path: root/src/maid-x11.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/maid-x11.c')
1 files changed, 855 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/maid-x11.c b/src/maid-x11.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..86df2119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/maid-x11.c
@@ -0,0 +1,855 @@
+/* File: maid-x11.c */
+ * Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, and others
+ *
+ * This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
+ * and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
+ * are included in all such copies.
+ */
+#if defined(USE_X11) || defined(USE_XAW)
+ * This file defines some "XImage" manipulation functions for X11.
+ *
+ * Original code by Desvignes Sebastien (
+ *
+ * BMP format support by Denis Eropkin (
+ *
+ * Major fixes and cleanup by Ben Harrison (
+ *
+ * This file is designed to be "included" by "main-x11.c" or "main-xaw.c",
+ * which will have already "included" several relevant header files.
+ */
+#ifndef IsModifierKey
+ * Keysym macros, used on Keysyms to test for classes of symbols
+ * These were stolen from one of the X11 header files
+ *
+ * Also appears in "main-x11.c".
+ */
+#define IsKeypadKey(keysym) \
+(((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_KP_Space) && ((unsigned)(keysym) <= XK_KP_Equal))
+#define IsCursorKey(keysym) \
+(((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_Home) && ((unsigned)(keysym) < XK_Select))
+#define IsPFKey(keysym) \
+(((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_KP_F1) && ((unsigned)(keysym) <= XK_KP_F4))
+#define IsFunctionKey(keysym) \
+(((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_F1) && ((unsigned)(keysym) <= XK_F35))
+#define IsMiscFunctionKey(keysym) \
+(((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_Select) && ((unsigned)(keysym) < XK_KP_Space))
+#define IsModifierKey(keysym) \
+(((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_Shift_L) && ((unsigned)(keysym) <= XK_Hyper_R))
+#endif /* IsModifierKey */
+ * Checks if the keysym is a special key or a normal key
+ * Assume that XK_MISCELLANY keysyms are special
+ *
+ * Also appears in "main-x11.c".
+ */
+#define IsSpecialKey(keysym) \
+((unsigned)(keysym) >= 0xFF00)
+ * Hack -- Convert an RGB value to an X11 Pixel, or die.
+ */
+static unsigned long create_pixel(Display *dpy, byte red, byte green, byte blue)
+ Colormap cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy));
+ char cname[8];
+ XColor xcolour;
+ /* Build the color */
+ = red * 255 + red;
+ = green * 255 + green;
+ = blue * 255 + blue;
+ xcolour.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+ /* Attempt to Allocate the Parsed color */
+ if (!(XAllocColor(dpy, cmap, &xcolour)))
+ {
+ quit_fmt("Couldn't allocate bitmap color '%s'\n", cname);
+ }
+ return (xcolour.pixel);
+ * The Win32 "BITMAPFILEHEADER" type.
+ */
+typedef struct BITMAPFILEHEADER
+ u16b bfType;
+ u32b bfSize;
+ u16b bfReserved1;
+ u16b bfReserved2;
+ u32b bfOffBits;
+ * The Win32 "BITMAPINFOHEADER" type.
+ */
+typedef struct BITMAPINFOHEADER
+ u32b biSize;
+ u32b biWidth;
+ u32b biHeight;
+ u16b biPlanes;
+ u16b biBitCount;
+ u32b biCompresion;
+ u32b biSizeImage;
+ u32b biXPelsPerMeter;
+ u32b biYPelsPerMeter;
+ u32b biClrUsed;
+ u32b biClrImportand;
+ * The Win32 "RGBQUAD" type.
+ */
+typedef struct RGBQUAD
+ unsigned char b, g, r;
+ unsigned char filler;
+/*** Helper functions for system independent file loading. ***/
+static byte get_byte(FILE *fff)
+ /* Get a character, and return it */
+ return (getc(fff) & 0xFF);
+static void rd_byte(FILE *fff, byte *ip)
+ *ip = get_byte(fff);
+static void rd_u16b(FILE *fff, u16b *ip)
+ (*ip) = get_byte(fff);
+ (*ip) |= ((u16b)(get_byte(fff)) << 8);
+static void rd_u32b(FILE *fff, u32b *ip)
+ (*ip) = get_byte(fff);
+ (*ip) |= ((u32b)(get_byte(fff)) << 8);
+ (*ip) |= ((u32b)(get_byte(fff)) << 16);
+ (*ip) |= ((u32b)(get_byte(fff)) << 24);
+ * Read a Win32 BMP file.
