path: root/lib/help/tome_faq.txt
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+#####R ToME FAQ
+#####R Updated for version 2.1.x
+#####R=== Differences Between ToME and Vanilla Angband ===
+The first main difference a new player to ToME will need to be aware of
+is that it has implemented a skills based system where instead of the
+adventurer automatically improving in their abilities as they become more
+experienced, they get 5 skill points to spend on their character's abilities
+and can therefore customise what type of character they play. See the *****skills.txt*0[skills]
+help file for details
+A second major difference is that the main dungeon from Angband has been split
+into 4 "dungeons", each of which cover a different portion of the dungeon's
+levels. Each of these 4 dungeons are located either in or near one of the four
+main towns so that the character can keep stocked up on supplies. As the
+adventurer advances in ability, they will need to travel overland to the next
+town/dungeon, which is most easily carried out using the wilderness map ("<"
+from town level). As well as these main places, there are a number of
+additional dungeons which the character may or may not choose to enter, which
+can have guardians, contain specific artifacts, or just be used as an
+alternative place to enjoy gaining experience. Note that not all of the places
+are actually "dungeons" - some are caves, forests, etc.
+ToME also offers the player the ability to undertake a series of quests.
+Random quests can be specified during start-up, and involve rescuing a princess
+from a group of monsters within the dungeon. If you do not wish to play with
+random quests, simply specify "0" when asked how many you want during character
+generation. Other "fixed" quests are also available from the towns (whether
+random quests are enabled or not), usually given by the town leaders upon the
+request of the adventurer. It is not required for any adventurer to undertake
+the fixed quests, but they can result in some nice rewards.
+The third main difference between Vanilla Angband and ToME is the difference
+in character classes and races, as well as a very different magic system.
+See the help files on *****birth.txt*0[Creating a character] and the *****magic.txt*0[magic] system.
+Class abilities (generally referred to as skills) are generally accessed
+through the 'm' command. Most racial abilities, or corruptions, are accessed
+through the "U" command.
+To balance the expansion in things like player abilities and customisation, the
+list of both monsters and items has also been expanded. Be warned that items
+which were by default safe in Vanilla are not necessarily safe in ToME (a
+certain early artifact comes to mind here ...), and picking on defenceless
+creatures is frowned upon....
+Happy adventuring!
+#####GQ: How do I use the altars (the 'O's) I see in the dungeon?
+A: ToME introduces a new system of gods.
+You can find altars only in Lothlorien and in the dungeon.
+The ones on the surface are dedicated to the good Valar (Eru, Manwe, Tulkas and
+Yavanna), while altars found in the dungeons are "sacred" for Melkor.
+You can use altars to convert yourself to a certain Vala by the "O"
+command while standing on them. Beware, this works only if you don't already
+have a God and as a new convert, your God won't like you that much.
+Melkor also uses his altars as a mean of collecting sacrifices from his devotees;
+this function is likewise accomplished by the "O" command.
+Read *****gods.txt*0[gods.txt] for more information about Gods.
+#####GQ: How do I use the fountains (the '_'s) I see in the dungeon?
+A: Fountains in ToME act like potions, but can only be identified by
+drinking from them. Each one can hold between 3 and 12 doses of the potion.
+Quaffing from a fountain can be done by using the 'H' command (in the standard
+keyset) and answering 'Q' at the prompt.
+You can also fill empty bottles at a fountain (enabling you to identify the
+potion and hence the type of fountain) by using the 'H' command and answering
+'F' at the prompt. The game will then ask you to choose bottles and how many
+bottles you want to fill. You can find empty bottles on the dungeon and
+drinking pints of fine ale/wine will give you emtpy bottles; if you are
+trained in the Alchemy, you can reuse bottles after quaffing potions as well.
+#####GQ: I got killed by a Great Wyrm of Power at 50'!!! What happened?
+A: You killed a defenceless creature. I told you that it was frowned upon!
+~~~~~18|Artifacts that activate but I can't wear or wield
+~~~~~17|Strange items
+#####GQ: I've found some strange items like a Red Tome, a Voodoo Doll, ...
+#####G What can I do with them?
+A: You've found an unusual artifact that cannot be wielded, but always
+has a sometimes-useful activation. It will not be listed in the known
+artifact list and its activation is chosen randomly. It would probably be
+wise for this kind of artifact be *identified* before use, as the
+activation can be something very nasty...
+To activate it, use the normal Activation command, but when prompted for which
+item to activate change to the backpack instead of wielded equipment.
+#####GQ: I keep coming across "essences" and "runes". What are they?
+Essences are the *****c_alchem.txt*0[Alchemists] friend, and you can only use them if you have
+access to the *****skills.txt*49[alchemy] skill.
+Runes are used to cast and store spells of varying types. *****c_runecr.txt*0[Runecrafters] are the
+class who are most proficient at using these. You can only use them if you
+have access to the *****skills.txt*36[Runecrafting] skill
+#####GQ: Where can I store all my equipment? Theere's not enough room in my
+#####Ginventory? And what happened to the thieves quest in Bree?
