path: root/src/lua/declaration.lua
diff options
authorBardur Arantsson <>2010-01-08 20:28:34 +0100
committerBardur Arantsson <>2010-01-08 23:46:06 +0100
commit6aa48afdd57d03314fdf4be6c9da911c32277c84 (patch)
tree2dc401f9aae2dc6736d2fc3811c8f8099d3eabe6 /src/lua/declaration.lua
Import tome-2.3.5.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lua/declaration.lua')
1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lua/declaration.lua b/src/lua/declaration.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4d5c688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/declaration.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+-- tolua: declaration class
+-- Written by Waldemar Celes
+-- TeCGraf/PUC-Rio
+-- Jul 1998
+-- $Id: declaration.lua,v 1.2 2001/11/26 23:00:23 darkgod Exp $
+-- This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it.
+-- The software provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and
+-- the author has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates,
+-- enhancements, or modifications.
+-- Declaration class
+-- Represents variable, function, or argument declaration.
+-- Stores the following fields:
+-- mod = type modifiers
+-- type = type
+-- ptr = "*" or "&", if representing a pointer or a reference
+-- name = name
+-- dim = dimension, if a vector
+-- def = default value, if any (only for arguments)
+-- ret = "*" or "&", if value is to be returned (only for arguments)
+classDeclaration = {
+ _base = classFeature,
+ mod = '',
+ type = '',
+ ptr = '',
+ name = '',
+ dim = '',
+ ret = '',
+ def = ''
+-- Create an unique variable name
+function create_varname ()
+ if not _varnumber then _varnumber = 0 end
+ _varnumber = _varnumber + 1
+ return "tolua_var_".._varnumber
+-- Check declaration name
+-- It also identifies default values
+function classDeclaration:checkname ()
+ if strsub(,1,1) == '[' and not istype(self.type) then
+ =
+ local m = split(self.mod,'%s%s*')
+ self.type = m[m.n]
+ self.mod = concat(m,1,m.n-1)
+ end
+ local t = split(,'=')
+ if t.n==2 then
+ = t[1]
+ self.def = t[t.n]
+ end
+ local b,e,d = strfind(,"%[(.-)%]")
+ if b then
+ = strsub(,1,b-1)
+ self.dim = d
+ end
+ if self.type ~= '' and self.type ~= 'void' and == '' then
+ = create_varname()
+ elseif self.kind=='var' then
+ if self.type=='' and'' then
+ self.type =
+ = create_varname()
+ elseif istype( then
+ if self.type=='' then self.type =
+ else self.type = self.type..' ' end
+ = create_varname()
+ end
+ end
+-- Check declaration type
+-- Substitutes typedef's.
+function classDeclaration:checktype ()
+ -- check if there is a pointer to basic type
+ if isbasic(self.type) and self.ptr~='' then
+ self.ret = self.ptr
+ self.ptr = nil
+ end
+ -- check if there is array to be returned
+ if self.dim~='' and self.ret~='' then
+ error('#invalid parameter: cannot return an array of values')
+ end
+ -- register type
+ if self.type~='' then
+ regtype(self.type)
+ end
+ -- restore 'void*' and 'string*'
+ if self.type == '_userdata' then self.type = 'void*'
+ elseif self.type == '_cstring' then self.type = 'char*'
+ end
+-- -- if returning value, automatically set default value
+-- if self.ret ~= '' and self.def == '' then
+-- self.def = '0'
+-- end
+-- Print method
+function classDeclaration:print (ident,close)
+ print(ident.."Declaration{")
+ print(ident.." mod = '"..self.mod.."',")
+ print(ident.." type = '"..self.type.."',")
+ print(ident.." ptr = '"..self.ptr.."',")
+ print(ident.." name = '""',")
+ print(ident.." dim = '"..self.dim.."',")
+ print(ident.." def = '"..self.def.."',")
+ print(ident.." ret = '"..self.ret.."',")
+ print(ident.."}"..close)
+-- declare tag
+function classDeclaration:decltag ()
+ self.itype, self.tag = tagvar(self.type,strfind(self.mod,'const'))
+-- output type checking
+function classDeclaration:outchecktype (narg)
+ local tag, def
+ if self.dim ~= '' then
+ tag = 'LUA_TTABLE'
+ def = 0
+ else
+ tag = self.tag
+ def = self.def~='' or 0
+ end
+ return 'tolua_istype(tolua_S,'..narg..','..tag..','..def..')'
