path: root/src/makefile.ros
diff options
authorBardur Arantsson <>2010-01-08 20:28:34 +0100
committerBardur Arantsson <>2010-01-08 23:46:06 +0100
commit6aa48afdd57d03314fdf4be6c9da911c32277c84 (patch)
tree2dc401f9aae2dc6736d2fc3811c8f8099d3eabe6 /src/makefile.ros
Import tome-2.3.5.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/makefile.ros')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/makefile.ros b/src/makefile.ros
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af287c51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/makefile.ros
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# Project: ToME
+# Make: make
+# Wimpslot: 5000k
+# To use this makefile, the current working directory must be where
+# this makefile is (if this makefile is at "raFS::Temp.$.ang.src.makefile",
+# the CWD must be "raFS::Temp.$.ang.src").
+# This is a GNU make makefile
+# Defaults
+COMPILER := norcroft
+default: standard
+# Set this to the location of StubsG if using Norcroft
+STUBSG := <CLibs$$Dir>.clib.o.StubsG
+# Lua object files
+LUAOBJS := lapi.o ldebug.o lmem.o lstrlib.o lvm.o \
+ tolua_lb.o lauxlib.o ldo.o lobject.o ltable.o \
+ lzio.o tolua_rg.o lbaselib.o lfunc.o lparser.o \
+ tolua_bd.o tolua_tm.o lcode.o lgc.o \
+ lstate.o ltm.o tolua_eh.o tolua_tt.o ldblib.o \
+ llex.o lstring.o lundump.o tolua_gp.o \
+ liolib.o
+# toLua object files
+TOLUAOBJS := tolua.o tolualua.o liolib.o $(LUAOBJS)
+# Lua package files:
+ script.c lua_bind.c \
+ w_util.c w_player.c w_z_pack.c w_obj.c w_mnster.c w_spells.c w_quest.c w_play_c.c w_dun.c
+# The standard object files:
+OBJS := \
+ z-rand.o z-util.o z-form.o z-virt.o z-term.o z-sock.o \
+ variable.o tables.o plots.o util.o cave.o dungeon.o \
+ melee1.o melee2.o modules.o \
+ object1.o object2.o randart.o squeltch.o traps.o \
+ monster1.o monster2.o monster3.o ghost.o \
+ xtra1.o xtra2.o skills.o powers.o gods.o \
+ spells1.o spells2.o \
+ status.o files.o notes.o loadsave.o \
+ cmd1.o cmd2.o cmd3.o cmd4.o cmd5.o cmd6.o cmd7.o \
+ help.o \
+ generate.o gen_maze.o gen_evol.o wild.o levels.o store.o bldg.o \
+ cmovie.o irc.o \
+ wizard2.o init2.o birth.o wizard1.o init1.o\
+ script.o lua_bind.o w_util.o w_player.o w_z_pack.o w_obj.o w_mnster.o w_spells.o w_quest.o w_play_c.o w_dun.o \
+ main-ros.o
+# Defaults for norcy
+ifeq (norcroft, $(COMPILER))
+ # Tools:
+ CC := cc -DRISCOS -Ilua
+ LD := link
+ RM := remove
+ tolua := tolua
+ # Libraries:
+ LIBS := $(STUBSG) <DeskLib$$Dir>.o.DeskLib
+ CCFLAGS_BASIC := -apcs 3/32/fpe2/swst/fp/nofpr -c -Wan
+ SLUAOBJS := $(addprefix lua/,$(LUAOBJS))
+ STOLUAOBJS := $(addprefix lua/,$(TOLUAOBJS))
+ DLUAOBJS := $(addprefix lua.,$(LUAOBJS))
+ DTOLUAOBJS := $(addprefix lua.,$(TOLUAOBJS))
+# Defaults for gcc
+ifeq (gcc, $(COMPILER))
+ WARNINGS := -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-long-long -W -Wcast-qual
+ # Tools:
+ CC := gcc -mlibscl -c -DRISCOS -Ilua
+ LD := gcc -mlibscl
+ RM := remove
+ tolua := tolua
+ # Libraries:
+ LIBS := <DeskLib$$Dir>.o.DeskLib
+ WARNINGS := -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wundef -Wpointer-arith \
+ -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-prototypes \
+ -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs \
+ -Winline -Wno-unused -Wno-long-long -W -Wcast-qual
+ CCFLAGS_BASIC := -O2 $(WARNINGS) -mthrowback -mpoke-function-name
+ SLUAOBJS := $(addprefix lua/,$(LUAOBJS))
+ STOLUAOBJS := $(addprefix lua/,$(TOLUAOBJS))
+# Rules to make the various targets
+ALL_TARGETS := standard fullscreen
+$(ALL_TARGETS): tolua
+standard: CCFLAGS := $(CCFLAGS_BASIC)
+standard: $(LUAPKGS) $(OBJS) $(SLUAOBJS) $(LIBS)
+ $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o ^.!RunImage $(OBJS) $(DLUAOBJS) $(LIBS)
+fullscreen: $(LUAPKGS) $(OBJS) $(SLUAOBJS) $(LIBS)
+ $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o ^.!RunImageF $(OBJS) $(DLUAOBJS) $(LIBS)
+# tolua
+tolua: $(STOLUAOBJS)
+ $(LD) -o tolua $(DTOLUAOBJS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
+# Lua packages
+w_mnster.c: monster.pkg $(tolua)
+ $(tolua) -n monster -o c.w_mnster monster/pkg
+w_player.c: player.pkg $(tolua)
+ $(tolua) -n player -o c.w_player player/pkg
+w_play_c.c: player_c.pkg $(tolua)
+ $(tolua) -n player_c -o c.w_play_c player_c/pkg
+w_z_pack.c: z_pack.pkg $(tolua)
+ $(tolua) -n z_pack -o c.w_z_pack z_pack/pkg
+w_obj.c: object.pkg $(tolua)
+ $(tolua) -n object -o c.w_obj object/pkg
+w_util.c: util.pkg $(tolua)
+ $(tolua) -n util -o c.w_util util/pkg
+w_spells.c: spells.pkg $(tolua)
+ $(tolua) -n spells -o c.w_spells spells/pkg
+w_quest.c: quest.pkg $(tolua)
+ $(tolua) -n quest -o c.w_quest quest/pkg
+w_dun.c: dungeon.pkg $(tolua)
+ $(tolua) -n dungeon -o c.w_dun dungeon/pkg
+# Suffix rules
+.SUFFIXES: .o .c
+# A basic rule
+.c.o:; $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+# Dynamic dependencies: