path: root/bindings/gsoap/gsoapsword.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bindings/gsoap/gsoapsword.cpp')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/gsoap/gsoapsword.cpp b/bindings/gsoap/gsoapsword.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb3a58d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/gsoap/gsoapsword.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+#include "soapH.h"
+#include <flatapi.h>
+#include <swmgr.h>
+#include <markupfiltmgr.h>
+SWMgr *mgr;
+int sword__ModList_iterator_next(xsd__int hmmi, xsd__int &noop) {
+ ModList_iterator_next(hmmi);
+ return SOAP_OK;
+int sword__ModList_iterator_val(xsd__int hmmi, xsd__int &hmodule) {
+ hmodule = ModList_iterator_val(hmmi);
+ return SOAP_OK;
+int sword__SWMgr_new(xsd__int &retVal) {
+ retVal = SWMgr_new();
+ return SOAP_OK;
+int sword__SWMgr_delete(xsd__int hmgr, xsd__int &noop) {
+ SWMgr_delete(hmgr);
+ return SOAP_OK;
+int sword__SWMgr_getModulesIterator(xsd__int hmgr, xsd__int &hmodIterator) {
+ hmodIterator = SWMgr_getModulesIterator(hmgr);
+ return SOAP_OK;
+int sword__SWMgr_getModuleByName(xsd__int hmgr, xsd__string name, xsd__int &hmodule) {
+ hmodule = SWMgr_getModuleByName(hmodule, name);
+ return SOAP_OK;
+int sword__SWModule_getName(xsd__int hmodule, xsd__string &name) {
+ name = (char *)SWModule_getName(hmodule);
+ return SOAP_OK;
+int sword__SWModule_getDescription(xsd__int hmodule, xsd__string &description) {
+ description = (char *)SWModule_getDescription(hmodule);
+ return SOAP_OK;
+int sword__Quick_getModuleRawEntry(xsd__string modName, xsd__string modKey, xsd__string &modText) {
+ SWModule *mod = mgr->Modules[modName];
+ if (mod) {
+ mod->setKey(modKey);
+ modText = mod->getRawEntry();
+ }
+ return SOAP_OK;
+int sword__Quick_setModuleRawEntry(xsd__string modName, xsd__string modKey, xsd__string modText, xsd__int &noop) {
+ SWModule *mod = mgr->Modules[modName];
+ if (mod) {
+ mod->setKey(modKey);
+ (*mod) << modText;
+ }
+ return SOAP_OK;
+int sword__Quick_getModuleRenderText(xsd__string modName, xsd__string modKey, xsd__string &modText) {
+ SWModule *mod = mgr->Modules[modName];
+ if (mod) {
+ mod->setKey(modKey);
+ modText = (char *)mod->RenderText();
+ }
+ return SOAP_OK;
+int sword__Quick_getJScriptAttribArray(xsd__string modName, xsd__string modKey, xsd__string &arrayText) {
+ SWModule *mod = mgr->Modules[modName];
+ if (mod) {
+ mod->setKey(modKey);
+ AttributeTypeList::iterator i1;
+ AttributeList::iterator i2;
+ AttributeValue::iterator i3;
+ int l1, l2, l3;
+ char lbuf1[20], lbuf2[20], lbuf3[20];
+ static string retVal = "";
+ retVal = "var entryAttribs = new Array();\n";
+ string l1keys = "entryAttribs[0] = new Array(";
+ for (l1=0,i1 = target->getEntryAttributes().begin(); i1 != target->getEntryAttributes().end(); i1++,l1++) {
+ sprintf(lbuf1, "%d", l1+1);
+ retVal += "entryAttribs["+lbuf1+"] = new Array();\n";
+ string l2keys = "entryAttribs["+lbuf1+"][0] = new Array(";
+ cout << "[ " << i1->first << " ]\n";
+ for (l2=0,i2 = i1->second.begin(); i2 != i1->second.end(); i2++,l2++) {
+ sprintf(lbuf2, "%d", l2+1);
+ retVal += "entryAttribs["+lbuf1+"]["+lbuf2+"][0] = new Array();\n";
+ string l3keys = "entryAttribs["+lbuf1+"]["+lbuf2+"][0] = new Array(";
+ cout << "\t[ " << i2->first << " ]\n";
+ for (l3=0,i3 = i2->second.begin(); i3 != i2->second.end(); i3++,l3++) {
+ cout << "\t\t" << i3->first << " = " << i3->second << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return SOAP_OK;
+main() {
+ int m, s;
+ mgr = new SWMgr(new MarkupFilterMgr());
+ m = soap_bind("localhost", 18083, 100);
+ if (m < 0) {
+ soap_print_fault(stderr);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Socket connection successful: master socket = %d\n", m);
+ for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
+ s = soap_accept();
+ if (s < 0) {
+ soap_print_fault(stderr);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "%d: accepted connection from IP = %d.%d.%d.%d socket = %d", i, (soap_ip<<24)&0xFF, (soap_ip<<16)&0xFF, (soap_ip<<8)&0xFF, soap_ip&0xFF, s);
+ soap_serve(); // process RPC skeletons
+ fprintf(stderr, "request served\n");
+ soap_end(); // clean up everything and close socket
+ }
+ delete mgr;
+#include "sword.nsmap"