c_str(), DefaultVSKey);
- if (tmpVerseList.Count() > 1) {
- TVerseListFrm *tmpForm = new TVerseListFrm(this, tmpVerseList);
- tmpForm->Caption = "User Verse List";
- tmpForm->Show();
- }
- if (tmpVerseList.Count()) {
- tmpVerseList = TOP;
- DefaultVSKey = tmpVerseList;
- TextKeyChanged();
- }
- }
-void __fastcall TForm1::RTFMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button,
- TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
- ((TWinControl *)Sender)->SetFocus();
-void __fastcall TForm1::EditEntry1Click(TObject *Sender)
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- SWModule *module = 0;
-// EditEntry->RichEdit1->Text = rtf->Text;
- ModMap::iterator target;
- target = mainmgr->Modules.find(((TPageControl*)rtf->Parent->Parent)->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- EditEntry->Module = module = (*target).second;
- EditEntry->RTFDisplay = rtf;
- }
- else EditEntry->Module = module = 0;
- EditEntry->ShowModal();
- if (EditEntry->ResultBuf) {
- if (module)
-// DictKeyEdit->Text = EditEntry->ResultBuf; // for testing purposes
- *module << EditEntry->ResultBuf;
- }
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl2);
-void __fastcall TForm1::DeleteEntry1Click(TObject *Sender)
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- SWModule *module = 0;
- ModMap::iterator target;
- target = mainmgr->Modules.find(((TPageControl*)rtf->Parent->Parent)->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- module = (*target).second;
- module->deleteEntry();
- }
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl2);
-void __fastcall TForm1::LinktoVerse1Click(TObject *Sender)
- if (VerseSelFrm->ShowModal() == mrOk) {
- SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl;
- SWModule *module = 0;
- ModMap::iterator target;
- SWKey *linkkey = new VerseKey(VerseSelFrm->Panel2->Caption.c_str());
- target = mainmgr->Modules.find(((TPageControl*)rtf->Parent->Parent)->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- module = (*target).second;
- *module << linkkey;
- }
- RefreshActiveSheet(PageControl2);
- }
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/mainfrm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/mainfrm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 514d39f..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/mainfrm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/mainfrm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/mainfrm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c24ca52..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/mainfrm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef mainfrmH
-#define mainfrmH
-#include <vcl\Classes.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Controls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Forms.hpp>
-#include <vcl\ExtCtrls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\ComCtrls.hpp>
-#include <swmgr.h>
-#include <swtext.h>
-#include <strkey.h>
-#include <regex.h>
-#include <listkey.h>
-#include "swdisprtfchap.h"
-#include <vcl\Buttons.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Menus.hpp>
-#include <vcl\DdeMan.hpp>
-//#include <NMHTML.hpp>
-#include <OleCtrls.hpp>
-#include <ToolWin.hpp>
-//#include <vcl\isp.hpp>
-#include <shellapi.h>
-#include <Graphics.hpp>
-#include <ImgList.hpp>
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include "TextPanel.h"
-#include "ModTabPanel.h"
-class RTFDisp : public SWDisplay {
- SWDispRTF *edit;
- RTFDisp(SWDispRTF *iedit) { edit = iedit; }
- RTFDisp() {}
- char Display(SWModule &imodule) {
- edit->Display(imodule);
- }
-class HREFDisp : public SWDisplay {
- THTML *edit;
- HREFDisp(THTML *iedit) { edit = iedit; }
- HREFDisp() {}
- char Display(SWModule &imodule) {
- edit->RequestDoc((char *)imodule);
- }
-class DispExternal : public SWDisplay {
- DispExternal() {}
- char Display(SWModule &imodule) {
- info.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO);
- info.hwnd = GetFocus();
- info.lpVerb = "open";
- info.lpFile = (char *)imodule;
- info.lpParameters = NULL;
- info.lpDirectory = NULL;
- info.nShow = 0;
-// info.lpClass = ".html";
- ShellExecuteEx(&info);
-// ShellExecute(edit->Handle, "open", (char *)imodule, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
- }
-class ModState {
- ModState(TPageControl *ipc, TTabSheet *iap, SWKey ikey) { pc = ipc; ap = iap; key = ikey; }
- ModState();
- TPageControl *pc;
- TTabSheet* ap;
- SWKey key;
