# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # TcosMonitor version __VERSION__ # # Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Mario Izquierdo # # This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # # This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. import xmlrpclib from time import time, sleep import sys import tcosmonitor.shared from gettext import gettext as _ import socket from tcosmonitor.ping import PingPort # needed for __escape__ function import xml.sax.saxutils import traceback def print_debug(txt): if tcosmonitor.shared.debug: print >> sys.stderr, "%s::%s" % (__name__, txt) #print("%s::%s" % (__name__, txt), file=sys.stderr) def howmany(start, txt): print_debug ("howmany() Time to %s=%f" %(txt, (time() - start)) ) class TcosXmlRpc: def __init__(self, main): print_debug ( "__init__()" ) self.main=main self.ip=None self.version=None self.logged=False self.connected=False self.url=None self.tc=None self.lock=False self.sslconnection=False self.ports=[] self.resethosts() self.__dic__= { '\"' : '´´', '\'' : '´' } if self.main != None: self.cache_timeout=self.main.config.GetVar("cache_timeout") self.username=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username") self.password=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") if self.username == "" or self.password == "": # warn empty username and password if self.main.name == "TcosMonitor": self.main.common.threads_enter("TcosXmlRpc:__init__ no user or password") tcosmonitor.shared.error_msg( _("Username or password are empty,\nplease edit in preferences dialog!") ) self.main.common.threads_leave("TcosXmlRpc:__init__ no user or password") else: print_debug ( "running outside tcosmonitor" ) def resethosts(self): self.lasthost=None self.lastport=None self.laststandalone_ip=None self.aliveStatus=None self.isStandAlone=None def wait(self): """ wait (max 4 sec) for self.lock == True """ print_debug("############## wait() lock=%s #################"%self.lock) if not self.lock: return i=0 for i in range(40): print_debug("############## wait() i=%s ##############"%i) if not self.lock: return sleep(0.1) def isPortListening(self, ip, port, force=False): """ check if ip and port is live and running something (using sockets) """ if not ip: return False if not port: return False # this avoid to scan same ip a lot of times, but can give errors FIXME if not force and self.lasthost == ip and self.lastport == port and self.aliveStatus == "OPEN": print_debug("isPortListening() not scanning again, using lastip=%s lastport=%s OPEN" %(ip, port)) return True elif not force and self.lasthost == ip and self.lastport == port and self.aliveStatus == "CLOSED": print_debug("isPortListening() not scanning again, using lastip=%s lastport=%s CLOSED" %(ip, port)) return False self.aliveStatus=PingPort(ip,port).get_status() self.lastport=port #print_debug ( "isPortListening() PING PORT DONE status=%s" %(self.aliveStatus) ) if self.aliveStatus == "OPEN": print_debug ( "isPortListening(%s:%s) PinPort => OPEN" %(ip, port)) return True else: print_debug ( "isPortListening(%s:%s) PinPort => CLOSED" %(ip, port) ) return False def newhost(self, ip, nossl=False): #print_debug ( "newhost(%s)" %(ip) ) if not ip: print_debug("\n\n##########################################\n\n") print_debug("newhost() ip is None") print_debug("\n\n##########################################\n\n") if tcosmonitor.shared.debug: sys.exit(1) else: return self.ip=ip self.version=None self.logged=None cached = None force=False # this avoid to scan same ip a lot of times, but can give errors FIXME if self.lasthost == ip and self.connected: #print_debug("newhost() not scanning again, using lastip=%s lastport=%s SSL=%s" %(ip,self.lastport, self.sslconnection)) return True # change ip, force new if self.lasthost != ip: self.resethosts() self.lasthost=ip # reset SSL status too self.sslconnection=False self.connected=False self.lastport=tcosmonitor.shared.xmlremote_port #print_debug("newhost() enable_sslxmlrpc='%s'" %(self.main.config.GetVar("enable_sslxmlrpc")) ) if self.main.config.GetVar("enable_sslxmlrpc") == 1 and nossl == False: print_debug("newhost() SSL enabled, trying to ping %s port" %(tcosmonitor.shared.xmlremote_sslport)) force=True if self.isPortListening(ip, tcosmonitor.shared.xmlremote_sslport): print_debug("newhost() SSL