path: root/src/h-type.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/h-type.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/src/h-type.h b/src/h-type.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bcf013bb..00000000
--- a/src/h-type.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-/* File: h-type.h */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * Basic "types".
- *
- * Note the attempt to make all basic types have 4 letters.
- * This improves readibility and standardizes the code.
- *
- * Likewise, all complex types are at least 4 letters.
- * Thus, almost every three letter word is a legal variable.
- * But beware of certain reserved words ('for' and 'if' and 'do').
- *
- * Note that the type used in structures for bit flags should be uint.
- * As long as these bit flags are sequential, they will be space smart.
- *
- * Note that on some machines, apparently "signed char" is illegal.
- *
- * It must be true that char/byte takes exactly 1 byte
- * It must be true that sind/uind takes exactly 2 bytes
- * It must be true that sbig/ubig takes exactly 4 bytes
- *
- * On Sparc's, a sint takes 4 bytes (2 is legal)
- * On Sparc's, a uint takes 4 bytes (2 is legal)
- * On Sparc's, a long takes 4 bytes (8 is legal)
- * On Sparc's, a huge takes 4 bytes (8 is legal)
- * On Sparc's, a vptr takes 4 bytes (8 is legal)
- * On Sparc's, a real takes 8 bytes (4 is legal)
- *
- * Note that some files have already been included by "h-include.h"
- * These include <stdio.h> and <sys/types>, which define some types
- * In particular, uint is defined so we do not have to define it
- *
- * Also, see <limits.h> for min/max values for sind, uind, long, huge
- * These limits should be verified and coded into "h-constant.h".
- */
-/*** Special 4 letter names for some standard types ***/
-/* A standard pointer (to "void" because ANSI C says so) */
-typedef void *vptr;
-/* A simple pointer (to unmodifiable strings) */
-typedef const char *cptr;
-typedef char *mcptr;
-/* Since float's are silly, hard code real numbers as doubles */
-typedef double real;
-/* Error codes for function return values */
-/* Success = 0, Failure = -N, Problem = +N */
-typedef int errr;
- * Hack -- prevent problems with non-MACINTOSH
- */
-#undef uint
-#define uint uint_hack
- * Hack -- prevent problems with WINDOWS
- */
-#undef huge
-#define huge huge_hack
-/* Note that "signed char" is not always "defined" */
-/* So always use "s16b" to hold small signed values */
-/* A signed byte of memory */
-/* typedef signed char syte; */
-/* Note that unsigned values can cause math problems */
-/* An unsigned byte of memory */
-typedef unsigned char byte;
-/* Note that a bool is smaller than a full "int" */
-/* Simple True/False type */
-typedef char bool_;
-/* A signed, standard integer (at least 2 bytes) */
-typedef int sint;
-/* An unsigned, "standard" integer (often pre-defined) */
-typedef unsigned int uint;
-/* The largest possible signed integer (pre-defined) */
-/* typedef long long; */
-/* The largest possible unsigned integer */
-typedef unsigned long huge;
-/* Signed/Unsigned 16 bit value */
-typedef signed short s16b;
-typedef unsigned short u16b;
-#define FMTs16b "%hd"
-#define FMTu16b "%hu"
-/* Signed/Unsigned 32 bit value */
-#ifdef L64 /* 64 bit longs */
-typedef signed int s32b;
-typedef unsigned int u32b;
-#define FMTs32b "%d"
-#define FMTu32b "%u"
-typedef signed long s32b;
-typedef unsigned long u32b;
-#define FMTs32b "%ld"
-#define FMTu32b "%lu"
-/*** Pointers to all the basic types defined above ***/
-typedef real *real_ptr;
-typedef errr *errr_ptr;
-typedef char *char_ptr;
-typedef byte *byte_ptr;
-typedef bool_ *bool_ptr;
-typedef sint *sint_ptr;
-typedef uint *uint_ptr;
-typedef long *long_ptr;
-typedef huge *huge_ptr;
-typedef s16b *s16b_ptr;
-typedef u16b *u16b_ptr;
-typedef s32b *s32b_ptr;
-typedef u32b *u32b_ptr;
-typedef vptr *vptr_ptr;
-typedef cptr *cptr_ptr;
-/*** Pointers to Functions with simple return types and any args ***/
-typedef void (*func_void)();
-typedef errr (*func_errr)();
-typedef char (*func_char)();
-typedef byte (*func_byte)();
-typedef bool_ (*func_bool)();
-typedef sint (*func_sint)();
-typedef uint (*func_uint)();
-typedef real (*func_real)();
-typedef vptr (*func_vptr)();
-typedef cptr (*func_cptr)();
-/*** Pointers to Functions of special types (for various purposes) ***/
-/* A generic function takes a user data and a special data */
-typedef errr (*func_gen)(vptr, vptr);
-/* An equality testing function takes two things to compare (bool) */
-typedef bool_ (*func_eql)(vptr, vptr);
-/* A comparison function takes two things and to compare (-1,0,+1) */
-typedef sint (*func_cmp)(vptr, vptr);
-/* A hasher takes a thing (and a max hash size) to hash (0 to siz - 1) */
-typedef uint (*func_hsh)(vptr, uint);
-/* A key extractor takes a thing and returns (a pointer to) some key */
-typedef vptr (*func_key)(vptr);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} // extern "C"