path: root/lib/core/s_aux.lua
diff options
authorManoj Srivastava <>2014-05-14 23:54:09 -0700
committerManoj Srivastava <>2014-05-14 23:54:09 -0700
commit4f8b58cc5366bfc2ea3b56fe6ff0443464d10f0f (patch)
treea0a9cad00e7916b9a97e14831fb362f21871cbef /lib/core/s_aux.lua
tome (2.3.11-ah-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Modified the install paths to deploy to the FHS compliant /usr/games/tome and /var/games/tome, as we have always done * This is a major change, and includes theming. Some of the options have changed. Because of this, the manual page has been removed; there is a command line help option and in game help until the manual page is rewritten. # imported from the archive
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/core/s_aux.lua')
1 files changed, 716 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/core/s_aux.lua b/lib/core/s_aux.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec609b04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/core/s_aux.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+-- Functions to help with spells, do not touch
+__schools = {}
+__schools_num = 0
+__tmp_spells = {}
+__tmp_spells_num = 0
+function add_school(s)
+ __schools[__schools_num] = s
+ __schools_num = __schools_num + 1
+ return (__schools_num - 1)
+function finish_school(i)
+ local s
+ s = __schools[i]
+ assert(, "No school name!")
+ assert(s.skill, "No school skill!")
+ -- Need hooks?
+ if s.hooks then
+ add_hooks(s.hooks)
+ end
+ new_school(i,, s.skill)
+function add_spell(s)
+ __tmp_spells[__tmp_spells_num] = s
+ __tmp_spells_num = __tmp_spells_num + 1
+ return (__tmp_spells_num - 1)
+function finish_spell(must_i)
+ local i, s
+ s = __tmp_spells[must_i]
+ assert(, "No spell name!")
+ assert(, "No spell school!")
+ assert(s.level, "No spell level!")
+ assert(s.mana, "No spell mana!")
+ if not s.mana_max then s.mana_max = s.mana end
+ assert(, "No spell failure rate!")
+ assert(s.spell, "No spell function!")
+ if not then = function() return "" end end
+ assert(s.desc, "No spell desc!")
+ if not s.random then s.random = SKILL_MAGIC end
+ if s.lasting then
+ assert(type(s.lasting) == "function", "Spell lasting is not function")
+ end
+ if s.stick then
+ local k, e
+ for k, e in s.stick do
+ if type(k) == "table" then
+ assert(e.base_level, "Arg no stick base level")
+ assert(e.max_level, "Arg no stick max level")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ i = new_spell(must_i,
+ assert(i == must_i, "ACK ! i != must_i ! please contact the maintainer")
+ if type( == "number" then __spell_school[i] = {}
+ else __spell_school[i] = end
+ spell(i).mana = s.mana
+ spell(i).mana_max = s.mana_max
+ spell(i).fail =
+ spell(i).skill_level = s.level
+ __spell_spell[i] = s.spell
+ __spell_info[i] =
+ __spell_desc[i] = s.desc
+ return i
+-- Creates the school books array
+__spell_spell = {}
+__spell_info = {}
+__spell_desc = {}
+__spell_school = {}
+school_book = {}
+-- Find a spell by name
+function find_spell(name)
+ local i
+ i = 0
+ while (i < __tmp_spells_num) do
+ if __tmp_spells[i].name == name then return i end
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ return -1
+-- Find if the school is under the influence of a god, returns nil or the level
+function get_god_level(sch)
+ if __schools[sch].gods[player.pgod] then
+ return (s_info[__schools[sch].gods[player.pgod].skill + 1].value * __schools[sch].gods[player.pgod].mul) / __schools[sch].gods[player.pgod].div
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+-- Change this fct if I want to switch to learnable spells
+function get_level_school(s, max, min)
+ local lvl, sch, index, num, bonus
+ local allow_spell_power = TRUE
+ lvl = 0
+ num = 0
+ bonus = 0
+ -- No max specified ? assume 50
+ if not max then
+ max = 50
+ end
+ if not min then
+ min = 1
+ end
+ -- Do we pass tests?