-class TForm1 : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TPanel *pnlTextCom;
- TSplitter *Splitter2;
- TPanel *pnlText;
- TPanel *pnlComment;
- TSplitter *Splitter1;
- TPanel *pnlDict;
- TPageControl *PageControl2;
- TStatusBar *StatusBar1;
- TPageControl *PageControl3;
- TPanel *pnlDictHeader;
- TLabel *Label1;
- TRichEdit *DictKeyEdit;
- TMainMenu *MainMenu1;
- TMenuItem *Search1;
- TMenuItem *NewSearchWindow1;
- TMenuItem *Help1;
- TMenuItem *About1;
- TPopupMenu *PopupMenu2;
- TMenuItem *DictionaryLookup1;
- TMenuItem *File1;
- TMenuItem *SaveLayout1;
- TMenuItem *Exit1;
- TMenuItem *N1;
- TDdeServerItem *Search;
- TDdeServerItem *Lookup;
- TDdeServerConv *Bible;
- TPopupMenu *PopupMenu1;
- TMenuItem *MenuItem1;
- TMenuItem *Copy1;
- TMenuItem *CopyasBGreekTransliteration1;
- TMenuItem *Copy2;
- TMenuItem *Edit1;
- TMenuItem *Copy3;
- TPopupMenu *BookmarkPopup;
- TMenuItem *AddBookmark1;
- TMenuItem *N2;
- TMenuItem *EditBookmarks1;
- TMenuItem *Options1;
- TCoolBar *CoolBar1;
- TImageList *ImageList1;
- TImage *BackBtnImage;
- TImage *SearchBtnImage;
- TToolBar *ToolBar2;
- TToolButton *ToolButton3;
- TToolButton *ToolButton4;
- TPanel *pnlSpeed;
- TPanel *Panel1;
- TComboBox *cbBook;
- TEdit *CHBox;
- TUpDown *UpDown1;
- TEdit *VSBox;
- TUpDown *UpDown2;
- TSpeedButton *btnLookup;
- TToolBar *ToolBar1;
- TImageList *ImageList2;
- TImage *BookmarkBtnImage;
- TSpeedButton *Bookmarkbtn;
- TPopupMenu *PopupMenu3;
- TMenuItem *MenuItem2;
- TMenuItem *MenuItem3;
- TMenuItem *N3;
- TMenuItem *EditEntry1;
- TMenuItem *DeleteEntry1;
- TMenuItem *LinktoVerse1;
- TUpDown *UpDown3;
- TComboBox *freeHandLookup;
- void __fastcall PageControl1Change(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall btnLookupClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall PageControl2Change(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall DictKeyEditChange(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall PageControl3Change(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall NewSearchWindow1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Exit1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall About1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall DictionaryLookup1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall SaveLayout1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall LookupPokeData(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall SearchPokeData(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall UpDown3Click(TObject *Sender, TUDBtnType Button);
- void __fastcall UpDown1Click(TObject *Sender, TUDBtnType Button);
- void __fastcall BackbtnClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Button1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall CopyasBGreekTransliteration1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Copy1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall AddBookmark1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall BookmarkItemClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall BookmarkbtnClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall EditBookmarks1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormKeyDown(TObject *Sender, WORD &Key, TShiftState Shift);
- void __fastcall Options1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall cbBookChange(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormCreate(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall DisplayHint(TObject* Sender) ;
- void __fastcall PopupMenuPopup(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall createVerseList(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall freeHandLookupKeyPress(TObject *Sender, char &Key);
- void __fastcall RTFMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y);
- void __fastcall EditEntry1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall DeleteEntry1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall LinktoVerse1Click(TObject *Sender);
-private: // User declarations
- list <SWDisplay *> displays; // so we can delete each display we create
- list <ModState *> modstates;
- vector <ModState *> ctrlstates;
- bool logmodstate;
- bool freshdict;
- char CreateTextPane(SWModule *mod, char *font = 0);
- char CreateCommentPane(SWModule *mod);
- char CreateLDPane(SWModule *mod);
- void PushState();
- void BackState();
- void ForwardState();
- void BuildRTFHeader(char *buf, char *font, int max);
