/****************************************************************************** * * swmodule.h - code for base class 'module'. Module is the basis for * all types of modules (e.g. texts, commentaries, maps, * lexicons, etc.) * * $Id: swmodule.h 3541 2017-12-03 18:40:33Z scribe $ * * Copyright 1997-2013 CrossWire Bible Society (http://www.crosswire.org) * CrossWire Bible Society * P. O. Box 2528 * Tempe, AZ 85280-2528 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * */ #ifndef SWMODULE_H #define SWMODULE_H #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32_WCE #include #endif #include #include SWORD_NAMESPACE_START class SWOptionFilter; class SWFilter; #define SEARCHFLAG_MATCHWHOLEENTRY 4096 #define SWMODULE_OPERATORS \ operator SWBuf() { return renderText(); } \ operator SWKey &() { return *getKey(); } \ operator SWKey *() { return getKey(); } \ SWModule &operator <<(const char *inbuf) { setEntry(inbuf); return *this; } \ SWModule &operator <<(const SWKey *sourceKey) { linkEntry(sourceKey); return *this; } \ SWModule &operator -=(int steps) { decrement(steps); return *this; } \ SWModule &operator +=(int steps) { increment(steps); return *this; } \ SWModule &operator ++(int) { return *this += 1; } \ SWModule &operator --(int) { return *this -= 1; } \ SWModule &operator =(SW_POSITION p) { setPosition(p); return *this; } \ SWDEPRECATED operator const char *() { static SWBuf unsafeTmp = renderText(); return unsafeTmp.c_str(); } typedef std::list < SWFilter * >FilterList; typedef std::list < SWOptionFilter * >OptionFilterList; typedef std::map < SWBuf, SWBuf, std::less < SWBuf > > AttributeValue; typedef std::map < SWBuf, AttributeValue, std::less < SWBuf > > AttributeList; typedef std::map < SWBuf, AttributeList, std::less < SWBuf > > AttributeTypeList; #define SWTextDirection char #define SWTextEncoding char #define SWTextMarkup char /** * The class SWModule is the base class for all modules used in Sword. * It provides functions to look up a text passage, to search in the module, * to switch on/off the state of optional things like Strong's numbers or * footnotes. * * SWModule has also functions to write to the data files. */ // TODO: should all SWModule decendents be SWCachers? Only some really // cache data. But if we don't do this, then we need another mechanism to // check if we are an SWCacher. Maybe make SWModule extend SWObject (which // it probably should anyway. But then we need to add all the cheezy // heirarchy info to all the decendent classes for our SWDYNAMIC_CAST and // then we can see if we implement SWCacher so we know whether or not to add // to the yet to be developed cachemgr. // Just leave for now. This lets us always able to call module->flush() // to manually flush a cache, and doesn't hurt if there is no work done. class SWDLLEXPORT SWModule : public SWCacher, public SWSearchable { class StdOutDisplay : public SWDisplay { char display(SWModule &imodule) { #ifndef _WIN32_WCE std::cout << imodule.renderText(); #endif return 0; } }; protected: ConfigEntMap ownConfig; ConfigEntMap *config; mutable AttributeTypeList entryAttributes; mutable bool procEntAttr; mutable char error; bool skipConsecutiveLinks; /** the current key */ SWKey *key; ListKey listKey; char *modname; char *moddesc; char *modtype; char *modlang; char direction; char markup; char encoding; /** this module's display object */ SWDisplay *disp; static StdOutDisplay rawdisp; mutable SWBuf entryBuf; /** filters to be executed to remove all markup (for searches) */ FilterList *stripFilters; /** filters to be executed immediately upon fileread */ FilterList *rawFilters; /** filters to be executed to format for display */ FilterList *renderFilters; /** filters to be executed to change markup to user prefs */ OptionFilterList *optionFilters; /** filters to be executed to decode text for display */ FilterList *encodingFilters; mutable int entrySize; mutable long entryIndex; // internal common storage for index static void prepText(SWBuf &buf); public: /** * Set this bool to false to terminate the search which is executed by this module (search()). * This is useful for threaded applications to terminate the search from another thread. */ bool terminateSearch; /** SWModule c-tor * * @param imodname Internal name for module; see also getName() * @param imoddesc Name to display to user for module; see also getDescription() * @param idisp Display object to use for displaying; see also getDisplay() * @param imodtype Type of module (e.g. Biblical Text, Commentary, etc.); see also getType() * @param encoding Encoding of the module (e.g. UTF-8) * @param dir Direction of text flow (e.g. Right to Left for Hebrew) * @param markup Source Markup of the module (e.g. OSIS) * @param modlang Language of the module (e.g. en) */ SWModule(const char *imodname = 0, const char *imoddesc = 0, SWDisplay * idisp = 0, const char *imodtype = 0, SWTextEncoding encoding = ENC_UNKNOWN, SWTextDirection dir = DIRECTION_LTR, SWTextMarkup markup = FMT_UNKNOWN, const char *modlang = 0); /** SWModule d-tor */ virtual ~SWModule(); /** Gets and clears error status * * @return error status */ virtual char popError(); SWDEPRECATED virtual char Error() { return popError(); } /** * @return True if this module is encoded in Unicode, otherwise returns false. */ virtual bool isUnicode() const { return (encoding == (char)ENC_UTF8 || encoding == (char)ENC_SCSU); } // These methods are useful for modules that come from a standard SWORD install (most do). // SWMgr will call setConfig. The user may use getConfig and getConfigEntry (if they // are not comfortable with, or don't wish to use stl maps). virtual void setConfig(ConfigEntMap *config); virtual const ConfigEntMap &getConfig() const { return *config; } /** * Gets a configuration property about a module. These entries are primarily * pulled from the module's .conf file, but also includes some virtual entries * such as: * PrefixPath - the absolute filesystem path to the sword module repository * location where this module is located. * AbsoluteDataPath - the full path to the root folder where the module * data is stored. */ virtual const char *getConfigEntry(const char *key) const; /** * Returns bibliographic data for a module in the requested format * * @param bibFormat format of the bibliographic data * @return bibliographic data in the requested format as a string (BibTeX by default) */ virtual SWBuf getBibliography(unsigned char bibFormat = BIB_BIBTEX) const; /** * @return The size of the text entry for the module's current key position. */ virtual int getEntrySize() const { return entrySize; } /** * Sets a key to this module for position to a particular record * * @param ikey key with which to set this module * @return error status */ virtual char setKey(const SWKey *ikey); /** * Sets a key to this module for position to a particular record * @param ikey The SWKey which should be used as new key. * @return Error status */ char setKey(const SWKey &ikey) { return setKey(&ikey); } /** * @deprecated Use setKey() instead. */ SWDEPRECATED char SetKey(const SWKey *ikey) { return setKey(ikey); } /** * @deprecated Use setKey() instead. */ SWDEPRECATED char SetKey(const SWKey &ikey) { return setKey(ikey); } /** * @deprecated Use setKey() instead. */ SWDEPRECATED char Key(const SWKey & ikey) { return setKey(ikey); } /** Gets the current module key * @return the current key of this module */ virtual SWKey *getKey() const; /** * @deprecated Use getKey() instead. */ SWDEPRECATED SWKey &Key() const { return *getKey(); } /** * Sets/gets module KeyText * @deprecated Use getKeyText/setKey * @param ikeytext Value which to set keytext; [0]-only get * @return pointer to keytext */ SWDEPRECATED const char *KeyText(const char *ikeytext = 0) { if (ikeytext) setKey(ikeytext); return *getKey(); } /** * gets the key text for the module. * do we really need this? */ virtual const char *getKeyText() const { return *getKey(); } virtual long getIndex() const { return entryIndex; } virtual void setIndex(long iindex) { entryIndex = iindex; } // deprecated, use getIndex() SWDEPRECATED long Index() const { return getIndex(); } // deprecated, use setIndex(...) SWDEPRECATED long Index(long iindex) { setIndex(iindex); return getIndex(); } /** Calls this module's display object and passes itself * * @return error status */ virtual char display(); SWDEPRECATED char Display() { return display(); } /** Gets display driver * * @return pointer to SWDisplay class for this module */ virtual SWDisplay *getDisplay() const; /** Sets display driver * * @param idisp pointer to SWDisplay class to assign to this module */ virtual void setDisplay(SWDisplay * idisp); /** * @deprecated Use get/setDisplay() instead. */ SWDEPRECATED SWDisplay *Disp(SWDisplay * idisp = 0) { if (idisp) setDisplay(idisp); return getDisplay(); } /** Gets module name * * @return pointer to modname */ const char *getName() const; SWDEPRECATED const char *Name() const { return getName(); } /** Sets module name * * @param imodname Value which to set modname; [0]-only get * @return pointer to modname */ SWDEPRECATED const char *Name(const char *imodname) { stdstr(&modname, imodname); return getName(); } /** Gets module description * * @return pointer to moddesc */ const char *getDescription() const; SWDEPRECATED const char *Description() const { return getDescription(); } /** Sets module description * * @param imoddesc Value which to set moddesc; [0]-only get * @return pointer to moddesc */ SWDEPRECATED const char *Description(const char *imoddesc) { stdstr(&moddesc, imoddesc); return getDescription(); } /** Gets module type * * @return pointer to modtype */ const char *getType() const; SWDEPRECATED const char *Type() const { return getType(); } /** Sets module type * * @param imodtype Value which to set modtype; [0]-only get * @return pointer to modtype */ SWDEPRECATED const char *Type(const char *imodtype) { setType(imodtype); return getType(); } void setType(const char *imodtype) { stdstr(&modtype, imodtype); } /** Sets/gets module direction * * @return new direction */ virtual char getDirection() const; SWDEPRECATED char Direction(signed char newdir = -1) { char retVal = getDirection(); if (newdir != -1) return direction = newdir; return retVal; } /** Gets module encoding * * @return Encoding */ char getEncoding() const { return encoding; } SWDEPRECATED char Encoding(signed char enc = -1) { char retVal = getEncoding(); if (enc != -1) encoding = enc; return retVal; } /** Gets module markup * * @return Markup */ char getMarkup() const { return markup; } SWDEPRECATED char Markup(signed char imarkup = -1) { char retVal = getMarkup(); if (imarkup != -1) markup = imarkup; return retVal; } /** Gets module language * * @return pointer to modlang */ const char *getLanguage() const { return modlang; } SWDEPRECATED const char *Lang(char *imodlang = 0) { if (imodlang != 0) stdstr(&modlang, imodlang); return getLanguage(); } // search interface ------------------------------------------------- /** Searches a module for a string * * @param istr string for which to search * @param searchType type of search to perform * >=0 - regex; (for backward compat, if > 0 then used as additional REGEX FLAGS) * -1 - phrase * -2 - multiword * -3 - entryAttrib (eg. Word//Lemma./G1234/) (Lemma with dot means check components (Lemma.[1-9]) also) * -4 - Lucene * -5 - multilemma window; set 'flags' param to window size (NOT DONE) * @param flags options flags for search * @param scope Key containing the scope. VerseKey or ListKey are useful here. * @param justCheckIfSupported If set, don't search but instead set this variable to true/false if the requested search is supported, * @param percent Callback function to get the current search status in %. * @param percentUserData Anything that you might want to send to the precent callback function. * * @return ListKey set to verses that contain istr */ virtual ListKey &search(const char *istr, int searchType = 0, int flags = 0, SWKey *scope = 0, bool *justCheckIfSupported = 0, void (*percent) (char, void *) = &nullPercent, void *percentUserData = 0); // for backward compat-- deprecated SWDEPRECATED ListKey &Search(const char *istr, int searchType = 0, int flags = 0, SWKey * scope = 0, bool * justCheckIfSupported = 0, void (*percent) (char, void *) = &nullPercent, void *percentUserData = 0) { return search(istr, searchType, flags, scope, justCheckIfSupported, percent, percentUserData); } /** Allocates a key of specific type for module * The different reimplementations of SWModule (e.g. SWText) support SWKey implementations, * which support special. This functions returns a SWKey object which works with the current * implementation of SWModule. For example for the SWText class it returns a VerseKey object. * @see VerseKey, ListKey, SWText, SWLD, SWCom * @return pointer to allocated key. Caller is responsible for deleting the object */ virtual SWKey *createKey() const; SWDEPRECATED SWKey *CreateKey() const { return createKey(); } /** This function is reimplemented by the different kinds * of module objects * @return the raw module text of the current entry */ virtual SWBuf &getRawEntryBuf() const = 0; const char *getRawEntry() const { return getRawEntryBuf().c_str(); } // write interface ---------------------------- /** Is the module writable? :) * @return yes or no */ virtual bool isWritable() const { return false; } /** Creates a new, empty module * @param path path where to create the new module * @return error */ static signed char createModule(const char *path); /** Modify the current module entry text - only if module isWritable() */ virtual void setEntry(const char *inbuf, long len= -1); /** Link the current module entry to another module entry - only if * module isWritable() */ virtual void linkEntry(const SWKey *sourceKey); /** Delete current module entry - only if module isWritable() */ virtual void deleteEntry() {} // end write interface ------------------------ /** Decrements module key a number of entries * @param steps Number of entries to jump backward */ virtual void decrement(int steps = 1); /** Increments module key a number of entries * @param steps Number of entries to jump forward */ virtual void increment(int steps = 1); /** Positions this modules to a logical position entry * @param pos position (e.g. TOP, BOTTOM) */ virtual void