+ if __tmp_spells[s].depend then
+ if __tmp_spells[s].depend() ~= TRUE then
+ return min, "n/a"
+ end
+ end
+ for index, sch in __spell_school[s] do
+ local r, s, p, ok = 0, 0, 0, 0
+ -- Does it require we worship a specific god?
+ if __schools[sch].god then
+ if __schools[sch].god ~= player.pgod then
+ if min then return min, "n/a"
+ else return 1, "n/a" end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Take the basic skill value
+ r = s_info[(school(sch).skill) + 1].value
+ -- Do we pass tests?
+ if __schools[sch].depend then
+ if __schools[sch].depend() ~= TRUE then
+ return min, "n/a"
+ end
+ end
+ -- Are we under sorcery effect ?
+ if __schools[sch].sorcery then
+ s = s_info[SKILL_SORCERY + 1].value
+ end
+ -- Are we affected by spell power ?
+ -- All teh schools must allow it for it to work
+ if not __schools[sch].spell_power then
+ allow_spell_power = nil
+ end
+ -- Are we under a god effect ?
+ if __schools[sch].gods then
+ p = get_god_level(sch)
+ if not p then p = 0 end
+ end
+ -- Find the higher
+ ok = r
+ if ok < s then ok = s end
+ if ok < p then ok = p end
+ -- Do we need to add a special bonus ?
+ if __schools[sch].bonus_level then
+ bonus = bonus + (__schools[sch].bonus_level() * (SKILL_STEP / 10))
+ end
+ -- All schools must be non zero to be able to use it
+ if ok == 0 then return min, "n/a" end
+ -- Apply it
+ lvl = lvl + ok
+ num = num + 1
+ end
+ -- Add the Spellpower skill as a bonus
+ if allow_spell_power then
+ bonus = bonus + (get_skill_scale(SKILL_SPELL, 20) * (SKILL_STEP / 10))
+ end
+ -- Add bonus from objects
+ bonus = bonus + (player.to_s * (SKILL_STEP / 10))
+ -- / 10 because otherwise we can overflow a s32b and we can use a u32b because the value can be negative
+ -- The loss of information should be negligible since 1 skill = 1000 internally
+ lvl = (lvl / num) / 10
+ lvl = lua_get_level(s, lvl, max, min, bonus)
+ return lvl, nil
+-- This is the function to use when casting through a stick
+function get_level_device(s, max, min)
+ local lvl
+ -- No max specified ? assume 50
+ if not max then
+ max = 50
+ end
+ lvl = s_info[SKILL_DEVICE + 1].value
+ lvl = lvl + (get_level_use_stick * SKILL_STEP)
+ -- Sticks are limited
+ if lvl - ((spell(s).skill_level + 1) * SKILL_STEP) >= get_level_max_stick * SKILL_STEP then
+ lvl = (get_level_max_stick + spell(s).skill_level - 1) * SKILL_STEP
+ end
+ -- / 10 because otherwise we can overflow a s32b and we can use a u32b because the value can be negative
+ -- The loss of information should be negligible since 1 skill = 1000 internally
+ lvl = lvl / 10
+ if not min then
+ lvl = lua_get_level(s, lvl, max, 1, 0)
+ else
+ lvl = lua_get_level(s, lvl, max, min, 0)
+ end
+ return lvl
+-- The real get_level, works for schooled magic and for innate powers
+get_level_use_stick = -1
+get_level_max_stick = -1
+function get_level(s, max, min)
+ if type(s) == "number" then
+ -- Ahah shall we use Magic device instead ?
+ if get_level_use_stick > -1 then
+ return get_level_device(s, max, min)
+ else
+ local lvl, na = get_level_school(s, max, min)
+ return lvl
+ end
+ else
+ return get_level_power(s, max, min)
+ end
+-- Can we cast the spell ?
