path: root/src/include/sglib.h
diff options
authorBardur Arantsson <>2012-05-18 09:43:29 +0200
committerBardur Arantsson <>2012-05-18 12:39:24 +0200
commit4dd2ffb52df44aa78719a49492db9e79b6b01215 (patch)
tree9cfd8a8815dffd889cb422fad7fb9ff32cc158a8 /src/include/sglib.h
parentbfd584db255cd99a7b094a1c06bc9bad9ec6f418 (diff)
Import SGLIB 1.0.3 header
Diffstat (limited to 'src/include/sglib.h')
1 files changed, 1952 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/include/sglib.h b/src/include/sglib.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a4780fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/include/sglib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1952 @@
+ This is SGLIB version 1.0.3
+ (C) by Marian Vittek, Bratislava,, 2003-5
+ License Conditions: You can use a verbatim copy (including this
+ copyright notice) of sglib freely in any project, commercial or not.
+ You can also use derivative forms freely under terms of Open Source
+ Software license or under terms of GNU Public License. If you need
+ to use a derivative form in a commercial project, or you need sglib
+ under any other license conditions, contact the author.
+#ifndef _SGLIB__h_
+#define _SGLIB__h_
+/* the assert is used exclusively to write unexpected error messages */
+#include <assert.h>
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* - LEVEL - 0 INTERFACE - */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------------ STATIC ARRAYS ------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Basic algorithms for sorting arrays. Multiple depending arrays can
+ be rearranged using user defined 'elem_exchangers'
+/* HEAP - SORT (level 0) */
+#define SGLIB_ARRAY_SINGLE_HEAP_SORT(type, a, max, comparator) {\
+#define SGLIB_ARRAY_HEAP_SORT(type, a, max, comparator, elem_exchanger) {\
+ int _k_;\
+ for(_k_=(max)/2; _k_>=0; _k_--) {\
+ SGLIB___ARRAY_HEAP_DOWN(type, a, _k_, max, comparator, elem_exchanger);\
+ }\
+ for(_k_=(max)-1; _k_>=0; _k_--) {\
+ elem_exchanger(type, a, 0, _k_);\
+ SGLIB___ARRAY_HEAP_DOWN(type, a, 0, _k_, comparator, elem_exchanger);\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB___ARRAY_HEAP_DOWN(type, a, ind, max, comparator, elem_exchanger) {\
+ type _t_;\
+ int _m_, _l_, _r_, _i_;\
+ _i_ = (ind);\
+ _m_ = _i_;\
+ do {\
+ _i_ = _m_; \
+ _l_ = 2*_i_+1;\
+ _r_ = _l_+1;\
+ if (_l_ < (max)){\
+ if (comparator(((a)[_m_]), ((a)[_l_])) < 0) _m_ = _l_;\
+ if (_r_ < (max)) {\
+ if (comparator(((a)[_m_]), ((a)[_r_])) < 0) _m_ = _r_;\
+ }\
+ }\
+ if (_m_ != _i_) {\
+ elem_exchanger(type, a, _i_, _m_);\
+ }\
+ } while (_m_ != _i_);\
+/* QUICK - SORT (level 0) */
+#define SGLIB_ARRAY_SINGLE_QUICK_SORT(type, a, max, comparator) {\
+#define SGLIB_ARRAY_QUICK_SORT(type, a, max, comparator, elem_exchanger) {\
+ int _i_, _j_, _p_, _stacki_, _start_, _end_;\
+ /* can sort up to 2^64 elements */\
+ int _startStack_[64]; \
+ int _endStack_[64];\
+ type _tmp_;\
+ _startStack_[0] = 0;\
+ _endStack_[0] = (max);\
+ _stacki_ = 1;\
+ while (_stacki_ > 0) {\
+ _stacki_ --;\
+ _start_ = _startStack_[_stacki_];\
+ _end_ = _endStack_[_stacki_];\
+ while (_end_ - _start_ > 2) {\
+ _p_ = _start_;\
+ _i_ = _start_ + 1;\
+ _j_ = _end_ - 1;\
+ while (_i_<_j_) {\
+ for(; _i_<=_j_ && comparator(((a)[_i_]),((a)[_p_]))<=0; _i_++) ;\
+ if (_i_ > _j_) {\
+ /* all remaining elements lesseq than pivot */\
+ elem_exchanger(type, a, _j_, _p_);\
+ _i_ = _j_;\
+ } else {\
+ for(; _i_<=_j_ && comparator(((a)[_j_]),((a)[_p_]))>=0; _j_--) ;\
+ if (_i_ > _j_) {\
+ /* all remaining elements greater than pivot */\
+ elem_exchanger(type, a, _j_, _p_);\
+ _i_ = _j_;\
+ } else if (_i_ < _j_) {\
+ elem_exchanger(type, a, _i_, _j_);\
+ if (_i_+2 < _j_) {_i_++; _j_--;}\
+ else if (_i_+1 < _j_) _i_++;\
+ }\
+ }\
+ }\
+ /* O.K. i==j and pivot is on a[i] == a[j] */\
+ /* handle recursive calls without recursion */\
+ if (_i_-_start_ > 1 && _end_-_j_ > 1) {\
+ /* two recursive calls, use array-stack */\
+ if (_i_-_start_ < _end_-_j_-1) {\
+ _startStack_[_stacki_] = _j_+1;\
+ _endStack_[_stacki_] = _end_;\
+ _stacki_ ++;\
+ _end_ = _i_;\
+ } else {\
+ _startStack_[_stacki_] = _start_;\
+ _endStack_[_stacki_] = _i_;\
+ _stacki_ ++;\
+ _start_ = _j_+1;\
+ }\
+ } else {\
+ if (_i_-_start_ > 1) {\
+ _end_ = _i_;\
+ } else {\
+ _start_ = _j_+1;\
+ }\
+ }\
+ }\
+ if (_end_ - _start_ == 2) {\
+ if (comparator(((a)[_start_]),((a)[_end_-1])) > 0) {\
+ elem_exchanger(type, a, _start_, _end_-1);\
+ }\
+ }\
+ }\
+/* BINARY SEARCH (level 0) */
+#define SGLIB_ARRAY_BINARY_SEARCH(type, a, start_index, end_index, key, comparator, found, result_index) {\
+ int _kk_, _cc_, _ii_, _jj_, _ff_;\
+ _ii_ = (start_index); \
+ _jj_ = (end_index);\
+ _ff_ = 0;\
+ while (_ii_ <= _jj_ && _ff_==0) {\
+ _kk_ = (_jj_+_ii_)/2;\
+ _cc_ = comparator(((a)[_kk_]), (key));\
+ if (_cc_ == 0) {\
+ (result_index) = _kk_; \
+ _ff_ = 1;\
+ } else if (_cc_ < 0) {\
+ _ii_ = _kk_+1;\
+ } else {\
+ _jj_ = _kk_-1;\
+ }\
+ }\
+ if (_ff_ == 0) {\
+ /* not found, but set its resulting place in the array */\
+ (result_index) = _jj_+1;\
+ }\
+ (found) = _ff_;\
+/* -------------------------------- queue (in an array) ------------------ */
+/* queue is a quadruple (a,i,j,dim) such that: */
+/* a is the array storing values */
+/* i is the index of the first used element in the array */
+/* j is the index of the first free element in the array */
+/* dim is the size of the array a */
+/* !!!!!!! This data structure is NOT documented, do not use it !!!!!!!!!! */
+#define SGLIB_QUEUE_INIT(type, a, i, j) { i = j = 0; }
+#define SGLIB_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY(type, a, i, j) ((i)==(j))
+#define SGLIB_QUEUE_IS_FULL(type, a, i, j, dim) ((i)==((j)+1)%(dim))
+#define SGLIB_QUEUE_FIRST_ELEMENT(type, a, i, j) (a[i])
+#define SGLIB_QUEUE_ADD_NEXT(type, a, i, j, dim) {\
+ if (SGLIB_QUEUE_IS_FULL(type, a, i, j, dim)) assert(0 && "the queue is full");\
+ (j) = ((j)+1) % (dim);\
+#define SGLIB_QUEUE_ADD(type, a, elem, i, j, dim) {\
+ a[j] = (elem);\
+ SGLIB_QUEUE_ADD_NEXT(type, a, i, j, dim);\
+#define SGLIB_QUEUE_DELETE_FIRST(type, a, i, j, dim) {\
+ if (SGLIB_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY(type, a, i, j)) assert(0 && "the queue is empty");\
+ (i) = ((i)+1) % (dim);\
+#define SGLIB_QUEUE_DELETE(type, a, i, j, dim) {\
+ SGLIB_QUEUE_DELETE_FIRST(type, a, i, j, dim);\
+/* ----------------- priority queue (heap) (in an array) -------------------- */
+/* heap is a triple (a,i,dim) such that: */
+/* a is the array storing values */
+/* i is the index of the first free element in the array */
+/* dim is the size of the array a */
+/* !!!!!!! This data structure is NOT documented, do not use it !!!!!!!!!! */
+#define SGLIB_HEAP_INIT(type, a, i) { i = 0; }
+#define SGLIB_HEAP_IS_EMPTY(type, a, i) ((i)==0)
+#define SGLIB_HEAP_IS_FULL(type, a, i, dim) ((i)==(dim))
+#define SGLIB_HEAP_FIRST_ELEMENT(type, a, i) (a[0])
+#define SGLIB_HEAP_ADD_NEXT(type, a, i, dim, comparator, elem_exchanger) {\
+ int _i_;\
+ if (SGLIB_HEAP_IS_FULL(type, a, i, dim)) assert(0 && "the heap is full");\
+ _i_ = (i)++;\
+ while (_i_ > 0 && comparator(a[_i_/2], a[_i_]) < 0) {\
+ elem_exchanger(type, a, (_i_/2), _i_);\
+ _i_ = _i_/2;\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_HEAP_ADD(type, a, elem, i, dim, comparator) {\
+ if (SGLIB_HEAP_IS_FULL(type, a, i, dim)) assert(0 && "the heap is full");\
+ a[i] = (elem);\
+#define SGLIB_HEAP_DELETE_FIRST(type, a, i, dim, comparator, elem_exchanger) {\
+ if (SGLIB_HEAP_IS_EMPTY(type, a, i)) assert(0 && "the heap is empty");\
+ (i)--;\
+ a[0] = a[i];\
+ SGLIB___ARRAY_HEAP_DOWN(type, a, 0, i, comparator, elem_exchanger);\
+#define SGLIB_HEAP_DELETE(type, a, i, dim, comparator) {\
+/* ----------------- hashed table of pointers (in an array) -------------------- */
+ This hashed table is storing pointers to objects (not containers).
