path: root/lib/mods/theme/help/version.txt
diff options
authorManoj Srivastava <>2014-05-14 23:54:09 -0700
committerManoj Srivastava <>2014-05-14 23:54:09 -0700
commit4f8b58cc5366bfc2ea3b56fe6ff0443464d10f0f (patch)
treea0a9cad00e7916b9a97e14831fb362f21871cbef /lib/mods/theme/help/version.txt
tome (2.3.11-ah-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Modified the install paths to deploy to the FHS compliant /usr/games/tome and /var/games/tome, as we have always done * This is a major change, and includes theming. Some of the options have changed. Because of this, the manual page has been removed; there is a command line help option and in game help until the manual page is rewritten. # imported from the archive
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/mods/theme/help/version.txt')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mods/theme/help/version.txt b/lib/mods/theme/help/version.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..501be7f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/mods/theme/help/version.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+~~~~~01|Development history
+*****version.txt*01[The origins of ToME]
+*****version.txt*02[Zangband History and Information]
+*****version.txt*03[Brief Version History (of standard Angband)]
+*****version.txt*04[A Posting from the Original Author (of Moria)]
+*****version.txt*05[Previous Versions (outdated)]
+#####R====== ToME Brief History =======
+When Zangband came to its 2.2.0 version I (DarkGod) was an Angband winner and
+I had been a C programmer for a long time, so I decided to take the sources
+and to try to code my own variant. At this time I was reading the Pern
+novels from Anne McCaffrey and I found them *VERY* good, so I decided to
+include some elements of them into my variant from which it takes the name,
+One hard thing to decide was on which Angband to base it. Although I didn't
+like Zangband because of the Zelazny universe, which I found to be not very
+Tolkienish, I chose it because of all the good things it had (especially
+the race powers that I wasn't able to code at the time). So I removed
+much of the Zelazny stuff and replaced it with Tolkien and Pernish stuff.
+And so the history of PernAngband began with the version 2.9.9a.
+Now, in PernAngband 5.x.x, PernAngband is a thriving Angband variant
+with plenty of unique features.
+Then came some legal problems with Anne McCaffrey estate and ubisoft and
+I had to remove the Pern stuff, so the game got renamed to ToME,
+the Troubles of Middle Earth.
+#####R=== Zangband History and Information ===
+The seeds of Zangband lie in an obsolete and long ago vanished PC variant
+(somewhat misleadingly) dubbed Angband--. The variant was written by a
+hopeless Angband addict (previously Moria veteran and winner) who got
+bored with the standard monsters and wanted to introduce some new
+monsters. Angband-- was based on the PC Angband 1.31 sources, and
+it was set in Roger Zelazny's 'Amber' universe.
+Later this individual got a better computer and learned to code, and
+produced the PC Zangband, and most Angband-- monsters survived into
+PC Zangband 1.0. PC Zangband 1.0 was the first PC Angband to introduce
+(simple, font-based) graphics, which were also used in the graphical
+PC Angband 1.40.
+Yet this individual was still not cured of his addiction... his almost
+as strong addiction to the Civilization style fantasy strategy game
+'Master of Magic' inspired him to write a new magic system. The current
+version of Zangband (2.*) incorporates this magic system, as well as
+the best features from Angband-- and PC Zangband 1.0. It is based on
+the Angband 2.8.1 sources (by Ben Harrison), and is therefore portable
+to other systems (unlike the earlier versions which were for DOS-PC's
+Incidentally, this person (me, Topi Ylinen) also thought that the
+standard Angband monsters were too easy, which led him to introduce
+such monsters as Death swords, Cyberdemons and Great Wyrms of Power...
+Special thanks -- The current version of Zangband might not have come into
+existence without the significant help from these excellent Angband
+ Ben Harrison, for obvious reasons.
+ Greg Wooledge, who pointed out a bug in the dos compiler,
+ which was preventing my progress with the first 2.* version
+ of Zangband and for various patches.
+ Julian Lighton, who must have sent me more ideas, patches, and
+ bug reports than all the others together.
