path: root/src/maim-iso.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/maim-iso.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 873 deletions
diff --git a/src/maim-iso.c b/src/maim-iso.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c217ca84..00000000
--- a/src/maim-iso.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,873 +0,0 @@
- *
- * This file contains routines for maiming bitmaps as well as other
- * supplemental routines, all for SDL.
- *
- * Copyright 2001 Gregory Velichansky (
- * You may use it under the terms of the standard Angband license (below) or
- * the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2 or greater. (see below)
- *
- * The Angband license states:
- * This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
- * and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
- * are included in all such copies. Other copyrights may also apply.
- *
- * The GNU GPL notice:
- main-sdl.c - SDL ( Term implementation for Angband.
- Copyright (C) 2001 Gregory Velichansky (
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, please see
- Please see the file COPYING for more detail regarding Angband's current
- license situation.
-#include "angband.h"
-#if defined(USE_ISO) || defined(USE_LUA_GUI)
-#include "SDL/SDL.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h> /* for scaling blits */
-//#include "bits/nan.h"
- *
- * Supplemental SDL bitmap manipulation functions.
- *
- * These could be moved to a separate file. In mai?-x11.c, similar routines
- * are separate from the main display module implementation.
- *
- */
-/* The most pedantic-a%& getpixel and putpixel ever, hopefully. */
-/* There may still be endianness bugs! These will be fixed after adequte testing. XXX XXX XXX */
-inline errr SDL_GetPixel (SDL_Surface *f, Uint32 x, Uint32 y, Uint8 *r, Uint8 *g, Uint8 *b)
- /*const Uint32 mask[] = {0x0, 0xff, 0xffff, 0xffffff, 0xffffffff};*/
- Uint32 pixel;
- Uint8 *pp;
- int n; /* general purpose 'n'. */
- if (f == NULL) return -1;
- pp = (Uint8 *) f->pixels;
- if (x >= f->w || y >= f->h) return -1;
- pp += (f->pitch * y);
- pp += (x * f->format->BytesPerPixel);
- /* we do not lock the surface here, it would be inefficient XXX */
- /* this reads the pixel as though it was a big-endian integer XXX */
- /* I'm trying to avoid reading part the end of the pixel data by
- * using a data-type that's larger than the pixels */
- for (n = 0, pixel = 0; n < f->format->BytesPerPixel; ++n, ++pp)
- {
- pixel >>= 8;
- pixel |= *pp << (f->format->BitsPerPixel - 8);
-pixel |= *pp;
- pixel <<= 8;
- }
- SDL_GetRGB(pixel, f->format, r, g, b);
- return 0;
-/* This function looks remarkably similar to the one above. Yes, it's cut
- * and paste. */
-inline errr SDL_PutPixel (SDL_Surface *f, Uint32 x, Uint32 y, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)
- Uint32 pixel;
- Uint8 *pp;
- int n;
- if (f == NULL) return -1;
- pp = (Uint8 *) f->pixels;
- if (x >= f->w || y >= f->h) return -1;
- pp += (f->pitch * y);
- pp += (x * f->format->BytesPerPixel);
- pixel = SDL_MapRGB(f->format, r, g, b);
- for (n = 0; n < f->format->BytesPerPixel; ++n, ++pp)
- {
- *pp = (Uint8) (pixel & 0xFF);
- pixel >>= 8;
- }
- return 0;
-/* This routine performs a scaling blit. It will shrink and magnify. :) */
-/* It uses floating point arithmetic (because I am lazy) so it's not too fast
- * but I only intend for it to be used in pre-processing, that is image
- * processing at load time. It's fast enough for that, at least.
- * Actually on my machine it IS fast enough to scale fonts and bitmaps
- * in real-time. :)
- * This routine uses a weighted average, the weight being based on overlapping
- * pixel area.