+ In this table there is a one-to-one mapping between 'objects' stored
+ in the table and indexes where they are placed. Each index is
+ pointing to exactly one 'object' and each 'object' stored in the
+ table occurs on exactly one index. Once an object is stored in the
+ table, it can be represented via its index.
+ In case of collision while adding an object the index shifted
+ by SGLIB_HASH_TAB_SHIFT_CONSTANT (constant can be redefined)
+ You can NOT delete an element from such hash table. The only
+ justification (I can see) for this data structure is an exchange
+ file format, having an index table at the beginning and then
+ refering objects via indexes.
+ !!!!!!! This data structure is NOT documented, do not use it !!!!!!!!!!
+#define SGLIB_HASH_TAB_INIT(type, table, dim) {\
+ int _i_;\
+ for(_i_ = 0; _i_ < (dim); _i_++) (table)[_i_] = NULL;\
+#define SGLIB_HASH_TAB_ADD_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, table, dim, elem, hash_function, comparator, member){\
+ unsigned _pos_;\
+ type *_elem_;\
+ SGLIB_HASH_TAB_FIND_MEMBER(type, table, dim, elem, _pos_, _elem_);\
+ (member) = (table)[_pos_];\
+ if (_elem_ == NULL) {\
+ if ((table)[_pos_] != NULL) assert(0 && "the hash table is full");\
+ (table)[_pos_] = (elem);\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_HASH_TAB_FIND_MEMBER(type, table, dim, elem, hash_function, comparator, resultIndex, resultMember) {\
+ unsigned _i_;\
+ int _count_;\
+ type *_e_;\
+ _count = 0;\
+ _i_ = hash_function(elem);\
+ _i_ %= (dim);\
+ while ((_e_=(table)[_i_])!=NULL && comparator(_e_, (elem))!=0 && _count_<(dim)) {\
+ _count_ ++;\
+ _i_ = (_i_ + SGLIB_HASH_TAB_SHIFT_CONSTANT) % (dim);\
+ }\
+ (resultIndex) = _i_;\
+ if (_count_ < (dim)) (resultMember) = _e_;\
+ else (resultMember) = NULL;\
+#define SGLIB_HASH_TAB_IS_MEMBER(type, table, dim, elem, hash_function, resultIndex) {\
+ unsigned _i_;\
+ int _c_;\
+ type *_e_;\
+ _count = 0;\
+ _i_ = hash_function(elem);\
+ _i_ %= (dim);\
+ while ((_e_=(table)[_i_])!=NULL && _e_!=(elem) && _c_<(dim)) {\
+ _c_ ++;\
+ _i_ = (_i_ + SGLIB_HASH_TAB_SHIFT_CONSTANT) % (dim);\
+ }\
+ if (_e_==(elem)) (resultIndex) = _i_;\
+ else (resultIndex) = -1;\
+#define SGLIB_HASH_TAB_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS(type, table, dim, iteratedIndex, iteratedVariable, command) {\
+ unsigned iteratedIndex;\
+ type *iteratedVariable;\
+ for(iteratedIndex=0; iteratedIndex < (dim); iteratedIndex++) {\
+ iteratedVariable = (table)[iteratedIndex];\
+ if (iteratedVariable != NULL) {command;}\
+ }\
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------- DYNAMIC DATA STRUCTURES -------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------------------ lists (level 0) --------------------- */
+#define SGLIB_LIST_ADD(type, list, elem, next) {\
+ (elem)->next = (list);\
+ (list) = (elem);\
+#define SGLIB_LIST_CONCAT(type, first, second, next) {\
+ if ((first)==NULL) {\
+ (first) = (second);\
+ } else {\
+ type *_p_;\
+ for(_p_ = (first); _p_->next!=NULL; _p_=_p_->next) ;\
+ _p_->next = (second);\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_LIST_DELETE(type, list, elem, next) {\
+ type **_p_;\
+ for(_p_ = &(list); *_p_!=NULL && *_p_!=(elem); _p_= &(*_p_)->next) ;\
+ assert(*_p_!=NULL && "element is not member of the container, use DELETE_IF_MEMBER instead"!=NULL);\
+ *_p_ = (*_p_)->next;\
+#define SGLIB_LIST_ADD_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, next, member) {\
+ type *_p_;\
+ for(_p_ = (list); _p_!=NULL && comparator(_p_, (elem)) != 0; _p_= _p_->next) ;\
+ (member) = _p_;\
+ if (_p_ == NULL) {\
+ SGLIB_LIST_ADD(type, list, elem, next);\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_LIST_DELETE_IF_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, next, member) {\
+ type **_p_;\
+ for(_p_ = &(list); *_p_!=NULL && comparator((*_p_), (elem)) != 0; _p_= &(*_p_)->next) ;\
+ (member) = *_p_;\
+ if (*_p_ != NULL) {\
+ *_p_ = (*_p_)->next;\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_LIST_IS_MEMBER(type, list, elem, next, result) {\
+ type *_p_;\
+ for(_p_ = (list); _p_!=NULL && _p_ != (elem); _p_= _p_->next) ;\
+ (result) = (_p_!=NULL);\
+#define SGLIB_LIST_FIND_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, next, member) {\
+ type *_p_;\
+ for(_p_ = (list); _p_!=NULL && comparator(_p_, (elem)) != 0; _p_= _p_->next) ;\
+ (member) = _p_;\
+#define SGLIB_LIST_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS(type, list, iteratedVariable, next, command) {\
+ type *_ne_;\
+ type *iteratedVariable;\
+ (iteratedVariable) = (list); \
+ while ((iteratedVariable)!=NULL) {\
+ _ne_ = (iteratedVariable)->next;\
+ {command;};\
+ (iteratedVariable) = _ne_;\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_LIST_LEN(type, list, next, result) {\
+ type *_ce_;\
+ (result) = 0;\
+ SGLIB_LIST_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS(type, list, _ce_, next, (result)++);\
+#define SGLIB_LIST_REVERSE(type, list, next) {\
+ type *_list_,*_tmp_,*_res_;\
+ _list_ = (list);\
+ _res_ = NULL;\
+ while (_list_!=NULL) {\
+ _tmp_ = _list_->next; _list_->next = _res_;\
+ _res_ = _list_; _list_ = _tmp_;\
+ }\
+ (list) = _res_;\
+#define SGLIB_LIST_SORT(type, list, comparator, next) {\
+ /* a non-recursive merge sort on lists */\
+ type *_r_;\
+ type *_a_, *_b_, *_todo_, *_t_, **_restail_;\
+ int _i_, _n_, _contFlag_;\
+ _r_ = (list);\
+ _contFlag_ = 1;\
+ for(_n_ = 1; _contFlag_; _n_ = _n_+_n_) {\
+ _todo_ = _r_; _r_ = NULL; _restail_ = &_r_; _contFlag_ =0;\
+ while (_todo_!=NULL) {\
+ _a_ = _todo_;\
+ for(_i_ = 1, _t_ = _a_; _i_ < _n_ && _t_!=NULL; _i_++, _t_ = _t_->next) ;\
+ if (_t_ ==NULL) {\
+ *_restail_ = _a_;\
+ break;\
+ }\
+ _b_ = _t_->next; _t_->next=NULL;\
+ for(_i_ =1, _t_ = _b_; _i_<_n_ && _t_!=NULL; _i_++, _t_ = _t_->next) ;\
+ if (_t_ ==NULL) {\
+ _todo_ =NULL;\
+ } else {\
+ _todo_ = _t_->next; _t_->next=NULL;\
+ }\
+ /* merge */\
+ while (_a_!=NULL && _b_!=NULL) {\
+ if (comparator(_a_, _b_) < 0) {\
+ *_restail_ = _a_; _restail_ = &(_a_->next); _a_ = _a_->next;\
+ } else {\
+ *_restail_ = _b_; _restail_ = &(_b_->next); _b_ = _b_->next;\
+ }\
+ }\
+ if (_a_!=NULL) *_restail_ = _a_;\
+ else *_restail_ = _b_;\
+ while (*_restail_!=NULL) _restail_ = &((*_restail_)->next);\
+ _contFlag_ =1;\
+ }\
+ }\
+ (list) = _r_;\
+/* --------------------------------- sorted list (level 0) --------------------- */
+ All operations suppose that the list is sorted and they preserve
+ this property.
