path: root/lib/mods/theme/help/command.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/mods/theme/help/command.txt')
1 files changed, 1251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mods/theme/help/command.txt b/lib/mods/theme/help/command.txt
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index 00000000..6616c252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/mods/theme/help/command.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1251 @@
+#####R=== List of Commands ===
+ Angband commands are entered as an "underlying command" (a single key)
+plus a variety of optional or required arguments. You may choose how the
+"keyboard keys" are mapped to the "underlying commands" by choosing one of
+two standard "keysets", the "original" keyset or the "roguelike" keyset.
+ The original keyset is very similar to the "underlying" command set,
+with a few additions (such as the ability to use the numeric "directions" to
+"walk" or the "5" key to "stay still"). The roguelike keyset provides similar
+additions, and also allows the use of the h/j/k/l/y/u/b/n keys to "walk" (or,
+in combination with the shift or control keys, to run or tunnel), which thus
+requires a variety of key mappings to allow access to the underlying commands
+used for walking/running/tunneling. In particular, the "roguelike" keyset
+includes many more "capital" and "control" keys, as shown below.
+ Note that any keys that are not required for access to the underlying
+command set may be used by the user as "command macro" triggers (see below).
+You may always specify any "underlying command" directly by pressing backslash
+("\") plus the "underlying command" key. This is normally only used in "macro"
+definitions. [[[[[BYou may often enter "control-keys" as a caret ("^") plus the key]
+(so "^" + "p" often yields "^P").
+ Some commands allow an optional "repeat count", which allows you to tell
+the game that you wish to do the command multiple times, unless you press a
+key or are otherwise disturbed. To enter a "repeat count", type '0', followed
+by the numerical count, followed by the command. You must type "space" before
+entering certain commands. Skipping the numerical count yields a count of 99.
+An option allows certain commands (open, disarm, tunnel, etc) to auto-repeat.
+ Some commands will prompt for extra information, such as a direction, an
+inventory or equipment item, a spell, a textual inscription, the symbol of a
+monster race, a sub-command, a verification, an amount of time, a quantity,
+a file name, or various other things. Normally you can hit return to choose
+the "default" response, or escape to cancel the command entirely.
+ Some commands will prompt for a spell or an inventory item. Pressing
+space (or '*') will give you a list of choices. Pressing "-" (minus) selects
+the item on the floor. Pressing a lowercase letter selects the given item.
+Pressing a capital letter selects the given item after verification. Pressing
+a numeric digit '#' selects the first item (if any) whose inscription contains
+"@#" or "@x#", where "x" is the current "underlying command". You may only
+specify items which are "legal" for the command. Whenever an item inscription
+contains "!*" or "!x" (with "x" as above) you must verify its selection.
+ In ToME, there are items which occasionally teleport you away, asking
+for permission first. The recurring "Teleport (y/n)?" can be annoying, and
+this behavior can be eliminated by inscribing the object which causes the
+teleportation with "." (or any inscription containing the character ".").
+With this inscription, the object will no longer teleport you around nor
+keep asking you. If you want to restore the teleport ability to the object,
+just remove the "." from its inscription. Note that cursed items which
+teleport you are unaffected by the inscription.
+ Some commands will prompt for a direction. You may enter a "compass"
+direction using any of the "direction keys" shown below. Sometimes, you may
+specify that you wish to use the current "target", by pressing "t" or "5", or
+that you wish to select a new target, by pressing "*" (see "Target" below).
+#####G Original Keyset Directions Roguelike Keyset Directions
+ 7 8 9 y k u
+ 4 6 h l
+ 1 2 3 b j n
+ Each of the standard keysets provides some short-cuts over the "underlying
+commands". For example, both keysets allow you to "walk" by simply pressing
+an "original" direction key (or a "roguelike" direction key if you are using
+the roguelike keyset), instead of using the "walk" command plus a direction.
+[[[[[BThe roguelike keyset allows you to "run" or "tunnel" by simply holding the]
+[[[[[Bshift or control modifier key down while pressing a "roguelike" direction key,]
+[[[[[Binstead of using the "run" or "tunnel" command plus a direction.] Both keysets
+allow the use of the "5" key to "stand still", which is most convenient when
+using the original keyset.
+ Note that on many systems, it is possible to define "macros" (or "command
+macros") to various keys, or key combinations, so that it is often possible to
+make macros which, for example, allow the use of the shift or control modifier
+keys, plus a numeric keypad key, to specify the "run" or "tunnel" command, with
+the given direction, regardless of any keymap definitions, by using the fact
+that you can always, for example, use "\" + "." + "6", to specify "run east".
+~~~~~100|Commands|Original keyset
+#####R=== Original Keyset Command Summary (4.2.x) ===
+ *****command.txt*1[a Aim a wand] *****command.txt*2[A Activate an artifact]
+ *****command.txt*3[b Browse a book] *****command.txt*4[B Bash a door]
+ *****command.txt*5[c Close a door] *****command.txt*6[C Character description]
+ *****command.txt*7[d Drop an item] *****command.txt*8[D Disarm a trap]
+ *****command.txt*9[e Equipment list] *****command.txt*10[E Eat some food]
+ *****command.txt*11[f Fire (shoot) an item] *****command.txt*12[F Fuel your lantern/torch]
+ *****command.txt*13[g Stay still (flip pickup)] *****command.txt*14[G Gain new skills]
+ *****command.txt*15[h Hack up a corpse] *****command.txt*16[H Drink from a fountain]
+ *****command.txt*17[i Inventory list] *****command.txt*18[I Inspect (closely examine) an item]
+ *****command.txt*19[j Jam a door] J (unused)
+ *****command.txt*20[k Destroy an item] *****command.txt*21[K Cure meat]
+ *****command.txt*22[l Look around] *****command.txt*23[L Look around dungeon by sector]
+ *****command.txt*24[m Cast a spell / use mental power] *****command.txt*25[M Full dungeon map]
+ *****command.txt*85[n Repeat last command] *****command.txt*91[N Abilities Screen]
+ *****command.txt*26[o Open a door or chest] *****command.txt*27[O Sacrifice at an altar]
+ *****command.txt*28[p Pray to your god (if any)] *****command.txt*29[P Pet commands]
+ *****command.txt*30[q Quaff a potion] *****command.txt*31[Q Quit (commit suicide)]
+ *****command.txt*32[r Read a scroll] *****command.txt*33[R Rest for a period]
+ *****command.txt*34[s Search for traps/doors] *****command.txt*35[S Toggle search mode]
+ *****command.txt*36[t Take off equipment] *****command.txt*37[T Dig a tunnel]
+ *****command.txt*38[u Use a staff] *****command.txt*39[U Use bonus power (if any)]
+ *****command.txt*40[v Throw an item] *****command.txt*41[V Version Info]
+ *****command.txt*42[w Wear/wield equipment] W (unused)
+ *****command.txt*43[x Engrave the floor] X (unused)
+ *****command.txt*44[y Give item to monster] *****command.txt*96[Y Chat with a monster]
+ *****command.txt*45[z Zap a rod] *****command.txt*46[Z Steal]
+ *****command.txt*47[! Interact with system] *****debug.txt*101[^A (special - debug command)]
+ *****command.txt*49[@ Interact with macros] ^B (unused)
+ *****command.txt*89[# Begin extended command] ^C (special - break)
+ *****command.txt*97[$ Record macros] ^D (unused)
+ *****command.txt*51[% Interact with visuals] *****command.txt*52[^E Toggle choice window]
+ ^ (special - control key) *****command.txt*53[^F Repeat level feeling]
+ *****command.txt*54[& Interact with colors] ^G (unused)
+ *****command.txt*55[* Target monster or location] ^H (unused)
+ ( (unused) ^I (special - tab)
+ ) (unused) ^J (special - linefeed)
+ *****command.txt*58[{ Inscribe an object] ^K (unused)
+ *****command.txt*59[} Uninscribe an object] ^L (unused)
+ [ (unused) ^M (special - return)
+ ] (unused) ^N (unused)
+ *****command.txt*60[- Walk (flip pickup)] ^O (unused)
+ *****command.txt*61[_ Re-Enter store] *****command.txt*62[^P Show previous messages]
+ *****command.txt*63[+ Alter grid] *****command.txt*64[^Q Quit to next midi song]
+ *****command.txt*65[= Set options] *****command.txt*66[^R Redraw the screen]
+ *****command.txt*67[; Walk (with pickup)] *****command.txt*68[^S Save and don't quit]
+ *****command.txt*69[: Take notes] *****command.txt*70[^T Time of the day]
+ ' (unused) ^U (unused)
+ *****command.txt*71[" Enter a user pref command] ^V (unused)
+ *****command.txt*72[, Stay still (with pickup)] ^W (special - wizard mode)
+ *****command.txt*74[< Go up staircase] *****command.txt*75[^X Save and quit]
+ *****command.txt*76[. Run] ^Y (unused)
+ *****command.txt*77[> Go down staircase] ^Z (special - borg command)
+ *****command.txt*79[\ (special - bypass keymap)] *****command.txt*80[| Do cmovies]
+ *****command.txt*81[` (special - escape)] *****command.txt*82[~ Display current knowledge]
+ *****command.txt*83[/ Identify symbol] *****command.txt*84[? Help]
+ *****command.txt*98[^\] Take an html screenshot]
+~~~~~101|Commands|Roguelike keyset
+#####R=== Roguelike Keyset Command Summary (4.2.x) ===
+ *****command.txt*45[a Zap a rod (Activate)] *****command.txt*2[A Activate an artifact]
+ *****command.txt*95[b (walk - south west)] *****command.txt*95[B (run - south west)]
+ *****command.txt*5[c Close a door] *****command.txt*6[C Character description]
+ *****command.txt*7[d Drop an item] *****command.txt*8[D Disarm a trap or chest]
+ *****command.txt*9[e Equipment list] *****command.txt*10[E Eat some food]
+ *****command.txt*4[f Bash a door (force)] *****command.txt*12[F Fuel your lantern/torch]
+ *****command.txt*13[g Stay still (flip pickup)] *****command.txt*14[G Gain new skills]
+ *****command.txt*95[h (walk - west)] *****command.txt*95[H (run - west)]
+ *****command.txt*17[i Inventory list] *****command.txt*18[I Observe an item]
+ *****command.txt*95[j (walk - south)] *****command.txt*95[J (run - south)]
+ *****command.txt*95[k (walk - north)] *****command.txt*95[K (run - north)]
+ *****command.txt*95[l (walk - east)] *****command.txt*95[L (run - east)]
+ *****command.txt*24[m Spell casting / mental power] *****command.txt*25[M Full dungeon map]
+ *****command.txt*95[n (walk - south east)] *****command.txt*95[N (run - south east)]
+ *****command.txt*26[o Open a door or chest] *****command.txt*39[O Use bonus power (if any)]
+ *****command.txt*28[p Pray to your god (if any)] *****command.txt*3[P Browse a book]
+ *****command.txt*30[q Quaff a potion] *****command.txt*31[Q Quit (commit suicide)]
+ *****command.txt*32[r Read a scroll] *****command.txt*33[R Rest for a period]
+ *****command.txt*34[s Search for traps/doors] *****command.txt*97[S Record macros]
+ *****command.txt*11[t Fire an item] *****command.txt*36[T Take off equipment]
+ *****command.txt*95[u (walk - north east)] *****command.txt*95[U (run - north east)]
+ *****command.txt*40[v Throw an item] *****command.txt*16[V Drink from a fountain]
+ *****command.txt*42[w Wear/wield equipment] *****command.txt*23[W Locate player on map (Where)]
+ *****command.txt*22[x Look around] *****command.txt*29[X Pet commands]
+ *****command.txt*95[y (walk - north west)] *****command.txt*95[Y (run - north west)]
+ *****command.txt*1[z Aim a wand (Zap)] *****command.txt*38[Z Use a staff (Zap)]
+ *****command.txt*47[! Interact with system] ^A (special - debug command)
+ *****command.txt*49[@ Interact with macros] *****command.txt*95[^B (tunnel - south west)]
+ *****command.txt*35[# Toggle search mode] ^C (special - break)
+ *****command.txt*15[$ Hack up a corpse] *****command.txt*20[^D Destroy item]
+ *****command.txt*51[% Interact with visuals] *****command.txt*52[^E Toggle choice window]
+ ^ (special - control key) *****command.txt*53[^F Repeat level feeling]
+ *****command.txt*54[& Interact with colors] *****command.txt*27[^G Sacrifice at an altar]
+ *****command.txt*55[* Target monster or location] *****command.txt*95[^H (tunnel - west)]
+ *****command.txt*96[( Chat] ^I (special - tab)
+ *****command.txt*89[) Begin extended command] *****command.txt*95[^J (tunnel - south)]
+ *****command.txt*58[{ Inscribe an object] *****command.txt*95[^K (tunnel - north)]
+ *****command.txt*59[} Uninscribe an object] *****command.txt*95[^L (tunnel - east)]
+ [*****command.txt*46[ Steal] *****command.txt*95[^M (tunnel - south)]
+ ]*****command.txt*43[ Engrave the floor] *****command.txt*95[^N (tunnel - south east)]
+ *****command.txt*60[- Walk (flip pickup)] *****command.txt*21[^O Cure meat]
+ *****command.txt*61[_ Enter store] *****command.txt*62[^P Show previous messages]
+ *****command.txt*63[+ Alter grid] *****command.txt*64[^Q Quit to next midi song]
+ *****command.txt*65[= Set options] *****command.txt*66[^R Redraw the screen]
+ *****command.txt*67[; Walk (with pickup)] *****command.txt*68[^S Save and don't quit]
+ *****command.txt*69[: Take notes] *****command.txt*37[^T Dig a Tunnel]
+ *****command.txt*44[' Give object to monster] *****command.txt*95[^U (tunnel - north east)]
+ *****command.txt*71[" Enter a user pref command] ^V (unused)
+ *****command.txt*76[, Run] ^W (special - wizard mode)
+ *****command.txt*74[< Go up staircase] *****command.txt*75[^X Save and quit]
+ *****command.txt*72[. Stay still (with pickup)] *****command.txt*95[^Y (tunnel - north west)]
+ *****command.txt*77[> Go down staircase] ^Z (special - borg command)
+ *****command.txt*79[\ (special - bypass keymap)] *****command.txt*80[| Do cmovies]
+ *****command.txt*81[` (special - escape)] *****command.txt*82[~ Display current knowledge]
+ *****command.txt*83[/ Identify symbol] *****command.txt*84[? Help]
+~~~~~102|Commands|Special keys
+#####R=== Special Keys ===
+ Certain special keys may be intercepted by the operating system or
+the host machine, causing unexpected results. In general, these special keys
+are control keys, and often, you can disable their special effects.
+ If you are playing on a UNIX or similar system, then Ctrl-C will
+interrupt ToME. The second and third interrupt will induce a warning
+bell, and the fourth will induce both a warning bell and a special message,
+since the fifth will quit the game, after killing your character. Also,
+Ctrl-Z will suspend the game, and return you to the original command shell,
+until you resume the game with the "fg" command. There is now a compilation
+option to force the game to prevent the "double ctrl-z escape death trick".
+The Ctrl-\ and Ctrl-D and Ctrl-S keys should not be intercepted.
+ It is often possible to specify "control-keys" without actually
+pressing the control key, by typing a caret ("^") followed by the key.
+This is useful for specifying control-key commands which might be caught
+by the operating system as explained above.
+ Pressing [[[[[Gbackslash ("\\")] before a command will bypass all keymaps,
+and the next keypress will be interpreted as an "underlying command" key,
+unless it is a caret ("^"), in which case the keypress after that will be
+turned into a control-key and interpreted as a command in the underlying
+ToME keyset. The backslash key is useful for creating macro actions
+which are not affected by any keymap definitions that may be in force, for
+example, the sequence "\" + "." + "6" will always mean "run east", even if
+the "." key has been mapped to a different underlying command.
+ The "0" and "^" and "\" keys all have special meaning when entered
+at the command prompt, and there is no "useful" way to specify any of them
+as an "underlying command", which is okay, since they would have no effect.
+ For many input requests or queries, the [[[[[Gspecial character ESCAPE]
+will abort the command. The "[y/n]" prompts may be answered with "y" or
+"n", or escape. The "-more-" message prompts may be cleared (after reading
+the displayed message) by pressing ESCAPE, SPACE, RETURN, LINEFEED, or by
+any keypress, if the "quick_messages" option is turned on.
+~~~~~103|Commands|Command counts
+~~~~~104|Commands|Repeating a command
+#####R=== Command Counts ===
+ Some commands can be executed a fixed number of times by preceding
+them with a count. Counted commands will execute until the count expires,
+until you type any character, or until something significant happens, such
+as being attacked. Thus, a counted command doesn't work to attack another
+creature. While the command is being repeated, the number of times left
+to be repeated will flash by on the line at the bottom of the screen.
+ [[[[[BTo give a count to a command, type 0, the repeat count, and then]
+[[[[[Bthe command.] If you want to give a movement command and you are using the
+original command set (where the movement commands are digits), press space
+after the count and you will be prompted for the command.
+ Counted commands are very useful for searching or tunneling, as
+they automatically terminate on success, or if you are attacked. You may
+also terminate any counted command (or resting or running), by typing any
+character. This character is ignored, but it is safest to use a SPACE or
+ESCAPE which are always ignored as commands in case you type the command
+just after the count expires.
+ You can tell ToME to automatically use a repeat count of 99
+with commands you normally want to repeat (open, disarm, tunnel, bash,
+alter, etc) by setting the "always_repeat" option.
+#####R=== Selection of Objects ===
+ Many commands will also prompt for a particular object to be used.
+For example, the command to read a scroll will ask you which of the
+scrolls that you are carrying that you wish to read. In such cases, the
+selection is made by typing a letter of the alphabet. The prompt will
+indicate the possible letters, and will also allow you to type the key
+"*", which causes all of the available options to be described. The list
+of choices will also be shown in the Choice window, if you are using a
+windows environment and windows are turned on. Often you will be able to
+press "/" to select an object from your equipment instead of your
+inventory. Pressing space once will have the same effect as "*", and
+the second time will cancel the command and run the "i" or "e" command.
+ [[[[[BThe particular object may be selected by an upper case or a lower]
+[[[[[Bcase letter. If lower case is used, the selection takes place]
+[[[[[Bimmediately. If upper case is used, then the particular option is]
+[[[[[Bdescribed, and you are given the option of confirming or retracting that]
+[[[[[Bchoice.] Upper case selection is thus safer, but requires an extra key
+stroke. Also see the "!*" and "!x" inscriptions, below.
+ For many commands, [[[[[Byou can also use "-" to select an object on the]
+[[[[[Bfloor where you are standing.] This lets you read scrolls or quaff
+potions, for example, off the dungeon floor without picking them up.
+ If you enter a number between 0 and 9, the first item engraved
+with "@#" where "#" is the number you entered will be selected. For example,
+if you have a shovel engraved with "@0" and you type "w" (for wield) and
+then 0, you will wield the shovel. This is very useful for macros (see
+below), since you can use this to select an object regardless of its
+location in your pack. Multiple numbers can be engraved on the same object; for
+example, if a sword is engraved with @1@0, then either "w1" or "w0" will
+wield it. Normally, you inscribe "@1@0" on your primary weapon, and
+"@2@0" on your secondary weapon. [[[[[BNote that an inscription containing]
+[[[[[B"@x#" will act like "@#" but only when the current "ToME command"]
+[[[[[Bis "x".] Thus you can put "@z4" on a rod and "@u4" on a staff, and then
+use both "z4" and "u4" as desired.
+ Note that any object containing "!x" in its inscription, where
+"x" is the current "ToME command" (or containing "!*" ever) will induce
+"verification" whenever that object is "selected". Thus, inscribing, say,
+"!f!k!d" on an object will greatly reduce the odds of you "losing" it by
+accident, and [[[[[Binscribing "!*" on an object] will allow you to be very paranoid
+about the object. Note that "selling" and "dropping" both use the "d" command.
+~~~~~105|Pref files
+#####R=== User Pref Files ===
+ ToME allows you to change various aspects of the game to suit
+your tastes. You may define keymaps (changing the way ToME maps your
+keypresses to underlying commands), create macros (allowing you to map a
+single keypress to a series of keypresses), modify the visuals (allowing
+you to change the appearance of monsters, objects, or terrain features),
+change the colors (allowing you to make a given color brighter, darker,
+or even completely different), or set options (turning them off or on).
+ ToME stores your preferences in files called "user pref files",
+which contain comments and "user pref commands", which are simple strings
+describing one aspect of the system about which the user has a preference.
+There are many ways to load a user pref file, and in fact, some of these
+files are automatically loaded for you by the game. All of the files are
+kept in the "lib/user/" directory, though you may have to use one of the
+command line arguments to redirect this directory, especially on multiuser
+systems. You may also enter single user pref commands directly, using the
+special "Enter a user pref command" command, activated by "double quote".
+You may have to use the "redraw" command (^R) after changing certain of
+the aspects of the game, to allow ToME to adapt to your changes.
+ When the game starts up, after you have loaded an old character,
+or created a new character, some user pref files are loaded automatically.
+First, the "pref.prf" file is loaded. This file contains some user pref
+commands which will work on all platforms. Then one of "font-xxx.prf"
+(for normal usage) or "graf-xxx.prf" (for bitmap usage) is loaded. These
+files contain attr/char changes to allow the monsters, objects, and/or
+terrain features to look "better" on your system. Then the "pref-xxx.prf"
+file is loaded. This file contains pre-defined system specific stuff
+(macros, color definitions, etc). Then, the "user-xxx.prf" file is loaded.
+This file contains user-defined system specific stuff. The "user-xxx.prf"
+file is used as the "default" user pref file in many places. The "xxx" is
+the "system suffix" for your system, taken from the "main-xxx.c" file which
+was used to generate your executable. Finally, the "Race.prf", "Class.prf",
+and "Name.prf" files are loaded, where "Race", "Class", and "Name" are
+replaced by the actual race, class, and name of the current character.
+ Several commands allow you to both load existing user pref files,
+create new user pref files, append information to existing user pref files,
+and/or interact with various of the user preferences in a more intuitive
+way than the user pref commands allow. The commands include "Interact with
+macros" (@), "Interact with visuals" (%), and "Interact with colors" (&),
+described below.
+~~~~~106|Pref files|Macros
+#####G--- User Pref Files (Macros) ---
+ The "Interact with macros" command allows you to define or remove
+"macros", which are mappings from a single logical keypress to a sequence
+of keypresses, allowing you to use special keys on the keyboard, such as
+function keys or keypad keys, possibly in conjunction with modifier keys,
+to "automate" repetitive multi-keypress commands that you use a lot.
+ Since macros represent keypress sequences, and not all keypresses
+have a printable representation, macro triggers and actions must often be
+"encoded" into a human readable form. This is done using several types
+of encoding, including "\xHH" for character number HH in hexidecimal, "\e"
+for the "escape" code, "\n" for the "newline" code, "\r" for the "return"
+code, "\s" for the "space" code, "\\" for backslash, "\^" for caret, and
+"^X" for the code for any "control" key "ctrl-X". Note that the "action"
+of a macro will not be checked against other macro triggers (unless the
+macro action contains a "control-backslash"), so you cannot make infinite
+loops. You may specify extremely long macros, but you are limited in
+length by the underlying input mechanisms, which in general limit you
+to about 1024 keys in both triggers and actions.
+ The special "\" command (which must be encoded in macros as "\\")
+is very useful in macros, since it bypasses all keymaps and allows the next
+keystroke to be considered a command in the underlying ToME command set.
+For example, a macro which maps Shift-KP6 to "\" + "." + "6" will induce
+the "run east" behavior, regardless of what keyset the user has chosen, and
+regardless of what keymaps have been defined.
+ Macros can be specified in user pref files as a pair of lines, one
+of the form "A:<str>", which defines the encoded macro action, and one of
+the form "P:<str>", which defines the encoded macro trigger.
+ A [[[[[Bcommon example of a macro] to cast the first spell in your first spell
+book at the nearest monster would be: \e\e\em1a*t where \e is an escape (to make
+sure you are not still within another command), m1 selects the spell book that
+is inscribed ({) with @m1, a selects the first spell in that book, and *t targets
+the nearest monster.
+ More detailed information about specific macros can be found in
+*****macrofaq.txt*0[macrofaq.txt], originally written by Jim Lyon (,
+modified for ToME with Jim's permission by Dawnmist
+~~~~~107|Pref files|Keymaps
+#####G--- User Pref Files (Keymaps) ---
+ The "Interact with macros" command also allows you to define
+"keymaps", which are vaguely related to macros. A keymap maps a single
+keypress to a series of keypresses, which bypass both other keymaps and
+any macros. ToME uses keymaps to map the original and the roguelike
+keysets to the underlying command set, and allows the user to modify or
+add keymaps of their own. Note that all keymap actions must be specified
+using underlying commands, not keypresses from the original or roguelike
+keysets. The original keyset is almost identical to the underlying keyset,
+except that "numbers" are mapped to ";" plus a direction, "5" is mapped to
+",", and a few control-keys are mapped to various things. See "command.txt"
+for the full set of underlying commands. Some uses for keymaps include the
+ability to "disable" a command by mapping it to "\x00",
+ Keymaps can be specified in user pref files as line of the form
+"M:<T> <key> <str>", where <T> is the keyset (0/1 for original/roguelike),
+<key> is the encoded trigger key, and <str> is the encoded keymap action.
+~~~~~108|Pref files|Visuals
+#####G--- User Pref Files (Visuals) ---
+ You can use the "Interact with visuals" command to change various
+visual information, currently including the choice of what attr/char values
+are used to represent various monsters, objects, or terrain features. Note
+that in combination appropriate support in "main-xxx.c", and with the use of
+the "use_graphics" flag, you may be able to specify that "graphic bitmaps"
+should be used instead of normal "colored characters" for various things.
+ When interactively modifying the attr/char values for monsters,
+objects, or terrain features, pressing "n" or "N" will change which entry
+you are changing, pressing "a" or "A" will rotate through the available
+attr values, and pressing "c" or "C" will rotate though the available char
+values. Note that attr/char values with the "high bit" set may induce the
+display of special "graphic" pictures if the "use_graphics" flag is set,
+and your system supports the "use_graphics" flag.
+ Note that this command can be abused in various ways, and if you
+must do so, remember that you are only cheating yourself.
+ Keymaps can be specified in user pref files as line of the form
+"R:<N>:<A>/<C>" or "K:<N>:<A>/<C>" or "F:<N>:<A>/<C>" or "U:<N>:<A>/<C>".
+~~~~~109|Pref files|Colors
+#####G--- User Pref Files (Colors) ---
+ The "Interact with colors" command allows you to change the actual
+internal values used to display various colors. This command may or may
+not have any effect on your machine. Advanced machines may allow you to
+change the actual RGB values used to represent each of the 16 colors used
+by ToME, and perhaps even allow you to define new colors which are not
+currently used by ToME.
+ Colors can be specified in user pref files as line of the form
+~~~~~110|Pref files|Options
+#####G--- User Pref Files (Options) ---
+ The "Interact with options" command allows you to turn options
+on or off. You may turn options off or on using the user pref commands
+of the form "X:<option>" or "Y:<option>" respectively.
+~~~~~111|Commands|Command descriptions
+#####R=== Command Descriptions ===
+ The following command descriptions are listed as the command name
+plus the "underlying command" key. This is followed by the command name
+and "roguelike" keyset key, if different from the underlying command key.
+Then comes a brief description of the command, including information about
+alternative methods of specifying the command in each keyset, when needed.
+Several commands (tunnel, disarm, bash, open) are repeated 99 times if the
+"always_repeat" option is set and no repeat count is given. Some commands
+use the "repeat count" to automatically repeat the command several times,
+while others use the "repeat count" as an "argument", for example, commands
+which need a "quantity" will use the "repeat count" instead of asking for
+a quantity, allowing the use of "0d" for "drop all". Commands which ask
+for a quantity will convert any "letters" into the maximal legal value.
+#####R--- Inventory Commands ---
+[[[[[GInventory list (i)]
+ Displays a list of objects being carried but not equipped. You
+ can carry up to 23 different items, not counting those in your
+ equipment. Often, many identical objects can be "stacked" into
+ a "pile" which will count as a single item. This is always
+ true of things like potions, scrolls, and food, but you may have
+ to set options to allow wands, staves, and other such objects to
+ stack. Each object has a weight, and if you carry more objects
+ than your strength permits, you will begin to slow down.
+[[[[[GEquipment list (e)]
+ Use this command to display a list of the objects currently being
+ used by your character. The number and type of available slots for
+ equipment may vary. A human for example has 15 slots for equipment,
+ each corresponding to a different location on the body, and each of
+ which may contain only a single object at a time, and each of which
+ may only contain objects of the proper "type".
+ If the option "show_labels" is set, the slots are labelled as follows:
+ Wielding (weapon), Shooting (missile launcher or instruments),
+ On finger (ring), Around neck (amulet), Light source (light source),
+ On body (armor), About body (cloak), On arm (shield), On head (helmet),
+ On hands (gloves), On feet (boots), Carrying (symbiote), Quiver (ammo),
+ Using (tool). You must be using an object to receive any of its special
+ powers.
+[[[[[GDrop an item (d)]
+ This command drops an item from your inventory or equipment onto the
+ dungeon floor. If the place you are standing on already has objects
+ in it, ToME will attempt to drop the item onto an adjacent space.
+ A floor spot can hold more than one object, but there is still the
+ possibility that if the floor is too full and you attempt to drop
+ something, it may disappear and be destroyed. If the selected pile
+ contains multiple items, you may specify a quantity.
+[[[[[GDestroy an item (k) or Destroy an item (^D)]
+ This destroys an item in your inventory or on the dungeon floor.
+ If the selected pile contains multiple objects, you may specify
+ a quantity. You must always verify this command, unless the item
+ is cursed or worthless and the option "auto_destroy" is set.
+[[[[[GWear/Wield equipment (w)]
+ To wear or wield an object in your inventory, use this command.
+ Since only one object can be in each slot at a time, if you wear
+ or wield an item into a slot which is already occupied, the old
+ item will be first be taken off, and may in fact be dropped if
+ there is no room for it in your inventory.
+[[[[[GTake off equipment (t) or Take off equipment (T)]
+ Use this command to take off a piece of equipment and return it
+ to your inventory. Occasionally, you will run into a cursed item
+ which cannot be removed. These items normally penalise you in some
+ way and cannot be taken off until the curse is removed. If there
+ is no room in your inventory for the item, your pack will overflow
+ and you will drop the item after taking it off.
+#####R--- Movement Commands ---
+[[[[[GWalk (with pickup) (;)]
+ Moves one step in the given direction. The square you are moving
+ into must not be blocked by walls or doors. You will pick up any
+ items in the destination grid if the "always_pickup" option is set,
+ or if the "query_pickup" option is set and you respond correctly.
+ This command can take a count and requires a direction. You may
+ also use the "original" direction keys (both keysets) or the
+ "roguelike" direction keys (roguelike keyset) to walk in a
+ direction.
+[[[[[GWalk (flip pickup) (-)]
+ This is just like normal move, except that the "Pick things up"
+ option is inverted. In other words, if you normally pick up
+ anything you encounter (the default), you will not pick things up
+ when using this command. If you normally do not pick things up,
+ you will when using this command. This command can take a count
+ and requires a direction.
+[[[[[GRun (.) or Run (,)]
+ This command will move in the given direction, following any bends
+ in the corridor, until you either have to make a "choice" between
+ two directions or you are disturbed. You can configure what will
+ disturb you by setting the disturbance options. Run requires a
+ direction. You may also use shift plus the "roguelike" direction
+ keys (roguelike keyset), or shift plus the "original" direction keys
+ on the keypad (both keysets, some machines) to run in a direction.
+[[[[[GGo up staircase (<)]
+ Climbs up an up staircase you are standing on. There is always at
+ least one staircase going up on every level (this doesn't mean it's
+ easy to find) except for the surface, where '<' will bring up the
+ wilderness map. Going up a staircase will take you to a new dungeon
+ level unless you are at the first level of the dungeon, in which case
+ you will return to the surface. Note that whenever you leave a dungeon
+ level, you will never find it again, unless the level contains a dungeon
+ town. This means that for all intents and purposes, any objects on that
+ level are destroyed. This includes unknown artifacts unless the "Create
+ characters in preserve mode" option was set when your character was
+ created, in which case the artifacts may show up again later.
+[[[[[GGo down staircase (>)]
+ Descends a down staircase you are standing on. There are always
+ at least two staircases going down on each level, except for the
+ last level of a dungeon, and some "quest" levels, which have none until
+ the quest monsters are killed. Going down a staircase will take you
+ to a new dungeon level. See "Go Up Staircase" for more info.
+ This command is also used to enter Void Jumpgates, and to zoom in from
+ the wilderness map.
+#####R--- Resting Commands ---
+[[[[[GStay still (with pickup) (,) or Stay still (with pickup) (.)]
+ Stays in the same square for one move. If you normally pick up
+ objects you encounter, you will pick up whatever you are standing
+ on. This command can take a count. You may also use the "5" key
+ (both keysets).
+[[[[[GStay still (flip pickup) (g)]
+ Stays in the same square for one move. If you normally pick up
+ objects you encounter, you will not pick up whatever you are
+ standing on. If you normally do not pick up objects, you will
+ pick up what you are standing on. This command is normally only
+ used when the "always_pickup" option is false. This command can
+ take a count.
+[[[[[GRest (R)]
+ Resting is better for you than repeatedly staying still, and can
+ be told to automatically stop after a certain amount of time, or
+ when various conditions are met. In any case, you always wake up
+ when anything disturbing happens, or when you press any key. To
+ rest, enter the Rest command, followed by the number of turns you
+ want to rest, or "*" to rest until your hit points and mana are
+ restored, or "&" to rest until you are fully "healed". This command
+ can take a count, which is used for the number of turns to rest.
+[[[[[GEnter store (_)]
+ When standing on the door of a store, this command allows the character
+ to enter the store again.
+#####R--- Searching Commands ---
+[[[[[GSearch (s)]
+ This command can be used to locate hidden traps and secret doors
+ in the spaces adjacent to the player. More than a single turn of
+ searching will be required in most cases. You should always
+ search a chest before trying to open it, since they are generally
+ trapped. This command can take a count, which is useful if you
+ are fairly sure of finding something eventually, since the command
+ stops as soon as anything is found. This command can take a count.
+[[[[[GToggle search mode (S) or Toggle search mode (#)]
+ This command will take you into and out of search mode. When
+ first pressed, the message "Searching" will appear at the bottom
+ of the screen. You are now taking two turns for each command, one
+ for the command and one turn to search. This means that you are
+ taking twice the time to move around the dungeon, and therefore
+ twice the food. Search mode will automatically turn off if you
+ are disturbed. You may also turn off search mode by entering the
+ Search Mode command again.
+~~~~~116|Commands|Alteration commands
+~~~~~117|Commands|Terrain interaction
+#####R--- Alter Commands ---
+[[[[[GTunnel (T) or Tunnel (^T)]
+ Tunnelling or mining is a very useful art. There are many kinds of
+ rock, with varying hardness, including permanent rock (permanent),
+ granite (very hard), quartz veins (hard), magma veins (soft), and
+ rubble (very soft). Quartz and Magma veins may be displayed in a
+ special way, and may sometimes contain treasure, in which case they
+ will be displayed in a different way. Rubble sometimes covers an
+ object. It is only possible to tunnel if you are wielding a digging
+ tool such as a shovel or a pick. Tunnelling ability increases with
+ strength and tool weight. This command can take a count, requires a
+ direction, and is affected by the "always_repeat" option.
+[[[[[GOpen a door or chest (o)]
+ To open an object such as a door or chest, you must use this
+ command. If the object is locked, you will attempt to pick the
+ lock based on your disarming ability. If you open a trapped chest
+ without disarming the traps first, the trap will be set off. Some
+ doors will be jammed shut and may have to be forced open. You may
+ need several tries to open a door or chest. Open can take a count,
+ requires a direction, and is affected by the "always_repeat" option.
+[[[[[GClose a door (c)]
+ Non-intelligent and some other creatures cannot open doors, so
+ shutting doors can be quite valuable. Broken doors cannot be closed.
+ Bashing a door open may break it. Close can take a count, requires a
+ direction, and is affected by the "always_repeat" option.
+[[[[[GJam a door (j) or Spike a door (S)]
+ Many monsters can simply open closed doors, and can eventually
+ get through a locked door. You may therefore occasionally want
+ to jam a door shut with iron spikes. Each spike used on the door
+ will make it harder to bash down the door, up to a certain limit.
+ Smaller monsters are less able to bash down doors. In order to
+ use this command, you must be carrying iron spikes. Jam or Spike
+ requires a direction.
+[[[[[GBash a door (B) or Force a door (f)]
+ This command allows you to bash down jammed doors. Your bashing
+ ability increases with strength. Bashing open a door can (briefly)
+ throw you off balance. Doors that are stuck, or which have been
+ jammed closed with spikes can only be opened by bashing, and all
+ closed doors can be bashed open if desired. Bashing a door open
+ may permanently break it so that it can never be closed. Bash or
+ Force can take a count, requires a direction, and is affected by
+ the "always_repeat" option.
+[[[[[GDisarm a trap or chest (D)]
+ You can attempt to disarm traps on the floor or on chests. If you
+ fail, there is a chance that you will blunder and set it off. You
+ can only disarm a trap after you have found it (usually with the
+ Search command). Disarm can take a count, requires a direction,
+ and is affected by the "always_repeat" option.
+[[[[[GAlter (+)]
+ This special command allows the use of a single keypress to select
+ any of the "obvious" commands above (attack, tunnel, bash, open,
+ disarm, close), and, by using macros or keymaps, to combine this
+ keypress with directions. In general, this allows the use of the
+ "control" key plus the appropriate "direction" key (including the
+ roguelike direction keys in roguelike mode) as a kind of generic
+ "alter the terrain feature of an adjacent grid" command. Alter
+ can take a count, requires a direction, and is affected by the
+ "always_repeat" option.