enabled **********") self.sslconnection=True if not self.sslconnection: if not self.isPortListening(ip, tcosmonitor.shared.xmlremote_port, force): print_debug("newhost() SSL disabled, trying to ping %s port" %(tcosmonitor.shared.xmlremote_port)) self.connected=False self.sslconnection=False return False if self.main.config.GetVar("enable_sslxmlrpc") == 1 and self.sslconnection: self.url = 'https://%s:%d/RPC2' % (self.ip, tcosmonitor.shared.xmlremote_sslport) else: self.url = 'http://%s:%d/RPC2' % (self.ip, tcosmonitor.shared.xmlremote_port) try: # set min socket timeout to 2 secs socket.setdefaulttimeout(2) self.tc = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.url, verbose=False) self.connected=True # save socket default timeout socket.setdefaulttimeout(tcosmonitor.shared.socket_default_timeout) print_debug ( "newhost() tcosxmlrpc running on %s" %(self.url) ) print_debug( {'conected':self.connected, 'ssl':self.sslconnection, 'ip':self.lasthost, 'port':self.lastport} ) return True except Exception, err: print_debug("newhost() ERROR conection unavalaible !!! error: %s"%err) self.connected=False self.CheckSSL(err) return False def CheckSSL(self, err): txt="%s" %err if txt.find("SSL2_READ_INTERNAL") != -1 and txt.find("bad mac decode") != -1: print_debug("SSL BAD MAC DECODE... Deactivating ssl security layer over xmlrpc.") self.main.config.SetVar("enable_sslxmlrpc", 0) self.main.config.SaveToFile() self.main.xmlrpc.resethosts() return True def GetVersion(self): if not self.connected: print_debug ("GetVersion() Error, NO CONNECTION!!") return None if self.version != None: return self.version try: self.version=self.tc.tcos.version() return self.version except Exception, err: print_debug("GetVersion() Exception error %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) return None def Exe(self, cmd): """ Exe a command in thin client """ print_debug ("EXE() INIT, %s" %(cmd) ) if not self.connected: print_debug ("Exe() Error, NO CONNECTION!!") return None print_debug ("Exe(): user=\"%s\" pass=\"******\" " \ %(self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username") ) ) try: self.tc.tcos.exe(cmd, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password")) except Exception, err: print_debug("Exe() Exception error %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) def Kill(self, app): """ kill a running app in thin client """ print_debug ("Kill() INIT, %s" %(app) ) if not self.connected: print_debug ("Kill() Error, NO CONNECTION!!") return None try: self.tc.tcos.kill(app, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password")) except Exception, err: print_debug("Kill() Exception error %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) def GetStatus(self, cmd): """ get cmd and exec a xmlrpc request parse value, and return: 1 if running 0 if not running None if access denied """ if not self.connected: print_debug ("GetStatus() Error, NO CONNECTION!!") return None try: status=self._ParseResult( self.tc.tcos.status(cmd) ) except Exception, err: print_debug("GetStatus() Exception PARSER error %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) return False if status == "1": print_debug ("GetStatus() %s is running" %(cmd) ) return True else: print_debug ("GetStatus() %s is NOT running" %(cmd) ) return False def _ParseResult(self, txt): print_debug ( "_ParseResult(%s)" %(txt) ) if txt == None or txt == True or txt == False: return txt if txt.find("error") == 0: return None else: return txt def ReadInfo(self, string): """ server.tcos.info("cpu_model") """ if not self.connected: print_debug ( "ReadInfo() NO CONNECTION" ) return None try: result=self.tc.tcos.info(string) except Exception, err: print_debug ( "ReadInfo(%s): ERROR, can't connect to XMLRPC server!!! error %s" %(string, err) ) self.CheckSSL(err) return "" if result.find('error') == 0: print_debug ( "ReadInfo(%s): ERROR, result contains error string!!!" %string ) return "" else: return result def IsStandalone(self, ip=None): if not ip: print_debug("IsStandalone() WARNING using old IP: %s" %self.ip) else: self.newhost(ip) if not self.connected: print_debug("IsStandalone() NO CONNECTION") return False # use last data if self.laststandalone_ip == ip: return self.isStandAlone self.laststandalone_ip=ip if self.ReadInfo("get_client") == "standalone": print_debug("IsStandalone() ip=%s