+#define SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_ADD(type, list, elem, comparator, next) {\
+ type **_e_;\
+ int _cmpres_;\
+ SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_FIND_MEMBER_OR_PLACE(type, list, elem, comparator, next, _cmpres_, _e_);\
+ (elem)->next = *_e_;\
+ *_e_ = (elem);\
+#define SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_ADD_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, next, member) {\
+ type **_e_;\
+ int _cmp_res_;\
+ SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_FIND_MEMBER_OR_PLACE(type, list, elem, comparator, next, _cmp_res_, _e_);\
+ if (_cmp_res_ != 0) {\
+ (elem)->next = *_e_;\
+ *_e_ = (elem);\
+ (member) = NULL;\
+ } else {\
+ (member) = *_e_;\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_DELETE(type, list, elem, next) {\
+ SGLIB_LIST_DELETE(type, list, elem, next);\
+#define SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_DELETE_IF_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, next, member) {\
+ type **_e_;\
+ int _cmp_res_;\
+ SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_FIND_MEMBER_OR_PLACE(type, list, elem, comparator, next, _cmp_res_, _e_);\
+ if (_cmp_res_ == 0) {\
+ (member) = *_e_;\
+ *_e_ = (*_e_)->next;\
+ } else {\
+ (member) = NULL;\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_FIND_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, next, member) {\
+ type *_p_;\
+ int _cmpres_ = 1;\
+ for(_p_ = (list); _p_!=NULL && (_cmpres_=comparator(_p_, (elem))) < 0; _p_=_p_->next) ;\
+ if (_cmpres_ != 0) (member) = NULL;\
+ else (member) = _p_;\
+#define SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_IS_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, next, result) {\
+ type *_p_;\
+ for(_p_ = (list); _p_!=NULL && comparator(_p_, (elem)) < 0; _p_=_p_->next) ;\
+ while (_p_ != NULL && _p_ != (elem) && comparator(_p_, (elem)) == 0) _p_=_p_->next;\
+ (result) = (_p_ == (elem));\
+#define SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_FIND_MEMBER_OR_PLACE(type, list, elem, comparator, next, comparator_result, member_ptr) {\
+ (comparator_result) = -1;\
+ for((member_ptr) = &(list); \
+ *(member_ptr)!=NULL && ((comparator_result)=comparator((*member_ptr), (elem))) < 0; \
+ (member_ptr) = &(*(member_ptr))->next) ;\
+#define SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_LEN(type, list, next, result) {\
+ SGLIB_LIST_LEN(type, list, next, result);\
+#define SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS(type, list, iteratedVariable, next, command) {\
+ SGLIB_LIST_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS(type, list, iteratedVariable, next, command);\
+/* ------------------------------- double linked list (level 0) ------------------------- */
+ Lists with back pointer to previous element. Those lists implements deletion
+ of an element in a constant time.
+#define SGLIB___DL_LIST_CREATE_SINGLETON(type, list, elem, previous, next) {\
+ (list) = (elem);\
+ (list)->next = (list)->previous = NULL;\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD_AFTER(type, place, elem, previous, next) {\
+ if ((place) == NULL) {\
+ SGLIB___DL_LIST_CREATE_SINGLETON(type, place, elem, previous, next);\
+ } else {\
+ (elem)->next = (place)->next;\
+ (elem)->previous = (place);\
+ (place)->next = (elem);\
+ if ((elem)->next != NULL) (elem)->next->previous = (elem);\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD_BEFORE(type, place, elem, previous, next) {\
+ if ((place) == NULL) {\
+ SGLIB___DL_LIST_CREATE_SINGLETON(type, place, elem, previous, next);\
+ } else {\
+ (elem)->next = (place);\
+ (elem)->previous = (place)->previous;\
+ (place)->previous = (elem);\
+ if ((elem)->previous != NULL) (elem)->previous->next = (elem);\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD(type, list, elem, previous, next) {\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD_BEFORE(type, list, elem, previous, next)\
+#define SGLIB___DL_LIST_GENERIC_ADD_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, previous, next, member, the_add_operation) {\
+ type *_dlp_;\
+ for(_dlp_ = (list); _dlp_!=NULL && comparator(_dlp_, (elem)) != 0; _dlp_= _dlp_->previous) ;\
+ if (_dlp_ == NULL && (list) != NULL) {\
+ for(_dlp_ = (list)->next; _dlp_!=NULL && comparator(_dlp_, (elem)) != 0; _dlp_= _dlp_->next) ;\
+ }\
+ (member) = _dlp_;\
+ if (_dlp_ == NULL) {\
+ the_add_operation(type, list, elem, previous, next);\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD_BEFORE_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, previous, next, member) {\
+ SGLIB___DL_LIST_GENERIC_ADD_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, previous, next, member, SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD_BEFORE);\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD_AFTER_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, previous, next, member) {\
+ SGLIB___DL_LIST_GENERIC_ADD_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, previous, next, member, SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD_AFTER);\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, previous, next, member) {\
+ SGLIB___DL_LIST_GENERIC_ADD_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, previous, next, member, SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD);\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_CONCAT(type, first, second, previous, next) {\
+ if ((first)==NULL) {\
+ (first) = (second);\
+ } else if ((second)!=NULL) {\
+ type *_dlp_;\
+ for(_dlp_ = (first); _dlp_->next!=NULL; _dlp_=_dlp_->next) ;\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD_AFTER(type, _dlp_, second, previous, next);\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_DELETE(type, list, elem, previous, next) {\
+ type *_l_;\
+ _l_ = (list);\
+ if (_l_ == (elem)) {\
+ if ((elem)->previous != NULL) _l_ = (elem)->previous;\
+ else _l_ = (elem)->next;\
+ }\
+ if ((elem)->next != NULL) (elem)->next->previous = (elem)->previous;\
+ if ((elem)->previous != NULL) (elem)->previous->next = (elem)->next;\
+ (list) = _l_;\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_DELETE_IF_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, previous, next, member) {\
+ type *_dlp_;\
+ for(_dlp_ = (list); _dlp_!=NULL && comparator(_dlp_, (elem)) != 0; _dlp_= _dlp_->previous) ;\
+ if (_dlp_ == NULL && (list) != NULL) {\
+ for(_dlp_ = (list)->next; _dlp_!=NULL && comparator(_dlp_, (elem)) != 0; _dlp_= _dlp_->next) ;\
+ }\
+ (member) = _dlp_;\
+ if (_dlp_ != NULL) {\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_DELETE(type, list, _dlp_, previous, next);\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_IS_MEMBER(type, list, elem, previous, next, result) {\
+ type *_dlp_;\
+ SGLIB_LIST_IS_MEMBER(type, list, elem, previous, result);\
+ if (result == 0 && (list) != NULL) {\
+ _dlp_ = (list)->next;\
+ SGLIB_LIST_IS_MEMBER(type, _dlp_, elem, next, result);\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_FIND_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, previous, next, member) {\
+ type *_dlp_;\
+ SGLIB_LIST_FIND_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, previous, member);\
+ if ((member) == NULL && (list) != NULL) {\
+ _dlp_ = (list)->next;\
+ SGLIB_LIST_FIND_MEMBER(type, _dlp_, elem, comparator, next, member);\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS(type, list, iteratedVariable, previous, next, command) {\
+ type *_dl_;\
+ type *iteratedVariable;\
+ if ((list)!=NULL) {\
+ _dl_ = (list)->next;\
+ SGLIB_LIST_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS(type, list, iteratedVariable, previous, command);\
+ SGLIB_LIST_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS(type, _dl_, iteratedVariable, next, command);\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_SORT(type, list, comparator, previous, next) {\
+ type *_dll_, *_dlp_, *_dlt_;\
+ _dll_ = (list);\
+ if (_dll_ != NULL) {\
+ for(; _dll_->previous!=NULL; _dll_=_dll_->previous) ;\
+ SGLIB_LIST_SORT(type, _dll_, comparator, next);\
+ SGLIB___DL_LIST_CREATE_FROM_LIST(type, _dll_, previous, next);\
+ (list) = _dll_;\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_GET_FIRST(type, list, previous, next, result) {\
+ type *_dll_;\
+ _dll_ = (list);\
+ if (_dll_ != NULL) {\
+ for(; _dll_->previous!=NULL; _dll_=_dll_->previous) ;\
+ }\
+ (result) = _dll_;\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_GET_LAST(type, list, previous, next, result) {\
+ type *_dll_;\
+ _dll_ = (list);\
+ if (_dll_ != NULL) {\
+ for(; _dll_->next!=NULL; _dll_=_dll_->next) ;\
+ }\
+ (result) = _dll_;\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_LEN(type, list, previous, next, result) {\
+ type *_dl_;\
+ int _r1_, _r2_;\
+ if ((list)==NULL) {\
+ (result) = 0;\
+ } else {\
+ SGLIB_LIST_LEN(type, list, previous, _r1_);\
+ _dl_ = (list)->next;\
+ SGLIB_LIST_LEN(type, _dl_, next, _r2_);\
+ (result) = _r1_ + _r2_;\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_DL_LIST_REVERSE(type, list, previous, next) {\
+ type *_list_,*_nlist_,*_dlp_,*_dln_;\
+ _list_ = (list);\
+ if (_list_!=NULL) {\
+ _nlist_ = _list_->next;\
+ while (_list_!=NULL) {\
+ _dln_ = _list_->next; \
+ _dlp_ = _list_->previous; \
+ _list_->next = _dlp_;\
+ _list_->previous = _dln_;\
+ _list_ = _dlp_;\
+ }\
+ while (_nlist_!=NULL) {\
+ _dln_ = _nlist_->next; \
+ _dlp_ = _nlist_->previous; \
+ _nlist_->next = _dlp_;\
+ _nlist_->previous = _dln_;\
+ _nlist_ = _dln_;\
+ }\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB___DL_LIST_CREATE_FROM_LIST(type, list, previous, next) {\
+ type *_dlp_, *_dlt_;\
+ _dlp_ = NULL;\
+ for(_dlt_ = (list); _dlt_!=NULL; _dlt_ = _dlt_->next) {\
+ _dlt_->previous = _dlp_;\
+ _dlp_ = _dlt_;\
+ }\
+/* ------------------------------- binary tree traversal (level 0) -------------------- */
+#define SGLIB___BIN_TREE_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS(type, tree, iteratedVariable, order, left, right, command) {\