+ Robert Ruehlmann, whose nice new main-dos.c enables SVGA
+ graphics and even windows in MS-DOS.
+ Paul Sexton, who is responsible for about 50% of the new code
+ in 2.1.0.
+ Heino Vander Sanden, who created the quest-code and
+ Dean Anderson, whose patch showed me the quickest way to
+ implement the quests.
+ Adam Bolt, who created the new ZAngband tiles.
+ Scott Bigham, for the S-Lang patch.
+ Jeff Duprey for the new mutations.
+ Leigh Silas Hanrihan for the new items.
+ Benny S. Hofmann, Aram Harrow, Greg Harvey, Keldon Jones,
+ Graham Murray, Remco Gerlich, Tim Baker and many others
+ for bugreports, patches, bugfixes, and ideas.
+ZAngband 2.1.0c was Topi's last version, he has got a job and
+doesn't have enough time anymore to continue work on ZAngband.
+He asked for a new maintainer and I was the one to take over the task.
+May I introduce myself, my name is Robert Ruehlmann, I'm the creator
+of the graphical Angband versions for DOS and webmaster of
+"Thangorodrim - The Angband Page" ("").
+#####R=== Brief Version History (of standard Angband) ===
+First came "VMS Moria", by Robert Alan Koeneke (1985).
+Then came "Umoria" (Unix Moria), by James E. Wilson (1989).
+In 1990, Alex Cutler and Andy Astrand, with the help of other students
+at the University of Warwick, created Angband 1.0, based on the existing
+code for Umoria 5.2.1. They wanted to expand the game, keeping or even
+strengthening the grounding in Tolkien lore, while adding more monsters
+and items, including unique monsters and artifact items, plus activation,
+pseudo-sensing, level feelings, and special dungeon rooms.
+Over time, Sean Marsh, Geoff Hill, Charles Teague, and others, worked on
+the source, releasing a copy known as "Angband 2.4.frog_knows" at some
+point, which ran only on Unix systems, but which was ported by various
+people to various other systems.
+Then Charles Swiger ( attempted to clean up the mess,
+resulting in several versions, starting sometime around November, 1993, with
+Angband 2.5.1 (more or less) and leading up to Angband 2.6.2 in late 1994.
+Several people ported (the primarily Unix/NeXT centered) Angband 2.6.1 to
+other platforms, including Keith Randall, who made a Macintosh port that
+added support for color usage. Some of the changes during this period were
+based on suggestions from the "net", PC Angband 1.40, UMoria 5.5, and some
+of the Angband "variations", such as FAngband.
+Finally, I (Ben Harrison) took over in late 1994 when Charles Swiger left.
+Initially my intention was simply to clean up what had become, after ten
+years, a rather unholy mess, but the deeper I delved into the code, the
+more it became apparent that drastic changes were needed, so, starting
+with MacAngband 2.6.1, I began a more or less total rewrite, resulting,
+eventually, in Angband 2.7.0, released around January first, 1995.
+Angband 2.7.0 was a very clean (but very buggy) rewrite that, among other
+things, allowed extremely simple porting to multiple platforms, starting
+with Unix and Macintosh, and by the time most of the bugs were cleaned up,
+in Angband 2.7.2, including X11, and various IBM machines. Angband 2.7.4
+was released to the "" site, and quickly gained acceptance,
+perhaps helped by the OS2 and Windows and Amiga and Linux ports. Angband
+2.7.5 and 2.7.6 added important capabilities such as macros and user pref
+files, and continued to clean up the source. Angband 2.7.8 was designed
+to supply another "stable" version that we can all give to our friends,
+with new "help files" and "spoiler files" for the "online help", plus a
+variety of minor tweaks and some new features. Angband 2.7.9 optimized
+a few things, and tweaked a few other things, and cleaned up a few other
+things, and introduced a few minor semantic changes.