TRUE" %ip) self.isStandAlone=True return True print_debug("IsStandalone() ip=%s FALSE" %ip) self.isStandAlone=False return False def GetStandalone(self, item, ingroup=None): if item == "get_user": if not self.connected: print_debug ( "GetStandalone() NO CONNECTION" ) return tcosmonitor.shared.NO_LOGIN_MSG try: result=self.tc.tcos.standalone("get_user", "") except Exception, err: print_debug("GetStandalone(get_user) Exception error: %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) return tcosmonitor.shared.NO_LOGIN_MSG if result.find('error') == 0: return tcosmonitor.shared.NO_LOGIN_MSG elif result == "": return tcosmonitor.shared.NO_LOGIN_MSG else: return result elif item == "get_process": try: return self.tc.tcos.standalone("get_process", "") except Exception, err: print_debug("GetStandalone(get_process) Exception error: %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) return "" elif item == "get_server": nossl=self.main.config.GetVar("enable_sslxmlrpc") try: return self.tc.tcos.standalone("get_server", "%s" %nossl) except Exception, err: print_debug("GetStandalone(get_server) Exception error %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) return "" elif item == "get_time": try: return self.tc.tcos.standalone("get_time", "") except Exception, err: print_debug("GetStandalone(get_time) Exception error %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) return None elif item == "get_exclude": if not self.connected: print_debug ( "GetStandalone() NO CONNECTION" ) return False try: result=self.tc.tcos.standalone("get_exclude", "%s" %ingroup) if result.find('error') == 0 or result == "" or result == "noexclude": return False else: return True except Exception, err: print_debug("GetStandalone(get_exclude) Exception error %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) return False else: return "" def __escape__(self, txt): return xml.sax.saxutils.escape(txt, self.__dic__) def IsEnabled(self, item): if self.main.name in ["TcosVolumeManager", "TcosDevicesNG"]: user=self.main.xauth.get_cookie() passwd=self.main.xauth.get_hostname() if user == None: print_debug ( "IsEnabled() error loading cookie info" ) return False print_debug ( "IsEnabled() cookie=%s hostname=%s" %(user, passwd) ) else: user=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username") passwd=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") # connect to host if not self.connected: print_debug ( "IsEnabled() NO CONNECTION" ) return False try: result=self.tc.tcos.config("--get", item, user, passwd ) except Exception, err: print_debug("IsEnabled(--isenabled) Exception error: %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) return False if result.find('error') == 0: print_debug ( "IsEnabled(): ERROR, result contains error string!!!\n%s" %(result)) return False else: print_debug ( "IsEnabled(): result='%s'" %(result)) if result == "-1" or result == "0": return False return True def DBus(self, action, data): username=self.GetStandalone("get_user") remote_user=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username") remote_passwd=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") if action == "mess": data=self.__escape__( data ) cmd="--auth='%s:%s' --type=%s --text='%s' --username=%s" %(remote_user, remote_passwd, action, data, username ) print_debug ("DBus() cmd=%s" %(cmd) ) try: return self.tc.tcos.dbus(cmd, remote_user, remote_passwd) except Exception, err: print_debug("DBus Exception error %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) return None def GetSoundChannels(self): """ Exec soundctl.sh with some of these args --showcontrols ( return all mixer channels ) --getlevel CHANNEL ( return CHANNEL level xx% xx% left and right ) --setlevel CHANNEL xx% ( change and return CHANNEL level xx% xx% left and right ) --getmute CHANNEL ( return off if mute or on if unmute CHANNEL ) --setmute CHANNEL ( mute CHANNEL and return off if succesfull ) --setunmute CHANNEL ( unmute CHANNEL and return on if succesfull ) """ if self.main.name == "TcosVolumeManager": user=self.main.xauth.get_cookie() passwd=self.main.xauth.get_hostname() if user == None: print_debug ( "GetSoundChannels() error loading cookie info" ) return None print_debug ( "GetSoundChannels() cookie=%s hostname=%s" %(user, passwd) ) else: user=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username") passwd=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") if not self.connected: print_debug ( "GetSoundChannels() NO CONNECTION" ) return None try: result=self.tc.tcos.sound("--showcontrols", "", user, passwd ) except Exception, err: print_debug("GetSoundChannels(--showcontrols) Exception error: %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) return "" if result.find('error') == 0: print_debug ( "GetSoundChannels(): ERROR, result contains error string!!!