path: root/src/modules/common/rawstr.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/common/rawstr.cpp')
1 files changed, 565 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/common/rawstr.cpp b/src/modules/common/rawstr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..787946c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/common/rawstr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+ * rawstr.cpp - code for class 'RawStr'- a module that reads raw text
+ * files: ot and nt using indexs ??.bks ??.cps ??.vss
+ * and provides lookup and parsing functions based on
+ * class StrKey
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#ifndef __GNUC__
+#include <io.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <utilfuns.h>
+#include <rawstr.h>
+#include <sysdata.h>
+ * RawStr Statics
+ */
+int RawStr::instance = 0;
+char RawStr::nl = '\n';
+ * RawStr Constructor - Initializes data for instance of RawStr
+ *
+ * ENT: ipath - path of the directory where data and index files are located.
+ * be sure to include the trailing separator (e.g. '/' or '\')
+ * (e.g. 'modules/texts/rawtext/webster/')
+ */
+RawStr::RawStr(const char *ipath, int fileMode)
+ char buf[127];
+ lastoff = -1;
+ path = 0;
+ stdstr(&path, ipath);
+#ifndef O_BINARY // O_BINARY is needed in Borland C++ 4.53
+#define O_BINARY 0 // If it hasn't been defined than we probably
+#endif // don't need it.
+ if (fileMode == -1) { // try read/write if possible
+ fileMode = O_RDWR;
+ }
+ sprintf(buf, "%s.idx", path);
+ idxfd =, fileMode|O_BINARY, true);
+ sprintf(buf, "%s.dat", path);
+ datfd =, fileMode|O_BINARY, true);
+ if (datfd < 0) {
+ sprintf(buf, "Error: %d", errno);
+ perror(buf);
+ }
+ instance++;
+ * RawStr Destructor - Cleans up instance of RawStr
+ */
+ if (path)
+ delete [] path;
+ --instance;
+ FileMgr::systemFileMgr.close(idxfd);
+ FileMgr::systemFileMgr.close(datfd);
+ * RawStr::getidxbufdat - Gets the index string at the given idx offset
+ * NOTE: buf is allocated and must be freed by
+ * calling function
+ *
+ * ENT: ioffset - offset in dat file to lookup
+ * buf - address of pointer to allocate for storage of string
+ */
+void RawStr::getidxbufdat(long ioffset, char **buf)
+ int size;
+ char ch;
+ if (datfd > 0) {
+ lseek(datfd->getFd(), ioffset, SEEK_SET);
+ for (size = 0; read(datfd->getFd(), &ch, 1) == 1; size++) {
+ if ((ch == '\\') || (ch == 10) || (ch == 13))
+ break;
+ }
+ *buf = (*buf) ? (char *)realloc(*buf, size + 1) : (char *)malloc(size + 1);
+ if (size) {
+ lseek(datfd->getFd(), ioffset, SEEK_SET);
+ read(datfd->getFd(), *buf, size);
+ }
+ (*buf)[size] = 0;
+ for (size--; size > 0; size--)
+ (*buf)[size] = SW_toupper((*buf)[size]);
+ }
+ else {
+ *buf = (*buf) ? (char *)realloc(*buf, 1) : (char *)malloc(1);
+ **buf = 0;
+ }
+ * RawStr::getidxbuf - Gets the index string at the given idx offset
+ * NOTE: buf is allocated and must be freed by
+ * calling function
+ *
+ * ENT: ioffset - offset in idx file to lookup
+ * buf - address of pointer to allocate for storage of string
+ */
+void RawStr::getidxbuf(long ioffset, char **buf)
+ char *trybuf, *targetbuf;
+ long offset;
+ if (idxfd > 0) {
+ lseek(idxfd->getFd(), ioffset, SEEK_SET);
+ read(idxfd->getFd(), &offset, 4);
+ offset = swordtoarch32(offset);
+ getidxbufdat(offset, buf);
