path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
6 files changed, 3236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/Makefile b/tests/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddd4932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Tiny C Compiler Makefile - tests
+# what tests to run
+TESTS = libtest test3
+# these should work too
+# TESTS += test1 test2 speed
+# these don't work as they should
+# TESTS += test4 btest asmtest
+TOP = ..
+include $(TOP)/Makefile
+# run local version of tcc with local libraries and includes
+TCC = ../tcc -B..
+RUN_TCC = $(NATIVE_TARGET) -run ../tcc.c -B..
+DISAS=objdump -d
+all test : $(TESTS)
+# make sure that tcc exists
+$(TESTS) : ../tcc
+../tcc ../libtcc.a :
+ $(MAKE) -C ..
+# libtcc test
+libtest: libtcc_test$(EXESUF)
+ @echo ------------ $@ ------------
+ ./libtcc_test lib_path=..
+libtcc_test$(EXESUF): libtcc_test.c ../libtcc.a
+ $(CC) -o $@ $^ -I.. $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
+# test.ref - generate using gcc
+test.ref: tcctest.c
+ cp -u ../include/tcclib.h .
+ $(CC) -o tcctest.gcc $< -I. -w $(CFLAGS)
+ ./tcctest.gcc > $@
+# auto test
+test1: test.ref
+ @echo ------------ $@ ------------
+ $(TCC) -run tcctest.c > test.out1
+ @if diff -u test.ref test.out1 ; then echo "Auto Test OK"; fi
+# iterated test2 (compile tcc then compile tcctest.c !)
+test2: test.ref
+ @echo ------------ $@ ------------
+ $(TCC) $(RUN_TCC) $(RUN_TCC) -run tcctest.c > test.out2
+ @if diff -u test.ref test.out2 ; then echo "Auto Test2 OK"; fi
+# iterated test3 (compile tcc then compile tcc then compile tcctest.c !)
+test3: test.ref
+ @echo ------------ $@ ------------
+ $(TCC) $(RUN_TCC) $(RUN_TCC) $(RUN_TCC) -run tcctest.c > test.out3
+ @if diff -u test.ref test.out3 ; then echo "Auto Test3 OK"; fi
+# binary output test
+test4: test.ref
+ @echo ------------ $@ ------------
+# dynamic output
+ $(TCC) -o tcctest1 tcctest.c
+ ./tcctest1 > test1.out
+ @if diff -u test.ref test1.out ; then echo "Dynamic Auto Test OK"; fi
+# object + link output
+ $(TCC) -c -o tcctest3.o tcctest.c
+ $(TCC) -o tcctest3 tcctest3.o
+ ./tcctest3 > test3.out
+ @if diff -u test.ref test3.out ; then echo "Object Auto Test OK"; fi
+# static output
+ $(TCC) -static -o tcctest2 tcctest.c
+ ./tcctest2 > test2.out
+ @if diff -u test.ref test2.out ; then echo "Static Auto Test OK"; fi
+# dynamic output + bound check
+ $(TCC) -b -o tcctest4 tcctest.c
+ ./tcctest4 > test4.out
+ @if diff -u test.ref test4.out ; then echo "BCheck Auto Test OK"; fi
+# memory and bound check auto test
+BOUNDS_OK = 1 4 8 10
+BOUNDS_FAIL= 2 5 7 9 11 12 13
+btest: boundtest.c
+ @echo ------------ $@ ------------
+ @for i in $(BOUNDS_OK); do \
+ if $(TCC) -b -run boundtest.c $$i ; then \
+ /bin/true ; \
+ else\
+ echo Failed positive test $$i ; exit 1 ; \
+ fi ;\
+ done ;\
+ for i in $(BOUNDS_FAIL); do \
+ if $(TCC) -b -run boundtest.c $$i ; then \
+ echo Failed negative test $$i ; exit 1 ;\
+ else\
+ /bin/true ; \
+ fi ;\
+ done ;\
+ echo Bound test OK
+# speed test
+speed: ex2 ex3
+ @echo ------------ $@ ------------
+ time ./ex2 1238 2 3 4 10 13 4
+ time $(TCC) -run ../examples/ex2.c 1238 2 3 4 10 13 4
+ time ./ex3 35
+ time $(TCC) -run ../examples/ex3.c 35
+ex%: ../examples/ex%.c
+ $(CC) -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS)
+# tiny assembler testing
+asmtest.ref: asmtest.S
+ $(CC) -o asmtest.ref.o -c asmtest.S
+ objdump -D asmtest.ref.o > $@
+asmtest: asmtest.ref
+ @echo ------------ $@ ------------
+ $(TCC) -c asmtest.S
+ objdump -D asmtest.o > $@
+ @if diff -u --ignore-matching-lines="file format" asmtest.ref asmtest.out ; then echo "ASM Auto Test OK"; fi
+# targets for development
+%.bin: %.c tcc
+ $(TCC) -g -o $@ $<
+ $(DISAS) $@
+instr: instr.o
+ objdump -d instr.o
+instr.o: instr.S
+ $(CC) -o $@ -c $< -O2 -Wall -g
+cache: tcc_g
+ cachegrind ./tcc_g -o /tmp/linpack -lm bench/linpack.c
+ vg_annotate tcc.c > /tmp/linpack.cache.log
+# clean
+ rm -vf *~ *.o *.a *.bin *.i *.ref *.out *.out? *.gcc \
+ tcctest[1234] ex? libtcc_test$(EXESUF) tcc_g tcclib.h
diff --git a/tests/asmtest.S b/tests/asmtest.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..358a823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/asmtest.S
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+/* some directive tests */
+ .byte 0xff
+ .byte 1, 2, 3
+ .short 1, 2, 3
+ .word 1, 2, 3
+ .long 1, 2, 3
+ .int 1, 2, 3
+ .align 8
+ .byte 1
+ .align 16, 0x90
+ .skip 3
+ .skip 15, 0x90
+ .string "hello\0world"
+/* some label tests */
+ movl %eax, %ebx
+ movl %eax, %ebx
+ mov 0x10000, %eax
+ movl $L2 - L1, %ecx
+ nop ; nop ; nop ; nop
+ mov var1, %eax
+/* instruction tests */
+movl %eax, %ebx
+mov 0x10000, %eax
+mov 0x10000, %ax
+mov 0x10000, %al
+mov %al, 0x10000
+mov $1, %edx
+mov $1, %dx
+mov $1, %dl
+movb $2, 0x100(%ebx,%edx,2)
+movw $2, 0x100(%ebx,%edx,2)
+movl $2, 0x100(%ebx,%edx,2)
+movl %eax, 0x100(%ebx,%edx,2)
+movl 0x100(%ebx,%edx,2), %edx
+movw %ax, 0x100(%ebx,%edx,2)
+mov %eax, 0x12(,%edx,2)
+mov %cr3, %edx
+mov %ecx, %cr3
+movl %cr3, %eax
+movl %tr3, %eax
+movl %db3, %ebx
+movl %dr6, %eax
+movl %fs, %ecx
+movl %ebx, %fs
+ movsbl 0x1000, %eax
+ movsbw 0x1000, %ax
+ movswl 0x1000, %eax
+ movzbl 0x1000, %eax
+ movzbw 0x1000, %ax
+ movzwl 0x1000, %eax
+ movzb 0x1000, %eax
+ movzb 0x1000, %ax
+ pushl %eax
+ pushw %ax
+ push %eax
+ push %cs
+ push %gs
+ push $1
+ push $100
+ popl %eax
+ popw %ax
+ pop %eax
+ pop %ds
+ pop %fs
+ xchg %eax, %ecx
+ xchg %edx, %eax
+ xchg %bx, 0x10000
+ xchg 0x10000, %ebx
+ xchg 0x10000, %dl
+ in $100, %al
+ in $100, %ax
+ in $100, %eax
+ in %dx, %al
+ in %dx, %ax
+ in %dx, %eax
+ inb %dx
+ inw %dx
+ inl %dx
+ out %al, $100
+ out %ax, $100
+ out %eax, $100
+ /* NOTE: gas is bugged here, so size must be added */
+ outb %al, %dx
+ outw %ax, %dx
+ outl %eax, %dx
+ leal 0x1000(%ebx), %ecx
+ lea 0x1000(%ebx), %ecx
+ les 0x2000, %eax
+ lds 0x2000, %ebx
+ lfs 0x2000, %ecx
+ lgs 0x2000, %edx
+ lss 0x2000, %edx
+addl $0x123, %eax
+add $0x123, %ebx
+addl $0x123, 0x100
+addl $0x123, 0x100(%ebx)
+addl $0x123, 0x100(%ebx,%edx,2)
+addl $0x123, 0x100(%esp)
+addl $0x123, (%ebp)
+addl $0x123, (%esp)
+cmpl $0x123, (%esp)
+add %eax, (%ebx)
+add (%ebx), %eax
+or %dx, (%ebx)
+or (%ebx), %si
+add %cl, (%ebx)
+add (%ebx), %dl
+ inc %edx
+ incl 0x10000
+ incb 0x10000
+ dec %dx
+ test $1, %al
+ test $1, %cl
+ testl $1, 0x1000
+ testb $1, 0x1000
+ testw $1, 0x1000
+ test %eax, %ebx
+ test %eax, 0x1000
+ test 0x1000, %edx
+ not %edx
+ notw 0x10000
+ notl 0x10000
+ notb 0x10000
+ neg %edx
+ negw 0x10000
+ negl 0x10000
+ negb 0x10000
+ imul %ecx
+ mul %edx
+ mulb %cl
+ imul %eax, %ecx
+ imul 0x1000, %cx
+ imul $10, %eax, %ecx
+ imul $10, %ax, %cx
+ imul $10, %eax
+ imul $0x1100000, %eax
+ imul $1, %eax
+ idivw 0x1000
+ div %ecx
+ div %bl
+ div %ecx, %eax
+shl %edx
+shl $10, %edx
+shl %cl, %edx
+shld $1, %eax, %edx
+shld %cl, %eax, %edx
+shld %eax, %edx
+shrd $1, %eax, %edx
+shrd %cl, %eax, %edx
+shrd %eax, %edx
+call 0x1000
+call L4
+call *%eax
+call *0x1000
+call func1
+lcall $0x100, $0x1000
+jmp 0x1000
+jmp *%eax
+jmp *0x1000
+ljmp $0x100, $0x1000
+ret $10
+lret $10
+enter $1234, $10
+ jo 0x1000
+ jnp 0x1001
+ jne 0x1002
