path: root/doc/source/devel/taurus3to4.rst
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Taurus 3.x to 4.x migration guide
-This chapter explains how to migrate from an application written using Taurus 3.x
-to Taurus 4.x.
+Taurus 4 was released in July 2016 with the main goal of making Taurus scheme-agnostic
+(i.e. not relying on Tango for its core functionalities).
-.. todo::
- This section needs to be expanded. **Help wanted!**.
- In the meanwhile, the following documents may be useful:
+Being a major version change,
+it is not fully backwards-compatible with the previous taurus 3.x versions.
- - TEP3_
- - TEP14_
- - `Taurus 4 API changes`_
- - `Taurus 4 slides`_
+However, a design goal for the 4.x series was to smooth the transition from 3.x as much
+as possible, and a backwards-compatibility layer which will mark old taurus code as
+deprecated but otherwise attempt to transparently support it in Taurus4 whenever that
+is possible.
+Thanks to this compatibility layer, a Taurus 3 application is likely to run on taurus 4
+after minimal or even no changes (but typically producing deprecation warnings and
+possibly with some functionality slightly altered).
+A good strategy for migrating a taurus 3 application or widget to taurus 4 is to attempt
+to run it as-is with taurus 4 and then try to remove any deprecation warnings one by one.
+Most changes will be related to one of the following:
+- renamed methods and APIs (see the *API changes* section below),
+- differences between Tango states and Taurus states (see the *Working with States* section below)
+- Use of quantities for values (see the *Working with quantities* section below)
+.. note::
+ The main sources of information regarding the changes introduced in
+ Taurus 4 are the following two Enhancement proposals:
+ - TEP3_
+ - TEP14_
+ These changes are also treated in the `Taurus 4 slides`_
+API Changes
+The following is a table of Taurus 3.x public members (classes, methods, attributes, etc) that became deprecated in Taurus 4
+This list is a best-effort to document changes, but it may not be 100% complete (please feel free to suggest changes)
+**IMPORTANT**: in some cases, the proposed alternative can be used as a drop-in replacement of the deprecated code, but in some others the code may need some adaptation.
+| Member | Alternative(s) |
+| TaurusConfigValue | TaurusAttribute / TaurusAttrValue |
+| TaurusConfigurationProxy | TaurusAttribute |
+| TaurusConfiguration | TaurusAttribute |
+| Configuration (helper) | Attribute (helper) |
+| Database (helper) | Authority (helper) |
+| TaurusManager.{g,s}etOperationMode | -- |
+| xxxAttrValue.<foo> | |
+| *(where <foo> is any config option)* | xxxAttribute.<foo> |
+| xxxAttribute.value | xxxAttribute.rvalue |
+| xxxAttribute.w_value | xxxAttribute.wvalue |
+| xxxAttribute.has_failed | xxxAttribute.error |
+| TangoAttribute.{g,s}etDescription | TangoAttribute.description |
+| TangoAttribute.isInformDeviceOfErrors | -- |
+| TangoAttribute.displayValue | str |
+| TangoAttribute.getDisplayValue | TangoAttribute.getLabel |
+| TangoAttribute.getDisplayUnit | TangoAttribute.rvalue.units |
+| TangoAttribute.getStandardUnit | TangoAttribute.rvalue.units |
+| TangoAttribute.getUnit | TangoAttribute.rvalue.units |
+| TangoAttribute.unit | TangoAttribute.rvalue.units |
+| TangoAttribute.getDisplayWriteValue | -- |
+| TangoAttribute.getWritable | TangoAttribute.isWritable |
+|{Scalar,Spectrum,Image} | TangoAttribute.data_format |
+| TangoAttribute.getMaxDim{X,Y} | TangoAttribute.getMaxDim |
+| TangoAttribute.getShape | *introspect the value shape if applicable* |
+| TangoAttribute.getParam | TangoAttribute.getAttributeInfoEx |
+| TangoAttribute.setParam | *use PyTango* |
+| TangoAttribute.getConfig | self *(merged)* |
+| TangoAttribute.getCRanges | TangoAttribute .range + .alarms + .warnings |
+| TangoAttribute.getCLimits | TangoAttribute.range |
+| TangoAttribute.getMinValue | TangoAttribute.range |
+| TangoAttribute.getMaxValue | TangoAttribute.range |
+| TangoAttribute.climits | TangoAttribute.range |
+| TangoAttribute.getCAlarms | TangoAttribute.alarms |
+| TangoAttribute.getMinAlarm | TangoAttribute.alarms |
+| TangoAttribute.getMaxAlarm | TangoAttribute.alarms |
+| TangoAttribute.min_alarm | TangoAttribute.alarms |
+| TangoAttribute.max_alarm | TangoAttribute.alarms |
+| TangoAttribute.calarms | TangoAttribute.alarms |
+| TangoAttribute.getCWarnings | TangoAttribute.warnings |
+| TangoAttribute.getMinWarning | TangoAttribute.warnings |
+| TangoAttribute.getMaxWarning | TangoAttribute.warnings |
+| TangoAttribute.min_warning | TangoAttribute.warnings |
+| TangoAttribute.max_warning | TangoAttribute.warnings |
+| TangoAttribute.cwarnings | TangoAttribute.warnings |
+| TangoDevice.getState | *tango* or |
+| | .state *agnostic* |
+| TangoDevice.getStateObj | TangoDevice.stateObj *tango* or |
+| | .factory.getAttribute(state_full_name) *agnostic* |
+| TangoDevice.getSWState | TangoDevice.state |
+| TangoDevice.getValueObj | TangoDevice.state *agnostic or* *tango* |
+| TangoDevice.getDisplayValue | TangoDevice.state().name |
+| TangoDevice.getHWObj | TangoDevice.getDeviceProxy |
+| TangoDevice.isValidDev | (TangoDevice.getDeviceProxy() is not None) |
+| TangoDevice.getDescription | TangoDevice.description |
+| TangoDatabase | TangoAuthority |
+| TangoAuthority.getHWObj | TangoAuthority.getDeviceProxy |
+| TangoAuthority.getValueObj | TangoAuthority.getTangoDB |
+| TangoAuthority.getDisplayValue | TangoAuthority.getFullName |
+| TangoAuthority.getDescription | TangoAuthority.description |
+| TangoFactory.getAttributeInfo | TangoFactory.getAttribute |
+| TangoFactory.getConfiguration | TangoFactory.getAttribute |
+| TangoDevice.{g,s}etOperationMode | -- |
+Working with quantities
+One of the most visible changes in Taurus 4 is its use of quantities for the values
+of numeric attributes.