+ *
+ * This function replaces the old ReadRaw and RemapColors functions.
+ *
+ * Assumes that the bitmap has a size such that no padding is needed in
+ * various places. Currently only handles bitmaps with 3 to 256 colors.
+ */
+static XImage *ReadBMP(Display *dpy, char *Name)
+ Visual *visual = DefaultVisual(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy));
+ int depth = DefaultDepth(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy));
+ FILE *f;
+ XImage *Res = NULL;
+ char *Data;
+ int ncol;
+ int total;
+ int i, j;
+ u32b x, y;
+ unsigned long clr_pixels[256];
+ /* Open the BMP file */
+ f = fopen(Name, "r");
+ /* No such file */
+ if (f == NULL)
+ {
+ return (NULL);
+ }
+ /* Read the "BITMAPFILEHEADER" */
+ rd_u16b(f, &(fileheader.bfType));
+ rd_u32b(f, &(fileheader.bfSize));
+ rd_u16b(f, &(fileheader.bfReserved1));
+ rd_u16b(f, &(fileheader.bfReserved2));
+ rd_u32b(f, &(fileheader.bfOffBits));
+ /* Read the "BITMAPINFOHEADER" */
+ rd_u32b(f, &(infoheader.biSize));
+ rd_u32b(f, &(infoheader.biWidth));
+ rd_u32b(f, &(infoheader.biHeight));
+ rd_u16b(f, &(infoheader.biPlanes));
+ rd_u16b(f, &(infoheader.biBitCount));
+ rd_u32b(f, &(infoheader.biCompresion));
+ rd_u32b(f, &(infoheader.biSizeImage));
+ rd_u32b(f, &(infoheader.biXPelsPerMeter));
+ rd_u32b(f, &(infoheader.biYPelsPerMeter));
+ rd_u32b(f, &(infoheader.biClrUsed));
+ rd_u32b(f, &(infoheader.biClrImportand));
+ /* Verify the header */
+ if (feof(f) ||
+ (fileheader.bfType != 19778) ||
+ (infoheader.biSize != 40))
+ {
+ quit_fmt("Incorrect BMP file format %s", Name);
+ }
+ /* The two headers above occupy 54 bytes total */
+ /* The "bfOffBits" field says where the data starts */
+ /* The "biClrUsed" field does not seem to be reliable */
+ /* Compute number of colors recorded */
+ ncol = (fileheader.bfOffBits - 54) / 4;
+ for (i = 0; i < ncol; i++)
+ {
+ RGBQUAD clrg;
+ /* Read an "RGBQUAD" */
+ rd_byte(f, &(clrg.b));
+ rd_byte(f, &(clrg.g));
+ rd_byte(f, &(clrg.r));
+ rd_byte(f, &(clrg.filler));
+ /* Analyze the color */
+ clr_pixels[i] = create_pixel(dpy, clrg.r, clrg.g, clrg.b);
+ }
+ /* Determine total bytes needed for image */
+ i = 1;
+ j = (depth - 1) >> 2;
+ while (j >>= 1) i <<= 1;
+ total = infoheader.biWidth * infoheader.biHeight * i;
+ /* Allocate image memory */
+ C_MAKE(Data, total, char);
+ Res = XCreateImage(dpy, visual, depth, ZPixmap, 0 /*offset*/,
+ Data, infoheader.biWidth, infoheader.biHeight,
+ 8 /*bitmap_pad*/, 0 /*bytes_per_line*/);
+ /* Failure */
+ if (Res == NULL)
+ {
+ C_KILL(Data, total, char);
+ fclose(f);
+ return (NULL);
+ }
+ for (y = 0; y < infoheader.biHeight; y++)
+ {
+ int y2 = infoheader.biHeight - y - 1;
+ for (x = 0; x < infoheader.biWidth; x++)
+ {
+ int ch = getc(f);
+ /* Verify not at end of file XXX XXX */
+ if (feof(f)) quit_fmt("Unexpected end of file in %s", Name);
+ if (infoheader.biBitCount == 24)
+ {
+ int c2 = getc(f);
+ int c3 = getc(f);
+ /* Verify not at end of file XXX XXX */
+ if (feof(f)) quit_fmt("Unexpected end of file in %s", Name);
+ XPutPixel(Res, x, y2, create_pixel(dpy, ch, c2, c3));
+ }
+ else if (infoheader.biBitCount == 8)
+ {
+ XPutPixel(Res, x, y2, clr_pixels[ch]);
+ }
+ else if (infoheader.biBitCount == 4)
+ {
+ XPutPixel(Res, x, y2, clr_pixels[ch / 16]);
+ x++;
+ XPutPixel(Res, x, y2, clr_pixels[ch % 16]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Technically 1 bit is legal too */
+ quit_fmt("Illegal biBitCount %d in %s",
+ infoheader.biBitCount, Name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+ return Res;
+/* ========================================================*/
+/* Code for smooth icon rescaling from Uwe Siems, Jan 2000 */
+/* ========================================================*/
+ * to save ourselves some labour, define a maximum expected icon width here:
+ */
+#define MAX_ICON_WIDTH 32
+/* some static variables for composing and decomposing pixel values into
+ * red, green and blue values
+ */
+static unsigned long redMask, greenMask, blueMask;
+static int redShift, greenShift, blueShift;
+ * Use smooth rescaling?
