path: root/apps/windoze/vc/ActiveDiatheke/ActiveDiathekeCtl.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/windoze/vc/ActiveDiatheke/ActiveDiathekeCtl.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 388 deletions
diff --git a/apps/windoze/vc/ActiveDiatheke/ActiveDiathekeCtl.cpp b/apps/windoze/vc/ActiveDiatheke/ActiveDiathekeCtl.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 363c8b1..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/vc/ActiveDiatheke/ActiveDiathekeCtl.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-// ActiveDiathekeCtl.cpp : Implementation of the CActiveDiathekeCtrl ActiveX Control class.
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "ActiveDiatheke.h"
-#include "ActiveDiathekeCtl.h"
-#include "ActiveDiathekePpg.h"
-#include "../../../console/diatheke/corediatheke.h"
-#include <strstream>
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#define new DEBUG_NEW
-#undef THIS_FILE
-static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
-IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, COleControl)
-// Message map
-BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, COleControl)
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CActiveDiathekeCtrl)
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will add and remove message map entries
- // DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code !
-// Dispatch map
-BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, COleControl)
- //{{AFX_DISPATCH_MAP(CActiveDiathekeCtrl)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "maxverses", m_maxverses, OnMaxversesChanged, VT_I4)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "outputformat", m_outputformat, OnOutputformatChanged, VT_I2)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "searchtype", m_searchtype, OnSearchtypeChanged, VT_I2)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "book", m_book, OnBookChanged, VT_BSTR)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "locale", m_locale, OnLocaleChanged, VT_BSTR)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "key", m_key, OnKeyChanged, VT_BSTR)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "value", m_value, OnValueChanged, VT_BSTR)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "autoupdate", m_autoupdate, OnAutoupdateChanged, VT_BOOL)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "strongs", m_strongs, OnStrongsChanged, VT_BOOL)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "footnotes", m_footnotes, OnFootnotesChanged, VT_BOOL)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "headings", m_headings, OnHeadingsChanged, VT_BOOL)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "morphology", m_morphology, OnMorphologyChanged, VT_BOOL)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "greekaccents", m_gaccents, OnGaccentsChanged, VT_BOOL)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "hebrewpoints", m_hpoints, OnHpointsChanged, VT_BOOL)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "hebrewcantillation", m_hcantillation, OnHcantillationChanged, VT_BOOL)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "script", m_script, OnScriptChanged, VT_BSTR)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "variants", m_variants, OnVariantsChanged, VT_I2)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "scripref", m_scripref, OnScriprefChanged, VT_BOOL)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "arshape", m_arshape, OnArshapeChanged, VT_BOOL)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "bidireorder", m_bidireorder, OnBidireorderChanged, VT_BOOL)
- DISP_PROPERTY_NOTIFY(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "outputencoding", m_outputencoding, OnOutputencodingChanged, VT_I2)
- DISP_FUNCTION(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "query", query, VT_I4, VTS_NONE)
-// Event map
-BEGIN_EVENT_MAP(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, COleControl)
- //{{AFX_EVENT_MAP(CActiveDiathekeCtrl)
- EVENT_CUSTOM("ValueChanged", FireValueChanged, VTS_NONE)
-// Property pages
-// TODO: Add more property pages as needed. Remember to increase the count!
-BEGIN_PROPPAGEIDS(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, 1)
- PROPPAGEID(CActiveDiathekePropPage::guid)
-// Initialize class factory and guid
-IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE_EX(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, "ACTIVEDIATHEKE.ActiveDiathekeCtrl.1",
- 0x6bad30cd, 0x3506, 0x42cf, 0xb5, 0x4c, 0xe4, 0x7f, 0x19, 0x26, 0x3, 0x93)
-// Type library ID and version
-IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, _tlid, _wVerMajor, _wVerMinor)
-// Interface IDs
-const IID BASED_CODE IID_DActiveDiatheke =
- { 0x7445174b, 0x2ef2, 0x42fe, { 0xac, 0xa5, 0xfa, 0xea, 0x52, 0xc3, 0x37, 0x7e } };
-const IID BASED_CODE IID_DActiveDiathekeEvents =
- { 0x8683c608, 0x3e0c, 0x4c2f, { 0xa7, 0x27, 0x9b, 0xae, 0x7a, 0x68, 0x18, 0x9f } };
-// Control type information
-static const DWORD BASED_CODE _dwActiveDiathekeOleMisc =
-IMPLEMENT_OLECTLTYPE(CActiveDiathekeCtrl, IDS_ACTIVEDIATHEKE, _dwActiveDiathekeOleMisc)
-// CActiveDiathekeCtrl::CActiveDiathekeCtrlFactory::UpdateRegistry -
-// Adds or removes system registry entries for CActiveDiathekeCtrl
-BOOL CActiveDiathekeCtrl::CActiveDiathekeCtrlFactory::UpdateRegistry(BOOL bRegister)
- // TODO: Verify that your control follows apartment-model threading rules.
- // Refer to MFC TechNote 64 for more information.
- // If your control does not conform to the apartment-model rules, then
- // you must modify the code below, changing the 6th parameter from
- // afxRegInsertable | afxRegApartmentThreading to afxRegInsertable.