- */
-inline errr SDL_ScaleBlit(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *sr, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dr)
- Uint8 r, g, b;
- float rs, gs, bs; /* sums */
- float area;
- float sx, sy; /* current source x and y */
- float dsx, dsy; /* source increment, per increment of 1 in destination */
- float wsx, wsy;
- /* width of source box. Equal to dsx,dsy except when either of then are
- * smaller than 1. This is a hack for smoother magnification. XXX */
- float x, y; /* x and y in sub-area */
- Uint32 tx, ty; /* "to" x and y */
- Uint32 lx, ly;
- float w, e, n, s; /* some temporary variables, named after orientations */
- if (src == NULL || sr == NULL || dst == NULL || dr == NULL) return -1;
- /* these are meaningless and would cause a divide by zero: */
- if (!dr->w || !dr->h) return -1;
- wsx = dsx = ((float) sr->w) / dr->w;
- if (wsx < 1) wsx = 1;
- wsy = dsy = ((float) sr->h) / dr->h;
- if (wsy < 1) wsy = 1;
- lx = dr->x + dr->w;
- ly = dr->y + dr->h;
- area = wsx * wsy;
- for (ty = dr->y, sy = (float)sr->y; ty < ly; ++ty, sy += dsy)
- {
- for (tx = dr->x, sx = (float)sr->x; tx < lx; ++tx, sx += dsx)
- {
- rs = gs = bs = 0.0;
- for (y = floor(sy) - 1; ceil(sy + wsy) > y; ++y)
- {
- for (x = floor(sx) - 1; ceil(sx + wsx) > x; ++x)
- {
- w = (x > sx) ? 0 : sx - x;
- n = (y > sy) ? 0 : sy - y;
- e = (sx + wsx >= x + 1) ? 1 : sx + wsx - x;
- s = (sy + wsy >= y + 1) ? 1 : sy + wsy - y;
- if (w > e || s < n ) continue;
-#define gsx ((Uint32)x >= sr->x+sr->w ? sr->x+sr->w-1 : (Uint32)x)
-#define gsy ((Uint32)y >= sr->y+sr->h ? sr->y+sr->h-1 : (Uint32)y)
- SDL_GetPixel (src, gsx, gsy, &r, &g, &b);
- rs += (e - w) * (s - n) * (float)r;
- gs += (e - w) * (s - n) * (float)g;
- bs += (e - w) * (s - n) * (float)b;
- }
- }
- rs /= area;
- gs /= area;
- bs /= area;
- if (rs >= 256.0 || gs >= 256.0 || bs > 256.0)
- {
- plog("weighted average error!");
- plog(format("Values: %f, %f, %f\n", rs, gs, bs));
- /**((char *)0) = 0;*/
- }
- if (rs > 255.0) rs = 255.0;
- if (gs > 255.0) gs = 255.0;
- if (bs > 255.0) bs = 255.0;
- r = (Uint8)rs;
- g = (Uint8)gs;
- b = (Uint8)bs;
- SDL_PutPixel (dst, tx, ty, r, g, b);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-#undef gsx
-#undef gsy
-/* Integer math version of SDL_ScaleBlit().
- * Where necessary, a number uses the 16 high bits for the integer
- * and the 16 low bits for the decimal portion.
- *
- * eg:
- * float a = (float) (b >> 16) + (b & 0xFFFF)/65536.0;
- */
-inline Uint32 ifloor(Uint32 i)
- return i & 0xFFFF0000;
-inline Uint32 iceil(Uint32 i)
- return (i & 0xFFFF) ? i : ifloor(i) + (1 << 16);
-errr SDL_FastScaleBlit(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *sr, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dr)
- Uint8 r, g, b;
- Uint32 rs, gs, bs; /* sums. */
- /* temp storage for large int multiplies. Uint64 doen't exist anywhere */
- double farea;
- Uint32 area;
- Uint32 sx, sy;
- Uint32 dsx, dsy;
- Uint32 wsx, wsy;
- Uint32 x, y; /* x and y, for sub-area */
- Uint32 tx, ty; /* normal integers */
- Uint32 lx, ly; /* normal integers */
- Uint32 w, e, n, s; /* temp variables, named after compass directions */
- if (src == NULL || sr == NULL || dst == NULL || dr == NULL) return -1;
- if (!dr->w || !dr->h) return -1;
- /* TODO FIXME check for possible overflows! */
- wsx = dsx = (sr->w << 16) / dr->w;
- if (!(wsx & 0xFFFF0000)) wsx = 1 << 16;
- wsy = dsy = (sr->h << 16) / dr->h;
- if (!(wsy & 0xFFFF0000)) wsy = 1 << 16;
- lx = dr->x + dr->w;
- ly = dr->y + dr->h;
- /* lazy multiplication. Hey, it's only once per blit. :P */
- farea = ((double)wsx) * ((double)wsy);
- farea /= (double)(1 << 16);
- area = (Uint32) farea;
- /* For optimization, those setup routines should be moved into
- * SDL_ScaleTiledBitmap() for that function.
- */
- for (ty = dr->y, sy = sr->y << 16; ty < ly; ++ty, sy += dsy)
- {
- for (tx = dr->x, sx = sr->x << 16; tx < lx; ++tx, sx += dsx)
- {
- rs = gs = bs = 0;
- for (y = ifloor(sy); iceil(sy + wsy) > y; y += (1 << 16))
- {
- for (x = ifloor(sx); iceil(sx + wsx) > x; x += (1 << 16))
- {
- w = (x > sx) ? 0 : sx - x;
- n = (y > sy) ? 0 : sy - y;
- e = (sx + wsx >= x + (1 << 16)) ? 1 << 16 : sx + wsx - x;
- s = (sy + wsy >= y + (1 << 16)) ? 1 << 16 : sy + wsy - y;
- if (w > e || s < n) continue;
-#define gsx ((x >> 16) >= sr->x+sr->w ? sr->x+sr->w-1 : x >> 16)
-#define gsy ((y >> 16) >= sr->y+sr->h ? sr->y+sr->h-1 : y >> 16)
- SDL_GetPixel (src, gsx, gsy, &r, &g, &b);
- rs += ((e - w) >> 8) * ((s - n) >> 8) * r;
- gs += ((e - w) >> 8) * ((s - n) >> 8) * g;
- bs += ((e - w) >> 8) * ((s - n) >> 8) * b;
- }
- }
- rs /= area;
- gs /= area;
- bs /= area;
- if (rs >= 256 || gs >= 256 || bs >= 256)
- {
- plog("fixed point weighted average overflow!");
- plog(format("Values: %d, %d, %d\n", rs, gs, bs));
- }
- r = (Uint8) rs;
- g = (Uint8) gs;
- b = (Uint8) bs;
- SDL_PutPixel (dst, tx, ty, r, g, b);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-#undef gsx
-#undef gsy
-#if 0 /* the procedure above is a more generalized version of the one below */
-/* The following is a function to perform a Blit while magnifying */
-/* Anti-aliasing is performed. :) */
-/* It is probably very SLOW on most systems. Use it for pre-processing. XXX */
-/* a Blit while shrinking is handled by a different function */
-errr SDL_StretchBlit(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *sr, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dr)
- double sx, sy; /* current source x and y */
- Uint32 isx, isy; /* temp. values for convenience in calculation code */
- double dsx, dsy; /* source increment, per increment of 1 in destination */
- double wx, wy; /* temp. weight values for the color mixing calculations */
- double weight; /* temp. weight of pixel */
- /* coordinates to get pixels from: ... */
-#undef gsx
-#define gsx (isx >= sr->x+sr->w ? sr->x+sr->w-1 : isx)
-#undef gsy
-#define gsy (isy >= sr->y+sr->h ? sr->y+sr->h-1 : isy)
- Uint32 tx, ty; /* "to" x and y. "dx, dy" would be too confusing. */
- Uint32 lx, ly; /* end x and y in destination, not inclusive */
- double r, g, b; /* temporary values on which we perform calculations */
- /*double s;*/ /* scale factor calculation thing. gross hack. don't ask. */
- Uint8 ir, ig, ib; /* same here. */
- if (src == NULL || sr == NULL || dst == NULL || dr == NULL) return -1;
- /* these are meaningless and would cause a divide by zero: */
- if (!dr->w || !dr->h) return -1;
- dsx = ((double) sr->w) / dr->w;
- dsy = ((double) sr->h) / dr->h;
- lx = dr->x + dr->w;
- ly = dr->y + dr->h;
- for (ty = dr->y, sy = (double)sr->y; ty < ly; ++ty, sy += dsy)
- {
- for (tx = dr->x, sx = (double)sr->x; tx < lx; ++tx, sx += dsx)
- {
- /* here we must consider four pixels and mix them together */
- /* the further away we are from a pixel, the less weight it has
- * when we mix in its color. Hence the "1 - hypot(..." etc.