+ */
+static bool_ smoothRescaling = TRUE;
+ * GetScaledRow reads a scan from the given XImage, scales it smoothly
+ * and returns the red, green and blue values in arrays.
+ * The values in this arrays must be divided by a certain value that is
+ * calculated in ScaleIcon.
+ * x, y is the position, iw is the input width and ow the output width
+ * redScan, greenScan and blueScan must be sufficiently sized
+ */
+static void GetScaledRow(XImage *Im, int x, int y, int iw, int ow,
+ unsigned long *redScan, unsigned long *greenScan,
+ unsigned long *blueScan)
+ int xi, si, sifrac, ci, cifrac, addWhole, addFrac;
+ unsigned long pix;
+ int prevRed, prevGreen, prevBlue, nextRed, nextGreen, nextBlue;
+ bool_ getNextPix;
+ if (iw == ow)
+ {
+ /* unscaled */
+ for (xi = 0; xi < ow; xi++)
+ {
+ pix = XGetPixel(Im, x + xi, y);
+ redScan [xi] = (pix >> redShift) & redMask;
+ greenScan [xi] = (pix >> greenShift) & greenMask;
+ blueScan [xi] = (pix >> blueShift) & blueMask;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (iw < ow)
+ {
+ /* scaling by subsampling (grow) */
+ iw--;
+ ow--;
+ /* read first pixel: */
+ pix = XGetPixel(Im, x, y);
+ nextRed = (pix >> redShift) & redMask;
+ nextGreen = (pix >> greenShift) & greenMask;
+ nextBlue = (pix >> blueShift) & blueMask;
+ prevRed = nextRed;
+ prevGreen = nextGreen;
+ prevBlue = nextBlue;
+ /* si and sifrac give the subsampling position: */
+ si = x;
+ sifrac = 0;
+ /* getNextPix tells us, that we need the next pixel */
+ getNextPix = TRUE;
+ for (xi = 0; xi <= ow; xi++)
+ {
+ if (getNextPix)
+ {
+ prevRed = nextRed;
+ prevGreen = nextGreen;
+ prevBlue = nextBlue;
+ if (xi < ow)
+ {
+ /* only get next pixel if in same icon */
+ pix = XGetPixel(Im, si + 1, y);
+ nextRed = (pix >> redShift) & redMask;
+ nextGreen = (pix >> greenShift) & greenMask;
+ nextBlue = (pix >> blueShift) & blueMask;
+ }
+ }
+ /* calculate subsampled color values: */
+ /* division by ow occurs in ScaleIcon */
+ redScan [xi] = prevRed * (ow - sifrac) + nextRed * sifrac;
+ greenScan [xi] = prevGreen * (ow - sifrac) + nextGreen * sifrac;
+ blueScan [xi] = prevBlue * (ow - sifrac) + nextBlue * sifrac;
+ /* advance sampling position: */
+ sifrac += iw;
+ if (sifrac >= ow)
+ {
+ si++;
+ sifrac -= ow;
+ getNextPix = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ getNextPix = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* scaling by averaging (shrink) */
+ /* width of an output pixel in input pixels: */
+ addWhole = iw / ow;
+ addFrac = iw % ow;
+ /* start position of the first output pixel: */
