#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################# ## # This file is part of Taurus ## # http://taurus-scada.org ## # Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain ## # Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. ## # Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ## # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Taurus. If not, see . ## ############################################################################# """This module provides a panel to display taurus messages""" from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() from builtins import object import sys import traceback import datetime try: import pygments from pygments import highlight from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter from pygments.lexers import PythonTracebackLexer except: pygments = None from taurus.core.util.report import TaurusMessageReportHandler from taurus.external.qt import Qt from taurus.qt.qtgui.util.ui import UILoadable __all__ = ["TaurusMessagePanel", "TaurusMessageErrorHandler", "TangoMessageErrorHandler", "MacroServerMessageErrorHandler"] __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' class TaurusMessageErrorHandler(object): """This class is designed to handle a generic error into a :class:`TaurusMessagePanel`""" def __init__(self, msgbox): self._msgbox = msgbox msgbox.setWindowTitle("Taurus Error") self.setError(*msgbox.getError()) def setError(self, err_type=None, err_value=None, err_traceback=None): """Translates the given error object into an HTML string and places it in the message panel :param error: an error object (typically an exception object) :type error: object""" msgbox = self._msgbox error = "".join(traceback.format_exception_only(err_type, err_value)) msgbox.setText(error) msg = "
" % error msgbox.setDetailedHtml(msg) html_orig = '' \ '' exc_info = "".join(traceback.format_exception(err_type, err_value, err_traceback)) style = "" if pygments is not None: formatter = HtmlFormatter() style = formatter.get_style_defs() html = html_orig.format(style=style) if pygments is None: html += "
" % exc_info else: formatter = HtmlFormatter() html += highlight(exc_info, PythonTracebackLexer(), formatter) html += "" msgbox.setOriginHtml(html) class TangoMessageErrorHandler(TaurusMessageErrorHandler): """This class is designed to handle :class:`PyTango.DevFailed` error into a :class:`TaurusMessagePanel`""" # TODO: tango-centric def setError(self, err_type=None, err_value=None, err_traceback=None): """Translates the given error object into an HTML string and places it it the message panel :param error: an error object (typically an exception object) :type error: object""" msgbox = self._msgbox html_orig = '' \ '' style, formatter = "", None if pygments is not None: formatter = HtmlFormatter() style = formatter.get_style_defs() html = html_orig.format(style=style) for de in err_value.args: e_html = """
{reason}: {desc}
""" origin, reason, desc = de.origin, de.reason, de.desc if reason.startswith("PyDs_") and pygments is not None: origin = highlight(origin, PythonTracebackLexer(), formatter) else: origin = "
" % origin html += e_html.format(desc=desc, origin=origin, reason=reason) html += "" msgbox.setText(err_value.args[0].desc) msgbox.setDetailedHtml(html) exc_info = "".join(traceback.format_exception(err_type, err_value, err_traceback)) html = html_orig.format(style=style) if pygments is None: html += "
" % exc_info else: html += highlight(exc_info, PythonTracebackLexer(), formatter) html += "" msgbox.setOriginHtml(html) class MacroServerMessageErrorHandler(TaurusMessageErrorHandler): def setError(self, err_type=None, err_value=None, err_traceback=None): """Translates the given error object into an HTML string and places it in the message panel :param error: an error object (typically an exception object) :type error: object""" msgbox = self._msgbox msgbox.setText(err_value) msg = "
" % err_value msgbox.setDetailedHtml(msg) html_orig = """""" exc_info = "".join(err_traceback) style = "" if pygments is not None: formatter = HtmlFormatter() style = formatter.get_style_defs() html = html_orig.format(style=style) if pygments is None: html += "