+ /* this is non-recursive implementation of tree traversal */\
+ /* it maintains the path to the current node in the array '_path_' */\
+ /* the _path_[0] contains the root of the tree; */\
+ /* the _path_[_pathi_] contains the _current_element_ */\
+ /* the macro does not use the _current_element_ after execution of command */\
+ /* command can destroy it, it can free the element for example */\
+ type *_path_[SGLIB_MAX_TREE_DEEP];\
+ type *_right_[SGLIB_MAX_TREE_DEEP];\
+ char _pass_[SGLIB_MAX_TREE_DEEP];\
+ type *_cn_;\
+ int _pathi_;\
+ type *iteratedVariable;\
+ _cn_ = (tree);\
+ _pathi_ = 0;\
+ while (_cn_!=NULL) {\
+ /* push down to leftmost innermost element */\
+ while(_cn_!=NULL) {\
+ _path_[_pathi_] = _cn_;\
+ _right_[_pathi_] = _cn_->right;\
+ _pass_[_pathi_] = 0;\
+ _cn_ = _cn_->left;\
+ if (order == 0) {\
+ iteratedVariable = _path_[_pathi_];\
+ {command;}\
+ }\
+ _pathi_ ++;\
+ if (_pathi_ >= SGLIB_MAX_TREE_DEEP) assert(0 && "the binary_tree is too deep");\
+ }\
+ do {\
+ _pathi_ --;\
+ if ((order==1 && _pass_[_pathi_] == 0)\
+ || (order == 2 && (_pass_[_pathi_] == 1 || _right_[_pathi_]==NULL))) {\
+ iteratedVariable = _path_[_pathi_];\
+ {command;}\
+ }\
+ _pass_[_pathi_] ++;\
+ } while (_pathi_>0 && _right_[_pathi_]==NULL) ;\
+ _cn_ = _right_[_pathi_];\
+ _right_[_pathi_] = NULL;\
+ _pathi_ ++;\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_BIN_TREE_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS(type, tree, _current_element_, left, right, command) {\
+ SGLIB___BIN_TREE_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS(type, tree, _current_element_, 1, left, right, command);\
+#define SGLIB_BIN_TREE_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS_PREORDER(type, tree, _current_element_, left, right, command) {\
+ SGLIB___BIN_TREE_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS(type, tree, _current_element_, 0, left, right, command);\
+#define SGLIB_BIN_TREE_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS_POSTORDER(type, tree, _current_element_, left, right, command) {\
+ SGLIB___BIN_TREE_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS(type, tree, _current_element_, 2, left, right, command);\
+#define SGLIB___BIN_TREE_FIND_MEMBER(type, tree, elem, left, right, comparator, res) {\
+ type *_s_;\
+ int _c_;\
+ _s_ = (tree);\
+ while (_s_!=NULL) {\
+ _c_ = comparator((elem), _s_);\
+ if (_c_ < 0) _s_ = _s_->left;\
+ else if (_c_ > 0) _s_ = _s_->right;\
+ else break;\
+ }\
+ (res) = _s_;\
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* - LEVEL - 1 INTERFACE - */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------------ STATIC ARRAYS ------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ----------------------------- array sorting (level 1) ---------------------- */
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_ARRAY_SORTING_PROTOTYPES(type, comparator) \
+ extern void sglib_##type##_array_quick_sort(type *a, int max);\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_array_heap_sort(type *a, int max);\
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_ARRAY_SORTING_FUNCTIONS(type, comparator) \
+ void sglib_##type##_array_quick_sort(type *a, int max) {\
+ SGLIB_ARRAY_SINGLE_QUICK_SORT(type, a, max, comparator);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_array_heap_sort(type *a, int max) {\
+ SGLIB_ARRAY_SINGLE_HEAP_SORT(type, a, max, comparator);\
+ }\
+/* ----------------------------- array queue (level 1) ------------------- */
+/* sglib's queue is stored in a fixed sized array */
+/* queue_type MUST be a structure containing fields: */
+/* afield is the array storing elem_type */
+/* ifield is the index of the first element in the queue */
+/* jfield is the index of the first free element after the queue */
+/* dim is the size of the array afield */
+/* !!!!!!! This data structure is NOT documented, do not use it !!!!!!!!!! */
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_QUEUE_PROTOTYPES(queue_type, elem_type, afield, ifield, jfield, dim) \
+ extern void sglib_##queue_type##_init(queue_type *q); \
+ extern int sglib_##queue_type##_is_empty(queue_type *q); \
+ extern int sglib_##queue_type##_is_full(queue_type *q); \
+ extern elem_type sglib_##queue_type##_first_element(queue_type *q); \
+ extern elem_type *sglib_##queue_type##_first_element_ptr(queue_type *q); \
+ extern void sglib_##queue_type##_add_next(queue_type *q); \
+ extern void sglib_##queue_type##_add(queue_type *q, elem_type elem); \
+ extern void sglib_##queue_type##_delete_first(queue_type *q); \
+ extern void sglib_##queue_type##_delete(queue_type *q);
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_QUEUE_FUNCTIONS(queue_type, elem_type, afield, ifield, jfield, dim) \
+ void sglib_##queue_type##_init(queue_type *q) {\
+ SGLIB_QUEUE_INIT(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield, q->jfield);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##queue_type##_is_empty(queue_type *q) {\
+ return(SGLIB_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield, q->jfield));\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##queue_type##_is_full(queue_type *q) {\
+ return(SGLIB_QUEUE_IS_FULL(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield, q->jfield));\
+ }\
+ elem_type sglib_##queue_type##_first_element(queue_type *q) {\
+ return(SGLIB_QUEUE_FIRST_ELEMENT(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield, q->jfield));\
+ }\
+ elem_type *sglib_##queue_type##_first_element_ptr(queue_type *q) {\
+ return(& SGLIB_QUEUE_FIRST_ELEMENT(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield, q->jfield));\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##queue_type##_add_next(queue_type *q) {\
+ SGLIB_QUEUE_ADD_NEXT(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield, q->jfield, dim);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##queue_type##_add(queue_type *q, elem_type elem) {\
+ SGLIB_QUEUE_ADD(elem_type, q->afield, elem, q->ifield, q->jfield, dim);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##queue_type##_delete_first(queue_type *q) {\
+ SGLIB_QUEUE_DELETE_FIRST(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield, q->jfield, dim);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##queue_type##_delete(queue_type *q) {\
+ SGLIB_QUEUE_DELETE_FIRST(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield, q->jfield, dim);\
+ }
+/* ------------------------ array heap (level 1) ------------------------- */
+/* sglib's heap is a priority queue implemented in a fixed sized array */
+/* heap_type MUST be a structure containing fields: */
+/* afield is the array of size dim storing elem_type */
+/* ifield is the index of the first free element after the queue */
+/* !!!!!!! This data structure is NOT documented, do not use it !!!!!!!!!! */
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_HEAP_PROTOTYPES(heap_type, elem_type, afield, ifield, dim, comparator, elem_exchanger) \
+ extern void sglib_##heap_type##_init(heap_type *q); \
+ extern int sglib_##heap_type##_is_empty(heap_type *q); \
+ extern int sglib_##heap_type##_is_full(heap_type *q); \
+ extern elem_type sglib_##heap_type##_first_element(heap_type *q); \
+ extern elem_type *sglib_##heap_type##_first_element_ptr(heap_type *q); \
+ extern void sglib_##heap_type##_add_next(heap_type *q); \
+ extern void sglib_##heap_type##_add(heap_type *q, elem_type elem); \
+ extern void sglib_##heap_type##_delete_first(heap_type *q); \
+ extern void sglib_##heap_type##_delete(heap_type *q)
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_HEAP_FUNCTIONS(heap_type, elem_type, afield, ifield, dim, comparator, elem_exchanger) \
+ void sglib_##heap_type##_init(heap_type *q) {\
+ SGLIB_HEAP_INIT(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##heap_type##_is_empty(heap_type *q) {\
+ return(SGLIB_HEAP_IS_EMPTY(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield));\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##heap_type##_is_full(heap_type *q) {\
+ return(SGLIB_HEAP_IS_FULL(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield));\
+ }\
+ elem_type sglib_##heap_type##_first_element(heap_type *q) {\
+ return(SGLIB_HEAP_FIRST_ELEMENT(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield));\
+ }\
+ elem_type *sglib_##heap_type##_first_element_ptr(heap_type *q) {\
+ return(& SGLIB_HEAP_FIRST_ELEMENT(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield));\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##heap_type##_add_next(heap_type *q) {\
+ SGLIB_HEAP_ADD_NEXT(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield, dim, comparator, elem_exchanger);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##heap_type##_add(heap_type *q, elem_type elem) {\
+ SGLIB_HEAP_ADD(elem_type, q->afield, elem, q->ifield, dim, comparator, elem_exchanger);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##heap_type##_delete_first(heap_type *q) {\
+ SGLIB_HEAP_DELETE_FIRST(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield, dim, comparator, elem_exchanger);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##heap_type##_delete(heap_type *q) {\
+ SGLIB_HEAP_DELETE_FIRST(elem_type, q->afield, q->ifield, dim, comparator, elem_exchanger);\
+ }
+/* ------------------------ hashed table (level 1) ------------------------- */
+ sglib's hash table is an array storing directly pointers to objects (not containers).
+ In this table there is a one-to-one mapping between 'objects' stored
+ in the table and indexes where they are placed. Each index is
+ pointing to exactly one 'object' and each 'object' stored in the
+ table occurs on exactly one index. Once an object is stored in the
+ table, it can be represented via its index.
+ type - is the type of elements
+ dim - is the size of the hash array
+ hash_function - is a hashing function mapping type* to unsigned
+ comparator - is a comparator on elements
+ !!!!!!! This data structure is NOT documented, do not use it !!!!!!!!!!