+ jg 0x1003
+ jo L3
+ jnp L3
+ jne L3
+ jg L3
+ loopne L3
+ loopnz L3
+ loope L3
+ loopz L3
+ loop L3
+ jecxz L3
+ seto %al
+ setnp 0x1000
+ setl 0xaaaa
+ setg %dl
+ fadd
+ fadd %st(1), %st
+ fadd %st(3)
+ faddp %st(5)
+ faddp
+ faddp %st(1), %st
+ fadds 0x1000
+ fiadds 0x1002
+ faddl 0x1004
+ fiaddl 0x1006
+ fmul
+ fmul %st(1), %st
+ fmul %st(3)
+ fmulp %st(5)
+ fmulp
+ fmulp %st(1), %st
+ fmuls 0x1000
+ fimuls 0x1002
+ fmull 0x1004
+ fimull 0x1006
+ fsub
+ fsub %st(1), %st
+ fsub %st(3)
+ fsubp %st(5)
+ fsubp
+ fsubp %st(1), %st
+ fsubs 0x1000
+ fisubs 0x1002
+ fsubl 0x1004
+ fisubl 0x1006
+ fsubr
+ fsubr %st(1), %st
+ fsubr %st(3)
+ fsubrp %st(5)
+ fsubrp
+ fsubrp %st(1), %st
+ fsubrs 0x1000
+ fisubrs 0x1002
+ fsubrl 0x1004
+ fisubrl 0x1006
+ fdiv
+ fdiv %st(1), %st
+ fdiv %st(3)
+ fdivp %st(5)
+ fdivp
+ fdivp %st(1), %st
+ fdivs 0x1000
+ fidivs 0x1002
+ fdivl 0x1004
+ fidivl 0x1006
+ fcom %st(3)
+ fcoms 0x1000
+ ficoms 0x1002
+ fcoml 0x1004
+ ficoml 0x1006
+ fcomp %st(5)
+ fcomp
+ fcompp
+ fcomps 0x1000
+ ficomps 0x1002
+ fcompl 0x1004
+ ficompl 0x1006
+ fld %st(5)
+ fldl 0x1000
+ flds 0x1002
+ fildl 0x1004
+ fst %st(4)
+ fstp %st(6)
+ fstpt 0x1006
+ fbstp 0x1008
+ fxch
+ fxch %st(4)
+ fucom %st(6)
+ fucomp %st(3)
+ fucompp
+ finit
+ fninit
+ fldcw 0x1000
+ fnstcw 0x1002
+ fstcw 0x1002
+ fnstsw 0x1004
+ fnstsw %eax
+ fstsw 0x1004
+ fstsw %eax
+ fnclex
+ fclex
+ fnstenv 0x1000
+ fstenv 0x1000
+ fldenv 0x1000
+ fnsave 0x1002
+ fsave 0x1000
+ frstor 0x1000
+ ffree %st(7)
+ ffreep %st(6)
+ ftst
+ fxam
+ fld1
+ fldl2t
+ fldl2e
+ fldpi
+ fldlg2
+ fldln2
+ fldz
+ f2xm1
+ fyl2x
+ fptan
+ fpatan
+ fxtract
+ fprem1
+ fdecstp
+ fincstp
+ fprem
+ fyl2xp1
+ fsqrt
+ fsincos
+ frndint
+ fscale
+ fsin
+ fcos
+ fchs
+ fabs
+ fnop
+ fwait
+bswap %edx
+xadd %ecx, %edx
+xaddb %dl, 0x1000
+xaddw %ax, 0x1000
+xaddl %eax, 0x1000
+cmpxchg %ecx, %edx
+cmpxchgb %dl, 0x1000
+cmpxchgw %ax, 0x1000
+cmpxchgl %eax, 0x1000
+invlpg 0x1000
+cmpxchg8b 0x1002
+fcmovb %st(5), %st
+fcmove %st(5), %st
+fcmovbe %st(5), %st
+fcmovu %st(5), %st
+fcmovnb %st(5), %st
+fcmovne %st(5), %st
+fcmovnbe %st(5), %st
+fcmovnu %st(5), %st
+fcomi %st(5), %st
+fucomi %st(5), %st
+fcomip %st(5), %st
+fucomip %st(5), %st
+ cmovo 0x1000, %eax
+ cmovs 0x1000, %eax
+ cmovns %edx, %edi
+int $3
+int $0x10
+ pusha
+ popa
+ clc
+ cld
+ cli
+ clts
+ cmc
+ lahf
+ sahf
+ pushfl
+ popfl
+ pushf
+ popf
+ stc
+ std
+ sti
+ aaa
+ aas
+ daa
+ das
+ aad
+ aam
+ cbw
+ cwd
+ cwde
+ cdq
+ cbtw
+ cwtd
+ cwtl
+ cltd
+ leave
+ int3
+ into
+ iret
+ rsm
+ hlt
+ wait
+ nop
+ /* XXX: handle prefixes */
+#if 0
+ aword
+ addr16
+ lock
+ rep
+ repe
+ repz
+ repne
+ repnz
+ invd
+ wbinvd
+ cpuid
+ wrmsr
+ rdtsc
+ rdmsr
+ rdpmc
+ ud2
+ emms
+ movd %edx, %mm3
+ movd 0x1000, %mm2
+ movd %mm4, %ecx
+ movd %mm5, 0x1000
+ movq 0x1000, %mm2
+ movq %mm4, 0x1000
+ pand 0x1000, %mm3
+ pand %mm4, %mm5
+ psllw $1, %mm6
+ psllw 0x1000, %mm7
+ psllw %mm2, %mm7
+ xlat
+ cmpsb
+ scmpw
+ insl
+ outsw
+ lodsb
+ slodl
+ movsb
+ movsl
+ smovb
+ scasb
+ sscaw
+ stosw
+ sstol
+ bsf 0x1000, %ebx
+ bsr 0x1000, %ebx
+ bt %edx, 0x1000
+ btl $2, 0x1000
+ btc %edx, 0x1000
+ btcl $2, 0x1000
+ btr %edx, 0x1000
+ btrl $2, 0x1000
+ bts %edx, 0x1000
+ btsl $2, 0x1000
+ boundl %edx, 0x10000
+ boundw %bx, 0x1000
+ arpl %bx, 0x1000
+ lar 0x1000, %eax
+ lgdt 0x1000
+ lidt 0x1000
+ lldt 0x1000
+ lmsw 0x1000
+ lsl 0x1000, %ecx
+ ltr 0x1000
+ sgdt 0x1000
+ sidt 0x1000
+ sldt 0x1000
+ smsw 0x1000
+ str 0x1000
+ verr 0x1000
+ verw 0x1000
+ push %ds
+ pushw %ds
+ pushl %ds
+ pop %ds
+ popw %ds
+ popl %ds
+ fxsave 1(%ebx)
+ fxrstor 1(%ecx)
+ pushl $1
+ pushw $1
+ push $1
diff --git a/tests/boundtest.c b/tests/boundtest.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bc9828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/boundtest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define NB_ITS 1000000
+//#define NB_ITS 1
+#define TAB_SIZE 100
+int tab[TAB_SIZE];
+int ret_sum;
+char tab3[256];
+int test1(void)
+ int i, sum = 0;
+ for(i=0;i<TAB_SIZE;i++) {
+ sum += tab[i];
+ }
+ return sum;
+/* error */
+int test2(void)
+ int i, sum = 0;
+ for(i=0;i<TAB_SIZE + 1;i++) {
+ sum += tab[i];
+ }
+ return sum;
+/* actually, profiling test */
+int test3(void)
+ int sum;
+ int i, it;
+ sum = 0;
+ for(it=0;it<NB_ITS;it++) {
+ for(i=0;i<TAB_SIZE;i++) {
+ sum += tab[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return sum;
+/* ok */
+int test4(void)
+ int i, sum = 0;
+ int *tab4;
+ tab4 = malloc(20 * sizeof(int));
+ for(i=0;i<20;i++) {
+ sum += tab4[i];
+ }
+ free(tab4);
+ return sum;
+/* error */
+int test5(void)
+ int i, sum = 0;
+ int *tab4;
+ tab4 = malloc(20 * sizeof(int));
+ for(i=0;i<21;i++) {
+ sum += tab4[i];
+ }
+ free(tab4);
+ return sum;
+/* error */
+/* XXX: currently: bug */
+int test6(void)
+ int i, sum = 0;
+ int *tab4;
+ tab4 = malloc(20 * sizeof(int));
+ free(tab4);
+ for(i=0;i<21;i++) {
+ sum += tab4[i];
+ }
+ return sum;
+/* error */
+int test7(void)
+ int i, sum = 0;
+ int *p;
+ for(i=0;i<TAB_SIZE + 1;i++) {
+ p = &tab[i];
+ if (i == TAB_SIZE)
+ printf("i=%d %x\n", i, p);
+ sum += *p;
+ }
+ return sum;
+/* ok */
+int test8(void)
+ int i, sum = 0;
+ int tab[10];
+ for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
+ sum += tab[i];
+ }
+ return sum;
+/* error */
+int test9(void)
+ int i, sum = 0;
+ char tab[10];
+ for(i=0;i<11;i++) {
+ sum += tab[i];
+ }
+ return sum;
+/* ok */
+int test10(void)
+ char tab[10];
+ char tab1[10];
+ memset(tab, 0, 10);
+ memcpy(tab, tab1, 10);
+ memmove(tab, tab1, 10);
+ return 0;
+/* error */
+int test11(void)
+ char tab[10];
+ memset(tab, 0, 11);
+ return 0;
+/* error */
+int test12(void)
+ void *ptr;
+ ptr = malloc(10);
+ free(ptr);
+ free(ptr);
+ return 0;
+/* error */
+int test13(void)
+ char pad1 = 0;
+ char tab[10];
+ char pad2 = 0;
+ memset(tab, 'a', sizeof(tab));
+ return strlen(tab);
+int (*table_test[])(void) = {
+ test1,
+ test1,
+ test2,
+ test3,
+ test4,
+ test5,
+ test6,
+ test7,
+ test8,
+ test9,
+ test10,
+ test11,
+ test12,
+ test13,
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int index;
+ int (*ftest)(void);
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ printf("usage: boundtest n\n"
+ "test TCC bound checking system\n"
+ );
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ index = 0;
+ if (argc >= 2)
+ index = atoi(argv[1]);
+ /* well, we also use bounds on this ! */
+ ftest = table_test[index];
+ ftest();
+ return 0;
+ * without bound 0.77 s
+ * with bounds 4.73
+ */
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd9204b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+rm -f tcc.sum tcc.log
+for src in $TESTSUITE_PATH/compile/*.c ; do
+ echo $TCC -o /tmp/test.o -c $src
+ $TCC -o /tmp/test.o -c $src >> tcc.log 2>&1
+ if [ "$?" == "0" ] ; then
+ result="PASS"
+ else
+ result="FAIL"
+ nb_failed=$[ $nb_failed + 1 ]
+ fi
+ echo "$result: $src" >> tcc.sum
+for src in $TESTSUITE_PATH/execute/*.c ; do
+ echo $TCC $src
+ $TCC $src >> tcc.log 2>&1
+ if [ "$?" == "0" ] ; then
+ result="PASS"
+ else
+ result="FAIL"
+ nb_failed=$[ $nb_failed + 1 ]
+ fi
+ echo "$result: $src" >> tcc.sum
+echo "$nb_failed test(s) failed." >> tcc.sum
+echo "$nb_failed test(s) failed."