" % exc_info else: formatter = HtmlFormatter() html += highlight(exc_info, PythonTracebackLexer(), formatter) html += "" msgbox.setOriginHtml(html) def is_report_handler(report, abs_file=None): """Helper function to determine if a certain python object is a valid report handler""" import inspect if not inspect.isclass(report): return False if not issubclass(report, TaurusMessageReportHandler): return False try: if inspect.getabsfile(report) != abs_file: return False except: return False return True _REPORT_HANDLERS = None def get_report_handlers(): global _REPORT_HANDLERS if not _REPORT_HANDLERS is None: return _REPORT_HANDLERS import os.path import functools import inspect this = os.path.abspath(__file__) report_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(this), "report") sys.path.insert(0, report_path) _REPORT_HANDLERS = {} try: for elem in os.listdir(report_path): if not elem[0].isalpha(): continue full_elem = os.path.join(report_path, elem) if not os.path.isfile(full_elem): continue if not elem.endswith('.py'): continue elem, _ = os.path.splitext(elem) _is_report_handler = functools.partial( is_report_handler, abs_file=full_elem) report_lib = __import__(elem, globals(), locals(), [], 0) for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(report_lib, _is_report_handler): _REPORT_HANDLERS[name] = obj finally: sys.path.pop(0) return _REPORT_HANDLERS _REPORT = """\ -- Description ----------------------------------------------------------------- An error occured in '{appName} {appVersion}' on {time} {text} -- Details --------------------------------------------------------------------- {detail} -- Origin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- {origin} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ @UILoadable(with_ui='_ui') class TaurusMessagePanel(Qt.QWidget): """A panel intended to display a taurus error. Example:: dev = taurus.Device("sys/tg_test/1") try: print dev.read_attribute("throw_exception") except PyTango.DevFailed, df: msgbox = TaurusMessagePanel() msgbox.show() You can show the error outside the exception handling code. If you do this, you should keep a record of the exception information as given by :func:`sys.exc_info`:: dev = taurus.Device("sys/tg_test/1") exc_info = None try: print dev.read_attribute("throw_exception") except PyTango.DevFailed, df: exc_info = sys.exc_info() if exc_info: msgbox = TaurusMessagePanel(*exc_info) msgbox.show()""" toggledDetails = Qt.pyqtSignal(bool) def __init__(self, err_type=None, err_value=None, err_traceback=None, parent=None, designMode=False): Qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.loadUi() self._exc_info = err_type, err_value, err_traceback self._ui._detailsWidget.setVisible(False) self._ui._checkBox.setVisible(False) self._ui._checkBox.setCheckState(Qt.Qt.Unchecked) self._initReportCombo() self._ui._showDetailsButton.toggled.connect(self._onShowDetails) self._ui._reportComboBox.activated.connect(self._onReportTriggered) pixmap = Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("emblem-important").pixmap(48, 48) self.setIconPixmap(pixmap) if err_value is not None: self.setError(*self._exc_info) self.adjustSize() def _initReportCombo(self): report_handlers = get_report_handlers() combo = self.reportComboBox() for name, report_handler in report_handlers.items(): name = Qt.QVariant(name) combo.addItem(report_handler.Label, name) def _onReportTriggered(self, index): report_handlers = get_report_handlers() combo = self.reportComboBox() name = combo.itemData(index) report_handler = report_handlers[name] report = report_handler(self) app = Qt.QApplication.instance() txt = _REPORT.format(appName=app.applicationName(), appVersion=app.applicationVersion(), time=datetime.datetime.now().ctime(), text=self.getText(), detail=self.getDetailedText(), origin=self.getOriginText()) report.report(txt) def _onShowDetails(self, show): self._ui._detailsWidget.setVisible(show) if show: text = "Hide details..." else: text = "Show details..." self._ui._showDetailsButton.setText(text) self.adjustSize() self.toggledDetails.emit(show) def reportComboBox(self): return self._ui._reportComboBox def checkBox(self): """Returns the