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_HASHED_TABLE_PROTOTYPES(type, dim, hash_function, comparator) \
+ struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator {\
+ int currentIndex;\
+ int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *);\
+ type *equalto;\
+ };\
+ extern void sglib_hashed_##type##_init(type *table[dim]);\
+ extern int sglib_hashed_##type##_add_if_not_member(type *table[dim], type *elem, type **member);\
+ extern int sglib_hashed_##type##_is_member(type *table[dim], type *elem);\
+ extern type * sglib_hashed_##type##_find_member(type *table[dim], type *elem);\
+ extern type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_init(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it, type *table[dim]); \
+ extern type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_init_on_equal(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it, type *table[dim], int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *), type *equalto); \
+ extern type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_current(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it); \
+ extern type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_next(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it);
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_HASHED_TABLE_FUNCTIONS(type, dim, hash_function, comparator) \
+ struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator {\
+ int currentIndex;\
+ type **table;\
+ int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *);\
+ type *equalto;\
+ };\
+ void sglib_hashed_##type##_init(type *table[dim]) {\
+ SGLIB_HASH_TAB_INIT(type, table, dim);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_hashed_##type##_add_if_not_member(type *table[dim], type *elem, type **member) {\
+ SGLIB_HASH_TAB_ADD_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, table, dim, elem, hash_function, comparator, *member);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_hashed_##type##_is_member(type *table[dim], type *elem) {\
+ int ind;\
+ SGLIB_HASH_TAB_IS_MEMBER(type, table, dim, elem, hash_function, ind);\
+ return(ind != -1);\
+ }\
+ type * sglib_hashed_##type##_find_member(type *table[dim], type *elem) {\
+ type *mmb;\
+ int ind;\
+ SGLIB_HASH_TAB_FIND_MEMBER(type, table, dim, elem, hash_function, comparator, ind, mmb);\
+ return(mmb);\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_init_on_equal(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it, type *table[dim], int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *), type *equalto) {\
+ int i;\
+ it->table = table;\
+ it->subcomparator = subcomparator;\
+ it->equalto = equalto;\
+ for(i=0; i<(dim) && table[i]==NULL; i++) ;\
+ it->currentIndex = i;\
+ if (i<(dim)) return(table[i]);\
+ return(NULL);\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_init(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it, type *table[dim]) {\
+ sglib_hashed_##type##_it_init_on_equal(it, table, NULL, NULL);\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_current(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it) {\
+ return(table[it->currentIndex]);\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_next(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it) {\
+ i=it->currentIndex;\
+ if (i<(dim)) {\
+ for(i++; i<(dim) && table[i]==NULL; i++) ;\
+ }\
+ it->currentIndex = i;\
+ if (i<(dim)) return(table[i]);\
+ return(NULL);\
+ }
+/* ------------------- hashed container (only for level 1) -------------------- */
+ hashed container is a table of given fixed size containing another
+ (dynamic) base container in each cell. Once an object should be
+ inserted into the hashed container, a hash function is used to
+ determine the cell where the object belongs and the object is
+ inserted into the base container stored in this cell. Usually the
+ base container is simply a list or a sorted list, but it can be a
+ red-black tree as well.
+ parameters:
+ type - the type of the container stored in each cell.
+ dim - the size of the hashed array
+ hash_function - the hashing function hashing 'type *' to unsigned.
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_HASHED_CONTAINER_PROTOTYPES(type, dim, hash_function) \
+ struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator {\
+ struct sglib_##type##_iterator containerIt;\
+ type **table;\
+ int currentIndex;\
+ int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *);\
+ type *equalto;\
+ };\
+ extern void sglib_hashed_##type##_init(type *table[dim]);\
+ extern void sglib_hashed_##type##_add(type *table[dim], type *elem);\
+ extern int sglib_hashed_##type##_add_if_not_member(type *table[dim], type *elem, type **member);\
+ extern void sglib_hashed_##type##_delete(type *table[dim], type *elem);\
+ extern int sglib_hashed_##type##_delete_if_member(type *table[dim], type *elem, type **memb);\
+ extern int sglib_hashed_##type##_is_member(type *table[dim], type *elem);\
+ extern type * sglib_hashed_##type##_find_member(type *table[dim], type *elem);\
+ extern type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_init(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it, type *table[dim]); \
+ extern type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_init_on_equal(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it, type *table[dim], int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *), type *equalto); \
+ extern type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_current(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it); \
+ extern type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_next(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it);
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_HASHED_CONTAINER_FUNCTIONS(type, dim, hash_function) \
+ /*extern unsigned hash_function(type *elem);*/\
+ void sglib_hashed_##type##_init(type *table[dim]) {\
+ unsigned i;\
+ for(i=0; i<(dim); i++) table[i] = NULL;\
+ }\
+ void sglib_hashed_##type##_add(type *table[dim], type *elem) {\
+ unsigned i;\
+ i = ((unsigned)hash_function(elem)) % (dim);\
+ sglib_##type##_add(&(table)[i], elem);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_hashed_##type##_add_if_not_member(type *table[dim], type *elem, type **member) {\
+ unsigned i;\
+ i = ((unsigned)hash_function(elem)) % (dim);\
+ return(sglib_##type##_add_if_not_member(&(table)[i], elem, member));\
+ }\
+ void sglib_hashed_##type##_delete(type *table[dim], type *elem) {\
+ unsigned i;\
+ i = ((unsigned)hash_function(elem)) % (dim);\
+ sglib_##type##_delete(&(table)[i], elem);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_hashed_##type##_delete_if_member(type *table[dim], type *elem, type **memb) {\
+ unsigned i;\
+ i = ((unsigned)hash_function(elem)) % (dim);\
+ return(sglib_##type##_delete_if_member(&(table)[i], elem, memb));\
+ }\
+ int sglib_hashed_##type##_is_member(type *table[dim], type *elem) {\
+ unsigned i;\
+ i = ((unsigned)hash_function(elem)) % (dim);\
+ return(sglib_##type##_is_member((table)[i], elem));\
+ }\
+ type * sglib_hashed_##type##_find_member(type *table[dim], type *elem) {\
+ unsigned i;\
+ i = ((unsigned)hash_function(elem)) % (dim);\
+ return(sglib_##type##_find_member((table)[i], elem));\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_init_on_equal(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it, type *table[dim], int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *), type *equalto) {\
+ type *e;\
+ it->table = table;\
+ it->currentIndex = 0;\
+ it->subcomparator = subcomparator;\
+ it->equalto = equalto;\
+ e = sglib_##type##_it_init_on_equal(&it->containerIt, table[it->currentIndex], it->subcomparator, it->equalto);\
+ if (e==NULL) e = sglib_hashed_##type##_it_next(it);\
+ return(e);\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_init(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it, type *table[dim]) {\
+ return(sglib_hashed_##type##_it_init_on_equal(it, table, NULL, NULL));\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_current(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it) {\
+ return(sglib_##type##_it_current(&it->containerIt));\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_hashed_##type##_it_next(struct sglib_hashed_##type##_iterator *it) {\
+ type *e;\
+ e = sglib_##type##_it_next(&it->containerIt);\
+ while (e==NULL && (++(it->currentIndex))<(dim)) {\
+ e = sglib_##type##_it_init_on_equal(&it->containerIt, it->table[it->currentIndex], it->subcomparator, it->equalto);\
+ }\
+ return(e);\
+ }
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------- DYNAMIC DATA STRUCTURES -------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------------------ list (level 1) -------------------------------- */
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_LIST_PROTOTYPES(type, comparator, next) \
+ struct sglib_##type##_iterator {\
+ type *currentelem;\
+ type *nextelem;\
+ int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *);\
+ type *equalto;\
+ };\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_add(type **list, type *elem);\
+ extern int sglib_##type##_add_if_not_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member);\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_concat(type **first, type *second);\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_delete(type **list, type *elem);\
+ extern int sglib_##type##_delete_if_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member);\
+ extern int sglib_##type##_is_member(type *list, type *elem);\
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_find_member(type *list, type *elem);\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_sort(type **list);\
+ extern int sglib_##type##_len(type *list);\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_reverse(type **list);\
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_init(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *list); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_init_on_equal(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *list, int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *), type *equalto); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_current(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_next(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it);
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_LIST_FUNCTIONS(type, comparator, next) \
+ int sglib_##type##_is_member(type *list, type *elem) {\
+ int result;\
+ SGLIB_LIST_IS_MEMBER(type, list, elem, next, result);\
+ return(result);\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_##type##_find_member(type *list, type *elem) {\
+ type *result;\
