path: root/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swmodule.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swmodule.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swmodule.pas b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swmodule.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index dd1e66d..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swmodule.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-unit SWModule;
- SwordAPI, SWKey, ListKey, Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
- paramt = record
- path, name, disc: pchar;
- end;
- pparamt = ^paramt;
- TModType = (RawText, RawCom, RawLD);
- TSWModule = class(TComponent)
- private
- protected
- hswmod: integer;
- FModType: TModType;
- FDataPath: AnsiString;
- FDescription: AnsiString;
- FMasterKey: TSWKey;
- FMyKey: TSWKey;
- FMyListKey: TListKey;
- procedure Loaded; override;
- function GetKeyText: AnsiString; virtual;
- procedure SetKeyText(text: AnsiString); virtual;
- function GetKey: TSWKey; virtual;
- procedure SetKey(ikey: TSWKey); virtual;
- procedure SetSWHandle(ihandle: integer); virtual;
- function GetSWHandle: integer; virtual;
- procedure SetMasterKey(ikey: TSWKey); virtual;
- function GetMasterKey: TSWKey; virtual;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Initialize; virtual;
- function Text: AnsiString; virtual;
- property SWHandle: integer read GetSWHandle write SetSWHandle;
- procedure Inc;
- procedure Dec;
- function Search(stext: AnsiString): TListKey; virtual;
- property KeyText: AnsiString read GetKeyText write SetKeyText;
- property Key: TSWKey read GetKey write SetKey;
- function Error: integer; virtual;
- published
- property ModType: TModType read FModType write FModType default RawText;
- property DataPath: AnsiString read FDataPath write FDataPath;
- property Description: AnsiString read FDescription write FDescription;
- property MasterKey: TSWKey read GetMasterKey write SetMasterKey;
- end;
-procedure Register;
-constructor TSWModule.Create(AOwner:TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FModType := RawText;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- begin
- hswmod := 0;
- FMyKey := TSWKey.Create(NIL);
- FMyListKey := TListKey.Create(NIL);
- end;
-destructor TSWModule.Destroy;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- begin
- if (hswmod <> 0) then
- begin
- DeleteModule(hswmod);
- hswmod := 0;
- FMyKey.SWHandle := 0;
- FMyKey.Free;
- FMyListKey.SWHandle := 0;
- FMyListKey.Free;
- end;
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TSWModule.Loaded;
- inherited Loaded;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- Initialize;
-procedure TSWModule.Initialize;
- params: paramt;
- s1: AnsiString;
- if (hswmod <> 0) then
- DeleteModule(hswmod);
- := PChar(AnsiString(Name));
- params.path := PChar(DataPath);
- params.disc := PChar(Description);
- case ModType of
- RawText: s1 := 'RawText';
- RawCom: s1 := 'RawCom';
- RawLD: s1 := 'RawLD';
- end;
- hswmod := NewModule(PChar(s1), @params);
- if (FMasterKey <> NIL) then
- begin
- if (FMasterKey.SWHandle = 0) then
- FMasterKey.Initialize;
- Key := FMasterKey;
- end;
-function TSWModule.Text: AnsiString;
- s1: AnsiString;
- SetLength(s1, ModGetTextLen(hswmod)+1);
- ModGetText(hswmod, PChar(s1), Length(s1)+1);
- s1 := Trim(s1);
- Text := s1;
-function TSWModule.GetSWHandle: integer;
- GetSWHandle := hswmod;
-procedure TSWModule.SetSWHandle(ihandle: integer);
- hswmod := ihandle;
-function TSWModule.GetKeyText: AnsiString;
- s1: AnsiString;
- SetLength(s1, 1024);
- ModGetKeyText(hswmod, PChar(s1), Length(s1));
- s1 := Trim(s1);
- GetKeyText := s1;
-procedure TSWModule.SetKeyText(text: AnsiString);
- ModSetKeyText(hswmod, PChar(text));
-function TSWModule.GetKey: TSWKey;
- FMyKey.SWHandle := ModGetKey(hswmod);
- GetKey := FMyKey;
-function TSWModule.Search(stext: AnsiString): TListKey;
- FMyListKey.SWHandle := ModSearch(hswmod, PChar(stext));
- Search := FMyListKey;
-procedure TSWModule.SetKey(ikey: TSWKey);
- ModSetKeyKey(hswmod, ikey.SWHandle);
-procedure TSWModule.Inc;
- ModInc(hswmod);
-procedure TSWModule.Dec;
- ModDec(hswmod);
-procedure TSWModule.SetMasterKey(ikey: TSWKey);
- FMasterKey := ikey;
-function TSWModule.GetMasterKey: TSWKey;
- GetMasterKey := FMasterKey;
-function TSWModule.Error: integer;
- Error := ModError(hswmod);
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents('SWORD', [TSWModule]);