\n%s" %(result)) #self.main.write_into_statusbar( "ERROR: %s" %(result) ) return "" else: number=len(result.split('|')) return result.split('|')[:number-1] def GetSoundChannelsContents(self): """ Exec soundctl.sh with some of these args --showcontents ( return all mixer channels ) """ if self.main.name == "TcosVolumeManager": user=self.main.xauth.get_cookie() passwd=self.main.xauth.get_hostname() if user == None: print_debug ( "GetSoundChannelsContents() error loading cookie info" ) return [] print_debug ( "GetSoundChannelsContents() cookie=%s hostname=%s" %(user, passwd) ) else: user=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username") passwd=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") if not self.connected: print_debug ( "GetSoundChannelsContents() NO CONNECTION" ) return [] try: result=self.tc.tcos.sound("--showcontents", "", user, passwd ) except Exception, err: print_debug("GetSoundChannelsContents(--showcontents) Exception error: %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) return [] if result.find('error') == 0: print_debug ( "GetSoundChannelsContents(): ERROR, result contains error string!!!\n%s" %(result)) #self.main.write_into_statusbar( "ERROR: %s" %(result) ) return [] else: channels=[] tmp=result.split('#') number=len(tmp) for i in range(len(tmp)): c=tmp[i].split(',') if len(c) != 4: print_debug("***NOT CHANNEL*** c=%s"%c) continue channels.append( {'name':c[0], 'type': c[1], 'level': c[2], 'mute': c[3]} ) return channels def GetSoundInfo(self, channel, mode="--getlevel"): """ mode = "--getlevel" mode = "--getmute" mode = "--getserverinfo" """ user=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username") passwd=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") if self.main.name == "TcosVolumeManager": user=self.main.xauth.get_cookie() passwd=self.main.xauth.get_hostname() if user == None: print_debug ( "GetSoundInfo() error loading cookie info" ) return None print_debug ( "GetSoundInfo() cookie=%s hostname=%s" %(user, passwd) ) if not self.connected: print_debug ( "GetSoundInfo() NO CONNECTION" ) return None try: result=self.tc.tcos.sound(mode, " \"%s\" " %(channel), user, passwd ) except Exception, err: print_debug("GetSoundInfo() Exception error: %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) return "" if result.find('error') == 0: print_debug ( "GetSoundInfo(): ERROR, result contains error string!!!\n%s" %(result)) return "" else: return result def SetSound(self, ip, channel, value, mode="--setlevel"): if channel == "": return {} if not self.connected: print_debug ( "SetSound() NO CONNECTION" ) return {} user=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username") passwd=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") if self.main.name == "TcosVolumeManager": user=self.main.xauth.get_cookie() passwd=self.main.xauth.get_hostname() if user == None: print_debug ( "SetSound() error loading cookie info" ) return {} print_debug ( "SetSound() cookie=%s hostname=%s" %(user, passwd) ) try: result=self.tc.tcos.sound(mode, " \"%s\" \"%s\" " %(channel,value), user, passwd) print_debug("SetSound() result=%s"%result) except Exception, err: print_debug("SetSound() Exception error: %s"%err) self.CheckSSL(err) return {} if result.find('error') == 0: print_debug ( "SetSound(): ERROR, result contains error string!!!