check box from this panel :return: the check box from this panel :rtype: PyQt4.Qt.QCheckBox""" return self._ui._checkBox def checkBoxState(self): """Returns the check box state :return: the check box state :rtype: PyQt4.Qt.CheckState""" return self.checkBox().checkState() def checkBoxText(self): """Returns the check box text :return: the check box text :rtype: str""" return str(self.checkBox().text()) def setCheckBoxText(self, text): """Sets the checkbox text. :param text: new checkbox text :type text: str""" self.checkBox().setText(text) def setCheckBoxState(self, state): """Sets the checkbox state. :param text: new checkbox state :type text: PyQt4.Qt.CheckState""" self.checkBox().setCheckState(state) def setCheckBoxVisible(self, visible): """Sets the checkbox visibility. :param visible: True makes checkbox visible, False hides it :type visible: bool""" self.checkBox().setVisible(visible) def buttonBox(self): """Returns the button box from this panel :return: the button box from this panel :rtype: PyQt4.Qt.QDialogButtonBox""" return self._ui._buttonBox def addButton(self, button, role=Qt.QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole): """Adds the given button with the given to the button box :param button: the button to be added :type button: PyQt4.QtGui.QPushButton :param role: button role :type role: PyQt4.Qt.QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole""" self._ui._buttonBox.addButton(button, role) def setIconPixmap(self, pixmap): """Sets the icon to the dialog :param pixmap: the icon pixmap :type pixmap: PyQt4.Qt.QPixmap""" self._ui._iconLabel.setPixmap(pixmap) def setText(self, text): """Sets the text of this panel :param text: the new text :type text: str""" self._ui._textLabel.setText(text) def getText(self): """Returns the current text of this panel :return: the text for this panel :rtype: str""" return self._ui._textLabel.text() def setDetailedText(self, text): """Sets the detailed text of the dialog :param text: the new text :type text: str""" self._ui._detailsTextEdit.setPlainText(text) def setDetailedHtml(self, html): """Sets the detailed HTML of the dialog :param html: the new HTML text :type html: str""" self._ui._detailsTextEdit.setHtml(html) def getDetailedText(self): """Returns the current detailed text of this panel :return: the detailed text for this panel :rtype: str""" return self._ui._detailsTextEdit.toPlainText() def getDetailedHtml(self): """Returns the current detailed HTML of this panel :return: the detailed HTML for this panel :rtype: str""" return self._ui._detailsTextEdit.toHtml() def setOriginText(self, text): """Sets the origin text of the dialog :param text: the new text :type text: str""" self._ui._originTextEdit.setPlainText(text) def setOriginHtml(self, html): """Sets the origin HTML of the dialog :param html: the new HTML text :type html: str""" self._ui._originTextEdit.setHtml(html) def getOriginText(self): """Returns the current origin text of this panel :return: the origin text for this panel :rtype: str""" return self._ui._originTextEdit.toPlainText() def getOriginHtml(self): """Returns the current origin HTML of this panel :return: the origin HTML for this panel :rtype: str""" return self._ui._originTextEdit.toHtml() def setError(self, err_type=None, err_value=None, err_traceback=None): """Sets the exception object. Example usage:: dev = taurus.Device("sys/tg_test/1") exc_info = None msgbox = TaurusMessagePanel() try: print dev.read_attribute("throw_exception") except PyTango.DevFailed, df: exc_info = sys.exc_info() if exc_info: msgbox.setError(*exc_info) msgbox.show() :param err_type: the exception type of the exception being handled (a class object) :type error: class object :param err_value: exception object :type err_value: object :param err_traceback: a traceback object which encapsulates the call stack at the point where the exception originally occurred :type err_traceback: TracebackType""" i = sys.exc_info() self._exc_info = [err_type or i[0], err_value or i[1], err_traceback or i[2]] handler_klass = self.findErrorHandler(self._exc_info[0]) handler_klass(self) def getError(self): """Returns the current exception information of this