+In Taurus 4 all the values of numeric (float or integer) attributes and their associated
+properties (such as limits, warning levels, etc.) are :class:`pint.Quantity` objects provided
+by the :mod:`pint` python module. A Quantity is essentially the combination of a `magnitude`
+and a `unit`. In taurus 3.x all values were just "magnitudes", and their units were either
+implicit or loosely described as a free string property, but not enforced in any way.
+By using Quantities Taurus 4 can automatically verify the dimensional validity of
+operations and provide support for I/O using user-preferred units.
+Taurus 3 applications use `.value` or `.w_value` to get the read or write
+magnitude of a taurus value, respectively. In taurus 4 these would be equivalent
+to `.rvalue.magnitude` and `.wvalue.magnitude`, but the recommended way to adapt
+a Taurus 3 application is to use the Quantity objects, not their magnitudes
+(i.e., `rvalue` and `wvalue`) and refactor the code if necessary.
+For example, given the following taurus 3 code **where we assume that ampli is in meters**::
+ v = taurus.Attribute('sys/tg_test/1/ampli').read()
+ foo = 5 + v.value # here "5" is implicitly assumed to mean "5 meters"
+a lazy conversion to avoid deprecation warnings in taurus 4 would be::
+ v = taurus.Attribute('sys/tg_test/1/ampli').read()
+ foo = 5 + v.rvalue.magnitude
+...which is a very direct translation (and exactly what the automated backwards
+compatibility layer already does for you). However, the recommended
+conversion should use Quantities rather than magnitudes, e.g::
+ from taurus.core.units import UR # import the taurus unit registry
+ v = taurus.Attribute('sys/tg_test/1/ampli').read()
+ foo = 5 * UR.meters + v.value # use explicit units
+Or, using the Quantity constructor instead of the `Unit Registry`::
+ from taurus.core.units import Q_ # import the taurus Quantity factory
+ v = taurus.Attribute('sys/tg_test/1/ampli').read()
+ foo = Q_("5 meters") + v.value
+Finally, note that when using Quantities, you do not need to care about
+matching the units, as long as they are dimensionally compatible::
+ foo = Q_("15 feet") + v.value
+Working with Device states
+Taurus 4 is all about being "scheme-agnostic". This means that the taurus core
+(and ideally the main widgets as well) should not assume that the model objects
+(attributes, devices, authorities) are of one specific source type (Tango, Epics,
+This implies that the APIs should be scheme-agnostic. In Taurus 3, the concept
+of *device state* is completely "tango-centric" and it has been replaced in
+Taurus 4 by a much more generic one where the devices are either "ready" or "not
+ready" (this is of course much less informative, but it is generic enough to
+accomodate schemes where the sources of data may not even be hardware-related).
+In Taurus 4, the Taurus device states are defined in the
+`taurus.core.TaurusDevState` enumeration, and the tango device states are
+supported by the tango scheme in `taurus.core.tango.DevState` enumeration, which
+is a numerically-compatible translation of `PyTango.DevState`
+Some taurus 3.x applications may implement logic that depends on Tango states,
+or maybe display information based on the rich palette of Tango state colors.
+In these cases, when converting the application to Taurus 4 one needs to decide
+if the simple Taurus states are enough (in which case one should refactor the
+logic and use `device.state` to get the *Taurus* device state) or if the richer
+tango states are required to the point of sacrificing the scheme-agnosticism of
+the application (in which case one can use `` to
+obtain the *Tango* device state)
.. _TEP3:
.. _TEP14:
-.. _`Taurus 4 API changes`:
-.. _`Taurus 4 slides`: \ No newline at end of file
+.. _`Taurus 4 slides`: