path: root/src/modules/filters/osisrtf.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/filters/osisrtf.cpp')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/filters/osisrtf.cpp b/src/modules/filters/osisrtf.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e94e8ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/filters/osisrtf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+ osisrtf.cpp - OSIS to RTF filter
+ -------------------
+ begin : 2003-02-15
+ copyright : 2003 by CrossWire Bible Society
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <osisrtf.h>
+#include <utilxml.h>
+#include <versekey.h>
+#include <swmodule.h>
+OSISRTF::MyUserData::MyUserData(const SWModule *module, const SWKey *key) : BasicFilterUserData(module, key) {
+ inXRefNote = false;
+ BiblicalText = false;
+ if (module) {
+ version = module->Name();
+ BiblicalText = (!strcmp(module->Type(), "Biblical Texts"));
+ }
+ osisQToTick = ((!module->getConfigEntry("OSISqToTick")) || (strcmp(module->getConfigEntry("OSISqToTick"), "false")));
+ setTokenStart("<");
+ setTokenEnd(">");
+ setEscapeStart("&");
+ setEscapeEnd(";");
+ setEscapeStringCaseSensitive(true);
+ addEscapeStringSubstitute("amp", "&");
+ addEscapeStringSubstitute("apos", "'");
+ addEscapeStringSubstitute("lt", "<");
+ addEscapeStringSubstitute("gt", ">");
+ addEscapeStringSubstitute("quot", "\"");
+ addTokenSubstitute("lg", "{\\par}");
+ addTokenSubstitute("/lg", "{\\par}");
+ setTokenCaseSensitive(true);
+bool OSISRTF::handleToken(SWBuf &buf, const char *token, BasicFilterUserData *userData) {
+ // manually process if it wasn't a simple substitution
+ if (!substituteToken(buf, token)) {
+ MyUserData *u = (MyUserData *)userData;
+ XMLTag tag(token);
+ // <w> tag
+ if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "w")) {
+ // start <w> tag
+ if ((!tag.isEmpty()) && (!tag.isEndTag())) {
+ buf += "{";
+ u->w = token;
+ }
+ // end or empty <w> tag
+ else {
+ bool endTag = tag.isEndTag();
+ SWBuf lastText;
+ bool show = true; // to handle unplaced article in kjv2003-- temporary till combined
+ if (endTag) {
+ tag = u->w.c_str();
+ lastText = u->lastTextNode.c_str();
+ }
+ else lastText = "stuff";
+ const char *attrib;
+ const char *val;
+ if (attrib = tag.getAttribute("xlit")) {
+ val = strchr(attrib, ':');
+ val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib;
+ buf.appendFormatted(" {\\fs15 <%s>}", val);
+ }
+ if (attrib = tag.getAttribute("gloss")) {
+ val = strchr(attrib, ':');
+ val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib;
+ buf.appendFormatted(" {\\fs15 <%s>}", val);
+ }
+ if (attrib = tag.getAttribute("lemma")) {
+ int count = tag.getAttributePartCount("lemma");
+ int i = (count > 1) ? 0 : -1; // -1 for whole value cuz it's faster, but does the same thing as 0
+ do {
+ attrib = tag.getAttribute("lemma", i);
+ if (i < 0) i = 0; // to handle our -1 condition
+ val = strchr(attrib, ':');
+ val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib;
+ if ((strchr("GH", *val)) && (isdigit(val[1])))
+ val++;
+ if ((!strcmp(val, "3588")) && (lastText.length() < 1))
+ show = false;
+ else buf.appendFormatted(" {\\cf3 \\sub <%s>}", val);
+ } while (++i < count);
+ }
+ if ((attrib = tag.getAttribute("morph")) && (show)) {
+ SWBuf savelemma = tag.getAttribute("savlm");
+ if ((strstr(savelemma.c_str(), "3588")) && (lastText.length() < 1))
+ show = false;
+ if (show) {
+ int count = tag.getAttributePartCount("morph");
+ int i = (count > 1) ? 0 : -1; // -1 for whole value cuz it's faster, but does the same thing as 0
+ do {
+ attrib = tag.getAttribute("morph", i);
+ if (i < 0) i = 0; // to handle our -1 condition
+ val = strchr(attrib, ':');
+ val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib;
+ if ((*val == 'T') && (strchr("GH", val[1])) && (isdigit(val[2])))
+ val+=2;
+ buf.appendFormatted(" {\\cf4 \\sub (%s)}", val);
+ } while (++i < count);
+ }
+ }
+ if (attrib = tag.getAttribute("POS")) {
+ val = strchr(attrib, ':');
+ val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib;
+ buf.appendFormatted(" {\\fs15 <%s>}", val);
+ }
+ if (endTag)
+ buf += "}";
+ }
+ }
+ // <note> tag
+ else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "note")) {
+ if (!tag.isEndTag()) {
+ if (!tag.isEmpty()) {
+ SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type");
+ if (type != "strongsMarkup") { // leave strong's markup notes out, in the future we'll probably have different option filters to turn different note types on or off
+ SWBuf footnoteNumber = tag.getAttribute("swordFootnote");
+ VerseKey *vkey;
+ // see if we have a VerseKey * or descendant
+ try {
+ vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, u->key);
+ }
+ catch ( ... ) { }
+ if (vkey) {
+ char ch = ((!strcmp(type.c_str(), "crossReference")) || (!strcmp(type.c_str(), "x-cross-ref"))) ? 'x':'n';
+ buf.appendFormatted("{\\super <a href=\"\">*%c%i.%s</a>} ", ch, vkey->Verse(), footnoteNumber.c_str());
+ u->inXRefNote = (ch == 'x');
+ }
+ }
+ u->suspendTextPassThru = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tag.isEndTag()) {
+ u->suspendTextPassThru = false;
+ u->inXRefNote = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // <p> paragraph tag
+ else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "p")) {
+ if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) { // non-empty start tag
+ buf += "{\\par ";
+ }
+ else if (tag.isEndTag()) { // end tag
+ buf += "\\par}";
+ userData->supressAdjacentWhitespace = true;
+ }
+ else { // empty paragraph break marker
+ buf += "{\\par\\par}";
+ userData->supressAdjacentWhitespace = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // <reference> tag
+ else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "reference")) {
+ if (!u->inXRefNote) { // only show these if we're not in an xref note
+ if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) {
+ buf += "{<a href=\"\">";
+ }
+ else if (tag.isEndTag()) {
+ buf += "</a>}";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // <l> poetry
+ else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "l")) {
+ if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) {
+ buf += "{";
+ }
+ else if (tag.isEndTag()) {
+ buf += "\\par}";
+ }
+ else if (tag.getAttribute("sID")) { // empty line marker
+ buf += "{\\par}";
+ }
+ }
+ // <milestone type="line"/>
+ else if ((!strcmp(tag.getName(), "milestone")) && (tag.getAttribute("type")) && (!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "line"))) {
+ buf += "{\\par}";
+ userData->supressAdjacentWhitespace = true;
+ }
+ // <title>
+ else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "title")) {
+ if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) {
+ buf += "{\\par\\i1\\b1 ";
+ }
+ else if (tag.isEndTag()) {
+ buf += "\\par}";
+ }
+ }
+ // <hi>
+ else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "hi")) {
+ SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type");
+ if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) {
+ if (type == "b" || type == "x-b")
+ buf += "{\\b1 ";
+ else // all other types
+ buf += "{\\i1 ";
+ }
+ else if (tag.isEndTag()) {
+ buf += "}";
+ }
+ }
+ // <q> quote
+ else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "q")) {
+ SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type");
+ SWBuf who = tag.getAttribute("who");
+ const char *lev = tag.getAttribute("level");
+ int level = (lev) ? atoi(lev) : 1;
+ if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) {
+ buf += "{";
+ //alternate " and '
+ if (u->osisQToTick)
+ buf += (level % 2) ? '\"' : '\'';
+ if (who == "Jesus")
+ buf += "\\cf6 ";
+ }
+ else if (tag.isEndTag()) {
+ //alternate " and '
+ if (u->osisQToTick)
+ buf += (level % 2) ? '\"' : '\'';
+ buf += "}";
+ }
+ else { // empty quote marker
+ //alternate " and '
+ if (u->osisQToTick)
+ buf += (level % 2) ? '\"' : '\'';
+ }
+ }
+ // <transChange>
+ else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "transChange")) {
+ SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type");
+ if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) {
+// just do all transChange tags this way for now
+// if (type == "supplied")
+ buf += "{\\i1 ";
+ }
+ else if (tag.isEndTag()) {
+ buf += "}";
+ }
+ }
+ // image
+ else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "figure")) {
+ const char *src = tag.getAttribute("src");
+ if (!src) // assert we have a src attribute
+ return false;
+ char* filepath = new char[strlen(u->module->getConfigEntry("AbsoluteDataPath")) + strlen(token)];
+ *filepath = 0;
+ strcpy(filepath, userData->module->getConfigEntry("AbsoluteDataPath"));
+ strcat(filepath, src);
+// we do this because BibleCS looks for this EXACT format for an image tag
+ buf+="<img src=\"";
+ buf+=filepath;
+ buf+="\" />";
+ char imgc;
+ for (c = filepath + strlen(filepath); c > filepath && *c != '.'; c--);
+ c++;
+ FILE* imgfile;
+ if (stricmp(c, "jpg") || stricmp(c, "jpeg")) {
+ imgfile = fopen(filepath, "r");
+ if (imgfile != NULL) {
+ buf += "{\\nonshppict {\\pict\\jpegblip ";
+ while (feof(imgfile) != EOF) {
+ buf.appendFormatted("%2x", fgetc(imgfile));
+ }
+ fclose(imgfile);
+ buf += "}}";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (stricmp(c, "png")) {
+ buf += "{\\*\\shppict {\\pict\\pngblip ";
+ buf += "}}";
+ }
+ delete [] filepath;
+ }
+ else {
+ return false; // we still didn't handle token
+ }
+ }
+ return true;