- * Actually, no. Let's not use hypot().
- */
- /*
- * upper left pixel
- */
- wx = ((floor(sx) + 1) - sx);
- wy = ((floor(sy) + 1) - sy);
- isx = (Uint32) floor(sx);
- isy = (Uint32) floor(sy);
- if (SDL_GetPixel(src, gsx, gsy, &ir, &ig, &ib)) return -1;
- weight = wx * wy;
- /* the area of the overlap of our hypothetical and real pixel!!! */
- if (weight < 1 / 1024.0) weight = 0;
- r = weight * (double)ir;
- g = weight * (double)ig;
- b = weight * (double)ib;
- /*s = weight * 255.0;*/
- /*
- * upper right pixel
- */
- wx = 1 - wx;
- isx += 1;
- if (SDL_GetPixel(src, gsx, gsy, &ir, &ig, &ib)) return -1;
- weight = wx * wy;
- if (weight < 1 / 1024.0) weight = 0;
- r += weight * (double)ir;
- g += weight * (double)ig;
- b += weight * (double)ib;
- /*s += weight * 255.0;*/
- /*
- * lower right pixel
- */
- wy = 1 - wy;
- isy += 1;
- if (SDL_GetPixel(src, gsx, gsy, &ir, &ig, &ib)) return -1;
- weight = wx * wy;
- if (weight < 1 / 1024.0) weight = 0;
- r += weight * (double)ir;
- g += weight * (double)ig;
- b += weight * (double)ib;
- /*s += weight * 255.0;*/
- /*
- * lower left pixel
- */
- wx = 1 - wx;
- isx -= 1;
- if (SDL_GetPixel(src, gsx, gsy, &ir, &ig, &ib)) return -1;
- weight = wx * wy;
- if (weight < 1 / 1024.0) weight = 0;
- r += weight * (double)ir;
- g += weight * (double)ig;
- b += weight * (double)ib;
- /*s += weight * 255.0;*/
- /*
- r = 255 * (r/s);
- g = 255 * (g/s);
- b = 255 * (b/s);
- */
- if (r >= 256.0 || g >= 256.0 || b > 256.0)
- {
- plog("mixing error!");
- plog(format("Values: %f, %f, %f\n", (double)r, (double)g, (double)b));
- /**((char *)0) = 0;*/
- }
- if (r > 255.0) r = 255.0;
- if (g > 255.0) g = 255.0;
- if (b > 255.0) b = 255.0;
- ir = (Uint8) r;
- ig = (Uint8) g;
- ib = (Uint8) b;
- SDL_PutPixel(dst, tx, ty, ir, ig, ib);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* This function will take an SDL_Surface, allocate a new surface to hold
- * the resized surface, perform the scaling operation, free the old surface
- * and return the new one. This behaviour is vaguely modeled after C library
- * string functions. Returns NULL on grievous errors!