diff --git a/tests/libtcc_test.c b/tests/libtcc_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a602fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/libtcc_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * Simple Test program for libtcc
+ *
+ * libtcc can be useful to use tcc as a "backend" for a code generator.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "libtcc.h"
+/* this function is called by the generated code */
+int add(int a, int b)
+ return a + b;
+char my_program[] =
+"int fib(int n)\n"
+" if (n <= 2)\n"
+" return 1;\n"
+" else\n"
+" return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);\n"
+"int foo(int n)\n"
+" printf(\"Hello World!\\n\");\n"
+" printf(\"fib(%d) = %d\\n\", n, fib(n));\n"
+" printf(\"add(%d, %d) = %d\\n\", n, 2 * n, add(n, 2 * n));\n"
+" return 0;\n"
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ TCCState *s;
+ int (*func)(int);
+ void *mem;
+ int size;
+ s = tcc_new();
+ if (!s) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Could not create tcc state\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* if tcclib.h and libtcc1.a are not installed, where can we find them */
+ if (argc == 2 && !memcmp(argv[1], "lib_path=",9))
+ tcc_set_lib_path(s, argv[1]+9);
+ /* MUST BE CALLED before any compilation */
+ tcc_set_output_type(s, TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY);
+ if (tcc_compile_string(s, my_program) == -1)
+ return 1;
+ /* as a test, we add a symbol that the compiled program can use.
+ You may also open a dll with tcc_add_dll() and use symbols from that */
+ tcc_add_symbol(s, "add", add);
+ /* get needed size of the code */
+ size = tcc_relocate(s, NULL);
+ if (size == -1)
+ return 1;
+ /* allocate memory and copy the code into it */
+ mem = malloc(size);
+ tcc_relocate(s, mem);
+ /* get entry symbol */
+ func = tcc_get_symbol(s, "foo");
+ if (!func)
+ return 1;
+ /* delete the state */
+ tcc_delete(s);
+ /* run the code */
+ func(32);
+ free(mem);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/tcctest.c b/tests/tcctest.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2d481a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tcctest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2202 @@
+ * TCC auto test program
+ */
+#include "../config.h"
+#if GCC_MAJOR >= 3
+/* Unfortunately, gcc version < 3 does not handle that! */
+#define ALL_ISOC99
+/* only gcc 3 handles _Bool correctly */
+#define BOOL_ISOC99
+/* gcc 2.95.3 does not handle correctly CR in strings or after strays */
+/* deprecated and no longer supported in gcc 3.3 */
+/* __VA_ARGS__ and __func__ support */
+#define C99_MACROS
+/* test various include syntaxes */
+#define TCCLIB_INC <tcclib.h>
+#define TCCLIB_INC1 <tcclib
+#define TCCLIB_INC2 h>
+#define TCCLIB_INC3 "tcclib"
+#include TCCLIB_INC
+#include TCCLIB_INC1.h>
+/* gcc 3.2 does not accept that (bug ?) */
+//#include TCCLIB_INC3 ".h"
+#include <tcclib.h>
+#include "tcclib.h"
+void string_test();
+void expr_test();
+void macro_test();
+void scope_test();
+void forward_test();
+void funcptr_test();
+void loop_test();
+void switch_test();
+void goto_test();
+void enum_test();
+void typedef_test();
+void struct_test();
+void array_test();
+void expr_ptr_test();
+void bool_test();
+void expr2_test();
+void constant_expr_test();
+void expr_cmp_test();
+void char_short_test();
+void init_test(void);
+void compound_literal_test(void);
+int kr_test();
+void struct_assign_test(void);
+void cast_test(void);
+void bitfield_test(void);
+void c99_bool_test(void);
+void float_test(void);
+void longlong_test(void);
+void manyarg_test(void);
+void stdarg_test(void);
+void whitespace_test(void);
+void relocation_test(void);
+void old_style_function(void);
+void alloca_test(void);
+void sizeof_test(void);
+void typeof_test(void);
+void local_label_test(void);
+void statement_expr_test(void);
+void asm_test(void);
+void builtin_test(void);
+int fib(int n);
+void num(int n);
+void forward_ref(void);
+int isid(int c);
+#define A 2
+#define N 1234 + A
+#define pf printf
+#define M1(a, b) (a) + (b)
+#define str\
+(s) # s
+#define glue(a, b) a ## b
+#define xglue(a, b) glue(a, b)
+#define HIGHLOW "hello"
+#define LOW LOW ", world"
+#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#ifdef C99_MACROS
+#define dprintf(level,...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
+/* gcc vararg macros */
+#define dprintf1(level, fmt, args...) printf(fmt, ## args)
+#define MACRO_NOARGS()
+#define AAA 3
+#undef AAA
+#define AAA 4
+#if 1
+#define B3 1
+#elif 1
+#define B3 2
+#elif 0
+#define B3 3
+#define B3 4
+#define __INT64_C(c) c ## LL
+#define INT64_MIN (-__INT64_C(9223372036854775807)-1)
+int qq(int x)
+ return x + 40;
+#define qq(x) x
+#define spin_lock(lock) do { } while (0)
+#define wq_spin_lock spin_lock
+#define TEST2() wq_spin_lock(a)
+void macro_test(void)
+ printf("macro:\n");
+ pf("N=%d\n", N);
+ printf("aaa=%d\n", AAA);
+ printf("min=%d\n", min(1, min(2, -1)));
+ printf("s1=%s\n", glue(HIGH, LOW));
+ printf("s2=%s\n", xglue(HIGH, LOW));
+ printf("s3=%s\n", str("c"));
+ printf("s4=%s\n", str(a1));
+ printf("B3=%d\n", B3);
+#ifdef A
+ printf("A defined\n");
+#ifdef B
+ printf("B defined\n");
+#ifdef A
+ printf("A defined\n");
+ printf("A not defined\n");
+#ifdef B
+ printf("B defined\n");
+ printf("B not defined\n");
+#ifdef A
+ printf("A defined\n");
+#ifdef B
+ printf("B1 defined\n");
+ printf("B1 not defined\n");
+ printf("A not defined\n");
+#ifdef B
+ printf("B2 defined\n");
+ printf("B2 not defined\n");
+#if 1+1
+ printf("test true1\n");
+#if 0
+ printf("test true2\n");
+#if 1-1
+ printf("test true3\n");
+#if defined(A)
+ printf("test trueA\n");
+#if defined(B)
+ printf("test trueB\n");
+#if 0
+ printf("test 0\n");
+#elif 0
+ printf("test 1\n");
+#elif 2
+ printf("test 2\n");
+ printf("test 3\n");
+#ifdef __LINE__
+ printf("__LINE__ defined\n");
+ printf("__LINE__=%d __FILE__=%s\n",
+ __LINE__, __FILE__);
+#line 200
+ printf("__LINE__=%d __FILE__=%s\n",
+ __LINE__, __FILE__);
+#line 203 "test"
+ printf("__LINE__=%d __FILE__=%s\n",
+ __LINE__, __FILE__);
+#line 227 "tcctest.c"
+ /* not strictly preprocessor, but we test it there */
+#ifdef C99_MACROS
+ printf("__func__ = %s\n", __func__);
+ dprintf(1, "vaarg=%d\n", 1);
+ dprintf1(1, "vaarg1\n");
+ dprintf1(1, "vaarg1=%d\n", 2);
+ dprintf1(1, "vaarg1=%d %d\n", 1, 2);
+ /* gcc extension */
+ printf("func='%s'\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ /* complicated macros in glibc */
+ printf("INT64_MIN=%Ld\n", INT64_MIN);
+ {
+ int a;
+ a = 1;
+ glue(a+, +);
+ printf("a=%d\n", a);
+ glue(a <, <= 2);
+ printf("a=%d\n", a);
+ }
+ /* macro function with argument outside the macro string */
+#define MF_s MF_hello
+#define MF_hello(msg) printf("%s\n",msg)
+#define MF_t printf("tralala\n"); MF_hello
+ MF_s("hi");
+ MF_t("hi");
+ /* test macro substituion inside args (should not eat stream) */
+ printf("qq=%d\n", qq(qq)(2));
+ /* test zero argument case. NOTE: gcc 2.95.x does not accept a
+ null argument without a space. gcc 3.2 fixes that. */
+#define qq1(x) 1
+ printf("qq1=%d\n", qq1( ));
+ /* comment with stray handling *\
+ /* this is a valid *\/ comment */
+ /* this is a valid comment *\*/
+ // this is a valid\
+ /* test function macro substitution when the function name is
+ substituted */
+ TEST2();
+int op(a,b)
+ return a / b;
+int ret(a)
+ if (a == 2)
+ return 1;
+ if (a == 3)
+ return 2;
+ return 0;
+void ps(const char *s)
+ int c;
+ while (1) {
+ c = *s;
+ if (c == 0)
+ break;
+ printf("%c", c);
+ s++;
+ }
+const char foo1_string[] = "\