+It is very hard to pin down, along the way from 2.6.2 to 2.7.0, and thence
+to 2.7.8, exactly what was added exactly when. Most of these steps involved
+so many changes as to make "diff files" not very useful, since often the diff
+files were as long as the code itself. Most of the changes, with the notable
+exception of the creation of the new "main-xxx.c" files for the various new
+platforms, and a few other exceptions generally noted in the source, were
+written by myself, either spontaneously, or, more commonly, as the result of
+a suggestion or comment by an Angband player. So if you have any problems
+with anything that you do not recognize from older versions, you can blame
+them on me. And if you like the new features and such, you can send me a
+brief little "thank you" email (to or something...
+The Official Angband Home Page ("")
+was created along with Angband 2.7.9 to serve as an up to date description
+of any bugs found in various versions, and to list all of the people whose
+email addresses I kept having to look up.
+#####R=== A Posting from the Original Author ===
+From: (Robert Alan Koeneke)
+Subject: Early history of Moria
+Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 04:20:51 GMT
+I had some email show up asking about the origin of Moria, and its
+relation to Rogue. So I thought I would just post some text on the
+early days of Moria.
+First of all, yes, I really am the Robert Koeneke who wrote the first
+Moria. I had a lot of mail accussing me of pulling their leg and
+such. I just recently connected to Internet (yes, I work for a
+company in the dark ages where Internet is concerned) and
+was real surprised to find Moria in the news groups... Angband was an
+even bigger surprise, since I have never seen it. I probably spoke to
+its originator though... I have given permission to lots of people
+through the years to enhance, modify, or whatever as long as they
+freely distributed the results. I have always been a proponent of
+sharing games, not selling them.
+Around 1980 or 81 I was enrolled in engineering courses at the
+University of Oklahoma. The engineering lab ran on a PDP 1170 under
+an early version of UNIX. I was always good at computers, so it was
+natural for me to get to know the system administrators. They invited
+me one night to stay and play some games, an early startrek game, The
+Colossal Cave Adventure (later just 'Adventure'), and late one night,
+a new dungeon game called 'Rogue'.
+So yes, I was exposed to Rogue before Moria was even a gleam in my
+eye. In fact, Rogue was directly responsible for millions of hours of
+play time wasted on Moria and its descendents...
+Soon after playing Rogue (and man, was I HOOKED), I got a job in a
+different department as a student assistant in computers. I worked on
+one of the early VAX 11/780's running VMS, and no games were available
+for it at that time. The engineering lab got a real geek of an
+administrator who thought the only purpose of a computer was WORK!
+Imagine... Soooo, no more games, and no more rogue!
+This was intolerable! So I decided to write my own rogue game, Moria
+Beta 1.0. I had three languages available on my VMS system. Fortran
+IV, PASCAL V1.?, and BASIC. Since most of the game was string
+manipulation, I wrote the first attempt at Moria in VMS BASIC, and it
+looked a LOT like Rogue, at least what I could remember of it. Then I
+began getting ideas of how to improve it, how it should work
+differently, and I pretty much didn't touch it for about a year.
+Around 1983, two things happened that caused Moria to be born in its
+recognizable form. I was engaged to be married, and the only cure for
+THAT is to work so hard you can't think about it; and I was enrolled
+for fall to take an operating systems class in PASCAL.
+So, I investigated the new version of VMS PASCAL and found out it had
+a new feature. Variable length strings! Wow...
+That summer I finished Moria 1.0 in VMS PASCAL. I learned more about
+data structures, optimization, and just plain programming that summer
+then in all of my years in school. I soon drew a crowd of devoted
+Moria players... All at OU.
+I asked Jimmey Todd, a good friend of mine, to write a better
+character generator for the game, and so the skills and history were
+born. Jimmey helped out on many of the functions in the game as well.
+This would have been about Moria 2.0
+In the following two years, I listened a lot to my players and kept
+making enhancements to the game to fix problems, to challenge them,
+and to keep them going. If anyone managed to win, I immediately found
+out how, and 'enhanced' the game to make it harder. I once vowed it
+was 'unbeatable', and a week later a friend of mine beat it! His
+character, 'Iggy', was placed into the game as 'The Evil Iggy', and
+immortalized... And of course, I went in and plugged up the trick he
+used to win...
