path: root/src/lua/variable.lua
diff options
authorManoj Srivastava <>2014-05-14 23:54:09 -0700
committerManoj Srivastava <>2014-05-14 23:54:09 -0700
commit4f8b58cc5366bfc2ea3b56fe6ff0443464d10f0f (patch)
treea0a9cad00e7916b9a97e14831fb362f21871cbef /src/lua/variable.lua
tome (2.3.11-ah-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Modified the install paths to deploy to the FHS compliant /usr/games/tome and /var/games/tome, as we have always done * This is a major change, and includes theming. Some of the options have changed. Because of this, the manual page has been removed; there is a command line help option and in game help until the manual page is rewritten. # imported from the archive
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lua/variable.lua')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lua/variable.lua b/src/lua/variable.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..310808b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/variable.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+-- tolua: variable class
+-- Written by Waldemar Celes
+-- TeCGraf/PUC-Rio
+-- Jul 1998
+-- $Id: variable.lua,v 1.4 2004/06/04 13:42:10 neil Exp $
+-- This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it.
+-- The software provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and
+-- the author has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates,
+-- enhancements, or modifications.
+-- Variable class
+-- Represents a extern variable or a public member of a class.
+-- Stores all fields present in a declaration.
+classVariable = {
+ _base = classDeclaration,
+-- Print method
+function classVariable:print (ident,close)
+ print(ident.."Variable{")
+ print(ident.." mod = '"..self.mod.."',")
+ print(ident.." type = '"..self.type.."',")
+ print(ident.." ptr = '"..self.ptr.."',")
+ print(ident.." name = '""',")
+ print(ident.." def = '"..self.def.."',")
+ print(ident.." ret = '"..self.ret.."',")
+ print(ident.."}"..close)
+-- get variable value
+function classVariable:getvalue (class,static)
+ if class and static then
+ return class..'::'
+ elseif class then
+ return 'self->'
+ else
+ return
+ end
+-- Write binding functions
+function classVariable:supcode ()
+ local class = self:inclass()
+ -- get function ------------------------------------------------
+ if class then
+ output("/* get function:",," of class ",class," */")
+ else
+ output("/* get function:",," */")
+ end
+ self.cgetname = self:cfuncname("toluaI_get")
+ output("static int",self.cgetname,"(lua_State* tolua_S)")
+ output("{")
+ -- declare self, if the case
+ local _,_,static = strfind(self.mod,'^%s*(static)')
+ if class and static==nil then
+ output(' ',class,'*','self = ')
+ output('(',class,'*) ')
+ output('tolua_getusertype(tolua_S,1,0);')
+ elseif static then
+ _,_,self.mod = strfind(self.mod,'^%s*static%s%s*(.*)')
+ end
+ -- check self value
+ if class and static==nil then
+ output(' if (!self) TOLUA_ERR_SELF;');
+ end
+ -- return value
+ local t,ct = isbasic(self.type)
+ if t then
+ output(' tolua_push'..t..'(tolua_S,(',ct,')'..self:getvalue(class,static)..');')
+ else
+ if self.ptr == '&' or self.ptr == '' then
+ output(' tolua_pushusertype(tolua_S,(void*)&'..self:getvalue(class,static)..',',self.tag,');')
+ else
+ output(' tolua_pushusertype(tolua_S,(void*)'..self:getvalue(class,static)..',',self.tag,');')
+ end
+ end
+ output(' return 1;')
+ output('}')
+ output('\n')
+ -- set function ------------------------------------------------
+ if not strfind(self.mod,'const') then
+ if class then
+ output("/* set function:",," of class ",class," */")
+ else
+ output("/* set function:",," */")
+ end
+ self.csetname = self:cfuncname("toluaI_set")
+ output("static int",self.csetname,"(lua_State* tolua_S)")
+ output("{")
+ -- declare self, if the case
+ local narg=1
+ if class and static==nil then
+ output(' ',class,'*','self = ')
+ output('(',class,'*) ')
+ output('tolua_getusertype(tolua_S,1,0);')
+ -- check self value
+ output(' if (!self) TOLUA_ERR_SELF;');
+ narg = narg+1
+ elseif static then
+ _,_,self.mod = strfind(self.mod,'^%s*static%s%s*(.*)')
+ narg = narg+1
+ end
+ -- check type
+ output(' if (!'..self:outchecktype(narg)..')')
+ output(' TOLUA_ERR_ASSIGN;')
+ -- assign value
+ local ptr = ''
+ if self.ptr~='' then ptr = '*' end
+ output(' ')
+ if class and static then
+ output(class..'::'
+ elseif class then
+ output('self->'
+ else
+ output(
+ end
+ local t = isbasic(self.type)
+ output(' = ')
+ if not t and ptr=='' then output('*') end
+ output('((',self.mod,self.type)
+ if not t then
+ output('*')
+ end
+ output(') ')
+ local def = 0
+ if self.def ~= '' then def = self.def end
+ if t then
+ output('tolua_get'..t,'(tolua_S,',narg,',',def,'));')
+ else
+ output('tolua_getusertype(tolua_S,',narg,',',def,'));')
+ end
+ output(' return 0;')
+ output('}')
+ output('\n')
+ end
+function classVariable:register ()
+ local parent = self:inclass() or self:inmodule()
+ if parent then
+ if self.csetname then
+ output(' tolua_tablevar(tolua_S,"'..parent..'","'..self.lname..'",'..self.cgetname..','..self.csetname..');')
+ else
+ output(' tolua_tablevar(tolua_S,"'..parent..'","'..self.lname..'",'..self.cgetname..',NULL);')
+ end
+ else
+ if self.csetname then
+ output(' tolua_globalvar(tolua_S,"'..self.lname..'",'..self.cgetname..','..self.csetname..');')
+ else
+ output(' tolua_globalvar(tolua_S,"'..self.lname..'",'..self.cgetname..',NULL);')
+ end
+ end
+function classVariable:unregister ()
+ if self:inclass()==nil and self:inmodule()==nil then
+ output(' lua_getglobals(tolua_S);')
+ output(' lua_pushstring(tolua_S,"',self.lname,'"); lua_pushnil(tolua_S); lua_rawset(tolua_S,-3);')
+ output(' lua_pop(tolua_S,1);')
+ end
+-- Internal constructor
+function _Variable (t)
+ t._base = classVariable
+ settag(t,tolua_tag)
+ append(t)
+ return t
+-- Constructor
+-- Expects a string representing the variable declaration.
+function Variable (s)
+ return _Variable (Declaration(s,'var'))