+ SGLIB_LIST_FIND_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, next, result);\
+ return(result);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##type##_add_if_not_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member) {\
+ SGLIB_LIST_ADD_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, *list, elem, comparator, next, *member);\
+ return(*member==NULL);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_add(type **list, type *elem) {\
+ SGLIB_LIST_ADD(type, *list, elem, next);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_concat(type **first, type *second) {\
+ SGLIB_LIST_CONCAT(type, *first, second, next);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_delete(type **list, type *elem) {\
+ SGLIB_LIST_DELETE(type, *list, elem, next);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##type##_delete_if_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member) {\
+ SGLIB_LIST_DELETE_IF_MEMBER(type, *list, elem, comparator, next, *member);\
+ return(*member!=NULL);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_sort(type **list) { \
+ SGLIB_LIST_SORT(type, *list, comparator, next);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##type##_len(type *list) {\
+ int res;\
+ SGLIB_LIST_LEN(type, list, next, res);\
+ return(res);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_reverse(type **list) {\
+ SGLIB_LIST_REVERSE(type, *list, next);\
+ }\
+ \
+ type *sglib_##type##_it_init_on_equal(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *list, int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *), type *equalto) {\
+ it->subcomparator = subcomparator;\
+ it->equalto = equalto;\
+ it->nextelem = list;\
+ return(sglib_##type##_it_next(it));\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_##type##_it_init(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *list) {\
+ return(sglib_##type##_it_init_on_equal(it, list, NULL, NULL));\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_##type##_it_current(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it) {\
+ return(it->currentelem);\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_##type##_it_next(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it) {\
+ type *ce, *eq;\
+ int (*scp)(type *, type *);\
+ ce = it->nextelem;\
+ it->nextelem = NULL;\
+ if (it->subcomparator != NULL) {\
+ eq = it->equalto; \
+ scp = it->subcomparator;\
+ while (ce!=NULL && scp(ce, eq)!=0) ce = ce->next;\
+ }\
+ it->currentelem = ce;\
+ if (ce != NULL) it->nextelem = ce->next;\
+ return(ce);\
+ }
+/* ----------------------------- sorted list (level 1) ----------------------------------- */
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_SORTED_LIST_PROTOTYPES(type, comparator, next) \
+ struct sglib_##type##_iterator {\
+ type *currentelem;\
+ type *nextelem;\
+ int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *);\
+ type *equalto;\
+ };\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_add(type **list, type *elem);\
+ extern int sglib_##type##_add_if_not_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member);\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_delete(type **list, type *elem);\
+ extern int sglib_##type##_delete_if_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member);\
+ extern int sglib_##type##_is_member(type *list, type *elem);\
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_find_member(type *list, type *elem);\
+ extern int sglib_##type##_len(type *list);\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_sort(type **list);\
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_init(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *list); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_init_on_equal(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *list, int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *), type *equalto); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_current(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_next(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it);
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_SORTED_LIST_FUNCTIONS(type, comparator, next) \
+ int sglib_##type##_is_member(type *list, type *elem) {\
+ int result;\
+ SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_IS_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, next, result);\
+ return(result);\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_##type##_find_member(type *list, type *elem) {\
+ type *result;\
+ SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_FIND_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, next, result);\
+ return(result);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##type##_add_if_not_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member) {\
+ SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_ADD_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, *list, elem, comparator, next, *member);\
+ return(*member==NULL);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_add(type **list, type *elem) {\
+ SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_ADD(type, *list, elem, comparator, next);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_delete(type **list, type *elem) {\
+ SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_DELETE(type, *list, elem, next);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##type##_delete_if_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member) {\
+ SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_DELETE_IF_MEMBER(type, *list, elem, comparator, next, *member);\
+ return(*member!=NULL);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##type##_len(type *list) {\
+ int res;\
+ SGLIB_SORTED_LIST_LEN(type, list, next, res);\
+ return(res);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_sort(type **list) { \
+ SGLIB_LIST_SORT(type, *list, comparator, next);\
+ }\
+ \
+ type *sglib_##type##_it_init_on_equal(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *list, int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *), type *equalto) {\
+ it->subcomparator = subcomparator;\
+ it->equalto = equalto;\
+ it->nextelem = list;\
+ return(sglib_##type##_it_next(it));\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_##type##_it_init(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *list) {\
+ return(sglib_##type##_it_init_on_equal(it, list, NULL, NULL));\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_##type##_it_current(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it) {\
+ return(it->currentelem);\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_##type##_it_next(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it) {\
+ type *ce, *eq;\
+ int (*scp)(type *, type *);\
+ int c;\
+ ce = it->nextelem;\
+ it->nextelem = NULL;\
+ if (it->subcomparator != NULL) {\
+ eq = it->equalto; \
+ scp = it->subcomparator;\
+ while (ce!=NULL && (c=scp(ce, eq)) < 0) ce = ce->next;\
+ if (ce != NULL && c > 0) ce = NULL;\
+ }\
+ it->currentelem = ce;\
+ if (ce != NULL) it->nextelem = ce->next;\
+ return(ce);\
+ }
+/* ----------------------------- double linked list (level 1) ------------------------------ */
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_DL_LIST_PROTOTYPES(type, comparator, previous, next) \
+ struct sglib_##type##_iterator {\
+ type *currentelem;\
+ type *prevelem;\
+ type *nextelem;\
+ int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *);\
+ type *equalto;\
+ };\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_add(type **list, type *elem);\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_add_before(type **list, type *elem);\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_add_after(type **list, type *elem);\
+ extern int sglib_##type##_add_if_not_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member);\
+ extern int sglib_##type##_add_before_if_not_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member);\
+ extern int sglib_##type##_add_after_if_not_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member);\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_concat(type **first, type *second);\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_delete(type **list, type *elem);\
+ extern int sglib_##type##_delete_if_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member);\
+ extern int sglib_##type##_is_member(type *list, type *elem);\
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_find_member(type *list, type *elem);\
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_get_first(type *list);\
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_get_last(type *list);\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_sort(type **list);\
+ extern int sglib_##type##_len(type *list);\
+ extern void sglib_##type##_reverse(type **list);\
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_init(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *list); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_init_on_equal(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *list, int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *), type *equalto); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_current(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_next(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it);
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_DL_LIST_FUNCTIONS(type, comparator, previous, next) \
+ void sglib_##type##_add(type **list, type *elem) {\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD(type, *list, elem, previous, next);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_add_after(type **list, type *elem) {\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD_AFTER(type, *list, elem, previous, next);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_add_before(type **list, type *elem) {\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD_BEFORE(type, *list, elem, previous, next);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##type##_add_if_not_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member) {\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, *list, elem, comparator, previous, next, *member);\
+ return(*member==NULL);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##type##_add_after_if_not_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member) {\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD_AFTER_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, *list, elem, comparator, previous, next, *member);\
+ return(*member==NULL);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##type##_add_before_if_not_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member) {\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_ADD_BEFORE_IF_NOT_MEMBER(type, *list, elem, comparator, previous, next, *member);\