+function is_ok_spell(s, obj)
+ if get_level(s, 50, 0) == 0 then return nil end
+ if __tmp_spells[s].pval and obj.pval < __tmp_spells[s].pval then return nil end
+ return 1
+-- Get the amount of mana(or power) needed
+function get_mana(s)
+ return spell(s).mana + get_level(s, spell(s).mana_max - spell(s).mana, 0)
+-- Return the amount of power(mana, piety, whatever) for the spell
+function get_power(s)
+ if check_affect(s, "piety", FALSE) then
+ return player.grace
+ else
+ return player.csp
+ end
+-- Return the amount of power(mana, piety, whatever) for the spell
+function get_power_name(s)
+ if check_affect(s, "piety", FALSE) then
+ return "piety"
+ else
+ return "mana"
+ end
+-- Get the level of a power
+function get_level_power(s, max, min)
+ if not max then max = 50 end
+ if not min then min = 1 end
+ return value_scale(s.get_current_level(), 50, max, min)
+-- Changes the amount of power(mana, piety, whatever) for the spell
+function adjust_power(s, x)
+ if check_affect(s, "piety", FALSE) then
+ inc_piety(GOD_ALL, x)
+ else
+ increase_mana(x)
+ end
+-- Get spell school name(s) as a /-separated string.
+function spell_school_name(s)
+ local xx, sch_str
+ xx = nil
+ sch_str = ""
+ for index, sch in __spell_school[s] do
+ if xx then
+ sch_str = sch_str.."/"
+ else
+ xx = 1
+ sch_str =
+ end
+ end
+ return sch_str
+-- Print the book and the spells
+function print_book(book, spl, obj)
+ local x, y, index, sch, size, s
+ x = 0
+ y = 2
+ size = 0
+ -- Hack if the book is 255 it is a random book
+ if book == 255 then
+ school_book[book] = {spl}
+ end
+ -- Parse all spells
+ for index, s in school_book[book] do
+ local color = TERM_L_DARK
+ local lvl, na = get_level_school(s, 50, -50)
+ local xx, sch_str
+ if is_ok_spell(s, obj) then
+ if get_mana(s) > get_power(s) then color = TERM_ORANGE
+ else color = TERM_L_GREEN end
+ end
+ sch_str = spell_school_name(s)
+ if na then
+ c_prt(color, format("%c) %-20s%-16s %3s %4s %3d%s %s", size + strbyte("a"), spell(s).name, sch_str, na, get_mana(s), spell_chance(s), "%", __spell_info[s]()), y, x)
+ else
+ c_prt(color, format("%c) %-20s%-16s %3d %4s %3d%s %s", size + strbyte("a"), spell(s).name, sch_str, lvl, get_mana(s), spell_chance(s), "%", __spell_info[s]()), y, x)
+ end
+ y = y + 1
+ size = size + 1
+ end
+ prt(format(" %-20s%-16s Level Cost Fail Info", "Name", "School"), 1, x)
+ return y
+-- Output the describtion when it is used as a spell
+function print_spell_desc(s, y)
+ local index, desc, x
+ x = 0
+ if type(__spell_desc[s]) == "string" then c_prt(TERM_L_BLUE, __spell_desc[s], y, x)
+ else
+ for index, desc in __spell_desc[s] do
+ c_prt(TERM_L_BLUE, desc, y, x)
+ y = y + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if check_affect(s, "piety", FALSE) then
+ c_prt(TERM_L_WHITE, "It uses piety to cast.", y, x)
+ y = y + 1
+ end
+ if not check_affect(s, "blind") then
+ c_prt(TERM_ORANGE, "It is castable even while blinded.", y, x)
+ y = y + 1
+ end
+ if not check_affect(s, "confusion") then
+ c_prt(TERM_ORANGE, "It is castable even while confused.", y, x)
+ y = y + 1
+ end
+-- Output the desc when sued as a device
+function print_device_desc(s)
+ local index, desc
+ if type(__spell_desc[s]) == "string" then text_out(__spell_desc[s])
+ else
+ for index, desc in __spell_desc[s] do
+ text_out("\n" .. desc)
+ end
+ end
+function book_spells_num(book)
+ local size, index, sch
+ size = 0
+ -- Hack if the book is 255 it is a random book
+ if book == 255 then
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- Parse all spells
+ for index, s in school_book[book] do
+ size = size + 1
+ end
+ return size
+function spell_x(book, spl, s)
