path: root/bindings/objc/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bindings/objc/src/')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/objc/src/ b/bindings/objc/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..452c005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/objc/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+// Eloquent
+// Created by Manfred Bergmann on 13.08.07.
+// Copyright 2007 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
+#import "SwordInstallSourceController.h"
+#import "SwordInstallSource.h"
+#import "SwordManager.h"
+#import "SwordModule.h"
+#include "installmgr.h"
+//#include "MyInstallMgr.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+typedef std::map<sword::SWBuf, sword::InstallSource *> InstallSourceMap;
+typedef sword::multimapwithdefault<sword::SWBuf, sword::SWBuf, std::less <sword::SWBuf> > ConfigEntMap;
+@implementation SwordInstallSourceController
+@dynamic configPath;
+@synthesize configFilePath;
+@synthesize installSources;
+@synthesize installSourceList;
+// ------------------- getter / setter -------------------
+- (NSString *)configPath {
+ return configPath;
+- (void)setConfigPath:(NSString *)value {
+ DLog(@"");
+ if(configPath != value) {
+ [configPath release];
+ configPath = [value copy];
+ if(value != nil) {
+ // check for existence
+ NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
+ BOOL isDir;
+ if(([fm fileExistsAtPath:configPath] == NO) && createPath == YES) {
+ // create path
+ [fm createDirectoryAtPath:configPath attributes:nil];
+ }
+ if(([fm fileExistsAtPath:configPath isDirectory:&isDir] == YES) && (isDir)) {
+ // set configFilePath
+ [self setConfigFilePath:[configPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"InstallMgr.conf"]];
+ // check config
+ if([fm fileExistsAtPath:configFilePath] == NO) {
+ // create config entry
+ sword::SWConfig config([configFilePath cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
+ config["General"]["PassiveFTP"] = "true";
+ config.Save();
+ // create default Install source
+ SwordInstallSource *is = [[[SwordInstallSource alloc] initWithType:INSTALLSOURCE_TYPE_FTP] autorelease];
+ [is setCaption:@"CrossWire"];
+ [is setSource:@""];
+ [is setDirectory:@"/pub/sword/raw"];
+ // addInstallSource will reinitialize
+ [self addInstallSource:is];
+ } else {
+ // init installMgr
+ [self reinitialize];
+ }
+ // sync with master install source list
+ //[self refreshMasterRemoteInstallSourceList];
+ } else {
+ ALog(@"Config path does not exist: %@", configPath);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -------------------- methods --------------------
+// initialization
++ (SwordInstallSourceController *)defaultController {
+ static SwordInstallSourceController *singleton;
+ if(singleton == nil) {
+ singleton = [[SwordInstallSourceController alloc] init];
+ }
+ return singleton;
+base path of the module installation
+ */
+- (id)init {
+ self = [super init];
+ if(self) {
+ createPath = NO;
+ [self setConfigPath:nil];
+ [self setConfigFilePath:nil];
+ [self setInstallSources:[NSMutableDictionary dictionary]];
+ [self setInstallSourceList:[NSMutableArray array]];
+ }
+ return self;
+ initialize with given path
+ */
+- (id)initWithPath:(NSString *)aPath createPath:(BOOL)create {
+ self = [self init];
+ if(self) {
+ createPath = create;
+ [self setConfigPath:aPath];
+ }
+ return self;
+/** re-init after adding or removing new modules */
+- (void)reinitialize {
+ sword::SWConfig config([configFilePath UTF8String]);
+ config.Load();
+ // init installMgr
+ BOOL disclaimerConfirmed = NO;
+ if(swInstallMgr != nil) {
+ disclaimerConfirmed = [self userDisclaimerConfirmed];
+ }
+ swInstallMgr = new sword::InstallMgr([configPath UTF8String]);
+ if(swInstallMgr == nil) {
+ ALog(@"Could not initialize InstallMgr!");
+ } else {
+ [self setUserDisclainerConfirmed:disclaimerConfirmed];
+ // empty all lists
+ [installSources removeAllObjects];
+ [installSourceList removeAllObjects];
+ // init install sources
+ for(InstallSourceMap::iterator it = swInstallMgr->sources.begin(); it != swInstallMgr->sources.end(); it++) {
+ sword::InstallSource *sis = it->second;
+ SwordInstallSource *is = [[SwordInstallSource alloc] initWithSource:(id)sis];
+ [installSources setObject:is forKey:[is caption]];
+ // also add to list
+ [installSourceList addObject:is];
+ }
+ }
+- (void)finalize {
+ if(swInstallMgr != nil) {
+ delete swInstallMgr;
+ }
+ [super finalize];
+- (void)dealloc {
+ if(swInstallMgr != nil) {
+ delete swInstallMgr;
+ }
+ [self setConfigPath:nil];
+ [self setInstallSources:nil];