- void AddSectionToMenu(TMenu *menu, TMenuItem *item, TTreeNode *tree);
-public: // User declarations
- TModTabPanel *textTabs;
- VerseKey DefaultVSKey;
- SWKey DefaultStrKey;
- SWMgr *mainmgr;
- SWConfig *layoutconf;
- SWConfig *optionsconf;
- __fastcall TForm1(TComponent* Owner);
- __fastcall ~TForm1();
-// virtual void __fastcall CreateWnd();
- void RefreshActiveSheet(TPageControl *ts);
- void TextKeyChanged(); // updates dependents on TextKeyChanged
- void RefreshBookmarksMenu(TMenu *menu, TTreeView *tree);
- void RestoreState(ModState *state);
- ListKey tmpVerseList;
- String tmpVerseListCaption;
-extern TForm1 *Form1;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/newbmfilefrm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/newbmfilefrm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c611804..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/newbmfilefrm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl\vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "newbmfilefrm.h"
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TNewBMfrm *NewBMfrm;
-__fastcall TNewBMfrm::TNewBMfrm(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
-//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/newbmfilefrm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/newbmfilefrm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e88bcd..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/newbmfilefrm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/newbmfilefrm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/newbmfilefrm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b4c017..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/newbmfilefrm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef newbmfilefrmH
-#define newbmfilefrmH
-#include <vcl\Classes.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Controls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Forms.hpp>
-class TNewBMfrm : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TLabel *Label1;
- TEdit *bmfile;
- TEdit *bmtitle;
- TLabel *Label2;
- TButton *Button1;
- TButton *Button2;
-private: // User declarations
-public: // User declarations
- __fastcall TNewBMfrm(TComponent* Owner);
-extern TNewBMfrm *NewBMfrm;
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/optionfrm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/optionfrm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8af047a..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/optionfrm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl\vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "optionfrm.h"
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TOptionsfrm *Optionsfrm;
-__fastcall TOptionsfrm::TOptionsfrm(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
-void __fastcall TOptionsfrm::ChooseColorbtnClick(TObject *Sender)
- ColorDialog1->Execute();
- CurrentVSColor->Brush->Color = ColorDialog1->Color;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/optionfrm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/optionfrm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b20318..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/optionfrm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/optionfrm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/optionfrm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ea8f08..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/optionfrm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef optionfrmH
-#define optionfrmH
-#include <vcl\Classes.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Controls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Forms.hpp>
-#include <vcl\ExtCtrls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Dialogs.hpp>
-class TOptionsfrm : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TPanel *Panel1;
- TGroupBox *GroupBox1;
- TCheckBox *AutoBMPersonal;
- TCheckBox *AutoBMOther;
- TGroupBox *GroupBox2;
- TCheckBox *AutoVSColor;
- TShape *CurrentVSColor;
- TColorDialog *ColorDialog1;
- TButton *ChooseColorbtn;
- TPanel *Panel2;
- TButton *Button1;
- TPanel *Panel3;
- TButton *Button2;
- TLabel *Label1;
- void __fastcall ChooseColorbtnClick(TObject *Sender);
-private: // User declarations
-public: // User declarations
- __fastcall TOptionsfrm(TComponent* Owner);
-extern TOptionsfrm *Optionsfrm;