- *
- * The scaling operation is performed one or more times to accomodate
- * images comprised by a number of sub-images whose edges must not be blurred
- * with the edges of adjacent sub-images. (Think fonts and tile sets.)
- *
- * If t_oldw and t_oldh are set to src->w and src->h respectively
- *
- * t_oldw, t_oldh are the size of the old tiles
- */
-SDL_Surface *SDL_ScaleTiledBitmap (SDL_Surface *src,
- Uint32 t_oldw,
- Uint32 t_oldh,
- Uint32 t_neww,
- Uint32 t_newh,
- int dealloc_src)
- SDL_Surface *dst;
- SDL_Rect sr, dr;
- Uint32 x, y;
- Uint32 nx, ny;
- if (!t_oldw || !t_oldh || !t_neww || !t_newh || !src) return NULL; /*dummy!*/
- if (t_oldw == t_neww && t_oldh == t_newh) return src; /* OK... */
- /* Get the number of tiles in the image.
- * Any possible clipped tiles at the edges are ignored.
- */
- nx = src->w / t_oldw;
- ny = src->h / t_oldh;
- /* Allocate a new SDL_Surface of appropriate size, with settings otherwise
- * identical to src.
- */
- dst = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(src->flags,
- nx * t_neww,
- ny * t_newh,
- /*src->format->BitsPerPixel,*/
- 16,
- src->format->Rmask,
- src->format->Gmask,
- src->format->Bmask,
- src->format->Amask);
- for (y = 0; y < ny; ++y)
- {
- for (x = 0; x < nx; ++x)
- {
- sr.w = t_oldw;
- sr.h = t_oldh;
- sr.x = x * t_oldw;
- sr.y = y * t_oldh;
- dr.w = t_neww;
- dr.h = t_newh;
- dr.x = x * t_neww;
- dr.y = y * t_newh;
- /*printf("%d,%d -> %d,%d (%d,%d -> %d, %d)\n", sr.x, sr.y, dr.x, dr.y, sr.w, sr.h, dr.w, dr.h);*/
- /* scale-blit one tile and check for error
- * although SDl_ScaleBlit() might not have any errors to return.
- */
- if (SDL_FastScaleBlit(src, &sr, dst, &dr)) return NULL;
- }
- }
- if (dealloc_src) SDL_FreeSurface(src);
- return dst;
-/* The following function will extract height and width info from a filename
- * such as or or even
- *
- * I realize now that it's also useful for reading integers out of an argument
- * such as --fooscale1=2
- */
-errr strtoii(const char *str, Uint32 *w, Uint32 *h)
- char buf[1024];
- char *s = buf;
- char *tok;
- char *numeric = "0123456789";
- size_t l; /* length of numeric string */
- if (!str || !w || !h) return -1;
- if (strlen(str) < 3) return -1; /* must have room for at least "1x1" */
- strncpy(buf, str, 1023);
- buf[1023] = '\0';
- tok = strpbrk(buf, numeric);
- if (!tok) return -1;
- l = strspn(tok, numeric);
- if (!l) return -1;
- tok[l] = '\0';
- s = tok + l + 1;
- if (!sscanf(tok, "%d", w)) return -1;
- /* next token */
- tok = strpbrk(s, numeric);
- if (!tok) return -1;
- l = strspn(tok, numeric);
- if (!l) return -1;
- tok[l] = '\0';
- /* no need to set s since this is the last token */
- if (!sscanf(tok, "%d", h)) return -1;
- return 0;
-char *formatsdlflags(Uint32 flags)
- return format ("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s (%x)",
- (flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) ? "SDL_HWSURFACE " : "",
- (flags & SDL_ANYFORMAT) ? "SDL_ANYFORMAT " : "",
- (flags & SDL_HWPALETTE) ? "SDL_HWPALETTE " : "",