+-- Declare variable
+function classDeclaration:declare (narg)
+ local ptr = ''
+ if self.ptr~='' then ptr = '*' end
+ output(" ",self.mod,self.type,ptr)
+ if self.dim ~= '' and tonumber(self.dim)==nil then
+ output('*')
+ end
+ output(
+ if self.dim ~= '' then
+ if tonumber(self.dim)~=nil then
+ output('[',self.dim,'];')
+ else
+ output(' = (',self.mod,self.type,ptr,'*)',
+ 'malloc(',self.dim,'*sizeof(',self.type,ptr,'));')
+ end
+ else
+ local t = isbasic(self.type)
+ output(' = ')
+ if not t and ptr=='' then output('*') end
+ output('((',self.mod,self.type)
+ if not t then
+ output('*')
+ end
+ output(') ')
+ local def = 0
+ if self.def ~= '' then def = self.def end
+ if t then
+ output('tolua_get'..t,'(tolua_S,',narg,',',def,'));')
+ else
+ output('tolua_getusertype(tolua_S,',narg,',',def,'));')
+ end
+ end
+-- Get parameter value
+function classDeclaration:getarray (narg)
+ if self.dim ~= '' then
+ output(' {')
+ local def = self.def~='' or 0
+ output(' if (!tolua_arrayistype(tolua_S,',narg,',',self.tag,',',self.dim,',',def,'))')
+ output(' goto tolua_lerror;')
+ output(' else\n')
+ output(' {')
+ output(' int i;')
+ output(' for(i=0; i<'..self.dim..';i++)')
+ local t = isbasic(self.type)
+ local ptr = ''
+ if self.ptr~='' then ptr = '*' end
+ output(' ','[i] = ')
+ if not t and ptr=='' then output('*') end
+ output('((',self.mod,self.type)
+ if not t then
+ output('*')
+ end
+ output(') ')
+ local def = 0
+ if self.def ~= '' then def = self.def end
+ if t then
+ output('tolua_getfield'..t..'(tolua_S,',narg,',i+1,',def,'));')
+ else
+ output('tolua_getfieldusertype(tolua_S,',narg,',i+1,',def,'));')
+ end
+ output(' }')
+ output(' }')
+ end
+-- Get parameter value
+function classDeclaration:setarray (narg)
+ if self.dim ~= '' then
+ output(' {')
+ output(' int i;')
+ output(' for(i=0; i<'..self.dim..';i++)')
+ local t,ct = isbasic(self.type)
+ if t then
+ output(' tolua_pushfield'..t..'(tolua_S,',narg,',i+1,(',ct,')',,'[i]);')
+ else
+ if self.ptr == '' then
+ output(' {')
+ output('#ifdef __cplusplus\n')
+ output(' void* toluaI_clone = new',self.type,'(',,'[i]);')
+ output('#else\n')
+ output(' void* toluaI_clone = tolua_copy(tolua_S,(void*)&',,'[i],sizeof(',self.type,'));')
+ output('#endif\n')
+ output(' tolua_pushfieldusertype(tolua_S,',narg,',i+1,tolua_doclone(tolua_S,toluaI_clone,',self.tag,'),',self.tag,');')
+ output(' }')
+ --output(' tolua_pushfieldclone(tolua_S,',narg,',i+1,(void*)&',,'[i],sizeof(',self.type,'),',self.tag,');')
+ else
+ output(' tolua_pushfieldusertype(tolua_S,',narg,',i+1,(void*)',,'[i],',self.tag,');')
+ end
+ end
+ output(' }')
+ end
+-- Free dynamically allocated array
+function classDeclaration:freearray ()
+ if self.dim ~= '' and tonumber(self.dim)==nil then
+ output(' free(',,');')
+ end
+-- Pass parameter
+function classDeclaration:passpar ()
+ if self.ptr=='&' then
+ output('*'
+ elseif self.ret=='*' then
+ output('&'
+ else
+ output(
+ end
+-- Return parameter value
+function classDeclaration:retvalue ()
+ if self.ret ~= '' then
+ local t,ct = isbasic(self.type)
+ if t then
+ output(' tolua_push'..t..'(tolua_S,(',ct,')'');')
+ else
+ output(' tolua_pushusertype(tolua_S,(void*)'',',self.tag,');')
+ end
+ return 1
+ end
+ return 0
+-- Internal constructor
+function _Declaration (t)
+ if and'' then
+ local n = split(,'@')
+ = n[1]
+ t.lname = gsub(n[2] or n[1],"%[.-%]","")
+ end
+ t._base = classDeclaration
+ settag(t,tolua_tag)
+ t:checkname()
+ t:checktype()
+ return t
+-- Constructor
+-- Expects the string declaration.