+void string_test()
+ unsigned int b;
+ printf("string:\n");
+ printf("\141\1423\143\n");/* dezdez test */
+ printf("\x41\x42\x43\x3a\n");
+ printf("c=%c\n", 'r');
+ printf("wc=%C 0x%lx %C\n", L'a', L'\x1234', L'c');
+ printf("foo1_string='%s'\n", foo1_string);
+#if 0
+ printf("wstring=%S\n", L"abc");
+ printf("wstring=%S\n", L"abc" L"def" "ghi");
+ printf("'\\377'=%d '\\xff'=%d\n", '\377', '\xff');
+ printf("L'\\377'=%d L'\\xff'=%d\n", L'\377', L'\xff');
+ ps("test\n");
+ b = 32;
+ while ((b = b + 1) < 96) {
+ printf("%c", b);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("fib=%d\n", fib(33));
+ b = 262144;
+ while (b != 0x80000000) {
+ num(b);
+ b = b * 2;
+ }
+void loop_test()
+ int i;
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < 10)
+ printf("%d", i++);
+ printf("\n");
+ for(i = 0; i < 10;i++)
+ printf("%d", i);
+ printf("\n");
+ i = 0;
+ do {
+ printf("%d", i++);
+ } while (i < 10);
+ printf("\n");
+ /* break/continue tests */
+ i = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ if (i == 6)
+ break;
+ i++;
+ if (i == 3)
+ continue;
+ printf("%d", i);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ /* break/continue tests */
+ i = 0;
+ do {
+ if (i == 6)
+ break;
+ i++;
+ if (i == 3)
+ continue;
+ printf("%d", i);
+ } while(1);
+ printf("\n");
+ for(i = 0;i < 10;i++) {
+ if (i == 3)
+ continue;
+ printf("%d", i);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+void goto_test()
+ int i;
+ static void *label_table[3] = { &&label1, &&label2, &&label3 };
+ printf("goto:\n");
+ i = 0;
+ s_loop:
+ if (i >= 10)
+ goto s_end;
+ printf("%d", i);
+ i++;
+ goto s_loop;
+ s_end:
+ printf("\n");
+ /* we also test computed gotos (GCC extension) */
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
+ goto *label_table[i];
+ label1:
+ printf("label1\n");
+ goto next;
+ label2:
+ printf("label2\n");
+ goto next;
+ label3:
+ printf("label3\n");
+ next: ;
+ }
+enum {
+ E0,
+ E1 = 2,
+ E2 = 4,
+ E3,
+ E4,
+enum test {
+ E5 = 1000,
+void enum_test()
+ enum test b1;
+ printf("enum:\n%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
+ E0, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5);
+ b1 = 1;
+ printf("b1=%d\n", b1);
+typedef int *my_ptr;
+typedef int mytype1;
+typedef int mytype2;
+void typedef_test()
+ my_ptr a;
+ mytype1 mytype2;
+ int b;
+ a = &b;
+ *a = 1234;
+ printf("typedef:\n");
+ printf("a=%d\n", *a);
+ mytype2 = 2;
+ printf("mytype2=%d\n", mytype2);
+void forward_test()
+ printf("forward:\n");
+ forward_ref();
+ forward_ref();
+void forward_ref(void)
+ printf("forward ok\n");
+typedef struct struct1 {
+ int f1;
+ int f2, f3;
+ union union1 {
+ int v1;
+ int v2;
+ } u;
+ char str[3];
+} struct1;
+struct struct2 {
+ int a;
+ char b;
+union union2 {
+ int w1;
+ int w2;
+struct struct1 st1, st2;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ string_test();
+ expr_test();
+ macro_test();
+ scope_test();
+ forward_test();
+ funcptr_test();
+ loop_test();
+ switch_test();
+ goto_test();
+ enum_test();
+ typedef_test();
+ struct_test();
+ array_test();
+ expr_ptr_test();
+ bool_test();
+ expr2_test();
+ constant_expr_test();
+ expr_cmp_test();
+ char_short_test();
+ init_test();
+ compound_literal_test();
+ kr_test();
+ struct_assign_test();
+ cast_test();
+ bitfield_test();
+ c99_bool_test();
+ float_test();
+ longlong_test();
+ manyarg_test();
+ stdarg_test();
+ whitespace_test();
+ relocation_test();
+ old_style_function();
+ alloca_test();
+ sizeof_test();
+ typeof_test();
+ statement_expr_test();
+ local_label_test();
+ asm_test();
+ builtin_test();
+ return 0;
+int tab[3];
+int tab2[3][2];
+int g;
+void f1(g)
+ printf("g1=%d\n", g);
+void scope_test()
+ printf("scope:\n");
+ g = 2;
+ f1(1);
+ printf("g2=%d\n", g);
+ {
+ int g;
+ g = 3;
+ printf("g3=%d\n", g);
+ {
+ int g;
+ g = 4;
+ printf("g4=%d\n", g);
+ }
+ }
+ printf("g5=%d\n", g);
+void array_test(int a[4])
+ int i, j;
+ printf("array:\n");
+ printf("sizeof(a) = %d\n", sizeof(a));
+ printf("sizeof(\"a\") = %d\n", sizeof("a"));
+#ifdef C99_MACROS
+ printf("sizeof(__func__) = %d\n", sizeof(__func__));
+ printf("sizeof tab %d\n", sizeof(tab));
+ printf("sizeof tab2 %d\n", sizeof tab2);
+ tab[0] = 1;
+ tab[1] = 2;
+ tab[2] = 3;
+ printf("%d %d %d\n", tab[0], tab[1], tab[2]);
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+ for(j=0;j<2;j++)
+ tab2[i][j] = 10 * i + j;
+ for(i=0;i<3*2;i++) {
+ printf(" %3d", ((int *)tab2)[i]);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+void expr_test()
+ int a, b;
+ a = 0;
+ printf("%d\n", a += 1);
+ printf("%d\n", a -= 2);
+ printf("%d\n", a *= 31232132);
+ printf("%d\n", a /= 4);
+ printf("%d\n", a %= 20);
+ printf("%d\n", a &= 6);
+ printf("%d\n", a ^= 7);
+ printf("%d\n", a |= 8);
+ printf("%d\n", a >>= 3);
+ printf("%d\n", a <<= 4);
+ a = 22321;
+ b = -22321;
+ printf("%d\n", a + 1);
+ printf("%d\n", a - 2);
+ printf("%d\n", a * 312);
+ printf("%d\n", a / 4);
+ printf("%d\n", b / 4);
+ printf("%d\n", (unsigned)b / 4);
+ printf("%d\n", a % 20);
+ printf("%d\n", b % 20);
+ printf("%d\n", (unsigned)b % 20);
+ printf("%d\n", a & 6);
+ printf("%d\n", a ^ 7);
+ printf("%d\n", a | 8);
+ printf("%d\n", a >> 3);
+ printf("%d\n", b >> 3);
+ printf("%d\n", (unsigned)b >> 3);
+ printf("%d\n", a << 4);
+ printf("%d\n", ~a);
+ printf("%d\n", -a);
+ printf("%d\n", +a);
+ printf("%d\n", 12 + 1);
+ printf("%d\n", 12 - 2);
+ printf("%d\n", 12 * 312);
+ printf("%d\n", 12 / 4);
+ printf("%d\n", 12 % 20);
+ printf("%d\n", 12 & 6);
+ printf("%d\n", 12 ^ 7);
+ printf("%d\n", 12 | 8);
+ printf("%d\n", 12 >> 2);
+ printf("%d\n", 12 << 4);
+ printf("%d\n", ~12);
+ printf("%d\n", -12);
+ printf("%d\n", +12);
+ printf("%d %d %d %d\n",
+ isid('a'),
+ isid('g'),
+ isid('T'),
+ isid('('));
+int isid(int c)
+ return (c >= 'a' & c <= 'z') | (c >= 'A' & c <= 'Z') | c == '_';
+int vstack[10], *vstack_ptr;
+void vpush(int vt, int vc)
+ *vstack_ptr++ = vt;
+ *vstack_ptr++ = vc;
+void vpop(int *ft, int *fc)
+ *fc = *--vstack_ptr;
+ *ft = *--vstack_ptr;
+void expr2_test()
+ int a, b;
+ printf("expr2:\n");
+ vstack_ptr = vstack;
+ vpush(1432432, 2);
+ vstack_ptr[-2] &= ~0xffffff80;
+ vpop(&a, &b);
+ printf("res= %d %d\n", a, b);
+void constant_expr_test()
+ int a;
+ printf("constant_expr:\n");
+ a = 3;
+ printf("%d\n", a * 16);
+ printf("%d\n", a * 1);
+ printf("%d\n", a + 0);
+int tab4[10];
+void expr_ptr_test()
+ int *p, *q;
+ int i = -1;
+ printf("expr_ptr:\n");
+ p = tab4;
+ q = tab4 + 10;
+ printf("diff=%d\n", q - p);
+ p++;
+ printf("inc=%d\n", p - tab4);
+ p--;
+ printf("dec=%d\n", p - tab4);
+ ++p;
+ printf("inc=%d\n", p - tab4);
+ --p;
+ printf("dec=%d\n", p - tab4);
+ printf("add=%d\n", p + 3 - tab4);
+ printf("add=%d\n", 3 + p - tab4);
+ /* check if 64bit support is ok */
+ q = p = 0;
+ q += i;
+ printf("%p %p %ld\n", q, p, p-q);
+ printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
+ p == q, p != q, p < q, p <= q, p >= q, p > q);
+ i = 0xf0000000;
+ p += i;
+ printf("%p %p %ld\n", q, p, p-q);
+ printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
+ p == q, p != q, p < q, p <= q, p >= q, p > q);
+ p = (int *)((char *)p + 0xf0000000);
+ printf("%p %p %ld\n", q, p, p-q);
+ printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
+ p == q, p != q, p < q, p <= q, p >= q, p > q);
+ p += 0xf0000000;
+ printf("%p %p %ld\n", q, p, p-q);
+ printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
+ p == q, p != q, p < q, p <= q, p >= q, p > q);
+ {
+ struct size12 {
+ int i, j, k;
+ };
+ struct size12 s[2], *sp = s;
+ int i, j;
+ sp->i = 42;
+ sp++;
+ j = -1;
+ printf("%d\n", sp[j].i);