+[[[[[GEngrave the floor (x)]
+ The dungeon is full of magics, and as such pools of it collect on
+ the floor in places. With the "inscribe" command, it is possible
+ to create some spell effects by inscribing words you have read from
+ various parchments detailing the languages used within the dungeon.
+ Then, if there is enough mana collected on that square, walking over
+ the inscription will trigger the spell. Some spells can be triggered
+ only by the player, some only by monsters, and some are triggered by
+ both.
+[[[[[GSteal (Z)]
+ Allows the player to try to steal items from shops. Also allows
+ rogues to steal from monsters.
+~~~~~118|Commands|Spells and prayers
+#####R--- Spell and Prayer Commands ---
+[[[[[GBrowse a book (b) or Peruse a book (P)]
+ Only characters with some knowledge in the magic schools, such as
+ mages, priests, rogues, and rangers, can read magic spellbooks.
+ Warriors normally cannot read any books. When this command is used,
+ all of the spells or prayers contained in the selected book are
+ displayed, along with information such as their level, the amount of
+ mana or piety required to cast them, and whether or not you know the
+ spell or prayer.
+[[[[[GGain new skills (G)]
+ Use this command to access the skills menu and spend the skill points
+ you gain at each new character level to increase the range of things
+ your character is able to do.
+[[[[[GGain new abilities (N)]
+ Use this command to access the Abilities menu and spend the skill points
+ you gain at each new character level to increase the range of things
+ your character is able to do.
+[[[[[GCast a spell / Pray a prayer (m) / Use a mental power]
+ To cast a spell or prayer, you must have the skill level required in
+ that school of magic to be able access that spell, and a book that
+ contains that spell in your inventory (for most schools). Each spell
+ has a chance of failure which starts out fairly large but decreases
+ as you gain levels. If you don't have enough mana to cast a spell,
+ you will be told you do not have enough mana to cast it. Since in most
+ cases you must read the spell from a book, you cannot be blind or
+ confused while casting, and there must be some light present.
+ Some classes (for example, Thaumaturgists) have the ability to use
+ some magic without actually needing spell books of any sort. These
+ classes are able to access their magical powers through the use of
+ the 'm' command.
+[[[[[GUse bonus power (if any) (U) or (O)]
+ Some races and classes have special natural abilities. All of these
+ possible abilities are listed in an index under the U (or O) command.
+ These type of abilities can include the Vampire's bite, a DeathMold's
+ telekinesis, and a RohanKnight's light speed capabilities.
+~~~~~119|Commands|Object manipulation
+#####R--- Object Manipulation Commands ---
+[[[[[GEat some food (E)]
+ You must eat regularly to prevent starvation. As you grow hungry,
+ a message will appear at the bottom of the screen saying "Hungry".
+ If you go hungry long enough, you will become weak, then start
+ fainting, and eventually, you may will die of starvation. You
+ may use this command to eat food in your inventory. Note that
+ you can sometimes find food in the dungeon, or you can butcher
+ corpses of killed creatures to obtain raw meat, but it is not
+ always wise to eat strange food.
+[[[[[GFuel your lantern/torch (F)]
+ If you are using a torch and have more torches in your pack,
+ or you are using a lantern and have flasks of oil in your pack,
+ then your can "refuel" them with this command. Torches and Lanterns
+ are limited in their maximal fuel. In general, two flasks will fully
+ fuel a lantern and two torches will fully fuel a torch.
+[[[[[GQuaff a potion (q)]
+ Use this command to drink a potion. Potions affect the player in
+ various ways, but the effects are not always immediately obvious.
+[[[[[GRead a scroll (r)]
+ Use this command to read a scroll. Scroll spells usually have an
+ area effect, except for a few cases where they act on other objects.
+ Reading a scroll causes the parchment to disintegrate as the scroll
+ takes effect, unless you are an Alchemist. Most scrolls which prompt
+ for more information can be aborted (by pressing escape), which will
+ stop reading the scroll before it disintegrates.
+[[[[[GInscribe an object ({)]
+ This command inscribes a string on an object. The inscription is
+ displayed inside curly braces after the object description. The
+ inscription is limited to the particular object (or pile) and is
+ not automatically transferred to all similar objects. Under certain
+ circumstances, ToME will display "fake" inscriptions on certain
+ objects ("cursed", "broken", "tried", "empty", "NN% off") when
+ appropriate. These "fake" inscriptions are "covered up" by real
+ inscriptions, but will re-appear if the real inscription is removed.
+ In addition, ToME will occasionally place a "real" inscription on
+ an object for you, normally as the result of your character getting
+ a "feeling" about the item. All characters will get "feelings" about
+ weapons and armor after carrying them for a while. Warriors get the
+ most detailed feelings, and get them quicker than any other class.
+ An item labeled as "{empty}" was found to be out of charges, and an
+ item labeled as "{tried}" is a "flavoured" item which the character
+ has used, but whose effects are unknown. Certain inscriptions have
+ a meaning to the game, see "@#", "@x#", "!*", and "!x", in the section
+ on *****command.txt*90[inventory object selection.]
+[[[[[GUninscribe an object (})]
+ This command removes the inscription on an object. This command will
+ have no effect on "fake" inscriptions added by the game itself.
+[[[[[GHack up a corpse (h or $)]
+ Corpses can be cut up into smaller pieces of meat, allowing the user to
+ eat the meat, or cure it for later use.
+[[[[[GCure meat (K)]
+ Curing meat requires the use of a potion of salt water, and is used to
+ protect meat from hacked-up corpses from going bad.
+[[[[[GDrink from a fountain (H)]
+ All fountains in Arda are magical, and act like magical potions. The
+ game will ask you whether you want to quaff from a fountain or to fill
+ empty bottles. The only way to identify the type of fountain is to
+ fill your bottles from it and see what you get.
+[[[[[GGive item to monster (y)]
+ This command is used to give an item within your inventory to a monster
+ standing next to you. The monster may not accept the item you give it,
+ however.
+[[[[[GChat (Y)]
+ This command allows you to chat with someone. Be warned that most
+ monsters won't chat
+#####R--- Magical Object Commands ---
+[[[[[GActivate an artifact (A)]
+ You have heard rumours of special weapons and armour deep in the
+ Pits, items that can let you breath fire like a dragon or light
+ rooms with just a thought. Should you ever be lucky enough to
+ find such an item, this command will let you activate its special
+ ability. Special abilities can only be used if you are wearing or
+ wielding the item.
+ Note that there are also a few common objects that can be activated,
+ e.g. music instruments, monster eggs and spell-storing mage staves,
+ and that some artifacts, so-called "junkarts", can't be wielded, but
+ must be activated from the backpack.
+[[[[[GAim a wand (a) or Zap a wand (z)]
+ Wands must be aimed in a direction to be used. Wands are magical
+ devices, and therefore there is a chance you will not be able to
+ figure out how to use them if you aren't good with magical
+ devices. They will fire a shot that affects the first object or
+ creature encountered or fire a beam that affects anything in a
+ given direction, depending on the wand. An obstruction such as a
+ door or wall will generally stop the effects from traveling any
+ farther. This command requires a direction and can use a target.
+[[[[[GUse a staff (u) or Zap a staff (Z)]
+ This command will use a staff. A staff is normally very similar
+ to a scroll, in that they normally either have an area effect or
+ affect a specific object. Staves are magical devices, and there
+ is a chance you will not be able to figure out how to use them.
+[[[[[GZap a rod (z) or Activate a rod (a)]
+ Rods are extremely powerful magical items, which cannot be burnt
+ or shattered, and which can have either staff-like or wand-like
+ effects, but unlike staves and wands, they don't have charges.
+ Instead, they draw on the ambient magical energy to recharge
+ themselves, and therefore can only be activated once every few
+ turns. The recharging time varies depending on the type of rod.