+And nor is there supposed to be enough room in your backpack. It's not
+bottomless you know! If you go talk to the Mayor in Bree, he might let you know
+about a slight problem that there's been in town. If you can clear up the
+problem, you may find yourself with someone extra to keep your stuff. I've
+heard tell that there are other similiar problems in other towns in
+#####GQ: I spent 500 gp at the Prophet but she said nothing. Is that a bug ?
+A: No. Nor is it because Prophets are swindlers. She said nothing
+because you have no fate at this moment. You gain fate while playing, and
+will be warned by a message such as "You feel your fate has changed". A fate
+can be useless like finding a broken skull at level 30, deadly like dying at
+level 56, or really useful like to never die by the hand of a mortal.
+#####GQ: Who is Mathilde, the Science Student whom I see every so often in the
+#####G town?
+A: Most of the time she laughs and giggles, she has no loot on her, and
+she's never done you any harm. So leave her be - even if she should
+happen to shout "Drop dead, creep!".
+~~~~~15|Wrists hurting
+#####GQ: My wrists hurt a lot when playing the game. Should I take precautions?
+A: Yes, you should. Repetitive strain on wrists (which results from a badly
+placed keyboard, for example) can lead to serious injury of the wrist ligaments
+called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If you feel your wrists are strained, here is
+an exercise posted by Jason Maskell in which might
+Hold your arms out horizontally, make a fist, and then point the fist towards
+the floor, as much as you can. This will stretch one side's tendons. Hold for
+5 seconds. Then make a flat hand and hold it level with your arm, hold for 5
+seconds. Now splay your fingers and attempt to make your hand point toward the
+ceiling (this one is hard, so don't push it too much). You should feel your
+tendons stretching. Repeat this a few times. Take frequent breaks and do this
+if it starts to hurt a little bit. I was sliding very fast towards CTS and this
+corrected it.
+~~~~~16|Void jumpgates
+#####GQ: When I stand on void jumpgates I'm never teleported away, what's wrong?
+A: Void jumpgates are not automatic. You must press '>' while standing
+on one to activate it.
+#####GQ: When it panic saves it reloads an old savefile !!
+A: Now the panic saves use a different file to save,
+This file will be loaded first, if present, when the game is started.
+If it loads successfully, save the game immediately. Otherwise, delete
+the panic save, and your old (non-panic) savefile should be safe.
+~~~~~06|Spoilers|Merton the lost Hobbit quest
+#####GQ: I'm in the Maze, but I cannot find Merton!
+A: Merton appears on a *random* level between dungeon level 26 (1300') and
+36 (1800'). Each maze level is one panel by one panel in size, but *full* of
+passageways - so you may have to do quite a bit of tunnelling to search the
+whole level.
+#####GQ: I've found Merton, now what?
+A: There is a new command that has been added to ToME that allows you to pass
+objects to creatures. What would you try and do if you had a broken leg and
+needed to get back to the town?
+~~~~~07|Spoilers|Lothlorien Poisoned water quest
+#####GQ: I'm trying to find the Poisoned water quest at Lothlorien, but cannot
+#####G find the quest entrance!
+A: This quest is located in the wilderness. To the west of Lothlorien is 4
+water squares in an upside down L shape. One of these squares will contain the
+quest. (Viewed from the Wilderness map).
+~~~~~08|Monsters|They are talking to me!
+#####GQ: Farmer Maggot / Melinda Proudfoot keep shouting at me, and I cannot
+#####G kill them.
+A: Both these people need to talk to you about something. Have a chat to them
+(check the file *****command.txt*96[command.txt] for how to chat).
+~~~~~09|Sentient weapons
+#####GQ: I have found a sentient weapon, it says it has access to the realms
+#####G of Earth and Fire. How do I use these realms?
+A: You don't actually 'use' them as such. If a weapon is sentient it means it
+gains experience itself as it delivers killing blows. As it levels up it has
+the chance to gain pluses to hit and to damage, and also powers from any of the
+available 'realms'. For instance, the realm of fire gives the chance to gain
+resistance to fire, or fire branding on your weapon. The realm of earth has a
+chance to confer extra attacks or the power of causing earthquakes and so on.
+~~~~~19|Deathmolds on Mount Doom and other quest areas.
+#####GQ: How do I complete the special no-teleport level quests with a Deathmold?
+A: You will need either some morphic oils, some mimicry skill, or the ring of
+Flare. Deathmolds are marked as experimental for a reason you know. Morphic
+oils can also help if you're having trouble communictaing with monsters. A very
+beautiful Elf springs to mind as possibly causing some problems if you are in
+Deathmold form.
+#####GQ: The game is so slow...
+A: Yeah :(
+Try disabling the various options marked as (slow)