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/options.conf b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/options.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index db0e4ce..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/options.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/search.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/search.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index ee693be..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/search.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/searchfrm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/searchfrm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c5b29b2..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/searchfrm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl\vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "searchfrm.h"
-#include <listkey.h>
-#include "mainfrm.h"
-#include <regex.h>
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TForm2 *Form2;
-__fastcall TForm2::TForm2(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
- pvrtf = new SWDispRTF(this);
- pvrtf->Parent = plPreview;
- pvrtf->Align = alClient;
- pvrtf->ScrollBars = ssVertical;
- pvrtf->ReadOnly = true;
-// pvrtf->PopupMenu = PopupMenu2;
-// mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new RTFDisp(newrtf)));
-// mod->SetKey(DefaultVSKey);
-// return 0;
-void __fastcall TForm2::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
-// ModMap::iterator target;
- class TWaitCursor {
- public:
- TWaitCursor() : oldc(Screen->Cursor) { Screen->Cursor = crHourGlass; }
- ~TWaitCursor() { Screen->Cursor = oldc; }
- private:
- TCursor oldc;
- } wait; // show hourglass
- Caption = "";
- targetpc = Form1->textTabs->pageControl;
- if ((Form1->ActiveControl == Form1->PageControl2) || (IsChild(Form1->PageControl2->Handle, Form1->ActiveControl->Handle)))
- targetpc = Form1->PageControl2;
- if ((Form1->ActiveControl == Form1->PageControl3) || (IsChild(Form1->PageControl3->Handle, Form1->ActiveControl->Handle)))
- targetpc = Form1->PageControl3;
- target = Form1->mainmgr->Modules.find(targetpc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- Caption = Caption + "Searching [" + (*target).first.c_str() + "]...";
- ListBox1->Clear();
- int searchType;
- switch (searchTypeGroup->ItemIndex) {
- case 0: searchType = -2; break;
- case 1: searchType = -1; break;
- case 2: searchType = 0; break;
- }
- int searchOptions = (CheckBox2->Checked) ? 0 : REG_ICASE;
- ListKey &results = (*target).second->Search(SearchText->Text.c_str(), searchType, searchOptions);
- while (!results.Error()) {
- ListBox1->Items->Add((const char *)results);
- results++;
- }
-// ListBox1->Items->Pack(); // so Count is set correctly (per helpfile)
- Caption = "";
- Caption = Caption + "Results from [" + (*target).first.c_str() + "] (" + ListBox1->Items->Count + ((ListBox1->Items->Count == 1) ? " match)" : " matches)");
- }
- else Caption = "Error finding target module";
-void __fastcall TForm2::ListBox1DblClick(TObject *Sender)
- if (targetpc == Form1->PageControl3) {
- Form1->DictKeyEdit->Text = ListBox1->Items->Strings[ListBox1->ItemIndex].c_str();
- }
- else {
- Form1->DefaultVSKey = ListBox1->Items->Strings[ListBox1->ItemIndex].c_str();
- Form1->TextKeyChanged();
- }
-void __fastcall TForm2::ListBox1Click(TObject *Sender)
- if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- SWKey *savekey = *(*target).second;
- (*target).second->SetKey(ListBox1->Items->Strings[ListBox1->ItemIndex].c_str());
- pvrtf->Display(*(*target).second);
- (*target).second->SetKey(*savekey);
- }
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/searchfrm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/searchfrm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c366d8..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/searchfrm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/searchfrm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/searchfrm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a50ee44..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/searchfrm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef searchH
-#define searchH
-#include <vcl\Classes.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Controls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <vcl\Forms.hpp>
-#include <vcl\ExtCtrls.hpp>
-#include "mainfrm.h"
-#include <swmgr.h>
-class TForm2 : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TPanel *Panel1;
- TPanel *Panel2;
- TListBox *ListBox1;
- TPanel *Panel3;
- TMemo *SearchText;
- TPanel *plPreview;
- TRadioGroup *searchTypeGroup;
- TGroupBox *GroupBox1;
- TCheckBox *CheckBox2;
- TPanel *Panel4;
- TButton *Button1;
- TSplitter *Splitter1;
- void __fastcall Button1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall ListBox1DblClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall ListBox1Click(TObject *Sender);
-private: // User declarations
- SWDispRTF *pvrtf;
-public: // User declarations
- ModMap::iterator target;
- TPageControl *targetpc;
-// AnsiString CapText;
- __fastcall TForm2(TComponent* Owner);
-extern TForm2 *Form2;
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/sword.bpr b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/sword.bpr
deleted file mode 100644
index f325f9a..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/sword.bpr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
-<!-- C++Builder XML Project -->
- <VERSION value="BCB.05.03"/>
- <PROJECT value="sword.exe"/>
- <OBJFILES value="sword.obj mainfrm.obj ModInstForm.obj ..\..\swdisprtf.obj
- ..\..\swdisprtfchap.obj ..\..\swwinlog.obj ..\..\tbdisp.obj searchfrm.obj
- editentryfrm.obj biblecsmgr.obj bookmarkfrm.obj AboutBoxfrm.obj
- optionfrm.obj vrslstfrm.obj versesel.obj newbmfilefrm.obj CommentPanel.obj
- ModTabPanel.obj AppBar.obj BookMarkPanel.obj TextPanel.obj LDPanel.obj
- DeskTopNameForm.obj DockCanvas.obj"/>
- <RESFILES value="sword.res"/>
- <IDLFILES value=""/>
- <DEFFILE value=""/>
- <RESDEPEN value="$(RESFILES) mainfrm.dfm ModInstForm.dfm searchfrm.dfm editentryfrm.dfm
- bookmarkfrm.dfm AboutBoxfrm.dfm optionfrm.dfm vrslstfrm.dfm versesel.dfm
- newbmfilefrm.dfm AppBar.dfm DeskTopNameForm.dfm DockCanvas.dfm"/>
- <LIBFILES value="swordlib.lib"/>
- <LIBRARIES value="vclx50.lib vcl50.lib"/>
- <SPARELIBS value="vcl50.lib vclx50.lib"/>
- <PACKAGES value="vcl50.bpi vclx50.bpi vcljpg50.bpi vclmid50.bpi vcldb50.bpi vclbde50.bpi
- bcbsmp50.bpi vcldbx50.bpi qrpt50.bpi teeui50.bpi teedb50.bpi tee50.bpi
- dss50.bpi ibsmp50.bpi nmfast50.bpi inetdb50.bpi inet50.bpi dclocx50.bpi"/>
- <PATHCPP value=".;..\..\..\windoze"/>
- <PATHPAS value=".;"/>
- <PATHRC value=".;"/>
- <PATHASM value=".;"/>
- <DEBUGLIBPATH value="$(BCB)\lib\debug"/>
- <RELEASELIBPATH value="$(BCB)\lib\release"/>
- <LINKER value="ilink32"/>
- <MAINSOURCE value="sword.cpp"/>
- <INCLUDEPATH value="&quot;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\Images\Buttons\&quot;;..\..\..\windoze;$(BCB)\include;$(BCB)\include\vcl;..\..\..\..\include"/>
- <LIBPATH value="&quot;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\Images\Buttons\&quot;;$(BCB)\Projects\Lib;&quot;C:\program files\borland\cbuilder4\Lib\&quot;;..\..\..\windoze;$(BCB)\lib\obj;$(BCB)\lib"/>
- <WARNINGS value="-w-par -w-8027 -w-8026"/>
- <WARNOPTSTR value=""/>
- <IDLCFLAGS value="-I&quot;..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\Images\Buttons&quot;
- -I..\.. -I$(BCB)\include -I$(BCB)\include\vcl -I..\..\..\..\include
- -src_suffix cpp -boa"/>
- <CFLAG1 value="-Od -H=c:\PROGRA~1\BORLAND\CBUILD~1\lib\vcl50.csm -Hc -Vx -Ve -X- -r- -a8
- -b- -k -y -v -vi- -c -tW -tWM"/>
- <PFLAGS value="-$Y+ -$W -$O- -v -JPHNE -M"/>
- <RFLAGS value=""/>
- <AFLAGS value="/mx /w2 /zi"/>
- <LFLAGS value="-D&quot;&quot; -aa -Tpe -x -Gn -v"/>
- <ALLOBJ value="c0w32.obj sysinit.obj $(OBJFILES)"/>
- <ALLRES value="$(RESFILES)"/>
- <ALLLIB value="$(LIBFILES) $(LIBRARIES) import32.lib cp32mt.lib"/>
-[Version Info]
-[Version Info Keys]
-Item0=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\Images\Buttons\;..\..;$(BCB)\include;$(BCB)\include\vcl;..\..\..\..\include
-Item1=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\Images\Buttons\;..\..\..\windoze;$(BCB)\include;$(BCB)\include\vcl;..\..\..\..\include
-Item2=..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\Images\Buttons;..\..;$(BCB)\include;$(BCB)\include\vcl;..\..\..\..\include
-Item0=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\Images\Buttons\;$(BCB)\Projects\Lib;C:\program files\borland\cbuilder4\Lib\;..\..;$(BCB)\lib\obj;$(BCB)\lib
-Item1=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\Images\Buttons\;$(BCB)\Projects\Lib;C:\program files\borland\cbuilder4\Lib\;..\..\..\windoze;$(BCB)\lib\obj;$(BCB)\lib
-Item2=..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\Images\Buttons;$(BCB)\Projects\Lib;..\..\..\..\..\..\..\program files\borland\cbuilder4\Lib;..\..;$(BCB)\lib\obj;$(BCB)\lib
-</PROJECT> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/sword.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/sword.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 113f717..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/sword.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-USEFORM("mainfrm.cpp", Form1);
-USEFORM("ModInstForm.cpp", ModInstFrm);
-USEFORM("searchfrm.cpp", Form2);
-USEFORM("editentryfrm.cpp", EditEntry);
-USEFORM("bookmarkfrm.cpp", Bookmarksfrm);
-USEFORM("AboutBoxfrm.cpp", AboutBox);
-USEFORM("optionfrm.cpp", Optionsfrm);
-USEFORM("vrslstfrm.cpp", VerseListFrm);
-USEFORM("versesel.cpp", VerseSelFrm);
-USEFORM("newbmfilefrm.cpp", NewBMfrm);
-USEFORM("AppBar.cpp", AppBarFrm);
-USEFORM("DeskTopNameForm.cpp", DeskTopNameFrm);
-USEFORM("DockCanvas.cpp", DockCanvasFrm);
- try
- {
- Application->Initialize();
- Application->CreateForm(__classid(TAppBarFrm), &AppBarFrm);
- Application->CreateForm(__classid(TDeskTopNameFrm), &DeskTopNameFrm);
- Application->CreateForm(__classid(TDockCanvasFrm), &DockCanvasFrm);
- Application->Run();
- }
- catch (Exception &exception)
- {
- Application->ShowException(&exception);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/sword.res b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/sword.res
deleted file mode 100644
index 32b522d..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/sword.res
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/swordlib.bpr b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/swordlib.bpr
deleted file mode 100644
index 3948c15..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/swordlib.bpr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
-<!-- C++Builder XML Project -->
- <VERSION value="BCB.05.03"/>
- <PROJECT value="swordlib.lib"/>
- <OBJFILES value="swordlib.obj ..\..\..\..\src\keys\versekey.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\keys\swkey.obj ..\..\..\..\src\keys\listkey.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\keys\strkey.obj ..\..\..\..\src\mgr\swmgr.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\mgr\swconfig.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments\rawcom\rawcom.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments\swcom.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\common\rawverse.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\common\rawstr.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\rwprtf.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\gbfrtf.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\gbfplain.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\lexdict\rawld\rawld.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\lexdict\swld.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts\rawgbf\rawgbf.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts\rawtext\rawtext.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts\swtext.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\swmodule.obj ..\..\tbdisp.obj
- ..\..\swdisprtfchap.obj ..\..\swwinlog.obj ..\..\swdisprtf.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments\hrefcom\hrefcom.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\mgr\filemgr.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments\rawfiles\rawfiles.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\utilfuns\utilstr.obj ..\..\..\..\src\utilfuns\utilconf.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\utilfuns\Greek2Greek.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\utilfuns\regex.obj ..\..\..\..\src\frontend\swlog.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\frontend\swdisp.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\gbfstrongs.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\gbffootnotes.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\cipherfil.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\common\sapphire.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\common\swcipher.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\mgr\swlocale.obj ..\..\..\..\src\mgr\localemgr.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\common\lzsscomprs.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\common\zverse.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\common\swcomprs.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts\ztext\ztext.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\thmlrtf.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\gbfhtml.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\gbfthml.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\plainfootnotes.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\plainhtml.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\rtfhtml.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\rwphtml.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\thmlgbf.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\thmlhtml.obj
