path: root/src/modules/filters/gbfwordjs.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/filters/gbfwordjs.cpp')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/filters/gbfwordjs.cpp b/src/modules/filters/gbfwordjs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f81ffac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/filters/gbfwordjs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+ *
+ * gbfstrongs - SWFilter descendant to hide or show strongs number
+ * in a GBF module.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <gbfwordjs.h>
+#include <swmodule.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <utilstr.h>
+#include <versekey.h>
+const char oName[] = "Word Javascript";
+const char oTip[] = "Toggles Word Javascript data";
+const SWBuf choices[3] = {"Off", "On", ""};
+const StringList oValues(&choices[0], &choices[2]);
+GBFWordJS::GBFWordJS() : SWOptionFilter(oName, oTip, &oValues) {
+ setOptionValue("Off");
+ defaultGreekLex = 0;
+ defaultHebLex = 0;
+ defaultGreekParse = 0;
+ defaultHebParse = 0;
+ mgr = 0;
+GBFWordJS::~GBFWordJS() {
+char GBFWordJS::processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key, const SWModule *module) {
+ if (option) {
+ char token[2112]; // cheese. Fix.
+ int tokpos = 0;
+ bool intoken = false;
+ bool lastspace = false;
+ int word = 1;
+ char val[128];
+ char wordstr[5];
+ unsigned int textStart = 0, lastAppendLen = 0, textEnd = 0;
+ SWBuf tmp;
+ bool newText = false;
+ bool needWordOut = false;
+ AttributeValue *wordAttrs = 0;
+ SWBuf modName = (module)?module->Name():"";
+ SWBuf wordSrcPrefix = modName;
+ const SWBuf orig = text;
+ const char * from = orig.c_str();
+ VerseKey *vkey = 0;
+ if (key) {
+ vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, key);
+ }
+ for (text = ""; *from; from++) {
+ if (*from == '<') {
+ intoken = true;
+ tokpos = 0;
+ token[0] = 0;
+ token[1] = 0;
+ token[2] = 0;
+ textEnd = text.length();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (*from == '>') { // process tokens
+ intoken = false;
+ if (*token == 'W' && (token[1] == 'G' || token[1] == 'H')) { // Strongs
+ strcpy(val,token+1);
+ if (atoi((!isdigit(*val))?val+1:val) < 5627) {
+ // normal strongs number
+ sprintf(wordstr, "%03d", word++);
+ needWordOut = (word > 2);
+ wordAttrs = &(module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]);
+ (*wordAttrs)["Lemma"] = val;
+ //printf("Adding: [\"Word\"][%s][\"Strongs\"] = %s\n", wordstr, val);
+ tmp = "";
+ tmp.append(text.c_str()+textStart, (int)(textEnd - textStart));
+ (*wordAttrs)["Text"] = tmp;
+ text.append("</span>");
+ SWBuf ts;
+ ts.appendFormatted("%d", textStart);
+ (*wordAttrs)["TextStart"] = ts;
+ //printf("Adding: [\"Word\"][%s][\"Text\"] = %s\n", wordstr, tmp.c_str());
+ newText = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ // verb morph
+ if (wordAttrs) {
+ (*wordAttrs)["Morph"] = val;
+ }
+ //printf("Adding: [\"Word\"][%s][\"Morph\"] = %s\n", wordstr, val);
+ }
+ }
+ if (*token == 'W' && token[1] == 'T') { // Morph
+ if (token[2] == 'G' || token[2] == 'H') {
+ strcpy(val, token+2);
+ }
+ else strcpy(val, token+1);
+ if (wordAttrs) {
+ (*wordAttrs)["Morph"] = val;
+ (*wordAttrs)["MorphClass"] = "StrongsMorph";
+ }
+ newText = true;
+ }
+ // if not a strongs token, keep token in text
+ text += '<';
+ text += token;
+ text += '>';
+ if (needWordOut) {
+ char wstr[10];
+ sprintf(wstr, "%03d", word-2);
+ AttributeValue *wAttrs = &(module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wstr]);
+ needWordOut = false;
+ SWBuf strong = (*wAttrs)["Lemma"];
+ SWBuf morph = (*wAttrs)["Morph"];
+ SWBuf morphClass = (*wAttrs)["MorphClass"];
+ SWBuf wordText = (*wAttrs)["Text"];
+ SWBuf textSt = (*wAttrs)["TextStart"];
+ if (strong.size()) {
+ char gh = 0;
+ gh = isdigit(strong[0]) ? 0:strong[0];
+ if (!gh) {
+ if (vkey) {
+ gh = vkey->Testament() ? 'H' : 'G';
+ }
+ }
+ else strong << 1;
+ SWModule *sLex = 0;
+ SWModule *sMorph = 0;
+ if (gh == 'G') {
+ sLex = defaultGreekLex;
+ sMorph = defaultGreekParse;
+ }
+ if (gh == 'H') {
+ sLex = defaultHebLex;
+ sMorph = defaultHebParse;
+ }
+ SWBuf lexName = "";
+ if (sLex) {
+ // we can pass the real lex name in, but we have some
+ // aliases in the javascript to optimize bandwidth
+ lexName = sLex->Name();
+ if (lexName == "StrongsGreek")
+ lexName = "G";
+ if (lexName == "StrongsHebrew")
+ lexName = "H";
+ }
+ SWBuf wordID;
+ if (vkey) {
+ // optimize for bandwidth and use only the verse as the unique entry id
+ wordID.appendFormatted("%d", vkey->Verse());
+ }
+ else {
+ wordID = key->getText();
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wordID.size(); i++) {
+ if ((!isdigit(wordID[i])) && (!isalpha(wordID[i]))) {
+ wordID[i] = '_';
+ }
+ }
+ wordID.appendFormatted("_%s%d", wordSrcPrefix.c_str(), atoi(wstr));
+ if (textSt.size()) {
+ int textStr = atoi(textSt.c_str());
+ textStr += lastAppendLen;
+ SWBuf spanStart = "";
+ if (sMorph) {
+ SWBuf popMorph = "<a onclick=\"";
+ popMorph.appendFormatted("p(\'%s\',\'%s\','%s','');\" >%s</a>", sMorph->Name(), morph.c_str(), wordID.c_str(), morph.c_str());
+ morph = popMorph;
+ }
+ // 'p' = 'fillpop' to save bandwidth
+ const char *m = strchr(morph.c_str(), ':');
+ if (m) m++;
+ else m = morph.c_str();
+ spanStart.appendFormatted("<span class=\"clk\" onclick=\"p('%s','%s','%s','%s','','%s');\" >", lexName.c_str(), strong.c_str(), wordID.c_str(), m, modName.c_str());
+ text.insert(textStr, spanStart);
+ lastAppendLen = spanStart.length();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (newText) {
+ textStart = text.length(); newText = false;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (intoken) {
+ if (tokpos < 2045)
+ token[tokpos++] = *from;
+ token[tokpos+2] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ text += *from;
+ lastspace = (*from == ' ');
+ }
+ }
+ char wstr[10];
+ sprintf(wstr, "%03d", word-1);
+ AttributeValue *wAttrs = &(module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wstr]);
+ needWordOut = false;
+ SWBuf strong = (*wAttrs)["Lemma"];
+ SWBuf morph = (*wAttrs)["Morph"];
+ SWBuf morphClass = (*wAttrs)["MorphClass"];
+ SWBuf wordText = (*wAttrs)["Text"];
+ SWBuf textSt = (*wAttrs)["TextStart"];
+ if (strong.size()) {
+ char gh = 0;
+ gh = isdigit(strong[0]) ? 0:strong[0];
+ if (!gh) {
+ if (vkey) {
+ gh = vkey->Testament() ? 'H' : 'G';
+ }
+ }
+ else strong << 1;
+ SWModule *sLex = 0;
+ if (gh == 'G') {
+ sLex = defaultGreekLex;
+ }
+ if (gh == 'H') {
+ sLex = defaultHebLex;
+ }
+ SWBuf lexName = "";
+ if (sLex) {
+ // we can pass the real lex name in, but we have some
+ // aliases in the javascript to optimize bandwidth
+ lexName = sLex->Name();
+ if (lexName == "StrongsGreek")
+ lexName = "G";
+ if (lexName == "StrongsHebrew")
+ lexName = "H";
+ }
+ SWBuf wordID;
+ if (vkey) {
+ // optimize for bandwidth and use only the verse as the unique entry id
+ wordID.appendFormatted("%d", vkey->Verse());
+ }
+ else {
+ wordID = key->getText();
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wordID.size(); i++) {
+ if ((!isdigit(wordID[i])) && (!isalpha(wordID[i]))) {
+ wordID[i] = '_';
+ }
+ }
+ wordID.appendFormatted("_%s%d", wordSrcPrefix.c_str(), atoi(wstr));
+ if (textSt.size()) {
+ int textStr = atoi(textSt.c_str());
+ textStr += lastAppendLen;
+ SWBuf spanStart = "";
+ // 'p' = 'fillpop' to save bandwidth
+ const char *m = strchr(morph.c_str(), ':');
+ if (m) m++;
+ else m = morph.c_str();
+ spanStart.appendFormatted("<span class=\"clk\" onclick=\"p('%s','%s','%s','%s','','%s');\" >", lexName.c_str(), strong.c_str(), wordID.c_str(), m, modName.c_str());
+ text.insert(textStr, spanStart);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;