- if (bRegister)
- return AfxOleRegisterControlClass(
- AfxGetInstanceHandle(),
- m_clsid,
- m_lpszProgID,
- afxRegInsertable | afxRegApartmentThreading,
- _dwActiveDiathekeOleMisc,
- _tlid,
- _wVerMajor,
- _wVerMinor);
- else
- return AfxOleUnregisterClass(m_clsid, m_lpszProgID);
-// CActiveDiathekeCtrl::CActiveDiathekeCtrl - Constructor
- InitializeIIDs(&IID_DActiveDiatheke, &IID_DActiveDiathekeEvents);
- query();
-// CActiveDiathekeCtrl::~CActiveDiathekeCtrl - Destructor
- // TODO: Cleanup your control's instance data here.
-// CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnDraw - Drawing function
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnDraw(
- CDC* pdc, const CRect& rcBounds, const CRect& rcInvalid)
- // TODO: Replace the following code with your own drawing code.
- pdc->FillRect(rcBounds, CBrush::FromHandle((HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)));
- pdc->ExtTextOut(0, 0, ETO_CLIPPED, rcBounds, "The SWORD Project", NULL);
- pdc->ExtTextOut(0, 20, ETO_CLIPPED, rcBounds, "ActiveDiatheke", NULL);
-// CActiveDiathekeCtrl::DoPropExchange - Persistence support
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::DoPropExchange(CPropExchange* pPX)
- ExchangeVersion(pPX, MAKELONG(_wVerMinor, _wVerMajor));
- COleControl::DoPropExchange(pPX);
- PX_String(pPX, _T("book"), m_book, "KJV");
- PX_String(pPX, _T("key"), m_key, "John 3:16");
- PX_String(pPX, _T("locale"), m_locale, "en");
- PX_String(pPX, _T("script"), m_script, "Off");
- PX_Bool(pPX, _T("autoupdate"), m_autoupdate, FALSE);
- PX_Bool(pPX, _T("strongs"), m_strongs, FALSE);
- PX_Bool(pPX, _T("footnotes"), m_footnotes, FALSE);
- PX_Bool(pPX, _T("headings"), m_headings, FALSE);
- PX_Bool(pPX, _T("morphology"), m_morphology, FALSE);
- PX_Bool(pPX, _T("greekaccents"), m_gaccents, FALSE);
- PX_Bool(pPX, _T("hebrewpoints"), m_hpoints, FALSE);
- PX_Bool(pPX, _T("hebrewcantillation"), m_hcantillation, FALSE);
- PX_Bool(pPX, _T("scripref"), m_scripref, FALSE);
- PX_Bool(pPX, _T("arshape"), m_arshape, FALSE);
- PX_Bool(pPX, _T("bidireorder"), m_bidireorder, FALSE);
- PX_Long(pPX, _T("maxverses"), m_maxverses, -1);
- PX_Short(pPX, _T("variants"), m_variants, 0);
- PX_Short(pPX, _T("outputformat"), m_outputformat, FMT_PLAIN);
- PX_Short(pPX, _T("outputencoding"), m_outputencoding, ENC_UTF8);
- PX_Short(pPX, _T("searchtype"), m_searchtype, ST_NONE);
-// CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnResetState - Reset control to default state
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnResetState()
- COleControl::OnResetState(); // Resets defaults found in DoPropExchange
- // TODO: Reset any other control state here.
-// CActiveDiathekeCtrl message handlers
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnMaxversesChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnOutputformatChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnSearchtypeChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnBookChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnLocaleChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnKeyChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-long CActiveDiathekeCtrl::query()
- ostrstream output;
- unsigned char opt = (m_strongs ? OP_STRONGS : 0) + (m_footnotes ? OP_FOOTNOTES : 0) + (m_headings ? OP_HEADINGS : 0) + (m_morphology ? OP_MORPH : 0) + (m_gaccents ? OP_GREEKACCENTS : 0) + (m_hpoints ? OP_HEBREWPOINTS : 0) + (m_hcantillation ? OP_CANTILLATION : 0) + (!m_script.IsEmpty() ? OP_TRANSLITERATOR : 0) + (m_variants ? OP_VARIANTS : 0) + (m_scripref ? OP_SCRIPREF : 0) + (m_arshape ? OP_ARSHAPE : 0) + (m_bidireorder ? OP_BIDI : 0);
- doquery(m_maxverses, m_outputformat + 1, m_outputencoding + 1, opt, m_searchtype, (LPCTSTR)m_book, (LPCTSTR)m_locale, (LPCTSTR)m_key, &output, (LPCTSTR)m_script, m_variants);
- output << '\0';
- char* versevalue = output.str();
- if (versevalue) {
- m_value = versevalue;
- delete versevalue;
- FireValueChanged();
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnValueChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnAutoupdateChanged()
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnStrongsChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnFootnotesChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnHeadingsChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnMorphologyChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnGaccentsChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnHpointsChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnHcantillationChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnScriptChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnVariantsChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnScriprefChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnArshapeChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnBidireorderChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();
-void CActiveDiathekeCtrl::OnOutputencodingChanged()
- if (m_autoupdate)
- query();
- SetModifiedFlag();