- ..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters\thmlplain.obj"/>
- <RESFILES value=""/>
- <IDLFILES value=""/>
- <DEFFILE value=""/>
- <RESDEPEN value="$(RESFILES)"/>
- <LIBFILES value=""/>
- <LIBRARIES value="nmfast50.lib vclx50.lib vcl50.lib"/>
- <SPARELIBS value="vcl50.lib vclx50.lib nmfast50.lib"/>
- <PACKAGES value=""/>
- <PATHCPP value=".;..\..\..\..\src\keys;..\..\..\..\src\mgr;..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments\rawcom;..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments;..\..\..\..\src\modules\common;..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters;..\..\..\..\src\modules\lexdict\rawld;..\..\..\..\src\modules\lexdict;..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts\rawgbf;..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts\rawtext;..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts;..\..\..\..\src\modules;..\..\..\windoze;..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments\hrefcom;..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments\rawfiles;..\..\..\..\src\utilfuns;..\..\..\..\src\frontend;..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts\ztext"/>
- <PATHPAS value=".;"/>
- <PATHRC value=".;"/>
- <PATHASM value=".;"/>
- <DEBUGLIBPATH value=""/>
- <RELEASELIBPATH value=""/>
- <LINKER value="TLib"/>
- <MAINSOURCE value="swordlib.cpp"/>
- <INCLUDEPATH value="..\..\..\windoze;..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts\ztext;..\..\..\..\src\frontend;..\..\..;..\..\..\..\utilfuns;..\..\..\framework;..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments\rawfiles;..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments\hrefcom;..\..\..\..\include;..\..\..\..\frontend;..\..\..\..\src\utilfuns;..\..\..\..\src\modules;..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts;..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts\rawtext;..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts\rawgbf;..\..\..\..\src\modules\lexdict;..\..\..\..\src\modules\lexdict\rawld;..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters;..\..\..\..\src\modules\common;..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments;..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments\rawcom;..\..\..\..\src\mgr;..\..\..\..\src\keys;$(BCB)\include;$(BCB)\include\vcl"/>
- <LIBPATH value="..\..\..\windoze;..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts\ztext;..\..\..\..\src\frontend;..\..\..\..\src\utilfuns;..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments\rawfiles;..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments\hrefcom;..\..\..\..\src\modules;..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts;..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts\rawtext;..\..\..\..\src\modules\texts\rawgbf;..\..\..\..\src\modules\lexdict;..\..\..\..\src\modules\lexdict\rawld;..\..\..\..\src\modules\filters;..\..\..\..\src\modules\common;..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments;..\..\..\..\src\modules\comments\rawcom;..\..\..\..\src\mgr;..\..\..\..\src\keys"/>
- <WARNINGS value="-w-par -w-8027 -w-8026"/>
- <WARNOPTSTR value=""/>
- <LISTFILE value=""/>
- <CFLAG1 value="-Od -H=c:\PROGRA~1\borland\CBUILD~2\lib\vcl50.csm -Hc -Vx -Ve -RT- -X- -r-
- -a8 -4 -b- -k -y -v -vi- -c -g0 -tWM"/>
- <PFLAGS value="-$Y+ -$W -$O- -v -M -JPHNE"/>
- <RFLAGS value=""/>
- <AFLAGS value="/mx /w2 /zi"/>
- <LFLAGS value="/P128"/>
- <ALLOBJ value="$(OBJFILES)"/>
- <ALLRES value=""/>
- <ALLLIB value="cg32.lib"/>
-[Version Info]
-[Version Info Keys]
-</PROJECT> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/swordlib.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/swordlib.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fb5ebe2..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/swordlib.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#include <condefs.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#define Library
-// To add a file to the library use the Project menu 'Add to Project'.
