path: root/lib/mods/theme/file/book-19.txt
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1 files changed, 47 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mods/theme/file/book-19.txt b/lib/mods/theme/file/book-19.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a36285f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/mods/theme/file/book-19.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ -------------------------
+ | Monstrous Compendium 11 |
+ | Elemental creatures |
+ -------------------------
+ *** Vortices (v) ***
+These strange creatures are like localised tornadoes,
+carrying with them the various elements: [[[[[rfire], [[[[[benergy],
+[[[[[ggas], [[[[[wcold], [[[[[sacid], [[[[[ushards], [[[[[vnexus], [[[[[ymana], [[[[[Uconfusion],
+[[[[[Wslowness], [[[[[vchaos], [[[[[Gnether], [[[[[Rplasma], and [[[[[Btime]. Among
+these, the nastiest by far are the [[[[[vstorms of unmagic],
+as well as [[[[[oshimmering], [[[[[Ddeath], and [[[[[vaether] vortices.
+ *** Spirits (E) ***
+These are the spirits contained in various elements, they
+are weaker than the proper elementals. There are [[[[[rFire]
+[[[[[rspirits], [[[[[bWater spirits], [[[[[uEarth spirits], and [[[[[BAir spirits]
+alongside [[[[[WWill'o the wisps] and [[[[[yInvisible stalkers].
+ *** Elementals (E) ***
+Towering masses of raw elements, twisting and shaking all
+in their wake: [[[[[rfire], [[[[[bwater], [[[[[uearth], [[[[[Bair], [[[[[wice], [[[[[omagma],
+[[[[[Uconfusion], [[[[[Ddark], [[[[[Rsmoke], [[[[[gooze], [[[[[sslowness], [[[[[Gtime], and
+ *** Hulking figures (X, Y) ***
+These are strange hulking shapes that puzzle anyone who
+comes across them. They include the [[[[[sXaren], the [[[[[uXorn],
+[[[[[UUmber hulk], [[[[[DDeath hulk], [[[[[wWhite hulk], [[[[[oOrange hulk], [[[[[rFire]
+[[[[[rhulk], [[[[[gForest hulk], [[[[[bNight hulk], [[[[[WSilver hulk], [[[[[vChaos hulk],
+[[[[[yYellow hulk], [[[[[RRed hulk], [[[[[GGreen hulk], and [[[[[Bblue hulk]. The
+[[[[[sSasquatch] and [[[[[wYeti] resemble humans, but they are still
+quite strange.
+ *** Zephyr Hounds (Z) ***
+They are dog-like figures wreathed in the elements. They
+tend to move in packs, and are among the most vicious of
+all dungeon dwellers. The hounds may be: [[[[[Bclear], [[[[[rfire],
+[[[[[benergy], [[[[[gair], [[[[[wcold], [[[[[sacid], [[[[[vmulti-hued], [[[[[Ddark], [[[[[olight],
+[[[[[uearth], [[[[[Baquatic], [[[[[vnexus], [[[[[rwater], [[[[[Rplasma], [[[[[yvibration],
+[[[[[vchaos], [[[[[Gnether], [[[[[uimpact], [[[[[Winertia], [[[[[Ugravity], [[[[[Gethereal],
+[[[[[Btime], and [[[[[vaether]. \ No newline at end of file