+ [self setInstallSourceList:nil];
+ [self setConfigFilePath:nil];
+ [super dealloc];
+- (void)addInstallSource:(SwordInstallSource *)is {
+ [self addInstallSource:is withReinitialize:YES];
+// add/remove install sources
+- (void)addInstallSource:(SwordInstallSource *)is withReinitialize:(BOOL)reinit {
+ // save at once
+ sword::SWConfig config([configFilePath cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
+ if([[is type] isEqualToString:INSTALLSOURCE_TYPE_FTP]) {
+ config["Sources"].insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type(INSTALLSOURCE_SECTION_TYPE_FTP, [[is configEntry] UTF8String]));
+ } else {
+ config["Sources"].insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type(INSTALLSOURCE_SECTION_TYPE_HTTP, [[is configEntry] UTF8String]));
+ }
+ config.Save();
+ if(reinit)
+ [self reinitialize];
+- (void)removeInstallSource:(SwordInstallSource *)is {
+ [self removeInstallSource:is withReinitialize:NO];
+- (void)removeInstallSource:(SwordInstallSource *)is withReinitialize:(BOOL)reinit {
+ // remove source
+ [installSources removeObjectForKey:[is caption]];
+ [installSourceList removeObject:is];
+ // save at once
+ sword::SWConfig config([configFilePath cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
+ config["Sources"].erase(INSTALLSOURCE_SECTION_TYPE_HTTP);
+ config["Sources"].erase(INSTALLSOURCE_SECTION_TYPE_FTP);
+ // build up new
+ NSEnumerator *iter = [installSources objectEnumerator];
+ SwordInstallSource *sis = nil;
+ while((sis = [iter nextObject])) {
+ if([[sis type] isEqualToString:INSTALLSOURCE_TYPE_FTP]) {
+ config["Sources"].insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type(INSTALLSOURCE_SECTION_TYPE_FTP, [[sis configEntry] UTF8String]));
+ } else {
+ config["Sources"].insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type(INSTALLSOURCE_SECTION_TYPE_HTTP, [[sis configEntry] UTF8String]));
+ }
+ }
+ config.Save();
+ if(reinit)
+ [self reinitialize];
+- (void)updateInstallSource:(SwordInstallSource *)is {
+ // first remove, then add again
+ [self removeInstallSource:is withReinitialize:NO];
+ [self addInstallSource:is];
+// installation/uninstallation
+- (int)installModule:(SwordModule *)aModule fromSource:(SwordInstallSource *)is withManager:(SwordManager *)manager {
+ int stat = -1;
+ if([[is source] isEqualToString:@"localhost"]) {
+ stat = swInstallMgr->installModule([manager swManager], [[is directory] UTF8String], [[aModule name] UTF8String]);
+ } else {
+ stat = swInstallMgr->installModule([manager swManager], 0, [[aModule name] UTF8String], [is installSource]);
+ }
+ return stat;
+- (int)refreshMasterRemoteInstallSourceList {
+ int stat = swInstallMgr->refreshRemoteSourceConfiguration();
+ if(stat) {
+ ALog(@"Unable to refresh with master install source!");
+ }
+ return stat;
+ uninstalls a module from a SwordManager
+ */
+- (int)uninstallModule:(SwordModule *)aModule fromManager:(SwordManager *)swManager {
+ int stat = swInstallMgr->removeModule([swManager swManager], [[aModule name] UTF8String]);
+ return stat;
+// list modules in sources
+- (NSArray *)listModulesForSource:(SwordInstallSource *)is {
+ return [is listModules];
+/** refresh modules of this source
+ refreshing the install source is necessary before installation of
+ */
+- (int)refreshInstallSource:(SwordInstallSource *)is {
+ int ret = 1;
+ if(is == nil) {
+ ALog(@"Install source is nil");
+ } else {
+ if([[is source] isEqualToString:@"localhost"] == NO) {
+ ret = swInstallMgr->refreshRemoteSource([is installSource]);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ returns an array of Modules with status set, nil on error
+ */
+- (NSArray *)moduleStatusInInstallSource:(SwordInstallSource *)is baseManager:(SwordManager *)baseMgr {
+ NSArray *ret = nil;
+ // get modules map
+ NSMutableArray *ar = [NSMutableArray array];
+ std::map<sword::SWModule *, int> modStats = swInstallMgr->getModuleStatus(*[baseMgr swManager], *[[is swordManager] swManager]);
+ sword::SWModule *module;
+ int status;
+ for(std::map<sword::SWModule *, int>::iterator it = modStats.begin(); it != modStats.end(); it++) {
+ module = it->first;
+ status = it->second;
+ SwordModule *mod = [[SwordModule alloc] initWithSWModule:module];
+ [mod setStatus:status];
+ [ar addObject:mod];
+ }
+ if(ar) {
+ ret = [NSArray arrayWithArray:ar];
+ }
+ return ret;
+- (BOOL)userDisclaimerConfirmed {
+ return swInstallMgr->isUserDisclaimerConfirmed();
+- (void)setUserDisclainerConfirmed:(BOOL)flag {
+ swInstallMgr->setUserDisclaimerConfirmed(flag);
+/** low level access */
+- (sword::InstallMgr *)installMgr {
+ return swInstallMgr;