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/swordprj.bpg b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/swordprj.bpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 0333c75..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/swordprj.bpg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-!ifndef ROOT
-MAKE = $(ROOT)\bin\make.exe -$(MAKEFLAGS) -f$**
-DCC = $(ROOT)\bin\dcc32.exe $**
-BRCC = $(ROOT)\bin\brcc32.exe $**
-PROJECTS = swordlib.lib sword.exe
-default: $(PROJECTS)
-swordlib.lib: swordlib.bpr
- $(MAKE)
-sword.exe: sword.bpr
- $(MAKE)
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/versesel.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/versesel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8788580..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/versesel.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "versesel.h"
-#include <versekey.h>
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TVerseSelFrm *VerseSelFrm;
-__fastcall TVerseSelFrm::TVerseSelFrm(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
-void __fastcall TVerseSelFrm::Edit1Change(TObject *Sender)
- VerseKey trykey = Edit1->Text.c_str();
- Panel2->Caption = (const char *)trykey;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/versesel.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/versesel.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4502433..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/versesel.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/versesel.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/versesel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b4c1981..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/versesel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef verseselH
-#define verseselH
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-class TVerseSelFrm : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TEdit *Edit1;
- TPanel *Panel2;
- TPanel *Panel1;
- TButton *Button1;
- TButton *Button2;
- void __fastcall Edit1Change(TObject *Sender);
-private: // User declarations
-public: // User declarations
- __fastcall TVerseSelFrm(TComponent* Owner);
-extern PACKAGE TVerseSelFrm *VerseSelFrm;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/vrslstfrm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/vrslstfrm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f20e6a8..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/vrslstfrm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "vrslstfrm.h"
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TVerseListFrm *VerseListFrm;
-__fastcall TVerseListFrm::TVerseListFrm(TComponent* Owner, ListKey &iVerseList)
- : TForm(Owner), verseList(iVerseList)
- pvrtf = new SWDispRTF(this);
- pvrtf->Parent = plPreview;
- pvrtf->Align = alClient;
- pvrtf->ScrollBars = ssVertical;
- pvrtf->ReadOnly = true;
-void __fastcall TVerseListFrm::ListBox1Click(TObject *Sender)
- ModMap::iterator target;
- target = Form1->mainmgr->Modules.find(Form1->textTabs->pageControl->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
- if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
- SWKey *savekey = *(*target).second;
- (*target).second->SetKey(ListBox1->Items->Strings[ListBox1->ItemIndex].c_str());
- pvrtf->Display(*(*target).second);
- (*target).second->SetKey(*savekey);
- }
-void __fastcall TVerseListFrm::ListBox1DblClick(TObject *Sender)
- Form1->DefaultVSKey = ListBox1->Items->Strings[ListBox1->ItemIndex].c_str();
- Form1->TextKeyChanged();
-void __fastcall TVerseListFrm::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
- for (verseList = TOP; (!verseList.Error()); verseList++)
- ListBox1->Items->Add((const char *)verseList);
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/vrslstfrm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/vrslstfrm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b2af74..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/vrslstfrm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/vrslstfrm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/vrslstfrm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7af64b9..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/prototype/vrslstfrm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef vrslstfrmH
-#define vrslstfrmH
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-#include "mainfrm.h"
-class TVerseListFrm : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TPanel *plPreview;
- TListBox *ListBox1;
- void __fastcall ListBox1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall ListBox1DblClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormShow(TObject *Sender);
-private: // User declarations
- SWDispRTF *pvrtf;
- ListKey &verseList;
-public: // User declarations
- __fastcall TVerseListFrm(TComponent* Owner, ListKey &iVerseList);
-extern PACKAGE TVerseListFrm *VerseListFrm;