/****************************************************************************** * * zld.cpp - code for class 'zLD'- a module that reads zlib compressed * lexicon and dictionary files * * $Id: zld.cpp 2980 2013-09-14 21:51:47Z scribe $ * * Copyright 2001-2013 CrossWire Bible Society (http://www.crosswire.org) * CrossWire Bible Society * P. O. Box 2528 * Tempe, AZ 85280-2528 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include SWORD_NAMESPACE_START /****************************************************************************** * RawLD Constructor - Initializes data for instance of RawLD * * ENT: ipath - path and filename of files (no extension) * iname - Internal name for module * idesc - Name to display to user for module * idisp - Display object to use for displaying */ zLD::zLD(const char *ipath, const char *iname, const char *idesc, long blockCount, SWCompress *icomp, SWDisplay *idisp, SWTextEncoding enc, SWTextDirection dir, SWTextMarkup mark, const char* ilang, bool caseSensitive, bool strongsPadding) : zStr(ipath, -1, blockCount, icomp, caseSensitive), SWLD(iname, idesc, idisp, enc, dir, mark, ilang, strongsPadding) { } /****************************************************************************** * RawLD Destructor - Cleans up instance of RawLD */ zLD::~zLD() { flushCache(); } bool zLD::isWritable() const { return ((idxfd->getFd() > 0) && ((idxfd->mode & FileMgr::RDWR) == FileMgr::RDWR)); } /****************************************************************************** * zLD::getEntry - Looks up entry from data file. 'Snaps' to closest * entry and sets 'entrybuf'. * * ENT: away - number of entries offset from key (default = 0) * * RET: error status */ char zLD::getEntry(long away) const { char *idxbuf = 0; char *ebuf = 0; char retval = 0; long index; unsigned long size; char *buf = new char [ strlen(*key) + 6 ]; strcpy(buf, *key); if (strongsPadding) strongsPad(buf); entryBuf = ""; if (!(retval = findKeyIndex(buf, &index, away))) { getText(index, &idxbuf, &ebuf); size = strlen(ebuf) + 1; entryBuf = ebuf; rawFilter(entryBuf, key); entrySize = size; // support getEntrySize call if (!key->isPersist()) // If we have our own key *key = idxbuf; // reset it to entry index buffer stdstr(&entkeytxt, idxbuf); // set entry key text that module 'snapped' to. free(idxbuf); free(ebuf); } delete [] buf; return retval; } /****************************************************************************** * zLD::getRawEntry - Returns the correct entry when char * cast * is requested * * RET: string buffer with entry */ SWBuf &zLD::getRawEntryBuf() const { if (!getEntry() /*&& !isUnicode()*/) { prepText(entryBuf); } return entryBuf; } /****************************************************************************** * zLD::increment - Increments module key a number of entries * * ENT: increment - Number of entries to jump forward * * RET: *this */ void zLD::increment(int steps) { char tmperror; if (key->isTraversable()) { *key += steps; error = key->popError(); steps = 0; } tmperror = (getEntry(steps)) ? KEYERR_OUTOFBOUNDS : 0; error = (error)?error:tmperror; *key = entkeytxt; } void zLD::setEntry(const char *inbuf, long len) { setText(*key, inbuf, len); } void zLD::linkEntry(const SWKey *inkey) { zStr::linkEntry(*key, *inkey); } /****************************************************************************** * RawFiles::deleteEntry - deletes this entry * * RET: *this */ void zLD::deleteEntry() { setText(*key, ""); } long zLD::getEntryCount() const { if (idxfd < 0) return 0; return idxfd->seek(0, SEEK_END) / IDXENTRYSIZE; } long zLD::getEntryForKey(const char* key) const { long offset; char *buf = new char [ strlen(key) + 6 ]; strcpy(buf, key); if (strongsPadding) strongsPad(buf); findKeyIndex(buf, &offset); delete [] buf; return offset/IDXENTRYSIZE; } char *zLD::getKeyForEntry(long entry) const { char *key = 0; getKeyFromIdxOffset(entry * IDXENTRYSIZE, &key); return key; } SWORD_NAMESPACE_END