#!/usr/bin/perl #change this variable to hostname of your server @values = split(/\&/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); $DOMAIN = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; $EXPIRES = 'Fri Dec 31 23:59:00 GMT 2005'; foreach $i (@values) { ($varname, $mydata) = split(/=/,$i); if ($varname eq "defversion") { $COOKIE = "DEFTRANS=$mydata ; expires=$EXPIRES"; } elsif ($varname eq "locale") { $COOKIE = "LOCALE=$mydata ; expires=$EXPIRES"; } elsif ($varname eq "settrans") { $COOKIE = "SETTRANS=$mydata ; expires=$EXPIRES"; } elsif ($varname eq "setcomm") { $COOKIE = "SETCOMM=$mydata ; expires=$EXPIRES"; } elsif ($varname eq "setld") { $COOKIE = "SETLD=$mydata ; expires=$EXPIRES"; } } # Set the cookie and send the user the thank you page. print "Set-cookie: $COOKIE\n"; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; #Note extra newline to mark #end of header. print "";