setPosition(SW_POSITION pos); /** OptionFilterBuffer a text buffer * @param filters the FilterList of filters to iterate * @param buf the buffer to filter * @param key key location from where this buffer was extracted */ virtual void filterBuffer(OptionFilterList *filters, SWBuf &buf, const SWKey *key) const; /** FilterBuffer a text buffer * @param filters the FilterList of filters to iterate * @param buf the buffer to filter * @param key key location from where this buffer was extracted */ virtual void filterBuffer(FilterList *filters, SWBuf &buf, const SWKey *key) const; /** Adds a RenderFilter to this module's renderFilters queue. * Render Filters are called when the module is asked to produce * renderable text. * @param newFilter the filter to add * @return *this */ virtual SWModule &addRenderFilter(SWFilter *newFilter) { renderFilters->push_back(newFilter); return *this; } SWDEPRECATED SWModule &AddRenderFilter(SWFilter *newFilter) { return addRenderFilter(newFilter); } /** Retrieves a container of render filters associated with this * module. * @return container of render filters */ virtual const FilterList &getRenderFilters() const { return *renderFilters; } /** Removes a RenderFilter from this module's renderFilters queue * @param oldFilter the filter to remove * @return *this */ virtual SWModule &removeRenderFilter(SWFilter *oldFilter) { renderFilters->remove(oldFilter); return *this; } SWDEPRECATED SWModule &RemoveRenderFilter(SWFilter *oldFilter) { return removeRenderFilter(oldFilter); } /** Replaces a RenderFilter in this module's renderfilters queue * @param oldFilter the filter to remove * @param newFilter the filter to add in its place * @return *this */ virtual SWModule &replaceRenderFilter(SWFilter *oldFilter, SWFilter *newFilter) { FilterList::iterator iter; for (iter = renderFilters->begin(); iter != renderFilters->end(); iter++) { if (*iter == oldFilter) *iter = newFilter; } return *this; } SWDEPRECATED SWModule &ReplaceRenderFilter(SWFilter *oldFilter, SWFilter *newFilter) { return replaceRenderFilter(oldFilter, newFilter); } /** RenderFilter run a buf through this module's Render Filters * @param buf the buffer to filter * @param key key location from where this buffer was extracted */ virtual void renderFilter(SWBuf &buf, const SWKey *key) const { filterBuffer(renderFilters, buf, key); } /** Adds an EncodingFilter to this module's @see encodingFilters queue. * Encoding Filters are called immediately when the module is read * from data source, to assure we have desired internal data stream * (e.g. UTF-8 for text modules) * @param newFilter the filter to add * @return *this */ virtual SWModule &addEncodingFilter(SWFilter *newFilter) { encodingFilters->push_back(newFilter); return *this; } SWDEPRECATED SWModule &AddEncodingFilter(SWFilter *newFilter) { return addEncodingFilter(newFilter); } /** Removes an EncodingFilter from this module's encodingFilters queue * @param oldFilter the filter to remove * @return *this */ virtual SWModule &removeEncodingFilter(SWFilter *oldFilter) { encodingFilters->remove(oldFilter); return *this; } SWDEPRECATED SWModule &RemoveEncodingFilter(SWFilter *oldFilter) { return removeEncodingFilter(oldFilter); } /** Replaces an EncodingFilter in this module's encodingfilters queue * @param oldFilter the filter to remove * @param newFilter the filter to add in its place * @return *this */ virtual SWModule &replaceEncodingFilter(SWFilter *oldFilter, SWFilter *newFilter) { FilterList::iterator iter; for (iter = encodingFilters->begin(); iter != encodingFilters->end(); iter++) { if (*iter == oldFilter) *iter = newFilter; } return *this; } SWDEPRECATED SWModule &ReplaceEncodingFilter(SWFilter *oldFilter, SWFilter *newFilter) { return replaceEncodingFilter(oldFilter, newFilter); } /** encodingFilter run a buf through this module's Encoding Filters * @param buf the buffer to filter * @param key key location from where this buffer was extracted */ virtual void encodingFilter(SWBuf &buf, const SWKey *key) const { filterBuffer(encodingFilters, buf, key); } /** Adds a StripFilter to this module's stripFilters queue. * Strip filters are called when a module is asked to render * an entry without any markup (like when searching). * @param newFilter the filter to add * @return *this */ virtual SWModule &addStripFilter(SWFilter *newFilter) { stripFilters->push_back(newFilter); return *this; } SWDEPRECATED SWModule &AddStripFilter(SWFilter *newFilter) { return addStripFilter(newFilter); } /** Adds a RawFilter to this module's rawFilters queue * @param newFilter the filter to add * @return *this */ virtual SWModule &addRawFilter(SWFilter *newFilter) { rawFilters->push_back(newFilter); return *this; } SWDEPRECATED SWModule &AddRawFilter(SWFilter *newFilter) { return