+ This command may require a direction (depending on the type of
+ rod, and whether you are aware of its type) and can use a target.
+~~~~~120|Commands|Throwing and missile weapons
+#####R--- Throwing and Missile Weapons ---
+[[[[[GFire an item (f) or Fire an item (t)]
+ You may throw any object carried by your character. Depending on
+ the weight, it may travel across the room or drop down beside you.
+ Only one object from a pile will be thrown at a time. Note that
+ throwing an object will often cause it to break, so be careful!
+ If you throw something at a creature, your chances of hitting it
+ are determined by your pluses to hit, your ability at throwing,
+ and the object's pluses to hit. Once the creature is it, the
+ object may or may not do any damage to it. You've heard rumors
+ that some objects found in the dungeon can do huge amounts of
+ damage when thrown, but you're not sure which objects those
+ are.... Note that flasks of oil will do a fairly large chunk
+ of damage to a monster on impact, supposedly representing fire
+ damage, but it works against fire elementals too... If you are
+ wielding a missile launcher compatible with the object you are
+ throwing, then you automatically use the launcher to fire the
+ missile with much higher range, accuracy, and damage, then you
+ would get by just throwing the missile. Fire or Throw requires
+ a direction. Targeting mode (see the next command) can be invoked
+ with "*" at the "Direction?" prompt.
+[[[[[GThrow an item (v)]
+ You may throw any object carried by your character. The lighter
+ the object, the farther you can throw it. Only one object from a
+ stack may be thrown at a time. Throwing an object may break it.
+ If you throw something at a monster, your chances of hitting it
+ are determined by your pluses to hit, your ability at throwing,
+ and the object's pluses to hit. If the object hits the monster,
+ it may or may not do damage. Some objects, such as weapons, or
+ flasks of oil, can do a substantial amount of damage. This
+ command requires a direction, and can take a target.
+[[[[[GTargeting Mode (*)]
+ This will allow you to aim your spells and such at a specific
+ monster or grid, so that you can point directly towards that
+ monster or grid (even if this is not a "compass" direction) when
+ you are asked for a direction. You can set a target using this
+ command, or you can set a new target at the "Direction?" prompt when
+ appropriate. At the targeting prompt, you have many options. First
+ of all, targetting mode starts targetting nearby monsters which can
+ be reached by "projectable" spells and thrown objects. In this mode,
+ you can press "t" (or "5" or ".") to select the current monster,
+ space to advance to the next monster, "-" to back up to the previous
+ monster, direction keys to advance to a monster more or less in that
+ direction, "r" to "recall" the current monster, "q" to exit targetting
+ mode, and "p" (or "o") to stop targetting monsters and enter the mode
+ for targetting a location on the floor or in a wall. Note that if
+ there are no nearby monsters, you will automatically enter this mode.
+ Note that hitting "o" is just like "p", except that the location
+ cursor starts on the last examined monster instead of on the player.
+ In this mode, you use the "direction" keys to move around, and the
+ "q" key to quit, and the "t" (or "5" or ".") key to target the cursor
+ location. Note that targetting a location is slightly "dangerous",
+ as the target is maintained even if you are far away. To cancel an
+ old target, simply hit "*" and then ESCAPE (or "q"). Note that when
+ you cast a spell or throw an object at the target location, the path
+ chosen is the "optimal" path towards that location, which may or may
+ not be the path you want. Sometimes, by clever choice of a location
+ on the floor for your target, you may be able to convince a thrown
+ object or cast spell to squeeze through a hole or corridor that is
+ blocking direct access to a different grid. Launching a ball spell
+ or breath weapon at a location in the middle of a group of monsters
+ can often improve the effects of that attack, since ball attacks are
+ not stopped by interposed monsters if the ball is launched at a target.
+ This command takes no time.
+#####R--- Looking Commands ---
+[[[[[GFull screen map (M)]
+ This command will show a map of the entire dungeon, reduced by a
+ factor of nine, on the screen. Only the major dungeon features
+ will be visible because of the scale, so even some important
+ objects may not show up on the map. This is particularly useful
+ in locating where the stairs are relative to your current
+ position, or for identifying unexplored areas of the dungeon.
+ This command takes no time.
+[[[[[GLocate player on map (L) or Where is the player (W)]
+ This command lets you scroll your map around, looking at all sectors
+ of the current dungeon level, until you press escape, at which point
+ the map will be re-centred on the player if necessary. To scroll
+ the map around, simply press any of the "direction" keys. The top
+ line will display the sector location, and the offset from your
+ current sector. This command takes no time.
+[[[[[GLook around (l) or Examine things (x)]
+ This command is used to look around at nearby monsters (to determine
+ their type and health) and objects (to determine their type). It is
+ also used to find out what objects (if any) are under monsters, and
+ if a monster is currently inside a wall. This command takes no time.
+ When you are looking at something, you may hit space for more details,
+ or to advance to the next interesting monster or object, or minus ("-")
+ to go back to the previous monster or object, or a direction key to
+ advance to the nearest interesting monster or object (if any) in that
+ general direction, or "r" to recall information about the current
+ monster race, or "q" or escape to stop looking around. You always
+ start out looking at the "nearest" interesting monster or object.
+[[[[[GObserve an item (I)]
+ This command lets you observe a previously *identified* item.
+ This will tell you things about the special powers of the object.
+ Currently, it only makes sense for artifacts and ego-items.
+#####R--- Message Commands ---
+[[[[[GRepeat level feeling (^F)]
+ Repeats the feeling about the dungeon level that you got when you
+ first entered the level.
+[[[[[GView previous messages (^P)]
+ This command shows you all the recent messages. You can scroll
+ through them, or exit with ESCAPE. This command takes no time.
+[[[[[GTake notes (:)]
+ This command allows you to take notes, which will then appear in your
+ note file, if the birth-option "take_notes" was set (the default), or
+ in your message list (prefixed with "Note:"), if the option was not set.
+ The note file can be displayed through the "Display Current Knowledge"
+ command (~ or |). This command takes no time.
+~~~~~123|Commands|Game status
+#####R--- Game Status Commands ---
+[[[[[GCharacter Description (C)]
+ Brings up a full description of your character, including your
+ skill levels, your current and potential stats, and various other
+ information. From this screen, you can change your name or use
+ the file character description command to save your character
+ status to a file. That command saves additional information,
+ including your background, your inventory, and the contents of
+ your house.
+[[[[[GDisplay Current Knowledge (~ or |)]
+ The command opens a menu from which you can lookup information
+ collected so far. This includes known artifacts, unique monsters,
+ identified objects, killed creatures, recall depths, acquired
+ corruptions, current pets, current quests, current fates, known
+ traps, known dungeon towns and last but not least the note file.
+ Display known artifacts
+ This selection lists all of the artifacts that you have encountered.
+ Any artifact that appears in this list, which you cannot seem to
+ find, has been lost forever. The "preserve" mode will prevent
+ you from accidentally losing any artifacts, but will also prevent
+ you from ever getting a "special" level feeling.
+ Display known uniques
+ Brings up a list of known unique monsters, plus their current
+ status. Once killed, unique monsters never show up again, with a
+ few remarkable exceptions.
+ Display known objects
+ This list all 'flavoured' objects (such as rings, scrolls, wands,
+ potions, etc.) which you have identified.
+ Display kill count
+ This lists all killed creatures together with a total kill count.
+ Display recall depths
+ This lists all recall depths of entered dungeons as well as marks
+ the current recall dungeon with an asterisk.
+ Display corruptions
+ This lists all acquired corruptions with their beneficial and
+ detrimental effects.
+ Display current pets
+ Display current quests
+ Display current fates
+ Display known traps
+ Display known dungeon towns
+ Display notes
+ If the option "take_notes" is set shows you your notes file, where all
+ remarkable events are noted. You can add notes yourself by using the
+ "Take notes" command (:).
