path: root/lib/mods/theme/help/lua_pow.txt
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diff --git a/lib/mods/theme/help/lua_pow.txt b/lib/mods/theme/help/lua_pow.txt
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/lib/mods/theme/help/lua_pow.txt
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+#####R /----------------------------------------\
+#####R < Adding new racial powers >
+#####R \----------------------------------------/
+#####R=== Introduction ===
+You *must* download and install my lua example files from
+[[[[[G]. And also you should read the
+*****lua_intr.txt*0[scripting introduction] file if you haven't already done
+The (commented) accompanying script file for this tutorial is
+lib\scpt\pheonix.lua. Open it in your text editor!
+#####R=== The Racial Power ===
+Let's start with something simple. Let's say you wanted your new race (let's
+call it "Pheonix") to be able to cast fire balls as their racial power.
+#####R=== Starting off ===
+If you have a look at pheonix.lua you'll note the first lines are comments.
+I'll talk a bit more about comments later, but it's worth pointing out that any
+lines of text preceded by a double hyphen ([[[[[B--]) will be ignored by the
+scripting engine, and are therefore comments.
+After the comments, the first 10 lines of code are as follows:
+#####BPHEONIX_POWER = add_power
+#####B ["name"] = "Fire Breath",
+#####B ["desc"] = "You are able to cast fireballs",
+#####B ["desc_get"] = "Your beak glows red",
+#####B ["desc_lose"] = "Your beak goes cold again",
+#####B ["level"] = 10,
+#####B ["cost"] = 11,
+#####B ["stat"] = A_INT,
+#####B ["fail"] = 14,
+So, [[[[[BPHEONIX_POWER = add_power] is registering our power. We're giving it
+a name (PHEONIX_POWER) and saying that it is defined by calling the special
+function [[[[[Badd_power]. This special function is only used to define lua-
+powers, and has attributes which are identified by their inclusion in square
+Note the following:
+- Lua is case sensitive. The name of our power is a constant, will never change
+so that's been named with capitals. variables and functions are named all in
+lower case. Technically speaking, Lua does not support constants, but we can
+emulate them by variables in this way. They don't have to be capitalised, but
+if you capitalise all your constants, it makes things easier to read, and
+you'll be following normal programming protocol.
+- There are no spaces in the name of the power. Use an underscore for spaces
+if you need to improve legibility.
+[[[[[B"name" = "Fire Breath",] This is the name of the power as it is
+displayed in the
+U menu, and as you will define it in p_info.txt (more about that later).
+[[[[[B"desc" = "You are able to cast fireballs",] This is what would
+appear in the
+information display list if you drank a potion of self knowledge or
+[[[[[B"desc_get" = "Your beak glows red",] This is the information displayed
+when you
+gain this power.
+[[[[[B"desc_lose" = "Your beak goes cold again",] This is the information
+displayed when
+you lose this power. Eg After a mutation/corruption.
+[[[[[B"level" = 10,] Character level which must be gained in order to use
+[[[[[B"cost" = 11,] Amount of mana to cast this power.
+[[[[[B"stat" = A_INT,] stat which will define whether it works or not,
+[[[[[B"fail" = 14,] how high that stat must be.
+So our Pheonix will be able to cast PHEONIX_POWER from clvl 10, at a cost of
+11 mana, providing that the player's intelligence is 14 and upwards.
+#####R=== The function ===
+The next section is a lot longer, so we'll look at it line by line. I'll
+strip the comments for the purpose of this helpfile.
+#####B["power"] = function()
+#####B local ret, dir, damage
+#####B ret, dir = get_aim_dir();
+#####B if (ret == FALSE) then
+#####B return
+#####B end
+#####B damage = player.lev*3
+#####B msg_print("You breathe fire.")
+#####B fire_ball(GF_FIRE, dir, damage, 3)
+The [[[[[B"power"] bit is what actually happens when the player accesses this
+from their 'U' menu. Every function must start with the word [[[[[Bfunction].
+Normally, we'd also declare its name at this point, but as this is contained
+within the [[[[[Badd_power] function, we just use the word [[[[[Bfunction] The
+brackets after this denote that no arguments are passed to the function.
+Lets look at the next line.
+#####B local ret, dir, damage
+The [[[[[Blocal] bit is saying that we're going to declare some local
+variables. That
+is, that there will be three variables used in this function , that apply
+exclusively to this function, and to no others. Global variables are
+variables that apply to the whole script, in multiple functions. The three
+variables will be called [[[[[Bret] (return), [[[[[Bdir] (direction), and
+[[[[[Bdamage]. They will be used to determine the direction the ball
+will fire in, and how much damage it will do. We'll see them in use when we add
+the third line:
+#####B ret, dir = get_aim_dir();
+here we're saying that the variables will take their value from the result
+of a function. The program performs the function [[[[[Bget_aim_dir] which
+essentially asks the player to choose a direction or pick a target.
+assigns the value [[[[[Bret] to either TRUE (if the player correctly selected a
+direction) or FALSE (if the player failed to do so (maybe they changed their
+mind, or hit the wrong key!)). The value [[[[[Bdir] is the direction which was
+selected (or the path to the target if a target was selected). OK so let's add
+the next line:
+#####B if (ret == FALSE) then return end
+This introduces another fundamental scripting concept - [[[[[Bif] statements.