+ si = x;
+ sifrac = 0;
+ /* get first input pixel: */
+ pix = XGetPixel(Im, x, y);
+ nextRed = (pix >> redShift) & redMask;
+ nextGreen = (pix >> greenShift) & greenMask;
+ nextBlue = (pix >> blueShift) & blueMask;
+ for (xi = 0; xi < ow; xi++)
+ {
+ /* find endpoint of the current output pixel: */
+ ci = si + addWhole;
+ cifrac = sifrac + addFrac;
+ if (cifrac >= ow)
+ {
+ ci++;
+ cifrac -= ow;
+ }
+ /* take fraction of current input pixel (starting segment): */
+ redScan[xi] = nextRed * (ow - sifrac);
+ greenScan[xi] = nextGreen * (ow - sifrac);
+ blueScan[xi] = nextBlue * (ow - sifrac);
+ si++;
+ /* add values for whole pixels: */
+ while (si < ci)
+ {
+ pix = XGetPixel(Im, si, y);
+ redScan[xi] += ((pix >> redShift) & redMask) * ow;
+ greenScan[xi] += ((pix >> greenShift) & greenMask) * ow;
+ blueScan[xi] += ((pix >> blueShift) & blueMask) * ow;
+ si++;
+ }
+ /* add fraction of current input pixel (ending segment): */
+ if (xi < ow - 1)
+ {
+ /* only get next pixel if still in icon: */
+ pix = XGetPixel(Im, si, y);
+ nextRed = (pix >> redShift) & redMask;
+ nextGreen = (pix >> greenShift) & greenMask;
+ nextBlue = (pix >> blueShift) & blueMask;
+ }
+ sifrac = cifrac;
+ if (sifrac > 0)
+ {
+ redScan[xi] += nextRed * sifrac;
+ greenScan[xi] += nextGreen * sifrac;
+ blueScan[xi] += nextBlue * sifrac;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * PutRGBScan takes arrays for red, green and blue and writes pixel values
+ * according to this values in the XImage-structure. w is the number of
+ * pixels to write and div is the value by which all red/green/blue values
+ * are divided first.
+ */
+static void PutRGBScan(XImage *Im, int x, int y, int w, int div,
+ unsigned long *redScan, unsigned long *greenScan,
+ unsigned long *blueScan)
+ int xi;
+ unsigned long pix;
+ unsigned long adj = div / 2;
+ for (xi = 0; xi < w; xi++)
+ {
+ pix = (((((redScan[xi] + adj) / div) & redMask) << redShift) +
+ ((((greenScan[xi] + adj) / div) & greenMask) << greenShift) +
+ ((((blueScan[xi] + adj) / div) & blueMask) << blueShift));
+ XPutPixel(Im, x + xi, y, pix);
+ }
+ * ScaleIcon transfers an area from XImage ImIn, locate (x1,y1) to ImOut,
+ * locate (x2, y2).
+ * Source size is (ix, iy) and destination size is (ox, oy).
+ * It does this by getting icon scan line from GetScaledScan and handling
+ * them the same way as pixels are handled in GetScaledScan.
+ * This even allows icons to be scaled differently in horizontal and
+ * vertical directions (eg. shrink horizontal, grow vertical).
+ */
+static void ScaleIcon(XImage *ImIn, XImage *ImOut,
+ int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
+ int ix, int iy, int ox, int oy)
+ int div;
+ int xi, yi, si, sifrac, ci, cifrac, addWhole, addFrac;
+ /* buffers for pixel rows: */
+ unsigned long prevRed [MAX_ICON_WIDTH];
+ unsigned long prevGreen [MAX_ICON_WIDTH];
+ unsigned long prevBlue [MAX_ICON_WIDTH];
+ unsigned long nextRed [MAX_ICON_WIDTH];
+ unsigned long nextGreen [MAX_ICON_WIDTH];
+ unsigned long nextBlue [MAX_ICON_WIDTH];
+ unsigned long tempRed [MAX_ICON_WIDTH];
+ unsigned long tempGreen [MAX_ICON_WIDTH];
+ unsigned long tempBlue [MAX_ICON_WIDTH];
+ bool_ getNextRow;
+ /* get divider value for the horizontal scaling: */
+ if (ix == ox)
+ div = 1;
+ else if (ix < ox)
+ div = ox - 1;
+ else
+ div = ix;
+ if (iy == oy)
+ {
+ /* no scaling needed vertically: */
+ for (yi = 0; yi < oy; yi++)
+ {
+ GetScaledRow(ImIn, x1, y1 + yi, ix, ox,
+ tempRed, tempGreen, tempBlue);
+ PutRGBScan(ImOut, x2, y2 + yi, ox, div,
+ tempRed, tempGreen, tempBlue);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (iy < oy)
+ {
+ /* scaling by subsampling (grow): */
+ iy--;
+ oy--;
+ div *= oy;
+ /* get first row: */
+ GetScaledRow(ImIn, x1, y1, ix, ox, nextRed, nextGreen, nextBlue);
+ /* si and sifrac give the subsampling position: */
+ si = y1;
+ sifrac = 0;
+ /* getNextRow tells us, that we need the next row */
+ getNextRow = TRUE;
+ for (yi = 0; yi <= oy; yi++)
+ {
+ if (getNextRow)
+ {
+ for (xi = 0; xi < ox; xi++)
+ {
+ prevRed[xi] = nextRed[xi];
+ prevGreen[xi] = nextGreen[xi];
+ prevBlue[xi] = nextBlue[xi];
+ }
+ if (yi < oy)
+ {
+ /* only get next row if in same icon */
+ GetScaledRow(ImIn, x1, si + 1, ix, ox,
+ nextRed, nextGreen, nextBlue);
+ }
+ }
+ /* calculate subsampled color values: */
+ /* division by oy occurs in PutRGBScan */
+ for (xi = 0; xi < ox; xi++)
+ {
+ tempRed[xi] = (prevRed[xi] * (oy - sifrac) +
+ nextRed[xi] * sifrac);
+ tempGreen[xi] = (prevGreen[xi] * (oy - sifrac) +
+ nextGreen[xi] * sifrac);
+ tempBlue[xi] = (prevBlue[xi] * (oy - sifrac) +
+ nextBlue[xi] * sifrac);
+ }
+ /* write row to output image: */
+ PutRGBScan(ImOut, x2, y2 + yi, ox, div,
+ tempRed, tempGreen, tempBlue);
+ /* advance sampling position: */
+ sifrac += iy;
+ if (sifrac >= oy)
+ {
+ si++;
+ sifrac -= oy;
+ getNextRow = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ getNextRow = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* scaling by averaging (shrink) */
+ div *= iy;
+ /* height of a output row in input rows: */
+ addWhole = iy / oy;
+ addFrac = iy % oy;
+ /* start position of the first output row: */
+ si = y1;
+ sifrac = 0;
+ /* get first input row: */
+ GetScaledRow(ImIn, x1, y1, ix, ox, nextRed, nextGreen, nextBlue);
+ for (yi = 0; yi < oy; yi++)
+ {
+ /* find endpoint of the current output row: */
+ ci = si + addWhole;
+ cifrac = sifrac + addFrac;
+ if (cifrac >= oy)
+ {
+ ci++;
+ cifrac -= oy;
+ }
+ /* take fraction of current input row (starting segment): */
+ for (xi = 0; xi < ox; xi++)
+ {
+ tempRed[xi] = nextRed[xi] * (oy - sifrac);
+ tempGreen[xi] = nextGreen[xi] * (oy - sifrac);
+ tempBlue[xi] = nextBlue[xi] * (oy - sifrac);
+ }
+ si++;
+ /* add values for whole pixels: */
+ while (si < ci)
+ {
+ GetScaledRow(ImIn, x1, si, ix, ox,
+ nextRed, nextGreen, nextBlue);
+ for (xi = 0; xi < ox; xi++)
+ {
+ tempRed[xi] += nextRed[xi] * oy;
+ tempGreen[xi] += nextGreen[xi] * oy;