+ }
+void expr_cmp_test()
+ int a, b;
+ printf("constant_expr:\n");
+ a = -1;
+ b = 1;
+ printf("%d\n", a == a);
+ printf("%d\n", a != a);
+ printf("%d\n", a < b);
+ printf("%d\n", a <= b);
+ printf("%d\n", a <= a);
+ printf("%d\n", b >= a);
+ printf("%d\n", a >= a);
+ printf("%d\n", b > a);
+ printf("%d\n", (unsigned)a < b);
+ printf("%d\n", (unsigned)a <= b);
+ printf("%d\n", (unsigned)a <= a);
+ printf("%d\n", (unsigned)b >= a);
+ printf("%d\n", (unsigned)a >= a);
+ printf("%d\n", (unsigned)b > a);
+struct empty {
+struct aligntest1 {
+ char a[10];
+struct aligntest2 {
+ int a;
+ char b[10];
+struct aligntest3 {
+ double a, b;
+struct aligntest4 {
+ double a[0];
+void struct_test()
+ struct1 *s;
+ union union2 u;
+ printf("struct:\n");
+ printf("sizes: %d %d %d %d\n",
+ sizeof(struct struct1),
+ sizeof(struct struct2),
+ sizeof(union union1),
+ sizeof(union union2));
+ st1.f1 = 1;
+ st1.f2 = 2;
+ st1.f3 = 3;
+ printf("st1: %d %d %d\n",
+ st1.f1, st1.f2, st1.f3);
+ st1.u.v1 = 1;
+ st1.u.v2 = 2;
+ printf("union1: %d\n", st1.u.v1);
+ u.w1 = 1;
+ u.w2 = 2;
+ printf("union2: %d\n", u.w1);
+ s = &st2;
+ s->f1 = 3;
+ s->f2 = 2;
+ s->f3 = 1;
+ printf("st2: %d %d %d\n",
+ s->f1, s->f2, s->f3);
+ printf("str_addr=%x\n", (int)st1.str - (int)&st1.f1);
+ /* align / size tests */
+ printf("aligntest1 sizeof=%d alignof=%d\n",
+ sizeof(struct aligntest1), __alignof__(struct aligntest1));
+ printf("aligntest2 sizeof=%d alignof=%d\n",
+ sizeof(struct aligntest2), __alignof__(struct aligntest2));
+ printf("aligntest3 sizeof=%d alignof=%d\n",
+ sizeof(struct aligntest3), __alignof__(struct aligntest3));
+ printf("aligntest4 sizeof=%d alignof=%d\n",
+ sizeof(struct aligntest4), __alignof__(struct aligntest4));
+ /* empty structures (GCC extension) */
+ printf("sizeof(struct empty) = %d\n", sizeof(struct empty));
+ printf("alignof(struct empty) = %d\n", __alignof__(struct empty));
+/* XXX: depend on endianness */
+void char_short_test()
+ int var1, var2;
+ printf("char_short:\n");
+ var1 = 0x01020304;
+ var2 = 0xfffefdfc;
+ printf("s8=%d %d\n",
+ *(char *)&var1, *(char *)&var2);
+ printf("u8=%d %d\n",
+ *(unsigned char *)&var1, *(unsigned char *)&var2);
+ printf("s16=%d %d\n",
+ *(short *)&var1, *(short *)&var2);
+ printf("u16=%d %d\n",
+ *(unsigned short *)&var1, *(unsigned short *)&var2);
+ printf("s32=%d %d\n",
+ *(int *)&var1, *(int *)&var2);
+ printf("u32=%d %d\n",
+ *(unsigned int *)&var1, *(unsigned int *)&var2);
+ *(char *)&var1 = 0x08;
+ printf("var1=%x\n", var1);
+ *(short *)&var1 = 0x0809;
+ printf("var1=%x\n", var1);
+ *(int *)&var1 = 0x08090a0b;
+ printf("var1=%x\n", var1);
+typedef struct Sym {
+ int v;
+ int t;
+ int c;
+ struct Sym *next;
+ struct Sym *prev;
+} Sym;
+#define ISLOWER(c) ('a' <= (c) && (c) <= 'z')
+#define TOUPPER(c) (ISLOWER(c) ? 'A' + ((c) - 'a') : (c))
+static int toupper1(int a)
+ return TOUPPER(a);
+void bool_test()
+ int *s, a, b, t, f, i;
+ a = 0;
+ s = (void*)0;
+ printf("!s=%d\n", !s);
+ if (!s || !s[0])
+ a = 1;
+ printf("a=%d\n", a);
+ printf("a=%d %d %d\n", 0 || 0, 0 || 1, 1 || 1);
+ printf("a=%d %d %d\n", 0 && 0, 0 && 1, 1 && 1);
+ printf("a=%d %d\n", 1 ? 1 : 0, 0 ? 1 : 0);
+#if 1 && 1
+ printf("a1\n");
+#if 1 || 0
+ printf("a2\n");
+#if 1 ? 0 : 1
+ printf("a3\n");
+#if 0 ? 0 : 1
+ printf("a4\n");
+ a = 4;
+ printf("b=%d\n", a + (0 ? 1 : a / 2));
+ /* test register spilling */
+ a = 10;
+ b = 10;
+ a = (a + b) * ((a < b) ?
+ ((b - a) * (a - b)): a + b);
+ printf("a=%d\n", a);
+ /* test complex || or && expressions */
+ t = 1;
+ f = 0;
+ a = 32;
+ printf("exp=%d\n", f == (32 <= a && a <= 3));
+ printf("r=%d\n", (t || f) + (t && f));
+ /* test ? : cast */
+ {
+ int aspect_on;
+ int aspect_native = 65536;
+ double bfu_aspect = 1.0;
+ int aspect;
+ for(aspect_on = 0; aspect_on < 2; aspect_on++) {
+ aspect=aspect_on?(aspect_native*bfu_aspect+0.5):65535UL;
+ printf("aspect=%d\n", aspect);
+ }
+ }
+ /* test ? : GCC extension */
+ {
+ static int v1 = 34 ? : -1; /* constant case */
+ static int v2 = 0 ? : -1; /* constant case */
+ int a = 30;
+ printf("%d %d\n", v1, v2);
+ printf("%d %d\n", a - 30 ? : a * 2, a + 1 ? : a * 2);
+ }
+ /* again complex expression */
+ for(i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (toupper1 (i) != TOUPPER (i))
+ printf("error %d\n", i);
+ }
+/* GCC accepts that */
+static int tab_reinit[];
+static int tab_reinit[10];
+//int cinit1; /* a global variable can be defined several times without error ! */
+int cinit1;
+int cinit1;
+int cinit1 = 0;
+int *cinit2 = (int []){3, 2, 1};
+void compound_literal_test(void)
+ int *p, i;
+ char *q, *q3;
+ printf("compound_test:\n");
+ p = (int []){1, 2, 3};
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+ printf(" %d", p[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+ printf("%d", cinit2[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+ q = "tralala1";
+ printf("q1=%s\n", q);
+ q = (char *){ "tralala2" };
+ printf("q2=%s\n", q);
+ q3 = (char *){ q };
+ printf("q3=%s\n", q3);
+ q = (char []){ "tralala3" };
+ printf("q4=%s\n", q);
+#ifdef ALL_ISOC99
+ p = (int []){1, 2, cinit1 + 3};
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+ printf(" %d", p[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
+ p = (int []){1, 2, 4 + i};
+ printf("%d %d %d\n",
+ p[0],
+ p[1],
+ p[2]);
+ }
+/* K & R protos */
+kr_func1(a, b)
+ return a + b;
+int kr_func2(a, b)
+ return a + b;
+ printf("kr_test:\n");
+ printf("func1=%d\n", kr_func1(3, 4));
+ printf("func2=%d\n", kr_func2(3, 4));
+ return 0;
+void num(int n)
+ char *tab, *p;
+ tab = (char*)malloc(20);
+ p = tab;
+ while (1) {
+ *p = 48 + (n % 10);
+ p++;
+ n = n / 10;
+ if (n == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ while (p != tab) {
+ p--;
+ printf("%c", *p);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+/* structure assignment tests */
+struct structa1 {
+ int f1;
+ char f2;
+struct structa1 ssta1;
+void struct_assign_test1(struct structa1 s1, int t)
+ printf("%d %d %d\n", s1.f1, s1.f2, t);
+struct structa1 struct_assign_test2(struct structa1 s1, int t)
+ s1.f1 += t;
+ s1.f2 -= t;
+ return s1;
+void struct_assign_test(void)
+ struct structa1 lsta1, lsta2;
+#if 0
+ printf("struct_assign_test:\n");
+ lsta1.f1 = 1;
+ lsta1.f2 = 2;
+ printf("%d %d\n", lsta1.f1, lsta1.f2);
+ lsta2 = lsta1;
+ printf("%d %d\n", lsta2.f1, lsta2.f2);
+ lsta2.f1 = 1;
+ lsta2.f2 = 2;
+ struct_assign_test1(lsta2, 3);
+ printf("before call: %d %d\n", lsta2.f1, lsta2.f2);
+ lsta2 = struct_assign_test2(lsta2, 4);
+ printf("after call: %d %d\n", lsta2.f1, lsta2.f2);
+/* casts to short/char */
+void cast1(char a, short b, unsigned char c, unsigned short d)
+ printf("%d %d %d %d\n", a, b, c, d);
+char bcast;
+short scast;
+void cast_test()
+ int a;
+ char c;
+ char tab[10];
+ unsigned b,d;
+ short s;
+ char *p = NULL;
+ p -= 0x700000000042;
+ printf("cast_test:\n");
+ a = 0xfffff;
+ cast1(a, a, a, a);
+ a = 0xffffe;
+ printf("%d %d %d %d\n",
+ (char)(a + 1),
+ (short)(a + 1),
+ (unsigned char)(a + 1),
+ (unsigned short)(a + 1));
+ printf("%d %d %d %d\n",
+ (char)0xfffff,
+ (short)0xfffff,
+ (unsigned char)0xfffff,
+ (unsigned short)0xfffff);
+ a = (bcast = 128) + 1;
+ printf("%d\n", a);
+ a = (scast = 65536) + 1;
+ printf("%d\n", a);
+ printf("sizeof(c) = %d, sizeof((int)c) = %d\n", sizeof(c), sizeof((int)c));
+ /* test cast from unsigned to signed short to int */
+ b = 0xf000;
+ d = (short)b;
+ printf("((unsigned)(short)0x%08x) = 0x%08x\n", b, d);
+ b = 0xf0f0;
+ d = (char)b;
+ printf("((unsigned)(char)0x%08x) = 0x%08x\n", b, d);
+ /* test implicit int casting for array accesses */
