path: root/src/lua/lundump.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lua/lundump.c')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lua/lundump.c b/src/lua/lundump.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f69573e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/lundump.c
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+** $Id: lundump.c,v 1.3 2001/11/26 23:00:26 darkgod Exp $
+** load bytecodes from files
+** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "lfunc.h"
+#include "lmem.h"
+#include "lopcodes.h"
+#include "lstring.h"
+#include "lundump.h"
+#define LoadByte ezgetc
+static const char* ZNAME (ZIO* Z)
+ const char* s=zname(Z);
+ return (*s=='@') ? s+1 : s;
+static void unexpectedEOZ (lua_State* L, ZIO* Z)
+ luaO_verror(L,"unexpected end of file in `%.99s'",ZNAME(Z));
+static int ezgetc (lua_State* L, ZIO* Z)
+ int c=zgetc(Z);
+ if (c==EOZ) unexpectedEOZ(L,Z);
+ return c;
+static void ezread (lua_State* L, ZIO* Z, void* b, int n)
+ int r=zread(Z,b,n);
+ if (r!=0) unexpectedEOZ(L,Z);
+static void LoadBlock (lua_State* L, void* b, size_t size, ZIO* Z, int swap)
+ if (swap)
+ {
+ char *p=(char *) b+size-1;
+ int n=size;
+ while (n--) *p--=(char)ezgetc(L,Z);
+ }
+ else
+ ezread(L,Z,b,size);
+static void LoadVector (lua_State* L, void* b, int m, size_t size, ZIO* Z, int swap)
+ if (swap)
+ {
+ char *q=(char *) b;
+ while (m--)
+ {
+ char *p=q+size-1;
+ int n=size;
+ while (n--) *p--=(char)ezgetc(L,Z);
+ q+=size;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ ezread(L,Z,b,m*size);
+static int LoadInt (lua_State* L, ZIO* Z, int swap)
+ int x;
+ LoadBlock(L,&x,sizeof(x),Z,swap);
+ return x;
+static size_t LoadSize (lua_State* L, ZIO* Z, int swap)
+ size_t x;
+ LoadBlock(L,&x,sizeof(x),Z,swap);
+ return x;
+static Number LoadNumber (lua_State* L, ZIO* Z, int swap)
+ Number x;
+ LoadBlock(L,&x,sizeof(x),Z,swap);
+ return x;
+static TString* LoadString (lua_State* L, ZIO* Z, int swap)
+ size_t size=LoadSize(L,Z,swap);
+ if (size==0)
+ return NULL;
+ else
+ {
+ char* s=luaO_openspace(L,size);
+ LoadBlock(L,s,size,Z,0);
+ return luaS_newlstr(L,s,size-1); /* remove trailing '\0' */
+ }
+static void LoadCode (lua_State* L, Proto* tf, ZIO* Z, int swap)
+ int size=LoadInt(L,Z,swap);
+ tf->code=luaM_newvector(L,size,Instruction);
+ LoadVector(L,tf->code,size,sizeof(*tf->code),Z,swap);
+ if (tf->code[size-1]!=OP_END) luaO_verror(L,"bad code in `%.99s'",ZNAME(Z));
+ luaF_protook(L,tf,size);
+static void LoadLocals (lua_State* L, Proto* tf, ZIO* Z, int swap)
+ int i,n;
+ tf->nlocvars=n=LoadInt(L,Z,swap);
+ tf->locvars=luaM_newvector(L,n,LocVar);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ tf->locvars[i].varname=LoadString(L,Z,swap);
+ tf->locvars[i].startpc=LoadInt(L,Z,swap);
+ tf->locvars[i].endpc=LoadInt(L,Z,swap);
+ }
+static void LoadLines (lua_State* L, Proto* tf, ZIO* Z, int swap)
+ int n;
+ tf->nlineinfo=n=LoadInt(L,Z,swap);
