#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################# ## # This file is part of Taurus ## # http://taurus-scada.org ## # Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain ## # Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. ## # Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ## # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Taurus. If not, see . ## ############################################################################# """This module provides taurus-specific functions related to icons""" __all__ = [ 'sanitizePrefix', 'registerPathFiles', 'registerTheme', 'getCachedPixmap', 'getStandardIcon', 'getElementTypeToolTip', 'getElementTypeSize', 'getElementTypeIcon', 'getElementTypeIconName', 'getElementTypePixmap', 'getDevStateToolTip', 'getDevStateIcon', 'getDevStatePixmap', 'REGISTERED_PREFIXES', ] __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' import os import re import sys import json from taurus.external.qt import Qt from taurus.core.taurusbasetypes import TaurusElementType, TaurusDevState from taurus.core.util.log import Logger __LOGGER = Logger(__name__) __INITIALIZED = False # Default width, height and QSize constants __DW = 70 __DH = 24 __DQS = Qt.QSize(__DW, __DH) __1DQS = __DQS __2DQS = Qt.QSize(2 * __DW, __DH) __3DQS = Qt.QSize(3 * __DW, __DH) # Indexes for the map below __IDX_ELEM_TYPE_ICON, __IDX_ELEM_TYPE_SIZE, __IDX_ELEM_TYPE_TOOLTIP = list(range(3)) # New default role map # Elements are: icon theme, preferred size, description/tooltip _ELEM_TYPE_MAP = { TaurusElementType.Name: ("folder", __3DQS, None), TaurusElementType.Device: ("applications-system", Qt.QSize(210, __DH), "Tango device name"), TaurusElementType.DeviceAlias: ("applications-system", Qt.QSize(140, __DH), "Tango device alias"), TaurusElementType.Domain: ("folder", Qt.QSize(80, __DH), "Tango device domain"), TaurusElementType.Family: ("folder", Qt.QSize(80, __DH), "Tango device family"), TaurusElementType.Member: ("applications-system", Qt.QSize(80, __DH), "Tango device member"), TaurusElementType.Server: ("application-x-executable", Qt.QSize(190, __DH), "Tango server"), TaurusElementType.ServerName: ("application-x-executable", Qt.QSize(80, __DH), "Tango server name"), TaurusElementType.ServerInstance: ("application-x-executable", Qt.QSize(80, __DH), "Tango server instance"), TaurusElementType.DeviceClass: ("text-x-script", Qt.QSize(140, __DH), "Tango class name"), TaurusElementType.Exported: ("start-here", Qt.QSize(60, __DH), "Alive/not alive"), TaurusElementType.Host: ("network-server", Qt.QSize(100, __DH), "Host machine were last ran"), TaurusElementType.Attribute: (":/actions/format-text-bold.svg", Qt.QSize(100, __DH), "Attribute name"), } # Indexes for the map below __IDX_STATE_ICON, __IDX_STATE_TOOLTIP = list(range(2)) _STATE_MAP = { TaurusDevState.Ready: ("status:available.svg", "Element ready"), TaurusDevState.NotReady: ("status:not-available.svg", "Element not ready"), TaurusDevState.Undefined: ("status:not-known.svg", "Element state undefined") } # set of registered prefixes (updated by registerPathFiles() ) REGISTERED_PREFIXES = set() def sanitizePrefix(prefix): """strips any leading '/' and substitutes non alphanumeric characters by '_' """ prefix = prefix.lstrip('/') return re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '_', prefix) def registerPathFiles(pathfilenames): """ Use given .path files to update Qt's search path Each path file contains a json-encoded list of (prefix,path) tuples. This function will call Qt.QDir.addSearchPath with each of the tuples from the path files (prefix values will be sanitized first, and relative path values will be made relative to the dir containing the .path file) :param pathfilenames: (list) list of .path file names """ for filename in pathfilenames: try: pathmap = json.load(open(filename)) except Exception as e: __LOGGER.error('Error registering "%s": %r', filename, e) pathmap = [] base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename)) for prefix, path in pathmap: prefix = sanitizePrefix(prefix) path = os.path.join(base_dir, path) # no effect if path is absolute Qt.QDir.addSearchPath(prefix, path) REGISTERED_PREFIXES.add(prefix) def registerTheme(name='Tango', path='', force=False): """Use bundled them if OS does not define a theme (non-X11 systems) :param name: (str) icon theme name (default=Tango) :param path: (str) path to dir containing the theme (absolute or relative to dir of taurus.qt.qtgui.icon). Default = '' :param force: (bool) Force to set path even if a theme is already set """ if force or not sys.platform.startswith('linux'): base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) path = os.path.join(base_dir, path) Qt.QIcon.setThemeSearchPaths([path]) Qt.QIcon.setThemeName(name) __LOGGER.info('Setting %s icon theme (from %s)', name, path) def getCachedPixmap(key, size=None): """Returns a PyQt4.QtGui.QPixmap object for the given key and size. The key argument supports QDir's searchPath prefixes (see :meth:`QDir.setSearchPaths`). :param key: (str) the pixmap key., e.g.: 'status:folder-open.svg' :param size: (int) the pixmap size in pixels (will get a square pixmap). If None is passed it will return the original size :return: (PyQt4.QtGui.QPixmap)""" name = key if size is not None: key += "_%sx%s" % (size, size) pm = Qt.QPixmapCache.find(key) if pm is None: pm = Qt.QPixmap(name) if size is not None: pm = pm.scaled(size, size, Qt.Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.Qt.SmoothTransformation) Qt.QPixmapCache.insert(key, pm) return Qt.QPixmap(pm) def getStandardIcon(key, widget=None): """Returns a PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon object for the given key. Key should be a QStyle.StandardPixmap enumeration member. The widget argument is optional and can also be used to aid the determination of the icon. :param key: (QStyle.StandardPixmap) a standard pixmap which can follow some existing GUI style or guideline :param widget: (Qt.QWidget) the widget argument (optional) can also be used to aid the determination of the icon. :return: (PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon)""" styleOption = None if widget is not None: styleOption = Qt.QStyleOption() styleOption.initFrom(widget) style = Qt.QApplication.instance().style() return style.standardIcon(key, styleOption, widget) def getElementTypeToolTip(elemType): data = _ELEM_TYPE_MAP.get(elemType) if data is None: return return data[__IDX_ELEM_TYPE_TOOLTIP] def getElementTypeSize(elemType): data = _ELEM_TYPE_MAP.get(elemType) if data is None: return return data[__IDX_ELEM_TYPE_SIZE] def getElementTypeIconName(elemType): """Gets an icon name string for the given :class:`taurus.core.taurusbasetypes.TaurusElementType`. If an icon name cannot be found for elemType, None is returned. :param elemType: (TaurusElementType) the taurus element type :return: (str) a string representing the icon name for the given :class:`taurus.core.taurusbasetypes.TaurusElementType`""" if elemType is None: return data = _ELEM_TYPE_MAP.get(elemType) if data is None: return return data[__IDX_ELEM_TYPE_ICON] def getElementTypeIcon(elemType, fallback=None): """Gets a PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon object for the given :class:`taurus.core.taurusbasetypes.TaurusElementType`. If an icon cannot be found for the given TaurusElementType, fallback is returned. :param elemType: (TaurusElementType) the taurus element type :param fallback: (PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon) the fallback icon. Default is None. :return: (PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon)""" themeIconName = getElementTypeIconName(elemType) icon = Qt.QIcon.fromTheme(themeIconName) if icon.isNull() and fallback is not None: icon = fallback return icon def getElementTypePixmap(elemType, size=None): """Gets a PyQt4.QtGui.QPixmap object for the given :class:`taurus.core.taurusbasetypes.TaurusElementType`. :param elemType: (TaurusElementType) the taurus element type :param size: (int) the pixmap size in pixels (will get a square pixmap). Default is None meaning it will return the original size. :return: (PyQt4.QtGui.QPixmap or None)""" if elemType is None: return data = _ELEM_TYPE_MAP.get(elemType) if data is None: return themeKey = data[__IDX_ELEM_TYPE_ICON] return Qt.QIcon.fromTheme(themeKey, size).pixmap(size, size) def getDevStateToolTip(state): data = _STATE_MAP.get(state) if data is None: return return data[__IDX_STATE_TOOLTIP] def getDevStateIcon(state, fallback=None): """Gets a PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon object for the given :class:`taurus.core.taurusbasetypes.TaurusDevState`. If an icon cannot be found for the given state, fallback is returned. :param state: (TaurusDevState) the taurus device state :param fallback: (PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon) the fallback icon. Default is None. :return: (PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon or None)""" if state is None: return data = _STATE_MAP.get(state) if data is None: return name = data[__IDX_STATE_ICON] icon = Qt.QIcon(name) if icon.isNull() and fallback is not None: icon = fallback return icon def getDevStatePixmap(state, size=None): """Gets a PyQt4.QtGui.QPixmap object for the given :class:`taurus.core.taurusbasetypes.TaurusDevState`. :param state: (TaurusDevState) the taurus software device state :param size: (int) the pixmap size in pixels (will get a square pixmap). Default is None meaning it will return the original size. :return: (PyQt4.QtGui.QPixmap or None) """ if state is None: return None data = _STATE_MAP.get(state) if data is None: return None name = data[__IDX_STATE_ICON] return getCachedPixmap(name, size) if __name__ == '__main__': from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication app = TaurusApplication(cmd_line_parser=None) icons = [ # null because of non-existent path Qt.QIcon('NONEXISTENT/PATH'), # null because of resource-style key (and no resources defined) Qt.QIcon(':/actions/edit-cut.svg'), # abs path Qt.QIcon(os.path.abspath('Tango/scalable/actions/edit-cut.svg')), # rel path Qt.QIcon('Tango/scalable/actions/edit-cut.svg'), # New-style (using prefix) Qt.QIcon('actions:edit-cut.svg'), Qt.QIcon("apps:preferences-system-session.svg"), Qt.QIcon("designer:devs_tree.png"), Qt.QIcon("actions:process-stop.svg"), # from tango-icons/actions Qt.QIcon("actions:add.svg"), # from rrze-icons/actions Qt.QIcon("actions:stop.svg"), # from extra-icons/actions Qt.QIcon("logos:taurus.svg"), # uses the "general", Qt.QIcon.fromTheme('computer') ] w = Qt.QWidget() l = Qt.QVBoxLayout() w.setLayout(l) for icon in icons: button = Qt.QPushButton(icon, 'kk') l.addWidget(button) w.show() sys.exit(app.exec_())