+[[[[[GTime of the day (^T)]
+ This command is used to give the current date and time within the game.
+ Extremely useful for characters such as Vampires to check whether
+ it is safe to leave the dungeon.
+~~~~~124|Commands|Saving and Exiting
+~~~~~125|Saving and Exiting
+#####R--- Saving and Exiting Commands ---
+[[[[[GSave and Quit (Ctrl-X)]
+ To save your game so that you can return to it later, use this
+ command. Save files will also be generated (hopefully) if the
+ game crashes due to a system error. After you die, you can use
+ your savefile to play again with the same options and such.
+[[[[[GSave (Ctrl-S)]
+ This command saves the game but doesn't exit ToME. Use this
+ frequently if you are paranoid about having the computer crash
+ while you are playing.
+[[[[[GQuit (commit suicide) (Q)]
+ Kills your character and exits ToME. You will be prompted to
+ make sure you really want to do this, and then asked to verify
+ that choice. Note that dead characters are dead forever.
+~~~~~126|Commands|Pref files
+~~~~~127|Pref files|Commands
+#####R--- User pref file commands ---
+[[[[[GInteract with options (=)]
+ Allow you to interact with options. Note that using the "cheat"
+ options may mark your savefile as unsuitable for the high score
+ list. You may change normal options using the "X" and "Y" user
+ pref commands. You must use the "redraw" command (^R) after
+ changing certain options.
+[[[[[GInteract with macros (@)]
+ Allow you to interact with macros. You may load or save macros
+ from user pref files, create macros of various types, or define
+ keymaps. You must define a "current action", shown at the bottom
+ of the screen, before you attempt to use any of the "create macro"
+ commands, which use that "current action" as their action. This
+ is a horrible interface, and will be fixed eventually.
+[[[[[GInteract with visuals (%)]
+ Allow you to interact with visuals. You may load or save visuals
+ from user pref files, or modify the attr/char mappings for the
+ monsters, objects, and terrain features. You must use the "redraw"
+ command (^R) to redraw the map after changing attr/char mappings.
+[[[[[GInteract with colors (&)]
+ Allow the user to interact with colors. This command only
+ works on some systems.
+[[[[[GInteract with the system (!)]
+ Allow the user to interact with the underlying visual system.
+ This command is currently unused.
+[[[[[GEnter a user pref command (")]
+ ToME stores your preferences in files called "user pref files",
+ which contain comments and "user pref commands", which are simple strings
+ describing one aspect of the system about which the user has a preference.
+ You may enter single user pref commands directly, using the special "Enter
+ a user pref command" command, activated by "double quote". You may have to
+ use the "redraw" command (^R) after changing certain of the aspects of the
+ game, to allow ToME to adapt to your changes.
+#####R--- Help ---
+[[[[[GHelp (?)]
+ Brings up the ToME on-line help system. Note that the help
+ files are just text files in a particular format, and that other
+ help files may be available on the Net. In particular, there are
+ a variety of spoiler files which do not come with the standard
+ distribution. Check the place you got ToME from or ask on the
+ newsgroup about them.
+[[[[[GIdentify Symbol (/)]
+ Use this command to find out what a character stands for. For
+ instance, by pressing "/.", you can find out that the "." symbol
+ stands for a floor spot. When used with a symbol that represents
+ creatures, the this command will tell you only what class of
+ creature the symbol stands for, not give you specific information
+ about a creature you can see. To get that, use the Look command.
+ There are three special symbols you can use with the Identify
+ Symbol command to access specific parts of your monster memory.
+ Typing Ctrl-A when asked for a symbol will recall details about
+ all monsters, typing Ctrl-U will recall details about all unique
+ monsters, and typing Ctrl-N will recall details about all
+ non-unique monsters.
+ If the character stands for a creature, you are asked if you want
+ to recall details. If you answer yes, information about the
+ creatures you have encountered with that symbol is shown in the
+ Recall window if available, or on the screen if not. You can also
+ answer "k" to see the list sorted by number of kills, or "p" to
+ see the list sorted by dungeon level the monster is normally found
+ on. Pressing ESCAPE at any point will exit this command.
+[[[[[GGame Version (V)]
+ This command will tell you what version of ToME you are using.
+ For more information, see the "version.txt" help file.
+#####R--- Extra Commands ---
+[[[[[GRepeat last command (n)]
+ This will automatically repeat the last command you inputted.
+[[[[[GSacrifice at an altar (O)]
+ Altars are places dedicated to the worship of a particular God. To
+ start worshipping the God who owns the altar, you must first sacrifice
+ on their altar.
+ Be warned, not all Gods are equal in power, and once you have selected
+ a God to worship, it is almost impossible to change which God you worship.
+ When your God is happy with you, you will receive more benefits from them.
+ Your God's happiness will decrease over time, so you will need to accomplish
+ deeds that increase your standing. Note that there is no requirement
+ for most classes to worship any God. (See *****gods.txt*0[gods.txt] for more information)
+[[[[[GPray to your God (p)]
+ If you worship a God, you have the option of praying. The effects of
+ praying differ considerably depending on the god, ranging from the
+ battle frenzy of paladins to the self-healing powers of druids.
+ However, Gods do not like being disturbed, with negative effects on
+ your piety. See *****gods.txt*0[gods.txt] for more information.
+[[[[[GPet commands (P)]
+ From time to time, you may acquire a pet within the dungeon. Pets are able
+ (to a more or less limited extent) to follow some simple commands, like
+ follow me. These commands are all accessed through the menu under "Pet
+ Commands".
+[[[[[GToggle Choice Window (^E)]
+ Toggles the display in the choice window (if available) between
+ your inventory and your equipment. This command only applies if
+ you are running ToME under a windowing environment and the
+ choice window is available. This also redraws the choice window.
+[[[[[GRedraw Screen (^R)]
+ This command adapts to various changes in global options, and
+ redraws all of the windows. This command should be used after
+ changing various global properties (options, attr/char mappings,
+ color definitions, etc). When in doubt, use it.
+[[[[[GLoad screen dump (left-paren)]
+ This command loads a "snap-shot" of the current screen from the file
+ "dump.txt", and displays it on the screen.
+[[[[[GSave screen dump (right-paren)]
+ This command dumps a "snap-shot" of the current screen to the file
+ "dump.txt", including encoded color information.
+[[[[[GQuit to next midi song (^Q)]
+ In the DOS binary (and maybe Windows) of ToME, it is possible for
+ the game to play any midi song in the lib/xtra/music directory. This
+ command allows the player to force the game to finish the current song
+ and move on to another one (i.e. if you are tired of hearing the current
+ song, you can change it).
+[[[[[GDo cmovies (|)]
+ The cmovie command (press | key in both normal or roguelike set) allows
+ you to make a "movie" that you can send to people showing your movement
+ through a part of the dungeon (like clearing that GCV . . .)
+ It asks for a name (it will add the extension itself) and then if you wish
+ to play or record it.
+ The cmovie files (.cmv) are located in lib/cmov, note that they quickly
+ become huge and so you REALLY should compress them before sending to friends.
+[[[[[GRecord macros ($)]
+ This is an easier way to create macros. Activate it, press the key
+ sequence for your macro, reactivate it and it will create the macro
+ for you. Note than when possible using the @ key at item selection
+ is a good idea since it removes the need to inscribe items.
+[[[[[GTake html screenshot (^\])]
+ Creates an html screenshot of the current screen.
+[[[[[GBegin extended command (#)]
+ Begins an extended command. Type "help" or "?" at the prompt for a
+ list of these commands.
+Original: Alexander Cutler and Andy Astrand
+Updated (2.7.6): Russ Allbery (
+Updated (2.7.9): Ben Harrison (
+Updated PernAngband 5.x.x: Dawnmist (
+Updated for ToME 2.1