+-- The kind of declaration can be "var" or "func".
+function Declaration (s,kind)
+ -- eliminate spaces if default value is provided
+ s = gsub(s,"%s*=%s*","=")
+ if kind == "var" then
+ -- check the form: void
+ if s == '' or s == 'void' then
+ return _Declaration{type = 'void', kind = kind}
+ end
+ end
+ -- check the form: mod type*& name
+ local t = split(s,'%*%s*&')
+ if t.n == 2 then
+ if kind == 'func' then
+ error("#invalid function return type: "..s)
+ end
+ local m = split(t[1],'%s%s*')
+ return _Declaration{
+ name = t[2],
+ ptr = '*',
+ ret = '&',
+ type = m[m.n],
+ mod = concat(m,1,m.n-1),
+ kind = kind
+ }
+ end
+ -- check the form: mod type** name
+ t = split(s,'%*%s*%*')
+ if t.n == 2 then
+ if kind == 'func' then
+ error("#invalid function return type: "..s)
+ end
+ local m = split(t[1],'%s%s*')
+ return _Declaration{
+ name = t[2],
+ ptr = '*',
+ ret = '*',
+ type = m[m.n],
+ mod = concat(m,1,m.n-1),
+ kind = kind
+ }
+ end
+ -- check the form: mod type& name
+ t = split(s,'&')
+ if t.n == 2 then
+ local m = split(t[1],'%s%s*')
+ return _Declaration{
+ name = t[2],
+ ptr = '&',
+ type = m[m.n],
+ mod = concat(m,1,m.n-1) ,
+ kind = kind
+ }
+ end
+ -- check the form: mod type* name
+ local s1 = gsub(s,"(%b\[\])",function (n) return gsub(n,'%*','\1') end)
+ t = split(s1,'%*')
+ if t.n == 2 then
+ t[2] = gsub(t[2],'\1','%*') -- restore * in dimension expression
+ local m = split(t[1],'%s%s*')
+ return _Declaration{
+ name = t[2],
+ ptr = '*',
+ type = m[m.n],
+ mod = concat(m,1,m.n-1) ,
+ kind = kind
+ }
+ end
+ if kind == 'var' then
+ -- check the form: mod type name
+ t = split(s,'%s%s*')
+ local v
+ if istype(t[t.n]) then v = '' else v = t[t.n]; t.n = t.n-1 end
+ return _Declaration{
+ name = v,
+ type = t[t.n],
+ mod = concat(t,1,t.n-1),
+ kind = kind
+ }
+ else -- kind == "func"
+ -- check the form: mod type name
+ t = split(s,'%s%s*')
+ local v = t[t.n] -- last word is the function name
+ local tp,md
+ if t.n>1 then
+ tp = t[t.n-1]
+ md = concat(t,1,t.n-2)
+ end
+ return _Declaration{
+ name = v,
+ type = tp,
+ mod = md,
+ kind = kind
+ }
+ end