addRawFilter(newFilter); } /** StripFilter run a buf through this module's Strip Filters * @param buf the buffer to filter * @param key key location from where this buffer was extracted */ virtual void stripFilter(SWBuf &buf, const SWKey *key) const { filterBuffer(stripFilters, buf, key); } /** RawFilter a text buffer * @param buf the buffer to filter * @param key key location from where this buffer was extracted */ virtual void rawFilter(SWBuf &buf, const SWKey *key) const { filterBuffer(rawFilters, buf, key); } /** Adds an OptionFilter to this module's optionFilters queue. * Option Filters are used to turn options in the text on * or off, or so some other state (e.g. Strong's Number, * Footnotes, Cross References, etc.) * @param newFilter the filter to add * @return *this */ virtual SWModule &addOptionFilter(SWOptionFilter *newFilter) { optionFilters->push_back(newFilter); return *this; } SWDEPRECATED SWModule &AddOptionFilter(SWOptionFilter *newFilter) { return addOptionFilter(newFilter); } /** OptionFilter a text buffer * @param buf the buffer to filter * @param key key location from where this buffer was extracted */ virtual void optionFilter(SWBuf &buf, const SWKey *key) const { filterBuffer(optionFilters, buf, key); } /** Produces plain text, without markup, of the current module entry, * or supplied text * * @param buf buf to massage instead of current module entry; * if buf is 0, the current text will be used * @param len max len to process * @return result buffer */ virtual const char *stripText(const char *buf = 0, int len = -1); SWDEPRECATED const char *StripText(const char *buf = 0, int len = -1) { return stripText(buf, len); } /** Produces renderable text of the current module entry or supplied text * * @param buf buffer to massage instead of current module entry; * if buf is 0, the current module position text will be used * @param len max len to process * @param render for internal use * @return result buffer */ SWBuf renderText(const char *buf, int len = -1, bool render = true) const; SWBuf renderText(); SWDEPRECATED const char *RenderText(const char *buf = 0, int len = -1, bool render = true) { return renderText(buf, len, render); } /** Produces any header data which might be useful which is associated with the * processing done with this filter. A typical example is a suggested * CSS style block for classed containers. */ virtual const char *getRenderHeader() const; /** Produces plain text, without markup, of the module entry at the supplied key * @param tmpKey desired module entry * @return result buffer */ virtual const char *stripText(const SWKey *tmpKey); /** Produces renderable text of the module entry at the supplied key * @param tmpKey key to use to grab text * @return this module's text at specified key location massaged by Render filters */ SWBuf renderText(const SWKey *tmpKey); /** Whether or not to only hit one entry when iterating encounters * consecutive links when iterating * @param val = true means only include entry once in iteration */ virtual void setSkipConsecutiveLinks(bool val) { skipConsecutiveLinks = val; } /** Whether or not to only hit one entry when iterating encounters * consecutive links when iterating */ virtual bool isSkipConsecutiveLinks() { return skipConsecutiveLinks; } SWDEPRECATED bool getSkipConsecutiveLinks() { return isSkipConsecutiveLinks(); } virtual bool isLinked(const SWKey *, const SWKey *) const { return false; } virtual bool hasEntry(const SWKey *) const { return false; } /** Entry Attributes are special data pertaining to the current entry. * To see what Entry Attributes exists for a specific entry of a module, * the example examples/cmdline/lookup.cpp is a good utility which * displays this information. It is also useful as an example of how * to access such. */ virtual AttributeTypeList &getEntryAttributes() const { return entryAttributes; } /** Processing Entry Attributes can be expensive. This method allows * turning the processing off if they are not desired. Some internal * engine processing turns them off (like searching) temporarily for * optimization. */ virtual void setProcessEntryAttributes(bool val) const { procEntAttr = val; } SWDEPRECATED void processEntryAttributes(bool val) const { setProcessEntryAttributes(val); } /** Whether or not we're processing Entry Attributes */ virtual bool isProcessEntryAttributes() const { return procEntAttr; } // SWSearchable Interface Impl ----------------------------------------------- virtual signed char createSearchFramework( void (*percent) (char, void *) = &nullPercent, void *percentUserData = 0); virtual void deleteSearchFramework(); virtual bool hasSearchFramework(); // OPERATORS ----------------------------------------------------------------- SWMODULE_OPERATORS }; SWORD_NAMESPACE_END #endif