+Around 1985 I started sending out source to other universities. Just
+before a OU / Texas football clash, I was asked to send a copy to the
+Univeristy of Texas... I couldn't resist... I modified it so that
+the begger on the town level was 'An OU football fan' and they moved
+at maximum rate. They also multiplied at maximum rate... So the
+first step you took and woke one up, it crossed the floor increasing
+to hundreds of them and pounded you into oblivion... I soon received
+a call and provided instructions on how to 'de-enhance' the game!
+Around 1986 - 87 I released Moria 4.7, my last official release. I
+was working on a Moria 5.0 when I left OU to go to work for American
+Airlines (and yes, I still work there). Moria 5.0 was a complete
+rewrite, and contained many neat enhancements, features, you name it.
+It had water, streams, lakes, pools, with water monsters. It had
+'mysterious orbs' which could be carried like torches for light but
+also gave off magical aura's (like protection from fire, or aggrivate
+monster...). It had new weapons and treasures... I left it with the
+student assistants at OU to be finished, but I guess it soon died on
+the vine. As far as I know, that source was lost...
+I gave permission to anyone who asked to work on the game. Several
+people asked if they could convert it to 'C', and I said fine as long
+as a complete credit history was maintained, and that it could NEVER
+be sold, only given. So I guess one or more of them succeeded in
+their efforts to rewrite it in 'C'.
+I have since received thousands of letters from all over the world
+from players telling about their exploits, and from administrators
+cursing the day I was born... I received mail from behind the iron
+curtain (while it was still standing) talking about the game on VAX's
+(which supposedly couldn't be there due to export laws). I used to
+have a map with pins for every letter I received, but I gave up on
+I am very happy to learn my creation keeps on going... I plan to
+download it and Angband and play them... Maybe something has been
+added that will surprise me! That would be nice... I never got to
+play Moria and be surprised...
+Robert Alan Koeneke
+#####R=== Previous Versions (outdated) ===
+ VMS Moria Version 4.8
+Version 0.1 : 03/25/83
+Version 1.0 : 05/01/84
+Version 2.0 : 07/10/84
+Version 3.0 : 11/20/84
+Version 4.0 : 01/20/85
+Modules :
+ V1.0 Dungeon Generator - RAK
+ Character Generator - RAK & JWT
+ Moria Module - RAK
+ Miscellaneous - RAK & JWT
+ V2.0 Town Level & Misc - RAK
+ V3.0 Internal Help & Misc - RAK
+ V4.0 Source Release Version - RAK
+Robert Alan Koeneke Jimmey Wayne Todd Jr.
+Student/University of Oklahoma Student/University of Oklahoma
+ Umoria Version 5.2 (formerly UNIX Moria)
+Version 4.83 : 5/14/87
+Version 4.85 : 10/26/87
+Version 4.87 : 5/27/88
+Version 5.0 : 11/2/89
+Version 5.2 : 5/9/90
+James E. Wilson, U.C. Berkeley
+ wilson@ernie.Berkeley.EDU
+ ...!ucbvax!ucbernie!wilson
+Other contributors:
+D. G. Kneller - MS-DOS Moria port
+Christopher J. Stuart - recall, options, inventory, and running code
+Curtis McCauley - Macintosh Moria port
+Stephen A. Jacobs - Atari ST Moria port
+William Setzer - object naming code
+David J. Grabiner - numerous bug reports, and consistency checking
+Dan Bernstein - UNIX hangup signal fix, many bug fixes
+and many others...
+Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Keoneke
+ This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and
+ not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are
+ included in all such copies.
+Umoria Version 5.2, patch level 1
+Angband Version 2.0 Alex Cutler, Andy Astrand, Sean Marsh, Geoff Hill,
+ Charles Teague.
+Angband Version 2.4 : 5/09/93
+Angband Version 2.5 : 12/05/93 Charles Swiger.
+Angband Version 2.6 : 9/04/94
+Angband Version 2.7 : 1/1/95 Ben Harrison