panel :return: the current exception information (same as type as returned by :func:`sys.exc_info`) :rtype: tuple""" return self._exc_info try: import PyTango ErrorHandlers = {PyTango.DevFailed: TangoMessageErrorHandler} except: ErrorHandlers = {} @classmethod def registerErrorHandler(klass, err_type, err_handler): klass.ErrorHandlers[err_type] = err_handler @classmethod def findErrorHandler(klass, err_type): """Finds the proper error handler class for the given error :param err_type: error class :type err_type: class object :return: a message box error handler :rtype: TaurusMessageBoxErrorHandler class object""" for exc, h_klass in klass.ErrorHandlers.items(): if issubclass(err_type, exc): return h_klass return TaurusMessageErrorHandler class DemoException(Exception): """Just a plain python exception for demo purposes""" pass def s1(): """Just a function to make the stack more interesting""" return s2() def s2(): """Just a function to make the stack more interesting""" return s3() def s3(): """Just a function to make the stack more interesting""" raise DemoException("A demo exception occurred") class QMessageDialog(Qt.QDialog): """Helper class for the demo""" def __init__(self, msgbox, parent=None): Qt.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) l = Qt.QVBoxLayout() l.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) l.addWidget(msgbox) l.addStretch(1) self.setLayout(l) def py_exc(): """Shows a python exception in a TaurusMessagePanel""" try: s1() except: msgbox = TaurusMessagePanel(*sys.exc_info()) QMessageDialog(msgbox).exec_() def tg_exc(): """Shows a tango exception in a TaurusMessagePanel""" # TODO: This function is Tango centric import PyTango try: PyTango.Except.throw_exception( 'TangoException', 'A simple tango exception', 'right here') except PyTango.DevFailed: msgbox = TaurusMessagePanel(*sys.exc_info()) QMessageDialog(msgbox).exec_() def tg_serv_exc(): """Shows a tango exception from a server in a TaurusMessagePanel""" # TODO: This function is Tango centric import PyTango import taurus dev = taurus.Device("sys/tg_test/1") try: dev.read_attribute("throw_exception") except PyTango.DevFailed: msgbox = TaurusMessagePanel(*sys.exc_info()) QMessageDialog(msgbox).exec_() except: msgbox = TaurusMessagePanel(*sys.exc_info()) QMessageDialog(msgbox).exec_() def py_tg_serv_exc(): """Shows a tango exception from a python server in a TaurusMessagePanel""" # TODO: This function is Tango centric import PyTango try: PyTango.Except.throw_exception( 'TangoException', 'A simple tango exception', 'right here') except PyTango.DevFailed as df1: try: import traceback # --------------------------------------------------------------- # workaround for unicode issues on py2 when using io instead of # StringIO try: import StringIO as io # py2 except ImportError: import io # py3 # ---------------------------------------------------------------- origin = io.StringIO() traceback.print_stack(file=origin) origin.seek(0) origin = origin.read() PyTango.Except.re_throw_exception( df1, 'PyDs_Exception', 'DevFailed: A simple tango exception', origin) except PyTango.DevFailed: msgbox = TaurusMessagePanel(*sys.exc_info()) QMessageDialog(msgbox).exec_() def demo(): """Message panel""" panel = Qt.QWidget() layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() panel.setLayout(layout) m1 = Qt.QPushButton("Python exception") layout.addWidget(m1) m1.clicked.connect(py_exc) m2 = Qt.QPushButton("Tango exception") layout.addWidget(m2) m2.clicked.connect(tg_exc) layout.addWidget(m2) m3 = Qt.QPushButton("Tango server exception") layout.addWidget(m3) m3.clicked.connect(tg_serv_exc) layout.addWidget(m3) m4 = Qt.QPushButton("Python tango server exception") layout.addWidget(m4) m4.clicked.connect(py_tg_serv_exc) layout.addWidget(m4) return panel def main(): import sys import taurus.qt.qtgui.application Application = taurus.qt.qtgui.application.TaurusApplication app = Application.instance() owns_app = app is None if owns_app: app = Qt.QApplication([]) app.setApplicationName("Taurus message demo") app.setApplicationVersion("1.0") w = demo() w.show() if owns_app: sys.exit(app.exec_()) else: return w if __name__ == "__main__": main()