//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) 1999-2000, International Business Machines // Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // THIS IS A MACHINE-GENERATED FILE // Tool: src\com\ibm\tools\translit\dumpICUrules.bat // Source: src\com\ibm\text\resources/TransliterationRule_Latin_Arabic.java // Date: Wed Jul 5 16:11:18 2000 //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Latin-Arabic translit_Latin_Arabic { Rule { ":: NFD (NFC) ;" // To Do: finish adding shadda, add sokoon // [Is this done? Can someone finish this?] "$alefmadda=\u0622;" "$alefuhamza=\u0623;" "$wauuhamza=\u0624;" "$alefhamza=\u0625;" "$yehuhamza=\u0626;" "$alef=\u0627;" "$beh=\u0628;" "$tehmarbuta=\u0629;" "$teh=\u062A;" "$theh=\u062B;" "$geem=\u062C;" "$hah=\u062D;" "$kha=\u062E;" "$dal=\u062F;" "$dhal=\u0630;" "$reh=\u0631;" "$zain=\u0632;" "$seen=\u0633;" "$sheen=\u0634;" "$sad=\u0635;" "$dad=\u0636;" "$tah=\u0637;" "$zah=\u0638;" "$ein=\u0639;" "$ghein=\u063A;" "$feh=\u0641;" "$qaaf=\u0642;" "$kaf=\u0643;" "$lam=\u0644;" "$meem=\u0645;" "$noon=\u0646;" "$heh=\u0647;" "$wau=\u0648;" "$yehmaqsura=\u0649;" "$yeh=\u064A;" "$peh=\u06A4;" "$hamza=\u0621;" "$fathatein=\u064B;" "$dammatein=\u064C;" "$kasratein=\u064D;" "$fatha=\u064E;" "$damma=\u064F;" "$kasra=\u0650;" "$shadda=\u0651;" "$sokoon=\u0652;" // Doubles - liu "t'' < {$teh} [$teh$theh$tehmarbuta$tah];" "h'' < {$heh} [$heh$hah];" "s'' < {$seen} $sheen;" // A few pathological special cases to make round // trip work. - liu "d'~'d <> $dal $dal;" "dh'~'dh <> $dhal $dhal;" "dd'~'dd <> $dad $dad;" // Shadda: Map x $shadda to x x, where x is dh, dd, or // d (that is, $dhal, $dad, or $dal). If x is d, d'd is // output. Net effect is to map s.th. like $dad $shadda // to dd'dd. - liu "$dhal {dh} <> dh {$shadda};" "$dad {dd} <> dd {$shadda};" "$dal {''d} [^dh] <> d {$shadda};" // Avoid d'dd or d'dh // [This should be removed, but it's good for demos] "Arabic>" "\u062a\u062a\u0645\u062a\u0639' '" "\u0627\u0644\u0644\u063a\u0629' '" "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u0628\u064a\u0629' '" "\u0628\u0628\u0646\u0638\u0645' '" "\u0643\u062a\u0627\u0628\u0628\u064a\u0629' '" "\u062c\u0645\u064a\u0644\u0629;" // Main rules "''ai$alefmadda;" "''ae$alefuhamza;" "''ao$alefhamza;" "''aa$alef;" "''an$fathatein;" "''a$fatha;" "b<>$beh;" "''dh$dhal;" "''dd$dad;" "''d$dal;" "''e$ein;" "f<>$feh;" "gh<>$ghein;" "''hh$hah;" "''h$heh;" "''ii$kasratein;" "''i$kasra;" "j<>$geem;" "kh<>$kha;" "k<>$kaf;" "l<>$lam;" "''m$meem;" "n<>$noon;" "''o$hamza;" "p<>$peh;" "q<>$qaaf;" "r<>$reh;" "sh<>$sheen;" "''ss$sad;" "''s$seen;" "th<>$theh;" "tm<>$tehmarbuta;" "''tt$tah;" "''t$teh;" "''uu$dammatein;" "''u$damma;" "we<>$wauuhamza;" "w<>$wau;" "ye<>$yehuhamza;" "ym<>$yehmaqsura;" "''y$yeh;" "''zz$zah;" "''z$zain;" // One-way Latin-Arabic compatability rules "c>$kaf;" "g>$geem;" "x>$kaf$shadda$seen;" "v>$beh;" // Digits "0<>\u0660;" // Arabic digit 0 "1<>\u0661;" // Arabic digit 1 "2<>\u0662;" // Arabic digit 2 "3<>\u0663;" // Arabic digit 3 "4<>\u0664;" // Arabic digit 4 "5<>\u0665;" // Arabic digit 5 "6<>\u0666;" // Arabic digit 6 "7<>\u0667;" // Arabic digit 7 "8<>\u0668;" // Arabic digit 8 "9<>\u0669;" // Arabic digit 9 "'%'<>\u066A;" // Arabic % "'.'<>\u066B;" // Arabic decimal separator "','<>\u066C;" // Arabic thousands separator "'*'<>\u066D;" // Arabic five-pointed star ":: NFC (NFD) ;" } }