+ if book == 255 then
+ return spl
+ else
+ local i, x, val
+ i, val = next(school_book[book], nil)
+ x = 0
+ while x < s do
+ i, val = next(school_book[book], i)
+ x = x + 1
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+function spell_in_book(book, spell)
+ local i, s
+ for i, s in school_book[book] do
+ if s == spell then return TRUE end
+ end
+ return FALSE
+-- Returns spell chance of failure for spell
+function spell_chance(s)
+ local chance, s_ptr
+ s_ptr = spell(s)
+ -- Extract the base spell failure rate
+ if get_level_use_stick > -1 then
+ chance = lua_spell_device_chance(, get_level(s, 50), s_ptr.skill_level)
+ else
+ chance = lua_spell_chance(, get_level(s, 50), s_ptr.skill_level, get_mana(s), get_power(s), get_spell_stat(s))
+ end
+ -- Return the chance
+ return chance
+function check_affect(s, name, default)
+ local s_ptr = __tmp_spells[s]
+ local a
+ if type(s_ptr[name]) == "number" then
+ a = s_ptr[name]
+ else
+ a = default
+ end
+ if a == FALSE then
+ return nil
+ else
+ return TRUE
+ end
+-- Returns the stat to use for the spell, INT by default
+function get_spell_stat(s)
+ if not __tmp_spells[s].stat then return A_INT
+ else return __tmp_spells[s].stat end
+function cast_school_spell(s, s_ptr, no_cost)
+ local use = FALSE
+ -- No magic
+ if (player.antimagic > 0) then
+ msg_print("Your anti-magic field disrupts any magic attempts.")
+ return
+ end
+ -- No magic
+ if (player.anti_magic == TRUE) then
+ msg_print("Your anti-magic shell disrupts any magic attempts.")
+ return
+ end
+ -- if it costs something then some condition must be met
+ if not no_cost then
+ -- Require lite
+ if (check_affect(s, "blind")) and ((player.blind > 0) or (no_lite() == TRUE)) then
+ msg_print("You cannot see!")
+ return
+ end
+ -- Not when confused
+ if (check_affect(s, "confusion")) and (player.confused > 0) then
+ msg_print("You are too confused!")
+ return
+ end
+ -- Enough mana
+ if (get_mana(s) > get_power(s)) then
+ if (get_check("You do not have enough "..get_power_name(s)..", do you want to try anyway?") == FALSE) then return end
+ end
+ -- Invoke the spell effect
+ if (magik(spell_chance(s)) == FALSE) then
+ if (__spell_spell[s]() ~= nil) then
+ use = TRUE
+ end
+ else
+ local index, sch
+ -- added because this is *extremely* important --pelpel
+ if (flush_failure) then flush() end
+ msg_print("You failed to get the spell off!")
+ for index, sch in __spell_school[s] do
+ if __schools[sch].fail then
+ __schools[sch].fail(spell_chance(s))
+ end
+ end
+ use = TRUE
+ end
+ else
+ __spell_spell[s]()
+ end
+ if use == TRUE then
+ -- Reduce mana
+ adjust_power(s, -get_mana(s))
+ -- Take a turn
+ if is_magestaff() == TRUE then energy_use = 80
+ else energy_use = 100 end
+ end
+ player.redraw = bor(player.redraw, PR_MANA)
+ player.window = bor(player.window, PW_PLAYER)
+-- Can the spell be randomly found(in random books)
+function can_spell_random(i)
+ return __tmp_spells[i].random
+-- Find a random spell
+function get_random_spell(typ, level)
+ local spl, tries
+ tries = 1000
+ while tries > 0 do
+ tries = tries - 1
+ spl = rand_int(__tmp_spells_num)
+ if (can_spell_random(spl) == typ) and (rand_int(spell(spl).skill_level * 3) < level) then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if tries > 0 then
+ return spl
+ else
+ return -1
+ end
+-- Execute a lasting spell
+function exec_lasting_spell(spl)
+ assert(__tmp_spells[spl].lasting, "No lasting effect for spell "..__tmp_spells[spl].name.." but called as such")
+ return __tmp_spells[spl].lasting()
+-- Helper function for spell effect to know if they are or not obvious
+function is_obvious(effect, old)
+ if old then