- (flags & SDL_DOUBLEBUF) ? "SDL_DOUBLEBUF " : "",
- (flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN) ? "SDL_FULLSCREEN " : "",
- (flags & SDL_RESIZABLE) ? "SDL_RESIZABLE " : "",
- (flags & SDL_HWACCEL) ? "SDL_HWACCEL " : "",
- (flags & SDL_RLEACCEL) ? "SDL_RLEACCEL " : "",
- (flags & SDL_SRCALPHA) ? "SDL_SRCALPHA " : "",
- flags);
-/* A lot of code for handling keystrokes follow. */
-typedef struct sdl_keymapt sdl_keymapt;
-struct sdl_keymapt
- SDLKey k; /* what we get from SDL */
- char *s; /* what we feed to the Term_keypress */
- char *ctrl; /* what if CTRL is pressed? (NULL if the same) */
- char *shift; /* what if SHIFT is pressed? */
-/* XXX XXX XXX the following keymap sucks. More comments below. */
-sdl_keymapt sdl_keymap[] =
- /*{SDLK_UP, "", "Oa", "Ox"},
- {SDLK_DOWN, "", "Ob", "Or"},
- {SDLK_RIGHT, "", "Oc", "Ot"},
- {SDLK_LEFT, "", "Od", "Ov"},
- {SDLK_INSERT, "[2~", "[2^", "Op"},
- {SDLK_HOME, "[1~", "[1^", "Ow"},
- {SDLK_END, "[4~", "[4^", "Oq"},
- {SDLK_PAGEUP, "[5~", "[5^", "Oy"},
- {SDLK_PAGEDOWN, "[6~", "[6^", "Os"},*/
- {SDLK_F1, "[[A", NULL, NULL},
- {SDLK_F2, "[[B", NULL, NULL},
- {SDLK_F3, "[[C", NULL, NULL},
- {SDLK_F4, "[[D", NULL, NULL},
- {SDLK_F5, "[[E", NULL, NULL},
- {SDLK_F6, "[[17~", NULL, NULL},
- {SDLK_F7, "[[18~", NULL, NULL},
- {SDLK_F8, "[[19~", NULL, NULL},
- {SDLK_F9, "[[20~", NULL, NULL},
- {SDLK_F10, "[[21~", NULL, NULL},
- {SDLK_F11, "[[23~", NULL, NULL},
- {SDLK_F12, "[[24~", NULL, NULL},
- /* I have no machines with F13, F14, F15. Is that a Sun thing? */
- {SDLK_F13, "", NULL, NULL},
- {SDLK_F14, "", NULL, NULL},
- {SDLK_F15, "", NULL, NULL},
- {SDLK_0, "0", NULL, ")"}, /* XXX XXX XXX The CTRL-number keys need to be */
- {SDLK_1, "1", NULL, "!"}, /* defined since they represent digging for */
- {SDLK_2, "2", NULL, "@"}, /* some people!. Really, this whole table */
- {SDLK_3, "3", NULL, "#"}, /* should be replaced with something cleaner */
- {SDLK_4, "4", NULL, "$"}, /* and an SDL pref file should be created. */
- {SDLK_5, "5", NULL, "%"},
- {SDLK_6, "6", NULL, "^"},
- {SDLK_7, "7", NULL, "&"},
- {SDLK_8, "8", NULL, "*"},
- {SDLK_9, "9", NULL, "("},
- {SDLK_SEMICOLON, ";", NULL, ":"},
- {SDLK_COMMA, ",", NULL, "<"},
- {SDLK_PERIOD, ".", NULL, ">"},
- {SDLK_BACKSLASH, "\\", NULL, "|"},
- {SDLK_BACKQUOTE, "`", NULL, "~"},
- {SDLK_MINUS, "-", NULL, "_"},
- {SDLK_EQUALS, "=", NULL, "+"},
- {SDLK_SLASH, "/", NULL, "?"},
- {SDLK_UNKNOWN, NULL, NULL, NULL} /* terminator */
-void Multikeypress(char *k)
- printf("zog : '%s'\n", k);
- while (*k) Term_keypress(*k++);
-int IsMovement(SDLKey k)
- switch (k)
- {
- case SDLK_UP:
- case SDLK_DOWN:
- case SDLK_RIGHT:
- case SDLK_LEFT:
- case SDLK_HOME:
- case SDLK_END:
- case SDLK_KP0:
- case SDLK_KP1:
- case SDLK_KP2:
- case SDLK_KP3:
- case SDLK_KP4:
- case SDLK_KP5:
- case SDLK_KP6:
- case SDLK_KP7:
- case SDLK_KP8:
- case SDLK_KP9:
- return TRUE;
- default:
- return FALSE;
- }
- return 1234567; /* all good children go to heaven */
-char *SDL_keysymtostr(SDL_keysym *ks)
-#ifdef bufsize
-#error bufsize steps on previous define!