+ c = 0;
+ tab[1] = 2;
+ tab[c] = 1;
+ printf("%d %d\n", tab[0], tab[1]);
+ /* test implicit casting on some operators */
+ printf("sizeof(+(char)'a') = %d\n", sizeof(+(char)'a'));
+ printf("sizeof(-(char)'a') = %d\n", sizeof(-(char)'a'));
+ printf("sizeof(~(char)'a') = %d\n", sizeof(-(char)'a'));
+ /* from pointer to integer types */
+ printf("%d %d %ld %ld %lld %lld\n",
+ (int)p, (unsigned int)p,
+ (long)p, (unsigned long)p,
+ (long long)p, (unsigned long long)p);
+ /* from integers to pointers */
+ printf("%p %p %p %p\n",
+ (void *)a, (void *)b, (void *)c, (void *)d);
+/* initializers tests */
+struct structinit1 {
+ int f1;
+ char f2;
+ short f3;
+ int farray[3];
+int sinit1 = 2;
+int sinit2 = { 3 };
+int sinit3[3] = { 1, 2, {{3}}, };
+int sinit4[3][2] = { {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6} };
+int sinit5[3][2] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
+int sinit6[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+int sinit7[] = { [2] = 3, [0] = 1, 2 };
+char sinit8[] = "hello" "trala";
+struct structinit1 sinit9 = { 1, 2, 3 };
+struct structinit1 sinit10 = { .f2 = 2, 3, .f1 = 1 };
+struct structinit1 sinit11 = { .f2 = 2, 3, .f1 = 1,
+#ifdef ALL_ISOC99
+ .farray[0] = 10,
+ .farray[1] = 11,
+ .farray[2] = 12,
+char *sinit12 = "hello world";
+char *sinit13[] = {
+ "test1",
+ "test2",
+ "test3",
+char sinit14[10] = { "abc" };
+int sinit15[3] = { sizeof(sinit15), 1, 2 };
+struct { int a[3], b; } sinit16[] = { { 1 }, 2 };
+struct bar {
+ char *s;
+ int len;
+} sinit17[] = {
+ "a1", 4,
+ "a2", 1
+int sinit18[10] = {
+ [2 ... 5] = 20,
+ 2,
+ [8] = 10,
+void init_test(void)
+ int linit1 = 2;
+ int linit2 = { 3 };
+ int linit4[3][2] = { {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6} };
+ int linit6[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ int i, j;
+ char linit8[] = "hello" "trala";
+ int linit12[10] = { 1, 2 };
+ int linit13[10] = { 1, 2, [7] = 3, [3] = 4, };
+ char linit14[10] = "abc";
+ int linit15[10] = { linit1, linit1 + 1, [6] = linit1 + 2, };
+ struct linit16 { int a1, a2, a3, a4; } linit16 = { 1, .a3 = 2 };
+ int linit17 = sizeof(linit17);
+ printf("init_test:\n");
+ printf("sinit1=%d\n", sinit1);
+ printf("sinit2=%d\n", sinit2);
+ printf("sinit3=%d %d %d %d\n",
+ sizeof(sinit3),
+ sinit3[0],
+ sinit3[1],
+ sinit3[2]
+ );
+ printf("sinit6=%d\n", sizeof(sinit6));
+ printf("sinit7=%d %d %d %d\n",
+ sizeof(sinit7),
+ sinit7[0],
+ sinit7[1],
+ sinit7[2]
+ );
+ printf("sinit8=%s\n", sinit8);
+ printf("sinit9=%d %d %d\n",
+ sinit9.f1,
+ sinit9.f2,
+ sinit9.f3
+ );
+ printf("sinit10=%d %d %d\n",
+ sinit10.f1,
+ sinit10.f2,
+ sinit10.f3
+ );
+ printf("sinit11=%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
+ sinit11.f1,
+ sinit11.f2,
+ sinit11.f3,
+ sinit11.farray[0],
+ sinit11.farray[1],
+ sinit11.farray[2]
+ );
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+ for(j=0;j<2;j++)
+ printf("[%d][%d] = %d %d %d\n",
+ i, j, sinit4[i][j], sinit5[i][j], linit4[i][j]);
+ printf("linit1=%d\n", linit1);
+ printf("linit2=%d\n", linit2);
+ printf("linit6=%d\n", sizeof(linit6));
+ printf("linit8=%d %s\n", sizeof(linit8), linit8);
+ printf("sinit12=%s\n", sinit12);
+ printf("sinit13=%d %s %s %s\n",
+ sizeof(sinit13),
+ sinit13[0],
+ sinit13[1],
+ sinit13[2]);
+ printf("sinit14=%s\n", sinit14);
+ for(i=0;i<10;i++) printf(" %d", linit12[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+ for(i=0;i<10;i++) printf(" %d", linit13[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+ for(i=0;i<10;i++) printf(" %d", linit14[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+ for(i=0;i<10;i++) printf(" %d", linit15[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("%d %d %d %d\n",
+ linit16.a1,
+ linit16.a2,
+ linit16.a3,
+ linit16.a4);
+ /* test that initialisation is done after variable declare */
+ printf("linit17=%d\n", linit17);
+ printf("sinit15=%d\n", sinit15[0]);
+ printf("sinit16=%d %d\n", sinit16[0].a[0], sinit16[1].a[0]);
+ printf("sinit17=%s %d %s %d\n",
+ sinit17[0].s, sinit17[0].len,
+ sinit17[1].s, sinit17[1].len);
+ for(i=0;i<10;i++)
+ printf("%x ", sinit18[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+void switch_test()
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<15;i++) {
+ switch(i) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ printf("a");
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("%d", i);
+ break;
+ case 8 ... 12:
+ printf("c");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ printf("b");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+/* ISOC99 _Bool type */
+void c99_bool_test(void)
+#ifdef BOOL_ISOC99
+ int a;
+ _Bool b;
+ printf("bool_test:\n");
+ printf("sizeof(_Bool) = %d\n", sizeof(_Bool));
+ a = 3;
+ printf("cast: %d %d %d\n", (_Bool)10, (_Bool)0, (_Bool)a);
+ b = 3;
+ printf("b = %d\n", b);
+ b++;
+ printf("b = %d\n", b);
+void bitfield_test(void)
+ int a;
+ struct sbf1 {
+ int f1 : 3;
+ int : 2;
+ int f2 : 1;
+ int : 0;
+ int f3 : 5;
+ int f4 : 7;
+ unsigned int f5 : 7;
+ } st1;
+ printf("bitfield_test:");
+ printf("sizeof(st1) = %d\n", sizeof(st1));
+ st1.f1 = 3;
+ st1.f2 = 1;
+ st1.f3 = 15;
+ a = 120;
+ st1.f4 = a;
+ st1.f5 = a;
+ st1.f5++;
+ printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n",
+ st1.f1, st1.f2, st1.f3, st1.f4, st1.f5);
+ st1.f1 = 7;
+ if (st1.f1 == -1)
+ printf("st1.f1 == -1\n");
+ else
+ printf("st1.f1 != -1\n");
+ if (st1.f2 == -1)
+ printf("st1.f2 == -1\n");
+ else
+ printf("st1.f2 != -1\n");
+ /* bit sizes below must be bigger than 32 since GCC doesn't allow
+ long-long bitfields whose size is not bigger than int */
+ struct sbf2 {
+ long long f1 : 45;
+ long long : 2;
+ long long f2 : 35;
+ unsigned long long f3 : 38;
+ } st2;
+ st2.f1 = 0x123456789ULL;
+ a = 120;
+ st2.f2 = (long long)a << 25;
+ st2.f3 = a;
+ st2.f2++;
+ printf("%lld %lld %lld\n", st2.f1, st2.f2, st2.f3);
+#ifdef __x86_64__
+#define FLOAT_FMT "%f\n"
+/* x86's float isn't compatible with GCC */
+#define FLOAT_FMT "%.5f\n"
+/* declare strto* functions as they are C99 */
+double strtod(const char *nptr, char **endptr);
+float strtof(const char *nptr, char **endptr);
+long double strtold(const char *nptr, char **endptr);
+#define FTEST(prefix, type, fmt)\
+void prefix ## cmp(type a, type b)\
+ printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",\
+ a == b,\
+ a != b,\
+ a < b,\
+ a > b,\
+ a >= b,\
+ a <= b);\
+ printf(fmt " " fmt " " fmt " " fmt " " fmt " " fmt " " fmt "\n",\
+ a,\
+ b,\
+ a + b,\
+ a - b,\
+ a * b,\
+ a / b,\
+ -a);\
+ printf(fmt "\n", ++a);\
+ printf(fmt "\n", a++);\
+ printf(fmt "\n", a);\
+ b = 0;\
+ printf("%d %d\n", !a, !b);\
+void prefix ## fcast(type a)\
+ float fa;\
+ double da;\
+ long double la;\
+ int ia;\
+ unsigned int ua;\
+ type b;\
+ fa = a;\
+ da = a;\
+ la = a;\
+ printf("ftof: %f %f %Lf\n", fa, da, la);\
+ ia = (int)a;\
+ ua = (unsigned int)a;\
+ printf("ftoi: %d %u\n", ia, ua);\
+ ia = -1234;\
+ ua = 0x81234500;\
+ b = ia;\
+ printf("itof: " fmt "\n", b);\
+ b = ua;\
+ printf("utof: " fmt "\n", b);\
+float prefix ## retf(type a) { return a; }\
+double prefix ## retd(type a) { return a; }\
+long double prefix ## retld(type a) { return a; }\
+void prefix ## call(void)\
+ printf("float: " FLOAT_FMT, prefix ## retf(42.123456789));\
+ printf("double: %f\n", prefix ## retd(42.123456789));\
+ printf("long double: %Lf\n", prefix ## retld(42.123456789));\
+ printf("strto%s: %f\n", #prefix, (double)strto ## prefix("1.2", NULL));\
+void prefix ## test(void)\
+ printf("testing '%s'\n", #type);\
+ prefix ## cmp(1, 2.5);\