+ return(*member==NULL);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_concat(type **first, type *second) {\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_CONCAT(type, *first, second, previous, next);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_delete(type **list, type *elem) {\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_DELETE(type, *list, elem, previous, next);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##type##_delete_if_member(type **list, type *elem, type **member) {\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_DELETE_IF_MEMBER(type, *list, elem, comparator, previous, next, *member);\
+ return(*member!=NULL);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##type##_is_member(type *list, type *elem) {\
+ int result;\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_IS_MEMBER(type, list, elem, previous, next, result);\
+ return(result);\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_##type##_find_member(type *list, type *elem) {\
+ type *result;\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_FIND_MEMBER(type, list, elem, comparator, previous, next, result);\
+ return(result);\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_##type##_get_first(type *list) {\
+ type *result;\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_GET_FIRST(type, list, previous, next, result);\
+ return(result);\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_##type##_get_last(type *list) {\
+ type *result;\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_GET_LAST(type, list, previous, next, result);\
+ return(result);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_sort(type **list) {\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_SORT(type, *list, comparator, previous, next);\
+ }\
+ int sglib_##type##_len(type *list) {\
+ int res;\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_LEN(type, list, previous, next, res);\
+ return(res);\
+ }\
+ void sglib_##type##_reverse(type **list) {\
+ SGLIB_DL_LIST_REVERSE(type, *list, previous, next);\
+ }\
+ \
+ type *sglib_##type##_it_init_on_equal(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *list, int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *), type *equalto) {\
+ it->subcomparator = subcomparator;\
+ it->equalto = equalto;\
+ it->prevelem = list;\
+ it->nextelem = list;\
+ if (list != NULL) it->nextelem = list->next;\
+ return(sglib_##type##_it_next(it));\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_##type##_it_init(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *list) {\
+ return(sglib_##type##_it_init_on_equal(it, list, NULL, NULL));\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_##type##_it_current(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it) {\
+ return(it->currentelem);\
+ }\
+ type *sglib_##type##_it_next(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it) {\
+ type *ce, *eq;\
+ int (*scp)(type *, type *);\
+ ce = it->prevelem;\
+ it->prevelem = NULL;\
+ if (it->subcomparator != NULL) {\
+ eq = it->equalto; \
+ scp = it->subcomparator;\
+ while (ce!=NULL && scp(eq, ce)!=0) ce = ce->previous;\
+ }\
+ if (ce != NULL) {\
+ it->prevelem = ce->previous;\
+ } else {\
+ ce = it->nextelem;\
+ it->nextelem = NULL;\
+ if (it->subcomparator != NULL) {\
+ eq = it->equalto; \
+ scp = it->subcomparator;\
+ while (ce!=NULL && scp(ce, eq)!=0) ce = ce->next;\
+ }\
+ if (ce != NULL) it->nextelem = ce->next;\
+ }\
+ it->currentelem = ce;\
+ return(ce);\
+ }
+/* --------------------------------- red-black trees (level 1) -------------------------------- */
+This implementation requires pointers to left and right sons (no
+parent pointer is needed) and one bit of additional information
+storing the color of the node. The implementation follows discrepancy
+fixing rules from:
+#define SGLIB___RBTREE_FIX_INSERTION_DISCREPANCY(type, tree, leftt, rightt, bits, RED, BLACK) {\
+ type *t, *tl, *a, *b, *c, *ar, *bl, *br, *cl, *cr;\
+ t = *tree;\
+ tl = t->leftt;\
+ if (t->rightt!=NULL && SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->rightt->bits)==RED) {\
+ if (SGLIB___GET_VALUE(tl->bits)==RED) {\
+ if ((tl->leftt!=NULL && SGLIB___GET_VALUE(tl->leftt->bits)==RED) \
+ || (tl->rightt!=NULL && SGLIB___GET_VALUE(tl->rightt->bits)==RED)) {\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(t->leftt->bits,BLACK);\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(t->rightt->bits,BLACK);\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(t->bits,RED);\
+ }\
+ }\
+ } else {\
+ if (SGLIB___GET_VALUE(tl->bits)==RED) {\
+ if (tl->leftt!=NULL && SGLIB___GET_VALUE(tl->leftt->bits)==RED) {\
+ a = t; b = tl; c = tl->leftt;\
+ br = b->rightt;\
+ a->leftt = br;\
+ b->leftt = c; b->rightt = a;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(a->bits,RED);\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(b->bits,BLACK);\
+ *tree = b;\
+ } else if (tl->rightt!=NULL && SGLIB___GET_VALUE(tl->rightt->bits)==RED) {\
+ a = t; b = tl; ar=a->rightt;\
+ bl=b->leftt; c=b->rightt;\
+ cl=c->leftt; cr=c->rightt;\
+ b->rightt = cl;\
+ a->leftt = cr;\
+ c->leftt = b;\
+ c->rightt = a;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(c->bits,BLACK);\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(a->bits,RED);\
+ *tree = c;\
+ }\
+ }\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB___RBTREE_FIX_DELETION_DISCREPANCY(type, tree, leftt, rightt, bits, RED, BLACK, res) {\
+ type *t, *a, *b, *c, *d, *ar, *bl, *br, *cl, *cr, *dl, *dr;\
+ t = a = *tree;\
+ assert(t!=NULL);\
+ ar = a->rightt;\
+ b = t->leftt;\
+ if (b==NULL) {\
+ assert(SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->bits)==RED);\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(t->bits,BLACK);\
+ res = 0;\
+ } else {\
+ bl = b->leftt;\
+ br = b->rightt;\
+ if (SGLIB___GET_VALUE(b->bits)==RED) {\
+ if (br==NULL) {\
+ *tree = b;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(b->bits,BLACK);\
+ b->rightt = a;\
+ a->leftt = br;\
+ res = 0;\
+ } else {\
+ c = br;\
+ assert(c!=NULL && SGLIB___GET_VALUE(c->bits)==BLACK);\
+ cl = c->leftt;\
+ cr = c->rightt;\
+ if ((cl==NULL||SGLIB___GET_VALUE(cl->bits)==BLACK) && (cr==NULL||SGLIB___GET_VALUE(cr->bits)==BLACK)) {\
+ *tree = b;\
+ b->rightt = a;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(b->bits,BLACK);\
+ a->leftt = c;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(c->bits,RED);\
+ res = 0;\
+ } else if (cl!=NULL && SGLIB___GET_VALUE(cl->bits)==RED) {\
+ if (cr!=NULL && SGLIB___GET_VALUE(cr->bits)==RED) {\
+ d = cr;\
+ dl = d->leftt;\
+ dr = d->rightt;\
+ *tree = d;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(d->bits,BLACK);\
+ d->leftt = b;\
+ c->rightt = dl;\
+ d->rightt = a;\
+ a->leftt = dr;\
+ res = 0;\
+ } else {\
+ *tree = c;\
+ c->leftt = b;\
+ c->rightt = a;\
+ b->leftt = bl;\
+ b->rightt = cl;\
+ a->leftt = cr;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(cl->bits,BLACK);\
+ res = 0;\
+ }\
+ } else if (cr!=NULL && SGLIB___GET_VALUE(cr->bits)==RED) {\
+ assert(cl==NULL || SGLIB___GET_VALUE(cl->bits)==BLACK);\
+ d = cr;\
+ dl = d->leftt;\
+ dr = d->rightt;\
+ *tree = d;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(d->bits,BLACK);\
+ d->leftt = b;\
+ c->rightt = dl;\
+ d->rightt = a;\
+ a->leftt = dr;\
+ res = 0;\
+ } else {\
+ assert(0);\
+ res = 0;\
+ }\
+ }\
+ } else {\
+ if ((bl==NULL || SGLIB___GET_VALUE(bl->bits)==BLACK) && (br==NULL || SGLIB___GET_VALUE(br->bits)==BLACK)) {\
+ res = (SGLIB___GET_VALUE(a->bits)==BLACK);\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(a->bits,BLACK);\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(b->bits,RED);\
+ } else if (bl!=NULL && SGLIB___GET_VALUE(bl->bits)==RED) {\
+ if (br==NULL || SGLIB___GET_VALUE(br->bits)==BLACK) {\
+ *tree = b;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(b->bits,SGLIB___GET_VALUE(a->bits));\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(a->bits,BLACK);\
+ b->rightt = a;\
+ a->leftt = br;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(bl->bits,BLACK);\
+ res = 0;\
+ } else {\
+ assert(bl!=NULL);\
+ assert(br!=NULL);\
+ assert(SGLIB___GET_VALUE(bl->bits)==RED);\
+ assert(SGLIB___GET_VALUE(br->bits)==RED);\
+ c = br;\
+ cl = c->leftt;\
+ cr = c->rightt;\
+ *tree = c;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(c->bits,SGLIB___GET_VALUE(a->bits));\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(a->bits,BLACK);\
+ c->leftt = b;\
+ c->rightt = a;\
+ b->rightt = cl;\
+ a->leftt = cr;\
+ res = 0;\
+ }\
+ } else {\
+ assert(br!=NULL && SGLIB___GET_VALUE(br->bits)==RED);\
+ c = br;\
+ cl = c->leftt;\
+ cr = c->rightt;\
+ *tree = c;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(c->bits,SGLIB___GET_VALUE(a->bits));\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(a->bits,BLACK);\
+ c->leftt = b;\
+ c->rightt = a;\
+ b->rightt = cl;\
+ a->leftt = cr;\
+ res = 0;\
+ }\
+ }\
+ }\
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_RBTREE_FUNCTIONS_GENERAL(type, left, right, bits, comparator, RED, BLACK) \
+static void sglib___##type##_fix_left_insertion_discrepancy(type **tree) {\
+ SGLIB___RBTREE_FIX_INSERTION_DISCREPANCY(type, tree, left, right, bits, RED, BLACK);\
+static void sglib___##type##_fix_right_insertion_discrepancy(type **tree) {\
+ SGLIB___RBTREE_FIX_INSERTION_DISCREPANCY(type, tree, right, left, bits, RED, BLACK);\
+static int sglib___##type##_fix_left_deletion_discrepancy(type **tree) {\
+ int res;\
+ SGLIB___RBTREE_FIX_DELETION_DISCREPANCY(type, tree, right, left, bits, RED, BLACK, res);\
+ return(res);\
+static int sglib___##type##_fix_right_deletion_discrepancy(type **tree) {\
+ int res;\
+ SGLIB___RBTREE_FIX_DELETION_DISCREPANCY(type, tree, left, right, bits, RED, BLACK, res);\
+ return(res);\
+static void sglib___##type##_add_recursive(type **tree, type *elem) {\
+ int cmp;\
+ type *t;\
+ t = *tree;\
+ if (t == NULL) {\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(elem->bits,RED);\
+ *tree =elem;\
+ } else {\
+ cmp = comparator(elem, t);\
+ if (cmp < 0 || (cmp==0 && elem<t)) {\
+ sglib___##type##_add_recursive(&t->left, elem);\
+ if (SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->bits)==BLACK) sglib___##type##_fix_left_insertion_discrepancy(tree);\
+ } else {\
+ sglib___##type##_add_recursive(&t->right, elem);\
+ if (SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->bits)==BLACK) sglib___##type##_fix_right_insertion_discrepancy(tree);\
+ }\
+ }\
+static int sglib___##type##_delete_rightmost_leaf(type **tree, type **theLeaf) {\
+ type *t;\
+ int res, deepDecreased;\
+ t = *tree;\
+ res = 0;\
+ assert(t!=NULL);\
+ if (t->right == NULL) {\
+ *theLeaf = t;\
+ if (t->left!=NULL) {\