\n%s" %(result)) #self.main.write_into_statusbar( "ERROR: %s" %(result) ) return {} else: c=result.split(',') if len(c) != 4: print_debug("***NOT CHANNEL*** c=%s"%c) return {} return {'name':c[0], 'type': c[1], 'level': c[2], 'mute': c[3]} def RestartSoundDaemon(self): """ Exec soundctl.sh --restartpulse ( return nothing ) """ if self.main.name == "TcosVolumeManager": user=self.main.xauth.get_cookie() passwd=self.main.xauth.get_hostname() if user == None: print_debug ( "RestartSoundDaemon() error loading cookie info" ) return [] print_debug ( "RestartSoundDaemon() cookie=%s hostname=%s" %(user, passwd) ) else: user=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username") passwd=self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") if not self.connected: print_debug ( "RestartSoundDaemon() NO CONNECTION" ) return [] try: result=self.tc.tcos.sound("--restartpulse", "", user, passwd ) except Exception, err: print_debug("RestartSoundDaemon (--restartpulse) Exception error: %s"%err) return [] if result.find('error') == 0: print_debug ( "RestartSoundDaemon(): ERROR, result contains error string!!!\n%s" %(result)) return def GetDevicesInfo(self, device, mode="--getsize"): if not self.connected: print_debug ( "GetDevicesInfo() NO CONNECTION" ) return None remote_hostname=self.main.xauth.get_hostname() xauth_cookie=self.main.xauth.get_cookie() if mode == "--getxdrivers": xauth_cookie="foo" if xauth_cookie == None: return "GetDevicesInfo error: xauth cookie don't match" # wait for other petitions self.wait() # lock process self.lock=True # don't fail if timeout try: result=self.tc.tcos.devices(mode, " \"%s\" " %(device), \ xauth_cookie, \ remote_hostname ) self.lock=False if "error" in result: print_debug ( "GetDevicesInfo(device=%s, mode=%s): ERROR, result contains error string!!!\n%s" %(device, mode, result)) return result except Exception, err: self.lock=False print_debug("GetDevicesInfo(device=%s, mode=%s) EXCEPTION getting info err=%s"%(device, mode, err) ) self.CheckSSL(err) return "" def lockscreen(self, ip=None): if ip: self.newhost(ip) if self.isPortListening(self.ip, self.lastport): try: self.tc.tcos.lockscreen( \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password")) return True except Exception, err: print_debug ("lockscreen() Exception, error: %s" %err) self.CheckSSL(err) return False def unlockscreen(self, ip=None): if ip: self.newhost(ip) if self.isPortListening(self.ip, self.lastport): try: self.tc.tcos.unlockscreen(\ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password")) return True except Exception, err: print_debug ("unlockscreen() Exception, error: %s" %err) self.CheckSSL(err) return False def lockcontroller(self, action, ip=None): if ip: self.newhost(ip) if self.isPortListening(self.ip, self.lastport): try: self.tc.tcos.lockcontroller("%s" %action, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password")) return True except Exception, err: print_debug ("lockcontroller() Exception, error: %s" %err) self.CheckSSL(err) return False def unlockcontroller(self, action, ip=None): if ip: self.newhost(ip) if self.isPortListening(self.ip, self.lastport): try: self.tc.tcos.unlockcontroller("%s" %action, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password")) return True except Exception, err: print_debug ("unlockcontroller() Exception, error: %s" %err) self.CheckSSL(err) return False def status_lockscreen(self, ip=None): if ip: self.newhost(ip) if self.isPortListening(self.ip, self.lastport): #self.login () result=self._ParseResult(self.GetStatus("lockscreen")) print_debug ( "lockscreen() %s" %(result) ) return result return False def tnc(self, action, username, ports=None, ip=None): print_debug("tnc() action=%s username=%s ports=%s ip=%s only-ports=%s"%(action, username, ports, ip, tcosmonitor.shared.tnc_only_ports)) if ip: self.newhost(ip) try: if action == "status": return self.tc.tcos.tnc("%s" %action, "", "", "%s" %username, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) elif action == "enable-internet": return self.tc.tcos.tnc("%s" %action, "--only-ports=%s" %tcosmonitor.shared.tnc_only_ports, "", "%s" %username, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password")) elif action == "disable-internet": return self.tc.tcos.tnc("%s" %action, "--only-ports=%s" %tcosmonitor.shared.tnc_only_ports, "%s" %ports, "%s" %username, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password")) except Exception, err: print_debug ("tnc() Exception, error: %s" %err) self.CheckSSL(err) return False def screenshot(self, size="65"): print_debug ( "screenshot() size=%s" %(size) ) try: result=self._ParseResult( self.tc.tcos.screenshot(\ "%s" %(size),\ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password")) ) print_debug ( "screenshot(size=%s percent) %s done" %(size, result) ) return True except Exception, err: print_debug ("screenshot() Exception, error: %s" %err) self.CheckSSL(err) return False def getscreenshot(self, size="65"): try: result=self.tc.tcos.getscreenshot(\ "%s" %(size),\ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password")) print_debug ( "getscreenshot(size=%s percent) done result=%s" %(size, result[0]) ) return result except Exception, err: print_debug ("getscreenshot() Exception, error: %s" %err) self.CheckSSL(err) return [False, err] def vnc(self, action, ip, args=""): self.newhost(ip) print_debug("vnc(action='%s' ip='%s' args='%s')"%(action, ip, args) ) try: if action == "genpass": passwd=args return self.tc.tcos.vnc("genpass", "%s /tmp/.tcosvnc" %passwd, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) elif action == "startserver": return self.tc.tcos.vnc("startserver", "/tmp/.tcosvnc", \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) elif action == "startscale": size=int(self.main.config.GetVar("miniscrot_size")) scale="%sx%s"%(size/100., size/100.) return self.tc.tcos.vnc("startscale", "/tmp/.tcosvnc %s"%scale, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) elif action == "stopserver": return self.tc.tcos.vnc("stopserver", "", \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) elif action == "startclient": server_ip=args return self.tc.tcos.vnc("startclient", "%s /tmp/.tcosvnc" %server_ip, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) elif action == "stopclient": return self.tc.tcos.vnc("stopclient", "", \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) except Exception, err: print_debug ("vnc() Exception, error: %s" %err) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) self.CheckSSL(err) return False def rtp(self, action, ip, broadcast=None): self.newhost(ip) try: if action == "startrtp-recv": return self.tc.tcos.rtp("startrtp-recv", broadcast, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) elif action == "stoprtp-recv": return self.tc.tcos.rtp("stoprtp-recv", "", \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) elif action == "startrtp-send": return self.tc.tcos.rtp("startrtp-send", broadcast, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) elif action == "stoprtp-send": return self.tc.tcos.rtp("stoprtp-send", "", \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) elif action == "startrtp-chat": return self.tc.tcos.rtp("startrtp-chat", broadcast, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) elif action == "stoprtp-chat": return self.tc.tcos.rtp("stoprtp-chat", "", \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) except Exception, err: print_debug ("rtp() Exception, error: %s" %err) self.CheckSSL(err) return False def vlc(self, ip, volume, lock): self.newhost(ip) try: return self.tc.tcos.vlc("%s" %volume, "%s" %lock, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) except Exception, err: print_debug ("vlc() Exception, error: %s" %err) self.CheckSSL(err) return False def dpms(self, action, ip=None): print_debug("dpms() action=%s ip=%s"%(action, ip)) if ip: self.newhost(ip) if not self.connected: return False if action == "on" or action == "off" or action == "status": try: return self.tc.tcos.dpms("%s" %action, \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_username"), \ self.main.config.GetVar("xmlrpc_password") ) except Exception, err: print_debug ("dpms() Exception, error: %s" %err) self.CheckSSL(err) return False if __name__ == '__main__': tcosmonitor.shared.debug = True app=TcosXmlRpc (None) if app.isPortListening("", "80"): print "80 is listening" else: print "80 is NOT listening" if app.isPortListening("", "8998"): print "8998 is listening" else: print "8998 is NOT listening" #if app.isPortListening("", "8998"): # print "8998 is listening" #else: # print "8998 is NOT listening" #start=time() #print_debug ("TCOS_VERSION: %s" %(app.GetVersion()) ) #howmany(start, "get version info") start=time() app.newhost("") print_debug ("TCOS_«tilda»_STATUS: %s" %(app.GetStatus("tilda")) ) howmany(start, "get status of tilda") #app.Exe("xterm") #app.status_lockscreen() #app.lockscreen() #sleep(2) #app.status_lockscreen() #app.unlockscreen() #app.Exe("glxgears -printfps > glxgears.log") #start=time() #app.logout() #howmany(start, "logout")