+ tempBlue[xi] += nextBlue[xi] * oy;
+ }
+ si++;
+ }
+ /* add fraction of current input row (ending segment): */
+ if (yi < oy - 1)
+ {
+ /* only get next row if still in icon: */
+ GetScaledRow(ImIn, x1, si, ix, ox,
+ nextRed, nextGreen, nextBlue);
+ }
+ sifrac = cifrac;
+ for (xi = 0; xi < ox; xi++)
+ {
+ tempRed[xi] += nextRed[xi] * sifrac;
+ tempGreen[xi] += nextGreen[xi] * sifrac;
+ tempBlue[xi] += nextBlue[xi] * sifrac;
+ }
+ /* write row to output image: */
+ PutRGBScan(ImOut, x2, y2 + yi, ox, div,
+ tempRed, tempGreen, tempBlue);
+ }
+ }
+static XImage *ResizeImageSmooth(Display *dpy, XImage *Im,
+ int ix, int iy, int ox, int oy)
+ Visual *visual = DefaultVisual(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy));
+ int width1, height1, width2, height2;
+ int x1, x2, y1, y2;
+ XImage *Tmp;
+ char *Data;
+ width1 = Im->width;
+ height1 = Im->height;
+ width2 = ox * width1 / ix;
+ height2 = oy * height1 / iy;
+ Data = (char *)malloc(width2 * height2 * Im->bits_per_pixel / 8);
+ Tmp = XCreateImage(dpy, visual,
+ Im->depth, ZPixmap, 0, Data, width2, height2,
+ 32, 0);
+ /* compute values for decomposing pixel into color values: */
+ redMask = Im->red_mask;
+ redShift = 0;
+ while ((redMask & 1) == 0)
+ {
+ redShift++;
+ redMask >>= 1;
+ }
+ greenMask = Im->green_mask;
+ greenShift = 0;
+ while ((greenMask & 1) == 0)
+ {
+ greenShift++;
+ greenMask >>= 1;
+ }
+ blueMask = Im->blue_mask;
+ blueShift = 0;
+ while ((blueMask & 1) == 0)
+ {
+ blueShift++;
+ blueMask >>= 1;
+ }
+ /* scale each icon: */
+ for (y1 = 0, y2 = 0; (y1 < height1) && (y2 < height2); y1 += iy, y2 += oy)
+ {
+ for (x1 = 0, x2 = 0; (x1 < width1) && (x2 < width2); x1 += ix, x2 += ox)
+ {
+ ScaleIcon(Im, Tmp, x1, y1, x2, y2,
+ ix, iy, ox, oy);
+ }
+ }
+ return Tmp;
+ * Resize an image. XXX XXX XXX
+ *
+ * Also appears in "main-xaw.c".
+ */
+static XImage *ResizeImage(Display *dpy, XImage *Im,
+ int ix, int iy, int ox, int oy)
+ Visual *visual = DefaultVisual(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy));
+ int width1, height1, width2, height2;
+ int x1, x2, y1, y2, Tx, Ty;
+ int *px1, *px2, *dx1, *dx2;
+ int *py1, *py2, *dy1, *dy2;
+ XImage *Tmp;
+ char *Data;
+ if (smoothRescaling && (ix != ox || iy != oy) &&
+ visual->class == TrueColor)
+ {
+ return ResizeImageSmooth(dpy, Im, ix, iy, ox, oy);
+ }
+ width1 = Im->width;
+ height1 = Im->height;
+ width2 = ox * width1 / ix;
+ height2 = oy * height1 / iy;
+ Data = (char *)malloc(width2 * height2 * Im->bits_per_pixel / 8);
+ Tmp = XCreateImage(dpy, visual,
+ Im->depth, ZPixmap, 0, Data, width2, height2,
+ 32, 0);
+ if (ix > ox)
+ {
+ px1 = &x1;
+ px2 = &x2;
+ dx1 = &ix;
+ dx2 = &ox;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ px1 = &x2;
+ px2 = &x1;
+ dx1 = &ox;
+ dx2 = &ix;
+ }
+ if (iy > oy)
+ {
+ py1 = &y1;
+ py2 = &y2;
+ dy1 = &iy;
+ dy2 = &oy;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ py1 = &y2;
+ py2 = &y1;
+ dy1 = &oy;
+ dy2 = &iy;
+ }
+ Ty = *dy1 / 2;
+ for (y1 = 0, y2 = 0; (y1 < height1) && (y2 < height2); )
+ {
+ Tx = *dx1 / 2;
+ for (x1 = 0, x2 = 0; (x1 < width1) && (x2 < width2); )
+ {
+ XPutPixel(Tmp, x2, y2, XGetPixel(Im, x1, y1));
+ (*px1)++;
+ Tx -= *dx2;
+ if (Tx < 0)
+ {
+ Tx += *dx1;
+ (*px2)++;
+ }
+ }
+ (*py1)++;
+ Ty -= *dy2;
+ if (Ty < 0)
+ {
+ Ty += *dy1;
+ (*py2)++;
+ }
+ }
+ return Tmp;
+#endif /* USE_GRAPHICS */
+#endif /* USE_X11 || USE_XAW */