-#define bufsize 1024
- int bufused = 0;
- /* I am returning a pointer to the below variable.
- * I /think/ this is legal but I am not sure! XXX XXX XXX
- * It certainly seems to work fine, at least under GCC.
- * It can easily be changed to a pointer passed as an argument.
- */
- static char buf[bufsize];
- Uint8 ch;
- /* cat for strings and app[end] for characters */
-#define sdlkcat(a) strncat(buf,(a),bufsize-bufused-1); bufused+=strlen((a));
-#define sdlkapp(a) if(bufused<bufsize-1) { buf[bufused]=a; buf[bufused+1]='\0'; bufused++; }
- buf[0] = '\0';
- // printf("%c\n", ks->unicode);
- if (IsMovement(ks->sym))
- {
- sprintf(buf, "%c%s%s%s%s_%lX%c", 31,
- ks->mod & KMOD_CTRL ? "N" : "",
- ks->mod & KMOD_SHIFT ? "S" : "",
- "", /* for future expansion. */
- ks->mod & KMOD_ALT ? "M" : "",
- (unsigned long) ks->sym, 13);
- ch = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (ks->mod & KMOD_ALT)
- {
- sdlkapp('');
- }
- ch = ks->unicode;
- }
- if (ch) sdlkapp(ch);
- return buf;
-#undef bufsize
-#undef sdlkcat
-#undef sdlkapp
-} /* SDL_keystring */
-/* Cursor hack, for testing of ideas. XXX XXX XXX */
-SDL_Surface *sdl_screen_cursor = NULL;
-SDL_Rect sdl_screen_cursor_sr;
-/* it must be true that w * h * 4 <= maxUint32 */
-errr SDL_init_screen_cursor(Uint32 w, Uint32 h)
- Uint32 i;
- sdl_screen_cursor_sr.x = sdl_screen_cursor_sr.y = 0;
- sdl_screen_cursor_sr.w = w;
- sdl_screen_cursor_sr.h = h;
- sdl_screen_cursor = NULL;
- sdl_screen_cursor = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SRCALPHA, w, h, 32,
- 0xff000000,
- 0x00ff0000,
- 0x0000ff00,
- 0x00000000);
- if (!sdl_screen_cursor) return -1;
- SDL_SetAlpha(sdl_screen_cursor, SDL_SRCALPHA | SDL_RLEACCEL, 0x80);
- for (i = 0; i < w*h*4; ++i)
- {
- ((Uint8 *)(sdl_screen_cursor->pixels))[i] = !(i & 2) ? 0x80 : 0xFF;
- }
- return 0;
-errr SDL_DrawCursor(SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dr)
- if (!dst || !dr || !sdl_screen_cursor) return -1;
- if (SDL_BlitSurface(sdl_screen_cursor, &sdl_screen_cursor_sr, dst, dr)) return -1;
- SDL_UpdateRect(dst, dr->x, dr->y, dr->w, dr->h);
- return 0;