+They work just as you would expect them too. You say "if a certain condition is
+met, then do the following things."
+So in this function we're saying, "if the value of [[[[[Bret] is FALSE then
+As I mentioned above, [[[[[Bret] is false if the player aborted (either
+deliberately or accidentally) the spell casting whilst choosing a direction
+for the spell. The double equals sign are used to mean "is equal to" as a
+single equals sign is used for defining variables remember? A single equals
+sign is more of a "let x be equal to y" thing.
+[[[[[Breturn] means stop the current function. And [[[[[Bend] signifies the
+close of the [[[[[Bif]
+statement. Every [[[[[Bif] statement must begin with an [[[[[Bif] and finish
+with an [[[[[Bend].
+So, what our [[[[[Bif] statement is saying is; "if the player failed to specify
+a direction or target for the spell, stop the function here."
+If the player has correctly specified a direction/target, the function
+continues to the next line:
+#####B damage = player.lev*3
+Here we're saying that the variable [[[[[Bdamage] has a value equal to the
+players current character level, multiplied by 3.
+#####B msg_print("You breathe fire.")
+Fairly easy to see what this does - displays the message "You breathe fire."
+I could have put anything there obviously, like [[[[[Bmsg_print("You open]
+[[[[[Byour mouth and everyone falls over with the smell of hot curry")] or
+some other such rubbish. But note that the message is enclosed within double
+quotes. The quotes aren't displayed in the message on screen, but signify the
+start and end of the message.
+#####B fire_ball(GF_FIRE, dir, damage, 3)
+This is the line that casts the spell. it says execute the function
+[[[[[Bfire_ball]. Now, this doesn't mean a fireball, it means fire a ball.
+There's an important distinction there! All it knows it is doing is firing a
+ball, it doesn't know what kind of ball, or where, or how big, or how much
+The [[[[[BGF_FIRE,] bit is what tell us it is a fire ball. If it was
+ we'd have a cold ball, or [[[[[BGF_CHAOS,] it would be a chaos ball and
+so on and so on. A full list of those types can be found in *****lua_gf.txt*0[lua_gf.txt].
+[[[[[B dir,] is the direction, from the [[[[[Bget_aim_dir()] bit.
+[[[[[B damage,] is the damage. As we've already said, this will be clvl*3.
+[[[[[B 3)] is the radius.
+and finally...
+#####B end,
+[[[[[Bend,] tells it the function has ended. Every function must finish with
+You should have spotted that after the end of each attribute is a comma. Make
+sure you include this, and don't forget the braces at the very very end to
+close the [[[[[Badd_power] function.
+#####R=== Finishing the LUA file ===
+Save this as a text file 'pheonix.lua' Put it into the lib\scrpt directory
+of ToME, and open the init.lua file which you'll find in the same
+Add the following line and resave the init.lua file.
+This ensures that ToME loads your file on start-up. Because you've installed
+the example scripts, this has all been done for you.
+#####R=== A quick word about comments ===
+One of the reasons Angband has so many variants is because the source code is
+clearly commented. Almost every line of code has an accompanying comment,
+explaining what that line does. It's good practice to add comments to any code
+or script you write. It's helpful to others who are learning, anyone who takes
+over your project, and also to yourself when you come back in a month's time
+and can't remember what you did! So comment your code clearly, and well!
+You can also add multi line comments which should be enclosed by [[[[[B--[[]
+#####R=== Tying it all together ===
+You'll now need to link this 'U' power to the pheonix race via the
+p_info.txt file. Simply add a line within the class definition file that has
+the format [[[[[BR:Z:<name>]the name of the power as it appears in the
+section we did right at the beginning, remember? Seeing as there is no pheonix
+race, I've gone ahead and made one up as a demonstration. If you've downloaded
+and installed the example files from [[[[[G]
+you'll notice you already have the pheonix race available. Printed below is
+the p_info.txt entry for it.
+#####BR:D:Born from flame, these powerful bird like creatures gain fire related
+#####BR:D:abilities as they grow.
+#####BR:C:Warrior | Mage | Priest | Rogue | Ranger | Paladin | Blade |
+#####BR:C:Warlock | Chaos-Warrior | Monk | Mindcrafter | High-Mage |
+#####BR:C:BeastMaster | Alchemist | Power-Mage | Runecrafter |
+#####BR:C:Sorceror | Archer | Illusionist | Druid | Necromancer | Black-Knight
+#####BR:C:Daemonologist | Weaponmaster | Summoner |
+#####BR:Z:Fire Ball
+Note the [[[[[BR:Z:] line.
+If all is well, you should be able to start ToME now and breathe fire! Once
+you get to lvl 10 anyhow. Don't forget, this is the kind of thing wizard mode
+was invented for! Ctrl-A and confirm at the prompt, and then 'e' will allow
+you to alter stats, including experience. Approx 1000 exp should do to get you
+to clvl 10.
+Ready for more? How about adding a new *****lua_skil.txt*0[skill] ?
+ [[[[[gThis file by fearoffours (]