+ if (SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->bits)==BLACK && SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->left->bits)==BLACK) res = 1;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(t->left->bits,BLACK);\
+ *tree = t->left;\
+ } else {\
+ *tree = NULL;\
+ res = (SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->bits)==BLACK);\
+ }\
+ } else {\
+ deepDecreased = sglib___##type##_delete_rightmost_leaf(&t->right, theLeaf);\
+ if (deepDecreased) res = sglib___##type##_fix_right_deletion_discrepancy(tree);\
+ }\
+ return(res);\
+int sglib___##type##_delete_recursive(type **tree, type *elem) {\
+ type *t, *theLeaf;\
+ int cmp, res, deepDecreased;\
+ t = *tree;\
+ res = 0;\
+ if (t==NULL) {\
+ assert(0 && "The element to delete not found in the tree, use 'delete_if_member'"!=NULL);\
+ } else {\
+ cmp = comparator(elem, t);\
+ if (cmp < 0 || (cmp==0 && elem<t)) {\
+ deepDecreased = sglib___##type##_delete_recursive(&t->left, elem);\
+ if (deepDecreased) {\
+ res = sglib___##type##_fix_left_deletion_discrepancy(tree);\
+ }\
+ } else if (cmp > 0 || (cmp==0 && elem>t)) {\
+ deepDecreased = sglib___##type##_delete_recursive(&t->right, elem);\
+ if (deepDecreased) {\
+ res = sglib___##type##_fix_right_deletion_discrepancy(tree);\
+ }\
+ } else {\
+ assert(elem==t && "Deleting an element which is non member of the tree, use 'delete_if_member'"!=NULL);\
+ if (t->left == NULL) {\
+ if (t->right == NULL) {\
+ /* a leaf, delete, it; */\
+ *tree = NULL;\
+ res = (SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->bits)==BLACK);\
+ } else {\
+ if (SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->bits)==0 && SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->right->bits)==0) res = 1;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(t->right->bits,BLACK);\
+ *tree = t->right;\
+ }\
+ } else {\
+ /* propagate deletion until righmost leaf of left subtree */\
+ deepDecreased = sglib___##type##_delete_rightmost_leaf(&t->left, &theLeaf);\
+ theLeaf->left = t->left;\
+ theLeaf->right = t->right;\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE(theLeaf->bits,SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->bits));\
+ *tree = theLeaf;\
+ if (deepDecreased) res = sglib___##type##_fix_left_deletion_discrepancy(tree);\
+ }\
+ }\
+ }\
+ return(res);\
+void sglib_##type##_add(type **tree, type *elem) {\
+ elem->left = elem->right = NULL;\
+ sglib___##type##_add_recursive(tree, elem);\
+ SGLIB___SET_VALUE((*tree)->bits,BLACK);\
+void sglib_##type##_delete(type **tree, type *elem) {\
+ sglib___##type##_delete_recursive(tree, elem);\
+ if (*tree!=NULL) SGLIB___SET_VALUE((*tree)->bits,BLACK);\
+type *sglib_##type##_find_member(type *t, type *elem) {\
+ type *res;\
+ SGLIB___BIN_TREE_FIND_MEMBER(type, t, elem, left, right, comparator, res);\
+ return(res);\
+int sglib_##type##_is_member(type *t, type *elem) {\
+ int cmp;\
+ while (t!=NULL) {\
+ cmp = comparator(elem, t);\
+ if (cmp < 0 || (cmp==0 && elem<t)) {\
+ t = t->left;\
+ } else if (cmp > 0 || (cmp==0 && elem>t)) {\
+ t = t->right;\
+ } else {\
+ assert(t == elem);\
+ return(1);\
+ }\
+ }\
+ return(0);\
+int sglib_##type##_delete_if_member(type **tree, type *elem, type **memb) {\
+ if ((*memb=sglib_##type##_find_member(*tree, elem))!=NULL) {\
+ sglib_##type##_delete(tree, *memb);\
+ return(1);\
+ } else {\
+ return(0);\
+ }\
+int sglib_##type##_add_if_not_member(type **tree, type *elem, type **memb) {\
+ if ((*memb=sglib_##type##_find_member(*tree, elem))==NULL) {\
+ sglib_##type##_add(tree, elem);\
+ return(1);\
+ } else {\
+ return(0);\
+ }\
+int sglib_##type##_len(type *t) {\
+ int n;\
+ type *e;\
+ n = 0;\
+ SGLIB_BIN_TREE_MAP_ON_ELEMENTS(type, t, e, left, right, n++);\
+ return(n);\
+void sglib__##type##_it_compute_current_elem(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it) {\
+ int i,j,cmp;\
+ type *s, *eqt;\
+ int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *);\
+ eqt = it->equalto;\
+ subcomparator = it->subcomparator;\
+ it->currentelem = NULL;\
+ while(it->pathi > 0 && it->currentelem==NULL) {\
+ i = it->pathi-1;\
+ if (i >= 0) {\
+ if (it->pass[i] >= 2) {\
+ /* goto up */\
+ it->pathi --;\
+ } else {\
+ if (it->pass[i] == 0) {\
+ /* goto left */\
+ s = it->path[i]->left;\
+ } else {\
+ /* goto right */\
+ s = it->path[i]->right;\
+ }\
+ if (eqt != NULL) {\
+ if (subcomparator == NULL) {\
+ SGLIB___BIN_TREE_FIND_MEMBER(type, s, eqt, left, right, comparator, s);\
+ } else {\
+ SGLIB___BIN_TREE_FIND_MEMBER(type, s, eqt, left, right, subcomparator, s);\
+ }\
+ }\
+ if (s != NULL) {\
+ j = i+1;\
+ it->path[j] = s;\
+ it->pass[j] = 0;\
+ it->pathi ++;\
+ }\
+ it->pass[i] ++;\
+ }\
+ }\
+ if (it->pathi>0 && it->order == it->pass[it->pathi-1]) {\
+ it->currentelem = it->path[it->pathi-1];\
+ }\
+ }\
+type *sglib__##type##_it_init(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *tree, int order, int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *), type *equalto) {\
+ type *t;\
+ assert(it!=NULL);\
+ it->order = order;\
+ it->equalto = equalto;\
+ it->subcomparator = subcomparator;\
+ if (equalto == NULL) { \
+ t = tree;\
+ } else {\
+ if (subcomparator == NULL) {\
+ SGLIB___BIN_TREE_FIND_MEMBER(type, tree, equalto, left, right, comparator, t);\
+ } else {\
+ SGLIB___BIN_TREE_FIND_MEMBER(type, tree, equalto, left, right, subcomparator, t);\
+ }\
+ }\
+ if (t == NULL) {\
+ it->pathi = 0;\
+ it->currentelem = NULL;\
+ } else {\
+ it->pathi = 1;\
+ it->pass[0] = 0;\
+ it->path[0] = t;\
+ if (order == 0) {\
+ it->currentelem = t;\
+ } else {\
+ sglib__##type##_it_compute_current_elem(it);\
+ }\
+ }\
+ return(it->currentelem);\
+type *sglib_##type##_it_init(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *tree) {\
+ return(sglib__##type##_it_init(it, tree, 2, NULL, NULL));\
+type *sglib_##type##_it_init_preorder(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *tree) {\
+ return(sglib__##type##_it_init(it, tree, 0, NULL, NULL));\
+type *sglib_##type##_it_init_inorder(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *tree) {\
+ return(sglib__##type##_it_init(it, tree, 1, NULL, NULL));\
+type *sglib_##type##_it_init_postorder(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *tree) {\
+ return(sglib__##type##_it_init(it, tree, 2, NULL, NULL));\
+type *sglib_##type##_it_init_on_equal(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *tree, int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *), type *equalto) {\
+ return(sglib__##type##_it_init(it, tree, 1, subcomparator, equalto));\
+type *sglib_##type##_it_current(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it) {\
+ return(it->currentelem);\
+type *sglib_##type##_it_next(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it) {\
+ sglib__##type##_it_compute_current_elem(it);\
+ return(it->currentelem);\
+static void sglib___##type##_consistency_check_recursive(type *t, int *pathdeep, int cdeep) {\
+ if (t==NULL) {\
+ if (*pathdeep < 0) *pathdeep = cdeep;\
+ else assert(*pathdeep == cdeep);\
+ } else {\
+ if (t->left!=NULL) assert(comparator(t->left, t) <= 0);\
+ if (t->right!=NULL) assert(comparator(t, t->right) <= 0);\
+ if (SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->bits) == RED) {\
+ assert(t->left == NULL || SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->left->bits)==BLACK);\
+ assert(t->right == NULL || SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->right->bits)==BLACK);\
+ sglib___##type##_consistency_check_recursive(t->left, pathdeep, cdeep);\
+ sglib___##type##_consistency_check_recursive(t->right, pathdeep, cdeep);\
+ } else {\
+ sglib___##type##_consistency_check_recursive(t->left, pathdeep, cdeep+1);\
+ sglib___##type##_consistency_check_recursive(t->right, pathdeep, cdeep+1);\
+ }\
+ }\
+void sglib___##type##_consistency_check(type *t) {\
+ int pathDeep;\
+ assert(t==NULL || SGLIB___GET_VALUE(t->bits) == BLACK);\
+ pathDeep = -1;\
+ sglib___##type##_consistency_check_recursive(t, &pathDeep, 0);\
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_RBTREE_PROTOTYPES(type, left, right, colorbit, comparator) \
+ struct sglib_##type##_iterator {\
+ type *currentelem;\
+ char pass[SGLIB_MAX_TREE_DEEP];\
+ type *path[SGLIB_MAX_TREE_DEEP];\
+ short int pathi;\
+ short int order;\
+ type *equalto;\
+ int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *);\
+ };\
+ extern void sglib___##type##_consistency_check(type *t); \
+ extern void sglib_##type##_add(type **tree, type *elem); \
+ extern int sglib_##type##_add_if_not_member(type **tree, type *elem, type **memb); \
+ extern void sglib_##type##_delete(type **tree, type *elem); \
+ extern int sglib_##type##_delete_if_member(type **tree, type *elem, type **memb); \
+ extern int sglib_##type##_is_member(type *t, type *elem); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_find_member(type *t, type *elem); \
+ extern int sglib_##type##_len(type *t); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_init(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *tree); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_init_preorder(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *tree); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_init_inorder(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *tree); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_init_postorder(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *tree); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_init_on_equal(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it, type *tree, int (*subcomparator)(type *, type *), type *equalto); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_current(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it); \
+ extern type *sglib_##type##_it_next(struct sglib_##type##_iterator *it); \
+#define SGLIB_DEFINE_RBTREE_FUNCTIONS(type, left, right, colorbit, comparator) \
+ SGLIB_DEFINE_RBTREE_FUNCTIONS_GENERAL(type, left, right, colorbit, comparator, 1, 0)
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define SGLIB___GET_VALUE(x) (x)
+#define SGLIB___SET_VALUE(x, value) {(x) = (value);}
+#define SGLIB_ARRAY_ELEMENTS_EXCHANGER(type, a, i, j) {type _sgl_aee_tmp_; _sgl_aee_tmp_=(a)[(i)]; (a)[(i)]=(a)[(j)]; (a)[(j)]= _sgl_aee_tmp_;}
+#define SGLIB_SAFE_NUMERIC_COMPARATOR(x, y) (((x)>(y)?1:((x)<(y)?-1:0)))
+#define SGLIB_SAFE_REVERSE_NUMERIC_COMPARATOR(x, y) (((x)>(y)?-1:((x)<(y)?1:0)))
+#define SGLIB_FAST_NUMERIC_COMPARATOR(x, y) ((int)((x) - (y)))
+#define SGLIB_FAST_REVERSE_NUMERIC_COMPARATOR(x, y) ((int)((y) - (x)))
+#define SGLIB_MAX_TREE_DEEP 128
+#define SGLIB_HASH_TAB_SHIFT_CONSTANT 16381 /* should be a prime */
+/* #define SGLIB_HASH_TAB_SHIFT_CONSTANT 536870912*/ /* for large tables :) */
+#endif /* _SGLIB__h_ */