+ if old == TRUE or effect == TRUE then
+ return TRUE
+ else
+ return FALSE
+ end
+ else
+ return effect
+ end
+-- Fire off the spell
+function activate_stick(spl)
+ local ret = __spell_spell[spl]()
+ local charge, obvious
+ if not ret then
+ charge = FALSE
+ obvious = FALSE
+ else
+ charge = TRUE
+ obvious = ret
+ end
+ return obvious, charge
+----------------------------------- Wand, Staves, Rods specific functions ----------------------------
+-- Get a spell for a given stick(wand, staff, rod)
+function get_random_stick(stick, level)
+ local spl, tries
+ tries = 1000
+ while tries > 0 do
+ tries = tries - 1
+ spl = rand_int(__tmp_spells_num)
+ if __tmp_spells[spl].stick and (type(__tmp_spells[spl].stick[stick]) == "table") then
+ if (rand_int(spell(spl).skill_level * 3) < level) and (magik(100 - __tmp_spells[spl].stick[stick].rarity) == TRUE) then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if tries > 0 then
+ return spl
+ else
+ return -1
+ end
+-- Get a random base level
+function get_stick_base_level(stick, level, spl)
+ -- Paranoia
+ if spl < 0 or spl >= __tmp_spells_num or not __tmp_spells[spl].stick[stick] then return 0 end
+ local min, max = __tmp_spells[spl].stick[stick].base_level[1], __tmp_spells[spl].stick[stick].base_level[2]
+ local range = max - min;
+ -- Ok the basic idea is to have a max possible level of half the dungeon level
+ if range * 2 > level then range = level / 2 end
+ -- Randomize a bit
+ range = m_bonus(range, dun_level)
+ -- And get the result
+ return min + range
+-- Get a random max level
+function get_stick_max_level(stick, level, spl)
+ -- Paranoia
+ if spl < 0 or spl >= __tmp_spells_num or not __tmp_spells[spl].stick[stick] then return 0 end
+ local min, max = __tmp_spells[spl].stick[stick].max_level[1], __tmp_spells[spl].stick[stick].max_level[2]
+ local range = max - min;
+ -- Ok the basic idea is to have a max possible level of half the dungeon level
+ if range * 2 > level then range = level / 2 end
+ -- Randomize a bit
+ range = m_bonus(range, dun_level)
+ -- And get the result
+ return min + range
+-- Get the number of desired charges
+function get_stick_charges(spl)
+ return __tmp_spells[spl].stick.charge[1] + randint(__tmp_spells[spl].stick.charge[2]);
+-- Get activation desc
+function get_activation_desc(spl)
+ local turns
+ if type(__tmp_spells[spl].activate) == 'number' then
+ turns = __tmp_spells[spl].activate
+ else
+ turns = __tmp_spells[spl].activate[1] .. '+d' .. __tmp_spells[spl].activate[2]
+ end
+ return __tmp_spells[spl].desc[1] .. ' every ' .. turns .. ' turns'
+-- Compute the timeout of an activation
+function get_activation_timeout(spl)
+ if type(__tmp_spells[spl].activate) == 'number' then
+ return __tmp_spells[spl].activate
+ else
+ return __tmp_spells[spl].activate[1] + randint(__tmp_spells[spl].activate[2])
+ end
+-- Fire off the spell
+function activate_activation(spl, item)
+ __spell_spell[spl](item)
+------- Add new GF type ----------
+max_gf = MAX_GF
+function add_spell_type(t)
+ t.index = max_gf
+ max_gf = max_gf + 1
+ assert(t.color, "No GF color")
+ if not then = function() end end
+ if not t.angry then t.angry = function() end end
+ if not t.object then t.object = function() end end
+ if not t.player then t.player = function() end end
+ if not t.grid then t.grid = function() end end
+ add_hooks
+ {
+ [HOOK_GF_COLOR] = function (gf, new_gfx)
+ local t = %t
+ if gf == t.index then return TRUE, t.color[new_gfx + 1] end
+ end,
+ [HOOK_GF_EXEC] = function (action, who, gf, dam, rad, y, x, extra)
+ local t = %t
+ if t.index == gf then
+ return t[action](who, dam, rad, y, x, extra)
+ end
+ end,
+ }
+ return t.index