+ tf->lineinfo=luaM_newvector(L,n,int);
+ LoadVector(L,tf->lineinfo,n,sizeof(*tf->lineinfo),Z,swap);
+static Proto* LoadFunction (lua_State* L, ZIO* Z, int swap);
+static void LoadConstants (lua_State* L, Proto* tf, ZIO* Z, int swap)
+ int i,n;
+ tf->nkstr=n=LoadInt(L,Z,swap);
+ tf->kstr=luaM_newvector(L,n,TString*);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ tf->kstr[i]=LoadString(L,Z,swap);
+ tf->nknum=n=LoadInt(L,Z,swap);
+ tf->knum=luaM_newvector(L,n,Number);
+ LoadVector(L,tf->knum,n,sizeof(*tf->knum),Z,swap);
+ tf->nkproto=n=LoadInt(L,Z,swap);
+ tf->kproto=luaM_newvector(L,n,Proto*);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+ tf->kproto[i]=LoadFunction(L,Z,swap);
+static Proto* LoadFunction (lua_State* L, ZIO* Z, int swap)
+ Proto* tf=luaF_newproto(L);
+ tf->source=LoadString(L,Z,swap);
+ tf->lineDefined=LoadInt(L,Z,swap);
+ tf->numparams=LoadInt(L,Z,swap);
+ tf->is_vararg=LoadByte(L,Z);
+ tf->maxstacksize=LoadInt(L,Z,swap);
+ LoadLocals(L,tf,Z,swap);
+ LoadLines(L,tf,Z,swap);
+ LoadConstants(L,tf,Z,swap);
+ LoadCode(L,tf,Z,swap);
+ return tf;
+static void LoadSignature (lua_State* L, ZIO* Z)
+ const char* s=SIGNATURE;
+ while (*s!=0 && ezgetc(L,Z)==*s)
+ ++s;
+ if (*s!=0) luaO_verror(L,"bad signature in `%.99s'",ZNAME(Z));
+static void TestSize (lua_State* L, int s, const char* what, ZIO* Z)
+ int r=ezgetc(L,Z);
+ if (r!=s)
+ luaO_verror(L,"virtual machine mismatch in `%.99s':\n"
+ " %.20s is %d but read %d",ZNAME(Z),what,s,r);
+#define TESTSIZE(s) TestSize(L,s,#s,Z)
+#define V(v) v/16,v%16
+static int LoadHeader (lua_State* L, ZIO* Z)
+ int version,swap;
+ Number f=0,tf=TEST_NUMBER;
+ LoadSignature(L,Z);
+ version=ezgetc(L,Z);
+ if (version>VERSION)
+ luaO_verror(L,"`%.99s' too new:\n"
+ " read version %d.%d; expected at most %d.%d",
+ ZNAME(Z),V(version),V(VERSION));
+ if (version<VERSION0) /* check last major change */
+ luaO_verror(L,"`%.99s' too old:\n"
+ " read version %d.%d; expected at least %d.%d",
+ ZNAME(Z),V(version),V(VERSION));
+ swap=(luaU_endianess()!=ezgetc(L,Z)); /* need to swap bytes? */
+ TESTSIZE(sizeof(int));
+ TESTSIZE(sizeof(size_t));
+ TESTSIZE(sizeof(Instruction));
+ TESTSIZE(sizeof(Number));
+ f=LoadNumber(L,Z,swap);
+ if ((long)f!=(long)tf) /* disregard errors in last bit of fraction */
+ luaO_verror(L,"unknown number format in `%.99s':\n"
+ " read " NUMBER_FMT "; expected " NUMBER_FMT, ZNAME(Z),f,tf);
+ return swap;
+static Proto* LoadChunk (lua_State* L, ZIO* Z)
+ return LoadFunction(L,Z,LoadHeader(L,Z));
+** load one chunk from a file or buffer
+** return main if ok and NULL at EOF
+Proto* luaU_undump (lua_State* L, ZIO* Z)
+ Proto* tf=NULL;
+ int c=zgetc(Z);
+ if (c==ID_CHUNK)
+ tf=LoadChunk(L,Z);
+ c=zgetc(Z);
+ if (c!=EOZ)
+ luaO_verror(L,"`%.99s' apparently contains more than one chunk",ZNAME(Z));
+ return tf;
+** find byte order
+int luaU_endianess (void)
+ int x=1;
+ return *(char*)&x;