+ for (trybuf = targetbuf = *buf; *trybuf; trybuf++, targetbuf++) {
+ if (*trybuf == '-') { // ignore '-' because alphabetized silly in file
+ targetbuf--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ *targetbuf = SW_toupper(*trybuf);
+ }
+ *targetbuf = 0;
+ trybuf = 0;
+ }
+ * RawStr::findoffset - Finds the offset of the key string from the indexes
+ *
+ * ENT: key - key string to lookup
+ * start - address to store the starting offset
+ * size - address to store the size of the entry
+ * away - number of entries before of after to jump
+ * (default = 0)
+ *
+ * RET: error status
+ */
+signed char RawStr::findoffset(const char *ikey, long *start, unsigned short *size, long away, long *idxoff)
+ char *trybuf, *targetbuf, *key, quitflag = 0;
+ signed char retval = 0;
+ long headoff, tailoff, tryoff = 0, maxoff = 0;
+ if (idxfd->getFd() >=0) {
+ tailoff = maxoff = lseek(idxfd->getFd(), 0, SEEK_END) - 6;
+ if (*ikey) {
+ headoff = 0;
+ key = new char [ strlen(ikey) + 1 ];
+ strcpy(key, ikey);
+ for (trybuf = targetbuf = key; *trybuf; trybuf++, targetbuf++) {
+ /*
+ if (*trybuf == '-') { // ignore '-' because alphabetized silly in file
+ targetbuf--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ */
+ *targetbuf = SW_toupper(*trybuf);
+ }
+ *targetbuf = 0;
+ trybuf = 0;
+ while (headoff < tailoff) {
+ tryoff = (lastoff == -1) ? headoff + ((((tailoff / 6) - (headoff / 6))) / 2) * 6 : lastoff;
+ lastoff = -1;
+ getidxbuf(tryoff, &trybuf);
+ if (!*trybuf && tryoff) { // In case of extra entry at end of idx (not first entry)
+ tryoff += (tryoff > (maxoff / 2))?-6:6;
+ retval = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(key, trybuf))
+ break;
+ int diff = strcmp(key, trybuf);
+ if (diff < 0)
+ tailoff = (tryoff == headoff) ? headoff : tryoff;
+ else headoff = tryoff;
+ if (tailoff == headoff + 6) {
+ if (quitflag++)
+ headoff = tailoff;
+ }
+ }
+ if (headoff >= tailoff)
+ tryoff = headoff;
+ if (trybuf)
+ free(trybuf);
+ delete [] key;
+ }
+ else tryoff = 0;
+ lseek(idxfd->getFd(), tryoff, SEEK_SET);
+ *start = *size = 0;
+ read(idxfd->getFd(), start, 4);
+ read(idxfd->getFd(), size, 2);
+ if (idxoff)
+ *idxoff = tryoff;
+ *start = swordtoarch32(*start);
+ *size = swordtoarch16(*size);
+ while (away) {
+ long laststart = *start;
+ unsigned short lastsize = *size;
+ long lasttry = tryoff;
+ tryoff += (away > 0) ? 6 : -6;
+ bool bad = false;
+ if (((tryoff + (away*6)) < -6) || (tryoff + (away*6) > (maxoff+6)))
+ bad = true;
+ else if (lseek(idxfd->getFd(), tryoff, SEEK_SET) < 0)
+ bad = true;
+ if (bad) {
+ retval = -1;
+ *start = laststart;
+ *size = lastsize;
+ tryoff = lasttry;
+ if (idxoff)
+ *idxoff = tryoff;
+ break;
+ }
+ read(idxfd->getFd(), start, 4);
+ read(idxfd->getFd(), size, 2);
+ if (idxoff)
+ *idxoff = tryoff;
+ *start = swordtoarch32(*start);
+ *size = swordtoarch16(*size);
+ if (((laststart != *start) || (lastsize != *size)) && (*start >= 0) && (*size))
+ away += (away < 0) ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ lastoff = tryoff;
+ }
+ else {
+ *start = 0;
+ *size = 0;
+ if (idxoff)
+ *idxoff = 0;
+ retval = -1;
+ }
+ return retval;
+ * RawStr::preptext - Prepares the text before returning it to external
+ * objects
+ *
+ * ENT: buf - buffer where text is stored and where to store the prep'd
+ * text.
+ */
+void RawStr::preptext(char *buf) {
+ char *to, *from, space = 0, cr = 0, realdata = 0, nlcnt = 0;
+ for (to = from = buf; *from; from++) {
+ switch (*from) {
+ case 10:
+ if (!realdata)
+ continue;
+ space = (cr) ? 0 : 1;
+ cr = 0;
+ nlcnt++;
+ if (nlcnt > 1) {
+// *to++ = nl;
+ *to++ = nl;
+// nlcnt = 0;
+ }
+ continue;
+ case 13:
+ if (!realdata)
+ continue;
+ *to++ = nl;
+ space = 0;
+ cr = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ realdata = 1;
+ nlcnt = 0;
+ if (space) {
+ space = 0;
+ if (*from != ' ') {
+ *to++ = ' ';
+ from--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ *to++ = *from;
+ }
+ *to = 0;
+ while (to > (buf+1)) { // remove trailing excess
+ to--;
+ if ((*to == 10) || (*to == ' '))
+ *to = 0;
+ else break;
+ }
+ * RawStr::gettext - gets text at a given offset
+ *
+ * ENT:
+ * start - starting offset where the text is located in the file
+ * size - size of text entry
+ * buf - buffer to store text
+ *
+ */
+void RawStr::gettext(long istart, unsigned short isize, char *idxbuf, char *buf)
+ char *ch;
+ char *idxbuflocal = 0;
+ getidxbufdat(istart, &idxbuflocal);
+ long start = istart;
+ unsigned short size = isize;
+ do {
+ memset(buf, 0, size);
+ lseek(datfd->getFd(), start, SEEK_SET);
+ read(datfd->getFd(), buf, (int)(size - 2));
+ for (ch = buf; *ch; ch++) { // skip over index string
+ if (*ch == 10) {
+ ch++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ size -= (unsigned short)(ch-buf);
+ memmove(buf, ch, size);
+ buf[size] = 0;
+ buf[size+1] = 0;
+ // resolve link
+ if (!strncmp(buf, "@LINK", 5)) {
+ for (ch = buf; *ch; ch++) { // null before nl
+ if (*ch == 10) {
+ *ch = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ findoffset(buf + 6, &start, &size);
+ // TODO: FIX! THIS IS WRONG!!! buf is not reallocated for the appropriate size!
+ }
+ else break;
+ }
+ while (true); // while we're resolving links
+ if (idxbuflocal) {
+ int localsize = strlen(idxbuflocal);
+ localsize = (localsize < (size - 1)) ? localsize : (size - 1);
+ strncpy(idxbuf, idxbuflocal, localsize);
+ idxbuf[localsize] = 0;
+ free(idxbuflocal);
+ }
+ * RawLD::settext - Sets text for current offset
+ *
+ * ENT: key - key for this entry
+ * buf - buffer to store
+ * len - length of buffer (0 - null terminated)
+ */
+void RawStr::settext(const char *ikey, const char *buf, long len)
+ long start, outstart;
+ long idxoff;
+ long endoff;
+ long shiftSize;
+ unsigned short size;
+ unsigned short outsize;
+ static const char nl[] = {13, 10};
+ char *tmpbuf = 0;
+ char *key = 0;
+ char *dbKey = 0;
+ char *idxBytes = 0;
+ char *outbuf = 0;
+ char *ch = 0;
+ findoffset(ikey, &start, &size, 0, &idxoff);
+ stdstr(&key, ikey);
+ for (ch = key; *ch; ch++)
+ *ch = SW_toupper(*ch);
+ ch = 0;
+ getidxbufdat(start, &dbKey);
+ if (strcmp(key, dbKey) < 0) {
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(key, dbKey) > 0) {
+ idxoff += 6;
+ } else if ((!strcmp(key, dbKey)) && (len || strlen(buf) /*we're not deleting*/)) { // got absolute entry
+ do {
+ tmpbuf = new char [ size + 2 ];
+ memset(tmpbuf, 0, size + 2);
+ lseek(datfd->getFd(), start, SEEK_SET);
+ read(datfd->getFd(), tmpbuf, (int)(size - 1));
+ for (ch = tmpbuf; *ch; ch++) { // skip over index string
+ if (*ch == 10) {
+ ch++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ memmove(tmpbuf, ch, size - (unsigned short)(ch-tmpbuf));
+ // resolve link
+ if (!strncmp(tmpbuf, "@LINK", 5) && (len ? len : strlen(buf))) {
+ for (ch = tmpbuf; *ch; ch++) { // null before nl
+ if (*ch == 10) {
+ *ch = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ findoffset(tmpbuf + 6, &start, &size, 0, &idxoff);
+ }
+ else break;
+ }
+ while (true); // while we're resolving links
+ }
+ endoff = lseek(idxfd->getFd(), 0, SEEK_END);
+ shiftSize = endoff - idxoff;
+ if (shiftSize > 0) {
+ idxBytes = new char [ shiftSize ];
+ lseek(idxfd->getFd(), idxoff, SEEK_SET);
+ read(idxfd->getFd(), idxBytes, shiftSize);
+ }
+ outbuf = new char [ (len ? len : strlen(buf)) + strlen(key) + 5 ];
+ sprintf(outbuf, "%s%c%c", key, 13, 10);
+ size = strlen(outbuf);
+ memcpy (outbuf + size, buf, len ? len : strlen(buf));
+ size = outsize = size + (len ? len : strlen(buf));
+ start = outstart = lseek(datfd->getFd(), 0, SEEK_END);
+ outstart = archtosword32(start);
+ outsize = archtosword16(size);
+ lseek(idxfd->getFd(), idxoff, SEEK_SET);
+ if (len ? len : strlen(buf)) {
+ lseek(datfd->getFd(), start, SEEK_SET);
+ write(datfd->getFd(), outbuf, (int)size);
+ // add a new line to make data file easier to read in an editor
+ write(datfd->getFd(), &nl, 2);
+ write(idxfd->getFd(), &outstart, 4);
+ write(idxfd->getFd(), &outsize, 2);
+ if (idxBytes) {
+ write(idxfd->getFd(), idxBytes, shiftSize);
+ delete [] idxBytes;
+ }
+ }
+ else { // delete entry
+ if (idxBytes) {
+ write(idxfd->getFd(), idxBytes+6, shiftSize-6);
+ lseek(idxfd->getFd(), -1, SEEK_CUR); // last valid byte
+ FileMgr::systemFileMgr.trunc(idxfd); // truncate index
+ delete [] idxBytes;
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] key;
+ delete [] outbuf;
+ free(dbKey);
+ * RawLD::linkentry - links one entry to another
+ *
+ * ENT: testmt - testament to find (0 - Bible/module introduction)
+ * destidxoff - dest offset into .vss
+ * srcidxoff - source offset into .vss
+ */
+void RawStr::linkentry(const char *destkey, const char *srckey) {
+ char *text = new char [ strlen(destkey) + 7 ];
+ sprintf(text, "@LINK %s", destkey);
+ settext(srckey, text);
+ delete [] text;
+ * RawLD::CreateModule - Creates new module files
+ *
+ * ENT: path - directory to store module files
+ * RET: error status
+ */
+signed char RawStr::createModule(const char *ipath)
+ char *path = 0;
+ char *buf = new char [ strlen (ipath) + 20 ];
+ FileDesc *fd, *fd2;
+ stdstr(&path, ipath);
+ if ((path[strlen(path)-1] == '/') || (path[strlen(path)-1] == '\\'))
+ path[strlen(path)-1] = 0;
+ sprintf(buf, "%s.dat", path);
+ unlink(buf);
+ fd->getFd();
+ FileMgr::systemFileMgr.close(fd);
+ sprintf(buf, "%s.idx", path);
+ unlink(buf);
+ fd2->getFd();
+ FileMgr::systemFileMgr.close(fd2);
+ delete [] path;
+ return 0;