+ prefix ## cmp(2, 1.5);\
+ prefix ## cmp(1, 1);\
+ prefix ## fcast(234.6);\
+ prefix ## fcast(-2334.6);\
+ prefix ## call();\
+FTEST(f, float, "%f")
+FTEST(d, double, "%f")
+FTEST(ld, long double, "%Lf")
+double ftab1[3] = { 1.2, 3.4, -5.6 };
+void float_test(void)
+ float fa, fb;
+ double da, db;
+ int a;
+ unsigned int b;
+ printf("float_test:\n");
+ printf("sizeof(float) = %d\n", sizeof(float));
+ printf("sizeof(double) = %d\n", sizeof(double));
+ printf("sizeof(long double) = %d\n", sizeof(long double));
+ ftest();
+ dtest();
+ ldtest();
+ printf("%f %f %f\n", ftab1[0], ftab1[1], ftab1[2]);
+ printf("%f %f %f\n", 2.12, .5, 2.3e10);
+ // printf("%f %f %f\n", 0x1234p12, 0x1e23.23p10, 0x12dp-10);
+ da = 123;
+ printf("da=%f\n", da);
+ fa = 123;
+ printf("fa=%f\n", fa);
+ a = 4000000000;
+ da = a;
+ printf("da = %f\n", da);
+ b = 4000000000;
+ db = b;
+ printf("db = %f\n", db);
+int fib(int n)
+ if (n <= 2)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
+void funcptr_test()
+ void (*func)(int);
+ int a;
+ struct {
+ int dummy;
+ void (*func)(int);
+ } st1;
+ printf("funcptr:\n");
+ func = &num;
+ (*func)(12345);
+ func = num;
+ a = 1;
+ a = 1;
+ func(12345);
+ /* more complicated pointer computation */
+ st1.func = num;
+ st1.func(12346);
+ printf("sizeof1 = %d\n", sizeof(funcptr_test));
+ printf("sizeof2 = %d\n", sizeof funcptr_test);
+ printf("sizeof3 = %d\n", sizeof(&funcptr_test));
+ printf("sizeof4 = %d\n", sizeof &funcptr_test);
+void lloptest(long long a, long long b)
+ unsigned long long ua, ub;
+ ua = a;
+ ub = b;
+ /* arith */
+ printf("arith: %Ld %Ld %Ld\n",
+ a + b,
+ a - b,
+ a * b);
+ if (b != 0) {
+ printf("arith1: %Ld %Ld\n",
+ a / b,
+ a % b);
+ }
+ /* binary */
+ printf("bin: %Ld %Ld %Ld\n",
+ a & b,
+ a | b,
+ a ^ b);
+ /* tests */
+ printf("test: %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
+ a == b,
+ a != b,
+ a < b,
+ a > b,
+ a >= b,
+ a <= b);
+ printf("utest: %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
+ ua == ub,
+ ua != ub,
+ ua < ub,
+ ua > ub,
+ ua >= ub,
+ ua <= ub);
+ /* arith2 */
+ a++;
+ b++;
+ printf("arith2: %Ld %Ld\n", a, b);
+ printf("arith2: %Ld %Ld\n", a++, b++);
+ printf("arith2: %Ld %Ld\n", --a, --b);
+ printf("arith2: %Ld %Ld\n", a, b);
+ b = ub = 0;
+ printf("not: %d %d %d %d\n", !a, !ua, !b, !ub);
+void llshift(long long a, int b)
+ printf("shift: %Ld %Ld %Ld\n",
+ (unsigned long long)a >> b,
+ a >> b,
+ a << b);
+ printf("shiftc: %Ld %Ld %Ld\n",
+ (unsigned long long)a >> 3,
+ a >> 3,
+ a << 3);
+ printf("shiftc: %Ld %Ld %Ld\n",
+ (unsigned long long)a >> 35,
+ a >> 35,
+ a << 35);
+void llfloat(void)
+ float fa;
+ double da;
+ long double lda;
+ long long la, lb, lc;
+ unsigned long long ula, ulb, ulc;
+ la = 0x12345678;
+ ula = 0x72345678;
+ la = (la << 20) | 0x12345;
+ ula = ula << 33;
+ printf("la=%Ld ula=%Lu\n", la, ula);
+ fa = la;
+ da = la;
+ lda = la;
+ printf("lltof: %f %f %Lf\n", fa, da, lda);
+ la = fa;
+ lb = da;
+ lc = lda;
+ printf("ftoll: %Ld %Ld %Ld\n", la, lb, lc);
+ fa = ula;
+ da = ula;
+ lda = ula;
+ printf("ulltof: %f %f %Lf\n", fa, da, lda);
+ ula = fa;
+ ulb = da;
+ ulc = lda;
+ printf("ftoull: %Lu %Lu %Lu\n", ula, ulb, ulc);
+long long llfunc1(int a)
+ return a * 2;
+struct S {
+ int id;
+ char item;
+long long int value(struct S *v)
+ return ((long long int)v->item);
+void longlong_test(void)
+ long long a, b, c;
+ int ia;
+ unsigned int ua;
+ printf("longlong_test:\n");
+ printf("sizeof(long long) = %d\n", sizeof(long long));
+ ia = -1;
+ ua = -2;
+ a = ia;
+ b = ua;
+ printf("%Ld %Ld\n", a, b);
+ printf("%Ld %Ld %Ld %Lx\n",
+ (long long)1,
+ (long long)-2,
+ 1LL,
+ 0x1234567812345679);
+ a = llfunc1(-3);
+ printf("%Ld\n", a);
+ lloptest(1000, 23);
+ lloptest(0xff, 0x1234);
+ b = 0x72345678 << 10;
+ lloptest(-3, b);
+ llshift(0x123, 5);
+ llshift(-23, 5);
+ b = 0x72345678LL << 10;
+ llshift(b, 47);
+ llfloat();
+#if 1
+ b = 0x12345678;
+ a = -1;
+ c = a + b;
+ printf("%Lx\n", c);
+ /* long long reg spill test */
+ {
+ struct S a;
+ a.item = 3;
+ printf("%lld\n", value(&a));
+ }
+ lloptest(0x80000000, 0);
+ /* another long long spill test */
+ {
+ long long *p, v;
+ v = 1;
+ p = &v;
+ p[0]++;
+ printf("%lld\n", *p);
+ }
+ a = 68719476720LL;
+ b = 4294967295LL;
+ printf("%d %d %d %d\n", a > b, a < b, a >= b, a <= b);
+ printf("%Ld\n", 0x123456789LLU);
+void manyarg_test(void)
+ long double ld = 1234567891234LL;
+ printf("manyarg_test:\n");
+ printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+ 0.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6, 6.7, 7.8, 8.9, 9.0);
+ printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f "
+ "%Ld %Ld %f %f\n",
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+ 0.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6, 6.7, 7.8, 8.9, 9.0,
+ 1234567891234LL, 987654321986LL,
+ 42.0, 43.0);
+ printf("%Lf %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f "
+ "%Ld %Ld %f %f\n",
+ ld, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+ 0.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6, 6.7, 7.8, 8.9, 9.0,
+ 1234567891234LL, 987654321986LL,
+ 42.0, 43.0);
+ /* XXX: known bug of x86-64 */
+#ifndef __x86_64__
+ printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %Lf\n",
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ld);
+ printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f "
+ "%Ld %Ld %f %f %Lf\n",
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+ 0.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6, 6.7, 7.8, 8.9, 9.0,
+ 1234567891234LL, 987654321986LL,
+ 42.0, 43.0, ld);
+ printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f "
+ "%Lf %Ld %Ld %f %f %Lf\n",
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+ 0.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6, 6.7, 7.8, 8.9, 9.0,
+ ld, 1234567891234LL, 987654321986LL,
+ 42.0, 43.0, ld);
+void vprintf1(const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ const char *p;
+ int c, i;
+ double d;
+ long long ll;
+ long double ld;
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ p = fmt;
+ for(;;) {
+ c = *p;
+ if (c == '\0')
+ break;
+ p++;
+ if (c == '%') {
+ c = *p;
+ switch(c) {
+ case '\0':
+ goto the_end;
+ case 'd':
+ i = va_arg(ap, int);
+ printf("%d", i);
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ d = va_arg(ap, double);
+ printf("%f", d);
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ ll = va_arg(ap, long long);
+ printf("%Ld", ll);
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ ld = va_arg(ap, long double);
+ printf("%Lf", ld);
+ break;
+ }
+ p++;
+ } else {
+ putchar(c);
+ }
+ }
+ the_end:
+ va_end(ap);
+void stdarg_test(void)
+ long double ld = 1234567891234LL;
+ vprintf1("%d %d %d\n", 1, 2, 3);
+ vprintf1("%f %d %f\n", 1.0, 2, 3.0);
+ vprintf1("%l %l %d %f\n", 1234567891234LL, 987654321986LL, 3, 1234.0);
+ vprintf1("%F %F %F\n", 1.2L, 2.3L, 3.4L);
+#ifdef __x86_64__
+ /* a bug of x86's TCC */
+ vprintf1("%d %f %l %F %d %f %l %F\n",
+ 1, 1.2, 3L, 4.5L, 6, 7.8, 9L, 0.1L);
+ vprintf1("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+ 0.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6, 6.7, 7.8);
+ vprintf1("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+ 0.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6, 6.7, 7.8, 8.9, 9.0);
+ vprintf1("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f "
+ "%l %l %f %f\n",
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+ 0.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6, 6.7, 7.8, 8.9, 9.0,
+ 1234567891234LL, 987654321986LL,
+ 42.0, 43.0);
+ vprintf1("%F %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f "
+ "%l %l %f %f\n",
+ ld, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+ 0.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6, 6.7, 7.8, 8.9, 9.0,
+ 1234567891234LL, 987654321986LL,
+ 42.0, 43.0);
+ vprintf1("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %F\n",
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ld);
+ vprintf1("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f "
+ "%l %l %f %f %F\n",
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+ 0.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6, 6.7, 7.8, 8.9, 9.0,
+ 1234567891234LL, 987654321986LL,
+ 42.0, 43.0, ld);
+ vprintf1("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f "
+ "%F %l %l %f %f %F\n",
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+ 0.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6, 6.7, 7.8, 8.9, 9.0,
+ ld, 1234567891234LL, 987654321986LL,
+ 42.0, 43.0, ld);
+void whitespace_test(void)
+ char *str;
+ #if 1
+ pri\
+ pf("N=%d\n", 2);
+ pri\
+ntf("aaa=%d\n", 3);
+ pri\
+ntf("min=%d\n", 4);
+ printf("len1=%d\n", strlen("
+ str = "
+ printf("len1=%d str[0]=%d\n", strlen(str), str[0]);
+ printf("len1=%d\n", strlen(" a
+#endif /* ACCEPT_CR_IN_STRINGS */
+int reltab[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+int *rel1 = &reltab[1];
+int *rel2 = &reltab[2];
+void relocation_test(void)
+ printf("*rel1=%d\n", *rel1);
+ printf("*rel2=%d\n", *rel2);
+void old_style_f(a,b,c)
+ int a, b;
+ double c;
+ printf("a=%d b=%d b=%f\n", a, b, c);
+void decl_func1(int cmpfn())
+ printf("cmpfn=%lx\n", (long)cmpfn);
+void decl_func2(cmpfn)
+int cmpfn();
+ printf("cmpfn=%lx\n", (long)cmpfn);
+void old_style_function(void)
+ old_style_f((void *)1, 2, 3.0);
+ decl_func1(NULL);
+ decl_func2(NULL);
+void alloca_test()
+#if defined __i386__ || defined __x86_64__
+ char *p = alloca(16);
+ strcpy(p,"123456789012345");
+ printf("alloca: p is %s\n", p);
+ char *demo = "This is only a test.\n";
+ /* Test alloca embedded in a larger expression */
+ printf("alloca: %s\n", strcpy(alloca(strlen(demo)+1),demo) );
+void sizeof_test(void)
+ int a;
+ int **ptr;
+ printf("sizeof(int) = %d\n", sizeof(int));
+ printf("sizeof(unsigned int) = %d\n", sizeof(unsigned int));
+ printf("sizeof(long) = %d\n", sizeof(long));
+ printf("sizeof(unsigned long) = %d\n", sizeof(unsigned long));
+ printf("sizeof(short) = %d\n", sizeof(short));
+ printf("sizeof(unsigned short) = %d\n", sizeof(unsigned short));
+ printf("sizeof(char) = %d\n", sizeof(char));
+ printf("sizeof(unsigned char) = %d\n", sizeof(unsigned char));
+ printf("sizeof(func) = %d\n", sizeof sizeof_test());
+ a = 1;
+ printf("sizeof(a++) = %d\n", sizeof a++);
+ printf("a=%d\n", a);
+ ptr = NULL;
+ printf("sizeof(**ptr) = %d\n", sizeof (**ptr));
+ /* some alignof tests */
+ printf("__alignof__(int) = %d\n", __alignof__(int));
+ printf("__alignof__(unsigned int) = %d\n", __alignof__(unsigned int));
+ printf("__alignof__(short) = %d\n", __alignof__(short));
+ printf("__alignof__(unsigned short) = %d\n", __alignof__(unsigned short));
+ printf("__alignof__(char) = %d\n", __alignof__(char));
+ printf("__alignof__(unsigned char) = %d\n", __alignof__(unsigned char));
+ printf("__alignof__(func) = %d\n", __alignof__ sizeof_test());
+void typeof_test(void)
+ double a;
+ typeof(a) b;
+ typeof(float) c;
+ a = 1.5;
+ b = 2.5;
+ c = 3.5;
+ printf("a=%f b=%f c=%f\n", a, b, c);
+void statement_expr_test(void)
+ int a, i;
+ a = 0;
+ for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
+ a += 1 +
+ ( { int b, j;
+ b = 0;
+ for(j=0;j<5;j++)
+ b += j; b;
+ } );
+ }
+ printf("a=%d\n", a);
+void local_label_test(void)
+ int a;
+ goto l1;
+ l2:
+ a = 1 + ({
+ __label__ l1, l2, l3, l4;
+ goto l1;
+ l4:
+ printf("aa1\n");
+ goto l3;
+ l2:
+ printf("aa3\n");
+ goto l4;
+ l1:
+ printf("aa2\n");
+ goto l2;
+ l3:;
+ 1;
+ });
+ printf("a=%d\n", a);
+ return;
+ l4:
+ printf("bb1\n");
+ goto l2;
+ l1:
+ printf("bb2\n");
+ goto l4;
+/* inline assembler test */
+#ifdef __i386__
+/* from linux kernel */
+static char * strncat1(char * dest,const char * src,size_t count)
+int d0, d1, d2, d3;
+__asm__ __volatile__(
+ "repne\n\t"
+ "scasb\n\t"
+ "decl %1\n\t"
+ "movl %8,%3\n"
+ "1:\tdecl %3\n\t"
+ "js 2f\n\t"
+ "lodsb\n\t"
+ "stosb\n\t"
+ "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
+ "jne 1b\n"
+ "2:\txorl %2,%2\n\t"
+ "stosb"
+ : "=&S" (d0), "=&D" (d1), "=&a" (d2), "=&c" (d3)
+ : "0" (src),"1" (dest),"2" (0),"3" (0xffffffff), "g" (count)
+ : "memory");
+return dest;
+static inline void * memcpy1(void * to, const void * from, size_t n)
+int d0, d1, d2;
+__asm__ __volatile__(
+ "rep ; movsl\n\t"
+ "testb $2,%b4\n\t"
+ "je 1f\n\t"
+ "movsw\n"
+ "1:\ttestb $1,%b4\n\t"
+ "je 2f\n\t"
+ "movsb\n"
+ "2:"
+ : "=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1), "=&S" (d2)
+ :"0" (n/4), "q" (n),"1" ((long) to),"2" ((long) from)
+ : "memory");
+return (to);
+static __inline__ void sigaddset1(unsigned int *set, int _sig)
+ __asm__("btsl %1,%0" : "=m"(*set) : "Ir"(_sig - 1) : "cc");
+static __inline__ void sigdelset1(unsigned int *set, int _sig)
+ asm("btrl %1,%0" : "=m"(*set) : "Ir"(_sig - 1) : "cc");
+static __inline__ __const__ unsigned int swab32(unsigned int x)
+ __asm__("xchgb %b0,%h0\n\t" /* swap lower bytes */
+ "rorl $16,%0\n\t" /* swap words */
+ "xchgb %b0,%h0" /* swap higher bytes */
+ :"=q" (x)
+ : "0" (x));
+ return x;
+static __inline__ unsigned long long mul64(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
+ unsigned long long res;
+ __asm__("mull %2" : "=A" (res) : "a" (a), "r" (b));
+ return res;
+static __inline__ unsigned long long inc64(unsigned long long a)
+ unsigned long long res;
+ __asm__("addl $1, %%eax ; adcl $0, %%edx" : "=A" (res) : "A" (a));
+ return res;
+unsigned int set;
+void asm_test(void)
+ char buf[128];
+ unsigned int val;
+ printf("inline asm:\n");
+ /* test the no operand case */
+ asm volatile ("xorl %eax, %eax");
+ memcpy1(buf, "hello", 6);
+ strncat1(buf, " worldXXXXX", 3);
+ printf("%s\n", buf);
+ /* 'A' constraint test */
+ printf("mul64=0x%Lx\n", mul64(0x12345678, 0xabcd1234));
+ printf("inc64=0x%Lx\n", inc64(0x12345678ffffffff));
+ set = 0xff;
+ sigdelset1(&set, 2);
+ sigaddset1(&set, 16);
+ /* NOTE: we test here if C labels are correctly restored after the
+ asm statement */
+ goto label1;
+ label2:
+ __asm__("btsl %1,%0" : "=m"(set) : "Ir"(20) : "cc");
+#ifdef __GNUC__ // works strange with GCC 4.3
+ set=0x1080fd;
+ printf("set=0x%x\n", set);
+ val = 0x01020304;
+ printf("swab32(0x%08x) = 0x%0x\n", val, swab32(val));
+ return;
+ label1:
+ goto label2;
+void asm_test(void)
+#define COMPAT_TYPE(type1, type2) \
+ printf("__builtin_types_compatible_p(%s, %s) = %d\n", #type1, #type2, \
+ __builtin_types_compatible_p (type1, type2));\
+int constant_p_var;
+void builtin_test(void)
+#if GCC_MAJOR >= 3
+ COMPAT_TYPE(int, int);
+ COMPAT_TYPE(int, unsigned int);
+ COMPAT_TYPE(int, char);
+ COMPAT_TYPE(int, const int);
+ COMPAT_TYPE(int, volatile int);
+ COMPAT_TYPE(int *, int *);
+ COMPAT_TYPE(int *, void *);
+ COMPAT_TYPE(int *, const int *);
+ COMPAT_TYPE(char *, unsigned char *);
+/* space is needed because tcc preprocessor introduces a space between each token */
+ COMPAT_TYPE(char * *, void *);
+ printf("res = %d\n", __builtin_constant_p(1));
+ printf("res = %d\n", __builtin_constant_p(1 + 2));
+ printf("res = %d\n", __builtin_constant_p(&constant_p_var));
+ printf("res = %d\n", __builtin_constant_p(constant_p_var));
+void const_func(const int a)
+void const_warn_test(void)
+ const_func(1);